March/April 2008
March/April 2008
March / April 2008 Fogolar Furlan Club of Windsor Fogolâr News FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS PER I SOCI E AMICI > Entertainment & Culture PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Cari Soci, La metá di febbraio é ormai trascorsa ed aspettiamo con ansia la primavera, nel frattempo voglio informarvi degli eventi e progetti che si terranno al Fogolar nei prossimi due mesi. Pasqua , quest’anno arriva piú presto del solito e colgo l’occasione per augurare a tutti incluso le vostre famiglie una felice e gioiosa Pasqua. Nella precedente Assemblea Generale é stato presentato il resoconto finanziario del 2007. Nonostante la grande crescita di s p e s e d i manutenzione, abbiamo fatto un profitto. Per questo bisogna ringraziare gli amministratori, il personale e sopratutto i volontari che senza di loro il Fogolar non andrebbe cosí bene. Ci auguriamo di proseguire verso un avvenire sempre migliore anche se al momento l’economia non sembra molto stabile. Ed é per questo che bisogna attentamente controllare tutti gli aspetti positivi e negativi per eliminare il costo ed allo stesso tempo continuare ad essere produttivi. Solo cosí il Fogolar potrá continuare verso un continuo successo. L’edificio ha sempre bisogno di rinnovamenti, le spese sono sempre piú costose. The parade at Carnevale Quest’anno siamo obbligati a collegare il bocciodromo con il sistema elettrico dal nuovo trasformatore, poi dobbiamo riparare il tetto del Bar dei Soci. Queste riparazioni, che sono state rimandate da tempo, adesso sono imperativi da farsi. Il Consiglio Esecutivo lavora per il bene del Club e siamo sempre disponibili ad accettare consigli, nuove idee, ed anche critiche, perché un critica onesta e sincera aiuta solo a migliorare. Se nessuno non protesta le cose non si cambiano, perché si pensa che vadino bene cosí come sono. Siamo anche consapevoli che e´ difficilissimo accontentare tutti ed é per questo che ci fa molto piacere ricevere la vostra immessa, la vostra energia positiva per arrivare ad un bene commune che ci lega come soci dello stesso Club. Ricordatevi che siamo qui per servire e mantenere il Fogolar nel miglior modo possible e se sbagliamo aiutateci a riparare, insegnateci la via positiva da prendere. Vi ringrazio antecipatamente. Spero di vedervi numerosi alla prossima Assemblea Generale e sopratutto, quando siete presenti, non abbiate timore di parlare e d’esprimere la vostra opinione. Con piacere vi ascolteremo! Mandi, Luciano Sovran, Presidente FRIDAY NIGHTS WITH CHEF DAVE The Fogolar Furlan has received excellent feedback so far for our Friday night dinners in the Member’s Bar. Each and every Friday night from 5pm to 11pm Chef Dave Chiandussi prepares a variety of traditional meals for you to INSIDE THIS ISSUE choose from including frittura mista, an assortment of pizzas, and grilled paninis. Tables are served restaurant-style and the generous servings are priced right from $4 to $12 (full menu on page 4). Show your support by bringing the family out to the Fogolar on a Friday night instead of visiting the fast-food chains! > Book of the Month > International Women’s Day > Youth Group > Sports Corner > Outstanding Volunteers > Furlan Polar Bears > Reflections on the Fogolar UPCOMING EVENTS International Women’s Day Friday, March 7 Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 15, 1:30PM Good Friday Fish Fry Friday, March 21 Fogolar Easter Brunch Sunday, March 23 Employee Reunion Banquet Saturday, March 29 March General Assembly Sunday, March 30, 2PM Briscola Tournament Friday, April 25, 7:30PM April General Assembly Sunday, April 27, 2PM Spring Member’s Banquet Sunday, May 25, 2PM FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS Fogolâr News Page 2 ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS / CULTURE CARNEVALE Fogolar Furlan Past Employee Reunion Banquet Saturday, March 29, 2008 Menu Antipasto Italiano Farfalle in Vodka Blush Sauce Mixed House Garden Salad