Oct 2006 In UNITY_FINAL_3.qxp - Sanitation Officers Association
Oct 2006 In UNITY_FINAL_3.qxp - Sanitation Officers Association
Stewards 3 Shop Hear about Contract 7 SSLU Reunion LOCAL 444 SEIU Bills Signed 10 9/11 into Law SANITATION OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Vol. 2 Issue 2 Sept/Oct 2006 IN 4th Annual Shop Stewards Convention Shop Stewards at this year’s Convention had a chance to hear first hand from the Union’s newly hired attorney brought on to help close a contract deal with the City. Harry Greenberg of Greenberg, Burzichelli and Greenberg, gave a presentation on where the SOA stands on contract talks, and answered questions about how he has been successful in helping other unions lock in deals with the City. Shop Stewards walked away with true and accurate information to bring back to the membership. “This Convention was a great opportunity for Shop Stewards to meet as one collective group and tend to Union business,” said SOA President Joseph Mannion. “I know our contract is first and foremost on the minds of all our members. Unfortunately, there are a lot of rumors circulating. Shop Stewards now have the answers to so many questions being thrown their way each and every day.” Mannion said the Convention is one of the best ways for Officers and Shop Stewards to plan for the upcoming year and focus in on issues still on the current agenda. Message From IN An Official Publication of LOCAL 444 — SEIU Sanitation Officers Association 8510 Bay 16th Street 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11214 Ph: (718) 837-9832 Fx: (718) 837-9347 E-Mail: nycsoa@yahoo.com Website: www.Local 444seiu.com Officers/Trustees Joseph Mannion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Frank Mazzocchi. . . . . . . . 1st Vice President Joseph Castagno . . . . . . . 2nd Vice President Glenn Ferber . . . . . . . . . Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Catenacci . . . . . . . . . . Rec. Secretary Executive Board Representatives General Superintendents Level I Patrick Molfetto. . . . . . . . . . (718) 835-7446 Alfred Steiger. . . . . . . . . . . . (718) 235-8515 Supervisors Leonard Buonpane… . . . . . . (718) 370-5409 Phil Camilleri . . . . . . . . . . . . (718) 321-6412 Bob Casanovas . . . . . . . . . . (212) 868-0286 Joseph Dawson (4-12) . . . . . (718) 252-5560 Charles Diaz . . . . . . . . . . . . (718) 418-2230 Carlos Rivera . . . . . . . . . . . . (718) 714-2708 Zelig Wexler. . . . . . . . . . . . . (212) 569-6022 Boro Delegates ME (M3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Morrone (212) 732-6468 MW (M4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Johnston (212) 675-4571 BXE (BX11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al Pappalardi (718) 828-0681 BXW (BX4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Troche (718) 993-7517 BKW (BK11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carlos Rivera (718) 714-2708 BKE (BK15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruce Sturman (718) 769-2333 BKN (BK1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Capasso (718) 387-5426 QS (RO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Klingler (718) 835-9048 QN (QN8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dennis O’Reilly (718) 835-7446 QW (QW4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Dzurilla (718) 334-9077 SI (SI2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Lauser (718) 317-7885 Office Staff Jacqueline Diaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Fred Camera . . . . . . . . . . Retiree Consultant Dom Ferrucci . . Active & Retiree Consultant In UNITY is produced six times a year by Local 444-SEIU, Sanitation Officers Association. Entire contents copyrighted. NEWSLETTER DESIGN/PRODUCTION: MARCI ROSENBLUM @ RWD GROUP (845) 364-0222 marci@rwdgroup.com President MANNION As I wrote this message in early October, we are still without a contract. We have been trying to work with the “Big Three” (Office of Labor Relations, DSNY and Office of Management and Budget) to work out a deal. As I stated in the last issue of “In Unity,” as well as at our Union meetings, “protective language” is our main concern. After several hours of negotiating with the Big Three at our September 8 meeting, negotiations took a step backward regarding protective language issues that the City presented to us. Or to be more precise, what they didn’t present to us. As I stated before, if we can’t come to an understanding, then we will be forced to move to our alternate plan, which will be based on what other Unions had to do to get their contracts. In late August I hired a new person to help us get this contract done — Harry Greenberg from Greenberg Burzichelli Greenberg P.C. Harry has a long history of successfully representing labor unions, such as the Nassau County PBA and the New York City Correction Captains Association. He