Saddle Post Intelligencer
Saddle Post Intelligencer
Saddle Post Intelligencer The voice of the Skagit bicycle club Google Email Group Beginning in mid October the Skagit Bicycle Club will replace Late Braking News with a Google email group. This will allow anyone in the club that has an email address to quickly and easily send and receive emails from all club members. For example, if you are a ride leader and the weather or other circumstances make the start of a ride questionable, you can provide an email update that will immediately be sent to all club members on the status of the ride. Club members, with a quick check of their email can learn the status of a ride. Here’s how it will work. In October everyone that is a club member with an email address will be enrolled in a Google email group called SBC-Rides. You will receive a welcome email that provides a few details about the group. At that time or at any later time, you can unsubscribe from the group by simply clicking on the unsubscribe link that is at the bottom of each email. However, if you unsubscribe you will no longer receive email information from the Club, including the email copy of the newsletter. There will be one last Late Braking News to inform you that it is going away. By the end of October everyone will be switched to SBC Rides and Late Braking News will no longer be used. To use the new SBC-Rides group will be easy. To send an email that everyone in the group, i.e. the Club, will receive, simply address an email to sbc-rides@ That’s it. An email will immediately be sent to everyone in the club. As other people send out messages to the Club you will receive them as well. They will appear as ordinary emails in By Phil McLoud your inbox. You can reply to the group and everyone will see your reply or if you just want to reply the person who sent the email you can just reply to their email address. The use of SBC-Rides will be similar to Late Braking News. Some the things people might want to use it for include: 1. Updating the status of a ride when the weather or other circumstances make a ride start questionable. 2. Scheduling impromptu rides or other bicycle related activities. 3. Electronic distribution of the monthly newsletter. 4. Communicating miscellaneous club information to members. 5. Sharing of bicycle related news between members. 6. Sale or trade of bicycle related items to other club members. This will not be open to commercial vendors. SBC-Rides will have a group administrator to monitor the group. The primary responsibility of the administrator will be to control who is a member of the group. Membership will be restricted to Skagit Bicycle Club members. The administrator will also be able to remove anyone from the group who abuses their membership by posting inappropriate material. The transition to SBC-Rides should be an easy and painless process. The new system will allow everyone in the Club to communicate more quickly and easily on bicycle related topics. In This Issue: Word of the Domestique Board Briefs & Ride Reports Calendar Freewheeling Club Info Membership form pg 2 pg 3 pg 4 pg 5 pg 6 Pg 7 Skagit valley washington Attention all Ride Leaders! After the difficult time getting jerseys last year, for this year a gift certificate will be the award for leading 10 rides (and/or working bridge sweep). To get credit for the rides I need your ride leader forms. Get them to me soon, please. Thanks, Whit The Skagit Council of Governments Non-Motorized Advisory Committee is recruiting volunteers to assist with counting bicyclists and pedestrians at locations throughout Skagit County as part of the Washington State Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project. Counts will be conducted over a 3-day period between 7 to 9 am and 4 to 6 pm. Volunteers will work at selected locations to enter data on simple tally sheets. Each location will be counted for one morning and one afternoon shift. Volunteers may count for as many shifts as they would like. There will be count sites in SedroWoolley, Mount Vernon, Anacortes, La Conner, Burlington, and unincorporated Skagit County. To volunteer, please