2010 Homecoming Weekend - Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation
2010 Homecoming Weekend - Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation
Brooklyn Tech 2010 Homecoming Weekend Class Rep Handbook Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation 2010 Homecoming Class Rep Handbook Class Rep Handbook Homecoming Weekend ’10 • April 23 & 24, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Welcome Letter ....................................................................................................... 3 Homecoming Class Rep Responsibilities .............................................................. 4 Getting Started ........................................................................................................ 5 Meeting Dates ....................................................................................................... 10 Contact List ........................................................................................................... 11 Suggested Lost Alumni Search Sites .................................................................... 13 Planning a Great Class Reunion............................................................................ 14 Reunion Planning Checklist/Timeline .................................................................. 18 Local Restaurants, Clubs and Bars ....................................................................... 21 Procedure for Reunion Transactions ..................................................................... 24 Tips from Past Class Reps .................................................................................... 25 Sample Reunion Letters ........................................................................................ 30 Everything You Need To Know About Homecoming Weekend ......................... 35 Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................. 40 Page 2 Class Rep Handbook Dear Class Rep: Each year, hundreds of Technites travel from across the country and around the globe to come Home to Tech. As a Class Rep of an anniversary class, this year is particularly special for you and your classmates. With your help, we will make this Homecoming Weekend very special and full of memories, new and old. As a Class Rep you are a pivotal part of the Homecoming planning process, helping to find lost alumni, encouraging class participation in Homecoming Weekend events, and coordinating special class activities such as class reunions or fundraising for a class gift. Because of the important role you play, you will be recognized for your work and honored during Homecoming Weekend. We have created this Class Rep Handbook as a tool to help you to make the most of this important milestone year. As this is the 4th Edition of the Handbook, we welcome your thoughts and comments so that we can make the next edition even better! I extend special thanks to the class reps of years gone by who have added many tips and pointers to make your job easier. Lastly, I thank you for giving your time and your effort to help make your classmates’ Homecoming experience the best it can be! With Tech Pride, Mathew M. Mandery ’61 CEO Page 3 Class Rep Handbook Responsibilities of the Homecoming Class Rep • Encourage classmates and teammates to attend Brooklyn Tech’s Homecoming Weekend. • Help find lost Technites. • Draft a letter or reunion announcement to your classmates that will bring back fond memories of their time at Tech and encourage their attendance at Homecoming. • Field general questions about Homecoming activities and encourage ADVANCE registration. • Attend planning meetings, either in person or by conference call. • Work with your class rep committee to organize special class-specific reunion activities beyond those planned by the Alumni Office. • Encourage donations from classmates toward a Class Gift to be presented during or after Homecoming. • Volunteer during the days before Homecoming to make yearbook-picture buttons for your classmates who have pre-registered. This is a great way for people to remember one another and brings back more great memories! • Have fun!! Page 4 Class Rep Handbook GETTING STARTED Homecoming Weekend Schedule The 2010 Homecoming Weekend will be held on Friday and Saturday in April 23 & 24, 2010, at Tech. We are finalizing the specifics of each day, but will not vary too much from prior schedules. Here is a snapshot of the two days: Friday – a guided tour of Tech, followed by lunch at Junior’s Restaurant. Saturday – a welcome breakfast, an alumni assembly that includes a tribute to the 50th anniversary class and the graduates of the ’30s and ’40s, as well as an opportunity to win a raffle or auction of Tech memorabilia. That is followed by a catered lunch in the student cafeteria, and an opportunity to roam the school and talk with current teachers and students. Many of Tech’s retired teachers also come back for Homecoming. Mrs. Osterweil, Ms. Sciabarra, Ms. Fiore, Mr. Voyticky, Coach Cuzzocrea and many others make a point to come back to see their former students. Pricing – Homecoming events are priced ala carte so the cost to attend Homecoming depends on which events an individual would like to attend. For 2009, Homecoming’s prices for Friday were $35-$45 depending on date of purchase. Saturday’s price was approximately $50-$65 depending on date of purchase. These prices are subject to change for 2010. Since you will be the main point of contact for your classmates, we ask you to remain knowledgeable about Homecoming events and to make yourself available to answer your classmates’ questions. The Homecoming Weekend Section of this handbook contains sample schedules, FAQ’s and other useful info. Class-Specific Reunion Activities Each class is strongly encouraged to organize some type of reunion activity in addition to those organized by the Foundation. In the past, some classes have opted to get together on Friday night at a local bar or restaurant. Others have gotten together on Saturday evening at people’s homes, local clubs, bars and restaurants. Still others have planned events for Sunday morning such as breakfast or brunch. Here are a few examples: • For their 50th anniversary, the class of 1959 held a dinner at Marco Polo Ristorante in Brooklyn. There was a special plaque presented for Tech alum who perished during September 11th. Many classmates brought Tech memorabilia from their years at Tech. Page 5 Class Rep Handbook • For their 40th anniversary, John Catsimatidis ’66 hosted a swinging ’60s gala with live entertainment and a slideshow of the ’66 yearbook assembled by John Lyons ’66 who also made it available on CD for each of their classmates. • For their 30th anniversary, the class of 1974 got together at Junior’s Restaurant following the Homecoming Saturday festivities. • For their 25th anniversary, the class of 1982 hosted a semi-formal gala at Princess Manor on Homecoming Saturday that included live entertainment and take-aways. • For their 25th anniversary, the class of 1984 hosted a happy hour on Homecoming Friday at NY Perk’s on Smith St. that went well into the night. They also had a party at Rockwell’s on Saturday evening with hundreds of attendees, dancing, and light food. • For their 20th