is also counsel to the NYC Municipal Labor Committee, which represents all of NYC’s public employees for health and pension issues to mention a few. He is currently getting ready to go to impasse and arbitration with one union he represents and has worked out a deal with another union that was forced into mediation. At mediation they were able to hammer out a deal that resembled what other unions were allowed to do to get a contract done. We deserve the same opportunities and I will settle for nothing less. Harry, as well as Allen Brawer, spoke to our delegates at the 4th Annual Shop Stewards Convention and were both well received. Harry also was introduced at our September 21 Union meeting. There were well over 150 members and delegates gathered to hear where we are with this contract. After close to two hours of discussions and Q&As, the members present were as supportive as ever to get this deal done the right way. Since that meeting, I have met with our Commissioner and have a meeting set up with the Commissioner of OLR. These talks are crucial to the way we move forward. As always I will keep you posted. On a last note, I’m sorry to inform you that our Lobbyist Floyd Holloway will be retiring at the end of this year. I am currently considering other lobbyists to work for our issues in Albany. I wish Floyd and his family a very long and happy retirement. Floyd’s friendship has been a high point to me during these last few years. His professionalism and dedication to those he serves was second to none. He will be missed by many but not forgotten because the sounds of “Hiiii Floyd….” will still be heard in the halls of the Capitol as well as the Legislative Office Building. Best of luck to you Floyd. Also, we received many calls from you on how cool Jerry looked “superimposed surfing” on the last cover. Well, just to set the record straight, that was no trick photography; it was Jerry actually surfing. God bless retirement and our desire to relive our youth! Way to go Jerry! Finally, I wish to remind all of you that you should not focus on any rumors circulating about our contract. When we have something to say it will come from the Union Hall via our Officers, Delegates, website and newsletter. Anything else is a waste of your time, and more than likely, not true anyway. Tuesday, November 7, is Election Day. While it’s easy to say “who cares?” and “my vote isn’t going to make a difference anyway”, I can’t stress enough the importance of taking 10 minutes from your schedule on Election Day to vote. We have many politicians who are on our side and help us with legislation when the time arises. These are the people we need to return to office. Almost everything in New York State is up for grabs this year, including Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, some Congressional representatives, all State Senators and Assemblymen, and many local positions as well. Many in history have lost by one vote. Don’t make that one vote yours. All Photos by Mazzocchi IN Shop Stewards SOA Attorney Harry Greenberg addresses the crowd at the Shop Stewards Convention about the status of the contract. Manhattan M1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph Barge M2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph Rodriguez M3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Morrone M4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Johnston M5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jose Zacaraiz M6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jose Cruz M7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Cullen M8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Brown M9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alfred Dicanio M10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Laporta M11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Kendrick M12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jorge Ortiz Allen Brawer delivers a point to the delegation and answers their questions. 2006 Shop Stewards Convention Supervisor’s Rep Carlos Rivera (BK11) at the healthy snack table during a break. Secretary-Treasurer Glenn Ferber, M2 Shop Steward Joe Rodriguez, M4 Shop Steward John Johnston, 2nd VP Joe Castagno, and Recording Secretary Artie Catenacci take a break before the afternoon session began. Bronx BX1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Pedone BX2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lewis Hernandez BX3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Aversano BX4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Troche BX5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James McGovern BX6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Williams BX7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victor Nicoletti BX8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Rosso BX9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Amore