Donor Blessing
Donor Blessing
D O N Od Ri B aL k EoSnS I N G s Donor Blessing 2008 Donor Report p a r t n e r • i n v e s t • s u p p o r t Benevolent Care Help when there seems no hope N o matter how hard we try to save money for life’s unexpected twists and turns, there are times when we have to make choices. There are times we have to do without. And there are times we just can’t do without. Consider the older woman who has been in a senior living community for many years and has exhausted her financial resources. Or the family being pulled apart that cannot afford to receive counseling with their hurting teenage son. Or the child in an economically challenged neighborhood of Baltimore who needs care while his mother works, but whose family’s budget doesn’t provide for child-care costs. Or the child with special needs who desperately needs a home, but whose potential adoptive family needs assistance with related costs. Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries won’t let these people down. Each month, Diakon provides more than $1 million in benevolent care to members of the communities in which we live, to people experiencing the situations described, and to many others. But it takes many gracious and generous people to make such care possible. One couple willing to do more than their share is Earl and Shirley Mutter of Boyertown, Pa. Their generous donation of stocks to Diakon are benefiting the Benevolent Care Fund at The Lutheran Home at Topton, a Diakon Senior Living Community in Topton, Pa. “I used to go to Anniversary Day as a child, when they had the orphans,” says Shirley. “They would put on shows. Our church would participate,” she recalls. “I remember seeing all those little people. A lot of them were infants then. I remember my mother used to say, ‘they don’t have moms and dads like you do.’ ” Because of their long history in the area, the Mutters chose to make their gift specifically to Topton’s Benevolent Care Fund. “We give because there is a need for funding, and we are able to help,” says Shirley. “We enjoy seeing what giving accomplishes. We can go back there and see the good things that are happening.” “The benefits will be there forever,” Earl agrees. “It’s a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” You can help Diakon provide benevolent care to those in need by sending a donation in the enclosed envelope. Your gift will make a difference! We give because there is a need for funding, and Shirley and Earl Mutter we are able to help… we can go back there and see the good things that are happening. DB-1 DONOR BLESSINGs The Legacy Society Annie R. Becker Mrs. Florence W. Cooper The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Feinour, Jr. Katharine Beeks Dorian V. Cornelius, Estate Rosanna M. Felix Planned and estate gifts Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Beitel, Jr. Doris Funk Cosgrove Evelyn Fenimore Calvin E. Bennett, Estate* Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Cramer Mrs. Marion Fenstermaker Norman C. Benson Caroline E. Criswell, Estate Mr. & Mrs. William Ferrebee Charles W. Benz Betty C. Croll George E. Ferrey, Sr. Isabelle R. Berg Ethel F. Cross Forrest Fetherolf Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Berger Edward M. Crossin Earl Fidler Algetha E. Bergstresser, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Dautrich Mae A. Fidler The Rev. & Mrs. Wm. Berkemeyer The Rev. and Mrs Rudolph K. David Mr. & Mrs. Norman Field Helen M. Bernhardt Elizabeth Davis Albert & Carole Fiori, in memory Attorney Richard & Elizabeth Bernstein Robert C. Davis Arlene E. Adam Lois H. Berstler Rose A. Dean Irma Fisher Edna M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. William Betz Mae K. Deaterly Margaret Fisler, Estate Mabel A. Adams, Trust Mrs. Rose Bierly Stella M. Deck Mabel Foellner Lloyd F. Albitz Gertrude H. Billig Mary J. Degler Mrs. Nellie P. Folwell Anna Allen Melva H. Billman Charlotte & Herman De Haan Edythe Forrest Agnes V. Altenderfer Judith E. Bilyeu-Devlin* Charles DeHart, Trust Fern E. Forry Agnes J. Ammarell Emilie L. Bittner Laura Deibert Mr. John Fox Mr. & Mrs. William D. Angstadt Samuel F. Blatt G. B. F. Deily, Trust Miriam C. Frank Dr. and Mrs. Brian Anziska Henry E. Blumer Mary Del Camp, Trust Oscar Frank William and Katherine Arnold, Trust Meta I. Blumstengel John E. Delp Arlene Frantz Arvilla Jane Campbell Arnold George Boak, Estate The Rev. Lawrence P. Delp* Evelyn C. Fretz Mr. & Mrs. Kramer Arnold Mildred R. and Robert G. Bogert Grace DeMarco Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Frey Norma Arnold Mrs. Esther Boghosian Samuel W. Demey Lewis & Marian Frey Mr. Richard H. Asendorf Amelia A. Bolich Mrs. Helen Dent Mabel M. Fritz Ruth S. Askey Levan Bollinger, Trust Elwood M. Detambel Walter H. & Carrie H. Fritz, Trust Howard Baer, Trust David E. & Betty S. Bomboy Alma Deutsch Marlea Fritzinger Susannah R. Bagenstose Sarah P. Bond Frank A. Deutsch Elizabeth G. Fronheiser Dr. Edwin C. Bahnmiller Genevieve Boris Jennie Mae Dewalt E. Margaret Gabel Dora H. Bailey Eleanor M. Bortz Mary D. Diefenderfer Mr. & Mrs. George Gackenbach Verna E. Bailey Verna C. Bortz Charles and Alma Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gamber Doris W. Ball Miles R. Bower Anthony J. Dixon Julius Ganski Raymond A. Bankes Mildred K. Bowers Anna F. Doell, Trust Joel Garrison, Trust The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Baranek Lorraine Bowes, Estate Mary C. Dolchak Blanche H. Gassert Alfred Boyd, Trust Frederick Dornblatt Mr. and Mrs. Milton P. Gatchel, Estate Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Boyer Mr. Norman M. Dornhecker Irvin Geiger, Trust Mr. & Mrs. George Boyer Antoinette H. Dorry Dorothy Gernerd Dennis J. Boyle Robert Dowgin Miss Amelia E. Gernert William J. & Mildred C. Brabnac Helen R. Dreher Fern M. Gettinger Ruth Bradenbaugh Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dreibelbis Ruth V. Getz The Rev. Dr. Walter L. Brandau Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dreisbach Irene A. Gibble Marian P. Brennan Naomi R. Drumheller Florence L. Gibbs, Trust Robert L Bressler, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Dumeyer Huldah E. Gibson* Lewis Brill, Trust Arlene Fern Dundore Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gift Margaret Brobst Ruth M. Dundore John R. Gilbert C. Richard Brooks W. and S. Dunlap Charitable Trust Florence M. Ginder Mr. & Mrs. R. Keith Broome Emma Duttera, Trust Romane Glatfelter, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Brown Dan & Ginny Ebbert Mellie Glatfelter, Trust Mildred H. Brown Viola M. Eck Harris Godfrey Samuel Filbert Brown Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eck Mr. and Mrs. John W. Good Marie E. Brymesser Miss Ruby Eckert Franklin E. Gottshall, Trust Lizzie Bubp William R. Edmondson, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Charles Granacher The Rev. & Mrs. Paul L. Buehrle Esther C. Edwards Kenneth J. Gray Mr. & Mrs. John W. Burd Mrs. Selma Eidam Harold Greaney, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Burkert Mrs. Viola Eiler Anna Griffiths Hazel Burrey Lois E. Eisenhard Stella Grim Eva M. Camera Emily L. Eisenhower Gloria L. Grimes Ruth A. Camp Sture Ekstrand Ella G. Grossmiller James Campbell Edward Emhardt The Rev. & Mrs. George Grubb Arline K. Cawley Mary C. Emmers Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gruber Grace L. Christman Florence H. Eney Mary Guth Ms. Eleanor M. Clark Ellen Marie Erb Charles E. Haag, Trust Mr. Russell R. Barner Jean H. Clemens WIlliam R. Erdman Helen Huver Haas Dorothy Elsie Bartholomew Hazel W. Clemmer Everett E. Ernst Edward P. Hager Margaret H. Bartholomew Mrs. Marion L. Clewell* Robert B. and Helen M. Esterly Louise M. Hamer Mr. & Mrs. William G. Bartholomew Ethel F. Clouser Ethel M. Ettwein Mary Miller Hand Ruth H. Baum Edmund Collins, III Thelma Evans Alma M. Handwerk Margaret E. Baumer, Estate Benjamin J. Conard Mrs. Ruth Evinger David P. Handwerk & Althea Handwerk Esther B. Baush Earl H. Conrad Evelyn M. Falk, Estate Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Handwerk Judee M. Bavaria Frank S. Conrad Hobart A. Farber Bert G. Hansalpakar Harvey Beam Dorothy M. Cook Elsa K. Farr* Dorothy Harbaugh, Estate Dr. Herman S. Beam Minnie K. Cook Lona M. Farr Pearl K. Haring Frances C. Bechtel Mr. & Mrs. William P. Cook Helen C. Fegley Marvin A. & Rachel J. Harter Cyril Beck Elizabeth M. Cooper Charlotte R. Feinour Florence M. Hartgen Members of this society leave a legacy of caring and demonstrate the significant impact people from all walks of life can have through their estate plans. * denotes new member Eleanor Clark, resident, Buffalo Valley Lutheran Village DB-2 of Mahlon & Dorothy Schwar DONOR BLESSINGs Arline H. Hunsberger Carrie E. Kruse Marion L. Minter* Warren R. Hunsicker Florence Kryder Marie Lillian Moore* Douglas M. Hunt Andrew Kuchta Gertrude K. Moorhouse Frances E. Hyssong, Estate Charles H. Kurtz Doris A. Morgan Robert W. Jacks Jessie K. Kurtz* Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Morgan Alma W. Jedlicka Paul W. Kutz A. Prescott & Gertrude Morris The Rev. Dr. Theodore W. Jentsch Ms. Nellie Lack Esther J. Moser Mrs. Helen C. Johnson Charlotte R. Landis Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moser Charles H. Jordan Harry C. Landis W. O. Moser, Trust Harry Kaiser Lillian M. Landis, Trust Christine S. Moyer Mr. & Mrs. Luther H. Karper Ruth Taylor Lantz Clara B. Moyer, Estate Ruth Ann Karper Ralph J. Larosh Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Moyer, Jr. Myrtle I. Kauffman, Estate Mildred Larson Jacob M. & Dorothy Moyer Helen A. Kaufmann Mary C. Laubach, Trust Esther I. Moyer Maude F. Keifer Anna L. Laufersweiler Mr. & Mrs. Jonas D. Moyer Beryl E. Kelchner John L. Lawrence, Trust Mabel L. Moyer Mary E. Keller A. Naomi Lee Marian J. Moyer May E. Keller Doris G. Leete Mary L. Moyer Harry & Ruth Kemp Karl M. Lehr Ruth M. Moyer The Rev. Charles M. Kern Ethel B. Leisey Margarete F. Mueller Martin L. Kern Urcilla M. Lentz, Estate Ann M. Mullen Eva Kerschner J. Mauser Lerch J. Donald Munson Mr. & Mrs. George E. Hartranft Anna B. Kerstetter Ruth M. Lesher Olga F. Murdock Joseph F. Hasskarl, Trust Mildred E. Kertz Mamie A. Levan Musser Custer Memorial Fund Mary A. Hassler Beryl M. Kiefer Mrs. Shirley Lewis William B. Myers, Estate Frank F. Hausman, Trust Emily K. Kiefer Arthur & Evelyn Lichtenwalner Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Myrom Dr. William A. Haverkost* Lewis & Margaret Kies Margaret J. Lilly Martin R. Natter Ruth Havir Ethel C. Kildebo Edwin A. Lind, in memory of Mr. Leroy Neischwender Dorothy Healy Cyrus Killinger Jean Ann Nelson* Ruth O. Heck Helen S. Kinsinger Annabelle Lindaberry Miriam S. Nester Emily S. Heckman Robert C. Kintzer* Betty V. Lindenmuth Fred S. Newhard Carrie E. Heffley Anna C. Kirchdoerfer Wilhelmina Lipfert, Trust Ms. Vivian Newstrom Malinda Heindel, Trust Harvey H. Kirkner J. & E. Livingood, Trust Jane A. Noecker Mary Elizabeth Heinmuller Kathryn M. Kistler Edward M. Lodge Annie M. Nolf Mr. & Mrs. Walter Heintzelman Horace Kistler & Pauline Kistler Richard & Rita Long* Florence L. Oldt Wilma Heintzelman S. Evelyn Kistler Joan Loomis Jean A. P. Held Marie Kleinsmith Howard C. Lorah Mildred R. Held Elva N. Kleintop Thelma K. Lore* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Helker Jean Kleppinger Edna Loucks, Trust Margaret Hellyer Gwenis Kline Walter Loy, Trust William S. Hellyer Ethel M. Kline, Estate Esther H. Ludwig Anna Hemminger, Trust Flora I. Kline Gladys M. Lutz Dr. & Mrs. George F. Stutz Gene E. Kline May M. Lutz Earl Henry Mrs. Iva M. Kline* Beatrice B. Machemer Earl L. Henuber Emma Klingerman, Trust Robert R. & Carrie Machmer, Trust Addie E. Herman Melvin F. Klotz Marian L. Major Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur F. Herring Louella Klug Richard J. Mann* Harry E. Herring Mrs. Irene Knabb Naomi B. Markhaler Edith M. Hess Rosa A. Knecht The Rev. Dr. Robert J. Marshall Mary J. Hess R. Merritt Knoll Elsie Martin Mary Hetrick Sam & K. Knouse, Trust Faye Z. Martin H. Hettinger, Trust Dr. Arthur L. Koch Isobel Martin Wayne M. Hettinger Kathryn M. Koch* Miriam J. Martz Ralph Heusner, Trust Paul H. Koch Elsie Matthiesen Robert J. & Ruth E. Hille Ruth B. Koch Catharine E. Mayer Mazie M. Himmelberger Minnie I. Koenig Emily P. Mayers Sofie Hinterburg* Nellie Kohler, Trust Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCartney Mary G. Hinterleiter August Kostenbader, Trust Ruth McElfatrick Mr. & Mrs. William Hintz, Jr. Joan S. Kowaleski Mrs. Gertrude McGonigle Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Hoff Margaret A. Kraft Daun & Mary Jo McKee Anna Hoffman Anna V. Kramer Louise A. McNeil Mary Hoffman Curtis H. Kramer The Rev. Cheryl Meinschein Richard Peter Hoffman J. Clarence Kramer Ruth E. Melchor Jessica W. Holton Dr. Elizabeth R. Kramm Helen M. Melick* George E. Holtzapple, Trust Helen C. Krause Jessie P. Mervine Gertrude S. Olinger Esther K. Homan Mae L. Krause Hilda Metschulat Tynne M. Onali Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Honsberger Kenneth Kreager Bette M. Miller Ruth L. Oschman Beulah E. Horlacher Marie Kressley G. Luther Miller, Trust Lester E. Ost, Trust William R. Howell Jonathan Krick Gertrude Miller, Estate Iva G. Oswald* Helen I. Miller Hoy Albert J. Krieg Harry S. Miller Mrs. George Oxenreider Jean M. Hoyt* Edward P. Krieg Horace R. Miller J. Robert Painter Ruth M. Hudock Marguerite Krieg Irene Miller, Trust Mrs. Frank R. Palmer Mr. Hugh E. