Winter 2007 - University of the Sciences in Philadelphia


Winter 2007 - University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
a magazine for alumni and friends of university of the sciences in philadelphia winter 2007, volume 96 no. 3
The Changing Façade of USP
Proud Alumni Want to Give
Back to USP
Designing for 19th-Century
2006 Response to Alumni Survey
Circa 1821 Exhibition
By the Numbers
Celebrating American Pharmacists
from the president
As we begin this New Year, I would like to wish
all of you a happy, peaceful 2007, with hope
that this year will bring us all good health and
good fortune.
2006 was truly an extraordinary year for
USP. The completion and dedication of the
McNeil Science and Technology Center and
the conclusion of a capital campaign that
exceeded its goal by raising almost $27 million
were significant accomplishments, and these
achievements have set the stage for USP’s
continued growth. It has been through the
ongoing support and dedicated generosity
of our alumni and friends that we have been
able to realize our ambitious goals, and for this,
we remain deeply grateful.
In this issue, you will find our annual Honor Roll
of Donors—a listing of our benefactors whose
generous support in this past year contributed
to our success. To all of you, I extend sincere
and lasting gratitude on behalf of our students
and faculty. The commitment to USP that is
demonstrated through your financial support
is the cornerstone on which we will continue
to build the university of the future. As you will
also see in the Financial Highlights section, the
stewardship of your investment in USP continues to provide the financial stability necessary
for growth.
2007 will be another exciting year on our
campus—and beyond our traditional physical
borders. As you can see, progress continues to
be made on the physical improvements to the
campus, enhancing the academic environment.
Even as we continue to develop and refine the
elements of our strategic plan, Vision 2010,
new ventures are taking shape. Featured in
this issue is the new collaboration between
USP and University of the Arts, offering
unique opportunities to students at both
universities. We have also partnered with New
York University in a special program to offer
students the chance to study abroad through
NYU’s fine, long-established program.
In a future issue, you will read more about a
unique collaboration between USP and Virtua
Health. USP and Virtua have developed a
strategic partnership to create a model for
innovation in learning, technology, and applied
health care that will provide new dimensions
in the education of pharmacists and health
care professionals.
A key element to our success in these exciting
new ventures is leadership. I am pleased to
announce that USP has been fortunate to add
two highly qualified, experienced, and energetic individuals to our executive leadership
team. This past year, Rod Miller joined us
as senior vice president for marketing and
development. Rod served most recently as
vice chancellor at University of Massachusetts
Medical School and brings 31 years of higher
education and professional experience to
USP. I am also pleased to announce that we
have successfully completed our search for
a provost to replace Dr. Barbara Byrne when
she retires in July. Dr. M. Gary Sayed, currently
dean of the college of science and health at
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and
Science in Los Angeles, has accepted and will
be joining USP on July 1. Dr. Sayed has a proven
track record of leadership and a diverse
background of accomplishments in higher
education. With these two individuals joining
us, I am confident that 2007 will be another
remarkable year.
Again, I thank you all for your continuing
confidence and support.
Philip P. Gerbino P’69, PharmD’70
“The mission of University of the Sciences in
Philadelphia is to educate students to become
leaders and innovators in the sciences, health
professions, and emerging related disciplines.
Building on our legacy as the nation’s first college
of pharmacy, we provide excellence in teaching,
research, and service.”
a magazine for alumni and friends of
university of the sciences in philadelphia
winter 2007, volume 96 no. 3
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy students pose
for pictures in their new white coats.
Robert L. McNeil, Jr., with his family in the atrium of the McNeil Science and Technology Center.
cover stories
The Changing Façade of USP
Circa 1821: Design and Material
Culture in the Young Republic
Alumni Focus
Page 3
Page 10
From new buildings to renovations,
campus improvements are transforming
the USP environment.
USP museum’s exhibition showcases
19th-century design.
Bulletin Board
Fall Fest and
Alumni Reunion 2006
Sports in Short
Proud Alumni Want to
Give Back to USP
A Consensus on Collaboration
Page 8
The 2006 Alumni Survey results show
alumni are proud.
Page 12
Relive the festivities through photos.
First Person: By the Numbers
Page 14
PCP students celebrate American
Pharmacists Month.
Honor Roll of Donors and
Financial Statement for
Page 31
Thanks to the generosity of our donors,
USP ends another fiscal year with a
balanced budget.
Page 15
Page 17
Page 20
Scholarly Activity
Page 22
Alumni Events
Page 26
Class Notes
Page 28
Attention Alumni Seeking Employees
or Employment:
USP Career Services Department has the tool for you.
The USPCareers website (, powered by
College Central Network Services, is a new online job board (for part-time and
full-time positions and internships) and résumé database.
This electronic job posting service has taken Career Services Department to a
new level in providing service for students and alumni of the University.
Once registered, you may:
• Post available job or internship opportunities.
• Search for jobs targeted to University of the Sciences in Philadelphia.
• Upload your résumé so that it can be searched by employers if you so authorize. Your résumé must be approved before it can be sent to employers and submitted online to posted jobs.
• Review your job search history.
• Receive e-mails about programs, services, and job-related topics.
Manage your on-campus interview schedules. An On-Campus
Recruitment Module allows the Career Services Department to
schedule interviews online and e-mail the respective schedules and résumés to potential employers.
Contact PATRICIA PETERSON, MEd, director, at 215.596.8735 or
a publication of university of
the sciences in philadelphia
The Bulletin is produced by the
Department of Strategic Marketing
Senior Vice President, Marketing and
Rod Miller
Vice President, Strategic Marketing
Communications, Executive Editor
Carolyn M. Vivaldi
Assistant Director, Public Relations, Editor
Brian Kirschner
publication design
Creative Director
Angela Buchanico
assistant editors
Scholarly Activity
Cathy Mini
Class Notes
Nichole Wilson
Elizabeth Bressi-Stoppe
Michael Brody
Carol R. Cool
Bob Heller
Josin James
Brian Kirschner
MaryKate McGinty
division of institutional advancement
Vice President, Institutional Advancement
Kenneth J. D. Boyden, EdD
Senior Director, Data and Stewardship
Amy Bryant
Director, Annual Fund
George Downs PharmD’72
Director, Alumni Relations
Stacy M. Rosemarin P’83
Director, Major Gifts
Erica Spizzirri
photo credits
Front cover, inside front cover, pp. 1, 3–6,
10–13 ©2006 Scott Hewitt; p.3 ©2006
Stephen Allen; pp7, 10–15, 17–19, 21, 23, 25,
30, 52 ©2006 Kelly and Massa; p.12 ©2006
Kim Sokoloff; pp.13-14 ©2006 Al For/USP;
p. 20 ©2006 Jesse D. Garrabrant.
The USP Bulletin (ISSN 1524–8348) is
published four times a year by the Strategic
Marketing Communications Department of
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia,
600 South 43rd Street, Philadelphia, PA
postmaster: Send address changes to
USP Bulletin, University of the Sciences
in Philadelphia, 600 South 43rd Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495, Attention:
Marie Schwarzl. Periodicals postage paid
at Philadelphia, PA. University of the
Sciences in Philadelphia admits students
of any gender, age, disability, race, creed,
color, sexual orientation, or national origin.
The University is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer.
usp bulletin: changing façade at usp page The Changing Façade of USP
From New Buildings to Renovations,
There’s a Lot of Improvement Going On
By Brian Kirschner
Before the summer of 2006, if you stood outside
of the Wilson Student Center, closed your eyes, and
opened them, you might be reminded more of Miami’s
South Beach than South Street. The light colors and pink
hues, coupled with the blue-green roof and trim, all were more
reminiscent of Florida’s tourist destination than the USP campus.
But in a few short months, Wilson, along with three other campus buildings—4500 Woodland Ave., 4140 Woodland Ave., and
the East Building—have been given a face-lift that puts them more
appropriately into the USP setting.
“When we were students, it was like a
one-room schoolhouse. It’s no longer
a one-room schoolhouse. I am very
proud of the things that have happened
here. It’s no longer a college, it’s a
University. Now, we are big league.
There was a real buzz of enthusiasm
from our class [at the alumni reunion].
Everyone feels so good about all of the
things that they see here.”
WILLIAM DEPTULA P’56, president
class of 1956, Legacy Society Member
“We want everyone to feel they are at
USP,” said PAT LEPORE, vice president of
operations. “From a student perspective,
getting that single identity that you are on
the USP campus is to have that feeling of
unity and feeling of safe harbor.”
The exterior renovations, along with the
new buildings, are just one of the many
projects aimed at improving the USP campus for students, faculty, and staff.
From ornamental lighting to coordinated hues and brick, buildings such as the Wilson Student Center
(above) and 4140 Woodland Ave. (below) were blended into the USP campus environment.
2005–06 Façade Renovations
“We tried to incorporate brick or the simulation of the brick colors anywhere and
everywhere that we could,” said KERRY
JONES, senior project manager in the facility services department, of the 2005–06
façade renovations. “We particularly tried
to use red brick because that’s what this
campus is predominantly founded upon
and that’s the theme that we want to carry
from one building to the next. When you
are on campus you’ll start to sense you are
on USP’s campus.”
In addition to aesthetics, the face-lifts
serve to make the buildings more weather
tight and energy efficient, thereby lowering
the consumption of energy and fuel costs,
Kerry Jones explained.
“We did not want any of these buildings
to command center stage,” Kerry Jones
said. “We would like the McNeil Science
and Technology Center and the Athletic/
Recreation Center to take center stage; the
Wilson building is the curtain.”
A discerning eye will also notice that
the green columns of Wilson were replaced
with brick, and black ornamental light
fixtures were added. And the shingles,
environmentally friendly and made from
recycled automobile tires with a Class A
fire rating, match those on the ARC and
McNeil STC.
On Glasser Hall and 4140 Woodland
Ave., the bricks, which were a yellow color,
went through a special staining process
that infused a new shade. It’s the same
process and company that the Philadelphia
Phillies used at their stadium, Citizens
Bank Park, to darken the bricks on the outfield wall to help batters see the pitches better.
Facility Improvements
The USP campus has gone through significant changes in the four years since BOB
JONES, director, facilities services department (and no relation to Kerry Jones),
arrived at USP. While the façade renovations are clearly the most visible, Bob Jones’
work takes place mostly inside, “behind the
scenes,” if you will. His efforts impact the
students, staff, and faculty directly.
“Last summer, we upgraded the classrooms in Glasser Hall by installing new
lighting and new carpets, which helps to
give the room a different feel. Pretty much
everything we do impacts the students,”
Bob Jones said. “We responded to the complaints in PTC-140 about the chairs. We
replaced the chairs and the carpet.”
These are just two of the many projects
(see sidebar) that Bob Jones has helped to
carry out to improve the campus. Some
changes are subtle, such as changing the
floor polish in Griffith Hall, upgrading
the podiums, and painting the baseboards
around campus buildings.
One of the biggest recent interior renovations was the first floor of the J.W. England
Library during Christmas 2005.
“The architect designed something that was beyond the funds that we had,”
Bob Jones said. “We looked at what the
architect provided, kept the main desk,
usp bulletin: changing façade at usp page While the Façade Renovation
Project, the new buildings, and
Streetscapes initiative are the
most visible accomplishments,
the Facilities Services Department has been very busy behind
the scenes as well. Here is a
partial list of the projects
completed in the last year.
• Leased and renovated 10,000 square
feet of office space at 4100 Chester Ave.
for Advanced Concepts and Institutional
The 4500 Woodland Ave. building (above and below right) had the color of its brick stained to change
its appearance, while the East Building (below left) lost its green trim in favor of more subtle shades.
• Leased Alexandria Building, 42nd and
Baltimore Ave., to create residence space
for 71 students.
• Refinished classroom interiors at 4500
Woodland Ave., including upgrading
lighting, replacing all ceiling tiles, painting
classroom walls, and replacing carpets.
• Installed parking lot drainage in
Goodman Lot.
• Replaced carpet on the fourth floor of
Goodman Hall.
• Removed and replaced the parking lot
surface next to Rosenberger Hall.
kept the seating, changed the lighting, and
managed the project ourselves so that we
could bring it in at a cost the University
could afford yet still make it a nice job.”
Balancing facility needs with budget constraints is one of the challenges of a
growing campus. A new wide-ranging facility study should help.
“We are planning for the future and
currently doing a site study called a facility
needs analysis so that we can better plan
for what is needed for the buildings,” Bob Jones said. “It will help us determine
financially what the existing buildings need and give insight as to what impact
certain renovations will have. It gives us the big picture.”
Anyone who has crossed Woodland Ave.
knows the feeling of cars and trolleys barreling along as if it were a racetrack.
continued on page 7
“I am so impressed. I am so proud.
I feel like a grandparent to a grandchild. All of the new buildings are
fantastic, wonderful, and beautiful.”
Legacy Society Member
• Renovated 4140 Woodland Ave. for
Student Academic Support Services and
Career Services. Renovated the first floor
of Whitecar Hall, relocating the Registrar
Office and Academic Advising. Renovated
the second floor of Whitecar for administrative offices.
• Replaced seating and carpets in PTC-140
lecture room.
• Replaced the carpeting from the stairs
throughout the second-floor meeting
rooms and classroom in Wilson Hall.
• Replaced the room dividers covering on
second-floor Wilson Hall between rooms
205, 208, 209, and 212.
• Painted the rooms and hallways on
the first, second, and third floors in
Goodman Hall.
• Repaired and resurfaced the blacktop
parking lot behind Osol Hall.
When I was here, the Breyers plant was still here. Now, [the changes] certainly make
it feel more like a campus. I have not been back until this year. I remember when I
talked to friends, and they would talk about the rec centers that they had. The ARC
bumps us more in line with other facilities that exist.
It’s more of a campus. Where Wilson Hall is now, that’s where you
hung out and played football or soccer or whatever you wanted to do.
Because all of that other green space didn’t exist.
ELENA UMLAND P’93, PharmD’95
usp bulletin: changing façade at usp page The first floor of the J.W. England
Library was one of the larger
renovation projects to improve
interior spaces.
continued from page 5
It’s taken a number of years for the
streetscape project to be realized. But
with help from the local and state governments, plus input from the community, the
planned improvements along Woodland
Ave. are about to come to fruition in the
spring of 2007.
“We’re going to enhance the safety by
shortening the pedestrian travel distance
from one side of the street to the other by bumping out the curb lines and the sidewalks,” Kerry Jones explained. “By
narrowing the street, we not only reduce
the travel distance, but we also create a
psychological feeling for cars that this is no longer an open highway.”
The project will encompass Woodland
Ave. on both sides of the street, starting at
intersection of 42nd Street all the way up
to 45th Street and just beyond.
Aesthetically, the streetscapes project
will link all of the facilities into one cohesive whole by again standardizing the look. Concrete will be tinted dark grey or mixed with old brick pavers “When you are on our campus, you are going to
know that you are on our campus,” Kerry
Jones reiterated.
Streetscapes is supported through a federally funded transportation enhancements act acquired through PennDOT.
walls, and trolley shelters will add
to the look and feel of the project.
“We’re going to plant all new trees,”
Kerry Jones said of the Phase I plan. “The ones in place now are more prone to
disease. Many are dying and people just
don’t realize it. The new trees will be [better suited] to a city environment.”
Keeping Pace
Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of physics
states that for every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction. The same could be
said for construction and renovations.
If you build the McNeil STC, what’s
going to happen to the spaces left behind
when people take to their new location?
“The short term is pretty easy,” Lepore
said. “We need to retrofit all of the space
vacated because of the McNeil STC. The
lion’s share of that is located on the third
floor of Griffith Hall, which now has a lot
of empty space. It’s a temporary retrofitting because the long-term plan that we are
preparing probably will include something
with the Robert McNeil Research Center.
We are still debating the pros and cons. We may also construct a new building
on the Alumni Hall location. Knock that
down and put up a student center, among
other things.”
Lepore said the short-term plan is what
the University can do in the next two to
three months. The long-term plan is looking at a minimum of two years
“From a student perspective, getting that single before any ground
identity that you are on the USP campus is to have could be broken.
“The whole
that feeling of unity and feeling of safe harbor.”
philosophy is a
theme that we Pat Lepore, Vice President of Operations
want this to be
a safer, kinder,
Additional monies were obtained through a
friendlier environment,” said Lepore. “We
hometown street grant by the Philadelphia
want it to feel like a USP community. We
Streets Department, plus some monies from
are working toward that end.”
the University.
If the last four years are any indication,
While changes in the street will be most
anyone returning in 2011 will need a map
notable, the addition of benches, seating
to get around campus.
Let There Be (More) Light
USP Adds More Lights to
Neighborhood Streets
As part of a collective effort involving USP,
University of Pennsylvania, the Science
Center, Drexel University, and University
City District, The University City Lighting
Consortium unveiled new, more powerful
streetlights on Oct. 3, 2006.
“I think it adds up to a lot of community responsibility,” said President Philip P. Gerbino
P’69, PharmD’70 at the ceremony to unveil the
lights. “With our institution and our staff, we
have grown up in our neighborhood and our
community. We all work together to contribute
to make our neighborhoods safer.”
The partnership’s goal was to improve the
street and pedestrian lighting in the section of
University City bounded by Schuylkill Avenue
to the east, 45th Street to the west, Woodland
Avenue to the south, and JFK Boulevard to the
north. This phase of the project includes the
installation of more than 300 new light poles,
each equipped with a 27,500-lumen output,
which is over 25 percent brighter than the
previous lamps, as well as produce better
light distribution, projecting the light to where
it is needed. Total cost of the project was
more than $1.6 million, in addition to in-kind
services provided by PECO and the Philadelphia Streets Department.
The event marked the conclusion of the first
phase of what the consortium members hope
will be a multiyear project to provide residents
with a safer and brighter walking and living
Proud Alumni Want to Give Back to USP
2006 Response to Alumni Survey
By Carol R. Cool
How likely would alumni be
to attend USP if they had it to
do again and how likely would
they be to recommend USP to
others are among the questions
alumni are asked each year in
the Alumni Survey.
KEN LEIBOWITZ, MA, designs the
survey each year to help the University
learn from its alumni. Leibowitz, an
assistant professor of communication and
the director of special assessment projects,
has conducted more than 40 surveys for the
95% percent of alumni agreed that
graduating from USP was a source of pride.
From lecturing and teaching in
the classroom or the lab to taking
in students for preceptoring/internships/clerkships, USP alumni can
find a multitude of ways to connect
with current USP students. For
more, please visit
University, including surveys of faculty,
staff, students and, of course, alumni.
For the record: Seventy percent of
alumni said they would choose to attend
USP again (with 20 percent undecided).
Even more alumni, 76 percent, said they
would recommend USP to others, with 15 percent undecided.
Proud to Be a USP Alumnus
While some alumni are unsure if they
would make the same college choice,
almost every one of them is proud that they
did. Ninety-five percent of alumni agreed
or agreed strongly that the fact that they
had graduated from USP was a source of
pride to them. “Our alumni are receiving
promotions; they’re proud and prepared,”
said Leibowitz. “They are working hard
and achieving success, and they recognize
that USP helped them achieve the success
they have today.”
Indeed, 80 percent of alumni said that
USP had helped them achieve their goals.
Additionally, 87 percent said the University
was highly effective in giving them an indepth and detailed knowledge of one
discipline or professional field (for 10-year
graduates, the response was an overwhelming 95 percent).
TIZIANA M. FOX P’84, PharmD’02,
who is the senior director of medical
communications for Ortho-McNeil Janssen
Scientific Affairs and is the USP Alumni
Association president-elect, knows that
“going to USP is very difficult academically.
In the end, however, when you are out
practicing or working, you recognize that
that experience has really set you up well
for success in your career. You have a better
appreciation as alumni for the education
that you’ve received.”
Another key for success, according to LOUIS LUPO P’76, who is employed at Bristol-Myers Squibb and is the USP
Alumni Association president, is interaction among alumni. “Informal alumni
networking at both meetings of professional organizations and alumni activities
on the USP campus provides exposure to
job opportunities for all alumni, no matter
how recently they graduated,” said Lupo.
The fact that I graduated from
USP is a source of pride to me.
usp bulletin: proud alumni want to give back to usp page I feel a sense of connection to USP.
If you had the time, which of the
following activities would be of
interest to you?
which featured five alumni. In October,
USP presented its first Alumni Teaching
Alumni Continuing Education Series,
featuring two alumni, which dovetailed
“Alumni will often call one another for
with Fall Fest.
referrals. We hope sometime in the near
STACY ROSEMARIN P’83, director future we can post career opportunities of alumni relations, is pleased to see on the USP website.”
that alumni are interested in being more
USP graduates acknowledge that their
involved at USP. “The alumni association education has prepared them to be successis looking to bridge the gap between alumni
ful. Now they want the opportunity to
and students. We are pursuing initiatives
share what they have learned with those
with each of the deans to increase awarewho follow.
Looking to Be Involved
This year alumni were asked for the first time to rate their agreement with this statement: “I would like to be more
engaged with USP.” Fifty-eight percent of
the respondents indicated they agreed or
strongly agreed with the statement. A list of options for being more involved allowed
respondents to check off what interested
them most (see table at right).
“Alumni are saying, ‘Tell me what you
want, how you want me to be involved at
USP,’” Leibowitz explained. “We have
begun, and need more fully, to develop the
infrastructure to get alumni on campus,
through lectures, mentoring, etc.” Two
events this fall show how the University is
beginning to mine the skills and expertise
I would like to be more engaged
with USP.
ness of what our alumni can do for our
students,” said Rosemarin. “As the new
initiatives begin to take shape in the spring,
we look forward to providing increased
opportunities for
our alumni to
contribute their
of alumni, USP was highly
time and expertise
to benefit our
effective in giving an in-depth, detailed knowstudents and ledge of one discipline or professional field.
the University.”
The University
recognizes the
of alumni: As part of the McNeil Science
amazing resource it has in its alumni, and
and Technology Center dedication in
alumni who want to get involved should
September, the University hosted a sympofind more prospects to do so in the future.
sium on the future of health education,
Of course, Leibowitz would be happy if
Talking with students considering
your profession
Mentoring graduates recently
hired by your company
A guest lecture in a USP course
Functioning as a preceptor
Online mentoring of students
Talking to prospective students/
A Career Day presentation
Working with Alumni Association
you started with the survey that might one day next spring arrive in
your mailbox.
2006 Survey Participants
In May, surveys were mailed to the
1,122 USP alumni who graduated in
2003, 2001, and 1996. Nineteen
percent responded, for a total of 212
returned surveys. Fifty-one respondents chose to use the new online
response option offered this year. The highest percentage of participation
came from the most recent graduates; the
class of 2003 provided 41 percent of the
returned surveys.
In order to increase participation in the survey, all participants were entered
into a $150 drawing. The winner was
now a staff occupational therapist at the
Weisman Children’s Hospital in Marlton,
New Jersey.
A copy of the survey and summary report
are available on USP’s website at
Designing for 19th-Century America
By Michael Brody
Curator of the Marvin Samson Center for the History of Pharmacy
What do these seemingly disparate objects have in common?
• A sterling candlestick made in Boston (shown at left).
• A wooden pharmacy counter made in Philadelphia.
• A monument constructed in Baltimore and dedicated to the fallen of the War of 1812.
Janet Tedesco, director of educational equity for
the School District of Philadelphia, examines the
epaulets of Maj. Gen. Robert Patterson.
Besides their age—all were produced during
the first half of the 19th century—the design
of each employs the fluted column, one of
the most prevalent architectural motifs of
ancient Greece. And all three are represented
in the current exhibition at USP’s Marvin
Samson Center for the History of Pharmacy.
Titled Circa 1821: Design and Material
Culture in the Young Republic, the show
runs through September 2007 and is part of
USP’s continuing celebration of the 185th
anniversary of its founding.
Design is the nexus that connects the
more than 60 objects on display, many of
which are on loan from area institutions and
private collectors. The exhibition
includes prints, paintings, ceramics,
glass, metalwork, textiles, books,
furniture, and manuscript material.
Together, they constitute a wide
cross-section of consumer goods that
historians now broadly refer to as
the material culture of an age.
Exhibitions that interpret material
in different ways are integral to the
mission of any academic museum,
and as a decorative arts specialist, my
approach to this material was decidedly
interdisciplinary. One of my goals was to
encourage visitors to think about the context
in which objects made circa 1800–1850
were fabricated and how, for example, their
design could be affected by the confluence of
various factors such as the political
landscape, advances in technology, the
recording of past ancient cultures (itself
often characterized by varying degrees of
accuracy), and subtle changes in etiquette or
fashion. For instance, visitors to the current
exhibition will learn how a Massachusetts
pressed glass salt cellar of this
period was made and why connoisseurs refer
to this type of glass as “lacy.” Or they can
see examples of English earthenware and
Chinese porcelain designed to reciprocally
imitate one another—a time-proven method
by which potters hoped to capture the
changing tastes of competitive markets in
Europe and America.
How and why both utilitarian and
decorative objects are made is a strong
research interest of mine. The genesis of one of the most interesting pieces in the
exhibition exemplifies the circuitous route
product design could take prior to the
advent of photography. The view of
Philadelphia’s famed Waterworks that
appears on a circa 1825 Staffordshire platter
(shown top right) began as a drawing
rendered by a British artist commissioned to
record attractive American views. In
England, the drawing was converted into an
engraving. At the Burslem pottery of Joseph
Stubbs, technicians transferred a strong
tissue-paper version of the print onto the
usp bulletin: designing for 19th-century america page 11
MARVIN SAMSON, vice chairman of
the USP board of trustees, studies the
Staffordshire platter that bears an
image of Philadelphia’s Waterworks
(shown at far left) at the Circa 1821
exhibition opening in November 2006.
ceramic matrix, and after inking and firing,
hundreds of these large platters—and other
tableware onto which this scene, or parts of it, was similarly reproduced—were sold
across Europe or exported to America.
Consequently, well-to-do Philadelphians
were able to enjoy an earthenware
“snapshot” of one of the most important
and attractive Greek revival buildings of
their city.
