Resource Mobilization Directory


Resource Mobilization Directory
A strong and capable civil society, cooperating and responsive to Cambodia’s development
As a processional association of non-governmental organizations in Cambodia, the Cooperation
Committee for Cambodia provides high quality services to civil society and influences Cambodia’s
development partners with our shared voice.
House 9-11, Street 476 Toul Tompoung 1, Chamkamorn
PO.Box 885 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
T +855 (0)23 214 152
F +855 (0)23 216 009
The Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) is pleased to present this 2nd edition
publication entitled “Resource Mobilization Directory”
The Resource Mobilization Directory was published in aiming to provide non-profits organizations
with valuable information about the availability of funding for NGOs and CBOs in Cambodia. It has
been developed to respond to the needs of the NGO community which CCC has been frequently
requested for funding information from them every year. So it is intended to provide a starting point
for those organisations to mobilize for funding and available resources for their development activities.
Therefore, the information in this directory includes accurate contact details, funding criteria, useful
guidelines and how donors should be approached. Many sources of fund are available online as listed
on page 98 in this directory.
We hope that the Resource Mobilization Directory will also be a helpful resource for improving
relationship between funding agencies, the NGO community and other stakeholders. The directory will
guide grant seekers to submit through proposals selectively to the right donor, and at the same time
donors can receive only the most appropriate potential applicant NGOs and CBOs for their funding
We would like to express our special thank to the sponsored companies who provided the financial
support for printing and launching this directory to make it available for the NGO community free of
We would also like to express our special thanks to those who provided us with valuable information
on their funding schemes for this directory.
We would like to acknowledge the hard work and efforts of the Membership Service Unit Team of
Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) who made this publication possible for the NGO
We hope that this directory will be beneficial to you in your fundraising effort, and wish you get
successful in your resource mobilization.
SOEUNG Saroeun
Executive Director
April 2013
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 1
Funding Agencies And Schemes
ActionAid Cambodia . .................................................................................................. 7
Australian Catholic Relief/Caritas Australia (ACR/CA) ................................................. 9
Sustainable Changes with Dignity Program
AECID - Spanish Agency for International Cooperation ............................................. 11
and Development - Embassy of Spain
Asian Development Bank (ADB) ................................................................................. 13
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)...................................... 15
Community Development Fund (CDF)
Australian Embassy................................................................................................ 19
Direct Aid Program (DAP)
Cambodia HARVEST................................................................................................ 21
Food Security/Agriculture/NRM
CARE International in Cambodia................................................................................ 23
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) ................................................................................... 25
Church World Service (CWS)................................................................................. 27
Holistic Support
Church World Service (CWS)................................................................................. 29
Small Project Fund (SPF)
Delegation of the European Union to Cambodia (EU)....................................... 31
EU-Cambodia Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2007-2013
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada...................... 33
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
Development and partnership in Action (DPA).......................................................... 35
East West Management Institute (EWMI).................................................................. 37
Human Rights and Rule of Law in Cambodia Embassy of Finland Bangkok....................................................................................... 41
Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC)
Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia........................................................... 43
Japanese Grant Assistance for Grass-roots/ Human Security Projects
Embassy of the Czech Republic............................................................................ 45
Foreign Development Aid Program
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.................................................... 47
Promotion of Micro-Scale Project
Enfants & Développement (E&D)......................................................................... 49
Partnership with organizations targeting children
Fauna & Flora International (FFI)......................................................................... 51
Flagship Species Fund Small Grants Programme
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)..................... 53
​​​Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)..................... 55
Donor or government funded development and emergency projects (Trust Funds)
Forum Syd............................................................................................................... 57
Democracy and Human Rights, Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Adaptation
to Climate Change, and Gender Equality
Heifer Cambodia..................................................................................................... 59
Food security and income generation, environment, women empowerment
and social capital
Light for the World Netherlands................................................................................. 61
Louvain Coopération au Développement (LD)........................................................... 63
NZAID........................................................................................................................ 65
Head of Mission Fund (HOMF)
Plan International Cambodia...................................................................................... 67
Prince Claus Fund...................................................................................................... 69
Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle - French Embassy in Cambodia .......... 71
Terre des Hommes Netherlands (Cambodia Office) .................................................. 73
The UN World Food Programme ( WFP)...................................................................... 75
Food Assistance
Trócaire .................................................................................................................... 77
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) . .......................................... 79
Strengthening Democracy Programme (SDP)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) . .......................................... 81
Small Grant Project (SGP) for Livelihood-Environment Protection
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)........................................................... 85
Because Everyone Counts
United States Agency International Development (USAID)........................................... 87
Welthungerhilfe ....................................................................................................... 89
World Health Organization (WHO)....................................................................... 91
Direct Financial Cooperation (DFC) and Agreement for Performance of Work (APW)
and Service Agreement.
World Renew ................................................................................................................... 93
Who is Funding Whom? What Sector? and Where........................................................ 97
Extra Funding Inforamtion........................................................................................101
Contact address below
Find us on....
One of CCC’s historic institutional strengths is its ability to timely capture and share the latest relevant institutional and
programming information on NGOs and NGOs networks active in Cambodia. CCC is well known for producing quality publications about NGOs, commonly known as CCC directories.
Since 1990, CCC completed and updated directories of:
H Salary Survey
H Agency Contact Listing (ACL)
H CSO Contribution to the Development of Cambodia 2011
H Cambodian Non Governmental Organization (CNGO)
H International Non Governmental Organization (INGO)
H NGO Membership and Sectoral Groups in Cambodia
H Provincial Non Governmental Organization Networks
H Many others
These directories provide A to Z information on NGOs and NGOs networking including their identity, latest contact addresses
and location updates. CCC’s publications serve to highlight and map out the collective efforts of NGOs and organizations
working together to discuss, share information, plan activities and contribute to various government planning initiatives.
#9-11,Street. 476
Toul Tompong 1 , Chamkarmorn
P.O Box 885, Phnom Penh
CCC Vision:
T +855 (0)23 214 152
F +855 (0)23 216 009
A strong capable civil society, cooperating and responsive to Cambodia’s development challenges.
Why a Resource Mobilization Directory?
The aid for NGOs to contribute to the development of Cambodia has been shifted from relief and
welfare/humanitarian assistance to small-scale local development and aid effectiveness and it is being
moved toward the development effectiveness for sustainable development in this recent year. In
responding to this global trend, non-profit organizations including international NGOs, local NGOs and
community based organizations (CBOs) are required to have competition with other NGOs for funding
support. However, many NGOs in Cambodia feel that it is difficult to access clear information on
funding opportunity and it is also due to increased competition and at the same time more challenging
to become successful in raising funds.
While much useful information about NGO funding schemes is available on the internet, it is sometimes
incomplete and often inaccessible to many local or community base organizations. It is estimated that a
high number of funding requests (approximately 90%) in worldwide, are declined immediately; either
because the requests fall outside a funding agency’s interest areas or because the request is inadequately
prepared and/or does not reflect the organization’s strengths and its ability to carry out the proposed
Therefore it is important that organizations seeking funds do not send the same generic proposal to
a random list of funding agencies. They should instead look for agencies that have programs that are
consistent with their organization’s vision, missions and projects and then develop the proposal and
the specific budget to the funding agency’s priorities. This directory has been developed to help NGOs
with this task.
About the Directory
This directory aims to provide organizations with access to information about the availability of funds to
support projects in Cambodia. While undertaking research about potential funders is time consuming,
it is only one of the many steps of the process to successfully obtaining funding.
Resource Mobilization Directory is the second version of CCC directory. It was formerly a directory
named Funding Agency and Partnership Directory, 2005-2006. This name has been changed because
non-profit organizations seek support from donor agencies beyond funding, including technical
assistance, volunteers, office equipment, transportation…etc . Within this directory contain 41 agencies
with a total of 25 funding schemes.
In the directory we have described the funding schemes of:
• Funding agencies in Cambodia
• Partnership funders in Cambodia
• Funding agencies based abroad
• Embassies in Cambodia and Bangkok
The Directory provides the following information about funding agencies and their schemes:
• Sector interest;
• Geographical areas where they want to support work;
• The target groups they want to assist;
• Budget amounts they are prepared to award to partners;
• Selection criteria for partners;
• Restrictions on the use of funds; and
• Information concerning application procedures.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The directory will assist organizations to classify sectors and themes of interest to funding agencies.
Most attention is currently for community development which is a very comprehensive area with many
sub sectors. All funding agencies expect an organization to have some degree of experience in the field
for which funding is requested.
Donor Sector Interest
% of donor
Graph: sector interest of the Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
How to use the directory to develop a writing proposal?
The following are some guidelines that have been developed to help you to achieve a successful
Step One: Create and Effective Strategy
Before you start looking for funding, you should draw up a clear profile of your organization and
develop a long-term organizational strategy. Your projects should then be designed in line with your
organization’s strategy and expertise. Knowing your organization well puts you in a strong position
and helps establish your credibility with funding agencies and partners.
In developing your strategy, you should address the following questions clearly and directly:
What is the unique purpose of your organization? (your mission) What do you aim for?
Who is your target group? Who do you serve?
Does this target group receive similar services from any other organization? You need to know who is doing what in the same area and the same sector.
What important needs do you aim to fulfill or problems do you want to solve?
Does your board support your initiatives that aim to respond to these needs?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Step Two: Develop a List of Potential Funders
The goal of your research is to identify funding agencies that are in line with your organization’s
mission and project objectives.
Develop an initial “prospect” list of funding agencies that have general interests in the sector area of
your organization or project. Keep your selection criteria fairly broad at this stage - in case of doubt,
still include the donor in your list until further research tells you otherwise. As you review the funding
agency’s information, keep in mind the following:
• Does the funding agency support the theme for which you are seeking support? For example, if you are seeking funds for a program involving HIV/AIDS, you should immediately cross off your prospect
list those funding agencies interested only in environment issues.
• Does the funding agency support the target group for which you are seeking funds? For example,
if your activity is aimed at young people, you should not approach an organization that only supports
projects for the elderly.
• Does the funding agency indicate an interest in your geographical area?
• Does the funding agency give grants or are they interested in partnerships?
• Does the funding agency make grants for the type of support you are requesting? For example,
if you seek funding for a public awareness campaign, you should not approach a funding agency that
explicitly states it does not support them. Most funding agencies have restrictions or limitations on their
grant making programs
• Does the funding agency make grants for the amount of money you will be requesting? You
should not request $20,000 from a funding agency that never awards grants above $5,000, or alternatively,
you should not request $5,000 from a funding agency that states they do not make grants smaller than
• Does the funding agency require matching or co-funding? Most funding agencies require or encourage
co-funding although they do not always state it explicitly. Check your funding agency’s position before
submitting an application as the funding agency may not wish to support the full cost of a project and
might ask for evidence of other funding.
• Does the funding agency accept full project proposals, or does it prefer an initial, brief letter of
inquiry or a concept paper?
• Do you have full and correct contact details of the funding agency?
The goal of continuing research is to determine if your project fits the funding agency’s program
interests, geographical area and restrictions.
Step Three: Proposal or Concept Paper or Dialogue
Based on the information you gathered during your research, you should now be able to identify, from
your initial list, funding agencies that are most likely to support your organization and your project.
Next, you should request their current grant application forms and guidelines, and get the name of
the person responsible for the program. You can now tailor your project proposal to better meet the
funding agency’s requirements.
Although each project proposal should be individually developed to the funding agency specifications,
there are some basic rules that apply to all grant applications:
• Be concise.
• Avoid too much technical jargon.
• Provide simple definitions of specialized terms.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
• Be specific and realistic in what you want to achieve and what you request from the funding
• Structure your proposal logically and present it in a clear and easy-to-read layout.
Most funding agencies have their own proposal formats and guidelines. Always use them if you
consider applying.
Concept Paper, Pre-Proposal or Letter of Inquiry
A concept paper, pre proposal or a letter of inquiry is normally a 1-3 page document used as an
introduction of a project or an organization to a potential donor. Concept papers are like “name cards”
and often the first impression of the organization to a third party. The first impression has to be good.
It is important that you have a good sense of how your project fits into the philosophy and mission of
your organisation. Funding agencies want to know this, and they may need to be convinced that your
project is needed. You should collect data on the target area and the need for this project so that your
arguments are well-documented.
A concept paper prevents you from spending too much time preparing application materials for projects
that may not get funded. Concept papers also allow funding agency staff to quickly scan letters and
papers for appropriate projects. They can then request additional information when funding is a strong
Concept Paper Information
• Organization Details (Name, address, telephone and possible email address, contact person)
• Purpose (What is the overall mission/vision of the organization, what do you want to achieve in one
• Title of the Project (If any)
• Target Group (Describe the beneficiaries in some detail. How many people will be serviced by the
• Background of Organization (Who started the organization, when and why? Are you are officially
registered? What activities has the organization done in the past? What are the current activities? How
many staff?)
• Background of Project and Problem Description (What problem or challenge does the organization
want to address? Why is this needed? If an ongoing project, give details on how long the project is going
for and why it still needs financial support).
• Short Description of Proposed Activities (What are you going to do? When and where?)
• Expectation Output (What do you want the final results to be?)
• Implementation Period (From when to when)
• Project Budget (Total amount and how much you are requesting from the funding agency)
Full Project Proposal Information
A proposal is a request for financial assistance to implement a project. The general purpose of any
proposal is to persuade the reader to do something. Any proposal offers a plan to fill a need, and the
reader will evaluate your plan according to how well your written presentation answers questions
about WHAT you are proposing, WHO will it benefit, HOW you plan to do it, WHEN do you plan to
do it, and HOW MUCH it is going to cost.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Many donors have their own application form. If you decide to apply to them always use their proposal
format. If there is no format, you may use the following checklist which includes the basic elements
your proposal should contain:
• Cover Letter: The cover letter is the first document the funding agency will read. It can be the basis on which a project is considered or rejected. The cover letter should state the type of support
requested, the goals of the project and how it fits into the guidelines of the funding agency, the
total budget and the names of other funding agency contributing to the project, if applicable.
• Title Page and Table of Contents: The title page should provide the following details: the title
and sub-title of the project (if any); the name and address of your organization; the date; and
the name of the funding agency. The table of contents should provide a simple overview of the
different sections of the project proposal, including the correct page numbers.
• Executive Summary: This provides the key points from the project proposal in one page. The
executive summary should include the following information: name of the project; needs
statement; brief project description: goals and objectives; beneficiaries; location and duration of
the project; project staffing; project budget and funding needs.
Do not underestimate the importance of the executive summary - it is, on many occasions, the main
part of the document that gains the interest and support of the reader.
The actual project proposal includes:
• Introduction: This should clearly summarize the aim of the project and your organization’s abilities and qualifications to accomplish this aim.
• Needs Statement: A concise, yet convincing overview of the needs your organization wants to
address with the project. Describe briefly the overall context - this will help the reader get a more
complete picture of the scope of the problem. When outlining the actual problem or needs, use
relevant facts, examples from the community or statistics to underpin your statement, but make
sure all data is correct.
• Goals and Objectives: This section should tell the reader what your organization will do to address
the identified needs. The aim should be broken down into goals and measurable objectives. Goals
represent concepts or ideal situations that are not necessarily measurable. Objectives are specific,
tangible and measurable outcomes that should be achieved within a specified period of time.
• Methodology and Timetable: How and when are the project’s objectives going to be achieved?
By whom? Be very clear, specific and realistic - with regard to the methods, the timetable and the
human resources- as this will help convince the reader of your expertise and credibility.
• Evaluation: Explain how you will measure the success of achieving your stated goals. In this
section, you should provide an outline of the instruments that will be used for the evaluation
and define when the evaluation will be done.
 Summary: States the duration of the project and the total project cost, as well as any already
available income.
 Detailed budget: Almost every budget includes the following standard items: personnel;
activity costs (workshop/meetings); transport/travel; equipment; administration (rent,
utilities, supplies); communication costs.
Always check with the funding agency for any special requirements before finalizing your budget.
• Sustainability: Describe the financial resources you will need to continue the project once the
support requested has ended, if any.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
• Appended Information: Any meaningful information that helps support your proposal. A
detailed work plan, latest annual report, statistical reports, letters of support, an organizational
• Sustainability: Describe the financial resources you will need to continue the project once the
support requested has ended, if any.
• Appended Information: Any meaningful information that helps support your proposal. A
detailed work plan, latest annual report, statistical reports, letters of support, an organizational
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
ActionAid Cambodia
• Support to Cambodian
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
• Other (Social movements,
Deveopment Networks and
Citizen’s Platforms)
Target Group
Smallholder farmers, artisan
fisherfolk, and women and children within these groups.
