26th April 2006 - The Knights Templar School


26th April 2006 - The Knights Templar School
The Knights Templar School
Mr T. Litchfield, G.G.S.M.
Park Street
Email: admin@ktemplar.herts.sch.uk
Tel: 01462 620700
Fax: 01462 620701
(available on our website)
Dear Parents and Carers
Many of you will know our exams officer, Mrs C Robertson. Mrs
Robertson has been working at the school since 1972 in a range of
responsibility areas: Head of Modern Foreign Languages department;
teacher of technology; teacher of Business Studies and in more recent
years as our examination officer. Mrs Robertson is now retiring from
teaching and her last day in school will be tomorrow, 4th March. The
whole school community send our best wishes to Mrs Robertson for a
long, happy and fun retirement. Forty four years of service to one school
is something quite extra-ordinary!
(Mrs Robertson, myself and Katie Winzer
in Year 13, who made the cake)
We are fast approaching the examination period and I wanted to remind parents that there is a huge
amount of information on our school website which helps both students and parents – these are relevant
to all year groups. For parents of children in the earlier years who will not be sitting public exams this year,
this document is great to help establish the routines for future years.
Please may I remind Year 11 parents, that a bulletin specific to exam preparation is sent out every Friday
afternoon. It is a guide to many things, including the revision classes for the following week!
The link below is a KTS guide to how parents can support their child to revise etc. There are some great tips
on the document so please do have a look (www.ktemplar.herts.sch.uk/KTS-Parent-guide-to-exams).
I would like to congratulate all the teams who are competing in the Finals of the District Rugby
competitions this week. We have been successful in reaching four out of the five finals this year, so many
congratulations to all the students involved. Many thanks also to Mr Smith and the PE department for coordinating and organising the whole event. A full report will be in next week’s bulletin.
(Year 7 Rugby Union Team – District Champions 2016!)
Kind Regards,
Tim Litchfield
Dates for your diary:
Friday 4.3.16
Yr 11 GCSE Drama Controlled Assessment (in lessons)
Yr 9 & 11 Photographs (during PE lessons)
Yr 7-10 Lady Taverners Festivals 2016
Yr 7 Art Trip to the National Gallery, band T
5.3.16 Bronze DofE Practice Expedition 2, returns 4pm
6.3.16 Bronze DofE Practice Expedition 2, returns 4pm
7.3.16 Yr 7 Art Trip to the National Gallery – Band K
8.3.16 Yr 12 & 13 Theatre Studies Practical Exam Dress Rehearsal, DS
County Brass Day in Hall, 9am – 3pm
Yr 12-13 Music Evening of AS and A2 Level Solo Performances, Hall, 6-8.30pm
9.3.16 Yr 10 & 11 District Girls’ Football Tournament, JHN, 2.20-6pm
Yr 8 District Netball Tournament, JHN, 2.20-6pm
11.3.16 Yr 7-10 Girls’ Rugby Festival, Hertford RFC, 12-5pm
Following the success of the schools production of Fiddler on the roof, you can now
request DVD’s of both cast performances! Each DVD costs a total of £3.00, if you
wish to purchase both DVD’s the total cost is £5.00. Your child can pick up a DVD
Order Form from outside DSA. All orders should be returned in a clearly marked
envelope to the Drama Post Box. Details of payment are stated on the form.
The Music Department is holding a Spring Concert at 7pm
on Tuesday 15th March in the school hall.
Admission is free, with a retiring collection in aid of the
extra-curricular music group. The school bands, groups and
ensembles will be showcasing their hard work by performing a varied programme of
classical and popular music.
We hope that you will come along to support the students taking part.
Year 7 District Rugby Final
Monday 29th February saw the first of the Rugby District finals at Hitchin
Rugby Club, as the Year 7 Rugby squad battled against a strong Thomas
Alleyne School. Both teams came into the final in good form, with KTS only
losing their only league game this season against…Thomas Alleyne! With
the team wanting to seek their revenge on the school, the squad travelled
to the match with high hopes and determination.
The first half saw a close encounter between the two sides, with equal
pressure being mounted, particularly from the forwards. KTS came close on
multiple occasion, with the ball even being held up on the try line and disallowed. Despite the valiant defence
from the opposition, Joe Ince found a gap to squeeze in KTS’s first try of the match, just before the half time
whistle blew.
KTS brought their confidence from the end of the first half into the second, with
some strong runs made by the back line and great support play from the forwards.
However, it was not to be all that easy for KTS, because of the strong breakdown
and mauling from the Thomas Alleyne boys. However, confidence prevailed for KTS.
