Dateline: NH


Dateline: NH
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Changes Hands
Incoming Chairman Roger Groux (2010-11) receives the gavel from
outgoing Chairman Jay Alosa (2009-10).
Photo by Nat Stout
oger Groux became the NHADA’s
new chairman in ceremonies during
the annual meeting May 18 at C.R. Sparks
in Bedford. Chairman Jay Alosa (200910) yielded the gavel in the traditional
Before a group of over 200 association
members and partners, Roger outlined his
plans for the next year:
“My first goal is to expand the memberChairman – continued on page 13
From Your AIADA Director
Dear Friends,
Over the past several years, I’ve had
the privilege of serving on the board of
directors of the American International
Automobile Dealers
Association (AIADA).
The challenges faced
by me and the 10,000
international nameplate franchise dealers
across the U.S. are
unique. From global
trade to taxes to ex- Peggy Proko
tending and increasing
small business loans, AIADA is working to
ensure that international dealer voices are
heard in the halls
of Congress, the
and in federal
AIADA – continued on
page 10
Editor’s Note: We are delighted to
introduce you to the American
International Automobile Dealers
Association (AIADA) Update, presented by your AIADA Director Peggy
Proko of Peters Auto Center. Peggy is
also a long-serving, full director of the
NHADA, former chair, and is currently
First Vice Chair.
In addition to Peggy’s new column,
it’s worth noting as well that, with the
adoption of bylaw changes this April,
any representative from New Hampshire
serving on the AIADA will now automatically serve a concurrent term as a
director on the NHADA board.
We hope you enjoy this new Dateline:
NH feature.
Contract Extended
Peter J. McNamara, Esq., President
y a three-to-two vote, the five member
Executive Council extended the
Gordon-Darby OBD II/Safety Inspection
contract until June 30, 2012. Councilors
Debora B. Pignatelli and John D. Shea
voted against the renewal.
Much effort was expended by NHADA
staff and members, Gordon-Darby,
and the New Hampshire departments
of safety, environmental services, and
transportation to ensure the contract was
New Hampshire first awarded the
contract for management of a statewide
vehicle inspection program to GordonDarby in June 2004. Gordon-Darby
(G-D) provides all station equipment,
software, data management, and data
communications as well as support
services for the New Hampshire OnBoard Diagnostics and Safety Inspection
(NHOST) program. G-D also provides
a customer-oriented call center for both
inspection stations and the public. Before the final vote, the Executive
Council tabled the contract extension
several times over a period of three meetings. There had been little if any disquiet
expressed by the councilors until shortly
before the first vote was scheduled.
However, during a process over several
weeks many of the councilors expressed
various concerns and questions including
whether or not NH is truly obligated to
conduct testing and what would happen
OBD II – continued on page 4
Meet Your Partners – pages 3, 8, 16, 17, 19 & 23 ~ Title Statistics, page 23
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Roger Groux
1st Vice Chair
Peggy Proko
2nd Vice Chair
Donna Gaudet Hosmer
Holly Carlson
Eileen Sleeper
Peter J. McNamara
Joseph “Jay” R. Alosa, Jr., Heavy-Duty Trucks
Michael Cooney, Non-Franchised Used Car
H. Andy Crews, At-Large
Jim Fyles, Non-Franchised At-Large
William Gurney, Non-Franchised Repair/Service
Paul Holloway, Honorary
Scott Holloway, At-Large
Jay McFarland, At-Large
George Mullin, Motorcycles
Chris Weiss, At-Large
Jack Tulley
Peggy Proko
This publication is designed to provide accurate
and authoritative information in regard to the
subject matters covered. In publishing this
newsletter, neither the authors nor the publisher
are engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or
other professional services. If legal advice or other
expert assistance is required, the services of a
competent professional should be sought.
Advertisements appearing in
Dateline: NH do not indicate
a specific endorsement by NHADA
of the products or services unless
the NHADA endorsement symbol
appears with the advertisement.
Welcome New Members
Black Book Online Division
150 East Palmetto Park Road
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Contact: Gene Loop
Chris Nacos Auto Sales
44 Manchester Road
Derry, NH 03038
Owners: Chris Nacos and
Robert Lynch
Inside this Issue
$3 Million Released For Your 2010 Rebate ............................................... page 3
Endorsed by
A New Beginning (for Susan Manning) ............................................................ 4
When to Inspect a Used Car Upon Sale: A Recap ........................................... 19
Published monthly at Bow, New Hampshire,
by the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers
Association. Mailing address: P. O. Box 2337,
Concord, NH 03302-2337, 603-224-2369/800852-3372.
Editorial Director
Managing Editor/
Design and Layout
Advertising Coordinator
Roger C. Groux
Peter J. McNamara
Nathaniel Stout
Jericho Mountain ATV Festival Offers the Ride of Your Life! .......................... 18
Lisa Lavoie
Michael Rosenblum
Full Page:
1/2 Page:
1/3 Page:
1/6 Page:
Color $675
Color $425
Color $350
Color $275
Consumer Protection Act Intricacies Are Important to Know ......................... 16
Salvage Yard Licenses Renewal Date
Has Been Moved Back .................................................................................... 16
OHRV and Snowmobile Fee Increases ............................................................ 18
Alternative Energy: Wind and Solar Power At Your Dealership? It’s a reality! .. 14
Annual Meeting
B&W $550
B&W $350
B&W $275
B&W $225
NHADA Board of Directors Welcomes New Members................................... 12
New Officers Named to Lead NHADA Board of Directors............................. 13
NADA Director Update ................................................................................... 6
page 2
Compliance Corner ........................................................................................ 18
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
$3 Million Released
For Your 2010 Rebate
Claims Corner
Peter Sheffer, Workers’ Compensation Trust Director
he Workers’ Compensation Board of
Trustees and the WCT staff is very
pleased to report that the actuary has
released $3 million for the 2010 rebate.
This year’s rebate exceeds last year’s by over
$300,000. The majority of the rebate is
being returned from the 2007 and 2008
fund years.
The NHADA Workers’ Compensation
Trust Board of Trustees strives to keep
members’ premiums as low as possible
while maintaining the integrity of the
trust. In 2009 and 2010, the Trustees
reduced rates in specific classifications to
bring member premiums down. The loss
prevention staff performs walk-throughs,
performs trainings, and identifies areas of
risk that need attention, all in an effort
to prevent injuries from occurring. The
claims department, through medical case
management, thorough investigation, active pursuit of Second Injury Fund reimbursement, and vocational rehabilitation
efforts controls the costs of injuries when
June, 2010
they do occur. All of these efforts
on behalf of NHADA members
make the WCT one of the least
costly workers’ compensation
programs in the state.
