06-23-11 FR low res


06-23-11 FR low res
June 23 – 29, 2011 | Free
June 23 – 29, 2011 • Volume 31, Issue 25
This week in review...
Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos
Advertising Manager: Evelyn Inskeep
Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason
Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle
Web Administrator/Designer: Kathy Zeek
Designer: Marilyn Ellinger
Staff Writers:
Page Gifford, Jennifer Zajac, Duncan Nixon,
O.T. Holen, Joe Ronan, Kristin Sancken,
Ruthann Carr and Tammy Purcell
Photographers: David Stemple, O.T. Holen
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59,
Palmyra, VA 22963
Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Road
Phone: (434) 591-1000
Fax: (434) 589-1704
Member of the Virginia Press Association
Carter moves on
Silver anniversary
Smart kids
General: Fluvanna Review is published weekly
by Valley Publishing Corp. Founded in 1979,
it’s the only paper that covers Fluvanna exclusively. One copy is free. Additional copies are
$1 each payable in advance to the
Tara Mae Hourihan reflects on
her missing husband,
Robert Hourihan.
Photo by Carlos Santos.
Designed by Lisa Hurdle and
Kathy Zeek.
© 2011 Valley Publishing Corp. all rights reserved.
Green thumb
of the Week:
“They bought it!
They own it! They
must maintain it!”
– Tom Ellis
page 4
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Gold time
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Circulation audit by
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2 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Letters to the editor
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A gift from Aqua Virginia
Some Lake Monticello residents
have recently received letters from
Aqua Virginia informing them that in
effect, they are or will be the owners
of the sanitary sewer grinder pump
(and pressure sewer?) that serves
their property. You will have to bear
the costs of maintenance, repair and
eventually replacement of this wonderful gift. They will also give us information as to the contractor who
will repair or replace these pumps.
As retired chief of the Fairfax
County Department of Public Works
design section, I have designed hundreds of grinder pump installations.
They are used in areas where gravity sewer service is cost prohibitive.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are
saved by using this pump and small
diameter pressure sewer instead of
20-30ft. deep trench installation of
gravity sewer and laterals in communities like ours. In Fairfax County, we
realized that it was an imposition for
property owners to have these pumps
on their lot. As such, Fairfax County
accepted responsibility for the pumps
and does so to this day.
Here’s the kicker: Fairfax County
contracts with the pump manufacturer’s subsidiary, who has the exclusive
Virginia franchise for service. What
does it cost Fairfax County? Well, from
my successor at the county, a service
call is over $800 and it could be for
a circuit breaker reset. Repairs for a
simple boot replacement with the
cost of the service call, replacement
material, electrical modifications and
labor/equipment is conservatively estimated to cost over $4,500.
They bought it! They own it! They
must maintain it!
Vicki Wilson, a resident of the lake,
located a similar lake community in
Virginia that was confronted by Aqua
Virginia with the same dilemma. I
talked with their general manager, and
he told me that Aqua Virginia backed
off when confronted with legal action from their board of directors. We
should do the same! Call, email, or attend the next Board of Directors meeting to insure that a legal response is
unanimously voted.
Tom Ellis
Lake Monticello
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Terry Brown : Owner
265 Turkeysag Trail, #102
Lake Monticello • Across from Food Lion
4 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
I live in an area of Lake Monticello
that is currently within the Cunningham voting district with a polling location in Cunningham that is 12 miles
one way from our house.
The supervisor for this district lives
in Cunningham and seems to have a
lack of interest for his constituents
who reside at the Lake and therefore
does not consider our concerns in regards to county issues.
I was quite dismayed to learn that
the proposed 7 district plan was de-
feated by the Fluvanna Board of Supervisors with a 3 to 3 vote. A tie vote
defeats the proposal. The 5 district,
1C Option plan was subsequently approved for advertising.
I do agree that an odd number of
districts is more desirable than the
six we presently have because that
would eliminate the tie vote scenario. However, with the 5 District Plan, a
considerable amount of additional
Lake Monticello residents will now
be included within the Cunningham
My concern is not the driving distance to my polling location, but the
fact that the Cunningham supervisor
is not properly representing us here at
Lake Monticello.
I would recommend you study the
new 5 district plan (www.co.fluvanna.
va.us) to see where you will be located and if you feel uncomfortable
with your situation, I encourage you
to express your concerns to the Board
of Supervisors at their next meeting
which is Wednesday, July 6 at 7 p.m.
in the County Courts Building. You
also might consider emailing supervisors Joe Chesser at: jhchesser@embarqmail.com and/or Chris Fairchild
at: Chrisf@nationalfilterservice.com.
Ed Albright
Lake Monticello
Young folks today
I recently read Mr. Vallay’s letter
and also was frustrated by the treatment he received from a young man
driving by, as he attempted to maintain his property in neat appearance.
I sometimes question the values and
decorum of today’s young folks, but
I try and remember that it is some
(but not all) who behave so inappropriately. And as a coordinator for the
Grace & Glory Lutheran Church of an
Adopt-A-Road section on Rt. 53, I too
wonder how people (kids and adults)
can unreasonably discard trash along
the roadway and think that is OK. But
I am happy to report that, as we did a
pickup last Saturday and finished in
the heat of the morning, feeling a bit
worn and sweaty; a woman stopped
by in her car, thanked us and gave
us 10 bottles of ice cold water. It is
such random acts of kindness that
will keep us going and having confidence in the “other side” of the human race.
Joe Shaver
Lake Monticello
Lake cops acted fast
I feel I must disagree with this
reader (regarding a June 16 letter to
the editor). Contrary to feeling disgruntled I would be very appreciative
of any law officers who responded to
a 911 within five minutes of my call. I think that is very commendable. I
have a dear relative residing in Lake
Monticello and feel very assured
of her safety. As to their lengthy
questioning of the lady in distress It
would be of primary importance that
they attempt to discover her identity.
They would need to inform her family of her problem and her name to
the hospital she was being taken to. I
know if this were my relative I would
certainly wish to be informed of her
emergency situation. There is so much crime these days
that every police department is kept
very busy responding to all the many
calls. To have one as efficient as that
of Lake Monticello would be a blessing to any community. We should
all be so blessed. I am very grateful
Comments from FluvannaReview.com and Facebook
On a June 15 letter to the editor criticizing Lake police handling
of a distressed woman: Mrs. Sprouse - I really wish you would seek to
understand the situation before you sent in this letter. Having a family member with Bipolar is a heart wrenching experience. Region Ten does their best
to assist but does not always get it “right” as far as when to bring a patient
in for services.
was hurt in this situation. It could have ended very very differently had they
not known how to handle it.
Everyone who is blessed with a sound mind should take a minute and thank
God for that blessing and remember the families who have to deal with a
loved one who carries this burden. We do so to the best of our abilities in a
loving and compassionate way. — Sister
On a June 16 story about the Board of Supervisors voting down
the idea of seven districts representing the county: I am not surprised at the vote. Anything that would help citizens, voters, and taxpayers in the northwestern part of the County is voted down. The tie vote on
adding the seventh district is why we need seven supervisors in Fluvanna.
Anything that is a hinderance or citizens do not want i.e. trash facilities and
other industrial blight is voted for unanimously. I guess I will have to continue to travel 40 miles round trip to vote at the Palmyra Firehouse since I
go directly after work from Charlottesville to Palmyra to vote. — Concerned
Troy Resident
for the police department in my area
and pray God will keep them safe as
they put their lives on the line for us
every day.
Shirley Wilkins
Thank God for our police
and rescue
When a family like ours has a person with mental illness, we tend not
to speak publicly about it. However
an incident on Monday morning has
become even more distressing because of people not understanding
the situation. When a person who
is bi-polar goes manic, they can become very violent and have super
human strength. Medics and those in
charge must restrain them to protect
the individual and themselves. The
police and rescue people did what
they had to do. It was not a pleasant
job or an easy one, but it was a compassionate one.
I was getting ready to take my
daughter to Region 10. If she had
flipped out like that in the car as I
was driving, we could have been
killed. The first time this happened,
she jumped out of a moving car in
traffic on the Garden State Parkway.
It took other motorists and police to
restrain her. In Albemarle County a
few years back, they sent only two
policemen. That was even more difficult than this time.
I beg the people of this community
not to prejudge the police and rescue
people. They are heroes in our minds.
Believe me, I was thankful they were
here and here quickly.
Marilyn MacGill
Lake Monticello
American Legion baseball
Major League baseball? No, it isn’t.
Good baseball? Definitely!
Unfortunately few people seem
to know that the American Legion
sponsors a baseball team each year.
Fluvanna County American Legion
Post 2003 is again sponsoring a boys’
baseball team, but attendance at the
games is very low. We feel it is because the average person in the area
is not aware of this sponsorship or of
the dates and times of these games.
These games tend to be exciting as
the local team plays against teams
sponsored by other Posts from other
counties in the vicinity. Do they want
to win? You bet they do! Do they play
well? Yes they do! Do they win every
game? No they don’t! Is the game exciting? Yes it is, and win or lose good
sportsmanship is observed.
Fluvanna home games are played
at the Fluvanna County High School
baseball field located behind the
high school off Rt. 15. We would like
to see more interest in these games
from those interested in our youth.
Admission is free, refreshments are
available, and what’s a ballgame without the traditional hot dog? Come out
and see the high school youth of Fluvanna County as they play America’s
favorite game.
Games start at 7 p.m. The continuing home game schedule should be
as follows, weather permitting:
Monday, June 27 against Orange
Friday, July 1 against Staunton
Thursday, July 7 against Albemarle
Friday, July 8 against Spotsylvania
Saturday, July 9 against Courtia
The last game of the season is in
Orange on Monday, July 11.
We hope to see you there.
Robert Haseltine
Fire and rescue golf
The time is here to make your
plans to play in the Lake Monticello
Fire and Rescue Golf Tournament.
The date is June 25 with two planned
shotgun starts. One at 8 a.m. and one
at 1:30 p.m. There will be a presentation of raffle ticket winners starting
at 12:30 p.m. From noon to 2 p.m.
there will be a BBQ lunch for all players. The rain date is August 13.
This is an extremely important
fundraiser for the fire and rescue
squads and the water rescue squad.
The area has grown so much over
the last few years that the number
of calls has increased and continues
to rise. The Lake Monticello rescue
squad alone has responded to over
1,700 calls in the past year and on
some days there may be as many as
10 calls. The Lake Monticello Squads
respond to calls throughout Fluvanna
County and often respond with assistance in other counties. This takes
funding and since these squads are
part of this non-profit organization
they must rely on the contributions
from the public that they support.
Even though most of us also contribute to other fund raising requests,
the request by the Lake Monticello
Fire and Rescue is one that immediately gives back to the community
and the surrounding areas. These
contributions are of course tax deductible. What greater investment
can anyone make that returns in services when the need is there. The volunteers that serve are dedicated and
well trained.
Entry forms for the tournament are
available at the Lake Monticello Golf
Club pro shop. Hole sponsors are
also encouraged. Mulligans will be
offered. There are awards for closest
to the pin on par three holes and for
drives that are closest to the center
line on the 11th hole.
Join the fun and we’ll see you on
June 25.
Don and Nancy Larsen
Tournament Co-chairmen
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Carter swaps school for church
By Kristin Sancken
Maurice Carter will be leaving Fluvanna County schools at the end of
the summer to focus his energies on
his ministry as the head pastor of
Crystal Cathedral in Dillwyn.
Carter, who is assistant superintendent of Fluvanna schools, is a 1981
graduate of Fluvanna County High
School, where he was president of his
senior class. He attended St. Paul’s
college, a historically black college
in Lawrenceville, majoring in education. He also received his Master’s
in public administration from Ohio
State University and an endorsement
in school administration from Longwood University. He returned to Fluvanna public
schools as an assistant principal of
the high school in 1994, and became
assistant superintendent eight years
ago. “I enjoyed working with Fluvanna schools,” said Carter. “This is
where I grew up and attended school
and I wanted to be able to come back
home and to give something back.”
Growing up, Carter was motivated
by his grandmother who always told
him to “make the best better.”
“That’s something that’s always
been in my heart, even as a student
in Fluvanna schools,” said Carter.
