MERRY CHRISTMAS! - The Sampson Weekly


MERRY CHRISTMAS! - The Sampson Weekly
The Sampson Weekly
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Novi Energy-City Says
No-County Says Yes
Page A17
Commissioners Give
Five Year Financing
of Activity Bus
a Thumbs Down
Page A11
We Should Know...
Page A5
Hi: 71 º Lo: 49 º
Hi: 74 º Lo: 60 º
Sun Partly
Freemont Novi Plant Facility Photo Courtesy of John Swope
At Tuesday night’s Clinton City Council meeting, a Public Hearing was held in order for county and city
residents to voice their concerns for allowing Novi Energy to build a 4.3 Mega Watt Power plant on a proposed parcel within the Sampson County Industrial Park. The 22 million dollar investment would create
13 to 20 jobs with an annual average wage of $40,143.
The opposition for the proposed plant filled the auditorium at Tuesday night’s meeting, patiently waiting
NOVI, see P. 4
Butler Avenue Students
Wow School Board!
Hi: 79 º Lo: 60 º
Mon T-Stroms
Hi: 65 º Lo: 35º
Tues Sunny
Hi: 48 º Lo: 29 º
Hi: 53 º Lo: 37 º
Van Go..........................................12
Athlete of the Week.......................18
On the agenda at the Tuesday evening Sampson County
Board of Commissioners monthly budget work session was
the topic of the new activity bus to be purchased by Clinton
City Schools. The purchase which had previously been approved by the Clinton City School Board at last Thursday’s
board meeting had to be brought before the commissioners
due to the fact that the school system wanted to finance the
bus for five years instead of the normal three year financing
period. The school system is allowed by General Statutes to
arrange their own financing for terms up to three years. In
this case however, Clinton City Schools had a commitment
from First Citizens to provide the financing for five years at
a 1.69% per annum. If the school system seeks financing for
longer than three years, they are required to obtain Board
of Commissioners approval. And this proved to not go over
too well with some of the County Commissioners.
At Tuesday’s meeting, Superintendent of Clinton City
Schools Stuart Blount and Clyde Locklear, Assistant Superintendent of Finances/Facilities were both present to argue
the school’s case.
For unto you
is born this
day in the city
of David a
Savior, who
is Christ the
Luke 2:11
Clinton City School Superintendent Stuart Blount
Students from Butler Avenue School give presentations to School Board
It would be safe to say that not all presentations at the Clinton City Schools’ Board of
Education meeting receive the same reception, but a recent presentation by 4 young
students at Butler Avenue School wowed everyone in attendance at last week’s meeting.
At the beginning of this school year, Clinton City Schools’
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Butler Ave., see P. 3
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Superintendent Blount explained to commissioners the
new purchase would be replacing a current activity bus that
is well over 25 years old and has an engine that will have to
be replaced or overhauled at a cost of over $10,000. It was
also noted that the old activity bus had well over 825,000
miles on it and has a 54 seating capacity. The school had
some questions as to whether or not they wanted to invest
that kind of money in a 25 year old chassis or would it be
more prudent to press on with a new one. The cost of the
new 72 passenger activity bus is somewhere in the neighborhood of $88,384 plus the cost of applicable tax, tags, and
title fees. According to Blount and Locklear the total cost
would be somewhere around $88,000 to $90,000. Locklear
stated that the old activity bus would be put up for public
Activity Bus, see P. 3
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Week of December 20-26, 2013
City of
Oath of
Maxine Harris was elected by the board Tuesday night
to serve as the Mayor Pro-Tem. Mayor Starling noted,
“Ms. Harris has served as Mayor Pro-Tem for 12 years
and this will begin her 13th consecutive year serving.
Mayor Pro-Tem is the second highest elected city official.” Starling continued, “Ms. Harris works hard, gives
good advice and is a wealth of good solid wisdom.”
Pictured receiving their oath of office is City of Clinton Council members Maxine W. Harris, Steve Stefanovich,
Marcus O. Becton and Mayor Lew Starling. All ran unopposed in November’s election. Administering the oath
of office is Clinton resident and Superior Court Judge, Honorable W. Douglas Parsons.
Roseboro Christmas Parade
Santa made his official visit to Roseboro last Friday night (December 13)
for Roseboro’s Annual nighttime Christmas Parade. Even though the temperatures were very chilly, thousands turned out to see more than 100 parade
entrees stroll through downtown Roseboro. The nighttime display of lighted
floats, trucks, and cars accompanied by the dancers, bands, clowns and princesses makes for a beautiful Christmas tradition in Downtown Roseboro.
Johnnie Knowles Performance
Star Athlete
Hobbton High School Senior Johnnie Knowles was last week’s Athlete of the
Week. Johnnie is pictured receiving his Performance Athlete of the Week
plaque from Rick Fowler, General Sales Manager of Performance Automotive
in Clinton.
“Our Christmas Heritage”
By US Congressman Mike McIntyre
In the United States Capitol Building, there is a small
room down the hall from the rotunda known as the
Prayer Chapel. The room is illuminated by a beautiful
stained glass window depicting George Washington
kneeling in prayer at Valley Forge. In another room
nearby is the famous painting of George Washington
crossing the Delaware River on Christmas Night in
1776. These works of art serve as poignant reminders of
our nation’s rich spiritual underpinnings, evident even
in the earliest days of our history.
This Christmas, I am distinctly mindful of the
commitment our founding fathers showed to pursuit
of religious freedom. Our nation was established by
leaders who understood the importance of faith as the
bedrock of a society. In fact, 29 of the 56 signers of the
Declaration of Independence held the equivalent of a
seminary or Bible school degree, and many others of
the signers were bold and outspoken in their personal
faith. One need not look any further than our national
motto, “In God We Trust,” or the phrase, “Under God,”
in the pledge of allegiance to understand that the yarn
of faith is intimately woven into our nation’s fabric.
In light of that strong tradition, I am honored to co-chair
the Congressional Prayer Caucus, a bipartisan group of
more than 100 Members of the House of Representatives
who work to protect religious freedom in America and to
preserve our nation’s rich spiritual heritage. This year, we
have worked together to protect public prayer, preserve
religious freedom for service members, and maintain
the free speech right to display Christmas symbols
during the holidays. In years past the Prayer Caucus was
responsible for overturning the decision of the Architect
of the Capitol to exclude, “In God We Trust” from the
Capitol Visitors Center. The motto is now permanently
carved into stone at the Visitors Center, for all to see.
As we reflect on these accomplishments, we are mindful
of all that is to come in the next year. Next February,
we look forward to holding the annual National Prayer
Breakfast where more than 3,600 people of faith from
across the world will gather together in Washington to
pray for wisdom, reconciliation, and wellbeing for all
God’s people.
Each year, on the night preceding the prayer breakfast,
several Members of Congress and I help to lead a
“Spiritual Heritage Tour” of the US Capitol, observing
the artifacts, statues, and rooms that illustrate the strong
link between faith and those who shaped our country.
This tour is one that I look forward to each year because
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it reaffirms our commitment to go to the Lord in prayer
for wisdom and blessing as we seek to lead this great
What an incredible privilege it is to live in a country
where we have the right to practice our faith without
fear of persecution, as our founders intended. However,
we know that this freedom does not come without
a price. This Christmas season let us all extend our
warmest and most sincere gratitude to the men and
women in uniform who protect our freedom both at
home and abroad. As we reunite with friends and family
this holiday season, we are mindful of those who have
given up the comfort of their own homes and loved ones
so that we can be with ours.
Christmas is a time where we give thanks for the
blessings of the previous year while preparing for the
challenges of the next. It is a season of great anticipation,
hope, and joy for what lies ahead. And just like General
Washington on that cold night over 200 years ago,
I hope you will join me in taking time to pause and
humbly beseech God for his strength and guidance for
the journey ahead.
May God’s blessing be upon you and your family this
Christmas and in the coming year.
The 2013 property tax on real estate and personal property
listed in January will be delinquent after January 6, 2014. After
this date, by state statute, interest will be added.
Foreclosure, garnishment and levy procedures on real estate
and personal property will begin on January 7, 2014. No
exceptions or payment arrangements will be made.
If paying by mail, the US Postmark must be dated no later than
January 6, 2014 or prior. The County Tax Department is
located at 126 West Elizabeth Street, Clinton, NC 28328.
605 Warsaw Hwy • Clinton, NC • 910-592-JEEP(5337)
Sampson County Tax Collector
PO Box 207
Clinton, NC 28329
Phone: 910-592-7081
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Butler Ave., cont. from P1
Board of Education began incorporating presentations
by students to update various creative learning initiatives
established at schools within the city system. This past
week’s presentation by 2nd and 3rd grade students from
Butler Avenue was simply nothing short of amazing.
Like well rehearsed seasoned orators taking the stage,
RayShaun Williams, Joseph McQuade, Carmen Dillahunt
and Valeria Rosado casually made their way to a bank of
microphones. As they were introduced, the polished public
speakers acknowledged the audience in attendance; and
then began a highly entertaining, and it should be added,
highly informative presentation on Learning with LEGOs.
By the end of their presentation a captivated audience
was left astounded.
3rd graders Joseph McQuade and RayShaun Williams
presented LEGO Education WeDo Robotics. The pair took
turns as they introduced a slide and video presentation…
“HOW IT WORKS!” RayShaun and Joseph explained that
in class they build robots using LEGO pieces, and then
connect those robots to a computer that they program to
perform various functions... “SOUNDS FUN RIGHT!” the
pair delighted the audience when they shouted in unison.
But Joseph and RayShaun quickly dispelled any notions
that it was all fun and games. The pair smartly explained that
while learning can be fun, it is intended to teach students
problem solving skills using STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics). With an easy eloquence
RayShaun and Joseph explained that by brainstorming
solutions, students were able to build, test, and evaluate
results of their work. They concluded the segment by stating
that, “At Butler Avenue” they were, “working together,
growing, learning, creating…AND YES, HAVINHG FUN!”
Next up was 2nd graders Carmen Dillahunt and Valeria
Rosado. The young duo presented LEGO Education
StoryStarter. Carmen and Valeria also stunned the audience
with a polished performance one might expect from the
seasoned professionals. Valeria and Carmen took turns as
they explained that LEGO StoryStarter is ON TARGET!
“Fun, hands-on, engaging, exciting…and COOL!” sung the
pair. Valeria and Carmen explained that by using LEGOs
they become creative writers and reflective learners in
Language Arts. “We really ‘build’ our stories,” the pair
exclaimed. “At Butler Avenue, We are…reading stories,
telling stories, building stories, investigating stories, writing
stories, and sharing stories,” they concluded. At which point,
all 4 Butler Avenue students shouted in unison, “THANK
Activity Bus, cont. from P1
sale as surplus.
County Manager Ed Causey stated that the Clinton City School system currently had 5 activity
buses (down to four with this bus out of commission) and 1 mini bus. It was also noted that the
Sampson County School system has 21 activity buses but has a much larger geographic area
to cover as well.
Clinton City Schools were requesting the five-year term in order to “reduce pressure on their
capital expenditure budget”. The five year term would allow a payment of slightly over $21,000/
year for 5 years compared to the $34,365.233 per year for the 3 year financing which as 1.54%
interest rate.
Commissioner Lockamy asked Blount if the purchase of the new activity bus was already in
their budget, costing the county nothing further. Blount replied, “Yes sir.”
Strickland asked if any of the funds were coming from the Booster Club, which Blount replied
that it would be coming out of capital.
Commissioner McLamb asked if there was any way to get a used bus to which Blount stated
that the schools system was looking at the longevity of the purchase and the years that it would
be in service. “We feel like from a safety standpoint (it would be more prudent).”
Commissioner Kirby asked when the last activity bus was purchased and Superintendent
Blount said that it was in 2009 along with two yellow school buses. Kirby, “How are the activity
buses put in use.” Blount replied, “The main factor as to what buses go where is with the new
buses going the longest distances.” Blount also explained that with the new athletic conference
that the school is part of currently, the distances are much less. He also stated that the elementary and middle schools also use the activity buses.
Kirby replied, “This would be my only concern is that when it first came to me, I was under
the impression that we were buying a bus for $100,000. People in my district don’t have houses
that cost that. Under these circumstances, under these economic times, there is something
about this. Keep in mind that we are not approving this; you can do it by yourself. But to the
extent that I would have to put my imprimatur on a deal where individuals want a bus… I have
to deal with questions about the latest test scores and we are buying buses instead of spending
money on computers or staff educating kids specifically. I get that blow back from people in
my community/district. That is the thing that gave me pause. Obviously if you need a bus, you
need a bus.”
Blount replied that he understood those viewpoints but “When we are talking about transporting children up and down the highways in the county and to neighboring counties, we have
to make sure that transportation is the best and the safest it can be. There is a lot of education
that happens outside the classroom and those activity buses play an important role in that.”
Continuing discussion about categorical funding, Blount stated that it was a valid point. He
went on to state that the extended financing would save the schools system $13,000 per year
which could help with other small projects with their existing capital without coming to the
board again for more money.
After the meeting Christina Newkirk, with Butler Avenue
School, shared her impressions of the student’s
presentation. “RayShaun Lontrell Williams, Joseph
McQuade, Carmen Dillahunt, and Valeria Rosado did an
excellent job presenting to Clinton City School’s Board
of Education during their December board meeting. The
students shined a spotlight on the great things happening
at Butler Avenue Elementary School. They presented with
authority and enthusiasm.”