All of our efforts are fruitless
without the cooperative efforts of
our members. Thank you to all
the WCT members for another Rebates freshly distributed, Bill Weiss (left) and Emmett Horgan (center) of the Workers’
great year. Remember, your claims Compensation Trust catch up with Jen Moeckle, Esq. of Cook, Little, Rosenblatt &
Manson, a Bronze-level Association Partner.
Photo by Mike Rosenblum
experience drives your rebate!
*ROGBank of America Merrill Lynch
Provides banking and financing to dealers
For more information, please contact
Dan Duda, Commercial Client Manager at
800-375-6262 or Marcia Cowan, Retail Client
Manager at 969-0623.
Dan Duda
Marcia Cowan
page 3
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
A New Beginning
Jean Conlon, NHAEF Programs Administrator
eficial. They were right. Susan understood
usan Manning, account producer from the beginning that you never drop
and field representative for NHAD in on an office manager at the beginning
Services, Inc. - Insurance Division, has of the month!
announced her retireSusan recounts the first
ment after 24 years at the
time she went out on the
road by herself. She was
scared to death and drove
President Pete McNamara
up and down the street
informed staff of Susan’s
past the Exeter dealerships
decision to retire, he said
before she worked up the
he felt sad and excited
nerve to go inside. To her
– sad to lose Susan, but
relief, Susan was not eaten
excited for her new beginalive; she was warmly
ning. We all feel the same.
welcomed as an NHADA
Susan started workstaff member, and she
Susan Manning bids you a fond adieux.
ing in the NHADA
realized immediately the
Insurance Trust in 1986 as a customer respect that members have for NHADA
service representative assigned to visit staff.
NHADA members. She had previously
She also learned early on that NHADA
worked as an office manager at both staff work for all the members, and, to this
Grappone Toyota and Merchants Nissan, day, every time she walks in a door, Susan
and it was felt that her understanding of remembers, “I work for you.” She also
the climate in a dealership would be ben- credits the late Dan McLeod’s exacting
standards for her success.
I asked Susan what stands out from the
almost quarter of a century at NHADA.
She replied that she has grown incredibly
over the years and that she has made
good friends among staff and NHADA
The biggest change came when the
NHADA Insurance Trust was disbanded
in 1992. Fully-insured medical coverage
was offered through Blue Cross and Blue
Shield, and Susan was one of only four
insurance staff asked to stay.
She is also extremely proud of when she
and I were entrusted with setting up the
NHADA Employee Benefit Trust (EBT)
from scratch, under the direction of the
EBT trustees.
After 46 years of working full-time,
Susan is looking forward to spending time
with Randy, her husband of 20 years, hav
ing fun, and relaxing together. We wish
Susan and Randy all the best as they kayak
off into their sunset years.
OBD II – continued from page 1
if we simply scrapped the program.
The significance of the “check engine
light” was a point of confusion. Several
councilors expressed repeated concerns
that the light frequently lit up when the
emissions were perfectly fine and the
car was running well. NHADA and the
NH Department of Safety (NH DOS)
explained that the “check engine light”
means vehicle components are causing
increased emissions. Vehicle parts and
systems may not necessarily be emission
control components (e.g., the failure
could be a misfiring spark plug or a
transmission issue), but they are certainly
emissions-related components.
A second major issue was the fact
that New Hampshire is meeting the
page 4
current Clear Air Act standards. The
NH Department of Environmental
Services (NH DES) explained that
federal law requires NH to comply with
the standards for a ten-year period before
the testing program can end. In addition,
the NH DES noted that the standards
are going to become more stringent in
a few months, which would actually
put a greater area of the state into noncompliance with the air quality standards.
The NH DES and NH Department
of Transportation (NH DOT) also
explained that if the emissions testing
program was ended in New Hampshire,
the state would lose millions in federal
highway road funds. Other industries
and businesses would be forced to
comply with higher building and emission
standards if the vehicle testing program
NHADA’s big fear was that if the
contract ended, the NH DOS would cobble together its own OBD II testing and
tracking program creating a tremendous
disruption for NH inspection station
businesses, for both the long- and shortterm. In all likelihood, the NH DOS
would have returned to the paper-based
tracking program for OBD II and safety
Because the NHOST units belong to
Gordon-Darby, the department may also
have turned to centralized tailpipe testing.
Regional or centralized tailpipe testing, as
OBD II – continued on page 19
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
From Your
NADA Director
Jack Tulley
Dealers Tell Senators: ‘Wall Street
Reform Bill Hurts Consumers, Local
Dealerships, and Economic Recovery’
WASHINGTON – More than 100
new-car dealers were in Washington
April 26-27 to take an important message
directly to their Senators: that overregulating auto dealers and imposing new
fees and other burdens will curb access
to credit for middle-class families that
need to buy a car or truck to get to work.
It will also slow the economic recovery.
NHADA Vice Chairman Roger Groux
and NHADA President Pete McNamara
were both in attendance and visited the
offices of Senators Jeanne Shaheen and
Judd Gregg.
Senate Democrats and Republican
leaders agreed to start debate on the Wall
Street reform bill, including an amendment sponsored by Sen. Sam Brownback
(R-KS). The Brownback amendment
would preserve the ability of dealers to
provide affordable financing for their
customers. Proponents of the proposed
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
want to include dealers in the agency’s
oversight, which would likely limit or
eliminate dealer-assisted financing, according to NADA Legislative Affairs. By
the time this publication goes to print the
vote should have occurred already. “We are up against very powerful
page 6
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
NADA Update
forces, with the Obama administration,
Department of Defense, and consumer
groups attempting to give Senators the
impression that dealer-assisted financing
is detrimental to consumers,” says David
Regan, NADA vice president of legislative
Dealers are responding by making it
clear that they aren’t banks but simply
connect car buyers with willing lenders.
Moreover, dealers on the Hill told Senators
they had nothing to do with the problems
caused by Wall Street and big banks.
“Shouldn’t the Wall Street reform bill
focus on those who were responsible
for last year’s credit fiasco?” said NADA
Chairman Ed Tonkin. “We were victims
of that crisis, not the cause.”
Tonkin added that a there are already
strict state and federal laws in place, which
seek to stamp out discrimination, protect
consumers’ privacy, and prevent abusive
business practices.