anniversary, the class of 1989 hosted an event at Bounce NY in Manhattan on Homecoming Saturday evening. • For their 10th anniversary, the class of 1999 hosted an event at Concrete Lounge in Manhattan to close out the weekend. If your team decides to plan a class-specific event, you will not go it alone! The Alumni Office provides support as follows: • online survey to your classmates to gauge interest in a class reunion (developed individually with each Class Rep committee) • mailing of one promotional piece or letter (printing not included) • mass emails to your classmates • processing of ticket sales by mail, phone, fax, and online • marketing of event on Alumni website, in newsletters and in general Homecoming materials • tips and advice with the various stages of planning Our Reunion Planning Section (page 14) provides reunion ideas, local venues, committee building tips and a reunion planning checklist. Building a Class Rep Team The Class Rep job is most easily done in a team. The Alumni staff will work with you to try to build a team to help share the workload. If your committee decides to plan a large or formal event, you will need a relatively large committee. The workload can be divided, so that each person is responsible for a different task (one rep looks for lost classmates, one rep plans a reunion event, another calls and sends Page 6 Class Rep Handbook emails to classmates to encourage attendance, etc.), or tasks like lost list research and outreach to classmates can be shared by all. How you divide the work is completely up to your group and, again, the staff is here to offer support and guidance. You will find a contact list of all 2010 Homecoming Class Reps on the website. We encourage you to talk with your classmates as soon as possible to discuss strategies for Homecoming Weekend attendance and interest in a class-specific event. Finding Lost Alumni Lost alumni are defined as alumni who are not in the Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation’s database. When working to find lost alumni, your personal network of people is a great place to start—it only takes a handful of Technites to find hundreds! You should use social media websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Also use search engines such as Google, Superpages and Switchboard, and be creative in your search. A list of other online resources is provided. Your class list can be emailed in a spreadsheet upon request. This list will give you the contact information for alumni for your year. Contact Renee Brown regarding your class list. Pre-Homecoming Assistance In the weeks before Homecoming, we always need extra hands and appreciate any time that you can spare. One task for that week is to make the yearbook picture buttons for your classmates. These are great fun for your classmates and are a special thank you for those who pre-register. We need at least one volunteer from each anniversary class to make the buttons. This is a great assignment for a locally-based alumnus/alumna. Homecoming Class Rep Meetings A total of three Class Rep planning meetings for all Class Reps as a group are currently scheduled. The Alumni Office staff will share information about Homecoming Weekend activities and Class Reps from all anniversary years will have the opportunity to compare notes and share ideas. The tentative meeting schedule is on page 10. It is also strongly recommended that each Class Rep committee hold its own meetings regularly to facilitate the planning process. In addition, monthly meetings with the Alumni Office will be held in order to keep your committee and the office on the same page. Page 7 Class Rep Handbook Renee Brown ‘95 will be your primary contact for Homecoming and will keep you informed about the events and schedule for the weekend. Please do not hesitate to contact her if you need any assistance or have any questions. Her contact information is on page 11. We are excited about the next few months and this year’s Homecoming Weekend. With your help, we know it will be a huge success! Page 8 Class Rep Handbook Pearls of Wisdom A few Homecoming Class Reps of years-gone-by have shared some words of wisdom: (1) get started early; (2) earmark the locally-based people to help with the class-specific Homecoming events planning; (3) a Friday evening event can help generate attendance for Saturday Homecoming festivities; (4) Homecoming Saturday events end at approximately 4 p.m. It is not a bad idea to have something scheduled directly following that to retain the momentum of the day. More Homecoming Class Rep tips are available in the Tips from Past Class Reps of this handbook (page 25). Page 9 Class Rep Handbook HOMECOMING CLASS REP MEETINGS All Homecoming Class Rep meetings can be attended in person or by phone. Meetings last approximately 1 hour. Meeting reminders will be sent by email a few days before the scheduled meeting. At that time, the conference call number and participant access code will also be given out. The meetings listed below are for all Class Reps. The Class Reps of each year are encouraged to hold individual meetings or conference calls throughout the process to better facilitate planning of individual reunions. The Alumni Office staff is available to participate in class-specific planning calls as needed. (Please contact Renee Brown to set up a meeting. See contact list.) TENTATIVE SCHEDULE – 1st Tuesday of every month September 1 October 6 November 3 December 1 January 5 February 2 March 2 April 6 Individual Class Rep meetings as needed. April 23 & 24 – Homecoming Weekend! June - Post-Homecoming Re-cap and Celebration Page 10 Class Rep Handbook CONTACT LIST BROOKLYN TECH ALUMNI OFFICE Renee Brown (primary) Alumni Relations rbrown@bthsalum.org Daytime: (718) 797-2285 Matt Mandery ’61 (secondary) CEO mmmandery@bthsalum.org Daytime: (718) 797-2285 CLASS REPS RESOURCES Lisa Turner-Rustin ’84 Eandl_rustin@msn.com Eric ‘EJ’ Smith ‘84 ejsmith84@yahoo.com Taahira Maynard ‘99 Taahira.maynard@gmail.com Bob Comparato ‘59 RobertComparato@embarqmail.com Jim Crosson ‘69 crosson@att.com 1960 HOMECOMING CLASS REPS Jack Feinstein ‘60 jf0302@gmail.com Sanford (Sandy) Gardener ‘60 sgardner48@comcast.net Barry Schapiro ‘60 bjschapiro@charter.net 1970 HOMECOMING CLASS REPS Larry Cary ’70 LCary@carykanelaw.com 1980 HOMECOMING CLASS REPS Elvis Maduro ‘80 elvisnbc@optonline.net Alex Mironovich ‘70 Charles O’Brady ‘80 naturescoolers@msn.com Kay Benjamin ‘80 kbenjam@rochester.rr.com 1985 HOMECOMING CLASS REPS Alfred Green ‘85 agreen@bkaeg.org Cathy Reid ‘85 creid68@aol.com Page 11 Class Rep Handbook Ron Freeman ‘85 ronsfreeman@yahoo.com Darnell P. Smith ‘85 doro828@aol.com 1990 HOMECOMING CLASS REPS Scott Rozany ‘90 platy@speakeasy.net Marc Williams ‘90 mrwilliams90@aol.com Rasheena Wilson ‘90 rasheena.wilson@abgsc.com Zola Mashariki ‘90 zmashariki@aol.com Rachelle Riley-Banks ‘90 raerae1010@aol.com Brian Kaplan ‘90 brian@pedarc.com James T. Heckstall ‘90 jayhex3604@yahoo.com Azaletch Tura Ebba Skinner ‘90 azaletch@hotmail.com Sheri Kemp ‘90 sherikemp@optonline.net Natasia Caldwell Pinkey ‘90 IceyDiva479@yahoo.com Edwin Velazquez ‘90 pastorsamuel@cfl.rr.com 2000 HOMECOMING CLASS REPS Wu Ming Zhang ‘00 z_hayes25@hotmail.com Kashawn John ‘00 nai311@yahoo.com Florina Altshiler ‘00 faltshiler@yahoo.com Venesa Alicea ‘00 nyvarch@gmail.com Page 12 Class Rep Handbook SUGGESTED LOST ALUMNI SEARCH SITES Argali White & Yellow http://www.argali.com/ Birth Database www.birthdatabase.com Classmates.com http://www.classmates.com Facebook.com http://www.facebook.com MySpace http://www.myspace.com National Telephone Directory http://www.411.com Reunion.com http://www.reunion.com Social Security Death Index http://www.ntis.gov/products/ssa-dmf.asp (Also available through other commercial sites. Do a search for “Social Security Death Index.”) Switchboard.com http://www.switchboard.com The Ultimates White Pages http://www.theultimates.com/white/ US Search www.ussearch.com Verizon SuperPages http://www.superpages.com/ Zaba Search http://www.zabasearch.com/ Page 13 Class Rep Handbook PLANNING A GREAT CLASS REUNION The following is meant to serve as a guide in planning your class event. No two reunions are alike but every reunion requires upfront planning to be successful. Forming a Reunion Committee Successful reunions are the result of successful committees. Committees that are active, well organized, and willing to delegate are positioned for success. Classes have found that having large, active committees encourages participation and results in better planning. Start by forming a core team of diverse and enthusiastic individuals who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure a successful reunion. You may wish to appoint a reunion chair who will arrange and drive meeting agendas and a treasurer to oversee finances. Don't underestimate the work involved. Share the work amongst as many who are willing to offer their help. There are many details and arrangements that have to be taken care of. Organizing a successful reunion can be a truly enriching and rewarding experience where old friendships are reestablished and new friendships formed. Tips for Successful Committees Managing a committee effectively can be a challenging task. Listed below are a few tips to help make your committee successful. 1. Assign specific responsibilities to committee members. Try to match roles/tasks with volunteer’s skill sets or interests. Also note that location may play a role in who takes on which tasks. 2. Make the most of committee meetings and conference calls. It is important to use this time well. • Define the purpose of the meeting and set an agenda. • Distribute the agenda and necessary background materials in advance so members will be prepared. • Keep the conversation focused on the topic and encourage group discussion to get all points of view and ideas. • Write up and distribute minutes, including action items and delegation decisions, within a few days of the meeting. How Often Should We Meet? Your reunion team should plan to meet once a month either in person or via conference call with weekly or bi-weekly meetings as Homecoming Weekend draws nearer. The Alumni Office utilizes a free telephone conferencing service for its meetings that Class Reps committees can sign up for and use for their own meetings. The service is www.freeconference.com and is completely free if you choose a long distance call-in number. Page 14 Class Rep Handbook In addition, monthly meetings/conference calls with the Alumni Office are highly recommended in order to keep your committee and the office on the same page. Survey Your Classmates You have taken on the responsibility of planning a reunion for your entire class. One of your goals should be to have high participation in your reunion. The types of events you plan can affect attendance at your reunions. Asking your classmates what they would like to see happen during your reunion will help in your planning and ensure your reunion includes activities your classmates will enjoy. The Alumni Office will develop an online survey with you and send it to your classmates on your behalf. Once you have your committee together, and you have surveyed your classmates on activities, the next step is to plan your event(s). A planning checklist & timeline is available on page 18. It is important that you keep a clear handle on your budget during the planning process so you can plan events that your class can afford. Budget/Pricing There are two ways to approach pricing: (1) to set a price that you believe will be affordable for your class and to plan an event that fits that price range; (2) to identify the type of event your class would enjoy and price it accordingly. For example, if you know that you’d like to create an event priced around $50 per person, the committee can focus on the details of an event for that price. On the other hand, if you know that your class is interested in a semi-formal dinner with dancing, identify a venue, entertainment and extras for that event and price the tickets accordingly. Keep in mind that the Homecoming Weekend activities cost between $35 and $65 per day. For formal events, it is strongly suggested that a tiered pricing structure be established with “early-bird” pricing that will generate early registration. The early-bird deadline should coincide with payment due dates to infuse your reunion account with revenue. Some classes have opted to have three tiers leading up to their reunion with a higher door price to discourage walk-ins. Remember that all pricing structures, including “early bird” pricing, should cover all anticipated costs, including venue, entertainment, give-aways, decorations, printing costs (invitations, commemorative programs) and, optionally, a Class Gift donation. Friday, Saturday or both? Some classes have one class event while others host gatherings both nights. Hosting a multi-day reunion gives your classmates additional time to relax and get reacquainted. It will involve a little more work to host a multi-day reunion but it offers many advantages to your classmates. Following are some suggestions for the weekend should you choose to hold more than one activity. Friday night Many classes kick off their reunion activities with an informal Friday night get-together Page 15 Class Rep Handbook or “mixer.” Typically these are held at a local restaurant or bar and classmates pay for their own cocktails; light hors d'oeuvres may be served. Keep this event simple. Don't put a lot of undo stress on yourselves. This is a great precursor to the Homecoming Saturday events. Saturday night This night is typically reserved for your “big event.” Homecoming activities conclude at approximately 4 p.m. It is recommended that informal events be scheduled to begin shortly thereafter to keep the momentum going. Formal events are typically scheduled to begin at 6:30 or 7 p.m. Sunday morning Some classes opt to close out the weekend with breakfast or brunch. Types of Events What type of activities do you want to offer your classmates? Here are some examples: • Informal Get-Together: these can take place in the days or months leading up to the reunion to build momentum for Homecoming Weekend or can be held during Homecoming Weekend itself. Whether it’s getting together in a restaurant, bar or nightclub, these events provide a great deal of time for classmates to reconnect and have fun! • Cocktail Reception: this type of event is easy to put together and relatively inexpensive. • Dinner Dance or Gala: typically