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf M. Kroc John F. Miller Gloria Pantella Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar Humbert Anna M. Krome Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Miller Dorothy J. Papp Mr. & Mrs. I. R. Humbert Harold E. and Grace L. Krumanocker Mrs. Louise V. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Morton Parmet Larry Delp, Sovereign Bank DB-3 Mr. & Mrs. A. Theodore Lind Millie Brabnac, resident, The Lutheran Home at Topton DONOR BLESSINGs Harwood & Olive Parry Lawrence H. Ritter & Elsie Ritter Daisy M. Schneck Catherine W. Strasburg Gladys Kildebo Pearson Martin H. Ritter Harold Schoen Henry Stuebner, Trust The Rev. Phillip H. Pearson* Anna M. Roebke Mrs. Paul Schoeneman W. Bruce Summers, Trust Alice Pensyl, Trust Edna Rohn Kathryn M. Schrader Eugene & Elizabeth Sutter Irene M. Peters Catherine Rohrbach David & Sara Schrum Mrs. Barbara Swope Edwin G. Pfursich, III Laura D. Rohrbach Romaine Schubert Beatrice S. Takacs Joseph Pinto & Jean B. Pinto Percy N. Rohrbach Arthur P. Schultz, Trust Miriam Tellin Margaret M. Pitkiewicz Hilda Romig Robert E. Schultz, Trust LaRue Thompson, Estate Sarah B. Pomerantz Pauline E. Rose Della F. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Harold Thompson Genevieve G. Pope, Estate The Rev. Allen H. Roth Dorothy M. Schwarz Emma M. Thornburg Mitch & Jami Possinger Annie R. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schwarz George Tobias Samuel N. Potteiger Paul C. Roth Dora A. Schwietzer Myra L. Toomey Alice M. Prestwood Carrie M. Rothenberger Charles P. Schwenk The Rev. & Mrs. Wilson Touhsaent Amanda Evelyn Prinstein Mary L. Ruff Laura E. Searfoss Mildred Trivett Daniel Printz, Trust Albert Rumbel, Trust Maude E. Sechler Mary Margaret Trumpower Margaret Prosser Edward A. Rumble Mr. & Mrs. William Seigfried Jeanne M. Turtzo Elmira M. Quickel Alice K. Russ Mamie L. Sell Richard Uhrich Dorothy K. Raubenhold Arlene Ruth Selma D. Sellers Miss Lena Van Horn Dr. James J. Raun John P. Ruth Mabel S. Semmel Dorothy M. VanDerherchen Ruth Y. Reary Nellie F. Saint Sing, Trust S. Elizabeth Sensenbach-Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Veit Laura Reese Mildred L. Salvaterra Oliver H. & Cora Serfass Mildred K. Vogel Arthur Reeser, Trust Chester Sames Helen Shaffer, Estate George Z. Vogt, Trust Mrs. William Rehm Miriam M. Santoro Mr. & Mrs. Henry Sheetz Albert C. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Orville Reich Alice B. Saraceni Franklin & Joan M. Sherman Ardell M. Wagner Ruth M. Reichenbach, in memory Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Schaeffer Russell Shertzer, Trust Susan Ebbert Wambaugh Dorothy Schaeffer Ann D. Shewell Harold C. Wanner, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Reid Carl F. Schaich Ralph & Dorothy Shimer Mrs. Margaret Wargo Dr. & Mrs. William H. Reifsnyder Dorcas Scheidy Mary Shintay Slavik Memorial Fund Alvin C. Warning Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Reimert Sara Scheidy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Shirey Mr. & Mrs. George Wasdovich Catharine B. Reinhardt Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Claude Schick Alma S. Shollenberg Hubert J. Waskovich Mary L. Reiniger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schieferstein Irene Sieg, Trust Harry Wasserman Phares & Eleanor Reitz Mrs. Iva L. Schiller Reuben A. Siegfried John S. & Anna Catherine Weaver May Reno, Trust David P. Schiwetz Paul Singley Harriet M. Weaver Frederick E. Singmaster Herbert L. Weaver, Estate Michael P. Sivar Ralph & Viola Weaver Estate Karen M. Slama Mr. and Mrs. Larry Webber Florence M. Sloyer Bertha A. L. Weber Lester E. Sloyer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wehr Blanche Smarsh Esther M. Weidman Bertha M. Smith Esther C. Weil* Blanche Smith Constance Welker Ellen R. Smith Kenneth R. Weller Emma Koehler Smith Anna F. Wenrich Katharyn E. Smith, Estate Marian Wenrich Kenneth Earl Smith Helen E. Wenzel Reuben C. Smoyer Dorothea F. Wenzel Esther M. Snyder Mildred E. Werley Florence R. Snyder Edna K. Werst Floyd R. Snyder Hazel S. Wertley Harry L. Snyder Claude A. Wertman Leon Snyder, Trust Mr. Lewis D. Wetzel Fredrick R. and Marion S. Synder Ms. Mildred E. Widmyer Helen Marie Fritz Solt Carolyn F. Wiest Grace C. Sorenson Rhea H. Wiest Mr. & Mrs. William Sote The Rev. & Mrs. William W. Wightman Gertrude M. Souders Willenbecher Memorial Trust Eleanor B. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. John Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stahle Lt. Col. Robert Williams Laura Stauffer Dorothy Wiltrout Catherine L. Steele Mrs. Etta Jane Winkler Paul E. & Mary M. Steffey Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Woerle of William Reichenbach Louise and Terry Bastian, volunteers Marion K. Rhoads Mildred E. Schlaefer Denton A. & Helen M. Steffy Anne C. Wolf, In Memory of Emil F. Rhoda Rose L. Schlappig Joan, Janet, & Dr. Robert Stegner Roland S. Rhode Ellen R. Schlecht Lester Steiger Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Wolfe Ora Jane Rhodes Virginia O. Schlechter Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. D. Steigerwalt Mary W. Wolfe, Trust Frederick S. & M. Joan Rice Esther M. Schlegel Ethel Steinhauer Frances Wolff Sarah L. Rice, Estate Richard L. Schlegel Frank K. Steinrock, Trust The Rev. James H. Wolford Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Richard Viola M. Schlegel* Mr. & Mrs. Theodore E. Stengel Clarence S. Yergey Juliet S. Richardson Marian B. Schlicher Dr. & Mrs. Harold L. Stenger Yoder Endowment Fund Anna S. Riegel Florence Ann Schlott Fred H. Sterner, Estate Col. & Mrs. Harry D. Yoder John E. Riegel Mr. Earl Schmehl Marion A. Stevens Roman J. Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Riggin, Jr. Anna May Schmidt Ethel A. Stiles William Esser Yoder & Jean Frey Yoder R. B. Riker The Rev. & Mrs. Carl R. Schmoyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Stitzel Dr. Luke Youndt Elizabeth Rishell Kathryn E. Schnabel, Estate Katherine Stone Karl G. Young Dorothy E. Ritter J. Schnader, Trust Robert Stover, Trust Roland S. Young DB-4 Lewis & Marion Frey DONOR Ruth E. Youse George Z. Vogt, Trust Ms. Margaret Zeigler Willenbecher Memorial Trust Ernest Ziegler Mr. Roy J. Ziegler* E. Zimmerman May M. Zimmerman Merritt & Jane Zimmerman Margaret Zipp 2008 Planned Gifts $2,500.00 - $4,999.99 Calvin E. Bennett, Estate Lewis Brill, Trust Stella M. Deck Mary Del Camp, Trust William R. Edmondson, Trust Romane Glatfelter, Trust Frank F. Hausman, Trust (Bequests, Annuities, Trust Income payments) Ruth Havir $25,000.00 + Helen I. Miller Hoy Mrs. Esther Boghosian R. Merritt Knoll Eleanor M. Bortz Edwin A. Lind, in memory of Mr. Anna F. Doell, Trust Helen R. Dreher Gertrude Miller, Estate Elsa K. Farr Mary L. Moyer Elizabeth G. Fronheiser Marion K. Rhoads Florence L. Gibbs, Trust Albert Rumble, Trust Mary J. Hess Ellen R. Schlecht Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Honsberger Harold C. Wanner, Trust Gwenis Kline E. Zimmerman Kathryn M. Koch BLESSINGs Anna Hemminger, Trust H. Hettinger, Trust & Mrs. A. Theodore Lind Jessie K. Kurtz $1,000.00 -$2,499.99 Thelma K. Lore Levan Bollinger, Trust Helen M. Melick Robert L. Bressler, Trust Horace R. Miller The Rev. and Mrs. Rudolph K. David Musser Custer Memorial Fund Emma Duttera, Trust Linabelle N. Notestine Oscar Frank Irene M. Peters Irvin Geiger, Trust Samuel N. Potteiger George E. Holtzapple, Trust Arthur Reeser, Trust Nellie Kohler, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Reimert August Kostenbader, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Richard Mary C. Laubach, Trust Russell Shertzer, Trust J & E Livingood, Trust Eugene & Elizabeth Sutter Elsie M. Martin Herbert L. Weaver, Estate Irene Miller, Trust Clarence S. Yergey Miriam S. Nester The Rev. Allen H. Roth Harry and Ardath Yoder, co-founders, Diakon Benefactor’s Dinner Cumberland County Redevelopment Authority, Carlisle, Pa. Maryland Department of Human Resources, Baltimore, Md. PA Department of Public Welfare, Harrisburg, Pa. Organizations Lutheran Services in America, Baltimore, Md. Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Wescosville, Pa. bmc, Wyomissing, Pa. Ms. Alice Demey Center for Pain Control, Wyomissing, Pa. Miss Lois E. Eisenhard Conrad Siegel Actuaries, Harrisburg, Pa. Prof. John B. Hall E. H. Gochnauer & Sons, Lancaster, Pa. E. K. McConkey & Company, Inc., York, Pa. Ruth H. Baum Alvin C. Warning Churches Margaret S. Hellyer Joseph F. Hasskarl, Trust Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur F. Herring Robert R. & Carrie Machmer, Trust Leona Hilbert Elmira M. Quickel Ralph J. Larosh Blanche Smarsh Richard & Rita Long Jean Ann Nelson The Rev. Phillip H. Pearson Arthur P. Schultz, Trust Robert E. Schultz, Trust Mary W. Wolfe, Trust $5,000.00 - $9,999.99 Individuals Mabel A. Adams, Trust Mr. & Mrs. William Betz Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Mutter Ms. Eleanor M. Clark Cura Hospitality, Inc., Orefield, Pa. The Rev. Lawrence P. Delp Grace DeMarco Grace Lutheran Church, Topton, Pa. Businesses Continuing Care Rx, Harrisburg, Pa. L. R. Webber Associates, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Prelude Services, Inc., Camp Hill, Pa. Sovereign Bank, President’s Circle Member— ($25,000 + ) Businesses Stevens & Lee, Reading, Pa. Ms. Marion Fenstermaker Businesses Henry Stuebner, Trust Margaret Fisler, Estate Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Delp Mr. and Mrs. William F. Deibert, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Harold L. Stenger Robert B. and Helen M. Esterly Mr. and Mrs. DeLight E. Breidegam, Jr. Individuals William and Katherine Arnold, Trust Alma Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Maurice H. Bobst, Jr. Mr. Kenneth G. Mertz, II Col. and Mrs. Harry D. Yoder Frederick S. Dornblatt Mr. and Mrs. Terry F. Bastian Leader— ($10,000–$24,999) Mr. & Mrs. Kramer Arnold $500.00 - $999.99 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Barger Mrs. Ann L. Lichtenwalner Jacob Schnader, Trust George B. Deiley Individuals Women’s 5K Classic, Orefield, Pa. $10,000.00 - $24,999.99 Samuel F. Blatt Partner— ($5,000—$9,999 ) Wyomissing, Pa. Foundations The Century Fund, Allentown, Pa. Colonial Oaks Foundation, Wyomissing, Pa. Julius & Katheryn Hommer Foundation, Brodheadsville, Pa. Daun and Mary Jo McKee Mrs. Dorothy C. Mueller Ms. Louise V. Prather East Penn Manufacturing Co., Lyon Station, Pa. Healthcare Services Group, Inc., Bensalem, Pa. Highmark Blue Shield, Camp Hill, Pa. Konhaus Marketing & Communications, Camp Hill, Pa. KPMG LLP, Harrisburg, Pa. Noelker & Hull Associates, Inc., Chambersburg, Pa. Owen M. Bastian, Inc., Wescosville, Pa. SEI, Oaks, Pa. Wachovia Bank, NA, Reading, Pa. Ziegler Capital Markets Group, Columbia, Md. Foundations Albert E & Naomi B Sinnisen Foundation, Hagerstown, Md. Berks County Community Foundation, Reading, Pa. The Foundation for Enhancing Harry C. Trexler Trust, Allentown, Pa. Communities, Harrisburg, Pa. Government Fund of the Lutheran Community PA Department of Community & Economic Foundation, Minneapolis, Minn. Pottstown Area Health and Wellness The Dorothy K. Raubenhold Lois E. Eisenhard Foundations Walter H. & Carrie H. Fritz, Trust Carlisle Area Health and Wellness Mellie Glatfelter, Trust Dr. Mike Kareha and Dave Thomas Foundation for Delaware Maryland Synod of Wagman Corporate Community Fund of the Adoption, Dublin, Ohio The Rev. Dianne Kareha Foundation, Carlisle, Pa. Development, Harrisburg, Pa. Organizations the ELCA, Baltimore, Md. Foundation, Pottstown, Pa. Seven Trees, Inc., Camp Hill, Pa. York County CommunityFoundation, York, Pa. Lower Susquehanna Synod, Harrisburg, Pa. Robert C. Kintzer Alice Pensyl, Trust Government Southeastern Pennsylvania Government Dr. James J. Raun Corporation for National & Community Synod, Philadelphia, Pa. Bucks County Workforce Investment May Reno, Trust Service, Washington, D.C. Upper Susquehanna Synod, Lewisburg, Pa. DB-5 Board, Inc., Bristol, Pa. DONOR County of Lehigh Department of Mrs. Irene M. Stump Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Wagman Human Services, Allentown, Pa. County of Northampton, Easton, Pa. Organizations Lehigh Mission District, Emmaus, Pa. Mechanicsburg Club, Mechanicsburg, Pa. BLESSINGs Yoder Endowment Fund Jordan Evangelical Lutheran Church, Orefield, Pa. St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Anonymous Ms. Megan Pennypacker Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ackerknecht St. John Lutheran Church, Friedensburg, Pa. Betty Jayne Tome, resident, Frey Village Mr. Guy E. Mosgrave Individuals Churches Friend— ($1,000–$2,499 ) Mrs. Virginia M. Andris Mr. Dale E. Anglemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Apple Church, Boyertown, Pa. St. John’s Lutheran Church, Sinking Spring, Pa. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mr. David B. Baker The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Baranek Ms. Joie L. Barry Shavertown, Dallas, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Baumer Trinity Lutheran Church, Pottsville, Pa. Mrs. Amy M. Bell Trinity Lutheran Church, Wernersville, Pa. Mr. Richard L. Benjamin Businesses Ms. Anamay Bensley Air Products & Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Bereznak Columbia Ancillary Services, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bigelow Inc., Bloomsburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Blacker Duane Morris LLP, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Bogart Jr. Hatfield Quality Meats, Inc., Hatfield, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Boland The Hershey Company, Hershey, Pa. Ms. Lennea F. Brown Laserdome, Manheim, Pa. Ms. Pamela T. Campbell H. B. McClure Company, Harrisburg, Pa. Mrs. Helen Chamberlain McKonly & Asbury, LLP, Camp Hill, Pa. Mrs. Michele A. Chamberlain Ohesson Manor, Lewistown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Christ SCA Personal Care, Inc., Harleysville, Pa. Mrs. Linda A. Ciampi Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Lebanon, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clouser Dr. Thomas J. Connare, Jr. Ms. Marcia B. Cramp Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Deets Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dex Kevin and MaryEllen Dickey Mr. Stephen L. Edmiston The Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ely Ms. Sandra M. Evans The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Elisabeth D. Myers Mr. L. Eugene Pauling Mrs. Katherine B. Plarr Mr. William Propawich, Jr. Mrs. Alma H. Rash Mrs. Jennifer D. Rautzhan Mr. and Mrs. Felix R. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Reid Mr. William A. Reimert Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Retty The Rev. John and Mrs. Patricia Richter Mr. Reed B. Riker Mr. Kevin R. Robbins Mrs. Ardath H. Rodale Mrs. Terri F. Rodeheaver Ms. Rita A. Rousseau Ms. Susan T. Schellenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Schleicher Mr. Erwin R. Schmid Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Schoeneman Mrs. Jane W. Shallcross Mrs. Hazel Singer Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Skelton Mr. Craig A. Smith Mrs. Doris V. Stockbridge Mr. Richard D. Street Mrs. Bette Jayne Tome Mr. Thomas A. Trite Ms. Betty L. Underkoffler Mrs. Beckey L. VanEtten Ms. Angela Vauter Mr. Stephen Waak Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Wagner Ms. Susan E. Wambaugh Mr. George R. Weber Ms. Amy M. Young Mr. Joseph J. Zaranick, Jr. Linda A. Dreisbach Ferrol Churches Mrs. Carole J. Fiori Atonement Lutheran Church, The Rev. William A. Fluck Mr. and Mrs. David R. Fralick Christ Lutheran Church, Hazleton, Pa. Mr. Mike Frey Christ United Lutheran Church, Mrs. Elfrieda M. Fusco Mr. and Mrs. Duane Giles First Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Betsy K. Glazier Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gore, Jr. First United Church of Christ, Ms. Grace E. Groff Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Attorney and Mrs. Charles A. Haddad Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar G. Hartline Holly A. Heintzelman, Esq. Salem Hetzels Lutheran Church, Pine Grove, Pa. Foundations Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Henry St. James Lutheran Church, Pottstown, Pa. Rider-Pool Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Gunther D. Heussman St. John Lutheran Church, Nazareth, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hill St. John Lutheran Church, Pottstown, Pa. Tom Trite, Continuing Care Rx Companion— ($2,500–$4,999 ) Mrs. Kenneth C. Feinour, Jr. Ms. Mary C. Moyer Allentown, Pa. Wyomissing, Pa. Hamilton Square, Stroudsburg, Pa. Pottstown, Pa. Camp Hill, Pa. Individuals The Arthur E. Shaeffer Trust of the Lehigh Attorney and Mrs. Robert J. Hobaugh, Jr. St. John’s Lutheran Church, Phoenix, Md. Anonymous Valley Community Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Horger St. Luke Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker Mr. Hugh E. Hughes St. Luke Lutheran Church, Williamsport, Pa. Mr. David D. Borland Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Mr. Thomas R. Jensen St. Mark Lutheran Church, Birdsboro, Pa. Ms. Tama M. Carey Ms. Joanne M. Judge and St. Paul Lutheran Church, Carlisle, Pa. Trinity (German) Lutheran Allentown, Pa. Foundation-MN, Appleton, Wis. Mrs. Linda Deen Mr. Paul E. Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeSoto Organizations Mr. Wayne R. Keck Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Kistler Frey Village Auxiliary, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Keinert Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Kern The Rev. Lisa M. Leber Hampden Township Board of Mr. Robert J. Kivlan Trinity Lutheran Church, Boonsboro, Md. Mr. Harold “Cork” E. Leiter The Rev. and Mrs. Paul F. Kramp, Jr. Trinity Lutheran Church, Robesonia, Pa. Mrs. Lois H. McCullough Luther Crest, Allentown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kreymborg Trinity Lutheran Church, Topton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pace Ronald McDonald House Charities Mr. and Mrs. Barton W. Kunkel Ziegels Lutheran Church, Breinigsville, Pa. John and Theresa Palkovitz Ms. Anita Langford Zion Evangelical Lutheran Mark and Susan Pile Silver Spring Township, Mr. Paul F. Lilienthal Mitch and Jami Possinger Ms. Susan K. Lippy Zion Lutheran Church, Weatherly, Pa. Mrs. Ruth E. Rayna Thrivent Financial for Lutherans - Mifflin Dr. David S. Masland Zion Spies Evangelical Lutheran Mr. Donald Saner Attorney and Mrs. G. Thomas Miller Middletown, Pa. Commissioners, Mechanicsburg, Pa. of NE PA Inc., Scranton, Pa. Mechanicsburg, Pa. County Chapter, Mc Clure, Pa. DB-6 Church, West Hazleton, Pa. Church, Valley View, Pa. Church, Turbotville, Pa. Church, Reading, Pa. DONOR BLESSINGs Businesses Bally Ribbon Mills, Inc., Bally, Pa. Borough of Shiremanstown, Shiremanstown, Pa. Brecht Associates, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, Harrisburg, Pa. Buckeye Partners L. P., Breinigsville, Pa. Capozzi and Associates, PC, Harrisburg, Pa. Caron Treatment Centers, Wernersville, Pa. Carpenter, McCadden & Lane, LLP, Media, Pa. Chesapeake Real Estate Group, LLC, Glen Burnie, Md. Chubb & Son, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Chubb Charity Golf Tournament, Warren, N.J. Corporate Environments, Bethlehem, Pa. Descco Design & Construction, Fleetwood, Pa. Edwards Business Systems, West Reading, Pa. Ernst & Young LLP, Philadelphia, Pa. F. D. Muncy Corporation dba McDonald’s, Williamsport, Pa. Godiva Chocolatier, Reading, Pa. Hamilton Motorsports, Manheim, Pa. Harkins Builders, Inc., Media, Pa. Belle Endress Dave Yinger, left, and the Highmark Team Henson Company, Inc., Sinking Spring, Pa. Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, The Frank R. & Helen N. Palmer Fund Mr. and Mrs. John J. Allison Inc., State College, Pa. of the Berks County Community Mr. Robert J. Angelo Houck Group, Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. Foundation, Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Apple Inservco Insurance Services, Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. Charles P. & Margaret E. Polk Mrs. Fae E. Appleby J & K Salvage, York, Pa. Mr. E. Briner Ashway JPL Productions, Harrisburg, Pa. Wilmer R. & Evelyn M. Schultz Family Mrs. Dorothy M. Bachert Kutztown Publishing Company, Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bacinelli Inc., Kutztown, Pa. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Mrs. Nancy M. Barry LCG Holdings, Inc., Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Baumert McGraw-Hill Companies, Princeton, N.J. William C. & Dorothy T. Troutman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Berry Orlando Diefenderfer Electrical Mr. Robert H. Bowersox Wilf Family Foundation, Short Hills, N.J. Contractors, Inc., Allentown, Pa. Foundation, Millersburg, Pa. Foundation, Emmaus, Pa. Foundation-WI, Appleton, Wis. Foundation, Millersburg, Pa. Mr. Jason E. Brode Mr. Jeffrey A. Brown Parente Randolph, LLC, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Penn Credit Corporation, Harrisburg, Pa. Organizations Mrs. Rebecca A. Brown-McCusker Physician and Tactical Healthcare Bethel Tulpehocken Council of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Buck Services, LLP, Allentown, Pa. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Buehrle Pinnacle Health System, Harrisburg, Pa. Concordia Preschool, Macungie, Pa. Ms. Jane F. Burke Pinnacle Health System, Harrisburg, Pa. Cumberland Crossings Auxiliary, Carlisle, Pa. The Rev. Cindy G. Camp PPL Corporation, Hazleton, Pa. Kutztown University of Mr. Corey C. Carothers Mr. and Mrs. James Hockensmith R. S. Mowery & Sons, Inc., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Col. (Ret) Mary Jane Carr The Rev. and Mrs. Paul J. Hoh Sage Technology Solutions, Inc., Lower Mifflin Township Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chaney Mrs. Maefern Houck Supervisors, Newville, Pa. Ms. Jo Ann Chromicky Dr. Mike Kareha and The Rev. Dianne Kareha SGS Architects Engineers, Inc., Carlisle, Pa. Luther Crest - Spiritual Life Mr. and Mrs. Emried D. Cole, Jr., Esq. Mr. Dennis Kieffer Tiger Printing Group, Telford, Pa. Mr. John C. Collier Drs. Daniel B. and Eve Kimball Triple Strength, Palmyra, Pa. Lutheran Social Services of Ms. Gina Cooke Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert Kohnlein Utilitech, Inc., Wyomissing, Pa. South Central PA, York, Pa. Mrs. Doris F. Cosgrove Ms. Geraldine Kook Wagman Construction, Inc., York, Pa. Monroe Township, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Mr. Joseph H. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Troy G. Kreider Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis Mountain Chapter 781-American Mr. Richard A. Cressman Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf M. Kroc Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Dieffenbach Mrs. Irene M. Krug Retired Mens Club of New Cumberland, Mr. and Mrs. Randal Dietz Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kulp Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dorry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Langdon Schuylkill Valley Mission District Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dunklebarger Mr. Terry A. Lieb The John Apple Foundation, Sunbury, Pa. Mr. George K. Eckenrode Mr. and Mrs. David O. Lillich, Jr. Arizona Community Foundation, Phoenix, Ariz. The Exchange Club of Western Christine and Kaitlyn Eckenroth The Rev. Dr. Theodore Lindquist, Jr. Community General Hospital Fund of the Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ehrsam, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Long, Jr. Berks County Community The Ford Foundation Matching Ms. Karen L. Ernst Ms. Toinette Lumadue Fund, Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ertel Mr. Ed Lyon, Jr. Mount Joy, Pa. LLP, Nashville, Tenn. Waste Management, Pine Grove, Pa. Foundations Churches, Bethel, Pa. Pennsylvania, Kutztown, Pa. Committee, Allentown, Pa. Legion Riders, Wapwallopen, Pa. New Cumberland, Pa. ELCA, Ashland, Pa. Lehigh, Allentown, Pa. Gift Program, Princeton, N.J. Fae Appleby, resident, Frey Village FJN Charitable Foundation, Blue Bell, Pa. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans— Ms. Margaret M. Ferroni Mr. Richard H. MacGregor Kevin A. Gobrecht Memorial Fund, Hanover, Pa. Mrs. Barbara K. Fleck Bishop and Mrs. A. Donald Main The Helen and Thomas Handwerk Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, West Mr. and Mrs. David S. Frick Attorney and Mrs. Blake Marles Fund of the Berks County Community Cumberland Chapter, Newville, Pa. Mr. William E. Genetti Mrs. Violet Marvin Foundation, Reading, Pa. Tri-Valley Charities, Inc., Valley View, Pa. The Rev. Boyd Gibson Woody and Linda Maxon Upper Allen Township, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Dr. Charles A. Gordon Mr. D. Patrick Mazzolla Mr. John C. Gorsline Ms. Susan McHugh Greguras Family Ms. Sharon E. Miers Mr. Theodore H. Greider Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Miller Ms. Kim Harbold Mrs. Joyce Minnick Mr. Charles F. Harenza Lt. Col. Marion L. Minter Horsehead Community Development Dauphin County Chapter Fund, Inc, Palmerton, Pa. The Hugh E. Hughes Foundation The Nolf-Unger Fund of the Berks County Neighbor— ($500–$999 ) Individuals Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harenza Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Myers North Schuylkill Team of Volunteer Anonymous Ms. Elizabeth Haynes Ms. Jeanne M. Oski Mr. George Ahart, Jr. Ms. Leah E. Heckman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Alley Dr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Hiehle Mr. Brian T. Pinto of the Arizona Community Foundation, Sun City West, Ariz. Community Foundation, Reading, Pa. Home Care Fund of the Schuylkill Area Community Foundation, Pottsville, Pa. DB-7 DONOR BLESSINGs Dr. and Mrs. William G. Plavcan, Sr. Christ Lutheran Church, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Foundations Ms. Carol S. Powers Starview, Mount Wolf, Pa. The Boyertown Area Fund of the Berks Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Rackish Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Pottstown, Pa. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Tower City, Pa. County Community Foundation, Mrs. Margaret M. Reimer Friedens Evangelical Lutheran St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Fleetwood, Pa. Boyertown, Pa. The Rev. Thomas & Mrs. Amy Reinsel St. Paul’s Lutheran, Albrightsville, Pa. Female Benevolent Society of Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Richard Friedens United Church of Christ, Hegins, Pa. St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Ms. Kim L. Rigel Good Shepherd UCC, Boyertown, Pa. Church, Baltimore, Md. Walter Family Fund of the National Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rissinger Grace Lutheran Church, Reading, Pa. St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Mrs. Kathleen J. Roach Grace United Methodist Church, Millersburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Roedel Immanuel Lutheran Church, Williamstown, Pa. St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Organizations Ms. Samantha Roos-Meiser Immanuel United Methodist Big Spring Area Community Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Rummel Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, Pa. Mrs. Ruth A. Savage Jacobs Church, New Tripoli, Pa. Twin Valley Alliance Church, Williamstown, Pa. Boyertown Area Ministerium, Bally, Pa. Mr. Robert L. Schmerker Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Md. United Methodist Church, Barry, Gordon, Pa. Combined Charity Campaign, Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Schofer Liberty Lutheran Church, Liberty, Pa. Zion Lutheran Church, Womelsdorf, Pa. Hegins Valley Arts & Crafts Faire, Hegins, Pa. Mrs. Donna S. Schuck New Hanover Lutheran Church, Gilbertsville, Pa. Zion Stone UCC Church, New Ringgold, Pa. Lehigh Valley Road Runners, Allentown, Pa. Wilmer, Scott & Kevin Schultz Peace United Church of Christ, Berrysburg, Pa. Zion United Church of Christ, Pottstown, Pa. Letort Management and Trust, Camp Hill, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schurr Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Bangor, Pa. Mr. Chester C. Snavely, Jr. Reformation Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Md. Businesses The Luther Haven Villagers, Topton, Pa. Mrs. Georgine M. Snyder Rosedale UCC, Reading, Pa. Adams County National Bank, Gettysburg, Pa. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans - W Mr. Marvin J. Snyder Schuylkill Church of The AVAYA, Allentown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Snyder Berks County Medical Society United Way Campaign - Bank of Ms. Kathryn D. Sorenson Shepherd of The Hills Church, Dushore, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Sowers St. Columbkill Catholic Church, Boyertown, Pa. Bon-Ton Stores, Inc., York, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Spitzer St. John Evangelical Lutheran C & S Landscaping, Inc., Telford, Pa. Church, Hegins, Pa. Church, Loyalton, Pa. Brethren, Pine Grove, Pa. New Cumberland, Pa. New Kingstown, Pa. Chest, Newville, Pa. Porter Tower Lions Club, Tower City, Pa. Alliance, Reading, Pa. Darrah Motorsports, York, Pa. Don Ott Racing Engines, Inc., York Springs, Pa. Church, Auburn, Pa. Philanthropic Trust, Jenkintown, Pa. Church, Tower City, Pa. CNA Healthpro, Monmouth Junction, N.J. Mike Frey, Beard Miller Company LLP in the State of DE, Wilmington, Del. Cumberland County Chapt, Carlisle, Pa. America, Princeton, N.J. Other Donors— ($100—$499.99) East Penn Podiatry Associates, Kutztown, Pa. Individuals Farr Healey Consulting LLC, Macungie, Pa. Anonymous Feesers Food Distributors, Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. Katharine P. & Spencer Abrams Gwen Kelly Klein Interiors, Pottstown, Pa. Ms. Katherine H. Ace-Smith Hoover Rehabilitation Service, Ms. Sheri L. Ackerman Inc., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Mrs. Mary F. Adam Kelchner Cleaners, Kutztown, Pa. Mr. Wilbur Adam KeyScripts, LLC, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Mrs. Anna F. Adams Kinard Trucking, Inc., York, Pa. The Rev. and Mrs. Carl R. Adams Kuhns and Anthony Paving, Macungie, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Adams Love & Company, Frederick, Md. Mrs. Dora M. Addams Ludwick Funeral Homes, Topton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Adone M & T Bank, Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Donald R. Albright Managed Health Care Associates, Mrs. Alberta G. Alcorn Inc., Florham Park, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allen Manatawny Manor, Pottstown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Angello Met-Ed, Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Angst Mobilex, USA, Horsham, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. James F. App Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Araway Nissley Vineyards, Bainbridge, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Arentz OfficeMax, Bristol, Pa. Ms. Grace Arke Pearl Technologies, Inc., Savannah, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Armstrong PNC Financial Services Group, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Arndt Inc., Camp Hill, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Arnold PPL Services Corporation, Allentown, Pa. Mrs. Carol J. Ashman Pyramid Construction Services, Inc., Enola, Pa. Ms. Edith I. Aungst Quantum Affiliates, Lewisberry, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John Badeau Rabenold Koestel Scheidt, Wyomissing, Pa. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Manfred K. Bahmann Reading Crowne Hotel, Wyomissing, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bahnick, Jr. Reading Eagle Company, Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Balascki Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Stufft St. John Hain’s UCC, Wernersville, Pa. Service Electric Cablevision, Inc., Allentown, Pa. Ms. Toni Barrell Mr. Adam J. Swift, Jr. St. John Lutheran Church, Emmaus, Pa. Showroom 56, Kingston, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barrett & Family Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Torina & Family St. John Lutheran Church, St. Johns, Pa. Singer Equipment Company, Inc., Elverson, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Barry Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ungerman St. John United Church of Christ, Hegins, Pa. Sterling Financial Advisors, The Rev. and Mrs. Paul E. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Urffer St. John’s United Church of Mr. and Mrs. Owen M. Bastian Ms. Lorraine M. Verschure Strategic Products and Services, Ms. Gladys A. Bateman Mr. Millard H. Watson St. John’s United Methodist Church, Hegins, Pa. Inc., Camp Hill, Pa. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Baughan Mr. Charles Weible St. Luke Lutheran Church, Gilbertsville, Pa. Thomas, Thomas and Hafer, Harrisburg, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Baumbach The Rev. and Mrs. Harold S. Weiss St. Mark Lutheran Church, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Ms. Donna K. Bausch Mr. Thomas White Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Beaver Mr. William E. Yoder St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Robesonia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Zeek Tray-Pak Corporation, Reading, Pa. Ms. June E. Becker St. Matthew United Lutheran TSI Associates, Inc., Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Wade G. Becker Churches Unilever, Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Beckner Christ Lutheran Church, Conyngham, Pa. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Wings Unlimited, Biglerville, Pa. Ms. Erin E. Bell Christ Lutheran Church, Hellertown, Pa. Winters Performance Products, Inc., York, Pa. Mr. Ross Bell Christ United Lutheran Church, Ashland, Pa. St. Michael Lutheran Church, Unionville, Pa. Young & Young Attorneys at Law, Manheim, Pa. Ms. Sandra M. Bellante Christ, Pottstown, Pa. Mechanicsburg, Pa. Church, Kutztown, Pa. Church, Scranton, Pa. North Weissport, Lehighton, Pa. DB-8 LLC, Wyomissing, Pa. Pottstown, Pottstown, Pa. DONOR BLESSINGs Mr. Darrell L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Dell Mrs. Anita Featherman Ms. Deborah Brown Anthony L. DeLuca, Esq. Dr. and Mrs. James F. Feeman Ms. Diane V. Brown Mrs. Marilyn Denby Mr. Sheldon Fees Mr. Kent L. Brown Ms. Catherine DePoi Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Feiler Mr. and Mrs. Marc T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Elia J. DeSanto Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Felix Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L. Brubaker Ms. Camille DeStefano Mr. Herman J. Fenstermacher Mr. and Mrs. Art Bruen Diakon Hospice Saint John - Berks County Ms. Cara Ferkile Ms. Nancy J. Bullivant Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Diaz Mr. John A. Ferry Mr. Frederic W. Buse Mrs. Betty F. Dicks Ms. Diana I. Fiala Mrs. Florence K. Butler Mrs. Adele G. Diefenderfer Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Ficken Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore F. Calandra Mrs. Grace A. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Fielding Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Diehl Mr. William E. Filer Ms. Jan M. Capehart Ms. Theresa A. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Michael Finnegan Mr. Ramiro M. Carbonell Mr. Scott Diener Mrs. Mae D. Firmstone Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Carey Mr. and Mrs. Holden F. Dietrich Ms. Ruth M. Fisher Ms. Heather Carlson Mrs. Carol B. Dietz Mr. Samuel L. Fisher Ms. Anna Marie Carr Ms. Maurita B. Diller Mrs. Betty I. Fister Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Carr Ms. Jeanne Ditsche The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick S. Foerster Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Douglass, III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Follweiler Mr. Edward L. Carter Ms. Harriet A. Downing The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick A. Foltz Ms. Carol Casey Ms. Helen V. Dungan Mrs. Thelma M. Foreman Mr. Robert L. Casselberry Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dye Mr. and Mrs. Eric Forkner Mrs. Kathleen M. Catchmark Mr. Steve Dzielak The Rev. and Mrs. Allen Forsman Miss Margaret Bellis Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cavanaugh, Jr. Mr. Lester F. Echard Mr. and Mrs. Placido S. Fortino The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. D. Michael Bennethum Mr. Keith M. Cenekofsky Ms. Judy Eckenrode-Stoudt Dr. David G. Fox Mr. David Bensinger Ms. Rebecca L. Chamberlin Ms. Marie A. Eckerd Mr. and Mrs. Elam Fox Mr. Andrew G. Benyo Ms. Rita M. Cianela Mrs. Wanda K. Edelman Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fox, II Ms. Tempa Berish Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Cicconi Mr. Christopher S. Edenbo Mr. and Mrs. John Frailing Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bernardo Ms. Eleanor M. Clark Bishop Emeritus and Mrs. Guy S. Edmiston Mr. Eric France Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglass Berry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Clark Mr. P. M. Ehlerman Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Neal Bieber Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Clough Mrs. Kathi Eichman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Frasso Mr. Richard D. Biever Mr. and Mrs. David L. Clough Mrs. Kathleen M. Eiland Mrs. Naomi G. Freed Ms. Juditha H. Biggs Ms. Kimberly A. Cochrane Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Eitner Ms. Jill M. Freedman Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Biggs Mrs. Elizabeth Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Sameer H. El-Adawy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frick Mr. Timothy Bilger Ms. Kathleen E. Collier Mrs. Alice F. Elbert Mr. John F. Friden Mrs. Barbara H. Binder Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Collins Ms. Kimberly T. Eldredge Mr. S. Charles Froehlich The Rev. Virginia M. Biniek Mrs. Gladys L. Comfort Mrs. Delphia Enders The Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Frost Mrs. Patricia Bittner Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne H. Condit Ms. Mary C. Endy Ms. Barbara A. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bixler Ms. Harriet M. Conrad The Rev. and Mrs. William W. Ennis Mrs. Jane E. Fungard Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Blamble Ms. Kathleen Conway Ms. Donna K. Erb Mr. James A. Gallery Mrs. Ruth Blaschak Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Cook Ms. Eleanor Y. Ernest Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gay Mr. and Mrs. Werner M. Bloos Ms. Shannon Cook Mr. Glenn Esbenshade Ms. Betsy R. Geertson Ms. Rosemary Bobersky Ms. Beverly S. Corkhill Mr. Doug Esh Mr. Craig Gehosky Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Bodis Ms. Mary J. Costello Ms. Elisa M. Esh Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gelbach Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Bolden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coughlin Mrs. Jeanne K. Esser Mrs. Marie C. George The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Bomboy The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald S. Coulton Mrs. Ruth E. Evinger Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Gerhard Ms. Beth A. Bond Mr. Bill Cox and Ms. Cheryl Reno Dr. Franklin H. Ewald Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Getz Mrs. Miriam M. Borger Mr. Richard H. Craig Ms. Beth Falcone Mr. and Mrs. John J. Geurtse, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Botts Ms. Christine M. Crist Mrs. Nancy L. Farrugia Ms. Angie Gillen Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Bouchelle Mr. and Mrs. William Croft Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Faucett Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Gipson, II Mr. Arthur C. Bower Ms. Lynn M. Cromley Ms. Celeste Faux Mr. and Mrs. William Girvan Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crooker Mr. Harry Boyajian Ms. Anne M. Crown Ms. Carmen D. Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cuthbert Mr. Daniel B. Boyer, Jr. Mr. Michael J. Daley Ms. Marie T. Boyer Ms. Amelia M. DalMaso Ms. Nancy L. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. D’Angelo Ms. Phyllis J. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Bozzelli Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Darnauer Ms. Victoria Bradshaw Ms. Carolyn L. Darnell Mr. Leslie W. Brant Mrs. Marie B. Dasher Ms. Susan J. Bratton The Rev. and Mrs. Rudolph K. David Ms. Evelyn E. Breininger Mr. Jay F. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Brennan Dr. H. Robert Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Brennan Ms. Kathy A. Davis Mr. Michael J. Breslin Mrs. Marilyn M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Preston L. Davis Ms. Margaret R. Brewer Ms. Virginia E. Davis Mr. David C. Brierley Mr. Walter R. Davis Mr. and Mrs. John A. Broadwell Mr. and Mrs. John M. DeBalso Mr. Francis H. Brobst Ms. Christine DeBold Ms. Diane C. Brokenshire Mr. and Mrs. James L. DeForest Ms. Debbie Brooks Mr. Herman P. DeHaan Ms. Betty L. Brosius Mr. Glen R. Dehn Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brouse Annalisa, Michael & Caitlyn DeLanoy Lois Eisenhard, volunteer Angela Vauter of East Stroudsburg University, left, and Vicky Bradshaw, activities director, Pocono Lutheran Village. DB-9 DONOR BLESSINGs Ms. Sylvia Gleason Ms. Nancy R. Kotch Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Glezer Mr. William F. Koutch The Rev. Wilbur E. Goist Mr. Milan S. Kovac Mr. Todd Golden Mr. W. Kristian Krager Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Gooch Mrs. Bette J. Kramm Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Good Ms. Dee A. Kreiter Ms. Eleanor Good Ms. Nancy S. Krewson Mr. and Mrs. Carlos D. Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. John H. Krieger Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Gottlieb Mrs. Edna B. Kucinski Co-Workers of Gloria Grace Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kuehner Ms. Annelies E. Gray Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kuhns Ms. Amanda K. Green Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Kuhnsman Mr. Robert L. Green Mrs. Claire F. Kukielka Mrs. Edith Grieve Ms. Helen P. Kunkelman Mrs. Dorothy M. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kuntz Mr. John E. Grimm, Jr. Mr. Michael Kushner Ms. Hazel S. Groff Ms. Lorie L. Laber Mrs. Irene M. Groman Ms. Mary Lamanec Mr. and Mrs. James F. LaPoint Ms. Dawn R. Grove Mr. and Mrs. James Gruber Ms. Jeneal M. Guise Organizers of Umbriac’s Annual Motorcycle Run for Diakon Hospice Saint John: from left, Dave Vincent, Maurice Umbriac, Carmella Umbrica (seated), and the late Rich O’Brien. Ms. Candace S. Lasco Ms. Mary Ann Laskos Mr. and Mrs. David K. Lawrence Mrs. June L. Gwyn Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lazorick Ms. Sue E. Hagen Mrs. Jean E. Hagman Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kamerzel Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Leary Mr. Steven Halada Ms. Pamela H. Hill Ms. Ruth A. Karper Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Leber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hale Ms. Norma A. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Kay Ms. Rosemary V. Lebo Mr. Edward H. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Hinkle Ms. Shelley A. Kearns Mr. David J. Ledermann Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Hall Mr. LeRoy Hinkle Ms. Mary E. Keefer Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Handwerk Ms. Frances D. Hockenbroch Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Keehan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Leet Mr. and Mrs. G. William Haney, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Hofer Ms. Helen L. Keen Mr. and Mrs. John Leh, II Mr. and Mrs. William I. Haney Mr. David I. Hoffman Mr. Russell B. Keener Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harbach Mrs. Holly C. Hoffman Ms. Evadna C. Keller Mrs. Elsie M. Leibelsperger The Rev. and Mrs. Marvin L. Harding Mrs. Jeanne Hoffman Ms. Mary E. Keller Ms. Jane C. Leiter Mrs. Arlene E. Harle Mr. Steven Hoffman Ms. Kathleen M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Lemmon Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Harner Ms. Bernice Homanko Ms. Patricia Kelly Mr. John L. Lenahan Ms. Nancy E. Harner Mr. Edward J. Horan Ms. Mary Kelso Ms. Margaret S. Lenig Mrs. Elizabeth S. Harper Mrs. Christine M. Hosfeld Mrs. Verna A. Kemmerer Ms. Gina H. Leon Mr. and Mrs. Doyle E. Harris Ms. Gail A. Hossler Ms. Emily T. Kerstetter Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Leonard Mrs. Katherine I. Harris Ms. Geraldine A. Houp Mrs. Carol A. Kessler Ms. Evelyn S. Lewis Mr. Jesse L. Harrison Ms. Lori J. Houtz Mr. Jeffrey E. Ketchledge Ms. Mona Libhart Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hartman Mr. and Mrs. William R. Howard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Lindquist, II Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Hartranft, Jr. Ms. Ramona E. Hoyle Mrs. Wreala B. Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Lindsay Mrs. Shirley M. Hartranft Mrs. Delphine M. Huber Mr. Stuart C. Kines Mr. Richard L. Lingle Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Hassel Mr. Herman A. Huber The Rev. and Mrs. George G. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hauff Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hudock Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kinsley Mr. and Mrs. Emory J. Long The Rev. Cheryl Meinschein Hausman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Hugendubler Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Kirsch Mrs. Angeline M. Lonzetta Mr. Kevin W. Hughes Mrs. Jane R. Kiscadden Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lorenz Ms. Sharon D. Havice Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hummel Ms. Gloria Kishi Mr. Horace M. Lowman, Jr. Ms. Deborah Hawk Ms. Nancy L. Hunsberger Ms. Kathleen M. Klein Ms. Debra D. Loy Mr. Orville G. Hawk The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hurlocker Friends and Colleagues of William Kleintop Ms. Elaine E. Lozenski Mrs. Melissa B. Haydt Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Huyett Mrs. Wilma Kleintop Ms. Sally S. Lucas Ms. Florence Jane Hayes Independent Living Water Aerobics Class Mr. and Mrs. Trygve M. Kleppinger Mrs. Shirley K. Lucas The Rev. and Mrs. Donald W. Hayn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Isenberg Mr. Stephen J. Klick Mr. James R. Ludwick Mr. Oliver Hazan Ms. Rose M. Jadosh Ms. Jean A. Kline Mrs. Tatjana S. Ludwig Ms. Beverly Heckart Ms. Diana L. James Mrs. Nancy L. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luppold Mr. Elwood R. Heffner Mrs. Marian C. Jameson Mr. Alphus S. Klinger, II Mr. and Mrs. William G. Luppold Ms. Virgilia H. Heidel Ms. Elizabeth J. Jamison Ms. Susanne H. Klinger Luther Ridge Residents Family of Ruth Held Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Klingman Mr. Anthony P. Lutz Mrs. Martha Dapp Hempt The Rev. Dr. Theodore W. Jentsch Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Knauss, Jr. Ms. Karen J. Lutz Mrs. Edith M. Hencke Dr. Cedric C. Jimerson Ms. Kathryn A. Knauss Ms. Patricia A. Lutz The Rev. Robin L. Henry Mrs. Helen K. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David C. Knudsen Mr. and Mrs. Armand A. Lykens Ms. Amy Henschel Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kober Ms. Thelma Maday Mrs. Brenda L. Hensinger Mr. and Mrs. James E. Johnson Mrs. Margaret C. Kochon Mrs. Jean V. Magargee Ms. Harriet M. Herb Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Johnson Mr. Jacob S. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. John R. Magula Mrs. Leslie E. Herb Mrs. Sandra L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Burton F. Kominick Mrs. Miriam S. Mains Mr. and Mrs. John P. Herkalo Mr. Walter L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Konapelsky, Jr. Mr. Todd Manas Mr. Fred B. Hershey Mrs. Katherine H. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Cloyed M. Konkle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manhart Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hertzog Ms. Patricia M. Jordan Ms. Helen Konkus Ms. Kathryn L. Manspeaker Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Hess Friends of Joanne M. Judge Ms. Michelle A. Koontz Mr. David A. Manton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hetlyn Mrs. Frances V. Jurewicz Ms. Eileen L. Kope Ms. Joan Mapp Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Hickey Mr. Richard A. Jurus Mr. Roy F. Koppenhofer Mr. Erich W. March Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hieter Mrs. Margaret A. Kachniasz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Kornbau Mr. David Marchese and Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Higgins Ms. Patricia A. Kahle Mrs. Diane M. Kosciolek Mr. Glenn R. Hikes Mrs. Barbara Kain Ms. Dixie A. Koser Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks Ms. Barbara A. Hill Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kalb Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Kostick Mr. and Mrs. John E. Marshall and Mr. Richard Hausman DB-10 Ms. Janel Leymeister DONOR BLESSINGs Ms. Dorothy L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mengak Ms. Jodi B. Murphy Ms. Kathryn M. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Marziano Ms. Patricia Menow Mr. and Mrs. Kervin R. Myer Mrs. Claire E. Reckmack Mr. Richard Maslow Ms. Karin Menzel and Family Ms. Lucile L. Myers Ms. Millie Reed Ms. Marcia Mast Ms. Mary G. Menzel Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Nagle Ms. Joyce A. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Merriman Mr. Gordon A. Nairn Ms. Catharine R. Reeser Mrs. Juliann Matechak Mrs. Priscilla Merritt Mr. and Mrs. David Nash Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Reichert Mr. James R. Mather Mrs. Edna L. Mertz Dr. and Mrs. Luther C. Natter Dr. and Mrs. William H. Reifsnyder Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. William H. Messerschmidt Mr. William F. Naugle Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Reilly Ms. Suzie Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Neibert Mr. and Mrs. David P. Reinsel Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Maza Mr. Cary A. Metz Mr. Robert E. Newcomer The Rev. and Mrs. Elwood W. Reitz Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Mc Crudden Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Michell Mr. Dale E. Newhart Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Reitz Mr. Edward G. McCarthy Ms. Susan D. Mihalski Mr. Donald W. Newhart Mr. Michael Reitz Mr. and Mrs. David McCleary Mr. George Mikula Ms. Elaine H. Newhart Ms. Lourdes G. Renter Ms. Sally A. McClintock The Rev. and Mrs. Carl E. Miller Mr. William D. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Restivo Mr. and Mrs. John R. McCloskey Ms. Denise M. Miller Mr. Ralph P. Nicholas Mr. Richard T. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Larry McComber Mr. John Miller Mrs. Deanna R. Noble Ms. Jane E. Rhoads Ms. Julie K. McCorkel Mr. and Mrs. Karl C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Nograsek Mrs. Amy A. M. Rhodes Mr. Clarence W. McElrath Mr. and Mrs. Kenper W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noonan Ms. Ella A. Ricci Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McElwee Mrs. Margaret P. Miller Ms. Jennifer K. Normand Mr. William J. Rich Ms. Marjorie E. McGoldrick Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Miller Mrs. Jane G. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Riche Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. McGonagle Mr. Paul L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ochotorena Mr. Robert Richter Ms. Heather McGowan Mrs. Penelope B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Connor Mr. Steve Riedy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McHugh, Jr. Mr. R. J. Miller Ms. Jeanette A. O’Gorman Mrs. Margaret A. Riffle Mr. Gerald McKee Dr. Steven C. Miller and Ms. Ellen M. Gauthier Ms. Ann T. O’Hara Mr. Michael A. Rinaldi Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. McKeehan Millersburg Community Yard Sale Ms. Amy J. Olack Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ripa Mr. John J. McKew Ms. B. Helen Milliron Ms. JoAnn Oleksa Mr. and Mrs. Dean T. Rissmiller Mrs. Patricia A. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Mills Ms. Elizabeth M. Olmstead Ms. Karen L. Ritchey Ms. Lillian McMenamin Mr. Justin Miscavige Sergeant Christopher L. Olvera Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse Ms. Rosemarie McNeely Ms. Elizabeth Mitchell Ms. Gail M. Omolecki Mrs. Miriam U. Ritter Ms. Michelle E. Meako Bishop and Mrs. George P. Mocko Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Ritzman Ms. Betty J. Meeker Mr. and Mrs. David J. Molchany Mrs. Ethel I. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Rizzer Ms. Carolyn Mehan Mrs. June E. Molchany Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Oswald Mrs. Helen F. Roberts Mr. Eric A. Melder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Molnar Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ott Ms. Pearl E. Roberts Ms. Jane Monaghan Ms. Apolonia M. Palfey Mrs. Joy Robinson Ms. Diane Moore Ms. Angela A. Palmer Ms. Christine K. Rocca Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Patrick Ms. Jessie A. Roderick Ms. Mary A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James H. Patterson Ms. Denise K. Roe Mrs. Gertrude K. Moorhouse Mr. and Mrs. Alex R. Pavel Ms. Barbara Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Moraski Ms. Catherine A. Pawlyk-Busti Mr. Edwin F. Rohn, Trust Gift Mr. Paul Morelock Ms. Dorothy M. Pazel Ms. Ferne K. Rohrbaugh Mr. Arlie K. Morgan The Rev. and Mrs. John G. Pearson Mrs. Helen M. Rolin Ms. Ruth E. Morgan Ms. Romaine E. Peiffer Mrs. Rausa L. Roscinski Mrs. Ann G. Morra Ms. Charlotte V. Peil Ms. Trudy A. Rosella Ms. Debra E. Morrell Mr. and Mrs. William H. Perry Mr. and Mrs. David Roskos Mr. Burton D. Morris Mr. Richard J. Peterec Mrs. Claire C. Ross Col. (Ret) and Mrs. Wayne H. Morris Mr. Donald W. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Roth Mr. Larry Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Pfautz Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Roth Mr. Lawrence A. Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Roth, Sr. Mr. Rick E. Moyer Ms. Dorothy G. Pierpont Mr. and Mrs. George E. Rovenolt Ms. Sandra Moyer Mr. John P. Pilsits Ms. Kathleen A. Rowe Mr. Brian D. Mulcahy Ms. Stella Pispeky Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Rudisill Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Mumbauer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Plica Mrs. Ozella F. Ruppersberger Ms. Doreen Murphy Mr. Harold L. Plont, Jr. Dr. Richard B. Russell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Pocock Ms. Esterly Rutman Mr. and Mrs. William R. Polt Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sahaydak Ms. Ruth Postupack Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Salisbury Friends of Francizek Prawdzik Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Salowe Dr. Leocadia Prawdzik Ms. Doris E. Sandt Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Price Mr. and Mrs. James W. Saxton Mr. Russell W. Price, II Mrs. Alvera A. Scarlato Mrs. Loretta P. Prouse Mr. and Mrs. Afton V. Schadel Mrs. Rhoda Purnell The Rev. and Mrs. Paul A. Schaediger Mrs. Emma G. Putt Ms. Joan M. Schaefer Mr. Dennis P. Pyers The Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pyle Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L. Schaffer Mr. Giles W. Quarles Ms. Mary E. Schauer Mr. Leroy R. Quigley Ms. Sarah D. Scheimreif Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Schell Dr. and Mrs. George J. Racho Ms. Phyllis E. Schell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Rahmer Mrs. Catharine H. Schieferstein Ms. Nancy J. Ramin Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schisler Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Rowland G. Schlauch Mr. Dennis A. Ranck Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Schlegel Ms. Esther Rathfon Mr. and Mrs. John Schlegel Mr. and Mrs. Emmett H. Rauch Mr. Merritt C. Schmoyer Joanne Judge, Stevens & Lee Chuck Stehly, KNBT, left, and Girls on the Run volunteer Bonnie Scott DB-11 DONOR BLESSINGs Mrs. Gladys Schock Ms. Marlene E. Stolz Mr. and Mrs. Mihal Wegielski Churches Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Schrimmer Mr. and Mrs. Craig Strohl Mrs. Joyce K. Wehr Allegheny Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Schuetrumpf Ms. Linda J. Stubbs Mrs. Sara B. Weibley Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schuettler Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stumbers Mr. and Mrs. George A. Weigand Alsace Lutheran Church, Reading, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schultz Mr. Robert T. Stumpff Dr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Weigel Ascension Lutheran Church, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schumacher, Jr. Ms. Patricia E. Styer Dr. Audrey S. Weiner Ms. Helen M. Schumi Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Suhr Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weir Mr. Marshall Schuon Ms. Cheryl Sullivan-Jordan Mrs. Constance J. Welker Ms. Judy Schwambach Ms. Clara Suppanz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wendel Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schweitzer Mr. and Mrs. William E. Swanger III Mr. Russell G. Wensel Ms. Karen F. Scopelliti Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Swensen Mr. Doug White Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Seagreaves Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Szarko Col. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Szulanczyk Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tadlock Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Secrest Ms. Christine L. Takacs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seibert Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Tansor Ms. Audrey J. Wicks Mr. Mark A. Shaffer Ms. Carol R. A. Taylor Mr. Robert Wilham Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Shank Mr. and Mrs. David E. Taylor Mr. Clarence A. Williams Ms. Margaret G. Shankel Ms. Phyllis Taylor The Rev. Linda K. Williams Ms. Mary L. Shelhamer Technology Services Employees Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Sherman Mrs. Sandra G. Thomas Ms. Lucille N. Wilson Mr. Roger H. Shipman Ms. Mary J. Thompson Mr. Judson S. Winegardner The Rev. and Mrs. W. Stevens Shipman Ms. Susan R. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Winters Mr. and Mrs. James S. Shirk Mrs. Edith M. Thrash Ms. Jan Wolf Mr. David L. Shively Ms. Karen Zola Tilp Ms. Mabel Wolfe Ms. Lucille A. Shomo Ms. Maria Todaro-McGuire Mr. Peter D. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Shope Mr. Steven J. Tomalis Ms. Patricia A. Wolfgang Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Shuff The Rev. and Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Wolfinger Ms. Stephanie Simmons Mrs. Eleanor W. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Simons Ms. Nancy L. Toothaker Ms. Virginia R. Sisak Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Travitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Skacel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Reed R. Treible Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Skeehan Mr. and Mrs. John G. Tropp, Jr. Ms. Karen M. Slama Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Trout Mr. John L. Sloand Ms. Mary F. Troutman Mr. Stanley D. Sloyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Troutman Mrs. Elinor L. Smalley Mrs. Dawna F. Trump Ms. Betty A. Smith The Rev. Suzanne M. Trump Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Smith Mrs. Anneliese Tunnhoff Ms. Gloria J. Smith Ms. Karen L. Turner Mr. Manning A. Smith Mrs. Mary J. Turner Mrs. Miriam K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tutko Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith Mrs. A. Leonora Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smith Mrs. Darlyn D. Unger Mr. Stewart L. Smith Ms. Antonia I. Uzokwe Mrs. Anna M. Snyder Ms. Elizabeth Valosin Mr. Harvey A. Snyder Mr. Bill Van Etten Mr. and Mrs. James M. Snyder Ms. Dianne C. VanCura Mr. John H. Snyder Mr. Matthew R. Varzally Dr. and Mrs. John J. Snyder Mrs. Marguerite C. Veil Mr. and Mrs. Ric Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Pat T. Verrastro Ms. Clare L. Sober Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Vigiolto Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund J. Sobiesiak Col. (Ret) and Mr. Frank Solano Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood Ascension Lutheran Church, Ms. Sharon K. Souders Mr. George Violand Ms. Sandra K. Wood Mr. and Mrs. James A. Spare Mrs. Ruth T. Voelker Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Work Bern Reformed United Church Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sparling Ms. Gladys P. Vogel Ms. Margery S. Wurster Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sparrow Mr. and Mrs. Gary Volovnik Mr. Walter F. Wyld Bethany Evangelical Congregational Mrs. Mae Spicher Mrs. Sandra G. Wagaman Ms. Judy Yarka Mr. Leo L. Sporer Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Wagman Mrs. Pauline G. Yeager Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Mr. William C. Springer Mr. Guy D. Wagner Mr. and Ms. Rodney G. Yerk Mrs. Janet Spurr Mr. Richard A. Walborn Ms. Barbara B. Yhlen Bethel Lutheran Church - Women Ms. Phyllis V. Stacherski Mrs. Joanne B. Waldkoenig Mr. and Mrs. John H. Yingling Mrs. Joann T. Stagge Ms. Ruth Wallis Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Yoder Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Mr. Max