“With too many unnecessary rules and
restrictions, dealers might simply give up
providing on-site financing options, and
who does that hurt? The average Joe and
Jane Car-Buyer,” Tonkin said. “This is just
one of the unintended consequences that
many fail to recognize.”
If you need more information on
Sen. Sam Brownback’s amendment,
visit or call
In legislative and regulatory news...
NADA University Offers Red Flags
Help as June 1 Enforcement Date
Draws Near
With the revised June 1, 2010 enforcement date for the FTC Red Flags Rule
rapidly approaching, dealers should make
sure that their required Identity Theft
Prevention Programs (ITPPs) incorporate
all of their covered accounts, include
all relevant Red Flags, contain effective
response and detection procedures, address all of the Rule’s other requirements,
and are appropriately tailored to their
particular operations.
NADA University has three resources
to help you determine if your dealership
is adequately prepared:
• Driven Management Series: A
Dealer Guide to the FTC Red Flags
and Address Discrepancy Rules:
Protecting Against Identity Theft
This 90-page guide explains the two
rules, focusing on the Red Flags Rule,
and provides detailed information, FAQs,
and a step-by-step compliance chart. The
guide includes a sample ITPP, worksheets,
and other materials to assist dealers in developing and maintaining written ITPPs
specific to their dealerships. Driven guides
are free to NADA and ATD members.
NADA – continued on page 8
Lakes Region
Volkswagen Sold
Nancy Phillips, of Nancy Phillips
Associates, Inc. in Exeter, NH, has sold
Lakes Region Volkswagen in Gilford,
NH to Paul J. Gaudet, Sr. and G & S
Management d/b/a AutoServ of Tilton.
The dealership has been relocated
from Gilford to AutoServ of Tilton in
Tilton, NH. AutoServ also represents
Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge; Kia, Ford, Nissan,
Buick, and GMC franchises. The new
location for Volkswagen in Tilton will
service customers from the Lakes Region
and the Concord area.
June, 2010
Still Waiting for Floor Traffic?
There are many F&I companies out there to help you increase your
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To adapt and thrive in today’s market you must separate yourself
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Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
NADA – continued from page 6
After completing your free enrollment
in NADA University, go to the Training
Center, click on NADA-ATD Resource
Toolbox, then the Driven tab. You’ll find
the “Red Flags Guide” under “Legal.”
• Online Course: Red Flags: Stopping
Identity Thieves Before They Strike
This new online course takes an interactive
approach to teaching all aspects of the
Red Flags Rule, utilizing activities, visual
enhancements and testing to reinforce
learning. Free in 2010 to NADA and ATD
members, the course offers members-only
downloads of a sample ITPP, sample compliance report, and two sets of worksheets
dealers can use to accomplish account
identification and risk assessment and to
identify, detect, and respond to Red Flags.
After completing your free enrollment
in NADA University, go to the Training
Center, click on NADA-ATD Learning
Hub, then “Legal/Regulatory.”
• We b i n a r A r c h i v e : A D e e p e r
Dive Into the FTC Red Flags Rule
This 2009 Webinar features attorneys
from the FTC’s Division of Privacy
and Identity Protection, which drafted
and enforces the Red Flags Rule, along
with NADA Regulatory Affairs Director
Paul Metrey. The panel recaps the required elements of the Rule, focusing
on implementation considerations for
dealers. During a Q&A session, Webinar
attendees pose their questions directly to
the FTC attorneys. This Webinar archive
is available through the NADA U Store
for $99 for dealers who do not have a
NADAvt subscription.
A NADAvt subscription is available
for $199/month per rooftop with annual new-vehicle volume less than 300
units and $399/month for rooftops
with volume over 300 units. A NADAvt
subscription gives you and all your
employees access to all NADA and ATD
online courses (20-plus by year end), all
NADA and ATD convention workshops,
all educational Webinars produced, and
more. Visit
for details, or call NADA U Customer
Service at 800-557-6232.
Congress Extends COBRA
Subsidy to May 31
The 2009 stimulus bill included a provision that provided a 65 percent subsidy
on COBRA insurance premiums for
certain workers who lost their jobs in late
2008 and 2009. This benefit has been
extended and, as a result, workers who
are involuntarily terminated between
Sept. 1, 2008 and May 31, 2010 may be
eligible for the subsidy. For those members
who use the NHAD Services health plan
through Anthem, your NHADA staff
will be ensuring compliance with this
extension. For details on the extension,
In other NADA news...
• ‘Entrepreneurial Spirit’ Leads Nation’s
Truck Dealers through Crisis, ATD
Chairman Says at Convention in Orlando
Like many in the U.S. trucking industry,
the nation’s new heavy- and mediumduty truck dealers were hit hard by the
recession, the chairman of the American
Truck Dealers (ATD) told attendees at
the 47th annual ATD Convention &
Expo in Orlando, FL, on April 24. But
the dealers’ “incredible entrepreneurial
spirit” led them through the worst, said
Credit Union
Indirect lender/retail financing
For more information, please contact
Nancy A. Cournoyer, Dealer Relationship
Manager, at 603-645-8108 or by
e-mail at
Nancy A. Cournoyer
Endorsed by
page 8
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
ATD Chairman Kyle Treadway, president
of Kenworth Sales Co. in Salt Lake City,
Utah. “We’re here today because each of us
learned over the past three years to assess
the situation, inventory our resources,
prioritize the needs and plan accordingly,”
Treadway said. And despite the many
hardships still facing the industry – with
more than 4,000 fleets in bankruptcy and
160,000 trucks sidelined – truck dealers
have emerged stronger and better positioned to succeed, he said. “The crisis also
afforded dealers a rare opportunity to shed
light on the important role they play in
their communities, states, and the nation
as a whole,” he said. Other news emerging
from the convention: Commercial truck
dealer John “Jack” Saum of Maryland was
named the American Truck Dealers/Heavy
Duty Trucking Truck Dealer of the Year;
The 2011 Hino 268 and Peterbilt Model
384 were named winners of the ATD
Commercial Truck of the Year awards
for medium- and heavy-duty trucks for
2010. Your NHADA Chairman Jay Alosa
and NHADA President Pete McNamara
attended the ATD convention on behalf
of the association. Jack McDevitt, of
McDevitt Trucks, Inc. in Lancaster and
Manchester is a current member of the
ATD Board of Directors.
