State of Virginia Office Supply Contract.
State of Virginia Office Supply Contract.
CONTRACT E194-72924-MA2079 BETWEEN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AND TSRC INC 1. SCOPE OF CONTRACT This is an Optional Use Contract between the Division of Purchases and Supply, Department of General Services, acting as an agent of the Commonwealth of Virginia (“Commonwealth” or “Department of General Services” or “DGS” or “Division of Purchases and Supply” or “DPS”) and TSRC INC dba The Supply Room Companies, Inc. (the "Contractor"), a Virginia company having its principal place of business at 14140 N. Washington Highway, Ashland, VA 23005 for the provision of office supplies and toner products, which includes supply and support for office supplies, furniture, electric office equipment, facility maintenance supplies, ink, toner and other miscellaneous items contained in the TSRC INCCompanies printed Office Supply catalog, pursuant to the Commonwealth's Request For Proposal #E194-125, dated July 1, 2014 (the "RFP") and the Contractor's proposal, dated August 28, 2014 in response thereto. 2. INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT As used in this Contract, "product" and "deliverables" shall include all related materials and documentation developed and provided in the performance of Contract, whether in machinereadable or printed form, and produced or provided pursuant to this Contract, or any order resulting from this Contract. Headings are for reference purposes only and shall not be considered in construing this Contract. The documents comprising this Contract, and their order of precedence in case of conflict, are: (1) this Contract, consisting of terms and conditions included herein, including all Attachments hereto; (2) all executed orders and Attachments referencing the Contract (3) the RFP #E194-125; and (4) the Contractor's proposal submitted in response to the RFP. The foregoing documents represent the complete and final Contract of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Contract. If any term or condition of this Contract is found to be illegal or unenforceable, it shall be severed, and the validity of the remaining terms and conditions shall not be affected. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed as an express or implied waiver of the Commonwealth's sovereign or Eleventh Amendment immunity, or as a pledge of its full faith and credit. 3. TERM The Contract shall be effective from August 1, 2015through July 31, 2016. All orders and related documents shall survive the period of performance stated in this section until such time as all orders (executed prior to the expiration date of the Contract) have been 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 1 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 completely performed. Prices will remain firm for the 1st year of the contract. Small Order Processing Fees – There will not be a charge to process small orders. However, each ordering entity is asked to refrain from placing orders for less than $25.00 per minimum order unless the item/s are necessary and critical to your entity’s operation. Goods and/or Service - The Contractor shall provide a broad spectrum of office supply and toner products. The Commonwealth recognizes Contractors may not carry exactly the same manufacturer products or lines. However, all of the products and product lines either carried in the Contractor’s standard commercial catalog(s) or price book(s) or special order(s) shall be covered by the Contractor’s proposal. Return of Goods - Products judged by the Commonwealth to be unacceptable may be rejected. All costs associated with rejection are the responsibility of the Contractor. Overshipments will be accepted at the Commonwealth’s discretion. The Contractor will be responsible for the disposition of all defective, damaged or rejected over-shipped products. Return authorization shall be provided by the Contractor within 14 calendar days of verbal notification. The Contractor shall indicate whether trade-ins of current equipment will be offered and any conditions, requirements or discounts available. E-Procurement - The Contractor must be registered in eVa, the Commonwealth’s electronic procurement system. The Contractor shall accept orders placed by ordering Agencies through the eVa system. The Contractor shall offer an electronic catalog or index page catalog for items awarded. Failure to provide such catalog may be cause for the Commonwealth to reject the offer or terminate the resulting contract for default. The format of this electronic catalog shall conform to the eVa Catalog Specifications that can be downloaded at Delivery - FOB Destination (freight included in price). The prices for all items shall include all standard freight costs. Additional shipping charges for rush, over-size, special orders or shipments made outside of the Commonwealth will be the responsibility of the ordering Agency. Shipping costs that are specified as other than standard shipping when an order is placed shall be quoted to the ordering Agency prior to shipment. Contractors and subcontractors must adhere to any and all security requirements related to any facilities that are served. Various facilities, including the Department of Corrections may have slightly different security requirements, and it is the contractor’s responsibility to follow all policies of each facility. A packing label must be on each box (or package) to include the Name, Agency, address and purchase order number. A packing list must also be included with each shipment (or delivery) which will include, at a minimum, the following: Line item description, quantity ordered, quantity included in shipment, backordered items, purchase order number and Agency contact. Hazardous Materials and Dry Ice shipments must be handled in strict accordance with the Hazardous Material Transportation Act of 1975 (HMTA), OSHA, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), US Department of Transportation (DOT) and Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) standards and regulations, at no additional charge to contract users (located at the following web addresses): 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 2 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Bulk Purchase Discounts may apply but will be initiated by customer request. The request will be reviewed by TSRC INC purchasing department to determine if additional bulk volume discounts from the product manufacturer is available. Bulk Purchase discounts may not apply to all commodities. The best price may have been extended up front and there is no room to discount further. If lower cost of goods is available, based on the new volume, TSRC INC will extend a quote to the end user, including such requirement as full cartons, pallets and delivery time changes. Rebates will be applied to the total invoice at time of order entry and deducted from each invoice for all contract users at time of purchase. The contract will start the initial year with an upfront rebate on each invoice of 1.75%. TSRC INC will track purchases each year and adjust the rebate figure for the following year(s) accordingly: $0 - $4,999,999 $5,000,000 - $7,999,999 $8,000,000 - $11,999,999 $12,000,000 - $15,999,999 $16,000,000 - $19,999,999 $20,000,000 + 1.25% 1.50% 1.75% 2.25% 2.75% 3.25% TSRC Inc will calculate and distribute rebates directly to the ordering entity(ies) once annually. Installation charges/fees for desks and other large items: TSRC Inc’s installation charge on furniture is approximately 8% of the selling price. This charge covers delivery, set up, coordination with the end user, installation completed to the customer's 100% satisfaction, and removal of debris on all furniture orders. The installation / delivery fee shall be relayed to the customer as a quote prior to order completion. TSRC INC certifies that they will not charge the 8% fee to furniture that can be shipped to the end user in their original cartons from the factory, as long as no assembly or installation is required. Restocking “Special Order Items”: "Special order item" is defined as an office product that is not in the TSRC Inc’s catalog or is custom made to meet customer specifications. Example, Bulk Orders, etc. Consult Contractor concerning list of other “Special Items”. Typical restocking fees are 15-25% of the selling price depending on the manufacturer. a. TSRC Inc will email a quote to the end user or buyer for requests on special order items. The quote will include the cost of the product(s), any minimum requirements, the delivery time and the expiration date. It will also state the manufacturer/distributors procedure for return. Potential restocking fees and/or return freight charges will be noted. b. TSRC Inc certifies there will be no markup on these fees, TSRC Inc’s actual cost will be charged. Delivery: TSRC Inc’s standard practice is one day delivery. If any exception occurs, due to back orders, special order items, ETC., a customer service representative will contact the user and make any arrangements necessary to completely satisfy the customer. *Delivery of orders in zones 102 (Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Greensville, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg and Nottoway) – 105 (Bland, Bristol City, Buchanan, Dickenson, Galax City, Grayson, Lee, Norton City, Russell, Scott, Smyth, 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 3 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Tazewell, Washington, Wise and Wythe) and 106 (Accomack and Northampton) are processed through TSRC Inc’s contracted carrier United Parcel Service. Shipping & Billing: TSRC Inc will not charge for items until they have been shipped and received by the customer. 4. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT The Contract may be renewed for up to four (4) additional successive one (1) year periods under the terms and conditions of the original contract and upon mutual written agreement between the parties. Written notice of the Commonwealth’s intention to renew shall be given approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of each contract period, of the Commonwealth’s intent to renew the Contract. 5. PRICE ESCALATION-DE-ESCALATION Discounts are to be considered the minimum for the entire term of the resulting contract. List price may be negotiated on a semi-annual basis after the first contract year. Price adjustments and/or discount adjustments may be permitted for changes in the contractor’s cost of materials or services and or changes in the Manufacturer’s published price list. The Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index of the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics will be used by the Commonwealth as a guide in reviewing any Rate/Price increase requests. Price escalation may be authorized semi-annually only at the time of change in market pricing for Offfice Supplies and Toner products and only where verified to the satisfaction of the purchasing office. However, “across the board” price decreases are subject to implementation at any time and shall be immediately conveyed to the Commonwealth. The contractor shall document the amount of any general change in the price of materials. Documentation shall be supplied with the contractor’s request for increase which will: (1) verify that the requested price increase is general in scope and not applicable just to the Commonwealth of Virginia; and (2) verify the amount or percentage of increase which is being passed on to the contractor by the contractor’s suppliers. All changes in the prices and / or discounts applicable to the Commonwealth must be approved in writing by the Division of Purchases and Supply prior to implementation by the contractor(s). The purchasing office will notify the using agencies and contractor in writing of the effective date of any increase which it approves. However, the contractor shall fill all purchase orders received prior to the effective date of the price adjustment at the old contract prices. The contractor is further advised that decreases which affect the cost of materials are required to be communicated immediately to the purchasing office. 6. ADDITION/DELETION OF SERVICES The Commonwealth recognizes that products and product line additions to the Contractor’s standard commercial catalog offerings during the life of the contract are likely to occur. The Commonwealth considers these additions as enhancements. Additions will be considered as follows: a. Any and all new products will be categorized with similar products or product lines into existing market categories previously defined and agreed to by the Commonwealth and with 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 4 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 respect to discount structure, net price or grand total of the product. The Commonwealth shall be notified of new item(s) and / or product line(s). Contract amendment or modification will not be required for addition of new product(s) to the contractor’s offerings that are consistent with pre-established categories and discount structure. b. In the event the Contractor adds a new specialty product line which represents product(s) that are consistent with the type and class of products covered under the contract, but differ sufficiently from products or brands represented in the existing product categories, so that a separate pricing structure is appropriate, the Commonwealth and the Contractor may enter into negotiations to modify the contract to establish a discount structure, net price, or grand total for the product(s). Pricing must be competitive in order to add products to this contract. The Contractor shall provide appropriate documentation to support its position for separate pricing. Negotiations must be completed prior to order placement. Contract amendment or modification will be required in order to add negotiated items that are sufficiently different from pre-established categories and discount structure. 7. VENDORS MANUAL This Contract is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors Manual and any changes or revisions thereto, which are hereby incorporated into this contract in their entirety. The procedure for filing contractual claims is in section 7.19 of the Vendors Manual. A copy of the manual is normally available for review at the purchasing office and is accessible on the Internet at under “Vendors Manual” on the vendors tab. 8. APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURTS This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought in the courts of the Commonwealth. The agency and the Contractor are encouraged to resolve any issues in controversy arising from the award of the Contract or any contractual dispute using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4366). ADR procedures are described in Chapter 9 of the Vendors Manual. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. 9. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION The Contractor certifies to the Commonwealth that they will conform to the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as the Virginia Fair Employment Contracting Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable, the Virginians With Disabilities Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act and § 2.2-4311 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA). If the award is made to a faith-based organization, the organization shall not discriminate against any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to the Contract on the basis of the recipient's religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious practice, or on the basis of race, age, color, gender or national origin and shall be subject to the same rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of the funds provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate accounts, only the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by the public body. (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4343.1E). In every Contract over $10,000 the provisions in A. and B. below apply: 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 5 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 A. During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: 1. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 2. The Contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, will state that such Contractor is an equal opportunity employer. 3. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting these requirements. B. The Contractor will include the provisions of 1. above in every subcontract or purchase order over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each Subcontractor or vendor. 10. ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING The Contractor certifies that the Contract has been entered into without collusion or fraud and that they have not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor in connection with their proposal, and that they have not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. 11. IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986 By entering into a written Contract with the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Contractor certifies that the Contractor does not, and shall not during the performance of the Contract for goods and services in the Commonwealth, knowingly employ an unauthorized alien as defined in the Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. 12. DEBARMENT STATUS The Contractor certifies that they are not currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia from submitting proposals or entering into contracts for the type of goods and/or services covered by the original solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently so debarred. 13. ANTITRUST By entering into a Contract, the Contractor conveys, sells, assigns, and transfers to the Commonwealth of Virginia all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 6 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 now have or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia, relating to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by the Commonwealth of Virginia under said Contract. 14. PAYMENT A. To Prime Contractor: 1. Invoices for items ordered, delivered and accepted shall be submitted by the Contractor directly to the payment address shown on the purchase order/Contract. All invoices shall show the state contract number and/or purchase order number; social security number (for individual Contractors) or the federal employer identification number (for proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations). 2. Any payment terms requiring payment in less than 30 days will be regarded as requiring payment 30 days after invoice or delivery, whichever occurs last. This shall not affect offers of discounts for payment in less than 30 days, however. 4. All goods or services provided under this Contract or purchase order, that are to be paid for with public funds, shall be billed by the Contractor at the Contract price, regardless of which public agency is being billed. 5. The following shall be deemed to be the date of payment: the date of postmark in all cases where payment is made by mail, or the date of offset when offset proceedings have been instituted as authorized under the Virginia Debt Collection Act. 6. Shipping & Billing: TSRC INC will not charge for items until they have been shipped and received by the customer. 7. Unreasonable Charges. Under certain emergency procurements and for most time and material purchases, final job costs cannot be accurately determined at the time orders are placed. In such cases, Contractors should be put on notice that final payment in full is contingent on a determination of reasonableness with respect to all invoiced charges. Charges which appear to be unreasonable will be researched and challenged, and that portion of the invoice held in abeyance until a settlement can be reached. Upon determining that invoiced charges are not reasonable, the Commonwealth shall promptly notify the Contractor, in writing, as to those charges which it considers unreasonable and the basis for the determination. A Contractor may not institute legal action unless a settlement cannot be reached within thirty (30) days of notification. The provisions of this section do not relieve an agency of its prompt payment obligations with respect to those charges which are not in dispute (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4363). B. To Subcontractors: 1. Contractor is hereby obligated: a. To pay the Subcontractor(s) within seven (7) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the Commonwealth for the proportionate share of the payment received for work performed by the Subcontractor(s) under the Contract; or b. To notify the agency and the Subcontractor(s), in writing, of the Contractor’s intention to withhold payment and the reason. 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 7 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 2. The Contractor is obligated to pay the Subcontractor(s) interest at the rate of one (1) percent per month (unless otherwise provided under the terms of the Contract) on all amounts owed by the Contractor that remain unpaid seven (7) days following receipt of payment from the Commonwealth, except for amounts withheld as stated in B.1.b above. The date of mailing of any payment by U. S. Mail is deemed to be payment to the addressee. These provisions apply to each sub-tier Contractor performing under the primary Contract. A Contractor’s obligation to pay an interest charge to a Subcontractor may not be construed to be an obligation of the Commonwealth. 3. Each prime Contractor who wins an award in which provision of a SWAM procurement plan is a condition to the award, shall deliver to the contracting agency or institution, on or before request for final payment, evidence and certification of compliance (subject only to insubstantial shortfalls and to shortfalls arising from Subcontractor default) with the SWAM procurement plan. Final payment under the Contract in question may be withheld until such certification is delivered and, if necessary, confirmed by the agency or institution, or other appropriate penalties may be assessed in lieu of withholding such payment. 4. The Commonwealth of Virginia encourages Contractors and Subcontractors to accept electronic and credit card payments. 15. QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Commonwealth may make such reasonable investigations as deemed proper and necessary to determine the ability of the Contractor to perform the services/furnish the goods. The Commonwealth reserves the right to inspect, without advance notice, Contractor’s physical facilities at any time during the initial term and any subsequent renewal periods, to satisfy questions regarding the Contractor’s capabilities. 