One of the rewarding (and frustrating)
aspects of curating an exhibition is the
acquisition of vital object information after
wall labels have been written and the show
is opened to the public. Case in point: in late October 2006, while sifting through
early 20th-century auction catalogues for an
entirely different project, I came across an
illustration of four French pharmacy jars
from the same series to which one of the
porcelain jars in the exhibition (shown at
right) clearly belongs.
the sale was a “seventeenth-century paneled
walnut pharmacy room with remarkable
collection of pharmacy jars,” that had been
collected by Rodman Wanamaker. Indeed,
the collection consisted of dozens of
porcelain and earthenware vessels from the
17th through 19th centuries, made in Italy,
France, Spain, Portugal, England, and the
Netherlands. The preface to a subset of
these jars, lots 446 to 455, states:
The following lots form an important set of Paris porcelain pharmacy jars of the Empire period by Deroche Frères and others, and come from a pharmacy in Blois, to which they were presented in 1810 by the princes of Spain held prisoner in Valençay by Napoleon I.
(American Art Association, Anderson Galleries, Inc., New York; sale dates 13–16 March 1936, p. 70)
The 10 lots
describe 45 separate
objects of two sizes:
29 at 10” high
(including lids), in
various condition
states; and 15 at 6
1/2” high (including
lids missing their
finials). The USP jar lacks a lid, though its
size (about 7 3/4” high), means it belonged
to the first height group, and was almost
certainly one of the five jars described in lot
452 as “lacking covers.”
On stylistic basis, I dated the USP jar to circa 1820–1840. The provenance
“One of the rewarding (and frustrating) aspects
of curating an exhibition is the acquisition of vital object information after wall labels have been written and the show is opened to the public.”
Michael Brody, Curator
The catalogue was for the 1935 sale of
the eclectic New York art collection belonging to several members of the Wanamaker
family, including John Wanamaker, Jr., son
of the founder of the famous eponymous
Philadelphia department store that closed
about a decade ago. One of the highlights of
information given in
the 1935 auction
catalogue, which I
have no reason to
suspect is spurious,
suggests the entire
series of storage jars
was made in 1810,
or slightly earlier.
Interest in Egyptian
design was generated
by the discoveries
and records of
Napoleon’s expedition
to Egypt in 1798, and as I proposed in my
exhibition label, the wonderful sphinxes at
the base of the jar were almost certainly
derived from Percier and Fontaine’s
subsequent Recueil de Décorations
Intérieures, published in Paris in 1801 and
1812. (This tome also happens to be the first
printed guide or pattern book of Greek,
Roman, and Egyptian designs based on
archeological sources.)
Due to this minor but interesting auction
catalogue “discovery,” the USP jar can now
be attributed, at least provisionally, to the
Paris factory of Deroche Frères—likely part
of a large commission by the princes of
Spain for the apothecary in the royal
chateau at Blois. I hope readers will agree
this is notable and exciting new information
for the museum’s collection records.
For more information about the
exhibition, including hours, visit, then click
on the “exhibitions” link.
& Alumni Reunion 2006
For the first time, the festivities of USP Fall Fest were
combined with Alumni Reunion 2006 for a weekend that connected students, faculty, and alumni. Beginning on Saturday,
Oct. 21, 2006, the schedule was full with college receptions,
a student organization carnival and a multicultural show, the
PCP White Coat Ceremony, the Golden Graduate luncheon and
ceremony, the USP Legacy Society reception, and the Alumni
Association awards ceremony. The day culminated with the
Reunion reception. On Sunday, the Alumni Teaching Alumni
Continuing Education Series and Jazz Brunch for parents and
students completed the weekend.
Alumni Reunion featured the class of 1956’s golden anniversary (below)
and the class of 1981’s silver anniversary.
The Alumni Association presented six prestigious
awards. Above left to right: Kelly Dowhower Karpa P’94, PhD,
took home the Young Alumnus Award; Ruth A. Brown P’71, BW’06
received the Ivor Griffith Service Award; Peter H. Vlasses P’71,
PharmD’73 was honored with the Annual Alumni Award; Kenneth J.
Bevenour P’87 was presented with the Men’s Hall of Fame Award;
USP’s Student Activities Coordinator Patty O’Hagan was awarded
the Honorary Alumnus Award; and Andre (Burgo) Sigmund MPT’89
was presented with the Women’s Hall of Fame Award.
To view or purchase photos from Alumni Reunion,
please visit:
usp bulletin: pcp white coat and misher week page 13
PCP Doctor of Pharmacy White Coat Ceremony
The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy White
Coat Ceremony on Oct. 21, 2006, celebrated the
annual rite of passage for third-year students in
USP’s six-year doctor of pharmacy program. The 275 students of the class of 2010 received
their white coats, symbolizing their dedication
to the profession of pharmacy and to the care of
others. With their peers, families, and faculty as
witnesses, the class took the Oath of a Pharmacist
and heard from keynote speaker Dr. Henri R.
Manasse, Jr., executive vice president and chief executive officer for the American Society of
Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).
For more on the PCP white coat ceremony, visit:
The annual Misher Festival of Fine Arts, a weeklong
celebration of music and theater, held Oct. 16–20,
2006, entertained audiences through a wide variety
of activities. The festival celebrates the vision of
President Emeritus Allen Misher (1984–1994) whose
passion for education in the humanities and social
sciences led to the expansion of the curriculum for
all students and to the appointment of the first dean
of arts and sciences.
The festival featured Misher Visiting Professors
of Humanities Tony Robbin and Linda Dalrymple
Henderson, and included, clockwise from top left,
a display of Robbin’s Pattern Painting, the music
and dance of Djian Tie, and a dance performance
by the Reactionaries.
usp bulletin: sylvia averbach memorial scholarship page 14
first person
By the Numbers: 31, 14, 11, 1
A Reflection of Fall ’06
City of Philadelphia Health
Commissioner Carmen I.
Paris (left) stands with
display the proclamation.
Sylvia Averbach was a pioneer in
the Josin
of science,
teaching, and acting—
and an inspiration to all who knew her. A
of theAmerican
USP graduate
of Pharmacy and Science, she was the
with a host of activities. While the American Pharmacists
original “liberated
Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) chapter
at USP held the majority of activities, there was also a free heart
disease risk screening at the ARC that was open to the community,
a brown bag screening at St. James Zion Church, and the PCP
White Coat Ceremony, where 275 members of the 2010 PharmD
class received their white coats, symbolizing their dedication to the
profession of pharmacy and to the care of others.
The numbers in the title are not a play from an Eagles’ game, but just phrasing numerically the crazy and rewarding experience
that was fall 2006. The 31 amazing days of October—American
Pharmacists Month, the 14 driven individuals who made it happen,
the 11 events that took place in the month, and the one University
that supported us through all of it.
troops with those crazy, blue PCP hats.
It was made possible with the help of
the Alumni Association and CVS at no
cost to the students.
The rest of the month was just as involved and fulfilling as we got Philadelphia Mayor John F. Street to officially declare October
American Pharmacists Month. We thought we reached the climax as we tied the proclamation, read by City of Philadelphia Health
Commissioner Carmen I. Paris, with a mini-health fair at City Hall
on October 10. But it just got even better, like our rewarding visit to University City High School for a career expo on pharmacy on
October 19. On the same day, we had an Army luncheon, “Pharmacy on the Front Lines,” that exposed us to all of the opportunities
we have as graduates of PCP and USP.
The Plan B Legislative luncheon on October 26 was a great,
informative event with a knowledgeable group of experts such as
“Team work is the essence both in
Patricia A. Epple, CAE, executive director of the Pennsylvania
and inPharmacists
Pharmacists Association; ELENA M. UMLAND P’93, PharmD’95;
(APhA-ASP) executive
l. mPharmacists
cneil, Jr.
We finished off the month with a visit to Children’s Hospiboard (e-board), with the help of some active
tal of Philadelphia, celebrating Halloween with children who were
ASP members, was able to put together 11 events
not able to go out and celebrate, and an informative Brown Bag
for American Pharmacists Month.
event with Hussar at
the Mercy Wellness
As I reflect back on the semester, I am
I would like reminded of how much we as students can
thank the e-board
achieve if we put some elbow grease and our
members for their hard
heads together. The APhA-ASP executive
work and contribution,
board (e-board), with the help of some active
our effervescent advisor
ASP members, was able to put together a variANGELA VINTI,
ety of events. It all started with the diabetes
PharmD; the
walk (October 1) and the pharmacists month
members LAURA
kickoff party (October 3). I have never seen
so many people come together to celebrate
CBS’s The Early Show weather anchor Dave Price is flanked by USP’s
and KANAN SOpharmacy at USP. In attendance were over
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy students who trekked to New York City
LANKI PharmD’07;
500 members of our student and staff popula- for American Pharmacists Month. See and read more about the trip at
and the University staff
tion. It was great to see our campus united,
for their amazing
celebrating with food, music, and games.
out to RUSSELL J.
It didn’t stop there as 50 USP students took a crazy, fun-filled DIGATE,
trip to CBS’ The Early Show on October 5. Our school cheered and the Strategic Marketing Communications department. with pride in front of the nationally televised show and had the
All in all, fall ’06 was an amazing, successful experience for the largest group of students from the whole Northeast region. No other
e-Board, for PCP staff, and, hopefully, for you.
school came close to having the charisma and energy of our USP
usp bulletin: alumni focus page 15
alumni focus
HUP Blood Bank Challenges USP Grads
By Carol R. Cool
USP shares more than the neighborhood with the University of
Pennsylvania; sometimes it shares its graduates as well. One cluster
of six USP graduates works together in the blood bank of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP).
The blood bank is part of the Division of Transfusion Medicine of HUP’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. The
division also includes the apheresis unit and the stem cell laboratory,
and it provides HUP patients with over 60,000 units of blood and
blood products every year.
The blood bank’s primary functions, according
MT’02, are to “crossmatch
blood for patients and identify any patient antibodies.”
The staff performs between
two and three hundred types
“Team work is the essence both in
and screens a day. They
sport and in business.”
prepare red blood cells, fresh
l. mplatelets,
cneil, Jr.
factor products, granulocytes,
and Rhogam for patient use,
ensuring patients receive type-specific or type-compatUSP alumni at the HUP Blood Bank.
Clockwise from left to right: ASHLEY
ible products.
Sometimes these blood
products can be very difficult
to come by, said KARI
LUDKA MT’97 (seated).
has worked at the blood bank since 1993. “Once we had a patient
with such complex serology that we were receiving rare frozen blood
for them from Africa.”
Staff members must complete a minimum of four months of onthe-job training. The reference work is performed in the bank’s own
special studies laboratory. In the near future, the blood bank will be
relocated to Ravdin 3 Courtyard. The next phase of renovations
includes a new donor center so that patients, their families, and the
public will be able to easily donate blood products.
Blough, Riti, and their four USP colleagues—ANDREW LUDKA
(SWEENEY) HENRY MT’99 (on leave)—make up 30 percent of the
blood bank technologists. One reason for so many USP grads in one
place is HUP’s proximity to the USP campus. HUP recruits USP
students to work part-time as clerical staff, hoping they will come on
full-time as technologists upon graduation.
USP students find HUP’s blood bank attractive as well. “USP
graduates look for challenges in their careers,” said Ludka, “and the
HUP blood bank meets those challenges.”
Their time at USP equipped them for the rigors of the HUP blood
bank, the alumni agree. “Some of the classes at USP were very hard,
but I learned a lot from that,” said Chau. For Su, it was the practical
aspects of the education at USP that made
the difference: “USP prepared me very well
with hands-on experience during rotation.”
The cooperative learning environment at
USP gave them real-world skills they can
apply every day in their workplace. Working as a team, said Riti, “helps people
distinguish the line between running around
like a nut, getting stressed out, and handling
everything yourself versus recognizing
where your limit is and knowing when to
ask for help from the rest of the team.”
“Collaborative learning taught us to look at situations
from different angles other than our own.”
Andrew Ludka MT ’97
The experience gained from working in groups at USP, “helps me
to communicate effectively with my coworkers,” said Su. “Collaborative learning,” said Ludka, “taught us to look at situations from
different angles other than our own. Teamwork is the most important aspect to the proper function of the blood bank. Without it, everyday tasks become difficult, and the workday becomes
And the team at the HUP blood bank wants you to help make
their job less difficult as well. “Please give blood,” begged Riti for
the team. “There are no FDA-approved blood substitutes for human
use on the market, and there are always shortages. Up to three
different blood products can be made from each single donation. It is truly the gift of life.” Donate one for the team.
new board members
Art Fennell
With more than 20
years as a news
veteran, Art Fennell
has received nearly
100 awards for
outstanding journalism and community
service. Fennell’s current assignment on
CN8, The Comcast Network is anchor and
managing editor of Art Fennell Reports, an honest, candid, and interactive look at
the news, issues, and events that have people talking.
Most recently, Fennell served as anchor
and managing editor for CN8’s 7 p.m. and
10 p.m. newscasts. In addition, he held
various positions with WCAU-TV as well as with WAVY-TV in Portsmouth, Va.;
WSAV-TV in Savannah, Ga.; WCBD-TV in
Charleston, S. C.; WBTW-TV in Florence, S.C.; and The South Carolina Educational
Television Network.
In August 1995, Fennell was elected
president of the National Association of
Black Journalists (NABJ), the largest professional organization of journalists of color in
the world. During his tenure as president of
the NABJ, Fennell was selected by Ebony
magazine as one of the top 100 most influential African-Americans in the country.
In 2001, he founded The Arthur Fennell
Foundation (www.artfennellfoundation.
org), a public, charitable, non-profit organization. The foundation is committed
to raising funds and awareness to assist
community-based organizations dealing
with disease, education, and prevention in
diverse, underserved populations. Each year the foundation hosts the Art Fennell
Celebrity Billiards Championship as its
primary fundraiser.
Born and raised in Bennettsville, S.C.,
Fennell is one of 12 children. He is married,
has two daughters and currently resides in
New Jersey. Fennell holds a communications
degree from South Carolina State University.
Two new members and an alumni representative were recently appointed to serve
on the board of trustees of University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. The responsibilities of USP’s board of trustees include approving the University’s strategic
plans and ensuring their consistency with the institution’s mission and goals. The
new members are:
Alex Gorsky
Alex Gorsky was
appointed head of
pharma North
America and chief
executive officer of
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
(NPC) in the fall of 2005. He is responsible
for North American pharmaceutical operations, which include both the United States
and Canada.
Since joining NPC in 2004 as chief
operating officer and head of general medicines, Gorsky has overseen the continued
growth of Novartis’ industry-leading cardiovascular franchise, which includes blockbuster products Diovan® and Lotrel®. He
also oversaw the launch of Enablex®, a
product for over-active bladder, and completed a deal with Procter & Gamble to
copromote and further develop the product.
He was also involved in the launch of
Focalin® XR for ADHD. He was instrumental in developing NPC’s Medicare strategy
and oversaw a realignment of the company’s
sales force. A champion of diversity in the
workplace, he created NPC’s CEO Diversity
& Inclusion Award.
Prior to joining Novartis, Gorsky was
based in London as company group chairman for Johnson & Johnson’s pharmaceutical business in Europe, the Middle East, and
Africa. Prior to that, Gorsky spent 15 years
in various sales, marketing, and management roles at Janssen Pharmaceutica, a
Johnson & Johnson unit, and was based in
New Jersey.
Gorsky holds a 1982 bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy in
West Point, New York, and spent six years
in the U.S. Army, finishing his career with
the rank of captain. During that same time,
he earned the Ranger Tab, Airborne Wings,
and served in Europe, the United States, and
Panama. He obtained a master’s in business
administration from the Wharton School of
the University of Pennsylvania in 1996.
Col. S. Roger
Wetherill III,
MSC (Ret),
Col. S. Roger Wetherill III, MSC (Ret),
P’68 is a retired army
pharmacy officer with
over 24 years of hospital pharmacy experience. He has served in Vietnam, Germany,
and numerous stateside hospital assignments. His civilian education includes a
master of science with a major in nuclear
pharmacy from University of Michigan in
1975. He is certified by the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties and is a Board Certified Nuclear Pharmacist. He holds licenses
in four states.
His military schooling includes Command and General Staff College and the
National War College. During his military
career he was awarded a Bronze Star; a
Meritorious Service Medal, three Oak Leaf
Clusters; an Army Commendation Medal,
two Oak Leaf Clusters; and an Army
Achievement Medal.
For the past 10 years, he has been employed by Happy Harry’s in Newark,
Delaware. He is listed in the Marquis’s
Who’s Who in the World, 1992, and Who’s
Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2002.
Wetherill has been part of the USP
alumni reunion committee for the past six
years and currently serves as chair on the
alumni nominations committee. The Wetherill Legacy consists of four of the founders
of the college in 1821, the first chairman of
the board of trustees who also served as the
second vice president of the college, three
board of trustees between 1824 and 1960,
and five alumni between 1842 and 1997. bulletin:
title page 17
bulletin board
Study-Elsewhere Programming Provides
New Opportunities for USP Students
Ushering in a new era of opportunity for students and faculty,
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and The University of the
Arts ceremoniously signed an exchange agreement on Oct. 19, 2006,
that opened the door for students to take for-credit classes at each
university’s campus for the 2007 spring semester. The announcement
was the first of two new initiatives that became available to USP
students for “study-elsewhere” programming in spring 2007.
“It’s unquestionable that the arts always predated science, and in fact, the innovation of all science has been in the arts,” USP
President PHILIP P. GERBINO P’69, PharmD’70 said. “It’s appropriate that 230-plus years later we finally said, ‘I think it’s important
that we mix the arts and the sciences again so that we can create a
generation of innovators, people who are committed to the health
care and discovery of this nation.’…That’s our commitment to our
next generation.”
Intended to enrich the curricula of both institutions by exposing
students to coursework not included at their home school and to
promote collaboration among students and faculty, up to 10 students from each school are eligible for the exchange each semester.
Paying tuition to their home institution, students may take up to 18
credits of coursework at the away campus over six semesters.
“It’s unquestionable that the arts always
predated science, and in fact, the innovation
of all science has been in the arts.”
USP President PHILIP P. GERBINO P’69, PharmD’70
The USP-UArts exchange agreement adds to an expanding
menu of programs for students that aims to fit into a curriculum
that does not leave much room for flexibility.
Since 2000, USP has offered students Summer Travel Studies
Programs that provide abroad opportunities but not in the
traditional sense of study abroad programs. The three-week
programs combine lectures with travel to such locales as Greece,
Italy, England, and Puerto Rico, as well as the National Parks of
the Southwest United States, and occur during summer breaks.
One advantage is that the programs satisfy the general education
requirement; however, they do require an additional fee outside of the tuition.
In an effort to provide a more traditional study abroad program
that would fit into a USP student’s requirements, USP signed another
exchange program that also starts in spring 2007. In joining forces
with New York University’s Study Abroad Program, USP students
can now study at NYU campuses in Asia, Africa, and Europe for a
semester or a year.
“The NYU exchange agreement is a wonderful opportunity for
our students to gain an understanding of the global realities in a
health care world that knows no geographical boundaries,” said
BARBARA BYRNE, PhD, vice president for academic affairs.
“Exposing students to a foreign environment will significantly help
them understand the disparities that exist in health care.”
The NYU program’s advantages include charging the same tuition
as USP charges, course offerings that will count as USP courses in the
same disciplines, and, perhaps most importantly, no graduation
delay, since the London campus offers appropriate courses in science
for second-year students.
“All these programs have the same aim, to expand educational
opportunities for the students,” said ROBERT BOUGHNER, PhD,
chair of the Department of Humanities. Boughner will also work
individually with students to tailor a study-elsewhere experience if
one of the others does not fit their interests and concerns. “Students
must have the chance to see themselves from the perspective of
another culture so that they can learn both how all people are the
same and, more importantly, how all people are different.”
UArts President Miguel Angel Corzo shows off his USP lab coat, presented to
him at the exchange agreement signing by President PHILIP P. GERBINO P’69,
The Power of Green
By MaryKate McGinty
Philadelphia is a city made up of countless neighborhoods—each
rich with its own unique character and charm even though it may be
as small as five or six square blocks. Such is the case with West
Shore, a close-knit community comprised of a warren of small
streets whose eastern border is adjacent to USP’s campus. Many
families in West Shore have been there for generations and are
fiercely proud of the history of their little community.
Although West Shore is a small community, the residents have been some of the most loyal and vocal attendees at USP’s
What began as a donation of flowers has grown into a community event.
Community Update meetings. In the spring of 2006 when they
expressed some concerns about parking in their neighborhood
during the construction of the McNeil Science and Technology
said that the residents are already planning next year’s event, and
Center, the University recognized the unforeseen impact the con-
like Rocky, they don’t plan to give up until they have won the gold.
struction project had on their neighborhood and searched for a way
And to think this transformation all began with the donation of a
to show our gratitude for their patience and understanding.
few flowers…
It began as a small gesture—USP donated a variety of annual and perennial plants to fill the large concrete planters along South
Melville Street in West Shore.
The introduction of the new plants started something. Block
captains Carolyn Harris and Ricky Howard began to brainstorm.
Research Scholarship Established
They enlisted all the residents of their block to work together to
clean up vacant lots and trim back the overgrowth. University City
Although he passed away in 1929, ALFRED BARTH P’1874 has
District assisted by donating colorful paint to refresh the planters.
directed that a scholarship at USP be established in the name of
JOHN M. MAISCH, PharmD, former Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
It began as a small gesture—USP donated a variety of annual and perennial plants to fill
the large concrete planters along South
Melville Street in West Shore.
dean and Barth’s good friend. The John M. Maisch Research Fund
was established to support research at USP.
“The Alfred Barth Trust was originally established to benefit a
specific individual during her lifetime. Upon her recent passing, the
remaining proceeds of the trust were directed to support the University,” said ERICA SPIZZIRRI, director of major gifts. “Mr. Barth’s
You see, Harris and Howard had a dream—to enter South Melville
Street in the Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee’s annual Clean
Block contest.
They chose a Halloween theme and when, on a beautiful, sunny,
wishes were to honor his friend, Dean Maisch. Despite the passage of
time, they are now being realized. It is so exciting to have John Maisch’s
name, as one of the fathers of pharmacy education, recognized in
perpetuity here at the first college of pharmacy.”
late September afternoon, the tour bus loaded with over 30 judges
Barth lived and worked in Providence, Rhode Island. He practiced
from the Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee arrived, South
retail pharmacy for a short time before switching careers to real estate.
Melville Street was really something to see. Every house was deco-
Born in Hanau, Germany, Maisch moved to the United States and
rated, and the neighborhood put on a show for the judges.
went on to become the chief chemist at the U.S. Army Laboratory in
The winners of the Clean Block contest were recently announced,
Philadelphia. He taught Materia Medica & Botany at PCP (1866–1893)
and unbelievably, South Melville Street didn’t win the award. But
and was dean from 1879 to 1893. He was editor of the American Journal
the residents of South Melville Street are not discouraged. Harris
of Pharmacy for 22 years.
usp bulletin: bulletin board page 19
New Department Trains Students for
Pharmaceutical and Health Care Industry
With an eye toward training students for the pharmaceutical and health care industry through graduate and
undergraduate degree programs, USP
announced the formation of the Department Of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare
Business for the fall of 2006. The department operates under the
auspices of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
“The overall goal is to place students in industry or educate them for further advancement on the graduate level,” said Dr.
GLENN ROSENTHAL EdD, MBA, MA, department chair. “For
undergraduates, it is to get them entry-level sales and marketing
Rosenthal, who has over 25 years of hands-on experience in the industry, leads the growing department of six faculty members and over 200 students in the delivery of bachelor’s and
master’s degrees. Students earning a bachelor of science degree
will combine coursework in science, business, and the health care
industry. Students will learn to appreciate and understand the
scientific, professional, economic, and practice-related factors that
will lead to leadership positions in the industry. In the graduatelevel program, there are three main components: an evening MBA
program, a weekend executive MBA program, and an online
degree program. The evening MBA program can be either fulltime or part-time, depending upon the needs of the individual
student, while the executive program is for those who have a
minimum of four years in the industry and want to broaden their
knowledge base for advancement or a career shift. The online
program has a similar curriculum to the executive program and
offers the convenience of flexibility.
Students from the program, which began as a BS degree in
2000, already have gone on to work at some of the top pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Merck, Wyeth, AstraZeneca,
Novartis, National Comprehensive Cancer Network and ExcelleRx, as well in other fields such as IMS Health, a data collection
company, and Colorcon, a chemical specialty company.
“We believe we are the place to come to if you are serious about your career in the pharmaceutical and health care industry,” Rosenthal said.
The 2nd Annual USP Race for Humanity is set for March 31,
2007. The HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy has
been selected as the beneficiary this year. For more information, visit
Spinler Named a Fellow of The College
of Physicians of Philadelphia
Throughout its 200-year history, The
College of Physicians of Philadelphia has
provided a place for both medical professionals and the general public to learn
about medicine as both a science and as an art. It is in this setting that SARAH A.
SPINLER, PharmD, professor of clinical pharmacy, was named a
Fellow in December, joining the oldest existing medical organization in the country.
“I feel honored to be a part of such a distinguished group with a unique interest in the art, history, and science of medicine,”
Spinler said.
The College of Physicians was founded in 1787 and holds as it
mission to advance the cause of health and uphold the heritage of
medicine by serving the public and other health professionals.
“Being named a Fellow to The College of Physicians is a great
honor and testimony to Sarah’s career of accomplishment,” said
USP President PHILIP P. GERBINO P’69, PharmD’70. “Her
University colleagues applaud her recognition. She will always carry
the enhanced responsibilities of being exemplary, thoughtful,
compassionate, and insightful, in addition to being an accomplished
The College of Physicians is home to the Mütter Museum and
the Historical Medical Library.
sports in short
Men’s Tennis Looks
for Promising Spring
Men’s Basketball
Posts Two 1,000-Point
The USP men’s tennis team looks to
pick up in 2007 right where it left off
in 2006 as head coach JULIAN SNOW
returns a solid mixture of veterans
and a pair of promising newcomers
who have shown they can perform in
their matches during the fall.
the 1,000th point of his college career
as he helped lead USP to a 64-57 win
over Post University in a CACC men’s
basketball game at home on Saturday,
Jan. 6. Kurtz joined ERIC CAGELOSI
PMM’07, who reached the 1,000-point
plateau on Dec. 5, 2006, in a 76-67 win
over Goldey-Beacom College. They are
just the seventh tandem on the same
team to reach the 1,000 point mark in
USP history.
Leading the way will be junior TYLER
WEISEL PharmD’10. Playing at the
No. 1 singles slot for the past two
seasons, Weisel has recorded a 19-8
career record. Sophomore PAUL
CACERES PharmD’11 is solid at No.
