September 1, 2013


September 1, 2013
September 1, 2013
Volume 5
Issue 3
While taking the train to a meeting in downtown Los Angeles last month, the words, "Where
Discovery Meets Recovery" on the side of a bus caught my attention. These words captured my
curiosity, and stirred my spirit. Given that we all can be paralyzed by mistakes, the discovery of
new habits can assist with recovery of relationships. Our experience of brokenness, resulting in
stagnation, can be remedied through the discovery of new paths to wholeness. When enveloped
by the appearance of isolation, discovery of alternate routes makes the recovery of our
destination possible.
Faith formation is an essential experience to activate discovery and recovery. The Psalmist put it
this way, "O Taste and see that the Lord is good..." (Psalm 34:8). Vitality in discipleship is a result of developing an appetite and menu for discovery. Victory through discipleship is the result of
applying our discovery towards recovery. The purpose of faith formation is to intentionally
engage us in creative opportunities to discover who we are, and recover in whose we are. The
practice of faith formation is to involve us in innovative opportunities to discover and recover
God’s purpose for our lives. Faith formation is more than transmitting information. As a spiritual
discipline, the fundamental tenets of faith formation are restoration and transformation, liberation
and mobilization. What is your commitment to prioritize time to explore the depth and breadth of
God's goodness?
If we are to grow in our “followship” of Jesus Christ, we must risk discovery to realize recovery.
Being that salvation is not a result of our own doing, growing and grounding ourselves deeper in
the beatitudes of Jesus will result in a fortified assurance of sanctified grace. Maintaining our faith
on a "need to know" basis will ultimately result in a discipleship that is more reactive than
restorative. Holistic recovery cannot survive on a "just in case" faith. We thrive in our holistic
recovery when we intentionally seek to discover a "just because" faith. Our discovery and understanding of who God is, will cause us to pursue new platforms to affirm and apply our faith with
meaning and relevance
Engaging in dynamic and diverse ways of discovery has the potential to engender sustainable
paths towards recovery. Just like we have to do different exercises to develop the different
muscles in our bodies, so must we engage in various disciplines for spiritual sustainability and
growth. One size doesn't fit all! Involvement and engagement will result in enlightenment. We
cannot spectate our way into growth. Illumination is a result of participation! Aside from private
and public worship, how engaged are you in cultivating your relationship with Jesus Christ? The
quality of your devotional time will be reflected in the quality of your missional time. If our lights
are to glow bright, we must hook-up, and plug-in to the giver of abundant life (John 10:10).
This article will continue on page 2
Hands to the Plough continued from page 1
Hiking through the spiritual reserve of God's life-giving reservoir will yield intentionality in
“followship,” quality in companionship, and integrity in partnership. Though involving many trails
and trials, hills and valleys, still water and gushing rivers, it’s a journey of discovery that will
re-calculate our recovery towards divine destiny. Don't just pack light for this hike. We also have to
pack right! Essential in our backpack will have to be right food to sustain us, and an updated GPS
to guide. Packing light and right are essential for God to re-position us for renewed faithfulness and
fruitfulness. Whether this hike takes us through the “valley of the shadow of death," or
"via dolorosa," the "the road to Emmaus," or the "road to Damascus," we will discover new abilities
and develop new behaviors. We will also recover from behaviors that compromised our abilities.
When we move from discovery to recovery, we are able to align our beliefs with our behavior.
Hence, the development of a disposition that produces the ability to persist in discovery.
Regardless of your mode of transportation through life, let us heed the advice of from the Psalmist,
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path..." (Psalm 119:)
Join me on this journey of discovery and recovery!
The Holman Congregational Care Ministry is expanding its network of people to carry out the
duties of one of its sub-groups, the “Telephone Ministry.” This dynamic ministry only requires that you
have a passion for Holman people who are home bound, sick and shut in, hospitalized, or bereaved and
would like to hear a voice of encouragement through prayer. All of the communication will be done over
the phone during a time that is convenient for you.
Since the ministry is strictly voluntary, each caller will be supported with regular in-service
sessions to help you feel comfortable when you speak with members of our congregation. In fact, after a
few phone calls you will experience the joy it brings and be spiritually uplifted. So, if you are looking for
a ministry that will move you forward on your faith walk, we would for you to consider the Telephone
Ministry. At least twice a month you will be contacting members assigned to you who would appreciate
the social interaction, share a prayer, or they may request some type of pastoral assistance.