Carter, 48, has no plans for retirement any time soon. “There’s too
much work to be done in this region,” he said. “I’ve got energy, the
Lord has blessed me with the ability
to bring people together and encourage folks. I want to continue to use
those skills.”
“There are a lot of hurting people
out in our area,” said Carter. “Our
ministry is focusing on feeding families and that’s what we’ve been doing
every week for about a year. I also
want to provide my skills in a concerted effort to help those who are
hurting – through counseling – and
who need skills to get back in the job
force, [and] to continue to help children. Helping young people is really my love, helping them with their
The plan is for the family to stay in
Fluvanna, and commute to Dillwyn
in Buckingham County, as Carter’s
son graduated from Fluvanna County
High School this year and his daughter is still in the Fluvanna school system. He said he feels like he’s leaving the school district in good hands,
expressing respect for the new superintendent, Gena Keller, the staff,
and the school board.
“I believe it’s a good school district,” said Carter. “I love the people
here, I love the children here, and I
still do.”
Maurice Carter
Fluvanna news briefs
Water authority litigation ends
The conflict over the legality of the charter which formed the James River
Water Authority officially came to an end on Thursday (June 16) when Fluvanna County Circuit Judge John G. Berry entered an order dismissing the action.
The formation of the joint water authority was a source of vehement conflict
between Fluvanna citizens and the Board of Supervisor members who held
office at that time. Petitions filed with the county on two occasions seeking to
have the issue placed before the voters failed because of technical anomalies.
Palmyra resident Douglas Johnson sued the board of supervisors in the circuit court seeking to prohibit the filing of the charter for the joint water authority. Since the charter had already been filed, Johnson sought the revocation of
the charter. The State Corporation Commission’s issuance of the certificate of
incorporation was appealed to the Supreme Court of Virginia. The appeal was
dismissed when the Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal on March 17,
Fluvanna County recently filed a motion to dismiss the case. The order signed
by Judge Berry, with the consent of County Attorney Frederick W. Payne and
Johnson, stated that the case is moot and dismissed the case with prejudice,
meaning the case is over and the issue forever closed. – Joe Ronan
Power lines create fire hazard
Firefighters responded to a fire hazard at Fork Union Baptist Church in
Fork Union Saturday night (June 18). Power lines, which somehow had been
damaged and had sagged, were arcing near the entry to the church, creating
Though there was no fire the potential for fire was present. Power company
workers cut power to the lines. — David Stemple
Tucker runs for 22nd District nomination
Claudia Tucker, chairwoman of the Amherst County Board of Supervisors,
has formally announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination to run
for the State Senate in the 22nd District. The 22nd District includes all of Fluvanna County.
Tucker made her announcement Thursday night (June 16) before a crowd of
supporters at Indian Creek Bed and Stable in Lowesville. She highlighted her
experience in business and farming.
According to a press release, she said: “I think this is a fitting setting, to be
announcing my candidacy for the Virginia Senate from family enterprise in
rural Virginia that showcases an example of agribusiness,” Tucker said, who
runs a family farm with her husband Bill. “We need our next state senator to
know what it’s like to balance a checkbook and make a family budget. And we
need that person to have good, sound business sense. And I know that it takes
someone with business experience like me to create jobs.”
Five others Republicans have announced their candidacy. Republican candidates will compete in a GOP primary election slated for August 23.
Bert Dodson, Jr. A long-time member of the Lynchburg City Council, said
earlier this month he would run for the Democratic nomination for the newlycreated 22nd Virginia Senate District.
Dodson is the head of Dodson Bros., a regional pest-control firm and is touting his business experience. — Carlos Santos
Lake Monticello to monitor boat registration
Lake Monticello marina personnel will be monitoring boats to make sure
the 2011 registration sticker is clearly visible. No unregistered boats may be
put into the Lake.
Additional personnel will be on duty on Monday, July 4 until after the fireworks to enforce the policy that requires that all boats must be registered and
the current sticker in use. There will be no registrations processed after the
Marina office closes at 7 p.m. on July 4.
Board says no to seven districts
The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors voted down the advertised 7-district
scenario in a split vote 3-3 vote at Wednesday’s (June 15) regular board meeting.
Joe Chesser (Rivanna), Mozell Booker (Fork Union) and John Gooch (Palmyra) voted against, and Don Weaver (Cunningham), Shawn Kenney (Columbia)
and Chris Fairchild (Rivanna) voting for the 7-District scenario.
The board voted to advertise the 5-district version 1C option in a 4-2 vote
with Weaver and Fairchild voting against.
A public hearing on the new, proposed 5-district plan is scheduled for the
July 6 board meeting. – Ruthann Carr
Oakland School gets $6,500 for arts
Oakland School in Keswick has been awarded a grant from The Bama Works
Fund of Dave Matthews Band in the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF). The $6,500 grant will provide funds to enhance Oakland’s music
and arts program.
“Many of our parents, students, and staff have requested enhancements to
our arts program because our kids love it. This grant will allow Oakland to
purchase new musical instruments, art supplies and equipment, and provide
opportunities for student performances, art displays and confidence-boosting
recognition for their talents,” says Carol Williams, director of Oakland.
Reported first on FluvannaReview.com
6 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Family in anguish over Columbia man’s disappearance
By Carlos Santos
Fluvanna County’s most perplexing mystery is Tara Mae Hourihan’s
daily nightmare.
Though she has no hard evidence,
she is convinced that her husband
Robert Lee Hourihan – missing since
April 8 – is dead and has probably
been murdered. It’s the only explanation why he has not come home to
her and their six-year-old daughter
Melody, she said.
“It’s the only way he would stay
away from us. He couldn’t stand it. I
know that with every fiber of my being.”
And she wants the murderer
“Whoever is responsible, I want
justice,” she said. “Why did you destroy my entire family and leave a little girl without a father? Whoever did
it must not have a soul. They must
not have a conscience.”
Though authorities suspect something is terribly amiss, they have not
found evidence – as of earlier this
week – that any foul play was involved in Robert Hourihan’s disappearance. Lt. David R. Wells of the
Fluvanna County Sheriff’s Office said
“it’s still a suspicious missing person”
By all accounts, 33-year-old Robert
Hourihan was a family man with a
good job and a close family. He doted on his wife – for whom he would
randomly leave roses in her car – and
his “daughter was his world,” his wife
said. He was close to his parents and
to his brother Mike, a Marine who
lives in North Carolina.
“He just doesn’t do this kind of
stuff,” said his mother Melinda who
with his father Rick moved from Fluvanna to Buckingham County about
10 years ago. “He even calls home
when he’s going to be late from
work.” His cell phone has not been
used since the morning of his disappearance.
Robert Lee Hourihan is about
5’8” tall and weighs over 200
pounds. He has blond hair, blue
eyes and a full beard and
mustache. He was wearing
navy blue pants and a brown
work shirt when he vanished.
Through Crime Stoppers, Rick
and Melinda Hourihan have
offered a $5,000 reward for
information leading to the
location of Robert Hourihan.
Anyone with information on
Robert Hourihan is asked to call
Lt. David R. Wells of the
Fluvanna Sheriff’s Office at
434-589-8211 or Crime Stoppers
at 434-977-4000.
Tara and Robert Hourihan with their daughter Melody.
Photo contributed by Tara Hourihan.
“He was always laughing,” said his
up a hitchhiker. If he saw somebody
mother. “He was a good boy.”
on the side of the road, he would
Rumors have swirled around his
help him.”
disappearance. Tara Hourihan said
Friends and family members
she’s even been anonymously acscoured the county after his disapcused on a Facebook page of
pearance, looking for him or
killing her husband. She
signs he had perhaps achas also been asked
cidently driven off the
“Maybe it
whether he could
road. The searchers
was a carjacking.
have been involved
found fresh tire
Maybe he picked up
in an extramarital
tracks at Ruritan
affair or in a drug
Lake that led to a
a hitchhiker. If he saw
deal. She said she
fruitless underwasomebody on the side of ter search of the
knows nothing of
the road, he would help
any drug dealing
lake on April 13.
and is certain he
So where is Robhim.” – Melinda
would never have
ert Lee Hourihan?
cheated on her.
That morning of
April 8 at the Hourihan’s
won’t go as far as to say her
double-wide trailer home
son has been murdered, but she beoutside Columbia was a normal
lieves the odds are slim he’s alive.
one. The Hourihans, who have been
“We really think that somebody did
married 13 years, lived at the house
something to him,” she said. “Maybe
thanks to the generosity of Tara Houit was a carjacking. Maybe he picked
rihan’s parents who live next door
and gave them the home as a wedding present.
“It was an ordinary morning as
far as I knew,’’ said Tara Hourihan. “I
made his coffee.”
Robert Hourihan was wearing his
work uniform – navy blue pants, a tshirt and a brownish work shirt that
had his nickname “Rob” stitched on
Both the Hourihans had good jobs.
Rob Hourihan worked as an electrician for the state of Virginia in Richmond. He learned the trade at the
Charlottesville Albemarle Technical Education Center in Albemarle
County. Tara Hourihan is the assistant manager of the call center for
the University of Virginia Community
Credit Union in Charlottesville.
Tara Mae Colley had been best
friends with Rob Hourihan seven
years before they got married on
July 4, 1998. They went to the same
church – then Memorial Baptist – and
both graduated from Fluvanna County High School. Tara was a bit older.
See Hourihan, page 10
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Gorgeous 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath quality built
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baths, formal dining room, screened in porch,
garage & a home office with private entrance.
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Gate: Left on Jefferson; left on Bunker;
left on Mulligan; right on Barrett.
Beautiful ranch on a large corner lot. Incredibly
kept with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and a full
partially finished basement. Large deck & new
patio. Directions: Lake Monticello Main Gate:
Right on Jefferson; go approx. 2 miles take a left
on Northwood; left Lafayette to the corner of
Lafayette & Bernardsburg.
Very nice cedar home located in the golf course
section. 3 bedrooms + 2 full baths, stone
fireplace, full unfinished basement for future
expansion. Directions: Lake Monticello Main
Gate: Left on Jefferson for approx. 2 miles &
take a right on Dogleg. Home on right.
Finished Basement
New Construction
MLS#: 486331– $537,900
MLS#: 487454 – $192,000
MLS#: 483965 – $469,900
Stunning home with over 3600 fin. sq. ft.,
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& bulk head
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kitchen with tile counters, oversized 2 car
garage, deck
Custom home with large, private lot. First
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living rooms, in law apartment, boat dock
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Historic Home
3.13 Acres
Walk to Beach
MLS#: 487968 – $239,500
Located near the James River. 3 bedrooms,
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Vicki Wilson
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MLS#: 487117 – $349,000
Private end of cul de sac location,
5 bedrooms, finished terrace level with
bedroom & bath, in ground pool, side load
double garage, hot tub, screen porch
Bill Lansing
Don & Lorraine
Joan White
Associate Broker,
MLS#: 472530 – $209,500
Awesome location. First floor master suite
with double closets, sunroom, vaulted
ceilings, formal dining room, full walk in
attic area, large eat in kitchen
Shirley Saum
Lannie Turman
MLS#: 485658 – $345,900
Quality built by Taylor Lyn. Choose your
colors. First floor master suite, 9' ceilings,
hardwood floors, bonus room, 2 car
garage, screened in porch
3.13 Acres in Albemarle.............$45,000
.40 ACRE LOT - LOUISA..............$30,000
8.75 ACRES IN FLUVANNA.........$72,500
11 LAKE MONTICELLO LOTS.......$35,000 & UP
5.89 ACRES IN FLUVANNA.........$66,500
1.59 AT THE ACRES....................$125,000
10 ACRES IN FLUVANNA ..........$79,500
10.90 ACRES IN FLUVANNA........$98,500
3.20 ACRES IN FLUVANNA..........$44,500
WATERFRONT ON 4.80 ACRES.....$149,000
Lorraine Frisina
Realtor, GRI
JoAnn Nordlund
Associate Broker,
Craig McCormick
June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Hourihan from page 8
She described her husband as both
a “family man,” and a “diamond in
the rough...his family was his world,’’
she said.