2 singles, having never lost a match
in dual competition (15-0). Senior
hopes to return to form this year,
having sat out the 2006 season.
Franco played at No. 3 singles in the
fall season, sporting a 5-1 record and
has an 11-4 career mark for the Devils.
A newcomer to the team this year
holds down the No. 4 singles spot.
to USP via Sao Paolo, Brazil, and
produced a 4-2 record during the
fall. Another senior, RYAN PELL
PharmD’09, holds down the No. 5
singles spot. Pell, the most experienced member of this year’s squad,
has 18 career singles wins.
DAN RUBIN PharmD’12, the Devils
second newcomer, rounds out Snow’s
top six. The former Neshaminy High
School athlete was 3-2 during the fall.
The Devils will face a competitive
schedule in the spring, featuring conference rivals Philadelphia University,
Caldwell College, and Bloomfield
College as well as Division II opponent
West Chester University and area rival
Haverford College.
Aifuwa Honored by
Philadelphia Inquirer
Junior cross country runner JOY
AIFUWA PharmD’10 was among seven
female area athletes named to the
2006 Philadelphia Inquirer Academic
All-Area Women’s Cross Country
Team. This is the second consecutive
year Aifuwa has been named to the
team. The Edison High School grad
was the Devils top runner this season,
finishing no lower than fourth place
in five of the six races she competed
in and placing second at the Central
Atlantic Collegiate Conference (CACC)
championships, leading the Devils to
a fourth-place finish. Aifuwa earned
dean’s list honors in each of her four
semesters and was named to the
United States Track & Field and Cross
Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) All-Academic Awards list for the
2005 season as well as the CACC 2005
Fall All-Academic Team.
AVCA Recognizes
Tauschek with
All-Region Honors
The American Volleyball Coaches
Association (AVCA) selected CLAIRE
TAUSCHEK DPT’11 as an honorable
mention on the All-Region team for
the Northeast. Tauschek, a two-time
Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference (CACC) first team All-Conference
selection, was the only CACC volleyball
player to be named to the AVCA AllRegion team. Tauschek led the Devils
(8-18) in digs (509) and aces (42)
during the 2006 season. Her 6.06 digs
per game average was a school record
and ranked third among conference
leaders, ranking 13th nationally for all
NCAA Division II volleyball players. She
also earned a second consecutive first
team All-CACC selection.
The former CACC Newcomer of the
Year recorded 30 or more digs in four
matches this past season and led the
Devils in 22 of their 26 matches, reaching 20 or more digs 10 times. Tauschek
is also one of three players in school
history to reach 1,000 digs for their
career and ranks fourth on the Devils’
all-time service ace list with 126.
Rashanna Edwards DPT’09
puts up a shot against rival
Holy Family University as USP
held its first Spirit Day on
Dec. 7, 2006. Students, faculty,
and staff were encouraged to
show their school spirit and
attend the men’s and women’s
double header.
usp bulletin:
roll of
page 21
usp bulletin:
print page
faculty books in print
Brave New Universe: Illuminating
The Darkest Secrets Of The Cosmos
professor of mathematics and
physics, and Paul Wesson, PhD
(University of Waterloo, professor
of physics)
Health Care Regulation in America:
Complexity, Confrontation, and
director of USP’s graduate
program in health policy
Joseph Henry Press
ISBN 0-309-10137-9
Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-515968-3
In this glorious age for cosmology, astronomical measurement has never been more
precise. Using modern instruments such as
the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
(WMAP), astronomers have found answers
to long-elusive questions about the age and composition of the
universe. With unprecedented confidence, they have revealed how
long the cosmos has been expanding since its beginning. They have
examined how this growth has changed over time and have predicted
its future course. Moreover, they have sorted the types of matter and
energy in the universe into various categories, pinpointing how much
of space contains ordinary materials—the stuff of stars and planets—
and how much harbors other kinds of substances. By producing such
exact results, high-resolution satellite data and novel telescopic
techniques have thereby transformed one of the most speculative
fields into a triumph for meticulous scientific methods.
Yet, like the excavation of ancient Troy, each layer revealed of cosmic information has unearthed hints of even deeper secrets.
As clear data has emerged about the age and composition of the
universe, cosmologists have encountered formidable issues underlying
these results. For example, if, as the WMAP has revealed, only four
percent of the universe constitutes ordinary matter, what is the nature
of the remaining material? If, as telescopic measurements have
shown, all of space is accelerating, what is producing this fantastic
Regulation shapes all aspects of America’s
fragmented health care industry, from the flow of dollars to the communication
between physicians and patients. It is the engine that translates public policy
into action. While the health and lives of
patients, as well as almost one-sixth of the national economy,
depend on its effectiveness, health care regulation in America is
bewilderingly complex. Government agencies at the federal, state,
and local levels direct portions of the industry, but hundreds of
private organizations do so as well. Some of these overseers compete with one another, some conflict, and others collaborate. Their
interaction is as important to the provision of health care as are the laws and rules they implement.
“A superbly clear and comprehensive description of the
complex regulations of the American health care system.
Should be read by anyone who wishes to navigate or
reform that system.”
Samuel O. Thier,
Professor of Medicine and Professor of Health Care Policy,
Harvard Medical School
Health Care Regulation in America is a guide to this regulatory
maze. It succinctly recaps the past and present conflicts that have
guided the oversight of each industry segment over the past hundred years and explains the structure of regulation today. To make
the system comprehensible, this book also presents the sweep of
regulatory policy in the context of the interests, values, goals, and
issues that guide it. Chapters cover the process of regulation and
each key area of regulatory focus—professionals, institutions,
financing arrangements, drugs and devices, public health, business
relationships, and research.
In a uniquely American way, the system thrives on confrontation
between competing interests but survives by engendering compromise. Robert Field shows that health care regulation is an inexorable
force that nurtures as well as restricts the enterprise of American
health care. For the student, practitioner, executive, policy analyst,
or concerned citizen, this book is an invaluable guide to the policy,
politics, and practice of an industry that directly touches us all.
“‘Not another book about the Big Bang!’ I hear you say. If you’ve always wanted to know what physicists mean when they talk about such things as CP invariance
or left-handed neutrinos, it’s all here, plain as day.”
Sara Lippincott, Los Angeles Times, December 10, 2006
dynamo of energy? And if, as infrared searches have indicated,
planetary systems are fairly common throughout the cosmos, why
have we yet to encounter extraterrestrial beings?
As we learn more about the universe, we question how much of
our experience is a function of our sensory limitations. Might time,
space, and matter simply be illusions? How do human intelligence
and consciousness reflect the nature of physical reality? Does the existence of life on Earth derive from a blend of unique cosmological
factors? Brave New Universe addresses these philosophical questions
and more—and its conclusions prove most extraordinary!
scholarly activity
Faculty and staff F
Alumni = ]
Current Student = M
academic affairs
peter millerF copresented
a teleconference for the National
PACE (Programs of All-Inclusive
Care for the Elderly) Association
on “Falls: Can
We Predict Who Falls at PACE
and Does It Make a Difference?”
with Elizabeth Broderick, MD,
on October 12.
college of
graduate studies
Poster Presentations
robert fieldF, “Issues in
Implementation of the Medicare
Modernization Act for the
Broader Health Care System:
A Policy Analysis of Incentives
to Promote Private Managed
Care Plans” at Academy Health
Annual Research Meeting in
Seattle, on June 25.
robert fieldF
•“Issues in Implementation of
the Medicare Modernization Act
and Structural Implications for
Medicare and Medicaid” at the
Annual Health Law Teachers
Conference of the American
Society of Law, Medicine &
Ethics in Baltimore, on June 2.
•“What is the ‘Right’ Price for
Prescription Drugs?: Legal and
Regulatory Considerations” at
Robert Wood Johnson Clinical
Scholars Multidisciplinary
Seminar Series at University
of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia,
on October 16.
•“An Ethical Framework for
Vaccine Mandates: Competing
Ethical Values and the Case
of HPV” at Ethics of Vaccines
Project, Center for Bioethics at
University of Pennsylvania in
Philadelphia, on October 17.
stephen métrauxF
•“Housing and Community
Integration” and “Assessing
Residential Segregation
Among Medicaid Recipients
With Psychiatric Disability in
Philadelphia” at the National
State of the Knowledge Conference on Increasing Community
Integration of Individuals with
Psychiatric Disabilities at the
University of Pennsylvania
Collaborative on Community
Integration of Individuals with
Psychiatric Disabilities in Philadelphia, on September 19.
•“Matching HMIS and Mainstream Databases: Possibilities
and Challenges of Using Multiple Datasets for Research” at
National Homeless Management
Information Systems Conference: HMIS.INFOrmation for
Decision Making in Denver,
September 18–19.
•“The Social Dimensions of
Mental Health Policy” at the
Society for the Study of Social
Problems Annual Meeting in
Montreal, August 10–13.
•“Intersections between Child
Welfare & Homeless Systems:
Results from 2 Research
Studies” at the Annual Meeting
of the National Alliance to End
Homelessness in Washington,
DC, July 17–19.
•“Child Welfare & Homelessness:
Results from 3 Research Studies” at the Annual Meetings of
the Child Welfare League of
America in Washington, DC,
February 27–28.
stephen métrauxF, et al.
•“Testing a Typology of Family
Homelessness: Preliminary
Findings” at the US Interagency
Council on Homelessness
Research Briefing in Washington,
DC, on September 15.
•“Institutional Discharges and
Homelessness: The Impact of
the Child Welfare, Inpatient
Mental Health and Criminal
Justice Systems on Public
Shelter Admissions” at Grand
Rounds, Center for Homelessness Prevention Studies at
Columbia University in New
York, on September 14.
richard stefanacciF
•“Medicare Part D—What Is
the Future?” at the Strategic
Research Institute, Enrollment
of Seniors in Washington, DC,
on October 26.
•“Understanding the Impact of
Medicare Part D in the Overall
Supply Chain Management”
at the Pharmaceutical Supply
Chain Conference in Austin,
on October 19.
•“Medicare Part D in LTC” at the
University of Missouri Annual
Geriatrics Conference in
Columbia, MO, on August 18.
Professional Activities
robert fieldF, moderator for
panel on “Medicare Part D: Where
Do We Go From Here?” at Eastern
Pennsylvania Geriatrics Society
October Education Meeting in
Blue Bell, PA, on October 19.
robert fieldF,
“The FDA’s First Moves to Supplant Randomized Controlled
Clinical Trials,” P&T, 31(8):
427–429, August 2006.
stephen métrauxF, et al.,
“Recent Incarceration History
Among a Sheltered Homeless
Population,” Crime & Delinquency,
52(3):504–517, 2006.
richard stefanacciF
•“Medicare Part D: Freedom
of Speech,” Clinical Geriatrics,
14(9):25–28, 2006.
•“Medicare Part D: Freedom of
Speech,” Annals of Long Term
Care, 14(9):12–14, 2006.
•“Medicare Part D: Who Controls
the Prescription?” Clinical Geriatrics, 14(8):6–9, 2006.
•“Medicare Part D: Who Controls
the Prescription?” Annals of
Long Term Care, 14(8):14–17,
•“Good Behavior” (editorial),
Assisted Living Consult,
2(5):6–7, 2006.
•“A Special Opportunity,”
Medicare Patient Management,
1(5):6–8, 2006.
richard stefanacciF, et al.
•“Better Ways to Fall Asleep: The
Danger of Benzodiazepines,” Assisted Living Consult, 2(5):29–33,
•“Medicare Part D: Legislative
Help for Patients, Pharmacists,
and Physicians,” Medicare
Patient Management, 1(5):
22–27, 2006.
usp bulletin: scholarly activity page 23
demonstrates the relationship
between origami and
misher college of
arts and sciences
vojislava pophristicF
•“Computationally Aided
Design of Heparin Antidote
Drugs,” from PolyMedix Corp.,
•“A Computational Study of the
Zirconium Ion Solvation,” from
Petroleum Research Fund,
American Chemical Society,
$35,000/2 years.
vojislava pophristicF,
preston mooreF,
guillermo moynaF,
“Terascale Simulations of
Biochemical and Chemical
Systems,” from Pittsburgh
Supercomputing Center, 103,000
service units (grant for computational resources).
joel kauffmanF,
“Hypertension Hyperbole” on
the overuse of antihypertensive
drugs at the International College
of Integrative Medicine Clinical
Applications of Biological Ener­
getics Meeting in Cleveland,
September 27–October 1.
ashwini khannaM,
suzanne murphyF,
margaret kasschauM,
“Cytoskeletal Reorganization
in a Kidney Cell Line (LLC–PK1)
under Hypertonic Stress” at the
American Society for Cell Biology
Annual Meeting in San Diego,
vojislava pophristicF,
et al., “Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Study on Aralyamide
and Heparin in Water: Sampling
Effects and Analysis of the
Detailed Binding Mode” at the
231st American Chemical Society
Meeting in Atlanta, 2006.
ruth crispinF presented a
lia vasF, “A Simplification of
paper “Love Poetry and Translation: The Case of Pedro Salinas”
at the American Association
of Teachers of Spanish and
Portuguese National Conference
in Salamanca, Spain, in 2006.
mahasweta duttM,
margaret kasschauF,
suzanne murphyF,
“Role of HSP70 and the Cytoskeleton in Podial Formation in a
Human Hematopoietic Cell Line
under Hypertonic Stress” at the
American Society for Cell Biology
Annual Meeting in San Diego,
Morita’s Construction of Total
Right Rings of Quotients for a
Class of Rings” at the Noncom­
mutative Algebra, Satellite of
International Congress of Mathematicians in Granada, Spain,
August 31–September 6.
philip gehrmanF, et al.
•“Risk Factors for Excessive
Sleepiness in Older Adults,”
Annals of Neurology, 59(6):
893–904, 2006.
•“Consequences of Comorbid
Insomnia Symptoms and SleepRelated Breathing Disorder in
Elderly Subjects,” Archives of
Internal Medicine, 166(16):
1732–1738, 2006.
Königsberg, We Have a Problem
The town of Königsberg, Prussia (now called Kaliningrad and part
of the Russian republic) had a problem—a math problem. The
town was divided into four sections by the branches of the Pregel
River. In the 18th century, seven bridges connected these regions.
The townspeople wondered whether it was possible to start at any location in the town, travel across all the bridges without
crossing any bridge twice, and return to the starting point. It took
18th-century Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (pronounced
OIL-er) (1707–1783) to help solve the problem and introduce
graph theory in 1736.
The Königsberg bridge problem was part of three presentations
that the Discrete Mathematics students of associate professor
SALAR ALSARDARY, PhD, gave at the section meeting of the
Mathematical Association of America in late October at West
Chester University. “Most the students in the audience were math
majors,” Alsardary explained. “Our students are not math majors.
They present themselves as, ‘I am a pharmacy major minoring in
mathematics,’ or ‘I am a chemistry major minoring in mathematics.’ It was very nice that they had the courage to present their
projects. It was a nice experience for the students.”
Alsardary’s seven students gave three talks. BRITTANY EBERSOLE C’09 and TRACEY SAMUEL PhSci’07 spoke on origami
and mathematics. MAYUR AMIN PharmD’11, NIKITA PATEL
PharmD’11, and MANTHAN CHOKSHI PharmD’11 expounded
on graph theory. And NISARG PATEL BInf’08 and AHMAD
AHSAN PharmD’10 presented on the life of Euler.
The talks, which included a PowerPoint presentation, are part
of the students’ grade, and Alsardary assists them in coming up
with a relevant topic. They make their first run-through in front of
their classmates, who provide peer reviews. Then once each
semester, students have the opportunity to give the talks in front
of the math community.
“It is very important for students to have experience with the
mathematical community,” Alsardary said. “The people at this
meeting were mostly mathematicians. Since most of my students
continued on page 25
peter meekF, zhiwei liuF,
lifeng tianM, randy
zauharF, “Shape Signatures:
Speeding Up Computer Aided
Drug Discovery,” Drug Discovery
Today, 11(19): 895–904, October
20, 2006.
carmen villegas rogersF,
“Improving the Visibility of
Afro-Latin Culture in the Spanish
Classroom,” Hispania, September
joseph ruaneF, “History
of a BSU at a Professional
Health Science University,”
African Americans and Whites:
Changing Relationships on College
Campuses, edited by Robert M.
Moore III, University Press of
America, Inc., 2006.
stanley zietzF, “Validation
of Serum versus Plasma Measurements of Chromogranin A Levels
in Patients with Carcinoid Tumors:
Lack of Correlation between Absolute Chromogranin A Levels and
Symptom Frequency,” Pancreas,
33(3):250–4, October 2006.
philadelphia college
of pharmacy
Poster Presentations
shawn boyle]F, michael
cawley]F, cynthia
sanoskiF, “Assessment of an
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Simulation in a Pharmacotherapeutics Laboratory Course” at
the American College of Clinical
Pharmacy (ACCP) 2006 Annual
Meeting in St. Louis, October
emily hajjarF, shawn
boyleF, angela cafiero,
“Teaching Students the Geriatric
Perspective: A Focus on Project
Secure” at the American Society
of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)
37th Annual Meeting in Phoenix,
November 15–18.
zhijun liF, vagmita
pabuwalM, “Network Analy-
sis of the 3D Structure of the
Rhodopsin G-protein Coupled
Receptor” at the 20th Annual
Symposium of the Protein Society
in San Diego, August 5–9.
michael cawleyF],
“Breathing Easier: Using Evidence
to Improve Outcomes for Patients
with COPD” at the Regional
Symposium to Pharmacists and
Physicians, sponsored by PRIME,
in Philadelphia, on October 19.
ganesh cheralaM,
anil p. d’melloF, et al.,
“Effect of Maternal Low Protein
Diet Administered During Pregnancy and Lactation on the Status
of Hepatic Cytochrome-P450
Enzymes in the Offspring” at the
Annual American Association of
Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in San Antonio, on October 30.
m. chungM, jimish
mehtaM, clyde ofnerF,
adeboye adejareF,
rachel gravesM, sriramakamal jonnalagaddaF,
kalyan saripellaM,
rama mallipeddiM,
steven neauF, “Coarse Par-
et al., “Preliminary Evaluation of a
Gelatin—Methotrexate Conjugate
Effectiveness in Methotrexate
Resistant HL60 Leukemia Cells”
at the Annual American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
Meeting in San Antonio, on
October 31.
“In Vitro Immune Response to
Optimized PLGA Scaffolds for
Bone Regeneration” at the Annual
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in San
Antonio, on November 1.
“A Simulation Model of Drug
Uptake Across the Blood Brain
Barrier: Influences of Polar
Surface Area and Beta-Amyloid
Peptide Load” at the Annual
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in
San Antonio, on October 30.
ticle Ethylcellulose as an Extrusion
Spheronization Aid in the Production of Drug Loaded Beads” at the
Annual American Association of
Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in San Antonio, on November 1.
rama mallipeddiM, kalyan saripellaM, steven
neauF, “Sustained Drug
kalyan saripellaM,
steven neauF, et al., “Effect
Delivery Using Chitosan as a
Release Modifier in the Coat of
Aquacoat®-Coated Beads” at the
Annual American Association of
Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in San Antonio, on October 31.
of Sample Preparation on the
Appearance of an Unstable Polymorph in Binary NSAIDs Melting
Point Phase Diagrams” at the
Annual American Association of
Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in San Antonio, on November 1.
rajeshwar motheramM,
pardeep guptaF, “Evalua-
ruchi shahM, anil
d’melloF, “Effect of Various
tion of Secondary and Tertiary
Structure of Recombinant
Human Growth Hormone (r-hGH)
Adsorbed onto Polystyrene Latex
Particles by Circular Dichroism
Spectroscopy” at the Annual
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in
San Antonio, on November 1.
steven neauF, et al., “Colon
Specific Delivery Using Ethyicellulose and Chitosan in Compression
Coated Tablet” at the Annual
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in
San Antonio, on November 2.
oladotun oyenugaM,
anatoly kurkovskyF,
Formulation Parameters on
the Encapsulation Efficiency of
Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase
(PAL) in Cellulose Nitrate Microcapsules” at the Annual American
Association of Pharmaceutical
Scientists Meeting in San Antonio,
on November 1.
vijaya swaminathanM,
sriramakamal jonnalagaddaF, ruy tchaoF,
“Effect of PEG Molecular Weight
on the in Vitro Degradation of
Poly-L-lactic Acid: Polyethylene
Glycol (PLLA:PEG) Membranes”
at the Annual American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in San Antonio, on
November 1.
usp bulletin: scholarly activity page 25
anuradha vaidyaM,
rodney wigentF,
joseph schwartzF,
“The Use of a Multi-Particulate
Solid Dosage Form Containing
Carbopol® 934P for Inhibition of
Protein Degradation by Trypsin”
at the Annual American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meeting in San Antonio, on
November 1.
vrushali waknisM, sriramakamal jonnalagaddaF,
“Thermal Analysis of Polytcaprolactone-Based Biodegradable
Polymers” at the Annual American
Association of Pharmaceutical
Scientists Meeting in San Antonio,
on November 1.
ganesh cheralaM,
anil p. d’melloF, et al.,
“Two Low Protein Diets Differentially Affect Food Consumption,
and Reproductive Performance
in Pregnant and Lactating Rats
and Long Term Growth in Their
Offspring,” Journal of Nutrition,
136, 2827–2833, 2006.
sarah spinlerF, et al.,
“Newer Pharmacotherapy in
Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: A
Guide for Pharmacists and Other
Health Care Professionals: Expert
Opinion from the American Heart
Association’s Diagnostic and
Interventional Catheterization
Committee and Council on Clinical
Cardiology, and the American
College of Clinical Pharmacy’s
Cardiology Practice Research
Network,” Pharmacotherapy,
26(11):1537–56, 2006.
shengguo sunM,
adeboye adejareF,
“Fluorinated Molecules as Drugs
and Imaging Agents in the CNS,”
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 6, 1457–1464, 2006.
Königsberg continued from page 23
were minoring in math, I wanted them to see what other mathematicians are doing. By giving a presentation, it helps them to
think in a professional way. This gives them a nice experience on
how to give presentations, if not in mathematics, then in their
For the origami and mathematics presentation, the students
gave a history of origami and its connection with mathematics.
After concluding the presentation, they demonstrated how to build
a frog and then engaged the audience of faculty and other students
to give it a try.
Graphs are used to solve problems in many fields. The students’
presentation dealt with the applications of graph theory in everyday life as well as the history of this branch of mathematics.
The third group presented on the life of Euler, who made great
contributions to mathematics and physics. Fittingly, 2007 will be
the anniversary of Euler’s 300th birthday.
This brings us back to the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. Using
nodes and links to make a graph, Euler ascertained that it was not
possible to cross the existing seven bridges just once. Simply, the
townspeople would have to build more bridges.
carol holtzman],
sarah spinlerF, “Role of
P-glycoprotein in Statin Drug
Interactions,” Pharmacotherapy,
26(11):1601–7, 2006.
From left to right: Brittany Ebersole C’09, Mayur Amin PharmD’11,
Nikita Patel PharmD’11, Ahmad Ahsan PharmD’10, Tracey Samuel
PhSci’07, Manthan Chokshi PharmD’11, Nisarg Patel BInf’08, and
Salar Alsardary, PhD, associate professor.
alumni events
“If we want our alumni to remain involved
in the life of the university, we need to
remain involved in, and relevant to, the
lives of our alumni.”
stacy m. rosemarin P’83
Summer Happy Hour
July 29, 2006, Avalon, NJ
Left to right: Doris Dewis
Shallcross Reses P’73 and
Ruth Brown P’71, BW’06.
Left to right: Dan Hussar P’62, MS’64,
PhD’67; Lauri Lock Wunder P’81; Tony
Madonna P’76; and Pat Kidston Katra P’76.
Left to right: Jack Lagowski P’73, Pat
Carroll-Grant P’78, and Tom O’Connor
P’70, PharmD ’71.
Left to right: Paula Kralovec P’74,
George Downs PharmD’72, and Michele
Gerbino P’75.
Left to right: Bob Schreiber P’71;
Ruth Brown P’71, BW’06; and Steve
Kalinowski P’71.
Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association
August 10, 2006, Valley Forge, PA
Left to right: Albert Wertheimer, dean,
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
(1990–1993), and Dave Bergman P’51.
Left to right: Dwight Bowen PharmD’11,
and Ed Bechtel P’81, chair, Pennsylvania
Board of Pharmacy.
Department of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare
Business PharmBiz Lecture Series
September 28, 2006, USP Campus
Khee Lee P’95, a health specialist in Google’s
Vertical Markets Group, lecturing to students.
usp bulletin: alumni events page 27
National Community Pharmacists Association
Student Chapter Lecture Series
September 28, 2006, USP Campus
Mark Szilagyi, Sr., P’76
lecturing to students
about owning and
operating your own
independent pharmacy.
National Community
Pharmacists Association
(NCPA) National Meeting
October 8, 2006,
Las Vegas, NV
Kelly Karpa P’94 holding the book she
authored, Bacteria for Breakfast: Probiotics
for Good Health, at the NCPA Exhibit Hall
where she represented American Lifeline.
NCPA Alumni & Friends Dinner
October 9, 2006, Las Vegas, NV
Left to right: Tiziana Fox P’84, PharmD’02; Jerry
Mazzucca P’67; Bob Graul P’69; George Downs
PharmD’72; and Sue Hussar P’67.
Left to right: Jeanne Lutz; Dave Lutz P’60; Dan Hussar, P’62,
MS’64, PhD’67; Sarah Hinkle; John Hinkle P’90; and Tiziana Fox,
P’84, PharmD’02. Mr. and Mrs. Lutz generously sponsored the
NCPA Alumni and Friends Dinner.
Pennsylvania Society of Health-System Pharmacists
October 12, 2006, Harrisburg, PA
Left to right: Ted Rice; Nishaminy Kasbekar
P’93, PharmD’95, recipient of the Joe E. Smith
Award; Fern Kaufman PharmD’03, president,
Pennsylvania Society of Health-System Pharmacists; and Gerry Meyer P’73, PharmD’74.
Left to right: Wayne Marquardt P’82; Andrew
Peterson, PharmD, chair, Department of
Pharmacy Practice/Pharmacy Administration;
and Chaitali Desai PharmD’03.
