Annie the Musical - Northside Christian College


Annie the Musical - Northside Christian College
semester 1, 2015
northside christian college biannual magazine
Annie the Musical
Cover Image:
Students performing "Annie",
Northside's 2015 musical
Northsider is published
biannually by Northside
Christian College. Northside
Christian College is a ministry
of Nexus Church.
Reproduction of this
magazine in whole or part
is prohibited without the
permission of Northside
Christian College.
Editor: Tilly Eggert
PO Box 599
Everton Park QLD 4053
Phone: 3353 1266
From the Principal
A reflection from the College Principal
The latest news from across the College and its community
Annie the Musical
Behind the scenes of our 2015 musical, Annie
Annie the Musical
Thanking our Musical Volunteers
Alumni Profile
Emma Thomas shares about her life so far
Back to basics with PMP
Looking at the Perceptual Motor Programme for Prep & Year 1
Training for a bright future
How Vocational Education Training prepared our students for work
Parenting Tip: Senior Focus
Innoculation Against the FOMO Plague
Parenting Tip: JUnior Focus
Eddie Excellence, "I do my best"
community focus
Honouring our volunteers and grandparents
News on births, engagements and marriages
Alumni profile
We catch up with past student James Woolett
Dr Ryan Messmore discusses the purpose of education
From the Principal
Northside Christian College as
a transformational community
I believe that our school is transformational in nature. Why else would we be so committed to Christian
Education if not to see students’ lives have the opportunity to be impacted and transformed by God– both
through their schooling and the rest of their lives? A transformational leader who I have recently been
reading about is Abraham Lincoln - think Civil War leadership, the Emancipation Proclamation and the
reunification of the United States of America.
Millions of people visit the Lincoln Memorial each year to pay tribute to Lincoln and to reflect on his leadership. Enshrined in the National Mall
in Washington D.C., ‘Honest Abe’, as he was known, is the epitome of statesmanship as he stares down towards the Capitol Building. Lincoln is
portrayed seated, larger than life - an American icon, still ever-present to inspire the nation. His image, cast in marble, is framed on both sides by
two of his most well-known speeches: His Second Inaugural Address from 1865, and The Gettysburg Address, delivered in 1863. Indeed, Lincoln
is recognised as one of the great orators of recent centuries, along with other political leaders such as Churchill, Ghandi and Theodore Roosevelt,
yet these men were more than just great speakers; they were transformational leaders.
Indeed Lincoln has been compared with Bernard Bass’s Theoretical Model of Transformational Leadership which identifies four key elements
of leadership: showing concern for the individual; supplying intellectual stimulation; being an inspirational motivator; and, being an idealistic
How does Northside and our weekly activities align with these thoughts?
Transformational Leadership
Northside this month
Showing concern for the individual
The grandparents who wrote to say thanks to the boys who ‘helped them with great kindness and
cheerfulness’ with their wheelchair at Grandparents’ Day and stayed with them all morning. Images of
students at the recent InterCollegiate swimming and cross country carnivals supporting and
encouraging each other, from Year 3 to Year 12.
Supplying intellectual stimulation
Watch out for reports of the students who are engaging this month with the CHC Higher Education
tertiary course - Foundations of Faith, Learning and Vocation, or The Witherspoon Fellowship, or the
Faith and Professional Life seminar at Griffith University. PS: Senior School male and female teams
were invited to compete at The University of Queensland's 30th Anniversary Great Court Race!
Being an inspirational motivator
The seniors who feed the homeless in the valley on Friday evenings, or the mission teams that reach
out with God’s love to those in need at home and overseas.
Being an idealistic influence
The spectacular production of Annie the musical, where God was glorified through the Arts, or the
biology camp caterer who said, “congratulations for the excellent standard of behaviour amongst your
student group and particularly their impeccable manners.”
It seems we are in alignment with transformational theory, or perhaps God’s heart has been discovered and expressed in theory? Whatever the
case, I am encouraged by the Northside community and the personal and organisational support that is so evident. Let’s commit again to be
a school community who, though the work may be hard and stretching, are committed to our values, mission and faith (that is what so many
of the stories in this Northsider reflect!). Consider Lincoln’s personal reflection in this regard, on his Second Inaugural Address to journalist
Thurlow Weed.
My Dear Sir.
Every one likes a compliment. Thank you for yours on my little notification speech, and on
the recent Inaugural Address. I expect the latter to wear as well as – perhaps better than –
anything I have produced, but I believe it is not immediately popular. Men are not flattered
by being shown that there has been a difference of purpose between the Almighty and
them. To deny it, however, in this case, is to deny that there is a God governing the world.
It is a truth which I thought needed to be told, and as whatever of humiliation there is in it
falls most directly on myself, I thought others might afford for me to tell it.
Yours truly
(Trueblood, 2012, p 163)
Love and prayers to you and your family.
Leighton Kuss
sEMESTER 1, 2015
Northside news
High Achiever in National Art Prize
Year 11 student, Kathleen O'Hagan is passionate about art and has
recently been recognised and rewarded by the Mosman Art Gallery
in Sydney for her efforts and talent.
