Oct-Dec 15 Magazine


Oct-Dec 15 Magazine
How We Romanticize Reality 27
Cayce on Dealing with Fear 37
The Magic of the Labyrinth 42
October-December 2015
October-December 2015
Join the A.R.E. Staff in Meditation
Every weekday the A.R.E. staff meditates from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. (E.T.). We invite you to observe this
special time with us, focusing on these affirmations from A Search for God, Book II,
used in the Search for God Study Group program.
To find a Study Group near you or to download a FREE Starter Kit on how to start your own, visit
EdgarCayce.org/studygroups, call 800-333-4499, or email studygroups@EdgarCayce.org.
October Affirmation
Our Father, our God, may the
light of Thy wisdom, of Thy
strength, of Thy power, guide—as
we would apply ourselves in Thy
service for others. In His name
we seek.(262-102)
November Affirmation
Our Father, our God, in my
own consciousness let me find
happiness in the love of Thee, for
the love I bear toward my fellow
man. Let my life, my words,
my deeds, bring the joy and
happiness of the Lord in Jesus to
each I meet day by day. (262-106)
December Affirmation
Father, God, in Thy mercy, in Thy love,
be Thou with us now. For we know
and we speak of Thy love. And help
us then to put away, for the hour, the
cares of this life; that we may know
in truth that the Spirit and the Lamb
say, "Come." Let them that hear also
say, "Come." Let all that will, come
and drink of the water of life. (262-113)
GET INVOLVED! Join our international prayer list, request prayer for yourself or a loved one, become a pray-er for those in need,
host a prayer healing group in your area, or simply request our booklet: Guidelines of Prayer and Meditation for Help and Healing.
A.R.E. Prayer and Meditation Services, 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, 800-333-4499
prayer@EdgarCayce.org • EdgarCayce.org/prayer
By Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
After a reading, Cayce receives a
burst of messages from dead friends
and relatives
Susan A. Lendvay /Managing Editor
Alison Ray, Jennie Taylor Martin /Editorial Team
Kim Cohen /Design and Layout
Cassie McQuagge /Production
Jo Adamson, June Bro, Simone Gabbay, Doug Knueven,
Jerry Lazarus, Raye Mathis, Gladys T. McGarey,
Henry Reed, Peter Schoeb, Mark Thurston,
Kevin J. Todeschi, John Van Auken /Contributing Writers
A.R.E. Homepage: EdgarCayce.org
A.R.E. Member-Only: EdgarCayce.org/members
Atlantic University Homepage: AtlanticUniv.edu
Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage Homepage:
Association for Research and Enlightenment
Chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1931
Kevin J. Todeschi /Executive Director and CEO
Love from Beyond the
Another Look at Colon
By Carla Hope Andersen, RN
The importance of continuing this
therapy is emphasized in the readings
Archaeological Proof for
Cayce’s Ancient Egyptian
By Donald B. Carroll
The measures convey the pyramid’s
connections with body and soul
Your Life After Their Death:
A Medium’s Guide to
Healing After a Loss
By Karen Noé
They are still with us after dying, across
a veil of invisibility
Ancient Mysteries:
Romanticizing Reality
By John Van Auken
The past we pass down isn’t necessarily
true what happened
Cayce’s Wisdom
for Today:
Dealing with
Twenty-second in a series
By Henry Reed and
Kevin J. Todeschi
Fear is the illusion of
The Law of One from
Atlantis—Rediscovered in
the Americas
By John Fuhler
Lakota rituals mirror Atlantean truths
The Magic of the A.R.E.
By Janet M. Bjornson, MA
Going within to find true guidance
Carrying Unnecessary
Burdens? Let’s Let Go
of Them!