Newkirk added, “Third graders RayShaun Williams and
Joseph McQuade discussed LEGO Education WeDo
Robotics, while 2nd graders Carmen Dillahunt and Valeria
Rosado provided some highlights regarding LEGO
Education StoryStarter. Both LEGO Education programs
are new to Butler this year.”
“The students worked extremely hard preparing for
the presentation,” said Newkirk. “It was clear that the
preparation paid off. They exhibited confidence and
demanded the attention of the audience. Throughout the
presentation, each student’s personality came shining
through. The students were humorous, entertaining, and
Commissioner Lockamy stated that he did not have a problem with the five year contract
versus the three year contract. “It sounds like to me the decision has already been made to
purchase the bus. The only decision is whether it is five years or three years.” He discussed his
confidence with the Clinton City School board and their decision.
Commissioner Kirby explained that his only issue is number one, “$100,000 is a lot”. Spending
that is not in line with the thinking of “saving”. “I am only one vote. If the city system wants
to pay for a bus in three years, then let them do it and deal with the public.”
Strickland then reminded the board that the City School System has an elected board that is
elected to make these decisions. “I would think they would be prudent. They have approved
this request. As far as five years versus three years, I don’t think this is anything that we as
business people have to do, finance a larger piece of equipment. It would put less strain on
their budget.”
More comment was made concerning the request from Clinton City Schools for recent roofing needs. Kirby stating that he could not find anyone that could show him where the leaks
were. Jefferson reminded the board of the college roofing problems that resulted from leaking
and that it could have been avoided.
With a motion by Billy Lockamy to approve the five year financing and a second by Commissioner Strickland, commissioners voted down the request for the five year contract. Commissioners Lockamy and Strickland in favor and Commissioners McLamb, Kirby and Parker
The Sampson Weekly contacted Clinton City School Superintendent Stuart Blount for a response. He gave this statement, “Clinton City Schools is moving forward with the purchase
of the activity bus. Naturally, based on the decision last night from the county commissioners, the purchase will be through a three (3) term agreement with First Citizens Bank. The
vendor has the bus on the lot and we anticipate the bus will be delivered in late January to
early February 2014. The three (3) year term will increase the annual payment for the bus
as compared to a five (5) term, however, the need to replace the 1988 activity bus which has
over 840,000 miles on it, is a need for our school system. Our activity bus fleet transports
students throughout the year and providing our students with the safest possible mode of
transportation is a top priority. The current bus is out of service due to engine problems and
as we analyzed the repair costs with the age and miles on the bus - the decision was made to
purchase a new activity bus.”
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After much discussion from the commissioners, it was decided upon to recess to reconvene
the discussion before the Wednesday night public hearings on Novi Energy. The discussion
resumed at 6:30pm on Wednesday night.
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Week of December 20-26, 2013
NOVI, cont. from P1
for their opportunity to voice their concerns which varied from odor,
environment, increased traffic and possible health concerns. Letters from occupants of the Industrial Park were accepted by council
and read into the record. Letters from DuBose Strapping, DuBose
National Energy and Schindler Elevator all echoed concerns of not
being a proper fit for the Industrial Park because of the negative connotations it could invoke on future prospects who would possibly
look to locate to the park. Concerns by these business noted, the
possibility of odors, leakage and or spills from hauling raw sewage
and the fermentation process.
Anand Gangadharan, President & CEO of Novi Energy, presented his
vision of building the plant in the Industrial Park to the City Council, concluded his presentation by saying, “The proposed plant would
be a state-of-the-art facility. Novi will meet all requirements of land
development standards. We are not injurious to property value and
do not endanger public health or safety, additionally we meet or exceed all North Carolina Department of Environment standards. We
look forward to being a part of this community and a good corporate
A steady flow of concerned citizens approached the podium after
the presentation noting their concern for allowing the plant to locate so close to a residential neighborhood. In total nine residents
in opposition to the plant aired their concerns. These concerns led
to discussion among the board and Mayor which eventually led to
a statement by Steve Stefanovich saying, “I still feel like I don’t have
enough education on this. I feel like I would like to table this until
next month’s meeting.” With the discussion continuing it was noted
the board would meet again within two weeks; not giving the board
enough time to fully consider the proposal. A motion to table the
item until the February meeting was finally approved by the council.
John Swope was contacted after the council’s decision and asked if he
was surprised by the decision to table their decision until the February meeting. Swope answered, “Yes and No. From our perspective
Novi Energy appeared to meet the requirements for a Conditional
Use Permit. However, there were a number of questions and concerns that did not appear to be satisfactorily answered to those in
attendance so the City Council provided another opportunity, and
the time before that meeting, to provide information that can ease
their concerns.”
Swope continued by listing advantages of Novi building their plant
on the proposed site, “Novi would provide a number of benefits to
Sampson County and specifically the Clinton area. 13 well-paying
jobs at an annual average salary of $40,143, significantly (29.9%)
above the $30,882 Sampson County average for manufacturing jobs
(the $30,882 figure is from the NC Dept. of Commerce for Sampson
County). In addition a $22,000,000 taxable investment would provide
$1,417,082 in County and $722,000 in city property taxes for years
1-10 total (that is if the site is annexed into the City Limits). The Novi
plant may be able to provide significant benefits to the regions hog
industry. Over the past 10-years the EDC Office has been contacted
by a number of companies that say they have a solution to the hog
waste matter and how to reduce the dependence on lagoons. Novi
Energy is the first one that has the proven technology, experience in
the electric business, and experience in designing/constructing/operating such a plant, has a financially viable business model and can
obtain the financing.”
Mr. Swope continued by explaining what he saw at the Fremont
Michigan Plant and why he thinks they will make a good neighbor
to Dudley Rd and Clinton/Sampson Citizens.
“The Town of Freemont is very much like Clinton, an agriculture
community with a large food manufacturing presence in Gerber
Foods, attractive downtown, plenty of community attributes.”
“The Fremont site location is almost identical to our Site 8 within
the Sampson Southeast Business Center. Located within an existing nice industrial park, residential housing adjoining or across the
street. Our site is fully wooded, which the Fremont site has no existing trees, only those planted by Novi.”
“The Fremont Novi plant is operating without any notice from its
industrial and residential neighbors, which I have every confidence
it would do the same here or anywhere they are established,” stated
During the close of the Clinton City Council meeting, Mr. Swope
commented on carrying a group of citizens to the Freemont Plant in
order to see for themselves. When asked about the comment Swope
stated, “I believe that seeing is believing. Novi’s Fremont Community Digester would assure anyone that it is a non-offensive operation,
instead rather that there is no odor 20-30 feet outside of the building
(or outside the building period), no noise heard off the site and that
the delivery trucks are clean and well maintained and operated. Also
that Novi operates a very clean operation, plant and grounds. Some
will say they would prepare for a visit but my sense of the integrity
of the people I have been working with from Novi is that they would
not deceive us. Also that they are professional and operate as such.”
Swope concluded his comments concerning the city council meeting by saying, “When a company such as Novi moves into a community they immediately become neighbors. Their employees and
their families are our neighbors, most of which will come from the
Clinton area. I cannot imagine Novi, which is represented by their
people, would want to become a sore point for Clinton, the industrial park or the neighboring residences.”
The Sampson County Board of Commissioners held a Public Hearing Wednesday night to discuss the possible incentive package the
County would offer Novi Energy in order to help facilitate their
move to Sampson County. John Swope, Executive Director, Sampson County Economic Development Commission, presented the
Commissioners a brief summary of the company, rough draft of the
incentive package and also presented a power point presentation of
the visit he and Commissioner Kirby took in November in order
to see firsthand the Fremont Michigan plant operation. Sampson
County residents who were present on the trip included Sherri
Smith, a close neighbor to the proposed Industrial Park plot where
the company wishes to locate, Commissioner Kirby and County
Manager Ed Causey.
During the presentation, Swope stated, “The Freemont community
has a population of 4,081 residents. It reminds me a lot of Clinton.”
Swope described the plant location in proximity to neighborhoods,
“In comparison to the proposed Clinton plant being no closer than
1400 ft or a quarter of one mile. And being buffered by 300 ft of
woodland on the Dudley Rd side. It was pointed out that the 300
ft distance is equal to one football field of woods buffering along
the Dudley Rd neighborhoods. The site plan places the proposed
plant completely surrounded by trees in an Industrial Park setting.”
Swope stated the proposed Clinton site was particularly suited
because of the current infrastructure in place and the appropriate transmission lines. The plant’s engineering requirements call
for a minimum of 23KV, 40 acres, water and sewer and highway
Swope conclude his presentation to the board by inviting Commissioner Kirby and County Manager Causey to share their experience and observations of the Freemont Plant with those present.
Commissioner Kirby stated, “Speaking specifically, I had concerns of odors or anything offensive. I did not detect a strong
odor right next to the digester. Concerning the site, I was quite
impressed with the aesthetics. The plant was well laid out and
quite close to homes. I was a little concerned about transporting
the lagoon waste and the possibility of spillage until I had the opportunity to look at their trucks. The process is vacuumed sealed.
The trucks have specially engineered vacuum systems to load and
off load and the fecal matter never sees the air. The operation is a
very efficient operation and would fit into our community. I also
had the opportunity to speak with a couple of the Freemont Plant
employees on our visit. I was impressed with the pride they had
in their operation.” Kirby concluded, “This operation could help
eliminate lagoons in our area!”
Ed Causey, Sampson County Manager, also had an opportunity
to share with the board his observations of the Freemont Plant.
Causey stated, “I would like to offer [the board] a couple of comments. ‘Non-distinctive’ in reference to the plant. There were no
outside materials stacked or items being held for delivery. The
landscape looked very much like Clinton. The fermenting process
and the plant had no odor. The tankers used for transportation are
¾ of a million dollars and they off-load their entire contents inside of an enclosed building within minutes. This was a very clean
facility. It was obvious how important the company felt about fitting into their community.”
Causey continued by saying, “Planning for the county for the next
20 years, Novi can’t solve all the problems, but can inspire a lot of
positive things to come. There are lots of PLUSES!!”
Kirby stated, “I’ve been turned into a believer. This is a WINWIN!”
Chairman Strickland closed the public comment portion of the
meeting and the commissioners went into closed session in order
to further discuss the proposed incentive package being offered to
Novi. After returning from closed session, the Board of Commissioners, in a unanimous vote, stated: “Having heard and reviewed
the information presented this evening, the Board of Commissioners is convinced that the NOVI project is an economically
viable and attractive project for our community; therefore we
have directed the County Attorney and the Economic Developer
to continue negotiations on the level of incentives conducive to
the location of the industry in Sampson County.”
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Week of December 20-26, 2013
We Should Know...
shared that particular line. Now, everybody’s
phone would ring a little bit when someone
called, except for the one it was intended to…
and the problem with that is, your neighbors
might pick up and hear you talking to your
girlfriend.” Horne adds that Star Telephone
Membership Corporation was one of the
first companies in the entire nation to fully
convert to Single Party lines. “We were
originally 8 party,” says Horne, “and then we
converted to 4 party, and then single party;
which was a big step for our company…the
most rural telephone company in the state of
North Carolina.”
Next Simmons asks Lyman Horne if Al Kolher
was the man in charge at Star Telephone
when he arrived. Horne states, “That’s exactly
Lyman Horne with JW Simmons of We Should Know
right. Mr. Kolher had retired from the Marines,
Tuesdays from 2:30 PM until 3:30 PM, J.W. Simmons hosts a and come over from Camp Lejeune. He was the gentleman
radio show on 1170 AM called “We Should Know”, and The that hired me... At that time we had already converted to
Sampson Weekly will feature portions of the transcripts single party service, and were just looking at converting our
in our continuing efforts to bring you more coverage of electromechanically controlled switches over to digital, or
what is happening in our community. The guest for this computer controlled, switches.”
week’s show is Lyman Horne…also known as the “L” Man
on WCLN Radio. Lyman Horne Jr. is also the Executive Horne says, “There has been a lot of iterations of new
Vice President and General Manager of Star Telephone technology in the telephone industry. And there have
been some very good people involved in Star Telephone’s
Membership Corporation.
organization, and in the telephone industry in general, to take
Lyman Horne is a graduate of Campbell University and us through these transitions. And today we’re in a completely
has completed numerous hours of continuing education new day in terms of the systems that we use, how we deploy
classes in technology at NC State University. He has been our services; and the future is going to be a lot different.”
with Star Telephone Membership Corporation for well
more than 20 years, has taught at Sampson Community Simmons states that telephone cooperatives where
College, and has been very involved in community service planted (in the 1950s) in very fertile soil, with the support
of the government, to make sure that local, rural folks had
in Sampson County through much of his life.
telephone access. He asks Horne to discuss the relevance of
JW Simmons begins the show by mentioning Horne’s that early work. Horne replies, “That is a key aspect of why
appearance on WCLN’s The Early Morning Show with we exist today. The commercial companies would not go out
Grandpa Pat and Nolan Z. Horne says, “Yes, it’s a great into those areas, and serve those people; so those people in
way to start the morning off, coming down here and the rural areas got together and said, we deserve the same
picking on one another.” Horne adds, “And it’s funny you level of service as our urban counterparts. So they technically
mentioned Larry (King), Larry just passed away a few got together and formed their own telephone companies.”
weeks ago. I hate to see him go, but Larry was a big part Horne adds that there were as many as 9 TMCs originally in
of getting us involved down here with WCLN 1170 Fun North Carolina, today there are 8. Those 8 TMCs still serve
Time Oldies. And then he was instrumental in starting the the same customers that the big commercial companies
simulcast that we do on our cable system and our IP TV wouldn’t service back in the late 40s and 50s.
systems. We may have people watching us in portions of
5 counties this afternoon, or even in the morning. So it’s JW Simmons states that it is important for people to
been a very good partnership between our video group understand the reasoning behind commercial telephone
companies declining to serve rural areas. “That has a lot to
and WCLN. And we hope that continues.”
do with density of population, and actually asset and value
Simmons says that both he and Horne go back to the days of the amount of dollars that these commercial companies
of telephone Party Lines. Horne replies, “Absolutely, I can are getting as it relates to customers. They don’t want to
remember as a young man living at home, and we were have to spread too thin the dollars in that area.” Lyman Horne
on a 4 party telephone line. And it meant that 4 families replies, “Let’s face it. If you’ve got two fields, and one field
Now Accepting New Patients
yields 150 bushels per acre and another yields 100
bushels an acre, which one are you going to plant first?