scheduled on Homecoming Saturday, these more formal reunion events require a greater level of planning. These are particularly sought after for the classes celebrating their 25th, 40th and 50th anniversaries. • Brunch: a Sunday brunch is a nice way to close out the weekend before classmates travel home During your reunion event If you are planning a more formal evening event, you can add some formality to the evening with an official opening welcome and a few brief speeches and awards before dinner. Perhaps a tribute to classmates who have passed away. One thing you need to remember is that people are coming to the reunion to catch up with old friends. You need to allocate the majority of the evening to free socializing. You might also want to consider setting up a continuously running slide show of old class photos in one corner of the room....this is always a great attraction. Consider setting up a nostalgia table for classmates to view memorabilia and artifacts from your class; this is a great way to jog faded memories and spark discussions amongst classmates. Ask each of your classmates to bring one piece of personal memorabilia for the nostalgia display. If you want to encourage dancing make sure your music provider plays music from your era. Page 16 Class Rep Handbook Venues Locations should fit the theme of the event and accommodate everyone. While researching venues, keep in mind how you would like the room setup, if there are adequate rest room facilities and handicapped accessible parking, etc. Keep in mind, most event venues do have rental fees. Consult with the Alumni staff regarding rental fees and how you can minimize the amount charged. A list of local venues is available on page 21. Staffing the event Unfortunately the reunion committee's job isn't over after all the plans and arrangements are complete. On the day of the reunion there is still the work of registering guests as they enter. You've worked hard and you too deserve to enjoy the reunion. Some facilities may provide this service for you or you might want to consider asking friends or family members to handle this for you. You might even be able to make arrangements with volunteers from the class year ahead of you or behind you to provide this service in turn for providing this service at their reunion. Given the likelihood that they may know people in your graduating class, it could be an attractive opportunity for them as well. Alumni Office Staff While you are responsible for planning the details of your reunion, the Alumni staff is available as a resource to you. Staff can attend committee meetings, make contract suggestions, suggest event locations, and offer advice on your reunion. The Alumni Office also can collect payments for your reunion on your behalf. (See information on page 25. Staff contact information is provided on page 11.) Page 17 Class Rep Handbook REUNION PLANNING CHECKLIST/TIMELINE The following checklist is designed to give you ideas for your reunion planning and to give you a sense of the planning each can require. Use it as a guide and select the items that fit your event! Nine to Twelve months before Attend Reunion kick-off meeting/conference call hosted by Alumni Office. Recruit and appoint committee members. Create classmate outreach strategy. Assign committee responsibilities. Distribute “Lost List” (Alumni Office). Begin searching for lost alumni. Establish a web presence (class page on Alumni website, Facebook.com, Classmates.com, Yahoo! Group, etc.). Assign a committee member to manage the class page on the Alumni website, Facebook.com, Classmates.com and Reunion.com. Hold your first reunion committee meeting or conference call. Schedule monthly reunion committee meetings. Set preliminary budget for class event, entertainment, banners and mementos. Begin planning class event. Nine months before Survey classmates for ideas and venue preferences (mail or email). Determine event format. • informal, formal • reception, dinner-dance, mixer, etc • single event, multi-day event Scout potential reunion facilities and hotels. Select reunion souvenir give-aways. [Optional] Select and reserve reunion facility and hotels. Arrange for and hire entertainment, caterer, photographer, etc. Collect seed money & pay deposits. (Typically, the initial funds are generated by reunion committee with expenses reimbursed from ticket sale revenue.) Begin collecting images for slideshow or video. Request personal biographies, pictures, etc. for handouts and memory albums. Seven months before Determine cost per ticket and pricing structure. Determine payment process (through Alumni Office or through committee). Mail event announcement with date and location of reunion (Alumni Office). Plan concerted outreach method to build excitement within class. Update class web pages with information as available. Publicize Homecoming Weekend information Page 18 Class Rep Handbook Four to Six months before Mail reunion registration materials. Confirm all vendors and service providers. Meet with reunion venue staff. Begin contacting classmates by phone and email to build attendance. November: submit event details (date, location, ticket price, contact info) to Alumni Office. Three months before Make arrangements with all suppliers for final payments. Order reunion souvenirs [optional]. Post link to "look who's coming" on class website/listserv Continue class email strategy (i.e. Registration is open, event details, event teasers, etc.) One month before Provide all invoices to Alumni Office for processing (if alumni staff is managing ticket sales) Finalize any last minute details Send reminder email Prepare any class-specific inserts for registration packets Two weeks before Verify attendance, finalize lists of paid guests, create check-in lists, print nametags Assist Alumni staff with finalization of yearbook buttons One week before Finalize and confirm all vendors, lists and final payments Homecoming Weekend/ Reunion Day Bring a reunion day checklist Retrieve supplies at the end of reunion Have Fun!! Post-Reunion Complete reunion evaluation Submit all invoices to Alumni Office Attend reunion committee debrief meeting Update class website/listserv with reunion photos and captions Take notes on what worked well or needs improvement and share with the Alumni Office. Suggest changes or additions for the 2011 Homecoming Class Rep Handbook. Page 19 Class Rep Handbook PUBLICIZING YOUR CLASS REUNION The Alumni Office will promote your class event in its Homecoming Weekend marketing material. Homecoming Weekend is promoted via the Alumni Website—which includes online registration capabilities—and via emails, newsletters and printed invitations. Supplementing these efforts with promotion in public venues will give your event greater exposure and will give lost classmates a greater opportunity to find you. Make sure you provide Class Rep name(s), e-mail addresses or phone numbers and a web site address so that classmates can reach you for more details. If you are uncomfortable giving out your personal e-mail address and phone number you might want to consider setting up an alternate contact e-mail account such as brooklyntech1958@yahoo.com with a free email service provider to avoid unwanted junk mail to your personal