By John Van Auken and
Jacqueline Van Auken Coulborn
Not letting go of burdens is much like
hoarding old and useless objects
4 From the Desk of
Kevin J. Todeschi
5 Letters
17 In Your Dreams
46 Personal Transformation
18, 44 AU Bulletin
47 PSI Digest
Arthur P. Strickland /Chairperson
William Austin /Vice-Chairperson
Charles Thomas Cayce /President, Edgar Cayce Foundation
27 Ancient Mysteries
52 Book Highlights
9 Astrologer’s Corner
C-1A.R.E. Catalog
54 Calendar of Events
William Brown, Donald B. Carroll, Richard Hersberger,
Judy Knueven, Claire Levy, Lora Little, Martha Loveland,
Paul Mazza, Linda Rohrer, Joseph Taylor, Betsy York /Trustees
Ruben Miller /Trustee Emeritus
10 Art of Living
31 A.R.E. News
57 A.R.E. Tours
13 Holistic Pet Care
36 Online Connection
58 The Readings Say
14 Doctor in the House
41 Women’s wellness
59HQ Conferences
April-June 2014 - Printed in USA -
From the Desk of KEVIN J. TODESCHI
Dreaming the Impossible has Manifested the Reality!
ore than four years
ago, in the July-September issue of Venture
Inward, I quoted Walt Disney’s
saying, “It’s kind of fun to do the
Executive Director and CEO
impossible,” and outlined a series
of “impossible” dreams we had
for our Virginia Beach headquarters:
• An Education Center, where we could house Atlantic
University, the Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage, and
the archives and vault of the Edgar Cayce Foundation
• A renovation of the Edgar Cayce Hospital building
that would create a café (the Cayce/Miller Café) and
provide a place for our visitors, conferees, members,
and spa clientele to gather, create community, and
share meals with one another
• State-of-the-art technological upgrades
throughout the organization
• Renovation of our building exteriors, etc.
With your tremendous help, all of the above
has happened! The change has been so monumental that I have repeatedly heard from both
new and longtime members statements like these:
“Everything is so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes,” “the
Spa renovations have completely transformed the Health
Center and Spa,”“I love the food in the restaurant,”“Edgar
Cayce would be amazed,” and “it’s as if A.R.E. has undergone a renaissance!” Keeping in mind that we had to receive
permission from the City of Virginia Beach (our zoning
is residential), and that the entire project was completely
dependent upon your contributions and commitment, and
that the timing of the project ended up occurring (not by
choice) during the Great Recession, it has been amazing to
watch the miraculous transformation occur. THANK YOU!
It could not have happened without you.
ll of this has come about with your prayers and your financial support for the CREATE Campaign—a campaign
that will come to an end on 12/31/2015—and we need
your help to enable us to successfully reach the $30 million
finish line. We have come so far; all we have left is to raise
$1 million for endowments and, mostly, to renovate our
Library/Conference Center and improve campus parking.
The Library/Conference Center is our busiest building
and needs to be brought into the 21st century. Renovations
will include new bathrooms and climate control, new visitor displays, expansion of the auditorium, upgrading the
meditation room, replacing the 40-year-old carpeting in the
library—the list goes on and on. We need $1 million to make
all of these changes a reality.
A group of dedicated members has
created a matching
fund of $150,000,
which means that
if you pledge $500
or more before
12/31/15 your donation will be matched.
At the same time,
your name will be
added to our beautiful ‘Stairway to
Heaven’ donor wall.
When the Library/
Conference Center
first opened in 1975,
it became the fulfillment of Hugh Lynn
Cayce’s longstanding dream. It has been a meeting place for
conferees, for visitors, and for members from around the
world for 40 incredible years. It has truly been instrumental
in the continuation of our work. And today, even exceeding
anything Hugh Lynn dreamed, the building has become a
mini television studio—a place where we can LIVE-stream
conferences, create online educational content, and provide
videos for our YouTube channel. And yet, in spite of all of the
technological upgrades, no major renovation has been done
to the structure in the last 40 years! We still have the same
heating and air conditioning system, the same carpeting,
the same restrooms, the same parking lot, etc. Please help us
renovate the last, very important piece of our headquarters
site. More information about helping us on this important
project can be found at EdgarCayce.org/CREATE.
Will you help? It IS kind of fun to achieve the impossible.