They planted the 150 bushels per acre and left the 100
bushel per acre fields for us to plant. And that’s what
we did.”
Horne explains that starting out low interest money
available through the REA, Department of Agriculture
helped many TMCs get started. And while there is still
some old REA debt out there, that debt is above market
rate today. In fact, Horne goes on to say that Star
Telephone Membership Corporation has not borrowed
any money for the past 13 years. “Our company has
been very lean and mean. We’ve reduced our long term
debt by 75%. Not borrowed any more funds, and our
financial future looks a lot brighter than what it did 10
or 12 years ago. We’re still doing well.”
JW Simmons mentions that STMC is a member of
Carolina Link (North Carolina Telephone Cooperative
Coalition), and asks Lyman Horne to explain the
organizations importance. Horne replies, “It’s funny
you mention it. Carolina Link is a great organization.
We’ve got a gentleman by the name of Dwight Allen
that heads that up for us, and makes sure that we don’t
get overlooked in Raleigh. But I had a chance to testify
before one of the congressional subcommittees in
Raleigh a couple of years ago. It was a subcommittee
on rural broadband, and I went up there and said, ‘Look
we’re Star Telephone and we serve the rural customers
in North Carolina. We’ve been 100% broadband capable
now for 8 years.’ And he asked, ‘Well, where have you
been? The commercial companies aren’t there today,
but yet you say you serve the most rural, and you’ve
been there for 8 years…What’s going on?’ And I had to
explain that our members are our owners, it’s not like
a commercial company where you’ve got a group of
stockholders as owners, and a group of consumers over
here that they serve. Normally, in that scenario, what’s
good for one group, may or may not be good for the
other group. But in our situation, where our members
are actually our owners, when we do something good
it benefits both groups at the same time, because
they’re indeed the same group. And that’s what makes
these investment decisions for us a little bit easier.”
To view the entire broadcast of We Should Know please
visit their YouTube channel at
The next “We Should Know” hosted by J.W. Simmons
will air next Tuesday from 2:30 to 3:30 PM on our local
radio station WCLN 1170 AM. If you would like to reach
“We Should Know” you may call them at 910-592-8947
or email them with show ideas at weshouldknowedu@ or you can find them on Facebook.
Make the most of your insurance deductibles.
will be taking appointments for new
patients beginning November 4th!
is excited to return to Clinton
and will begin treating patients
at her new office for Internal
Medicine on December 1st.
Office staff will begin taking
appointments November 4th.
And Dr. Bellanger is eager to
see old friends and meet new
friends. Call to schedule your
MONDAY 7:30 AM TO 6:30 PM
TUES - THURS 7:30 AM TO 5:00 PM
FRIDAY 7:30 AM TO 12:00 NOON
(Closed from 12-1 each day for lunch)
The Clock is Ticking
Most of us have them. A minor surgery we’ve been putting off, a
mammogram that’s overdue, a colonoscopy our doctor recommended . . .
the list goes on. Truth is, our intentions are good, but it’s never convenient.
Believe it or not, the end of the year is a good time to take care of those
overdue medical needs for several reasons. And consider this:
Deductibles under most health insurance plans will reset to the full
amount beginning in January. So if you’ve met your deductible for the
current year and can complete additional procedures before year-end, your
out-of-pocket medical expenses could be minimal, or even zero. For more
information, contact Central Scheduling at 910-592-2689, ext. 2225.
Dr. Tracie M. Bellanger M.D.
606 Beaman Street, Clinton, NC
(910) 596-0061
607 Beaman St. • Clinton, NC 28328 • 910-592-8511 •
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Meet Ms. Manola
That’s why we only got a very little from Santa Claus that year.
I was disappointed that meager Christmas. But, I was very
proud of Daddy when I understood what he had done for a family in need.”
Meet Ms. Manola Johnson Wells, from the Newtons Crossroads Community, just outside of Harrells. She is 95 years
young and one of the most special people you could ever meet.
She always has a sweet smile and a twinkle in her eyes. Ms.
Manola loves Jesus and she doesn’t mind letting the world
know it. She’s full of wisdom, kindness, and charm. She’s a
true Southern Lady, born and bred.
Ms. Manola has been a member of Wells Chapel Baptist
Church for many years. She loves going to church and everyone loves to see her there. I know; I love to see Ms. Manola
and her sweet smile in church. It doesn’t seem right if she’s
not there. Recently I asked Ms. Manola about her favorite
“Well,” she said, “that involves two Christmases. In 1927 I
was nine years old. When Christmas came I was so excited.
Santa Claus brought me a baby doll and carriage, clothes for
the doll, candy and several other things. I was so happy. I
remember it well.”
“A few years after that, during the depression, Christmas came.
Santa left me a writing pen, a few pieces of candy, and a couple of other small things. That’s all. I was so disappointed. I
thought, what happened to Santa Claus? I was very let down.”
“Later in life, I found out that daddy had a tenant farmer helping him work the farm. The tenant farmer had children. That
Christmas he had no money to get his children anything for
Christmas. So Daddy had given some of his Christmas money to the tenant farmer to buy some presents for his children.
Ms. Manola shared other thoughts about Christmases past. “I
remember we cut our Christmas tree out of the woods. We
strung popcorn to put on it. We walked to Wells Chapel Baptist
Church and all the children sang Christmas songs. Mrs. Estelle
Bland was our Sunday school teacher. I especially loved to
sing Away in a Manger. It was my favorite Christmas song.”
“My two brothers and I had stockings hanging by the fireplace.
They were not the fancy red velvet ones like you see today.
They were big ole’ men’s long grey socks. On Christmas morning we could hardly wait to pull them down and get out our
gifts. They would be bulging with oranges, apples, tangerines,
nuts, and a peppermint stick. We always got up early on Christmas morning to see what Santa Claus had brought! I remember
warming by the fireplace because it was cold!”
“Christmas during WWII, I was married with children of my
own.” (Ms. Manola was married to Rufus Wells.) During the
war she had three children - Mary Ellen, Joe and Graham. (Larry was born after the war. She also suffered the heartache of
losing twin girls born prematurely.)
“During the war Christmases we had all homemade stuff. I
fixed a home cooked meal. Everything was grown on the farm.
I cooked meat, vegetables, and cornbread. Our cornmeal was
ground at the mill at Newtons Crossroads, the mill where alligators were discovered in the millpond. (But that’s a whole
‘nother story!) During the war they rationed sugar, gas, and
other things. It was a hardship sometimes.
“Today you can buy most things already made. Cooking in a
box is what I call it! If you don’t want to cook, it’s very handy!
I still look forward to Christmas as much as I did as a child!”
“Oh my, Christmas is much more hectic now days. You used
to not have to run to the store and buy so much. When I was
a child we went into the woods and gathered mistletoe and
holly. We decorated the fireplace mantle with it.”
“For Christmas dinner Mama cooked a baked chicken with
stuffing in it; (We didn’t have turkeys on the farm.) She
cooked collards and sweet potatoes grown on the farm, country ham and homemade biscuits and homemade fruitcake.
She also made pound cake, pineapple cake, chocolate pies
and sweet potato pies. Mama cooked all homemade. Back
then there wasn’t any cooking from a box! It was all mighty
I asked Ms. Manola if she thought people today still thought
of Christmas in the same way they did in the past. She said,
“I think people still keep Jesus at the heart of Christmas. But,
Jesus can get lost in the presents and business of Christmas.
When I was younger I really didn’t know anyone who didn’t
go to church and didn’t know Christ. Not like it is today.
Everyone went to church back then.”
Well, I agree with Ms. Manola completely. The birth of Jesus
can get lost in all the presents and hustle and bustle of Christmas. So I think maybe it would be nice to simplify Christmas a bit. Slow down some. Gather a little mistletoe and
holly, decorate the tree, drink some coffee or hot chocolate
with friends and family. Go to church
and sing Christmas carols and worship
our Lord. There’s nothing wrong with
presents, but they are not the true meaning of Christmas. As Ms. Manola made
clear, money is not necessary to have a
wonderful Christmas. Friends, family,
By Carolyn
love and faith are all you really need.
Horrell Mintz
Christmas in Clinton Parade
Kornegay Insurance
Tim Smith
(919) 658-6027
Chilly temperatures and misty rains where not enough to keep Santa, or the other participants, from parading through
downtown Clinton on Saturday. While slightly smaller than last year, a hearty audience of young and old alike, lined the
streets of Clinton to watch as parade participants braved the weather to help usher in Christmas in Clinton
Melissa Evans
Harold Butler
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F&H Hair Design
1303 Beaman St. Clinton, NC • 910-627-2271
Week of December 20-26, 2013
From the Desk of Representative Larry Bell
Office of the State Representative
By Representative Larry Bell
Last week, a large, diverse and extraordinarily well-respected group of outstanding North Carolina citizens,
in conjunction with the North Carolina Association of
Educators and North Carolina Justice Center, filed a
lawsuit, in Wake County Superior Court, challenging
the constitutionality of the voucher legislation passed
by the North Carolina General Assembly in the summer
of 2013. The lawsuit makes clear this unwarranted, unprecedented and unwise program is also patently unconstitutional, in violation of Article
IX, Sections 2(1), 2(7), 5 and 6 of the North Carolina Constitution. The voucher program transfers millions of tax dollars from the public school system--funds the constitution mandates be used exclusively for public schools and for public purposes-- to unaccountable private schools. This occurs at the same time the Republican-led legislature
has gutted funding to the public schools, leaving North Carolina 48th in the nation in per
pupil expenditures and next to last in the nation in teacher salaries. Vouchers are not a
supplement to public education; they are a wholesale abdication of it. Vouchers are not
education reform; they are educational malpractice. Vouchers are not about real choice
for the poor; they will simply lead to public financing of wealthier citizens' choices and
the creation of for-profit, unaccountable institutions that exist solely by and feed off of
public taxpayer money.
Vouchers are bad public policy and, as this lawsuit makes clear, they are also blatantly
unconstitutional. On behalf of House Minority Leader Larry Hall, Minority Whips
Winkie Wilkins, Susan Fisher and Rosa Gill, as well as the entire House Democratic
leadership team and the vast majority of our caucus, we support the litigation filed
yesterday, believe it will be successful as we argued on the floor of the House this
past session, and continue to support public education as the one institution that has
bonded our people together as one state under one flag with a common set of values.
Our democracy is only as strong as its public education system and vouchers are the
not the answer, politically, economically, educationally or legally, to improving public
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Merry Christmas
Whishing You a Healthy New Year
T his season filled with joy and hope reminds us that
we are indeed blessed to be part of this great community.
Your support of our hospital is never taken for granted
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From your friends and neighbors who make up the
family of health care professionals on our team we wish
you a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with
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Merry Christmas
from our family to yours!
Matthews HealthMart
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Why You Should Drink More Water
Upping your water
intake may help to
of Kosterman Chiropractic Center of Clinton reduce the risk of
kidney stone formaWater is the elixir of life, tion. The kidneys filter our waste products through the
but do we get enough of it? blood and out via urination. If the concentration of salt
Many people think that sub- in our urine is high, and our water content low, this instituting sodas, coffee and creases the risk of kidney stone formation. By drinking
juice for water is enough to more water, this concentration of salts is reduced.
keep us hydrated and healthy, but nothing can beat
We are at risk of sunstroke if our bodies become dethe original and the best – water.
hydrated. When we sweat, this cools our body down.
Our bodies are made up of 43-75% water, and it’s an If dehydrated, the body cannot sweat and overheats,
essential component of our health. The wide range in which can damage the body’s internal organs.
percentages comes from measuring different populations ranging from newborns (~75%) to obese people If you suffer from high blood pressure, maybe it’s your
(~45%), with normal adult hydration at about 57-60%. water intake that is the problem. When our bodies exWe can survive a month without food, but we’ll die crete and lose more than the optimal amount of liquid,
after a week without water. The body is able to absorb our blood vessels constrict, which can cause our blood
many nutrients and salts better thanks to water’s ability pressure to increase. If blood pressure is increased by
to transport these nutrients and oxygen to our body’s a deficiency in water, this may also increase the risk of
cells and organs. Detoxifying is vitally important to our heart disease. Because the constricted blood vessels
health, since it cleans our bodies of impurities. The cause an increase in blood pressure, the heart works
best way to excrete these impurities is through urine harder to compensate for the reduced volume of blood.
and sweat – both of which depend on our water intake. Lower blood pressure and greater consumption of wa-
By Dr. Tim Kosterman
ter help lower stress on the heart.
