Daily Bulletin May 14 2012 - Atlanta Police Department


Daily Bulletin May 14 2012 - Atlanta Police Department
Atlanta Police Department, Atlanta, Georgia/George N. Turner, Chief of police
May 14 2012
Volume 12, Issue 020
In This Issue 2 Departmental information 3 Training information/GCIC 4‐5 APD Open Positions 6 Supporting our Own/Milestones 7 APF News 8 Relocation Bonus Incentives 9 Recruitment Incentive Bonus 10‐11 Educational Opportunities Mission The mission of the APD is to reduce crime and promote the quality of life in partnership with the community. Values Integrity, Professionalism, and Dedication Vision A professional crime fighting team dedicated to providing a safe envi‐
ronment for all of Atlanta. Departmental Information APD in the Community Atlanta’s LGBT community shined in record numbers at Atlanta Human Rights Campaign Gala at the Hyatt Regency. The event raises money for the Human Rights Campaign’s na‐
tional fight for LGBT rights. In keeping with this year’s theme of “25 Years of Fighting for Equality,” activists from the past and present were honored including the Atlanta Police Department’s Deputy Chief Renee Propes, Lt. Brent Schierbaum and Alice Johnson. Retirement Process If you are retiring, please contact the Public Affairs office (enespy@atlantaga.gov) with your home address and personal email so we can continue sending you the bulletin and add your name to the list to receive an invitation to the Retiree Roundup. The Public Affairs office also issues retirement certificates and a letter from the Chief. Contact the Personnel Department at least two weeks in advance of your retire‐
ment date to schedule an appointment to complete the retirement process. Also, as a courtesy it provides time for Personnel to order all tributes and gifts that are normally given upon retirement. 2012 Yearbook Photograph Sessions Schedule for this week The photography sessions for the 2012 APD yearbook have started! It is MANDA‐
TORY that all Staff, Sworn and Non‐Sworn to take a photograph. There is NO cost Beth Espy, (404) 546‐2531 or obligation on your part however you will have the option to purchase photo enespy@atlantaga.gov Deadline packages and the yearbook. for submissions is noon the preceding Friday. This week’s schedule City of Atlanta: www.atlantaga.gov Zone 4 Monday, May 14th and Tuesday, May 15th Atlanta Police: www.atlantapd.org Zone 5 Wednesday, May 16th and Thursday, May 17th APD Intranet: http://horizon Zone 6 Friday, May 18th and Saturday May 19th City Employee Gateway: http://city web DIT Help Desk: (404) 330‐6474 Airport Sunday, May 20th and Monday, May 21st Atlanta Police Foundation: Hours ‐ 6am‐12pm 1pm‐8pm 9pm‐2am www.atlantapolicefoundation.org This will give everyone an opportunity to take a picture no matter which shift you Peace Officers Annuity + Benefit Fund are working. 770‐228‐8461 http://poab.georgia.gov ATTIRE: Sworn personnel will be expected to wear Class A uniform. Captains and up jackets included. No hats. Crime Stoppers Atlanta
Lieutenants and down Class A. Long Sleeves, tie– no jackets or turtlenecks 404404-577577-TIPS
Investigators can wear suits. Civilians will be expected to wear appropriate busi‐
ness attire. Questions/Submissions May 14 2012
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Volume 12, Issue 020
Departmental Information continued Free Will Preparation The Atlanta office of the law firm Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, in partnership with the Gold Shield Foundation, is offering to prepare free wills and advanced directives (living wills and durable powers of attorney) for all APD personnel, sworn, non‐sworn and retirees. This is made possible through a generous donation of time by lawyers, paralegals, and legal assistants through the firm’s “Wills for Heroes” program, an offer now being extended to APD. The department must provide an estimated headcount of employees interested in taking advantage of this important opportunity to provide for you and your loved ones. It is imperative that we know how many department personnel are interested in this free service. Details about time, date and location of this event will be forthcom‐
ing. If you are interested, please contact the administrative officer (captain or sergeant listed below) for your unit, section, or zone, to request a questionnaire that will help expedite the process when you meet with an attorney. We must provide the law firm with an estimated headcount. Capt. J. Shaw, Zone 1 Lt. B. McGee, Staff Inspections Capt. T. Ewing, Zone 2 Lt. L. Browning, SOS Capt. B. Martin, Zone 3 Sgt. M. Fuller, FOD Capt. S. Gibbs, Zone 4 Sgt. C. Hannula, CSD Capt. H. Smith, Zone 5 Sgt. H. Hardy, CID Capt. V. Hobbs, Zone 6 Sgt. C. Pack, SSD Capt. B. Jones– Airport Sgt. J. Sturdivant, Personnel Atlanta Defenders Congratulations to APD! The Atlanta Defend‐
ers would like to thank everyone for their support and/or p a r t i c i p a t i o n whether it be on the field or off the field. The Defenders have made great strides because of everyone's in‐