Left to right: Steve Sheaffer P’75, PharmD’78
received the 2006 Sister Gonzales Duffy Lecture
Award from Fern Kaufman PharmD’03, president,
Pennsylvania Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
class notes
neil m. davis
P’53, MS’55 is the
author of Medical Abbreviations:
26,000 Conveniences at the Expense of
Communication and Safety. He lives in
Delray Beach, FL.
was elected president of the California Pharmacists Association (CPhA),
effective Jan 1, 2007, for a one-year
term. Mazzucca is president and
founder of Mazzucca Associates,
Inc., an executive consulting firm.
The former Carbondale, PA, native
will be honored at the three-day
CPhA convention in Palm Springs,
CA, Feb. 15–17, where he will be
formally installed as president and
later honored at a USP Alumni and
Friends reception on Feb. 17. To
memorialize their parents, Mazzucca and his brother ANTHONY
MAZZUCCA, Jr., P’70 established
the ANTHONY J. P’33 and Evelyn T.
Mazzucca Scholarship Fund in 1983
at the PCP.
william a. best, sr.,
P’77 is a
staff pharmacist at the Veterans
Health Administration Medical
Center in Coatesville, PA. Bill recently
assumed responsibilities for managing the outpatient Coumadin Clinic.
He is also a volunteer firefighter
with the West Chester Fire Department and recently achieved the
rank of captain. He lives in West
Chester, PA, with his wife Carolyn
and 14-year-old triplets.
john v. price
P’79 has joined
Wal-Mart as pharmacy manager
of its Carlisle, PA, store. He and
his wife Sandi live in Carlisle.
joseph j. mchale
(MS’89, St. Joseph’s University;
JD’92, Widener University) was
named a Pennsylvania “Super
Lawyer” in the June 2006 issue of
Philadelphia magazine. He was also
included in the 2007 edition of The
Best Lawyers in America. He currently
chairs Stradley Ronon’s Products
Liability and Mass Tort group.
doris (diprimio) corey
P’83 (DO, Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine) has accepted
a staff physician position at the
Twinsburg (OH) Urgent Care, a
division of Southpointe Hospital in
the Cleveland Clinic Health System.
lisa (moyer) mackell
is the owner of Theraplay, Inc.,
recently named as one of the 25 best
companies for working mothers by
Working Mother magazine. Theraplay
is a provider of pediatric therapy
services, including physical, occupational, speech, feeding, social work,
and special education for children
from birth to 21 years old. Theraplay
has over 100 employees and out­
patient offices in West Chester,
Horsham, and Drexel Hill, PA. The
company also provides services
to schools, early intervention programs, and home care services.
It celebrated its 15-year anniversary
in November 2006.
maryann (weis) drolet
linda (cianciarulo) sailor
P’90, PharmD’00 and her husband
Peter announced the birth of son
Joseph Michael in April 28, 2006.
Joseph joins big brothers Steven (13)
and Eric (9). Linda is a pharmacist
at Thomas Jefferson University
Hospital in Philadelphia.
jennifer (bittner) almonti
P’92 and her husband Angelo
welcomed the birth of daughter
Siena Grace on September 13, 2006,
at 2:45 p.m. The baby weighed
in at 7 pounds 10 ounces.
todd j. bixby P’92 and anh
(nguyen) bixby P’92, announced
the birth of son Gabriel John on April
25, 2006. He joins big sister Luca (3).
Todd works for Centocor. The family
lives in Hilltown, PA.
stacey (williams) cox
recently received her DPT degree
from the University of Scranton.
She is employed at Allied Services
in Scranton as a senior staff physical
therapist. Stacey is also an assistant
adjunct professor of physical therapy
at the University of Scranton and
College Misericordia. She lives with
her husband Thomas in Dickson
City, PA.
MT’94 and her husband Adam
welcomed son Addison-Joseph Keir
on February 28, 2006. He joins
brother Alexander Cortez (7) and
sister Isabella Lastris (6). Maryann
is the lab director of the University
of Maryland’s Amish Research Clinic
in Lancaster, PA.
tina mannino P’95 and Christopher Small were married on May 13,
2006. Tina is a pharmacist at the
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and
is currently
her PharmD
degree at
ronald g. corey PhD’96 has
been named senior director of project management for Daiichi Asubio
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., in Rochelle
Park, NJ. In his new role, Ronald is
responsible for developing a new
project management department.
corie (snodgrass) shoop
P’96, PharmD’97 and scott a.
shoop P’96, PharmD’97 announced the birth of daughter
Cara Paige on October 6, 2005.
Cara joins big sister Erin. The family
resides in West Chester, PA.
usp bulletin: class notes page 29
nesli cercioglu P’99 married
james p. keefer at St. Peter
tracy (gibbs) michener
PharmD’02 and brett j.
michener MPT’00 welcomed
Celestine in Cherry Hill, NJ, on May
26, 2006. The bridal party included
the birth of daughter Ella in January
2006. Tracy works in oncology at
Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Brett
owns a physical therapy practice.
They live in Mt. Laurel, NJ.
have a daughter, Lauren Patricia,
born April 13, 2004.
deborah a. summers
kimberly (passero) brooks
P’99, felicia j. may P’00,
and stephanie (cochran)
dooley P’99. Nesli and James also
monica wachowski MPT’99
and William Wiegand were
married on November 5, 2005.
Monica is a physical therapist in
the Mercy Health System, and
William is a police officer for the
Department of Defense. They live
in Swarthmore, PA.
julie (kraiss) wargo MPT’99
and michael c. wargo BI’98
are the parents of Brianna Michaela,
born on August 15, 2006. They live in
Bear, DE.
jessica church
and Patrick Price were wed on
August 13, 2005, in Bethlehem,
PA. margaret p. church
HS’03, MS’05; meenu arora
MPT’01; stephanie costante
PharmD’02; jennifer p. donato MPT’01; and christine
m. santiago PharmD’02 were
bridesmaids. Also in attendance
were rachel (arora)
hunkele MPT’01, neela a.
bhajandas PharmD’06,
mary catherine (stephens)
cole PharmD’02, amy j. davis
P’99, and amy (marmon)
forte MPT’99. Jessica is a clinical
pharmacist at Lehigh Valley
Hospital in
Patrick is a
school teacher
in Pennsylvania’s Parkland
received her MS degree in physician assistant studies from the
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic
Medicine in July 2006. She has a new
job in PCOM’s geriatrics department.
trushar n. rao
and his wife Beena announced the
birth of son Aditya on May 5, 2006.
Trushar is a floater pharmacist for
CVS. Beena is a customer service
at Commerce
Bank. They
live in Bensalem, PA.
Ronald C. Cohen P’84 passed
away on September 28, 2006. He
was 52. He is survived by his ex-wife
Ramona (Ackalusky) Cohen
P’81 and their children Eric and
(PharmD’04, University of Florida)
sadly announces the tragic passing
of her son Joshua on Sept. 24, 2006,
in Miami,
FL. She will
be starting
the Joshua
Fund in his
memory. Anyone interested in contributing a gift to this fund, please
contact Erica Spizzirri, director,
major gifts, at 215.596.7525 or Colon is a pharmacist at Virtua Memorial Hospital
in Mount Holly, NJ.
peace of mind
“Would you like to make a
planned gift to USP? We
encourage you to consider
the possibilities.”
With all the stresses and uncertainties we face, it’s nice to know we can
experience peace of mind regarding one of the most important areas of
life—our last will and testament. In this regard, peace of mind is…
Completing a Valid Will
Caring for Your Loved Ones
Creating a Legacy at USP
erica spizzirri
Director, Major Gifts
A Valid Will
A valid will is one that conforms to the laws of your state and that will
be acceptable to the probate court. It is also valid in that it accurately
expresses your wishes.
“It is not what we take up, but what we give up,
that makes us rich.”
A will form downloaded from the Internet or one obtained from a
stationery store will hardly give you the peace of mind you deserve.
Something this important requires the professional expertise of an
estate-planning attorney.
Henry Ward Beecher
(1813–1887—prominent American clergyman and social reformer)
Going through the decision process may seem like a daunting task, but
the end result is a release from worry. You can face the future knowing
that your estate will be distributed according to your wishes and that
people you trust will be in charge.
Please complete and return this reply form.
Dear Friends at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia:
q Please contact me (us) about a personal visit.
The best time to call me (us) is:
q Please send information about the USP Benefactors Society.
q I (we) have provided for USP in my (our) will or other
estate-planning documents.
Caring for Loved Ones
Your last will and testament provides you with assurance that you have
made provisions for family members according to their needs and your
wishes. If something should happen to you, they will be cared for.
For example, if you have dependent children, your will can name the
guardians and provide trust arrangements for education, health, and
other needs. Your will can also ensure that certain possessions go to
the family members you designate and that disbursements are made
to benefit those with special needs.
A Lasting Legacy
Your will can direct your personal representative to set aside a certain
percentage of your estate to establish an endowment fund at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. This fund will bear your name and
provide a perpetual flow of income to USP for generations to come.
Your children and grandchildren—and many others—will be reminded
of your values and your support for the University.
Work Phone
Home Phone
Mail this form to:
erica spizzirri
university of the sciences in philadelphia
office of institutional advancement
600 s. 43rd street
philadelphia, pa 19104-4495
To receive our free literature, use the handy response form or call
USP’s Office of Institutional Advancement at 1.888.857.6264. To learn
more about this and other planned giving opportunities, please visit our
website at
Thank you for your support.
erica spizzirri
Director, Major Gifts
usp bulletin: financial highlights page 31
Our success is made possible only through the generosity of alumni and friends.
We are grateful for your continuing commitment that has allowed us to make tremendous progress over
the years. We thank you for contributing to USP’s evolution as a premier health sciences university.
financial highlights
Condensed Statement of Activities for the Year Ended June 30, 2006
Percent of Operating Revenue
Operating revenue
Tuition & fees, gross
Less: Direct scholarship grants
Tuition & fees, net
Government grants
Private gifts and grants
Investment income
Sales and services:
Educational departments
Auxiliary services
Total operating revenue
Operating expenses
Academic support
Student services
Institutional support
Scholarships (other than direct grants)
Auxiliary enterprises
Total operating expense
Change in net assets from operating activities
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
$ 157,712,058
Endowment (Market Value as of June 30, 2006)
$ 127,464,053
Net non-operating revenues
Change in net assets
honor roll of donors
Founders’ Society
Nancy Ruane
Oncology Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Fred M. Eckel ’61
Craig Ruffin
Parker Laboratories, Inc.
R. Frank Ecock, Jr. ’58
Alumni and Friends
Saundra L. Ruffin
Quality Formulation Laboratories, Inc.
Ida May Ritter Englehart ’46
Delfino Ruzzo
Sanofi-Synthelabo Research
Andrew J. Ferrara ’61
Lillian Ruzzo
Walgreen Company
Kenneth B. Fox ’84
Malvin S. Aaronson ’44
David W. Anstice
Harold L. Brog ’55
Martin Buchalter ’55
Barbara J. Byrne
Bruce C. Byrne
William F. Connolly, Jr.
Mohamed Desoky
Carmen A. DiCello ’58
Richard J. Dowling ’73
Teresa Pete Dowling ’72
Curtis G. T. Ewing ’58
Harry P. Flanagan ’68
F. Gerald Galoonis ’63
Mark A. Salvatore ’89
Marvin Samson Hon.’96
Estate of Lester A. Shappell ’51
Michael Menichini Scholarship Fund
Nadya Shmavonian
Monmouth County Society
of Pharmacists
Dominic A. Solimando, Jr. ’76
University of Pennsylvania
Patricia E. Stewart
Mark A. Szilagyi ’76
Alumni and Friends
Charles W. Gibley, Jr. ’01
Sandra Bubri Szilagyi ’76
Thomas A. Trite ’74
Estate of M. Virginia Webbert
Adeboye Adejare
Burnside E. Anderson, III ’59
Armond J. Angelucci ’51
Horace R. Bacon ’62
Abraham Glasser ’43
The Arcadia Foundation
Anne Gredler Barton ’83
Gloria Glasser
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
Kenneth J. Barton, Jr. ’83
Dan J. Halberstadt ’83
Julius J. Berrettini ’55
Lorri Kanig Halberstadt ’83
The Community Foundation of New
Jules Hirsch ’59
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Seldia Zonies Blatman ’37
Thomas B. Hollis ’37
Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback
Robert J. Blyskal
Lewis B. Killmer, Jr. ’68
Frederick Klein
Jeffrey T. Lipman ’74
Joann Svrcek Lipman ’74
Estate of Bertha Meade Litsky ’42
David E. Loder
George J. Malmberg ’72
Ludmilla Bartkow Malmberg ’72
Tim R. Garde
Cecelia McCormick Gennaro ’48
William R. Jones ’42
Joseph L. Garde
Peter P. Stukowski ’31
Valerie Nichols Gerbino
Leonard S. Jacob ’70
Herbert S. Garde ’48
Alfonso R. Gennaro ’48
Philip P. Gerbino ’69
Estate of Richard E. Houghton ’33
Elizabeth Ann M. Fusco ’63
President’s Council
$1,000 to $2,999
Thomas F. Stonesifer ’59
Stephanie A. Zarus ’85
Estate of Carl F. Hopp ’55
Tiziana Palatucci Fox ’84
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
National Association of Chain Drug
Stores Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Marvin Samson Foundation
The W.W. Smith Charitable Trust
Albertsons Stores Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
The Berwind Corporation
Patricia Duffy Angelucci ’51
Arthur M. Blatman ’69
John P. Borneman
Kenneth J.D. Boyden
Marie Boyden
Thomas A. Bradley ’79
David Clyde Bradstock ’78
Aminta Hawkins Breaux
Robert S. Carter ’50
Eurelio M. Cavalier ’58
Schumarry Chao
Elizabeth Wagner Chase ’39
Joseph L. Ciminera ’38
Margaret C. Clymer
James D. Mayes
Colgate-Palmolive Technology
Kathleen Rosenberry Mayes ’76
Colorcon, Inc.
Christine R. Cox
Robert L. McNeil, Jr. ’38
Coutu Foundation
Scott F. Curry ’83
Edgardo A. Mercadante ’79
CVS Charitable Trust, Inc.
Susan Cruciani Curry ’83
Allen Misher ’59
Joseph L. D’Angelo, III ’62
W. Scott Muller ’84
William M. Deptula ’56
Dinesh C. Patel ’75
Lewistown Pharmacy, Inc.
Mervin B. Dezenhall ’53
Donald J. M. Phillips ’70
Bonnie Lee Ostrosky DiCello ’85
Laurence G. Poli ’99
McNeil Consumer & Specialty
Matthew M. Poli
Medco Health Solutions
James T. Doluisio
Joseph W. Ruane
Office Depot, Inc.
George E. Downs ’72
Lonnel Coats
Gregory C. Diehl ’79
Martin Gibbs ’43
Barry Grossbach
George V. Hager, Jr.
Betty Jean Harris ’75
Robert G. Harris ’70
Donald Hines ’61
Cindy M. Ippoliti ’86
Caroline Berger Jushchyshyn ’69
John M. Jushchyshyn ’68
Henry M. Katra ’74
Patricia Kidston Katra ’76
Arlene G. Kessler
Monroe I. Klein ’65
Joseph P. Lech ’81
Charles A. Leonard ’50
Kevin G. Lokay
D. Renee Benton Lupo ’76
Louis J. Lupo ’76
Jane Weygandt Lusk ’41
David B. Lutz ’60
Joseph M. Mahady
Carmela M. Marone
Phillip J. Marone ’53
Shirley Stonesifer Marshman ’57
W. Richard Marshman ’56
Dorathy Osborne McAlanis ’76
George M. McAlanis ’74
Anthony K. McCague
Binney McCague
Scott C. McCarty ’89
Lynnette Hammond McNeal ’57
Thomas J. McNulty, Sr. ’50
Lorraine J. Meeker ’69
Donna Marie Monek ’70
Roland Morris Hon.’00
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 33
Thomas Duke Moyer ’78
Hi-School Pharmacy, Inc.
Estate of Jacob Gelb ’31
Walter J. Glenn
Kenneth L. Murtha
Hy-Vee, Inc.
Estate of Samuel Gelb
Arthur H. Goldberg
Maven J. Myers ’61
Kerr Drug, Inc.
Philip P. Gerbino ’69
Estate of Charles W. Heathcote, Jr. ’35
Larry Myerson ’69
King Kullen Pharmacies Corp.
Abraham Glasser ’43
Harry William Hind
Philip Needleman ’60
Kinney Drugs Foundation, Inc.
Jerome S. Goodman ’58
May P. Jones
Sima K. Needleman
Lech’s Pharmacy
Estate of Bessie S. Graham
William R. Jones ’42
Richard Scott Ost ’82
Lewis Drugs, Inc.
Estate of Doris Griffith-Schiller
Lewis B. Killmer, Jr. ’68
Charles J. Paget ’59
Longs Drug Stores
Estate of Adolphus S. Hale ’31
Estate of Frances Kline
Mary A. Parenti ’85
Medicine Shoppe International, Inc.
Estate of Carl F. Hopp ’55
Eugene L. Kuryloski ’37
Delbert S. Payne
Navarro Discount Pharmacies
Estate of Richard E. Houghton ’33
Mary Barnisky Kuryloski ’37
William H. Penn ’61
Noel Consulting, LLC
Daniel J. Keating, III
Eli Lilly ’07
Gary F. Raisl
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Estate of Joseph A. Loughrey ’23
James D. Mayes
Robert H. Rendler ’70
Old World Jewels
George C. K. Ma
Louis F. Meyers ’17
Carlos B. Rios, Jr. ’65
Osborn Drugs, Inc.
Thomas J. Marra ’43
Delbert S. Payne
Cynthia Swantkowski Rios ’65
Kathleen Rosenberry Mayes ’76
Estate of Louisa Harvey Poley
John A. Romankiewicz ’73
Pharmacists Mutual Insurance
Robert L. McNeil, Jr. ’38
Delfino Ruzzo
Frank John Rooks, Jr. ’91
Pharmacy Express Services
Estate of Charles A. Mehring ’06
Richard E. Salvatore ’58
Deborah Ann Roper ’80
Port Richmond Pharmacy
Allen Misher ’59
Elaine Samson
Glenn W. Rosenthal
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Roland Morris Hon.’00
Harry Schwartz ’23
Leo H. Ross ’73
Kenneth L. Murtha
Clyde E. Shoop ‘51
Richard E. Salvatore ’58
R.F.E. Inc.
Arthur Osol ’25
Joy Singer Shoop ’51
Mark V. Santoro ’86
Rite Aid Corporation
Roy L. Pollard ’25
Con F. Sterling
Patricia DeVault Santoro ’86
Safeway, Inc.
Estate of Marion N. Powell
Theodore R. Tibbetts ’28
Isadore Schuman ’51
Save Mart Supermarkets
Margaret B. Pyle
Estate of M. Virginia Webbert
Vicki Seyfert-Margolis ’86
ShopKo Stores, Inc.
Gary F. Raisl
Stephanie A. Zarus ’85
George Edward Sherman ’66
Snyder’s Drug Stores, Inc.
Estate of Gerald F. Rorer ’31
Andrew R. Shumsky ’80
SUPERVALU Pharmacies, Inc.
Estate of Edythe M. Roth
Deborah Trautz Shumsky ’81
Target Corporation
Samuel Rothberg ’31
Walter G. Steele ’54
Thriftway/Zitomer Drug
Associates Club
$500 to $999
Estate of Louis J. Rudolph
Towne Drugs
Alumni and Friends
Elizabeth Weber Sutherlin ’83
Marvin Samson Hon.’96
The Towne Pharmacy
Mignon S. Adams Hon.’83
Alice E. Till ’66
Estate of Russell L. Schweitzer ’54
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
John P. Allen ’78
Paul Tsou
Estate of Lester A. Shappell ’51
Windward Pharmacy
F. Raymond Angus ’71
Daniel H. Yeoman ’59
Mildred Tucker
Yorkville Drug Store, Inc.
Mary Lucik Angus ’73
Richard M. Yura ’57
Estate of Glenn E. Ullyot
Susann Salansky Apgar ’81
Guillermo F. Valentiner ’53
Thomas Hailstone Baxter ’53
The Cavalier Foundation
Hector G. Valentiner ’84
Joanne M. Bicknese ’03
The Needles Family Foundation
Drug Store News
Agnes Varis
Kenneth A. Bitz ’65
The Packman Family Foundation
Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Estate of Ola C. Wade
Selma Blatnick Bitz ’65
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
New Jersey Pharmaceutical
Association Auxiliary
George E. Walper ’42
Scott H. Blackman ’81
Estate of Paul C. Wieseman ’29
Ronald J. Brenner
Donald O. Wilson ’34
Elizabeth Bressi-Stoppe
Weikel Family Charitable Foundation
Ahold USA
Albertsons, Inc.
Bartell Drug Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Inc.
Life Members
Founders’ Society
Lifetime gifts of $100,000+
Members provide critical leadership to
the University’s giving program and set
the standard for others to follow.
President’s Council
Lifetime gifts of $50,000
to $99,999
Costco Pharmacy
Leonard Abramson ’60
Members are valued contributors who help
make possible the University’s continued
commitment to excellence.
CVS Pharmacy, Inc.
Estate of Grace E. Ambrose
David W. Anstice
Fruth Pharmacy Inc.
Henry Bower
Estate of Malcolm Beach ’13
Giant Eagle, Inc.
Estate of Margaret D. Brown
Myrtle A. Bruce
Happy Harry’s Discount Drug Stores
John J. Byrne, Jr.
Richard J. Dowling ’73
Harris Teeter Pharmacy
William F. Connolly, Jr.
Teresa Pete Dowling ’72
Hartig Drug Company
Estate of Melvin C. Firman ’40
Martin Gibbs ’43
Brooks Eckerd Pharmacy
Ruth A. Brown ’71
Geraldine Brown-Broadnax ’84
Kenneth W. Brownell ’69
Amy G. Bryant
William H. Chamberlin ’69
Robert A. Cohen ’67
Mitzi G. Cole ’84
Thomas J. Connelly, Jr. ’80
Elizabeth Taormina Corsi ’81
Linda A. Corvari ’90
Amy S. Cziraky
Mark J. Cziraky ’92
Thomas J. Dougherty ’73
Corinne Angeloni Rossi ’95
Alan P. Baker ’60
Fereydoun Dardashti ’55
Stanford L. Engel ’44
Michael J. Rossi ’94
Suzanne Morgan Baker ’61
Maria A. Das ’88
Nancy E. English ’74
Jerome J. Schentag ’75
Nahum M. Balotin ’51
Ronald M. Daugherty ’63
Frank H. Ervin ’73
David P. Schmehl ’56
Robert E. Barbour ’54
George M. De Curtis ’51
Donna Marie Feudo ’89
Joseph J. Schoen ’84
Bruce Baron
Robert E. Dempski ’56
William F. Fisher ’76
Karl S. Schumann ’71
Linda Baron
Mary Joan C. Denisco ’87
John P. Fitzpatrick ’61
Marian Cassette Scully ’77
Susan E. Barrett
Michael F. DePanfilis ’77
Charles J. Flannery ’84
Herbert Secouler ’62
Karen Arcidiacono Barringer ’81
Ara H. DerMarderosian Hon.’95
Raymond Freedman ’54
Richard K. Shadduck ’58
Joseph G. Bartoletti ’51
Karl A. De Sante ’66
Leonard Fronton ’60
David J. Shappell ’61
Steven W. Bass ’65
Ravi K. Desiraju ’75
Francis E. Gailey
Thomas E. Silvonek ’74
Gertrude Given Baxter ’34
Richard L. Deuble
Sharon L. Gailey
Alice Sectish Sloan ’70
Galen W. Bear ’56
Maggie Devine-Pennock
Janice A. Gaska ’79
Richard W. Sloan ’69
Joseph G. Bechtel ’57
Paul V. DiBona ’70
Michele Pierson Gerbino ’75
Robert L. Snively ’61
David J. Becker ’86
Richard P. DiLiberto ’67
Nancy Franchak Gilbert ’79
Ronald L. Stocker ’58
Bradford L. Bentzel ’73
James M. Dillon ’73
Cindy Worsley Hamilton ’77
Elizabeth Anne Stone ’00
Florence McDermott Bentzel ’73
Matthew R. DiRocco ’97
Samuel L. Hassinger ’85
Robert A. Suter ’88
Frances A. Benulis ’71
Enrico T. Doganiero ’56
Diana Joy Heaton ’97
Dominick J. Vizzoni ’98
David Bergman ’51
Robert Doganiero ’78
Lynn Bond Hill ’91
Maurice J. Warner ’52
Raymond E. Bernosky ’56
Edward G. Dolton, Jr. ’53
Michael R. Hoy ’81
Eleanor Walker Weaver ’46
Carman A. Bevilacqua ’59
Ronald J. D’Orazio ’58
Rose Mary Battista Hoy ’82
Amy G. Weller
Philip M. Blitz ’55
Lawrence C. Dormuth ’42
Deborah W. Hui ’96
R. Jason Weller
Albert R. Bonczyk
Mary Beth Dorr ’80
Khurshid Iqbal ’72
Marsha W. Wertzberger ’63
Regina E. Bonczyk
Roger M. Downs ’71
Robert W. Ivens ’39
Bong H. S. Yoo ’71
Joseph V. Bondi ’72
Edward M. Dunn ’81
Linda Mendez Bonnell ’86
Terese Marshman Dunn ’81
Joseph Bosak ’68
Karen Dougherty Durkin ’97
Shawn J. Boyle ’01
Robert J. Durkin ’95
Frederick W. Breslin ’52
Grace L. Earl ’86
Herbert A. Brill ’51
Steven R. Eby ’90
Brandy Ignatow Broder ’00
Dawn L. Elliott ’84
Richard J. Bronstein ’56
Paul G. Epstein ’52
William J. Brumbach ’98
Clyde R. Erskine, Jr. ’54
P. Gregory Buchanan ’78
Ann Ervin ’87
Richard W. Buchanan ’71
Colleen A. Fabiszewski
Arthur P. Buck ’63
George P. Faccenda ’59
H. Joseph Byrd ’71
Marcus A. Farbstein ’83
M. Paula Biemuller Cabulong ’90
Shawn J. Farrell
Ronald S. Feder ’58
Margaret R. Kasschau
Ronald D. Kaufmann ’68
Coleen Ortmann Kayden ’78
Robert S. Kayden, Jr. ’78
Rina K. Kelley ’78
Harris Koffer ’75
Katherine Ferrara Koffer ’86
Kenneth J. Kossack ’84
Elizabeth Iorio Lemmer ’53
Michele L. Lennox ’90
Elliott E. Leuallen ’35
William H. Levin ’54
Marvin L. Lewbart ’51
The Jewish Community Foundation
ADVISORx Consulting, LLC
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Carl’s Drug Store
Crixmor, LLC
Global Impact
Hospira Worldwide, Inc.