Project Area
Kampong Thom
Kam Pot
Koh Kong
Funding Amount
ActionAid International (AAI) is a global federation committed
to finding sustainable solutions to end poverty and injustice. The
federation has 42 national members and country programmes
worldwide and focuses the majority of its resources on working
with the poorest and most excluded women, men and children,
and making long term commitments to advance their human
rights and to transform the world in which their children grow
Our change statement for 2013-2018 envisages Cambodia with “a
strong and vibrant Civil Society, led by empowered and dynamic
people’s organisations and networks, advocating for changes in
laws, policies and practices that contribute to eradicating poverty
and inequality in the country.”
ActionAid Cambodia has an internal partnership guideline
which guides our processes.
Goals and Objectives
To empower the poor, excluded people and communities to
exercise their power to secure their rights through partnering
with facilitating LNGOs
• Max US$50,000
ActionAid Cambodia aims to provide support to Cambodian
Application Information
Our country strategy for 2013-2018 aims to contribute to the
collective effort by adopting human rights based approach that
emphasizes partnerships; alliances; and evidence-based strategies
that priorities food security, education and women’s rights as
strategic areas and recognize disaster risk reduction, governance
and gender mainstreaming as cross cutting themes.
• Accepts concept paper
• Dialogue before proposal
• Uninvited proposals
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Other (Social movements , Development Networks and
Citizen’s Platforms)
Selection Criteria
To be selected as an ActionAid partner, local organizations should be registered, have an active board
and have a good governance structure with an appropriate standard bank account. The potential
partner has to work with the most marginalized groups.
Application Information
ActionAid Cambodia will accept and review concept papers.
ActionAid Cambodia prefers a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted,
the proposal is developed with the assistance of ActionAid Cambodia.
Uninvited proposals are accepted.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for rights based work in areas of Education, Sustainable Agriculture, Natural
Resource Management (NRM) and Women’s Rights.
Overhead or core costs are supported providing they do not exceed 15% of the program
ActionAid also accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is dependent upon type of project and partnership agreement.
Projects can be extended.
Proposal should be written in Khmer and/or English.
There is a standard application form.
The time require to process of proposal is depend on the type of project and partnership
Contact Details
Contact : Caroline McCausland
Address: Street 242, #69, Sangkat Chatomuk, Phnom Penh
: 023 994 987
: 023 994 986
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Australian Catholic Relief/Caritas
Australia (ACR/CA)
Sustainable Changes with Dignity Program
Community Development
Gender/Women Issues
Water and Sanitation
Who can Apply?
• Partners (LNGOs/CBOs)
Target Group
Poorest people and the most
volnerable in the rural and
slum area.
Project Area
Kampong Speu
Phnom Penh
Siem Reap
Kampong Chhanag
Australian Catholic Relief / Caritas Australia (ACR/CA) has
been working in Cambodia since 1979. Since then ACR/CA
has supported a wide range of programs including emergency
relief, reconstruction and integrated development. Currently
ACR/CA is implementing Sustainable Changes with Dignity
Program (SCDP) through partnership with 10 local NGOs.
Reaching and meeting the development needs of the poorest
and most marginalized in the communities are the aims of the
SCDP. The SCDP addresses development needs pivotal to the
future development of Cambodia’s communities and society,
and focuses on Integrated Community Development and HIV/
Goals and Objectives
Goal: To respond more effectively to injustice and poverty and
support our Cambodian NGO Partners to empower vulnerable
groups, individuals, and families to live with dignity.
to empower the poorest of the poor to positively change
their personal circumstances through self-reliance and
community solidarity;
reduce the spread of HIV/ AIDS and assist people living
with HIV and their families to live with dignity and free
from discrimination;
promote child protection and children’s wellbeing;
work towards ensuring access to healthcare, safe water
and sanitation of the poorest of the poor;
to put in place systems for emergency response and
disaster risk reduction;
and strengthen the institutional and program capacity of
local community organisations supporting them to more
effectively serve and represent the Cambodian people.
Application Information
• Dialogue before proposal
The themes of interest to Australian Catholic Relief/Caritas
Australia (ACR/CA) include: Community Development;
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
agriculture, promoting health, clean water and sanitation, small irrigation, gender/women issues;
empowerment of women, HIV/AIDS; children affected by AIDS, orphans, loans to PLWA, PLWA
care & support, Water and Sanitation.
NGOs working with the poorest in the poor communes are welcome.
Who can Apply?
• Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
• Partnerships (LNGOs/CBOs)
Selection Criteria
The potential partner needs to be registered with Ministry of Interior, have a functioning management
and not be involved in political issues.
Application Information
Australian Catholic Relief/Caritas Australia (ACR/CA) prefers to have a dialogue with a potential
partner before a proposal is submitted. ACR/CA expects to understand the applicants’ organisation
management system and structure before approval of any funds or support.
Budget Information
• Funds can be used for training and capacity building.
• Funds cannot be used for cars, buildings or buying premises.
• Maximum 20% of the total budget can use for overhead or core costs.
• ACR/CA doesn’t accept co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
• Funding relationship starts with a one year trial but as the partnership grows, longer
commitments are possible (following ACR/CA fiscal year from July to June). Projects can be
• Proposal can be written in English.
• No standard application form exists but the minimum required in a proposal is: organisational
background, objectives, problem identification, strategy to respond / solve the problem,
project description, resources, experience of staff, budget plan, implementation plan (work
plan), future organisational plans (annual report if available).
• The time required to process the application is 2 months as after local approval proposals are
sent to Sydney for Caritas’s approval.
Contact Details
Contact : Mr.Lay Sothy
Address: 53, Street 350, Phnom Penh
: 012 890 609
: 023 220 200
E-mail :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
AECID - Spanish Agency for International
Cooperation and Development - Embassy
of Spain
Gender/Women Issues
Art & Culture
Human Rights/Democracy
Environment/Natural Resource
Who can Apply?
Target Group
Vulnerable and indigenous
Project Area
Stung Treng
Application Information
• Call for proposals
Official Agency for International Cooperation and Development
of Spanish Government, operating in Cambodia under the
International Cooperation Agreement signed in February 2010
between the two countries Cambodia and Spain.
There are active programs funded by AECID through international
NGOs and other bilateral and multilateral partners that launch
local Call of Proposals
Goals and Objectives
Combating poverty and achieving
development with gender equality.
The following themes are of interest to AECID – Spanish Agency
for International Cooperation and Development - Embassy of
Gender/Women Issues through is the most important
sectoral priority in Cambodia.
Art & Culture with a focus on respecting cultural
Human Rights/Democracy focuses on promotion of
Human Rights and democratic governance.
Environment/Natural Resource with a focus on
See the websites for updated information: http://www.aecid.
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Selection Criteria
All details can be found on each call proposals and can be found
Application Information
Announcements for calls for proposals are made and can be
found online at
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Budget Information
Funds can be used for implementation of activities.
Overhead or core cost can be supported.
AECID accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period depends on the length of the project.
Projects can be extended depending on its scope of work and the conditions given in the call
for proposals.
The proposal should be written in Spanish, preferably.
Contact Details
Contact : Mr.Juna Pita General Coordinator
Address: 138 Norodom Blvd corner street 308 Phnom Penh
: 023 211 082
: 023 211 083
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
• Community Development
• Education/Training
• Environment/Natural Resource
• Water and Sanitation
Who can Apply?
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Project Area
• Nation wide
The ADB is a multilateral development finance institution
dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. ADB
was established by 31 members in 1966. Today, ADB is owned
by 67member countries, including 48 from the Asia and Pacific
region. Cambodia was one of the founding members of the
ADB in 1966, but almost all lending and technical assistance to
Cambodia has been since the early 1990s when ADB re-engaged
with Cambodia after an extended absence.
ADB’s long term strategic framework, or Strategy 2020, calls for
enhanced partnerships with civil society. This is echoed in the
Cambodia Country Partnership Strategy 2011-2013 (see www. The ADB NGO and Civil Society Center
website at contains useful resources for
NGOs seeking to work with ADB.
Goals and Objectives
ADB’s vision is an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty. Its
mission is to help its developing member countries reduce
poverty and improve their living conditions and quality of life.
ADB’s overarching goal in Cambodia is sustainable poverty
The following themes are of interest to Asian Development Bank
(ADB): ADB’s five priority sectors in Cambodia, per the Country
Partnership Strategy 2011-2013, are: (i) transport, (ii) water
supply, sanitation, and urban development, (iii) agriculture and
natural resources, (iv) education and training, and (v) finance.
A facilitating sector is public sector management, which forms
the base for improved project operations in all sectors. Six
drivers of change are private sector development, private sector
operations, governance, gender equity, knowledge solutions,
and partnerships.
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria are depending on assignment. ADB’s consulting services recruitment notices are
available at
Application Information
The applicants that apply for ADB projects must register in the consultant management system online
Budget Information
The budget allocation is depending on scope of work.
All overhead and core costs necessary for the success of the project can be supported with the
implementation of the project.
ADB accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is dependent on the work.
Projects can be extended.
Proposal is accepted in English writing.
It takes 2 weeks for processing the application after deadline.
Contact Details
Contact : Eric Sidgwick, Country Director, Karin Schelzig, Senior Social Sector Specialist and NGO Anchor, Sophea Mar, Senior Social Sector Officer,
Address: 29 Suramarit Blvd (St 268), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
: 023 215 805/06
: 023 215 807
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Australian Agency for International
Development (AusAID)
Community Development Fund (CDF)
Agriculture/Animal Health
Human Rights/Democracy
Disability and Rehabilitation
Who can Apply?
• Partners (LNGOs/CNGOs
partnered with CBOs,
Target Group
Most vulnerable communities
with a focus on disadvantaged
groups such as women, the disabled and minorities.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
The funding ranges from Australian Dollars AU$105,000 to a
maximum of AU$225,000 over
a three-year period (amounting
to between AU$35,000 to AU$ 75,000 per year)
Application Information
• Call for proposals
• Fixed deadlines
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The Community Development Fund (CDF) is part of Australia’s
Development Cooperation Program to Cambodia and managed
by AusAID, Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh. It is a
flexible mechanism that facilitates civil society engagement
in development priorities as articulated in Australia’s
development cooperation strategy. CDF projects are targeted
at local community-based development projects particularly in
rural areas. The projects are aligned with AusAID’s Country
Strategy priorities as well as meeting the local priorities that
have been raised in the Village Development Plan, Commune
Investment Plan, and which reflect the 10 year Decentralisation
& Deconcentration (D&D)’s program of the National Secretariat
Grants are made for projects on a competitive basis. A call for
proposals is issued early in the financial year. Organisations
intending to implement mainly on water supply activities (well
construction or well rehabilitation) and any involves activities
related to sanitation and hygiene (i.e. the construction of latrines),
is not highly prioritized for CDF funding as do not respond to the
sectoral priority in health sector (improve the nutrition status of
children and women for the poor households in rural areas).
Goals and Objectives
Goal: To support Cambodian communities and civil society
organisations to implement local development initiatives that
will contribute to poverty reduction and improved quality of
To contribute to the development of Cambodian civil
society through support for local and international nongovernmental organisations.
Contribute to the broader achievement of the objectives
in the sectoral priorities of the Australian Development
Cooperation Program in Cambodia, including funding
innovative and pilot initiatives that complement bilateral
and national level programs.
To be a responsive and flexible funding mechanism
responding to and supporting local initiatives.
The themes of interest to Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) include:
Agriculture/Animal Health; with focuses on increased agricultural production and small
holder income, and increased food and livelihood security for the rural poor through social
protection and landmine clearance.
Health/Nutrition; with a focus on improving the nutrition status of children and women for
the poor households in rural areas.
Human Rights/Democracy; Law and Justice; with focuses on improved protection and
promotion of individual rights and responsibilities in the justice system for juveniles and
vulnerable groups, as well as providing services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual
assault (there may be additional funding available for proposals in this stream) including
ending violence against women
Infrastructure; focused on practical assistance for communities experiencing social impacts due
to infrastructure and/or land development projects.
Disability and Rehabilitation is a cross-cutting theme, with a focus on all projects which aim to
empower people with disabilities and ensure development is more inclusive.
All organisations applying for AusAID funding must have a child protection policy and be able to
demonstrate that the policy is understood and implemented by staff. This policy should be provided to
AusAID as an attachment with the project proposal. The AusAID Child Protection Policy is provided
on request or is available in the AusAID’s website:
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Partnerships (LNGOs/CNGOs partnered with CBOs, INGOs/LNGOs, INGOs/CBOs)
Selection Criteria
The criteria used to assess and score each short-listed proposal is as follows:
Quality of design (including M & E framework) – 40%
Quality of M & E Framework - 20%
Attention to Cross Cutting Issues – 10%
Quality of budget – 15%
Organizational Governance, Including participation in the VCS – 10%
Innovation, Best Practice and linkage with AusAID sectoral priorities – 5%
As a general rule, proposals which receive a score of below 60% of the highest possible score in any
of criteria A to F will NOT be brought to the Selection Panel. The assessment is also based on the high
quality of the project’s log frame which was approved with the expression of interest.
LNGOs must register with Ministry of Interior; INGOs must register and have a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFA/
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Partner organisations should be well established and experienced in the sector and preferably in the
geographic area of the activity.
AusAID encourages all applicants, before submission, to contact Cooperation Committee for Cambodia
(CCC) to register the commencement of the voluntary certification system to get the NGO GPP. Priority
is given to those who have received VCS/NGO GPP.
Application Information
Announcements for calls for proposals are made, the first step is a call for submission of the Expressions
of Interest and the full proposals, for the second step the short-listed Expressions of Interest are
assessed and scored by AusAIDs Sectoral Senior Program Managers. The short-listed proposals will
be assessed by the Assessment Panel. Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines, once a year,
Budget Information
Funds can be used to implement activities that align with AusAid’s sectoral priorities.
Funds cannot be used for emergency relief and welfare, vehicle purchase, ongoing costs, credit
focused scheme (loans), credit activities, commercial activities and research, 100% of core
salaries and high proportion of administrative support costs vs. activity costs, major focus on
staff training, conferences, study tours or other overseas travel, environmentally insensitive
activities which would negatively impact upon natural resources such as water, fisheries and
forests, activities related to involuntary or un-informed family planning, emergency relief
and welfare , construction that is not part of a wider development activity and which has
no maintenance and funding plan for ongoing costs, partisan political activities and religious
A maximum of 15% of the total budget (preferably a small portion) for administration and
overhead costs.
AusAID requires a contribution from the applicant, i.e. materials and/or funds.
AusAid prefers co-funding with other donor.
Proposal and Project Information
Project funding period is a multi-year funding scheme with limited funding for up to 3 years.
Projects can be extended only if the project is completed in year 1 and/or year 2 successfully
without any problems. The pilot project for one year duration would be considered with
reasonable budgets.
Funding will initially be made available for the first 12 month period. The funding for subsequent
years will be dependent on the submission and acceptance by AusAID of project reports
demonstrating satisfactory performance and satisfactory financial acquittals, subsequent year
work plan, and AusAID’s monitoring visit.
The proposal should be written in English (no other proposals will be accepted).
An Expression of Interest is required for the first stage and the format for full proposals will be
sent ONLY to those whose Expression of Interest has been selected but it can be up to twelve.
The application processing time is at least eight weeks maximum (for step 1 and step 2).
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Contact Details
Contact : Sokunthea Nguon, Program Manager
Address: No.16B, Assembly Street, Tonle Bassac, Chamkar Morn
: 023 213 470
: 023 213 466
E-mail :;
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Australian Embassy
Direct Aid Program (DAP)
Community Development
Water and Sanitation
Who can Apply?
Partners (INGOs/LNGOs
or CBOs, LNGOs/CBOs)
Target Group
Vulnerable groups, notably people with disabilities, orphans,
women and children.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Max US$25,000
The Australian Embassy program Direct Aid Program (DAP) is
allocated by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
in Canberra, Australia. The funding is allocated annually and it
is a non-bilateral government to government funding, which
means that DAP is not in any way attached to the commitment of
the Australian Government to the Cambodian Government. This
fund is quite different from AusAid’s fund which is attached as
government bilateral funding.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of DAP is to address humanitarian hardship while
fulfilling international relations and public diplomacy objectives.
DAP’s objective is also to provide benefit to vulnerable groups,
notably people with disabilities, orphans, women and children.
Themes of interest to the Australian Embassy include: Community
Development, Education/Training, Water and Sanitation, and
Health/Nutrition. All projects with development in nature fall
in the area of interest. Proposal needs to provide some form of
skills training or improvements to community health or selfimprovement, and activities in which the recipient community
makes a contribution either in cash or in kind are well-received.
Application Information
• Call for proposals
• Fixed deadlines
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organization (CBO)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Partnerships (INGOs/LNGOs, INGOs/CBOs, LNGOs/
Selection Criteria
Applying non-government organisation or institution need to be
registered in Cambodia. Two referees need to be provided. The
referees should have substantial contact with the organisation
but not be part of the applicant’s organisation.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Application Information
Announcements for calls for proposals are made, via the Australian Embassy’s website: http:// Proposals must be submitted before fixed
Budget Information
Funds are not allocated by sector but by individual project through competitive process. A
maximum ceiling of funding on each project is US$25,000.