volvement. The Defenders are currently 2 ‐ 0 this season with a 38‐16 win over the Orlando Guardians and a 39‐0 win over the Central Texas Wolfpack. In less than two weeks we will be traveling to Charlotte, NC to take on one of the premiere teams, the Charlotte Co‐
bras. With a win over Charlotte we will be on our way to bringing home our second champi‐
onship in 3 years. We would like to thank all of you ahead of time for your continued sup‐
port and we hope to see you out there at our future games. Our remaining schedule is as follows: June 2nd @ home vs. New York Cor‐
rection's Boldest (Time and location ‐ To be announced) The Atlanta Police Department won the 2nd ANNUAL NORTHSIDE 5K race on Sat‐
urday, April 28th sponsored by the ATLANTA BELTLINE RUNNING SERIES Our top Police Finishers Joseph Guikema Luis Medina Joshua Lovreta Jon Ware Acworth Timothy Cone Page 2
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Volume 12, Issue 020
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Training Information 40 hour Crisis Intervention Team Training The Atlanta Police Academy and the Fulton County Training Academy will be hosting a combined 40 hour Crisis Intervention Team Training course on June 11‐15, 2012. This combined collaboration will be held at the Fulton County Training Center located Please help me surprise my sister for her birthday!
at 3025 Merk Rd, Atlanta, GA 30349. Please complete a Specialized Training Request Form. This form must be signed by your immediate supervisor and section commander and returned to the Police Academy. A confir‐
mation letter will be used to notify you of your acceptance into the course via your City email. Please contact officer C. Leeks at Join
in for good food and drink, good company, good conversation and maybe even a line dance
(404) 209‐5250 or by e‐mail at cleeks@atlantaga.gov if you have any questions about this class.
or two! Wear your office clothes or jeans or whatever you like! NO GIFTS !!!!
(Customer C.A.R.E. (Courtesy and Respect Everyday) Training although a GAG GIFT or card is OK!) Please plan to come !
The Atlanta Police Academy is partnering with Human Resources to provide mandatory Customer C.A.R.E. (Courtesy and Respect Everyday) Training to the entire police department. The purpose of the training is to provide employees with the Customer Ser‐
vice Bill of Rights and an explanation of how customer service will be incorporated into future performance reviews. At the end of 53rd Birthday for
the training all employees will sign a customer service pledge. We will begin training Civilian employees only. All Civilian Employ‐
ees must attend one of the following training sessions. Tuesday, May 15th 9am, 11am, 1pm, or 3pm Thursday, May 17th 9am, 11am, 1pm, or 3pm Public Safety Headquarters/2nd floor training room just off elevators Tuesday, February 7
Sworn staff will be scheduled at a future date. Please contact Ms. Stephanie Thomas SAThomas@atlantaga.gov or 404‐209‐5250 with any questions. 6:00 PM until you want to go home!
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ATTENTION: ACTIVE Certified Field Training Officers and SPOs The Capital
If you are an ACTIVE Field Training Officer or SPO who currently participates in Field Training, you must attend a MANDATORY 41 South Highth Street
four (4) hour Field Training Officer Refresher class on Friday, May 18 from 12:00‐1600 at the Academy. Lunch will be provided and you will receive 4 hours of P.O.S.T. credit. Please contact Officer C. Leeks at (404) 209‐5250 or cleeks@atlantaga.gov if you have any questions. Take
Front street which is one way going north - turn right in the street/alley
2012 In‐Service schedule right
past the Doubletree hotel - just before you get to Broad street - then turn
The Atlanta Police Academy is announcing the 2012 In‐Service schedule for Lieutenants, Sergeants, Investigators, SPO’s , and Offi‐
into the garage and take the elevator to the 7th floor. Bring your
cers. You can go to the Horizon Home Page and open the “In‐Service” tab at the top of the page to view your class room and ticket
with you so that your parking will be free when you leave.
range date. This year’s topics will include Sexual Harassment, Search and Seizure, Emergency Driving, and the Police and the Public. Supervi‐
sors will also receive a KRONOS refresher. Rose
thinks she is coming to a presentation by an area bank to hear them make
All scheduling conflicts should be brought to the attention of your chain of command. the
case for using their bank for your investments, etc. If she says anything to
National Incident Management System (NIMS) 300 & 400 Level Training you, you will know what she is talking about. I have been wanting to do this for th
The Atlanta Police Academy will be hosting the National Incident Management System (NIMS) 300 & 400 Level Training June 4 ‐
8th. Command Staff and Supervisors who have not had this training are strongly encouraged to attend. years!