• Academy Graduates 21st
ATD Class at ATD Convention
Richard Sweebe, 2009 Truck Dealer of the
Year, addressed the ATD Academy 2010
graduating class at the ATD Convention in
Orlando on April 23. This class is the 21st
to complete the academy curriculum for
truck dealers and managers. The academy
has revised its curriculum to meet today’s
industry challenges and is introducing the
use of the new 20 Group online composite
as a valuable analysis and business planning
tool throughout the 11-month program.
The academy is accepting enrollment
applications now for the limited available
June, 2010
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
space in classes starting in May and June.
May 10 is the start date for DCA class 166,
and May 17 begins GDM 082. DCA 167
begins on June 7, and ATD 023 begins
June 21. Go to www.NADAUniversity.
com for more information.
NADA-ATD 20 Group Offers
Sample Composites Online
Now prospective 20 Group members can
see for themselves what NADA’s online
composite and management tools can do.
Car dealers can explore a demo composite
at Just go to the
Member Login section, enter username
331153841 and password @81689.
Truck dealers enter username 331154949
and password 3241*6. New 20 Groups
are forming: A new Kia group is being
launched this month, and an Infiniti
group is launching in July. An Audi group,
an Acura group, and a Lexus general managers and general sales managers group are
being formed. NADA-ATD 20 Group is
working with several OEMs to develop
additional 20 Groups.
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We Are Only 7 Miles From Logan Airport
page 9
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
AIADA – continued from page 1
agencies. This spring, Congress has been
hard at work, giving us ample opportunity
to make an impact where it matters most.
AIADA’s Fourth Annual International
Auto Industry Summit: Dealers
Driving America
This spring, AIADA’s focus has been on
creating opportunities for dealers to get
involved in its advocacy efforts. In May,
we welcomed dealers to Washington,
D.C., for AIADA’s Fourth Annual
International Auto Industry Summit.
Held at the St. Regis Hotel and focusing on the theme of Dealers Driving
America, the two-day event was an
opportunity for dealers – including
our own contingent of dealers from
NHADA – to take their stories straight
to their elected officials on Capitol
Hill. We were joined by speakers such
as Former CIA Director, Gen. Michael
Hayden, Senator John Cornyn of Texas,
Representative Kevin McCarthy of
California, Politico Editor and CoFounder Jim VandeHei, as well as executives from Honda, Hyundai, Lexus,
and Mazda, who participated in a panel
discussion moderated by Automotive
News editor Jason Stein. If you weren’t
able to join us, I hope you’ll still consider
a trip to Washington to meet with your
elected officials. AIADA’s success truly
depends on the advocacy efforts of dealers like you.
Senate Financial Regulation Bill
Moving Forward
The Senate remains busy crafting and
debating a financial regulatory bill that
would have sweeping effects on dealer
financing operations. The American
Financial Stability Act of 2010 (S. 3217)
is currently being debated on the Senate
floor, with final votes expected in the
page 10
coming weeks. As written today, the
bill would subject dealers to additional
and unnecessary oversight, red tape, and
costs. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS)
has proposed an amendment seeking to
exempt auto dealers from the oversight of
the bill’s proposed Bureau of Consumer
Financial Protection (BCFP). In recent
weeks, AIADA joined forces with other
dealer groups to urge members to contact
their Senators and let them know they
oppose the bill as it currently stands. Visit to send a letter to your
Senator on this crucial issue.
Small Business Administration
7(a) Loans
With our own Senator Jeanne Shaheen
leading the charge, new small business
legislation has been put together in the
U.S. Senate. While the bill was ultimately
introduced by Senator Mary Landrieu
(D-LA), who chairs the Committee on
Small Business, Sen. Shaheen and our
dealer-body has been vital in pushing
for an extension of the 7(a) loans offered
by the SBA as well as an increase of the
current limit up to $5 million. The goal is
to make these loans more useful to dealers
who are still struggling to secure floor-plan
Union-Organizing Bill Still
On the Horizon
The union-organizing bill known as
the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)
has been relegated to the sidelines in
recent months as Congress pursues other
legislative items. However, the threat still
lingers. Following the 2008 elections,
labor unions expected President Obama to
pursue EFCA as one of his first legislative
Fortunately for small businesses –
including international dealers – who
oppose this legislation, advocacy efforts
dissuaded Congress from taking up the
legislation in 2009. But now there is
speculation that rather than becoming
policy through the legislative process,
EFCA could become a reality via the
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB),
to which union-backer Craig Becker was
recently appointed. The NLRB is already
considering enacting provisions from
EFCA, including penalties for “violations”
of labor laws.
Because 2010 is an election year,
Democratic leadership is likely hesitant
to hold debate and votes on EFCA. It is
also possible that elements of the original
EFCA could be included in unrelated bills
that Congress would pass. Stay tuned and
prepared to take action; AIADA will alert
you of any movement on the legislation.
Get Involved
Join AIADA’s Legislative Action Network
(LAN) today and begin receiving updates
about important legislative developments
– like the Brownback dealer amendment
– as they occur. Visit
get-involved to join AIADA’s legislative
action network and make an impact where
it counts.
Also, consider hosting your member
of Congress at your dealership. AIADA
will work with you to bring your member
of Congress to your dealership for a tour
and visit with your employees. In the
past, I, as well as other New Hampshire
dealers, have hosted our representatives
and Senators for this valuable opportunity
to tell them one-on-one about our businesses and the people behind them. I am
confident now that there are legislators
in Washington who truly care about
my dealership and my employees. Visit
AIADA’s Web site for more information
on our Dealer Visit Program.
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
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June, 2010
page 11
Photo by Nat Stout
Mirror Image - State Police Sgt. Stephen Kace and NHADA President Pete
McNamara are reflected in a wall mirror as conference attendees look and listen.
NHADA Board of Directors Welcomes New Members
Eileen Sleeper has been elected to serve as secretary of the NHADA Board of Trustees in this, her first
year as a director. She has been president and owner of two Concord area businesses, Heritage HarleyDavidson and E.W. Sleeper Company since 2000, where directs the planning and general management
staff of a combined workforce of 45 persons.
Heritage helps fulfill the dreams of Harley buyers. E.W. Sleeper Co. is a heavy truck equipment
installation and earth moving equipment business, serving the needs of government agencies and private
contractors throughout New Hampshire and northern New England.
Eileen has served on the Harley-Davidson National Dealer Advisory Council, and on sub-committees
Eileen Sleeper
of that council. She serves as treasurer of the New England Harley-Davidson Dealer Association, she is
the immediate past chair of the Board of Directors for C.A.T.C.H. Neighborhood Housing, and she sits on the board of the
Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce.