The great kicking, scrum downs and offloads was just too much for the opposition
at the end of the day. In the dying embers of the game, KTS could almost just taste
victory waiting for them and in the last seconds, KTS scored a fantastic team try,
which was finished by the Scrum-Half Joe Ince once again, to end the score as 10-0
to the reds.
The man of the match award went to the Number 8 and Team Captain Will
Goldsmith for his superb tackling, discipline and leadership throughout the entire game.
As the final whistle blew, the team exalted into pure joy and happiness knowing they have won the league,
something which some members of the team would have never imagined happening. After the match, the team
collected their medals, as well as the cup that they were all aching to touch and lift up in the air.
The team were greeted after by their own relatives and a
large group of chanting Year 7s who travelled all the way
from school to support and watch their team win on the
big occasion. Thanks to all those students that gave up
their after school to cheer on the team and give them that
extra confidence, making the 15 mile trip fully worth it to
From the awful first
training session to the
league final, the progress that the lads have made over the last 6 months has
been phenomenal. The team to start off with were ill-disciplined, naïve and
felt disconnected with each other back in September. But the team that
played in Hitchin looked more like a team. And not just one with bags of
confidence and technique, but one of character and team spirit. Coaching
these groups of students has been a pleasure to do so.
Doing it has really developed me as a person in terms of my leadership skills,
and I really could not do that without the amazing tutoring and help from Mr
Barrows and Mr Bradley, who have created a team that will last for years to
come, with the hopes of further success in the near future. I hope to continue
next year and see the team win even more trophies.
Well done guys!
Bill Bowkett, Year 12
Library News
World Book Day 2016
The Library has enjoyed a busy and enjoyable week celebrating World Book Day.
On Monday pupils were presented with a £1 National Book Token, which could be exchanged here in the
School, on Wednesday 2nd March, when David’s Book Shop visited the Library.
On Thursday the pupils searched for our Golden Tickets. Tickets were hidden around the school, and
exchanged for a book of their choice, from a wonderful selection of exciting book titles.
It was an exciting day, really enjoyed by the pupils.
Study Carrels
The library continues to look at how we can support pupils with their study. We have recently purchased a
set of study carrels, which allow pupils to study, read and research in a more isolated and focused
environment. Our sixth formers have been the first to embrace this facility and are often seen tucked away
deep in revision.
There will be an opportunity to give blood at the Baldock Community
Centre on Friday 18th March.
There will be 2 sessions between
1. 13.15 and 15.15hrs
2. 16.30 and 19.15hrs
If you would like to give blood, please ring this number to make an appointment 0300 123 23 23 or visit
blood.co.uk Anyone aged between 17-65, weighing more than 50kg (7stone 12lbs) and in general good
health can become a blood donor. There is no upper age limit for donors who have donated in the last 2
Pupils will be bringing home a flyer on Friday evening.
Year 10 Science GCSE Exams in May 2016 – recent mock exams
Our Year 10 students’ recently sat their Science mock exams and a letter has been sent home to parents
this week via ‘In Touch’ to brief them on the grades their child achieved in the mocks and provide advice on
additional revision resources available to all students.
The exams in May will be the first proper GCSE exams to be taken by these students and the mock results
show there is plenty of revision still required. However, any students with mock grades below their target
grades should not despair. Past experience has shown that students can make a considerable difference to
their final result with a concerted revision effort in the final run up to these ‘real’ GCSE exams.
If your child is in Year 10, please encourage them to regularly set aside time in the evenings, weekends and
during the Easter break to make use of the resources available to them and to follow the advice they will
receive from their Science teachers over the weeks that follow. Regular revision from now on is the key to
success in Science.
B Chantrell
Head of Science
Art Department:
Recycled Fashion Show 2016 – Another triumph for KTS students!
Of the eighteen designs entered by KTS Year 10 students, eight (by Eve Wenham,
Claire Larking, Rome Atkinson, Abigail Newton, Tia Huckle, Brooke Middleton, Erin
Davies and Ella Hill) were finalists. Erin and Ella also
achieved the ‘Best GCSE Entry’ and ‘Best in Show’
After weeks of toil and inspiration from all the
participating KTS students, an array of fabulously
inventive designs, expertly modelled, highlighted in
the show.
All KTS students’ entries will soon feature on the
school website but until then, enjoy this selection of
photographs of the KTS finalists.
Costumes are also currently on display at Letchworth Arts Centre until
Thursday 10th March, admission free.
Netball Success!
Last week the year 10 girls took part in the District Netball tournament. After a strong performance in the
pool stages only losing 1 game out of 5 they progressed to the semi final of the plate competition, after
beating Meridian they faced John Henry Newman in the Plate final. In the final they defended strongly and
came away with the victory and winners of the Plate and bronze medallist's overall.