Jiunta’s Pharmacy, Inc.
The Medicine Center
West Trenton Pharmacy Inc.
Joseph T. Ligotski, Jr. ’84
Paul M. Cannoe ’67
Michelle Janusanis Ligotski ’88
Delaware County Pharmacists
Rene Casas-Benabe ’69
Leonard H. Finkelstein ’55
Michael E. Castagna ’00
Dominic P. Fino ’61
Shivaun Hurley Celano ’80
Thomas F. Flamini ’81
Nicholas M. Chaffier ’92
Alfred J. Fleischer ’43
Tracy McGonigal Chaffier ’89
Norman Folkman ’55
Michael J. Long ’93
Sharon Burkett Long ’93
Lucille Koehler McTamney ’68
Century II Club
$185 to $499
Meredith Morris Mead ’98
Alumni and Friends
Louis Charles ’49
Cheryl A. France ’79
John E. Miller ’76
Sanaa E. Abdallah ’82
Lawrence J. Chase ’67
Elizabeth A. Franko ’67
Veronica P. Moriarty ’78
Robert H. Abrahams ’80
Lester S. Cohen ’49
Lila E. Freeman ’55
Naykeang Neal
Larry S. Abrams ’63
John J. Coleman ’80
Norman C. Freeman ’49
Pakvina Neal
Beatrice C. Allis ’80
Deborah H. Cook ’71
Caroline Gaitan-Mara ’94
Earl R. Oberholtzer, Jr. ’57
Norman D. Alworth ’81
John F. Cook ’66
Sara M. Gallagher
Raymond F. Orzechowski ’59
Donna M. Anderson ’84
Charles A. Costanzo ’78
Jay A. Garber ’61
Meade Todd Palmer ’81
Joan M. Anderson ’64
William A. Cressman ’63
James D. Gardner ’73
Edward H. Papish ’71
James C. Appleby ’87
Thomas T. Culkin ’66
Michael P. Garvey, Jr. ’94
Michael R. Phillips ’81
Alan S. Aronovitz ’82
James J. Cusick, Jr. ’83
Donna Craigo Gaumond ’75
Gerald P. Polli ’56
Vincent M. Astolfi ’95
Gary D. D’Alonzo ’78
Thomas F. Genco ’78
Rosemary C. McFall ’63
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 35
Evonne S. Ghaly
Iva Oberholser Kimes ’70
William B. Morrison ’50
Debra Drabold Schermerhorn ’85
Anne E. Giordano ’98
Edith L. Kirschner ’48
Thomas W. Mou ’41
Charles B. Schewene ’73
Cindy Sears Gochnauer ’82
Velma Gould Kistler ’51
Robert W. Mucklow ’60
Scott D. Schifter ’79
Stuart Gold ’59
George A. Koffs ’51
Charles H. Muehlbauer ’66
Mindy Bowman Schlachter ’74
Allan Goldberg ’59
Sheldon X. Kong ’92
Scott L. Myers ’90
William G. Schlachter, Jr. ’75
Barbara J. Goldman ’78
Alexander Kowalski ’53
Trudy Lewis Myers ’90
Edward J. Schrader ’60
Ronald T. Goldman ’55
Kaylor P. Kowash ’88
Nga Viet Nguyen ’05
Evelyn L. Schwartz ’45
Andrea Parisse Gosda ’87
Charles H. Kroekel ’53
Truong Xuan Nguyen ’05
Elmer K. Shaffer, Jr. ’55
Stephen G. Grant ’76
Erica Perry Kuchinski ’92
Patrick Oates
Mimi Hill Shannahan ’71
Dennis M. Grasela ’80
Matthew S. Kuchinski ’92
Michael J. Olivieri ’61
Jerald J. Shapiro ’60
Jack O. Gratch ’69
Ilona Ayotte Lachina ’03
Neeta Bahal O’Mara ’88
Richard J. Shapiro ’65
Norman Greenman ’74
Angela K. Lamy
Ken T. Oshiro ’54
John H. Shinkai ’44
Freddy A. Grimm ’66
Harry J. Leonhardt ’79
Richard Oski ’55
Clyde E. Shoop ’51
Thomas B. Gruber ’65
Genevieve Porter Levans ’92
Kazim Oladotun Oyenuga
Joy Singer Shoop ’51
Vicken A. Gulvartian ’81
Lynne R. LeWitt
Albert M. Packman ’52
Harry L. Siegel
Lewis M. Halin ’52
Sarah Lipkin
Patricia L. Parente-Maher
Peter K. S. Siegl ’76
Patrick J. Hall ’82
Barbara E. Little
Anthony L. Parola ’86
Judith Miller Sills ’83
Rosemarie O’Malley Halt ’89
Joseph K. Loehle ’56
Lisa Contardi Parola ’86
Anthony J. Silvagni ’63
Linda Marano Hand ’71
Joseph R. Lofft ’82
Gary R. Parosky ’86
Christopher J. Smalley ’76
Jeffrey Spencer Harris ’81
Larrye E. Loss ’83
David B. Paul ’61
James D. Smith, Jr. ’81
Joan DiPietro Heydorn ’77
William Lozinger, Jr. ’59
Charlotte Bartakovits Pavis ’65
Richard Grant Smith ’71
William E. Heydorn ’77
Robert C. Madonna ’54
John A. Pavis ’65
Roger B. Smith ’70
William C. Hill ’50
Mary K. Maguire ’83
John E. Pawlowski ’84
Jay J. Sochoka ’94
Dorothy O’Connors Hilton ’80
Joseph P. Maher
Andrew M. Peterson
Sheryl Lynn Sochoka
John F. Hinkle, Jr. ’58
John J. Malizia, Sr. ’70
Nancy Jorgensen Pettineo ’00
Robert F. Spera ’88
Lauren H. Hoffman ’83
Mark Manzo ’81
Steven J. Pettineo ’99
Erica Lee Spizzirri
John Holak ’55
AnneMarie Bubeck Marasco ’95
George M. Phillips ’69
Robert A. Steele ’68
George R. Homa ’74
Dominic A. Marasco ’96
Ellyn Gordon Pick ’73
Mitchell I. Steinberg ’66
Peter D. Hottenstein ’62
Benjamin Robert Margolis ’67
Nicholas A. Pick ’73
Willard A. Stephens ’69
Kenneth O. Howell ’43
Rudolph F. Marino ’54
Elleni J. Pippis ’94
Philip W. Stern ’66
Robert E. Howell ’67
Vincent A. Marone ’66
John W. Poole ’54
Erin K. Stromelo ’01
Robert E. R. Howell ’97
William G. Marsh ’38
Charles R. Porter ’81
Joseph T. Sullivan
Mary Sheehan Howett ’69
John R. Marvel ’52
Katherine Welykoridko Porter ’82
M. Susanne Sullivan
Rosemarie D. Hunziker ’75
Steven W. Maryanoff ’66
John L. Price, III ’57
Ann Cunningham Sylvester ’84
Daniel A. Hussar ’62
Vincent Massimiano ’56
Stanley J. Pruskowski, Jr. ’81
Ralph H. Thomas, III ’72
Suzanne Fix Hussar ’67
James C. Matthews ’87
Theodore B. Pukas ’65
Stephanie Kesterson Tomlinson ’98
Valerie Iadanza-Brumbach ’98
Lisa Stefy Matthews ’90
E. Mark Punchard, Sr. ’73
Barbara Betza Tonelli ’78
Veasna Ieng ’98
David Mattichak ’49
Scott C. Radley ’69
Mark B. Tornatore ’81
Kenneth Y. Iinuma ’53
Rebecca M. McAllister ’05
Michelle Chapman Richardson ’90
Victoria R. Treese ’00
Ronald C. Isenburg ’79
Maria Lombardi McGregor ’51
Samuel Richberg, Jr. ’56
Terry A. Trutt ’84
Richard T. Jackson ’63
Thomas H. McIntyre ’65
Richard Norman Ritter ’59
Cheryl Ramin Turner ’68
Michael A. Josbena ’81
Cornelius P. McKelvey ’63
Angelo Nicholas Rosa ’29
Ruediger I. Turner ’68
Carl R. June, Jr. ’63
Hans J. Medal ’57
Frank A. Rotella ’65
Laura L. Tyndall ’85
Jean Penson Kavanagh ’53
Cheryl Olcese Meek ’80
Eileen Rowan ’70
R. Richard Unangst ’58
W. Thomas Kavanagh ’53
Nagdy A. Mehany
Sylvia L. Rubin
James Unland
Toshiyuki Kawahara ’51
Marlene Furgiuele Mentzer ’81
Theodore Rudberg ’60
Gene J. Upanavage ’65
Christopher A. Keeys ’82
R. Lee Mentzer ’97
Elisa J. Rusonis
Gloria J. Upanavage ’68
Lynn B. Keiser ’67
Wayne H. Messick ’73
Paul A. Rusonis ’76
William E. Vandervalk ’70
Robert L. Keiser ’65
Michele Misher-Harris ’84
Doris Killen Rutledge ’50
Carolyn M. Vivaldi
Fred W. Kephart ’73
Francis J. Montone ’76
Rosalie Sagraves ’78
Susan Flannery Wainwright ’87
Alice Mack Kerchner ’43
Rita Marzen Montone ’76
Margaret Bare Sanbower ’78
G. Richard Walter, Sr. ’59
James P. Kerchner ’47
R. J. Moore ’58
Ann V. Satterthwaite
Hal R. Ward ’88
Joseph F. Kerrigan, Jr. ’76
Albert F. Morgenthaler ’37
Lorinda Fellema Saunders ’85
Karen Ann Yatsko Wassel ’83
Sophia Z. Khan ’98
Fred A. Morris, Jr. ’60
Ruth L. Schemm
Ronald T. Wassel ’82
Aaron E. Wasserman ’42
Martin Weiner ’52
Marguerite E. Wells
Russell N. Wells
Thomas Reed Wells, II ’97
S. Roger Wetherill, III ’68
Daniel C. White ’88
Julia A. Wigent
Honor Roll of Alumni
July 1, 2005–June 30, 2006
1941: 19% participation
1947: 32% participation
Simon E. Levin
Doris Finkelstein Benen *
1929: 20% participation
Jane Weygandt Lusk *
Charles L. Braucher
Harold Marcus *
M. Ellen Sutton Dudley
Thomas W. Mou *
Irvin Gratch
Angelo Nicholas Rosa *
1931: 13% participation
Anthony J. Marlino *
Peter P. Stukowski
Rodney J. Wigent
1932: 40% participation
Philip D. Winand ’60
Elwood T. Bracey *
Janet McGiboney Wolfe ’85
Benjamin Buchalter *
Michael S. Wolfe ’84
1942: 27% participation
Emma G. Allen *
Irwin Bromberg
Helen Benjamin Desher *
James P. Kerchner *
B. Bernard Morgenstern
Stanley Scheindlin
Joseph Tkacheff, Jr. *
Lawrence C. Dormuth *
1948: 36% participation
William R. Jones *
Jerrold F. Bress
1933: 17% participation
Bertha Meade Litsky, Estate of
Alice Lamb Davies *
Abraham Cohen
Rhoads M. Speck
Herbert S. Garde *
Richard E. Houghton, Estate of
George E. Walper
Wilbert R. Gaul
1934: 57% participation
Aaron E. Wasserman *
Alfonso R. Gennaro *
Gertrude Given Baxter *
1943: 27% participation
Noah S. Blank *
Alfred J. Fleischer *
Isabella Kaczmarczyk Demopulos
Martin Gibbs *
Abraham A. Gordon *
Abraham Glasser
A. David Romig
Dorothea McClanen Hamlin
Catherine Porter Zrada ’83
1935: 50% participation
James G. Hamlin
1949: 31% participation
Matthew M. Zrada ’80
Elliott E. Leuallen *
Kenneth O. Howell *
N. Wayne Arnold
Lloyd Zubrick ’66
Anne Mandes Troncelliti
Alice Mack Kerchner *
Paul A. Ashton *
Christine E. Zwickel ’88
1936: 13% participation
Peter J. Konicki
Harris B. Bernstein
Earl Martin Chamberlin
Max T. Lichtenstein, Jr.
Homer L. Bieber *
Mahmoud M. Abdallah Foundation
Morton Rosenfeld *
Thomas J. Marra
Helen Beal Bruck *
Walter A. Moyer, Jr. *
Paul J. Butash, Jr. *
1937: 47% participation
Leonard S. Silbert
Louis Charles *
Amgen Foundation, Inc.
Seldia Zonies Blatman *
Donald Waber *
Lester S. Cohen *
Apotheek Inc.
Louis Gold *
Donald M. Walker *
Ralph L. Easter
The Baxter International Foundation
Thomas B. Hollis
Edward A. Wielicki *
Jean Depuy Fenstermacher
Cliffe’s & the Prescription Center
Eugene L. Kuryloski
Elizabeth Pollins Yenawine *
Norman C. Freeman *
Dardashti Properties
Mary Barnisky Kuryloski
Fino’s Pharmacy
Albert F. Morgenthaler *
Gruber’s Pharmacy
Toby Chertcoff Rodman
Ideal Pharmacy
Roger M. Russ *
Jack Culkin and Associates
1938: 22% participation
John H. Shinkai *
Joseph L. Ciminera *
Leon Shmokler *
Howard D. Wolfson ’67
William Woodward
Sharon Dunleavy Yeske-Amato ’81
Yaeno Yorimoto ’50
Ann L. Young ’61
Terry R. Zartman ’71
Joan Scopelliti Zawisza ’76
Michael J. Zawisza ’76
Michael A. Zittle ’68
J.B. Merrick Apothecary, Inc.
The Merck Company Foundation
Moore’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Procter & Gamble Company
Wellpoint Foundation
Wordsmith’s Health Communications
Amgen PAC
Sisters of Charity
William G. Marsh *
Robert L. McNeil, Jr.
Sylvia King Rosenfeld *
1939: 22% participation
Elizabeth Wagner Chase
Robert W. Ivens *
1944: 31% participation
Malvin S. Aaronson *
Regina Steinbrecher Bromberg *
Stanford L. Engel *
1945: 21% participation
Lillian A. Giuliani
Evelyn L. Schwartz *
Irvin Tomkin *
1946: 47% participation
Mary McWilliams Birkbeck
1940: 22% participation
Edith Corson Davis
Edwin A. Brosbe
William M. Davis
Ellis Gadol *
Ida May Ritter Englehart
William K. Mears *
Lillian Kolakowski Stewart *
Edward L. Plumb, Jr. Dorothy Zimmer Stoker
Earle W. Weiss *
Eleanor Walker Weaver *
Rose Utsunomiya Yamauchi
Cecelia McCormick Gennaro *
Edith L. Kirschner *
Phyllis Deemer Moore
Robert L. Pollack
Dorothy E. Thomas *
Arthur E. Greene *
Melvin B. Hausman
Anna Komar Hulme *
Elwood Keser *
Anna Caccese Kruse
Conrad E. Kruse
David Mattichak *
Joseph F. Peronace *
Theresa Lazarick Price *
William J. Pronzato
John T. Spera *
1950: 42% participation
Cornelia VanSickel Angell *
Grover N. Ashton
Robert C. Bogash
Anthony F. Capriotti *
V. Robert Carson, Jr.
Alvin E. Carter, Jr.
Robert S. Carter *
Marion White Cooper
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 37
Bernard Corchnoy
Ammon W. Mengel
Jean Penson Kavanagh *
Loretta Barabas Ridolfi
Abraham A. Freedman
Clarence E. Nissley *
W. Thomas Kavanagh *
Anthony L. Rotella
Morton I. Gershenfeld
Peter Mark Richman *
Lazarus M. Kirifides
Richard J. Shea *
William G. Gillespie
Murray M. Sandler
Alexander Kowalski
Walter Shultz *
Martin Golden *
Isadore Schuman
Charles H. Kroekel *
David H. Steel
Daniel D. Greene
Lester A. Shappell, Estate of
Clinton W. Kuhns *
Walter G. Steele
Cosmo R. Guglielmi *
Clyde E. Shoop *
Elizabeth Iorio Lemmer *
Norman J. Straus *
David N. Gutekunst, Sr. *
Joy Singer Shoop *
Howard J. Levin *
James W. Truitt, Jr.
John T. Hagenbucher
Gilbert F. Slotter
Thomas W. Maier
Vincent J. Zarro
Pauline Collins Hepler
Kalman W. Stein *
Phillip J. Marone
William C. Hill *
Paul W. Thomas
Kathleen Earner McClellan
Norman A. Hulme *
Milton Williams
Simon W. Rhoads
A. William Kapler, Jr. *
Robert B. Kaskey
Mary Lou Milligan Kober *
Charles A. Leonard *
Harold Marcus
Thomas J. McNulty, Sr. *
Leonard P. Metkowski *
Donald T. Miller
William B. Morrison *
Joyce M. Ottemiller *
Claude U. Paoloni *
Wilhelmina E. Pohl
David Rosen
Doris Killen Rutledge *
Leonard Shapiro *
C. Richard Sheaffer *
Harvey A. Silk
Louis M. Silverman
Gerald F. Wynn
Yaeno Yorimoto *
Robert H. Youst *
1952: 28% participation
Herman S. Altman *
Elizabeth Eby Appleby *
Frederick W. Breslin *
Alfred S. DiMattia
Paul G. Epstein *
Wayne M. Grimm
Richard A. Rhoda *
Rosemarie Pleva Rieck *
Louis Rottenberg
Leonard Saluck
Bernard Sitnick *
Morton Steinberg *
Harold P. Wittman
1955: 37% participation
William E. Bartlett *
Charles V. Bernard
Julius J. Berrettini
Philip M. Blitz
Richard M. Bogutz
Mary Jo Dooley Bowman
Harold L. Brog *
Martin Buchalter
Michael R. Carroll, Jr. *
Wilbur B. Hale
1954: 39% participation
Fereydoun Dardashti
Lewis M. Halin
William G. Andrews *
Richard L. DeKany
Edward Allen Hartshorn
Robert E. Barbour *
Helen Maxwell Dieterich
Boen T. Kho *
Warren S. Chernick
Martin Dimmerman
Ernestine F. Libros
Peter DiPietrantonio, Jr. *
James M. Farrell
Clara Bolonowski Lucas
Edward R. Ellis
Leonard H. Finkelstein *
John R. Marvel *
Clyde R. Erskine, Jr. *
Norman Folkman *
David Mayron
Michael J. Ferko *
Lila E. Freeman *
Charles W. McGrath, Jr.
Darwin C. Franceschi
Ronald T. Goldman *
Howard T. McMearty *
Raymond Freedman *
Joseph F. Haigh
Albert M. Packman
Martin Gold *
John Holak *
Nicholas Pennente, Jr.
Morton E. Goldberg *
Carl F. Hopp, Estate of
Akiva Pour-El
Sidney Goldstein
Paul D. Jacobs
Marvin J. Silverman
Leonard Fred Greenberg
Frederick A. Labs
1951: 29% participation
William E. Smith *
Richard Allen Greulich *
Gerald E. Liss *
Jack Aaron
William Vilensky
Walter W. Holl
Charles G. Miriello
Marvin A. Abramson
Maurice J. Warner *
Sidney J. Kahn
Joseph L. O’Neill *
Armond J. Angelucci
Martin Weiner
Rhoda Stein Katz *
Richard Oski
Ronald H. Kauffman *
William H. Press *
Joseph R. Kukulich *
Harold S. Rhodes, Jr.
William H. Levin
Leonard D. Schlegel
Harvey Lipschultz
Murray J. Seidelman
Albert S. Liszka
Elmer K. Shaffer, Jr. *
Robert C. Madonna *
Michael J. Skiba
Hillard S. Mann *
Robert Tendler
Rudolph F. Marino *
Alan J. Vogenberg *
Patricia Duffy Angelucci
Nahum M. Balotin *
Joseph G. Bartoletti *
David Bergman
Herbert A. Brill *
Nathan Brillman *
Gerald J. Brodsky *
George M. De Curtis
Jerome Dubowe *
Frank F. Katz
Toshiyuki Kawahara *
Velma Gould Kistler
George A. Koffs
Norman J. Kritz *
Marvin L. Lewbart
Gerhard Maerker
Maria Lombardi McGregor *
1953: 32% participation
Modest Artymiw
William W. Ashley *
Thomas Hailstone Baxter
John P. Brown
Jerome S. Burden *
Charlotte Rhine Danneker *
Neil M. Davis
Mervin B. Dezenhall
Edward G. Dolton, Jr. *
Robert S. Dopko *
John S. Doulis
Manuel I. Fiel
Mitchell Horenstein
Kenneth Y. Iinuma *
Ernest Jacobson *
Joseph E. Martelli
George McLay, Jr.
Alan J. Miller
M. Lindsay Mitchell
L. Robert Moyer
Ken T. Oshiro
Robert J. Pluta *
John W. Poole *
Irwin Reich
1956: 36% participation
Philip Agress
Melania Markewycz Banach *
James Barton
Galen W. Bear
Thomas J. Beeda, Sr. *
Marvin Berkoff
Raymond E. Bernosky
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
Gerald Bloch *
Joan Peterson Bay
Anthony J. Triolo
Donald Hines *
Blyden S. Boyle
Eurelio M. Cavalier *
Salvatore J. Turco *
Maryann Marsilii Isaac
Richard J. Bronstein
Carmen A. DiCello
Frank P. Tutterice
Wakeem P. Isaac
Joseph F. Bruno *
Ronald J. D’Orazio
G. Richard Walter, Sr.
Myung Ha Joung
Vincent Jay Cease
R. Frank Ecock, Jr. *
Robert A. Weiss
Karl L. Krammes
John F. Culkin *
Curtis G. T. Ewing *
Daniel H. Yeoman
David M. Lubaroff
Robert E. Dempski *
Thomas J. Farrelly, III
William M. Deptula *
Ronald S. Feder
Enrico T. Doganiero
Anastasia DeMedio Gelzunas
Thomas Engle Frontz, Sr.
John F. Hinkle, Jr. *
Frank L. Heilman, Sr.
David M. Hoffman *
Peter John Kalibat
John J. Hughes, Jr.
Donald W. Labella *
Wallace G. Hughes
Joseph K. Loehle
Bernard Lieberman
W. Richard Marshman *
Alfred L. Ludwig, Jr.
Vincent Massimiano
Walter E. Lyszkowski, Jr.
Gerald P. Polli
R. J. Moore
Jerry Potash
Mildred Mulligan Mousseau *
Samuel Richberg, Jr. *
Norton H. Neff
Marvin E. Rosenthale
Frank J. Novello
David P. Schmehl *
Charles Obeid, Sr.
Barry Silverman *
Edward W. Pawling
Leonard E. Sogoloff
Edward Porter
Harry L. White
Richard E. Salvatore *
Gerald H. Yablin *
Richard K. Shadduck *
1957: 35% participation
Charles A. Albano
Joseph G. Bechtel *
Bernard F. Blois
Virgil Brillantini
Robert B. Cohen
David Allen Frankel
Irene Sherba
Nickolas C. Shissias
Sidney J. Stein
Ronald L. Stocker *
Melvin L. Turner
R. Richard Unangst *
Ronald L. Witman
1960: 36% participation
Alan P. Baker
Samuel R. Borenstein
Alan G. Buck
C. Edward Eden
Vito F. Fantini *
Samuel Fogel
Leonard Fronton *
H. Lee Gladstein
William L. Greene
Gary D. Hall
W. James Hart, Jr.
Roland P. Knuetter
Aili Abel Labidas
James J. McHugh
Dorothy Burke Mullaney
Maven J. Myers *
Michael J. Olivieri *
David B. Paul
William H. Penn *
Lawrence J. Schrader
David J. Shappell
Robert L. Snively *
Ronald T. Turnbull *
Martin J. Uffner
Joseph E. Wierzbicki
Ann L. Young *
P. Ann Sharrah Zimmerman *
David B. Lutz
1962: 25% participation
Lloyd C. Malseed, Jr.
Douglas G. Allen *
Robert C. Meck *
John A. Bachynsky
George H. Miller
Horace R. Bacon *
Lance G. Minnich
John J. Buchanan
Fred A. Morris, Jr. *
John L. Butler
Susanne Murphy Moskalski *
Joseph L. D’Angelo, III
Robert W. Mucklow *
Joseph M. DiMino
Allen B. Myers
Ralph E. Fishkin
Philip Needleman *
Michael J. Frey *
Michael Podolsky
Mitchell Ginsburg
David M. Rosenblum
Mario H. Hipp *
Mary Ann Mucha Gerhards *
1959: 25% participation
Theodore Rudberg
Peter D. Hottenstein *
Stanley J. Haberman *
Burnside E. Anderson, III
Edward J. Schrader *
Daniel A. Hussar *
Rose Ellen F. Holl
Sharon Bechaud Bender
Jerald J. Shapiro *
Meyer Krugman
Robert L. Hoover
Carman A. Bevilacqua
Paul W. Stackhouse
Gary P. Malunis
Nelson S. Kanas
Herbert S. Carlin
Arnold Wildfeuer *
Antoni E. Mavrantonis
Philip B. Lipsky *
Howard Cohen
Richard Hayes Williams
J. Brian Mc Kay
Walter J. Ludwig
George P. Faccenda
Philip D. Winand
Dennis L. Nugent *
Shirley Stonesifer Marshman *
Martin B. Freedman
Richard P. Wurst *
Armand P. Petrillo
Lynnette Hammond McNeal *
Stuart Gold
Hans J. Medal
Allan Goldberg
Marvin L. Miller *
Jules Hirsch *
Earl R. Oberholtzer, Jr.
Myron Howell
Thomas F. Olcese
Andrew J. Kovalovich
John L. Price, III *
William Lozinger, Jr.