How does it feel to have been awarded the
encouragement prize?
Totally unreal. I didn't even think that I was going to win a prize
and then for my mother to tell me that I had won a prize and
that I was flying down to Sydney was a dream come true. I
think it finally hit home when I saw the level of the entries in the
gallery and some of the works I had beaten. I think it just really
drove home the fact that this could be a real career choice
for me.
Can you tell us about your time in Sydney with
your father?
What is it about creating art that you love?
I love the concept that I can create something that could impact
others. Whether that is simply creating a work that is visually
pleasing or communicating a much deeper message, art allows me
to express myself to others in a much more unique and tangible
way and to be able to communicate that message long after I am
gone. Beside this, I think art just gives me a pure joy and feeling
of accomplishment like nothing else does. It's my strange sort of
addiction you could say.
When did you realise this was something you
enjoyed doing?
As far back as I can remember I have been doing art. I believe there
is a photo of me as a four year old, drawing intently on a small
red table. However, I think I became seriously endeavoured to art
last year when I finally started to realise this could be my future
profession. Simply put, art is a part of me and I can't see myself
without it.
Is there any kind of art you particularly love or find
yourself doing more?
Portraiture: l love the expression of the eyes and the stories they
hold. I think I will be forever exploring the wonders of the
human face!
Can you tell us a little about the Mosman Youth
Art Prize?
Sure, the Mosman Youth Art Prize is a national youth art prize for
those aged 12-21 exhibited in the Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney.
This year there were 320 entries, 186 of those where displayed
in the gallery and 20 of those own various prizes in the three
age categories as well as two participants winning a full and half
scholarship to the Julian Ashton art school.
Yes! I went with my father to Sydney and we spent most of our
time doing really arty stuff. I think some of the highlights of the
trip were seeing the Chuck Close exhibit at the Contemporary
Art Museum (one of my inspirations), going to the Traditional
Art Gallery, seeing the Opera House, meeting the Principal of
the Julian Ashton Art School (the most prestigious art school in
Australia) and him telling me that I could go to the top and he
loved my work! I got to see his art school and talk to the teachers
there! Lastly, I loved seeing the exhibit itself and seeing my work
in the first gallery opening I have ever had, it was all a dream
come true!
What do you think you will take away from this
I think after seeing so many paintings in the exhibit I want to
focus more on painting and learning the skill. I think it also gave
me a new determination to try harder and focus on improving
my skill and creativity. But really it gave me most importantly the
courage to go against the nay-sayers and strive for being the
artist I always dreamed to be and create this to be a real,
viable future.
Any plans for art in the future?
So many! I volunteer as much as I can in theatre companies
and set design. I am trying to find new competitions and
opportunities to spread my artistic wings and I want to find a
professional artist to do work experience with so I can experience
all the aspects of the job such as finance, marketing and the
actual art creating. Finally, I am trying to find any time I have to
create work! Just ask the art teachers, they have threatened me
more than once that they will kick me out of the art house, they
may have just had enough of me!
Northside Sport news
InterCollegiate Sport
Northside has joined with Citipointe Christian College and Westside Christian College to establish an annual
sporting competition for our students and school communities.
This development follows the piloting of netball, soccer and rugby intercollegiate competitions in 2014
(Secondary). In addition, the introduction of intercollegiate competitions takes on board a top feedback
item from the parent survey in 2014 - extension of co-curricular opportunities.
The aim of InterCollegiate Christian Colleges Sport is to encourage a tradition of healthy sporting
competitions between the three Colleges. We consider it important that each school shares a similar
Christian ethos and recognises the value of sporting activities as part of a well-rounded educational
program. It may be that other schools join the competition in the future.
InterCollegiate Sports will enable each school to further enhance and develop their own sport culture and
tradition. It will also provide another opportunity for students to compete for their College, while also
working towards District, State and National representation for high performing athletes.
Northside takes the
win at InterCollegiate
Swim Carnival and
Cross Country
Throughout the year, students
will be competing at
InterCollegiate (ICS) events.
A year in the making, the inaugural
InterCollegiate Swimming Carnival started with
a bang on Monday 16 February at Chandler
Aquatic Centre. Excitement levels were high
as Junior and Secondary School students
combined to represent the College in both
50m and relay events.
The Northside community and
alumni are welcome to come
and support as spectators.
- ICS Track and Field
Thursday 13 August 2015
- ICS Soccer Tournament
Term 3, draw TBC
A sport traditionally known for individual
pursuits, the InterCollegiate Swimming format
aimed to create a more team focussed carnival.
The inclusion of 3 different relay events created
great atmosphere and team spirit.
The last event of the night was an all age (9
years to opens) relay – 9 x 50m relays. With
spectators at fever pitch, Northside rose to the
occasion and took out both the Girls and Boys
all age relay.
A huge congratulations to all students who
participated and also a big thank you to
parents, siblings and staff who supported the
team throughout the night. Northside swept
the pool, winning the following Age Division
categories and also took home the inaugural
trophy, as the overall winner.