Michael Cooney of Concord Motorsport has
lived in Plymouth with his wife Mary for nearly
30 years. He and Mary work together in their
automotive service and sales business.
The couple has three sons, two of whom,
Tom and Nick are involved with Concord
Motorsport. Their youngest son is James.
Says Mike, “I have been interested in machinery since an early age. I starting driving tractors Mike Cooney
at age seven on our dairy farm.
“I have maintained an interest in motorsports, occasionally racing
and instructing high performance driving at race courses and Tire
Rack Street Survival (for teens),” Mike said.
He is a tree surgeon and certified arborist (in Massachusetts), and
worked as a mechanic in Athens, GA. “I road-raced production cars
in the late ’60s with SCCA, while I was working as a field engineer
for Beckman Instruments,” Mike said.
George Mullin has owned
Souhegan Valley Motorsports in
Milford with his wife, Barbara, and
sons Sean and Scott for five years.
The business began after son
Scott won a entrepreneurial competition at the University of New
Hampshire sponsored by our
Honorary Director Paul Holloway. George Mullin
Scott’s grant and business plan
composed the foundation for Souhegan.
George wants to improve powersports options
throughout the state. He has been active with NHADA
for years. He accepted the appointment as director
because “I thought it would be a good opportunity
to see how the organization works and to increase the
influence of motorsports throughout the industry.”
Photo by Nat Stout
Photo by Michael Rosenblum
Social Hour - Catching up between events are (left to right) newly appointed Director of
the Division of Motor Vehicles Rick Bailey; Rep. Douglas Scamman, former House Speaker,
and Rep. Stella Scamman; new NHADA Chairman Roger Groux of Honda Barn and Nissan of
Stratham and daughter Margaux Groux.
New Officers Named to Lead NHADA Board of Directors
Roger Groux, Honda Barn and Nissan of Stratham, Chairman
Joseph “Jay” R. Alosa, Jr., Freightliner of NH, Inc, Lebanon and Londonderry, Immediate Past Chairman
Peggy A. Proko, Peters Auto Center, 1st Vice Chairman
Donna Gaudet Hosmer, AutoServ dealerships, 2nd Vice Chairman
Holly Carlson, Carlson’s Motor Sa les, Inc., Treasurer
Eileen Sleeper, Heritage Harley-Davidson and E.W. Sleeper Company, Secretary
Peter J. McNamara, Esq., NHADA, President
Chairman – continued from page 1
ship of NHADA, especially in the area of associated trades, including aftermarket
repair shops, body shops, parts stores, vendors, tow companies, and equipment dealers.
“Second, with this expansion comes the need to review and update the association’s
bylaws to more accurately reflect the way NHADA has evolved. For instance, to date,
we have added directors to represent used car dealers and non-franchised repair shops,
and we have changed two director positions to represent the general membership of
the association.
“We need to be vigilant, and depending on how the industry evolves, and my third
goal is to be prepared to re-open the dealer bill of rights if the situation warrants it.
“Another goal is to increase warranty compensation to retail for all franchised dealers
in conformity with state regulations. I urge all franchised dealers to consider applying
for an increase in their approved warranty labor and parts rates.
“Finally, I also pledge to work with the DMV and New Hampshire Fish and Game
Department toward implementing electronic registration of vehicles.”
Contact Roger by e-mail at
Jay Alosa Honor - Former NHADA Chairman Jay Alosa (center) is
presented with a commemorative clock for his service this past year as
association leader. Pictured at left is NHADA President Pete McNamara
and new chairman Roger Groux.
Dateline: NH
Environmental Corner
Dan Bennett, Environmental Affairs Specialist
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Alternative Energy: Wind and Solar Power
At Your Dealership? It’s a reality!
their own staff of licensed electricians
HADA Is proud and excited to and installers to ground-mount a 2.5
announce its newest Association KW vertical axis wind turbine at the
Partner – Waterline Alternative Energies. dealership location off Route 33, replacWaterline Alternative Energies is a New ing an existing Volkswagen light tower.
England-based designer, distributor, and The lighting was re-installed on the
installer of renewable energy solutions, wind turbine pole. Not only is Seacoast
serving the demand that is generated Volkswagen aesthetically enhancing their
from homeowners, municipalities, and building location, but they are reducing
businesses. Waterline is committed to their carbon footprint, and demonstrating
providing renewable energies that are their commitment to the environment.
proven and cost effective and offer renewDoug Miles, owner of Seacoast
able solutions including solar, wind, and Volkswagen has this to say about the
hydro systems.
project: “The response to our new Helix
Waterline Alternative Energies is wind turbine... has been fantastic. The
with you every step of the way, from first day it was up, we had people stopping
initial site evaluation to final installa- in and calling to ask about it; one even
tion. With the use of their own licensed thanked me for putting it up. Several
electricians and installers, they guarantee newspapers and even WMUR did a piece
realistic schedules and successful project on it in the evening news.”
Recently David Yanofsky of Exeter
The partnership between NHADA Subaru has decided to move forward
and Waterline is one that brings
affordable on-site renewable
energy generation to your service shop or showroom floor.
In keeping with NHADA’s
commitment to environmental
protection and our Roadmap
to Sustainability Initiative,
Waterline Alternative Energies
seems like a great natural fit and
resource for NHADA members. They can make roof- and/
or pole-mounted solar energy
generation or wind turbine
energy generation a reality.
In De ce m be r o f 2009
Waterline installed the first wind
turbine at a New Hampshire car
dealership, Seacoast Volkswagen
in Greenland NH. Waterline
Alternative Energies utilized Solar Panel frame Waterline’s campus sign.
page 14
with a solar energy project for his Subaru
dealership in Stratham, NH.
Waterline Alternative Energies plans to
install pole mounted solar panels in the
front of the dealership.
David feels: “Going Solar was an easy
decision for me. I knew almost immediately this was the right decision for me and
my business. Environmental awareness is
something that I believe in. Additionally,
my customers believe it to be the right
thing to do.”
Waterline Alternative Energies, as they
did with Seacoast VW, will be handling
and assisting the dealership with every
step along the project’s way. From going
in front of the town planning board for
approval to being there the first day your
dealership harnesses its first bit of electricity from the wind or sun and beyond,
Waterline Alternative Energies is ready
to assist.