e-mail account. Consider the following avenues to promote your reunion plans: • email • facebook • telephone • mail • local newspapers • Alumni website (www.bthsalumni.org) • other alumni-oriented websites (ie. classmates.com, alumni.net, reunion.com, etc.) • social networking sites (ie. Facebook.com, myspace.com, linkedin.com, etc.) • your own class website (already created for your class on www.bthsalumni.org) • create a listserv or chat group (Yahoo Groups, MSN, Google Groups, etc.) • public reunion announcement web sites (ie. reunionannouncements.com, etc.) • public radio station announcements and their websites • good old fashioned word of mouth never hurts either Page 20 Class Rep Handbook FORT GREENE-AREA RESTAURANTS, CLUBS & BARS 31 Rockwell's Bar & Lounge 31 Rockwell Place 718.488.8338 www.31rockwell.com Raw space with exposed brick and a great party atmosphere. Owned by Technite, Darnell Jones ‘85. The Class of 1984 hosted an event here. Amarachi Lounge 325 Franklin Ave. (Clifton & Greene Streets), Clinton Hill 646.641.4510 Owned by Technite, Sam Adewumi ‘84. Applebee’s 395 Flatbush Avenue Extension (at DeKalb Avenue) 718.834.0800 www.applebees.com A casual dining restaurant with standard American fare. Archive Bar & Restaurant at the Brooklyn Marriott 333 Adams Street 718.246.7000 www.brooklynmarriott.com Spacious and comfortable setting for cocktails and conversation. Waitress service and light dining. The class of 1954 used this venue for two separate events. Brooklyn Marriott 333 Adams Street 718.246.7000 www.brooklynmarriott.com The Marriott offers banquet rooms for special events. Call the events manager for more details. Chez Oskar 211 DeKalb Avenue (at Adelphi Street) 718.852.6250 www.chezoskar.com French bistro. Reservation required. Restaurant can seat approximately 60-75 guests. They do a great job with groups up to about 10 or 12. Deity 368 Atlantic Avenue (at Hoyt Street) 718-222-3692 www.deitynyc.com Page 21 Class Rep Handbook Frank's Cocktail Lounge 660 Fulton Street (at S. Elliot Place) 718.625.9339 www.frankscocktaillounge.com Cool and Friendly bar with Brooklyn's best entertainment. No food served, 2nd floor room available for rental. The 2nd floor has a DJ booth. Jelani Lounge 507 Waverly Avenue (at Fulton Street) 718.230.5227 www.jelanilounge.com Junior's Restaurant 386 Flatbush Avenue Extension (at DeKalb Avenue) 718.852.5257 www.juniorscheesecake.com The menu at this bright, colorful restaurant is a mile long and includes huge sandwiches, salads, and the “World's Best Cheesecake.” A Brooklyn landmark. Moe's 80 Lafayette Avenue (between S. Elliot Place & S. Portland Avenue) 718.797.9536 www.moesbrooklyn.com Hip and laid-back bar with a good jukebox and a great vibe. No food, but private area. This venue was used by the Class of 1994 for their post-Homecoming reunion and they had a blast! Mullanes Bar & Grill 71 Lafayette Avenue (at S. Elliot Place) 718.797.7606 A newcomer to the Fort Greene area, Mullanes has a sophisticated sports appearance, a relatively spacious interior and a relaxed atmosphere. Night of the Cookers 767 Fulton Street (between S. Portland Avenue & S. Oxford Street) 718.797.1197 www.nightofthecookers.com Restaurant/bar with live music on Thursday-Saturday. Continental cuisine includes southern, Mexican, pasta, and seafood specialties. This restaurant has two separate dining areas; one can be made private for a large enough party. Main side has a large bar and seating for approximately 40, the 2nd side has a lounge area with couches and can seat approximately 60-75. The Class of 1986 hosted a great, relaxed event there. NY Perks 193 Smith St (at Warren Street) 718.237.2901 www.nyperks.com NY Perks provides a comfortable and spacious lounge and ultra-premium bar where guests can meet and mingle for a pre-dinner drink, or to spend an entire evening. The Class of ’84 had a Friday night event here. Page 22 Class Rep Handbook Scopello 63 Lafayette Ave (between Fulton Street and South Elliot Place) 718.852.1100 www.scopello.net Chic Italian restaurant and bar. Sugarcane 238 Flatbush Ave. (at Bergen Street) 718.230.3954 www.sugarcanerestaurant.com Call for reservations. The Chocolate Monkey 329 Flatbush Avenue 718.813.1073 Modern but comfortable bar/lounge. Great music and exotic drinks. Can comfortably accommodate 100-125. This venue was used by the Class of 1984 for their pre-Homecoming reunion event. Five Spot Soul Food 459 Myrtle Ave. (at Washington Avenue in Clinton Hill) 718.852.0202 www.fivespotsoulfood.com Brunch is served Sundays from noon to 4 pm. This venue is owned by a Technite. Thomas Beisl 25 Lafayette Avenue (between Ashland Place & St. Felix Street) 718.222.5800 Austrian/Viennese bistro across from BAM. Owner’s son is a student at Tech, now in his Sophomore year. The main restaurant area has a bar and seating for approximately 40, there is a private enclosed terrace room that can accommodate approximately 50-60 people. Page 23 Class Rep Handbook PROCEDURE FOR REUNION TRANSACTIONS The Alumni Office assists Homecoming Class Reps by receiving and processing payments for individual class reunion event attendance. The Alumni Office provides this service to aid in the tracking of payments, to assure alumni that funds are being paid to a known entity and to provide alumni with more payment options. The Alumni staff will: • accept payments by cash, check and credit card for the Reunion Event. • accept credit card payments by mail, by phone or via the Alumni website. • provide bi-weekly accounting of the number and names of registrants as well as total funds collected, with more frequent reporting as the event draws nearer, up to daily reporting in the days preceding the event. • direct funds to vendors and/or individuals as instructed by Reunion Planning Committee (the processing of checks requires two weeks). • provide an accounting of all funds received and paid out on behalf of the Reunion Event release any left over funds as directed by the Reunion Planning Committee. • not withhold any fees for service including credit card transactions. • assign a staff member as a point of contact for all fiduciary matters. The Reunion Committee will: • instruct event registrants to make payment through the Alumni Office. • identify one representative to interface with the Alumni staff. • provide vendor or individual invoices to the Alumni Office for payment, allowing two weeks for payment. • direct the use of funds received by the Alumni Office on behalf of the Reunion Event. • consider establishing a Class Gift to benefit Brooklyn Tech. Page 24 Class Rep Handbook From: Bob Comparato, Class of 1959 Homecoming Class Rep The following are a series of suggestions/recommendations for the Alumni Association and the new class representatives. Since I was a representative for the 1959 50th Class, my focus will be on the Anniversary Classes with the goal of achieving a high Homecoming attendance rate and ensuring an enjoyable time for all attendees. The suggestions and recommendations are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Try to find at least 5 active Representatives. This will ensure that the work is shared and no one person is overloaded. One Class Rep should be selected as the leader. It would be a great help if at least