For more information visit
Northside's cross country team, from 9 years old to opens, recently competed in the ICS
cross country, as part of the new competition against Westside and Citipointe. The friendly
environment saw supporters cheering for all schools, running along to encourage them
around the course. In a very close and highly competitive afternoon, Northside snatched
victory, sneaking in front of Citipointe. The top six finishers in each age group formed a
team and were given points based on their place. The 9, 10, 12 and open girls took first
place, as did the 13, 15 and Open boys. Congratulations Northside!
Tim Roberts
Secondary Sports Coordinator
2015 Sport & House Captains
Congratulations to the following students who have been named
house and sport captains for 2015:
Sport Captains: Josh Morrison, Tiana Morrison
Booth: Josie Dower, Marcel Jonker
Graham: Taylah Rose, William Dendle
Wesley: Lauren Tate, Jordan McClenaghan
Elliot: Hayley Ross, Luke Woodrow
SEMESTER 1, 2015
Annie the Musical
From the Director, Mr Andrew Jones
It is hard to believe the final curtain has come down on Annie! Figuratively speaking of course,
as we don't have curtains. If you managed to see Annie, I think you would agree that it was
an enormous success. If you didn't, then you missed out on seeing one of the best musicals
presented at Northside.
It is a privilege, no a blessing, to be a part of a musical at Northside. To see the various talents
and giftings of staff, students and volunteers who have separately, sung, danced, acted, played,
stitched, sewed, glued, painted or hammered, finally meld together for a few special nights in
production week is nothing short of seeing the creativity of our God in full flight. I very often
remind the team that this really is an act of worship to our God when we use all He has given us
in collaboration of a common goal.
Perhaps one of the greatest things to come from the musical was the consistent reports of how
wonderful our cast was. They have truly been the best cast to work with in terms of behavior,
following instructions, but more importantly how they treated each other. As a production team
we can honestly say it was a privilege to work with them.
I would like to make a special mention to our leads. Chelsea Docherty was the most perfect Annie
we could have hoped for. Her cheery and positive attitude never faltered. As the youngest in the
cast, I was amazed at her ability to carry the the huge weight of this performance. To take all we
threw at her and perform it so beautifully and truthfully.
Luke Woodrow as Daddy Warbucks and Abigail Smith as Grace were amazing. However, what I
found most impressive was their professionalism with which they approached their roles. To see
them get alongside Chelsea and support and encourage her was a beautiful act of mentoring to
witness. That chemistry was evident on stage in some wonderfully heartfelt moments.
Many thanks to all those who were involved somewhere and somehow, the effort is astounding.
Finally on a more personal note, I would like to thank Miss Katie Evans, Mr Ming Ting, Mr
Maitlohn Drew, Ms Jo Kingsman and Mrs Lyn Smith-Cottrell for their support through this process.
I am truly humbled and blessed by their unwavering ability to go beyond what was required.
Watch the behind the scenes production
videos here:
SEMESTER 1, 2015
Notes of Appreciation
Thank you from the Arts, Design Technology and
Property Departments.
The old adage, it takes a village to raise a child, is always applicable in
regards to the birth and growth of one of our musicals.
From its tottering beginnings to standing fully fledged and ready to
go, the musicals are always flanked by a large and worthy crowd
of volunteers who tirelessly hammer, glue, sew, brain-storm and
problem-solve all the bits and pieces that need to be completed
before our latest “child” is ready.
Thank you to all the wonderful, dedicated, fun-loving people who
worked on creating Annie. It has not only been a pleasure to work
with you, it has been a delight to get to know each of you and call
you friend.
Thank you from Shân Wilson, Costume Design
I would just like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt
appreciation to all the amazing volunteers, who committed their time,
energy and talents in producing the hundreds of costumes required
for Annie.
You were an amazing team and it was such a privilege to work with
you and to have an opportunity to have fellowship with you.
So thankyou to all the committed Mums, grandmothers, past and
current Home Economics students and even past parents. You were
instrumental in making Annie the quality production it was. Your
support is priceless and it made such a difference.
Blessings to all.
Thank you from Rob Burgess, Promotions
Cast + Production Team + Volunteers + 15,000 = “Annie”
Though of course the cast put in a lot of hours to learn and polish
their performance, that time is sometimes dwarfed by the time it
takes to make costumes and the set.
Our shows are known for their professionalism and this is undergirded by sets and costumes that could grace any stage in Australia. The
painting, the sewing, the making and the helping backstage requires
a HUGE supporting cast of volunteers.
To all those who contributed in any way - the mums and dads and
friends and family who contributed their time and skills to making
Annie such a success, thank you.
Thanking our Musical Volunteers
An honour board for those who have helped in any shape or form!
SEMESTER 1, 2015
Coming back full-circle
After two years of exploring Europe with her husband,
Emma Thomas, (née Woodrow, Class of 2006), has
returned as Next Steps Kindy's new Teaching Director.
You've got over twenty-years of history here?
I started at Northside Christian College in Preschool in 1994 with
Mrs Crimmins as my teacher and I graduated in 2006.