BX10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Minore BX11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al Pappalardi BX12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Vanihel Brooklyn BK1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Consolo BK2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Newlin BK3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vincent Cutrupi BK4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philip Rodriguez BK5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Mickle BK6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pete Maggio BK7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Crowley BK8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rashid Smith BK9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philip Monachino BK10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gerald Iacono BK11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carlos Rivera BK12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vincent Buccheri BK13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank Scaduto BK14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Murray BK15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francis Walsh BK16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Gray BK17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Miglino BK18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terrance Winters Queens Q1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Magill Q2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Frietag Q3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Luizzi Q4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Aloe Q5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Kraly Q6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Moore Q7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phil Camilleri Q8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dennis O’Reilly Q9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Cole Q10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Biscardi Q11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuck McDonald Q12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Stanzione Q13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roger Rebando Q14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank LaPera ▲ Supervisor’s Rep Phil Camilleri (Q7), BX10 Shop Steward James Minore, and ME Borough Delegate Nicholas Marrone take time out for lunch. BKN Boro Delegate Kevin Capasso (BK1), Supervisor’s Rep Charles Diaz (SP), and Mr. and Mrs. George Nieves (BWD Export Shop Steward) enjoy the cigar rolling exhibit given between sessions. Staten Island SI1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Woolverton SI2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leonard Buopane SI3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Lauser Splinter Groups SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Diaz DVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Lyons Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank Perrone Joseph Gallipani OAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roy Brandquist FK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Mondella BWD Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Nieves 4 Be In TOUCH RETIREE DIRECTORY— To be included in this listing, you must fax or send to the union office a letter signed by you including your social security number and date of birth, giving us permission to post your information. MICHAEL ABBATICCHIO Ret. 1990 — QS10 3805 Sky Lane Round Rock, TX 78681 (512)388-8817 mjmabba@aol.com JOHN BENVENGO Ret. 1990 — Training 29330 Cohaire Loop San Antonio, FL 33576 THOMAS J. BYRNES Ret. 1973 — QS-Boro Supt. 214 Harriman Dr., Apt. 2034 Goshen, N.Y. 10924-2425 (845) 615-1616 JOHN A. CUTRONE Ret. 1985 — Fresh KillsMarine Dispatcher 117 Whittier Road Brick, NJ 08724 or 722 Sunnypine Way West Palm Beach, FL 33415 EDDIE DESTIO Ret. 1990 — QW9 skyocala65@aol.com ANTHONY FARINO Ret Fore 1973-QNS 77 Lamberson Street Valley Stream, NY 11580 (516) 256-0613 TonyPlane@aol.com DONALD GUIDA Ret. 1987 — Fresh Kills 20 Tralee Road Hazlet, NJ 07730 (732) 739-0857 Message From Secretary-Treasurer FERBER Health Coverage Transfer Period The Health Transfer period for Active officers is from Oct. 16 – Nov. 17, 2006. A few things active officers should consider: • Doctors participation in the medical plan their considering transferring to • The cost of the plan as some are very expensive • The need for prescription benefits through the base plan. GHI and HIP carve out the prescription rider so active officers cannot receive prescriptions other than diabetic through their base plan. The Sanitation Officers Security Benefit Fund prescription has a benefit maximum of $5,000 per individual per year. If you believe that your prescriptions