Thank you in advance for helping me make it happen. RSVP please to Kathy
NIMS 300‐400 Espy
via this email or 236-5968 home, 234-5276 office or 657-3934 cell.
The prerequisite for this class is ICS 100 & 200. This 40 hr course describes the incident and event management process for super‐
visors as prescribed by the Incident Command System. Students will implement the NIMS process on simulated type 3 incidents and develop an incident action plan. The prerequisite ICS 100 can be obtained online by visiting the FEMA website at http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is100b.asp The prerequisite ICS 200 can be obtained online by visiting the FEMA website at http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is200b.asp You must take the prerequisite online courses before you attend. Please print out your certificate and bring it with you to the first day of class. You must also fill out a specialized training request. Contact Officer Cerrina Leeks at Cleeks@atlantaga.gov or 404‐
209‐5250 with questions. Page 3
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Volume 12, Issue 020
APD Positions Eligibility for APD Positions If you are currently on the SPO or Investiga‐
tor list you are eligible to apply for an open SPO or Investigator position. For example, if you are not currently an Investigator but want to apply for an Investigator position, you can do so if your name is on the current Investigator list. STRONG Supervisor Position The Field Operations Division has a ser‐
geant’s position open to supervise the STRONG Team. This team works as a discre‐
tionary unit and is responsible for rotating throughout the various Zones addressing high crime areas as designated by the Zone Commander. This team also works on vari‐
ous details throughout the City to include assisting with “Rolling Thunder” and ACIP details and requires the personnel assigned to the team to be able to work a flexible schedule. The sergeant assigned to this team will be borrowed to the Field Operations Divi‐
sion Office and will report directly to Deputy Chief Finley. Sergeants interested in applying for this position should be self‐motivated and able to determine work priorities. Minimum requirements for this position include an effective or higher rating on all evaluations while performing at the rank of sergeant and no adverse disciplinary action within the pre‐
vious year. Sergeants assigned to the Field Operations Division who would like to be considered for this position should forward a n e ‐ m a i l t o D / C F i n l e y a t efinley@atlantaga.gov. Retired APD Positions SSD Administrative/Special Projects Position The Support Services Division is anticipating an opening for a police officer to fill the position of Administrative/Special Projects Officer in the Support Services Division Admin Office. This position requires strong analytical, research, computer (Word/Excel/PowerPoint), and com‐
munications skills. All applicants must have a good disciplinary history, three years Sworn experience, and no pattern of sick leave abuse. If interested, you may forwarded your resumes to Sergeant Pack at cpack@atlantaga.gov APS‐ SRO Positions Atlanta Public Schools currently has vacancies for, Atlanta Police School Resource Offi‐
cers, desiring to work flexible work hours in our Middle and High Schools. The qualifications include a mini‐
mum of three years of experi‐
ence with the Atlanta Police Department, good communica‐
tion skills and a desire to work with children. Interested Offi‐
cers should contact Sgt. Calvin Tucker at (404) 802‐2002. 4 OFF‐DUTY OFFICERS NEEDED Lincoln Properties is seeking courtesy officers AND off‐duty patrol officers for Preserve at Collier Ridge Apartments in Zone 1 & Ter‐
races at Highbury Court Apartments in Zone 3. For more informa‐
tion, please contact Stephanie Cruse at 404‐586‐0180 or Debbie Davis at 404‐304‐8120. • Help us STOP the DRUG ACTIVITY and LOITERING on our Apartment Commu‐
nities within Atlanta. • We are looking for 4 Atlanta Police Officers who can work off‐duty hours. • We are looking for No Nonsense action. • Looking to work with local authorities to get the message out we CARE about our communities. Please call to discuss great opportunity – 404‐304‐8120(Debbie Davis) Regional Property Manager, Lincoln Property Company Click It or Ticket APD personnel are required to ensure that they and their passen‐
gers use seatbelts when operating or riding in departmental vehi‐
cles. In addition, APD personnel are required to exercise common courtesy, due care, due caution, prudent judgment, and good driving habits at all times when operating a department vehicle. Unless otherwise specified, APD personnel will follow the Uniform Rules of the Road. The City of Atlanta is hiring retired APD offi‐ No Driving and Texting Law cers who are active members of the Atlanta No texting while driving laws are in effect. They prohibit texting Retired Police Reserve to work City Hall, At‐
while operating a vehicle. Texting includes writing, sending and lanta Public Safety Headquarters and Atlanta reading text messages and instant messages, e‐mail and Internet Public Safety Annex. All positions require use. Drivers may not text while merely stopped, but texting is al‐
strong people skills and the ability to work lowed when legally parked. In addition, no driver under the age of continuously with the public in a positive 18 may use a wireless device for calls or texting while operating a manner. If interested please contact Retired vehicle, except in emergencies. CODE Section 40‐6‐241.1. Lieutenant G. Glass at 404‐772‐0185.