Funds cannot be used for ongoing salary cost, transportation costs, core cost, seminar/
conferences held outside Cambodia, administrative cost (salaries, electricity, rent).
Overhead and core-cost are not funded. Applicant seeking more than one source of funding
must clearly indicate this in the proposal.
Payment is normally made by cheque with an attached letter agreeing to meet the conditions
of grant to be signed by a representative of the applying organization.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is allocated on an individual project basis. The project should be completed in less
than one year, before Australia’s next financial year (Australian financial year starts on 1 July and ends
on 30 June). Projects cannot be extended. DAP provides only one off grants but applicant is free to
submit another proposal.
The proposal should be written in English.
There is a standard application format. The application form is subject to changes without
notice. The most up to date version is attached with the call for proposal announcement.
Guidelines and application form are accessible via
It normally takes one month to process a proposal and make funds available to the successful
Contact Details
Contact : DAP Administrator
Address: No. 16B, National Assembly Street, Phnom Penh
: 023 213 470
: 023 213 413
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Cambodia HARVEST
Food Security/Agriculture/NRM
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Environment/Natural
• Gender/Women Issues
• Health/Nutrition
Who can Apply?
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Target Group
Reduce poverty and malnutrition by diversifying and increasing food production and income
for up to 70,000 rural Cambodian households.
Project Area
Siem Reap
Kampong Thom
Funding Amount
• Ave US$80,000
Application Information
• Call for proposals
Cambodia HARVEST is a five-year integrated food security
and climate change program supported by the American
people through the US Feed the Future and Global Climate
Change initiatives. The program seeks to reduce poverty and
malnutrition, diversifying and increasing food production and
income for up to 70,000 rural Cambodian households. Cambodia
HARVEST develops sound, agriculture-focused solutions to poor
productivity, postharvest losses, malnutrition, lack of market
access, environmental degradation, and the effects of climate
change on vulnerable rural populations.
Goals and Objectives
The overarching goals of Cambodia HARVEST are to improve
food security; strengthen natural resource management and
resilience to climate change; and increase the capacity of the
public and private sectors and civil society to support agricultural
The following themes are of interest to Cambodia HARVEST:
Agriculture/Animal Health; with a focus on food
security and agriculture;
Environment/Natural Resources; with a focus on
aquaculture, fishery, and natural resource management.
Gender/Women Issues
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
The applicants must legally registered with MoI/MoFA with
experience and familiarity with the geographic region
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
of the proposed activity and have past performance in delivering similar services. The applicant must
be willing to comply with all subcontract clauses and certifications and to be monitored by program
staff regarding technical and management capacity.
Application Information
The announcements for calls for proposals are made and proposals must be submitted before the
deadline. Cambodia HARVEST welcomes uninvited proposals.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for sound, agricultural-focused solutions to poor productivity, postharvest
losses, malnutrition, lack of market access, environmental degradation, and the effects of
climate change on vulnerable rural populations. We also build capacity strengthening to local
NGO partners and government official on limited participant training program.
Fund cannot be used for purchasing second hand equipment and travel abroad.
Overhead or core costs can be supported with documentation proving necessity.
Cambodia HARVEST accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is 12-18 months.
Projects can be extended depending on performance evaluation.
Proposals should be written in English.
There is standard application form with the guideline supported and this subcontractor has
to certify on certificates: regarding terrorism financing and drug trafficking.
It takes 4-6 weeks for process the application after proposal deadline.
Contact Details
Contact : Dennis
Address: #46, Street 310, Boeung Kengkang 1, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh
: 023 996 419
: 023 996 418
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
CARE International in Cambodia
Community Development
Disaster Preparedness
Who can Apply?
Partners (INGOs/LNGOs)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
CARE is an international humanitarian organisation fighting
global poverty by empowering women and girls. In Cambodia
CARE works with the poorest and most marginalized communities
to address the root causes of poverty and vulnerability. CARE
works in partnership to achieve lasting results. CARE has been
working in Cambodia from 1973-1975 and then reopened office
in 1991. CARE Cambodia develops partnerships that are based
on common goals and collaboration for mutual benefit.
Goals and Objectives
To achieve sustainable change in people’s lives, CARE’s
activities seek to address the underlying causes of
poverty and marginalization. This involves working
in partnership with others to strengthen individual,
organizational and institutional capacities. CARE
places particular emphasis on empowering women and
their communities. To create an enabling environment
for positive and lasting change, CARE also engages in
advocacy and dialogue to support policy development
and implementation.
To increase our effectiveness, CARE moved to a program
approach in 2010, focusing on two Impact Groups Marginalized Ethnic Minorities and Poor and Vulnerable
Target Group
Most vulnerable Cambodians
Project Area
Koh Kong
Phnom Penh
Application Information
• Invited proposals
• Call for proposals
The following themes are of interest to CARE International in
Education/Training; ethnic minority bilingual
Health/Nutrition; health systems strengthening;
maternal and child health; sexual and reproductive
Community Development; rural livelihoods.
Disaster Preparedness/Relief; microfinance.
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Partnerships (INGOs/LNGOs)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Potential partners should be financially sound and have management systems in place. Previous
experience in the field and geographical target locations, and established relationships with target
communities are assets.
Application Information
CARE International in Cambodia will invite potential partners to write a proposal. Sometimes CARE
announces calls for proposals and CARE will contact potential partners.
Budget Information
Budget dependent on the scope and scale of activities, partner and CARE’s funders.
Overhead or core costs can be supported.
CARE accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding period is between 1-5 years, depending on activities.
Projects can be extended subject to negotiation between NGO, CARE and the donor.
Proposal should be written in English.
There is no standard application form, basic requirements include organisational structure,
previous audits (preference), reference of other donors, evaluation reports, name board
members and governance system, budget, project and activity description.
The application processing time is variable depending on activity.
Contact Details
Contact : Stav Zotalis
Address: House 6, street 446, between streets 123 and 105,
Sangkat toul tom poung I, Phnom Penh
: 023 215 267/8/9
: 023 211 500
E-mail :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
Target Group
Rural poor families living
from agriculture, rural and
periurban micro entreprneurs,
people affected with HIV/
AIDS,TB,children with
Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic
Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged
outside the country. It is administered by a Board of Bishops
and lay people, and is staffed by men and women committed
to the Catholic’s Church’s apostolate of helping those in need.
It maintains strict standards of efficiency and accountability.
The fundamental motivating force in all activities of CRS is the
Gospel of Jesus Christ as it pertains to the alleviation of human
suffering, the development of people and fostering of charity
and justice in the world. The policies and programs of the agency
reflect and express the teaching of the Catholic Church. At the
same time, Catholic Relief Services assists persons on the basis
of need, not creed, race or nationality. Catholic Relief Services
gives active witness to the mandate of Jesus Christ to respond to
human needs in the following ways:
responding to victims of natural and man-made
providing assistance to the poor and alleviate their
immediate need;
supporting self-help programs which involve people
and communities in their own development;
helping those it serves to restore and preserve their
dignity and to realize their potential;
collaborating with religious and non-sectarian person
and groups of good will in programs and projects which
contribute to a more equitable society;
and by helping to educate the people of United States to
fulfill their responsibilities in alleviating human suffering,
removing its causes, and promoting social justice.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Application Information
• Dialogue before proposal
• Invited proposals
CRS Cambodia works throughout the country, focusing on
community-based programs assisting marginalized segments
of the rural population. Areas of focus include health systems
strengthening, TB (C-DOTS), HIV treatment and care, maternal
and child health, inclusive education for children with disabilities,
savings-led microfinance, food security, and good governance.
Goals and Objectives
To alleviate human suffering, the development of people and
justice in the world.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The themes of interest to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) include: Health/Nutrition, HIV/AIDS; TB and
HSS, Education/Training related to Inclusive Education of Disabled Children.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Selection Criteria
CRS evaluates partners on a case-by-case basis.
Application Information
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is
submitted. CRS will invite potential partners to write a proposal.
Budget Information
Overhead and core costs can be supported but CRS will carefully review the relationship between
overhead and actual program expenses. CRS accept co-funding partners.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding periods are usually between 1-3 years and projects can be extended.
Proposal should be written in English.
There is no standard application form. Applications should contain clear analysis; realistic
Goals and Objectives; clear impact indicators; reasonable budget, capacity to work with target
communities, sustainable activities.
It takes 2-3 months to process the application.
Contact Details
Contact : Sanda Rihtman, Country Representative
Address: #14, Street 278, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,P.O.Box: 493, Phnom Penh
: 023 211 165
: 023 216 960
E-mail :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Church World Service (CWS)
Holistic Support
• Community Development
Who can Apply?
Target Group
Groups active in the community
and particularly the poor and
vulnerable people.
Project Area
• Battambang
• Kampong Thom
• Banteay Meanchey
Funding Amount
• Max US$30,000
Application Information
• Dialogue before proposal
• Uninvited proposals
Church World Service (CWS) was established in 1946 and has
been working in Cambodia since 1979 as one of the first five
humanitarian organizations to be permitted to work in the
country after the fall of Khmer Rouge regime. CWS has been
formally registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation as an international non-governmental
and not for profit organization. Although our work has been
informed by a rapidly changing reality, the main objective of our
presence in Cambodia has always been to meet the needs of the
most vulnerable people in rural and remote areas.
We strive to develop the capacity of communities to meet their
needs in a sustainable manner, and encourage them to participate
in an emerging democracy. To do this, we work through three
main program areas; Direct Services, Partnership and Climate
Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. Through these programs
we hope to improve the lives of the poor by focusing on water
and sanitation, food security, primary health care, mother and
child health, non-formal education, community based disaster
risk reduction and emergency response. In addition,
We build institutional and programming capacity of our
Cambodian Non-governmental Organisations (CNGO) partners
so that they are able to deliver effective development programs.
Across all of our work, we are strongly committed to gender
equity, good governance and child protection and principles of
peace building in all program components and activities.
Goals and Objectives
Cambodian Non-governmental Organization (CNGO) partners
have capacity to manage their organization and implement
programs effectively in order to improve the living condition of
the community people.
The themes of interest to Church World Service (CWS) include:
Community Development; CWS supports CNGOs implementing
integrated community development projects, food security,
children at risk and peace building. CWS open to support
holistic partners in any part of the country. However, priority is
given to support partners in provinces where CWS is operating
and districts where other community support is limited or not
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Selection Criteria
The applicants should preferably be registered or have accreditation from the Government (provincial
or national) and their goal/objectives should be similar to the over-all goal of CWS. Applicants should
have experiences in the field and have a good understanding of the community with whom it is working
transparencies in management systems, no affiliations with political parties, not have staff in the same
family, and be committed to learn and improve itself as an organisation.
Application Information
Church World Service (CWS) prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is
submitted; CWS is open to meet with any CNGO who seeks support. A proposal can be submitted to
CWS after they are selected as holistic partner; therefore uninvited proposals are not accepted.
Budget Information
CWS provides long term support to selected CNGOs with a maximum annual funding of US$30,000 per
year. This is also coupled with intensive capacity-building aimed at strengthening the CNGO partner.
In this long-term relationship, NGOs can seek other donor assistance, both inside the country and
Funds can be used for capacity building for communities, village development committee and
CCs, agriculture, access to clean water and hygiene, preventive health, community education,
food security, income generation as well as gender issues.
Funds cannot be used for credit schemes.
Overhead or core costs are supported and co-funding is accepted.
As a part of building capacity of partners toward sustainability, CWS trains partners on proposal
writing and encourages development to identify funding possibilities.
Proposal and Project Information
CWS supports holistic partner for up to 4 years with annual budget approval process.
Projects can be extended. Based on holistic partner relationship, progress reports and needs.
Proposal should be written in Khmer or English.
There is a standard application form.
The time to process the application is around 30 days
Contact Details
Contact : Ms. Agneta Dau Valler, Country Representative
Address: #43, Street 112, Phsar Depou Bei, , Tuol Kouk, Phnom Penh
: 023 881 912 / 881 630 / 881 856 / 881 295
: 023 881 912 / 881 630 / 881 856 / 881 295
E-mail :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Church World Service (CWS)
Small Project Fund (SPF)
• Community Development
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
• Other (local church, local
associations, commune
Target Group
Groups active in the community, and particularly the poor
and vulnerable people.
Project Area
• Battambang
• Banteay Meanchey
• Kampong Thom
Funding Amount
• Max US$5,000
Application Information
• Dialogue before proposal
• Uninvited proposals
Church World Service (CWS) was established in 1946 and has
been working in Cambodia since 1979 as one of the first five
humanitarian organizations to be permitted to work in the
country after the fall of Khmer Rouge regime. CWS has been
formally registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation as an international non-governmental
and not for profit organization. Although our work has been
informed by a rapidly changing reality, the main objective of our
presence in Cambodia has always been to meet the needs of the
most vulnerable people in rural and remote areas.
We strive to develop the capacity of communities to meet their
needs in a sustainable manner, and encourage them to participate
in an emerging democracy. To do this, we work through three
main program areas; Direct Services, Partnership and Climate
Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. Through these programs
we hope to improve the lives of the poor by focusing on water
and sanitation, food security, primary health care, mother and
child health, non-formal education, community based disaster
risk reduction and emergency response. In addition, we build
institutional and programming capacity of our Cambodian Nongovernmental Organisations (CNGO) partners so that they are
able to deliver effective development programs. Across all of
our work, we are strongly committed to gender equity, good
governance and child protection and principles of peace building
in all program components and activities.
Goals and Objectives
Cambodian Non-governmental Organization (CNGO) partners
have capacity to manage their organization and implement
programs effectively in order to improve the living condition of
the community people.
The themes of interest to Church World Service (CWS) include:
Integrated community development projects, food security,
community education, children at risk, women issue, and peace
CWS is open to proposals in any part of the country. However,
priority is given to proposals in provinces where CWS is operating
and districts where other community support is limited or not
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Other (local church, local associations, commune council)
Selection Criteria
The applicants should be recognized by local authorities. The institution should have good relationship
with CWS and be within the CWS field of focus (vision, mission and goals). The project should address
the needs of the poor and poorest people. The institution should be transparent with clear roles and
responsibilities. The institution should be located in CWS provincial target area.
Application Information
Church World Service (CWS) prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is
submitted; CWS is open to meet with any CNGO who seek for support. A proposal can be submitted to
CWS after the exploratory meeting. Therefore uninvited proposals are not accepted.
Budget Information
This Small Project Fund is for small CNGOs to support their projects or their specific activities. This
funding depends on budget availability.
Funds can be used for capacity building for communities, agriculture, access to clean water,
preventive health, income generation, gender, peace building, and child protection or
Funds cannot be used for credit schemes.
Overhead costs can be supported and co-funding is accepted.
As a part of building capacity of partner toward sustainability, CWS trains partners on proposal writing
and encourages development of skills for discovering further funding possibilities.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period for the SPF is open to any Cambodian NGO to apply for a single project (no core
funding), from one year.
Projects can be extended, based on partner relationship, progress reports and needs.
Proposal should be written in Khmer or English.
There is no standard application form, but required are clear vision, mission and goals,
background of the institution and structure, budget, planning of activities, monitoring and
evaluation, network and cooperation.
The time to process the application is within 30 days.
Contact Details
Contact : Ms. Agneta Dau Valler , Country Representative
Address: #43, Street 112, Phsar Depou Bei, Toul Kouk, Phnom Penh
: 023 881 912 / 881 630 / 881 856 / 881 295
: 023 881 912 / 881 630 / 881 856 / 881 295
E-mail :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Delegation of the European Union to
Cambodia (EU)
EU-Cambodia Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2007-2013
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Community Development
• Environment/Natural
• Support to Cambodian
• Governance/ Rule of Law
• Human Rights/ Democracy
Who can Apply?
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Other (See each Call for
Proposal Guideline)
Target Group
All cambodia including NGOs,
international NGOs and Government agencies.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Application Information
• Call for proposals
• Fixed deadlines
European Commission (EC) cooperation in Cambodia is
designed to support the Royal Government of Cambodia’s
policies, as reflected in the Royal Government’s National
Strategic Development Plan (NSDP). It also follows the overall
development cooperation policies of the European Union (EU).
A limited number of focal sectors have jointly been agreed in
the EC-Cambodia Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2007-2013:
1) Support to the National Strategic Development Plan (which
includes a support to the Public Finance management Reform);
2) Support to Basic Education. Areas identified for so-called
Additional Actions are Trade Related Assistance; and Support
to EC-Cambodia Cooperation and Dialogue in the field of
Governance and Human Rights and other thematic programs.