She didn’t know that when her
husband left at around 6:30 a.m. he
would vanish without explanation
or trace. “I had no idea I would never
see him again when he walked out
the door,” she said. “All I know is that
he was going to work.”
But Rob Hourihan didn’t have to
work that Friday. Why was he in his
uniform? “I have no explanation,”
said Tara Hourihan. “As far as I know
he was on his way to work.” She said
that that Fluvanna authorities know
what Hourihan “was trying to do,”
but they have not told her what that
“I feel the truth will come out,”
said Tara Hourihan. “Lt. Wells has my
respect. He’s really trying to help.”
Wells said he couldn’t say why
Hourihan dressed for work that day.
“There are some things we just can’t
comment on,” he said.
Wells said the case is not in a stalemate. “It’s moving forward.” He would
not comment on whether there are
suspects in the case. “I know she
wants to know” what happened, said
Instead of going to work, Rob Hourihan drove his car northwest to Rt.
53 where he was sighted near the
Cunningham area around 7:40 a.m.
heading toward Palmyra. Witnesses said he had breakfast at the E.W.
Thomas grocery store that morning.
He had once bagged groceries there
and was well-known in the store.
That’s the last time he was reported seen. No trace of him or the car
was found until May 28 when Maryland authorities decided to check out
a suspicious, parked car. The 2004
Chevy Cavalier, abandoned in the
parking lot of a Target department
store in La Plata, Md., turned out to
be Hourihan’s.
“It was just an officer’s hunch,’’
Diane Richardson, a spokeswoman
for the Charles County Sheriff’s Office, said about the discovery. “It was
parked on the outskirts of the parking lot. It looked out of place.”
She said that the car has been
processed for evidence though she
declined to say if any evidence was
found. Wells said the Virginia Department of Forensic Science Laboratory
Robert Hourihan’s car was found in Maryland and processed for evidence.
Hourihan with his daughter, Melody. Photo contributed by Tara Hourihan.
in Richmond has been sent material
collected from the car, but that it may
take months to get results back.
Tara Hourihan said she has not
heard if evidence was found in the
car. She knows, however, that the
trunk of the car was still filled with
Hourihan’s electrician tools – some
of them valuable. Theft was obviously not a motive.
The discovery of the car – which
bore Virginia personalized license
plates of “TARA MAE” and a Winnie
the Pooh sticker on the back window
– brought little hope to Tara Hourihan. “To me it says something horrible happened. My husband doesn’t
know a single person in Maryland
and he would never leave his car. He
loved that car. When I heard, part of
me had an awful sinking feeling that
this is not going to end well.”
Police said the car showed no readily apparent evidence of a crime.
“We’re praying it will lead to something,” said Tara Hourihan.
Rob Hourihan has a serious heart
condition which requires daily medication. His medication is still in a
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10 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
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kitchen cabinet at his Columbia
home. No refills have been requested
of his physician. “If he’s late just one
day he gets cold sweats, migraines
and major vomiting,” his wife said,
citing his health as another reason
she doesn’t believe he is alive.
Both Rob Hourihan’s parents and
Tara Hourihan have turned to their
faith for support. “We’re both church
families,” said Melinda Hourihan. “I
know the Lord is going to bring him
home either way. We’re ready either
“I don’t know what I would do
without my church,” said Tara Hourihan, who attends Mt. Gilead Baptist
near Columbia. “The people there are
phenomenal...If I didn’t have faith I
don’t know how I would handle it.”
Meanwhile, she works, takes care
of her beautiful daughter Melody,
goes to church and prays for an end
to the nightmare.
“Every night I dream he comes
home,” she said.
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Jobs and the economy top issues with Republican candidates
By Page H. Gifford
Jobs and the economy were the primary topic for
a mix of four Republican candidates running for the
Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors and for their
party’s nomination to run for the 22nd district state
senate seat. The 22nd district includes Fluvanna.
The candidates spoke at a Republican breakfast
held at the Ashlawn Grille on Saturday (June 18).
Most of the candidates came from rural areas nearby, including Goochland and Louisa, and one candidate who was not present, Brian Bates, comes from
Chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia rallied fellow Republicans to give support for candidates for the coming election in November.
“Our liberties are at stake, our freedom is at stake.
This is about the present and the future,” said Pat Mullins. “For generations children have bettered themselves, I’m concerned whether they can do that in
this environment. I met a coal miner, who is now out
of work. His son was accepted at Virginia Tech. He
has no money now to send him there. These next two
elections will determine if we survive economically.
We have to become self reliant.” Mullins cited offshore drilling, an educated society that can compete,
taxes and the right to work issue as items that needed
to be addressed to get the economy moving again.
He closed with the following, “The 17th century
was controlled by Spain, the 18th century was controlled by France, the 19th century was controlled by
England and the 20th century by the U.S. I don’t want
to see our children’s future controlled by China.”
Robert Ullenbruch
Fluvanna Board of Supervisors candidate
Shaun Kenney, vice chairman of the Fluvanna
Board of Supervisors, introduced Robert Ullenbruch, businessman and
owner of the Palmyra
Country Store. Ullenbruch is running against
current supervisor John
Gooch, in the Palmyra
District. Ullenbruch said
he will run as a Republican, though board members generally do not run
Bob Ullenbruch
with a party affiliation.
“I chose to run as a Republican and not hide from
my conservative principles,” he said. He added that
he there are many issues to tackle, among them debt,
taxes and lack of economic development.
“There are no jobs, no opportunities for our young
people and an aging and decreasing population in
our rural areas are a major issue and jobs and economic development is a primary goal.”
Mark Peake
Tom Garrett
Candidate for the Republican nomination for the
22nd District race
Peake is a small businessman and practicing attorney for over 23 years from Lynchburg. He is a graduate of Virginia Tech and
has a law degree from
Washington and Lee. He
was a former president
of the Lynchburg Bar Association and appointed
by Governor Bob McDonnell to the Commonwealth
Board as well as other
grass roots community
Mark Peake
Among Peake’s goals,
are creating jobs, cutting wasteful spending and keeping taxes low. He is
pro life and believes in limiting the scope of government.
“We do not need more regulations. For every ten
regulations there should only be one regulation. Get
government off the backs of citizens and out of the
way of small business,” he said.
Bryan Rhode
Candidate for the Republican nomination for the
22nd District race
Rhode is from nearby Goochland and currently
serves as a prosecuting attorney for the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office in Richmond. He is also prolife and basically agrees with the other candidates
on what needs to be done regarding creating jobs,
limiting government intervention and lowering taxes
but adds that improving local infrastructure, education and job training are also key issues.
Rhode, an ex-Marine, gives his reason for throwing
his hat in the ring.
“I had worked on campaigns and many of the
people I worked with I thought would be good leaders declined to run because of work or family commitments or that politics have become ugly,” said
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May Sept
12 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
Candidate for the Republican nomination for the
22nd District race
Candidate Tom Garrett comes from nearby Louisa
County and serves as their commonwealth’s attorney. A U.S Army veteran, Garrett grew up in
Louisa and attended the
University of Richmond.
He wants to fight high
taxes, supports the right
to work laws and the development of Virginia’s
energy resources.
“We need to un-encumber
through deregulation,”
Tom Garrett
he said. He cited examples of people he
met who own farms and businesses being choked
by government paperwork. “One man said to me ‘I
can’t belch without filling out eight pages of paper.
Farmers can’t plant crops in certain areas next to
other crops. This is the fourth branch of government
that our forefathers never envisioned — overregulated businesses.”
He is also for off-shore drilling and added, “We
have coal, God gave us these resources, let’s use
them but our current government will not allow us
to tap our natural resources to help make the U.S.
Claudia Tucker and Brian Bates
Candidate for the Republican nomination for the
22nd District race
The two absentees, due to other commitments,
were Claudia Tucker and Brian Bates.
Tucker is a cattle farmer, business executive and
member of the Amherst County Board of Supervisors. She supports farmers and cutting government
spending and taxes.
Bates, a teacher, comes from Buckingham County.
Bates tours his support for the Bear Garden Power
Plant in Buckingham County which led to its construction and the creation of 700 jobs at the height of
this recession. He is a 12-year member of the Buckingham Board of Supervisors.
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Sts. Peter and Paul bursting as it celebrates 25th anniversary
By Kristin Sancken
A church is more than a building, it’s the people
who gather as a community to love and serve. For St.
Peter and Paul Catholic church in Palmyra, which is
celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, that couldn’t
be more true.
From the Lake Monticello retirees who founded the
church back in 1985 to the Cub Scout leader who just
converted to Catholicism this year after being married
to a Catholic women for over a decade, St. Peter and
Paul is a group of dedicated Catholic parishioners.
In 1985, as more and more Catholics moved to Lake
Monticello to retire from New York and northern New
Jersey, Father John Cummings – who was the pastor
at St. Joesph’s parish in Columbia – approached Mary
Luxhoj Callaghan to host the first Mass in her home
at the Lake. “I knew five Catholics in the area, so I invited them,
and afterward we had a covered dish supper,” said
Luxhoj Callaghan. “Father Cummings asked who
would like to have the next mass at their house, someone volunteered and we rotated from there.”
As the gatherings grew, the “Catholic Community of
Fluvanna”, as they called themselves, began looking
for a larger place to meet. In a stroke of luck, Luxhoj
Callaghan mentioned their need for a meeting space
to her beautician, Helen Evans, who suggested they
meet at her church, Effort Baptist.
Just a month before their first Mass at Effort, Father
Cummings died in his sleep on a vacation to Virginia
beach. The small Catholic Community of Fluvanna
was shocked to learn that he had left the group over
$70,000 dollars in his will in order that they have the
resources to continue growing.
“I was really touched by that,” said Sandra Gallaudet, chair of St. Peter and Paul’s 25th Anniversary
Committee. “That priest would give all that he had
to a nascent community; I mean there really wasn’t
much here.”
Indeed there wasn’t much to Lake Monticello at the
time. One of the founding members, Bob Margraf, described driving to Mass at Holy Comforter in Charlottesville and not passing another car on Rt. 53.
The group met for five years at Effort Baptist, every
Saturday at 5 p.m. During that time, Bishop Walter F.
Sullivan visited the mission from Richmond and celebrated Mass. It happened to be the feast day of Saints
Peter & Paul, which inspired the Bishop to name the
church Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church. He also
encouraged them to begin looking for land to build a
church building of their own.
Founders and leaders of Sts. Peter and Paul church with Father Gerald Francis Musuubire.
Photo by Kristin Sancken.
“Bishop Sullivan asked us to find land while it was
still cheap,” said Bill Margraf, who was in charge of
the real estate committee at the time. “I personally
knocked on every door from the Fluvanna County
line to Palmyra along Rt. 53, no one was willing to
sell. All of a sudden, on a rainy day, there was a ‘For
Sale’ sign for 31 acres. The bishop was afraid it was
too much money, I said, ‘no that’s very cheap.’”
The year was 1987, there were 30 active families in
the church, and they were able to buy the 31 acres for
$33,000. By October of 1990 their new chapel was
complete, although very simple.
“It was considered a mission church. We had to
come in under $300,000, which is why it was so bare
bones,” said Margraf. “There wasn’t even a parking
“You faced one another and the priest was in the
middle,” said George Kuhlow, Grand Knight of Saint
Peter & Paul’s Knights of Columbus chapter. “It reminded me of the Amish.”
With its own building, the church gained the ability
to focus outward. Church member Bob Duffey started
“Food for the Poor” a program which collected food
for the Monticello Area Community Action Agency
(MACAA) food pantry. Bill Keating started a prison
ministry; Father Allen started a Haiti ministry, as well
as a “Respect Life” campaign to support pregnancies
and a “Lest We Forget” program to serve those in the
U.S. armed services.
In addition to those ministries, all of which are still
active, Saints Peter and Paul also boast the largest and
most active chapter of the Knights of Columbus (a fraternal charitable organization) and active Cub Scouts
in all of Central Virginia.
“Every year it keeps growing,” said Cub Scouts pack
leader David Seal. “We can’t recruit anymore because
we don’t have anywhere to put them.”