What have you been up to since graduating?
After finishing school I studied my Bachelor of Education (Primary/
Early Years) at Christian Heritage College. I did prac in a number
of different Christian schools which was a great experience. While
I was at uni I started working at Bardon Kindy in their before and
after Kindy care. When I was in my final year they offered me a job
as a Kindy teacher! I was so excited. It was a wonderful opportunity
for a new graduate. I worked there for 2 years and learnt so much
about teaching and community.
Can you tell us about getting married and travel?
Above: Visiting Hadrian's Wall in the UK.
What is it about your job that inspires you?
I love how much children enjoy coming to Kindy. I think this is a
really special age where we can inspire a love of learning in children
that will see them through their lives. I really enjoy being able to
share God’s love with children at such an important time in their
Do you have any stand-out memories from school?
I loved school! I had good friends and great teachers. I loved
learning and although the work was tough at times I had lots of
people around who supported me. This was one of the things that
inspired me to become a teacher.
Nathan (Class of 2006) and I started dating while we were in Year
12. He asked me to the Year 12 formal and that was the beginning
of our relationship. We got married while I was in 3rd year uni. We
had always talked about going overseas and traveling so we left our
jobs at the end of 2012, packed up our lives and boarded a plane
for the UK.
We had an amazing two years living and travelling overseas. We
were based in Bristol where Nathan worked for the council and I
was a supply teacher. We found a great church and made many
friends. We travelled as much as we could and saw many amazing
places (and ate lots of good food!). Living overseas was a really eye
opening experience. It taught us to rely on each other and trust God
in a much deeper way.
We came home at the end of 2014 and picked up our lives. I was
offered the role of Teaching Director at Next Steps Kindy.
What does life look like now?
Having started in this new role at Next Steps Kindy I am kept pretty
busy. Nathan and I are renting in Everton Hills with my sister Chloe
and her husband Ash. One of the things I am really enjoying at the
moment, after being overseas, is being able to call my friends and
family and pop around to see them. Living in the UK also taught me
to enjoy every moment of beautiful weather that we have!
I attend Hills Church on Queens Road. Nathan and I both grew up
in this church, it is a really caring and supportive environment. Both
Northside Christian College and Hills Church have had a big impact
on my Christian journey. It’s through relationship with people in
these places that my relationship with God has grown.
What does your job entail?
As Teaching Director at Next Steps Kindy my role encompasses both
administrative and teaching responsibilities. Monday to Wednesday
I am primarily in the office working on office and director tasks.
Thursday and Friday I am in the classroom teaching. This is a new
role for me and is a great experience as I get to see both sides of
the Kindy.
Above: Emma's first day at Preschool, 21 years ago in 1994.
"Living overseas was a really eye opening experience.
It taught us to rely on each other and trust God in a
much deeper way."
Are you still in touch with many school friends?
Time and distance always make it difficult to keep in touch, but I go to church with several of them, so that makes it easier. And of course I
married one! Next year will be our 10 year school reunion so it will be great to catch up and see what everyone is up to in their lives.
Do you have any advice for students who are possibly finishing school and discovering their passions in life?
Do something that you love – then you will look forward to going to work.
Take the opportunity to travel, even if it’s only short term. It really opens your eyes to how amazing and diverse our world is. Living in another
country is also an amazing experience and something I would highly recommend.
Listen to your mum – she knows what she is talking about. She always told me I would love being a teacher and she was right!
Do you have some goals for your future?
Finish my Diploma of Management this year. Also after spending two years overseas, we don’t have much savings, so Nathan and I are focusing
on building them back up so that we can look at buying a house and starting a family in the future.
A Northside education begins in Kindy
Northside's Next Steps Kindy cares for and educates children in a safe, secure,
engaging and stimulating environment. The service is a ministry of Nexus Church
and aims to provide a high quality Christian care and Early Years education that
forms a foundation for the development of skills, attitudes and dispositions
needed for life. Each child is recognised as an individual, uniquely gifted and
known intimately by God.
The Early Years Learning Framework and the Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines
for Learning provide the structure for curriculum planning in kindy.
Learning Environment
A purposeful learning environment supports, enhances, stimulates and
challenges each child's interests, learning and development. Children learn
through play involving exploration, discovery, problem solving and social
interactions with peers and adults.
Children's understanding of the world is broadened through contact and
experiences with the wider community and involves teaching children about
the community and traditions of others, through guests, excursions, parent
contributions and use of digital technology.
Communication with Parents
Part of our commitment to you as parents is to ensure we provide an educational
program and practice that is stimulating and engaging for all children. Educators
at Next Steps value your input and interest in your child's learning. Regular
communication, discussions about your child's learning experiences and learning
progress during their day provide an important link between home and the kindy.
To find out more, or to apply, visit or contact
SEMESTER 1, 2015
Northside News
Back to Basics with PMP
The Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP) develops the students' perception and
understanding of how they can use their motor skills in the world around them.
PMP at Northside is run for students in Prep and Year One. The aim of the program is to give students experiences in seeing, hearing, touching, processing and making perceptual judgments. Students participate in activities involving jumping, skipping, balancing, crawling, climbing,
throwing, catching or bowling. These skills are essential for students to function effectively in the world around them.