We would like to share this exciting information in more detail at our next meeting on Saturday
September 7th at Holman in the Crockett Library from 9:30 to 11:00 am. We look forward to meeting
together to help us get started, and all of us be on the same page in this new direction at Holman. We will
strengthen our collective discipleship and witness for Jesus Christ to those we contact through our
Telephone Ministry!
Sandra Hardy
Chairperson, Telephone Ministry
by Pastor Victor Cyrus-Franklin
During New Members Orientation, Pastor Sauls asked participants to introduce ourselves
by sharing our most meaningful scriptures. He was clear that we shouldn’t share our favorite
scripture, but a scripture that is most meaningful to us when we need a word of encouragement,
support and inspiration on life’s journey. As a minister on the journey toward ordination, it could
be difficult to pin down just one text, but the scripture that presently stands out most for me is
John 1:43-46:
43 The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, ‘Follow
me.’ 44Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found him about whom Moses in the law and also the
prophets wrote, Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth.’ 46Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see.’
This passage is a reminder to me that Jesus knows intimately what it means to be
negatively stereotyped due to his community of origin and he yet creates a new community of
disciples, from different backgrounds, who work together to change the world for the better.
Something good can come from Nazareth because Jesus came from Nazareth. This scripture
reminds me that if we but follow Jesus and walk with him, then good is possible in our world,
even through the most difficult of circumstances.
In the crucible of enslavement, people of African descent in America lived out their faith in
a God that walked with them in the struggle for emancipation. To this day, people all over the
world can be heard singing “While I’m on this tedious journey I want Jesus to walk with me”
because of their testimony of a God who guided them on the journey to freedom.
Inspired by this spiritual, in 1997, the Addicts Rehabilitation Center (ARC) Choir of
Harlem, NY stood on our ancestors’ shoulders as they recorded their rendition of Walk With Me,
Lord. The members of this a cappella troupe sang of their testimony of Jesus walking with them
through their struggles to overcome drug addiction, sharing the gospel of hope and love.
In 2005, Kanye West, a then 26-year old hip-hop artist from Chicago, IL, won a Grammy
award for song of the year for his single “Jesus Walks.” Inspired by this same spiritual, West
sampled the vocals from the ARC Choir’s Walk With Me for his recording as an emphatic
testimony to the world that through his trials, troubles, and struggles, Jesus walks with him, too.
It is a powerful reminder to me that for my contemporaries and my ancestors, Jesus
walks with us. Let us carry on as we follow and walk with Jesus on the journey toward healing,
wholeness and freedom.
The Freedom Movement:
An SNCC Veteran's Reflection
Living in Harlem in the 40’s and 50‘s, I was at the center of the Black world and I never knew
who I would encounter at the local Micheaux Black bookstore on 125th Street.
By Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely, a member of Holman United Methodist Church and a Spoken Word Guest at the Wednesday, August
28th, "Reclaim the Riches of Freedom, Regain the Security of Justice" event.
My childhood friend and fellow church member former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, whose father owned
the famed Theresa Hotel on 125th street, and I often attended protest meetings instead of the movies on our teenage
dates. We were just kids involved and interested in our people and our community and we were serious about making
changes for the better. By 1955-56 the Montgomery bus boycott, the death of Emmett Till, and the migration of rural
Blacks to the North had raised our consciousness about racism and segregation in our Southern states and we were
energized, angered and looking for ways to be involved. On Christmas Eve in 1961, about 8 of us, Black and White,
girls and boys, sat in at a local restaurant in Crisfield, MD. We were arrested and jailed in Princess Anne County jail
for 5 days. It was such a small jail that the jailers were forced to integrate the jail in order to accommodate us without
throwing us in with the hardened criminals. We sang Freedom Songs and Christmas songs night and day to keep our
spirits up. From our cells, we could even hear a few of the jail guards singing our Freedom Songs late into the night.
This was non-violent action at its best! After this experience, I felt that I was fully committed to the Freedom
After my release from jail I continued to do some Freedom Riding along Route 40 in Maryland and Delaware.
By the spring of 1962, I was more deeply involved. I had earlier attended non-violent workshops taught by Rev.
James Lawson and Septima Clark at the Highlander Folk School near Nashville, TN and I considered dropping out of
college for full-time SNCC work.