Although the church expanded its building again
in 2001, it had quickly grown too small for its 1,000
registered members, and nearly 500 people at each
weekly Mass.
“We are bursting at the seams,” said Gallaudet. “We
have classes in the kitchen, the offices, the hallways,
even the confessional.”
The church is currently in the midst of another capital campaign to expand yet again. Money from their
yearly yard sale, which occurs every June, as well as
from a craft fair go towards their building fund. With
this expansion they hope to not only add more sanctuary and classroom space, but also a Catholic cemetery on the property.
June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Your Local Insurance Specialist
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By Page H. Gifford
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Gary W. Mackey
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Terry Brown, owner and operator of
Mailbox Express stays in business because he cares about his customers. He
greets everyone by name who comes
through his door with a smile and a
“how are you today?” During the span
of one hour, 16 people walked into
the store, Brown greeted every one of
them, recalled how many came in and
what they needed. That is customer
service done right and those customers appreciate Brown’s kindness and
diligence in meeting their needs.
One customer wants the package
she is shipping to arrive in New Jersey
by Saturday. Terry doesn’t make promises but says he will do his best and
she smiles gratefully for the effort. He
gets her package for his run to the post
office at 4 p.m.
“I have been given many blessings,
great customers, fantastic employees
and they are the reason for my success,” said Brown who has two other
employees in addition to himself and
hires two extra at the busy Christmas
Brown is authorized in shipping and
other mail services under USPS, the
local post office. When they are not
available, Brown can help get the mail
to where it is going. Normally, Brown
sees 50-100 people daily walk through
his door. At the holidays it can be anywhere from 150-200 people daily.
“We do drop offs for UPS and FedEx,
usually 35-40 pieces daily in volume,
an average for all the packages is normally 92 packages in one day. Naturally, we get a much higher volume of
packages at Christmas and I run out of
room in the back to store them until
I can get them to the post office,” he
said. Brown also does Saturday pickup for express services, FedEx and
“I have customers that work in
Charlottesville but will still stop by
after work and give me their package
to send,” said Brown. “I receive large
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14 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
more freight and crating services.”
Brown adds there are many things
that are not required of him or his
business but it is his business mantra
to go the extra mile.
“Community-wise, I support the local 4-H and other groups and we assist
servicemen and women overseas in
active duty and their families by providing international shipping to APO’s
and FPO’s with a discount for shipping or sometimes we’ll absorb the
cost. We assisted 200 families in shipping packages to our troops overseas.”
It is this mantra and his customer service that brings them in the door and
keeps Brown in business.
For more information about your
shipping needs, visit Terry Brown at
his store at 265 Turkeysag Trail at the
Jefferson Center Monday – Friday 10
a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. – 2
p.m. Contact him at 434-589-9602 or
e-mail him at mailbox102@embarqmail.com.
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packages for companies to pick up.
Instead of it having to be sent directly to someone at home or the office,
they can have it sent to me, and I will
charge a minimal fee to keep and protect it until the person can pick it up.”
After six years, Brown has expanded
the business to include printing, international shipping capabilities and
being an outsource for printing for a
variety of groups, companies, and educational institutions in the area. He
has also added crating and packing
materials and boxes for moving. He
also features use of a computer, faxing
and printing which he says has been
successful. And he is a notary.
“People can e-mail me requests for
copying and printing ahead of when
they need it and I can fill the order and
have it ready for them. I also have a
large format copier for items such as
building plans and I have supplied
copies for many businesses. I have a
myriad of whatever anyone needs,” he
said. “I will be adding new copiers and
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Midway by: Inners Shows
June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Perfect day for Timo’s Memorial 5K run/walk
By Duncan Nixon
The seventh annual Timo’s Memorial 5K run/walk event was held on Saturday (June 18). The weather conditions
were perfect and the field of runners
and walkers was large. Event organizer
Angell Husted reported that a record
number of participants were pre-registered for the event, and there were a
large number of, day of the event, signins, as well. In addition, Husted said
that she thought the course was in the
best groomed condition she has seen.
Registration fees and donations
raised $5,000 for the Lake Monticello
Fire and Rescue and for the Palmyra
Volunteer Fire Company.
This year the fastest runner was 28year-old Matthew Barresi, a graduate
of American University, who is now
running with the New Balance Pacers
Track Club out of the District of Columbia. Barresi completed the course in a
very impressive 16:41.
The second place finisher was last
year’s winner Caleb Haney. Haney is a
Midshipman at the Naval Academy, and
the son of Fluco cross-country coach,
Rose Brogan. Brogan served as the official time keeper for the event. The third
place finisher was Fluco cross country and track runner Chris Markham.
Haney finished the race in 18:14, while
Markham came in at 19:15.
On the women’s side, the first place
finisher was Maggie McClain. She finished with a time of 25:39. McClain
said after the race that she did not run
competitively in high school or col-
Darrell Baughan trumpets the beginning of the race. Photos by David Stemple.
lege. However, she “just enjoys running
to stay in shape.” One of her reasons
for running in this race is that she is
Matt Wright’s girlfriend. Matt is the son
of race organizer Angell Husted and
the brother of Timo Husted Wright, in
whose memory the race is held. Second place in the female side of the race
went to eleven year old Saige Haney,
daughter of Rose Brogan. She finished
in 26:42 a mere two seconds ahead of
third place finisher, Andrea Grey.
As has become traditional with this
event, the start was preceded by a
huge Circle of Love where all the participants, spectators and race officials
and organizers join hands and form a
prayer circle in memory of
Timo Husted Wright who
died in a tragic one-car accident, while driving from
a cross country practice to
his part-time job. As usual,
the race was started by the
trumpet of Darrell Baughan,
who was Timo’s trumpet instructor. Baugham starts the
race with a rendition of the
William Tell overture.
Just before the race start,
a fire engine had to pull out
from Pleasant Grove to answer a call. Angell Husted
commented that the siren
was “a sound I hate to hear”
but, she further commented
that the event was held each
year to help fund the efforts
of those who respond to
emergency calls.
This year, in addition to
entry fees, raffle proceeds
and usual sponsor donations, Angell Husted said
that a new sponsor category
was created with sponsors
for: the race start, the one,
two and three mile markers, and the finish line. Drs.
Weiss Optometrists sponRace winner Matthew Barresi with
sored the one mile marker,
race organizer Angell Husted.
RounTop Ltd. Partners the
16 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
two mile marker, and Fork Union Animal Clinic the three mile marker. The
finish line was sponsored by Timo’s
father’s Rotary Club, the Blue Ridge
Mountain Rotary Club. This sponsorship was a surprise, in that Timo’s
father did not learn that his club had
taken on this sponsorship until the day
of the race.
Angell Husted also said that a number
of this club’s members made individual contributions to the event, as well.
The start was co-sponsored by a host
of Fluvanna Chamber of Commerce
member companies including: Angell’s
Fitness and Dance, Fork Union Animal
Clinic, State Farm agent Anna Murphy,
Dogwood Café, Ashlawn Grille, National Filter Services, Papa Johns, Inklings
Ink Screen Printers and Drs. Weiss Optometrists.
See FluvannaReview.com for more
photos and complete race results.
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Fluvanna Farmers Market at Pleasant Grove
Spirit and Truth
By Phyllis Montellese
By the Rev. Greg Smith
Glorious weather brings crowds to market
The weather on June 12 was glorious and we had many people coming out to
the market who had been avoiding the early spring heat these last two weeks.
We had 32 vendors set up with a wonderful selection of items to sell. Produce now includes broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbages, potatoes, onions
and Swiss chard. No tomatoes yet, but I am told we should have some by the
end of the month.
Today, the line formed in front of Cricket Baked goods for fresh bread as well
as other sweet treats. Deirdre’s fudge had a table filled with fresh picked, sprayfree blueberries to eat with the chocolate.
This is a way to support your local farmers and artisans. For many, happily,
this is a part of their weekly ritual. For others, don’t forget us. We work hard to
be there and look forward to seeing you all.
Several vendors are also selling farm fresh eggs – most of the chickens are
free range and the taste is so rich, you will never want grocery store eggs again.
I know our chickens have us spoiled.
At the Fluvanna Market. You can get all the best fresh vegetables, eggs, bread
and treat and even berries. You can’t beat the taste. And while you are there,
have a cup of lemonade and maybe some BBQ: then you can browse for gifts
for yourself and others as well as plan your garden.
The Fluvanna Farmers Market is open Tuesdays, April through October from
2 p.m.-6 p.m. at Pleasant Grove on Rt. 53, approximately two miles east of the Rt. 15.
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18 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
Conquer my heart
The July 10, 1993 edition of Daily
you’ll always see immediate results.
Walk says, “Historian Shelby Foote
God has reasons for following His
tells of a soldier who was wounded at
agenda and not ours. Maybe your
the battle of Shiloh during the Amerpreferred timetable would cause you
ican Civil War and was ordered to go
some unforeseen problem that He
to the rear. The fighting was fierce
wants you to avoid. Trust God, and
and within minutes he returned to
He will see you through.
his commanding officer. ‘Captain,
Moses says something next that
give me a gun!’ he shouted. ‘This
makes little sense on the surface. “Affight ain’t got any rear!’” Sometimes
ter you conquer a nation, burn their
we find ourselves in spiritual battles
idols. Don’t get trapped into wanting
that haven’t got any rear. It seems
the silver or gold on an idol. Even the
like there’s no way out, like the devmetal on an idol is disgusting to the
il’s got you surrounded on all sides,
LORD, so destroy it. If you bring it
and even though you’re wounded,
home with you, both you and your
you still have to fight. What do you
house will be destroyed. Stay away
do in times like that?
from those disgusting idols (verses
In Deuteronomy 7, God tells the Is25-26 CEV)!”
raelites, through Moses, that they are
You’d think the Israelites would be
to be divine instruments of wrath,
able to destroy their enemies’ idols
destroying mighty nations that are
by melting them down, keeping the
guilty of heinous abominations like
gold and silver — but God says to deidolatry, child sacrifice, and much
stroy it. When God gives you victory
more. But Israel is in for a hard fight.
over some evil stronghold in your
In verses 17-19
life, it’s easy to
(CEV) Moses says,
rationalize hang“You may be The battles you’re fighting today ing onto some
thinking, ‘How
small part of it.
probably aren’t as violent as
can we destroy
“Let’s not throw
the Israelites. Your wars may be the baby out with
things like disease, difficult
They are more
the bath water,”
you say. So you
relationships, poverty, and
we are.’ But stop
finally quit those
temptation. But that doesn’t
remember what make your struggles any less real. still hang onto
the LORD your
that chewing toGod did to Egypt
bacco. Or you
and its king. You saw how the LORD
get control of your tongue by kicking
used his tremendous power to work
your cussing habit, yet you continue
great miracles and bring you out of
to gossip about your neighbor. God
Egypt. And he will again work mirwants you to get rid of it all, and let
acles for you when you face these
Him make you holy.
enemies you fear so much.”
You see, God wanted to do more
The battles you’re fighting today
than conquer the Promised Land. He
probably aren’t as violent as the Iswanted to conquer people’s hearts.
raelites. Your wars may be things
In fact, if everyone who lived in the
like disease, difficult relationships,
Promised Land had let God conpoverty, and temptation. But that
quer their hearts, there would have
doesn’t make your struggles any less
been no need for divine judgment.
real. You can rest assured that the
In the same way, God wants you to
same God who fought Israel’s battles
surrender your heart to Him and let
for them also does wonders to resHim take the lead. Trust Him for the
cue those who call on His Name.
battles you fight every day. When
In verse 22, (CEV) Moses says, “The
He’s won the victory, let Him keep it
LORD will force [the nations] out litby getting rid of those idols you’ve
tle by little. He won’t let you get rid
held onto for years. Say to the Lord,
of them all at once — if he did, there
“Conquer my heart!” Lay down your
wouldn’t be enough people living in
arms before Him, and then watch
the land to keep down the number of
the ironic thing He does. He will give
wild animals.” When God intervenes
you the victory.
on your behalf, that doesn’t mean
Greg Smith is the pastor of Antioch Baptist Church near Scottsville. You can email
him at revgregsmith@gmail.com. Check out his blog at revgregsmith.blogspot.com.