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Volume 12, Issue 020
APD Positions continued Eligibility for APD Positions If you are currently on the SPO or Investiga‐
tor list you are eligible to apply for an open SPO or Investigator position. For example, if you are not currently an Investigator but want to apply for an Investigator position, you can do so if your name is on the current Investigator list. A.P.E.X. Unit Position s The A.P.E.X. unit is looking for disciplined, highly motivated and problem solving offi‐
cers who are willing to work very flexible hours as needed to focus on violent crime issues. The A.P.E.X. unit focuses on violent crime interdiction which consists of several areas including: street level violent crime enforcement, street level investigations, plain clothes, undercover work and tactical response. All officers who are interested must have two years of sworn service on the department, no history of sustained use of force complaints and no pattern of discipli‐
nary issues of any kind. All applicants must pass an oral interview and selection process. Applicants must submit the following infor‐
mation when scheduling an interview: 1) Resume outlining your law enforcement experience. 2) Copies of three (3) recent incident reports authored by you, ideally involving significant arrests. 3) Copy of your P.O.S.T. training records. To schedule an interview contact an A.P.E.X. unit supervisor at 404‐546‐6922, or by email at JPatterson@Atlantaga.gov. X‐Team Positions *NEW* The Atlanta Police Extrication Team is seeking highly motivated officers and inves‐
tigators as members for the X‐Team. The X‐Team is a specialized unit of operation that is utilized when protestors deploy devices in a manner to interrupt or delay police action. Knowledge and skill of construc‐
tion grade power tools is a pre‐
requisite as well as the ability to respond to call backs and quar‐
terly training. If you are interested please send an email to Lt. L. Browning, lbrown‐
ing@atlantaga.gov, and include the reason for your interest in the team, ex‐
plain your tool skill set and how many years of service you have. Atlanta Police
Club Store
The Atlanta Police Club store at the PSHQ is now open. The store hours are Tuesday and Thursday 10am – 2pm. The store is located on the first floor right as you come in from the parking garage. The Atlanta Police Club Store is also in operation at the Annex Building located at 3493 Donald Lee Hollo‐
well Pkwy. The store is located on the 2nd floor. If you would like to make a purchase at that location, please contact Shelia Pitts at (404) 546‐6988 or Cynthia Lee at (404) 546‐7344. Page 5
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Volume 12, Issue 020
Supporting Our Own CONGRATULATIONS! APD Personnel in need of Donated
Congratulations to Officer Palma R. Boyd (SOS/ Civilian Kitina Brayboy is eligible to Hit & Run Unit) who received her B. A. in Early receive donated leave. Childhood Development from Shorter Univer‐
sity. CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to Officer Steve Garono who recently graduated from Herzing University with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a Concentration in Homeland Security Summa Cum Laude. He also received the Herzing Uni‐
versity‐Atlanta Criminal Justice Student of the Year Award for 2012. Enforcement Officer Vincent Barnes suffered a stroke and has been on medical leave since September 2010. Civilian Lori Collins Jones has been on sick leave since May 2010. Each of these individuals is in need of donated leave. If you have leave you would like to do‐
nate, please go to Police Personnel and let them know you would like to donate. On Active Duty:
6 of APD’s Finest
Join the Atlanta Police Cycling Team We encourage officers to donate to the cause of the Atlanta Police Cycling Team. Next year Officer Gail Thomas’ name will be placed on the Memorial Wall in Washington, DC. Visit this page to donate. http://www.firstgiving.com/process/teamarea/
default.asp?3385&teamid=166763 Orrick Curry Joseph Layman Armando Silva D Watson‐ Brown Kyle Turner Not Picture: Christopher Jackson Humble Heroes Support Each year the Georgia Crawlers, a 4X4 Club,, participates in the “Go Topless” event which celebrates Jeep ownership throughout the world. This year Investigator Patrick Apoian and his organization Humble Heroes will be the recipient of the event proceeds. Investigator Apoian, a nine year veteran of the Atlanta Police Department, was conducting an investigation and was seriously in‐
jured when he was run over by a vehicle. As a result of this, Investigator Apoian suffered multiple fractures to his pelvis and tail‐