S. Stark Mrs. Florence E. Walmer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Yost Mrs. Mary L. Statler Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walschburger Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Calvary United Church of Christ, Barto, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Staub Ms. Joan A. Warburton Calvary United Methodist Church, Mohnton, Pa. Ms. Carol B. Staz Ms. Patricia A. Washko Graaf Mr. Scott Young Calvary United Methodist Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Steele, Jr. Ms. Kelly T. Weaver Mrs. Janice M. Yourgal Ms. Anna M. Stekovich Mrs. Mary K. Weaver Mr. Allen T. Zaranick Cedarville United Methodist Mr. and Mrs. Gregg J. Sterling Mrs. Virginia L. Weaver Ms. Lillian I. Zeager Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Stettler Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Webber Mr. Timothy T. Ziegler Chestnut Grove Lutheran Mr. James Stewart, Jr. Ms. Lisa H. Webster Mr. Stanley C. Zrncic, Sr. Mrs. Helen B. Stimmel Mr. David A. Wech Ms. Brenda L. Zuberka Christ Church - United Church Mrs. Rosemary H. Stokes Ms. Patricia M. Weeks Mr. George M. Eyler Mrs. John W. Tomlinson Mrs. William L. Vinette (Knauers), Mohnton, Pa. Willow Street, Pa. Carolyn Hedrick, Christ Lutheran Church of Starview, Pa. William M. Whitesel William R. Whitworth Alma and Bill Diebert, co-founders, Diakon Benefactor’s Dinner DB-12 Young & Family Towson, Baltimore, Md. of Christ, Leesport, Pa. Church, Ashland, Pa. Church, Montoursville, Pa. of Life, Rowland, Pa. Church, Laureldale, Pa. Church, Wiconisco, Pa. Church, Pottstown, Pa. Church, York Springs, Pa. of Christ, Hegins, Pa. DONOR BLESSINGs Christ Church United Church New Hanover United Methodist St. Mark United Church of Christ, Zion Lutheran Church, of Christ, Temple, Pa. Church, Gilbertsville, Pa. Cressona, Pa. Frackville, Frackville, Pa. Christ Lutheran Church, Dryville, Fleetwood, Pa. New Jerusalem UCC, Fleetwood, Pa. St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Zion Lutheran Church, Old Christ Lutheran Church, Our Lady Help of Christians St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Zion Lutheran Church, Rife Lewisburg, Lewisburg, Pa. Church, Lykens, Pa. Church, Baltimore, Md. Killinger, Millersburg, Pa. Christ Lutheran Church, Mahanoy City, Pa. Outwood Evangelical Lutheran Christ Lutheran Church, Niantic, Barto, Pa. St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Zion Lutheran Church, Tamaqua, Pa. Christ Lutheran Church, Oley, Pa. Peace Lutheran Church, Reading, Pa. Zion Moselem Evangelical Lutheran Christ United Lutheran Church, Catawissa, Pa. Pleasant View Seventh Day St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Weatherly, Pa. Christ United Methodist Church, Tower City, Pa. Adventist Church, Halifax, Pa. St. Matthew United Methodist Zion United Church of Christ, Community United Church of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Williamsport, Pa. Robeson Lutheran Church St. Michael Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Md. Zion United Lutheran Church, Ebenezer Evangelical Congregational St. Michael Lutheran Church, Hamburg, Pa. Salem (Hetzel’s) United Church St. Michael Lutheran Church, Klingerstown, Pa. Zions Lutheran Church of Perry Faith Lutheran Church, Reading, Pa. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Twp., Shoemakersville, Pa. Faith United Methodist Church, Halifax, Pa. Salem Belleman Lutheran First United Methodist Church, Pottsville, Pa. St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Businesses First United Methodist Church, Frackville, Pa. Salem United Church of Christ, Elizabethville, Pa. 3M Medical Division, Buckingham, Pa. First United Methodist Church, Carlisle, Pa. Salem United Church of Christ, Gratz, Pa. St. Paul Lutheran Church A. V. Powell & Associates, L.L.C., Friedens Lutheran Church, Schwarzwald Lutheran Church St. Paul Lutheran Church, Aarsand Management, LLC, Hunt Valley, Md. ABC West Lanes, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Christ, Reading, Pa. Church, Williamstown, Pa. Friedensville, Center Valley, Pa. Church, Pine Grove, Pa. (Plowville), Mohnton, Pa. of Christ, Pine Grove, Pa. Church, Mohrsville, Pa. (Jacksonwald), Reading, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Zionsville, Old Zionsville, Pa. Ravine, Pine Grove, Pa. Church, Reading, Pa. Church, Kutztown, Pa. Womelsdorf, Pa. Brodheadsville, Pa. Church, Summit Hill, Pa. Church, Baltimore, Md. (Summer Hill), Auburn, Pa. Friedens Lutheran Church, Oley, Pa. Second Presbyterian Church, Pittston, Pa. Friedens United Church of Christ, Oley, Pa. Shepherd of the Hills UCC, Bechtelsville, Pa. St. Paul United Church of Christ, Kempton, Pa. abc27, Harrisburg, Pa. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Ashland, Pa. Simpson United Methodist Church, Gordon, Pa. St. Paul’s E.C. Church, Pitman, Pa. Aboyoun & Heller, LLC, Pine Brook, N.J. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Reading, Pa. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Reading, Pa. St. Paul’s Evangelical Congregational Absolute Graphics, Lewisberry, Pa. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Bel Air, Md. St. Andrew United Methodist Albarell Electric, Inc., Bethlehem, Pa. Church, New Berlinville, Pa. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Port American United Life Insurance St. Christopher Lutheran Church, Lykens, Pa. St. Daniel’s Lutheran Church, Robesonia, Pa. St. Paul’s R. C. Church, Reading, Pa. Anne Klein & Associates, Marlton, N.J. St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, Douglassville, Pa. St. Paul’s U.C. C. Willing Appalachian Harley Davidson, St. Ignatius Loyola Roman Catholic St. Paul’s UCC Women’s Guild, Fleetwood, Pa. Arbor Insurance Group, Allentown, Pa. St. James Lutheran Church St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Aron Haefner Metalsmithing Frani Dogerty, McDonalds Lycoming County Church, Sinking Spring, Pa. (Hobbie), Wapwallopen, Pa. Douglassville, Douglassville, Pa. Atlanta, Ga. Church, Pine Grove, Pa. Carbon, Port Carbon, Pa. Workers, Pine Grove, Pa. Amityville, Douglassville, Pa. Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mechanicsburg, Pa. Mfg., Montoursville, Pa. St. James Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Auburn, Pa. Associated Oral Surgeons PC, Sunbury, Pa. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Bally Block Company, Bally, Pa. St. James Lutheran Church, Barstools & Billiards, Mechanicsburg, Pa. St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Alvin R. Beam Painting St. James Lutheran Church, Pitman, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, St. Peter Lutheran Church, Danville, Pa. Bemis Company, Inc., West Hazleton, Pa. Coopersburg, Pa. Geigertown, Pa. Donaldson, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Church, Millersburg, Pa. Contractor, Gardners, Pa. St. Peter Lutheran Church, Best Quality Builders, Inc., Muncy, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, BJR Office Resources, Harrisburg, Pa. Boiling Springs, Pa. St. Peter Lutheran Church, Pottstown, Pa. Blanski, Inc., Reading, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Scranton, Pa. Brightbill Industries, Harrisburg, Pa. St. Peters Lutheran Church, Pine Grove, Pa. David Brown Associates, Boyertown, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, St. Peters Union Church, New Business Dynamics, Mineola, N.Y. Certified Construction Management, Berrysburg, Pa. East (Jim Thorpe), Pa. Kutztown, Pa. Mantzville, Tamaqua, Pa. Tripoli (Lynnville), Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, St. Peters United Church of Christ, Orwin, Pa. St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Morgantown, Pa. Citizens Bank, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, St. Thomas Reformed Church Coca-Cola Company, Allentown, Pa. Sayre, Pa. UCC, Reading, Pa. Comcast Cable, Harrisburg, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, Temple Oheb Sholom, Reading, Pa. Comfort Inn Capital City/ Stroudsburg, Pa. Tree of Life Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, Trinity Evangelical Congregational Covenco, Inc., Middletown, Pa. Good Shepherd UCC of Tuckerton, Reading, Pa. Cressey & Company, L. P., Chicago, Ill. Grace Alsace UCC, Reading, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, Dame Management Strategies, Grace Lutheran Church, Macungie, Pa. Unityville, Pa. Heidelberg Lutheran Church, Slatington, Pa. St. John United Church of Trinity Lutheran Church, Steelton, Steelton, Pa. Davis Vision, Camp Hill, Pa. Hereford Mennonite Church, Bally, Pa. Trinity Reformed Church of the Dealer Solutions LLC, Tinton Falls, N.J. Holy Guardian Angels Roman St. John’s Lutheran Church, Coplay, Pa. UCC, Pottstown, Pa. Charles Dectis Painting, Inc., Allentown, Pa. St. John’s United Church of Trinity United Church of Christ, Tower City, Pa. Delta Dental of Pennsylvania, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Laurel, Md. Trinity United Church of Christ, Millersburg, Pa. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Leesport, Pa. St. John’s United Church of Trinity United Methodist Church, Dresser-Rand Company, Painted Post, N.Y. Huffs Union Church, Alburtis, Pa. Druzak Medical, Inc., Aliquippa, Pa. Jerusalem Lutheran Church of St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic United Methodist Church, Williamstown, Pa. Dwellings, Lewisburg, Pa. United Methodist Church, Lykens, Pa. Engel Designs, Williamsport, Pa. Catholic Church, Reading, Pa. Western Salisbury, Allentown, Pa. Pine Grove, Pa. Tremont, Pa. Christ, Orwigsburg, Pa. Christ, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Christ, Ashland, Pa. Church, Reading, Pa. Church, Boyertown, Pa. Bechtelsville, Bechtelsville, Pa. Elizabethville, Pa. LLC, Baltimore, Md. Mechanicsburg, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Mechanicsburg, Pa. Jerusalem Lutheran Church, St. Luke Lutheran Church, United Methodist Church, Tremont, Pa. Entech Engineering, Inc., Reading, Pa. Schuylkill Haven, Pa. United Presbyterian Church, Pottsville, Pa. Eshbach Brothers, Inc., Reading, Pa. Maidencreek Church, Blandon, Pa. St. Luke Lutheran Church, Sunbury, Pa. Weisenberg Lutheran Church, New Tripoli, Pa. Family Design Resources, Morning Star Fellowship, Bechtelsville, Pa. St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Wyomissing United Church of Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. Mount Calvary Church of God, Clear Spring, Md. Fastsigns, Harrisburg, Pa. Mt. Zion United Church of Christ St. Luke’s Lutheran & UCC, Zion / St. Michael Lutheran Faust Hauling, Trexlertown, Pa. Slocum, Wapwallopen, Pa. Shoemakersville, Pa. Flatiron Salon LLC, Williamsport, Pa. New Bethel United Church of St. Mark Lutheran Church, Zion Blue Mountain United Church Freedom Corrugated, Hazleton, Pa. Frey & Company, Walnutport, Pa. Christ, Kempton, Pa. Archbald, Archbald, Pa. Church, Obelisk, Frederick, Pa. Reading, Pa. DB-13 Christ, Sinking Spring, Pa. Church, Klingerstown, Pa. of Christ, Strausstown, Pa. DONOR BLESSINGs Fuel Injection Sales & Service, O’Brien’s Moving & Storage Cornelius J. & Anna M. McFadden Pine Creek United Methodist Inc., Allentown, Pa. Memorial Trust Fund of the Schuylkill GBW Manufacturing Inc, Paterson, N.J. Oldcastle Precast - Avon MFG, Avon, Conn. Area Community Foundation, Pine Grove Council of Churches, Gem Wall & Ceiling Contractors, Terre Hill, Pa. Optelecom-NKF, Germantown, Md. Pottsville, Pa. Giant Food Store, Inc., Carlisle, Pa. Linwood W. Ott Funeral Home, Boyertown, Pa. The John Oyler Fund of The Foundation for Presbyterian Women in First, Gingerbread House, Lewisburg, Pa. Pennswood Partners, Inc., Reading, Pa. GS Architects, LLC, Media, Pa. Perfect Day Entertainment, Bethlehem, Pa. The Philadelphia Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa. Reigles Bible Fellowship, Millersburg, Pa. Gustonian Gifts, Williamsport, Pa. Pine Grove Pharmacy, Inc., Pine Grove, Pa. The Tunnessen Family Fund of the Fidelity School District of the City of York, York, Pa. Halifax Community Fellowship, Halifax, Pa. Plantique, Inc., Allentown, Pa. Snyder Co. Conservation District - Halifax Township, Halifax, Pa. PPL Nuclear Spirit Fund, Allentown, Pa. Wachovia Charitable Services— Hempt Brothers, Camp Hill, Pa. Quantum Imaging & Therapeutic Society of St. Vincent DePaul, Pottsville, Pa. Calvin G. Hess, General R. M. Palmer Company, Reading, Pa. Organizations High Hotels, LTD/Hampton Inn Ragland Corp., Birdsboro, Pa. American Cancer Society, Stroudsburg, Pa. St. Andrews United Methodist Church— Contractor, Mertztown, Pa. Company, Allentown, Pa. Enhancing Communities, Harrisburg, Pa. Charitable Gift Fund, Boston, Mass. PA2, Reading, Pa. Women, Sacramento, Pa. Pine Grove, Pa. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Directors and Staff, Middleburg, Pa. St. Andrews United Methodist - Ladies Associates, Lewisberry, Pa. Bible Class, Valley View, Pa. Redner’s Markets, Inc., Reading, Pa. Ashland Area Rotary Club, Ashland, Pa. Hillside Catering, Montoursville, Pa. Replogle House Interiors, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Ashland Ministerial Association, Ashland, Pa. St. John Lutheran Church, Holleran Consulting, LLC, Mountville, Pa. Rich Service Company, Milford, Pa. AT&T United Way Employee Giving Home Instead Senior Care, Wyomissing, Pa. Rita’s Italian Ice, Macungie, Pa. Hoosier Tire Mid-Atlantic, Finksburg, Md. Robert Grim, Esquire, Kutztown, Pa. Bern Women of the ELCA, Leesport, Pa. Interior Decisions LNC, Florham Park, N.J. Cindy Rowe Auto Glass, Harrisburg, Pa. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Princeton, N.J. J & S Fabrication, Inc., Grantville, Pa. Ruhe Pontiac, Allentown, Pa. Camp Shohola for Boys, Greeley, Pa. Jaindl Farms, Orefield, Pa. SCA Personal Care, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Christ United Lutheran Church - JEM Group, LLC, Harrisburg, Pa. Select Capital Commercial Properties, K. B. Godshall Collision Repair, Telford, Pa. Inc., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Christ United Methodist Church Kann Partners, Baltimore, Md. Sign-a-Rama, Camp Hill, Pa. George W. Kinsman Inc, Honesdale, Pa. Sims Mortgage Funding, Inc., Pearl River, N.Y. Cottage Memorial Fund, Lewisburg, Pa. Koppy’s on the Square, Elizabethville, Pa. Ski Roundtop, Lewisberry, Pa. Diakon Hospice Saint John (Greater Kough’s Oil Services, Newville, Pa. Snyder’s Furniture Store, Inc., Pine Grove, Pa. Krapf & Hughes Funeral Homes, Staffabilities, Allentown, Pa. Ecumenical Women’s Prayer Inc., Hazleton, Pa. Stine’s Auto Radiator Service, Hagerstown, Md. Kreider and Flick Painting & Straub Roofing & Concrete, Inc., Fleetwood, Pa. Faculty and Staff of Valley Elementary/ West, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Lutheran Church Men, Ashland, Pa. Women, Tower City, Pa. Hazleton Area), Hazleton, Pa. Breakfast, Lykens, Pa. Susquehanna Bank DV, Vineland, N.J. Szeles Real Estate Development Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Boston, Mass. Fox-Eichelberger Post 7415 Ladies Paperhanging, Ephrata, Pa. Commerce, Kutztown, Pa. Company, Harrisburg, Pa. WELCA, Bloomsburg, Pa. Campaign, Princeton, N.J. Kutztown Area Chamber of Mens Bible Class, Valley View, Pa. Middle School, Sugarloaf, Pa. Dorothy Mueller, resident, Cumberland Crossings Kuzmann Interiors, Fleetwood, Pa. The Shoppes at Susquehanna Lahar & Associates, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Friedens Ladies Aid, Liberty, Pa. Law Office of Marsha Ann Basco, Kingston, Pa. Thomas Turf & Toy, Hagerstown, Md. Friends of The Lutheran Home St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Leach’s Automotive Service, LLC, Lemoyne, Pa. Thrivent Financial Services - Southwest Sunday School, Nazareth, Pa. Schuylkill Chapter, Pine Grove, Pa. Graduate Management Admission St. John’s Lodge No. 260 F & M, Carlisle, Pa. Tuscarora Inn & Conference St. John’s Lutheran Church - Barnabas Hain’s UCC Women’s Fellowship, United Concorida Companies, St. Michael Lutheran Church Inc., Harrisburg, Pa. Halifax Area Ministerium, Halifax, Pa. Valdese Weavers, Valdese, N.C. Heart & Home Quilters Guild, Kutztown, Pa. St. Paul Lutheran Church Service Valenti Management, Harrisburg, Pa. Hebron United Methodist - Women, Verizon Wireless, Newport, Del. Schuylkill Haven, Pa. St. Paul’s Lutheran S.S. Enterline, Halifax, Pa. Walt Disney World Company, Hegins Valley View Rotary St. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic Church Marketplace, Hoboken, N.J. Center, Mount Bethel, Pa. Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Auxiliary, New Cumberland, Pa. at Topton, Topton, Pa. Council, McLean, Va. Wernersville, Pa. Club #4774, Hegins, Pa. Brothers Mens Group, Lewistown, Pa. Women, Baltimore, Md. Ministry Committee, Orwigsburg, Pa. Womens Club, Tower City, Pa. Wegmans Food Market, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Hetzel’s Sunday School, Pine Grove, Pa. St. Peter’s Lutheran Women of West Pennsboro Township, Carlisle, Pa. Jerusalem Sunday School of Western West Side Hammer Electric, Bethlehem, Pa. Salisbury, Allentown, Pa. Staff of Twining Village, Holland, Pa. White Wave Foods, Hamburg, N.Y. Jewish Federation of Greater Swoyersville Senior Citizens, Wilson Ross, Inc., Lewisburg, Pa. WMH Purchasing, Honesdale, Pa. Kiwanis International, Frackville, Pa. The Valleys UCC Fellowship Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. the ELCA, Baltimore, Md. West Wyoming, Pa. Ladies Friendship Class - Heplers Foundations The Women of St. Andrew, Muncy, Pa. The I.S. & Mary Eberly In and Out League of Ukrainian Catholics, Frackville, Pa. Tower Court Residents Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Lehigh Furnace Union Sunday Leppo Racing, Spring Grove, Pa. Communities, Harrisburg, Pa. School, Slatington, Pa. Trinity United Church of Christ Long, Barrell & Company, Ltd., Reading, Pa. The Erie Community Foundation, Erie, Pa. Lehighton Fire Department, Lehighton, Pa. Longacre Electrical Services, Inc., Bally, Pa. The Robert and Mary Flack Lions Club of Wernersville, Robesonia, Pa. Twining Village, Holland, Pa. Lycoming Textron, Williamsport, Pa. Longswamp Lions Club, Mertztown, Pa. Upper Dauphin Area Lions M & Z Carpets, Inc., Mechanicsburg, Pa. The Getz Family Fund of the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Magnatech International, Robesonia, Pa. Jewish Federation of Greater Weisenberg Sunday School, Martin Plastering Contractors, Terre Hill, Pa. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. Mahanoy Area Education McClure Company, Harrisburg, Pa. James J. & Fay Heffernen Fund of The Williams Valley Teachers Card Denny H. McCullough Trucking, Mahanoy Koinonia Ministerium, Herndon, Pa. Inc., Newville, Pa. The Ketchum Family Fund of the Berks Manatawny Manor Employees, Pottstown, Pa. Wilmington Friends Service Medcare Products, Burnsville, Minn. County Community Messiah Ladies Aid, Halifax, Pa. Members First Federal Credit Foundation, Reading, Pa. Nativity Lutheran Church Vacation Women of Christ Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Md. Union, Mechanicsburg, Pa. The Walter & Barbara Lieberman Fund of the Women of the ELCA of Nativity Metso Minerals Industries Inc, Danville, Pa. Fidelity Charitable Gift NCUSA Ship #166, Elizabethtown, Pa. Joseph Miorelli & Co, Inc, Hazleton, Pa. Fund, Boston, Mass. New York Caledonian Club Inc., New York, N.Y. Women’s Guild of Zions UCC, Hamburg, Pa. Betty Fronheiser Foundation, Quakertown, Pa. Philadelphia Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa. Church of God, Pitman, Pa. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. Association, Gilberton, Pa. Bible School, Allentown, Pa. Group, Halifax, Pa. Association, Topton, Pa. Womens’ Guild, Tower City, Pa. Club, Elizabethville, Pa. New Tripoli, Pa. Club, Tower City, Pa. Committee, Wilmington, Del. Lutheran Church, Allentown, Pa. National Penn Bank, Wyomissing, Pa. George & Shirley Lucore Family Fund of PA Association of Court York County Racing Club, York, Pa. Nuway Carpet Cleaning, McAdoo, Pa. Zion Stone U.M. Church, Halifax, Pa. the Erie Community Foundation, Erie, Pa. DB-14 Management, Jim Thorpe, Pa. DONOR BLESSINGs Diakon Lutheran Fund Board of Directors The Diakon Lutheran Fund Board of Directors oversees Diakon’s endowment funds and other investments, a significant portion of which generate income specifically to support services for children and families. Lawrence Delp, Chair Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Holly A. Heintzelman, Esq. Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod Robert L. Simpson Lower Susquehanna Synod Steve Franklin Lower Susquehanna Synod D. Patrick Mazzola Lower Susquehanna Synod Ms. Carol Taylor Delaware-Maryland Synod Kenneth G. Mertz II Lower Susquehanna Synod Benevolent care: A shared commitment to serve those with limited resources Diakon maintains a more-than-140-year tradition of care for people of all ages, especially those with limited financial resources. In 2008, Diakon provided more than $1 million a month in uncompensated care. Those funds underwrote services in the following ways: Diakon senior living services* $8,431,277 Diakon Family Life Services programs $1,234,970 Programs for adjudicated youths $1,012,535 Adoption, foster care and related services $902,799 Diakon KidzStuff child-care services $545,181 Synodical and congregational ministries $541,310 Hospice and home-care services $206,064 Community-based services for older adults $300,176 Diakon Kathryn’s Kloset $54,482 Disaster relief services $45,714 Total: $13,274,508 * Consists of actual costs to operate in excess of Medical Assistance reimbursement for skilled nursing care, benevolent care provided to those primarily in assisted living who have exhausted their financial resources but for whom Diakon continues to care, and uncollectible accounts. DB-15 Diakon: A testament to service and generous giving since 1868 It was perhaps no accident that the Rev. Phillip Willard served the Lutheran parish in Loysville, Pa., between 1856 and 1858. There, he surely became acquainted with the “classical academy” being operated by the Tressler family, who would reconfigure their small institution into a soldiers’ orphans home at the close of the Civil War. In early 1867, Willard returned to Loysville with an attorney and a mission of making the orphans home an institution of the church. That dream came true the following year with the sale of the property—eventually to be known as the Tressler Lutheran Home for Children—to the church. Named the first superintendent of the children’s home, Willard nevertheless spent most of the next year on the road raising some $4,000 to equip the home for its mission of serving “poor orphan children … [supplying] their temporal wants … [educating] them physically, intellectually, morally, and religiously … and … extend[ing] over them a wholesome guardianship.” Nearly three decades later, concerned as well about orphaned children, members of the church’s then-Reading Conference elected a board of trustees and set about raising funds to purchase land to establish “The Lutheran Orphans’ Home in Berks County, Pennsylvania.” Eventually, the institution would be known as The Lutheran Home at Topton. The home’s first superintendent, the Rev. Uriah P. Heilman, on a summer morning in 1897, undertook the groundbreaking himself, digging up several wheelbarrow loads of dirt, making the excavation in the shape of a cross. Both homes for children began in response to need, and grew as the direct result of generous donations given by individuals, congregations, community groups, and businesses. While much has changed—with both Tressler and Topton, continued today by Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries, growing over the years to serve not only children but also families and older adults—the mandate to meet people’s needs has not. Nor has the pivotal role generous donors play in helping to make possible those services to children and youth, families and individuals, and older adults. Each year, as the result of efficient operations, the legacy of donors past, and the generosity of donors present, Diakon provides more than $1 million a month in benevolent care—making care possible to many who could not otherwise afford it. Helping to assure Diakon can continue to provide such charitable care is the role of the Diakon Lutheran Fund Board of Directors. The board, composed of individuals with a range of financial, business, and organizational backgrounds, oversees a variety of funds—totaling approximately $20 million—whose purpose is to generate income for services to children and families. Having their genesis in gifts given over the years to The Lutheran Home at Topton and the Tressler Lutheran Home for Children, these funds are critical to assuring adoption for waiting children, counseling for families in crisis, day care for inner-city children, charitable care for older adults, and much more. Only through growth of these funds, whose income supports so many programs, will Diakon be able to meet the growing needs of people throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware.
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