The program focuses on four main motor outcomes; Balance, Locomotion, Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination and Fitness. Through participation in
the program students are given opportunities to problem solve, develop fundamental sports skills, improve memory and develop awareness of
the world they live in.
These outcomes transfer through to the classroom and have a positive effect on students’ ability to focus and concentrate. Thank you to all of
the parent volunteers who make it possible to deliver such a program to our students.
What the kids say:
What the parents and teachers say:
“I liked the jumping side to side next to the rope.”
- Lucy
“It is a fun way to interact with your kids during school
- Parent Volunteer
“I loved going through the wooden shapes. It was
fun – I had to name all the shapes. “
- Trelise
“Catching and bouncing the ball was tricky…but I
got better each time.”
- Annie
“My wife made me do it.”
- Parent Volunteer (joking, of course)
“It's extremely important for young children as it
promotes development of fine and gross motor
coordination, which impacts on classroom performance.”
- Mrs Beth Anderson, Year 1 Teacher
Northside News
Training for a bright future
The career possibilities for a Northside graduate are endless. Throughout their
years of compulsory schooling, students are prepared for engagement with
an ever-changing world filled with opportunities, challenges and options.
One of the ways students are prepared for such a diverse future is through the pursuit of nationally recognised,
Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate courses. Here is a snapshot of how some of last year’s Year 12 cohort
benefitted from incorporating a VET certificate into their senior studies.
Northside offers the highly-regarded Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and
Care to students in Years 11 and 12. This qualification provides students with the
knowledge, skills and experience to be job-ready. Belinda Bartels completed the
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care in 2014 and now is working at
Next Steps Kindy at Northside. Belinda believes her VET studies were a vital part of
her senior years.
“The Early Childhood certificate I did prepared me well to work at a
Kindergarten. The practical activities we did and the interaction with
the kids were the best parts. I’m using everything I learned.”
The Brisbane North West TTC is an initiative aimed at providing innovative,
industry-standard training to Year 11 and 12 students. Northside acts in
partnership with four other Brisbane North schools (The Gap SHS, Mitchelton SHS,
Everton Park SHS, and Mt Maria College) to fund the purpose-built facility which
commenced course offerings in 2012. Last year, 5 Northside students
graduated from the TTC with a Certificate II in Electrotechnology. This certificate
is the preferred vehicle into an electrical trade apprenticeship and this year, 4 out
of the 5 graduates began their apprenticeship with local employers. Jack Murchie
secured an electrical apprenticeship with ‘Tradesmen on Time’ (TTC) and he gives
this reflection on his time at the TTC.
“Training at the TTC was a great experience. We covered all aspects of
the electrical trade and we used all the latest equipment and gear. I
wouldn’t have got my job if I hadn’t done the Cert II.”
Many Senior School students incorporate a TAFE qualification into their Senior
Education Plan. Around 12 students from the 2014 cohort pursued some form of
VET certificate through a TAFE Queensland Schools programme. One such student
was Joseph Marshman who, as well as completing a Certificate IV in Business,
completed a Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations). Joseph is now an
apprentice chef with Kedron Wavell Services Club and says that he...
“…gained experience in a wide range of hospitality contexts and got to
work with professional, experienced Chefs and Trainers.”
VET certificates offer students the opportunity to gain an industry-respected, nationally-recognised qualification in a vocation of their
choice. If you have a son or daughter who will be in Year 11 or 12 in 2016, and would like to know more about how completing a VET
certificate can assist in the transition to the world beyond school, feel free to contact Mr Scott Murchie (VET Coordinator).
SEMESTER 1, 2015
Inoculation Against the FOMO Plague
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is fueling some challenging behaviours in people of all ages.
Alison Stegert unpacks a few things parents can do to stimulate resistance to the FOMO plague.
Image Credit: Whale Photo, by Eric Smtih, E Smith Images
Lots of parents worry about their teens’ unhealthy relationship
with their smartphones, but few understand the psychological
mechanism behind it. What is often put down to a lack of selfcontrol, poor etiquette, or “typical teen behaviour” can actually be
the result of FOMO, the fear of missing out. It’s real and it doesn’t
affect only adolescents.
Described as a type of “anticipatory regret” and a form of social
anxiety, FOMO leads to some problematic behaviours and
uncomfortable emotional states:
Anxiety, restlessness, or other distress when cut off from
technology (This may include phantom vibrations and similar
Feelings of worthlessness, depression, envy, etc. when reading
other people’s Facebook statuses
Inability or unwillingness to say no to invitations (to the point
that one’s health, job or schoolwork is negatively affected)
Changing one’s schedule to accommodate the possibility of
something fun coming up
Worrying about what others will do and anticipating being left
out of conversations, shared jokes, etc.
Feeling vexed and/or irritable when unable to attend functions
or be a part of gatherings; subsequent unacceptable behaviour
(door slamming, rudeness, etc.)
