Congress Programme


Congress Programme
Coordinating resources to assess and improve health status of migrants from Latin America •
“International Symposium on Latin American Migrant Health” ISLAMH – April 2013 Day 1 – Friday 12th Location: Auditorium “Hugo Lumbreras Cruz”. Casa Honorio Delgado – UPCH. Av. Armendariz N°445, Miraflores. Lima-­‐Peru Program: 7.30-­‐08.30h Registration Introductory Session: What are the problems of Migration? Co-­‐chair: Hugo Garcia (COHEMI/UPCH -­‐ Peru), (Representative of the Ministry of Health of Peru) 8.30-­‐08.45h Introduction: COHEMI Valeria Confalonieri (IRFMN -­‐Italy) 08.45-­‐9.15h Health Determinants of Migrants Maurizio Bonati (IRFMN -­‐ Italy) 9.15-­‐09.45h Health qualified migration, financial impact. Challenges and Perspectives in Andean Region Countries Benjamín Puertas (PAHO/WHO – Peru) 09.45-­‐10.15h Roundtable: Questions, answers and comments Panelists: Giovanni Bonfiglio (Italy), Caroline Chang (ORAS – COHNU/ to be confirmed) 10.15-­‐10.45h Coffee break Session: Migration and Health Systems. Addressing the impact of Migration Co-­‐chair: Martin Maturano (Viceminister of Health -­‐ Bolivia), (Representative of the Ministry of Health of Peru) 10.45-­‐11.15h Andean policy proposal to ensure the right to health of migrants in Europe Hugo Noboa (Representative of the Ministry of Health -­‐ Ecuador) 11.15-­‐11.45h Social security, the relationship between Europe and Andean Countries (Representative of the Social Security -­‐ Peru) 11.45-­‐12.15h Impact of Migration on Latin American sanitary systems Maria Angelica Gomes (PAHO/WHO – Peru) 12.15-­‐12.45h Roundtable: Questions, answers and comments Panelists: Speakers, Co-­‐chairs 12.45-­‐13.10h Inaugural Ceremony Coordinating resources to assess and improve health status of migrants from Latin America Hugo Garcia (COHEMI/UPCH -­‐ Peru), Mauricio Bonati (COHEMI/IRFMN -­‐ Italy) 13.10-­‐14.00h Lunch Session: Chronic Diseases affecting Migrants Co-­‐chair: Guillermo Bustamante (UPCH – Peru), (Representative SPMI – Peru) 14.00-­‐14.30h Diabetes in Peru and Latin America Helard Manrique (SPE -­‐ Peru) 14.30-­‐15.00h Chronic non communicative disease, Hypertension Felix Medina (UPCH -­‐ Peru) 15.00-­‐15.30h Hypertension and Diabetes in Migrants – New Lifestyle Juan Moreira (FUNSAD/CECOMET -­‐ Ecuador) 15.30-­‐16.00h Roundtable: Questions, answers and comments Panelists: Speakers, Co-­‐chairs 16.00-­‐16.30h Coffee break Session: Neglected Diseases spreading in silence Co-­‐chair: Alejandro Llanos (SPEIT -­‐ Peru) Co-­‐chair: Cesar Naquira (UNMSM -­‐ Peru) 16.30-­‐17.00h Neglected Diseases in Europe: Strongyloidiasis Zeno Bisoffi (CTD -­‐ Italy) 17.00-­‐17.30h Epidemiological changes and challenges of Chagas Disease in Latin America Daniel Lozano (CEADES -­‐ Bolivia) 17.30-­‐18.00h Neurocisticercosis in Peru Hugo García (UPCH -­‐ Peru) 18.00-­‐18.30h Roundtable: Questions, answers and comments Panelists: Speakers, Co-­‐chairs Coordinating resources to assess and improve health status of migrants from Latin America •
“International Symposium on Latin American Migrant Health” ISLAMH – April 2013 Day 2 – Saturday 13th Location: Auditorium “Hugo Lumbreras Cruz”. Casa Honorio Delgado – UPCH. Av. Armendariz #445, Miraflores. Lima-­‐Peru Program: Session: Tuberculosis an old enemy Co-­‐chair: Antonieta Alarcon (Representative of Health Ministry -­‐ Peru) Co-­‐chair: Eduardo Ticona (HNDM -­‐ Peru) 8.00-­‐08.30h Tuberculosis in Latin America Eduardo Gotuzzo (IMTAvH/UPCH -­‐ Peru) 08.30-­‐9.00h Tuberculosis in Europe Lorenzo Zammarchi (UFDID -­‐ Italy) 09.00-­‐9.30h Management on Latent TB