will greatly exceed that cap, you should consider switching to a plan that will enable you to receive the prescription rider through them. While the cost of the plan may be greater the potential savings can make this a wise choice. The Health Transfer period for Retired officers is from Nov. 1 – Nov. 30, 2006. Open enrollment changes for Retirees are every even year. Since this is a group contract, there is no need to be concerned about pre-existing medical conditions. Coverage changes are effective January 2007. u u u u The GHI Prescription Drug Benefit changed effective October 1, 2006. All non-Medicare retirees who have GHI are affected by the co-pay changes for diabetic medication, and a Step Therapy program. Active employees are only affected by the co-pay changes for diabetic medication. Every GHI participant should have received a direct mailing from GHI. Attn: Retirees New rates for GHI Optional Rider Effective October 2006, the Non-Medicare monthly Optional Rider rates have changed. Individual rate .................................................................$105.46 Family rate ......................................................................$197.84 u u u u Death Benefit Please note that our death benefit is provided through AETNA Insurance Co. The Fund office files a claim with Aetna on behalf of the designated beneficiary. In order for the Retiree Welfare Fund and Sanitation Officers Security Benefit Fund to file a claim, we first need an original death certificate. This process is not instantaneous and the funds pay only the designated beneficiary regardless of who they are or their relationship to the deceased. Please keep your designated beneficiary up-to-date with the Fund office. You can change your beneficiary just by calling the Fund office and requesting a new beneficiary card. About Our 5 MEMBERS In Memoriam: Supv. Chester Brown (BKN3). . . . 10/3/06 Casimir Ogar (Ret, 1974) . . . . . . 7/10/06 John Zentgraf (Ret. 1986) . . . . . 7/30/06 Antonio Salierno (Ret. 1976) . . . 8/31/06 Sylvester Scheno (Ret. 1983) . . . . 9/16/06 Frank Rogus (Ret. 1975) . . . . . . . 9/17/06 Prather Wilson (Ret. 1984) . . . . . 9/23/06 (former AABS President) SW Michael Occhino (BK11) . . . . 8/28/06 SW Damon Allen (BK) . . . . . . . . . 9/3/06 SW Allen Gormely (BK13) . . . . . . 9/11/06 In Memoriam Family: Supv. Joseph Dawson — EB Supv Rep, BK15 (Wife) Supv. Michael Sugrue — M Boro (Wife) Supv. Michael Freitag — QW2-S.S. (Brother) Supv. Gregory Assenza — QW4 (Father) Supv. Rodney Duncan — M9 (Mother) Supv. William Ford — BK10 (Nephew) Supv. Ray Purcell — Export (Father) Supv. Kevin Greenan — M10 (Father) Supv. Larry Bilicki — BK/QNS Lots (Father) Supv. Joseph Guariglia — SI3 (Father) Supt. Louis Rosano — BX Boro (Father) Ret. Supv. John Molinini — BKS11 (Mother) Ret. Supt. Sal Annerino — M8 (Mother) AC Michael Bellew — Cleaning (Mother-in-Law) DC Mike Bonacorsa — PMD (Mother-in-Law) Ret. DC Leroy Hunter, Jr. — QE (Father) Newborn Children: Supt. Matthew Butler (BKS) — Daughter Supv. Keith Woods (BK7) — Daughter Retiring Members: Supv. Steven Smalzried (M8) ........8/29/06 Supv. Philip Aquila (QE11)...........8/31/06 Supv. McClee Graves (BKN8) .......8/31/06 Supv. Cancel Homero (M3) ..........8/31/06 Supv. Richard Leone (QE7) ..........8/31/06 Supv. Henry Ferguson (BX2) ..........9/1/06 Supv. Thomas Ferrelli (BX7) ...........9/1/06 Supv. Joseph LaBarbera (SI3)..........9/1/06 Supv. Daniel Paesano (M9) .............9/1/06 Supv. Mario Santamassino (BX11)...9/1/06 Supv. Joseph Pilc (QE13)................9/3/06 Supv. Angel Millan (SI1)...............9/27/06 Supt. Frank Diaz (M Boro)...........9/30/06 Supv. Robert Case (SI3)..............10/01/06 Supt. Frank Fontana (BX Boro) ....10/1/06 Supt. John Mancino (QW Boro)...10/1/06 Supv. Carmine Melfi (BX6) ...........10/1/06 Supv. Leonard Ragone (QE13) .....10/1/06 Serving America: Members on Active Duty Supv. Larry Brown — M3 Supv. Curtis Johnson — BK18 Supv. Howard Orama — SI3 Supv. James Egan — SI2 (Son) LC Anthony J. Egan (Al Asad, Iraq) Congratulations to Michael Mannion, son of President Joe Mannion and his wife Bonnie, on becoming an Eagle Scout. Pictured, Michael is being congratulated by the Eagle Board of Review & Scoutmaster on becoming Troop 577’s newest Eagle Scout on September 11, 2006. From left are: Mr. Robert Mehl, Mrs. Vicky Herlihy, Judge Lawrence (Eagle Chairman), Michael, and Scout Master George Fillios. Be In TOUCH RETIREE DIRECTORY— THOMAS KASULKE Ret.1985 — QS 31 Birch Tree Street Homosassa, FL 34446 (352) 382-4085 JAMES P. KIRWIN Ret. 1981 233 Biltmore Place Panama City Beach, FL 32413 (850) 230-4944 jimbo169@knology.net FRANK J. LOPIANO Ret. 1981 — SW BX 8928 E. Cedar Waxwing Dr. Sun Lakes, AZ 85248 (480) 802-8250 JAMES MARKEY Ret.1980 — QN NDS 3618 Hemlock Farms Lords Valley, PA 18428 jwmscout@ptd.net EUGENE J. REYNOLDS Ret. 1995 — QS13 16 Flanders