In June of 1962 my friend Kathy Conwell and I were recruited by two SNCC organizers to go to the deep
South as SNCC Field Workers to register Black rural voters in rural South West Georgia in a statewide voter
registration campaign. We lived and worked with local families of sharecroppers and we taught literacy classes at
night in the churches. We relied on the kindness and bravery of local Black families to share their homes and food
with us as we canvassed the back roads and farms and small towns. When the Ku Klux Klan burned down our
churches, we held our classes outside in the fields or people’s homes. I remember once when Dr. King visited us in
jail that he brought us all some toothbrushes and offered words of support when he and SCLC had come to Albany,
Georgia to support our march to protest the beating of a local pregnant woman.
As a college student at Boston University, I attended the 1963 March on Washington by driving all night from
New York with a car filled with others who knew we had to be there to march for jobs, justice and freedom. I
remember dangling my feet in the reflecting pool on the Washington Mall to try and cool off as we listened to all the
speeches, including the memorable “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. King. For me, at the time, the more significant
speech was the one delivered by our own John Lewis, our leader in SNCC, who challenged some of the March
organizers and raised questions and issues that were controversial.
Today at age 70, I feel so privileged to have been a part of the early freedom movement. And, I know I am
blessed to continue work for justice and equality in the communities in which I live. My present husband Earnest
Preacely and I met during the latter days of the movement and we have been married 31 years and have 4 children
and 9 grandchildren and one great grandchild. We work and live in Long Beach; we attend Holman United Methodist
Church in Los Angeles, and continue to be involved in civil rights, Black economic development, immigration issues,
domestic violence prevention, and the education and uplift of Black children.
I am also pleased to be one of the 52 Black and White and Brown women of SNCC who tell our Freedom
Movement stories in the book “Hands on The Freedom Plow,” just published in 2010.
We know freedom and justice are a constant struggle, so we know we can be no-ways tired!
“First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, . . . ‘’
1Timothy 2:1
On Saturday, September 28, 2013 the Holman Family will engage each other in a
spiritual journey facilitated by Rev. Judi Worthem-Sauls. Everyone is invited to RSVP to Ann Ratliff, in the Church office. We will have prayer stations, interact with each other in prayer practice
experiences and sharing. Prayer coaches will be
available during and after the workshop for
those desiring individual prayer.
This special time will begin at 9:00 AM in L.L. White Fellowship Hall and conclude at 11:00
AM. Everyone who is a volunteer in Congregational Care Ministries will be in attendance.
Participants in other ministries of the church are also invited and urged to attend.
Rev. Phillips in the church office at or 323.253.9580 for additional
information. Refreshments will be served.
Words cannot express our sincere thanks and appreciation for all of your love, expressions of sympathy, presence, and prayers that you have extended to me and my family on the passing of my
brother, Douglass Hunter Clay on July 30, 2013. My thanks also for your loving care and support
during my recent surgery and hospitalization. I am grateful for your prayers and ask you to please
continue to pray for me, and my family, as ma family and I pray for you.
Love and Peace,
Mark Clay and Family
Dearest Family,
Being blessed by your presence in my life has been one of the most precious gifts God has given me.
I want to take some time out to thank you for keeping me lifted up in prayer because without any prayer
warriors I wouldn’t be here today strong and healthy. When I think of family I think of you and your
warm smile, your kisses, and your tender hugs. Thank you for loving me!!
I have written this message especially for you, to tell you what an awesome individual you are. I thank
you for being here and I thank you for being the person God created you to be.
I Love my Family so much!!
To be a part of a family like mine
Is so divine
Where love is shown
Hurt is shared
Our love for each other is never impaired
Natalia Rojan Hightower
Reflections of Delta Sigma Theta’s 100th Anniversary
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. celebrated its 100th Anniversary beginning January 1, 2013, with the launching of the
Torch Relay in Los Angeles to twenty-two cities, representing the twenty — two founders, culminating at Howard
University July 11, 2013 to begin the 51st National Convention. Delta’s motto is “Intelligence is the torch of wisdom.”
Cities chosen were the hometowns of founders, past presidents, and two international chapters. On the day the
torch relay was launched, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. became the first African American women’s organization
and first Greek — letter organization to sponsor a float in the Rose Bowl Parade. Although the torch tour was a
celebration, “there’s always a programmatic angle to what we do,” stated Dr. Boyd. “We were also using it to electrify
young people to pursue their education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.” On one stop at an
HBCU, representatives from 50 companies provided information to students.
Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd, chair of the year - long events, described the Convention as a “Family Reunion.” Legacies
of several generations joined more than 40,000 Deltas in the dedication of the stained glass window in the Howard
University Chapel. All of the plenary sessions included well — known and outstanding, talented personalities. Bishop
Vashti Murphy McKenzie, first woman appointed Bishop in the A.M.E. Church, delivered a thought-provoking sermon
at the Ecumenical Service. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas
preached a powerful message at the Revival.
The 1700 — 1800 block of New Hampshire Avenue, Delta National Headquarters, was dedicated as Delta Sigma
Theta Way. Cynthia M.A. Butler-McIntyre, National President, opened the Public Meeting —“Deltas at the Mall,” held
at the Lincoln Memorial – Reflecting Pool to a standing only crowd. In spite of the heat and rain, local and government
officials welcomed Delta to Washington, D.C., along with Divine Nine presentations. Talented Brandy and Doug E.
Fresh kept the crowd dancing, even in the rain. An array of inspirational and motivational speakers flowed throughout
the convention: Tracy Lynn Blackwell (Vice President of Current Programs at CW Networks); Bernice A. King (Chief
Executive Officer of the King Center); Sherrilyn Hill (President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Defense Fund);
Eric Holder (U.S. Attorney General); Hillary Clinton (former Secretary of State).
Signature Gala entertainment
included Angie Stone, India Arie, Sweet Honey in the Rock, and Patti LaBelle, with Sheryl Lee Ralph as emcee.
The Step Show emcees “Nephew Tommy” and Kym Whitley kept the exciting Step Show even livelier.
Delta proudly initiated six phenomenal women as honorary Deltas: Angela Bassett, Susan Johnson, Ambassador
S. Lodge, Susan Taylor, Lesa P. Jackson, Paula Williams Madison, Dr. Terry Trent.
Delta Awards were bestowed upon persons who exemplify Delta ideals: Dr. Johnetta Betsch Cole (The Mary
Church Terrell Award); Dr. Regina Benjamin ((Patricia Roberts Harris Medallion); The Honorable Laura Vandiver Hall
(Althea T.L. Simmons Social Action Award); Dr. Deborah Dent (The Distinguished Professor Endowed Chair Award):
Traci Lynn Blackwell (Osceola Award); Sweet Honey in the Rock (Keeper of the Flame); Ade Williams and Traces of
Blue (Emerging Artist Award); Michelle Norris (Lillian Award); William “Bill” Heard (Lillian Award); Zola Mashariki
(Impact Award).
Washington Radio Host Winston Chaney sent a commentary to Deltas all over the world. … “THANK YOU –
for patronizing our Hotels all over the city, even Maryland and Virginia! You guys were everywhere and sold out everything. THANK YOU – for utilizing our CONVENTION CENTER and our VERIZON CENTER for your Anniversary,
making sure that workers were needed all week long giving them good hours and overtime….”
The 100th Anniversary plenary closed with the election of Dr. Paulette Walker as Delta’s national president for the next
No Labels for Me
Gather oh ye spirits of praise!
by Lorene Flanigan
by Peggy Dammond Preacely
When God created us, He didn’t put a label on you or me.
Blessed us and set us free.
Guide us even when the way is not yet clear……
Do not listen to mortal men when they speak
negative thoughts, try to label you and say you
will never be a high achiever in life,
remember to always keep your eyes on
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He shaped and molded us in the form He wanted
us to be, He smiled and said, it is good, go now and
walk in Victory. Never be ashamed of God,
always be ready to give your testimony.
If He did the impossible when you had reached
life’s-end running from Him, but He spoke to you in a
still small voice, “call on me my child and I will deliver
you from all your sins, first repent and ask me to come
into your heart and surrender all, and let me take charge.”
I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
Always look up, keep running the race and
you will surely win.
Let us witness our rhythms and songs ,
our talents and our prayers let them circle and raise us.
Lift us for the dance is in our people,
in our blood in our history
We are the joyful noise: we are the bold Holman people!
In silence or in song we worship.
Yet and still our commitment takes us out and
into the streets where we gather even the least among us
into a fellowship community where peace and grace abide
Oh can you hear our bells?
Calling….calling all,
Yes! all are most welcome!