What’s more, drinking more water can help you stay
younger looking. Drinking a lot of water helps keep the
skin clean and fresh-looking by removing impurities
through sweating. Water also helps to keep the skin
hydrated, which means younger looking skin – sagging and wrinkled skin is usually a sign of dehydration. Drinking water also cuts hunger pangs and acts
as a good filler. Water has zero calories, so consider
trading in your sugary drinks and juices to help control
your weight.
your water intake seems like a chore, why
“I wanted toIfnotincreasing
an amazing
add lemon or mint to your bottle to make it taste
better? Eat more fruits rich in water such as watercostume that
I wore when I was 18…
melon, and try to drink water more regularly over the
course of the day. Having a glass of water or water
bottle near you during the day has been shown to increase water consumption without effort.
Good health is a combination of many factors including your nutrition, preventative care, appropriate corrective care and the small choices you make every
day in the course of living.
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Week of December 20-26, 2013
My staff and I wish the citizens
of Sampson County a
Please celebrate this
holiday season safely!
Jimmy Thornton
City of Clinton Fire Department
222 Wall Street, Clinton, NC 28328
Merry Christmas
from the staff at
Eastpark Cinema
Come Enjoy A Movie This Holiday Season
Glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace, good will toward men.
~ Luke 2:14
412 S.E. Blvd. Clinton
Eastpark Cinema
122 Southeast Blvd., Hwy 701 Business
Clinton, NC • (910) 592-2800
“We Have The Best Popcorn In Town”
from our family
to yours
Bonnie Augustine, CRM
320 NE Boulevard • Jordan Plaza • Clinton, NC 28328 • 910-596-0606
Wishing You and Your Family a Happy Holiday Season Filled With
Good Times, Good Friends and Great Memories. We thank you for
your continued support this past year! You have welcomed us with
kindness and we pledge to deliver the same to you!
1514 Sunset Avenue, Clinton
205 W NC Highway 24, Roseboro
Christmas Schedule:
Closing early December 24 at 3:00 PM
and reopen December 26 at 6:00 AM
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Have I Got A Story To Share With You!
by Debra Joy Wallace
present and His love is the same for each.
Christ is The Light of Christmas
Christmas joy and lights aglow;
Christmas songs to warm and cheer
Excitement is on the children’s faces
As anticipation fills the air —
But for some, it can be lonely
When loved ones have passed away,
Memories are all that linger
As the years begin to fade
But Christ’s light should never dim;
It should ever shine out bright
Our ray of hope in this troubled world
Is our joy of eternal light
Christmas, when spent with Jesus,
Can warm our hurting hearts,
For as His light shines within us,
Its glow warms our deepest parts.
© By M.S.Lowndes
The star of Bethlehem shone when Christ was
born. In the darkest nights, Christ’s love still
shines the brightest. Wishing you a blessed
and Merry Christmas.—Debra Joy
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their
wounds.—Psalm 147:3
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in
dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who
goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake
you.—Deuteronomy 31:6
Sharon Wallace, Philip Wallace, and Nick Futrell the Three Human Christmas Trees
Christmas! A special time set aside to
commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son
of God. Jesus Christ, the Hope of all mankind.
Jesus Christ, my personal Savior and yours
too … if you’ve allowed Him in your heart.
I’m telling you I get all excited just thinking
about Jesus Christ and what His love has
done for me. The other night while driving to
town I began thanking Jesus for ‘keeping me
all together.’ I’ve made no secret that I was a
hopeless and broken mess of a person before
Jesus bathed my heart with His love and my
mind with His peace. What a difference Jesus
Christ has made in my life … and that’s why I
want to tell the whole world if the stresses of
life are ‘getting’ to you … cry out to Jesus. If
you’re on the verge of losing your mind … cry
out to Jesus. If you’re desperate for a change
in your life … cry out to Jesus. No one else can
do for you, what Jesus can do. And that’s the
Believe Achieve
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Salemburg, NC • 910-525-5520
This Christmas, like millions of other families,
my family will gather together to rejoice and
celebrate the birth of Jesus. First, we’ll enjoy
our traditional Christmas Eve dinner and
afterwards we’ll gather together in the den
for the highlight of our Christmas celebration.
As usual, the children will sit in a semi-circle
on the floor so that the adults can have the
comfortable seats. After everyone has settled
down, and a hush fills the room, a member of
the family will stand and read the Christmas
story from the Holy Scriptures. Then we’ll sing
songs of praise and worship to God and have
prayer. Celebrating Jesus with my family is by
far the best part of my entire Christmas.
Next comes the children’s favorite part of the
evening, the exchanging of gifts and games.
And that’s when the good-natured competition
between family members begins. (Laughing)
Last Christmas the family divided up in teams
to play the ‘Human Christmas Tree’ game. The
game and rules are simple. The first family to
design and decorate a ‘Human Christmas Tree’
wins. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much or
as hard in my life! It was absolutely hilarious
as the teams moved with lightening speed
adorning their ‘trees’ with tin foil, ornaments,
garland, and strings of working lights. I think
it was probably the best game my family has
ever played.
It’s wonderful to have family to celebrate
Christmas with. It’s also wonderful to know that
even if you’re all alone …you can still celebrate
Christmas. How uplifting it is to know that Jesus
sees every person who celebrates Him and
His birth. Whether the person celebrates Him
with family or celebrates Him alone…Jesus is
When my father and my mother forsake me,
then the LORD will take me up.—Psalms 27:10
Trust in him at all times; [ye] people, pour out
your heart before him: God [is] a refuge for us.
Selah.—Psalm 62:8
Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be
not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will
strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea,
I will uphold thee with the right hand of my
righteousness.—Isaiah 41:10
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth
for you.—1 Peter 5:7 (KJV) He is despised
and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and
acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were
[our] faces from him; he was despised, and
we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne
our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we
did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and
afflicted.—Isaiah 53:3-4
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to
you.—John 14:18
O Lord, all my longing is before you; my
sighing is not hidden from you.—Psalm 38:9
Even though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you
are with me; your rod and your staff, they
comfort me.—Psalm
Debra Joy Wallace
columnist and speaker.
Read Debra Joy’s blog
and view her ongoing
video series online at
Debra Wallace
Guest Columnist
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Week of December 20-26, 2013
Wh ening
Not a creature is stirring at our theater this
week. All the residents
of Bedford Falls have
went home to spend
the holidays with their
families, having completed a successful run
LIFE”. It is time for us to
all rest and prepare for
our 2014 season which
kicks off with the southern comedy “THE DIXIE SWIM CLUB”. Dixie
will be directed by Ms.
Kathy Day, who will hold
auditions on January 4
at 10:00 am. The cast is
all female, so you guys
can stay at home for this
mentary tickets
to every show
we produce in
2014, PLUS your
name or business will be listed
in every program
we print for these
shows. If you’re interested in taking
advantage of this
sweet deal, contact any of our SCT
board members,
call me at 531.3643, or
sign up when you come
to see “It’s A Wonderful
Life” to obtain yours and
be entertained all year. If
you would like a Gift Certificate for family members or friends they may
be obtained for half the
Patron Sponsor donation and you may get as
many as you like by calling Brenda at 990-1359.
*June: “Grease”
*August: “Little Mermaid,
*October: “Little Shop of
And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”
August 4-7: 9th Annual
Children’s Theater Workshop
That’s What’s Happening at SCT this week. We
thank your for all your
Here are this week’s Lil’ Bits
of Info:
*19% of men say they
would not mind being
stupid ,”as long as they
Our website is available had a perfect body”.
and *Whenever the actress
we are on Facebook but Joan Crawford would reif you visit us there, we marry, she would have
ask that you “like” us while all the toilet seats in her
house replaced.
*Termites are not related
The SCT 2014 Patron 2014 Season (subject to to ants, they are a member of the cockroach
Sponsor drive is now un- change)
derway! These patronships are now available *February: “Dixie Swim
for a small donation Club”
to the theater. These
consist of two compli- *April: “Barefoot In The
e Melvi
“Come In And Enjoy A Movie”
122 Southeast Blvd. Hwy 701 Business (910) 592-2800
We Have The Best Popcorn In Town!!!
We Are Now 100% Digital
Rated: PG for creature action and peril, and
mild rude humor
Starring: Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Tiya Sircar,
Skyler Stone, Justin Long
For the first time in movie history, audiences
will truly see and feel what it was like when
dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Recent discoveries
and a breakthrough in technology will introduce
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than ever before and put moviegoers in the
middle of a thrilling prehistoric adventure,
where an underdog dinosaur triumphs against
all odds to become a hero for the ages.
Monday-Friday: 3:00 7:00 & 9:00
Saturday & Sunday: 2:00 4:00 7:00 & 9:00
Rated: PG13 for crude and sexual content, drug use,
language and comic violence
With the ‘70s behind him, San Diego’s top rated
newsman, Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), returns to the
news desk in “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.”
Also back for more are Ron’s co-anchor and wife,
Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate),
weather man Brick Tamland (Steve Carell), man on
the street Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and sports guy
Champ Kind (David Koechner) — all of whom won’t
make it easy to stay classy... while taking New York’s
first 24-hour news channel by storm.
Monday-Friday: 3:00 6:45 & 9:15
Saturday & Sunday: 1:45 4:15 6:45 & 9:15
Rated: PG13 for extended sequences of intense
fantasy action violence, and frightening images
The adventure of Bilbo Baggins continues as he journeys
with the Wizard Gandalf and thirteen Dwarves, led by
Thorin Oakenshield, on an epic quest to reclaim the
Lonely Mountain and the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor.
Having survived the beginning of their unexpected
journey, the Company continues East, encountering
along the way the skin-changer Beorn and a swarm of
giant Spiders in the treacherous forest of Mirkwood.
Monday-Friday: 3:00 & 7:30
Saturday & Sunday: 2:00 5:15 & 8:30
Our After Christmas
Sale starts at 9am
December 24th!
Retired Vera Bradley
Rated: PG13 for sexual references, crude humor and
Starring: Tyler Perry, Kathy Najimy
Madea gets coaxed into helping a friend pay her
daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas,
but the biggest surprise is what they’ll find when
they arrive. As the small, rural town prepares for its
annual Christmas Carnival, new secrets are revealed
and old relationships are tested while Madea dishes
her own brand of Christmas Spirit to all.
Monday-Friday: 3:00 7:15 & 9:30
Saturday & Sunday: 2:15 4:30 7:15 & 9:30
Starting on December 25th
Rated: PG some action and mild rude humor
Starring: Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff, Idina
Menzel, Alan Tudyk
Fearless optimist Anna (voice of Kristen Bell) sets
off on an epic journey—teaming up with rugged
mountain man Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) and
his loyal reindeer Sven—to find her sister Elsa (voice
of Idina Menzel), whose icy powers have trapped the
kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter.
Monday-Friday: 3:00 6:45 & 9:00
Saturday & Sunday: 1:45 4:00 6:45 & 9:00
Week of December 20-26, 2013
from Van-Go
From our family to yours.
Charles Boykin - General Manager
Beverly Vann - Office Manager
Lakeshia Simmons - Scheduler
Charles West - Driver
Thomas Cousar- Driver
William Pittman- Driver
Saied Medima - Driver
Sharon Dawson - Driver
Connie Howard - Driver
Joy Reeves - Driver
Marcus Fryer - Driver
Putrena Corbett - Driver
Harriet Newkirk - Driver
Katherine Crumpler - Driver
Beatrice Carroll - Driver
George Sinclair - Driver
Gloria Walker - Driver
We are wishing you a season of blessings.
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with
you today and throughout the coming year.
We are honored to serve this community.
Van Go
637 NW Blvd Suite C
Clinton, NC 28328
Week of December 20-26, 2013
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” ~Luke 2:14
Ingrid Burgess
Terry Lee
Rick Fowler - General Sales Manager
Gene Daniel - Fixed Ops Manager
Nelson May - Business Manager
Dana Thornton - Office Manager
Rusty Jackson - Marketing
John Bass - Parts Manager
Debbie Schimmel - Office Assistant
John Ninneman - Sales Manager
John Harris - Sales
Ronnie Lee - Sales
John Sutton - Sales
Darius Hopkins - Sales
Coyier Cannady - Sales
Carl Jefferson - Sales
Brenda Luviano - Registration
Wanda House - Service Advisor
Guy Schimmel - Auto Tech
Ronnie Hamlin - Auto Tech
Joe Lockwood - Auto Tech
Diante Mitchell - Detail
Julio Keith - Detail
Will Smith - Detail
Come In And Check
Out Our Huge Inventory Of
New Vehicles!
605 Warsaw Hwy • Clinton, NC • 910-592-JEEP(5337)
Week of December 20-26, 2013
May Christmas deliver the best gifts of all
to you and yours this year:
Peace, Love, Health, Happiness & Friendship.
Merry Christmas & Best Wishes
for a Blessed New Year!
Crumpler-Honeycutt Funeral Home
118 Fayetteville St. Clinton, NC
Merry Christmas
May the spirit of the season surround you this Christmas
with Love, Laughter & Merriment! Thanks for brightening
our year and we look forward to seeing you in 2014!