Fluvanna golf at its best
By Emil Colmenares
Volunteers needed for tutoring
The Youth Development Foundations’ Junior golf foundation is off to a great
start with manageable classes the key. All Juniors and beginners are learning with
a program that includes teaching at its finest. The learning processes are being
readily absorbed and more fun is being enjoyed by all participants. The parents
in attendance are also taking note of the lessons being given and are thereby refreshing their skills as well as becoming interested in the advantages of family
participation. The program has much to offer and so far the weather has cooperated. Students that have shown talent are being given the opportunity to improve
by playing the golf course.
A few more of our volunteers are needed to provide tutoring and supervision of
the program and any volunteer is most welcome. The opportunity is there for parents who are golfers to enhance their skills by participating in the program with
their children. A fun time is there for all to enjoy. Progress is fun to watch and who
knows who will be our next Phil Mickelson, or Ernie Els.
The Member Guest golf tournament that was played last week was the finest in
years. Cliff Altschull is to be congratulated for doing a great job. The format provided serious competition that involved all of the players and the winners barely
won by half a point. This was competition at its finest and a great time was had by
all. The weather cooperated and as the players were leaving they were greeted by
a sudden storm that sent them off with a resounding boom, The winners were the
team of Dwyer and Wolf and I’m sure they will be back to defend next year.
Mark Marshall, our Pro has shown remarkable skills in creating and having
interesting activities for all to enjoy and is encouraging new members to join us.
Remember, all Fluvanna County residents are invited as well as those from other
surrounding counties.
I hope to be playing in the near future and miss the action every day. If there is
a delay in playing, I’ll see you in the comics.
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Friends of the library
Central Virginia gardening
By Bill Jones
By Sunny Lenz
Library staff feted
“I cannot live without books” –
Thomas Jefferson
“The play’s the thing” – Shakespeare
by hosting a brunch for them. Once
again the excellent feast of quiches,
casseroles and pastries was provided
by the caterers Simply Southern and
once again they outdid themselves.
Everyone came away happy and full.
There will be no meeting in July.
The next meeting of the Friends will
be on Aug. 3 at 10 a.m. at the library.
Hope to see you at the library.
On 1 June the Fluvanna Friends of
the Library held their annual staff appreciation brunch. There was a large
turnout and an unexpected pleasant
surprise. The surprise occurred when
Page Gifford, secretary of the Persimmon Tree Players presented
Linda Waller, president of
the Friends of the Library
with a check. The check
represented half of the
proceeds from the Player’s
opening night performance
of their recent play “Everyone Loves Opal.”
The Persimmon Tree
Players is Fluvanna’s own
little theatre group and they
perform two plays each
year. This year they chose
to honor the Friends of the
Library with this donation.
The Friends are most grateful for their generosity.
For many years these two
organizations have been
bringing culture and entertainment to the county and
we are very fortunate to
have them.
The brunch honored our
hard working and dedicated library staff. Our library
continues to serve our community through its services,
programs and bi-monthly
showing of movies. Once
a year the Friends like to
Page Gifford presents a check to Linda Waller,
show their appreciation the library’s president. Photo by Larry Rubendall.
The serendipity of ditch weeds
From mustard to aster, Virginia
roadsides are decorated through the
growing season by fabulous ditch
weeds. As a gardener, I organize nature for the eye’s delight, planning
for repeated showy displays down
the perennial border, placing bright
color near and far to enclose space
or stretch the view. But it is hard
to beat the beauty provided by the
side of the road on a summer day.
In March, Virginia bluebells can be
seen near a stream while daffodils
and star flowers, planted by some
early settler have gone wild and line
the roadsides. When May apples appear, it is time to search for morrels
and the season has started. Dandelions and clover start the bees moving
and by May, Scotch broom pops out,
giving us a bright border and an indication of the waves of color to follow. As summer gets started in full
force, chicory, yucca, daylilies and
Queen Anne’s lace let us know that
it is hard to produce a better garden
display than the one offered by nature on a summer day.
All over the country, ditch weeds
are startling. In New England, loosestrife has invaded every ditch and
though I know it is hard to remove
and is replacing more subtle growth,
the purple beacons are glorious
none the less. In the deep South,
trumpet vine and bull thistle blaze
away while west of the Mississippi,
bouncing bette lines the roads and
sunflowers move their heads to follow the sun. Lupines, columbine and
pinks adorn the mountain states and
Indian paint brush brightens the days
in the Northwest Everything under
the sun blooms in California. Worldwide, ditches are full of flowers. In
Ireland fuscia drip over the byways
and montbretia lines the roadside.
In Italy scarlet poppies and wild tulips are so common, people sail by
smiling at the booming colors. Asia
has calla lilies and rafflesia. Australia
has cow kicks, cockies tongue and
Queen of Sheba orchids!
But you needn’t travel at all to see
a bright, changing display as here in
central Virginia we have beautiful
flowers all season long just sitting
at the side of the road. In June, Jimson weed, named after its discovery
in Jamestown, climbs high. By July,
black-eyed Susans are blooming
and in August the full heat of summer brings out golden rod and iron
weed with its 19,000 seeds/flower.
Some plants are toxic, some used
medicinally, and some are historic.
Poke berry ink was used to write the
Declaration of Independence and
Civil War soldiers used it to write
letters home. Yarrow, coreopsis, Oxeye daisy, white heath aster, Virginia
pepperweed, hairy bittercress; these
and other American natives led to a
great spurt of plant collecting in the
1700’s. Many of today’s perennials
were bred from these lowly beginnings.
Asters give us the first hint of fall
and bloom until first frost. Bittersweet carries on all the way to December. None of this is organized
or arranged, none purchased or
mulched. We garden to bring a little
order into our surroundings but the
serendipity of nature in the roadside
ditch outshines us all.
Sunny Lenz is a professional gardener and landscape painter working in and around
central Virginia.
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20 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
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New JAUNT fares go into effect July 1
On July 1 new rates will go into effect in Fluvanna County. “We work closely
with the local Board of Supervisors to provide the most service we can in the
most cost effective way possible,” stated Donna Shaunesey, executive eirector,
“We know that transportation links residents to their community. People need
affordable public transportation and we work hard to provide it.” Residents
can find the new rates online at www.ridjaunt.org or by calling JAUNT at 434296-3184.
JAUNT Inc. is a regional transportation system providing service to the citizens of Albemarle, Buckingham, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Louisa, and Nelson
counties. The sixty-four vehicle fleet carries the general public, agency clients,
senior citizens and people with disabilities throughout Central Virginia. Organized in 1975, JAUNT maintains an exemplary record of safety, cost efficiency,
and high quality service, and is recognized both statewide and nationally for its
performance record. JAUNT is celebrating its 35th anniversary.
Sunday, June 26 • 1-4pm
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Smith preaches at Grace and Glory
Contributed by Irma Forger
The Rev. C. Douglas Smith was the
guest preacher at Grace and Glory Lutheran Church’s worship service on
Sunday, June 12, delivering the message of Pentecost. Jesus said to them
again, “Peace be with you. As the
Father has sent me, so I send you.”
When he had said this, he breathed
on them and said to them, “Receive
the Holy Spirit.” – the Gospel of John
At the Christian Education hour prior to worship, Doug Smith, executive
director of Virginia Interfaith Center
for Public Policy, talked animatedly
about the work of the center. He said
the Center’s name could as well be
the “Multi-Faith Center...” for many
faiths are represented, Christians,
Jews, Muslims, Sikks, etc.
The goal of the center is to educate
people of faith on the needs of those
most vulnerable among us, and how
to address those needs through legislation, meeting with state legislators
on particular pressing issues of the
times. A recent issue has been exorbitant interest rates charged on payday
loans, making those loans impossible
to pay back for most desperate borrowers. The legislators are listening.
Christian Education hour is Sundays at 9:15 – 10 a.m., followed by
worship at 10:15 a.m. Grace and Glory
has been worshiping at the Fluvanna
County Middle School on Rt. 15, near
Carysbrook. Plans for groundbreaking
at the church property on Rt.53, opposite the Fluvanna County Library,
are under way. The Rev. Ken Albright
is pastor, (434) 531-3551; church office phone (434) 589-2217. Visit our
website: www.graceandglory.org.
Directions: From I64 take the Boyds tavern exit right on 616 south
approx 2-3 miles, turn right into South Keswick home is on the left.
Amazing Custom built five bedroom, four and a half bath home in sought
after South Keswick features three master suites, two on the main floor one
with a brick fireplace leading out to an enclosed deck overlooking the pool
area, eat in kitchen w/ all new stainless steel appliances, slate flooring in the
entranceway, hardwoods, custom stone fireplace in the family room and
many more extras. Ten private acres with fenced horse pasture and invisible
fencing less than 15 minutes from Charlottesville.
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Central Elementary honor roll for the fourth nine weeks
* Denotes all A’s
Third grade
Allen, C.J.
Almarode, Jordan
Armentrout, Jeremy
Arrington, Shalon
Ashakih, Annyssa*
Babbitt, Alejandra
Black, Loren*
Blackburn, Amy
Booz, Anne
Botkin, Ellee
Bourne, Hayley*
Bowman, Elijah
Bradshaw, Camille
Bragg, Hunter*
Brookman, Carter
Brophy, Logan*
Brown, A.J.