For more detail on each funding instrument visit the EU website
Goals and Objectives
The overarching objective of the support to Cambodia is the
sustainable reduction of poverty. This objective will be achieved
mainly through support aligned to the Royal Government
of Cambodia’s (RGC) National Strategic Development Plan
(NSDP). In addition to the bilateral cooperation, EU has number
of thematic budget lines operate in Cambodia: Environment
and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Including
Energy (ENRTP); Non-State Actors/ Local Authorities (NSALA);
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR);
Investing in People; Food Security, Migration, Instrument for
Sustainability, SWITCH-Asia, Humanitarian Aid .
The following themes are of interest to Delegation of the
European Union to Cambodia (EU): Agriculture/Animal Health,
Community Development, Environment/Natural Resource,
Support to Cambodian Organisations, Governance, human
rights, democracy, and rule of law. All thematic budget lines
operate in the same way through call for proposal. Please consult
the web site for more detail on each funding instrument.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The indicative allocation which has been earmarked for the period 2007-2013 is €152 million.
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Other (See each Call for Proposal Guideline)
Selection Criteria
Guidelines with the selection criteria are published at the EU website above.
Application Information
The announcements for calls for proposals are made and proposals must be submitted before fixed
Budget Information
Funds can be used for capacity building, awareness raising, research, networking, monitoring,
advocacy, and lobby. For more detail see each Call for Proposal Guideline.
The activities for which funds cannot be used are described on the website.
EU is accepts co-funding and all the information can find in EU’s website in the call for Proposal
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is described in each Call for Proposal Guideline.
Projects can be extended.
Proposals should be written in English.
There is a standard application form which can be downloaded from the website.
The application processing time is described in each Call for Proposal Guideline.
Contact Details
Contact : Office of the Delegation of the European Union
Address: #100A, Preah Norodom Blvd, Daun Penh, 1
2207 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
: 023 216 996 / 220 611
: 023 216 997
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade Canada
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
Community Development
Human Rights/Democracy
Child Welfare/Rights
Disaster Preparedness/
• Food Security
Who can Apply?
Partners (INGOs
partenring with LNGOs or
govermental agency)
• Research Institutions
The Canada Fund for Local initiatives (CFLI) has been operational
in Cambodia for many years. In 2012, responsibility for the CFLI
moved from CIDA to DFAIT (Foreign Affairs) and for Cambodia
will be managed from the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok. CFLI
will have a high degree of accountability and will be results
Goals and Objectives
The aim of CFLI will focus primarily on projects that advance the
themes of freedom and democracy, human rights, rule of law,
including ensuring security and stability.
The following themes are of interest to DFAIT:
Community Development; sustainable economic
Human Rights/Democracy; encourage dialogue;
Child Welfare/Rights; creating opportunities for
children and youth.
• Nation wide
Disaster Preparedness/Relief; humanitarian relief in
exceptional situations.
Funding Amount
Food Security; water, sustainability, resource
Target Group
Focus on children, women, disabled and other disadvantaged
Project Area
• Min US$5,000
• Max US$50,000
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Fixed deadlines
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Conflict resolution and mitigation will be given a high priority.
Other aims that need to be addressed are poverty reduction,
sustainable development, gender equality, environment.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Research Institutions
Partnerships (INGOs partnering with LNGOs or
governmental agency)
Selection Criteria
Registered organizations with an active governing body and sound financial management system
can apply. Priority is given to Cambodian organizations and small projects.
Application Information
DFAIT Canada will accept and review concept papers and DFAIT Canada prefers to have a
dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted.
Both invited and uninvited proposal are accepted.
Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines.
Budget Information
Salaries directly related to project are funded 100% but for core cost 10% is acceptable for
admin cost (30% max for other salaries).
Funds cannot be used for seminars outside Cambodia, foreign consultants, start up costs.
Overhead or core costs are funded; 10% of the total budget is acceptable for administrative
cost (30% max for general salaries) and co-funding is accepted.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is maximum 1 year and projects cannot be extended.
There is a standard application form with guidelines which can be filled in English.
The time to process application is maximum 3-4 months based on the review committee
quarterly meeting.
Contact Details
Contact : Jean-Stephane Couture
Address: Embassy of Canada - 15th floor Abdulrahim Place - 990 Rama IV Rd.
Bankrak, Bangkok, Thailand 10500
: + 66 (0) 81-847-6452
E-mail : /
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Development and partnership in Action (DPA)
• Environment/Natural Resource
• Gender/Women Issues
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Land issues
• Advocacy
• Awareness Raisingy
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
• Other (Agricultural
cooperative description)
Target Group
CNGOs, CBOs and Agricultural
cooperative partners that working to benefit to the poor and
marginalizes in the rural areas.
Project Area
Bantheay Meanchey
Svay Rieng
Preah Vihear
Stung Treng
Kam Pot
Phnom Penh
Funding Amount
• Max US$16,000
Application Information
• Uninvited proposals
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
CIDSE began funding CNGOs in 1993 and formally established
the Partnership Programme (PP) in 1994. Due to the evolving
social climate and the strong capacity and commitment of its local
staff, CIDSE Cambodia decided to localise and, in 1996, began
a transition process which enabled the organisation to emerge
as Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) in January
2006. DPA is committed to providing long term support to its
Goals and Objectives
To strengthen civil society by supporting grassroots CommunityBased Organisations (CBOs), Cambodian Non-Governmental
Organisations (CNGOs) and Agricultural Cooperatives (ACs) to
achieve their mission of improving the quality of life of target
The themes of interest to DPA include: Environment/Natural
Resource, Gender/Women Issues, Agriculture/Animal Health,
Climate change adaptation, DRR, Land issues. Advocacy and
awareness rising. The potential partner’s vision, mission, goal
and values should be compatible with DPA’ current strategy.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Other (Agricultural cooperative description)
Selection Criteria
The potential organization must be non-partisan (not affiliated
with political party/ies), non-profit and non-violent in nature. It
is an asset if the founding members or the senior level staffs have
previous work experience with other NGOs.
The organization should demonstrate or be willing to empower
women and integrate gender equality in their organization and
programmes. Composition of the organizational staff or founding
members should be at least 30% women.
It is expected that after three years of partnership with DPA those organizations should have been able
to mobilize some funds from other sources aside from DPA.
Participatory approach, preferably a board, CNGO needs to be registered at Ministry of Interior and
CBO at provincial level. No family members can work in organisation, and the organisation need to
have prior experience in the field, transparency is needed.
Application Information
Uninvited proposals are accepted.
Budget Information
Partners cannot ask for additional fund during the funding period (project cycle).
Funds can be used for activities as agreed and signed in the partnership agreement,
organizational, advocacy and program capacity.
Funds cannot be used for personal purposes, construction, credit schemes.
An applicant can request funding for overhead and core costs.
DPA accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding is one to two years maximum period.
Projects can be extended. Soon before funding period end, DPA conduct project review
and appraisal the performance of partners (organizational and project achievements and its
impacts). Key findings are used to be a base for approval and/or disapproval for the next
partner proposals.
Proposal should be written in English or Khmer.
There is no standard application form. The basic requirement is only such background
information, key strategic issues, problems statements, strategies, activities and budget and
other attachments as requested. It takes around 3 months to process the application.
Contact Details
Contact : Mr. Mam Sambath, Executive Director
Kuy Sophal Partnership Program Manager
Address: # 69 Z, St 450, Sankhat Toul Tum Poung II, Chamcar Morm
: 023 216 369 / 216 495
: 023 217 342
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
East West Management Institute (EWMI)
Human Rights and Rule of Law in Cambodia Theme
• Human Rights/Democracy
Who can Apply?
Research Institutions
Target Group
All Cambodian, especially the
poor and vulnerable, victims of
human rights abuses and those
needing access to justice.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Call for proposals
Fixed deadlines
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
EWMI’s five-year Program on Rights and Justice II in Cambodia
(PRAJ II), funded by USAID, focuses on human rights advocacy,
rule of law promotion and biodiversity protection to address
some of these challenges. Building upon the success of its fiveyear Program on Rights and Justice in Cambodia (PRAJ), the
new project continues EWMI’s innovative work to promote
access to justice, improve the professional standards of the
future Cambodian legal community, and strengthen grassroots
advocacy and community networks, including community-based
advocacy to protect Cambodia’s biodiversity. New initiatives
under PRAJ II include activities to improve the collection and use
of justice system data, develop the institutional capacity of the
Ministry of Justice, and improve court administration and case
management in selected courts.
EWMI implements the Program on Rights and Justice in
collaboration with key partner, The Asia Foundation.
Priority areas: Strengthen the rule of law and promote respect for
human rights in Cambodia in cooperation with civil society and
government so that its citizens can live in a transparent, just and
peaceful society.
Provide grants and technical assistance to civil society
organizations (CSOs) to hold key activities relating to
human rights and the rule of law.
Grants supported to: Local partners who provide legal
aid to indigent clients; Key human rights and grassroots
civil society organizations. The human rights CSO
partners actively investigate human rights violations,
monitor detention centers and prisons, conduct human
rights and legal awareness trainings, and provide
legal representation to victims of human rights abuses,
especially in land grabbing, land disputes, and forced
Legal Training. Build the professional and substantive
skills of new lawyers and support the geographic
expansion of the bar so that qualified lawyers are
available in rural areas.
Justice System Document. Working with both the
government and with Cambodian human rights NGOs
to improve the collection and use of statistics and
This year is the last year of grants funded by USAID, therefore there will be no calls for proposals but
small targeted grants.
Goals and Objectives
Develop and strengthen human rights movement in Cambodia.
East West Management Institute (EWMI) supports projects in the theme of Human Rights/Democracy;
To improve the capacity of legal reform and human rights NGOs and related groups to sustain advocacy
initiatives and improve access to justice (management & organisation development, education &
training); promoting rule of law. Creative human rights and rule of law approaches are encouraged.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Applicant must have experience in program design and organizational development, financial
accountability, an active board, and a separate bank account for EWMI and no start up funding.
Application Information
East West Management Institute (EWMI) will accept and review concept papers and prefers to
have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted. EWMI will invite potential
partners to write a proposal. Therefore uninvited proposals are also accepted, if they meet criteria;
the announcements for calls for proposals are made and proposals must be submitted before fixed
deadlines. For more detail please visit EWMI’s website.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for program activities, advocacy, access to justice, training, capacity
building and awareness-raising.
Funds cannot be used for direct support to the government of Cambodia, construction, aid
delivery, credit schemes.
EWMI accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is variable.
Projects can be extended.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The proposal should be written in English but exceptions for Khmer can be requested in
There is standard application form; see webpage or call and we will fax. See website for other
associated documents.
It takes 30-90 days for process the application.
Contact Details
Contact : Andrew Boname
Address: #43, Street 208, Boeung Raing, Doun Penh, Phnom Penh
: 023 22 4782
: 023 224 783
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Embassy of Finland Bangkok
Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC)
Human Rights/Democracy
Community Development
Gender/Women Issues
Disability and
Who can Apply?
Research Institutions
Partners (Independent
media, public corporation,
cultural institution i.e.
museum, library and theatre, chamber of commerce
and association, foundation
and religious community).
Target Group
Local actors of civil society (nongovernmental
community-based organisation,
institution, independent media,
public corporation, cultural institution i.e. museum, library
and theatre, chamber of commerce and association, foundation, religious community).
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Ave US$25,000 US$51,000
Application Information
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Call for proposals
Fixed deadlines
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The Embassy of Finland is supporting selected small-scale
development projects in the lower Mekong Region through Fund
for Local Cooperation (FLC).
Goals and Objectives
Following the objectives of Finland’s Development Policy
Programme, the FLC aims to encourage social equality, poverty
alleviation, good governance, human rights, prevention of
environmental treat and increase of security and economic
interaction. The current FLC Strategy of the Embassy of Finland
in Bangkok puts particular emphasis on projects working with
the following scheme:
Peace Building and Conflict Transformation
Strengthening of Democratic Processes through
Political, Economical, Social and Cultural Inclusion
Rehabilitation and Reconciliation
Marginalised and Excluded Groups
Promotion of Human and Civil Rights Situation
The following themes are of interest to Embassy of Finland
Bangkok: Human Rights/Democracy, Community Development,
Gender/Women Issues and Disability and Rehabilitation.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Research Institutions
Partnerships (Independent media, public corporation,
cultural institution i.e. museum, library and theatre,
chamber of commerce and association, foundation and
religious community).
Selection Criteria
The organization applying must be registered and must have at
least one year of experience in similar kind of activities.
Application Information
Proposals are accepted though the announcement of call for proposals. Embassy of Finland in Bangkok
my also invite potential partners to write proposal. The Embassy prefers to have a dialogue with potential
partners before a full proposal is submitted. Proposals must be submitted before fixed declines.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for projects responding to Finland’s Development Policy Programme and
FLC Strategy of the Embassy, only projects with clearly set objectives, strategies, interventions/
activities and expected results can be funded. All projects have to meet the ODA (Official
Development Aid) criteria set by OECD.
Funds cannot be used for basic research, individual cultural events, charity or humanitarian
aid. Furthermore FLC is not aimed to provide for grant, scholarship and assistance for the
applicant’s personal use or personal project. No funding for purchasing land, a fund or for
building the capital of microloan systems.
Overhead or core costs can be supported but the project administrative costs should not exceed
7% of the total budget. FLC is designed to support projects with clearly set aims, and is not
intended to facilitate “operating expenses” (the so-called core funding), except for eligible
organisations whose supported activities are crucial for the particular country’s development
and the monitoring of human rights and only depend on funding provided by external donors.
To keep the administrational costs low and to build ownership, the partner organisations are
encouraged to contribute their available human resources, office space, equipment and facilities
for the project activities and to count them as its own contribution in the budget.
The Embassy of Finland Bangkok accepts co-funding but the Embassy requires the capability
from the organisation to carry out monitoring and reporting the use of FLC fund of the Embassy
specifically in relation to the Grant.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is foreseen to be arranged in an annual basis.
Projects can be extended. While multi-year projects are eligible, the embassy does not in any
way commit itself in continuing to fund multi-year projects or promise to give priority to
consider financing the following years of success applications.
Proposal should be written in English.
There is standard application form which can be found on the website of the Embassy:
Application is encouraged to be sent via email to:
Interested organisations are encouraged to study thoroughly the “FLC Strategy of the Embassy
of Finland in Bangkok” as well as “Rules of Thumb” before submitting.
The application processing time is as announced with each Call for Proposal.
Contact Details
Contact : Bhuripan Kalnaovkul Address: Ploenchit Road, Amarin Tower 16th floor, 500 Ploenchit Road Pathuman,
Bangkok 10330, Thiland
: +66 (0) 2207 8700 CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
: +66 (0) 2207 8702
E-mail :
Website :
public/ default.aspx?nodeid=3511 1
Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Japanese Grant Assistance for Grass-roots/ Human
Security Projects (KUSANONE Grant)
• Primary education, Health
and medical care, Small
roads and bridges, Water
supply and sanitation,
Vocational training, Social
welfare (orphan, street
children, the disabled and
the aged) and possibly other
Who can Apply?
Partners (KUSANONE prefers different organization
involved in one project)
Target Group
Local population
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Max (USD): 10 million Japanese Yen for each project (Approx. US$121,000
@ US$1=82Yen).
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
The Japanese Government offers a financial assistance scheme
for development projects designed to meet the diverse needs of
developing countries. This scheme supports projects proposed
by such bodies as non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
and local government authorities. Japanese Grant Assistance
for Grass-roots/Human Security Project began in Cambodia
in 1991 with its aim to support Cambodia’s reconstruction and
development efforts at grassroots level.
Goals and Objectives
To support development projects applied by local
governmental and non-governmental organization that
will have effect on people at grass-roots level.
To empower individuals and communities to become
The following themes are of interest to Embassy of Japan in the
Kingdom of Cambodia: Primary education, Health and medical
care, Small scale irrigations, rural development including roads
and bridges, Water supply and sanitation, Vocational training,
Social welfare (orphan, street children, the disabled and the aged)
and possibly other sectors.
Funding guidelines and application are to be obtained at
Economic Cooperation Section, Embassy of Japan in Cambodia.
Any project application is required to follow our set format.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Partnerships (KUSANONE prefers different
organization involved in one project)
Selection Criteria
Applicant organizations must have at least two years of
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
in Cambodia especially for activities in the same sector as the proposal application and proven sufficient
budget to administer the project.
Application Information
Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia will accept and review concept papers which are
welcome but not necessary. Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia prefers to have a dialogue
with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted. Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia
will invite potential partners to write a proposal. Uninvited proposals are also accepted. Announcements
for calls for proposals are made, via the website of the Embassy of Japan. Applications are accepted all
year around.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for costs related to construction/rehabilitation project or purchases of
equipment such as labor cost and transportation of material, purchasing/constructing facilities,
equipment, and personnel costs (excluding personnel costs of the recipient organization) that
are necessary for the project’s achievement.