Richard S. Rubin
Allen Misher
Robert L. Wertz
Raymond F. Orzechowski
Thomas A. Wheatley *
Charles J. Paget *
Richard M. Yura *
Theodore M. Resnick
1958: 33% participation
Anthony A. Agypt
James Campbell Bay, III
Richard Norman Ritter
Stanley Sklar
Thomas F. Stonesifer
Richard W. Suscha *
1961: 32% participation
Arlene Kostrzewska Albright
Anthony Astore
Suzanne Morgan Baker
Rebecca Brecker *
Fred M. Eckel *
Thomas Eichenbaum
Herbert Secouler *
Virginia Ambrose Shamonsky *
C. Neil Shankweiler
Gail Ford Stohler
Robert M. Voytovich
Morris Yudelson *
Eli W. Zucker *
Andrew J. Ferrara *
1963: 31% participation
Dominic P. Fino
Larry S. Abrams *
John P. Fitzpatrick
David M. Ash
Jay A. Garber *
Robert Marvin Bell *
Asa R. Gatlin, III
John W. Berkenkopf
Garry R. Grabelle
Henry G. Borneman
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 39
Arthur P. Buck *
Louis D. Coccodrilli *
Mitchell I. Steinberg *
Lee A. Zagar
William A. Cressman
Paul R. Cortesini *
Philip W. Stern *
Michael A. Zittle
Ronald M. Daugherty
Thomas L. Duke
Allan S. Susten *
James W. Eschbach
Robert W. Garber
John L. Sykora
Joel B. Feder *
Sandra Hill Garber
Alice E. Till
Beverly Weaver Freshman *
Jose L. Garcia
Lloyd Zubrick *
Elizabeth Ann M. Fusco *
Sheila Hopwood Gropp *
F. Gerald Galoonis *
Thomas B. Gruber
James R. Gambale
Richard James Harwood
Robert S. Geller
George W. Hillenbrand *
Suzanne Schlichtig Gross
Robert L. Keiser *
Richard T. Jackson *
Monroe I. Klein
Joel S. Jaspan
Marlene Boxman Lamnin
Ernest W. Johnson *
Thomas H. McIntyre
Carl R. June, Jr.
Eileen Starr Moss
James F. J. Kane
Jeanne F. Paskawicz
Harvey R. Kaplan
Charlotte Bartakovits Pavis
George D. Kline, Jr.
John A. Pavis
James W. Krapf
Theodore B. Pukas *
Emmett N. Kurtz
Carlos B. Rios, Jr.
Joseph LaRue, Jr.
Cynthia Swantkowski Rios
Richard E. Long
Kenneth J. Rosini *
Emmy Versnel Mac Nichol
Frank A. Rotella
H. Ronald McClellan, Sr.
Richard J. Shapiro
Rosemary C. McFall *
Gene J. Upanavage *
Cornelius P. McKelvey
Leon S. Weissberger
Joan Kovacs Napoleon
Dorothy Drass Yellin
Thomas A. O’Hara
Man Ko Yim
Stephen H. Paul *
Richard G. Sample
Phillip A. Schwartz
Anthony J. Silvagni
Marsha W. Wertzberger
Roger S. Wilson
David M. Zeft *
Nelson E. Ziets
John C. Zweier
1966: 27% participation
Robert P. Brown *
Richard M. Burr
John F. Cook *
Thomas T. Culkin
Karl A. De Sante
Maureen McDevitt Foley
Ellis T. Greenberg
Freddy A. Grimm *
1964: 38% participation
William O. Hiner, Jr. *
Joan M. Anderson *
George D. Koons *
Richard D. Glaser
Matthew J. Land, Jr.
John M. Lehman
Samuel Lizerbram *
Charles W. Weber *
Gino T. LoMaistro *
Nelson Wechter
Vincent A. Marone
Harry K. Youmans *
Steven W. Maryanoff *
Oskar R. Zaborsky
James P. McKnight *
1965: 41% participation
Kenneth S. Alexander
David J. Austin
Steven W. Bass
Kenneth A. Bitz *
Selma Blatnick Bitz *
Marsha Bontomase Burgard
Michael A. Chiola
Charles H. Muehlbauer *
Carol Evans Owen *
Brent W. Rhoads
Paul D. Rowe
Edward S. Sabatini
Anthony J. Santoni
Robert C. Schmidt *
George Edward Sherman
1969: 28% participation
David Wesley Adams
Joseph N. Annarelli
Robert M. Berg
1967: 20% participation
Arthur M. Blatman *
Paul L. Baumgarten, Jr.
Leonard M. Bronstein
David E. Berg
Kenneth W. Brownell
Robert D. Bookbinder
Rene Casas-Benabe
Paul M. Cannoe
William H. Chamberlin *
Lawrence J. Chase *
Ann Joe Gaines
Robert A. Cohen
Barbara Bradley Garber
Richard P. DiLiberto *
Philip P. Gerbino
Dominick J. D’Orazio
Jack O. Gratch
Michael J. Fino *
Barry Lee Greenberg
Elizabeth A. Franko
Mary Sheehan Howett
Robert E. Howell
Herbert V. K. Hu
Suzanne Fix Hussar *
Caroline Berger Jushchyshyn *
Lynn B. Keiser *
Ronald T. Kubacki
Benjamin Robert Margolis *
Murray C. Lightman
James J. McElhone, Jr.
Lorraine J. Meeker *
Mark B. Noble
Sheila Morgenstern *
Simon Rothman
Larry Myerson
Howard D. Wolfson
Ernest N. Perilli
1968: 31% participation
Kenneth C. Bellovin
Joseph Bosak *
John P. Brennan *
Francis A. Chrzanowski
Patricia Lozinger Coffman
Franklin R. Crowe
William E. Dressler
Simon T. Fickinger, III
Harry P. Flanagan *
George M. Phillips
Scott C. Radley
Robert A. Raywood *
Stuart J. Rubin
Richard W. Sloan
Gary P. Smith
Jeffrey L. Stauffer
Willard A. Stephens
Bettyjane Manili Stoltzfus
Charlotte Shvach Zalewsky
John M. Jushchyshyn *
1970: 23% participation
Ronald D. Kaufmann *
Geraldine H. Barnes
Lewis B. Killmer, Jr. *
Bruce S. Bevitz
Bosco C. Lee
David P. Bodo
Joseph A. Linkewich
Joseph A. Coffini, Jr.
Robert James McAuley, Jr.
Gilbert E. D’Alonzo
Kathleen A. McGee
Paul V. DiBona
John C. McKitrick
Joseph L. Fink, III
Lucille Koehler McTamney *
Sandra Taylor Flagiello *
John P. Myers *
Harold C. Garber, Jr.
Joseph J. Perricone *
Joseph Francis Gerace
Jeffrey C. Sirott
Walter W. Godfrey, Sr.
Charles W. Smithgall
Robert G. Harris *
Robert A. Steele *
Kenneth R. Hetzel
Cheryl Ramin Turner *
Leonard S. Jacob
Ruediger I. Turner *
Iva Oberholser Kimes *
Gloria J. Upanavage *
Raymond L. Kipping, Jr.
S. Roger Wetherill, III *
John J. Malizia, Sr.
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
Donna Marie Monek *
George J. Malmberg
Joan M. Eckardt-Craft
Benjamin W. Piersol, Jr.
Paul J. Nigrey
Ludmilla Bartkow Malmberg
Nancy E. English *
Fakrul A. A. Sayeed
Daniel C. Pagano
Fred J. Martin
Frances McQuaid Gagliardi
Jerome J. Schentag *
Stanley S. Pesotski
Walter J. Pfendner, Jr. *
Mary Phillips Giesey
William G. Schlachter, Jr. *
Donald J. M. Phillips *
Patricia A. Rossboro
Norman Greenman *
Steven L. Sheaffer *
Robert H. Rendler
Gerald A. Sanvardine
Reid W. Habecker
Arthur M. Shumsky
Eileen Rowan
James E. Semons
George R. Homa
Stephen Jay Sklar
Lee E. Shafer
Robert A. Shapiro *
Arthur I. Jacknowitz
Gary J. Starecheski
Alice Sectish Sloan
Ralph H. Thomas, III
Christine Secula Jump
Charles A. Trimmer
Roger B. Smith
Janice Renninger Thompson
Henry J. Karcsh *
William J. Wilson, Jr.
Ronald C. Thren *
Marie Evrard Zoellner
Henry M. Katra
William E. Vandervalk
Michael E. Weiss
James Paul Wilson, Jr.
1973: 23% participation
Victor C. Allwein *
Mary Lucik Angus *
Ann Vengrofski Kelly
Richard K. Klinge *
Madelyn L. Koziol
Paula Salus Kralovec
1976: 24% participation
Daniel K. Beaudry *
R. Randolph Beckner
Robert J. Bezick, Jr.
1971: 24% participation
Bradford L. Bentzel *
F. Raymond Angus *
Florence McDermott Bentzel *
David H. Ayres *
Susan Spatz Biehl *
Frances A. Benulis
Douglas W. Campbell
Ruth A. Brown *
Elinor H. Cantor *
Richard W. Buchanan *
Royden M. Coe
H. Joseph Byrd
Patricia Murphy Davis
Richard A. Carapellotti
James M. Dillon *
Edward M. Chasz
Thomas J. Dougherty
Deborah H. Cook
Richard J. Dowling *
John T. Davis
Arthur R. Dreidger
George J. DeCecco
Nicholas A. Dwornitski
Roger M. Downs
H. Timothy Eberly
Albert T. Fuchs, Jr. *
Frank H. Ervin
Joseph C. Grzybowski
James D. Gardner *
Marietta Evangelista Hall
Lewis J. Glantz
Linda Marano Hand
Michael D. Gwirtz *
Robert E. Johnston
William S. Jaeger *
Thomas A. Kachurak *
Fred W. Kephart *
Donald J. O’Such
Kurt A. Kienle *
Edward H. Papish
David J. LoSapio
Karl S. Schumann *
Alice Rosenman McNeese
Mimi Hill Shannahan *
Wayne H. Messick *
1975: 16% participation
Rita Marzen Montone
Thomas S. Sisca
Gerald E. Meyer *
Dominick A. Caselnova, III
Jane Regula Pagliari
Richard Grant Smith
Patrick J. O’Hara
Ravi K. Desiraju *
John Joseph Pasquale *
Edward W. Sunbery
Ellyn Gordon Pick
Donna Craigo Gaumond *
Stephen A. Rajnic, Jr.
Richard J. Swoboda, Jr.
Nicholas A. Pick
Michele Pierson Gerbino *
Richard A. Reed *
Peter H. Vlasses
Francis J. Power, Jr. *
Rudolph V. Gilliam
Howard L. Robinson
Bong H. S. Yoo
E. Mark Punchard, Sr. *
Roxsolana H. Gordon *
Paul A. Rusonis
Terry R. Zartman
John A. Romankiewicz
Betty Jean Harris
Eleanor Mete Selvocki
Leo H. Ross
Debra Cassidy Hernandez
Peter K. S. Siegl
Charles B. Schewene *
Gregory J. Hunadi *
Christopher J. Smalley
Nancee Aleda Kleinert Seidel *
Rosemarie D. Hunziker
Daniel P. Sodergren
Virginia Sica-Kodack
Allen Gordon Irons, Jr.
Dominic A. Solimando, Jr.
Lois Moffa Taylor
Patricia Clancy Kienle *
Mark A. Szilagyi
Patricia Rhoads Klishevich *
Sandra Bubri Szilagyi
Harris Koffer
Joan Scopelliti Zawisza
Michele Kaczmarczyk Miller *
Michael J. Zawisza
1972: 16% participation
R. Kenneth Alderfer, Jr.
Joseph V. Bondi
John W. Bramhall, Jr. *
Teresa Pete Dowling *
George E. Downs
1974: 28% participation
Anne Sheehan Goren
Marc F. Barbash
Mary McElwee Green
Judith Hopfer Deglin
Khurshid Iqbal
Anthony N. Dwornitski
Karen Santo Kram
John J. Lare, Jr.
Jeffrey T. Lipman
Joann Svrcek Lipman
John M. Luckovich
Patricia Volz Masterman *
George M. McAlanis *
Clara Metar McKay *
Charles A. Palilonis *
Thomas D. Poore *
Edward Roth
Mindy Bowman Schlachter *
Thomas E. Silvonek
Cody E. Staples
Carol L. St. George
Howard K. Strahlendorf *
Jean C. Strahlendorf *
Thomas A. Trite *
C. Wayne Weart
Robert L. Webb
Debra Pelle Wescott
Patricia A. Coyne-Johnson
William F. Fisher *
Robert M. Foran
I. Gary Fried
Diane Englehart Fusco
Anthony J. Gianforti, II
Steven J. Gilbert
Stephen G. Grant
James R. Hildebrand, III
David R. Hill *
Richard J. Kallio
Patricia Kidston Katra
Joseph F. Kerrigan, Jr.
Robert O. Kotzin
Lawrence E. Liberti
D. Renee Benton Lupo *
Louis J. Lupo *
Dennis L. Makovsky *
Kathleen Rosenberry Mayes
Dorathy Osborne McAlanis *
John E. Miller
Francis J. Montone
Dinesh C. Patel
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 41
1977: 21% participation
Coleen Ortmann Kayden *
Iris Vera
Paul J. Burrichter
James F. Bunting
Robert S. Kayden, Jr. *
Regina Lutz Waters *
Linda A. Collini
Arnold I. Caine
Rina K. Kelley
Gadi Weinstein
Elizabeth Taormina Corsi *
Bruce B. Clutcher *
Peter B. Kistler
Michael F. DePanfilis *
Jeffrey P. Lemon
Cynthia Statton Desmond
Geraldine E. Liberti
James W. Frazier *
Jeanette Litts *
Andrew A. Gallucci, Jr. *
Edward P. Lotkowski
David B. Ginsburg
Thomas J. Markley
Thaddeus H. Grasela
Fred J. Michalski, Jr.
Cindy Worsley Hamilton
Veronica P. Moriarty
Penelope Holl Hancox
Thomas Duke Moyer
Joan DiPietro Heydorn
Maude H. Prioleau
William E. Heydorn
Rosalie Sagraves
Donna Kline Jones
Margaret Bare Sanbower
John R. Jones
Richard R. Schappell
William E. Judd *
Deborah Ann Smith
Rosemary Kocsis Leach
Kishor H. Thakarar
James M. Loyer *
Barbara Betza Tonelli
Majid Mahjour
Denise Hall Tyler
John K. McClellan *
Gregory S. Umstead
Robert B. McNutt
Allen J. Vaida *
Joseph J. Meissler, Jr.
Michael Scott Wagner *
Jean M. Naples *
1980: 22% participation
Robert H. Abrahams
Beatrice C. Allis
Judith A. Biglin *
Rebecca A. Boyce
Andrea Mortelliti Call
Shivaun Hurley Celano
John J. Coleman
Thomas J. Connelly, Jr. *
Eugene C. Cuvo, Jr.
Felicia J. DelBuono
Joseph M. DiMattia *
Mary Beth Dorr
Eric M. Estes
Jacqueline Rupp Finegan
Richard H. Gannon
Kathy Dominick Givler
Sherri Silverman Goldstein
Dennis M. Grasela
Dorothy O’Connors Hilton
1979: 19% participation
Donna Dragon Jagoe
Thomas C. Bergen
Ellen Tuzze Kelly *
Thomas A. Bradley
Anna Homa King *
Susan Gross Brandell
Mary O’Brien Lobron
Jan Marie Souerwine Brumback
Ian Peter McLean
Richard L. Bryson
Cheryl Olcese Meek
Andrew J. Cocco
P. Scott Morelock
Thomas M. Conroy, Jr.
Linda A. Nelson
Shen Kressler Cuskley
Sally Metkler Peregoy
Dennis Paul Demmin *
Michael F. Purzycki
Gregory C. Diehl *
Linda Lee Rivard
Joseph M. Ferrara, Jr. *
Elizabeth Jolly Roberts
Cheryl A. France *
Deborah Ann Roper
Janice A. Gaska *
Lois E. Sechler
1978: 22% participation
Nancy Franchak Gilbert *
William C. Shallcross
David R. Adams
Karen Holt Giuffre *
Andrew R. Shumsky
John P. Allen
Mary Ann Howland
Carl D. Tepper
David Clyde Bradstock
Harold F. Hunt *
Marya Carey Ugelow
Sheila Brown-King *
Ronald C. Isenburg
Thomas Visco
P. Gregory Buchanan
Laurence B. Katz *
Herbert E. Von Goerres
Kathleen Busofsky Cantore *
Richard E. Kaufman
Jeffrey A. Weiksner
Anthony Carrier
Harry J. Leonhardt
Matthew M. Zrada
Mark T. Conrad
Sheldon I. Mednick *
Charles A. Costanzo
Edgardo A. Mercadante
Gary D. D’Alonzo
Walter J. Mousley, Jr.
Thomas M. Devenny, Jr.
Donna Zygmunt Schappell
Robert Doganiero
Scott D. Schifter
Theresa Thomas Forbes *
Sondra Terry Schultz
Thomas F. Genco
Janice Wiesen Segall
Barbara J. Goldman
Mary Beth Balent Tabit *
Margaret M. Hartman
Lynda Ur-Stevens
Douglas T. Navickas
Samuel A. Pagliari
Robert P. Paone *
David M. Pogar *
Mary Cecilia Powell
Thomas W. Schultz
Marian Cassette Scully
David M. Stahli
Robert M. Stroman
Ronald J. Tamagni
Theresa Striegel Truitt
John A. Veneski
Jennifer Bracey Weader
1981: 30% participation
Norman D. Alworth *
Susann Salansky Apgar
David M. Baker
Karen Arcidiacono Barringer
Edward Joseph Bechtel
Scott H. Blackman
David W. Browning
Patricia Sheridan Cuvo
Kathleen Ritter Dancho
Edward M. Dunn
Terese Marshman Dunn
Ilene Alexander Estes
MaryJane M. Fannin
Thomas F. Flamini
Eleanor Mehan Fobben
Donna Ventriglia Frick *
Vicken A. Gulvartian
Patricia Sullivan Haider
Jeffrey Spencer Harris
Susan Stoll Henderson
Lori Sue Edell Herman
Michael R. Hoy *
Michael A. Josbena
Mary Ann Bukovinsky Kliethermes
Thomas J. Leaming *
Joseph P. Lech *
Thomas E. Lisofsky
Helen McHugh LoSasso
Randall A. Lynch
Mark Manzo
Sandra Graziani McNutt *
Marlene Furgiuele Mentzer
Karen Novielli
Teresa Hayes O’Flynn *
Meade Todd Palmer
James Vincent Palmieri *
Nancy Babicek Paquet
Michael R. Phillips
Charles R. Porter
Stanley J. Pruskowski, Jr.
James Jay Rivard
Kevin C. Roman
Cynthia Lukas Russo
Robert Michael Russo
Elizabeth Stubits Shlom *
Deborah Trautz Shumsky
Bruce R. Smith
James D. Smith, Jr.
Margaret Mazzio Snyder
Rachelle M. Thibault-Finan
Mark B. Tornatore *
Thomas W. Winski
Sharon Dunleavy Yeske-Amato
1982: 23% participation
Sanaa E. Abdallah
Dominick Louis Albano
Alan S. Aronovitz
Sara H. Brower
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
Ernest N. Coccia
Jill Goldstein Dolgin
Joseph T. Ligotski, Jr.
Charna Katz Schlakman
Daniel P. Connelly
Marcus A. Farbstein
Michael N. Mercanti
Donald G. Stump *
Barbara Insley Crouch
Julie Ann Mecca Genuario
Michele Misher-Harris
Laura L. Tyndall *
Linda Marie D’Amore
Donald A. Goldberg
W. Scott Muller *
Cathy Solak Walker
Carol L. Daniels
Dan J. Halberstadt *
John E. Pawlowski
Janet McGiboney Wolfe
Marian E. Daum
Lorri Kanig Halberstadt *
Mark A. Pimley
Stephanie A. Zarus
Donna Destefano-Schuebel
Karen Donohue Helms
Michele Ronco Radomski
Laura D’Oria-Hebeler *
Lauren H. Hoffman
Leonard J. Rakowsky
Eileen F. Duffy
Eulena B. Horne *
Thomas J. Scarlata
Elizabeth Welsh Ferrigno
Kenneth W. Kinzler
Joseph J. Schoen
Kathleen Hutton Flaherty
Michael LaCon
Mindy Hirsh Semanyk
E. George Flunt *
Katie Heikyong Lee
Shelia Minich Sheaffer
Joseph R. Fuselli
Larrye E. Loss *
Jody A. Shollenberger *
Edith Anne Gambacorta
Mary K. Maguire
Lisa Hyman Shopper
Cindy Sears Gochnauer
Susan Calaiaro Maloney
Andrew J. Sonderfan
Randy C. Habecker
Michele Ditchfield Manganello
Gary A. Stopyra *
Patrick J. Hall *
Susan Wilson McGaurn *
Jean Pasternacki Surian
Sherry Kiehart Hartpence
Christine M. Petraglia
Ann Cunningham Sylvester
Miriam Spiegel Herbert *
Amelia S. Piermani-Stetler
Douglas Syrylo *
Rose Mary Battista Hoy *
Catherine Burns Purzycki
Elizabeth Forrence Tomsik
William J. Huy, Jr.
Sally Munson Rada
Terry A. Trutt
Edward J. Janicki, Jr. *
Paul E. Reid *
Glenn S. Weiss
Christopher A. Keeys
Kathleen Check Rosar
Brian D. Wieczorek
William C. Kershaw
Stacy M. Rosemarin *
Karen Murray Wieczorek
Edward J. Lacko, Jr.
D. Bruce Rosvold *
Michael S. Wolfe
Joseph R. Lofft *
Robert H. Shaw, Jr.
David B. Wright
Donna Kirk Manning
Judith Miller Sills *
John R. Yaeger
Richard Scott Ost
Rex M. Smith
Katherine Welykoridko Porter
Elizabeth Weber Sutherlin *
Walter Proch, Jr.
Kevin Patrick Tynan
Robin E. Shaub
Elizabeth Budzinski Waddell
Mitchell K. Spivack
Karen Ann Yatsko Wassel *
Elyse Rabin Tepper
Catherine Porter Zrada
1986: 16% participation
James J. Bayzick
David J. Becker
Lawrence H. Boise
Linda Mendez Bonnell
Alison Gimson DiPasca
Grace L. Earl
Elizabeth Coleman Emma *
Jill Tucker Freedenberg
Joanne Grainger
Linda Heffernan Gulla *
Teresa M. Haas *
Michael J. Heveran
Daniel J. Hyman
Cindy M. Ippoliti
David B. Joseph *
Katherine Ferrara Koffer
Gary D. Matzoni *
Anthony L. Parola
Lisa Contardi Parola
Gary R. Parosky *
1985: 18% participation
Laura Reel Plantz *
Diane DeCarlo Abel
Ellen Simpson Rupp-Pinto
Laura Lewis Baxter
Mark V. Santoro
Stephen M. Busansky
Patricia DeVault Santoro
Bonnie Lee Ostrosky DiCello
Kathleen Marano Scarlata
Lisa Lee Dantini Durkin
Lewis A. Scott, Jr.
1984: 21% participation
Kathleen Fleischer Dusek
Vicki Seyfert-Margolis
Donna M. Anderson *
Vincent J. Dwyer
Richard M. Siegel
Colleen Brennan Battaglini
Lori Schell Ferguson
Gregory T. Soltner
Richard P. Berardi *
Linda Fisher-Bezick
Joseph J. Yanchuck *
Joseph T. Brady
Michelle D. Gandley
Edward J. Brennan, Jr.
Samuel L. Hassinger
1983: 22% participation
Wenda Knorr Brennan
Paul G. Hofstaeder
Edward T. Aitken
Geraldine Brown-Broadnax *
Jule Ann Bravyak Keegan
Anne Gredler Barton
Mitzi G. Cole
Rosemary Kerwin *
Kenneth J. Barton, Jr.
Maria Bongiovanni Corbet
Brian D. Kilmartin
Michael P. Brown
Dawn L. Elliott
John P. Mariano, Jr.
Warren A. Butvinik
Daniel C. Esbin
Gregory T. Noel
Rita Cressman Case
Noel Forster Fisher
Mary A. Parenti
Stephen D. Cifelli
Charles J. Flannery
Lisa Bush Pecorini *
Edward J. Cikowski *
Kenneth B. Fox *
Barbara J. Prince
Lisa Calenda Cikowski *
Tiziana Palatucci Fox *
Mark A. Pullen
Laurie Ann Conant
Lester S. Gibbs *
William J. Reilly, Jr. *
Deborah LaBarge Crouse
Joel R. Gorski
Jay W. Rhodes
Scott F. Curry *
Steven Gross *
Lorinda Fellema Saunders
Susan Cruciani Curry *
Anthony D. Gulla *
Bruce M. Schechter
James J. Cusick, Jr.
Kenneth J. Kossack
Debra Drabold Schermerhorn *
Thomas F. Turco
Mary Elsenboss Tyrrell
Ronald T. Wassel *
Lisa McMearty Westog
Caroline Wieczorek
Stephen Scott Wisneski
1987: 18% participation
James C. Appleby *
Kenneth J. Bevenour
Jerry A. Bliss
William A. Catalutch, Jr.
Kathleen Galli Chupka *
Donna Marchesani Cronin *
Crystal Noll Deckel
Mary Joan C. Denisco
Victoria Rehill Elliott *
Shirley Schell Erb
Ann Ervin *
Rita Beller Fenstermaker *
Kimberly Miller Fogarty
Mary Jane Moha Gallagher
Andrea Parisse Gosda
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 43
Susan Cavanaugh Hampson
Tracy McGonigal Chaffier
Rebecca S. Hinkle *
Christina Graziano Tolomeo
Christina Hann *
Curtis E. Clark
Judith Birk Hunter
Kenneth R. Trenary, II *
Stephen M. Hillerman
Stephanie Roth Cusick *
Silfah Oseni Lana
Susan Varevice-McAndrew
Michele Barnett Hyman
Stephanie Kingree DellaCroce
Michele L. Lennox *
Brian D. Vukovich
Andrea Schirmer Jensen
Brian E. Doebler
Mary Ann Resavage Magda
John W. Wood, II
David J. Kazierad
Susanne Hulburt Dudash
Lisa Stefy Matthews *
Colleen Crankshaw Yukanis *
Rosemarie Paciocco Ladzinski
Christine Bowman Esposito *
Melissa Deanne Maurer
Bruce D. Lefkowitz
Jeffrey A. Fenerty
E. Lynn Wachstein Mineo *
Debra Gevirtz Lefkowitz
Donna Marie Feudo
Scott L. Myers *
Joseph S. Macus
Heidi Bogart Florig
Trudy Lewis Myers *
Kimberly Parker Marsola
Amy Sullivan Gale
James A. Owen
James C. Matthews *
Diane Haraburda Georgetti
Janet Murphy Owen
Lynn Obeid McCarthy
Rosemarie O’Malley Halt
Laurie Scopp Pess
Margaret M. McEvilly *
Arlene Cope Havens
Betsy Bozarth Potteiger
Rodalyn Morine-Toomer
Helen Panaritis Heveran
Michelle Chapman Richardson
Eileen O’Connor Nolte
Harry K. Hobbs
Brenda Fleming Ross
Renee Reynolds Rodio *
Timothy J. Huber
Catherine H. Ryeom
Theodore R. Sana
Barbara McGee Hughes
Edward G. Sanborn, Jr.