bone, a broken leg, and bruised ribs. He is still slated for multiple surgeries to assist with the healing of these fractures and is not able to return to work at this time. Humble Heroes, a 501c(3) charity started by Patrick and his wife, Sandra is committed to standing behind the men and women in Public Safety. The purpose of Humble Heroes is to assist police officers and firefighters, and their families by providing financial and moral support to those who have been seriously injured or fallen ill, while building solid relationships between public servants and the communities they serve. Humble Heroes stepped up to organize a fundraiser for the family of fallen Senior Police Officer Gail Thomas, and even between surgeries, Patrick and his organization was able to raise over $5,000.00 for her family in just one day! Saturday, May 19, 2012 at Hooter’s of Newnan 1001 Bullsboro Drive, from 11 am until 5 pm! Any questions or if you’d like to make a donation, please call Sergeant Melody Gruber at 404‐546‐4326/678‐90‐1863 or Mike Condit at 678‐542‐9120. Page 6
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Volume 12, Issue 020
Atlanta Police Foundation News A Night In Blue You are cordially invited to join the Atlanta Police Foundation for the seventh annual Atlanta Police Foun‐
dation Gala– A Night in Blue! This year’s event will take place on Saturday, May 19 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel from 6:30‐11:00 p.m. The evening features auctions, dinner and dancing to the music of Yacht Rock Revue! Dress is black tie optional and complimentary valet will be provided. The Gala is FREE for officers and one (1) guest. All guests must be at least 16 years‐old. To put your name on the waiting list, please e‐mail your name, rank and unit to atlantapolicefoundation@gmail.com. At the beginning of May we will alert guests of their table assignments. Please note that we do our best to allow all officers on the waiting list to attend the Gala but we cannot guarantee attendance at this time. Volunteer opportunities are also available for anyone who is interested. If you would like to learn more about volunteering, or have a friend or family member who would like to volunteer, please contact Lauren Abbott at the Atlanta Police Foundation at labbott@atlantapolicefoundation.org. HOUSING INCENTIVE PROGRAM CRIME STOPPERS ATLANTA “Relocating to the city? Visit the APF Housing Incen‐
tive Program website to search discounted proper‐
ties and learn more about available incentives, in‐
cluding up to $3,000 in relocation bonus incentives! Go to www.atlantapolicefoundation.org. Click Pro‐
grams. Go to Housing Incentive Programs. Visit of‐
ten for new properties and program updates. For more information, contact Stephanie Cruse at 404‐
586‐0180.” Now you can: • Search for properties with police officer discounts and incentives by Zone! • Send automated inquires about specific properties of interest! • Learn more about the APF Relocation Bonus Incentive Program! • Download the APF Relocation Bonus Incen‐
tive Application! • Learn more about Down Payment Assis‐
tance Programs! • Sign up for courtesy officer opportunities! • Stay informed on upcoming housing events! 3 quick clicks: • Go to www.atlantapolicefoundation.org. • Click on the Programs link. • Drop down to Housing Incentive Program. Please visit often as new properties and programs will be added weekly! For questions, please contact Stephanie Cruse, Hous‐
ing Program Manager at (404) 586‐0180 or scruse@atlantapolicefoundation.org Crime Stoppers Atlanta (CSA) website is www. Crime StoppersAtlanta.org. The site makes it easy to highlight cases and makes it even easier for citizens to submit anonymous tips. It also integrates Facebook and Twit‐
ter; so, now, with a few clicks, people can add a photo of a wanted suspect to their Facebook page and spread the word to their friends on Twitter. Since it launched at APD in 2007, Crime Stoppers Atlanta has helped solve more than 208 major crimes in Metro Atlanta. To provide anonymous in‐
formation, citizens can call 404‐577‐TIPS, text CSA & the tip to CRIMES, or email using the online form. Please visit www.CrimeStoppersAtlanta.org for more information. APD REFERRAL BONUS PROGRAM Have you referred a new recruit to APD since 2010 and received your first half of your Bonus but not the second half? If your referral has success‐
fully completed the academy ‐ resubmit the Atlanta Police Foundation Request for Funds form to Background and Recruitment, along with the graduation date of your referral, to receive your second half of the bonus. Want to refer a new recruit to APD? Contact Background and Recruitment for more information. If your referral is hired you could be eligible for up to $500! Nominations for 2012 Crime is Toast We will take your nominations NOW for next year’s Crime it Toast Break‐