Ct. Ridge, NY 11961 (631) 821-0883 totoreynolds@aol.com NEIL SALVATI Ret. 1999 — San Police (239) 945-6273 Cell: (239) 699-3839 realtorsalvati@earthlink.net u TELL US If you are a Retiree who has listed his address in the Directory section and has been in touch with a co-worker/friend from long ago, tell us your story. Space permitting, we will print it. Please include your name and phone number, along with a photo if possible. Member 6 LETTERS Member E-MAILS E-mail from: WILLIAM HAMM SECRETARY, SANITATION RETIREES OF WEST FLORIDA Glenn, Thank you for your quick response in helping one of the retirees here in Florida. It (is) comforting to know (that) you and the rest of (the) Officers at 444 do not forget the Retirees. WRITE US Keep those letters coming into the office so we know what’s on your mind. You can send them via mail or e-mail. Both addresses are on Page 2 of this newsletter. Dear Joe, What a fantastic newsletter. The layout, the information and the letters from the Retirees are just great. It is good to read letters from guys you worked with many years ago. Each time I read one of them letters, pleasant memories come back. I started my career in Bronx East 20. Moved on to Dist. 23 as an Asst. Foreman and then on to Dist. 25, where I had a Section on Washington Avenue, with Foreman Miguel (Mike) Salazar. I noticed in the newsletter that three of our Retirees have retired to Puerto Rico. I wonder if he is one of them as I haven’t been able to contact him. After Dist. 25 I moved on to Queens South and then to the “Garden Spot” QN-11 from where I retired. (I) worked with a great bunch my entire career and would like to say hello to all of them, and you and your staff. Keep up the great work. Tom Maher (NY) (Ret. 1993) (Note: Fore. Salazar is currently living in Florida, not P.R. When I was a Supv. in QS12, you were always a gentleman and fair to work for. Thank you! I’m sorry that today’s “chiefs” weren’t trained by you! — JM) Art, Thank you so much for mailing us Joe’s (deceased) address. We were best of friends for many years in the Bronx. Frank (Rogus), my husband and Joe worked together as San-men for many years and Dorothy, his wife, and I became good friends. Don’t know how but we lost touch (with) each other when they retired. I would like to contact Dorothy. Frank is very sick also. He felt just terrible to hear about Joe. Again, thank you so much for what you did. Sincerely, Mildred Rogus (wife of Retiree Frank Rogus, NY, Ret. 1975) To whom it may concern, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is George L. Athas and I am a retired (Supervisor) from Staten Island. I have written a book about my experiences in Vietnam (1966-1967) and have had the book published. If anyone is interested in purchasing my book, please contact me at: “On The River”, By “The Judge”-G.L.A., P.O. Box 90346, Staten Island, NY 10309. The book is $20 including s&h. If you want to know what Vietnam was like for “a select few” and want to know what happened in Vietnam that few people know, this book is “a must read”. Sincerely, George L. Athas (NY) (Retired- 1995, SI3) P.S. Thank you Glenn for your help! (Note: Glenn and I both read the book and it is “a must read” book. Those that think they know George must read this book and meet the “other” George. Best of luck! — JM) Dear Joe, First, I would like to thank you for keeping the Retirees informed of events that go on in the Department through the “Unity” Magazine that you put out. It makes us Retirees feel that we still belong to a great organization and not forgotten. Second, congratulations to Jerry Saporito on his retirement. I wish him and his family many years of happiness. Third, I would like to thank my best friend Dominick Ferrucci for the great reunion he put together for the SSLU at the Carousel Restaurant in Howard Beach. It was really great to see Chief Glassberg and my fellow workers and good friends. We had a great time and the food was excellent. Thank you Dom, “You are the Best”. Fourth, I would like to thank you Joe and your staff for easing some of the financial relief that you give us Retirees. I am sure we all thank you. As you know I was a member of two previous (SOA) administrations and we did the best we could in those times. You and your staff have excelled for the better for both the Active and the Retirees. Keep up the good work and God Bless You. Sincerely, Domenic Sciove (Retired SOA Recording Secretary) (Ret. 1994) (Note: Thank you for your kind words and yes we do want the Retirees to be a part of this Union. Retirement should not be looked at as something that just happens. It is all of our “Goals” to be fortunate enough to reach that chapter of our lives. God-willing. We here at SOA are trying to educate our Active members for retirement by using this “IN Unity” as a tool. I am also trying to “re-build” our relationships with our Retirees. At