Answering phone calls and texts when in the middle of a
Using social media at inappropriate times (during class,
meetings, church, etc.)
No-No to FOMO
How do we avoid or overcome this plague of technology-mediated
social anxiety? As always, balance is the key. We parents will do
well by our kids and ourselves if we model moderation and practise
healthy behaviours as we engage with technology.
Understanding and empathising with kids’ genuine FOMO distress
helps. If we just say, “Get over it!” or take away devices willy-nilly,
we can contribute to the young person’s anxiety. A real solution
involves conversation, negotiation, and clear boundaries. Kids crave
instant connection and belonging is a natural human instinct. We
have to show them and help them desire a healthier way.
Remembering that FOMO afflicts grown-ups too is an important
thing to keep in mind. Some interesting studies have looked at
links between personality and smartphone addiction. Researchers
discovered phone over-dependency correlates to moodiness,
materialism, impulsive personality types, and poor ability to focus.
1. Deal with comparison.
It may be useful to put up a reminder somewhere, “Comparison is
the thief of joy.” If you catch yourself comparing yourself to others
unfavourably, stop. Be kind to yourself, and take a moment to
reflect on your strengths and blessings.
2. Redirect negativity
FOMO can warn us of lacks, imbalances, and so forth. Feeling
envious of a friend’s new job? Take some time to think about what
you like and dislike about yours? Can you add a meaningful activity
to your life to fill the void?
3. Set limits.
Have a set time of day (or better yet, week) for checking social
media. This can be complicated by using Facebook Messenger
for school group work or extracurricular activities, so look for safe
4. Practise Self-Awareness
Why do you want to do something? Is it because you don’t want
to be left out or is it because you really want to do it? Again,
journalling can help young people discover and articulate deep
5. Be Value-Guided
One of the problems with FOMO is that it makes people feel
pressured to do things, even activities they may not be able to
afford or have energy and time for. Articulate your goals and values,
and let them not social media guide your decisions.
Bye-Bye FOMO, Hello JOMO
Here’s a mantra to start teaching your teens:
“Missing out isn’t the end of the world.”
In fact, missing out can be healthy, economical, creative, and more!
By experiencing a few missed events and gatherings, our teens can
discover the JOY of Missing Out–JOMO.
Alison Stegert, School Counsellor
For more ideas on how to help your children turn FOMO
into JOMO, visit
Who is Eddie
Insider tip
This article is the fourth and final in a series featuring the four
characters from the Junior School CARE Focus. The first article
in 2013 featured Carrie Courtesy and Abel Attitude was the star
in March. The November article highlighted Ruby Resilience and
this article showcases Eddie Excellence.
Excellence has long been associated with the ethos of the college. The original motto was “Committed to
Excellence” and excellence remains as one of the five college values. In Junior School, our CARE focus is designed
to help strengthen the students’ social and emotional health and to develop the important characteristics of
Courtesy, Attitude, Resilience and Excellence. CARE is a Christian framework reflecting the values of our Junior School
community and is a unifying focus providing a common language for staff, students and parents.
Defined in the dictionary as “very great merit or quality”, excellence
is a great virtue. The Scripture associated with Eddie is a command
to do our very best because we want to give our best to God.
“Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as
working for the Lord, not for men.” This is Eddie’s Scripture and his
slogan is I do my best.
The attributes of excellence are to be:
• honest
• punctual
• focussed
• responsible
• tidy
• diligent
It is important to note that excellence is not about being better than
other people; it is being the best that we can be.
The habit of punctuality is important as it teaches the children
respect. They learn that time that is lost cannot be regained.
In a recent article about absenteeism and lateness, Michael Grose
wrote, “Being late is not okay either. Missing a few minutes each
day may not seem like a big deal but your child may be missing
more than you realise if he or she is continually late.
Current research shows that mornings for most children are the
most productive time of the day, with 10.00am the peak period for
productivity. When children arrive late and take time to settle as
they inevitably do, valuable learning time is lost.” It is eye-opening
to realise how much time is lost each year by regularly being five to
ten minutes late. Punctuality is also important because it respects
the person providing the activity or event and shows that their time
and effort should not be disregarded.
Responsibility can be fostered by giving children chores as part of
their being a family member and by not doing for them what they
can do themselves. Picking up after them, carrying their school bag,
packing their bag and other similar actions are not, ultimately, a
kindness and should be done only in special circumstances. Just as
important for the development of responsibility is not immediately
rescuing them from the consequences of their actions but allowing
them to grow through the experience.
Tidiness is usually learnt best in small steps. Young children need to
be directed with simple instructions. “Tidy your room” can lead to
an overwhelming confusion, whereas “Put all your soft toys in the
basket” is a simple direction that can be understood and followed.
As they grow older, they will know the steps and be able to make a
plan by themselves.
These and the other attributes will not all happen spontaneously. It
is important to remember that character traits and habits take time
to develop and not to be discouraged. Parenting can be tiring and
challenging and we need to encourage ourselves and others that
instant success is not possible. Modelling is a powerful tool. If they
see you demonstrating the attributes, they are more likely to follow
your example.