16. TESTING AND INSPECTION The Commonwealth reserves the right to conduct any test/inspection it may deem advisable to assure goods and services conform to the specifications. 17. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT A Contract shall not be assignable by the Contractor in whole or in part without the written consent of the Commonwealth. 18. CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT Changes can be made to the Contract in any of the following ways: A. The parties may agree in writing to modify the scope of the Contract. An increase or decrease in the price of the Contract resulting from such modification shall be agreed to by the parties as a part of their written agreement to modify the scope of the Contract. B. The Purchasing Agency may order changes within the general scope of the Contract at any time by written notice to the Contractor. Changes within the scope of the Contract include, but are not limited to, things such as services to be performed, the method of 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 8 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 packing or shipment, and the place of delivery or installation. The Contractor shall comply with the notice upon receipt. The Contractor shall be compensated for any additional costs incurred as the result of such order and shall give the Purchasing Agency a credit for any savings. Said compensation shall be determined by one (1) of the following methods: 1. By mutual agreement between the parties in writing; or 2. By agreeing upon a unit price or using a unit price set forth in the Contract, if the work to be done can be expressed in units, and the Contractor accounts for the number of units of work performed, subject to the Purchasing Agency’s right to audit the Contractor’s records and/or to determine the correct number of units independently; or 3. By ordering the Contractor to proceed with the work and keep a record of all costs incurred and savings realized. A markup for overhead and profit may be allowed if provided by the Contract. The same markup shall be used for determining a decrease in price as the result of savings realized. The Contractor shall present the Purchasing Agency with all vouchers and records of expenses incurred and savings realized. The Purchasing Agency shall have the right to audit the records of the Contractor as it deems necessary to determine costs or savings. Any claim for an adjustment in price under this provision must be asserted by written notice to the Purchasing Agency within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order from the Purchasing Agency. If the parties fail to agree on an amount of adjustment, the question of an increase or decrease in the Contract price or time for performance shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures for resolving disputes provided by the Disputes Clause of this Contract or, if there is none, in accordance with the disputes provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors Manual. Neither the existence of a claim nor a dispute resolution process, litigation or any other provision of this Contract shall excuse the Contractor from promptly complying with the changes ordered by the Purchasing Agency or with the performance of the Contract generally. 19. DEFAULT In case of failure to deliver goods or services in accordance with the Contract terms and conditions, the Commonwealth, after due oral or written notice, may procure them from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any resulting additional purchase and administrative costs. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies which the Commonwealth may have. 20. TAXES Sales to the Commonwealth of Virginia are normally exempt from State sales tax. State sales and use tax certificates of exemption, Form ST-12, will be issued upon request. Deliveries against this Contract shall usually be free of Federal excise and transportation taxes. The Commonwealth’s excise tax exemption registration number is 54-73-0076K. 21. TRANSPORTATION AND PACKAGING Contractor certifies and warrants that the price offered for FOB destination includes only the 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 9 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 actual freight rate costs at the lowest and best rate and is based upon the actual weight of the goods to be shipped. Except as otherwise specified herein, standard commercial packaging, packing and shipping containers shall be used. All shipping containers shall be legibly marked or labeled on the outside with purchase order number, commodity description, and quantity. 22. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE During the performance of this Contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. For the purposes of this section, “drug-free workplace” means a site for the performance of work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of the contract. 23. NONDISCRIMINATION OF CONTRACTORS A Contractor shall not be discriminated against in the solicitation or award of this Contract because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, faith-based organizational status, any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment or because the Contractor employs ex-offenders unless the state agency, department or institution has made a written determination that employing ex-offenders on the specific Contract is not in its best interest. If the award of this Contract is made to a faith-based organization and an individual, who applies for or receives goods, services, or disbursements provided pursuant to this Contract objects to the religious character of the faith-based organization from which the individual receives or would receive the goods, services, or disbursements, the public body shall offer the individual, within a reasonable period of time after the date of his objection, access to equivalent goods, services, or disbursements from an alternative provider. 24. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that the agency shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the funds available or which may hereafter become available for the purpose of this contract. 25. AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN THE COMMONWEALTH A Contractor organized as a stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company, business trust, or limited partnership or registered as a registered limited liability partnership shall be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a domestic or foreign 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 10 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 business entity if so required by Title 13.1 or Title 50 of the Code of Virginia or as otherwise required by law. Any business entity described above that enters into a contract with a public body pursuant to the Virginia Public Procurement Act shall not allow its existence to lapse or its certificate of authority or registration to transact business in the Commonwealth, if so required under Title 13.1 or Title 50, to be revoked or cancelled at any time during the term of the Contract. A public body may void any contract with a business entity if the business entity fails to remain in compliance with the provisions of this section. 26. FINANCIAL WARRANTY Contractor shall ensure that the prices, discounts, incentives, and other financial terms (collectively, the “financial deal”) applicable to purchases under this Contract is always at least as favorable to the purchaser as the financial deal that the Contractor or its affiliates make available to any public body in Virginia for the same good(s)/service(s) outside this Contract. Throughout the term of this Contract, if Contractor (or any affiliate) makes a better financial deal available to a public body in Virginia for any good(s)/service(s) available under this Contract, Contractor shall immediately notify the Commonwealth of the details and, at the Commonwealth’s option, sign an amendment to this Contract, so that an equivalent financial deal for the affected good(s)/service(s) is also available as an option under this Contract. Contractor may request exemption if the better financial deal was for a spot purchase, and the Commonwealth shall grant such request if the Commonwealth in good faith finds that the spot purchase involved special circumstances affecting cost that would make it unfair to apply an equivalent financial deal outside of that spot purchase. Upon the Commonwealth’s request (and annually), Contractor shall submit an affidavit certifying full compliance with this Section. The Contractor (and any affiliate) shall waive any contractual or other right that inhibits any public body in Virginia from disclosing to the Commonwealth or others the financial terms made available to the public body, and upon request from the Commonwealth, Contractor shall ensure that a signed confirmation of the waiver is provided to the public body and the Commonwealth. As used in this Section, an affiliate is any entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the Contractor 27. AUDIT The Contractor shall retain all books, records, and other documents relative to this Contract for five (5) years after final payment, or until audited by the Commonwealth of Virginia, whichever is sooner. The agency, its authorized agents, and/or state auditors shall have full access to and the right to examine any of said materials during said period. 28. USE OF CONTRACT BY THIRD PARTIES In accordance with the Code of Virginia § 2.2-4304, entitled “Cooperative Procurement,” the intent of this Contract is to allow for such cooperative procurement to the maximum extent possible. Accordingly, any state agency, or public body, or local government, public educational or public institution, may access and use this Contract, if agreeable to Contractor and in accordance with the ordering provisions governing this Contract, together with all other Contract terms and conditions herein. Participation in this cooperative procurement by any public body is voluntary. If agreed to by Contractor, this Contract may be used by the entities stated above to procure goods and/or services in accordance with “Attachment “A,” entitled Goods and Pricing Schedule”, attached hereto and incorporated herein. 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 11 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Contractor shall notify the Commonwealth of Virginia, Division of Purchases and Supply (DPS) in writing by providing DPS a Contract Sales and Usage report for any entity placing an order(s) to use this Contract in accordance with Contract Reporting provisions, herein. This is a master contract and no modification of the Contract is required for an Authorized User to participate. However, any Authorized User outside the Commonwealth of Virginia, but within the United States, or any territory or legal entity thereof, and Contractor shall complete a “Participating Addendum,” to be provided by DPS, prior to the use of the Contract before the Contractor shall accept any order from such an Authorized User outside of the Commonwealth, with a copy of the completed Participating Addendum provided to the Contract Officer, DPS Procurement. Authorized Users will place their own orders directly with the Contractor and will fully and independently administer their use of this Contract to include contractual disputes, and invoicing and payments, without direct administration from DPS. Neither the Commonwealth nor DPS shall be held liable for any costs or damages by any other participating Authorized User as a result of any authorization by the Contractor to use the Contract. Contractor hereby certifies and warrants that neither the Commonwealth nor DPS are responsible for any acts or omissions of any Authorized User, and shall not be considered in default of this Contract, no matter the circumstances. The use of the Contract does not preclude any participating Authorized User from using other agreements or competitive processes as their needs may require. 29. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES This Contract may be modified in accordance with §2.2-4309 of the Code of Virginia. Such modifications may only be made by the representatives authorized to do so denoted below, or their duly authorized designees. No modifications to this contract shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the duly authorized representative of both parties, delineated below. No term or provision hereof shall be deemed waived and no breach excused unless such waiver or consent to breach is in writing. Authorized Representatives: 7/27/2015 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA TSRC INC.___________________ Kirby Battle, Contract Officer 1111 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23218 Tel.: 804-786-5414 Fax: 804-786-5712 Email: Patricia W. Barber, President / CEO 14140 N. Washington Highway Ashland, VA 23005 Tel.: 804-412-2742 Fax: 804-412-0101 Email: Office Supplies & Toner Page 12 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ANY AUTHORIZED USER OR OTHER ENTITY HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO MODIFY THIS CONTRACT WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. 30. DELIVERY AND STORAGE Contractor hereby certifies that it will meet any firm delivery or performance date provided herein, or any Order issued referencing the Contract. Contractor shall be responsible to make all arrangements for delivery, unloading, receiving and storing materials in any facility during installation of any equipment provided as a part of their services under this Contract. The Authorized User will not assume any responsibility for receiving these shipments. Contractor shall check with Authorized User and make necessary arrangements for security and storage space in a facility during installation. 31. PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTS For any special or promotional sale prices, reductions, or other discounts provided to any Authorized User eligible to use this Contract, Contractor shall immediately extend and provide notification of such sale prices or discounts to the Commonwealth and all other Authorized Users during the term of the Contract. Such notice shall also advise the duration of the specific sale or discount price. The Contract Officer shall be provided notice in advance of any such promotional discount being extended to any Authorized User that is eligible to utilize this Contract. 32. EXTRA CHARGES NOT ALLOWED Pricing for all Equipment covered under warranty/maintenance that is being returned as a furnish and install as a result of a return from the manufacturer or depot service, repair or replacement shall include complete delivery and installation and ready for the Commonwealth’s or Authorized User’s use and include all applicable freight and installation charges; extra charges shall not be allowed. 33. FINAL INSPECTION At the conclusion of work, for any equipment being returned as a furnish and install upon return of equipment under warranty/maintenance from manufacturer or depot service, repair or replacement, Contractor shall demonstrate to the Authorized User’s representative that the equipment or work is fully operational and in compliance with OEM or contract specifications and codes. Any deficiencies shall be promptly and permanently corrected by the Contractor at the Contractor’s sole expense, prior to final acceptance of the equipment or the work by an Authorized User. 34. INSTALLATION As applicable, for any furniture product requiring installation, Contractor agrees to deliver, assemble, install and set in place all items, ready for use or acceptance testing, as appropriate, and remove all crating and other shipping debris from the Authorized User’s premises. Exception: Office Equipment. 35. PRODUCT AVAILABILITY / SUBSTITUTION 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 13 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Substitution of a product, brand or manufacturer after the award of contract is expressly prohibited unless approved in writing by the Contact Officer or the Authorized User. An Authorized User may, at its discretion, require the Contractor to provide a substitute item of equivalent or better quality subject to their written approval, for a price no greater than the Contract price, if the product for which a Contract Order was issued becomes unavailable to the Contractor. 36. MAINTENANCE MANUALS As necessary in the performance of equipment under this Contract, or as otherwise appropriate, Contractor shall provide with each piece of equipment an operations and maintenance manual with wiring diagrams, parts list, and a copy of all warranties. 37. CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LICENSE REQUIREMENT By their signature on this Contract, Contractor certifies and warrants that their firm, and any individual employees and/or subcontractor(s) is/are properly certified and/or licensed by the appropriate federal, state, or other regulatory authorities to provide all goods/services specified or fulfill the requirements delineated herein. 38. PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall have prime responsibility for completely and solely supervising and directing all work performed, goods provided and/or services provided under this Contract, and for all subcontractors the Contractor may utilize. Subcontractors that perform work under this Contract shall be responsible to the prime contractor. Contractor agrees that it shall be fully and solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and of any persons employed by them as he is for the acts and omissions of his own employees. 39. SUBCONTRACTS No portion of the work shall be subcontracted without prior written consent of the Contract Officer. In the event that the Contractor desires to subcontract some part of the work specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish the Contract Officer the names, qualifications and experience of their proposed subcontractors. The Contractor shall, however, remain fully liable and responsible for the work to be done by its subcontractor(s) and shall assure compliance with all requirements of the Contract. 40. CONTRACTOR ACCESS TO AUTHORIZED USER LOCATIONS The Commonwealth or any Authorized User using the Contract shall grant to Contractor personnel such access to their location as may be necessary or appropriate for Contractor to perform its obligations under this Contract, subject to all security issues. For any individual Authorized User location, the Contractor may be required to undergo additional security procedures that may include but not be limited to; records verification, submission of photos and or fingerprints, etc. The Contractor may at any time, for any Authorized User location, be required to undertake the execution and completion for each individual employee, the requirement of the submission of additional forms that the Authorized User would consider reasonable for security measures. These forms may include the individual employee’s agreement that all Authorized User information that is garnered while at the 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 14 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Authorized User’s site is confidential and proprietary. Any unauthorized release of proprietary information by the Contractor or Contractor’s employees shall constitute a breach of this Contract, and subject to any remedies the Commonwealth or any Authorized User is entitled to thereby. 41. CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION The contractor assures that information and data obtained as to personal facts and circumstances related to patients or clients will be collected and held confidential, during and following the term of this Contract, and unless disclosure is required pursuant to court order, subpoena or other regulatory authority, will not be divulged without the individual’s and the agency’s written consent and only in accordance with federal law or the Code of Virginia. Contractors who utilize, access, or store personally identifiable information as part of the performance of a contract are required to safeguard this information and immediately notify the agency of any breach or suspected breach in the security of such information. Contractors shall allow the agency to both participate in the investigation of incidents and exercise control over decisions regarding external reporting. Contractors and their employees working on this project may be required to sign a confidentiality statement 42. EVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND ORDERS The Contract will result in multiple purchase order(s) with the eVA transaction fee specified below assessed for each order. For orders issued July 1, 2014, and after, the Vendor Transaction Fee is: (i) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1.0%, capped at $500 per order. (ii) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1.0%, capped at $1,500 per order. The specified vendor transaction fee will be invoiced, by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of General Services, approximately 30 days after the corresponding purchase order is issued and payable 30 days after the invoice date. Any adjustments (increases/decreases) will be handled through purchase order changes. The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution, website portal, streamlines and automates government purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The portal is the gateway for vendors to conduct business with state agencies and public bodies. Contractor shall participate in the eVA Internet e-procurement solution and agree to comply with the following: Failure to provide an electronic catalog (price list) or index page catalog for items awarded will be just cause for the Commonwealth to reject your offer or terminate this contract for default. The format of this electronic catalog shall conform to the eVA Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) Specification that can be accessed and downloaded from Contractors should email Catalog or Index Page information to 43. EXCLUSIVITY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS No employee or agent of the Commonwealth or Authorized User shall be required to sign or 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 15 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 execute any additional contract, license or other contract containing contractual terms and conditions; excluding the Participating Addendum as required for as stipulated under the section herein entitled “Use Of Contract By Third Parties.” Notwithstanding the aforementioned, any documents signed by persons other than the Director, DPS Procurement or their authorized designee shall have no validity or effect upon the Contract 44. LOBBYING AND INTEGRITY Contractors are cautioned that communications with individuals other that the Contract Officer may result in incorrect and/or insufficient information being provided. In addition, the Contractor shall not, in connection with this or any other contract or agreement with the State, directly or indirectly (1) offer, confer, or agree to confer any pecuniary benefit on anyone as consideration for any State officer or employee’s decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, other exercise of discretion, or violation of a known legal duty, or (2) offer, give, or agree to give anyone any gratuity for the benefit of or at the direction or request of any state officer or employee. Upon request of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s, Department of General Services, the Offeror shall provide any type of information the Agency deems relevant to the Contractor’s integrity or responsibility to provide the services or goods, described herein. 