fast and Awards ceremony. The eligibility period for the 2012 awards is from August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012. If you are interested in nominating yourself or another for an award, please download the Awards Nomination Form (APD Form 208) on Hori‐
zon and send it to Sgt J. Diederich/Crime Stoppers through Inter‐
departmental mail. Page 7
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Atlanta Police Foundation News continued
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Volume 12, Issue 020
The Atlanta Police Foundation funds a recruitment incentive bonus for APD employee who refer successful officer candidates. The parameters of the program are outlined in APD.SOP.2140 “Employee Benefits” as follows: 4.4.1 Employees are eligible to receive up to $500 for each person they refer for employment as a police officer with the De‐
partment, subject to funds being available through the Atlanta Police Foundation. 4.4.2 Eligibility 1. All permanent, full time employees may be eligible to receive the recruiting incentive bonus. 2. Employees must have a current “satisfactory”, “effective” or higher evaluation. 3. Employees must satisfactorily complete Form APD 267 Employee Referral Form for each person. The referred person must complete Form APD 268 Applicant Questionnaire. 4. Employees who are assigned to the Recruitment Unit, the Training Academy, or otherwise involved in the hiring and/or training process, are not eligible. 5. Employees who refer a person previously employed by the Department or currently employed by the City of Atlanta are not eligible. 4.4.3 Obtaining the Recruiting Incentive Bonus 1. Employees who refer a person for employment as a police officer must contact the Recruitment Unit and complete Form APD 267 Employee Referral Form for each applicant. 2. The Human Resources Section commander is responsible for the administration of the Recruiting Incentive Bonus program and will: a. Ensure that the referred person completes Form APD 268 Applicant Questionnaire; and b. Determine which employees are eligible for receiving the recruiting incentive bonus. 4.4.4 The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, will determine which employees receive the recruiting incentive bonus, to be determined as follows: 1. $200 after the referred person’s first full day of employment. 2. An additional $300 after the referred person completes training and graduates from the Training Academy. 5. DEFINITIONS 5.1 Police Retention Bonus Program: A program designed to offer a retention incentive payment to certain sworn police offi‐
cers who agree to remain with the City of Atlanta for a specified period of time. Please see a background investigator for the required forms. Page 9
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Volume 12, Issue 020
Educational Opportunities
South College is proud to introduce the new Master of Science in Criminal Justice program. The program is ONLINE with mini‐
mal residency requirements and is designed to be completed in one year. The program’s curriculum provides a balance of theoretical and practical coursework that develops the critical thinking and analytical skills needed in today’s evolving crimi‐
nal justice workforce. Students will take three courses each quarter and partici‐
pate in a 40 hour capstone seminar at the end of the program. Otherwise, all required work will be completed online. For more information please contact Susan Uzzle at 865‐293‐4531 www.southcollegetn.edu Division of Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science–
Criminal Justice
The bachelor’s degree in CJ prepares students through course work, research, and
interactive learning to enter the workforce
or pursue advanced career opportunities.
Located at Lenox Mall
Associate of ScienceLaw Enforcement
The Associate of Science Degree in Law Enforcement prepares students who are working as law enforcement or corrections officers for career enhancement or to pursue
professional development at the
baccalaureate level.
100% Online
For more information contact the
Admissions Office:
Submit an application for admission
to Thomas University
• Submit proof of HS graduation or
GED completion
• Copy of basic Law Enforcement
• Submit Official transcripts from all
colleges/universities previously attended. (if applicable)
Admissions: 404‐816‐4533 Jessica Camilla ext. 113 Nannette Camacho ext. 117 Caitlin Mazarin ext. 132 Page 10
Thomas University is accredited by the
commission on Colleges of the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools to
award associate’s, bachelor’s and
master’s degrees
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Educational Opportunities
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Volume 12, Issue 020