Congratulations to the team: Abi Newton (Captain), Annie Truby, Orla Murphy, Daisy Muge, Lean Nelson,
Sheena Seruwo, Erin Davies, Simran Johal, Morganne Law
Year 7 basketball update
Congratulations to the year 7 boys’ basketball team who beat John Henry Newman School 43-35 on
Wednesday night. Standout performances from Riley Sayer and Adam Turner helped the KTS boys to
victory over their Stevenage opponents. Attendance at training and fixtures has been superb so far this
season and the boys’ attitude and desire to improve has been very impressive- well done to all involved!
A Message from the EST and Recycling Team
The information below is a copy of a poster from NCDC as part of a raising awareness of the 'right recycling'
habits. Print it off and display it in your kitchen to remind the family. The EST pupils and staff in school are
working hard to achieve and maintain an efficient recycling system on the school site. We would like to
urge you all to do your bit and thus make our wider community more sustainable and a better place for our
children to inherit from us. Thank you
Thursday 3rd March 2016
With the Democratic
and Republican
presidential candidate
race in full swing, Ben
Buky asks whether it is
all getting out of hand
Click here for the full
Click here for the full story
The Year 7 Rugby Team
wanted to seek their revenge
against Thomas Alleyne
School in the Hertfordshire
District League Final. But
how did they get on?
Click here for the full story
Mock exams
The mock exam period has now finished for both years 12 and 13 and now the students have a very
important period of time in which to reflect on their results, identify strengths and areas for improvement.
It is imperative that students maintain an open dialogue with their teachers regarding their concerns over
specific parts of their course and request help or advice when required. However, it is also important for
students to realise that they need to be reading, revising and working independently in their own time to
make improvements once they have liaised with their subject teachers.
We would also like to encourage parents to help motivate, monitor and be aware of their child’s work
patterns at home. We are at a time of year when final coursework deadlines are looming and the start of
the exam season is not particularly far away. With this in mind, students’ work rate should increase over
the next few weeks leading up to study leave and this will most certainly involve regular independent work
at home.
One-to-one tutor meetings are taking place with students throughout this period of time and it is crucial
that students are in form time to receive any help, feedback or guidance on how to manage their workload.
We appreciate any support that parents can provide in this regard.
Senior rugby team in district final
The senior rugby team maintained a
100% winning record in the district
league this season and as a result, have
earned a place in the district final
against John Henry Newman School.
The boys have played fantastically well
this year and shown an excellent
commitment to training. They will be
very eager to bring the district trophy
back to KTS to underline their
dominance in the league this season.
The final is being hosted by Hitchin
Rugby Club and will kick off at 4pm on
Friday 4th March. Any students wishing
to travel to the game to support their friends can sign up for their place on the ‘supporter’s bus’ which will
be leaving the sports centre car park promptly at 3.30pm. The sign-up sheet is located outside the PE office
for anyone who wants to help create a positive KTS atmosphere that may help push the boys to victory!
Good luck to all of the boys involved!
Senior boys’ basketball final
The senior boys’ basketball final is due to be played on
Monday 7th March at KTS and for the 4th consecutive
year, our senior boys’ team have qualified for the final.
In similar fashion to the senior rugby team, the
basketball squad have remained undefeated in the
district league throughout this season and have been
dominant in the majority of their games. The boys now
face John Henry Newman School and have every
confidence that they will be able to overcome their
opponents and retain the North Herts Senior
Basketball title.
Students and parents are more than welcome to attend this event and support the boys! Tip-off is at 4pm
in the KTS sports hall- it would be great to see as many people in attendance as possible to help create an
excellent match-day atmosphere!
Good luck to all of the boys involved!
Head Boy/ Head Girl applications- round 2
Yesterday, the 8 Head Boy/ Girl candidates who successfully qualified through round 1 of the application
process, faced the daunting task of delivering a 3 minute presentation to their teachers and peers,
outlining why they would be the best candidate for this coveted role.
The audience of over 150 students and teachers witnessed an eclectic mix of presentations that provided
professional messages, heart-warming speeches and entertainment in equal measure. Having heard all of
the candidates present their case, the year 12 student body returned to their enrichment hour classrooms
to vote for their preferred candidate for Head Boy and Head Girl. The votes will now be tallied before the
next round of interviews takes place with Mr Litchfield, Mrs Hopkins and other senior staff or governors.
We would like to congratulate and thank the candidates for their efforts thus far- what they experienced
yesterday is a truly daunting challenge and they should all be commended on the confident account they
gave of themselves.
Well done to all of the students involved in this process!