Venture Inward (ISSN 0748-3406) is published quarterly by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) for its worldwide members and affiliates, Edgar Cayce Foundation, A.R.E. Press, Atlantic
University, and the Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage. Opinions expressed are those of the authors, not necessarily of the Association. Send inquiries, change-of-address notices, or requests for back issues c/o
A.R.E. Customer Service at 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061; email are@EdgarCayce.org; call 757-428-3588 or 800-333-4499; or visit EdgarCayce.org. Copyright © 2015 by the Association for
Research and Enlightenment, Inc. The Edgar Cayce readings © 1971, 1993-2010 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Reproduction by permission only.
Founded in 1931, the Mission of the A.R.E. is to help people transform their lives for the better, through research, education, and application of core concepts found in the Edgar Cayce readings and kindred
materials that seek to manifest the love of God and all people and promote the purposefulness of life, the oneness of God, the spiritual nature of humankind, and the connection of body, mind, and spirit.
Medical disclaimer: The content of this magazine is information only and should not be considered as a guide to self-diagnosis or self-treatment. See a physician for any medical problems.
Thank you, Linda Caputi,
for your beautiful article
in Apr-June issue, “Ask to
Receive What Is Already
Given; To Accept What Is
Already There.” You have a
wonderful ability with words
and write and speak to the
heart and our inner questioning, yet experiencing life's
mysteries. I met you once in
the A.R.E. Library years ago.
Your kindness in guiding me
to find some helpful literature and readings was greatly
appreciated. When an article
renews my commitment and
purpose to keep on keeping
on in the “inward venture,”
I am reminded of why I love
my A.R.E. membership.
— Sally Carmichael, email
Thank you so much for
all the postings from this
[Official Edgar Cayce] page
on Facebook. The last two,
May 10, (Mother's Day),
and May 11, (reading 31291), have been very inspiring
to me. I just wanted to
say thanks and say how
grateful I am to the staff
for having this page and
sharing insightful wisdom
of Edgar Cayce for all of us
like-minded people. Also,
for information on other
places that share similar
interests. I will be visiting in
Arizona in late June.
—Betty Luckey, Letter on Official Edgar
Cayce Facebook Page
I always read the Astrologers column by [Raye] Mathis
because of an ongoing personal interest in the subject.
I found her latest column in Jul-Sep, “The 4 Elements:
Symbols of Our Temperaments” enlightening about interpreting the air, water, earth, and fire elements in one's
horoscope. However, for most people who do not have
their chart available, it would be difficult to interpret for
them. I use a free online site for a fast look at my astrological data. I'm sure there must be others as well.
— Roger Bouthillier, email
Reply from Raye Mathis: Thanks, Roger—that is an excellent
suggestion. For all who would like to take a look at their own
personal horoscope, here is a suggested site where you can have
your horoscope calculated free of charge and without having to
join anything: astro.com. If you wish to remain anonymous, use a
fictitious name for the horoscope.
Editor’s note: Readers may also be interested in the astrology charts
the A.R.E. offers at ARECatalog.com/astrology (or call 800-333-4499).
Thank you, Raye Mathis, for your wonderful Apr-Jun
VI column, “Relationships in Your Horoscope.” I've gotten pretty good at noticing when I judge others and then
recognizing my own corresponding negative behavior,
but I haven't so easily remembered that everything you
see in others is also in yourself, and those positive traits
that you admire in others can also be appreciated, developed and strengthened in you. When I read this column,
a light went on: Oh yeah, that's right, notice the positive
traits, too! It’s a wonderful reminder.
— Katie Wood, email
October-December 2015
I was quite glad to see Mark Thurston back and contributing his column for the Jul-Sep issue,titled: “Dreams and Personal Transformation.” Dreams indeed can be a wonderful
tool for expanded consciousness and spiritual growth, if we
are guided in understanding the meaning and interpretation.
I would encourage my fellow readers and A.R.E. members
to explore the hypnagogic state, which can be
a gateway to deep meditation. It is the state
of profound relaxation naturally experienced
between sleeping and awakening like early in
the morning or late in the evening upon retiring for bed. Once in this state, the seeker then
gently focuses on the third eye. It was believed
by Ouspensky and Wilson Van Dusen that
Swedenborg and other gifted ones used this technique.