one of the Reps was a New York City local guy. The Reps for each class should meet (phone) every two weeks ASAP. The leader should publish the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting. Starting ASAP, The Reps should try to contact their group personally which is the best way to get people. The Reps should use the combination of the Master List and the various Internet search engines to track down classmates. As Classmates are found, the Reps must meticulously email the base information to the Alumni Foundation (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, Address, City, State, Zip, Home Phone, Cell Phone, EMAIL Address). Each Rep should add Cell Phone Minutes to their plan to save money in the long run. In my opinion, ZABASEARCH was the best search engine. I will give the new reps a personal tutorial if they would like it. Save the date emails and registration should start going out in August and continue monthly since they are “free”. Rejected emails and post cards should be tracked by one of the Reps (Help is needed from the office). The anniversary classes should try not to do too many extra things(i.e. awards, memorials) as they are extremely time consuming and don’t fit into the school schedule. The Website should continually update the list of class attendees and make it available to all. Friday and Saturday Dinner events should be generally planned by the reps between September and December. They must be careful because a valid count of attendees is not accurate until late March. Collection of money for these events is difficult. Most restaurants and catering halls want some money up front. $75 a head is an acceptable cost with some exceptions. The most local Class Rep. is the right guy to do the legwork for the buffet/dinner. A buffet is better because all can mingle. By chance, our class used a Friday night and we feel it worked out better since most people wanted to go home after 2 days of events. Page 25 Class Rep Handbook From: Helayne Rabinowitz, Class of 1983 Homecoming Class Rep • Include Class Rep email addresses in the letter to your classmates. • Among your group, identify a Classmates.com Reunion Rep to post all the pertinent information on the Classmates Reunion page. • Post the letter to your classmates on Classmates Reunion page. • Update the Reunion page with prices and dates as schedule and details become more final. • Request a mailing address from those who would rather receive a hard-copy invitation. • The Class of 1983 got eighty-five new or updated addresses using Classmates.com! • We could not have had as successful a reunion without Classmates.com. • Small groups (25-50) of our classmates gathered on Friday and again on Saturday. • Friday is a good night for smaller gatherings; it gives people time to catch up with their “circle” from school. • It was really helpful to bring a spiral notebook and pens (or another form of sign-in) to your reunion to get names and addresses of everyone who attended. Page 26 Class Rep Handbook From: John McCole, Class of 1978 Homecoming Class Rep Dear Class Reps, Here are some helpful hints which might aid the Class Reps in having a good turnout for Homecoming: Don’t be afraid to enlist others from your class to help out in getting in touch with class members. It’s a lot of work for one person and most people respond when asked to help, even if it’s just a little bit. Do at least 3 major mail-outs via e-mail or paper letters informing class members about Homecoming. Be sure to include all details about Homecoming Weekend and your reunion, along with any contact numbers needed. Try to work out the itinerary for your reunion well in advance to send out to the class members so they’re able to think with what’s going on that day. Otherwise, people are left in mystery up until the day they arrive or at best 2-3 weeks ahead. Some people plan well in advance as to what they’re going to do on their day off. Giving them all the data rules out the excuse of “Oh well, we weren’t told until the last minute and so made other plans.” Get as much help as possible in organizing the event and how it’s going to go. If the class gets a really good turnout, it may be difficult to organize the entire group for photos and other related activities. Having delegated others to help out may prove useful should this arise. I hope this will be of some assistances!! Warm Regards, John McCole Class of ’78 Page 27 Class Rep Handbook From: Peter Lopes, Class of 1956 Homecoming Class Rep • Get your list of Lost Alumni as early as possible from the Alumni Office. Start researching early and give any updates to the Alumni Office on a regular basis. • Mail a Save-the-Date postcard as early as possible (December or January). • Get help. This is a MUST! • The Table Captain Strategy – I broke the country into zones and asked classmates in each zone to call ten classmates in that area. They shared Homecoming Weekend information, got acquainted with alumni they did not know and got reacquainted with those they did know. I referred to these volunteers as “table captains” (all the old times should remember table captains!). This allowed me to “make contact” with every classmate for whom the Alumni Office had a phone number. We had a great turnout. Page 28 Class Rep Handbook From: Kay Benjamin, Class of 1980 Homecoming Class Rep A few tips as you start out. A reunion planning checklist is a good tool, we brainstormed to determine what we wanted to do; by the end we had made some changes to the list but it served as a good roadmap to the event. And I also used this task list to track our progress at the weekly meetings. We used three-tiered ticket pricing system to encourage early registration. We set each of our pricing deadlines according to the dates when headcounts were due to the catering hall: price 1($100), price 2 ($125), price 3 ($135). The day before the event we knew that we beat our original 150 plan, and had accounted for almost 180. Our final count was about 210. The Alumni Office managed ticket sales for us so our classmates were able to pay with credit cards as well as by check. The reunion committee pooled seed money for small deposits to get things started and had close friends make payment directly to committee members as reimbursement. The Alumni Office provided tracking of registrations and an accounting of tickets sold. Payments were made by them for the various event vendors. This system worked very well. Other Recommendations: • Be sure to identify a few local classmates to be on the team • Conduct weekly conf calls - especially within 3-4 months of the event. We used a free service: freeconferenceservice.com • Create a reunion website. There are free event services like www.myevent.com • Invite people from other classes, particularly the classes one or two years before and after yours • Delegate tasks - assign roles & responsibilities (assign lead/task) • Price your tickets to leave you a cushion for DJ, decorations and other miscellaneous expenses. With our profit, we were able to make a donation to the Alumni Foundation on behalf of our class. BEST WISHES in planning your reunion. I know you will enjoy it. If I or other Class of ’80 reps can be of further assistance please let us know. Warm Regards, Kay