There is nothing too hard for our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ to do.
He calmed the storms and the rain, just to
mention a few, He parted the Red Sea,
oh what a miracle it was when He set all the captives free!
As I travel through this journey of life with God on my side,
walking strong with my head up high
with dignity and pride,
not of my self-worth, but by the grace and mercy of God,
I will survive.
Whenever you are in doubt, trust and believe in God,
He has already worked it out.
Keep the faith, obey and stay strong,
He is our God, our Provider,
He will never leave us alone.
Please submit your poem, reflection, short essay for next
month’s Bellringer by the first of the month to
Hi, my name is Rebecca Jackson, and this was my first time at the Holman Bible Camp. I learned many new things at
camp, like new songs and new Bible verses. The counselors were always willing to help. Also, the food there was great. The best
part was roasting marshmallows. There were activities to do, so you never got bored. Some of the activities were rock climbing,
kickball, arts and crafts, and my favorite, swimming! After all those fun activities you had a half hour to take a nap, write in your
journal, or read a book. So, if you are wondering if your child should go to the Holman Bible camp, I say “YES” because it was the
best time of my life. I would like to thank all of the counselors for making camp so fun. And I think more kids should be able to
enjoy it.
Rebecca Jackson
My name is Blair Scott and I am 13 years old. This year was my 7th year attending Holman UMC Bible camp. Church
camp was an amazing experience for me. I made many new friends and grew closer to the ones that I don’t get to see often.
For me, camp was a time to connect with God in nature. It was also a time to get outside, away from the city.
At church camp I was able to build a stronger relationship with God. The points that were being brought up in Bible
study really helped me understand how I can use the Bible in everyday life. It also helped me find my way to communicate with
God. This year’s camp theme was “Handle With Care.” This taught us to handle the Bible and each other with care. Since some
of my friends aren’t “regulars” at church, this helped them. I saw them using the Bible a lot and finding scriptures without using
the table of contents. One of the activities that we did was when we pretended that there was a natural disaster in another country. We were given jobs and told to make reasons to why that specific job needed to be there to help the people. This was important because we learned that everyone has talents and gifts that God has given us.
In the afternoon, we did a lot of activities. The choices were: kickball, arts and crafts, rock-climbing, high ropes course,
basketball, recreation room, swimming, archery, and volleyball. These activities took place after lunch. My two favorite activities
were kickball and the high ropes course. The high ropes course was fun and challenging. Since it was so tall, we wore
harnesses. It took a lot of balance and endurance, but in the end there was a zip line which was exciting. I was scared in the
beginning, but after the zip line I was glad that I did it. Kickball was really fun. It involved the middle school and high school counselors and campers. I played against some of my friends and we had a great time. I hadn’t played kickball since elementary
school and to see everyone playing brought back fond memories. I can’t wait until next year, and I’m looking forward to seeing
my friends again and learning more ways of how God plays a role in my life.
Thank you,
Blair Scott
Hi, my name is Chandler Jackson, I am in the 10th grade, and this was my first year at the UMC Holman Bible Camp.
First, I would like to thank GOD for letting me come to camp. I would like to thank all of the counselors and the camp staff for
a wonderful time.
What I liked most about the camp was the campfire praise and worship. It was an incredible experience and it made me
feel 10 times closer to GOD. I also liked the talent show. It allowed campers to show what they are good at, and teamwork
in group acts. And last but not least, the free time activities. The volleyball, kickball, and water balloon games were the best.
Once again I would like to thank everybody who put the camp together. It was by far the best Bible camp I ever went to.
Chandler Jackson
by Candace Hobson
On August 11, 2013, after careful warning and diligently obtaining permissions, the Holman Youth went to
see “Fruitvale Station” with Pastor Sauls, Assistant Pastor Cyrus-Franklin and several parents of the youth.
Although many of us knew the story behind “Fruitvale Station,” we did not realize it had been rated ‘R’ because of
its adult language, drug references, minimal sex scenes, and minimal violent scenes. With this rating, we believed
it was still a movie that, with a subsequent directed discussion, would be suitable for our high school
students. The movie was a requested must see after a discussion by the High School Boys at Church Camp
regarding the Trayvon Martin verdict. Additionally, in light of the many other white on black crime cases and black
on black crime cases, such as the John Spooner shooting of Darius Simmons, the Michael Dunn shooting
of Jordan Russell Davis, and the most recent local shooting of Bijan Shoushtari by an unknown shooter, this
made attending the movie more relevant to all the youth, male and female.