— Jerome R. Wilkerson, ND, Austin, Texas
Editor’s note: Readers may be interested in visiting EdgarCayce.org/dreams
for more information on dreams and a link to our dream group on Facebook.
Thank you so much for the
wonderful work you all are
doing to keep the A.R.E. and
VI alive. It means the world
to me. As an ardent student
of the Mysteries and Edgar
Cayce, I am indebted to you
for stewarding a wonderful
lineage of true knowledge and
leading the way to a better
life and world for all, and for
keeping up with, and oftentimes a half step ahead of,
the very students you have so
tenderly trained over decades!
It keeps me hopeful that the
winds of change and awakening that I feel blowing through
me are truly happening.
P.S. to Lynn Sparrow
Christy: In response to
your Jan-March VI article
“How Evolution Shapes Our
Approach to Reality”: Yes—
Your ability to crystallize
the elusive concepts within
“Cosmic Evolution,” thrills
me. Something is most certainly afoot! I have purchased
your book, and I believe that
we seniors, determined and
divinely aligned “Geezers”
and “Geezerettes,” can tip
that 100th monkey.
—Ruth Niersbach, Sandwich, Ill.
Thank you for the article
in the Jul-Sep issue, “Do
Not Look Back—Let Go of
Regrets and Longings” by
Jerry Lazarus. It was as if
this was written just for me,
and the timing was more
than perfect. I was having
upsetting communications
with a family member who
has been so troublesome
in my life for many years. I
found myself dwelling on it
day after day, to the point
that I was feeling physically
wiped out.
Then I “ bumped into”
this article reminding me
not to lose sight of what is
important; that I need to
keep moving forward and
serve only Him, to not look
back and dwell on past burdens. It was just the message
I needed and instantly I
changed my attitude!
—Barbara Terry, email
We want your letters!
Please send your letters to: Editor,
Venture Inward, 215 67th Street,
Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061;
or email: letters@EdgarCayce.org.
Letters may be edited for length and
from Beyond the Grave—
Volunteered Messages
Among Edgar Cayce’s most fascinating trance communications are so-called
“volunteer” readings—those in which he delivers unsolicited soul communications.
best friend. Fifty-four-year-old Smith, who had been
in pain for more than a decade, was suffering terminal uterine cancer in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
As Gertrude was living some 800 miles away
in Virginia Beach, where she conducted the
reading, she was unable to comfort her friend
and was distraught at the prospect of Stella’s
passing. Then came the uplifting 5756-13 message, or more accurately, messages. As Edgar
would later remark of the reading to Columbia
University researcher Lucien Warner, “It’s one of
those things that come at times when we wonder
what…[life] is all about.”
N READING 953-10, Cayce volunteers details
of a Milwaukee train robbery and identifies
the thieves. In 5749-1, he spontaneously provides a description of Christ. 254-79 offers
a profound message of encouragement to the
A.R.E. staff. My personal favorite is 5756-13,
in which deceased friends and family reach out
from beyond the grave to remind the Cayces
and stenographer Gladys Davis of the continuity of life and the everlasting power of love.
This volunteer communication came through on
July 9, 1934 at the end of a check medical reading for
Stella Smith, Gertrude Cayce’s first cousin and childhood
Stella Smith 1911 EdgarCayce.org
Once the channel was opened, there
was a virtual stampede of those on the
other side waiting to come through.
“There Are Some Here Who
Would Speak…”
The communication began just after
Cayce, in trance, spoke the words: “We are
through,” which ended reading 569-22.
Only Cayce was 35 minutes from being
through! After Gertrude gave Edgar the
suggestion for waking, he lay silent for
several minutes, then spoke again: “There
are some here that would speak with those
that are present, if they desire to so communicate with them.”
Gertrude, surprised, told Edgar to go
ahead. “We desire to have at this time that
which would be given.”
While still in a hypnotic trance, Cayce
proceeded to act as a receiver for communications from a variety of deceased family
members and loved ones, and, as in other
trance sessions, had no conscious memory
of what transpired.
Once the channel was opened, so it
seemed, there was a virtual stampede of
those on the other side waiting to come
through. One gets the impression of theatergoers waiting for the doors to open
so that they can rush inside and claim the
best seats.