J. Christopher Scott
Thomas E. Hughes
Florence Zoerkler Sevold *
Michele Sowinski Scott
Emily Loos Maier
Lucy Vizzoni Stewart
William D. Shade
Christina Marucci
Nancy E. Stewart *
Gregg S. Teitel
R. Neil Mason
Hieu T. Tran
Susan Flannery Wainwright *
Scott C. McCarty
Jeffrey J. Tworzyanski
Nasir J. Mian
Anne Furman Usuka *
Carol McIntosh Murmello *
Kristine Beineman Verrier
1988: 10% participation
Kelly Bayzick
Andrew Brittingham
Maria A. Das
Mindy Galperin Hillerman
Kaylor P. Kowash
Deborah LaTorre-Tarran
Michelle Janusanis Ligotski
Gene P. Maraldo *
Jacqueline B. McCrea
Karen L. Napier *
Neeta Bahal O’Mara *
Joseph J. Ostrosky
Joy Otfinoski-Mouland
Stephanie Tomasso Oscarson *
John H. Panko
Carmen C. Petruzzelli *
David E. Rabin *
Mark A. Salvatore *
Jeanette Barden Samuel
Andrew P. Silverman
Saralyn Andrews Sonn
Cheryl Micheli Talamo
John Talamo
Donald Joseph Veglia
Shelly Ritter Wolfe
1992: 15% participation
Jennifer Bittner Almonti
Amany Mansour Awad
B. Nicole Pearen Balan
Maria Concilio Barr
Daniel Bieter *
Marissa L. Buttaro
Nicholas M. Chaffier
Maria Kyriakopoulos Courpas *
Mark J. Cziraky
Susan M. DeSipio
Renee Percosky Dzuiba
Lynn Kmiec Eagle
Irene B. Feingold
Andrea Lazowick Feldman
Steven M. Finegan
Michael J. Gerard
Paul G. Graff
Diane Green
1991: 12% participation
Sheldon X. Kong
Susanne Mulligan Casey
Jacqueline Klaczak Kopack
Karen Cohen
Erica Perry Kuchinski *
Catherine Bonczyk Crisfulla
Matthew S. Kuchinski *
Linda M. DiMartino-Logue
Frances Chan Lanty
Jill Hoffman Florio *
Joel A. Lehman
Kimberly Bader Giacomelli
Genevieve Porter Levans
Valerie Davis Hellriegel *
Alyse M. Lindner-Wolfe
Diane Fazi Herman *
Linda Rose Lum
Lynn Bond Hill
Dana Williams Lutz
Nickoleta Karalis Iacona
Sarah Berkley Matunis
Beth C. Israel
Tara Minnucci McAllister
Deborah Peirano Pippin
1990: 14% participation
Theresa Rodite Langeheine *
David J. McGee *
Susan Ruane-Dao
Joan Grabowski Begliomini
Michael K. McGuire
Carol Ickes Miller
Joan Gardler Sabine
Robert A. Begliomini
Helen Ann Wusinich Milligan
Jeffrey B. Musser
David R. Schappell
Rose Ann Palumbo Boise
Joseph B. Nyzio, Jr.
Eva Wenger Panko
Robert F. Spera *
Salvatore S. Bonaccorso
Kimberly M. O’Connor
Kristen Plastino-Arnold
Lisa Begliomini Stella *
M. Paula Biemuller Cabulong
Howard J. Peckman
Denise M. Romito
Robert A. Suter *
Linda A. Corvari
Elissa M. Pompey
Suzanne Seglets Schmeltzle
Hal R. Ward *
Michael J. Czar
Bernadette Weiss Price
Ryan M. Schott
Daniel C. White
Joseph J. Dancsecs
Catharina Das Ravenscroft
Alka Chauhan Solanki
Christine E. Zwickel
Linda A. Dattilio
Frank John Rooks, Jr. *
James R. Staffa *
Felicia A. DelloBuono
Christina Christidis Scanlan *
Meredith A. Swank
Steven R. Eby
Michelle Shapiro
Laura J. Taylor
Catherine A. Filippone *
Bonnie Y. Soto
Christine Riegert Thomas
Kira Charney French *
Deborah Matthews Stern
Kristin Yiengst Vukovich
Cherylann McNulty Gilmore
Michael Stern
Irene Klyszewski Wood
Steven F. Herman *
Kimberly A. Stout
William J. Yarnall
1989: 16% participation
Stephanie K. Bean *
Karen Salzman Bliss
Scott John Boyle
Jacqueline Welde Brittingham
Thomas D. Brown
John F. Hinkle, III
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
1993: 13% participation
Robin Poland Peterman
Denise Stiely Orsulak *
Allison Smithgall-Gehron
Paul R. Belcher *
Elleni J. Pippis *
Gay K. Owens
Tejal Gandhi Tolat
Cheryl Pascu Cathcart
Christine Pampanin Reiber *
Victoria Carrozza Paoletti *
Stephanie Kesterson Tomlinson
Maria Shubzda Coslett *
Michael J. Rossi
Lisa Stelluto Sacavitch
John William Tomsho
Barbara Kaufmann Cymbala
Jay J. Sochoka
Corie Snodgrass Shoop
Lynn Pelligrin Tomsho
Valerie Gasser Foley
Adela S. Tabares
Scott A. Shoop
Dominick J. Vizzoni
Karyn Flynn Gerard
Gary W. Umland
Stephanie Parker Sponenberg
Michael C. Wargo
Matthew Craig Green
Nancy Pino Williamson
Lora Prange Strauss
Xiaoshi Zhang
Stephanie Atkinson Grunwell
Stacey Artis Willoughby
Brian D. Stwalley
Andrew D. Kaplan *
James C. Young
Zimeng Yan
Bhakti Parmar Kshatriya
Steven Andrew Kucharski
Michael S. Landis
Michael J. Long *
Sharon Burkett Long *
Lee Hupfer Martin
John Patrick McLaughlin
Maria Palatucci McNeill
Marla Paletski Meschler
Eugenia Rogers Pajovich
George N. Pajovich, Jr.
Christine Fox Parola *
Mark S. Peterman
Sharon Pinchick-Janicki *
Kathleen Hudak Richards
Antonia Voltis Ristagno
James A. Shimp
Darrin W. Silbaugh
Debra Olcese Silbaugh
Erik C. Smith
Eric J. Strauss
Nicole Andrews Tauber *
Elena Wildasin Umland
Stephanie A. Uses
Christine Tarzaiski Venuti
Thomas M. Wisdo
Christine Cannon Wood
Caroline L. Yoder
Anthony J. Zweier *
1994: 8% participation
Gregori P. Anelli
JoAnn Myers Brown
John C. Cavallaro
Caroline Gaitan-Mara
Michael P. Garvey, Jr. *
Jennifer Butz Hopple
Rene Bickerstaff James
Elyce L. Jones-Freeman
Thomas J. McCool *
Dana D’Angelo Morris
Daniel C. O’Loughlin
Michelle Stavitski Paradiso
Eric M. Pavelik
1995: 9% participation
Mark D. Zamerowski
1999: 6% participation
Jenny Zhao Chen
Kianoush Dadyan
Mary DiLauro Agrawal
1997: 6% participation
Janeen DuChane
Vincent M. Astolfi *
Uwayemen Akhabue
Carrie L. Heinz
Kim Lorish Boyd *
Matthew R. Boyd
Brian M. Herr *
Alice Chiu Campanella
Ann Patricia Clark
Francis C. Mayville
Lisa Bush Cannoe
Matthew R. DiRocco *
Steven J. Pettineo
Robert J. Durkin
Karen Dougherty Durkin
Laurence G. Poli
Kenneth J. Findley
Diana Joy Heaton
Susan Touhey Pytel
Lucrezia Grossano Finegan
Robert E. R. Howell
Ross E. Smith, IV
Marybeth Crane Fino
Jennica Schirk Lewis
Jennifer L. Urban
Kathleen Keough Hauck
John McCulloch
Diane McWhorter Valentin
Edward T. Hellriegel *
R. Lee Mentzer
Julie Kraiss Wargo
Anita Trzcinski Kosmala
Matthew Murphy
Rebecca K. Warren
Beverly C. Langevin
Rakesh K. Patel
Monica Wachowski Wiegand
Marisa Maghran
Peggy Protopapadakis Pyrovolakis
Brad David Wilson
AnneMarie Bubeck Marasco *
Margaret Roos
Richard D. Paoletti, Jr. *
Patricia Ellis Shaw
Bruce A. Parola *
Julia Overmeyer Tulino
Vinh Dinh Pham
Joseph J. Urban, III
Jill A. Rebuck
Dawn Lewis Wagoner
Corinne Angeloni Rossi
Maryann E. Walaski
Andrew A. Shaw
Thomas Reed Wells, II
Christa Jo Meyer Tang
2000: 6% participation
Kevin T. Bain
Christine Carter Bhatia
Jenny Bentsel Boucher
Brandy Ignatow Broder *
Michael E. Castagna
Thong Q. Dang
1998: 7% participation
Michelle N. Falco
Laurie Ann Ondrof Adamski
John S. Joseph
William J. Brumbach
Alice S. McGinley
1996: 9% participation
Erica Hollenback Chilson
Roopa Chokshi Pastakia
Joel K. Alderfer
Crystal Rominger Cooper *
Nancy Jorgensen Pettineo
Angela Savant Bensing
Gina L. D’Arco
Elizabeth K. Quan
Traci Saner Brubaker
Lan H. Duong
Aniruddha M. Railkar
Lisa Cohen Shapiro
Anne E. Giordano
Heather Melchiorre Scheckner
Michael J. Fino
Valerie Iadanza-Brumbach
Victoria A. Smedley
Matthew D. Flynn
Veasna Ieng
Madeleine D’Amico Spencer
Svetlana Verkh Gradess
Abraham Kalathil
Elizabeth Anne Stone
Deborah W. Hui *
Sophia Z. Khan
Victoria R. Treese
Bonny L. Lightner
Faith Naym-Young Ku
Anna M. Wodlinger *
Jennifer Volpe Lovenstein
Meredith Morris Mead
Yu-E Zhang
Scott G. Lovenstein
Kathleen Zicari Moczarski
Amy Leonhartt Lucas
Angela Romanelli Nace
Agnes B. Maderich
Harsh B. Pathak
Dominic A. Marasco
Joseph W. Pytel
Heidi Wengerd Mayville
Antonio M. Sellecchia, Jr.
Robert D. Nace
Nicole M. Sifontis
Frank L. Nazzario
Geraldine A. Smith
Jennifer Brunetti Wiley
John R. Wiley
2001: 5% participation
Gary K. Bosler
Shawn J. Boyle
Dawn A. Gailey *
Debra Ann Henn
James M. Hoffman
Gina Marie Karcsh *
* Denotes five or more years of consecutive giving
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 45
Erika L. Kleppinger
Jenna A. Doganiero
Colleen Chancler
Thelma Greenbaum
Bruce Park
Thomas Robert Drames
Schumarry Chao
James M. Griffiths
Kelly Leader Passio
Linda V. Fritz
Amy Christopher
Pauline M. Griffiths
Amir M. Razaghi
Stephen E. Gorski
Ah Chun Chu
Norma B. Grim
Megan Lowry Ryan
Nicole LaPadura
Jane P. Churchman
Barry Grossbach
Brian K. Scheckner
Adrienne R. Leahy
Joseph B. Churchman
Elizabeth Anne Gross-Ryan
Sonya Scott-Yohn
Matt Jacob Maughan
Margaret C. Clymer
George V. Hager, Jr.
Brie Bomberger Stoltzfus
Rebecca M. McAllister
Lonnel Coats
Jerome A. Halperin
Erin K. Stromelo
Ronnie J. Moore
Kevin A. Cody
Louis L. Hegyes
Natalie Z. Veksler
Bridget McArdle Newberry
Michelle E. Cohen
Lois Hoffman
Maureen C. Walsh
Nga Viet Nguyen
Christine Coia
John E. Hoover
Truong Xuan Nguyen
William F. Connolly, Jr.
Marcia L. Hoover
Christopher M. Palamar
Alicia Cooley
Anne B. Horowitz
Deborah A. Summers
Elaina S. Corrato
Z. Annette Iglarsh
Christine R. Cox
Gina Kaiser
Shawn P. Curtin
Margaret R. Kasschau
Amy S. Cziraky
Bernadette T. Kelly
Elizabeth M. Darmstadter
Eleanor A. Kelly
Leo J. Darmstadter, Jr.
Arlene G. Kessler
Lisa E. Davis
Michael L. Kirifides
Ara H. DerMarderosian
Ida B. Kirsch
Richard L. Deuble
N. C. Kirsch
Maggie Devine-Pennock
Frederick Klein
Denise A. DeWalt
Angela K. Lamy
Dennis R. DeWalt
Kristine M. Larson
Barbara A. Dollarton
Rosemary K. Leach
Frank J. Dollarton
Sandra Lefkowitz
James T. Doluisio
Althea L. Lennox
Thomas Drames
Kenneth M. Lennox
Melissa N. Dumas
Dorothy A. Levin
Colleen A. Fabiszewski
Lynne R. LeWitt
Shawn J. Farrell
Alan B. Lipkin
Christy L. Ferretta
Sarah Lipkin
Robert I. Field
Barbara E. Little
Thomas S. Foley
David E. Loder
Frank Friedenberg
Kevin G. Lokay
Georgia M. Friel
Colleen Lyle
Elizabeth Nantanaporn Gable
Roselle K. Maerker
Francis E. Gailey
Joseph M. Mahady
Jaclyn M. Gailey
Carol A. Maritz
Robert F. Gailey
Carmela M. Marone
Sharon L. Gailey
Carmela R. Martin
Sara M. Gallagher
James D. Mayes
Joseph L. Garde
Anthony K. McCague
Tim R. Garde
Binney McCague
Valerie Nichols Gerbino
George J. McNelly
Evonne S. Ghaly
Patricia J. McNelly
Charles W. Gibley, Jr.
Jeanette McVeigh
Gretchen Gilliland
Nagdy A. Mehany
Mary Elizabeth Gill-Scott
Albert C. Menger, III
Gloria Glasser
Stephen Metraux
Gloria Y. Goodwin
Jessica M. Michie
Marilyn E. Gould
Peter J. Miller
Christine M. Gradel
Catherine A. Mini
2002: 3% participation
Asma M. Ansari
Esther Hyunhee Bae
Donghui Cui
Brooke Lester Darmstadter
Mailyn Thi Nguyen
Leo J. Darmstadter, III
Sarah A. Tyndall
Michelle Elizabeth Griffiths
Melissa Fortunato McCarthy
Christina E. Schober
Esther M. Aaronson
Barbara Fisher Sciandra
John Abraham
David K. Showalter
Saramma Abraham
Paresh Prakash Solanki
Patricia D. Acton
Stephanie Tsombaris
Mignon S. Adams
2003: 3% participation
Joanne M. Bicknese
Lorraine Caprioli
Philip Danvers
Ilona Ayotte Lachina
James Joseph McEntee
Angela Okol
John Palcza
Sachin Patel
Dawn M. Rochester
Jason Matthew Wood
2004: 4% participation
Regina Koena Atim
Calvin Chhan
Anthony J. Collins
Loralee J. Heckman
Joseph Kalathooparambil Joseph, Jr.
Shirley Kim
Keith C. Lantz
Noreen Mary Mahoney
Chinyere N. Muforo
Deborah J. Porter
Gina T. Schweizer
Garrett Alan Shaw
Sheryl Ann Sunnongmuang
Melissa Bradford Wood
Adeboye Adejare
Kathleen M. Alexander
Alicia H. Aninowsky
David W. Anstice
Robert Austrian
Susan P. Barker
Bruce Baron
Linda Baron
Susan E. Barrett
Rosemarie R. Beaudry
Martin B. Beckerman
Catherine M. Bentzley
Cynthia Berk
Edward R. Birnbaum
Robert J. Blyskal
Albert R. Bonczyk
Regina E. Bonczyk
John P. Borneman
Leslie A. Bowman
Kenneth J.D. Boyden
Marie Boyden
Aminta Hawkins Breaux
Ronald J. Brenner
Elizabeth Bressi-Stoppe
David L. Brubaker
Amy G. Bryant
Barbara J. Byrne
2005: 3% participation
Bruce C. Byrne
Kenneth J. Beebe, Jr.
Ellen R. Carlson
Laura Marie Brixius
Stokes B. Carrigan, III
Stephen T. Moelter
Gregory T. Thielman
Howard L. Lanier, Jr.
Cathleen T. Moore
John A. Timko
Elenito V. Lizardo
Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback
Adele H. Morgenstern
Aurora D. Tin Chu
Teresita G. Lizardo
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Roland Morris
Cheryl Tolerico-West
Joseph P. Maher
Megan Mulderig
Joseph G. Trainor
Valerie Materia
National Association of Chain Drug
Stores Foundation
Michele L. Mulhall
Suzanne M. Trump
William Materia
Suzanne Murphy
Paul Tsou
David T. Matthews
Kenneth L. Murtha
James Unland
Diane Matthews
Nancy D. Myers
Marian E. Vendetti
Golrokh S. Mohaghegh
Naykeang Neal
Charles Joseph R. Verret
Mehdi E. Mohaghegh
Pakvina Neal
Carolyn M. Vivaldi
Cathy Murphy
Sima K. Needleman
Mei-Ling Wang
William C. Murphy
Karen Nelson
M. Virginia Webbert, Estate of
Jamesetta A. Newland
Patrick Oates
Amy G. Weller
Lloyd Earl Newland
Patricia A. O’Hagan
Doris R. Weller
Helen E. O’Brien
Kazim Oladotun Oyenuga
Lawrence Allen Weller
Patricia L. Parente-Maher
Lora Beth Packel
R. Jason Weller
Alka C. Patel
Delbert S. Payne
Marguerite E. Wells
Chandra P. Patel
Andrew M. Peterson
Russell N. Wells
David A. Pell
Beth Ann M. Pilipzeck
Eugene V. White
Gail W. Pell
Matthew M. Poli
Francis M. White
Nhan A. Quach
Gary F. Raisl
Julia A. Wigent
James L. Roeder
Elissa M. Rautzhan
Rodney J. Wigent
Kathleen A. Roeder
Margaret A. Reinhart
Kevin C. Wolbach
Joseph M. Sansoni
Kristen Marie Reutlinger
William Woodward
Mary A. Sansoni
Olive K. Riffkin
Mary Ellen Schneider
Stuart G. Rosen
William M. Schneider
Glenn W. Rosenthal
Stephen J. Adams
Bronwyn M. Schuetrumpf
Joseph W. Ruane
Taisa Adams
William R. Schuetrumpf
Nancy Ruane
Marta E. Aldover-Ayon
Tantilier P. Smith
Sylvia L. Rubin
Lucito P. Ayon
Michael R. Sneidman
Craig Ruffin
Mounir W. Azar
Rebecca L. Sneidman
Saundra L. Ruffin
Zarifeh Azar
Manuel Teijelo
Elisa J. Rusonis
Gary A. Carpenter
Suzanne Teijelo
Delfino Ruzzo
Stephanie Carpenter
Joseph J. Thornton
Lillian Ruzzo
Mary C. Colletti
Marilyn F. Thornton
Marvin Samson
Vito G. Colletti
Anna M. Trimarelli
John C. Sanbower
Christine Cook
Ralph D. Trimarelli
Ann V. Satterthwaite
William A. Cook
Diane K. Woge
Ruth L. Schemm
Hung L. Dang
Edward G. Woge
Marie H. Schwarzl
Mohamed Desoky
Lisa M. Young
Nadya Shmavonian
Dennis G. Dundas
Roger D. Young
Jennifer E. Sidelinker
Laura E. Dundas
Harry L. Siegel
Gale M. Flaherty
Alan J. Sims
Gerald W. Flaherty
Sheryl Lynn Sochoka
Bonnie J. Goess
Mahmoud M. Abdallah
Foundation, Inc.
Roberta A. Sodergren
John R. Goess
The Arcadia Foundation
Erica Lee Spizzirri
Suzanne M. Groves
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
Patricia E. Stewart
Esther M. Hollingsworth
Bells Palsy Research Foundation, Inc.
Judy Styles
Carol G. Hornberger
The Cavalier Foundation
Edwin T. Sugita
Mark A. Hornberger
Joseph T. Sullivan
Doreen J. Kressaty
The Community Foundation of New
M. Susanne Sullivan
Fred A. Kressaty
Colleen M. Teti
Ethel M. Lanier
The Needles Family Foundation
The Packman Family Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Marvin Samson Foundation
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
The W.W. Smith Charitable Trust
Weikel Family Charitable Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Fund
ADVISORx Consulting, L.L.C.
Ahold USA
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Albertsons, Inc.
Albertsons Stores Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Amgen Foundation, Inc.
Apotheek Inc.
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation
Bartell Drug Company
Becton Dickinson and Company
The Berwind Corporation
Bliss Pharmacy Solutions
Bridge Street Building Account, LLC
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
Brooks Eckerd Pharmacy
Buddy’s Pharmacy
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Carl’s Drug Store, Inc.
Chiola’s Pharmacy
CIGNA Foundation
Citizens Bank: University City
Cliffe’s & the Prescription Center
Colorcon, Inc.
Colfax Pharmacy
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Costco Pharmacy
Coutu Foundation
Crixmor, LLC
CVS Charitable Trust, Inc.
CVS Pharmacy, Inc.
Canfield Corner Pharmacy
Dardashti Properties
Donough Pharmacy
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Eli Lilly and Company. Foundation
The Jewish Community Foundation
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 47
Fino’s Pharmacy
Rosvold Pharmacy, Inc.
Merck Partnership for Giving
Fruth Pharmacy, Inc.
RTK Consulting
Novartis the Matching Gift Center
Gary’s Rx Shoppe
Rubino’s Pharmacy
Pfizer Foundation
Giant Eagle, Inc.
Safeway, Inc.
Procter & Gamble
Sylvia Brener Averbach ’43
Leonard S. Jacob ’70
Irwin I. Bennett ’55
Norman Folkman ’55
Lewis H. Berk ’41
Saint George and Company, Inc.
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Global Impact
Sanofi-Synthelabo Research
Quest Diagnostics, Inc.
Greene’s Pharmacy
Save Mart Supermarkets
The Rockefeller Foundation
Gruber’s Pharmacy
Sheehan’s Pharmacy Inc.
State Farm Companies Foundation
Hamburg & Golden, P.C.
ShopKo Stores, Inc.
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
Happy Harry’s Discount Drug Stores
Snyder’s Drug Stores, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Harris Teeter Pharmacy
Stauffer’s Drug Store
John L. Deuble ’26
Harrisburg Pharmacy
Steve & Taisa Enterprises, Inc.
Wachovia Educational Matching Gifts
Hartig Drug Company
SUPERVALU Pharmacies, Inc.
Wellpoint Foundation
Michael Dollarton ’85
Hi-School Pharmacy, Inc.
Sloan’s Pharmacies, Inc.
West Trenton Pharmacy Inc.
Hill’s Drug Stores, Inc.
Target Corporation
Hospira Worldwide, Inc.
Thriftway/Zitomer Drug
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Hy-Vee, Inc.
Towne Drugs
Ideal Pharmacy
The Towne Pharmacy
Inglis House
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Amgen PAC
Jack Culkin and Associates
Walgreen Company
J.B. Merrick Apothecary, Inc.
Wellpoint Foundation
Jiunta’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Williams Apothecary Inc.
Delaware County Pharmacists
KB Villas LLC
Windward Pharmacy
Kerr Drug, Inc.
Wordsmith’s Health Communications
King Kullen Pharmacies Corp.
WorldReach, Inc.
Kinney Drugs Foundation, Inc.
Lech’s Pharmacy
Yorkville Drug Store, Inc.
Monmouth County Society of
Lewis Drugs, Inc.
Matching Gift Companies
New Jersey Pharmaceutical
Association Auxiliary
Lewistown Pharmacy, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Sisters of Charity
Longs Drug Stores
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
United Way
McNeil Consumer & Specialty
Albertsons, Inc.
United Way of New York City
Medco Health Solutions
Albertsons Stores Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
University of Pennsylvania
The Medicine Center
Amgen Foundation, Inc.
Medicine Shoppe International, Inc.
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Moore’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Navarro Discount Pharmacies
The Baxter International Foundation
Noel Consulting, LLC
Becton Dickinson and Company
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
Nugent’s Apothecary Inc.
Campbell Soup Foundation
Office Depot, Inc.
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Old World Jewels
CIGNA Foundation
Oncology Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Osborn Drugs, Inc.
Express Scripts Foundation
Lemon’s Pharmacy
Parker Laboratories, Inc.
Pharmacists Mutual Insurance
First Tennessee/First Horizon
Matching Gift Program
General Electric Foundation
Pharmacy Express Services
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Port Richmond Pharmacy
Houghton International Inc.
Quality Formulation Laboratories, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts
R.F.E. Inc.
McKesson Foundation, Inc.
Rite Aid Corporation
The Merck Company Foundation
Drug Store News
Jewish Federation of St. Louis
Main Line Medical Review
Michael Menichini Scholarship Fund
Vogenberg Family Limited Partnership
In-Kind Gifts
The Baldwin Lower School
Ruth A. Brown
Georgia M. Friel
Hamburg & Golden, P.C
Albert C. Menger, III
Colleen M. Teti
Memorial Gifts
In Memory Of:
Harry Aaronson
Esther M. Aaronson
Malvin S. Aaronson ’44
Sadie Aaronson
Esther M. Aaronson
Malvin S. Aaronson ’44
Phillip Abramowicz
Elinor H. Cantor ’73
Cynthia Berk
Marie Connolly
William F. Connolly, Jr.