close to 2,500 (Retirees) STRONG we need you for political strength, but that’s for another issue. — JM) 7 Hold The DATE OCTOBER SSLU REUNION 7-8 Sukkot 10 Columbus Day 16 National Boss Day 29 Daylight Savings Time Ends Turn Clocks Back 1 Hour Check Batteries in Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors 31 Halloween NOVEMBER Dom Ferrucci held a get-together of the Retired officers assigned to the Supervised Sick Leave Unit. The reunion party took place on September 7, 2006, at the CAROSELLO Restaurant in Howard Beach, Queens. This is the first time in Sanitation history that the SSLU unit had a reunion. The event was the brainchild of Ret. Chief Sid Glassberg and Ferrucci. They both came up with the reunion idea and Ferrucci turned those thoughts into action. This party was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended. It has been reported how youthful these distinguished gentlemen looked. Conspicuously absent were canes and walkers. Seven of those in attendance (names underlined) were from the original crew who started the SSLU back in 1979. From left are: Retired Supervisors Paul Osofsky, Victor Sorrento, Rocco DelPriore, Joseph Rewde, Thomas DeNunzio, Former Supv. Ron Gerlich (now Queens West Boro Commissioner), Dom Ferrucci, Ret. Chief Sid Glassberg, Leon McCain, Frank Dilorenzo, Danny O’Hagan, Larry Meloro, Vincent Marcotrigaro, Louis Sarra, and Dom Sciove. “It was great to see so many old faces, my best pals. Not everyone has had a chance to stay in touch, and this reunion gave us all a chance to catch up and hear what was going on in each other’s lives,” Ferrucci said. As a result of the good cheer that was had by all, Dom Ferrucci and crew have committed to holding another reunion in September 2007. Stay tuned — plans are in the works. 2 Union Meeting Active Only 6 Brooklyn West Officers Reunion 7 Election Day VOTE! 11 23 Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day 8 A Brief NOTE Brooklyn West Officers Reunion November 6, 2006 7:00 p.m. Gargiulo’s Restaurant Coney Island For more info contact: Tom Salerno (718) 668-1986 Tony Yodice (718) 266-1898 Joe Castagno (718) 837-9832 Bronx (The) Party Bronx Officers Christmas Party/Reunion Tuesday December 5, 2006 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Michaels Restaurant at The American Turner’s Club 748 Clarence Avenue (btwn. Randall & Phillip) (718) 829-3450 For info please contact: Supv John Manley (12/8 BX2) (718) 542-0850 A/C Nick Vero (Bx Boro) (718) 901-1295 9 Retiree GROUPS Support Our Retiree Organizations NYC-DS Retirees, Inc. P.O. Box 61815 Staten Island, NY 10306 Thomas Nazzaro, President (718) 317-7453 NYC-DS Retirees & Associates of West Florida, Inc. P.O. Box 5317 Spring Hill, FL 34611-5317 NYCSANIT@email.com Donald Simon, President (727) 868-1884 NYC-DS Retirees & Associates of East Florida 8438 Blue Cypress Drive Lake Worth, FL 33467 Madboys3@bellsouth.net (Donald McLean) Woodrow Rackoff, Chairman (561) 736-3649 DS-NYC Northeast Florida Retirees P.O. Box 354622 Palm Coast, FL 32135-4622 Nanandrich65@aol.com Richard Kehoe, President 10 A Brief NOTE Jerry Saporito’s Retirement Party Mark Your Calendar! Thursday April 26, 2007 Leonard’s of Great Neck 6 p.m. - 11 p.m. Cost: $75/person Contacts: Artie Catenacci (718) 837-9832 or All Delegates (see page 2 of newsletter for their phone numbers) With the fifth Anniversary of the attack on America behind us and our young men and women still fighting to protect our freedom, we should never forget! Every September 11, “Patriot’s Day,” we all should do the following: Wear something red, white and blue to show our support for those who lost their lives on 9/11/01 and to honor the heroes who worked to save, rescue and clean up, and the families left behind. At 9 a.m. “your time” on September 11, no matter where you are or what you are doing, stop, put your hand on your heart, and say the Pledge of Allegiance out loud or to yourself and say a prayer for our Nation, for those lost and effected by the events of 9/11/01. For those of us who drive, drive with your headlights on to also give honor and remembrance to those who perished that day. Finally, we should also display our flag from our homes, work places, or any other place appropriate. If not every day, then at least on every September 11. The following reflection is from an unknown author. — JM Governor Signs Three New 9/11 Bills into Law At Ground Zero itself on August 14, 2006, Governor Pataki signed three new bills into law aimed at assisting 9/11 rescue workers. This comes on the heels of his signing the original 9/11 Presumptive Disability Law last summer. The first new law permits application for accidental death benefits to families of police officers, firefighters, and other uniformed personnel who participated in the rescue, recovery and clean-up operations at the World Trade Center site. The second