45. ORDERS Authorized Users may order Goods and/or Services from this Contract by any of the following methods: a. eVA: An eVA order will be issued by an ordering entity of the Commonwealth or any Authorized User through the Commonwealth’s electronic procurement website portal b. Purchase Order (PO): An official PO form issued by an Authorized User. c. Charge Card: i. Any order/payment transaction processed through the Commonwealth’s contract with Bank of America (BOA), or any then-current contracted card provider. Each Charge Card Order must not exceed $5,000, or any then-current authorized charge card limit. ii. Any other order/payment charge or credit card process, such as AMEX, MASTERCARD, or VISA, that is under contract for the use by the ordering Authorized User. This ordering authority is solely limited to issuing orders for Goods and/or Services available under this Contract. 46. E-VERIFY PROGRAM Pursuant to Code of Virginia, §2.2-4308.2., any employer with more than an average of 50 employees for the previous 12 months entering into a contract in excess of $50,000 with any agency of the Commonwealth to perform work or provide services pursuant to such contract 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 16 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 shall register and participate in the E-Verify program to verify information and work authorization of its newly hired employees performing work pursuant to such public contract. Any such employer who fails to comply with these provisions shall be debarred from contracting with any agency of the Commonwealth for a period up to one year. Such debarment shall cease upon the employer’s registration and participation in the E-Verify program. If requested, the employer shall present a copy of their Maintain Company page from E-Verify to prove that they are enrolled in E-Verify. 47. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT The Contract Officer reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting Contract, in part or in whole or individual order, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Contractor. In the event the initial Contract period is for more than twelve (12) months, then the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial twelve (12) months of the Contract period upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Any Contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation. 48. CONTINUITY OF SERVICE The Contractor recognizes that goods/services under this Contract are vital to the agency and must be continued without interruption and that, upon Contract expiration, a successor, either the agency or another Contractor, may continue them. The Contractor agrees: a. b. c. To exercise its best efforts and cooperation to effect an orderly and efficient transition to a successor; To make all agency owned facilities, equipment, and data available to any successor at an appropriate time prior to the expiration of the contract to facilitate transition to successor; and That the Agency Contract Officer shall have final authority to resolve disputes related to the transition of the Contract from the Contractor to its successor. The Contractor shall, upon written notice from the Contract Officer, furnish phase-in/phaseout services for up to ninety (90) days after this Contract expires and shall negotiate in good faith a plan with the successor to execute the phase-in/phase-out services. This plan shall be subject to the Contract Officer’s approval. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for all reasonable, pre-approved phase-in/phase-out costs (i.e., costs incurred within the agreed period after Contract expiration that result from phase-in, phase-out operations) and a fee (profit) not to exceed a pro rata portion of the fee (profit) under this Contract. All phase-in/phase-out work fees must be approved by the Contract Officer in writing prior to commencement of said work. 49. WARRANTY Contractor agrees that Goods and/or Services furnished under the Contract shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the Contractor gives any customer for such goods and/or services and that the rights and remedies provided therein are in addition to and do not limit those available to the Commonwealth by any other clause. 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 17 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 CONTRACT E194-72924-MA2079 BETWEEN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AND TSRC INC GOODS AND PRICING SCHEDULE Pricing Schedules A (Office Supplies), B (Toner) and C (Other Discounts) are hereby incorporated into and made an integral part of Contract E194-72924-MA2079 between the Commonwealth of Virginia and TSRC INCCompanies. In the event of any discrepancy between the attached Pricing Schedules and the Contract, the provisions of the Contract shall control. I. LISTING OF GOODS AND SERVICES All requirements stated in the Commonwealth’s RFP #E194-125, Section III, entitled “Statement of Needs”; and the Solution, including all goods and services, and integral products to the Solution, as applicable and as delineated in Contractor's proposal, submitted in response thereto, for the provision of laboratory equipment and supplies as delineated therein, in accordance with the following, or as otherwise stipulated in any Modification to this Contract. II. CONTRACT PERIOD The contract shall be effective from August 1, 2015 through July 31, 2016. There are four (4) potential one-year renewal options available for this contract. III. PRICING SCHEDULES The following pricing schedules reflects a selection of commonly purchased goods to be provided to the Commonwealth under this Contract. This schedule represents the Contractor’s all-encompassing fees for the negotiated goods. This list is not all-inclusive. Any items categorized by the following discount structure shall also be considered part of the Contract. If there is conflict in pricing between the specific items outlined in the pricing schedule and the discount structure, the lower of the two prices shall prevail. Discounts from Schedule C apply to the items in the current TSRC Catalog. A. SCHEDULE A OFFICE SUPPLIES B. SCHEDULE B TONER C. SCHEDULE C OTHER DISCOUNTS 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 19 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 TSRC INC PRICING SCHEDULE A: OFFICE SUPPLIES ITEM NO. 1 DESCRIPTION 1 INCH FLAGS-PORTABLE DISP MANUFACTURER SKU# MMM680PGOP2 MANUFACTURER NAME 3M 2 1 X 2592 IN, 3 PK, 3" CORE MMM810723PK 3M PK $ 15.78 3 1.5" DESIGN EDGE VIEW BLUE AVE68083 Avery Dennison EA $ 5.60 4 2013RY TWO-COLOR DSK PD,22X17 AAGGG250000 At A Glance EA $ 4.68 5 3X3 YELLOW POP UP NOTES MMM6549PUY 3M PK $ 3.39 6 8 DIGIT HANDHELD CALCULATOR SHREL233SB Sharp EA $ 1.89 7 81006 VEST, LIME GREEN MESH OCC81006 North Safety Products EA $ 2.60 8 90# WHITE INDEX WAU40311 Wausau Paper PK $ 5.79 9 APPT BK,DESK,WK,4-7/8X8,BK AAGG20000 MeadWestvaco EA $ 2.27 10 APPT BK,PROF,WK,8X11,BK AAGG52000 MeadWestvaco EA $ 3.55 11 APPT BK,TEL/ADD,3.75X6,BK AAGG25000 MeadWestvaco EA $ 4.74 12 A-Z PB FILE GUIDE 1/5CUT LETTR PFXPN925 Pendafex ST $ 9.42 13 BADGE NAME ADHES LABELWRTR DYM30857 DYMO BX $ 12.21 14 BADGE,HLDR,F/NECK,3"X4",WE AVE74459 Avery Dennison BX $ 34.80 15 BADGE,LSR/IJ,CLIP,TOP,100 AVE74461 Avery Dennison BX $ 41.87 16 BADGE,LSR/IJ,CLIP,TOP,LG AVE74541 Avery Dennison BX $ 38.88 17 BAG,MAIL,JIFYLT,SS,10.5X16 SEL10190 Sealed Air Corporation EA $ 0.46 18 BAG,MAIL,JIFYLT,SS,12.5X19 SEL10191 Sealed Air Corporation EA $ 0.64 19 BAG,MAIL,JIFYLT,SS,14.25X20 SEL10192 Sealed Air Corporation EA $ 0.75 20 BAG,MAIL,JIFYLT,SS,4X8 SEL10181 Sealed Air Corporation EA $ 0.17 21 BAG,MAIL,JIFYLT,SS,6X10 SEL10185 Sealed Air Corporation EA $ 0.20 22 BAG,MAIL,JIFYLT,SS,8.5X12 SEL10187 Sealed Air Corporation EA $ 0.26 23 BAG,MAIL,JIFYLT,SS,9.5X14.5 SEL10189 Sealed Air Corporation EA $ 0.36 24 BASE,CALENDAR,BLACK AAGE1700 MeadWestvaco EA $ 2.73 25 BATTERY,AAA,12PK,ALKA,ENGZR EVEE92FP12 Eveready PK $ 8.43 26 BATTERY,AAA,ENRGZR MAX,16PK EVEE92LP16 Eveready PK $ 10.60 27 BATTERY,ALKA,9V,4/PK,ENGZR EVE522FP4 Eveready PK $ 11.35 28 BATTERY,ALKA,AA,4PK,ENGZR EVEE91BP4 Eveready PK $ 3.13 29 BATTERY,ALKA,AAA,4PK,ENGZR EVEE92BP4 Eveready PK $ 3.13 30 BATTERY,ALKA,C,8PK,ENGZR EVEE93FP8 Eveready PK $ 11.35 31 BATTERY,ALKA,D,8PK,ENGZR EVEE95FP8 Eveready PK $ 11.35 32 BATTERY,ALKA,INDUST,9V,12/BX EVEEN22 Eveready BX $ 14.08 33 BATTERY,ALKA,INDUST,AA,24PK EVEEN91 Energizer Holdings, Inc BX $ 7.59 34 BATTERY,ALKA,INDUST,AAA,24 EVEEN92 Energizer Holdings, Inc BX $ 7.84 35 BATTERY,ALKA,INDUST,C,12PK EVEEN93 Eveready BX $ 6.82 36 BATTERY,ALKA,INDUST,D,12PK EVEEN95 Eveready BX $ 8.59 37 BATTERY,ALKAA,AA,12PK,ENGZR EVEE91FP12 Eveready PK $ 8.43 38 BATTERY,ENERGIZER MAX AA,36PK EVEE91SBP36H Energizer Holdings, Inc PK $ 24.52 39 BATTERY,LITHIUM,ENERGIZER EVE2032BP2 Eveready PK $ 1.76 40 BINDER,3RG,1" BLUE CRD90312 Cardinal EA $ 0.97 41 BINDER,3RG,1",BLACK CRD90310 Cardinal EA $ 0.97 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 20 of 88 UOM PK PRICE $ 5.62 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 42 DESCRIPTION BINDER,3RG,2",BLACK MANUFACTURER SKU# CRD90330 MANUFACTURER NAME Cardinal 43 BINDER,3RG,3",BLACK CRD90340 Cardinal EA $ 3.05 44 BINDER,ANTIMIC,RR,VW,LK,1",WHT CRD32200 Tops Products EA $ 3.16 45 BINDER,ANTMIC,R-RNG,VW,3",WHT CRD32230 Tops Products EA $ 5.43 46 BINDER,D-RING,4",CLEARVUE,BLK CRD26341 Tops Products EA $ 12.91 47 BINDER,EZOPEN,SLNTD,1"-WE CRD10300CB Cardinal EA $ 4.48 48 BINDER,LDR,1",CV,X-LIFE,BLU CRD26302 Cardinal EA $ 3.97 49 BINDER,LDR,1.5",CV,X-LIFE,WHT CRD26310 Cardinal EA $ 4.86 50 BINDER,VIEW,1",BLACK CRD90023 Cardinal EA $ 1.06 51 BINDER,VIEW,1",WHITE CRD90021 Cardinal EA $ 1.06 52 BINDER,VIEW,1-1/2",BLACK CRD90040 Cardinal EA $ 1.56 53 BINDER,VIEW,1-1/2",WHITE CRD90041 Cardinal EA $ 1.56 54 BINDER,VIEW,2",BLACK CRD90080 Cardinal EA $ 1.81 55 BINDER,VIEW,2",WHI CRD90081 Cardinal EA $ 1.81 56 BINDER,VIEW,3",BLACK CRD90090 Cardinal EA $ 2.78 57 BINDER,VIEW,3",WHITE CRD90091 Cardinal EA $ 2.78 58 BINDER,VIEW,5/8",WHITE CRD90011 Cardinal EA $ 1.06 59 BINDER,VUE,HVY DUTY,1",BLUE CRD49105 Cardinal EA $ 3.16 60 BK,COMP,9.75X7.5,100PG,BLK CVR MEA09910 MeadWestvaco EA $ 1.06 61 BNDR,CLRVUE,DRNG,X-LIFE,1"-WE CRD26300CB Cardinal EA $ 3.97 62 BNDR,CLRVUE,DRNG,X-LIFE,2"-WE CRD26320 Cardinal EA $ 5.72 63 BNDR,CLRVUE,X-LIFE,3"-WE CRD26330 Cardinal EA $ 7.85 64 BNDR,D-RNG,X-LIFE,1.5"-BK CRD26311 Cardinal EA $ 4.86 65 BNDR,D-RNG,X-LIFE,2"-BK CRD26321 Cardinal EA $ 5.72 66 BOARD,DRY-ERASE,9X12,UNLINED QRTB12900962A ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 1.57 67 BOOK,APPT,DAILY,7.9X11,BK AAGG56000 MeadWestvaco EA $ 12.92 68 BOOK,APPT,DAILY,DSK,BK AAGG10000 EA $ 5.28 69 BOOK,COMP,100 SHEET ROA77230 EA $ 1.63 70 BOOK,COMP,100CT,BLKMRB MEA09932 MeadWestvaco Roaring Spring Paper Products MeadWestvaco EA $ 1.08 71 BOOK,COMP,5X5 QUAD,10X7,BLK RED43475 Dominion Blueline, Inc EA $ 1.94 72 BOOK,COMP,COLG RUL,10X7-7/8 RED43461 Dominion Blueline, Inc EA $ 1.67 73 BOOK,COMP,PRIMARY,9.75X7.5,BLK MEA09956 MeadWestvaco EA $ 1.65 74 BOOK,COMP,WM,10X8,BLK RED43460 EA $ 1.88 75 BOOK,COMPOSITION,GRADE ONE ROA77920 EA $ 1.31 76 BOOK,COMPOSITION,GRADE THREE ROA77922 EA $ 1.31 77 BOOK,COMPOSITION,GRADE TWO ROA77921 EA $ 1.31 78 BOOK,MARGIN,300 PG,9.75X7.75 RED56231 Dominion Blueline, Inc Roaring Spring Paper Products Roaring Spring Paper Products Roaring Spring Paper Products National Brand EA $ 12.78 79 BOOK,NOTE,1 SUBJ,ACTN PLNR, MEA06064 MeadWestvaco EA $ 4.72 80 BOOK,NOTE,1SUB,11X8.5,AST MEA06206 MeadWestvaco EA $ 3.20 81 BOOK,NOTE,LAB,QD,11.75X9.25 RED43648 Dominion Blueline, Inc EA $ 6.65 82 BOOK,NOTE,LAB,QD,11X9.25 RED43649 Dominion Blueline, Inc EA $ 12.51 83 BOOK,NOTE,SPRAL,10.5X8.5,AS MEA05514 MeadWestvaco EA $ 1.54 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 21 of 88 UOM EA PRICE $ 1.79 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 84 DESCRIPTION BOOK,NOTE,WRBND,10.5X8.5,AS MANUFACTURER SKU# MEA05510 MANUFACTURER NAME MeadWestvaco 85 BOOK,NOTE,WRBND,3X5,60SH RED31120 86 BOOK,PHONE MSG,50 ST/BK 87 BOOK,PHONE,NCR,200ST 88 UOM EA $ PRICE 0.79 Dominion Blueline, Inc EA $ 0.40 TOP4010 Tops Products EA $ 1.98 TOP4002 Tops Products EA $ 2.71 BOOK,RECORD,12.75X8.5,CVS,BLU BOR6718150R Boorum & Pease EA $ 22.68 89 BOOK,RECPT,3PT,2.75X7.25 TOP46808 Tops Products EA $ 7.16 90 BOOK,STENO,6X9,GREGG,70SH,GRN TOP8011 Tops Products EA $ 1.15 91 BOOK,STENO,6X9,GREGG,80SH,GRN TOP8021 Tops Products EA $ 1.23 92 BOOK,STENO,6X9,GREGG,80SH,WHT TOP8020 Tops Products PK $ 14.71 93 BOOK,STENO,GREGG,6X9,60SHT TOP8001 Tops Products EA $ 1.01 94 BOOK,STENO,GREGG,80SHT,BE TOP80284 Tops Products PK $ 7.27 95 BOOK,STENO,GREGG,80SHT,ORCD TOP80264 Tops Products PK $ 7.27 96 BOOK,VOICE MAIL LOG,50 SHEETS TOP4416 Tops Products EA $ 3.67 97 BOOK,WYWO,NCR,11X5.5,400 SETS TOP4003 Tops Products EA $ 3.18 98 BOX,MODULAR,W/LID,CLEAR IRS101481 Iris USA, INC EA $ 7.00 99 BOX,PENCIL,SPERSTACKER,CL AVT40309 Advantus Corp. EA $ 1.57 100 BOX,STOR,LTR/LGL,ECON,WHT,12/C FEL0070301 Fellowes, Inc CT $ 17.68 101 BOX,STOR/FILE,LTR,12X10X24 FEL0001101 Fellowes, Inc CT $ 66.12 102 BOX,STOR/FILE,LTR,ECON,24"LG FEL0070401 Fellowes, Inc CT $ 49.59 103 BOX,STOR/FILE,LTR,LID,ECON FEL0070103 Fellowes, Inc CT $ 33.67 104 BOX,STOR/FILE,LTR/LGL,ECON FEL1277004 Fellowes, Inc CT $ 23.62 105 BOX,STOR/FILE,LTR/LGL,HVDTY FEL1277501 Fellowes, Inc CT $ 33.07 106 BOX,STOR/FILE/QUIK,LTR/LGL,WHT FEL0078908 Fellowes, Inc CT $ 23.87 107 BRITE LINER AST 5/SET BICBLP51WASST BIC ST $ 1.57 108 BRTH LT BLK ON WHT 3/8" BRTTZE221 Brother EA $ 8.95 109 BRTH TONER TN350 BLK BRTTN350 Brother EA $ 50.09 110 CABLE,PATCH,CAT6,SNGLS,14',BLK BLKA3L98014BLKS Belkin EA $ 6.77 111 CALCULATOR,SCIENTIFIC,TI-30XA TEXTI30XA Texas Instruments EA $ 9.40 112 CALENDAR,REFILL,3.5X6 AAGE01750 MeadWestvaco EA $ 3.88 113 CALENDAR,WALL,MO,15.5X22.75 AAGPM328 MeadWestvaco EA $ 8.53 114 CALENDAR,WALL,MO,20X30 AAGPM428 MeadWestvaco EA $ 11.18 115 CARD,INDEX,3X5,RULED,WHITE BSN65259 Business Source PK $ 0.46 116 CARD,INDX,WHITE,RULD,3X5,100PK OXF31 Esselte Corporation PK $ 0.44 117 CARTRIDGE,TAPE,1/2"-BK/WE DYM45013 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc EA $ 9.79 118 CARTRIDGE,TAPE,3/4"-BK/WE DYM45803 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc EA $ 13.24 119 CASS,AUDIO,NRML BIAS,60MIN MAX109010 Maxell EA $ 1.20 120 CASS,AUDIO,NRML BIAS,90MIN MAXUR90 Maxell EA $ 1.11 121 CERTIFICATE,OPT,W/SEAL,25,GOLD GEO39451 Geographics PK $ 2.74 122 CERTIFICATE,RECY,W/SEALS,BLU GEO39087 Geographics, LLC. PK $ 2.74 123 CERTIFICATE,SERPENTINE,FOIL.12 GEO44407 Geographics PK $ 3.01 124 CHALK,WHITE,LOW DUST,12STK/BX CYO501402 Crayola, LLC BX $ 0.47 125 CHALK,CRAYOLA,CHLDRN,COL CYO510816 Crayola, LLC BX $ 0.63 126 CLASSIC MARKERS BROADLINE 10CT CYO587722 Crayola, LLC PK $ 2.01 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 22 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 127 DESCRIPTION CLAY,MDL,4-1/4LB,AST MANUFACTURER SKU# CYO570300 MANUFACTURER NAME Crayola, LLC 128 CLEANER,409 FORMULA,32OZ COX35306EA The Clorox Company 129 CLEANER,AIR DUSTER,10OZ CCS24308 Compucessory EA $ 8.19 130 CLEANER,BOARD,DRY ERASE,8 OZ SAN81803 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.99 131 CLEANER,DE BOARD,EXPO,22oz SAN1752229 Sanford, L.P EA $ 4.96 132 CLIP HOLDER,JUMBO,MESH,EXP ROL62562 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.74 133 CLIP,BINDER,LRG,12EA BSN36552 Business Source DZ $ 1.22 134 CLIP,BINDER,MED,12E BSN36551 Business Source DZ $ 0.46 135 CLIP,BINDER,MINI,12EA BSN65364 Business Source DZ $ 0.16 136 CLIP,BINDER,SM,12EA BSN36550 Business Source DZ $ 0.17 137 CLIP,PAPER,#1,100/BX,10BX/CT OIC99911 BX $ 0.13 138 CLIP,PAPER,#1,N/SKD,(100/BX) OIC99912 BX $ 0.14 139 CLIP,PAPER,JMB,N/SKD,(100/BX) OIC99915 BX $ 0.40 140 CLIP,PAPER,JUMBO,1C/BX,10BX/CT OIC99914 Office Mate Intl., Corp. Officemate International Corp. Officemate International Corp. Office Mate Intl., Corp. BX $ 0.38 141 CLIP,PLASTIC,LARGE,200/BX,ASST BAULP0600 Baumgartens BX $ 3.45 142 CLIP,PLASTIC,X-LRG,50/BX,ASST BAULP1700 Baumgartens BX $ 3.07 143 CLIPBOARD,9X12.5 BSN65637 Business Source EA $ 0.72 144 CLIPBOARD,9X15.5,LGL BSN28554 EA $ 0.79 145 CLIPS,GEM,#3 OIC99913 BX $ 0.29 146 CLOCK,12"CONTRAC,BK,TRAD ILC67700002 Business Source Officemate International Corp. CHICAG EA $ 13.40 147 CLOCK,WALL,8.5",THIN LLR60987 Lorell EA $ 6.36 148 CNVRTIBLE FILE PCKT 5.25" LTR ESS12834 Pendafex BX $ 27.57 149 COFFEE,FOLGERS,CLASSIC,33.9OZ FOL00367EA The Folgers Coffee Company EA $ 11.46 150 COIL,WRIST,W/KEYRING,BLK MMF201450004 MMF Industries EA $ 1.45 151 CORD,NECK,NYLON,BE BAU68903 Baumgartens EA $ 0.33 152 CORRECTION,DISPOSABLE,DRYLINE PAP6604 Paper Mate EA $ 1.93 153 COVER,DOCUMENT,6CT,NAVY GEO45332 Geographics PK $ 7.02 154 COVER,PSBD,8.5"CC,11X8.5,EXRED ACC25079 EA $ 1.59 155 COVER,RPT,2 PKT,ASST COL.25/BX SMD87850 BX $ 7.68 156 CRAYON,CRAYOLA,3-5/8" CYO523008 ACCO Brands Corporation Smead Manufacturing Company Crayola, LLC BX $ 0.52 157 CRAYON,CRAYOLA,3-5/8",24CT CYO523024 Caryola, LLC BX $ 1.28 158 CRAYON,TWISTABLE,AST,8/PK CYO527408 Crayola, LLC PK $ 1.81 159 CRAYONS,8CT,CRAYOLA CYO520008 Crayola, LLC BX $ 0.52 160 CREAMER,COFFEEMATE,50CT,FR VAN NES35170 Nestlé USA BX $ 4.16 161 CREAMER,COFFEEMATE,50CT,REG NES35110 Nestle USA BX $ 3.64 162 CRTDG,TAPE,BK ON WE,2 PK BRTTZE2312PK Brother PK $ 17.65 163 CUP,PENCIL,JMB,MSH,DSKACCES ROL62557 EA $ 1.83 164 CVR,PSBD,8.5"CC,11X8.5,BLK SMD81152 EA $ 1.47 165 CVR,PSBD,8.5"CC,11X8.5,BLUE SMD81052 EA $ 1.47 166 CVR,PSBD,8.5"CC,11X8.5,RED SMD81252 Sanford, L.P Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company EA $ 1.47 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 23 of 88 UOM PK $ PRICE 1.55 EA $ 3.27 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SKU# 167 CVR,PSBD,8.5CC,11X8.5,DBE SMD81352 168 CVR,PSBD,8.5CC,11X8.5,GN SMD81452 169 CVR,REPT,2-PKT,LTR,BLUE,25/BX SMD87852 170 CVR,REPT,2-PKT,LTR,DBLUE,25/BX SMD87854 171 CVR,REPT,2-PKT,LTR,GRN,25/BX SMD87855 172 CVR,REPT,2PKT,LTR,RED,25/BX SMD87859 173 CVR,REPT,2-PKT,LTR,WHT,25/BX SMD87861 174 CVR,REPT,2-PKT,LTR,YEL,25/BX SMD87862 175 CVR,RPT,2 PKT,LTR,BK SMD87853 176 CVR,RPT,2 PKT,LTR,OE SMD87858 177 DIARY,DLY,25 LIN,5X7.5,RD AAGSD38713 MANUFACTURER NAME Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company MeadWestvaco 178 DIARY,DLY,28 LIN,5.7X8.2,RD AAGSD38913 179 DISC,CDR,32X,50/PK,SR 180 DISC,CDR,52X,10PK,JWL,SV 181 UOM PRICE EA $ 1.47 EA $ 1.47 BX $ 7.68 BX $ 7.68 BX $ 7.68 BX $ 7.68 BX $ 7.68 BX $ 7.68 BX $ 7.68 BX $ 7.68 EA $ 9.86 MeadWestvaco EA $ 9.67 IMN17301 Imation Corp PK $ 12.32 IMN17332 Imation Corp PK $ 6.33 DISPENSER TAPE DESKTOP SILVER MMMC60ST 3M EA $ 1.98 182 DISPENSER,HAND,TAPE,3/4",SMK MMMH127 3M EA $ 0.60 183 DISPENSER,POP-UP,3X3 MMMPRO330 3M EA $ 4.43 184 DISPENSER,TAPE,BK BSN32954 Business Source EA $ 1.06 185 DISPENSER,TAPE,DESK,BLACK MMMC38BK 3M EA $ 2.15 186 DISPENSER,TAPE,DESKTOP,BK MMMC60BK 3M EA $ 1.98 187 DIVIDER,INSERT,2PKT,8TAB,MI AVE11907 Avery Dennison ST $ 2.85 188 DIVIDER,INSERT,8TAB,PLAS,MI AVE11901 Avery Dennison ST $ 1.32 189 DIVIDER,PREM,CPPR,REINF,5CLEAR AVE23281 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.76 190 DIVIDER,TABBING,PRINT,80SETS AVE16282 Avery Dennison PK $ 4.14 191 DOORSTOP,BIG FOOT,BRN MAS00920 Master Manufacturing Co. EA $ 2.70 192 DOORSTOP,BIG FOOT,GREY MAS00941 Master Manufacturing Co. EA $ 2.70 193 DOORSTOP,GIANT FOOT,BRN MAS00964 Master Manufacturing Co. EA $ 3.93 194 DRIVE,FLASH,USB,16GB VER96317 Verbatim EA $ 13.64 195 DRIVE,USB,2GB VER97086 Verbatim EA $ 3.78 196 DRIVE,USB,STORE'N'GO,8GB VER95507 Verbatim EA $ 7.83 197 DRY ERASE MARKERS ASST. 8PK SAN80678 Expo ST $ 6.26 198 DUSTER,TWIN PK,PLUS REARR3522 Advantus Corp. PK $ 18.28 199 DVD-R 16X SPINDLE 50 PK MEM05639 Memorex PK $ 10.91 200 EASEL,HVYDTY,INSTA,BK QRT27E ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 19.31 201 EASEL,PAD,SELFSTICK,25X30 MMM559VAD6PK 3M CT $ 96.89 202 EASEL,S-STCK TBLE PADS,WE MMM563R 3M PD $ 15.16 203 ENVELOPE,CAT,R/STRIP,10X13 QUA44762 Quality Park Products BX $ 15.31 204 ENVELOPE,CLSP,10X13,KFT QUA37897 Quality Park Products BX $ 10.73 205 ENVELOPE,CLSP,12X15.5,KFT QUA37910 Quality Park Products BX $ 16.80 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 24 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 206 DESCRIPTION ENVELOPE,CLSP,28#,6X9,KFT MANUFACTURER SKU# QUA37855 MANUFACTURER NAME Quality Park Products 207 ENVELOPE,CLSP,28#,9X12,KFT QUA37890 208 ENVELOPE,CLSP,6.5X9.5,KFT 209 ENVELOPE,CLSP,7.5X10.5,KFT 210 UOM BX $ PRICE 7.87 Quality Park Products BX $ 9.00 QUA37863 Quality Park Products BX $ 8.77 QUA37875 Quality Park Products BX $ 10.31 ENVELOPE,CLSP,9.5X12.5,28KF QUA37893 Quality Park Products BX $ 11.65 211 ENVELOPE,DBL WIN,#9SEC,WHT BSN36680 Business Source BX $ 15.01 212 ENVELOPE,INTR-DEPT,10X13,KF QUA63561 Quality Park Products BX $ 20.20 213 ENVELOPE,R/STRIP,9X12,WE QUA44582 Quality Park Products BX $ 15.19 214 ENVELOPE,WVN,DIAGSM,#10,WE QUA90020 Quality Park Products BX $ 10.76 215 ERASER, PENCIL CAP PAP73015 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc BX $ 3.90 216 ERASER,MARKER BOARD SAN81505 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.57 217 EXPO II 4CT CHISEL ASST SAN80174 Expo ST $ 3.21 218 EXPO LOW ODOR CHISEL BLUE DZ SAN80003 EXPO DZ $ 9.18 219 EXPO NEON 5CT SAN1752226 PK $ 5.04 220 FASTENER,1",100/BX SMD35051 BX $ 7.56 221 FASTENER,PRG,CMPSR,3.5"CAP ACC70724 BX $ 9.78 222 FASTENER,SELF,ADH SMD68220 BX $ 7.56 223 FF MICROBGRD MN 1/3 LTR 100/BX PFX62702 EXPO Smead Manufacturing Company ACCO Brands Corporation Smead Manufacturing Company Pendaflex BX $ 11.59 224 FILAMENT TAPE 3" CORE CLR 24MM MMM89724 RL $ 3.54 225 FILE