Chicken alla Parmigiana with Oven Roasted Potatoes Veal Cutlets alla Marsala with Sauteed Whole Mushrooms Strawberry Crepe Coffee & Tea, Bread & Butter Music by DJ Service Reception at 6pm Dinner at 7pm This year’s Carnevale took place on February 10, 2008, which was also the coldest day of the year at -29 C. Nonetheless, even with the extreme cold we had a decent turnout and everyone had lots of fun! Special thanks to all those who volunteered and to the Women’s Association for preparing Crostoli to sell to the guests. Photos from this year’s Carnevale are scattered throughout the newsletter, see if you can spot any familiar faces! All photos can be found online at $30 per person Tickets on sale now! FOGOLAR FURLAN PAST EMPLOYEE REUNION Saturday, March 29 Come and reunite with old friends! The Fogolar is holding a reunion party for all past employees of the Club on March 29, 2008. We are currently collecting any photos people might have from when they worked at the Fogolar. Photos can be submitted in person at the Fogolar office or emailed to Please write your name & phone number on the back of the photos so that we can return them to you. The menu for the evening can be found in the margin. In Memoriam Our condolences go to the families of the late Luigi Mozzon and Beniamino D’Agnolo. Our prayers are with you during this time. EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, March 15 This year's Easter Egg Hunt event is being held in the Windsor Hall on Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 1:30PM. Egg Hunt starts at 2pm sharp! All children up to age 10 are welcome and admission is $2 per child. The Easter Bunny will be there so be sure to bring your cameras! Also remember to download this year’s colouring contest form at events.php. Have your child colour it and bring it with you to the event. Dress your children warm as this is an outdoor event (ages 0-3 will be inside, 4-10 will be outside) and will take place rain-or-shine (or snow-orshine)! FOGOLAR FURLAN GOOD FRIDAY FISH FRY DINNER (BUFFET) Friday, March 21, 2008 Doors Open at 4PM Buffet Starts at 4:30PM Risotto Verde Farfalle with Tomato Basil Sauce Minestrone Soup Clam Chowder Soup Shrimp Salad Tossed Salad Coleslaw Fish Zanders Breaded Scallops Smelt Peel & Eat Shrimp Green Beans with Butter & Garlic Mixed Garden Vegetables Rolls & Butter Coffee & Tea Adults $20 Children (4-12) $14 Children under 3 eat free! Green Beans with Butter & Garlic Mixed Garden Vegetables Rolls & Butter Coffee & Tea Dessert - Tartufo Adults $27 Children (4-12) $14 Children under 3 eat free! Tickets on sale now! FOGOLAR FURLAN EASTER BRUNCH Sunday, March 23 Doors Open at 11:30AM Lunch Starts at 12PM Assorted Vegetable Trays Assorted Lunchmeat Trays Chicken Soup Cream of Broccoli Soup Penne with Meat Sauce Risotto Verde Salad Bar Italian Sausage Roast Chicken Roast Veal with Gravy Roast Potatoes Green Beans with Butter & Garlic Eggs & Breakfast Sausage Fish Zanders, Breaded Scallops Bread, Butter, Coffee & Tea Assorted Desserts Cash Bar Tickets on sale now! FRIDAY FISH FRY DINNER (SERVED) Friday, March 21, 2008 Adults $22 Children (4-12) $15 Children under 3 eat free! Tickets on sale now! Doors Open at 5:30PM Dinner at 6PM Risotto Verde Farfalle with Tomato Basil Sauce Clam Chowder Soup Shrimp Salad Tossed Salad (with Romaine & Radicchio) Fish Zanders Frittura Mista French Fries Baccala and Trippe (limited) Page 3 Fogolâr News PER I SOCI E AMICI INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY The Fogolar Women’s Association is hosting a celebration for International Women’s Day on Friday, March 7, 2008. Humourist/Motivator June Cox will be the main attraction for the evening, in addition to a group of ballroom dancers. Doors open at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm. Tickets cost $30 and there will be door prizes and a 50/50 draw. All proceeds of the event will support the acquisition of digital mammography for the breast screening program at HotelDieu Grace