Parents, high school youth and Pastors rolled at least four deep to the Crenshaw Baldwin Hills Rave theatres
wearing matching Camp T-shirts emblazoned with the camp theme “Handle with Care – Fragile” and scripture
John 13:34-35. A fitting theme, as close to 30 members attended the movie and watched the last day in the life of
Oscar Grant unfold in an unprecedented manner before us. No matter that you knew the outcome of this tragic
story, you watched knowing that all that was being said and done by the actors on the screen portrayed that of
those who did not know the end of the story. We had the advantage. This advantage did not protect us from
being pulled into each text, each careless or angry word said, or each promise or decision made. In the end,
many audience members needed a tissue, or just a moment of silence and quiet reflection on what they had just
became a witness to, and what they could do now that they have seen “Fruitvale Station.”
Holman members moved from the theatres to Buffalo Wild Wings around the corner to reflect as a group.
The first round of questions posed to the students and the responses they gave were:
What scene stood out the most to you? The text messages; the shower scenes; the mother’s
suggestion to take the train; Oscar not wanting to go out, Oscar’s
promise to play with his daughter New Year’s Day, Oscar helping the
lady in the fish market, the mother not being able to hug Oscar, Oscar’s
thoughtfulness throughout the day.
What does the dog in the movie represent? The dog represents a
foreshadowing of Oscar’s death, societies view of the black man as a
“violent, hyper-aggressive pit bull,” black men viewed as dogs not
worthy of the dignity that other men receive;
What are your reflections on the prayer that the mother said? A prayer
of hope; love; not wanting the others to be vengeful; late; no preacher or
clergy person present; were their prayers answered?
This article will continue on page 14
Holman’s Youth see Fruitvale Station continued from page 13
The second round of questions and responses were:
1) Contrast and compare the women in the movie – specifically the mother and the
girlfriend. Mother had tough love for Oscar; girlfriend was enabling; girlfriend should not have
stayed with Oscar even if he was her “Baby’s daddy” because he was unfaithful and without a job.
2) What could Oscar have done to not be a drug dealer? What can our current youth do to not go
down the path of Oscar Grant? Stay in school; show up on time to work; take work seriously;
3) What makes this story as much a story for the female high school girls as it does for the
guys? The high school girls have brothers, fathers and boyfriends who may be treated like Oscar;
the girls will give birth to black boys who may be targets of discrimination.
4) What did they think about this type of movie being made in contrast or comparison to the
previewed movies? Glad the story was told. They will be more watchful of how blacks are
portrayed. This was a difficult movie to make – Forrest Whitaker put his name and financing behind
the movie.
Wow!! Holman youth made me proud with their insight, references and associations, and feelings. And so
after a good movie, good food and good discussion, Holman members left Buffalo Wild Wings for our respective
homes, but not without promising to see and discuss as a group the other previewed movies such as
Lee Daniels The Butler.
Prayer of Ushers for
Those They Serve
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm
upon your face.
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.
Felton Thomas Newell, III
Holman United
Methodist Church
Church of the Bells
3320 West Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90018
323-731-2609 (fax)
The DEADLINE for the next Issue of the
Bellringer is Sunday, September 22, 2013
for the October 2013 publication.
“We have come too far,
marched too long,
wept too bitterly and
suffered too much brutality
to turn back now.”
Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear
life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who
love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Don’t burn out; keep
yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master,
cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.
Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Bless your
enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy
friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down.
Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with
nobodies; don’t be the great somebody. Don’t hit back; discover
beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with
everybody. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do.
“I’ll do the judging,” says God. “I’ll take care of it.”
~Rev. Joseph Lowery
August 2013
Romans 12:9-18 The Message Bible
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LƒãƒÄùƒ CçÄĮĦ«ƒÃ, M®Ä®Ýã›Ù Ê¥
CÊÃÃçÄ®ãù EĦƒ¦›Ã›Äã (Oçãٛƒ‘« M®Ä®ÝãÙù
Sun., Sept. 1 — Holy Communion Sunday
Sun., Sept. 8 — BapƟsm Sunday
Sun., Sept, 15— Storehouse Sunday
Sun., Sept. 22 — Ushers AppreciaƟon Day
Sun., Sept. 29 — Unity Sunday