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l::.UJJ "(-i.3 . " ~J' UIDB -lg ig t-c...~ T.C. ~Q,8"')- G:J }:~~: DISisLERI BAKANLIGI Çok TarafliKültürelIslerGenelMüdürYardimciligi Sayi Konu : B.06.0.ÇKGY.0.0-025.50-20091530~S'5 IIII : 38.Cenevre Icatlar Fuari TÜRKIYE BILIMSEL VE TEKNOLOJIKARASTIRlVIAKURUMU BASKANLIGINA Q 21-25 Nisan 2010 tarihleri arasinda düzenlenecek olan "38. Uluslararasi Cenevre Icatlar Fuari"na iliskin anilan Fuar organizasyonunundavet yazisi ve basin duyurusu Cenevre Baskonsoloslugumuzdan alinmakla ilisikte sunulmaktadir. Incelenmesinden de görülecegi üzere sözkonusu davet yazisinda sadece yeni ürünlere ve icat1arayönelik olarak düzenlenen Fuara bu yil 45 ülkeden 700'ü askin katilimcinin 1000 yeni icatla istirak etmesinin beklendigi ifade edilmekte ve Fuara ülkemizden katilimci ve ziyaretçiler davet edilmektedir. Yazida ayrica, Fuari geçtigimizyil bes kitadan 62.000 kisinin ve 650 gazetecinin izledigi belirtilmektedir. Fuar hakkinda ayrintili bilgiye asagida kayitli iletisim adreslerinden ulasilabilecektir; Tel: 0041 22 736 59 49 Faks: 0041 22 786 00 96 Internet sitesi: www.inventions-geneva.ch E-posta: promex@worldcom.ch , Sözkonusu Fuarin ilgili kisi ve kuruluslara duyurulmasini izinlerine saygilarimla arzederim. Bakana ~" , ~ . ,~ , ";, " -, Hakan AYTEK Ek: 1 Daire Baskani ÇKGY.1Il Dagitim: Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanligi - Sanayi Arastirma ve GelistirmeGenelMüdürlügü Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu Baskanligi Yüksekögretim Kurulu Baskanligi 'i'Fi:'i ":-" '')nnn ' ~CL!) i'~!J~2'.;- (d Ju.,:; i- i ~~ II e ~ ' (' 1/2 - Adre~ : T C""oisisleri Bakanligi, Or. Sadik Ahmet Cad. NO.:8Balgat 06100 AnkaraITürkiye Telefon: (O312) 292 11 03 / 29221 57 / 2922266 Faks: (O312) 292 27 29 / 2922725 Web: www.mfa.gov.tr ~-iA"""""'=''''-:'''11ö'''-'''''-'-'''---'''iii'-.' "~';;"""""'"'.''''''''' ..,~~. ,..'. '..,..' ,,'" ,...,' , .' ventions ~&i~ "1'1~",~ Aiw.& y #f""!;"' ';;11,i1'!:i, !'!'~ ""w,~ ii' """"" "9- Salon International . .. . iiJj"4\::,;" '--'-'---'--"-""'-""-"'''-'-''''''-' ~~ ._-------_._-_.__._- ImernacleGa! --, (jE in'.,.eri,CJsen [.,inebri: '-- THE WORLD'.S. MOS.T IMPORTANT 21 > 25 APRIl 2010 Geneva, 23rd November 2009 GENEVA - PALEXPO ~.hJl~ 1> "'- l,. ( .Ev \J../ fj"', ~ (i.>OA de Geneve ejpiie Inljp.nzioni di (jirir~vra ~,al()rie Iriltmiwonale bposicion r've dU.Ji.Deci"mbi\' B .. CH 1207 Geni've - Siii5se 1. +41 (0)22 736 59 '19 .. F. +4 i (Om 786 00 96 prornex@worldmm.ch - wwwiriwritioiis-geneva.ch de5 Inventions !ntemational Exl,ibition or Ir1V".~nri()n,of Cierii:-va Intcrn~tionJle M"",s;: fijr Frfindungcn in (J'.'n( i i i -;.. ; tr' r~ {", ik L.J; "vi......... gp. j. 'Jit i Dear Madam, dear Sir, We have the pleasure of informing you that the 38th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF INVENTIONS OFGENEVA is to take place from the 2ist to the 2Sth April 2010 in Geneva Palexpo. Placed under the patronage of the president of the Swlss Government, of the State and City of Geneva, as well as of the World Inte!tectual Property Organization.. wipo, it Is recognized as the world's most important market-place for inventions. o The Geneva Exhibition is host to more than 700 exhibitors from 45 countries - 1'000 inventions, all exhibited for the flrst time here, presented by industrial and commercial companies, researchers, independent inventors, universitles, private and State organizations - 62'000 visitors from all five contlnents - professionals who 'come to "talk business" - television from throughout meetlngs This international for inventionsand wlth 650 journalists from both the written andspoken press and the world. exhibition, at which stands are located by country, is reserved exclusively new products. No other event can bring about so many centads. Ten thousands of industrialists, finanders and cammercial distributors converge here each year to sign exclusivity contracts wlth our exhibitors. Furthermore, licences were negotiated for a total amount in excess of US$ 40 mil/ian. Given the considerable resources you have at your disposal, we would like to ask for your cooperation by transmittinginformatlon to all those who may wish to exhibit at or to vlsit Dur exhibition. Documentation on the exhibition is endosed.. We shall, of course, be happy to send you as many further copies as you require in English, French or German. . At your disposal for any further information and thanking you in advance for your valued support, we remain, Yours faithfully ~ President Patronne par: La (onferJ~ration Su!>';" L:ctJt e\ la Vil:~ de (~cr'eve I:O'y,,,,I,allon MGndi,)ie rje la P'opri",,! Intei!eCluelle. UM;,I Under the patronage af: rr,,, 5wils F,~d.ral '~"vernm"m nk' S'ale dnd C"y of Geneva 111€World i,',lelleC1valPrOr)l.'t~ OrqaniS3tio~ . \ViP() Unter der Schirmherrsch.ft: Der o<hv,er:er lidq',nÜ5I'::r'il( "diL. Di":,K"n"H" J;'H,idc' ~':"d'. ':;~"r lJrr 'Neiier,i" ,,;;,"''''', frj, (,.,",1'90, [<genium - OMF!- ,';,P~i ,._,' " Salon International iventions 4i" n O i ,I;;i ~ i\!;;' i ~ \~, =>-~ e- ' ---_.._.--.-------------------- Rue du 3 i -Dcccrnb,e 8 - CH-1207 (,eneve T. +4\ [Om 736 59 49 -F. promex@worldconi,ch +41 (om des Inventions de Geneve International E.:.:hibition of !nve,ltiom of GeneViJ Illtcrnationaie Me50e fÜI hfinriungen in Gcnf Salone Internaziona!", rjelil' !nveIViGfi' di G,nevra Exposicion Iniernacional de .irwentos en (;inei;:,ra ---_._._----- :>uiise 786 00 96 - www.irwerillons-gerieva.ch Press release No 1 38th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva The World Intelledual Property Organization gives its patronage to the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva The World Intellectual Property o Organization (WIP'G) has granted itspatronage to the International Exhibition of inventions of Geneva which welcomed this honour rewarding nearly 40 years of workThe 38th edition is to take place from the 215t to the 25th April 2010 in Gene'{a Palexpo- and LS also held under the patronage of the Swiss federal govemment, of the State and the City of Geneva, as well as many national and international organisms. With more than 700 exhibitors from 45 countries and 62'000 visitors, itis the largest and most important Exhipitionexclusively devoted to inventions in the world. Each year, 1'000 completely new inventions are presented by industrial and commereial companies, researchers andinventors, universities and private and Stateorganisms. The International Exhibitionof InventionsofGerieva is the ideal place for exhibitors to meet investors, industrialists and commercialagentsin orderto eliffusethe inventions rapidly on the international market. . The awarding of the Grand Prix of the Exhibition and of;52.speeial prizes constitutes an extra reason to exhibit in Geneva, aS,eachinventionhas the chance of being immediately recognized at Jts true value. The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva alsa welcomes mare than 600 journalists and about 20 television crews whoensure worldwide coverage of theev~nL Further information can be obtained from: International Exhibition of Inventions, tel: 0041227365949,fax: 0041 227860096, E-mail: promex@worldcom.ch, or on our web site: www.inventions-geneva.ch . --------------------------------With the cOmPliments of Jean-luc VINCENT, President and of Gerard SERMlER, PressOffieer. Patronne par: La CoiifederJtion Su;;,,,, L'EtJtet iJ Ville de (;eneve l'Uis.ial'I"",,;ori IviandiJle de la 'Prnpriet'! Intellectuelle .OMP! Under the panonage of: Ihe Swiss""deraiGo'/einrneni The St"t. and (iiyol Geneva The WorlcJIntellActuall'roperly (J"F'nis,ition - WIPO Unter der Schirmherrschaft: Der Schwe,zei Eidgenossenschati Des Kaniur" u"rJ dei 51,;dl ',enf Der 1!V"llorqc,ni'.,jr;;;n Eigentuiii rCir C,",;U'JES - OMPI. ';'iiPO . '. " o 38th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 21st>25thApril . Th if.!> 1J\U,f'i!i.i!\o'~ ç i;i1ifvtij .1",fP'tt. m~ '''''' 11i'II"i!J "'J;.~.f' iHi~ ( .ii~..i. 2010 ~!l'iiH!:.i ~if(""4"'& 1i~'~~ ~'i~ .#~,,!II ,'..U,Uh. R"Jir'l Umier th.e pCitlCm~ge of the 5wiS's fE:'{:h:raa GO\femment, of the Stater ~he f.]ty of Geneva artd ot the \!\forSdinte!ni:dl.1ô~ Property r.h'~;:niizat~ori - WIPQ .1 '000 new iilventions and products .710 exhibitors from 45 countries .74% companies and universities o . 26% private inventors and researchers .61 '575 visitors from all 5 continents . 650 journalists PolI carried out among exhibitors 98% are ready to recommend the Exhibition . .www.inventions-geneva.ch