FLDR,1/3,LTR.MANILA,100/B SMD10346 BX $ 5.17 226 FILE FLDR.1/3,MANILA,LGL.100/B SMD15346 BX $ 7.01 227 FILE POCKET,5.25"EXP,LTR,BN GLWC1534GHD 3M Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company GLW BX $ 15.47 228 FILE,MAGAZINE,WHT FEL00723 Fellowes, Inc EA $ 0.77 229 FILE,STEP,WIRE,BLACK FEL72614 Fellowes, Inc EA $ 7.12 230 FILM,CORRECTION,LINER,EXACT,1PK BICWOELP11 BIC EA $ 1.69 231 FLAG,ARROW,POST-IT,ASST MMM684ARR1 3M PK $ 2.33 232 FLAG,POST-IT,2X1.5,AST MMM686PWAV 3M PK $ 2.00 233 FLAGS,POSTIT"SIGN HERE"MINI MMM684SH 3M PK $ 3.53 234 FLAGS,POST-IT,"TO GO",5 COLOR MMM6835CB 3M PK $ 2.16 235 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,BE MMM680BE2 3M PK $ 3.11 236 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,BGN MMM680BG2 3M PK $ 3.11 237 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,BPK MMM680BP2 3M PK $ 3.11 238 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,GN MMM680GN2 3M PK $ 3.11 239 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,OE MMM680OE2 3M PK $ 3.11 240 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,PE MMM680PU2 3M PK $ 3.11 241 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,RD MMM680RD2 3M PK $ 3.11 242 FLAGS,POSTIT,1",100,YW MMM680YW2 3M PK $ 3.11 243 FLAGS,POST-IT,ARROW,RD MMM684RDSH 3M PK $ 2.35 244 FLAGS,POSTIT,SIGN HERE,1" MMM680SH2 3M PK $ 3.57 245 FLAGS,POSTIT,SIGN HERE,V-PK MMM680SH4VA 3M PK $ 7.14 246 FLAGS,POSTIT,TO GO,MINIASST MMM6835CF 3M PK $ 2.16 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 25 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SKU# 247 FLDR,11PT,2/5RC,LTR,MLA SMD10385 248 FLDR,CLASS,LTR,2/5,2DIV,BE SMD65115 249 FLDR,CLASS,LTR,2/5,2DIV,RD SMD14075 250 FLDR,CLASS,LTR,2/5,3DIV,RD SMD14092 251 FLDR,CLASS,PSBD,1D,LTR,BE SMD13730 252 FLDR,CLSF,LTR1-DIV,C402-5A-1D SMD13775 253 FLDR,ETAB,LTR,MAN,2"FAS-1&3 SMD34115 254 FLDR,FILE,PLAST,LTR,1/3,AST SMD10500 255 FLDR,HANG,GRN,LGL,1/5,25/BX SMD64177 256 FLDR,HANG,GRN,LTR,1/3,25/BX SMD64039 257 FLDR,HANG,GRN,LTR,1/5,25/BX SMD64077 258 FLDR,LGL,11PT,1/3,MLA SMD15334 259 FLDR,LTR,1/5,ASST SMD64059 260 FLDR,LTR,1/5,PE SMD64072 261 FLDR,LTR,11PT,1/2,MLA SMD10326 262 FLDR,LTR,11PT,1/3,5 ASST COLOR SMD11993 263 FLDR,LTR,11PT,1/3,BE SMD12034 264 FLDR,LTR,11PT,1/3,YW SMD12934 265 FLDR,LTR,11PT,2/5RC,MLA SMD10376 266 FLDR,LTR,11PT,2/5RT,MLA SMD10386 267 FLDR,LTR,11PT,STRT,MLA SMD10310 268 FLDR,LTR,2 PLI,STRT SMD24109 269 FLDR,PSBD,2 DIV,LTR,BE SMD14030 270 FLDR,PSBD,2DIV,LTR,DB SMD14032 271 FLDR,TPTB,CLASS,LTR,GN SMD14033 272 FLUID,COR,2N1 COMBO,22ML,WHT PAP42030 MANUFACTURER NAME Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Newell Rubbermaid, Inc EA $ 1.39 273 FLUID,COR,FAST DRY,22ML,WHT PAP5640132 Sanford, L.P. EA $ 0.89 274 FLUID,CORREC,FASTDRY,WE PAP61446 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc EA $ 1.09 275 FLUID,CORRECTION,F/PEN & INK PAP7470115 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc EA $ 0.90 276 FLUID,CORRECTION,QUICK DRY BICWOFQD12WE BIC DZ $ 9.85 277 FLUID,CORRECTION,WHT,MULTI PAP28411 EA $ 0.54 278 FOLDER, CLASS, 2DIV, LTR, R SMD14024 PaperMate Smead Manufacturing Company BX $ 17.55 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 26 of 88 UOM PRICE BX $ 10.25 EA $ 7.00 BX $ 22.00 BX $ 30.92 BX $ 26.11 BX $ 19.47 BX $ 20.20 BX $ 11.17 BX $ 6.26 BX $ 5.79 BX $ 4.79 BX $ 16.26 BX $ 10.84 BX $ 9.95 BX $ 14.16 BX $ 20.75 BX $ 18.58 BX $ 18.58 BX $ 14.82 BX $ 14.82 BX $ 14.16 BX $ 14.13 BX $ 31.26 BX $ 31.26 BX $ 30.31 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SKU# 279 FOLDER,CLAS,TPTAB,LTR,DBE SMD13732 280 FOLDER,CLASS,2/5,2DIV,DBE,10/BX SMD14032 281 FOLDER,CLASS,LTR,ST-CUT,1-DIV,10/BX SMD26800 282 FOLDER,CLSF,1-DIV,LTR,4PRT,RED,10/BX SMD13731 283 FOLDER,DOUBLE END TAB,STRTCUT SMD24109 284 FOLDER,FILE,LTR,1/2,100/BX SMD10320 285 FOLDER,FILE,LTR,1/3,100/BX,5/C SMD10330 286 FOLDER,FILE,LTR,1/3,2-PLY TAB SMD10334 287 FOLDER,FILE,LTR,1/3,ASST COLOR SMD11943 288 FOLDER,FILE,LTR,STR,100/BX SMD10300 289 FOLDER,FSTR,LTR,1/3CT,50BX,MNA SMD14537 290 FOLDER,HANG,LGL,1/3,25/BX SMD64135 291 FOLDER,HANG,LTR,1/3,25/BX SMD64035 292 FOLDER,HANG,LTR,1/5,25/BX SMD64055 293 FOLDER,HANG,LTR,1/5,BLUE SMD64060 294 FOLDER,HNG,EXP,LTR10BX,GN SMD64220 295 FOLDER,INTR,MLA,1/3LTR100 SMD10230 296 FOLDER,LETTER,CLASSIFICATION SMD14076 297 FOLDER,LTR,2 PLI,STRT,24110 SMD24110 298 FOLDER,PKT,1" EXP,2/5 CUT TAB,RFD SMD75487 299 FOLDER,PSGD CLASS,2DIV,LTR, BR SMD14202 300 FORK,PLSTC,HEAVY MED.WT,WE DXEFM207 MANUFACTURER NAME Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Georgia Pacific 301 FORK,STYRENE,HEAVYWT,WE,100/BX DXEFH207 302 FRAME, 8.5X11 ESSENTIAL 303 304 UOM PRICE BX $ 26.11 BX $ 31.30 BX $ 26.30 BX $ 26.10 BX $ 14.13 BX $ 9.26 BX $ 8.41 BX $ 13.27 BX $ 17.34 BX $ 9.55 BX $ 20.22 BX $ 10.42 BX $ 7.96 BX $ 7.47 BX $ 9.95 BX $ 29.62 BX $ 12.92 EA $ 2.20 BX $ 14.13 EA $ 0.63 BX $ 32.21 BX $ 2.45 Georgia Pacific BX $ 3.44 DAXN2702N2T Dax Manufacturing EA $ 7.14 FRAME,11X14,BLACK LLR31888 Lorell EA $ 8.80 FRAME,DOC,8.5X11,BRONZE DAXN1818N3T Dax Manufacturing. EA $ 6.72 305 FWX CVR 8X11 65# D.WHITE CASMP2651BW Boise PK $ 4.22 306 GLUE STIC,.26OZ.,PE AVE00216 Avery Dennison EA $ 0.34 307 GLUE STIC,LARGE,1.27OZ. AVE00196 Avery Dennison EA $ 0.98 308 GLUE STIC,SMALL,.26OZ AVE00166 Avery Dennison EA $ 0.34 309 GLUE STICK,PERM,0.26OZ BSN15786 Business Source EA $ 0.16 310 GLUE STICK,1.26OZ BSN15788 Business Source EA $ 0.45 311 GLUE STICK,1.27 OZ,PE AVE00226 Avery Dennison EA $ 0.98 312 GLUE STICK,CLASSROOM,30/PK EPIE556 Elmer's Products PK $ 8.12 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 27 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 313 DESCRIPTION GLUESTICK, PERMANENT, 18PK MANUFACTURER SKU# AVE98089 314 GMCR BREAKFAST BLEND KCUP GMT6520 315 HEADSET HI-FI HEADPHONE 2274 KMW33137 MANUFACTURER NAME Avery Dennison Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Kensington 316 HIGHLDNOTES,RULED,4X6,YW MMM6609YW 317 HIGHLIGHTER,4009,FLYL 318 HIGHLIGHTER,ACCENT,RT,8PK 319 UOM PK $ PRICE 5.00 BX $ 10.75 EA $ 6.84 3M PK $ 8.32 SAN64324 Sanford, L.P EA $ 0.23 SAN28101 Sanford, L.P ST $ 6.19 HIGHLIGHTER,ACCENT,RT,AST SAN28175PP Sanford, L.P ST $ 3.93 320 HIGHLIGHTER,ACCENTINTRO,FYW PAP22725 Sanford, L.P BX $ 2.40 321 HIGHLIGHTER,ACCNT INTRO,FL AST PAP22776PP PaperMate ST $ 1.20 322 HIGHLIGHTER,MAJ ACCENT,ASTD,DZ SAN25053 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 5.05 323 HIGHLIGHTER,PEN,FL AST AVE23545 Avery Dennison ST $ 1.13 324 HIGHLIGHTER,PKT ACCENT,FLYW SAN27025 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 5.05 325 HI-LITER,DESK,6/SET,MAJ ACCNT SAN25076 Sanford, L.P ST $ 2.69 326 HI-LITER,DESK,FL YEL AVE24000 Avery Dennison DZ $ 4.17 327 HI-LITER,DESK,FL YEL,MAJ ACCNT SAN25025 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 5.05 328 HI-LITER,DESK,YEL AVE07742 Avery Dennison DZ $ 4.17 329 HI-LITER,PEN,5-COLOR SET SAN27075 Sanford, L.P ST $ 2.24 330 HI-LITER,PEN,BRITELINER,YEL BICBL11YW BIC DZ $ 3.28 331 HOLDER,CARD,BUS,EXP MESH,BLK ROL22251ELD Rolodex EA $ 1.67 332 HOLDER,CERTIFICATE,BLK OXF29900055BGD Esselte Corporation PK $ 5.58 333 HOLDER,CERTIFICATE,DBL OXF29900235BGD Esselte Corp. PK $ 5.58 334 HOLDER,LEAFLET,LIT,CLEAR DEF77501 Deflecto Corporation EA $ 2.99 335 HOLDER,SIGN,STND,BTM LD,LTR DEF69201 Deflecto Corporation EA $ 6.33 336 HOLDER,SIGN,STND,SIDELD,LTR DEF69701 Deflecto Corporation EA $ 5.77 337 HOLDER,SIGN,WALL,LTR,CL DEF68201 Deflecto Corporation EA $ 5.28 338 HOLDER,SWIVEL,MESH,BLK ROL62533 Sanford, L.P EA $ 5.24 339 HP ALL-IN-ONE 8.5X11 REAM HEW207010 Hewlett-PKard RM $ 4.35 340 HP MULTI-PURPOSE 8.5X11 REAM HEW112000 Hewlett-Packard RM $ 4.18 341 INDEX,3-RG,8-TAB,COLOR AVE11111 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.68 342 INDEX,3-RG,LASER,5-TAB,WHT AVE11446 Avery Dennison BX $ 55.32 343 INDEX,3-RG,READY,1-10,COLOR AVE11135 Avery ST $ 1.91 344 INDEX,3-RG,WRITE-ON,5-TAB,WHT AVE23075 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.64 345 INDEX,3-RG,WRITE-ON,8-TAB,WHT AVE23078 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.93 346 INDEX,3-RNG,5TAB,MI BSN36692 Business Source ST $ 0.25 347 INDEX,3-RNG,8TAB,CL BSN20069 Business Source ST $ 0.32 348 INDEX,3-RNG,8TAB,MI BSN36693 Business Source ST $ 0.32 349 INDEX,5TAB,PLAS,INSRT,2PKT AVE11906 Avery Dennison ST $ 2.12 350 INDEX,5TAB,WO,ERS,COL AVE23076 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.84 351 INDEX,8TAB,L/I,COP RFD,CLR AVE23285 Avery Dennison ST $ 1.22 352 INDEX,A-Z,11X8.5,AST AVE11125 Avery Dennison ST $ 2.87 353 INDEX,INSERT,11X8.5,5TAB,CR AVE11122 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.68 354 INDEX,INSERT,11X8.5,5TB,AST AVE11121 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.68 355 INDEX,INSERT,11X8.5,8TAB,CR AVE11124 Avery Dennison ST $ 1.12 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 28 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 356 DESCRIPTION INDEX,INSERT,11X8.5,8TB,AST MANUFACTURER SKU# AVE11123 MANUFACTURER NAME Avery Dennison 357 INDEX,INSERT,5 TAB,CL AVE11110 358 INDEX,INSERT,5TAB,MI 359 INDEX,INSERT,8TAB,CL 360 UOM ST $ PRICE 1.12 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.45 AVE11109 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.45 AVE11112 Avery Dennison ST $ 0.68 INDEX,LGL EXH,LTR,#1-25,SIDETB AVE11370 Avery Dennison ST $ 1.41 361 INDEX,MAKER, 12 TAB AVE11429 Avery Dennison PK $ 18.22 362 INDEX,MAKER,8TAB,WE AVE11417 Avery Dennison ST $ 3.22 363 INDEX,MAKER,CLEAR,5TAB,WHITE AVE11416 Avery Dennison ST $ 2.80 364 INDEX,WRITE-ON,8TAB,MI AVE23079 Avery Dennison ST $ 1.17 365 INDEXES, PLASTIC,5 TAB COLOR AVE11900 Avery Dennison ST $ 1.08 366 LABEL,F/FLDR,WE,248 AVE05202 Avery Dennison PK $ 1.47 367 LABEL,FF,L/I,1/3,PRT/WO,DBL AVE05200 Avery Dennison PK $ 1.47 368 LABEL,FF,L/I,1/3,PRT/WO,DRD AVE05201 Avery Dennison PK $ 1.47 369 LABEL,FILE FOLDER,LASER,WHT AVE5366 Avery Dennison BX $ 21.89 370 LABEL,INKJET,1X2-5/8,WHITE AVE8160 Avery Dennison PK $ 6.60 371 LABEL,INKJT,F/FLDR,WHITE,750/B AVE8366 Avery Dennison PK $ 12.19 372 LABEL,LASER,1.3X4,1400/BX AVE5162 Avery Dennison BX $ 21.26 373 LABEL,LASER,1-1/3X4,WHITE AVE5262 Avery Dennison PK $ 6.59 374 LABEL,LASER,1X2-3/4,CLEAR AVE5660 Avery Dennison BX $ 29.01 375 LABEL,LASER,1X2-5/8,3M/BX AVE30600 Avery Dennison BX $ 4.53 376 LABEL,LASER,1X2-5/8,3M/BX AVE5160 Avery Dennison BX $ 21.26 377 LABEL,LASER,1X2-5/8,WHITE AVE5260 Avery Dennison PK $ 6.59 378 LABEL,LASER,1X4,2M/BX AVE5161 Avery Dennison BX $ 21.93 379 LABEL,LASER,2X4,1M/BX AVE5163 Avery Dennison BX $ 21.89 380 LABEL,LASER,3-1/3X4,600/BX AVE5164 Avery Dennison BX $ 23.83 381 LABEL,LSR,1/2X1-3/4,WE,8M AVE5167 Avery Dennison BX $ 22.58 382 LABEL,LSR,4X1-1/3,WE,3500 AVE5962 Avery Dennison BX $ 47.85 383 LABEL,LSR,ADDR,WHT,500CT AVE5261 Avery Dennison PK $ 6.59 384 LABEL,LSR,HALF,WEATHER,100/CT AVE5526 Avery Dennison PK $ 29.01 385 LABEL,PERSONL PRNTR,AVE4150 AVE4150 Avery Dennison BX $ 7.16 386 LAMP DESK GOOSENECK BK LEDL9090 Ledu EA $ 26.14 387 LEAD,.5MM,HB,12/TB PENC505HB Pentel of America, Ltd TB $ 0.43 388 LEAD,.7MM ,HP,30CT PENC27HB Pentel of America, Ltd TB $ 0.84 389 LEAD,MECH PCL,.7MM,HARD,TUBE PEN50HB Pentel of America, Ltd TB $ 0.43 390 LEAD,PCL,SUP,.5MM,2B PENC5052B Pentel of America, Ltd TB $ 0.43 391 lead,pencil,soft,dz,ticonderog DIX13806 Dixon Ticonderoga DZ $ 1.89 392 LEGAL PAD 5X8 WHITE 12PK TOP75101 Tops Products DZ $ 10.74 393 LP DRYLINE GRIP FASHION CLRS PAP87813 Liquid Paper PK $ 3.69 394 LUBRICANT, WD40,W/STRAW,12 OZ WDF490057 WD-40 Company EA $ 6.32 395 LYSOL SPRAY,LINEN SCENT,19OZ RAC74828EA Reckitt Benckiser EA $ 6.31 396 MAGNET,TAPE,ADH,.5X7,BLK BVCFM2319 Mastervision EA $ 5.57 397 MARKER,DE,EXPO,CHSL,12COL SAN80699 Sanford, L.P ST $ 9.35 398 MARKER,DRY ERASE,CHSELTIP,4COL SAN80074 Sanford, L.P PK $ 3.21 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 29 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 399 DESCRIPTION MARKER,DRY ERASE,EXPO II,BLACK MANUFACTURER SKU# SAN82001 MANUFACTURER NAME Sanford, L.P 400 MARKER,DRYERASE,BK SAN80001 401 MARKER,DRYERASE,EXPO,4CLR 402 MARKER,DRYERASE,EXPO,4CLR SET 403 UOM DZ $ PRICE 9.47 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 8.77 SAN88074 Sanford, L.P ST $ 3.66 SAN82074 Sanford, L.P ST $ 3.21 MARKER,DRYERASE,EXPO,FN,BK SAN84001 Sanford, L.P. DZ $ 12.12 404 MARKER,DRYERASE,EXPO2,6 CLR SAN80556 Sanford, L.P ST $ 6.36 405 MARKER,DRYERASE,EXPO2,8 CLR SAN80078 Sanford, L.P ST $ 6.26 406 MARKER,DRYERASE,FINE,4-CLR/SET SAN84074 Sanford, L.P ST $ 3.04 407 MARKER,FELT,LRG,MAGNUM,BLCK SAN44001 Sanford, L.P EA $ 2.15 408 MARKER,FLIPCHART,4PK SAN22474 Sanford, L.P ST $ 2.55 409 MARKER,FLIPCHART,8PK SAN22478 Sanford, L.P ST $ 5.02 410 MARKER,JUMBO,PERM,BLK AVE24148 Avery Dennison EA $ 1.55 411 MARKER,LRG,PERM,BLK,BRD TIP AVE08888 Avery Dennison DZ $ 5.56 412 MARKER,PERM,BOLD PT,BLK SAN33001 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 11.49 413 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIE PRO,BLK SAN34801 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.39 414 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIE X,BK SAN32001 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 415 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIE,2TIP,BLK SAN36201 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.29 416 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIE,2TIP,BLU SAN32003 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 417 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIE,FN,12COL SAN30072 Sanford, L.P ST $ 7.25 418 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIE,FN,ORN SAN30006 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.32 419 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIE,FN,PE SAN30008 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.32 420 MARKER,PERM,SHARPIEX,RD SAN32002 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 421 MARKER,REG,PERM,BLK,BRD TIP AVE07888 Avery Dennison DZ $ 5.56 422 MARKER,SHARPIE,CHSLTP,BK SAN38201 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.83 423 MARKER,SHARPIE,FN,INDUST,BK SAN13601 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.95 424 MARKER,SHARPIE,FN,PERM,BLK SAN30001 Sanford, L.P EA $ 0.61 425 MARKER,SHARPIE,FN,PERM,BLUE SAN30003 Sanford, L.P EA $ 0.61 426 MARKER,SHARPIE,FN,PERM,GRN SAN30004 Sharpie EA $ 0.61 427 MARKER,SHARPIE,FN,PERM,RED SAN30002 Sanford, L.P EA $ 0.61 428 MARKER,SHARPIE,PERM,FN,8PK SAN30078 Sanford, L.P ST $ 4.84 429 MARKER,SHARPIE,ULTRA FN,BLK SAN37001 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.32 430 MARKER,SHARPIE,XFN,PERM,BK SAN35001 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.33 431 MARKER,WASH,CLSC,FN,12COL CYO587813 Crayola, LLC ST $ 3.81 432 MARKER,WASHABLE,BROAD,8CT,SET CYO587808 Crayola, LLC ST $ 2.53 433 MASKING TAPE 18MMX55M,12/PK MMM260018A 3M PK $ 10.68 434 MASKING TAPE 24MMX55M 9/PK MMM260024A 3M PK $ 10.71 435 MGMT,Q/NOTE,DY/MO,4.9X8,BK AAG760405 MeadWestvaco EA $ 14.46 436 MGMT,Q/NOTE,WK/MO,8X10,BK AAG760105 MeadWestvaco EA $ 14.38 437 MOISTENER,ENVELOPE QUA46065 Quality Park Products EA $ 1.24 438 MOISTENER,FINGERTIP LEE10134 Lee Products EA $ 2.22 439 MOISTENER,FINGERTIP,1 OZ LEE10400 Lee Products EA $ 1.41 440 MOISTENER,FINGERTIP,3/8OZ LEE10050 Lee Products EA $ 0.97 441 MONEY/RENT RCPT 3PART 7X11 ABFTC1182 Adams EA $ 4.33 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 30 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 442 DESCRIPTION MONTHLY APPT BOOK MANUFACTURER SKU# AAG702600516 MANUFACTURER NAME MeadWestvaco 443 MONTHLY DESK PAD AAGSK240016 MeadWestvaco 444 MP COLOR 8X11,24#,LIME CASMP2241LE Boise RM $ 6.42 445 MP COLOR 8X11,24#,ORANGE CASMP2241TE BOISE RM $ 6.42 446 MP COLOR 8X11,24#,TEAL CASMP2241TL Boise RM $ 6.42 447 NAME TAG KIT,W/CLIP,WHITE AVE5384 Avery Dennison BX $ 32.16 448 NOTE,3X3,YW MMM654924PK 3M PK $ 4.84 449 NOTE,CABPCK,RCYCBL,CA,24CT MMM654R24CPCY 3M PK $ 15.66 450 NOTE,HIGHLAND,1.5X2,YEL MMM6539YW 3M PK $ 1.42 451 NOTE,HIGHLAND,3X3,YEL,12/PK MMM6549YW 3M PK $ 3.07 452 NOTE,HIGHLAND,3X5,YEL,12/PK MMM6559YW 3M PK $ 4.22 453 NOTE,POST-IT REFILL,3X3,YEL MMMR330YW 3M PD $ 0.87 454 NOTE,POST-IT,1.5X2,YEL MMM653YW 3M PK $ 4.23 455 NOTE,POST-IT,3X3,YEL MMM654YW 3M PK $ 9.55 456 NOTE,POST-IT,3X5,YEL MMM655YW 3M PK $ 12.73 457 NOTE,POST-IT,4X6,RLD,YEL MMM660YW 3M PK $ 20.34 458 NOTE,POST-IT,POP-UP,3X5,YEL MMMR350YW 3M PD $ 1.20 459 NOTE,POST-IT,POP-UP,SS,10PK,NE MMMR33010SSAN 3M PK $ 10.32 460 NOTE,PU,RECYCLED,3x3,12,CANARY MMMR330RP12YW 3M PK $ 10.17 461 NOTEBOOK,8.5X11,3SUB,CR,150CT MEA08190 MeadWestvaco EA $ 5.74 462 NOTEBOOK,COMP,PERMBND,AST TOP63794 Tops Products EA $ 1.14 463 NOTEBOOK,WB,3SUB,9.5X6,CR,KKC RED33360 Dominion Blueline, Inc EA $ 2.29 464 NOTEBOOK,WBT,1SUB,8.5X11.5,80S RED31186 Dominion Blueline, Inc EA $ 2.20 465 NOTES,3X3,18PK MMM654918PK 3M PK $ 3.62 466 NOTES,3x3,REC,24PK,PASTEL MMM654R24CPAP 3M PK $ 16.62 467 NOTES,ADHES,1.5"X2",YW BSN36610 Business Source PK $ 0.91 468 NOTES,ADHES,3"X3",YW,12PK BSN36612 Business Source PK $ 1.82 469 NOTES,ADHES,3"X5",YW BSN36613 Business Source PK $ 3.24 470 NOTES,POST-IT,1.5X2,CA MMM65324VADB 3M PK $ 6.91 471 NOTES,POST-IT,18PK,YW MMM65418CP 3M PK $ 13.39 472 NOTES,POST-IT,3X5,5PK,ASTD PAS MMM655AST 3M PK $ 5.74 473 NOTES,SUPER STICKY,2X2,10/PK MMM62210SSCY 3M PK $ 4.55 474 OPENER,LTR,SS BLD/RSD HDL ACM29691 Acme United Corp EA $ 2.17 475 OS NOTE 3X3 5PK ULTRA MMM6545UC 3M PK $ 4.83 476 PAD,5X8,JR LGL,CAN,50CT (7501) TOP7501 Tops Products DZ $ 6.24 477 PAD,5X8,JR LGL,WHT,50CT,(7500) TOP7500 Tops Products DZ $ 6.24 478 PAD,8.5X11.75,CAN,50CT(7532) TSR911 Tops Products DZ $ 7.68 479 PAD,8.5X11.75,WHT,50CT(7533) TSR9021 Tops Products DZ $ 7.68 480 PAD,8.5X14,CAN,50CT,(7572) TOP7572 Tops Products DZ $ 10.92 481 PAD,8.5X14,WHT,50CT,(7573) TOP7573 Tops Products DZ $ 10.92 482 PAD,CHART,1"RULED,24X32,70SH PAC9770 Pacon EA $ 12.46 483 PAD,DESK,MO,17.75X10.9 AAGSK1400 MeadWestvaco EA $ 4.20 484 PAD,DESK/WALL,Q/NOTE,22X17 AAGSK70000 MeadWestvaco EA $ 7.49 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 31 of 88 UOM EA $ PRICE 7.63 EA $ 1.31 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 485 DESCRIPTION PAD,EASEL,POST IT, WHITE MANUFACTURER SKU# MMM559 MANUFACTURER NAME 3M 486 PAD,EASEL,W-N-S,50 SHT/PD,WE ABFEP927341 487 PAD,EASL,1 LINED,50 SHT/PD,WE 488 PAD,MEMO,4X6,GUM,100SH,WHITE 489 UOM CT $ PRICE 35.88 ABF PK $ 21.11 ABFEP927343 ABF CT $ 21.11 TOP7821 Tops Products DZ $ 7.61 PAD,NOTE,POST-IT,1.5X2",12PK,U MMM653AU 3M PK $ 5.00 490 PAD,NOTE,POST-IT,3"X3",12PK,AS MMM654RPA 3M DZ $ 11.07 491 PAD,POST-IT,RULED,4x6,5/PK,YLW MMM6605PK 3M PK $ 8.44 492 PAD,QUAD,4 SQ/IN,WE TOP33041 Tops Products PD $ 3.05 493 PAD,STAMP,#2,FELT,BLK AVE21082 Avery Dennison EA $ 1.88 494 PADS,EASEL,VALUE PK,4/CT MMM559VAD 3M CT $ 68.34 495 PAGE MARKERS 1X3 4PK PSTL RCLD MMM6714RPA 3M PK $ 1.76 496 PAPER,65#C,95B,250PK,B/WHITE WAU91904 Neenah Paper PK $ 9.34 497 PAPER,ADD MACH,2.25"X150' TSR6200 PM Company RL $ 0.34 498 PAPER,CONST,12X18,50PK,WE PAC103613 Micellaneous PK $ 1.83 499 PAPER,CONST,9X12,50PK,AST PAC103637 Tru-Ray PK $ 1.45 500 PAPER,CONST,9X12,AST PAC103031 Tru-Ray PK $ 1.40 501 PAPER,CONST,WHITE,9X12 PAC103026 Pacon Creative Products PK $ 1.40 502 PAPER,CONST,WHT,12X18 PAC103058 Pacon Creative Products PK $ 3.31 503 PAPER,COPY PLUS,HAM,CASE,10-RM HAM105007 International Paper CS $ 35.55 504 PAPER,COPY,30%RECY,20#,92BRT AME31600501 American Eagle CT $ 31.60 505 PAPER,COPY,50%RECY,20#,92BRT AME31500501 American Eagle CT $ 34.60 506 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,20LB.WHITE GOP851120 Global Office Paper CT $ 27.99 507 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,BLUE,20# HAM103309 International Paper RM $ 4.01 508 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,CANARY,20# HAM103341 International Paper RM $ 4.01 509 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,GLDRD,20# HAM103168 International Paper RM $ 4.01 510 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,GRAY,20# HAM102889 International Paper RM $ 4.01 511 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,GREEN,20# HAM103366 International Paper RM $ 4.01 512 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,LAV,20# HAM103770 International Paper RM $ 4.01 513 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,LT CHY,20# HAM102210 International Paper RM $ 4.01 514 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,PINK,20# HAM103382 International Paper RM $ 4.01 515 PAPER,COPY,8.5X11,SALMON,20# HAM103119 International Paper RM $ 4.01 516 PAPER,COPY,8.5X14,WHT,"TIDAL" HAM162016 International Paper RM $ 4.78 517 PAPER,FILLER,10.5X8,WD SPR82121 Sparco PK $ 1.53 518 PAPER,FILR 200SH,WE MEA17208 MeadWestvaco PK $ 2.59 519 PAPER,INK CRT,KP108IN,WHT CNM3115B001 Canon PK $ 26.60 520 PAPER,PAD,LTR,LR,WHT TOP7533 Tops Products DZ $ 7.68 521 PAPERMATE STICK PEN RED 12PK PAP3321131 DZ $ 0.96 522 PCKT FILE,1.75,LTR 73800 SMD73214 EA $ 0.59 523 PCKT FILE,3.5,LTR,73805 SMD73224 EA $ 0.61 524 PCKT FILE.5.25,LTR,73810 SMD73234 EA $ 0.71 525 PEN REFL,GEL,BG27R,FN,RED PIL77242 Paper Mate Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Pilot Corporation PK $ 1.04 526 PEN,BALL PT,CLICSTIC,MED,BLK BICCSM11BK BIC DZ $ 3.27 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 32 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 527 DESCRIPTION PEN,BALL PT,CLICSTIC,MED,BLUE MANUFACTURER SKU# BICCSM11BE MANUFACTURER NAME BIC 528 PEN,BALL PT,MED,FLEX,BLK,RTRBL PAP9530131 529 PEN,BALL PT,MED,STICK,BLK 530 PEN,BALL PT,MED,STICK,BLUE 531 UOM DZ $ PRICE 3.27 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc DZ $ 10.11 PAP3331131 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc DZ $ 0.96 PAP3311131 Paper Mate DZ $ 0.96 PEN,BALL PT,MEDIUM,STICK,GRN PAP3341131 Sanford, L.P BX $ 1.23 532 PEN,BALL PT,RSVP,FINE,BLACK PENBK90A Pentel of America, Ltd DZ $ 4.67 533 PEN,BALL PT,STIC,FN,BLK BICGSF11BK BIC DZ $ 0.88 534 PEN,BALL PT,STIC,MED,BLU BICGSM11BE BIC DZ $ 0.88 535 PEN,BALL PT,STIC,MED,RED BICGSM11RD BIC DZ $ 0.88 536 PEN,BALL,STICK,60CT,BK BICGSM609BK BIC BX $ 3.95 537 PEN,BALLPT,GRIP,MED,BE BICGSMG11BE BIC DZ $ 1.55 538 PEN,BALLPT,GRIP,MED,BK BICGSMG11BK BIC DZ $ 1.55 539 PEN,BALLPT,PRECISE,GRIP,EXF PIL28802 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.04 540 PEN,BLLPNT,RT,PROFILE,8PK,ASTD PAP54549 Sanford, L.P PK $ 4.53 541 PEN,BP,EASYTCH,MED,BLK,RETRACT PIL32220 Pilot Corporation DZ $ 6.44 542 PEN,BP,RT,UNIBALL,PWRTNK,BLUE SAN42071 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 15.24 543 PEN,BP,RTR,F301,FN,BLU,SLV/BLU ZEB27120 Zebra Pen Corp. EA $ 1.17 544 PEN,BP,RTR,JTSTRM,FN,BLK SAN62152 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.56 545 PEN,BPOINT,STK,MED,BE,DZ BSN37500 Business Source DZ $ 0.82 546 PEN,BPOINT,STK,MED,BK,DZ BSN37501 Business Source DZ $ 0.79 547 PEN,CORRECTION,FINE POINT PENZL31W Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.69 548 PEN,ELITE,UNIBALL VISION,BK SAN61231 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.48 549 PEN,ENERGEL