Funds cannot be used for operation expenses such as staff salary, electricity and water
consumption, rent for office, items belonging to individuals (scholarship, home and clothes),
consumables, office supply, running and maintenance costs of facilities and equipment, books,
PCs (personal computers), vehicles, land, tax, and bank charge, activities not supported (e.g.
administrative activities of the applicant organisaion’s missionary activities, commercial
activities, cultural and sporting activities, activities for supporting institutions of higher
education, application from Ministries).
Only core costs can be supported and Embassy of Japan accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding period is maximum of one year per project.
Projects cannot be extended.
Proposal should be written in English and/or Khmer.
There is standard application form and guidelines of grant scheme can be obtained at Economic
Cooperation Section, Embassy of Japan in Cambodia, or at the Embassy’s website.
Contact Details
Contact : Toshiaki Ito,
Address: #194, Norodom Blvd. Phnom Penh
: 023 217 161
: 023 214 330
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Foreign Development Aid Program
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Education/Training
• Environment/Natural
• Health/Nutrition
• Other (Infrastructure,
Energy Production,
Transport )
Who can Apply?
Partners ( NGOs
• Private Sector
• Research Institutions
• Other (Goverment)
Target Group
Government and NGOs
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Max US$100,000
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Fixed deadlines
The Embassy of the Czech Republic has been present in
Thailand since 1974. The development cooperation between
Czech Republic and Cambodia has a long tradition. Most of
the Czech development projects in Cambodia were realized
between the years 1980-1995. The Czech Republic supported at
that time especially projects in the field of power generation and
transport. Currently the Czech Republic is financing a project
for preservation of the Cambodian cultural heritage in Angkor
Wat. The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not set an annual
budget for development cooperation with Cambodia.
The Embassy of the Czech Republic would like to support one
project per year which could be in any of the listed themes.
Millennium goals (MGD) and poverty reduction are high on the
relevancy list.
Goals and Objectives
To reduce poverty in developing countries.
The main themes are interest to Embassy of the Czech Republic:
Agriculture/Animal Health, Education/Training, Environment/
Natural Resource, Health/Nutrition, Infrastructure, Energy
Production, Transport.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Partnerships (NGOs/Government)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Other (Government)
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria include: relevance to the Partner country
development needs, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Sustainability and
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The Embassy of the Czech Republic prefers to fund partnerships between the NGO and Government.
Application Information
The Embassy of the Czech Republic will accept and review concept papers, also called the initial project
proposal form. The Embassy of the Czech Republic prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner
before a proposal is submitted. The Embassy of the Czech Republic will invite potential partners to
write a proposal. Uninvited proposals are also accepted but all applications must be submitted before
fixed March deadlines for project that start in January next year.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for all activities supported.
Overhead or core costs cannot be supported and the applicant cannot request overhead or
core costs funding.
The Embassy of Czech Republic prefers co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding is normally 1-2 years period.
Projects can be extended.
Proposals should be written in English.
There is a standard application Process, first a selected Initial Project Proposals standard form
is requested and only shortlisted IPP will be requested for a full Project Document or a Call
for Proposal will be announced by the relevant Donor’s institution and the Embassy of Czech
Republic can provide the applicant with associated documents.
It takes approximately 9 months to process an application.
Contact Details
Contact : Mr. Milan Hupcej, Head of Commercial Section
Address: 71/6 Ruam Rudee Soi 2, Ploenchit Rd. Bangkok, Thailand
: +66-(0)2-250-9223
: +66-(0)2-250-9225
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Embassy of the Federal Republic
of Germany
Promotion of Micro-Scale Project
• Rural Development
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
• Other (Associations and
Target Group
Grass root population
The programme for the promotion of Micro-Scale Projects is for
carrying out technical cooperation with the German embassy in
Cambodia. The main purpose of this programme is to accomplish
fast and effective help for grass-root projects directed on poverty
The funds available for the promotion of micros scale projects are
limited. Therefore, a request for the current year should be made
always as soon as possible even from November/December of
the previous year.
Goals and Objectives
To accomplish fast and active help for grassroots projects.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
The following themes are of interest to Embassy of the Federal
Republic of Germany: rural development; well construction,
water pump solar power kit, ambulance, village school etc. see
our general information. Projects funded are according to one off
needs but project sustainability should exceed at least two years.
• Max US$20,000
Application Information
• Uninvited proposals
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Other (Associations and cooperatives)
Selection Criteria
Applicants need to supply substantial contributions (transport,
labour, training, food), and a local counterpart or representative
has to be named. Connection with a German NGO is not
mandatory, but might be of help.
Application Information
Embassy of German accepts uninvited proposals.
Budget Information
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Funds can be used for construction, office material,
health center equipment, infrastructure, agricultural
equipment, water and sanitation,
health improvement activities, hospitals.
Funds cannot be used for labour, salaries, training allowances, and travel.
Overhead or core costs are not supported.
Accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is maximum one year, but the project has to be finished within the running
fiscal year (Jan - Dec). It is preferred that projects finish before 30 September.
Projects can be extended.
Proposals should be written in English.
There is standard application form that includes project description, detailed quotation
description of own contribution, time schedule, declaration of no requisition of support to other
German institutions, sustainability and follow up plans. There is a general information form.
The application processing time is 1-2 months, funds are made available immediately after
The embassy must receive original bills and receipts.
Contact Details
Contact : Anja Hartung Attahé
Address: #76-78 Rue Yougosiawie, Phnom Penh
: 023 216 193
: 023 427 747
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Enfants & Développement (E&D)
Partnership with organizations targeting children
Child Welfare/Rights
Water and Sanitation
Social sector
Who can Apply?
Target Group
Enfants & Développement (E&D), formerly Enfants du
Cambodge, is a humanitarian organization founded in 1984 in
France to support Cambodian children, victims of war and the
subsequent genocide. E&D is working towards the protection
and the well-being of children and their families and the defense
of their rights in Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal and Burkina Faso in
the areas of health, education, social work and the fight against
violence and exclusion. E&D is currently partnering three (3)
Cambodian NGO: Social Service of Cambodia (SCC), Krousar
Yoeung, Samatapheap Khnom Organization (SKO)
Goals and Objectives
Underprivileged children and
their families
E&D aims to address the roots of poverty and social inequality
and works towards the achievement of sustainable solutions.
Project Area
E&D is dedicated to making a reality the UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child by implementing development programmes
aiming at the improvement of conditions for the most
disadvantaged children and ensuring their right to survival,
protection, development, education and health.
• Phnom Penh
• Kampong Speu
Funding Amount
• Depending on projects and
E&D emphasizes the importance of the mother and the family in
securing the child’s rights.
Application Information
• Dialogue before proposal
The following themes are of interest to Enfants & Développement
Child Welfare/Rights; child protection.
Health/Nutrition; mother/Child Health (MCH).
Education/Training; Early Childhood & Care
Development (ECCD), peer education, vocational
training, primary education.
Water and Sanitation; focus on children health
Social sector; family follow-up, parenting.
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Selection Criteria
Organization must have experience in the field, be able to provide references and be willing to accept
an external financial audit.
Application Information
Enfants & Développement (E&D) prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is
submitted. It aims to develop long term partnership with CNGO working with and for underprivileged
children and families. Discussions, exchanges and coordination are necessary before proposal or
concept papers are submitted.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for all activities focused on the target group.
Funds cannot be used for religious and political issues.
Overhead or core costs can be supported and co-funding is accepted. Contributions from
CNGOs are requested.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding is provided from one to five years period.
Projects can be extended depending on needs and resources.
Proposal should be written in Khmer, French or English.
Organizations interested in applying for funds should contact E&D for an initial discussion.
It takes between six months and one year to process application.
Contact Details
Contact : Jean Noel Walkowiak (interim Country Representative)
Address: #21, street 454 Tuol Tompong I, Chamkarmon Phnom Penh
PO Box 882, Phnom Penh
: 023 212 196
: 023 213 242
E-mail :
Website : www.enfantsetdeveloppement.orgw
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Fauna & Flora International (FFI)
Flagship Species Fund Small Grants Programme
• Environment/Natural
Who can Apply?
Research Institutions
Target Group
Flagship Species
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Max US$ 20,000 (15,000UKpounds)
• Ave US$10,000- 13,000 (7-9,000UK pounds)
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Call for prososals
Uninvited proposals
Fixed deadlines
In 2001, the UK Government launched a new scheme, the
Flagship Species Fund. The Fund is a joint initiative between the
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and
Fauna & Flora International (FFI). Flagships are high profile and
charismatic species, often with important cultural associations,
that have important ecological roles and whose protection will
act to conserve species using the same habitats. They can act as
symbols for the broader threat to the environment in which they
Goals and Objectives
To provide practical support to the conservation of endangered
species and their associated ecosystems in developing countries,
through a dedicated fund focused on popular and highly visible
threatened species of animals and plants.
The Small Grants Programme considers applications for a wide
range of conservation projects, ranging from emergency field
activities through to conservation biology and environmental
education. The Programme will fund projects that directly
address conservation issues relating to threatened flagship
species or their habitats. Include environmental education and/
or capacity building for local conservation workers; Practical
support to those working in front line conservation, management
and enforcement activities. The Flagship Species Fund Small
Grants Programme considers applications for a wide range of
conservation projects, ranging from emergency field activities
through to conservation biology and environmental education.
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs ( INGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Strong decree of local involvement, in project design and implementation is the main selection criteria.
Projects need to have sustainable outputs and/or the possibility of future follow up work.
Application Information
Fauna & Flora International (FFI) will not accept and review concept papers. Announcements for calls
for proposals are made annually on FFI website. Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines,
usually in September every year and uninvited proposals are not accepted.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for training, research, capacity building.
Funds cannot be used for conference attendance, salary costs (although local expenses will be
covered, as are salaries for indigenous workers), projects already underway, undergraduate
expeditions, undergraduate and graduate studies undertaken towards academic qualification,
academic research not accompanied by a strong research component, conference attendance.
Overhead or core costs cannot be supported.
FFI accepts co-funding only when FFI is informed in advance.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding is granted for a one year period.
Projects are not normally extended and this is not encouraged but can be discussed.
Proposal should be written in English.
Application form must be submitted using the standard application form. No other format is
There is an information sheet.
It takes approximately three months to process an application.
Contact Details
Contact : Robin Loveridge, Flagship Species Fund Coordinator
Address: Jupiter House, 4th floor, Station Road,
Cambridge CB1 2JD, United Kingdom
: +44 1223 579 477
: +44 1223 461481
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the
United Nations (FAO)
Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Community Development
• Disaster Preparedness/
• Environment/Natural
• Household nutrition, policy
advice, food safety, access
to market
Who can Apply?
• Other (The Royal Government of Cambodia can
request TCP assistance,
but the assistance can be
provided to decentralized
government entity, NGOs,
farmer/producer associations, etc. if so endorsed by
the government.)
Target Group
Rural communities and vulnerable groups, but can also include
urban and peri-urban food producers as well as governmental
institutions and services.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) leads global efforts to alleviate hunger, focusing on
ways to sustainably improve agricultural, forestry and fisheries
production, on making food safe to eat and on ensuring that all
people have enough food to live healthy lives. FAO provides
early warning of food crises; detects and prevents transboundary
threats to production, health and the environment; promotes
sustainable forest management; controls bio-security risks
related to fisheries and aquaculture; establishes global entities
for dealing with scarcity of water and land resources; develops
capacity to improve agricultural information and statistics; and
contributes to global standard setting and implementation into
national policies and legislation. FAO takes its expertise to where
it is needed, developing the capacity of farmers in their villages
but also of scientists in their laboratories, and provides policy
assistance to governments and their ministries.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of FAO is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural
productivity, better the lives of rural populations and promote
sustainable management and utilization of natural resources for
the benefit of present and future generations
The following themes are of interest to Food and Agriculture
Organisation of the United Nations (FAO):
Agriculture/Animal Health; Food security, sustainable
improvement of productivity in crops, livestock, fisheries
and forestry.
Funding Amount
Community Development; Support to establishment of
fishery or forestry communities, of farmer and producer
cooperatives and associations.
Application Information
Disaster Preparedness/Relief; Disaster risk reduction,
restoration of agricultural production.
Environment/Natural Resource; Climate change
Household nutrition, policy advice, food safety, access to
Project Area
• Nation wide
• Max US$500,000 •
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Who can Apply?
Other (The Royal Government of Cambodia can request TCP assistance, but the assistance can
be provided to decentralized government entity, NGOs, farmer/producer associations, etc. if
so endorsed by the Government.)
Selection Criteria
Organizations that are active in the field that is covered by this theme, that have an organizational
structure in place and are legally registered are invited to apply.
Application Information
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) will accept and review concept papers.
A dialogue is prefers with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted. FAO will invite potential
partners to write a proposal. Uninvited proposals are also accepted.
The mobilization of FAO technical assistance through the TCP requires an official request from a
Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for technical expertise, training, workshop, travel, essential expendable and
non-expendable equipment and supplies, studies, capacity development and training, farmer
field schools, policy advice, emergency preparedness and response.
Funds cannot be used for cash transfers, procurement of large equipment, salary of government
staff, activities that do not fall within the mandate of the Organization, construction.
Overhead or core costs can be supported with 7% maximum and Co-funding is not accepted. A
TCP project has to be stand-alone but can be approved as a complementary initiative to other
Proposal and Project Information
The duration of funding is no more than 24 months
Project approved for less than 24 months may be extended to 24 months if justified.
Proposal should be written in English and an official letter from a Government Minister
is required. The TCP Manual explaining the modalities for use of TCP can be found at the
following address:
The application processing time is dependent on the complexity of the project and the
availability of the information required for project formulation.
Contact Details
Contact : Ms Nina Brandstrup, FAO Representative Address: #5, Street 370, BKK1, Phnom Penh Tel
: 023 216 566/211 702 CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
: 023 216 547
E-mail :
Website :
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO)
Donor or government funded development and emergency
projects (Trust Funds)
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Community Development
• Disaster Preparedness/
• Environment/Natural
• Other sector; household
nutrition, policy advice, food
safety, access to market.
Who can Apply?
Partners (Different
Government departments
or government with NGOs)
• Research Institutions
• Other (Royal Government
of Cambodia)
Target Group
Rural communities and vulnerable groups, but can also include
urban and peri-urban food producers as well as governmental
institutions and services.
Project Area
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) leads global efforts to alleviate hunger, focusing on
ways to sustainably improve agricultural, forestry and fisheries
production, on making food safe to eat and on ensuring that all
people have enough food to live healthy lives. FAO provides
early warning of food crises; detects and prevents transboundary
threats to production, health and the environment; promotes
sustainable forest management; controls biosecurity risks
related to fisheries and aquaculture; establishes global entities
for dealing with scarcity of water and land resources; develops
capacity to improve agricultural information and statistics; and
contributes to global standard setting and implementation into
national policies and legislation. FAO takes its expertise to where
it is needed, developing the capacity of farmers in their villages
but also of scientists in their laboratories, and provides policy
assistance to governments and their ministries.
FAO is not a donor and fund raisers for the projects that it
implements at country level.
Goals and Objectives
The goal of FAO is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural
productivity, better the lives of rural populations and promote
sustainable management and utilization of natural resources for
the benefit of present and future generations
The themes of interest to Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO) include:
• Nation wide
Agriculture/Animal Health; food security, sustainable
improvement of productivity in crops, livestock, fisheries
and forestry.
Community Development; support to establishment of
fishery or forestry communities, of farmer and producer
cooperatives and associations.
Disaster Preparedness/Relief; disaster risk reduction,
restoration of agricultural production.
Environment/Natural Resource; climate change
Other sector; household nutrition, policy advice, food
safety, access to market.
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Partnerships (Different government department or government with NGOs)
Research Institutes
Other (Royal Government of Cambodia)
Selection Criteria
FAO can collaborate with organizations which are active in the technical fields falling within the
mandate of FAO, have a structure in place and which are registered.
Only project/programme implemented with the agreement of the Royal Government of Cambodia are
Application Information
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will accept and review concept papers.
FAO prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted. FAO will invite
potential partners to write a proposal. Therefore uninvited proposals are accepted.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for technical expertise, training, workshop, travel, expendable and nonexpendable equipment and supplies, studies, capacity development and training, farmer field
schools, policy advice, emergency preparedness and response.
Funds cannot be used for activities that do not contribute directly to the successful
implementation of the project/programme, activities that are not linked to the mandate of
Overhead or core costs can be supported with maximum 13% and co-funding is accepted.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding period is unlimited and projects can be extended subject to agreement of the donor.
Proposal should be written in English.