I encourage you to sit down with
Waterline Alternative Energies and
their staff, led by Jeff Haydock,
director of sales and business development, to learn more about
these new technologies for energy
generation that are the wave of the
future. See if they are right for your
For more information about
Waterline Alternative Energies
please take your browser to: www. or call Jeff
Haydock at 603-760-6236.
If you have any questions on this
article, environmental-related issues,
or other alternative energy programs
or solutions for your dealership,
contact Dan Bennett at 800-8523372 or e-mail Dan at dbennett@
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
“Creating Liquidity in the
Automobile Marketplace”
Every Thursday 9:15AM Londonderry, NH
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dealership sales · evaluations · liquidations
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June, 2010
page 15
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Consumer Protection Act Intricacies Are Important to Know
Gregory Holmes, Esq., Wiggin & Nourie, P.A.
he New Hampshire Supreme Court
recently decided a case that dealers
in this state should be aware of.
The case involved a “registered” automobile dealer who advertised a 1958
Fiat Osca Spyder on the Internet. The ad
stated in part, “engine and trans are out
of the car, but we have most of a spare
engine that comes with the car.” The ad
also included the statement that the car
had a “pretty vigorous performance from
a well designed DOHC Italian Motor.”
After purchasing the car over the
Internet and paying to have it transported,
the plaintiff discovered that the car was
“missing a number of parts necessary to
management system
For more information,
please contact
Victor Kaulins,
Regional Manager, at
or by e-mail at
page 16
make it operable, including a bell housing starter, generator, distributor, engine
mounts, fan, exhaust manifold and the
entire hand-brake mechanism.”
The parties were unable to resolve the
issue of the missing parts and a lawsuit
ensued. The trial court found in favor of
the purchaser of the car and ordered the
seller to refund the purchase price and
transportation costs, awarded attorney’s
fees, and ordered the seller to pay to
return the car.
In the course of the trial court’s ruling,
the court stated that the defendant, by
virtue of being a “registered” automobile
dealer, had a special duty to disclose material facts to potential buyers and provide
accurate information to consumers.
On appeal, the Supreme Court disagreed with the trial court and held that it
was “not aware of any duty of disclosure
imposed specifically upon reregistered
automobile dealers by statute or common
law that would apply in this case….”
However, the Court’s ruling that being
a dealer does not create a special duty of
disclosure did not get this dealer off the
hook. In the course of its opinion the
Supreme Court made several points that
dealers should note:
1. You do not need to know that the
factual statement you are making is
false in order to violate the Consumer
Protection Act. Making factual statements that induce another party to
enter into a contract, when you have
reason to know that you do not have
sufficient knowledge to make those
statements and the statements turn out
to be false, is a violation of the New
Hampshire Consumer Protection Act.
The Court refused to accept the dealer’s
claim that he made no misrepresentation because he never inventoried
the car’s parts so how should he have
known the parts were included and the
parts that were missing.
2. Even if individual factual statements in
an ad are literally true, an ad still can
be misleading and therefore violate the
Consumer Protection Act “if it created
an overall misleading impression.”
3. A false statement that results from a
reckless disregard for the truth can
violate the Consumer Protection Act.
The bottom line: Your dealer license does
not in and of itself create a special duty of
disclosure. However, you can still violate
the Consumer Protection Act by making
a misrepresentation due to your lack of
Salvage Yard Licenses
Renewal Date
Has Been Moved Back
The date for renewing town-issued motor
vehicle salvage yards has been changed
from April 1 to July 1 per RSA 236:121. This
applies to both existing and new licenses.
Also, a reminder, based on a 2007 change
in the statute, all motor vehicle salvage
yard license applications must include
certification by the license applicant
that the facility is in compliance with
best management practices established
by the New Hampshire Department of
Environmental Services.
The BMPs and a sample compliance
certification statement are posted at:
If you have any questions about the BMP
compliance certification, please contact
Tara Mae Albert at
or 603-271-2938.
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
knowledge of the true facts or a reckless
disregard for the truth.
Attorney Greg Holmes, of Gold Association
Partner Wiggin & Nourie, P.A., serves as
chair of the firm’s Auto Industry Group.
Reach Greg by e-mail at or call 603-669-2211.
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
BG Products/Warehouse Distributors
Of New England
Automotive preventive maintenance products/services
For more information, please contact Steve
Kelloway or Bill Stanyan at 800-543-6632. Feel
free to visit their Web site at
Protective Introduces...
Engine Coverage
For Life!
*Protects the engine for as long as your customer owns the vehicle. Coverage is subject to limits and exclusions; see warranty for details.
Serving Automotive Dealers Since 1962
Vehicle Service Contracts I GAP Coverage I Credit Insurance
Dealer Participation Programs I F&I Training I Advanced F&I Technology
To find out how you can start providing the Lifetime Engine Warranty at your dealership
contact Protective’s New Hampshire representative, George Spatt.
Lifetime Engine Warranty, Vehicle Service Contracts (VSCs) and GAP are backed by Lyndon Property Insurance Company in all states except NY. In NY, VSCs are backed by Old Republic Insurance Company. GAP
and Lifetime Engine Warranty are not available in NY. Credit Insurance is backed by Protective Life Insurance Company in all states except NY, where it is backed by Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company.
June, 2010
page 17
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Compliance Corner
Brian Duplessis, Loss Prevention Coordinator
he Loss Prevention department
recently completed a revision of the
Strategic Hiring Guidelines, originally
developed and implemented in 2007.
Now Loss Prevention staff will meet
with members to review the program features and provide a new CD that contains
all of the guidelines including easy to use
“fillable forms.”
We are optimistic that the timing of
the update is advantageous to what we
hope to be an increase in hiring in the
coming months.
The purpose of this program is to provide our members comprehensive guidelines to standardize the hiring process.
Proper implementation of this program
will allow members to consistently hire
the best candidates for open positions. It
will also assist in compliance with various
labor laws, protect dealers from liability,
and substantially lower insurance costs.
Strategic Hiring Guidelines Updated
There are several important considerations related to NHADA’s Strategic
Hiring Program:
• First, this is not a one-size-fits-all
program. The various components stand on their own and
members can determine the
aspects of this process they wish
to incorporate. Members can also
choose to implement components
of the program over time.
• NHADA staff is available to provide
assistance with implementation and
has established a statewide network of
occupational health providers for drug
testing and pre-placement physicals.
• This program is specific to New
Hampshire, many aspects do not
transfer to operations in other states.