For those parents who are reading the Northsider for the first
time, here is a summary of the other three CARE characters.
Carrie Courtesy: Matthew 7:12. Well-mannered, cooperative, kind,
considerate. "I respect others!
Abel Attitude: Philippians 4:13. Open to God, persevering,
responsive, enthusiastic, teachable. "I can do it!"
Ruby Resilience: Deuteronomy 31:6. Confident, overcoming, selfaccepting, positive, assertive, faithful. "I can overcome!"
Bev Starrenburg, Junior School Coordinator/Student Welfare
Helpful Parenting Links
Raising Children -
Parenting Ideas
SEMESTER 1, 2015
Honouring our Grandparents
Grandparents' Matinee
On Wednesday 29 April, Northside had the honour of hosting
our students' grandparents for a special matinee of Annie
the Musical.
Grandparents started the morning with a welcome from Mrs
June Van der Ham, Head of Senior School, followed by a
delicious morning tea made by the staff and volunteers from
the College Café.
Students were able to show their grandparents around the
school with Junior School students having the opportunity to
take their guests to visit their classrooms.
An added treat this year, was the matinee performance
of Annie the Musical, which was well recieved by all who
Yet again, Grandparents' Day was a wonderful opportunity for
our students to connect with their grandparents and to show
them what school life looks like at Northside.
We would like to express our thank you to Northside families
who showed their support by joining us on the day.
community focus
Share your news with us
We love to know what our graduates are doing now. Please send an update and
some photos to We can’t wait to hear from you!
Newly Weds
Congratulations Joshua
and Grace McVey
Joshua McVey (class of 2008)
married Grace McVey (née
Campbell) on Saturday 7 March
2015 in an ambient warehouse
fitted out with antique furniture.
The couple were attended by a
number of Northside graduates
in their bridal party including;
Joel McVey (2007), Jacob McVey
(2010), Thomas Eggert (2008),
Elliot Heitman (2008) and
Ruth Butler (née Cochrane, 2007).
Congratulations Matthew
and Larissa Oates
Past student Matthew Oates
and Larissa Oates (née De
Ruysscher) were married on
Saturday 16 May.
Congratulations Samuel
Aroney and Katie O'Brien
Matthew finished at Northside
in 1999 and went on to do
Carpentry. He is now working
as a Carpenter for Impact
Homes, alongside his brother
and brother-in-law.
Highschool sweethearts,
Samuel Aroney and Katie
O'Brien (class of 2011)
became engaged on
23 December 2014.
He and Larrisa celebrated their
marriage in a beautiful garden
setting in Burbank on the
south of Brisbane.
Katie is currently working
in Outside of School Hours
care at Northside and is
planning for their wedding in
Welcome Lucas Thornton Brown
Welcome Jayce William Rogers
Sarah (née Goleby, Class of 2008)
and Elliot Brown welcomed a son,
Lucas Thornton Brown,
on 9 December 2014.
Chelsea (née Duncombe, Class
of 2006) and Craig Rogers (Class
of 2006) welcomed a son, Jayce
William Rogers, on 10
November 2014.
Welcome Shepherd Augustine
Lionheart Bruce Smith-Cottrell
Jimmy (Class of 2002) and Kirsty
Smith-Cottrell welcomed a son,
Shepherd Augustine Lionheart Bruce
Smith-Cottrell on 16 February 2015.
SEMESTER 1, 2015
Reaching out, close to home
Campus Missionary, QUT Kelvin Grove
James Woolett (Class of 2008)
James' life since graduation from Northside has been about
reaching those who don't know Jesus - many of whom are
students at universtiy.
What has been happening since school?
Graduated 2008, mission trip to Shillong India, started degree 2010,
(involvement in Student Life (SL) from 2011, made president of SL at QUT
and worked part-time at SL for remainder of degree), completed Bachelor of
Aerospace and Avionics Engineering and joined SL as a full-time missionary.
What is your day to day life like now?
I work as a campus missionary to QUT and other smaller uni campuses. This involves a lot of interaction with university students, either
discipling, evangelising or training. It also involves a fair bit of networking and support raising. I enjoy playing Ultimate Frisbee twice a
week (yes it is a sport). Spending time with my brothers nerding it up and playing PC games. I enjoy my historical fiction and love studying
apologetics and history. Spending time with my girlfriend.
What is it about your job that inspires you?
Two things: Most of the great revolutions and reformations of the past have come out
of university. So if I want to change the world for Christ, where better to do it than at a
I've found that those between 17-22 are asking the best questions of their lives; what is
their purpose, why are they here, etc... What better time to help build someone in their
relationship with God! Most people in that age bracket are going to attend university. It
inspires me to see those young people take their relationship with God so seriously that
they proceed to change their campus and their world beyond campus.
James with students at the university.
What are some of the things you look forward to at the moment?
I am looking forward to finishing support raising so I can return to working on campus and getting back to meeting with univeristy
students. I'm looking forward to restarting old discipleship relationships and beginning new ones. I'm looking forward to being responsible
for a new campus (QUT Kelvin Grove) and leading a new team of missionaries. I'm looking forward to when I can get back to New Zealand
to see family and the country!