Jordan & Hope Inc
“Over 100 Years Experience”
906 College Street, Clinton • (910) 592-2249
Wishing you and your family a season full of
fun, celebration and great times!
Florist & Gifts
712 SW Blvd • Hwy 24
Clinton, NC
121 Fayetteville Street Clinton, NC 28328 • 910-592-8472
Thank You for Your Support!
Even though we’ve been open a short time, we appreciate your
business & look forward to serving you in the New Year!
1101 LISBON ST. CLINTON, NC • 910-299-0628
Happy Holidays
from the staff at
“Serving the community since 1954”
101 South Main Street, Salemburg • (910) 525-4255
Providing A Future For Our Children
Clinton City Schools
300 Westover Road • Clinton, NC 28328
(910) 592-3132 •
Bryan Gutierrez-Roblero
Grade KG
LC Kerr School
Emily Colt
Art Teacher
James N. Atkins, M.D. • I-Wen Chang, M.D.
Samer S. Kasbari, M.D. • Jason K. Boyd, M.D.
Hours: M-F, 8:30am-4:30pm
211 Beaman Street
Clinton, NC 28328
Phone (910) 592-5727
Hours: M-F, 8:30am-5:30pm
203 Cox Boulevard
Goldsboro, NC 27534
Phone (919) 580-0000
HWY 24 West • Roseboro
Angie Mejia
Grade 4
Sunset Avenue School
Diana Gore
Art Teacher
Hannah Register
Grade 3
Butler Avenue School
Kristy Slack-Tew
Art Teacher
Nancy Beaujeu-Dufour
Grade 7
Sampson Middle School
Megan Scronce
Art Teacher
Madison Black
Grade 9
Clinton High School
Michael Ray
Art Teacher
The Town of ROSEBORO Would
Like to Wish Each of You a
Merry Christmas!
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Mount Olive College Collegiate FFA
Continues to Warm Hearts through Giving
MOUNT OLIVE – For the ninth consecutive year the Collegiate FFA at Mount Olive College
has provided coats to needy children at Carver Elementary School. This year’s distribution
included over 165 coats, hats, and gloves. This year, as a special surprise, Santa and his elves
assisted with the distribution of the new coats and accessories.
“I had heard about what a great experience it was to be a part of the Coats for Kids effort
through Collegiate FFA,” said Sarah Harkey, freshman Agriculture Education major and CFFA
officer from Mt. Pleasant NC. “It was way better than I could have ever imagined. It really
makes you appreciate what a difference each and every donation makes.”
Over $4,500 in donations was collected including a $1,000 grant from the CHS Foundation, a
foundation committed to investing in the future of rural America, agriculture and cooperative
business through education and leadership development. “CHS is a wonderful foundation and
has been faithful in funding Coats for Kids,” stated David Thomas, CFFA president and senior
agribusiness major from Timberlake NC. “We look to CHS each year for their support of this
very worthy cause and their continued support of rural communities is greatly appreciated.”
“This year was really special for the kids since we were able to work it out to have Santa there
to help us out. It was amazing to watch the kids walk in and see Santa sitting in the lunch room.
It really was a magical day,” stated Allison Kee, a junior ag education major from Concord.
Mrs. Hairr’s Preschool Class CHRISTMAS CARD WINNERS
Mrs. Hairr’s preschool class at College Street Academy. Students learned valuable lessons about fire safety from Clinton Fire Dept. Class picture with Clinton
Fire Department; Firefighters Smith and Capt. Hairr. Class List: Eli Flores,
Micah Melvin, Shaiyana Brinson, Ethen Lopez, Oscar Cruz, Jacquelyn Pennick,
Aniya Brinson, Back Row--Pedro Villda-Nube, Bella Melvin, Elizabeth Lee,
Ka’Ron Rowe, Alan Toress-Acosta, Alaina McCall, Jaryius Goodman, Haiden
Folwer, Brenna Johnson, and Dereka Goodwin
Union Elementary
Hargrove Elementary's Christmas card winners for 2013. Kindergarten-Molly
Hobbs, first grade- Gisell Corona, second grade- Mason Hunter, third gradeDevynne Lewis, fourth grade- Leon Corbett, fifth grade- Josue Gutierrez.
The overall winner was Josue Gutierrez.
14 Mount Olive College Students Earn
Certified Plant Professional Certification
Photo: Front (L-R): Kim Ballance, Morgan Messer, Jessica Hogan, Kaitlyn Brock, Jessica
Gordon, Hannah Singleton. Not pictured Johnathan Parker. Back: Ryan Kovacs, Tyler
Adams, Joshua Wisniewski, Cole Watkins, Heath Brittain, Dillon Robinson, Nelson Cashwell
MOUNT OLIVE - Fourteen Mount Olive College students have earned Certified Plant
Professional (CPP) certification from the North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association (NCNLA). These students are among only 2,319 CPP’s in North Carolina.
First Graders (L to R) Precious Rich and Hope Ezzell at Union Elementary stand beside their Christmas trees. First grade families at UES worked
together decorating the halls to create a festival of trees. The students have
been learning how other countries celebrate the holidays. The Christmas
Tree Project encourages students to be creative and work together with
their family.
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Elizabethtown, NC
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“The North Carolina Certified Plant Professional certification recognizes proficiency in
the nursery workforce, upgrades the status of the nursery professional, and provides the
public with a means of identifying qualified nursery professionals,” said Ross Williams,
NCNLA Executive Director. “NCNLA congratulates the Mount Olive College students for
demonstrating their commitment to professionalism in the industry.”
The CPP exam is an extremely rigorous exam. It consists of both a written examination
to demonstrate mastery of nursery and landscape skills and knowledge as well as a plant
identification exam which demonstrates not only the ability to identify 300 plants and
plant pests, but also to understand their management and utility in the landscape.
“The CPP is a component of one of the classes in our agriculture curriculum at Mount
Olive College,” stated Dr. Sandy Maddox, director of the Agribusiness Center. “Students
taking the class learn plant identification skills, and learn proper plant management and
plant utilization techniques. Successfully passing the CPP not only verifies their mastery
of these practices, but it also designates our students as highly qualified within the nursery
and landscape industry. This is a much sought after certification by green industry professionals.”
Students receiving certification were: Tyler Adams of Benson (Johnston); Kim Ballance of
Elizabeth City (Pasquotank); Heath Brittain of Catawba (Catawba); Kaitlyn Brock of Mount
Olive (Wayne); Nelson Cashwell of Warsaw (Duplin); Jessica Gordon of Staley (Randolph);
Jessica Hogan of Mount Olive (Wayne); Ryan Kovacs of Mount Olive (Wayne); Morgan
Messer of Rocky Mount (Edgecombe); Johnathan Parker of Benson (Johnston); Dillon
Robinson of Norlina (Warren); Hannah Singleton of Goldsboro (Wayne); Cole Watkins of
Hillsborough (Orange); and Joshua Wisniewski of Elizabeth City (Pasquotank).
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Ho, Ho, Holiday Greetings
Wades Auto
Collision Center - Auto Body & Paint
4890 Hobbton Hwy • Clinton, NC • Tim Wade 910-990-0090
As the Holiday Season approaches our hearts are
warmed by thoughts of the many good people we’ve
had the opportunity to serve this year. You’ve certainly
brightened our year! Thank you for your support and
loyalty. We look forward to seeing you in the new year.
Hwy. 24 W. Clinton, NC
May you experience all the joy this holiday brings.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
213 E. MAIN ST., CLINTON, NC 28328
PHONE 910-592-2101
Insurance is our Business!
Group Benefits and Commercial Services
209 Airport Road • P.O. Box 680 • Clinton, NC 28329
910-592-8615 • 800-789-6598
Phill Cannady
Coyier Cannady
Phone: 910-990-6225
Phone: 910-385-5921
We Wish Sampson County A
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Clinton Dark Horse Boys
And Girls Basketball
Teams Sweep The Patriots
Dark Horse James Evans dishes the ball to a teammate along the baseline for another
fast break basket. Evans led Clinton’s scoring with 15 points on the night. Final score
of the night 82-73, with the Dark Horse boys edging out the Patriots. To view more
photos from this game, visit the sports section on
Wishing you and your
family a very
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year
Royal Hall Funeral Home
Clinton’s Mikayla Boykin drives the ball to the basket for two
of her 32 points during the second half of Tuesdays 99-41
rout of the visiting Pender Patriots.
301 McKoy Street, Clinton
(910) 592-4127
Wishing you great happiness this holiday and beyond. Knowing
you has made our lives brighter. Thanks! We hope we have the
pleasure of serving you again very soon.
Christmas is here, and we hope the season delivers much happiness
and good fortune to you and yours! We appreciate the year-round
support of good friends like you, and we wish you all the best at
Christmas time and throughout the new year.
Butler's Drugs & Gift Shoppe
317 N. East Street
Roseboro, NC 28382
204 E. Main Street • Clinton, NC • 910-592-2111
Here's hoping nothing's missing from your
holiday season. May it be filled with family,
friends, great times and good cheer. We don't
want to miss this opportunity to thank you for your
patronage. Your kind and generous support is much appreciated.
119 North Main Street, Salemburg, NC • (910) 525-5320
“Everything for the
Builder & Do It
Serving Sampson & Surrounding
Counties for
25 Years!
Sampson County Clerk of Court
Wishing our customers and friends
a Very Merry Christmas!
Celebrate the Gift of Christmas!
24 Hour Wrecker Service
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437 Rowan Road • Clinton, NC 28328
(910) 592-1401
Phone 910-596-0049
or 910-592-3944
Nights 910-590-5079
Davis’ Auto Body & Paint, Inc.
276 Faison Highway • Clinton, NC
Week of December 20-26, 2013
It’s About...
It’s About...
It’s About...
It’s About...
Sponsored By
& The Sampson Weekly
Midway’s Alex Boggs Named
Star Athlete Of The Week
Championship for Cross Country and then drove two hours
away to play in a 2nd Round Soccer State Playoff game. Right
now, I am on the swimming and indoor track teams. Every
morning I wake up at 4:30 a.m. and drive all the way to Clinton
to practice swimming. That way I can practice track after school.
Because of all this dedication to all these teams, I probably have
to work three times as hard as the normal student athlete.”
His parents, Kenneth and Denise Boggs, couldn’t be any prouder.
“We were all very excited to learn that Alex had been named Star
Athlete of the Week,” Denise said. “There are many outstanding
athletes at Midway High and we feel very proud that Alex was
recognized for his hard work and dedication to athletics … We
consider this quite an honor.”
His mother added that Alex’s outstanding ability in sports was
noticeable at a very young age and he has continued to hone his
skills over the years.
Midway’s Alex Boggs Named Star Athlete Of The Week
Midway High School multi-sport standout Alex Boggs was
“extremely excited” when he discovered he had been named The
Sampson Weekly/Performance Automotive Star Athlete of the
The 17-year-old senior, who excels in soccer, cross country,
swimming and track and field for the Raiders, said that his interest
in sports began at a young age after watching his older brother,
Jordan, play.
“I started by playing baseball when I was 3-years-old and also
played rec basketball,” he said. “I’ve always enjoyed watching my
older brother play. Watching and playing with him has helped me
grow into the athlete that I am today.”
Being part of a team and giving your best each time you step on
the playing field is something that Boggs does not take lightly,
especially in running.
“There are many reasons I enjoy the sports I play,” he said. “People
always say running is such a boring and pointless sport but to me
it is the greatest thing ever. I like it because you can literally see
your progress week by week because the time shows it. Track is
a very competitive sport, more competitive than people realize.
Although we might be competing against each other, we are all one
family, both teammates and other teams. For example, last year
at the State Championship, other teams from our conference were
cheering for my team to win in the 4x8 relay. That same day, our
main track rival, Trask, won the State Championship and I believe
we were just as excited as they were. You don’t see that kind of
support in other sports.”
It is not surprising that when he was named Star Athlete of the
Week Boggs felt honored, and tipped his hat to his other teammates.
“There are so many people that deserve to be named the Star
Athlete of the Week,” he said. “But I think it was my dedication and
hard work that is why I was chosen.”
Boggs explained that the hardest thing for him is when he feels
like he has disappointed a friend or a teammate. “That is why I
do so many sports,” he explained. “All of my teams depend on me
to help them be successful too and I don’t want to tell them I can’t
help them, so I do everything I can. In the fall, there has been
multiple times where I have run in a Cross Country meet and
then go straight to a soccer game. Last year, I even ran the State
“Alex started playing rec baseball at a very young age and also
played rec basketball for many years,” she remembered. “He
started playing soccer at Midway Middle and continued playing
all four years of high school. He later added cross country, track
and field and swimming. Most people aren’t even aware that
Midway has a swimming team but it has been a great experience
for Alex over the last three years. Alex has always been a very
natural athlete and it has been great seeing him grow personally
as well as watching our Midway teams grow and become more
competitive in the conference, region and state.”
Most recently, Alex was honored for his work on the Midway
High soccer team at the school’s fall banquet, an honor, his
mother said, was very special for Alex.
“He was given the Raider Award in Soccer,” she explained.
“This was quite an honor as this award does not just recognize
outstanding athletic performance, but more importantly
recognizes those athletes who exemplify what it means to be a
‘Raider’. In addition, we were quite excited that Alex’s classmates
voted him as ‘Most Athletic’ for his senior superlative. There are
some fantastic athletes in his class so this was quite an honor.”
For Alex, memories he will take with him after high school will
be those of the friendships he has made over the years.