law eliminates the statute of limitations to allow rescue and recovery workers who retired from public service to later have their retirement status reclassified as accidental disability if illnesses related to their work on the rescue, recovery and clean-up operations on 9/11 later surface. The third law enables many workers who became ill after the statutory two-year workers’ compensation filing deadline expired to resubmit their claim for further consideration. Joe Castagno, 2nd VP, was at the signing and said it was another monumental day for the labor movement. “So many gave of themselves that day and in the days that followed and never thought about what would happen to them later on,” Castagno said. “The Governor made a commitment to help 9/11 responders and those who worked in the cleanup and he didn’t forget.” The Governor also announced a comprehensive plan to ensure that 9/11 rescue workers receive prompt access to the benefits and health care they rightfully deserve under the State’s workers compensation system. “New York will never forget the heroes of September 11, the men and women who tirelessly worked at the site of the world’s most horrific terror attacks, to help save lives, recover the remains of loved ones and begin the rebuilding process in Lower Manhattan,” Governor Pataki said. “As it is clear that many champions of 9/11 have developed debilitating illnesses over time resulting from their selfless acts, they need to know that New York State will not abandon them.” Two Thousand One, Nine Eleven (2001-911) Two thousand one, nine eleven Three thousand plus arrive in heaven As they pass through the gate, Thousands more appear in wait A bearded man with a stovepipe hat Steps forward saying, “Let’s sit, let’s chat” They settle down in seats of clouds A man named Martin shouts out proud “I have a dream!” and once he did The Newcomer said, “Your dream still lives.” Groups of soldiers in blue and gray Others in khaki and green then say “We’re from Bull Run, Yorktown, the Maine,” The Newcomer said, “You died not in vain.” From a man on sticks one could hear “The only thing we have to fear. The Newcomer said, “We know the rest, Trust us sir, we’ve passed the test.” “Courage doesn’t hide in caves You can’t bury freedom, in a grave,” The Newcomers had heard this voice before A distinct Yankees twang from Hyannisport shores A silence fell within the mist Somehow the Newcomer knew that this Meant time had come for her to say What was in the hearts of the five thousand plus that day “Back on Earth, we wrote reports, Watched our children play in sports Worked our gardens, sang our songs Went to church and clipped coupons We smiled, we laughed, we cried, we fought Unlike you, great we’re not” Message From 1st Vice President MAZZOCCHI Everyone looks forward to retirement. Getting there is half the battle – the other half is paying for it. Let me explain about your “Financial Trinity,” the assets you have contributed during the span of your work career. It’s important to understand all the segments that comprise your personal “Financial Trinity.” First is your pension. You dictate the size of your pension with salary, overtime and the years of service worked. Second is deferred compensation. The amount in this segment is whatever you want it to be since it is a voluntary contribution. Planning is having the mindset that you have to contribute. Third is Social Security. It will be a fixed amount for the duration of your lifespan. Now let me show you how your Financial Trinity works when you retire. We generally retire younger and with a larger pension than most of this country’s workforce. The one thing you must remember, however, is that the longer you live, the smaller your pension gets. Everything will rise in price, as does the cost of living, and your pension from a defined benefit plan will remain fixed for the rest of your life. With all this being said, you should be able to ride your pension for five to seven years before feeling the pains of inflation. Now it is time for your next step. Welcome to deferred compensation, or the 457 plan, which allows you to receive money regardless of age, without penalty, once you leave City service. With your pension getting smaller, you can make adjustments in opening the 457 plan to subsidize what was lost. In this case, it would be giving you a raise to cover what was previously lost to inflation. The key here is not to be extravagant but comfortable. Remember you are going to be retired longer than you have worked, and the money in this case is not guaranteed like your pension, but is based on whatever you contributed. The third party of your Financial Trinity is Social Security. It will boost your retirement income for the rest of your life, but should be considered a supplement for your income. You have a choice when to start receiving Social Security. It can be as early