The bottom line is that NHADA
strongly believes that a formal, consistent
hiring process will provide substantial and
measurable benefits to our members.
We look forward to working with you
to improve the quality of your human
resource function.
For further information about
NHADA’s Hiring Guidelines, contact
Brian at 800-852-3372 or by e-mail at
Ford AAA Contest Unstoppable
George Dykstra
Neither snow, sleet, hail, nor rain can stop the U.S. Mail or the Ford AAA contest.
While the rain came down, ten New Hampshire high school teams competed in this year’s contest, held at the New
Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon.
Because the vehicles were rigged with a fault that prevented them from being moved from “Park” to “Drive,” repairs
were done outside in the rain. In the end it was a very wet and close contest.
Coming in first this year was the team from Mascenic High School: Rob Hicks and Craig Cook, led by instructor
Vincent Fittante.
Because of the disadvantage of working in the rain, no records were set, and the Mascenic team missed a faulty door
lock switch.
Coming in a close second was the team from Somersworth High led by instructor James Niland.
Following just behind was the team from Salem High led by instructor Steve Ring.
Good luck to the Mascenic team as they represent New Hampshire at the Ford AAA national contest held in Dearborn,
MI, this summer.
page 18
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
OBD II – continued from page 4
many states have realized, is a burden on
both inspection stations and our citizens;
the motoring public.
The NHOST unit provides tracking and accountability. Without the
NHOST unit and G-D, inspection
stations wouldn’t know if a car recently
failed at another shop and the owner was
“sticker shopping.” Also “lick & stick”
scams where an inspection station sells
the sticker without the inspection would
grow again. Finally, a dealership wouldn’t
know if a trade-in had emissions issues
until it was too late.
As the contract will need to go out to
bid before the June 30, 2012 end date,
this whole discussion before the Executive
Council will likely be repeated. NHADA
owes many thanks to the NHADA members that contacted their Councilors and
invited them to their shops.
June, 2010
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Amy Martineau
(American Hardware)
Commercial insurance specialists
Amy Martineau
Please contact Amy Martineau
for more information at 603-566-9519 or
Pre-Employment Checklist Folder
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Buy From Yourself
page 19
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
2010 Snowmobile and
OHRV Fee Increases
Next Month
Daniel Bennett, Vice President for Government Affairs
n July 16, 2009 Governor Lynch
signed into law SB 135 and made
effective this new law affecting snowmobile and OHRV registration rates. The
rate and fee increases in the bill become
effective July 1, 2010. As spring arrives
and registration traffic rolls in, you
should be aware of the following rate
OHRV/Power Sport Members:
Jericho Mountain ATV Festival
Offers the Ride of Your Life!
he NH Division of Parks and Recreation, the NH Division of Economic
Development, and the NH Bureau of Trails invite all OHRV enthusiasts
to the Jericho Mountain ATV Festival July 10 and 11.
New Hampshire’s newest 7,500-acre state park, located northeast of Berlin
in the White Mountains, offers ATV, UTV, trail bike, and snowmobile riders
50-plus miles of adventurous and scenic trails. The trails at Jericho Mountain
offer endless loops through forests, over streams, past Jericho Lake with many
scenic outlooks and mountaintop picnic pavilions. The weekend event will offer:
• 7,500 acres of trail riding, family events, and plain old fashioned fun!
• If you love off-road riding, this is the festival for you! It’s a two-day jamboree
complete with guided tours on miles of trails, giant inflatable games, and
other children’s activities, a terrific trade show area, family-affordable food,
and much, much more!
• The competition will be intense!
• Join or watch the poker run. See competitors try to blast through the mud
pit, pull the biggest load in the ATV haul or demonstrate their riding skills
in the rodeo event.
• Demo the best machines!
• Manufacturers and local dealers will be on hand with the latest off-highway
vehicles including ATVs, UTVs, and trail bikes. Want to know more about
riding? Area OHRV clubs will be on hand, too.
All NHADA OHRV/Power Sport members are encouraged to attend,
participate and spread the word to your customers about this great event. More
information may be found at: Sponsorship opportunities still exist.
Agent fee: increases from $2 to $3.
Snowmobile registration fee: individual
resident registration club member, $45
to $60; non-club member, $75 to $90.
Individual non-resident registration:
club member, $60 to $80; non-club
member, $90 to $110.
Antique snowmobile resident
permanent registration:
$35 to $46.50.
Snowmobile trails maintenance vehicle
plates: $5 to $6.70.
Dealer registration for each plate: $35
to $45.50.
Rental agency registration for each set
of decals:
$58 to $75.40.
Registration after a transfer: $13 to
Also, operating an unregistered
snowmobile: $120 to $180.
The increased funds will go to the NH
Department of Resources and Economic
Development trails bureau, and will be
put toward their grant-in-aid programs
for purchasing trail equipment as well as
promoting ridership, trail maintenance,
and construction, and the purchasing of
other grant-in-aid equipment.
Fees – continued on next page
page 20
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
When to Inspect a Used Car Upon Sale: A Recap
Daniel Bennett, Vice President for Government Affairs
nce again the issue of when a dealer
must inspect a used car upon sale
has arisen and NHADA would like to
provide you some clarity and emphasize:
When a used car is sold, and a twenty
day plate is attached (even if the vehicle
is sold on the weekends), the vehicle
must be inspected in the allotted time!
Letting the vehicle leave on a valid
inspection sticker of the vehicle’s previous
owner or valid dealership’s inspection
sticker and returning to receive an inspection with the 20-day plate is not allowed
by law, there is no grace period.
Used vehicles must be inspected and
stickered when they are delivered with a
20-day plate to a retail customer. The law
(RSA 266:1 IV) states:
“A used vehicle for which a dealer has
issued a 20-day plate pursuant to RSA
261:109 shall be inspected by the dealer or
an authorized inspection station on behalf
of the dealer at the time of the attachment
of the plate.”
No used vehicle can leave a dealership
unless it is officially inspected and stickered on delivery. This law does not apply
to “Unsafe Motor Vehicle Sales” because
the dealer does not apply a 20-day plate.
It can apply to vehicles sold “As-Is” that
do pass the Safety/OBD II Inspection and
must be stickered upon retail delivery.
Bottom line: if you want to sell and
have customers leave in their newly
Fees – continued from previous page
The increased funds that go to the
NH Fish and Game Department will
be used for trail rules and law enforcement, snowmobile, and OHRV training
programs, and the fish and game search
and rescue fund.