RTX,METAL,0.7MM PENBL77B Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 550 PEN,ENERGEL RTX,METAL,0.7MM PENBL77V Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 551 PEN,ENERGEL RTX,METAL,0.7MM PENBL77A Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 552 PEN,ENERGEL RTX,METAL,0.7MM PENBL77C Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 553 PEN,ENRGLRTX,.7MM,BK,UPC PENBLN77A Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 554 PEN,GEL RETRAC.XFBLK,G2 PIL31002 Pilot Corporation DZ $ 10.48 555 PEN,GEL,BP,JTSTRM,MED,BLK SAN40173 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.27 556 PEN,GEL,JETSTREAM,BE SAN33922 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.27 557 PEN,GEL,JETSTREAM,BK SAN33921 Uni-Ball EA $ 1.27 558 PEN,GEL,PRECS GRP,PR5,XF,BLK PIL28801 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.04 559 PEN,GEL,RT,BK AVE49988 Avery Dennison EA $ 0.82 560 PEN,GEL,RTR,ENERGL DLX,MED,BLU PENBLN77C Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 561 PEN,GEL,RTR,ENERGL DLX,MED,GRN PENBL77D Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 562 PEN,GEL,RTR,ENERGL DLX,MED,RED PENBLN77B Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 563 PEN,GEL,RTR,ENERGL DLX,MED,VIO PENBLN77V Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.25 564 PEN,GEL,SIGNO,207,BE SAN33951 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 12.38 565 PEN,GEL,SIGNO,207,BK SAN33950 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 12.38 566 PEN,GEL,UNI,IMPACT,RT,BK SAN65870 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.64 567 PEN,GEL,UNI,VSNELT,BK SAN69000 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.48 568 PEN,GEL,VELOCITY,RETRC,.7MM,BK BICRLC11BK BIC DZ $ 5.31 569 PEN,GRIP,WB,FINE,DZ,BLK PAP8808287 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 1.76 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 33 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 570 DESCRIPTION PEN,GRIP,WB,MED,DZ,BLACK MANUFACTURER SKU# PAP8807987 MANUFACTURER NAME Sanford, L.P 571 PEN,GRIP,WB,MED,DZ,BLUE PAP8808087 572 PEN,PROFILE,PM,BOLD,DZ,BLACK 573 PEN,RB,GEL,RETRACT,BLK,FN 574 UOM DZ $ PRICE 1.76 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 1.76 PAP89465 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.07 PIL31020 Pilot Corporation DZ $ 10.48 PEN,RB,GEL,RETRACT,BLUE,FN PIL31021 Pilot Corporation DZ $ 10.48 575 PEN,RB,GEL,RETRACT,RED,FN PIL31022 Pilot Corporation DZ $ 10.48 576 PEN,RB,RTR,JTSTRM,BLD,BLK SAN73832 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.56 577 PEN,RB,RTR,JTSTRM,BLD,BLU SAN73833 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.56 578 PEN,RB,RTR,JTSTRM,BLD,RED SAN73834 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.56 579 PEN,RB,RTR,V5,PV5R,XF,BLK PIL26062 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.11 580 PEN,RB,RTR,V5,PV5R,XF,BLU PIL26063 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.11 581 PEN,RB,RTR,V5,PV5R,XF,PUR PIL26066 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.11 582 PEN,RB,RTR,V7,PV7R,FN,BLK PIL26067 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.11 583 PEN,RB,RTR,V7,PV7R,FN,BLU PIL26068 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.11 584 PEN,RB,RTR,V7,PV7R,FN,GRN PIL26070 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.11 585 PEN,RB,VSN ELT,XF,BLU SAN69021 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.48 586 PEN,RB,VSN ELT,XF,RED SAN69022 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.48 587 PEN,RB,VSN,UNI,8MM,RD SAN69023 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.48 588 PEN,RB,VSNELT,FN,BLU SAN69024 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.48 589 PEN,RETRAC,0.5MM,RD PIL26064 Pilot Corporation EA $ 1.11 590 PEN,RL BALL,GEL,1.0MM,BLACK SAN65800 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.52 591 PEN,RL BALL,GEL,1.0MM,BLUE SAN65801 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.52 592 PEN,RLBALL,G-2,FN,GN PIL31025 Pilot Corporation DZ $ 10.48 593 PEN,RLBALL,RT,SARSA,BE ZEB46820 Zebra Pen Corp. DZ $ 8.33 594 PEN,RLBALL,RT,SARSA,BK ZEB46810 Zebra Pen Corp. DZ $ 8.33 595 PEN,RLBALL,VSN,UNI,FN,GN SAN60386 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 596 PEN,RLBALL,VSN,UNI,FN,PE SAN60382 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 597 PEN,RLER,PRECISE,BLK,PV5 PIL35334 Pilot Corporation DZ $ 11.24 598 PEN,UNI-BALL,ONYX,BLK,MICRO SAN60040 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 3.53 599 PEN,UNI-BALL,VISION,FINE,BE SAN60134 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 600 PEN,UNI-BALL,VISION,FINE,BK SAN60126 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 601 PEN,UNI-BALL,VISION,FINE,RD SAN60139 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 602 PEN,UNI-BALL,VISION,MICRO,BLK SAN60106 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 603 PEN,UNI-BALL,VISION,MICRO,BLUE SAN60108 Sanford, L.P EA $ 1.13 604 PEN,UNI-BALL,XF,BLK SAN60151 Sanford, L.P DZ $ 7.84 605 PEN,Z-GRIP,BP,RTRCT,MED,DZ,BLK ZEB22210 Zebra Pen Corp. DZ $ 3.03 606 PEN,Z-GRIP,RT,BP,MED,DZ,BLUE ZEB22220 Zebra Pen Corp. DZ $ 3.03 607 PENCIL,#2,MIRADO PAP2097 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc DZ $ 1.14 608 PENCIL,COLORED,24/SET CYO684024 Crayola, LLC ST $ 2.86 609 PENCIL,COLORED,CRAYOLA,12BX CYO684012 Crayola, LLC BX $ 1.52 610 PENCIL,GOLF,YEL,144/BX ITA30980 Integra BX $ 5.23 611 PENCIL,MCH,TWST,.7MM,BK,UPC PENQE517A Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 2.07 612 PENCIL,MCH,TWST,.9MM,BK,UPC PENQE519A Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 2.07 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 34 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 613 DESCRIPTION PENCIL,MECH,.5MM,"SHARP",BK MANUFACTURER SKU# PENP205A MANUFACTURER NAME Pentel of America, Ltd 614 PENCIL,MECH,.7MM,"SHARP",BE PENP207C Pentel of America, Ltd 615 PENCIL,MECH,DISPOSABLE,YW PAP3030131 616 PENCIL,MECH,QUICKER,.5MM,SM PENPD345TA 617 PENCIL,MECHANICAL GRIP,7MM 618 619 620 UOM EA $ PRICE 2.45 EA $ 2.45 Paper Mate DZ $ 2.78 Pentel of America, Ltd EA $ 1.95 BICMPG11 BIC DZ $ 3.79 PENCIL,PRESHARPENED, #2,DZ DIX12886 Dixon Ticonderoga DZ $ 1.20 PENCIL,W/ERASER,BLK WARRIOR PAP2254 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc DZ $ 1.25 PENCIL,WD,TICOND,#2,YEL DIX13882 Dixon DZ $ 1.92 621 PENS,BALL,STICK,60CT,BE BICGSM609BE BIC BX $ 3.95 622 PENS,MED.PT,RSVP,12PK,BLACK PENBK91A Pentel of America, Ltd DZ $ 4.67 623 PERMANENT GLUE STICK 6PK AVE98073 PK $ 5.52 624 PKT,FILE,EXP 7",LTR,RDR SMD73395 BX $ 12.91 625 PKT,FILE,LTR,3.5"EXP SMD73264 BX $ 14.64 626 PKT,FILE,LTR,5.25"EXP SMD73274 BX $ 17.67 627 PKT,LTR,EXP 3-1/2,YEL,73233 SMD73223 EA $ 1.21 628 PKT,LTR,EXP 5-1/4,BLU,73235 SMD73235 EA $ 1.63 629 PLNR,2PPM,7.9X11.9,BK AAGG47000 Avery Dennison Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company At A Glance EA $ 7.48 630 PLNR,MO,2PC CVR,7.9X11.9 AAGSK200 MeadWestvaco EA $ 4.90 631 PLNR,MTLY,6.9X8.75,BK AAGG40000 MeadWestvaco EA $ 2.64 632 PLNR,WK/MO,8.25X10-7/8,BK AAG7695005 EA $ 16.94 633 POCKET,3-1/2"EXP,T-TAB,LTR,BLU SMD73225 EA $ 1.41 634 POCKET,ET,LTR,3.5" SMD75165 BX $ 19.16 635 POCKET,LGL REDRP ET STR 5,10/BX SMD74691 BX $ 28.10 636 POCKET,RING BINDER,VINYL,9.56X SPR01606 EA $ 0.53 637 PORTFOLIO,TW PCKT,BE SMD88052 BX $ 18.84 638 PORTFOLIO,TWIN POCKET,BLUE PFX78502 MeadWestvaco Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Sparco Smead Manufacturing Company Esselte Corporation BX $ 8.72 639 POSTCARDS,LSR/INKJT,4X6 AVE5389 Avery Dennison BX $ 11.28 640 POST-IT,FLAGS,ARROW MMM684ARR3 3M PK $ 2.33 641 POST-IT,FLAGS,ARROW MMM684ARR4 3M PK $ 2.33 642 POST-IT,FLAGS,BRIGHTS MMM6834AB 3M PK $ 3.03 643 POST-IT,FLAGS,CC MMM6834 3M PK $ 3.03 644 POST-IT,PAD,12/PK,1.5X2,ASTD MMM653AST 3M PK $ 4.48 645 POST-IT,PAD,RECYCLD,3X5,YELLOW MMM655RPYW 3M PK $ 13.92 646 POST-IT,POP UP,LN,3X3,6PK,YEL MMMR335YW 3M PK $ 5.60 647 POST-IT,RECY,RULED,5X8,YW MMM663YW 3M PK $ 2.74 648 POST-IT,RULED,3 X 3,YW MMM6306PK 3M PK $ 5.18 649 POST-IT,RULED,3X5,YW MMM635YW 3M PK $ 13.89 650 POST-IT,VALUEPK,3X3,24PAD MMMR33024VAD 3M PK $ 17.68 651 POWER,BACKUP,UPS,8OUTL,CBK APWBE550G American Power Conversion EA $ 67.30 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 35 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 652 DESCRIPTION POWERHOUSE ELECTRIC SHARPENER MANUFACTURER SKU# EPI1799 MANUFACTURER NAME X-Acto UOM EA $ PRICE 19.29 653 PRESSBOARD RPT COVER 3 DK BE ACC25973 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 1.20 654 PRESSBOARD RPT COVER 3 LTR BK ACC25971 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 1.20 655 PROTCT,SHT,HVYWT, 200 CNT AVE74401 Avery Dennison BX $ 17.98 656 PROTCT,SHT,TOPLD,ECON,CL BSN74551 Business Source BX $ 2.98 657 PROTCT,SHT,TOPLD,NGL AVE74102 Avery Dennison BX $ 9.97 658 PROTECT & STORE VW BNDR 1" WHT AVE23000 Avery Dennison EA $ 4.22 659 PROTECT,SURGE,M/MITE,8OUTL FEL99090 Fellowes, Inc EA $ 11.33 660 PROTECTOR,SHT,HVYWT,CLR,1C/BX CLI62033 C-Line Products BX $ 9.10 661 PROTECTOR,SURGE,6OUT,6',PY CCS25102 Compucessory EA $ 8.57 662 PUNCH,2-HOLE,1/4" BSN65626 Business Source EA $ 3.00 663 PUNCH,2-HOLE,BLK,35 SHT CAP SWI74050 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 9.13 664 PUNCH,3HOLE,ADJUST,1/4"BK BSN65645 Business Source EA $ 3.28 665 PUNCH,LT DUTY,SOFT GRIP SWI74037 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 7.42 666 PURELL SPRING BLOOM GOJ301412 Purell EA $ 3.39 667 PUSH PIN,ASSORTED,100/BX SPR81001 Sparco BX $ 0.47 668 PUSH PIN,CLEAR,100/BX SPR81002 Sparco Products BX $ 0.47 669 QUICK OVERLAY BINDER LTR 2 WE STW87030 Stride EA $ 6.22 670 QUICKFIT RR VIEW BNDR 1" WE STW88010 Stride EA $ 3.58 671 QUICKFIT RR VIEW BNDR 1.5" WE STW88020 Stride EA $ 4.39 672 QUICKFIT RR VIEW BNDR 2" WE STW88030 Stride EA $ 5.33 673 QUICKNOTES,MTLY,MGMT,SYS AAG760605 MeadWestvaco EA $ 12.64 674 RBN,PRNT,NYL,"C" WIND,BK/RD ITKKOR80CBR Industrias Kores EA $ 1.06 675 RBN,PRNT,POS,TM-U200A/B/375 EPSERC38BR Epson Corporation EA $ 1.41 676 RBN,PRT,NYL,OKI ML182/192,BLK OKI52102001 OKI Data EA $ 7.16 677 RCYCL ADD RL 2.25"X150' WHT,100/CT PMC02677 PM Company CT $ 42.00 678 RECORD BK, GRN CANVAS, 300 PG BOR6718300R Rediform EA $ 30.56 679 REFILL,BADGE,4X3,300 AVE5392 Avery Dennison BX $ 12.07 680 REFILL,BADGE3-1/2X2-1/4,400 AVE5390 Avery Dennison BX $ 12.07 681 REFILL,CAL,DESK,3.5X6,RECY AAGE717R50 MeadWestvaco EA $ 0.77 682 REFILL,DLY,APPT,AAG,3X6,WHT AAGE7175016 MeadWestvaco EA $ 0.77 683 REFILL,G-2,FN,BK PIL77240 Pilot Corporation PK $ 1.04 684 REFILL,PEN,F,0.7MM,2PK,BK ZEB85512 Zebra Pen Corp. PK $ 1.17 685 REFILL,PEN,F,1.0MM,2PK,BK ZEB85412 Zebra Pen Corp. PK $ 1.17 686 REFILL,Q/NOTE,PAD,DLY,3.5X6 AAGE51750 MeadWestvaco EA $ 4.42 687 REFILL,TAPE,CORRECTION,WE TOM68666 Tombow EA $ 1.45 688 REINFORCEMENT,.25",PERM,WHT AVE05720 Avery Dennison PK $ 3.09 689 REMOVER,STAPLE BSN65650 Business Source EA $ 0.22 690 RL,ADD MACH,3",WHT,07702 TSR6300 PM Company EA $ 0.54 691 RL,ADD,1PLY BOND,2.25X150 PMC08835 PM Company PK $ 4.66 692 RL,CALC,THER,2.25X165 PMC05247 PM Company PK $ 2.58 693 RL,CALC,THER,2.25X85 PMC05233 PM Company PK $ 1.37 694 RL,POS,THER,3.13"X230',WE PMC05214 PM Company CT $ 56.27 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 36 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 695 DESCRIPTION RL,STICK BACK,15'X.75"-WE MANUFACTURER SKU# VEK90082 MANUFACTURER NAME Velcro Industries BV 696 ROUND STIC PEN MED BLACK 12PK BICGSM11BK 697 RUBBERBAND,PCG,#117B,7",1# 698 RULER,12",16TH,SGL EDG,WD 699 UOM RL $ PRICE 10.83 BIC DZ $ 0.88 ALL21405 Alliance Rubber BX $ 4.28 ACM05011 Acme United Corp EA $ 0.61 RULER,12",FLEX,PLAS,JWL COL ACM12975 ACME United Corp EA $ 0.52 700 RULER,FLEX,12",SHATTRPRF,CLR ACM13862 ACME United Corp EA $ 0.31 701 RULER,OFFICE,FLEXIBLE,12" ACM05221 Acme United Corp EA $ 0.57 702 RULER,WOOD,METRIC,30CM ACM10702 Acme United Corp EA $ 0.24 703 SAMSUNG TONER MLT-D103L SASMLTD103L Samsung EA $ 57.80 704 SANITIZER,HAND,PURELL,12OZ GOJ365912EA GOJO Industries EA $ 4.56 705 SANITIZER,HAND,PURELL,8OZ GOJ965212CMREA GOJO Industries EA $ 3.28 706 SANITIZER,PURELL,8OZ,PUMP GOJ955212 GOJO Industries EA $ 3.72 707 SCISSORS,POINTED,KIDS SW FSK1055801001 Fiskars EA $ 1.33 708 SET,MARKER,ERASEBLE,EXPO,6 SAN83056 Sanford, L.P ST $ 6.87 709 SHARPENER,PENCIL,ELECTRIC,B EPI1818 Elmer's Products EA $ 15.16 710 SHARPENER,PENCIL,KS,STD EPI1031 X-Acto EA $ 6.74 711 SIDE BINDING REPORT COVERS ACC25073 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 1.59 712 SIDE BINDING REPORT COVERS ACC25078 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 1.59 713 SOAP,LIQUID DIAL,GOLD,7.5OZ DPR84014 Dial EA $ 2.19 714 SOAP,LIQUID,DIAL GLD,1GAL DPR88047 Dial EA $ 14.48 715 SOFTSOAP,LIQUID,7.5OZ CPC26012EA CPM EA $ 1.98 716 SPOON,TEA,PLSTC,HVY/MED WT DXETM207 Georgia Pacific BX $ 2.57 717 STAPLE,OPTIMA,PREMIUM,3750/BX SWI35556 Swingline BX $ 2.82 718 STAPLER, DESKTOP, PREMIUM SWI87800 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 13.18 719 STAPLER,545 SWI54551 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 4.96 720 STAPLER,DESK,FULL STRIP,BK SWI40501 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 2.93 721 STAPLER,DESK,STD,FULL,BLACK SWI44401 Swingline EA $ 4.93 722 STAPLER,ECONOMY,14,BK RPD73602 Esselte Corporation EA $ 3.53 723 STAPLER,FULL STRIP,BK BSN65648 Business Source EA $ 1.81 724 STAPLER,FULL STRIP,BLK,#747 SWI74701 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 9.72 725 STAPLER,FULL STRIP,BLK,ECON SWI54501 ACCO Brands Corporation EA $ 3.52 726 STAPLES,CRTDG,FOR #5000 SWI50050 ACCO Brands Corporation BX $ 7.79 727 STAPLES,HVY DTY,1/2" SWI35550 ACCO Brands Corporation BX $ 2.99 728 STAPLES,HVY DTY,1/2"-1M/BX SWI35312 ACCO Brands Corporation BX $ 3.55 729 STAPLES,STD,105/STRIP,5M/BX SWI35440 ACCO Brands Corporation BX $ 1.87 730 STAPLES,STD,CH PT,5M/PLSTC BX SWI35450 BX $ 1.82 731 STAPLES,STD,CHISEL POINT BOSSBS1914CP BX $ 0.47 732 STICK,STIR,WE/RD,5.5" GJO20050 ACCO Brands Corporation Stanley-Bostitch Office Products Genuine Joe BX $ 1.34 733 STORE'N GO 4GB 3PK USB DRIVE VER97002 Verbatim America, LLC PK $ 12.76 734 STORE'N'GO USB DRIVE 4GB 2.0 VER44048 Verbatim America, LLC EA $ 6.00 735 SURGE,HOME,6 OUTLET,SURGEMASTR BLKF9H62006MTL EA $ 11.77 736 TAB,HNG FLDR,1/3CUT,25,CR SMD64615 Belkin Smead Manufacturing Company PK $ 1.39 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 37 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SKU# 737 TAB,HNG FLDR,1/5CUT,25,CR SMD64600 738 TAB,MYLAR,11X9,5 CLEAR AVE11221 MANUFACTURER NAME Smead Manufacturing Company Avery Dennison 739 TAPE,1/2"-BK/WE,2 PK BRTM2312PK 740 TAPE,BOOK,TRANS,2"X15YD 741 742 UOM PRICE PK $ 1.13 ST $ 0.81 Brother PK $ 11.34 MMM8452 3M RL $ 4.17 TAPE,CELLO 3/4"X1296 1"CORE MMM5910341296 3M RL $ 0.75 TAPE,COR,SGL TRAC,1LN TOM68684 Tombow PK $ 2.44 743 TAPE,CORR,DRY FILM,1LN,WHT TOM68620 Tombow EA $ 1.26 744 TAPE,CORREC,WITE-OUT BICWOTAP10 BIC BX $ 12.06 745 TAPE,CORRECT,SSDE,10PK ITA60233 Integra PK $ 4.11 746 TAPE,CORRECTION,2-PCK,WE TOM68627 Tombow PK $ 3.20 747 TAPE,CORRECTION,BIC,1PK BICWOTAPP11 BIC EA $ 1.43 748 TAPE,CORRECTION,LP DRYLINE,2PK PAP662415 Sanford, L.P PK $ 3.66 749 TAPE,CORRECTION,LP,RCYCLD,2PK PAP1744480 Sanford, L.P PK $ 3.66 750 TAPE,CORRECTION,MONO,MEGA TOM68690 Tombow EA $ 2.04 751 TAPE,CORRECTION,REFLABLE TOM68665 Tombow EA $ 1.86 752 TAPE,CORRECTION,RETRO,AST 6/BX TOM68670 Tombow PK $ 7.77 753 TAPE,CORRECTION,WE ITA60032 Integra EA $ 0.58 754 TAPE,DOUBLE SIDED,PERM,2/PK MMM6652PK 3M PK $ 6.37 755 TAPE,HGLND,INVISBLE,1/2"X1296" MMM6200121296 3M RL $ 0.69 756 TAPE,HGLND,INVISBLE,3/4"X1296" MMM6200341296 3M RL $ 0.91 757 TAPE,INVISABLE,3/4X1000 MMM810K16 3M PK $ 25.22 758 TAPE,INVISBL,3/4X1000,24PK MMM810K24 3M PK $ 34.99 759 TAPE,INVISBL,ECON,3/4X1000 MMM6200341000 3M PK $ 4.90 760 TAPE,LBL,.5",LT,PLAS,BLK/CLR DYM16952 Newell Rubbermaid, Inc EA $ 3.67 761 TAPE,LETTERING,.5",BLACK/WHITE BRTTZE231 Brother EA $ 9.79 762 TAPE,LTR,MTL,1/2"-BK/WE BRTM231 Brother EA $ 6.08 763 TAPE,MASK,.75"X60YD MMM23434 3M RL $ 3.73 764 TAPE,MASK,2"X60YD MMM2322 3M RL $ 11.24 765 TAPE,MASK,BULK,1"X60YD MMM2321 3M RL $ 5.62 766 TAPE,MASK,BULK,2X60YD MMM2342 3M RL $ 9.34 767 TAPE,MASK,ECON,2""X60YD MMM260048A 3M PK $ 12.33 768 TAPE,MASKING,1"X60 YDS,3M MMM2341 3M EA $ 4.66 769 TAPE,MASKING,GP,3/4"X60YD,BULK MMM23234 3M RL $ 4.73 770 TAPE,SCOTCH,3/4"X1000,10PK MMM810P10K 3M PK $ 16.52 771 TAPE,SCOTCH,TRANSPARENT,2/PK MMM6002P3472 3M PK $ 5.94 772 TAPE,TRANS,3M,3/4x1000,12/PK MMM600K12 3M PK $ 17.23 773 TAPE,TRANS,MAGIC,3/4"W,1"CO MMM810341296 3M RL $ 2.05 774 TAPE,TRANSPAR,1/2"W,1"CORE MMM600121296 3M RL $ 1.32 775 TAPE,TRANSPAR,3/4"W,1"CORE MMM600341296 3M RL $ 1.78 776 TAPE,TRANSPARENT,1/2"X1296" MMM5910121296 3M RL $ 0.52 777 TAPE,W/DISP,.75"X300"-TRANS MMM105 3M RL $ 0.93 778 TI-30XIISOLAR SCIENTIFIC CALC TEXTI30XIIS Texas Instruments EA $ 13.05 779 TICONDEROGA #2 PENCIL DIX13830 Dixon PK $ 5.14 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 38 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. 780 DESCRIPTION TISSUE,FACIAL,2PLY MANUFACTURER SKU# GEP48100BX MANUFACTURER NAME Georgia-Pacific 781 TISSUE,FACIAL,2PLY,100SH,WE GJO26100 782 TISSUE,FACIAL,KLEENEXBUTQUE 783 TISSUE,KLEENEX,BOUTIQUE,6PK 784 UOM BX $ PRICE 0.97 Genuine Joe BX $ 0.63 KIM21270BX Kimberly-Clark BX $ 1.62 KIM21271 Kimberly-Clark PK $ 9.35 TRAY,LETTER,MESH,DSKACCESS ROL62555 Sanford, L.P EA $ 4.18 785 TRAY,LTR,HIGH CAP,STACK,EY RUB17601 EA $ 8.10 786 WALLET W/VELCRO CLOSE 2"EXP SMD77142 EA $ 1.13 787 WALLET, 3-1/2", LTR,RD ROPE SMD72088 EA $ 2.13 788 WASHABLE WHTBRD ERASER QRT920335 Rubbermaid Smead Manufacturing Company Smead Manufacturing Company Quartet Duster EA $ 2.30 789 WASTEBASKET,DESKSIDE,BK RCP295600BK Rubbermaid EA $ 3.85 790 WASTEBASKET,RECT,13 QT CAP,BLK RCP295500BK Rubbermaid EA $ 5.32 791 WATER,DEER PARK,24/500ML BKMPEDP5050563 Nestlé USA CS $ 6.21 792 WATER,PURE LIFE,16.9OZ BKMPEPL5101264 Nestle Pure Life CS $ 4.99 793 WATER,PURE LIFE,8OZ BKMPEPL8002228 Nestle Pure Life PK $ 3.47 794 WIPE,DISINFECT,CLOROX,35/BTL COX01593EA The Clorox Company EA $ 2.68 795 WIPES,100CT,CAN,PURELL GOJ911112EA GOJO Industries EA $ 5.18 796 WIPES,DISINFECTANT,CLOROX COX15949EA The Clorox Company EA $ 5.23 797 WIPES,DISINFECTING,CLOROX COX15948EA The Clorox Company EA $ 5.99 798 WIPES,LYSOL SNTZNG,SPRNG,80CT RAC77925EA Reckitt Benckiser EA $ 4.65 799 WIPES,LYSOL,LMNLM BLOSSOM,80CT RAC77182EA Lysol EA $ 4.95 800 WIPES,ONE STEP,24EA/BX REARR1209 Advantus Corp BX $ 3.33 801 WRITE BROS MP .7MM AST DZ PAP74407 Paper Mate DZ $ 1.82 802 X-ACTO MIGHTY MITE SHARPENER EPI19501 X-Acto EA $ 12.17 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 39 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 TSRC INC PRICING SCHEDULE B: TONER ITEM NO. 1 DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SKU# MANUFACTURER NAME CANON INK PGI-35 BLACK CNM1509B002 Canon UOM PRICE EA $ 12.77 2 PAPER,INK CRT,KP108IN,WHT CNM3115B001 Canon PK $ 26.60 3 CRTDG,INK,DESKJT,BLK,1120/YLD HEW51645A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 29.46 4 HP INK 23 TRI-COLOR CARTRIDGE HEWC1823D Hewlett-Packard EA $ 37.55 5 HP TONER C4096A 96A BLK HEWC4096A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 97.49 6 CRTDG,TNR,LASERJET 4000,HI YLD HEWC4127X Hewlett Packard EA $ 123.98 7 HP INK 11 CYN HEWC4836A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 31.92 8 HP INK 11 MAG HEWC4837A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 31.92 9 HP INK 11 YLW HEWC4838A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 31.92 10 HP INK 10 BLACK HEWC4844A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 31.10 11 HP INK 940 BLACK HEWC4902AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 19.72 12 HP INK 940 CYAN HEWC4903AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 14.57 13 HP INK 940 MAGENTA HEWC4904AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 14.57 14 HP INK 940 YELLOW HEWC4905AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 14.57 15 HP INK 940XL BLACK HEWC4906AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 30.01 16 HP INK 78 TRI CLR HEWC6578DN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 31.79 17 CRTDG,INKJT,DSKJT 810C,812C HEWC6615DN Hewlett Packard EA $ 28.82 18 CRTDG,HP 56,DSKJT 5550,BK HEWC6656AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 20.83 19 HP INK 57 TRI CLR HEWC6657AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 33.19 20 HP TONER 15A BLK HEWC7115A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 60.56 21 HP TONER 15X BLK HEWC7115X Hewlett-Packard EA $ 64.68 22 CRTDG,SMTPRT,LRJT4100SRS,HY HEWC8061X Hewlett Packard EA $ 123.98 23 C8543X TONER, 38000 PAGE-YIELD HEWC8543X Hewlett Packard EA $ 216.73 24 CRTDG,HP 27,DSKJT 3425,BK HEWC8727AN Hewlett Packard EA $ 17.80 25 HP INK 94 BLK HEWC8765WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 21.10 26 HP 95 TRICOLOR PRINT CARTRIDGE HEWC8766WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 24.18 27 HP INK 96 BLK HEWC8767WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 29.63 28 HP INK 21 BLK HEWC9351AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 12.69 29 HP INK 22 TRI CLR HEWC9352AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 17.06 30 HP INK 97 TRI CLR HEWC9363WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 33.19 31 CRTDG,CLR LJ 4600 SRS,BK HEWC9720A Hewlett Packard EA $ 150.45 32 HP INK 564 BLACK HEWCB316WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 10.17 33 HP INK 74XL BLK HEWCB336WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 33.24 34 HP TONER CB436A 36A BLK HEWCB436A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 58.52 35 TONER,HP CB540A,BLACK HEWCB540A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 56.36 36 Toner,HP CB541A,Cyan HEWCB541A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 51.81 37 Toner,HP CB542A,Yellow HEWCB542A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 51.81 38 Toner,HP CB543A,Magenta HEWCB543A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 51.81 39 HP TONER 64A BLK HEWCC364A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 123.00 40 HP TONER 304A BLK HEWCC530A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 88.18 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 40 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SKU# MANUFACTURER NAME 41 HP TONER 304A CYN HEWCC531A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 86.91 42 HP TONER 304A YELLOW HEWCC532A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 86.91 43 HP TONER 304A MAG HEWCC533A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 86.91 44 HP 60 INK CTRG BLK HEWCC640WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 13.47 45 HP 60XL INK CTG BLK HEWCC641WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 31.34 46 HP 60 TRI-CLR INK HEWCC643WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 16.35 47 HP 901XL BLK INK CTG HEWCC654AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 