October-December 2015
Cayce, overwhelmed,
grandfather, Samuel
blurted out, “Don’t
L. Salter, a noted
speak all at once!”
architect who, beGertrude, conductfore his passing in
ing the reading; and
1897, had built the
Gladys Davis, taking
Hopkinsville home.
stenographic notes;
Just as the senior
and two others in
Salter had lovingthe room—secretary
ly constructed the
Mildred Davis and
home where three
Edgar Cayce’s father,
generations of his
Leslie—didn’t have a
progeny had lived
clue what Edgar was
and raised their
talking about until a
families, and was
minute or so later when
where Edgar and
familiar names were
Gertrude married,
Cousins Hugh Evans, Raymond and
he was back at
Porter Smith, and Lynn Evans, 1907
The first name menwork again, only
tioned was “Uncle Porter,” which may on the other side.
have been a reference to Alfred Porter
Gertrude’s brother, Hugh Evans, was also
Smith, Stella’s deceased father. Then came back to doing what he enjoyed most in life.
“Dr. House,” the physician who had The former short-stop for the Hopkinsville
married Gertrude’s Aunt, Carrie Salter, Moguls baseball team was now, on the other
and had been chief physician at the Cayce side, captain of the team. This is a delightful
hospital in Virginia Beach before his death reversal of the message in the movie Field of
in 1929. The one speaking to Cayce at this Dreams. Instead of “Build it and they will
point in the reading identified himself as come [from the other side],” the 5756-13
Gertrude’s brother, Hugh Evans, who had message might be, “Build it while you are
died from tuberculosis in Texas in 1910.
in the flesh and blood and then manifest it
on the other side.”
Building a New Family Home
on the Other Side
Most remarkable was that all these
people, along with others who were soon
to make an appearance in the reading,
were together as a family on the other
side, just as they were previously together
in flesh and blood in Gertrude’s childhood
home in Hopkinsville. And more than just
this, they were apparently living together
in the afterlife in a new home which
was being built by Gertrude’s beloved
A One-Sided Conversation
Unfortunately for everyone concerned,
Gertrude and the others in the room
could only hear half the conversation—
only what Edgar, in trance, was saying
to the spirit group. “He spoke as if over
a telephone and we could only hear his
side,” Gladys later remarked.
One of the souls that Edgar desired
to communicate with was his mother,
but she wasn’t present. Hugh Evans—or
The otherworldly visitors were not ghosts or trapped spirits. They were the souls
of loved ones who had continued on the journey into the next dimension.
whoever was speaking at that moment in
the session—said not to worry. She was
in another dimension, or sojourning in
another place, and would presumably be
joining the others when the time was right.
Another of the deceased referenced in
the reading, and living in the new Salter
house, was identified only as “little baby,”
and was presumed by Edgar and Gertrude
to be their deceased child, Milton Porter
Cayce, who passed in 1911, when he was
less than two months old. On the other
side he was apparently fully grown, and
was soon to come back or reincarnate in
the flesh and blood.
A message came through for stenographer Gladys Davis from her deceased
father, Thomas Jefferson Davis, who had
been a much-loved Alabama farmer. He
wanted Gladys to tell her sister, Mary
Frances, whose nickname was Tiny, not
to be so severe on their youngest sister,
Lucile, who was called Cille. Unless she
backed off, there would later be greater
family discord.
Many Details Lost
A message also came for Gladys’s
cousin, secretary Mildred Davis, who
was sitting in on the trance session. What
exactly she was told, and by whom, isn’t
clear because those on the other side were
apparently once again speaking all at once.
Further, the meaning of remarks made
when the reading was given are lost to us
today because neither the Cayces nor the
two Davis girls submitted a report detailing who was who in the reading or what
the significance of the messages were.
Among the more cryptic references are
those pertaining to a young man who was
very much alive, Cayce Jones, who was the
son of Edgar Cayce’s best friend and fishing buddy Lamar Jones, and his wife Alva.