Moore-Benjamin Class of ’80 kaybenj@us.ibm.com Page 29 Class Rep Handbook SAMPLE REUNION LETTERS TO CLASSMATES December 27, 2001 Dear Classmate, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! The new year brings in a wonderful event for us. We’ll be celebrating our 10 year high school reunion. The big day will be on April 20, 2002. So, mark your calendars and save the date. The Brooklyn Tech Alumni Association and the Reunion Committee would love to see every member of our 856 person class at reunion. The Committee Members met for the first time in November and we were excited to meet and talk even though some of us had never seen each other prior to that meeting. We were in different majors. Some of us were in TLA, others were in Chemistry and Architecture and that’s just to name a few. It wasn’t a problem though because we simply got caught up in talking about our days while attending Tech and our days since graduating from Tech. It was so much fun laughing and hanging out in those hallways once again! All that fun and there were only seven of us. We can only imagine the wonderful things that will happen when there are hundreds of us from the Class of 1992 passing through those hallways again. So we eagerly await hanging out and catching up with all of you on April 20, 2002. The Brooklyn Tech Alumni Association has planned a wonderful day for all of us at Tech in beautiful Fort Greene, Brooklyn. The Reunion Committee has taken responsibility for the evening portion of the reunion. We are in the midst of planning a Midnight Cruise around Manhattan. Get ready for a night of endless food, drinks and music on a gorgeous yacht! Please spread the news about reunion to all the Class of 1992 Technites that you know. We would love to hear from you, so please contact any one of us via e-mail for more information about prices, times and any other issues and questions you have. Sincerely, Class of 1992 Reunion Committee Josie Antoine: Josieantoine@... Valerie Bugtai: Vbugtai@... Damian Bevelle: Dbevelle@... Erica D. Cochran: agnesedc@... Giselle Carpio-Williams:Giselle318@... Lolet J. Guildford: Crazylucci@... Ramona Massena: huruma@... Page 30 March 2004 Class Rep Handbook Dear Brooklyn Tech Alumnus – Class of 74, THIRTY YEARS have passed since we graduated. Some have not been back since that memorable event in June of 1974. Our class has the unique distinction of having the first female Tech graduates in the history of Tech. Come celebrate this milestone event with us at the Brooklyn Tech Homecoming Weekend. The Homecoming Weekend will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 23-24, 2004. It will be the perfect opportunity to revisit Tech, to meet old friends, catch up on each other’s activities, and to see the things that have changed and the things that have NOT changed at Tech! PLEASE PLAN ON ATTENDING YOUR REUNION! We’re sure that, like us, you’ve always had a special feeling for Brooklyn Tech. Most Technites say they have always harbored affection for the institution that played such a critical role in their development during their formative years. Why not demonstrate your attachment to Tech by attending the Homecoming as part of the 30th class reunion? Faculty, students and former classmates will be on hand to greet you, bring you up to date on current activities and share in reliving memories. The schedule includes an Assembly program; a tour of classrooms, labs and shops, and an opportunity to meet informally with your classmates. You have probably received a detailed invitation to the Annual Homecoming from the Tech Alumni Association. Now is the time to mark your calendar and register for Homecoming - April 23-24, 2004! Lots of information is available on the Alumni Association website; go to bthsalum.org/Homecoming_04 for the complete Homecoming schedule, to pre-register for Homecoming, and for general information about Tech. We would like to have as many people as possible attend our 30th Reunion but we need your help. Look through the 1974 Lost List on the Alumni Association website. If you have any information on a way to contact a “lost” alumnus, please inform the Alumni Office by phone at 718-797-2285 or email at info@bthsalum.org. Please contact any classmates you can and encourage them to attend the Homecoming Weekend. We look forward to greeting you and having a great time. Sincerely, Jonathan Dubin Electrical Isaac Honor Mechanical Eddie Mecner College Prep Joe Myers College Prep Raymond Wong Electrical 1974 Class Reps Page 31 Class Rep Handbook March 2005 Dear Fellow Brooklyn Tech Alum of the class of 1965, Why do Tech Alumni hold such fond memories of Tech? Sure, it was partly due to the relationships we had with both fellow students and teachers, and the experiences associated with “coming of age”, but I think it was also due to the fact that Tech was where we all learned how to do it the right way. Tech was where we learned to be successful. It has been 40 years since we graduated from Brooklyn Tech, isn’t time we came back to see how it has changed (They have girls now!), and how it has remained the same? Isn’t time we renew acquaintances with classmates who meant so much to us in a very important time in our lives? Tech’s Homecoming Weekend will be Friday and Saturday, April 15-16, 2005 and as a member of the 40th Anniversary Class, this reunion belongs to you! Whether or not you have attended previous homecomings, you won’t want to miss this one. This is your chance to share the affection you have always had for the school that played such a critical role in your development, an affection expressed so well in the “Tech Alma Mater,” which, by the way, we will have an opportunity to sing with the words as we knew them (they have changed a bit since). This is your chance to reconnect with your classmates, see old teachers and relive those great Tech memories. By now you should have received a detailed invitation by mail – here are some of the highlights: On Friday – a tour of Tech followed by lunch at Junior’s restaurant and an afternoon Basketball Game between students and ’95 basketball alumni! On Saturday – a morning mixer in the Gym with refreshments, then an exciting program in the beautifully refurbished Auditorium, luncheon in the Cafeteria, and an Open School Day with presentations and exhibits by faculty and students. You can learn more at the Alumni Association’s website www.bthsalum.org. The 40th is the most important class reunion you and your classmates will attend. Please help us contact classmates who may not be on our mailing list (review Tech’s “lost list” at www.bthsalum.org/Homecoming_04/lost_list_home.htm), and e-mail us with contact information at classof1954@bthsalum.org. But most importantly, please be there yourself! Sincerely, William (Bill) Aghassi, PE Aero ‘65 Class of 1965 Class Rep Page 32 Class Rep Handbook SAMPLE CLASS EVENT INVITATIONS Page 33 Class Rep Handbook FRONT BACK Page 34 Class Rep Handbook EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOMECOMING WEEKEND Dates & Other Things to Know: • The 2010 Homecoming Weekend is scheduled for Friday & Saturday, April 23 & 24. Alumni of all years are encouraged to attend and friends and family are welcome! • Final pricing will be set, and registration will