Hospital. Contact Valerie Ferraro at 519-972-8957, Josie Fregonese at 519-966-2946, or the Fogolar office at 519966-2230 for tickets to this event. BOOK OF THE MONTH COME CELEBRATE WITH US AT THE FOGOLAR ON OCTOBER 18, 2008 THE FOGOLAR FURLAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION IS CELEBRATING THEIR 25th ANNIVERSARY! NATURE AWAKENS WITH SPRING “Natura in Friuli Venezia-Giulia” – Carlo Sgorlon writes “Le stupende fotographie di Gianni D’Affara del paesaggio friulano mi apiono il frutto di un modo nuovo di vedere e di sentire la natura” in his introduction. And, indeed, the photographs by Gianni D’Affara of San Daniele, are breathtaking! At the back of the book you will find a description for each photograph. All text is in Italian. YOUTH GROUP CURLING NIGHT On Sunday February 24th, the Youth Group enjoyed an evening o f curling. Those that participated went to Roseland and got some lessons before playing a couple of games. Once everyone got the hang of sweeping and throwing the rocks, the game became much easier. Falling on the ice due to unbalanced sweeping and soreness aside, everyone who came out had an excellent time. We look forward to another fun evening of curling in the future. (Watch for photos in the Summer issue of the newsletter!) CARNEVALE The Youth Group helped out with the games at this year's carnevale. Even BE SURE TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THIS EXCITING EVENT! If you’re interested in borrowing this book, or others, from the Fogolar library, please con tact Rita Infanti at 519-966-0257. though it was very cold that day, we were glad to see so many children come out to play and eat lots of candy. As always we were happy to run our favourite games. We also enjoyed all the different costumes that the children wore. MONTHLY MEETINGS The Youth Group holds monthly meeting on the second-last Monday of every month. Before each meeting there is an email sent out to each member as a reminder. If you are not on the email list and would like to be, please send an email to We always look forward to seeing new people joining the Youth Group. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED FOR MORE INFORMATION! EASTER TAKEOUTS Takeouts are available for PICKUP ONLY between 11:30AM until 4PM on Thursday, March 20 or Saturday, March 22. Prices are as follows: Baccala (1 lb) $16.50 Trippe (1 lb) $12.50 Fried Seafood $16.50 Antipasto di Mare (1 lb) $17.00 Call the Fogolar office at 519-966-2230 to place your order FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS Fogolâr News Page 4 SPORTS CORNER FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER MENU Bruschetta $4.00 PIZZAS La Classica Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Pepperoni $5.75 LADIES BOCCIOFILA Il risultato delle gare e stato il seguente: The Ladies Bocciofila is currently in the midst of a Winter Mini-Tournament. The Full Winter Tournament, sponsored by the Fogolar Furlan Club will begin in late March/early April. If anyone is interesed in joining please contact Alba Modolo at 519-973-1113 or Sandra Jones (Fogolar Sports Chairperson) through the Fogolar office at 519-966-2230. Primo posto: Piero Moro e Dolores Todero Secondo posto: Elio Nadalin e Maria Centis Terzo posto: Remo Dolfi e Fiorella Dolfi Quarto posto: Giovanni Meret e Luisa Nardiello Alba Modolo La Furlane Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Porcini Mushrooms, Pancetta $6.00 Bruschetta Pizza Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Chopped Tomatoes, Garlic and Herbs $6.00 Tre Colori Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Green Peppers, Prosciutto, Mushrooms 60 & OVER SHUFFLEBOARD GARA Il 29 gennaio abbiamo terminato le gare invernali di “shuffleboard”, tenutesi qui al Fogolar, con la grande partecipazione di 17 squadre. Congratulazioni ai vincitori e alle vincitrici e grazie a tutti per avere ancora una volta pertecipato ai nostri giochi e trascorso tante liete ore insieme. Riprendermo a giocare il primo di