29.81 48 HP 901 TRI-CLR INK HEWCC656AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 21.31 49 HP INK 920 BLACK HEWCD971AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 15.75 50 INK,HP 920XL,BLACK HEWCD975AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 28.94 51 HP TONER BLACK HEWCE250A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 96.57 52 HP TONER BLACK HIGH YIELD HEWCE250X Hewlett-Packard EA $ 135.25 53 HP TONER CYAN HEWCE251A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 185.17 54 HP TONER YELLOW HEWCE252A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 185.17 55 HP TONER MAGENTA HEWCE253A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 185.17 56 TONER,HP LJ CE255A,BLACK HEWCE255A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 103.29 57 HP TONER CE260A BLACK HEWCE260A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 113.83 58 HP TONER CE261A CYAN HEWCE261A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 201.48 59 HP TONER 78A BLK HEWCE278A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 55.44 60 HP TONER 85A BLK HEWCE285A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 48.41 61 HP TONER 128A BLK HEWCE320A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 50.62 62 HP TONER 128A CYN HEWCE321A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 48.16 63 HP TONER 128A YLW HEWCE322A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 48.16 64 HP TONER 128A MAG HEWCE323A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 48.16 65 HP TONER 05A BLK HEWCE505A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 70.40 66 HP 61 BLACK INK CARTRIDGE HEWCH561WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 11.95 67 HP 61 TRI-COLOR INK CARTRIDGE HEWCH562WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 15.74 68 HP 61XL BLACK INK CARTRIDGE HEWCH563WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 25.83 69 HP INK 950XL BLACK CARTRIDGE HEWCN045AN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 29.86 70 HP 564XL BLACK INK CARTRIDGE HEWCN684WN Hewlett-Packard EA $ 20.04 71 LEXMARK TONER E260 BLACK LEXE260A11A Lexmark EA $ 93.56 72 CRTDG,SMART PRT,LJ 4200 SRS HEWQ1338A Hewlett Packard EA $ 134.56 73 CARTRIDGE,LASER,Q2612A HEWQ2612A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 55.01 74 HP TONER 13A BLK HEWQ2613A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 71.06 75 HP TONER 13X BLK HEWQ2613X Hewlett-Packard EA $ 86.12 76 CRTDG,LSR,S PRT,LJ4250/4350 HEWQ5942A Hewlett Packard EA $ 129.93 77 HP TONER 49A BLK HEWQ5949A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 71.06 78 CRTDG,LSR,F/4700,BK HEWQ5950A Hewlett Packard EA $ 155.57 79 TONER,LJ 2600N,BK HEWQ6000A Hewlett Packard EA $ 66.19 80 TONER,LJ 2600N,CYN HEWQ6001A Hewlett Packard EA $ 72.26 81 TONER,LJ 2600N,YW HEWQ6002A Hewlett Packard EA $ 72.26 82 TONER,LJ 2600N,MA HEWQ6003A Hewlett Packard EA $ 72.26 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 41 of 88 UOM PRICE Contract E194-72924-MA2079 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER SKU# MANUFACTURER NAME UOM PRICE 83 HP TONER 501A BLK HEWQ6470A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 113.77 84 HP TONER 11A BLK HEWQ6511A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 108.49 85 HP TONER 53A BLK HEWQ7553A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 67.99 86 HP LJ CYAN TONER CART Q7581A HEWQ7581A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 143.76 87 HP LJ YELLOW TONER CART Q7582A HEWQ7582A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 143.76 88 HP LJ MAGENTA TNR CART 07583A HEWQ7583A Hewlett-Packard EA $ 145.45 89 EPSON INK T060120-S BLK EPST060120 Epson EA $ 20.32 90 CRTDG,TNR,HL1250/MFC8600 BRTTN430 Brother EA $ 45.59 91 CRTDG,TNR,HI YLD,F/HL1250 BRTTN460 Brother EA $ 64.18 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 42 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 IV. DISCOUNT STRUCTURE Minimum discount structure for the Commonwealth of Virginia TSRC INC PRICING SCHEDULE C: OTHER DISCOUNTS – OFFICE SUPPLIES & TONER PRODUCTS Discounts from Schedule C apply to the items in the current TSRC Catalog. 1 Binders & Binding Supplies»Binders»Presentation/View» Manufacturer Discount % Avery Dennison 47 Cardinal 47 JM 70 Oxford 50 Samsill 47 Southworth 70 Wilson Jones 45 Avery Dennison 48 ACCO 50 Cardinal 47 Oxford 50 Samsill 49 Wilson Jones 45 Binders & Binding Supplies»Binders»Ring» Binders/Binding Supplies Post, Post Binder Posts, Ring Binder Acc, Zippered Ring, Punchless ACCO 50 Avery 50 Boorum & Pease 50 C-Line 70 Cardinal 50 CLI 70 JM 70 Oxford 50 Smead 70 Wilson Jones 50 Samsill 50 General Binding Corp 55 Ibico 70 Binders & Binding Supplies»Binding Systems»Comb/Wire Binding Systems» Binders/Binding Supplies»Binding Systems»Index Sets», Plastic Coil Punch Binding Systems, Strip Binding Systems», Thermal Binding Systems» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 43 of 88 Avery 55 GBC 55 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Fellowes 55 Avery Dennison 47 Cardinal 47 Wilson Jones 42 Avery Dennison 47 Cardinal 42 Postfax 70 Wilson Jones 42 Binders & Binding Supplies»Indexes»Dividers» Binders & Binding Supplies»Indexes»Printer/Copier» Binders & Binding Supplies»Indexes»Other: Insertable Tab», Preprinted», Stick-On Tabs Avery 47 Lee 46 Wilson Jones 46 Avery 47 Duo-Tang 46 Earthwise 46 Oxford 46 Smead 47 Southworth 60 Acco Brands 47 Avery 46 Duo-Tang 46 Oxford 46 Smead 47 Duo-Tang 46 Esselte Pendaflex 46 Smead 47 Binders & Binding Supplies»Report Covers»Pocket Portfolios» Binders & Binding Supplies»Report Covers»Prong Fasteners» Binders & Binding Supplies»Report Covers»Tang Fasteners» Binders & Binding Supplies»Report Covers»Other: Punchless», Three Hole Punched Inserts» Avery 47 C-Line 46 Duo-Tang 42 Durable 41 Oxford 42 Avery Dennison 47 C-Line Products 46 JM 70 Binders & Binding Supplies»Sheet Protectors»Ring Binder» Binders/Binding Supplies/Sheet Protectors/Hanging/Indexed/Self-Adhesive Pockets/Ticket Holders JM 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 44 of 88 70 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Avery 47 C-Line 46 Oxford 42 Smead 70 Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesAppointment Books»Daily» At-a-Glance 55 House of Doolittle 50 At-a-Glance 55 House of Doolittle 50 Rubbermaid 70 At-a-Glance 55 At-a-Glance 55 At-a-Glance 55 House of Doolittle 50 Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesAppointment Books»Monthly» Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesAppointment Books»Planner Stands» Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesAppointment Books»Time Management» Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesAppointment Books»Weekly Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesBoards/Planning»Planning», Planning/Magnetic Accessories At a Glance 50 Deflect-O 46 Magna Visual 46 Quartet 47 Visual Organizers 70 At-a-Glance 55 House of Doolittle 50 Rubbermaid 70 At-a-Glance 55 House of Doolittle 50 Visual Organizers 70 At a Glance 55 House of Doolittle 50 At a Glance 55 House of Doolittle 50 Visual Organizers 70 Aurora 70 Executive Impressions 70 Stebco 70 Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesCalendars»Desk» Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesCalendars»Desk Pad» Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesCalendars»Desk/Wall» Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesCalendars»Wall» Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesCases»Luggage Carts» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 45 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 lorell 41 Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesCases»Other: Business» Catalog», Ring Binder», Student», Travel» 3M 70 Angler's 70 Bond Street Ltd 70 Executive Impressions 70 Fellowes 70 Hazel 50 Kensington 45 Safco 70 Samsill 45 Samsonite 45 Smead 70 Stebco 45 Day-Timer 45 Franklin Covey 45 At-a-Glance 55 ProductsCalendars, Planners & BriefcasesOrganizers»Personal Calendars, Planners & BriefcasesPad Holders»Other: Leather», Organizer Style», Vinyl» Bond Street Ltd 70 Executive Impressions 70 Hazel 70 Samsill 47 Smead 70 Stebco 41 Victor 70 Wilson Jones 60 Cash/Check HandlingBags/Boxes/Other: Cash Bags, Cash Boxes and Trays, Check Security 3 Boxes Buddy No Longer Available PM Company 45 Quality Park 70 Sentry 49 MMF 45 Cash/Check HandlingCoin Counting: Coin Changers/Counters/Coin Holders/Coin Roll Wrappers 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 46 of 88 McGill 70 PM Company 45 Fireking 70 Sentry 70 MMF 45 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Cleaning Supplies/Computer»Compressed 4 Air» Endust 70 Falcon 45 Fellowes 45 Kensington Microwave 45 Read Right 45 Compucessory 45 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Cleaning Supplies/Computer»CRT Screen» 3M 42 Fellowes 42 Kensington 42 Read Right 45 Compucessory 45 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Cleaning Supplies/Computer»Other: Drive/Head», Keyboard/Mouse», Media(CD/Diskette/Optical)», Printer/Fax», Surface Cleaners», Vacuums» DEC 70 Endust 70 Exabyte 70 Fellows 45 Fuji 41 IBM 60 Imation 41 Kensington 42 Kodak 70 Maxell 41 Metro Data-Vac 60 Minolta 70 Quantum 70 Read Right 42 Sony 70 Tektronix 70 Rubbermaid 42 ADS Technologies 70 Belkin 49 Fellowes 70 HP 50 Okidata 42 Verbatim 50 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Computer»Cables/Switches» Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Computer»Software» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 47 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Avery 70 American Power 42 Belkin 45 Fellowes 42 Kensington 42 Tripp Lite 42 Compucessory 47 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Computer»Surge Protectors» Computer Hardware/Supplies/Data Storage: Keyboard Drawers, Keyboard Accessories 3M 45 Allsop 70 Balt 45 Bush 45 Dome 70 Ergonomic Concepts 70 Fellowes 45 Global 70 HON Industries 52 Iceberg 45 Kensington 45 Master Products 70 Maxon 70 Mayline 45 Master Products 70 National Office Furniture 70 Rohr 70 Rubbermaid 45 Safco 45 Compucessory 47 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Monitor Filters», Monitor Arms», Monitor Mount Copyholders», Monitor Organizers», Monitor Stands» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 48 of 88 3M 45 Fellowes 45 Buddy 45 CLI 70 Eldon 45 Executive Impressions 45 Fellowes 45 Iceberg 45 Kantek 45 Kensington 45 Mead-Hatcher 62 Rubbermaid 45 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Safco 45 Spectrum 70 Vu-Ryte 70 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage» Cable Management», Covers», CPU Stands», Mouse Pads, Trays, Supplies, Safety and Security», Tool Kits», Wrist Rests 3M 42 Allsop 70 Belkin 45 Case Logic 70 Fellowes 42 Kantek 41 Kensington 41 Master 70 Rohr 70 Rubbermaid 45 Safco 45 Targus 70 Compucessory 47 Computer Hardware/Supplies/Data Storage/ Keyboards/ Monitors/ Mouses/Power Control Centers 3M 41 Belkin 45 Fellowes 42 Genovation 70 Interlink Electronics 70 Kensington 41 Logitech 41 Micro Innovations 62 Targus 70 Compucessory 47 Fuji 70 HP 70 I-Mation 42 Maxell 42 Memorex 42 Prism 70 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Data Storage»CD» Sony 70 TDK 70 Verbatim 42 Compucessory 47 Fuji 70 IBM 70 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Data Storage»DVD» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 49 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Imation 42 Maxell 42 Memorex 42 Sony 70 TDK 70 Verbatim 42 Compucessory 47 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Data Storage»Data Cartridges/Tapes/Reels» Exabyte 70 Hewlett Packard (HP) 52 I-Mation 42 Maxell 52 Sony 70 TDK 70 Verbatim 70 3M 70 Avery 70 C-Line 41 Eldon 70 Fellowes 42 Imation 42 Kantek 42 Maxell 42 Smead 46 TDK 41 Verbatim 41 Cardinal Brand 42 Compucessory 47 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Media Management»CD/DVD» Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Media Management»CD/DVD Shredder/Destroyer» Kensington 50 Norazza 70 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Media Management»CD/DVD Sleeves» Quality 47 Avery 70 Fellowes 47 Compucessory 52 3M 70 Advantus 70 Avery 70 C-Line 70 Exponent 70 Computer Hardware/Supplies/Data Storage/Media Management/Diskette/Zip/ 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 50 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Fellowes 47 Master Products 41 Sentry 41 Compucessory 52 Fellowes 70 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Microfiche»Storage» Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»Notebook/PDA and Mobile Computing Accessories Cases», Cleaners», Furniture Stands», Monitor Filter», Security», Surge Protection», Wrist Rests» 3M 42 At a Glance 70 AT Cross 70 Avery 70 Balt 42 Belkin 45 Bic 45 Bond Street Ltd 70 Canon 70 Day-Timer 70 Executive Impressions 70 Fellowes 42 Hazel 70 HP 70 Kensington 42 Micro Innovations 70 Papermate 70 Pilot 70 Read Right 70 Stebco 70 Targus 70 Compucessory 47 Computer Hardware/Supplies/Data Storage/Printer Stands/Carts/Other: Desktop, Floor/Mobile Epson 70 Fellowes 42 HP 70 Kensington 42 Safco 42 lorell 47 General Ribbon 70 Nu-kote 70 Victor 70 DPS 52 Computer Hardware, Supplies & Data Storage»RibbonsCalculator» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 51 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Computer Hardware/Supplies & Data Storage/Ribbons/Cash Register/POS/Financial/ATM/Printers/Typewriter/Corr. Ribbons Adler 70 Brother 47 Curtis-Young 70 Dataproducts 52 DEC 70 Epson 47 General Ribbon 70 Genicom 47 HP 70 Lexmark 47 Mannesmann Tally 70 NCR 70 Nu-Kote 70 Okidata 47 Olivetti 70 Output Tech 70 Panasonic 70 PM Company 70 Smith Corona 70 Texas Instruments 70 DPS 52 Files & Filing SuppliesCard Filing»Address Card Files», Business Card Files and Holders», Business Card Punch/Tabs», Index Card Files», Rotary Files» Avery 70 Buddy 70 C-Line 70 Durable 70 Eldon 51 Oxford 62 Rolodex 51 Rubbermaid 51 Samsill 51 Files & Filing SuppliesCards»Card Guides», Card Protectors», Continuous», File», Index Avery 70 Oxford 62 Rolodex 51 Smead 70 Master Products 51 Tarifold 51 Fellowes 51 Files & Filing SuppliesCatalog Racks»Counter», Indexes» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 52 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Durable 51 Acco Brands 70 Smead 70 ACCO 55 Oxford 45 SJ Paper 70 Smead 60 Globe-Weis 60 Acco Brands 45 Files & Filing SuppliesFile Fasteners»Fasteners/Washers» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Fasteners»Other: 2-Piece», Self-Adhesive» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Classification» Gussco 70 Oxford 45 Pendaflex 51 Quality Park 70 SJ Paper 70 Globe-Weis 51 Smead 51 Smead 51 Oxford 45 Pendaflex 51 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Oxford 45 SJ Paper 70 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Classification, CONTINUED Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Colored» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»End Tab» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Hanging Folder Frames» Eldon 70 Fellowes 70 Pendaflex 54 Smead 56 Officemate 56 SP Richards 56 Earthwise 50 Oxford 45 Pendaflex 51 Safco 70 Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Hanging» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 53 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Avery 49 Pendaflex 49 Smead 59 Globe-Weis 59 Earthwise 50 Esselte Pendaflex 56 Smead 56 Globe-Weis 56 Oxford 45 Smead 56 Globe-Weis 56 Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Insertable Tabs and Inserts» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Interior» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Manila» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Folders»Other: Card Size», Dividers», Expanding», Guide Height», Kraft Media», Mortgage», Plastic», Preprinted Tab», Pressboard» Oxford 45 Pendaflex 45 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Avery Dennison 70 Oxford 49 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Oxford 45 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Files & Filing SuppliesFile Guides»End Tab» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Guides»Top Tabs» Files & Filing SuppliesFile Jackets/Other:Colored/Library Card Pocket/Manila/Slash-Cut/Transparent 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 54 of 88 Avery 70 Beautone 70 C-Line 70 Earthwise 45 JM 41 Oxford 41 Quality Park 70 SJ Paper 70 Smead 51 Wilson Jones 41 Globe-Weis 51 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Files & Filing SuppliesFile Pockets»Drop Front» SJ Paper 70 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Oxford 41 Smead 51 Files & Filing SuppliesFile Pockets»End Tab» Globe-Weis Files & Filing SuppliesFile Pockets»Expanding» 51 41 Oxford 41 Pendaflex 41 Wilson Jones 41 Smead 51 Globe-Weis 51 Buddy 70 Deflect-O 70 Eldon 70 Fellowes 45 Oxford 41 Rubbermaid 70 Sentry 70 lorell 45 Rubbermaid 45 Bankers Box 51 Fellowes 51 Files & Filing SuppliesFiles»Personal» Files & Filing SuppliesFiles»Storage» Globe-Weis 51 Oxford 51 Rubbermaid 45 Files & Filing SuppliesFiles»Other: Art & Drafting, Expanding, Magnetic Pocket, Mobile, Pocket Stands», Portable», Storage Systems», Wall/Partition Pocket» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 55 of 88 Advantus 45 Bankers Box 70 Beautone 70 Buddy 45 Carver 70 Deflect-O 41 Earthwise 45 Eldon 60 Fellowes 41 JM 70 Oxford 41 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Pendaflex 41 Rubbermaid 51 Safco 41 Smead 70 Wilson Jones 41 Bankers Box 51 Buddy 51 Deflect-O 51 Fellowes 51 Gould Plastics 70 Rubbermaid 45 Bretford 51 Buddy 51 Deflect-O 51 Gould 70 Rubbermaid 51 Files & Filing SuppliesLiterature/Magazine Files»Literature Centers» Files & Filing SuppliesLiterature/Magazine Files»Wall/Partition» Files/Filing SuppliesLiterature/Magazine Files/Stands Counter/Floor, Magazine Covers/Holders,Racks Bretford 51 Buddy 51 Deflect-O 51 Eldon 60 Fellowes 51 JM 70 Oxford 51 Perma 70 Rubbermaid 51 Oxford 51 Smead 51 Fellowes 51 Files & Filing SuppliesSortersDesk Files» MMF 51 Officemate 56 C-Line 51 Oxford 51 Deflect-O 51 American Map 70 Houghtin Mifflin 45 Merriam-Webster 45 Files & Filing SuppliesSortersIndexed Wall Mount» Forms, Record Keeping & Reference»Books»Reference» Forms, Record Keeping & Reference»Books»Other: Account», Bookkeeping Record», Electronic 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 56 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Reference», Notary Record», Record and Minute», Rental Record», Visitor» At a Glance 55 Avery 60 Boorum & Pease 55 Day Timer 51 Dome 55 Franklin 50 Wilson Jones 55 National 55 Ampad 70 Post-it 70 Rediform 70 Tops 70 Rediform 70 Tops 70 Forms, Record Keeping & Reference»Forms»Message» Forms, Record Keeping & Reference»Forms»Money and Rent Receipts» Forms, Record Keeping & Reference» Columnar/Ledger», Credit/Debit», Expense», Gift Certificates Inventory, Invoices, Petty Cash/Check, At a Glance 70 Beaches 70 Tops 55 Forms, Record Keeping & Reference»Human Resources»Awards, Certificates and Plaques» Advantus 70 Dax 70 Gepgraphics 70 JM 70 Visual Organizers 70 Oxford 70 DAX 70 Forms, Record Keeping/Reference,Human Resources/Labor Law Posters/Motivational/Suggestion Boxes Advantus 60 Buddy 60 Deflect-O 60 Oxford 60 Quality Park 60 Rediform 60 Safco 60 Mead Hatcher by Master 70 McGill 70 Advantus 60 Forms, Record Keeping & Reference»Ledger»Posting Systems Forms, Record Keeping & Reference»Legal Supplies»Gavels 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 57 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Forms, Record Keeping/Reference,Maps,Globes, Atlases,Flags,Map Marking Systems, Zip Code Guides Advantus 60 American Map 60 Dome 70 Hammond 70 Houghton Mifflin 70 Rand McNally 45 Furniture & Room AccessoriesBookcases»Other: Metal», Wood» Hon 51 Safco 51 lorell 51 Master Products 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesCasters»Casters» Furniture & Room AccessoriesChairs»Other: Cushions and Accessories», Folding and Stacking», Folding/Stacking Carts/Dollies, Guest & Side, Leather, Metal/Office, Outdoor Seating, Stools, Wood Hon 51 Safco 51 lorell 51 Chicago Lighthouse 50 lorell 51 Deflect-O 51 3M 51 Fellowes 51 lorell 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesClocks»Other: Travel», Wall» Furniture & Room AccessoriesClothes Racks»Hooks» Furniture/Room AccessoriesClothes Racks/Hangers/Panel System Hooks/Trees & Floor Standing/Wall Racks Quartet 51 lorell 51 Balt 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesComputer Furniture»Other: Equipment Carts/Stands», Mobile Workstations», Network Systems», Printer Stands», Sit/Stand Workstations», Workstations» Hon 51 Safco 51 Hon 51 lorell 51 Hon 51 lorell 51 Officemate 51 MMF 51 Quartet 43 Furniture & Room AccessoriesDesks»Other: Metal», Resin», Shop», Wood» Furniture & Room AccessoriesDisplay Cases»Wood» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 58 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Furniture & Room AccessoriesDoorstops and Door Hardware»Doorstops» Master 61 Hon 51 lorell 51 MMF 51 Bush 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesFile Cabinets»Mobile» Furniture & Room AccessoriesFile Cabinets»Other: Card/Data/Other», Insulated», Lateral, Metal», Lateral, Wood», Locks», Pedestal», Shelf Files», Vertical, Metal», Vertical, Wood» Fireking 51 Hon 51 lorell 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesFile Cabinets»Other: Card/Data/Other», Insulated, Lateral, Metal, Lateral, Wood, Locks, Pedestal, Shelf File, Vertical, Metal, Vertical, Wood, CONTINUED HON 51 lorell 51 Master 51 Fellowes 45 Kensington 45 Rubbermaid 45 Master 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesFloor and Surface Protectors»Surface Protectors» Furniture & Room AccessoriesFootrests»Footrests Furniture & Room AccessoriesFurniture Movers»Other: Sliders», Table Movers Furniture & Room AccessoriesHutches & Stack-On Storage/Other: Accessories, Metal, Resin, Wood Hon 51 lorell 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesLamps and Lighting»Other: Clamp/Clip-On», Desk/Table», Floor», Halogen», Magnifiers», Panel System», Under-Cabinet» Ledu 51 lorell 51 Deflect-O 51 lorell 51 Genuine Joe 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesMats»Chair» Furniture & Room AccessoriesMats»Floor» Furniture & Room AccessoriesPanel Systems: Panel Accessories», Panels, Partitions, Work Area Components Hon 51 Advantus 60 Dax 60 Visual Organizers 70 Southward 60 Furniture & Room AccessoriesPicture Frames»Certificate/Document» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 59 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Oxford 60 Furniture & Room AccessoriesPicture Frames»Other: Photo», Picture Hangers», Poster» Advantus 60 Dax 60 Eldon 70 Magna Visual 60 3M 45 Fellowes 51 lorell 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesPrinter Stands»Other: Resin», Wood» Furniture & Room AccessoriesShelving Other: Files, Heavy-Duty, Light-Duty, Multimedia, Post Kits Metal Shelving Fellowes 51 Safco 51 Tennsco 51 lorell 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesSigns/Changeable Signs/Conference Room/Electronic/Holders Deflect-O 51 Eldon 51 Fellowes 51 Quartet 70 Hon 51 Tennsco 51 Safco 51 lorell 51 Furniture & Room AccessoriesStorage»Other: Cabinets», Lockers Furniture & Room AccessoriesTables»Other: Drafting/Drawing Board, Folding, Office/Side/Meeting Room», Reception Room», Utility Hon 51 Safco 51 lorell 51 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Bathroom Supplies»Paper Goods» Carlyle 70 Fort Howard Paper 60 Georgia Pacific 40 Kimberly-Clark 40 Marcal 40 Procter & Gamble 40 Genuine Joe 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Bathroom Supplies, Dispensers, Feminine Hygiene, Soap and Soap Dispensers, Toilet Seat Covers, Trash Receptacles 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 60 of 88 Colgate Palmolive 40 Dial 40 Fort James 60 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Georgia Pacific 40 Gojo 40 Kimberly-Clark 40 United Receptacle 60 WD40 60 Genuine Joe 40 MMF 40 Buddy 50 Iceberg 50 Rubbermaid 50 Safco 50 Tennsco 50 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies/Carts/Service/Utility Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Cleaning Supplies»Wipes and Cleaning Cloths» Clorox 40 Drackett 40 Fort Howard Paper 60 Kimberly-Clark 40 3M 40 Janitorial/Maintenance & Lunchroom Supplies/Cleaning,Adhesive Removers,Air Fresheners,Floor Cleaners Detergent, Disinfectants/Degreasers, Drain Cleaners, Etc 3M 40 Clorox 40 Colgate Palmolive 40 Drackett 40 Gojo 40 Hoover 60 Lee 40 Procter & Gamble 40 Read Right 40 Reckitt Benckiser 40 Rubbermaid 40 Simple Green 40 Genuine Joe 40 Zep 40 diversey 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies/Cleaning, Brooms,Brushes, Buckets, Wringers, Carts, Caddies, Dusters, Dustpans, Extension Poles, Floor Pads, Mops, Scrubbers,Sponges, Sweepers. 