open, before the end of December. There will be one price for pre-registration and a higher price for walk-in registration. • A block of hotel rooms will be set up at the Brooklyn Marriott on Adams Street and the Holiday Inn Park Slope. The room rate and account name will be announced in November. • The Alumni website will be kept up to date with Homecoming Weekend details as they develop. Class events will be promoted on the site as well. • All graduates of milestone anniversary years will receive a printed invitation from the Alumni Foundation as well as follow up emails. • Other information in this section: o A copy of a prior Homecoming Weekend Schedule for reference o Sample class photo schedule and business card ad journal pages o Homecoming Weekend event pricing o Directions to Tech by car and public transportation o A list of Frequently Asked Questions—with answers Page 35 Class Rep Handbook SAMPLE JOURNAL PAGE – CLASS REPS Page 36 Class Rep Handbook SAMPLE JOURNAL PAGE – BUSINESS CARD ADS Page 37 Class Rep Handbook SUBWAY DIRECTIONS TO BROOKLYN TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL, LOCATED AT 29 FORT GREENE PLACE IN BROOKLYN, N.Y. at the corner of Dekalb Avenue and Fort Greene Place. Take the train that is convenient for you. Use the map below to walk to Brooklyn Technical High School after you get off the train. Visitors Entrance is at the corner of DeKalb Ave. & So. Elliott Place. FROM MANHATTAN OR THE BRONX: Take the #2, 3, 4, or 5 to the Nevins Street Station in Brooklyn. Get off at Nevins Street. Or Take the D train to Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn. Get off at Atlantic. Or Take the A or C to West 4th street. Change to the D or B. Continue on the D to Atlantic or B to DeKalb Avenue. Get off at Atlantic or DeKalb Avenue, respectively. Or Take the R, Q, B, or M to DeKalb Avenue. Get off at DeKalb Avenue. FROM BROOKLYN Take the A or C to the Hoyt- Schermerhorn station in Brooklyn. Change to the G, heading in the direction of Queens. Get off at the first stop at Fulton Street. Or Take the B, M, Q, or R to DeKalb Avenue. Get off at DeKalb Avenue. Or Take the #2, 3, 4, or 5 to Nevins Street. Get off at Nevins Street. Or Take the G to Fulton Street. Get off at Fulton Street. Or Take the J or L to the Easterm Parkway station and change for the A. Continue on the A to HoytSchermerhorn and change to the G, heading in the direction of Queens. Get off (after one stop) at Fulton Street. FROM QUEENS Take the G to Fulton Street in Brooklyn. Get off at Fulton Street. Or Take the #7 to Grand Central Station in Manhattan. Change at Grand Central to the #4 or 5 and get off at Nevins Street in Brooklyn. Or Take the E, F or N to Queens Plaza and change to the G. Continue on the G to Fulton Street in Brooklyn. Get off at Fulton Street. Or Take the R to Dekalb Avenue in Brooklyn. Get off at Dekalb. Or Take the 7 to 45 Rd Court House Square. Transfer to the G at Court Square by going down the stairs to street level and underground. Take the G going towards Smith-9th Street and get off at Fulton Street. Page 38 Class Rep Handbook TRAVEL INSTRUCTIONS TO BROOKLYN TECH BY CAR: Manhattan Bridge into Brooklyn, straight onto Flatbush Avenue (staying in the left lane on Flatbush). About ½ mile on Flatbush to Fulton Street; left at the traffic light onto Fulton Street. Four blocks on Fulton to Fort Greene Place. Brooklyn Tech is at 29 Fort Greene Place. Page 39 Class Rep Handbook Frequently Asked Questions Q: Do I Need to Register in Advance? A: Yes. By registering in advance, your goodie bag will be completed with all items (including your picture button, DVD, and name tag. You are strongly encouraged to register in advance to take advantage of pre-registration rates. Those who opt to register onsite will have less time to spend with their classmates as registration lines can be long. So Register Online Today! Q: I’m not Celebrating a Milestone Anniversary; is Alumni Weekend Really for Me? A: Yes! No matter when you graduated, all alumni of Brooklyn Tech are invited to Alumni Weekend. Many of our graduates attend Homecoming every year to see teammates, retired faculty and Technites from other class years. Q: How Much Does Homecoming Weekend Cost? A: Each Homecoming event has its own fee. Registration discounts are available for current dues-paying members and those who pre-register. If your membership is not current, you can become a member when registering to take advantage of member discounts. You may also wish to purchase Tech merchandise, your Anniversary Class Photo, or raffle tickets for Tech memorabilia. Cash, checks and Visa/MC/AMEX are accepted. Q: What Should I Wear? A: Events and clothing are casual during the day, but remember, there will be a Class Picture for Milestone Anniversary classes, so be sure to wear something “picture day” appropriate! For the evening events being planned by each class, wear whatever makes you feel festive (but don’t risk missing anything just to go change). Q: Refresh My Memory, What is the Best Way to Get to Tech? A: Tech is easily accessed by Mass Transit. The A, C, G, B, D, M, N, Q, R, W, 2, 3, 4 and 5 trains. Take the 2, 3, 4, 5, M, N, Q, R or W to the Atlantic Avenue Station. Tech is three blocks East and two blocks North. Take the G train to the Fulton Street Station which stops at the corner of Fulton Street and Fort Greene Place. Take the C train to the Lafayette Avenue station, exit at South Portland, walk three blocks west and one block north to Tech. By Bus, Tech is easily accessed by the B25, B26, B38 and B52 buses. If you intend to drive from Manhattan, travel south on Flatbush Avenue Extension after crossing Brooklyn or Manhattan Bridge, turn left on Fulton Street, travel two blocks to Ashland Place and turn right to access GGMC Parking lot, or turn left to access Discount Parking, Inc. From Northern Long Island, take Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE) to Tillary Street exit, bear left immediately upon exiting ramp, turn left onto Flatbush Avenue and follow directions above. From Central or Southern Long Island take Belt Parkway, exit at North Conduit Blvd., No. Conduit will become Atlantic Avenue, continue on Atlantic Avenue to Vanderbilt Avenue, turn right and travel approximately five blocks to DeKalb Avenue, turn left onto DeKalb Avenue, continue to Ashland Place, indoor parking facility will be on your left. Page 40 Class Rep Handbook Q: Is There Ample Parking Near Tech? A: There is a high demand for street parking near Tech, so if you intend to drive it is recommended that you park in one of the nearby lots. Discount Parking, Inc. is an indoor lot located on the south side of DeKalb Avenue between Ashland Place and Rockwell Place. GGMC is an outdoor lot located on Ashland Place between Fulton Street and Lafayette Avenue. Both lots are 24-hour and are reasonably priced. Q: What if I Have Special Needs? A: Please let us know about any special needs (such as dietary requirements or handicap accessibility issues) in advance when you register. Or, call (718) 797-2285 and explain your needs. Q: Can I Bring My Family and Friends? A: Yes! Family and friends are welcome! Please register your spouse, children, and other guests when you purchase your tickets for Homecoming events. Page 41