“The best part about being on the Midway High School team is
the lifelong friends that I have gained,” he said proudly. “We have
gone through the good times and the bad. We have gone through
big winning seasons and embarrassing seasons, but at the end of
the day we are family.”
His mother agrees. “The best part about Alex participating in
sports is not only the great friends he has made but also the
friendships we have made as a family,” Denise said. “Attending
these athletic events and spending time with the families and
friends of the other athletes have been some of our favorite
memories. These friendships we will treasure for a lifetime.”
Alex also has high hopes for those student/athletes that will
follow his current class. “Another great thing about playing on
a Midway High team is that it is just beginning,” he said. “The
soccer, swimming, cross country and track teams is just getting
started. When I was a freshman, the soccer team lost every game,
we had no swim team, the cross country team didn’t make it to
the State Championship, there was no indoor track team, and
the spring track team had about 10 people on it. Each year every
team gets bigger and bigger and better and better. Just in the past
four years soccer has made it to the 2nd round, the cross country
team was ranked as a ‘powerhouse’ and top 5 in the State, and the
track team has tripled in size and each year there are more and
more people sent to the Championship. These teams are fairly
new and already top in the state, so I see Midway being State
Champions in the near future.”
Hopefully, Alex said, his future will include participating in
track at the college level.
“I do want to continue sports in college,” he said. “I’m planning
on running track at whatever college I decide to go to and will
work as hard as I need to get to that level.”
Alex is undecided about what college he would like to attend,
but would like to major in Exercise Science to pursue a career
as a Physical Therapist. “I am debating between UNCW, ECU,
Mount Olive, or Methodist,” he said. “I want to become a
physical therapist.”
While he excels at sports, Alex is just as talented in the
classroom. He takes Honors and AP courses and in his free time
he is a proud member of the Mt. Elam Church Youth Group. He
has participated the last three summers in a week long mission
trip to share his love for Christ with others.” I am very proud of
his leadership in the youth group,” admits his mother Denise.
“I think he serves well as a role model for the younger youth.”
True to form, Alex credits the love and support of his family
(older brother Jordan and younger sister Sierra), his community,
teammates and friends for the successes he has had in his life.
He gives a special shout-out to those who have worked with him
the most – his coaches.
“All of my coaches have been important but Allen McLamb, my
soccer coach, has probably been the most important,” Alex said.
“Not only has he helped me grow as a player, but he has also
helped me grow as a person. He is not just a soccer coach but he
is also my Sunday school teacher at church. So Monday through
Friday he taught me soccer and every Sunday he teaches me
about my Savior, Jesus Christ. There have been many times
where I just needed someone to talk to about things and he has
always been there to talk to me. I’ve learned a lot from him that
I will take with me throughout my life.”
Another coach that has been important to Alex’s success is
his track and cross country coach, Heath Brewer. “With me
playing two sports at a time during the fall and winter, I need
a very patient coach that is willing to work with my practice
and competition schedule,” Alex said. “A lot of times because
of soccer games and practices, I was forced to miss practices
and a few meets but he so understood. Other coaches probably
wouldn’t allow me to do what I do but he does and I’m so
thankful for him.”
When asked what memory he would take with him, Alex does
not hesitate. It came during last year’s track season with a little
help from above.
“I run on the Midway 4x8 team (with Dalton Butler, Ritchel
Cousar and Caleb Sanders),” he explained. “During my
freshman year, we were probably ranked last in the whole
state. But due to hard work and dedication, the next year,
we surprisingly placed 12th in the State. Last year, we knew
we would be good but we never expected what happened -We broke the school record and conference record. We went
that whole season without losing until the Regional and State
Championship. We placed 2nd at Regionals and 4th at the State
Championship. We weren’t supposed to get 4th though. We
were ranked 7th. I was the only one who had broken 2:10 the
whole season, but that day went by perfectly and we all stepped
up and did what we were supposed to and all got under 2:08,
which put us 4th in the State and gave us a medal. We ran an 8:27
which is ranked 27th of all time at the 1A State Championship.
But coolest part about that is that we didn’t glorify ourselves.
The first thing we did when our anchor (4th) leg came in was
get down on our knees and thank God for allowing us to do
what we did. We always made a point to pray before each race
and I thought it was awesome that even in the moment when
we felt like we were on top of the world and amazing, that we
realized that it wasn’t us, it was Him.”
Salutes this week’s
Student Athlete
of the Week!
605 Warsaw Hwy • Clinton, NC • 910-592-JEEP(5337)
Week of December 20-26, 2013
We wish you...
A Merry
...and a
Happy New Year!
Wishing you and yours a
happy holiday season filled
with good times, good friends
and good memories. We
thank you for your support
this past year. You’ve
delivered us nothing but
kindness, and we hope we’ve
done the same for you.
Merry Christmas
from the staff at
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Roseboro, NC
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80 Isaac Weeks Road • Clinton, NC 28328 • 910-590-2917
Is In
The Air
We wish you all the joy, hope and
wonder of the season!
Season's Greetings
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Wish You and Yours A Very
Merry Christmas!
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“Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year”
Merry Christmas
From the staff of
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Arrest Report
12-12 Robin Elizabeth Sasser, 41; Dunn
Rd., Salemburg; Fraud-Worthless Checks;
Written Promise to Appear; Court 01-07
12-13 Michael Rajohne Jackson, 29; 1711
Butler Rd., Salemburg; Assault With a
Deadly Weapon causing Serious Injury;
Simply Physical Assault; Secured Bond
$25,500; Court 12-20
12-13 Contina Tersa Fredick, 40; 271
Bubba Gump Lane, Salemburg; Order for
Arrest-Failure to Appear: Child Support;
Order for Arrest-Failure to Appear: Simple
Worthless Check; Bond $1,000; Court 1231
12-13 Tina Nicole Nunnery, 39; Autry
Hwy., Autryville; Failure to Wear Seatbelt;
All Traffic DWLR; Secured Bond $500;
Court 01-08
12-13 Lori Ann Higgins, 45; 3829 Meteor
Dr., Hope Mills; DWI; Secured Bond $1,000;
Court 01-08
12-13 William Travis Pope, 25; 1630 Cartertown Rd., Clinton; Larceny; Secured
Bond $500; Court 01-07
12-13 Cillian Vann, 53; 110 Byrd St., Clinton; Felony Possession of Cocaine Maintain Dwelling Place for Controlled Substance; Secured Bond $10,000
12-13 Larry Denny Boykin Jr., 28; 10310
Garland Hwy., Garland; Unauthorized Use
of Motor Vehicle; Unsecured Bond $500;
Court 01-08
12-13 Lisa Petrie, 37; 2965 Wildcat Rd.,
Harrells; Failure to Return Rental Property;
Written Promise to Appear; Court 01-08
12-14 Jose Luis Antonio, 27; 51 Alvin Rd.,
Dunn; DWI; NOL; Open Container; Secured Bond $1,500; Court 01-22
12-14 Mynor Hernandez Lorenzo, 32; 113
B Sycamore St., Clinton; Possession Fraudulent ID; NOL; Order for Arrest-Failure to
Appear: NOL; Secured Bond $2,500; Court
12-14 Lee Ann Sinclair, 30; 618 Eastover
Terrace, Clinton; 4 Counts: Resisting Arrest/Hinder & Delay; Harboring a Fugitive;
Secured Bond $6,000; Court 01-08
12-14 Gregory Channey, 50; 618 Eastover
Terrace, Clinton; Obtain Money by False
Pretense; No Bond; Court 12-20
12-14 Chelsea Janelle Lundy, 26; 420 Royal Lane, Apt B, Clinton; 2 Counts: Larceny
After Concealment; Secured Bond $3,500;
Court 01-09
12-15 David Martina Rich, 22; 167 Noel
Lane, Salemburg; DWI; Secured Bond
$1,500; Court 01-22
12-15 Seaun Andrew McDoe, 27; 802 W.
Main St., Clinton; Failure to Appear: Possession of Marijuana; Failure to Appear:
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Fictitious Info to Officer; Secured Bond $1,500;
Court 01-06
Week of December 20-26, 2013
785 West Second St., Garland.
12-15 Robby Wayne McLamb, 38; 2108 N
Salemburg Hwy., Salemburg; Assault on a Female; No Bond; Court 01-07
12-16 Randy Roy Buskirk Jr., 28; 447 Sampson Acres Dr., Clinton; Drug Violations; Unsecured Bond $1,500; Court 01-09
12-16 Annie Stackhouse Cox, 75; 1311 Jasper St., Apt G, Clinton; ADW; Unsecured Bond
$500; Court 01-13
12-16 Jonathon Lee Smith, 37; 100 Glory
Lane, Newton Grove; Contempt of Court, Perjury, Court Violations; Secured Bond $50,000;
Court 12-20
12-16 Tracey McLamb Goodman, 43; 1490
Timberlake Dr., Dunn; 6 Counts: Fraud Worthless Check; Secured Bond $500; Court 12-31
12-17 Shirley Ann Staton West, 44; 144 Deborah Lane, Clinton; Simple Non-Physical Assault; Written Promise to Appear; Court 12-31
12-17 Danny Robert Aycock, 30; 208 Eliza
Lane, Clinton; Fraud-Worthless Check; No
Bond; Court 02-11
12-12 Wanda Jones reported the Larceny of Gift
Cards from her residence located at 3283 Oak
Grove Church Rd., Newton Grove.
12-13 Angela Matthis reported the Theft of her
Honda Civic from her residence located at 1940
Beulah Rd., Turkey.
12-13 Joseph Hochendoner reported a Burglary at her residence located at 2853 Rosin Hill
Rd., Newton Grove. Items reported a TV, binoculars, laptop, and us currency.
12-13 Mary Morrisey reported the Damage to
her Ford Explorer located at 505 E Railroad St.,
12-13 Laquisha Wilson reported a Larceny at
her residence located at 507 Pine St., Clinton.
Items reported missing included 2 TV’s, Play
Station 3, DVD, and Stereo Equipment.
12-13 Samantha Naylor reported the Damage
to her Property located at 400 NE Railroad St.,
12-15 Katina Graham reported the
damage to his Honda Accord at his residence located at 624 Royal Lane, Apt B,
12-16 Tony McNeil reported a Burglary
at his residence located at 7557 Old
Mintz Hwy., Garland. Items reported
missing included a Ruger Semi-Auto
handgun and a S&W Semi-Auto handgun.
12-16 Candace Batten reported a Burglary at her residence located at 1288
Mt Carmel Church Rd., Autryville. No
items were reported missing.
12-16 Elizabeth Boykin reported the
Larceny of her Jack Russell Terrier from
her residence located at 628 Kenneth
Carter Rd., Clinton.
12-14 Michael Bryant reported a Larceny at
his residence located at 937 Maxwell Rd., Autryville. Items reported missing included stainless counter tops, cabinet, and chest.
12-16 Jimmy Faircloth reported a Burglary at his residence located at 3360
Alex Benton Rd., Newton Grove. Items
reported missing included 8 semi-auto
pistols, 9 revolvers, and jewelry.
12-14 Victoria Camacho reported the Larceny
of her Cell Phone from her residence located at
304 NE Blvd., Clinton.
12-16 Terrance Oates reported the Larceny of his Go Kart from his residence
located at 108 Warsaw Rd., Clinton.
12-18 Jamie Ray Byrd, 21; 147 Lorraine Rd.,
Clinton; Failure to Comply with Court Order:
Child Support; Bond $350; Court 12-31
12-14 Vanessa Weber reported a Burglary at
her residence located at 1311 Big Piney Grove
Rd., Roseboro. Items reported missing included
a wooden jewelry box, silver jewelry, owl earrings, and a Straight Talk phone card.
12-17 Doris Adams reported Larceny of
her Medication located at 3058 Dudley
Rd., Newton Grove.
12-18 Jonathan Joseph Ward, 34; 147 Lorraine Rd., Clinton; Failure to Comply with
Court Order: Child Support; Bond $600;
Court 12-31
12-14 Michael Benton reported a Breaking &
Entering located at 578 Mt. Carmel Church Rd.,
Autryville. Item reported missing included a
water pump.
12-18 Barry Demetrius Artis, 34; 550 Browns
Church Rd., Clinton; Failure to Comply with
Court Order: Child Support; Bond $500;
Court 12-31
12-14 Erika Sanchez reported the Theft of her
Ford Explorer from her residence located at 32
Massengill Lane, Clinton.
12-17 Clemarion Yarboraugh, 19; 119 Halifax
Rd., Louisburg; Simple Physical Assault; Unsecured Bond $500; Court 01-14
12-17 Billy Bradley Spell, 55; 1541 Tyndall
Grove Rd., Clinton; Simple Non-Physical Assault; Simple Physical Assault; Unsecured
Bond $5,000; Court 01-14
12-17 Justin Murphy reported a Larceny
at his residence located at 143 Polland
Lane, Harrells.
12-17 Crystal Lindly reported a Burglary
at her residence located at 31 Friendly
Lane, Salemburg; Items reported missing included a Xbox System, flat screen
TV, and a VCR/DVD player combo.
12-17 Santos Oliva reported a Burglary
at her residence located at 118 Whispering Pines Dr., Clinton. Items reported
missing included a laptop, digital video
camera, digital camera, four passports,
four birth certificates, four social security cards,
12-18 Quamaine Goodman, 21; 3518 Lisbon
Bridge Rd., Garland; Trespassing; Unsecured
Bond $500; Court 01-08
12-14 Patricia Herring reported a Burglary at
her residence located at 1101 Old Mintz Hwy.,
Roseboro. Items reported missing included a
check book, US currency, and a picnic basket.