There is no application form, but a concept note to describe the problem to be solved and
the technical support required from FAO is helpful. A template for the concept note can be
provided upon request.
The application processing time is dependent on the complexity of the project and the
availability of the information required for project formulation.
Contact Details
Contact : Ms Nina Brandstrup, Address: #5, Street 370, BKK1, Phnom Penh Tel
: 023 216 566/211 702 CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Fax : 023 216 547
E-mail :
Website : www.fao.orgw
Forum Syd
Democracy and Human Rights, Sustainable Use
of Natural Resources and Adaptation to Climate
Change, and Gender Equality
• Human Rights/Democracy
• Environment/Natural
• Gender/Women Issues
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
• Research Institutions
Target Group
Marginalized people, women,
men and youth.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Application Information
• Call for paropsoals
• Fixed deadlines
Forym Syd is an umbrella organisation of Swedish NGOs and
active in Cambodia since 1994. Focus is on financial and technical
support in Democracy and Human Rights, Sustainable Use of
Natural Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change, and
Gender Equality.
Forum Syd provides grant and capacity development support to
its partner organizations.
Goals and Objectives
Poor and marginalized women and men in Cambodia have
increased democratic influence, ability to exercise their rights
and use natural resources sustainably
The following themes are of interest to Forum Syd:
Human Rights/Democracy.
Environment/Natural Resource.
Gender/Women Issues.
Partners must be interested in developing their own organisation.
Forum Syd is working toward sustainable local NGOs.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Applicant must work with a Rights Based Approach and
be a member-based organization/network or have strong
community-led approach with the effective outreach. Applicants
have experience and expertise in central rights issues and have
capacity and systems to manage grant funds. Climate Change is
a pilot project from 2014 and it will be integrated in a long-term
programme funding.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Application Information
Announcements for calls for proposals are made. Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines,
2013 is the extension of 2010 - 2012 and new funding scheme 2014-2016.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for all suggestions of potential partners, democracy and human rights,
sustainable use of natural resources and adaptation to climate change, gender equality.
Overhead or core costs can be supported including technical assistance costs and Forum Syd
accepts co-funding as this is a criteria to become a partner.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding period is from one to three years.
Projects can be extended because Forum Syd prefers long lasting partnerships.
Proposal should be written in English.
There is no standard application form but Concept Note and Full Proposal are needed, and must
include the following contents: logframe, background, members of board, goals, objectives,
activities, and follow up systems, organisational structure chart, and other donors. A report of
a global financial audit of the organization is necessary.
The time to process an application is six months.
Contact Details
Contact : Asa Thomasson, Country Manager
Address: #91, Street 95, Phnom Penh
: 023 221 147
: 023 210 901
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Heifer Cambodia
Food security and income generation, environment,
women empowerment and social capital
Agriculture/Animal Health
Community Development
Gender/Women Issues
Climate change and
• Water and Sanitation.
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
• Partners (INGOs can help
local NGOs to obtain
Target Group
Poor and maginalized/vulnerable groups especially women
and children (inclusive).
Project Area
Prey Veng
Svay Rieng
Kam Pot
Sihanouk ville
Kampong Chhnang
Banteay Meanchey
Siem Reap
Funding Amount
• Min US$50,000
• Max US$200,000
Application Information
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Call for proposals
Fixed deadlines
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Heifer International has been active in Cambodia since 1984
through working in partnership with CWS and AFSC. In 1999,
Heifer International Cambodia opened its office in Phnom Penh,
with the mission to work with communities to end hunger
and poverty and caring for the environment. Heifer’s work in
Cambodia is focusing on poverty reduction, food security,
women’s empowerment, health and nutrition, community
development, and social capital/self-help groups through the
application of Values-Based Holistic Community Development
(VBHCD) and value chain approaches, and Heifer’s 12
cornerstone values. Most of Heifer Cambodia funding sources
come from Heifer International.
Goals and Objectives
To effectively and efficiently facilitate and support partners
and communities to build the sustainable holistic development
to reduce poverty and hunger of rural farmers and care for the
The following themes are of interest to Heifer Cambodia:
Agriculture/Animal Health; Small scale livestock
based farming system and grass root veterinary
service, improved environment as well as community
Community Development.
Gender/Women Issues.
Water and sanitation.
Climate change and advocacy (cross-cutting activities in
the holistic community development approach).
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Partnerships (INGOs can help local NGOs to obtain
Selection Criteria
Applicant need to be like-minded and share Heifer Cambodia’s philosophy, principles and values.
They should trustworthy and have a proven track record in managing and coordinating developmentoriented projects. Capable leadership and organizational structure are important. Applicant should be
legally registered with Ministry of Interior and have an operational office in the target areas; they should
have the strong value based organization with clear structure and policies (financial, administrative,
personnel and program policies and procedures) with similar vision and mission of Heifer; has selfhelp groups that formed at least 6 months; has organizational bank account ;clear strategies (program
implementation and sustainable strategies) and has multiple funding sources with good collaboration
local authorities and should not be affiliated with any political party.
Application Information
Heifer Cambodia prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is
Heifer Cambodia will invite potential partners to write a proposal. Therefore uninvited
proposals are also accepted. The announcements for calls for proposals are made and proposals
must be submitted before fixed deadlines.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for women’s empowerment; livestock based rural community development,
training and education related to animal management and home garden, business development,
gender, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, micro- finance, and cooperative.
Funds cannot be used for political and religious activities.
Overhead or core costs cannot be supported as Heifer Cambodia only funds projects.
Heifer Cambodia accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
Heifer Cambodia will conduct pre-award assessment of the short listed applicants before making final
The funding period is from 3 to 5 years.
Projects can be extended according to Heifer’s principles.
Proposal should be written in Khmer or English.
There is standard application form available upon request. A copy of registration, organisational
chart, progress/financial reports, if possible financial audit/external evaluation reports will be
At least three months should be allowed for application processing, deadlines are normally
once a year, May/November.
Contact Details
Contact : Ms. Kheang Sokleng Address: #89, Street 470, Toul Tum Poung I, Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
: 023 221 195
: 023 211 323
E-mail :
Website :
Light for the World Netherlands
• Health/Nutrition
• Education/Training
• Disability /Rehabilitation
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
Target Group
Visually impaired persons with
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Min US$2,000
• Max US$100,000
• Ave US$30,000
Application Information
• Accepts concept paper
• Dialogue before proposal
• Invited proposals
Light for the World Netherlands (previously Dark & Light) Blind
Care Foundation was founded in 1982, and supports financially
and organisationally projects and organisations in developing
countries that are active in promoting the inclusion of persons
with disabilities and help to eradicate avoidable blindness in the
field of eye care and blind and low-vision care.
Goals and Objectives
Support to blind people and people with low vision and
supporting eye care programmes for persons with disabilities
Themes of interest to Light for the World Netherlands include
Health/Nutrition, Education/Training, and Disability and
Who can Apply?
• Community Based Organization (CBOs)
• Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Selection Criteria
Legal status as an NGO and some level of organisational capacity
are required, and Light for the World does visit prospected
partner organisations prior to establishing a partnership.
Application Information
Light for the World Netherlands will accept and review concept
papers. Light for the World Netherlands prefers to have a
dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted
and will invite potential partners to write a proposal.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for everything as long as it is embedded in
a good programme. Training and capacity building are also
possible. Funds cannot be used for investments not embedded
in a wider project. Overhead or core costs are supported within
certain boundaries. Accepts co-funding.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is usually one year, but multi-annual (3 year) programmes are possible. Projects
can be extended. The proposal should be written in English only. The application form is available on
request. The application processing time is three months.
Contact Details
Contact : Paulien BruijnSander Schot Address: Postbus 672, 3900 AR Veenendaal, Netherlands
: +31 (0318) 56150186358
: +31 (0318) 561577 86359
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Louvain Coopération au
Développement (LD)
• Health/ Nutrition
• Food and Econonic security
• Support to Cambodian
Who can Apply?
Research Institutions
Target Group
Vulnerable and disadvantaged
Project Area
• Kampong Thom
• Kampong Cham
Funding Amount
• Depending on the project
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Louvain Coopération au Développement (LD) was established
and operated its activities in Cambodia since 2004; LD provides
part of the funding. The remaining amount must be found
through co-funding opportunities. LD works in partnership
(providing technical support as well) and not only as a donor.
LD is not the main donor but receives money from other donors
which LD uses to work in partnership with local organisations.
Goals and Objectives
Vulnerable and disadvantaged populations of the selected
regions and countries of interventions, supported by the academic
community of the UCL through LD, are able to durably ensure
their personal and community development.
The following themes are of interest to Louvain Coopération au
Développement (LD):
Health; Non-communicable diseases (NCD), in particular
mental health and diabetes, hypertension and other
chronic NCDs.
Food and economic security and nutrition
Support to Cambodian Organisations; Capacity building,
strengthening of the partner organization.
Visit to for more information.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
The applicant must be local organisation working in rural areas;
target group participation; have an active board; a bank account
with two signatories; registration with MoI; referees; long term
involvement in their target communities; good functioning
administration and financial management; and target groups
including disadvantaged people.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Application Information
Louvain Coopération au Développement (LD) will accept and review concept papers. Louvain
Coopération au Développement (LD) prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a
proposal is submitted. Louvain Coopération au Développement (LD) will invite potential partners to
write a proposal. Uninvited proposals are accepted. Some proposals must be submitted before fixed
Budget Information
Funds can be used for activities agreed during common project design, as LD works in
partnership and not only as a donor, but must be from training, research, capacity building,
reinforcement of skills, support to activities helping populations to take care of themselves.
Overhead or core costs can be supported, if linked with activities provided to beneficiaries.
LD encourages co-funding, and co-funding with minimum 20% is requested.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is three years, according to the strategic planning.
Projects can be extended if funds from the main donor continue to be allocated and if there is a
positive evaluation of LD on the project at the end of the funding period.
Proposal should be written in English or French.
There is no standard application form, please contact the LD office for further information.
A logframe and strategic plan are necessary.
The application processing time is dependent on main donor.
Contact Details
Contact : Chantal DORF
Address: #17A, Street 282, BKKI, Phnom Penh
: 092 333 262
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
NZAID Head of Mission Fund (HOMF)
Community Development
Agriculture/Animal Health
Gender/Women Issues
Water and Sanitation
The Head of Mission Fund supports small-scale development
activities at the community level. HOMF annually allocates
funding for legally registered agencies in Cambodia, Lao PDR,
Myanmar and Thailand. The purpose of the fund is to facilitate
small-scale development initiatives which benefit vulnerable and
disadvantaged people within the community and which may
have an identifiable New Zealand involvement in the countries
listed above.
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
Project Area
• Nation wide
Projects should contribute to one or more of these sustainable
development sectors: education, basic health care, environment,
income generation integrating cross cutting issues such as;
gender, human rights and/or conflict prevention.
Funding Amount
Who can Apply?
• Maximum funding per
project: NZ$20,000
The Agencies must be registered community based organizations,
national and international non-governmental agencies, local
government agencies or NZ agencies working in the countries
listed above. Evidence of the legal status of the organization is
• Cambodia total allocation:
NZ$ 40,000
Application Information
Call for proposals
Dialogue before proposal
Fixed deadlines
Invited proposals
Selection Criteria
Projects should be in line with the social and economic
development objectives of the New Zealand Aid
Programme policy statements and strategies.
Projects that support New Zealand’s government
mandated development programme principles with
regard to sustainable development, poverty, human
rights, good governance, gender equity, environmental
sustainability, and participation will be given priority.
Preference will be given to projects related to earlier
or current New Zealand aid activities, or to the work
of New Zealand experts or volunteers, or to activities
which have an identifiable New Zealand interest e.g..
eco-tourism, training and education
Budget Information
Funds cannot be used for: political, religious, or evangelical
activities; unsolicited donations; individual student/staff
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
scholarships; travel costs and fees for attending training in country / International airfares/overseas
conference attendance; individually owned businesses; on-going (recurrent) funding of recipient’s
operational/organizational costs such as wages and salaries, office items and communications
Proposal and Project Information
Funding cannot be extended, which would not preclude the same organization receiving repeat funding
but such funding would need to be for a new activity or programme.
Application should include all the required information in the application form. New Zealand Aid
Programme Policy Statements are located in the NZAID website:
Funds are limited and projects are assessed against the criteria in the guidelines. The decision of the
New Zealand Ambassador is final and not subject to an appeals process.
Contact Details
Contact : First Secretary New Zealand Aid Programme
Address: New Zealand Embassy, Bangkok M Thai Tower, 14th Floor, All Seasons Place
87 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Bangkok 10330
: (662) 2542530 Ext 33
: (662) 253-0249
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Plan International Cambodia
• Health/Nutrition
• Education/Training
• Water and Sanitation
• Livelihood, Microfinance
and Agriculture
Who can Apply?
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Plan is one of the world’s largest humanitarian organisations
with more than sixty years experience in development work. Plan
focuses on community development placing children in the center
of our work. Plan is a non-religious and non-political organisation
working with deprived children and their communities to make
a lasting change. Plan strongly believes in children’s capacity
and the importance of children’s participation in developing
their communities and shaping their future. We strive to make
children’s voices heard and acknowledged. Plan’s approach,
Child-Centred Community Development emphasizes capacity
building and empowerment of children, their families and
communities they live in to take charge of their own development
process and give children and the wider community ownership
in Plan’s projects.
Target Group
Goals and Objectives
Project Area
Improving service delivery where needed, building the capacity of
duty bearers to improve services and empowering rights bearers
to advocate for them. It also aims to increase the effectiveness of
our advocacy effort by expanding our network.
All children, especially marginalized and excluded children.
• Siem Reap
• Kampong Cham
• Ratanakiri
Application Information
• Accepts concept paper
• Call for proposal
• Fixed deadlines
The themes of interest to Plan International Cambodia include:
health/nutrition, education/training, water and sanitation,
livelihood, microfinance and agriculture, child protection, child
participation, protection and assistance in emergency situations.
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Plan International Cambodia normally selects partners based on partner assessment (capacity, skill,
experience, financial, monitoring, policy, child right, child protection…etc.)
Application Information
Plan International Cambodia will accept and review concept papers. Announcements for calls for
proposals are made. Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for activities in all relevant sectors.
Overhead or core costs can be supported and Plan International Cambodia accepts cofunding.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding period is variable, depending on nature of the project.
Projects can be extended.
Proposal should be written in English.
Potential partners that have been identified will be sent application details.
It takes 1-2 month to process the application.
Contact Details
Contact : Prashant Verma, Program Support Manager
Address: Room 411, 4th floor, Block A of Phnom Penh
Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
: 023 217 214
: 023 210 971
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Prince Claus Fund
• Art & Culture
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
• Other (individuals)
Target Group
Support is given to persons
and organisations based in African, Asian, Latin American and
Caribbean countries. Activities
that are being initiated and executed in the above named parts
of the world are given priority.
Requests coming from western
countries are only in exceptional
cases taken into consideration.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Call for proposals
Fixed deadlines
Other (details PCF also initiates)
The Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development was
established on 6 September 1996 to mark the 70th birthday of
H.R.H. Prince Claus of the Netherlands. The objectives of the
Fund are to enhance and expand insight into cultures and to
promote interaction between culture and development.
Goals and Objectives
The Prince Claus Fund aims at increasing cultural awareness and
promoting exchange between culture and development. It views
culture as a basic need.
The theme of interest to Prince Claus Fund: Art & Culture is
focused to Zones of Silence, Creating Spaces of Freedom, Beauty
in Context and Living Together.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Other (individuals)
Selection Criteria
The Prince Claus Fund supports cultural and artistic activities,
like workshops, festivals, publications, events, meetings, artistic
productions etc.
Application Information
Prince Claus Fund will accept and review concept papers. Prince
Claus Fund prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner
before a proposal is submitted. Prince Claus Fund will invite
potential partners to write a proposal, and announcements
for calls for proposals are made. Uninvited proposals are also
accepted. Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines.
Budget Information
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Funds can be used for platforms for cultural exchange,
by initiating and financing
conferences, workshops, exhibitions, festivals and networks. In addition, Prince Claus Fund supports artistic productions and publications, the Prince Claus Fund Library, and websites.
Funds cannot be used for writing grants, study grants, educational programs or academic
research related to study as such is not taken into consideration by the Fund. Proposals for
documentaries or feature films cannot be taken into consideration.
Co-funding is accepted.
Overhead or core cost cannot be supported.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period should not exceed 12 months.
The Prince Claus Fund will only accept proposals for activities that start at a minimum four
months after the deadline of the call for proposals.
There is no standard application form but the applicants will fill the electronic form on the
Prince Claus Fund’s website.
It takes approximately five months to process an application.