aprile. Se volete partecipare, chiamate Tony con il numero 948-7084. Antonio Bortolin Appena finito di giocare abbiamo gustato le ottime pizze, preparate in cucina del nostro club. $6.50 Quattro Stagioni Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Artichokes, Olives, Cold Cut Medley, Mushrooms $6.75 Calzone Mozzarella Cheese + Your Choice of TWO toppings $7.00 GRILLED PANINI Friulano Cheese, Bocconcini $4.00 Friulano Cheese, Porchetta $4.25 Prosciutto, Bocconcini, Tomato Basil $4.50 Grilled Polenta with Friulano Cheese $4.25 Frittura Mista $12.00 Tiramisu $4.75 OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEERS CONTINUE TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE On Sunday, February 17th, 2008 the Fogolar held its annual Outstanding Volunteers Banquet, honouring the many individuals and groups that have worked tirelessly over the past year landscaping the gardens, working in the Pavilion, volunteering on committees, waking up early in the morning to arrive in time at the Fogolar for a project and leaving late. Without each and every volunteer dedicating their time and various skills to the benefit of the Club, we wouldn’t be where we are today; a strong, vibrant voice in the community, known for our beautiful grounds, gourmet food, and outstanding contributions to the community of Windsor-Essex. To all the volunteers, both past and present, thank you. Thank you for taking the time! You are the reason the Fogolar is where it is today and can be proud knowing future generations will benefit and learn from your generosity and spirit. Grazie! Page 5 Fogolâr News PER I SOCI E AMICI FURLAN POLAR BEARS Did you know that some members of the Fogolar Furlan Club of Windsor are actually Polar Bears? Well... at least they were for one cold day in January! On Saturday, January 26, 2008, local Fogolar Furlan members Cesare Pecile, Tania Colle, Fausto Volpatti, Angela Volpatti, Diana Volpatti, and Katherine Morassutti braved the elements to take part in the 8th Annual Polar Bear Dip held at Lakeside Park in Kingsville. The members joined up with 3 others to volunteer their dipping services to the Villanova high school team, raising over $2000 as a team. The proceeds from this PUBLIC RELATIONS The Kids’ summer camp was such a great success that I will be working closely with Jeff Nadalin to ensure another great year. Anyone wishing to hold a Pasta Fest fundraiser dinner at the Fogolar can do so by arranging it with the office. Please let me know when the event is by contacting me at 519-817-9733 or e-mail to so I can help promote it through various media outlets. Constructive criticism is a means of communication and will always be addressed. It is the duty of the Public Relations director to see that not only outside customers but the membership be satisfied as well. Please feel free to contact me at the above on any issues. Len Ziraldo event went to the Youth & Family Resource Network and Childcan organizations. Each member had a good time, albeit being a little bit cold afterwards. It was a great day and I know their families and the Fogolar community are proud of their dippers! Get ready because next year they are looking to expand the Fogolar’s Polar Bear population. Congratulations on a job well done! Diana Volpatti Cesare, Fausto, Katherine, Diana, Tania & Angela braving the cold for a good cause ACCOMPLISHMENTS During opening week in January, I went to the screening of BABY BLUES s i m p l y b e c a u s e ou r member, Jeff Nadalin, was involved in the project. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie; the storyline was great; it was expertly done and I enjoyed seeing scenes of Windsor on the big screen. Fogolar was even included in the acknowledgements!! I want to congratulate Jeff and his team on a job well done! Uga Rose Page 6 Fogolâr News REFLECTIONS ON THE FOGOLAR A young woman by the name of Chiara recently visited the Windsor area looking for relatives who had immigrated to Canada. The following is a small excerpt of what she had to say about her time spent here. Che strana estate… una cosa però è certa; me la ricorderò per tutta la vita! Forse qualcuno, dopo aver letto quello che ho scritto, penserà che il mio è un commento inadeguato, oppure azzardato; ma nella mia povera esperienza di sedicenne quella di quest’anno è stata senza dubbio la vacanza più bella che abbia mai fatto. Quasi per scherzo a maggio è stata lanciata l’idea di andare in Canada a trovare i parenti, la generazione degli emigranti, costretti a lasciare la propria patria con figli piccoli, ad affrontare un lungo viaggio in nave, per poi arrivare in un paese sconosciuto, dove i mariti avevano tentato di sistemarsi già da un anno, e ricominciare a costruirsi una vita dall’inizio. E così, non più per scherzo, giovedì 12 luglio ci siamo trovati nell’aereo che ci ha portati sani e salvi a Detroit, negli USA. Dopo infiniti controlli “antiterrorismo” e 12 ore passate tra aerei e aeroporti, siamo finalmente riusciti ad abbracciare i cugini che ci hanno subito portato a Windsor, in Canada. Windsor è una città di duecentomila abitanti, dove in passato sono arrivati moltissimi italiani, ma soprattutto tanti friulani che, aiutandosi, uniti dall’amore per la propria patria, hanno costruito, con molto sacrifici, il “Fogolar Furlan”, una struttura dove ancora oggi si riuniscono. Abbiamo avuto l’occasione di visitarlo… mi sono sentita a Pordenone… i signori seduti al tavolo del bar, tra un bicchiere di vino e una partita a carte, dialogavano tra loro in dialetto e il “barman”, da Morsano, appena ci ha conosciuti si è illuminato e ci ha accolti cosi: “Venite dall’Italia? Siete qui in vacanza? Bene… offro io”. Queste scene suscitano sempre un po’ di commozione, o provocano semplicemente un nodo alla goia, difficile da inghiottire, perché si leggono negli occhi la nostalgia, il desiderio di parlare della propria Casa. Nella sala Pordenone, invece, le signore si riuniscono per un caffe, per raccontarsi la settimana e per cantare insieme le care, vecchie canzoni popolari italiane. Certo, anche là sono presenti problemi di attualità, come del resto ovunque, ma la gente è disposta ad aiutare, ad accogliere, a donare il cuore a chiunque si trovi in difficoltà, e questo è semplicemente meraviglioso. NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST Members who would like to receive the Fogolar Newsletter via email in order to help us reduce our printing costs and to help save some trees can join by using the signup form located at Ma come tutto anche le cose belle finiscono, e così domenica 29 luglio, tra le lacrime, abbiamo salutato i parenti e il Canada, e siamo tornati qui, dove ci attendeva la quotidianità. SUMMER NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Sunday, April 20, 2008 E’ stata una sensazione strana; una volta arrivata ho pensato: “Bene, eccoci a casa. ‘Casa’… una parola che non riesco più a pronunciare coì facilmente. Ma io sono ancora utile qui? Ho lasciato qualcosa? Cosa mi aspetta? Il mio futuro sarà come lo desidero?” The Fogolâr News is published bi-monthly by the Fogolar Furlan Newsletter Committee Credetemi, è un pensiero triste, soprattutto per una ragazza che ancora giovane ha tutto da costruire davanti a sé… e forse sarebbe più opportuno imparare ad aiutarsi vicendevolmente, perche sarà tutto più facile. Newsletter can be found online in PDF format at Così, quest’anno, ho saltato il campo con il mio gruppo per questa vacanza, ma ne è valsa la pena, anche perché, nel divertimento, ho imparato molto. Un’ultima cosa: se mai vi capiterà di dover fare un viaggio e di non saper dove andare, prendete in considerazione, fra le proposte, anche il Canada; credetemi, ne sarete soddisfatti. If you would like to read the full article please contact the newsletter committee and we will gladly provide you with it. Dante Pecile & Jeff Nadalin Fogolar Furlan Club of Windsor 1800 E.C. Row (North Service Rd) Windsor, Ontario N8W 1Y3 Phone: 519-966-2230 Fax: 519-966-2237 Email: