Review the Wumpa brochure


Review the Wumpa brochure
A Playfully Preschool
Multi-platform Property
13 x 3 mins
30 games / activities
Welcome to
Wumpa’s World!
Wumpa’s World is all about play. It’s what our characters do best. Wumpa, Tiguak, Qitu, Tuk and Seeka are the Olympic champions
of having fun. Whether it is sliding down the ice slide, building inukshuk, racing across the tundra or finding a costume to masquerade
in, someone is always dreaming up an even better game.
As legend would have it
Back in the day, Wumpa’s island wasn’t really an island at all. It was part of the vast Arctic mainland
- until a massive earthquake set it adrift, and drift it did until finding the absolutely most perfect spot.
There it stopped suddenly and abruptly. Why? Traditional wisdom would have it that events happen
only when they are appropriate. Wumpa’s World was born.
Wumpa, Tiguak, Qitu, Tuk and Seeka
are now a family – a close knit Arctic community where fun
and friendship abound and as Wumpa says,
it’s all based on simple values:
Be good to yourself
Be good to others
Be good to your environment
Be happy
Wumpa’s not one to brag, but he can’t help himself when it comes to his
pride and joy – his gleaming white tusks. He can’t pass a pool of water (or a sheet of
ice) without stealing a quick glance at himself. To keep these physical attributes at
their best, he never strays far from his extra-large, family-size toothbrush. And when
the sun shines, we’ll find him basking on his favourite rock, singing tunes about tusks
and friendship on his weathered snowshoe banjo.
Wumpa the patriarch is a great raconteur
who loves an audience. He embodies the oral tradition as everything – and we
mean everything – reminds him of a funny story, a legend, a pearl of wisdom.
Tiguak is an artistic Polar Bear who hates the cold, rarely leaving the igloo without his scarf and mukluks.
A painter and a sculptor (you should see his inukshuk!), he also loves puzzles. The vibrantly colored interior walls
of his igloo reveal his obsession with all things Caribbean - not to mention his floral shirt and steel drum.
And hibernation? Forget it.
Tiguak suffers from a classic case of insomnia. He’d give anything
for just one good night’s sleep. He’s a little older than the others
and often tricks his friends into cleaning his igloo, catching fish for
him, or simply scratching his back – a furry Huckleberry Finn!
Tuk and Seeka are very physical and will ‘jump’ at the chance to play any game that lets them
move at top speed. Two furry busybodies who love sticking their whiskers into everyone else’s
business. How could it be otherwise? Look at the size of those ears! They can hear a whisper from
under six layers of snow so be careful what you say, or these arctic hares will pop up to offer their
opinions and advice.
Not that there’s anything wrong with getting another perspective,
but Tuk and Seeka can never agree on anything! If one says “too cold”,
the other says “too hot”. If one pushes, the other pulls.
The only thing they agree upon is to disagree.
Yet for all their bickering, they make the most beautiful music together–
I guess you could say they also have an ear for music. If you can
catch them performing under the Northern Lights you know
you’re the luckiest person alive.
Qitu loves colors – and admires Tiguak’s artistic talents.
She is fun, playful and mischievous, quite the prankster! Qitu is
most at home in the underwater world.
Naturally curious, she is a warm
and friendly character with an imagination that just doesn’t
stop. She is the absolute best at any games involving
juggling, tossing or catching.
And you never know what she’ll come up with from
that shipwreck down below. Need a kaleidoscope?
No problem!
My name is Wumpa. I like to
tell stories and I also
like to brush my teeth!
The webisodes / interstitials and games in Wumpa’s World are seamlessly interwoven. Watch
a story all the way through, or head off to a game or two before coming back to the stories.
Click on the sky to play Sky Music with Wumpa or build an inukshuk with Tiguak when his
igloo starts to glow. You can watch the webisodes, play the games or do both however the
spirit moves you!
Every day in Wumpa’s World is chock full of questions, surprises, obstacles and the miracle of discovery above the 70th parallel.
Turns out, it’s a lot like life everywhere else (except just a little bit colder!).
Wumpa’s World is irreverent and full of humor – with energy to burn. Young kids will
laugh as our characters work their way through dilemmas to their (usually) appropriate
conclusions: good, bad - or just plain silly!
Play makes us happy.
Play makes us healthy. Play makes us wise. Play gives children
a chance to test their skills, to take initiative, and make mistakes
without fear of failure.
Play helps develop problem-solving skills.
When kids play, they combine new thoughts and ideas, and adapt to
new challenges. They explore and, through their successes find the
confidence to try increasingly complex activities.
C’mon out and play with us!
And don’t forget your mittens!
For more information please visit :
or contact
Neil Smolar :
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