Brown, Michael
Buglia, Caleb*
Carlson, John
Carlton, Gabriel
Carter, Tremain
Chiovaro, Blake*
Chisholm, Benjamin*
Cognetti, Bryce
Cohan, Harper*
Craft, Amelia*
Creasy, Caleb*
Custer, William Alden
Davis, Emory
Dech, Jason*
Dela Cruz, Olivia
DeVault, Ford
Dillon, Wyatt
Dixon, Ryan*
Dunn, Jacob*
Elliott, Kiara*
Etchison, Seth*
Fain, Mackenzie*
Finley, Keera*
Fraser, Corey*
Good, Ashley
Goodwin, Hailey
Green, Sequoia
Grubbs, Maddie
Hackenberg, Drue
Haislip, Madison
Halpin, Samuel
Hammons, Macie*
Hamner, Addison
Hamshar, Nate*
Harris, Anna*
Harry, Jackson
Hart, Kieri
Hartung, Ethan*
Hendrick, Ashley
Henning, Madeline
Henning, Sophia*
Henning, William
Herns, Ma’Shayla
Herring, Lindsey
Hill, Malachi
Hineline, Matthew
Holtz, Bradley
Houghtaling, Connor*
Howard, Charles*
Hughes, Devon
Johnson, Darnell
Jones, William
Jonkman, Shae-Lynn
Kent, Claire*
Koczan, Leukas*
Kritzer, Caleb
Lawson, Nicholas*
Loving, Daja
Lowe, Carson*
Lucas, Brandon
Lyons, Trey
Manteris, Devin
Marlowe, Samantha*
Martin, Iyanna
Martin, Quenton
Martinez-DeJesus, Melba
McNair, Robert*
Megahan, Ian
Morris, Chloe
Morris, Hali
Morris, Zoe*
Mundy, Gabriel
Nazar, Brooke
Notman, Jocelyn*
O’Dell, Megan*
Pace, Kristen
Paschall, Kendra*
Pellicane, Alex*
Peters, Ryan
Pfeuffer, Katelyn
Puentes, Isaac*
Putnam, Taylor
Reese, Aaron
Reid, Ledric
Reyes, Vincent
Rigsby, Erin
Schroeder, Maksim
Scopelliti, Vincent
Sechler, Katie*
Shelton, Lauren*
Shepherd, Jules
Shields, Cameron
Shifflett, Hailee
Smith, Alexis
Smith, Daniel*
Smith, Nathan*
Smith, Sheridan
Stafford, Evynne
Stanley, Grace
Sullivan, Mikaela
Swain, Breanna
Talley, William
Thomas, Destiney*
Tillman, MacKenzie
Tingey, Abril*
Tinsley, Rakeem
Vickers, Ashton
Waguespack, Jillian
Wahlin, Charlie
Ward, Kevin
Warden, Nicolas
Warner, Justin
Welsh, Adrianna
Wentz, Margarette*
Wheatley, Taylor*
Wheaton, Autumn
White, Colin*
Whitten, Kaley*
Williams, Alexander*
Williams, Sierra*
Wilson, Amina
Winkle, Kaitlyn
Wright, Mya
Yancey, Ethan
Zajac, Sam*
Fourth grade
Abernathy, Lindsay
Algieri, Kyle
Allbaugh, Ethan
Anderson, Quinn
Ashton, Taileek
Baird, Tyler
Bates, Diamond
Bianco, Juliana*
Bland, John*
Bollinger, Roberto*
Bond, Shauna
Bossong, John
Boyle, Jason
Braxton, Desman
Breeden, Austin*
22 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
Breeden, Hannah
Bridges, Samantha*
Brown, Morgan
Bryant, Savanna
Butler, Blair*
Campbell, David Scott
Campbell, Kayla
Carney, Caleb*
Chester, William
Cochran, Harley
Conneely, Colin
Conner, Sadie
Conti, Cyrus*
Crothers, Sean
Dillon, Kathleen*
Dixon, Carter
Donald, Hailey
Dynski, Ryan
Ellen, Kory*
Farmer, Elizabeth
Farruggio, Andrew*
Flick, Cameron
Floyd, Jacob
Fontanilla, Maggie
Garrison, Cassidy
Glasgow, Yavin
Goodson, Emily
Goodwin, Gabby
Green, Richard
Haislip, Caroline
Hamill, Justin*
Haseltine, Nicole*
Haynes, Trinity
Heide, Livi
Herring, McKenzie
Hotz, Phoebe
Jones, Rhett
Kenney, Aubrey
Kershner, John*
Kline, Cassidy*
Koczan, Victoria
Kolczynski, Matthew*
Ledford, Hannah
Lehnert, Kyle*
Lemmonds, Logan*
Lenhert, Kaitlyn
Leyshon, Bayley*
Lynn, Elijah
Mallory, Jada
Marshall, Samantha*
Martin, Colby
Martin, Cory*
Mason, Grace*
Mason, Justus
Milliman, Syerra*
Morris, Mary Kathryn
Morton, Samantha
Napier, Lydiah
Naselska, Diana
Nazar, Madison
Newman, Graham*
Newman, Jared*
Norcross, Laci*
O’Brien, Morgan
Opie, Ahmad
Osborne, Erin
Pace, Drew
Patchett, Saige
Patterson, Olivia
Paul, Nazari
Payne, La’Ajah
Phillips, Tori
Pieno, Ashlee*
Reed, Delaney
Rogg, Noah*
Roth, Hunter*
Sebastian, Colin
Shefski, Zoe
Shelley, Kyra
Shifflett, Devan
Skinner, Grace
Snead, Matthew
Sprouse, Emily
Stotsky, Meredith*
Strickland, Olivia
Sydney, Elam
Tawney, Joshua
Taylor, Cameron
Thomas, Katie
Tomaras, Paige
Tomlin, Rhiannon
Vandyke, Joseph
Vernatter, Ethan*
Wahlin, Elizabeth
Walker, Christina*
Walker, Makayla
Wall, Katie
Walton, Gracie*
Warren, Michael
Watson, Noah
Welsh, Rebecca*
Wescoat, Towler
Wyant, Adam
Fifth grade
Allen, Devon
Amos, Tahirah
Avant, Eric
Baber, Brennan*
Barber, Gabriella
Berrry, Mallory
Bourne, Roy*
Branch, Noah
Brookman, Taylor*
Brumbaugh, Mark
Cabrera, Kristen*
Cambria, Joseph
Cameron, Parker*
Campbell, Trenton*
Carel, Madison
Carrier, Dylan
Carter, Da’Shon*
Cattanach, Kendra*
Christensen, Braden
Clarke, Casey*
Cobb, Shaun
Coleman, Elayjah
Condoulis, Chris
Contreras, Robin
Cook, Raven
Coppa, Noah
Craft, Cameron*
Cristofaro, Emily*
DeMers, Bryce
Dickman, Nicole
Domecq, Derek*
Donahue, Jamie
Dulany, Mariah
Easter, Jack
Easter, James*
Everly, Alysa
Fahy, Juliana
Feild, Devin
Fitzgerald, Molli
Foster, Jacqulyn
Franco, Melvin*
Frederick, Camryn
Fulton, Frances*
Graham, Conrad
Grimsley, Madison*
Grooms, Brantazia
Halpin, Grace
Hammond, Fergus*
Hammond, Michelle*
Hamshar, Drew
Haney, Cheyenne
Haney, Saige*
Harris, Aurora
Harry, Thomas*
Hartung, Libbey
Haseltine, Kylie
Heilman, Andrew
Henderson, Georgia*
Herring, Jordan
Hightman, Rachel*
Hughes, Kacey*
Hummell, Abigail
Humphrey, Newlin*
Jackson, Naomi*
Jones, Dyshanta
Kennedy, Haley*
Kesterson, Alexis
Kidd, Hailee
King, JaLyn
Kirby, Lauren
Klauder, Griffin
Koslowski, Caden*
Kowalski, Kristen*
Leichentritt, Sophia*
Logan, Alex
Ludwig, Josh
Luevano, Victoria*
Madison, Kathryn*
Many, Rachel
Marks, Jessica
Marshall, Jaelyn
Martin, Aneila
Martin, Shannon*
Maupin, Morgan
Mayes, Joey*
Mayo-Pitts, Esa
McIntyre, Konnor
McNaul, Caylyn*
Moneymaker, Allison
Monger, Karson
Mooney, Ben*
Mooney, Matthew*
Granau wins $1,500 scholarship
Moore, Britni
Moore, Laura*
Morris, Skylar
Mulcahy, Shannon
Muller, Sophie
Newton, Christopher*
Nichols, Seth*
O’Brien, Brooke
O’Dell, Cam*
O’Dell, Trevor
Payne, Brandon
Perez, Jason
Perry, Noah*
Peters, Jason
Pfeuffer, Lauren
Porter, Ashby
Reese, Hallie*
Reimers, Jordan*
Reyes, Veronica
Rhoades, Cody
Richards, Cory
Richardson, Lindsay
Riddle, Joshua
Roberts, Elizabeth
Rowell, Monica
Sam, Thomas
Sampson, Dylan
Scales, Caylor*
Searcy, Abigail
Shafer, Cathryne
Sheets, Andrew
Shelden, Nick*
Sherman, Abby*
Shifflett, Madelyn
Shifflett, Ricky
Short, Allison
Signoretti, David
Silverman, Gage*
Spitller, Sarah
Staford, Madison*
Stone, Melanie
Strickland, Nathaniel
Stutz, Jilian
Symmers, Peyton
Tawney, Mariah
Taylor, Jacob*
Thompson, Shydney
Thornton, Yanesha*
Tinsley, Jayda
Vernon, Josh
Vickers, Sierra*
Waugh, Donovan*
Wells, Sophia
Wentz, Mallory*
Wood, Jacob*
Woodford, Jayda
Wright, Andrew*
Wright, Destiny
The Point of Fork Chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution presented two awards to
graduating seniors at Fluvanna High School. Chapter Regent Betty Jane Holland presented an award
certificate for second place winner of the Virginia
Nursing Scholarship to Kacie Briel Granau who lives
in Fork Union.
She will receive a $1500 scholarship – payable to
the Virginia University of her choice. She will attend
Radford University.
Kacie Briel Granau
The second award was presented by Peggy Johnson, Good Citizen chairperson, to Joshua Maurice Carter who resides in Palmyra. Josh was highly recommended by the principal and faculty at the high
school for outstanding character traits, leadership, patriotism and service in
the community. He received a $100 bond, certificate and lapel pin from Point
of Fork Chapter.
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
28 swimmers achieve gold time standard
Gold time swimmers:
Gabby Tosi congratulated a Fry’s Spring Beach Club swimmer after winning her race.
Photo by Margie Strickland Photography, www.margiestricklandphotography.com.
By Coach Diana Bowen
The Fluvanna Aquatic Sports Team
(FAST) arrived in Charlottesville on
Wednesday (June 15) to take on the
Fry’s Spring Dolphins in the first meet
of the 2011 Jefferson Swim League
(JSL) season. This un-scored meet
gives swimmers the opportunity to
earn times and ribbons while practicing good sportsmanship. Swimming
against Fry’s Spring is always a positive
experience and the swimmers are both
friendly and fast.
FAST began the night with a pair
of wins in the 9-10 boys and girls’ relays. Even more impressive than the
wins, was the number of 7 and 8 year
olds that swam up (competed one age
group above their own) on both teams
to compete in those relays. 7 year olds
Ellie Miles and Allyson Lounsbury each
swam a 50 yard breaststroke leg while
Alexa John Hudock swam her first 50
yd. backstroke race. On the boys’ side,
8-year-old standouts Lamont Bullard
(FSBC) and Hunter Strickland (FAST)
each swam a 50 yard butterfly leg for
their respective teams. Newcomer Sophie Denby took first place in the 6 +
Under Girls 25 backstroke.
FAST also had several swimmers
achieve their first gold time standard
in the JSL. The gold time standards
are created for each individual race
and are used by the JSL to designate
the top swimmers in each event. Last
night, FAST had 6 swimmers achieve
their first gold time standard. Noah
and Ben Klipp earned a gold time in 3
events each. Six and under swimmers
Nate Klipp and Anthony Garono finished first and second in the 25 yard
freestyle each earning their first gold
time. Eight and under Owen Strickland
earned his first gold time in his 25 yard
breaststroke. Strickland just missed
gold times in the 25 yard freestyle and
25 yard backstroke as well. Abby Harlow rounded out FAST’s new gold time
swimmers with a win and a gold time
in the 25 yard breaststroke. Overall,
FAST had 28 swimmers achieve gold
time standards in the first meet of the
Nate Klipp 25 Free, 25 Back
Anthony Garono 25 Free
Noah Klipp 50 Free, 50 Fly, 100 Free
Gabby Tosi 50 Free, 50 Fly, 50 Back
Ana Kuzemka 50 Free, 50 Breast
Alexa Owen 50 Free, 50 Fly, 50 Breast
Alex Scalzo 50 Free, 100 Free
Austen Billingsley 50 Free, 50 Fly,
50 Breast
Lauren Cabrera 50 Free, 50 Fly
Chelsea Tomko 50 Free, 50 Breast
Hunter Strickland 25 Fly, 50 Free
Abby Harlow 25 Fly
Sam Hagan 50 Fly, 50 Back, 50 Breast
Ben Klipp 50 Fly, 50 Breast, 100 Free
Michael Difazio 50 Fly, 50 Back, 100 Free
Maddy Kline 50 Fly
Kayla Corredera-Wells 50 Fly
Riley Scalzo 50 Fly, 100 Free
Gina Tosi 50 Fly
Emma Difazio 50 Back
Sophie Kershner 50 Back
Nick Switzer 50 Back, 50 Breast
Maddy Kline 50 Back
Zach Switzer 50 Back
Owen Strickland 25 Breast
Olivia Strickland 50 Breast
Claire Booz 50 Breast
Annabelle Harlowe 50 Breast
Oakland School’s first reunion a big success – Oakland School opened its doors to students in 1950. Located on tranquil 450 acres in Fluvanna County, Oakland is a
boarding and day school serving children with dyslexia, learning disabilities, or organizational and study skill difficulties. On June 11, alumni from across the country met for the firstever reunion. Former students and staff came from as far away as New Mexico and Florida to visit with old classmates and teachers and tour classrooms, dorms and the horse barn.
Guests shared many happy memories and gave testimonials on the life-changing experience they had at Oakland. The next reunion date has already been set for May, 2014.
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24 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
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Rivanna Resort and Golf Club hosts FUMA Celebrity Golf Classic
By Duncan Nixon
Some of America’s greatest sports stars showed
up at the Fork Union Military Academy (FUMA) Hall
of Fame Celebrity Golf Classic held on Friday (June
17) at the Rivanna Resort and Golf Club in Palmyra.
The beneficiary of the event was the William A.
Blair Postgraduate Scholarship Fund.