Contact Details
Contact : Geerte Wachter
Address: Hoge Nieuwstraat 30
: 31.70.427 43 03
: 31.70.427 42 77
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle
- French Embassy in Cambodia (SFD)
Human Rights/Democracy
Child Welfare/Rights
Other (Projects that highlight the question of how to
strengthen social cohesion)
Who can Apply?
• Partners
• Other (Public institutions,
such as municipalities,
hospitals and schools)
Target Group
Since 1994, the French government created the Social Fund for
Development SFD (FSD in French) in order to provide financial
support to local communities and to countries of the Priority
Solidarity Zone (PSZ) in their development initiatives. In
Cambodia, the SFD exists since 2000.
Goals and Objectives
The SFD intends to support directly the Cambodian civil society
in its development initiatives. The aim is twofold: participate
in the fight against poverty and support capacity building in
Cambodian civil society.
The following themes are of interest to Service de Coopération et
d’Action Culturelle - French Embassy in Cambodia:
The SFD supports the efforts initiated by the communities.
Human Rights/Democracy.
Project Area
Child Welfare/Rights.
Projects that highlight the question of how to strengthen
social cohesion.
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Min US$8,000
• Max US$200,000
Application Information
• Dialogue before proposals
• Call for proposals
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Other (Public institutions, such as municipalities,
hospitals and schools)
Selection Criteria
Local applicants must be registered with the Ministry of Interior
and the duration of the project may not exceed 24 months.
Application Information
Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle - French Embassy
in Cambodia prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner
before a proposal is submitted and the announcements for calls
for proposals are made.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Budget Information
Funds can be used for small infrastructure projects for local development such as classrooms
building, in innovative projects or in projects to resolve a temporary community problem,
training, capacity building.
Funds cannot be used for punctual operations such as in conferences, exhibitions, fundraising
events, or scholarships, prestigious operations without well defined economic or social
Overhead or core costs cannot be supported
The beneficiary should contribute to at least 30% of the total cost of the project (either in kind
or through financial contribution).
But co-funding is accepted but does not replace the community’s participation and is
Proposal and Project Information
Funding period is up to 24 months.
Projects cannot be extended and funds should remain at the end of a project and the beneficiary
can justify its need, the project may be extended for several months depending on those
Proposal should be written in French only though it is expected in a near future that applicants
would be able to submit their application form in English.
There is standard of an application form. This form can be downloaded on the official website
of the French Embassy in Cambodia, once a call for projects is launched.
It takes approximately one month after the deadline to process the application.
Contact Details
Contact : Stephany Hillenbrand, chargée de mission
Address: 1, Bd Monivong - BP18 - Phnom Penh
: 023 430 032
: 023 430 047
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Terre des Hommes Netherlands
(Cambodia Office)
• Child Welfare/Rights
• Gender/Women Issues
Who can Apply?
• Research Institutions
Target Group
The target group is vulnerable
children up to 18 years of age.
Vulnerable children are children
who have been marginalized socially, economically, physically
or culturally, like children who
are the victim of exploitation,
violence or abuse (for example
working children, child prostitutes, child soldiers), extremely
poor children, handicapped
children and children belonging
to ethnic minorities, street children and children directly or
indirecly by HIV/AIDS. There
are millions of vulnerable children world-wide.
Project Area
Phnom Penh, Siem Reap
Kampong Saom
Banteay Meanchey
Kampong Cham, Pursat
Battambang, Svay Rieng
Preah Vihear , Prey Veng
Funding Amount
• Min US$30,000
• Ave US$200,000
Application Information
• Accepts concept paper
• Invited proposals
• Uninvited proposals
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Terre des Hommes Netherlands; Cambodia Coordination office
was legally registered as local organization with the Ministry
of Interior since May 2007 and we currently in the process of
registering as an international organization with the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. There are 11 local
NGOs and 1 international NGO we are currently working with.
Goals and Objectives
We provide funding to local NGOs to stop child exploitation; we
work to create a world in which all children can have human
existence and can grow up to be independent adults.
The following themes are of interest to Terre des Hommes
Netherlands (Cambodia Office):
Child Welfare/Rights; stop child exploitation.
Gender/Women Issues; maternal and child healthcare.
Comments on themes, sectors and availability of
strategic documents
The mission, vision and values of the organisation are the basis of
our work. The goals and strategy are primary. At the same time,
Terre des Hommes is an enterprising organisation that plays on
current affairs and develops new programmes and concepts.
The activities we support and organise have to contribute to our
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
The proposal activities should be consistent with the policies
of Terre des Hommes with priority and fit to the priority
geographical areas. The applicant should be legally registered
organization with two recommendations from other NGOs, a
proper organizational structure and a strategic plan.
Application Information
Terre des Hommes Netherlands (Cambodia Office) will accept and review concept papers before
having dialogue with potential partner. Such dialogues may result in potential partners being invited
to write and submit the proposal. Uninvited proposals are also accepted.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for the beneficiary. In our approach to have vulnerable children grow up in
a safe environment, we work as follows:
Adequate tackling of exploitation situations by putting children in a safe environment
and to support them psycho-socially in their building of a new life.
Social and economic support by offering educational, savings and credit programmes,
so that people are able to fully and properly support themselves.
Pre-school relief for children and offering quality primary education.
Improving mother and child care.
Funds cannot be used for special mentioning.
Overhead cost can be supported based on a reasonable amount for the real needs of the project
and available funds.
TdH-NL accepts co-funding and co-funding is recommended as long as there is clear recording
and transparency.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is 1-3 years.
Projects can be extended and the partnership period is up to 10 years or more.
Proposal should be written in English (no other applications will be accepted).
There is standard application form and more documentation is available on request.
It takes 3-4 months to process the application.
Contact Details
Contact : Mr. Hem Chanpiseth; Country Coordinator
Address: #23, Street 348, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang 3,
Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
: 023 222 553 / 089 291 331
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
The UN World Food Programme ( WFP)
Food assistance
• Disaster Preparedness/
• Health/Nutrition
• Education/Training
• Community Development
Who can Apply?
Partners (CBOs with
existing WFP partner)
Target Group
The food-insecure, poorest and
most vulnerable with focus on
children and women.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Application Information
• Accepts concept paper
• Dialogue before proposals
• Uninvited proposals
WFP is the food assistance agency of the UN. Its programmes
in Cambodia currently cover interventions in Education (school
feeding programme, Health and Nutrition (MCH), Disaster
Management, Productive Assets and Livelihood Support (Food
for Asset))
WFP provides assistance in food or cash to beneficiaries. A
limited amount of funds are utilized to cover the costs directly
related to the food/cash delivery and distribution.
Goals and Objectives
Improve food security and nutritional status of the most
vulnerable groups
The following themes are of interest to The UN World Food
Programme(WFP): Disaster Preparedness/Relief, Health/
Nutrition, Education/Training and Community Development.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Partnerships (CBO with existing WFP partner)
Selection Criteria
The applicants need to have clear organizational set up, expertise
and experience in related fields, gender-sensitivity. WFP is
looking for strategic partnership with NGOs. Community Based
Organizations may work through umbrella NGOs (WFP’s
Application Information
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) will accept and review
concept papers and prefers to have a dialogue with a potential
partner before a proposal is submitted. Therefore uninvited
proposals are accepted.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Budget Information
WFP provides food assistance only.
Funds can be used for school feeding (school meals, food/cash scholarships), productive
assets and livelihood support, mother/child health.
WFP accepts co-funding.
Projects can be extended.
Proposals should be written in English.
There is a standard application form and further documents are available on request.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is on a project basis.
Projects can be extended.
Proposals should be written in English.
There is a standard application form and further documents are available on request.
The application processing time is variable.
Contact Details
Contact : Jean Pierre De Margerie
Address: # 250, Street 63, Phnom Penh
: 023 210 943/212137/212138
: 023 218 749
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
• Gender/Women Issues
• Environment/Natural
Target Group
Women, children, youth, landless people, poor and marginalised and whose basic and fundamental rights are deniel and
Project Area
Phnom Penh
Kam Pot
Banteay Meanchey
Kampong Cham
Kampong Chhnang
Siem Reap
Trócaire has been working in Cambodia since in Cambodia since
1979/80. Our initial involvement was as part of a coordinated effort
with a number of European agencies which became known as the
Cambodia Laos Vietnam (CLV) CIDSE consortium. Currently,
Trócaire is focused on implementing three programmes mainly
strengthening civil society for human rights programme covering
a broad range of partners and activities, second programme is
Gender and third programme is HIV and AIDS. But due to global
economic down turn, the situation of civil society organisations
in Cambodia and Trócaire organisation’s priority to bring greater
impact through its programme, has decided to phase out the
Cambodia country programme by 28 February 2015 (but the HIV
and AIDS & Gender programme by 31 August 2013.
Goals and Objectives
Trócaire Cambodia vision is: A Cambodia where women and
men enjoy equal rights and control over resources, where
the country’s natural resources are managed sustainably for
the equitable benefit of all and where the rights and needs of
marginalized communities, including those affected by HIV and
AIDS, are secured.
(i) To strengthen civil society to act effectively on resource rights
(ii) To contribute to the elimination of gender inequalities, through
evolving traditional gender attitudes and relations, promoting
the rights of women and increasing women’s participation in
decision making
(iii) To provide quality care and support through faith based
organisations to Cambodians affected by HIV and AIDS, with a
particular focus on children and young people
Application Information
Not accepting submissions as Cambodia country programme is
phasing out.
Proposal and Project Information
Funding will continue for five current partners under the
Governance and Human Rights programme until 28 Feb 2015.
Projects cannot be extended and no new submissions will be
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Contact Details
Contact : Ms.Yolanda Rodriguez
Address: 3rd Floor, Building A, Room # 331, The Phnom Penh Centre
Sothearos Bivd, Phnom Penh,
: 023 213 020
: 012 213 421
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Strengthening Democracy Programme (SDP)
• Human Rights/Democracy
• Community Development
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
Target Group
Indigenous people and people
with disabilities
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Min US$ 80,000
• Mix US$ 90,000
Application Information
• Accepts concept paper
• Invited proposals
• Call for proposals
Under the overall SDP framework, 3 grant schemes have been
provided to 3 organizations in 2012 to work on:
Voter education campaigns for People with Disability
Voter education campaign for indigenous people (IP)
Support to community media for indigenous people
(community media for IP)
UNDP is the UN’s global development network, an organization
advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge,
experience and resources to help people build better lives. UNDP
Cambodia’s new country programme 2011-2015 focuses on three
priority areas:
Poverty Reduction and Local Development
Democratic Governance and Gender Equity
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
UNDP works in partnership with the Royal Government of
Cambodia, non-governmental organizations, civil society
organizations, community-based organizations, multilateral
aid agencies, bilateral donors and private firms. The funding
scheme below gives information for UNPD’s administered grant
Goals and Objectives
In order to support the constructive interaction between citizens
and different levels of government, UNDP has developed the
Strengthening Democracy Programme (SDP) for 2011-2015.
It aims to strengthen the formal and informal mechanisms for
dialogue, representation and participation in Cambodia’s current
democratization process.
The following themes are of interest to United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP):
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Human Rights/Democracy; Voter education for
marginalized population: People with disability and
indigenous people.
Community Development; Increase access to community media by indigenous people.
Gender equality is one of the key focuses of the 3 grant schemes.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Selection Criteria
Detailed selection criteria are clearly set in the term of references for the call for applications by UNDP
NGO Committee which has primary role to review all the application submissions.
Application Information
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will accept and review concept papers. United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will invite potential partners to write a proposal.
Announcements for calls for proposals are made.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for voter education campaign and community media, training, training of trainers,
capacity building, print materials, focused group discussion, community forums, radio programmes
and advocacy, etc. Overhead or core may be supported with negotiation. UNDP does not accept cofunding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is up to one year and projects cannot be extended. The application form is standard
and should be written in English - refer to each call for proposal. The application processing time is
three to four months.
Contact Details
Contact : Ms. Leakhena Sieng
Address: #53, Pasteur Street (Street 51), Phnom Penh
: 023 216 167
: 023 216 257
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Small Grant Project (SGP) for Livelihood-Environment Protection
• Environment/Natural
• Community Development
• Support to Cambodian
• Gender /Women Issues
Who can Apply?
• CBOs
Target Group
Forest dwellers, women forest
user group, poor farmers and
indigenous groups.
UNDP is the UN’s global development network, an organization
advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge,
experience and resources to help people build better lives. UNDP
Cambodia’s new country programme 2011-2015 focuses on three
priority areas:
Poverty Reduction and Local Development
Democratic Governance and Gender Equity
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
UNDP works in partnership with the Royal Government of
Cambodia, non-governmental organizations, civil society
organizations, community-based organizations, multilateral aid
agencies, bilateral donors and private firms. The funding scheme
below gives information for UNPD’s two administered grant
Global Environment Facility (GEF)-SGP: 3 thematic
areas for interventions (biodiversity conservation, land
degradation and adaptation to climate changes)
Programme (CCBAP): the thematic focus is to reduce
vulnerability and increase adaptive capacity of the target
communities to manage the additional risks of climate
change, to reduce the vulnerability of the Cambodia’s
agriculture sector in water resources availability. It also
enhances capacity of vulnerable communities in building
resilience, mainstreaming climate change in commune
development plan.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Min USD$20,000
• Max US$50,000 per one
Application Information
• Accepts concept paper
• Call for proposals
• Invited proposals
Goals and Objectives
To improve community based adaptation and climate resilience
in vulnerable communities in flood/drough prone provinces of
Cambodia and to work towards poverty reduction with emphasis
on promoting good governance/human right and environment
protection/sustainable use of natural resources.
The following themes are of interest to United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP):
Environment/Natural Resource; GEF/SGP: biodiversity
conservation, land degradation and adaptation
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
climate changes. SGP/CCBAP: demonstrate climate-resilient techniques at both community and household level in the geographic priority areas through granted to 46 grantees.
Community Development; focus on livelihood-environment programs (livelihood related
sustainable forest use, rural energy, solar power, community forestry, domestic gardening,
water & sanitation, water management and food security).
Environment/Natural Resource.
Support to Cambodian Organisations; Provide grants to LNGOs and CBOs.
Gender issues will be mainstreamed in all programs.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria are based on mitigation and adaptation concept to climate change in Cambodia
context and the criteria are being set up and will be reviewed by the National Steering Committee.
Application Information
Announcement of calls for proposals are made during a launching ceremony and published in the local
newspapers (Reaksmey Kampuchea Daily, The Cambodia Daily). UNDP will accept concept papers
and invite potential partners to write a proposal.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, biodiversity conservation,
community based natural resource management, sustainable land use, climate change
and adaptation to climate change, training, research, capacity building; revolving fund,
crop diversification and improving agriculture techniques, creating options for livelihood
improvement, restoration of ecosystems and water supply, and preparing community for
climate change hazard.
Funds cannot be used for meetings for members of steering committee, travel abroad, large
scale infrastructure, construction, credit schemes, scholarship, technical consultants, empirical
academic research, and government institution.
Overhead or core costs can be supported but depends on negotiation with UNDP with 15%
operation cost of requested budgets.
UNDP does not accept co-funding.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is 18 months to 2 years.
Projects can be extended.
Proposals should be written in Khmer.
The application form is supplied with the call for proposal. More information is available on
It takes 5 months to process an application: for third call for proposals in June, conduct field
appraisal visit and full proposal training and Vulnerable Reduction Assessment (VRA) in
August-September, National Steering Committee (NSC) reviews, approves the proposal and
Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to be signed in November-December.
Contact Details
Contact : Mr. Lay Khim
Address: #53, Pasteur Street (Street 51), Phnom Penh
: 023 216 167
: 023 216 257
E-mail : /
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Because everyone counts
• Gender/Women Issues
• Reproductive Health
Who can Apply?
• Research Institution
Target Group
Women, girls, men, young people;
policy makers/planners
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Min US$1,000
• Ave US$10,000
Application Information
• Call for proposals
• Invited proposals
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), founded in 1969,
is the UN agency specializing in population related activities.
Working in over 140 countries around the world, UNFPA supports
governments in addressing reproductive health and population
issues. Like many UN agencies, UNFPA only became active in
Cambodia after the UN-sponsored election of 1993. UNFPA’s
support to the Royal Government of Cambodia began in May
1994. UNFPA is guided by principles of individual choice, gender
equality and reproductive rights. UNFPA gives support in using
population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty
and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe,
every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every woman is
treated with dignity and respect. While UNFPA provides small
grants to non-governmental organisations towards supporting
interventions on issues related to population, reproductive health
including adolescent sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS,
and gender issues, the bulk of its support is allocated for support
of government’s efforts in the implementation of selected national
sectoral plans related to population.
UNFPA’s budget in Cambodia is approximately US$4 million
per annum. UNFPA has limited budget for NGOs.
Goals and Objectives
To promote the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a
life of health and equal opportunity.