12-18 Eric Derrel Smith, 44; 1338 Hill Circle
Rd., Garland; Drug Violations; Written Promise to Appear; Court 01-03
12-14 Linwood Autry reported a Burglary at his
residence located at 1216 Moltonville Rd., Clinton. Item reported missing was power tools.
12-18 Chrystal Michelle Faircloth, 36; 693
Corinth Church Rd., Salemburg; Failure to
Appear: Child Support; Bond $232
12-14 Ronald Farmer reported a Burglary from
his Vehicle at his residence located at 2490
Strawpond School Rd., Roseboro. Item reported
missing was assorted US currency.
12-17 Elizabeth Mathews reported a
Larceny at her residence located at 97
Parson Simmons Lane, Clinton. Items
reported missing included a NC Driver’s
License, Social Security Card, and Food
Stamp Card.
12-14 Valdemar Mijangos reported a Burglary
at his residence located at 260 Longview Lake
Rd., Garland. Items reported missing included a
computer, flat screen TV, Wii and games.
12-17 Wilbert Brunson reported the
Larceny of his Xbox gaming equipment
form his residence located at 150 Hurricane Lane, Clinton.
12-15 Odessa Brewington reported the Larceny
of LP Gas from her residence located at 514 E
Pinewood St., Roseboro.
12-18 Kayla Bolas reported a Larceny
at her residence located at 98 Lisa Lane,
Clinton. Items reported missing included car battery, battery cable, steering
wheel cover, radio, and a silver necklace.
12-18 Matthew Conan Thompson, 27; 96
Hillcrest Lane, Faison; Failure to Appear: Child
Support; Bond $1,200; Court 12-31
12-18 Johnathon Joseph Ward, 34; 147 Lorraine Rd., Clinton; Possession of Schedule II
Controlled Substance; Financial Card Fraud;
Secured Bond $3,500; Court 12-31
12-18 Cynthia Dawn Stanley, 29; 147 Lorraine Rd., Clinton; 2 Counts: Financial Card
Fraud; Failure to Appear; Secured Bond
$3,000; Court 01-22
12-15 Charlie Smith reported a Burglary at
his residence located at 221 Brantwood Court,
Roseboro. Items reported missing included a
HP laptop and assorted US currency.
12-15 Courtney Lanae Bennett, 20; 2404
Claudes Drag Rd., Roseboro; DWI; Secured
Bond $1,500; Court 01-22
12-18 Jerry Michael Motley, 43; 1110 South
Clinton Ave., Dunn; Misdemeanor Probation
Violation (Out of County); Secured Bond
$10,000; Court 01-09
12-15 Deborah McKoy reported a Burglary at
her residence located at 3738 Harrells Hwy.,
Garland. Item reported missing included a TV.
12-15 Dakota Jeff Sullivan, 18; 60 Gill
Lane, Clinton; Larceny; Secured Bond
$500; Court 01-07
Incident/Investigation Report
12-12 William Moore reported the Larceny of
his Medication from his residence located at
12-15 Devin Mcintosh reported damage to
his Honda Civic at his residence located at 204
Moore St., Clinton.
Birth Certificates
-Shelby Alexis Deluca born on December 4, 2013 at Sampson Regional Medical Center to
Shaun Grady Deluca and Monica Dawn Phipps
-Armando Ortiz Deciga born on December 5, 2013 at Sampson Regional Medical Center to
Leidi Deciga Lopez
-Malachi Jeremiah Hart born on December 5, 2013 at Sampson Regional Medical Center to
Matthew Nicholas Hart and Lisa Thompson
-Jayden Alexander Contreras born on December 6, 2013 at Sampson Regional Medical
Center to Jhonatan Contreras and Marisela Huerta
-Bella Star Brewington born on December 7, 2013 at Sampson Regional Medical Center to
Micah Ashford Brewington and Holly Michelle Brewington
Marriage Certificates
-Donald Norman Ringley to Mary Frances Smith Crumpler
-Bryan Antonio Martinez to Areli Jardon Gonzalez
-Matthew Branson Weatherly to Tiffany Dawn Odum
-Johnny Ray Glasper to Opal Gay Landford Anderson
12-15 Heather Dixon reported the Theft
of her Cadillac Eldorado located on
Eastover Ave., Clinton.
12-18 Inez Britt reported a Burglary at
46 Long Leaf, Newton Grove. Reported
missing was a heater.
12-18 Roosevelt Green reported a Larceny at his residence located at 1990 Big
Piney Grove Rd., Clinton. Items reported
missing included wrestling cards, a baby
doll, hair clippers, red sports jacket, and
a 30-gallon fish tank.
-Kimberly Deneise Baggett
-Marie Mainor Devane
-John Henry Dumpson
-James Westley Fortner
-Paul Ray Herring
-Hazel Mae Jackson
-Norman Thomas Long
-Floyd Bruce Morgan
-Mae Bell Williamson
Land Transfers
-Bank of America NA to Jackie Strickland and Russell Strickland- 1.03 Acres Dismal
-Caroline Gautier, Ronald Gautier, Debbie Lewis, Neal McCullen, Tracy McCullen, Dorothy A
Papdakos, Kimberly Thompson, Ryan Thompson to DADS Inc- Lot 1 2.10 Acres Honeycutts
-Linwood Earl Reynolds, Lisa McLamb Reynolds to Linwood Earl Reynolds- Lot 2A & 2B
-Shelby Godwin Porter to Jason W Williams- Tract 1 2.72 Acres Mingo
-Irene G Darden/TR, James H Thornton/TR, Robert L Thornton/TR, Trustees of Piney Grove
Baptist Church to Piney Grove Baptist Church Inc of Faison- Lots 1-2-3-4- Total of 5.46
Acres Piney Grove
-Yakitcha Y McPhail to Rayford Lee Wells Jr- 1.00 Acres North Clinton
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Sumner Burke, 84 of 111
Kimbrough Drive, died
at her home, Wednesday,
Funeral service was held
Saturday at 11:00 am at
Royal-Hall Funeral Home
Chapel with the Rev. Sam
Grist and Rev. Dorothy
Rudd officiating. Burial
followed in the Mt. Gilead
Baptist Church Cemetery. Born in 1929 in Sampson County,
Mrs. Burke was the daughter of the late Jesse Earl and
Jessie King Sumner. She was a member of Epworth United
Methodist Church and a retired supervisor with Sylvania
Company. She was the widow of Clarence Coleman Burke.
She is survived by a daughter, Nancy B. Caison and husband,
Deems of Clinton; one sister, Linda S. Clifton and husband,
Howard of Clinton; two brothers, Bobby Sumner and wife,
Beverly of Garland and Kenneth Sumner and wife, Rita of
Raleigh; a special sister-in-law, Carolyn Sumner of Clinton
and a special niece Mary Burke of Clinton.
She was preceded in death by a son, Tommy Burke; two
sisters, Dolly Rose Sumner and Peggy Lane and two
brothers, Clete Sumner and Jerry Sumner. In lieu of flowers
memorials may be made to Epworth United Methodist
Church 5876 Garland Hwy., Clinton, NC 28328. Online
condolences at RoyalHall Hall Funeral Home is honored to serve the Burke
Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth
“Libby” Hall, 67, of
Sanford passed away on
Friday, December 13,
2013 at Tara Plantation of
Carthage. A celebration of
life was held on Sunday,
December 15, 2013 at
11:00 a.m. at Emmanuel
Baptist Church with Pastor
Eugene Ussery and Pastor John Chavis officiating. Burial
followed in the church cemetery. Margaret was born in
Asheville, North Carolina on November 24, 1946 to James
Logan and Eva Miller Lytle. She enjoyed spending time with
her family and friends especially her grandchildren. She
was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church, and a loving
homemaker, wife, mother, sister and grandmother and will
be greatly missed. She is survived by her husband, Dennis
Peyton Hall of Sanford; her mother, Eva Miller Lytle; two
children, Tracy Knight and husband Chris of Carthage,
Randall Peyton Hall and wife Michelle of Sanford; one sister,
Louise Hennings of Sanford; one brother, Jimmy Lytle of
Carthage; four grandchildren, Brandon Mills, Parker Hall,
Kelsey Knight, Joshua Knight. She was preceded in death
by her father, James Logan Lytle. A visitation was held on
Saturday, December 14, 2013 from 6 until 8 p.m. in the
Chapel of Cox Memorial Funeral Home and Crematory and
other times at the home of her daughter Tracy Knight, 1058
Shaw Road of Carthage. In lieu of flowers, memorial may
be made to Emmanuel Baptist Church, 632 McCrimmon
Road, Carthage NC 28327. Condolences may be sent to The family
has entrusted services to Cox Memorial Funeral Home and
Crematory. Cox Memorial --- “Serving GOD by serving
families in a time of need.”
Mrs. Frances Aldine
Mathis Hudson, 75 of
6890 Old Warsaw Rd., went
to be with her heavenly
father Friday December
13, 2013. Funeral services
were held Monday at 2:00
PM at Turkey Baptist
Church with Dr. Ron
Bryan officiating. Burial
followed in Grandview
Memorial Gardens. Born in 1937 in Wayne County, Mrs.
Hudson was the daughter of the late Charles William and
Minnie Aldine Gavin Mathis. She was an active member of
the Turkey Baptist Church since 1960 and served as Sunday
school teacher, treasurer and in other capacities. She was a
homemaker, loving mother, grandmother, sister, great cook
and avid N. C. State Fan. She is survived by her husband
of 56 years, David Dwight Hudson, Sr. Daughter, Karen Ada
Hudson of Burlington. Son, David Dwight Hudson, Jr and wife,
Phyllis of Clinton. Half-sister, Mary Matthews of Sacramento,
Ca., Brother, Ray Mathis of Charlotte. Two grandchildren,
Alex David Hudson and Jennifer Marie Hudson. The family
received friends at Royal-Hall Funeral Home Sunday night
from 6 til 8 PM and other times at her home. In lieu of flowers
memorials may be made to Turkey Baptist Church, P. O.
Box 159, Turkey, NC 28393. Condolences may be made by
visiting Royal-Hall Funeral
Home is honored to serve the Hudson family.
Mr. Wilbert Wayne Tyndall,
65 of Fayetteville died
on Thursday, December
12, 2013 at the Cape Fear
Valley Medical Center. A
memorial service will be
held at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday,
December 21, 2013 at Stoney
Point Baptist Church with
Dr. Harold Herd and Rev.
Duncan Edge officiating. Inurnment will be on Sunday,
December 22, 2013 at 3:00 P.M. at Sunrise Memorial Gardens
in Salemburg. Mr. Tyndall was a native of Sampson County,
the son of the late Wilbert Newton and Elma Hairr Tyndall.
He was an Automotive Machinist. He was the owner of
Precision Machine and Auto Parts and Truck Stuff. For years
he owned and maintained a race car at local dirt tracks. His
drivers were R.G. Beal, Ronnie Hammond, David Atkins,
Danny Parker, Dewayne Parker and his son, Jeffrey Tyndall.
He was a member of the Massey Hill Lions Club. He was an
active member of Stoney Point Baptist Church. He was so
very much loved by his family and friends. He is survived
by: his wife, Gay Tyndall of the home; one daughter, Amanda
Nunnery of Autryville; one son, Jeffrey Wayne Tyndall of
Autryville; one sister, Betty L. Hall of Stedman; one brother,
Michael Tyndall of Fayetteville; four grandchildren, Hayley
Tyndall, Jordan Tyndall, Trey Nunnery and Macy Nunnery.
The family will receive friends from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. on
Friday, December 20, 2013 at Stoney Point Baptist Church. In
lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Liberty Christian
Academy, 6554 Rockfish Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306.
Services entrusted to Butler Funeral Home, 6535 Clinton
Road, Stedman, NC.
Valutis, 75, of Pinehurst
passed away peacefully on
Friday, December 13, 2013
at his home with his wife
by his side. A celebration of
life will be held at 11:00 a.m.
on Saturday, December, 21,
2013 in the Chapel of Cox
Memorial Funeral Home
and Crematory with Rev.
Brent Bissette and Chas Griffin officiating. Inurnment will
follow at Pine Lawn Cemetery. Ernest was born in Jamaica
Long Island, New York on January 28, 1938 to Anthony and
Anna Ring Valutis. Before retirement he was self-employed
as a Psychologist. He was an avid golfer, a loving husband,
father, brother, grandfather and will be greatly missed. He
is survived by his loving wife Beverly Robinson Valutis; two
sons, Dr. William Ernest Valutis and wife Rita of Elma, New
York, Eric William Valutis and wife Josie of Boise, Idaho; one
daughter, Dr. Stephanie Valutis of New Port News, Virginia;
one sister, Kay Murphy of Troy, Michigan; five grandchildren,
Anthony, Ruby, Morgan, Jake and Henry. He was preceded
in death by his parents, Anthony and Anna Ring Valutis and
one brother Ronald Valutis. The family will receive friends
on Friday from 6-8 p.m. in the family visitation rooms at Cox
Memorial Funeral Home and Crematory. In lieu of flowers,
memorials may be made to FirstHealth Hospice Foundation,
150 Applecross Road, Pinehurst, NC 28374. Condolences
may be sent to The
family has entrusted services to Cox Memorial Funeral Home
and Crematory. Cox Memorial --- “Serving GOD by serving
families in a time of need.”