register online at htm, beginning September 1. For any further questions, please contact Gabe Philips at or at (360) 416-6678 abcdefGhijklmnopqrstvwxyz Word of the Domestique The following is the opinion of the Super Domestique and is not intended to offend any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, gender, sexual orientation or individual. The views of the Super Domestique are his own or something he copied from someone else, and do not in any way reflect the views of the Skagit Bicycle Club. Furthermore, they do not necessarily reflect the views of the people who live in the same home, neighborhood or city. Please also note that the fact this piece is written in English is in no way meant to malign other languages nor to malign those who are illiterate visually impaired and thus are unable to read the piece. Complements can emailed to Complaints can be emailed to Jamie at Please keep in mind Jamie is a pretty busy guy so if you don’t get a reply email the Domestique instead. Change is afoot. The late breaking news emails will be a thing of the past. Google groups will be the clubs newest form of communication. Philip Mcloud is heading up and administering this new service, which is intended to make club communication faster and easier. This service is also going to make a lot less work for a considerable amount of people, while at the same time providing a valuable service to our club members. Expect more news on Google groups as we move forward. Well done Phil., well done. In other news, Bakerview bmx will be attending the Washington state BMX championships in Port Orchard, with a number of riders hoping to finish at the top of the state rankings in there respective classes. Good luck team. The Bakerview track has been immensely popular this summer with many new riders. Part of what makes this not for profit local track so popular is that they offer free loaner bikes and full face helmets for anyone that wants to try the sport. It should be noted that this service is somewhat rare among tracks in the northwest and is made possible largely by the volunteers working but also because of the generous donations that the Skagit Bicycle club has made over the last several years. Lets keep that in mind when we are filling out ballets at next months annual meeting. The Domestique has some sad and frankly disturbing news to report from San Juan Island. On the one occasion that Club member Dave Mazzarella aka “Super Dave” was not out riding with his massive dog he was attacked and hauled into the bushes by a small red fox. All that was left behind was Dave’s bike frame, a Samsung Galaxy S smart phone, and a half eaten banana. Pictures recovered from the phone have lead authorities to believe that Super Dave was taking a selfie while at the same time eating a banana and changing a flat. Moments before the attack: Swiper Consumed with the tire the fox stealthily approaches Super change and the banana he Dave from behind. was completely unaware of the approach of the red fox known by islanders and Dora the Explorer fans as Swiper the fox. Upon hearing the news Jim Finch wasted no time in calling “Dibs” on Dave’s new carbon wheels, but then to Jim’s horror he learned that the wheels had been swiped, presumably by Swiper the fox. While the community is shaken, Jim is taking it hardest and has asked people to be on the lookout for these white carbon wheels that would have looked so bad-ass on Jim’s already pretty Trek. When Jim was asked if he had any words that he would have liked to have shared with Dave before his untimely passing. Jim said “I would have told him to save the wheels” And to Swiper? “Swiper no Swiping!” At press time Swiper the fox remains at large. Yours Truly, Domestique 220 lbs cccccccccccdc 2 ccccccccccccr dzzoz board briefs zozd General Meeting Minutes Tuesday August 2, 2016 Meeting opened at 6:00 pm by President Jamie Wells. In attendance: Marshall Will, Barbara Kline, Don and Diane Torsett, Steve and Diane Jahn, Whit Whitford, Cindy McGuiness, Scott Rittscher, Katie McNett, Jean Sattler-Will Seretarys’s Report: New members: Tracy Anderson – Laconner, Laurie Quirk - Anacortes, Wanda Callahan - Anacortes, Bob Holberg – Mt Vernon, Darlena Handy – Mt Vernon. There were no corrections to previous meeting minutes. Cindy made a motion to accept the minutes Steve seconded. Ride Coordinator’s Report: E-mail Whit if you would like to lead a ride. By the way, a new ride coordinator is needed for next year. If you are interested please let Whit or Jamie know. Many thanks to Whit for doing a great job these last two years! Old Business: Discussed potlucks on Wednesday nights in August: Steve bought supplies to supplement the meal. A motion was made by Scott to pay Steve $82.00 it was seconded by Jean. Next year there will be guide lines for the potluck.. Open Streets: This will be held August 28th. Steve discussed the different events taking place, he mentioned a family water fight (sounds like fun!). The classic bike show ( Jerry Ziegler) Special Olympics (Tim Holloran) and Safe Routes. The club is supporting and helping at this event; if you would like to volunteer please call Steve Jahn. Steve made a motion that the club donate $300.00 to the Anacortes Open streets and $200 for Safe Routes, Whit seconded the motion, motion carried. Rides & Ride Reports RR Road Ride Ride Pace: MTB Mountain Bike E Easy under 10mph TT Time Trial S Social 10-12 mph RLH Ride Leader’s Home M Moderate 12-16 mph B Brisk 16-20 mph If weather is questionable call the ride leader September 1-- 10.00AM Lummi Island Ride Meet at the corner of Kester and Slater (exit 260) Ride Leader: Dolf Scheltinga 360.722.1938 September 16 --1:30 PM Bridge Sweep & Special Reward Event The LAST of three “sweeps” of the Berentsen Bridge in 2016., will be Friday, September 16 .The June Bridge sweep had a good volunteer turn out and the job was completed VERY quickly with minimal effort! The bridge looks relatively good this time, & should be just as quick! We expect this to take less than 1 1/2 hrs total. All volunteers appreciated. Newcomers welcomed! Location- East end parking lot of the Berensten (Twin Bridges) bridge (also the entrance to Twin Bridges Marina). Spring Classic: Marshall talked about the total expenditures and income from the Spring Classic and compared them to previous years. What Is Provided-Shovels, brooms, trash bags, and two special “push broom” machines New Business: What To Bring- You are encouraged to bring your favorite broom , gloves, and perhaps your ”special devices” to clean expansion joints or weeds in curb cracks. We Will Need 2 WheelbarrowsPlease advise Steve Jahn if you can bring a wheelbarrow. Trike Bike and Trail Ride: Barbara gave a presentation on this ride taking place on the 28th of August on the Tommy Thompson Trail.. This is a good chance to try a trike for those of us who can no longer ride a two-wheeler. So far there are 20 people registered for this ride. Barbara shared a story from one participant who has back issues, very excited to try to ride again. Google Groups: This may take the place of the clubs late breaking news. You do need a Google account to participate. It was decided to let Phil take the lead since he is familiar with it. Your Reward: The final Bridge Sweep is SBC’s opportunity to show our appreciation to all of you who have volunteered to sweep the bridge. This year, your reward will be an afternoon “EVENT” (3-5ish PM) at the Anacortes Anthony’s “CABANA” , where we can have refreshing drinks , food, and have fun playing Bocci Ball !!!…all in a beautiful marina setting ! Contact- Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Search Committee for new board members and officers: We need volunteers to fill a few positions, please be open to volunteering or accepting a needed position. It was mentioned that there were some members that have quit coming to rides because they were advertised as a social pace, but were much faster than a social pace. If a ride is advertised as a social ride then the ride leader needs to ride that pace and stay with and regroup as necessary. Meeting adjourned 7:12 pm Next meeting Tuesday September 6 at Dimensional Communications 1120 Anderson Rd, Mt Vernon Respectfully submitted Jean Sattler-Will; Secretary September 17--Camano Island Ride Meet at 10 AM at the Stanwood Haggen’s (off Hwy 532, West end of building). We’ll do about 50 miles, stopping to regroup. Rain cancels. Marshall Will (360) 929-5003 or September 19 --San Juan Island Ride Meet at walk-on ferry loading area for 9:05am boat ride to Friday Harbor. (Show up at least 20 minutes before departure...I’ll be parking at park & ride for Guemes Ferry and riding in.) We plan on returning on the 3:45pm boat from Friday Harbor, (arrives at Anacortes dock at 4:50pm). An option is to ride a bit less & return on 1:50 boat, (arriving at 3:20pm). Bring money for lunch. Rain cancels. Marshall Will (360) 929-5003 or vbbqqzxvcft 3 742cbd1sacmng Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Key: RR=Road Ride MTB= Mtn Bike Ride TT=Time Trial Pace: mph E=Easy, under 10 S=Social 10-12 M=Moderate 12-15 B=Brisk 16-20 RLH-Ride Leaders Home Rain will cancel unless noted otherwise. Friday Saturday 9am SRR Mount Vernon Farmers Market Park @ Riverwalk N. lot Jeanette Folkertsma 360.445.5924 10am SRR Thursday Joy Ride Conway West of Red Barn Jean Sattler-Will 360.710.9577 Sunday 10am Gravel Grinder RLH 624 Bennett S-W Tom Jacobson 360.710.2834 3:30pm MRR 20-25mi Arlington VeloSport Mark Everett 360.629.6415 Labor Day 10:00 am MRR March Point Park&Ride Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 10:00 am MRR March Point Park&Ride Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 12-16 WACANID.ORG 6pm Board Meeting Dimensional Communications 1225 Anderson Rd MV Jamie Wells 360.941.1270 10:00 am MRR March Point Park&Ride Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 6pm SRR Skagit Cycle Ctr Anacortes Bernie Santiago 360.588.8776 6pm/MRR Ladies Ride Skagit Cycle Anacortes Liz Jenkins 360.588.8776 5:30 PM Maiben Park Burlington Short-SRR Jill Klein 360.202.0152 Med/Long-MRR/BRR Jim Finch 360.424.8511 6pm SRR Skagit Cycle Ctr Anacortes Bernie Santiago 360.588.8776 6pm/MRR Ladies Ride Skagit Cycle Anacortes Liz Jenkins 360.588.8776 9am Ferry Var San Juan Island, 3:45 Ferry home Marshall Will 360.929.5003 10:00 am MRR March Point Park&Ride Steve Jahn 425.830.4981 Hanspeter Gehrig 360.588.9149 Dan Sandstrom 360.708.7108 5:30 PM Maiben Park Burlingtonl Short-SRR Janice Lisherness 360.391.3931 Med/Long-MRR/BRR Shannon Good 360.336.3700 5:30 PM Maiben Park Burlington Short-SRR Cheryl Minor 360.424.4836 Med/Long-MRR/BRR Gary Minor 360.424.4836 6pm SRR Skagit Cycle Ctr Anacortes Bernie Santiago 360.588.8776 6pm/MRR Ladies Ride Skagit Cycle Anacortes Liz Jenkins 360.588.8776 6pm/MRR Ladies Ride Skagit Cycle Anacortes Liz Jenkins 360.588.8776 6pm MRR/BRR Seafarer’s Park Anacortes Medium/ long loop Joella Solus 360.293.9245 5:30 PM Maiben Park Burlington Short-SRR Jane Monroe 360.391.9062 Med/Long-MRR/BRR Jim Finch 360.424.8511 a b Bike MS: Deception Pass Classic 1:30 pm SRR RLH to LaConner 17534 Fir Isl Rd Jeannette Folkertsma 360.445.5924 10am MRR/SRR Thursday Joy Ride Conway West of Red Barn Cheryl Minor 360.424.4836 10am MRR/SRR Thursday Joy Ride Conway West of Red Barn Shannon Good 360.336.3700 10am MRR/SRR Thursday Joy Ride Conway West of Red Barn Gary Minor 360.424.4836 10am MRR/SRR Thursday Joy Ride Conway West of Red Barn Diane Torset 360.856.6296 c d 10am SRR Red Barn Conway Cheryl Minor 360.424.4836 9am Bridge Sweep Berentson Bridge Hwy 20 Steve Jahn 425.830.4931 3:30pm MRR 20-25mi Arlington VeloSport Mark Everett 360.629.6415 9am SRR MtV Farmers Mkt. Park @ Riverwalk N. lot Jeanette Folkertsma 360.445.5924 10am Var Camano Island Stanwood Haggens Marshall Will 360.929.5003 3:30pm MRR 20-25mi Arlington VeloSport Mark Everett 360.629.6415 j Newsletter Deadline End of bike year. Make sure I have your ride leader forms! Whit e f Pedal Your Park Visit a Park by Bike G h 3:30pm SRR Arlington VeloSport Mark Everett 360.629.6415 i � Freewheeling The Skagit Bicycle Club was well represented this year at Bicycle Rides Northwest’s annual Oregon Bike Ride. Anita Johnson, Marty Johnson, Jerry Ziegler and Phil McLoud completed a 400 mile circuit through northwest Oregon. Along the way they saw mountains, mules, covered wagons, a spruce goose, hula girls, vineyards, the