The following themes are of interest to United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) focus on Gender/Women Issues as
well as reduction of poverty through gender mainstreaming and
Reproductive Health; adolescent sexual reproductive health,
youth friendly services, at community level, working with
commune council, prevention of HIV/AIDS.
UNFPA might request NGO support for helping the government
with their implementation. All project funded by UNFPA must
link into the country program of which most budget will be
spoken for.
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
The most important selection criteria are experience in the field. Besides this soundness of programme
and financial management as well as its credibility are important. For substantial grants a history of
receipt of other major funds should be shared.
Application Information
Announcement for calls proposal and invite potential partners to write a proposal in public media.
Therefore uninvited proposals are not accepted.
Budget Information
UNFPA could fund small amounts for one-off events if the event is part of the annual work
Funds can be used for all activities within the UNFPA country programme.
Overhead or core costs can be supported and UNFPA accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is variable and projects can be extended.
Proposal should be written in English.
There is a standard application form, which will be shared when both parties agree on a
project idea.
The application processing time is variable.
Contact Details
Contact : Mr Tum May, Assistant Representative
Address: #225, Pasteur Street (street 51), Phnom Penh
: 023 215 519
: 023 211 339
E-mail :,,
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
United States Agency International
Development (USAID)
• Health/Nutrition
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Environment/Natural
• Human Rights/Democracy
Who can Apply?
Private Sector
Research Institution
Target Group
The Cambodian people with
a focus on vulnerable populations, e.g. women, persons
living in poverty, marginalized
USAID has been active in Cambodia for 20 years. The program
began with humanitarian assistance. Currently USAID is focused
on 4 sectors; democracy & governance, health, food security&
climate change, and education. The new Country Development
Cooperation Strategy 2014-2019 is expected to be approved in
Spring 2013.
Goals and Objectives
USAID/Cambodia’s overarching goal is to partner with the
people of Cambodia and their government to help build a
healthy, prosperous country that respects human rights, fosters
democratic transformation, and promotes more equitable and
broad-based sustainable development.
The following themes are of interest to United States Agency
International Development (USAID):
Health/Nutrition; Primarily maternal and child health,
Health Systems Strengthening, Nutrition, HIV/AIDS
and other infectious diseases (TB, malaria).
Agriculture/Animal Health; Programs in food security,
nutrition, rural poverty reduction.
biodiversity and natural resource management, climate
change adaptation and mitigation.
Human Rights/Democracy; Support to civil society
organizations in land rights, judicial reform, legal
awareness and electoral reforms, and supports an
increased role for women in the electoral process.
Project Area
• Nation wide
Funding Amount
• Min USD25,000
• Max US$30million for a 5
year program
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposals
Invited proposals
Uninvited proposals
Call for proposals
Fixed deadlines
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Cross-cutting themes are youth and gender. Social media is a
cross-cutting approach.
Who can Apply?
Community Based Organization (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Private Sector
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Formal solicitations contain all required information and selection process. They may vary per theme.
Applications must meet the criteria and fulfill the requested information in the solicitation. Selection
criteria include the organization’s past performance, their institutional capability and their ability to
implement the program in the solicitation.
Application Information
United States Agency International Development (USAID) will accept and review concept papers, but
usually only in response to an open solicitation that requests them. United States Agency International
Development (USAID) prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is
submitted. United States Agency International Development (USAID) will invite potential partners to
write a proposal.
Uninvited proposals are accepted, though while USAID/Cambodia does occasionally fund unsolicited
proposals, it is the exception. We do so when appropriate funding is available and if proposed activities
present a unique approach, are fully supportive of our program objectives, demonstrate a development
impact, and address sustainability. Announcements for calls for proposals are made, advertised through
the Government Point of Entry (1); (2) Proposals must be submitted before fixed
deadlines, as stated in the request for proposals or applications.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for activities that help the achieve the development outcomes sought, activities
that contribute toward improving heath, agricultural productivity and natural resource protection, and
democracy & human rights. Proper allocation of funds may be discussed with the Agreement Officer in
the context of a particular solicitation. Infrastructure development and projects that do not align with
the program areas cited above are not supported.
Overhead or core costs are supported, and USAID/Cambodia accepts co-funding.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is between one and five years depending on the availability of funds. Projects can
be extended subject to availability of funds, satisfactory performance and relevance of the project, but
extensions are rare.
The proposal should be written in English. USAID’s solicitation form (Request for Applications or
RFA) includes the application forms, the format, and documentation or information required for
Unsolicited proposals when submitted to USAID must at a minimum include a clear budget, program
description, results and activities as it relates to USAID’s program strategy, shared contribution from
the organization submitting the proposal. Prior to submitting a full proposal, applicants should contact
USAID to determine if funding is available in the desired sector.
The application processing time is one to six months from the date of receipt of applications.
Contact Details
Address: 1 Street 96, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh
: 023 728 000
: 023 211 339
E-mail :
Website :,
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Environment/Natural
• Human Rights/Democracy
• Water and Sanitation
Who can Apply?
• Research Institution
Target Group
Mainly indigenous
Project Area
Stung Treng
Odor Meanchey
Phnom Penh
Funding Amount
• Min US$30,000
• Max US$100,000
• Ave US$60,000
Application Information
• Accepts concept paper
• Dialogue before proposal
• Invited proposals
Welthungerhilfe is a private, non-profit, non-partisan and nonreligious aid organisation. It works with a voluntary board under
the patronage of the German patronage. It has executed around
5000 projects in more than 40 countries with more than one
billion Euro since its inception in 1962. Welthungerhilfe funds its
work through private donations and public grants i.e. from the
EU or the Federal German Government.
Goals and Objectives
Together with national partners, Welthungerhilfe helps to
combat hunger and poverty wherever these afflictions become
chronic. Our main activities revolve around food and nutrition
security, as well as natural resource management and focuses on
work with indigenous people in remote areas of Cambodia.
The following themes are of interest to Welthungerhilfe:
Agriculture/Animal Health, Environment/Natural Resource,
Human Rights/Democracy and Water and Sanitation.
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Based on sector of focus of Welthungerhilfe and reputation,
reference check and recommendation from Welthungerhilfe
NGO partners.
Application Information
Welthungerhilfe will accept and review concept papers.
Welthungerhilfe prefers to have a dialogue with a potential
partner before a proposal is submitted and the potential partners
will be invited to write a proposal.
Budget Information
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Funds can be used for activities depending on the
details and the dialogue before invitation
for detailed proposal writing, including agricultural production, food security, environmental protection, water and sanitation and support to victims of human rights violation.
Funds cannot be used for leisure activities, scholarship abroad, staff costs, major infrastructure
construction, scholarship and study.
Overhead or core costs can be supported and Welthungerhilfe accepts co-funding but cofunding need to be clearly detailed.
Proposal and Project Information
The funding period is on average two years.
Projects can be extended. In this case, for every two years and based on the needs.
Proposal should be written in English.
The application form can be obtained from Welthungerhilfe once the dialogue for invited
proposal is started.
There are additional documents available based on sectors of focus, mainly in line with
Welthungerhilfe strategy.
It takes a maximum of six months to process an application.
Contact Details
Contact : Ms. Christina Warning
Address: House #42, Street 472, Sangkat Tuol Tumpoung II,
Khan Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh
: 023 223 120
: 023 220 556
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
World Health Organization (WHO)
Direct Financial Cooperation (DFC) and
Agreement for Performance of Work (APW)
and Service Agreement.
• Health/Nutrition
• Environment/Natural
• Disability and Rehabilitation
• Disaster Preparedness/
• Health System Development , Communicable
Who can Apply?
Research Institution
Project Area
• Nation wide
Application Information
Accepts concept paper
Dialogue before proposal
Invited proposals
Fixed deadlines
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and
coordinating authority on international health within the United
Nations’ system. WHO is responsible for providing leadership
on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda,
setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based
policy options, providing technical support to countries and
monitoring and assessing health trends, principally, to ensure
all people attain the highest possible level of health. Through
WHO, governments can jointly tackle global health problems
and improve people’s well-being. WHO’s mission in Cambodia
is to support the Government and people of Cambodia to achieve
national health and development goals and support Cambodia’s
role and international obligation in the global health agenda.
Goals and Objectives
WHO’s technical cooperation in Cambodia is currently focused
on four strategic elements through four core work teams 1)
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health 2) Communicable Disease
3) Non-Communicable Diseases and Environmental Health
and 4) Health System Development, in alignment with the core
strategic components of the HSP2.
The following themes are of interest to World Health Organization
Health/Nutrition; maternal, newborn and child health.
Non-communicable diseases and environmental health,
in the context of environmental/natural resources,
disability and rehabilitation, and disaster preparedness.
For more details, please refer to the strategic documents on the
website below:
Who can Apply?
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
International NGOs (INGOs)
Research Institutions
Selection Criteria
Technical expertise and cost performance (as compared to other potential candidates), and in line with
the WHO’s mission and mandates.
Application Information
World Health Organization (WHO) will accept and review concept papers. WHO prefers to have a
dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted. WHO will invite potential partners to
write a proposal. Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines.
Budget Information
Funds can be used for training, research, capacity building, meeting or workshop for convening
partners, advocacy, etc.
Funds cannot be used for construction and credit schemes.
Overhead or core costs can be supported and contingency cost of 5% of the total or up to
maximum of US$500 for DFC.
Co-funding is accepted.
Proposal and Project Information
Please access to WHO Regional Office research portal through the website below for more information
on research proposal. The research proposal has to go through Ethics Review Committee for approval
and enclosed with cost comparison.
Funding period is usually less than two years though can be longer under certain
Projects can be extended. Depends on justification.
Proposal should be written in English or certified English translation of Khmer.
There is a standard application form exists for DFC (for government only), but there is no
standard form for APW and the minimum requirements: Objectives, expected outputs,
timelines, standard cost breakdown, three quotations of cost comparison, etc.
The application processing time is dependent on the amount and contents.
Contact Details
Contact : Dr Pieter van Maaren, Representative
Address: 177-179 St Pasteur (51), PO Box 1217
: 023 216 610
: 023 216 211
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
World Renew
• Community Development
• Management/Organisational Development
• Water and Sanitation
• Support to Cambodian
• Gender/Women Issues
• Saving and Credit
• Agriculture/Animal Health
• Disaster Preparedness/
Who can Apply?
• Other (Local churches)
Target Group
Rural poor families, CBO leadership
Development of local partners.
World Renew, formerly the Christian Reformed World
Relief Committee (CRWRC) was established in 1962 by the
Christian Reformed Church in North America as a way for the
denomination to respond to the needs of people living in poverty
around the world. World Renew staff and volunteers come
alongside communities in 30 countries around the world to help
bring about renewal. Through partnerships with more than 130
churches and community organizations, local people are trained
to be leaders in their own communities. Thus World Renew,
together with partners and local leaders, is able to address major
issues like illiteracy, hunger, malnutrition, unemployment, HIV/
AIDS, child mortality, disaster response and preparedness, and
World Renew gives technical assistance and financial support to
local partners—most of whom are churches and Local NGOs—as
they implement programs in health, agriculture, education, adult
literacy, income generation, advocacy/peace building, leadership
development, disaster preparedness and when necessary may
respond with emergency relief to a disaster (famine, flood).
Presently, World Renew Cambodia has 16 local partners: 5 LNGO,
8 Church and 3 Network/associations working in 8 provinces of
Project Area
Kampong Speu
Prey Veng
Svay Rieng
Funding Amount
• Min US$350
• Max US$40,000
• Ave US$5000
Goals and Objectives
To transform poor and vulnerable communities through
collaboration with local partners, building organizational
capacity and facilitating sustainable community development.
The themes of interest to World Renew include:
Community Development program focused on justice,
health, income generation, leadership development,
agriculture, education, savings and institution building.
Management/Organisational Development; World
Renew offers consultancy to the partners on board
development, strategic planning, staff development,
systems and procedures, and building up vision and
mission of the organization, etc.
Water and Sanitation.
Support to Cambodian Organisations.
Application Information
• Dialogue before proposal
• Call for proposal
• Fixed deadlines
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Saving and Credit, Agriculture, Disaster relief, and gender/women issues, Community
leadership, investment and community participation is paramount in our approach to
community transformation.
We seek long-term, resilient solutions to community needs based on community assets and creating
awareness and advocating for participation in regional programs offered by local and regional
Who can Apply?
Local/Cambodian NGOs (LNGOs/CNGOs)
Other (Local churches)
Selection Criteria
World Renew can only fund local NGOs and local churches who are interested in working to improve
the poor and vulnerable and empower them to solve their own problems and issues. World Renew is
a Christian organization, we mostly work through local organizations and local Churches that share
our vision, mission and values, and however, at the community level we do work with all community
members and beneficiaries. We do have a number of non-Christian partner organizations as partners.
Partners should have a common vision and values, be registered, organized, have a governing board,
good accountability, bank account with two signatures and transparency on the management level.
Have policies on gender, nepotism and agree on our anti-corruption policy and code of conduct. Local
partners are expected to have a project based office in the area of implementation.
Application Information
World Renew prefers to have a dialogue with a potential partner before a proposal is submitted.
Announcements for calls for proposals are made. Proposals must be submitted before fixed deadlines,
March or April.
Budget Information
Partners must have spending guidelines and reporting system in place. Fund can only be used as
budgeted and for projects that have been agreed upon by us and if changes needed, partners must consult
with us to get approval before using it. Projects must be encouraged to have community participation,
fund and labour matching. The local contribution, no matter what type (monetary, human resource)
should be clearly accounted for and reported regularly to our organization with auditable means of
Funds can be used for project implementation based on the conditions laid out in the partnership
agreement with partners, strengthening the capacity of LNGOs, churches and CBOs. When
needed World Renew will respond to disasters (drought and flooding) through our local
Funds cannot be used for illegal activities, political or religious campaigns, or something that
can disrupt the development process or cause a conflict of interest, the purchase of investment
property, construction, political affiliation, grants and gifts.
Overhead or core costs supported should be less than 25% (target 15%).
Co-funding is always accepted.
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Proposal and Project Information
Proposals must be based on community research and survey. Community participation is needed to
ensure that the project is really for the poor and grassroots community. World Renew usually visits and
makes own assessment before reviewing a proposal.
The funding period is short-term, medium or long-term based on agreed to plans. Projects can
be extended. Based on an evaluation/assessment of need and availability of funding.
The proposal should be written in English or Khmer (preferably English).
The application form is not standard but based on dialogue and negotiation with prospective
partners who match our vision, mission and values. Please contact us, our program manager
or Country Consultant for more information.
The application processing time is at least three months.
Contact Details
Contact : Rick DeGraaf Country Consultant / Mr. Neth Sovann, Program Manager
Address: #81A, Street 456, Toul Tompong, Phnom Penh PO Box 1175, Phnom Penh
: 023 214 086
E-mail :
Website :
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
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CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Extra information
There are many funding websites that group funding agencies. CCC has listed the main ones. Research
the criteria of each donor thoroughly on evidence that they might have an interest in receiving
information about your project.
• (human rights network)
Some foreign donors demand the involvement of a NGO or individual of their own country with the
application. It might be interesting to find partners originated from the following countries:
• Post Office Fund
• Asian Community Trust
• Wilde Ganzen
• Cordaid
New Zealand
• EMDR - New Zealand Govt
United Kingdom
• Department for International Development (DfID)
• Community Fund
• Isle of Man
• C. Hayward Foundation
• Lloyds TSB foundation
• Princes Diana Memorial Fund
United States
• Give 2 Asia
• JC Downing Foundation
In our search for funding agencies we spoke to some organisations that might be interested in Cambodian
projects but are not open to applications yet. Some missed our deadline and others preferred not to be
in the directory. Here under you find a list of a few funding agencies that could be interesting partners
for the future references:
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
• BP conservation
• British Embassy Cambodia
• Christian Blind Mission (CBM)
• Conservation, Food & Health Foundation
• DED German Development Service
• Elton John AIDS Foundation
• Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP)
• International Labour Organization (ILO)
• Misereor
• Mobitel Foundation
• Nippon Foundation
• The Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation
• Sasakawa Peace Foundation
• Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
• Association for Women’s Rights in Development • Global Fund for Women
• National Archive for Criminal Justice
• National Institute of Justice, US Dept. of Justice
• Ontario Women’s Directorate
• Women for Women International
• Urgent Action Fund: Rapid Response for women’s human rights
/index.php?id=68 • Ford Foundation
• Open Society Institute
• Women’s Peace Power Foundation
• The Asia Foundation
• Development market place
• The Oak Foundation
CCC - Resource Mobilization Directory 2013
Mobile: (855) 12 82 81 00
(855) 16 82 81 00
(855) 12 83 44 32
: (855) 23 99 67 25
#707, Street K5, Sangkat Toul Sangke,
Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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