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 61 of 88 3M 40 Clorox 40 Drackett 40 Procter & Gamble 40 Proline 70 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Pur 70 RL Flowmaster 70 Rubbermaid 40 Genuine Joe 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/ Lunchroom Supplies»Electrical»Adapters», Cord Covers», Extension Cords» Fellowes 40 Compucessory 40 Fellowes 40 Kensington 40 Compucessory 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Electrical»Power Strips» Janitorial/Maintenance/ Lunchroom Supplies»Flashlights»Heavy-Duty», Lanterns» Duracell 50 Energizer 50 Rayovac 70 Janitorial/Maintenance/ Lunchroom Supplies/Food and Beverage/Cups/Mugs/Servers/Plates/Utensils Dixie 40 Fort James 40 James River 70 Rubbermaid 40 Solo 40 Tablemate 40 Wincup 40 Genuine Joe 40 Janitorial/Maintenance & Lunchroom Supplies»Food and Beverage»Supplies/Accessories» Dixie 40 Fort James 40 Kimberly-Clark 40 Marcal 40 Office Snax 40 Procter & Gamble 40 Rubbermaid 40 Webster 40 Genuine Joe 40 Georgia Pacific 40 Janitorial/Maintenance & Lunchroom Supplies»Gloves: Disposable, Fabric, Latex, Leather, Nitrile Laminated, PVC, Rubber Acme United 40 Genuine Joe 40 Kimberly-Clark 40 Safco 40 Janitorial/Maintenance & Lunchroom Supplies»Hand Trucks»Convertible» Janitorial/Maintenance & Lunchroom Supplies»Hand Trucks»Platform» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 62 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Rubbermaid 51 Safco 40 MMF 51 Iceberg 61 Safco 40 Janitorial/Maintenance & Lunchroom Supplies»Hand Trucks»Two-Wheel» Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies,Key Control, Key Cabinets, Key Chains, Key Organizers Wall Rack Buddy 51 Generations 70 PM Company 51 SP Richards 40 MMF 40 Cramer 50 Davidson 70 Werner 50 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Ladders»Aluminum», Fiberglass Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies/Maintenanc/Duct Tape, Masking Tape, Strapping Tape 3M 50 Scotch 50 Business Source 56 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Step Stools»Aluminum», Plastic», Rolling», Steel Cramer 50 Davidson 70 Rubbermaid 40 Werner 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies/Tools/Drills/ Hammers/Lubricant/Outdoor Storage Shed Putty Knives/Scrapers/Screwdrivers/Sockets/Staple Guns/Tape Measures/Tool Kits/Utility Knives/Blades 3M 40 Black & Decker 40 C-Line 40 Deflect-O 40 Gould Plastics 70 Safco 40 Stanley 40 Stanley Bostitch 40 Swingline 40 WD40 40 Genuine Joe 40 SP Richards 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Vacuum Cleaners/Carpet Shampooers, Commercial Vacuums, Filter Bags, Belts, Hand Vacuums, Wet/Dry Vacuums Black & Decker 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 63 of 88 55 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Eureka 35 Hoover 60 Rubbermaid 35 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Waste Containers»Waste Can Liners» Safco 40 Webster 40 Genuine Joe 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Waste Containers, Combustible Material, Dollies, Fiberglass, Fire Resistant/Safe, Outdoor Receptacles, Plastic, Recycling Receptacles, Security Eldon 45 Rubbermaid 40 Janitorial/Maintenance/Lunchroom Supplies»Well Being, Safety and SecurityFirst Aid/Kits» First Aid Only 40 Johnson & Johnson 40 Acme United 40 3M 40 Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsBadges»Badge Holders» Advantus 40 Dymo 40 GBC 40 Avery Dennison 50 Advantus 40 Avery Dennison 50 C-Line 40 JM 70 3M 50 ACCO 40 C-Line 40 JM 70 Pan Co. 70 Brother 40 Casio 40 Seiko 40 Dymo 40 Brother 41 Casio 49 Kroy 49 Scotch 49 Seiko 45 ProductsLabels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsBadges»Name Badges» Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsLabel Holders»Binder», Shelf/File Cabinet, Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsLabel Makers»Personal Computer» Other Brand Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsLabel Makers»Tapes, Labels, Ribbons» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 64 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Avery Dennison 70 Dymo 50 Labels/Label Makers/Tags & StampsLabel Makers/Other: AC Adapters, Electronic, Manual Embosser Brother 70 Casio 70 Dymo 70 Scotch 70 Cosco 55 Avery Dennison 50 Avery Dennison 50 Smead 70 Avery Dennison 50 Earthwise 40 Fellowes 70 Avery Dennison 50 Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsLabels»Address/Mailing» Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsLabels»File Folder» Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsLabels»Media» Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsLabels»Multi-Purpose» Labels/Label Makers/Tags/ Stamps/ Binder/Color-Coding/File Folder/ End Tab/Messages/Postage Meter/ Pricemarker/Seals/Shipping/Packing List Avery Dennison 50 geographics 45 Monarch 45 oxford 41 pm company 41 3M 41 Labels/Label Makers/Tags/ Stamps/ Binder/Color-Coding/File Folder/ End Tab/Messages/Postage Meter/ Pricemarker/Seals/Shipping/Packing List, CONTINUED quality park 70 scotch 45 smead 45 cosco 50 dymo 41 Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsStamps»Pads and Ink» gbc bates 41 sanford 41 xstamper 45 Avery Dennison 50 Labels, Label Makers, Tags & Stamps 1-Color Title/Message Stamps,Daters,Kits, Create-a-Stamp, Numberers,Pricemarkers,Racks and Trays,Specialty Stamps 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 65 of 88 cosco 50 dymo 70 gbc bates 41 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 xstamper 45 Avery Dennison 50 Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsTags» Attacher Kit,Blank,Claim/Coatroom Check,Fasteners and Wires,Inspection,Inventory,Jewelry, Key,Metal Rim,Price,Repair,Shipping Other Brand advantus 55 avery dennison 50 buddy 51 pm company 55 Avery Dennison 50 3M 50 3M 50 Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsTape Flags»Colored» Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsTape Flags»Printed Message» Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsTape Flags»Other: Arrow», Dispensers», Index Tab» 3m 50 Avery Dennison 50 Labels, Label Makers, Tags & StampsTicketsTicket Rolls» Mailroom & Packing MaterialsBoxes, Tubes/Bags/Boxes/Cartons/Mailing Tubes/Paper/Plastic Bags Fellowes 46 quality park 46 safco 46 sealed air 46 3M 46 Fellowes 46 Iceberg 46 mayline 46 safco 46 Martin-Yale 40 Premier 40 Mailroom & Packing MaterialsCarts and Totes»Other: Mail Carts», Totes» Mailroom & Packing MaterialsEquipment»Paper Folding Machines» Mailroom & Packing MaterialsEquipment»Other: Interoffice Mail Box», Paper Joggers and Collators Postal Meter Ink Cartridges», Postal Scales» Buddy 51 lee 40 martin yale 40 pelouze 40 premier 40 Mailroom & Packing MaterialsLetter Openers»Other: Electric/Battery Operated», Hand 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 66 of 88 Acme United 70 martin yale 40 panasonic 70 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 SP Richards 40 Business Source 40 pm company 41 MMF 41 Fellowes 46 Safco 46 Safco 46 Mailroom & Packing MaterialsMail Bags»Other: Mail Bags», Transit Sacks Mailroom & Packing MaterialsMail Sorters»Sorter Compartment Units» Mailroom & Packing MaterialsMail Sorters»Sorting Stations» Mailroom & Packing MaterialsMoisteners and Stamp Affixers»Other: Moisteners», Stamp Affixers» Premier 46 Quality park 46 Lee 46 SP Richards 46 Scotch 46 3M 46 Business Source 46 Mailroom & Packing MaterialsPackaging Tapes and Dispensers»Dispensers» Mailroom & Packing MaterialsPackaging Tapes and Dispensers»Packaging Tapes» 3M 46 Business Source 46 Mailroom & Packing MaterialsStretch Film»Other: Dispensers», Stretch Film and Tape» Advantus 55 Scotch 46 SP Richards 46 Sealed Air 46 Mailroom & Packing MaterialsWrapping MaterialsCushioning Material» Mailroom & Packing MaterialsWrapping Materials/Corrugated Wrap/Paper Rolls/Cutters/String/Twine Quality park 46 SP Richards 46 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesBatteries»General» Duracell 50 Everready / Energizer 50 Rayovac 50 Rayovac 50 Energizer 50 canon 40 Sharp Electronics 40 Victor 40 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesBatteries»Reusable Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesCalculators»Printing» Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesCalculators»Scientific/Financial/Graphing» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 67 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Canon 40 Sharp 40 Texas Instruments 40 Victor 40 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesCalculators»Other: Non-Printing», Supplies Canon 40 Kensington 51 Sharp 40 Texas Instruments 40 Victor 40 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesCameras»Other2: Digital», Digital Accessories» Fellowes 41 Hewlett-Pakard 40 Sony 40 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesDictation Equipment and Supplies»Cassette Recorders» Phillips 40 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesDictation Equipment,Dictation Tapes,Cassettes Maxell 41 Phillips 41 Sony 41 SPR 41 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesDictation Equipment & Supplies/Accessories/Digital Recorders Dictaphone 70 Phillips 41 Sony 41 PM Company 70 Post-It 41 Read Right 45 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesFax/Multifunction»Accessories» Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesFax/Multifunction»Fax/Multifunction Machines» Brother 45 Canon 45 Epson 45 Hewlett Packard 45 Lexmark 45 Panasonic 45 Sharp 45 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesFax/Multifunction»Fax/Multifunction Machine Supplies» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 68 of 88 Brother 40 Canon 40 Dataproducts 70 Muratec 70 NEC 70 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Oki Data 45 Panisonic 45 Hewlett Packard 28 Sharp 45 PM Company 45 3M 40 Fellowes 40 Bionaire 40 Holmes Product 70 Lakewood 70 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesOffice Environment»Air Cleaners/Filters» ProductsOffice Equipment & Equipment SuppliesOffice Environment»Fans» Patton 70 lorell 40 Fellowes 40 General Binding Corp 40 HSM 40 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesShredders»Personal/Strip-Cut» ProductsOffice Equipment & Equipment SuppliesShredders»Other: Business/Confetti-Cut», Business/ /Strip-Cut», Personal/Confetti-Cut», Supplies» Fellowes 40 General Binding Corp 40 At a Glance 55 Rolodex 70 Wilson Jones 55 AT&T 51 Southwestern Bell 70 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesTelephone»Address Books» Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesTelephone»Answering Machines» Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesTelephone/Accessories/Amplifiers/Cleaners/Headsets/Stands Belkin 55 Deflect-O 50 Eldon 55 Fellowes 50 Kensington 55 Plantronics 40 Read Right 45 Rubbermaid 45 Safco 40 Officemate 40 Brother 40 Office Equipment & Equipment SuppliesTypewritersElectronic» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 69 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Cards/Card Stock»Business Cards» Avery Dennison 55 Geopaper 45 Southworth 70 Hammermill 55 Southworth 41 Wausau Pacific 55 Avery Dennison 55 Geographics 45 Columbian 55 Mead by Gilbert 50 Neenah Paper 50 Quality Park 55 Southworth 41 Wausau Papers 50 Business Source 55 Columbian 55 Quality Park 55 Ship-Lite Envelopes 50 Survivor 50 Business Source 55 Columbian 55 Quality Park 55 Business Source 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Cards/Card Stock»Card/Cover Stock» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Cards/Card Stock»Postcards» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Envelopes»Business/Trade» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Envelopes»Catalog» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Envelopes»Clasp» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Envelopes»Interoffice» Columbian 55 Quality Park 55 Survivor 50 Business Source 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Envelopes» Airmail, Booklet/Document, Coin/Small Parts», Colored/ Designs», Expansion, Jumbo, Security/Confidential, String-T 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 70 of 88 Columbian 55 Geopaper 45 JM 70 Quality Park 55 Ship-Lite Envelopes 50 Smead 55 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Survivor 50 Sealed Air 55 Ship-Lite Envelopes 50 Survivor 50 Quality Park 55 Sealed Air 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Mailers»Air Bubble» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Mailers»Padded» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Mailers»Other: Envelope/Card», Fiberboard», Media», Plastic», X-Ray Avery 55 Fellowes 50 Quality Park 50 Sealed Air 50 Ship-Lite Envelopes 50 Survivor 50 Avery Dennison 70 Boorum & Pease 70 Earthwise 55 Rediform 55 Wireless Neatbook 70 Tops 55 Mead 55 National 55 Ampad 55 Avery 70 Tops 55 National 55 Ampad 55 Avery 70 Tops 55 Ampad 55 Avery 70 Cambridge Limited 55 Five Star 55 Mead 55 Rediform 55 Tops 55 Wilson Jones 70 National 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Notebooks»Academic/School» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Notebooks»Memo Size» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Notebooks»Steno» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Notebooks»Wirebound» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 71 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 SP Richards 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Notebooks»Other: Memo Size», Teacher's», Wireless» Ampad 55 Avery 70 Boorum & Pease 70 Rediform 55 Tops 55 Wireless Neatbook 70 Ampad 55 Avery 70 3M 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Pads»Easel/Flip Chart» Quartet 70 Tops 55 Ampad 55 Tops 55 TSR 55 3M 55 Business Source 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Pads»Ruled» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Pads»Self-Stick Note» Other Brand Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Pads»Other: Cross Section/Quadrille», Data», Scratch» Ampad 55 Tops 55 Wausau Papers 55 Hewlett Packard (HP) 55 PM Company 55 Avery 70 Boorum & Pease 70 Five Star 70 Mead 41 Oxford 70 Tops 55 SP Richards 55 National 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Paper»Colored/Designs» Products Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Paper»Ring Binder» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Paper»Other1: Art and Drafting», Banner/Sign», Memo Sheets» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 72 of 88 3M 47 Avery 55 Chartpak 50 House of Doolittle 70 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 HP 47 OCE USA 50 Tops 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Paper»Other2: Computer Printout», Ink Jet», Photo/Design/Transfer» 3M 47 Apollo 70 Avery 55 Earthwise 50 Georgia Pacific 50 Great White 55 Hammermill 50 HP 55 Mead by Gilbert 50 Southworth 41 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Paper Rolls, Office MachineCalculator/Adding Machine» PM Company 55 TSR 55 NCR 70 PM Company 55 Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Paper Rolls, Office MachineCash Register» Paper, Envelopes & Mailers»Paper Rolls, Office MachineOther: ATM/Credit and Debit/Financial», Fax Machine», Med/Lab», Teleprinter», Video Thermal Printer Brother 50 NCR 70 PM Company 55 3M 48 Scotch 48 Velcro 48 SP Richards 48 Avery Dennison 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesAdhesives»Fasteners» Pens & Desk SuppliesAdhesives»Glue Sticks and Pens» Saunders 70 Scotch 48 Elmers 48 Business Source 48 Loctite 48 Scotch 48 3M 48 Scotch 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesAdhesives»Super Glue» Pens & Desk SuppliesAdhesives»Wall Mount Adhesives» Pens & Desk SuppliesAdhesives/Dry Film/Tape, Glue Guns, Liquid Glue, Rubber Cement, Spray Adh 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 73 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 3M 48 Papermate 45 Pentel 45 Scotch 48 Stanley 48 Tombow 49 Elmers 48 Binney & Smith 48 Pentel 45 Sanford 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesArt, Drawing and Drafting Instruments»Art Markers» Pens & Desk SuppliesArt, Drawing and Drafting Instruments»Colored and Drawing Pencils» Crayola 48 Sanford 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesArt, Drawing, Drafting, Calligraphy, Compasses, Crayons, Curves,Triangles, Drafting Kits, Leads, Holders, Pointers, Letters, Numbers, etc Binney & Smith 48 Chartpak 48 Crayola 48 Dixon 70 Eberhard Faber 70 Parker 70 Sanford 48 Staedtler 70 X-ACTO 48 Eldon 70 SP Richards 60 Eldon 70 PM Company 45 Saunders 50 Officemate 48 SP Richards 48 Business Source 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesCall Bell»Desktop Call Bell» Pens & Desk SuppliesClipboards»Other: Arch Files», Forms Holders» Pens & Desk SuppliesClips and Clamps»Binder Clips» Acco Brands 56 Advantus 70 Boston 70 Officemate 56 Business Source 56 Acco Brands 56 Pens & Desk SuppliesClips and Clamps»Paper Clips 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 74 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Advantus 70 Officemate 56 Business Source 56 Pens & Desk SuppliesClips and Clamps»: Banker’s Clasps», Book Rings», Hooks», Magnetic Clips» ACCO 50 Boston 60 Scotch 55 SP Richards 60 3M 45 Fellowes 45 Kensington 45 Pens & Desk SuppliesCopyholders»Desktop» Safco 55 Vu-Ryte 70 SP Richards 45 rolodex 45 Bic 48 Liquid Paper 48 Pentel 48 Avery 70 Bic 50 Liquid Paper 50 Pentel 70 Post-It 45 Scotch 45 American Tombow Inc. 50 Integra 55 Artistic 41 Deflect-O 45 Pens & Desk SuppliesCorrection Fluids and Tape»Fluids and Pens» Pens & Desk SuppliesCorrection Fluids and Tape»Tape and Film» Pens & Desk SuppliesDesk Accessories»Desk Trays» Eldon 55 Fellowes 45 Kantek 50 Rubbermaid 45 lorell 45 rolodex 45 Officemate 45 Buddy 50 Deflect-O 45 Eldon 55 Pens & Desk SuppliesDesk Accessories»Sorter Racks and Trays» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 75 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Fellowes 45 Gould Plastics 70 Kantek 50 MMF 45 Officemate 45 Rubbermaid 50 Safco 41 Smead 70 Sunset 70 Pens & Desk SuppliesDesk Accessories»Sorter Racks and Trays, CONTINUED Pens & Desk SuppliesDesk Accessories: Book Racks, Stands, Bookends, Business Card/Paper Clip Holders, Desk Pads, Desktop Organizers, Drawer Organizers, Memo Sheet Holders 3M 58 Buddy 50 C-Line 41 Deflect-O 48 Eldon 55 House of Doolittle 50 Kantek 50 Post-It 41 Rubbermaid 48 Safco 41 Victor 70 Visual Organizers 70 lorell 48 Officemate 48 Sanford 60 Papermate 60 Pentel 48 Sanford 60 Staedtler 70 Staedtler 70 Pens & Desk SuppliesErasers»Caps» Pens & Desk SuppliesErasers»Pen/Pencil» Pens & Desk SuppliesErasers»Electric/Battery Operated» Pens & Desk SuppliesErasers»Pencil-Style» Papermate 60 Pentel 48 Avery 48 Binney & Smith 70 Eberhand Faber 48 Sanford 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesHighlighters»Big- Barrel» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 76 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Integra 48 Avery 48 Bic 48 Binney & Smith 70 Pilot 48 Sanford 48 Zebra Pen Company 48 Integra 48 Tombow 70 Pens & Desk SuppliesHighlighters»Pen-Style» Pens & Desk SuppliesHighlighters»Tape Pens & Desk SuppliesMagnifiers»Other: Handheld», Illuminated» Apollo 70 Baush & Lomb 48 Avery Dennison 48 Binney & Smith 70 Pentel 55 Quartet 41 Sanford 48 Integra 48 Avery 48 Sanford 48 Pentel 48 Sanford 48 Sanford 48 Avery 48 Bic 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesMarkers»Dry-Erase» Pens & Desk SuppliesMarkers»Flipchart» Pens & Desk SuppliesMarkers»Industrial/Specialty» Pens & Desk SuppliesMarkers»Overhead Transparency» Pens & Desk SuppliesMarkers»Permanent» Binney & Smith 70 Eberhard Faber 48 Pentel 48 Sanford 48 Integra 48 Swingline 50 Lee 48 Boston 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesPaper Handling Helps»Finger Pads» Pens & Desk SuppliesPaper Handling Helps»Fingertip Moisteners Pens & Desk SuppliesPencil Sharpeners»Electric/Battery Operated» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 77 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Sanford 70 Stanley Bostitch 48 X-Acto 48 Boston 48 Rogers 70 Sanford 70 Integra 60 Papermate 48 Pentel 48 Sanford 48 Waterman 70 Avery 70 Bic 48 Papermate 48 Pentel 48 Pilot 48 Zebra Pen Company 48 Integra 50 Dixson 48 Papermate 48 Sanford 70 Business Source 50 Pens & Desk SuppliesPencil Sharpeners»Manual Pens & Desk SuppliesPencils»Lead and Eraser Refills» Pens & Desk SuppliesPencils»Mechanical Pencils» Pens & Desk SuppliesPencils»Woodcase Pencils» Pens & Desk SuppliesPencils: Golf and Pew Pencils», Marker Pencils», Pencil Box», Pencil Grips» Binney & Smith 40 Rogers 70 Rubbermaid 70 Sanford 48 Integra 50 Avery 70 Bic 48 Papermate 48 Pentel 48 Pilot 48 Zebra Pen Company 48 Business