The registration fee increases were
requested and supported by various
groups and members of the snowmobile
community with the goal of helping
to cover the rising costs of maintaining
public trails in NH. For further information on these fee
changes or any other snowmobile and
OHRV-related issues, please contact Dan
Bennett at NHADA at dbennett@nhada.
com or call him at 800-852-3372.
June, 2010
purchased used cars on the weekend or
after service hours, you need to have a
technician on-site (or on call) to be able
to inspect them when you are issuing a
temporary plate, or the customer can pick
up the vehicle when the service department or one of your inspectors is available.
If you have any questions on this article
or issue contact Dan Bennett at 800-8523372 or
page 21
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Recent New York City car bombing attempt serves as a reminder...
Don’t Trade with “Blocked” Persons
ith reports of Saturday’s attempted
car bombing at Times Square in
New York City circulating everywhere,
now is a good time to remind you that
your business transactions are subject to
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
regulations – you need to check all buyers
against OFAC’s database.
Throughout our history, the federal
government has blocked enemy assets
and prohibited foreign trade and financial
transactions with the country’s adversaries;
today, as we fight the war on terror, is no
exception. All citizens and businesses are
prohibited under federal law from conducting business with “blocked” persons.
Though it now appears a dealer did not
sell the Nissan Pathfinder in question, and
it is unknown if the buyer was on OFAC’s
list, the incident still serves as a reminder
to check the database:
Determine if a potential buyer’s name
is on OFAC’s list of Specially Designated
National and Blocked Persons. If so, you
must verify if the name is a “valid” match
by specifically following the steps set up
by OFAC. If, after taking those steps,
the customer is still a valid match, the
customer must be reported to OFAC’s
compliance hotline at 800-540-6322.
OFAC will further screen the name and
direct the dealer on how to proceed, either
by indicating that it is not an exact match
and authorizing the sale, or deciding what
Safety/OBD II Inspections Statistics
further action needs to be taken if it still
appears to be a valid match.
Besides manually checking the list
yourself during the sales process, software
vendors can provide a way to automatically check the OFAC list. Companies
that provide dealerships with credit
reports may also run an OFAC check for a
small charge. Although all of your lenders
should also be running OFAC checks
prior to approving a loan, you should not
rely upon them to do what you should be
doing in the first place.
2009–10 Unemployment
Rates by Area
United States
New England
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Apr ‘10
% of Total
YTD ’10
% of Total
Total *
Environmental Corner
ALL NHADA members are entitled
to a confidential, no-cost environmental compliance review and facility
inspection, as well as assistance on any
environmental-related matter.
To discuss and schedule your
facility’s environmental compliance
review or simply to learn more,
contact NHADA’s Environmental
Specialist Dan Bennett at 800-8523372 or e-mail him at dbennett@
(1996 and newer)
* Total numbers include OBD II Inspections
Statistics provided by Gordon-Darby
page 22
June, 2010
Dateline: NH
a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
Nissan of Keene Officially Recognized by Nissan as
Number One in the Region
Town Meeting
Scheduled For June 8
NHADA and its collision repair advisory
group, NHCRAG, invites all members
in the collision repair business to their
annual meeting on Tuesday, June 8, from
6-9 p.m. at the Daniel B. McLeod Center,
NHADA Headquarters, in Bow.
The town meeting-style gathering will
feature guest speakers who will discuss
with you issues of importance to the
industry and this valuable segment of
NHADA membership.
NHCRAG invites and encourages you all
to attend!
We ask that you please RSVP your attendance to
If you have any questions do not hesitate
to contact Dan Bennett at 800-852-3372
or at
Nissan of Keene has been officially recognized by Nissan North America as the
number one dealership in Owner Loyalty in the entire Northeast Region of the
United States.
The ranking considered lowest auto insurance rates and market research reports.
Nissan of Keene achieved a dealer loyalty score of 61.5 percent compared to the
regional average of 34.5 percent. This means that your Nissan owners are more
likely to buy another Nissan from you than the other 271 dealers within the region.
ADP Dealer Services
Provides integrated computing solutions
For more information, please contact Maria Trezza
at 800-827-8500, ext. 3539.
New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles
Title Statistics Report Ending: March 31, 2010
’10 YTD
’09 YTD
Titles Issued for New and Demo Vehicles:
Titles Issued for Used Vehicles:
Titles Issued with a Lien:
Titles Issued with no Lien:
Salvage Titles Issued:
Salvage Tags Issued:
Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks More than 15 Years Old:
Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks 15 Years Old or Less:
Titles Issued for Trailers:
Titles Issued for Motorcycles:
Titles Issued for Motor Homes:
June, 2010
page 23
2010 NHADA Association Partners
(as of May 24, 2010)
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
New Hampshire Union Leader
Wiggin & Nourie, P.A.
American Fidelity Assurance Company
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire
Devine Millimet
Enterprise Holdings
Manheim New England
Northeast Delta Dental
O’Connor & Drew, P.C.
Southern Auto Auction
St. Mary’s Bank
Tyler, Simms & St. Sauveur, CPAs, P.C.
Windward Petroleum/Exxon Mobil
ADP Dealer Services
Aftermarket/Royal Administration
Albin, Randall & Bennett
AmSan New England
Amy Martineau (American Hardware Insurance)
Auto Auction of New England
Auto/Mate® Dealership Systems
Auto Use
Bedford Cost Segregation, LLC
Bellwether Community Credit Union
BG Products/Warehouse Distributors of New England
Clean Harbors Environmental Services
CompPartners (BOAC, MVOH, SOAC, St. Joseph’s B & H)
Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson, p.l.l.c.
CUDL Autosmart
DealerTrack Inc.
EM-Power Services, Inc.
Environmental Equipment of New England, LLC
F & I Resources
G&K Services
GeoInsight, Inc.
Jewett Construction Co., Inc.
JM&A Group
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Lift Works Corp. / Sullivan Tire Inc.®
Liftech Automotive Equipment
Lynnway Auto Auction
Macdonald Page & Co LLC
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (Alan Scalingi)
Nancy Phillips Associates, Inc.
Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C.
Resources Management Group
Robbins Auto Parts, Inc.
Sanel Auto Parts Co.
Seacoast Media Group
STAPLES® Advantage
TD Bank
Third Party Administrators, Inc.
Tire Warehouse
Trivantus, Inc.
Waterline Alternative Energies
Willis of Northern New England, Inc.
To become a 2010 Association Partner, please call Jean at 800-852-3372.