Do you have some advice for students who are deciding how they want to live their life?
Don’t pressure yourself into having to know exactly what you want to do and who you want to be the moment you get out of school.
Enjoy those late teen/early twenty years getting to know who you are! Enjoy learning the things you really, really care about and pursue
Do you have some goals for your future?
I'd love to complete a Bible College degree. I have a strong desire to see what ministry is like in a Muslim country and learn more about
reaching out to Muslims effectively. Hopefully getting married - beyond that, it's a matter of trusting God to lead me where He will.
If you would like to find out more about James' work at Student Life or to get in touch
with him, send an email to
Education: What’s the Purpose?
Dr Ryan Messmore, Executive Director of the Millis Institute
Currently residing in Brisbane with his wife and three children, Dr Ryan
Messmore is the founding Executive Director of the bold new Liberal
Arts initiative at Christian Heritage College called the Millis Institute.
Before moving to Brisbane, Dr Messmore served as President at
Campion College in Sydney and as a research fellow at The
Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C., America. At the beginning of
the school year, Dr Messmore delivered an inspiring and
challenging speech on the topic of "What is the purpose of
education?". He outlines a few key points from his address for the
wider Northside community.
Why go to school?
This is an extremely important question to ask. Schooling, however, is perhaps so common that many of us take it for granted and fail to
address its purpose critically. What is the point or goal of education?
A common answer would likely be accumulating the knowledge necessary for getting a job. This is certainly a noble pursuit, and as a parent
I want my children to find gainful employment when they graduate from university. I want, though, so much more for my children than just
a job. Why? Because my children are so much more than empty bank accounts. As humans created in the image of God, I want my kids to
become well-rounded, confident, curious young adults who enjoy life and flourish in every dimension. I want them to love learning, other
people, and most of all God.
And that’s the problem with approaching education for purely utilitarian reasons. Such an approach can lead to an incomplete education—
one that tends to ignore entire dimensions of the human being.
A Higher Purpose
I want to suggest that the primary purpose of education is to cultivate a certain kind of person. C. S. Lewis wrote, “The purpose of education
is to produce the good man and the good citizen...The 'good man' here means the man of good taste and good feeling, the interesting and
interested man...”.
In other words, the goal of education is not just to make a living, but to make a certain kind of life—a certain kind of person.
The word “education” comes from a Latin word meaning “to draw out”. A good education draws out of students their inner potential and
capacities—intellectual, moral, spiritual and even physical and social.
When it comes to schooling, the capacity that most people think about first is the intellect—i.e. book learning in the classroom. As human
beings, the Lord gave us the ability to think, ask questions, read, explore, evaluate, and discern what is true and false. As with any gift from
God, we are responsible to exercise the gifts of intellect and reason well, not to misuse them by allowing the brain to go dull or to dwell in
unnecessary ignorance.
Therefore, those charged with the task of education—including schools and also parents—must seek to cultivate within students “the life of
the mind.”
Intellectual virtue alone, however, is not enough, for the simple reason that God created human persons as more than just craniums. He
formed us with not only a brain that can think but also a conscience that can choose and a soul that can love. And thus education must
attend to students’ moral and spiritual capacities as well. The Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians that even if we can fathom all mysteries
and all knowledge—even if we achieve dux, an OP1 or a Ph.D.—if we do not have love, we are nothing.
Furthermore, in addition to developing critical thinking and good character, a complete education includes knowing the One who created
students and infused them with their various capacities. This is one reason why liberal arts curricula in earlier centuries of Western civilisation
viewed theology as the “Queen of the Sciences.”
Shaping Loves
A robust education challenges students to not only know the truth but also desire it. Toward this end, St. Augustine understood the goal of
education in terms of the ordo amoris—the right ordering of the loves.
Therefore, a truly educated person not only understands how DNA replicates, but also comprehends meaning in life and in the universe. He
not only studies paleontology or anatomy, but is also cognisant of the purpose of human history and the value inherent in all people. He can
not only compute math formulas, but also appreciates beautiful art and music. His IQ not only rises, but his character also flourishes. He not
only gets high marks on his exams, but he also excels in life.
(This summarises the aim of a new Christ-centred, liberal arts initiative at Christian Heritage College called the Millis Institute.
See the back page of this magazine to learn how to sample this educational approach.)
SEMESTER 1, 2015
31ST JULY 2015
with Guest Speakers
Dr. Caroline Leaf
& Lisa Mcinnes-Smith
Register at
The Witherspoon Fellowship
Reimagining Leadership
The Millis Institute | June 26-27 2015
A two-day gathering for Year 10-12
students seeking a fresh perspective on
leadership; led by Millis Institute Director,
Dr Ryan Messmore and CHC President,
Professor Darren Iselin.
Activities include:
• great works – from Socrates to C S Lewis
• public speaking and debate training
• interaction with established leaders
• ballroom dancing lessons!
Christian Heritage College
322 Wecker Rd, Carindale
Cost: $60
Bookings: (07) 3347 7900