Pacific Ocean and lots of changeable weather. The ride started in Astoria but headed north back into Washington before crossing back into Oregon on a ferry at Westport. From there the route headed south through Clatskanie, Veronia (hula girls) and Carlton (vineyards). After a day site seeing in the Carlton area (Spruce Goose) the group climbed over the mountains to Tillamook on the coast where they were rewarded with Tillamook ice cream. A reporter from the local paper got a nice shot of the Skagit group in a pace line headed into town and interviewed Phil at the campsite. The final overnight was in the tiny crossroads of Jewell after a harrowing climb and descent. The day’s exertions were eased a bit with an afternoon concert by the group Brownsmead Flats. The last day was a relatively short run back to Astoria before showers, lunch and the long drive home. A good time was had by all, despite weather that couldn’t decide whether it was cold and clammy or hot and sunny and a few roads best not traveled by bicyclists. 5 qecjlSkagit bicycle Club Informationfcgb Mailing Address The Skagit Bicycle Club P.O. Box 363 Burlington WA 98233 Officers & Board President Jamie Wells Vice President Phil McLoud Secretary Jean Sattler-Will Treasurer Marshall Will Past President Colby Plagge Board Members Steve Jahn Marty Johnson Cindy McGuiness Scott Rittscher Steve Rutz Diane Torsett Volunteer Positions Ride Coordinator Whit Whitford 360 757 1357 Remember to send in your ride sheets to get credit for your rides! Spring Classic Coordinator: Open Bridge Sweep Coordinators: Steve & Dian Jahn Membership List Marshall Will Website: Web masters: Jamie Wells Tom Jacobson Membership Benefits: Newsletter: Saddle-Post Intelligencer Published by The Skagit Bicycle Club Editor Rose Ploeg Newsletter Deadline date is posted on the ride calendar. Your Contributions Are Welcome! Got an inspiring story or some great photos? We welcome submissions! If you wish to contribute an article to a future issue, contact Editor Rose Ploeg as early as possible. Articles and photographic submissions are due on or before the deadline date posted, and will be considered on a space-available basis. All submissions are subject to editing for content and space. Send submissions in Word or InDesign and Photos in JPEG. If you are having issues with the email edition of the Newsletter please contact us through the website or call or email Marshall Will at 360 929 5003 or Copies of the newsletter will be mailed upon request. Bike Travel Cases: Deposit is $100 and is refundable upon the return of the case. The borrower is responsible for the pickup and drop off of the case. Bike Travel Trailer: “BOB” bike trailer with a waterproof duffel. Club Bike Racks: Four Yakima bike carriers attach to a roof rack 1 inch round bars front and rear. Fork mount/ mounts for the front wheel. Currently kept in the Storage Unit in Mount Vernon. To check out and arrange a pick up of any of the above items contact Jane Monroe 360 391 9062 or Colby Plagge 360 540 4554 Membership benefits also include 10% off at these local businesses. Please remember to show your membership card to receive your discount. Goody’s Rack Shop 1817 Bouslog Rd Burlington WA 9823 360.899.9903 Skagit Cycle Center 1704 S. Burlington Blvd. Burlington 360 757 7910 1620 Commercial Ave. Anacortes 360 588 8776 Arlington Velo Sport Bicycle Shop 401 N Olympic Ave Arlington, WA 98223 360-629-6415 ccccccccccccc6ccccccccccccc Skagit Bicycle Club P.O. Box 363 Burlington WA 98233 Skagit Bicycle Club Membership Form Annual Dues: Check One: Payment: Use Pay Mail this form to: Individual $15.00 ____New Member Family $20.00 ____Renewal Pal to join or renew your membership online at Skagit Bicycle Club P.O. Box 363 Burlington You will receive your Newsletter via Email in full glorious color. WA 98233 To receive the Newsletter in the paper version (not in color) via US Postal Service.....CHECK HERE ______ Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip ______________ Email ________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________
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