Infection Timothy Sterling (USA) 09.30-­‐10.00h Roundtable: Questions, answers and comments Panelists: Speakers, Co-­‐chairs 10.00-­‐10.30h Coffee break Session: What migration brings Co-­‐chair: Esperanza Reyes (FASPA/UPCH -­‐ Peru) Co-­‐chair: Jonathan Drewry (PAHO/WHO -­‐ Peru) 10.30-­‐11.00h A perspective on the social determinants of Health Eugenio Villar (WHO) 11.00-­‐11.30h Determinants, opportunities and challenges for a healthy migration Carlos Van der Laat (IOM – Costa Rica) 11.30-­‐12.00h How social determinants affect Chagas disease Laia Ventura (CRESIB -­‐ Spain) 12.00-­‐12.30h Roundtable: Questions, answers and comments Panelists: Speakers, Co-­‐chairs 12.30-­‐14.00h Lunch Session: Panel of Experts: Healthcare, Social Determinants and Chronic Diseases Co-­‐chair: Fernando Carballo (SPMI -­‐ Peru) Co-­‐chair: Eugenio Villar (WHO) 14.00-­‐14.20h Migrants Health Care: COHEMI recommendations Christopher Pell (UVA -­‐ Holland) Coordinating resources to assess and improve health status of migrants from Latin America 14.20-­‐14.40h Chronic Diseases: COHEMI recommendations Juan Moreira (FUNSAD/CECOMET -­‐ Ecuador) 14.40-­‐15.10h Round Table with Panel of Experts Hugo Noboa (Representative of the Ministry of Health -­‐ Ecuador)/ Giovanni Bonfiglio (Italy)/ Celeste Cambria (PAHO/WHO – Peru) / (Representative SPMI – Peru) 15.10-­‐15.30h Coffee break Session: Panel of Experts: Neglected Infectious Diseases, TB and Global Final Comments Co-­‐chair: Amador Carcelén (SPMI -­‐ Peru), Luis Miguel León (Representative Ministry of Health – Peru/ to be confirmed) 15.30-­‐15.55h Neglected Diseases: COHEMI recommendations Jose Muñoz (FCRB -­‐ Spain) 15.55-­‐16.20h Tuberculosis COHEMI recommendations Eduardo Gotuzzo (IMTAvH/UPCH -­‐ Peru) 16.20-­‐17.20h Roundtable: Questions, answers and comments Martin Maturano (Viceminister of Health -­‐ Bolivia)/ Cesar Cabezas (INS -­‐ Peru)/ Alfonso Tenorio (PAHO/WHO -­‐ Peru)/ Jorge Alarcon (UNMSM -­‐ Peru)/ Antonieta Alarcon (Representative of the Ministry of Health – Peru) 17.20-­‐18.00 Cocktail Closure Coordinating resources to assess and improve health status of migrants from Latin America Instituciones participantes: -­‐ Ministerio de Salud del Perú (MINSA -­‐ Perú) -­‐ Ministerio de Salud y Deportes de Bolivia -­‐ Ministerio de Salud Pública de Ecuador -­‐ Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización mundial de la Salud (PAHO/WHO) -­‐ Organismo Andino de Salud -­‐ Convenio Hipólito Unanue (ORAS-­‐CONHU) -­‐ Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH-­‐ Perú) -­‐ Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Alexander von Humboldt” (IMTAvH -­‐ Perú) -­‐ Fundación Salud y Desarrollo/Centro de Epidemiologia comunitaria y Medicina Tropical (FUNSAD/CECOMET -­‐ Ecuador) -­‐ Colectivo de Estudios Aplicados y Desarrollo Social (CEADES – Bolivia) -­‐ Taller de Educación y Comunicación TEKO-­‐GUARANÌ (TEKO -­‐ Bolivia) -­‐ Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research (IRFMN -­‐ Italia)-­‐ IRCCS -­‐ Centre for Tropical Diseases, Sacro Cuore Hospital of Negrar, Verona (CTD – Italia) -­‐ University of Florence, Division of Infectious Diseases (UFDID -­‐ Italia) -­‐ University of Amsterdam (UvA -­‐ Holanda) -­‐ Fundació Clínic para la Recerca Biomèdica (FCRB -­‐ España) -­‐ Organización Internacional para las migraciones (OIM) -­‐ Sociedad Sociedad Peruana de Medicina Interna (SPMI-­‐ Perú) -­‐ Sociedad Peruana de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales (SPEIT -­‐ Perú) -­‐ Sociedad Peruana de Endocrinología (SPE -­‐ Perú) 

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