Eighteen foursomes teed up in this event, which
was a straight forward captain’s choice competi-
tion. A number of former professional football
players were on hand. Former St. Louis Cardinal
and University of Virginia football coach Sonny
Randle was on the team that finished second in the
event. Also on competing were: former Buffalo Bill
defensive lineman Ron McDole and ex-UVA and
pro linebacker Merrill Robertson.
The winning team in this competition was:
George Turner, Curtis Hathaway, Bill Price and Kent
Carter. They shot 57. Second place went to the
team of: Jim Kite, Sonny Randle, Brian Vincel and
Team of Will Cobb, Neil Stout, Jerry Trenkelbach
and Drew Perkins eagled #10.
Former pro football player Merrill Robertson and teammates Ben Paris, Butch Jefferson and D.J. Bell.
Photos by Duncan Nixon.
Tee Miller. They were a shot off the pace at 58. The
third place team was another shot back at 59. This
team consisted of Stevenson Clark, Chris Heath,
Grant Hayes and Ed Haislip.
Rivanna Director of Golf Daryl Daughtrey was
pleased that the event was able to be completed, as
he had to call the competitors off the course once
due to thunder storms and nearly had to do the
same a second time, as storms wandered through
the area all afternoon.
June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
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June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Author writes second book in series
By Page H. Gifford
Jane Zimmerman has written a sequel to her book Talking Leaves, featuring her teenage sleuths Erin, her
brother Dakota and best friend Audrey.
Talking Waters is similar but has a bit
more suspense with suspicious fishermen, known as the grumpy old men,
mysterious twins, and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. They provide some of
the clues that help the teens unravel a
mystery spanning over 100 years and
uncover an amazing archeological discovery. The suspense comes to a head
as the spying teens summer adventure
on Lake Bonita winds up with a nighttime sojourn in their kayak that leads
them to a curious discovery. We asked
Zimmerman a few questions about the
What makes this book different
from the first?
I worked very hard to improve my
writing in the second book so that the
story moves faster and flows better. I do
not want the reader to be distracted by
awkward or unclear sentences. I used
an editing service (thank you Laurie
Jensen from the Details Company!)
which proved to be a wise decision.
What was your inspiration for this
My goal is to encourage positive
thought and action in young adults
through storytelling.
Purchase Talking Waters at
or the Palmyra Country Store
Where do you get your ideas for
characters, plot, places, etc. used
in the book?
I am inspired by our beautiful surroundings in central Virginia and my
ideas usually take shape while I am
walking my dog, Fred. I start out with
a concept that I find interesting and
build on it. Most of my ideas have roots
in the real world - I just use my imagination to twist things around to make
them more interesting for a story. I like
to have several plot lines going on at
once and I try to bring them together
through the course of the book. My
characters are my friends, so they are
with me wherever I go. I enjoy putting
them in different situations.
What were some of the drawbacks
to writing this book?
I think the challenges I have with my
writing are universal, and not specific
to any book. It is sometimes hard to get
started, hard to stay motivated, hard to
pay attention to detail and hard to edit
material you have read over and over.
Author Jane Zimmerman with Patch and Kayla.
What were some of the highlights
during writing of this book?
It is exciting and extremely gratifying to see an idea come to life in writing. When I take images and feelings
from my mind’s eye and capture them
in words, I am creating something for
others to share. That is a great feeling. When young readers tell me how
much they enjoy my books and ask me
when I’m writing the next one, it is all
This is this self-published by you?
Yes. I have become a real advocate of
self-publishing, and I could talk about
it for hours. The only draw-back for me
is that I do not have much time to market my books.
Where can those interested in
purchasing the book find it?
My books are available at the Palmyra Country Store and on my website
me at jane@patchespublishing.com.)
They are also available online at all the
major booksellers (Amazon, Barnes &
Noble, Books-a-Million, etc...) and in
digital format for Kindle and Nook.
Are you working on another
book, creating a series with these
Yes, Talking Italian. Same characters.
I was fortunate enough to travel to Italy
with my niece this spring, and I want to
take advantage of the experience while
the details are still fresh in my mind.
Anything you would like to add?
I am surprised and pleased by the
passion I have developed for writing.
Completing a novel is a tremendous
amount of work, but if my books have
a positive influence on one person, it
is all worthwhile. The greatest compliment I received for my writing actually
came from an adult who told me that I
inspired her to start reading for the first
time in her life. When I heard that, I
knew I had to keep writing.
If you see news happening, contact us
434-207-0224 or carlos@fluvannareview.com
or go to fluvannareview.com and click contact
For daily news alerts, “LIKE” us on Facebook
28 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
Fluvanna happenings
Food pantry
Families in need of food can pick up
food at MACAA’s Fluvanna Outreach
Office located at Carysbrook Complex
on Thursday, June 23, from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. Participants must sign in with
name, address and number in household. Sponsored by the Fluvanna
Christian Service Society.
Kents Store ARC dance
The ARC dance will be held Friday,
June 24 from 8 to 11 p.m. with music
provided by the Ronnie Johnson Band.
Shiloh yard sale
Shiloh Baptist Church will hold a
yard and bake sale in the parking lot of
Cuppa Joe’s on Saturday June 25 from
6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cuppa Joe’s is located
1½ miles south of Palmyra Village on
Rt. 15. Its weekend hours are normally
from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. but will be open
from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the event.
Grace and Glory yard sale
The youth group of Grace and Glory
will hold a yard and bake sale on June
25 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 96 Garden
Lane, behind the garden center on Rt.
53. Proceeds will go toward the youth
who are planning a return trip in 2012
to the ELCA National Youth Gathering to
continue to help rebuild New Orleans.
Byrd Chapel Bible school
Byrd Chapel United Methodist
Church at Kents Store will hold a beach
party themed Vacation Bible School on
Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. Register by calling 591-1310, 5910005 or the day of the event.
Just Us
Just Us will be performing June 25
at 7 p.m. and Sunday June 26 at 4 p.m.
at Palmyra United Methodist Church,
258 Palmyra Way, across from the old
court house. 434-589-1700.
Blood drive
Health Nutz Fitness and Aquatic Center is sponsoring a Virginia Blood Services blood drive on June 29 from 2
to 7 p.m. Contact Sharon Wolford at
Zion Methodist Bible school
Zion United Methodist Church in
Troy invites children in preschool to rising fifth graders to get cookin’ at Shake
It Up Café: Where Kids Carry Out God’s
Recipe Vacation Bible School. A kick-off
event on will be on Sunday, July 17 at
5:30 featuring a bounce house, obstacle
course, games, and a dunk tank. VBS
is Monday, July 18 through Thursday,
July 21 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Free dinner
is provided each night. 434-589-1665
or email Hillary at zionumckids@embarqmail.com, or visit zionumcva.org.
Old Farm Day
The Fluvanna Historical Society’s
Old Farm Day event will be held Saturday, October 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at Pleasant Grove on Rt. 53. Admission
is $5 and children 12 and under are
admitted free with a paying adult.
The deadline for space reservations for artists, businesses, crafters,
churches and community groups is
September 1. Space is limited. For a
space reservation form, visit www.oldfarmday.org or call 434-589-9405 and
leave a name and address for forms to
be mailed.
Send your Fluvanna happenings to carlos@fluvannareview.com
Bike rodeo
Boy Scout Troop 138 will sponsor a
bike rodeo on Saturday, July 9 from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m. to benefit Boy Scouts in
Joplin, Missouri, who have lost everything in the tornadoes. Come learn the
basic rules of the road, the right helmet
fit, and go through a simulated road
course to try out your cycling skills.
Ideal for elementary and middle school
kids. $5 donation requested. At Saints
Peter & Paul Church, 4309 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra. Certificates
and sno-cones for participants.
Spotlight on Fluvanna’s churches
Bybee’s Road Bible school
Bybee’s Road Baptist Church will
hold its Vacation Bible School July 10
- 14 from 6:30 - 8:45 p.m. The theme
is “Finding Hope: A Field Trip of Faith.”
There will be a family cookout to start
the event on Sunday, July 10 at 5 p.m.
Palmyra Jehovah’s Witnesses
Address: 2216 Central Plains Road, Palmyra
Membership: 72
Hours of services: Open public meetings
on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays
at 10 a.m.
Additional activities: public preaching
and teaching, personal Bible studies with
individuals in their homes, Bible study for
women in the Fluvanna Correctional Center
for Women.
Scouts donate blankets: Local Cub Scout Pack 138, chartered to the
Knights of Columbus of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, met Friday (June
17) to make fleece blankets to assist UnderCover (undercover@takesalltypes.
com), an organization working to meet the ongoing need of blankets at the
Commonwealth Center for Children and Adolescents in Staunton. The Pack
made and collected 50 new blankets to donate to this children’s hospital.
After the service project, the Pack kicked off its summer program with
an ice cream social. Contributed by David S. Seal, committee chair.
History: Like 76% of Americans, Jehovah’s
Witnesses are Christians and believe that
Christ died for the salvation of mankind. However, unlike most Christian denominations in our culture, they do not celebrate
holidays that have non-Christian religious
A young man conducts
origins or those that promote nationalism. a Bible study.
Jehovah’s Witnesses also have no clergy; all
baptized members are ordained ministers
and are organized into congregations of up to 200 members where a body
of elders supervises each congregation. They are a politically neutral denomination, and refuse to participate in politics. Still, they believe the Bible
commands Christians to obey the law, pay taxes and show honor to government officials as well as do good work in the community. The Palmyra
congregation was formed on May 1, 1993 when members – who are called
“publishers” – from several nearby congregations were organized to become
the nucleus of the congregation. They originally met in a rented facility on
the upper floor of the Village Station building in Palmyra. In August of 2002,
they completed the construction of the current Kingdom Hall near Central
Elementary School. For more information go to http://www.jw-media.org/.
– Compiled by Kristin Sancken. Sketch by Joseph G. Garber (smoothborehalberd@gmail.com) based on a photo by David Stemple.
June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
We Can Help Sell Your Stuff!
T o p l ace y o u r a d
per Week
for Two Weeks
For $10 your ad will appear for two weeks
on FluvannaReview.com (with FREE PHOTO)
and in the next two printed issues
of the Fluvanna Review
Convertible, Automatic, 2.7L Engine, V6, tires like new, gray suede/leather interior, AM/FM CD, Cruise Control. 62,000
miles. $6,250. Call 434-589-1206.
Dianna Campagna. Need home decorating & remodeling ideas? Dianna can help
you create a space to enjoy on any budget. 15 years of experience. Call Blue
Ridge Building Supply & Home Center at
CHILDCARE near Lake Monticello: I
have immediate openings in my home
care. I have a fenced in yard with play
area in the front. I have 25+ years experience. Call 434-984-2421 or email
DOG SITTING in our home. Taking a trip?
The family dog can’t go? Leave your pet
with us. We will care for it like it is our
own. Call Christy at 434-589-6356
GRAVITY’S EDGE: Computer repair,
networking, training, data recovery. Free
pick-up and drop-off (subject to location). Complete PC Care Optimization
Package $99.95. Call 434-589-6600.
Glow” – mature, honest, dependable
woman looking for a few local homes
to clean on a regular basis. Your satisfaction will be my personal priority. Call
PRISTINE CLEAN: Weekly, bi-weekly,
monthly, or as needed. Insured and
bonded. Free estimates. Local references. Locally owned and operated. Call
Peggy at 434-962-2762.
sale sale
1990 SUN BIRD: 16-foot, V-hull, 48 HP
with trailer. $800.00 Call 434-589-1422.
3 0 wo r ds o r l ess
OUR WEBSITE with free photo:
1. On FluvannaReview.com click on “Classifieds”
2. Click on “Post an Ad - $10”
3. Login or click on “Register”
4. Select a category
5. Write your ad and upload photo
6. Pay with your credit card via Pay Pal.
to FLUVANNA RESIDENTS THIS SUMMER: 50%* Discount! Camp Friendship
will honor a 50% discount off residential
summer tuition for all Fluvanna county
families. *Limited Camperships. For more
information e-mail: confidential@campfriendship.com or call 434-589-5880.
DRIVEWAY STONE: 9-ton Slate Crush
Run $150, Stone $200 (Average). Includes delivery and spread. Call 434420-2002.