as 62, but the later in life you start receiving it, the larger the amount. Now let us look for that Annuity and or Annuity/Loan that was rolled over/invested when you retired. Remember at age 65 your life expectancy will carry you past 80, and this is your supplement to help carry you through it. When preparing for retirement, you are essentially putting your life on cruise control. You select how fast you want to go and from then on just hold the wheel straight, no signals, no turns, just forward. With your Financial Trinity and a plan, you will live and live to your liking. Now ENJOY! Any questions or comments please call Frank Mazzocchi at (718) 837-9832. The tall man in the stovepipe hat Stood and said, “Don’t talk like that! Look at your country, look and see You died for Freedom, just like me” Then, before them all appeared a scene Of rubbled streets and twisted beams Death, destruction, smoke and dust And people working just ‘cause they must Hauling ash, lifting stones, Knee deep in hell, but not alone “Look! Blackman, Whiteman, Brownman, Yellowman Side by side helping their fellow man!” So said Martin, as he watched the scene “Even from nightmares, can be born a dream.” Down below three Firemen raised The colors high into ashen haze The soldiers above had seen before On Iwo Jima back in ‘45 The Man on sticks studied everything closely Then shared his perceptions on what he saw mostly “I see pain, I see tears, I see sorrow – but I don’t see fear.” “You left behind husbands and wives Daughters and sons and so many lives Are suffering now because of this wrong But look very closely. You’re not really gone. All of those people. Even those who’ve never met you All of their lives, they’ll never forget you Don’t you see what has happened? Don’t you see what you’ve done? You’ve brought them together, together as one. 11 Winter is Coming When the Department posts the operating order start dates of this years snowplow, all officers should familiarize themselves with what events take place. ❖ Lock-ins become available and are re-picked by District Seniority ❖ Once personnel are in place and the NDS and 12-8 field lines are covered then reliefs are picked by seniority ❖ For the ease of Continuity reliefs should follow a pattern of 12-8, 12-8, 4-12, 4-12, and 8-4 ❖ Please remember the District Occurrence list (overtime list) starts over at the inception of snowplow – your District list is year round ❖ Volunteers are now selected for the District Emergency list and must be at least 30 percent of the assigned District personnel ❖ Note – New officers (Probation) can apply but cannot work emergency list until they pass their nights and out-oftown eligibility With that the man in the stovepipe hat said “Take my hand,” and from there he led Three thousand plus heroes, Newcomers to heaven On this day, two thousand one, nine eleven (God Bless America — JM) 12 Hold The DATE DECEMBER 5 7 14 Bronx Holiday Party 16 21 25 26 Chanukah Pearl Harbor Day Union Meeting Active Only AN OFFICER AND A MENTCH On July 1, 2006, the Department of Sanitation and the Union lost Supv. Steven Landano of Brooklyn East 15 after a long illness. While Landano’s family should have been grieving over their loss, they instead were dealing with not having Landano’s body at his own funeral. Landano’s body was being held at the funeral home because the family’s bill wasn’t paid in full. Despite the fact the funeral home had been promised the money from insurance policies, the funeral home wouldn’t release Landano’s body. In stepped Supv. John Naimoli of BK15 with a heart of gold, a true sense of dignity, strength and character — and a credit card. Supv. Naimoli put forth his own personal credit card to make certain Supv. Landano would be given a proper funeral. With contributions from Landano’s co-workers and his dear sister Lillian, John’s credit card bill was totally reimbursed. There is an old yiddish word that describes Supv. John Naimoli — a mentch! — GF Winter Begins Congratulations to Ret. Supv. Howard Broad and his wife Regina on the birth of their first grandson Justin Anthony Broad. He was born July 18, 2006, weighing 6 lbs., 12 oz., and he was 19½”. Justin’s parents Lisa and Jason Broad are still on cloud nine over the birth of their beautiful son. Christmas Day Kwanzaa Joseph Mannion . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Frank Mazzocchi . . . . . . 1st Vice President Joseph Castagno. . . . . . 2nd Vice President Glenn Ferber . . . . . . . . Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Catenacci . . . . . . . . . Rec. Secretary 8510 Bay 16th Street 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11214 Local 444 SEIU Sanitation Officers Assoc. 718-837-9832 IN Call the Union to update your records. CHANGE OF ADDRESS? First Class Prsrt Mail US Postage PAID Albany, NY Permit #370
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