Source 48 PM Company 48 Eldon 70 Pens & Desk SuppliesPens»Ballpoints» Pens & Desk SuppliesPens»Counter Pens» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 78 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Pens & Desk SuppliesPens»Pen/Pencil Combos» Avery 70 Bic 48 Pilot 48 Sanford 48 Papermate 48 Pens & Desk SuppliesPens»Porous Point Pens» Pentel 48 Pilot 48 Avery 70 Papermate 48 Parker 48 Pentel 48 Pilot 48 PM Company 48 Sanford 48 Waterman 70 Zebra Pen Company 48 Avery 70 Bic 48 Parker 48 Pentel 48 Pilot 48 Sanford 48 Waterman 70 ProductsPens & Desk SuppliesPens»Refills» Pens & Desk SuppliesPens»Roller Ball Pens» Zebra Pen Company 48 Integra 50 Avery 48 Bic 48 Pentel 48 Pilot 48 Sanford 48 Zebra Pen Company 48 Integra 50 Pens & Desk SuppliesPens»Roller Ball, Gel» ProductsPens & Desk SuppliesPens» Ballpoint Pen & Pencil Sets, Desk Sets, Replacement Pens Fountain Pens, Hanging Pens, Multi-function Pens, Pocket Protector 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 79 of 88 A.T. Cross 41 Parker 41 Pilot 48 PM Company 45 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Waterman 70 GBC Bates 40 General Binding Corp 40 Swingline 40 Business Source 50 GBC Bates 40 Master Products 40 McGill 61 Swingline 40 Business Source 40 Stanley Bostitch 40 Premier 61 Master Products 40 McGill 61 Swingline 40 Business Source 50 Officemate 50 Acco Brands 50 Plymouth 70 Alliance 50 Business Source 50 Acme 60 SP Richards 60 Pens & Desk SuppliesPunches»Electric» Pens & Desk SuppliesPunches»Multi-Hole/Adjustable» Pens & Desk SuppliesPunches»Other: 1-Hole», 2-Hole», Paper Drill», Slot Hole» Pens & Desk SuppliesRubber Bands»Rubber Bands Pens & Desk SuppliesRulers»Data Rulers», Rulers», Yardsticks Pens & Desk SuppliesScissors»Child’s Scissors», Scissors, Shears and Trimmers», Snips» Acme 50 Business Source 55 Pens & Desk SuppliesStaplers and Staples»Desktop, Heavy Duty» GBC Bates 50 Stanley Bostitch 50 Swingline 50 Business Source 50 GBC Bates 70 Kantek 70 Max 70 Bostich (Stanley Bostich) 50 Swingline 50 Business Source 50 Pens & Desk SuppliesStaplers and Staples»Desktop, Light Duty» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 80 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Pens & Desk SuppliesStaplers and Staples»Electric/Battery Operated» GBC Bates 50 Stanley Bostitch 50 Swingline 50 Stanley Bostitch 55 Swingline 50 Business Source 55 Pens & Desk SuppliesStaplers and Staples»Staples» Pens & Desk SuppliesStaplers and Staples»Other: Clipper and Plier Staplers», Handheld, Light Duty Staple Removers», Upright, Desktop/Handheld GBC Bates 50 Max 70 Stanley Bostitch 50 Swingline 50 3M 49 Business Source 55 Eldon 70 3M 50 Rubbermaid 70 3M 50 Business Source 50 Officemate 50 GBC 42 Acme 42 Swingline 42 X-Acto 42 Balt 43 Pens & Desk SuppliesTapes and Dispensers»Office Tapes» Pens & Desk SuppliesTapes and Dispensers»Tape Dispensers» Pens & Desk SuppliesTrimming Boards»Other: Paper Cutters» Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Audio Visual»Carts» Bretford 43 Iceberg 43 Quartet 43 Safco 43 Apollo 43 Quartet 43 Kensignton 43 3M 60 Apollo 45 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Audio Visual»Laser Pointers» Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Audio Visual»Projection Lamps» Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Audio Visual»Transparency Film, Frames, Protectors» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 81 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 3M 70 Apollo 41 Avery 70 Maxell 41 Read Right 70 Sony 70 TDK 41 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Audio Visual»Videotape/Accessories» Presentations/Meeting Supplies/Audio Visual Accessories, Audio Equipment, Camcorders, CD Players, DVD/CD, Players, Multimedia & Overhead Projectors,Pointers, Power Strip, Screens, Slide Holders, TELE/VCR Mounts 3M 70 Apollo 41 Bretford 41 Epson 41 Hewlett-Packard 70 Quartet 41 Sony 70 Post-It 43 Quartet 43 3M 43 Master Vision 43 SP Richards 43 Binney & Smith 43 General Binding Corp 43 Sanford 43 Quartet 43 Crayola 43 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Boards/Presentation»Bulletin/Accessories» Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Boards/Presentation»Chalk/Accessories» Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Boards/Presentation»Dry Erase/Accessories» Avery 43 Fellowes 41 Quartet 41 Safco 41 Sanford 43 BIC 43 Quartet 43 Balt 43 Master Vision 43 Quartet 43 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Boards/Presentation»Easel» Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Boards/Presentation»Message/Accessories» 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 82 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Safco 43 Deflecto 43 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Boards/Presentation»Other: In/Out», Presentation» Apollo 63 Quartet 43 Safco 43 Master Vision 43 Quartet 43 Balt 43 Master Vision 43 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Easel»Stands Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Laminators»Desktop» 3M 43 General Binding Corp 43 Fellowes 43 C-Line 43 General Binding Corp 43 3M 43 Fellowes 43 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Laminators»Laminating Pouches» Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Laminators»Other: Accessories», Self-Adhesive Sheets» 3M 43 Avery 43 C-Line 43 GBC 43 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»Lecterns»Other: With Amplification», Without Amplification» Balt 60 Safco 45 Presentations & Meeting Supplies»: AV Stands», Cabinets and Carts», PA Systems Safco 45 Balt 60 PM Company 45 DPS 45 Curtis-Young 70 PM Company 45 Fujitsu 70 DPS 41 Brother 40 PM Company 45 Miscellaneous Supplies Calculator Supplies Cash Register Supplies Fax 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 83 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 DPS 41 Brother 41 Smith Corona 70 DPS 41 Acco 42 Avery 45 C-Line 41 Supplies Typewriter Binders & Binding Supplies»Binders»Data» Binders & Binding Supplies»Binders»Photo Album» V. LOGISTICS All orders shall be F.O.B. Destination. Prices include all standard freight costs. Additional shipping charges for rush, over-size, special orders or shipments made outside of the Commonwealth may be the responsibility of the ordering agency. Shipping costs that are specified as other than standard shipping when an order is placed shall be quoted to the ordering agency prior to shipment. Contractor must adhere to any and all security requirements at any facilities that are served. A packing label must be on each box to include at a minimum name, agency, address, and purchase order number. A packing list must be included with each shipment to include, at a minimum, the line item description, quantity ordered, quantity included, backordered items purchase order number and agency contact. There will not be a charge to process small orders. However, each ordering entity is asked to refrain from placing orders for less than $25.00 per minimum order unless the item/s are necessary and critical to your entity’s operation. Special order products or products ordered incorrectly by the Commonwealth may incur a restocking fee if required by the manufacturer. Products judged by the Commonwealth to be unacceptable may be rejected. All costs associated with rejection are the responsibility of the Contractor. Over-shipments will be accepted at the Commonwealth’s discretion. The Contractor will be responsible for the disposition of all defective, damaged or rejected overshipped products. Return authorization shall be provided by the Contractor within 14 calendar days of verbal notification. Ordering Methods eVA• All orders are processed via eVA the portal for State purchasing. TSRC INC Online • TSRC INC has an online catalog ( for ease of ordering for the locations where there is no requirement for processing orders via eVA. E-mail • Orders by email are accepted any time during the business day at All orders received by 5:00 PM ET will be processed for delivery the following business day. Phone • TSRC INC’s customer service team is readily available to take calls at 804-412-1200 or toll free at 800-849-7239. In fact, that’s what we are known for. Our customer service representatives are available by 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 84 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 phone Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET. You will get a live person every time. We guarantee it. Fax • If it is most convenient for your organization to fax orders, we accept and will process all orders received by 5:00 PM ET for delivery the next business day. Order confirmations are faxed back to the customer upon request once the order is processed. Our fax number is 804-412-1313. Credit Card Acceptance Policy We accept all major credit cards: American Express, Master Card and Visa. TSRC INC will not process or invoice for items until they have been shipped and received by the customer. Returns Policy - Returns can be called, faxed or emailed to Customer Service or entered online on our website. The stock number, quantity being returned, and packing ticket number are required. A pick-up ticket will be issued for the item(s) which will be picked up by a TSRC INC driver within 48 hours. Our delivery drivers are also equipped with return authorization forms and are empowered to be able to handle returns immediately if a problem is detected. TSRC INC, Inc. accepts any office supply items in the manufacturer’s original packaging and in sellable condition for return within 30 days of delivery. • Food products are non-returnable unless damage occurs during shipment or TSRC INC, Inc. makes an error on the order. • Custom products, special order items and furniture may be subject to return restrictions, restocking fees, or may not be returnable. • There are no charges associated with returns. Installation - Installation of furniture orders can be provided by TSRC INC Chairs and filing cabinets often can be delivered on our supply trucks. For desks and larger items there may be an installation charge due to the complexity of the order. We take away all packaging materials used for delivery. VI. REPORTS/SURCHARGE ADJUSTMENT FEE (SCA) A. CONTRACTOR'S QUARTERLY REPORT OF SALES: Contractors shall provide electronic reports in Microsoft Excel format on a quarterly basis showing total invoiced sales data, which means all invoices issued within the reporting period. See attachment to this solicitation for the report template which identifies the information to be provided. Reports shall be provided no later the 15th of the next month following the end of the calendar quarter, reporting total invoiced sales and return transactions that took place in the immediately preceding quarter. Reports shall be sent to the contract officer and to the following email address: Failure to submit information in the required format and time may result in cancellation of the awarded contract. B. SURCHARGE ADJUSTMENT: The contractor must pay the Department of General Services (DGS), a Surcharge Adjustment (SCA) fee under this contract. DGS will not issue invoices or statements. The contractor must remit the SCA fee by the last day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter. The SCA fee equals two percent (2%) of the quarterly reported total invoiced sales. The SCA fee amount due must be paid by check with identification of “Contract Number,” “Report Amounts,” and “Report Period” on either the check stub or other remittance material. DGS may, at its discretion, agree to an electronic funds transfer, in lieu of a check, however in the absence of an express written agreement from DGS that validates the agreement, then the payment shall be made by check as described herein. 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 85 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Checks shall be payable to: Treasurer, Commonwealth of Virginia. Checks shall be mailed to: DGS/Division of Purchases and Supply ATTN: SCA Coordinator PO Box 1199 Richmond, VA 23218-1199 If the full amount of the SCA fee is not paid within 30 calendar days of due date, it shall constitute a debt that the Contractor is obligated contractually to pay to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Commonwealth may exercise all rights and remedies available under law. Failure to submit sales reports, falsification of sales reports, and or failure to pay the SCA fee in a timely manner may result in termination or cancellation of this contract. VII. INVOICING AND PAYMENT a. Invoices As applicable, all invoices shall be rendered promptly to any Authorized User after all goods and/or services covered by the invoice have been provided. The Contractor shall invoice monthly in arrears. No invoice may include any cost other than those identified in the Contract or individual order referencing this Contract. Invoices shall provide at a minimum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of Authorized User (the ordering entity) Authorized User point of contact name Description of the Goods and/or Services provided Invoice number Invoice date Monthly charges Contract Number Purchase Order Number Contractor shall render invoices for any Authorized User in accordance with the instructions contained in the order. b. Methods of Payment: i. Payment will be made thirty (30) days after receipt of goods and/or services or a valid invoice, whichever is later. Contractor shall submit a valid invoice to the invoice address designated in any order issued by an Authorized User in accordance with the invoice mailing instructions therein. ii. For valid invoices in the amount of $5,000 or less, or any then-current charge card small dollar usage threshold, Contractor shall accept payment using the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC), if the SPCC card is offered for payment. For any amount exceeding $5,000, or any then-current charge card small dollar usage threshold, Contractor shall accept payment by the Commonwealth’s Gold Card, if the Gold Card is offered for payment. iii. Payment may be made by any other duly authorized official payment method or card as mutually agreed upon between any Authorized User and the Contractor. c. Credit (Equipment): 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 86 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 Contractor will accept and provide full credit for equipment based on the manufacturer’s decision regarding such return and credit. Contractor will act as an advocate in all instances. VIII. DGS POINTS OF CONTACT Contract Administration/Compliance Contract Information Kirby Battle, CPPB, VCO Statewide Strategic Sourcing Officer Division of Purchases and Supply 1111 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Tel: 804-786-5414 Fax: 804-786-5712 Email: Kirby Battle, CBBB, VCO Statewide Strategic Sourcing Officer Division of Purchases and Supply 1111 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Tel: 804-786-5414 Fax: 804-786-5712 Email: IX. CONTRACTOR POINTS OF CONTACT Primary Contact Billing/Administration Patricia Barber, President / CEO TSRC INC 14140 N. Washington Highway Ashland, VA 23005 Tel: 804-412-2742 Fax: 804-412-0101 Email: Suzanne Tate TSRC INC 14140 N. Washington Highway Ashland, VA 23005 Tel: 804-412-1200, 800-849-7239 Fax: 804-412-1313, 800-849-9772 Email: 7/27/2015 Office Supplies & Toner Page 87 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 7/27/2015 SCOPE OF CONTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... 1 INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT ...................................................................................................................... 1 TERM ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1 RENEWAL OF CONTRACT ................................................................................................................................... 3 PRICE ESCALATION-DE-ESCALATION ............................................................................................................... 4 ADDITION/DELETION OF SERVICES ................................................................................................................... 4 VENDORS MANUAL .............................................................................................................................................. 5 APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURTS ...................................................................................................................... 5 ANTI-DISCRIMINATION ......................................................................................................................................... 5 ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING ..................................................................................................................... 6 IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986 ..................................................................................... 6 DEBARMENT STATUS .......................................................................................................................................... 6 ANTITRUST ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 PAYMENT ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR .................................................................................................................. 8 TESTING AND INSPECTION ................................................................................................................................. 8 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT.............................................................................................................................. 8 CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................... 8 DEFAULT ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 TAXES .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 TRANSPORTATION AND PACKAGING ................................................................................................................ 9 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE ................................................................................................................................. 10 NONDISCRIMINATION OF CONTRACTORS ...................................................................................................... 10 AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS ................................................................................................................................... 10 AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN THE COMMONWEALTH ........................................................ 10 FINANCIAL WARRANTY ...................................................................................................................................... 11 AUDIT ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 USE OF CONTRACT BY THIRD PARTIES .......................................................................................................... 11 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES ................................................................................................................... 12 DELIVERY AND STORAGE ................................................................................................................................. 13 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTS.............................................................................................................................. 13 EXTRA CHARGES NOT ALLOWED .................................................................................................................... 13 FINAL INSPECTION ............................................................................................................................................. 13 INSTALLATION..................................................................................................................................................... 13 PRODUCT AVAILABILITY / SUBSTITUTION ....................................................................................................... 13 MAINTENANCE MANUALS .................................................................................................................................. 14 CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR LICENSE REQUIREMENT........................................................................ 14 PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................... 14 SUBCONTRACTS ................................................................................................................................................ 14 CONTRACTOR ACCESS TO AUTHORIZED USER LOCATIONS ...................................................................... 14 CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION ............................................................ 15 EVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND ORDERS ................................................................... 15 EXCLUSIVITY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................................................................... 15 LOBBYING AND INTEGRITY ............................................................................................................................... 16 ORDERS ............................................................................................................................................................... 16 E-VERIFY PROGRAM .......................................................................................................................................... 16 CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................ 17 CONTINUITY OF SERVICE.................................................................................................................................. 17 WARRANTY.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 PRICING SCHEDULES ........................................................................................................................................ 18 PRICING SCHEDULE A (OFFICE SUPPLIES) .................................................................................................... 19 PRICING SCHEDULE B (TONER) ....................................................................................................................... 40 PRICING SCHEDULE C (OTHER DISCOUNTS) ................................................................................................. 42 REPORTS AND SURCHARGE ADJUSTMENT FEES (SCA) ............................................................................. 85 Office Supplies & Toner Page 88 of 88 Contract E194-72924-MA2079