FATHER’S DAY GIFT BASKETS: Surprise him with a gift that captures his
special interests and hobbies! Beautifully designed themed gift baskets for
every occasion. Delivery to all 50 states
and Canada. See our wide variety of
baskets at www.dolcevitabaskets.com
Online Photo
FURNITURE: Blue plaid recliner sofa,
blue sleeper chair-and-a-half with storage ottoman. Great for rec room, basement, college student. $125 each. Call
INDIAN WAR 45-70 RIFLE: Springfield Model 1886 breech loading and in fine
collector quality condition. Inspector
marks deeply stamped in stock. REENACTORS CIVIL WAR FROCK COAT
AND VEST with Sgt Stripes, Large size. Call 434-591-0884.
Maintenance fees for 2011 already paid.
MODULAR HOMES: Why pay more? We
will beat any modular pricing! Deal direct
with the owner. Phone 434-392-2211 or
web www.haleyshomesinc.com
NORDICTRACK TREADMILL: COMMERCIAL 1500 treadmill, used only 7 or
8 times and is just like new. I do have
treadmill manual, and I also believe it
folds up. $375.00. Call 434-591-0884.
pHONE: Contact Diane @ 434-207-0221
e-mail: Contact Diane at Diane@fluvannareview.com
FAX: 434-589-1704, attention Diane
Payment: In advance. We accept: Visa,
Master Card, Discover, checks and cash.
SANDS PC: Come to SandS PC for all
your Tech problems, installation hassles,
upgrades, virus removals and more! June
special is a domain name registered, unlimited email accounts and a home page
for $150 for the year. www.sandspc.com,
info@sandspc.com, 434-589-1272.
SLEEP NUMBER BED: XL Twin, mattress, base, legs, mattress pad, temperature control layer, sheets. New, in
unopened boxes. Original cost $1050.
Asking $800. Call 434-589-6557.
agent, can make this a reality. Jay Hurdle, Associate Broker, RE/MAX Assured
Properties, 434-906-3100. Toll Free 866548-7353, HURDLE1HOU@aol.com
“Pet of the Week” ad in the Fluvanna Review. Your name and/or business name
will be printed in the ad as sponsor. Call
Diane at the Fluvanna Review, 434-5911000, Ext 21.
OFFICES FOR RENT starting at $200 in
Crofton Plaza. Call Jo Ann Sears, First
Virginia Homes, for information at 434960-5121.
RENTERS: Don’t rent when you can
own! Large inventory, great values, tax
benefits! Good credit, and a buyer’s
Saturday, June 25, 8am. Oliver Ridge
Subdivision off Oliver Creek Road, Troy.
Clothes, green and blue iPods, household items, furniture, toys, books, CDs,
DVDs, 2 vehicles, and more. 540-8608885 for details.
Property transfers
Property transfer deeds are provided by
the Fluvanna County Circuit Court.
•Legg, Bryce C. to Gardiner, Bryan R.
and Victoria; 848 Jefferson Drive; Lot
167, Phase I, Ashland Lake Monticello;
•Callaghan, Wiliam E. Jr. Trustee to Widmer, Wilber and Jan Narciso; 426 Lanier
Lane, Winter Haven, FL 33884; Lot 10,
11.387 Acres, Beechwood Subdivision,
•White, Samuel I, PC TR to Federal Home
Loan Mortgage Corp.; 5000 Plano Pkwy,
Carrollton, TX 75010; 2 Acres;
•White, Samuel I PC Sub TR to Wells
Fargo Bank National; 5151 Corporate
Drive, Troy, MI 48098; 7 Acres; Deed to
•McGhee, William W. and Ella B. to
Vanentine Development, LLC; 2055 Valpark Drive, Oilville, VA 23129; 54.291
Acres Columbia Mag. Dist/; $86,865.60.
•Gentry, Elsie L. to Vatn, LLC; PO Box 35,
Afton, VA 22920; Parcel One: 1.839 Acres,
Parcel Two: 0.974 Acres, $39,183.47.
• Hughes, Barbara M. to Own, Sandra
M.; PO Box 799, Nellysford, VA 22958;
1/4 Interet in 1 Acre, Fork Union Mag.
Dist.; $27,250.
•Keen, Cecil B & Diane G. to Fontanilla,
Shannon & Christine; 1186 Broken Island
Road; 2.47 Acres, Lot 17, Phase 3 Broken Island; $550,000.
•Tooley, Rhonda to Greene, Keith Layne,
Jr. 10 Riverwood Court; lot 91, Phase 7,
Lake Monticello; $97,507.
•McLeod, Robert M. & Deborah D. to
Pharr, W. Shaun & Kjaer, Annette; 7313
Blair Road NW, Washington, DC 20012; Lot
183, Phase 6, Lake Monticello; $180,000.
•Davis, Jason E. & Kristen L. to Creasy,
Mary Elizabeth; 2 Bolling Circle; Lot 34,
Phase 2, Lake Monticello, $137,100.
The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors will conduct a
public hearing pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-1427 on
Wednesday, July 06, 2011, at 2:00 p.m., in the Circuit Court
Room at the Fluvanna County Courts Building in Palmyra,
Virginia on the following:
The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing pursuant to Section
15.2-1500 and -1508 of the Code of Virginia, on Wednesday, July 6th, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the
Circuit Courtroom of the Fluvanna Courts Building in Palmyra, Virginia in order to receive
public input on the following:
To receive comments on the proposed ordinance amendment to Chapter 2, Article
2 of the Fluvanna County Code in Chapter 2, Article 2, Sections 2-2-3, 2-2-4, and
2-2-6 concerning reapportionment of election districts; creation of certain new
districts; and the establishment of certain new precincts.
The full text of the Ordinance is on file in the County Administrator’s office and may be
reviewed during regular work hours. The public is invited to attend the public hearing. The
phone number of the County Administrator’s office is 434-591-1910.
The full text of the Ordinance is on file in the County Administrator’s Office and
the Fluvanna County Public Library and may be reviewed during regular work
hours. The public is invited to attend.
30 | Fluvanna Review | June 23, 2011
To receive comments on the proposed ordinance to authorize the payment of monetary
bonuses to County officers and employees.
Any parties wishing to be heard are requested to attend the public hearing.
It is the County’s intent to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities
Act. Should you need special accommodations, please contact the County Administrator’s
Office at the number listed above prior to July 6th, 2011.
Authorized by Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors
Executive Assistant, Full-time
Fluvanna County Chamber of Commerce is accepting applications for the position of Executive Assistant, reporting
to the President. Provides administrative support to the Chamber of Commerce and its various committees, including
correspondence, website management, maintaining membership records, compiling reports and answering telephones.
Receives general direction from the President, but works independently to meet deadlines in accordance with established guidelines and procedures. Requires considerable judgment and initiative in resolving issues, identifying and
carrying out work responsibilities.
Position Requirements:
High school degree or equivalent. Bachelor’s degree preferred.
At least 3 years progressively responsible experience in coordinating projects in a complex organizational environment.
Ability to compose reports/communications that are concise and free from grammatical, spelling and syntax errors.
Ability to coordinate multiple projects. The ability to use time management skills and independent judgment is
Strong customer service and communication skills.
Expertise with a variety of word processing, spreadsheets, graphics and presentation software; database systems and
project management software as well as website skills.
Prior supervisory experience desired.
A valid Virginia State Driver’s license required.
Good interpersonal skills.
The full job description can be viewed on the Chamber’s website at www.fluvannachamber.org.
Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: Executive Assistant, P.O. Box 140, Palmyra, VA 22963.
This Week’s Pet
Raina is a German Shepard/Labrador
Retriever mix. She is a very striking
looking girl. She is a bit independent, but would really warm up to
that special someone. Her beautiful silky black fur is so soft - and her
expression is so regal. She will definitely be the center of attention
when you take her for walks. Come
meet our refined lady Raina today!
Fluvanna SPCA, 5239 Union Mills Road
Troy, VA (434) 591-0123.
S ponsored
by the
F ork U nion A nimal C linic
Certified Nursing
(All Shifts)
Envoy at the Village
60 Bed Nursing Facility
• LTC experience
• State certified nursing
• Passionate about patient care
• Committed to providing
superior care
If you are looking for an
opportunity where you will
make a difference
Apply to:
Stop by:
4238 James Madison HWY
Fork Union, VA 23055
434-842-5100 fax
at The Village
Saturday, June 25, 2011,
9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday, June 26, 1-4 p.m.
Monday Bargains!
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Only one sale this weekend!
1708 Kenwood Lane
Charlottesville, VA. 22901
Directions: 250 Bypass to Park St. Exit
toward Rio Rd.; left on Melbourne; left on
Kenwood Lane; house on left.
Great furniture including Restoration
Hardware large chest of drawers &
dresser, two office desks, torchiere,
“Vietri” Italian pottery Royal Doulton
“Lexington” china, comfy sofa, cherry
end table & coffee table, leather chair
w/ottoman, large HP printer, treadmill,
50-bottle+ wine cooler, chest freezer,
ladder, rugs, Maytag washer & dryer,
collectibles & more! (Beverly is finishing her move to Ivy; Joan is conducting
the sale. (See you next weekend!)
Joan Legallo 434-882-4676
Beverly Smith • 434-960-4865
Fluvanna Ruritan 7 th Annual
Saturday • June 25 • 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Here is your ad proof. Please let m
if you want changes or not. (591-1
3456 James Madison Hwy, Fork
Review 06
Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna R
reproduced without permission by the
Proceeds go to schools for
awards/scholarships to
deserving students and to
various community needs
Contact Tammy Grigg, 589-5558
June 23, 2011 | Fluvanna Review |
Century 21 Agents
Smarter. Bolder. Faster.
Reason #14 to put the power
of Century 21 behind you:
Call and find out how we
feature homes on Trulia!
135 Tulip Drive
151 Kestrel Lane
4 Mesquite Place
Active Adult Community
Five Minutes to I64
Walk to Beach 3
Parade of Homes winner,
designer kitchen
Near Zions Crossroads, spacious
master suite, 10 plus acres
Fenced back yard,
Open House Sunday 1-4
Tom Morace
Keith Smith
Kyle Miller
Jen Sample
Larry A. Miller
Annette Goodson
Yonna Smith
Diane Miller
Mike Rogers
Lisa Rogers
Sandra Hiza
Wondering where all the open houses
are this weekend at Lake Monticello?
Call Tom 434-962-1625
Call Kyle 434-981-0799
9 Old Homestead Circle
317 Avalon Place
47 Maplevale Drive
Ten Acres
Five Bedroom Colonial
Priced to sell,
huge back deck
back deck
Jacuzzi, eat-in kitchen
Call Diane 434-960-5856
Call Mike 434-981-8764
Call The Queen of Sold
7 Arapaho Trail
18 Old Homestead Circle
40 Englewood Drive
Open House Sunday 1-3
Open House Sunday 1-4
New Price
Two Fireplaces
Large master suite, hardwoods,
private country setting
Hardwood floors,
tray ceilings
Over 3,000 sq ft of living space,
hardwood flooring
Call Sandy 434-960-3048
Call Jen 434-989-9246
Call Yonna 434-531-0817
62 Woodlawn Drive
669 Taylor Ridge Way
1821 Dogwood Drive
Queen of Sold
Call Keith 434-531-0795
In-law Suite
Huge Master Suite
Over 10 Private Acres
Vaulted living room,
spacious master suite
with sitting room, wrap around
porch , home theater
In ground pool,
home theater
Call Tom 434-962-1625
Call Larry 434-960-9479
Call Lisa 434-531-0064
39 Marwood Drive
596 Jefferson Drive
3 Vineridge Drive
Five Bedrooms
Popular Radford Model
Backs Up to Reserve
Fenced yard,
hardwood floors
Oversized garage,
circular paved driveway
Monticello Properties
The Website for your real estate needs
Call for Mortgage Rates & Updates
Carl Heimlich • 434-989-2274
www.cheimlich.com • cheimlich@cfmortgagecorp.com
Big front porch, formal dining room
Call The Queen of Sold
Call Jen 434-989-9246
Call Tom 434-962-1625
When the Market is Slow you Need
the Power of Century 21