A. Franklin Deuble ’31
Richard L. Deuble
Richard L. Deuble
Barbara A. Dollarton
Frank J. Dollarton
Carla D’Orazio
Ronald J. D’Orazio ’58
Rita Durbano
Marie H. Schwarzl
Joseph T. Dzuiba Jr. ’88
Friends of Joseph Dzuiba,
Merck National Service Center/
Merck National Business Group
Simon Frank ’32
Stuart G. Rosen
Danielle Gailey
Patricia D. Acton
Catherine M. Bentzley
Elizabeth Bressi-Stoppe
Maggie Devine-Pennock
Dawn A. Gailey ’01
Francis E. Gailey
Jaclyn M. Gailey
Robert F. Gailey
Sharon L. Gailey
Gloria Y. Goodwin
Margaret R. Kasschau
Mary Kate A. McGinty ’84
Catherine A. Mini
Suzanne Murphy
Beth Ann M. Pilipzeck
Ruth L. Schemm
Judy Styles
Colleen M. Teti
Charles Joseph R. Verret
Mei-Ling Wang
Rodney J. Wigent
Kristen Gentile
Marie H. Schwarzl
Maxwell M. Gould ’42
Marilyn E. Gould
Benjamin Greenbaum ’38
Alan B. Lipkin
Sarah Lipkin
Alvin B. Heller ’67
Michele Pierson Gerbino ’75
Leonard Hoffman ’39
Lois Hoffman
Harry Holak ’55
Norman Folkman ’55
Barbara H. Korberly ’72
Michele Pierson Gerbino ’75
Patricia E. Stewart
Patricia Leahy
Mignon S. Adams Hon.’03
Kathleen M. Alexander
Alicia H. Aninowsky
Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation
Esther Hyunhee Bae ’02
Susan P. Barker
Laura Marie Brixius ’05
Lorraine Caprioli ’03
Colleen Chancler
Michelle E. Cohen
Christine Coia
Alicia Cooley
Philip Danvers ’03
Denise A. DeWalt
Dennis R. DeWalt
Melissa N. Dumas
Christy L. Ferretta
Catherine A. Filippone ’90
Elizabeth Anne Gross-Ryan
Z. Annette Iglarsh
Inglis House
Kristine M. Larson
Carol A. Maritz
Carmela R. Martin
Rebecca M. McAllister ’05
Jessica M. Michie
Peter J. Miller
Helen Ann Wusinich Milligan ’91
Stephen T. Moelter
Megan Mulderig
Michele L. Mulhall
Carol McIntosh Murmello ’89
Mailyn Thi Nguyen ’06
Lora Beth Packel
Elissa M. Rautzhan
Margaret Roos ’97
Ruth L. Schemm
Jennifer E. Sidelinker
Madeleine D’Amico Spencer ’00
Nancy E. Stewart ’90
Gregory T. Thielman
Christine Riegert Thomas ’92
Cheryl Tolerico-West
Suzanne M. Trump
Sarah A. Tyndall ’06
Anne Furman Usuka ’90
Susan Flannery Wainwright ’87
Julie Kraiss Wargo ’99
Michael C. Wargo ’98
Monica Wachowski Wiegand ’99
Christine Cannon Wood ’93
John W. Wood, II ’91
Simon E. Levin ’41
Dorothy A. Levin
Lola Lupo
Dan J. Halberstadt ’83
Lorri Kanig Halberstadt ’83
Grania M. Maggio ’94
Daniel C. O’Loughlin ’94
Henry Minton
Craig Ruffin
Saundra L. Ruffin
Emmanuel Monastirsky
Andrew M. Azar
Esther M. Aaronson
Malvin S. Aaronson ’44
Mounir W. Azar
Zarifeh Azar
Mira Monastirsky
Esther M. Aaronson
Malvin S. Aaronson ’44
A. Louis Pescatore ’32
Delaware County Pharmacists
David Reich
Norman Folkman ’55
Judith J. Reich ’56
Norman Folkman ’55
Charles Riffkin ’34
Olive K. Riffkin
Pauline Tabachnick Rothman ’21
Amy G. Weller
Doris R. Weller
Lawrence Allen Weller
R. Jason Weller
Nathan Rubin ’34
Lynne R. LeWitt
Sylvia L. Rubin
Edgar C. Smith, Jr. ’41
James Unland
Donna Strickland
Ruth L. Schemm
William A. Thawley ’38
Ida B. Kirsch
N. C. Kirsch
Linwood F. Tice ’29
Norman Folkman ’55
Mary Kean Timko ’50
Malvin S. Aaronson ’44
Velma Gould Kistler ’51
John A. Timko
Mildred Wasserman
Aaron E. Wasserman ’42
Concetta Williams
D. Renee Benton Lupo ’76
Louis J. Lupo ’76
Tobias O. Yellin ’59
Dorothy Drass Yellin ’65
Honorary Gifts
In Honor of:
Beena S. Abraham ’06
John Abraham
Saramma Abraham
Neal S. Adams
Stephen J. Adams
Taisa Adams
Steve & Taisa Enterprises, Inc.
Catherine Angell-Sohn
Karen Nelson
April Ayon
Marta E. Aldover-Ayon
Lucito P. Ayon
Steven M. Azar
Mounir W. Azar
Zarifeh Azar
John A. Borneman, III ’52
John P. Borneman
Dwight Alben Bowen, Jr.
Philip P. Maher
Joseph P. Maher
Patricia L. Parente-Maher
Joseph G. Materia
Valerie Materia
William Materia
Dean D. Matthews
David T. Matthews
Diane Matthews
Tantilier P. Smith
Michelle L. Murphy
Drew S. Carpenter
Cathy Murphy
William C. Murphy
Gary A. Carpenter
Stephanie Carpenter
Katerina Colletti
Mary C. Colletti
Vito G. Colletti
Charles M. Cook
Christine Cook
William A. Cook
Vy L. Dang
Hung L. Dang
Nhan A. Quach
Marwah M. Desoky
Mohamed Desoky
Keith B. Dundas
Dennis G. Dundas
Laura E. Dundas
Elizabeth A. Elliott
Helen E. O’Brien
Shawn P. Flaherty
Gale M. Flaherty
Gerald W. Flaherty
Mary R. Folkman
Norman Folkman ’55
Joseph L. Garde
Bruce Baron
Linda Baron
Alfonso R. Gennaro ’48
Norman Folkman ’55
Hannah J. Goess
Bonnie J. Goess
John R. Goess
Corissa D. Groves
Suzanne M. Groves
Megan E. Hollingsworth
Esther M. Hollingsworth
Matthew A. Hornberger
Carol G. Hornberger
Mark A. Hornberger
Lauren D. Kressaty
Doreen J. Kressaty
Fred A. Kressaty
Howard L. Lanier, III
Ethel M. Lanier
Howard L. Lanier, Jr.
Elizabeth G. Lizardo
Elenito V. Lizardo
Teresita G. Lizardo
Sonya A. Newland ’06
Jamesetta A. Newland
Lloyd Earl Newland
Elias W. Packman ’51
Norman Folkman ’55
Sejal C. Patel
Alka C. Patel
Chandra P. Patel
Ryan R. Pell
David A. Pell
Gail W. Pell
Laurence G. Poli ’99
Matthew M. Poli
Julie M. Roeder
James L. Roeder
Kathleen A. Roeder
Jillian M. Sansoni
Joseph M. Sansoni
Mary A. Sansoni
Laura A. Schneider
Mary Ellen Schneider
William M. Schneider
Amanda Marie Schuetrumpf
Bronwyn M. Schuetrumpf
William R. Schuetrumpf
Rachel E. Sneidman
Michael R. Sneidman
Rebecca L. Sneidman
Christopher M. Teijelo
Manuel Teijelo
Suzanne Teijelo
Justin J. Thornton
Joseph J. Thornton
Marilyn F. Thornton
Erik Trimarelli
Anna M. Trimarelli
Ralph D. Trimarelli
Matthew J. Woge
Diane K. Woge
Edward G. Woge
Lesley A. Young
Lisa M. Young
Roger D. Young
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 49
Lester W. Strock +
William A. Thawley +
Wayne M. Grimm
Joseph H. Fekula +
Ruth E. Miller +
Elizabeth Wagner Chase
Clarence E. Bragdon +
Ralph H. Pyle +
Kenneth P. Hoag +
Charles A. Mehring +
Theodore R. Tibbetts +
Robert W. Ivens
Eli Lilly +
Roland J. Wotring +
Malcolm Beach +
Joe S. Case +
Louis L. Rikliss
Parke W. Unangst, Jr. +
Frank A. Kapral
Clara Bolonowski Lucas
Dennis R. Martz +
Alex M. Pavloff
Morton Steinberg
Melvin C. Firman +
Kline M. Bush +
Theron Lee, Jr.
Clement F. Heverly, Jr. +
Elizabeth Scott Malone
Joseph D. Fabrizio +
Ralph Pressman +
Hymen A. Stein +
Russell L. Schweitzer +
Paul C. Wieseman +
William T. Smith +
Louis C. Cipriany
Francis W. Mohr +
Maria Aupperle Elz +
Harold L. Brog
Jane Weygandt Lusk
Carl F. Hopp +
Anthony A. Campanella +
William O. Frailey, III +
Helen Benjamin Desher
Thomas H. F. Smith
Joseph N. Bongiovanni +
Jacob Gelb +
Edward J. Green, Jr. +
Adolphus S. Hale +
George S. Kates
Ralph R. Foran +
Russell L. Jackson +
George E. Walper
Louis F. Meyers +
Gerald F. Rorer +
Aaron E. Wasserman
Pauline M. Siemion +
Otto L. Koenig, Jr. +
Jacob Silk +
Philip Aidenbaum +
Victor E. Rudolph +
Louis Schildkraut +
Joseph A. Loughrey +
Jean Ensminger Mentzer +
Harry Schwartz +
Sarah B. Shapiro +
Eugene E. Vogin +
Robert L. Wertz
John Ferrante +
Thomas J. Marra
A. Louis Pescatore +
Victor M. Quinones +
Stanley Louis Greenberg +
Bernard J. Malis +
Joel M. Kauffman
Russell L. Stedman +
Gertrude Given Baxter
Charles A. Simpson
Frank R. De Lucco +
Christine Leuf Biederman +
Thomas F. Stonesifer
James P. Kerchner
Normand B. Bleecher +
Mildred Garrell De Lucco +
Donald O. Wilson +
Walter C. Fulmer +
Charles W. Heathcote, Jr. +
Benedicta L. Ginkiewicz
David Grodanz +
Samuel H. Landy +
A. J. Obert +
Abraham M. Liebman +
Robert D. Spiers +
Samuel Goldblum +
Ronald J. D’Orazio
Richard E. Houghton +
John E. Kramer +
Aaron Brenner +
Russell L. Campman, III
Elizabeth Pollins Yenawine
Wallace S. Bell +
Elliott E. Leuallen
Roy L. Pollard +
Basil G. S. Swisher
Alice Mack Kerchner
Everett N. Clair +
Arthur Osol +
Florine Polito Simpson
Samuel W. Irvin +
Harry Loevner +
Robert E. Porter
H. Eugene Polhemus, Sr. +
Eugene L. Kuryloski
Mary Barnisky Kuryloski
Albert F. Morgenthaler
Roger M. Russ
Howard Rabinowitz
Marina Garay Kapral +
Sydney Levitan +
Esther S. Rabinowitz
Marion White Cooper
Marie Mikesh Lyons
Richard R. Gutekunst
Harry B. Kostenbauder
Leonard Fronton
Joseph Sokolove +
Marvin Spatz
Harold Fingerhut
William H. Penn
Horace R. Bacon
Anthony J. Szuszczewicz
Ian Lee Finberg
Martin R. Natter
Isadore Schuman
Lester A. Shappell +
David G. DeZan
Clyde E. Shoop
Jack C. Henderson
Joy Singer Shoop
Marlene Boxman Lamnin
Jeanne F. Paskawicz
+ Deceased known as of June 30,2006
Susan Fingerhut
Gloria Segal
Anthony J. Santoni
Cheryl A. France
Louis J. Flagiello, Jr.
Virginia F. Smalley
Edgardo A. Mercadante
Mark C. Forbes
Ethel DuBois Smith +
Susan J. Garofola
Helen W. J. Sprague +
J. Stephen Gaumond
Nellie G. Staub +
Samuel Gelb +
Ronnie P. Steinberg
Bessie S. Graham +
Margaret R. Stephens
Doris Griffith-Schiller +
Lena St. George +
Norma B. Grim
Mary T. Stonesifer
Stephen J. Mogil
Anna F. Gutekunst
Jeannine E. Swisher
Christine M. Petraglia
Joyce E. Haines
Mildred Tucker +
Marian M. Harris
Glenn E. Ullyot +
Sharon R. Henderson
Carlene M. Umstead
Harry William Hind
Marilyn Weiss
J. Maxine Hellmich Holmes +
Elizabeth Jean Wertz
John H. Garofola
Alvin B. Heller +
Dorothy Janeczek Escobar
Lorraine J. Meeker
David M. Baker
Ella Blumberg Singer
Willard A. Stephens
Sandra Taylor Flagiello
Robert G. Harris
Donna Marie Monek
Eileen Rowan
John F. Calvert
Joyce D. Johnstone
Gary O. Lewis
Lynne Marsicano Calvert
Donald R. DeNearing
Theophilus Haines
Kimberly S. Kremer
Kristopher J. Conforti
Rosemary Kerwin
Mary A. Parenti
Dorothy R. Ivens
May P. Jones +
Mary Louise Juda
Ruth H. Kates
Ann Ervin
Arlene G. Kessler
Steven F. Herman
Diane Fazi Herman
Frances Kline +
Alys W. Koch +
Joseph Lamnin
Lesley A. Langona
Patricia Leahy +
Susan Spatz Biehl
Norma D. Leuallen
Benny L. Briggs
Scott D. Greene
Claire Loevner +
Debra H. DeNearing
Kurt A. Kienle
Patricia Masley Greene
Anna E. Hoffman +
Michael R. Langona
Grace E. Ambrose +
George M. McAlanis
John Baxter
C. Herbert Bell
Donna Craigo Gaumond
Dennis S. Biehl
Betty Jean Harris
James Biemesderfer
Patricia Clancy Kienle
Charles W. Bliven +
Robert M. McCormick
Henry Bower +
Dorathy Osborne McAlanis
Christopher J. Smalley
Maria Visniskie Smalley
Dominic A. Solimando, Jr.
Charlene L. Briggs
Margaret D. Brown +
Ann M. Campman
Richard W. Castor
Harold F. Chase +
Margaret G. Conforti
William F. Connolly, Jr.
Agustin D. Escobar
Merrill P. Cooper
Ronald C. Hoover
Lena DeLisser-Matthews
Lillian B. DeZan
Theresa Thomas Forbes
Marie T. DiPietro +
Erwin J. Juda
Mary R. D’Orazio
Margaret Bare Sanbower
Flora S. Evans +
Gary A. Segal
Harold H. Fehr +
Gregory S. Umstead
Dorrie M. Finberg
Edward J. Logan
James E. Lyons
Verginia Marra
Colleen K. Mercadante
Irene M. Mock +
Carmen Mogil
M. Margaret Mohr
Mary Frances C. Morgenthaler
Suzanne Murphy
Suzanne Natter
Mildred M. Neilson +
Martha K. Pachali +
Adaline H. Pavloff
Laverne D. Penn
Louisa Harvey Poley +
Harriet R. Porter
Marion N. Powell +
Margaret B. Pyle +
Edythe M. Roth +
Louis J. Rudolph +
Grace I. Russ
Delfino Ruzzo
Lillian Ruzzo
John C. Sanbower
Gloria B. Santoni
Rochelle A. Schuman
+ Deceased known as of June 30,2006
usp bulletin: honor roll of donors page 51
Board of Trustees
Philip P. Gerbino, BS, PharmD
Norman Alworth, BS, MBA
Executive Director, Marketing Operations
Adams Respiratory Therapeutics
Barbara J. Byrne, BA, MA, PhD
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Elizabeth Bressi-Stoppe, AS
Vice President for Marketing and
Public Affairs
Gary F. Raisl, BA, MA, MPhil, MBA, EdD
Vice President for Finance and
Anthony K. McCague, BA
Vice President for Strategic Events
and Special Projects
Margaret R. Kasschau, AB, MS, PhD
Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs
Patrick J. Lepore, BA, MS
CIO/Associate Vice President for
Information Technology
Joseph G. Trainor, BS, CPA
Controller/Associate Vice President
for Finance
Mary Kate McGinty, BS, RPh, MS
Associate Vice President for Community and Government Relations
Rodney J. Wigent, PhD
Dean, College of Graduate Studies
Ruth L. Schemm, BS, MEd, EdD
Dean, College of Health Sciences
C. Reynold Verret, BA, PhD
Dean, Misher College of Arts
and Sciences
Russell J. DiGate, BA, MS, PhD
Dean, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Aminta H. Breaux, BA, MEd, PhD
Dean of Students
Ruth A. Brown, BS, MS, RPh
Pharmacy Manager
Taylor Hospital–Division of Crozer Chester Medical Center
Schumarry Chao, MD, MBA
SHC & Associates, Inc.
Lonnel Coats, BS
President & COO
Eisai, Inc.
Elizabeth Corsi, BS, MBA, PharmD
President & CEO
VALEXIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Paulo Costa, MBA
Head, Pharma Americas/President & CEO
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Tiziana M. Fox, BS, PharmD
Senior Director, Medical Information
& Communications
McNeil Pediatrics
Janice A. Gaska, BS, PharmD
Director, Promotional Regulatory
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP
Barry Grossbach, MA, PhD
Spruce Hill Community Trust
George V. Hagar, Jr., BA, MBA
Chairman & CEO
Genesis HealthCare Corporation
Dan J. Halberstadt, BS
Group Director, Promotion Compliance
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Frederick Klein, BS, RPh
Consultant (Retired)
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
David E. Loder, BA, JD, LLM
Duane Morris LLP
Officers of the Corporation
Kevin Lokay, BA, MBA
Vice President & Business Unit Head
Oncology & Acute Care
Joseph M. Mahady, MBA
The Americas and Global Business
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Kathleen R. Mayes, PharmD
Founder (Retired)
Applied Clinical Communications, Inc. (Ingenix)
Edgardo A. Mercadante, BS, RPh
Chairman, President & CEO
Familymeds Group, Inc.
Kenneth L. Murtha, BS
Vice President, Business Operations
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP
Patrick M. Oates, BS, PhD
Director, Infectious Disease
Global Medical Affairs
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Joseph Papa, BS, MS
President & CEO
Perrigo Company
Delbert S. Payne, MS
Manager, Corporate Social Investment (Retired)
Rohm and Haas Company
Donald J. M. Phillips, BS, PharmD
CEO & Principal
Vox Medica, Inc.
Marvin Samson, BS
Samson Medical Technologies, LLC
Gail R. Wilensky, BS, PhD
Economist, Senior Fellow
Project HOPE
Philip P. Gerbino, BS, PharmD
Elizabeth Bressi-Stoppe, AS
Secretary and Vice President
Vice President for Marketing and
Public Affairs
Gary F. Raisl, BA, MA, MPhil, MBA, EdD
Treasurer and Vice President
Vice President for Finance and
Barbara J. Byrne, BA, MA, PhD
Vice President
Vice President for Academic Affairs
give us your news
Tell us about your new job, promotion, new professional accomplishments, etc. If you were recently engaged, married, or welcomed the
birth of a child, please let us know in the space below. A few randomly
selected photos will appear in each issue. Every photo received will be
posted on the Alumni & Friends website. Make sure to identify each
individual in your photo to ensure accurate identification in captions.
Please print all information.
Has your address changed? Please let us know by mail, online at or by phone to the Alumni Office
toll-free: 1.888.857.6264.
Address Change?
q Yes
q No
• Celebrating Founders’ Day
• USP Partners with Virtua Health
• Alumni Compounding Pharmacies
• Scholarly Day
Work Phone
Home Phone
Mail this form to:
university of the sciences in philadelphia
alumni office
600 s. 43rd street
philadelphia, pa 19104-4495
To engage the graduates of University
Annual Giving Advisory
of the Sciences in Philadelphia in
Michael Castagna P’00, Chair
promoting the goals and objectives of the
Alumni Association and the Institution.
George E. Downs PharmD’72
Frank Rooks MPT’91
Growth and Development
Tiziana P. Fox P’84, PharmD’02, Chair
Stephanie Bean MPT’89
Ruth Brown P’71, BW’06
Michael Castagna P’00
Victoria R. Elliott P’87
Tiziana P. Fox P’84, PharmD’02, Chair
Janice A. Gaska P’79, PharmD’82
Lorri K. Halberstadt P’83
Michele P.Gerbino P’75
Richard M. Hall MT’83
Dominic Marasco P’96
Mary K. Maguire P’83, PharmD’01
Kathleen R. Mayes P’76
Vice President
Jacob Mathew HS’02
Mary Kate McGinty P’84, BW’04
Mary K. Maguire P’83, PharmD’01
Hong Jin Na PH/TX’92
Robin S. Keyack P’81, Chair
Richard M. Hall MT’83
Jennifer Belavic PharmD’03
S. Rogers Wetherill P’68, Chair
William M. Deptula P’56
Stephanie K. Bean MPT’89
Teresa P. Dowling P’72, PharmD’74
Robert Bell P’63
Susanne H. Dudash P’89
David Bergman P’51
Siobhan Duffy P’84
Tiziana P. Fox P’84, PharmD’02
Louis J. Lupo P’76, PharmD’01
Tiziana Palatucci Fox P’84,
Biomedical Writing
Cell Biology
Computer Science
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Environmental Science
HonDSc Honorary Degree (Science)
Health Psychology
Health Science
Industrial Pharmacy
Siobhan Duffy P’84
Master of Business
Lorri K. Halberstadt P’83
Medicinal Chemistry
Mary K. Maguire P’83, PharmD’01
Robin S. Keyack P’81
MOT Master of Occupational Therapy
Term expires 2009
Gerald Meyer P’73, PharmD’74
Michael Castagna P’00
Master of Physical Therapy
Elleni Pippis P’94, PharmD’96
Master of Science
Donna Feudo P’89
Michele P. Gerbino P’75, Chair
William M. Deptula P’56
Medical Technology
Elizabeth A. Fusco P’63
Shawn Boyle PharmD’01, CoChair
Rosemarie O. Halt P’89
Organic Chemistry
Michele P. Gerbino P’75
Dominic Marasco P’96
Malvin Aaronson P’44
Arlene Kessler
Bachelor of Science
in Pharmacy
Robert Trachman BC’06, BI
Elizabeth A. Fusco P’63
Frank Rooks MPT’91
Physician Assistant
Term Expires 2008
Gerald Meyer P’73, PharmD’74
S. Rogers Wetherill P’68
Pharmacy Administration
Jennifer Borowski PharmD’05
PharmD Doctor of Pharmacy
William M. Deptula P’56
Richard M. Hall MT’83, Chair
Donna Feudo P’89, Chair
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Siobhan Duffy P’84
Harold Brog P’55
Alan Aronovitz P’82
Doctor of Philosophy
Rosemarie O’Malley Halt P’89
Tiziana P. Fox P’84, PharmD’02
Jennifer Belavic PharmD’03
Vincent Madaline PharmD’05
Dan Halberstadt P’83
Karen S. Bliss P’89
Graduate in Pharmacy
(equivalent to P that is used today)
S. Rogers Wetherill P’68
Lorri K. Halberstadt P’83
Shawn Boyle PharmD’01
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Term Expires 2007
Louis J. Lupo P’76, PharmD’01
Scott Greene P’94
Melissa Derr MPT’04
Mary K. Maguire P’83, PharmD’01
Christine S. Jump P’74
Chetna Kabaria PharmD’04
Jacob Mathew HS’02
Mary Kate McGinty P’84, BW’04
Lorri Kanig Halberstadt P’83
Past President
Janice A. Gaska P’79, PharmD’82
Director at Large
Robin S. Keyack P’81
Wayne Marquardt P’82, Chair
Neela Bhajandas P’00, PharmD’06
PhTech Pharmaceutical
Pharmacology and
and Management
Victoria R. Elliott P’87
Certificate in
Science Teaching
Janice A. Gaska P’79, PharmD’82
Wayne Marquardt P’82
Gay Owens PharmD’96
Mary Kate McGinty P’84, BW’04
Student Recruitment and Placement
Elleni Pippis P’94, PharmD’96
Robert Spera P’88, Chair
Robert Spera P’88
Neela Bhajandas P’00, PharmD’06
Rosemary Kerwin P’85
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Misher College of Arts and Sciences
College of Health Sciences
College of Graduate Studies
calendar of events
Feb 1
Alumni Association Board Meeting, USP Campus
Feb 17
California Pharmacists Association Alumni and Friends Reception in honor of Jerry Mazzucca, Palm Springs, CA
Feb 22
Founders’ Day, USP Campus
Feb 25
Advanced Concepts CE Program, New Drugs of 2006 and Current Issues in Pharmacy Law,
USP Campus
Feb 26
PCP/USP Preceptor CE, USP Campus
Mar 11
Advances in Pharmacy Practice, New Drugs of
2006 and Current Issues in Pharmacy Law, Plains, PA
Mar 18 APhA Alumni and Friends Reception, Atlanta, GA
Mar 21
Department of Health Policy and Public Health, and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Symposium, “The Future of Drug Safety,” and Reception, USP Campus
Mar 25
Advances in Pharmacy Practice, New Drugs of 2006 and Current Issues in Pharmacy Law,
Mechanicsburg, PA
Mar 31
Race for Humanity, USP Campus/Neighboring Streets of West Philadelphia
Apr 5
Alumni Association Board Meeting,
USP Campus
Apr 11
New Jersey Society of Health-System
Pharmacists Day, New Brunswick, NJ
Apr 15
Friends of USP Student and Faculty Talent Show, USP Campus
Apr 19
Scholarly Day and John C. Krantz, Jr.,
Distinguished Lecture, USP Campus
May 9
Delaware Pharmacists Society Reception,
Wilmington, DE
May 23
186th Commencement Ceremony, Mann Music
Center, Philadelphia
Jun 23
NJPhA Reception, New Brunswick, NJ
Aug 6
Alumni Golf Tournament, Edgmont
Country Club
For more information, contact the Alumni Office at 1.888.857.6264.
To find more information, visit the USP Alumni & Friends website at or
view the USP’s News and Events page at www.
600 South 43rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495