Mr. Cameron Jamal Jones, 22, of 1100 Raleigh Road, died
Saturday, December 14, 2013 at UNC Hospitals, Chapel
Hill, NC. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday,
December 21 at Andrews Chapel Baptist Church with
Rev. Gerald Underwood officiating. Burial will follow in
Bearskin Church Cemetery. The visitation will be held
Friday, December 20 from 1-6 p.m. at Brock Memorial
& Worley Funeral Home, Inc. with family present from
5-6 p.m. Mr. Jones is survived by his parents, Charlie &
Felisha Whitted, Jr. of the home; sisters, Jasmine Jackson
of Winston-Salem, NC, Toni Whitted of Clinton, NC,
Kaneiya Whitted of Atlanta, GA; brothers, Darius Whitted
of Clinton, NC, Patrick Rich, Jr. and Darius Williams both
of Salemburg, NC; maternal grandparents, Gary & Patricia
Rich of Salemburg, NC; paternal grandparents, Robert
Melvin of Roseboro, NC, Charlie & Evangeline Whitted, Sr.
of Clinton, NC. Online condolences may be sent to www. Service entrusted to Brock
Memorial & Worley Funeral Home in Clinton, NC.
Mr. Charles E. Kennedy, 77, of Clinton died at Mary
Gran Nursing Center on December 12, 2013. The
graveside service will be held Sunday, December 15 at
2:00 PM in the Calypso Cemetery, in Calypso, NC, with
Pastor Roy Hilburn officiating. Mr. Kennedy, born in
Wayne County, was the son of the late Edward Randolph
and Betty Lambert Kennedy. He was a retired machine
operator for Kivett’s Inc. and a Veteran of the US Army.
He was preceded in death by a brother, Thomas Kennedy.
Mr. Kennedy is survived by a brother, Jack Kennedy and
his wife Carolyn of Clinton, and several nieces, nephews,
aunts and uncles. Friends will be received at the home of
his brother, 909 Lakeview Drive, Clinton, NC. In lieu of
flowers memorials may be made to the American Lung
Association at 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 800,
Washington, DC 20004.
Mr. Harold Kingsley Kiser, 93 of 6346 Dunn Road,
Roseboro, died on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at
Golden Years Nursing Home in Falcon. The funeral
service will be held at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday, December
21, 2013 at Halls United Methodist Church with Rev.
Justin Wells and Rev. Carrie W. Parrish officiating. Burial
will follow in the church cemetery with military honors.
Mr. Kiser was born on May 10, 1920 in Mecklenburg
County to the late Zebulon and Fannie Kiser. He is
preceded in death by: his parents; his wife, Margaret
Williams Kiser; and one daughter, Janice Kiser Jarrett. He
was a Marine Corp. veteran of WWII and was a retired
Manager with AT&T Communications. He is survived
by: one daughter, Patricia K. Smith of Roseboro; three
grandchildren, Ryan Cartwright of Chicago, Lisa Smith
Hairr of Salemburg and Robert Smith of Hinesville,
Georgia; and four great grandchildren. The family will
receive friends on Friday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M.
at Butler Funeral Home in Roseboro and other times at
the home. Services entrusted to Butler Funeral Home,
401 W. Roseboro Street, Roseboro
Miss Edith Kaye McLamb, 71, of Fayetteville, formerly of
Pine Ridge Road, Clinton, NC, passed away Wednesday,
December 18, 2013, at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center.
A graveside service will be held at 3 P.M., Friday,
December 20th, at Clinton Cemetery with the Reverend
E. C. Mattocks officiating. The body will lie in state at
Crumpler-Honeycutt Funeral Home in Clinton on Friday
from 1 -2:30 P.M., prior to the graveside service at Clinton
Cemetery. Miss McLamb was the daughter of the late
Joe Rob McLamb and Lona Barber McLamb and was a
member of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. She is survived
by several cousins and aunts. Memorials may be made to
Mt. Vernon Baptist Church Building Fund, 3790 Faison
Highway, Clinton, NC 28328. The family wishes to thank
Community Alternative Services and Denna Hodges for
the years of care and compassion for Edith.
Rose Hill
Mrs. Modene Powell 94 of 3291 River Rd., formerly of
Garland, died Sunday, December 15, 2013 at Sampson
Regional Medical Center in Clinton, NC. A graveside
service was held at 3:00 PM Wednesday, December
18, 2013 in the Springvale section of the Clinton City
Cemetery in Clinton, NC, by the Reverend Mark
Rogers. Mrs. Powell is survived by one daughter Shirley
Powell Rogers of Rose Hill, 2 grandchildren, 9 greatgrandchildren, 3 great-great-grandchildren. Family will
receive friends after the service at the cemetery. Carter
Funeral Home in Garland.
A lot of Funeral Homes have taken SERVICE out of Funeral Service
Living in the modern age of smart phones, lap tops, ipads and all the other things that we enjoy, some people might think that we are living in good times. I agree that all of
these things make our lives simpler. The only thing about this is that in the process we have lost a lot of the personal touch that generations before us enjoyed. One thing that
stands out in my mind, is how in years gone by doctors made house calls. This way the person that was sick just stayed at home and rested until the doctor arrived. Much in the
same way I don’t understand how we have gotten to the point in the funeral profession that funeral directors feel like the family that has lost a loved one and are grieving (sick),
should have to leave their home, while friends are stopping by to visit and pay their respects. Why should they have to come to your big office and sit across from you, sitting
behind your big executive desk, in your high back leather chair to make funeral arrangements, after all they are the ones hurting (sick), not you or I. For this reason I want people
to know that when they face the loss of a loved one, you do not have to leave your home to make funeral arrangements. I will be honored to come to your home at any time that
is best for you. So whether it is to make funeral arrangements for a loved one that has passed away or to make pre-need arrangements, I am as close as a phone call away. Like
the old doctors, I still make house calls. We have our own state of the art crematory on site to serve families that choose cremation. We honor pre- arrangements from other
funeral homes, usually at no cost to you.
For more information on cremation services or any funeral related services please contact Danny A. Creech Vice President/ General Manager
Cox Memorial Funeral Home and Crematory
at 910-990-6202 or 910-245-3330
Cox Memorial - - - “Where you’re treated Like Family” !
Week of December 20-26, 2013
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Sampson County is seeking candidates for the position of Director of Elections. The Director of Elections will perform those
administrative duties assigned by the County Board of Elections relating to the conduct of local, state and national elections in Sampson County in accordance with State election laws
and policies and procedures established by the State and County Boards of Elections. Duties may include planning elections;
setting up polling places; obtaining polling places; training of
all elections officials and staff; supervising the receiving and
processing of voter registrations; filing candidates for elected
office; providing staff support to the Board of Elections with
regard to coordinating, scheduling and recording meetings; attending out of county meetings as required by the local board;
and the preparation and management of the departmental
budget. Computer skills are required.
Qualifications: Graduation from high school (college degree preferable), with considerable administrative or business related experience; knowledge of electoral procedures and policies as set forth in
the General Statutes and regulations of the State Board of Elections;
or equivalent combination of education and experience.
Send resume to
Chairman of the Sampson County Board of Elections
435 County Complex Road P. O. Box
33 Clinton, NC 28329
Deadline for applications: January 15, 2014
Week of December 20-26, 2013
Chamber Chat
With Janna Bass
As I reflect on the coat closet this year, I reflect on
the many people that dropped off a new or gently
used coat in one of the 35 drop off boxes throughout Sampson County. Or I note the community partnerships and donations that took place this year
that contributed to over 1500 coats. Yes, over 1500
coats! Wow! All I can say is Thank You!
Chamber Member of the Week
The 2013 Chamber’s Coat Closet Project is coming
to a close within the next week and I am honored to report that this project has
yet again, distributed more coats than the previous year, only because of your
involvement and generosity. This year’s project has collected over 1,500 coats
that are being distributed throughout Sampson and surrounding counties. This
number grew from the 1,300 in 2012. Again, I thank you for your support!
Thank you to the individuals and community partnerships that took place to
help raise funds and collect coats for this project. While I cannot name each
individual, I would like to note each community partnership that took place to
help contribute to the project.
First, Wanda Coleman, artistic director at The Dance Shoppe & TuTu’s Too,
once again gave incentives to her students and parents to collect coats and
deliver to the Chamber office. Incentives included one month free tuition,
the opportunity to purchase recital tickets prior to general sales, a free recital t-shirt, 2 additional complimentary recital tickets, and more. Through this
incentive program, The Dance Shoppe & TuTu’s Too contributed 126 coats
towards this year’s coat closet project.
Second, I would like to thank each High School Key Club for their support in
this project. Kiwanis of Clinton sponsored a friendly competition amongst the
Key Clubs rewarding the club that delivered the most coats to the Chamber
office a $100 check to use to benefit their club. Through this competition, the
key clubs throughout Sampson County contributed 188 coats to the project.
Thank you to each key club and Kiwanis of Clinton for their support with this
Lastly, I would like to thank Sweet Frog of Clinton and Amanda Faison with Mary
Kay that both had a night where a percentage of sales would go towards
purchasing coats for the project. Also, thank you to Larry McPhail and Ford of
Clinton for giving a donation for each vehicle sold within the month of November, which also went towards purchasing coats for this project.
I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year filled with laughter
and the opportunity to make memories with friends and family. Again, thank
you to each of you that assisted with “giving the gift of warmth this winter”
with the Chamber’s Coat Closet Project. For more information about Clinton-Sampson Chamber of Commerce, please call 910-592-6177 or visit www.
Congratulations to the Chamber’s Member of The Week, Jordan Shopping
Plaza, located on Northeast Blvd in Clinton. Owned and operated by
Billy Ray Jordan for 50+ years. Jordan Shopping Plaza has something for
everyone with stores showcasing grocery, healthcare, eye care, gift shops,
restaurants, and more. While you’re out shopping this holiday season, stop
by Jordan Shopping Plaza as we support our local businesses. For more
information about Jordan Shopping Plaza, contact Billy Ray Jordan at (910)
592-5481 or email For more information about the
Clinton-Sampson Chamber of Commerce call (910) 592-6177 or visit www.
By Brenda Brown
Social Security Public Affairs Specialist
in Fayetteville, NC
The United Nations’ International Day of Persons with
Disabilities is annually held on December 3 to focus on
issues that affect people with disabilities worldwide.
This year marks the 21st observance and provides an
opportunity to re-commit to helping persons with
disabilities break down barriers.
In the United States, Social Security often is the primary
source of income for people with disabilities. More than 9 of 10 American workers
are covered by Social Security disability insurance, and Social Security provides
benefits to young workers and their families if the worker should become
Social Security has a very strict definition of disability — a person must be
unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity due to a physical or mental
impairment that has lasted or is expected to last at least one year, or to result in
death. We do not provide benefits for partial or temporary disabilities, so Social
Security beneficiaries are most in need of support services if contemplating a
return to work.
Thank you to Larry McPhail, pictured above on the right, owner of Ford
of Clinton for the donation towards the Chamber’s Coat Closet Project to
purchase coats. Receiving the donation on behalf of the
Coat Closet Committee is Janna Bass, Executive Director of the
Clinton-Sampson Chamber of Commerce.
In fact, 40 percent of Social Security Disability Insurance beneficiaries express
interest in working and Social Security has a number of programs to help in those
return-to-work efforts. Our work incentive programs feature:
continued cash benefits for a period of time while a beneficiary works;
continued Medicare or Medicaid coverage; and
help with education, training, and rehabilitation to start a new line of
In addition to these incentives, many beneficiaries are interested in the Ticket
to Work program, which can help people with disabilities receive vocational
rehabilitation, training, job referrals, and other employment support services free
of charge.
Just visit to learn more. Or read our publications for
SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance recipients, Working While Disabled—
How We Can Help and Your Ticket To Work. These and many other helpful
publications are available at
Claim Denied?
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Week of December 20-26, 2013
213 Southeast Blvd., Clinton, NC
From our family,
the staff of Ford of Clinton, to your family,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Larry McPhail
Allen Avery
General Manager
Sales Manager
Brooke Jordan
Meagan Fornes
Title Clerk
Chuck Maxwell
Office Manager
Dianne Kornegay
Sales Consultant
Sales Consultant
Allen Weeks
Patrick Grace
George Moore
Norwood Hall
Betty Peterson
Clancy Strickland
Renee Strickland
Ron Hickingbottom
Bobby Bass
Caitlin Dolan
Billy Page
Louise Williams
Helen Fellows
Hannah Free
Service Technician
Finance Manager
Bus. Dev. Coordinator
Sales Consultant
Parts Sales
Chris Matthews
Acct Payable
Sales Consultant
Eric Frazee
Sales Manager
Service Manager
Sales Consultant
Service Department
Ed Horne
Service Cashier
Shop Foreman
David Mobley
William Bridges
Service Technician
Jay Beasley
Service Technician
Service Technician
Matt McCann
Service Technician
Sales Consultant
Parts Sales
Ron West
Dexter Hunt
Sales Consultant
Parts Sales
Miguel Oroma
Service Technician
Service Technician
Chris Matthis
Wesley Hawkins
Service Technician
Dewight Bell
Detail Specialist
Service Technician
Preston Bell
Detail Specialist