What makes this reference so fascinating
comes from the 318 series of readings and
2722-5 reports. Cayce Jones, we learn,
was the reincarnation of Edgar’s deceased
younger brother, Thomas Cayce, and in his
present incarnation as Lamar and Alva’s
son, had the ability to see ghosts. Now, in
volunteer reading 5756-13, Edgar Cayce
speaks to one of the ghosts who visited
with adolescent Cayce Jones. “It was you
he saw!” Edgar blurts out, but doesn’t give
us a name.
Cayce Jones was also visited by ghosts.
Revival Meetings
Similar to the cryptic Cayce Jones reference is an appearance by Cayce family
friend William A. Wilgus, who had died in
1914, and was laid to rest in Hopkinsville’s
Riverside Cemetery (along with so many
others referenced in 5756-13). Wilgus,
who had once employed teenage Edgar
as a hunting guide, had been so impressed
with young Eddie, as Edgar was then
known, that he had offered to pay his
college tuition so he could go on to become a pastor. Judging from the one-sided
conversation, Wilgus is organizing revival
meetings on the other side and has been in
communication with the deceased Dwight
Moody and George Stewart, revivalist
pastors who had been such an inspiration
to Edgar as a young man.
The otherworldly stream of consciousness ends with a matter-of-fact statement
similar to how one might end a friendly telephone conversation: “All right.
Some or all of the entities return in
reading 5756-14, which was conducted
eight days later to help explain what
had earlier transpired. Joining them now
was "Uncle Joel," who was Dr. Thomas
House's deceased elder brother. Both Joel
and Thomas were on the other side to give
council to young Thomas House, Jr.
They Are Not Spirits But Souls
One of several interesting points in this
follow-up reading is the recommendation
not to use the term “spirit communication” for what occurred in the previous
volunteer reading, but to rather think of it
as “soul communication.” In other words,
the otherworldly visitors were not ghosts
or trapped spirits. They were the souls
of loved ones who had continued on the
journey into the next dimension.
As Cayce poetically makes clear in this
follow-up reading, “the soul lives on,”
and all that has changed is “the release of
the soul body from a house of clay...” The
message here, as later in the reading, is the
same. Those deceased whom you love and
who love you are still with you, including
deceased infants. Edgar and Gertrude are
told: “They have gone nowhere; they are
about thee ever.”
Cayce goes on to describe that with
the proper attunement, communication
between the dead and the living may take
place, and that such attunement had occurred while Cayce was giving the reading
for Stella. The great love and empathy
Edgar and Gertrude had for Stella apparently permitted what is described as “a
oneness of purpose.” Further, Cayce is said
to have the ability to use this channel on
a more frequent basis to contact the dead,
but is counseled from doing so. Delving
into such realms creates great strain and
may lead to dementia, he is told. “And he
is thought crazy enough anyway!” comes
the message.
The Grave Is Not the End
Here is assurance of the continuity of
life and power of love. This is poignantly
stated in the second-to-last 5756-14 exchange, when Gladys asks how it is that
her beloved father came through in the
message to her. Cayce says: “Love goes far
beyond what ye have called the grave.”
is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and
bestselling author. His book,
Edgar Cayce, an American
Prophet, is the definitive biography of Edgar Cayce. The
research and writing of this
book took well over five years, and no other author
has had such complete access to Edgar Cayce’s voluminous correspondence. He and his wife Nancy regularly host events at their Portage Inn Bed & Breakfast
(PortageInn.ca) in Muskoka, Ontario.
Sidney’s new book, coauthored with his wife
Nancy, True Tales from the
Edgar Cayce Archives, is
available on page C-2 or at
Transits: The Timetable of Life
Transits offer a
timetable for meeting
your karmic patterns
throughout your
lifetime. They are like
clocks: they tell the
time, but don't make
the time.
an astrological counselor for over 40
years. A former A.R.E. board member,
she currently serves on the faculty of
Atlantic University where she mentors
an online course, “Spiritual Crisis.”
Call 800-428-1512 for information.
Raye Mathis will mentor this online
Oct 28-Nov 24: Astrological
Cycles—The Timing of Life. Visit
EdgarCayce.org/egroups for details.
October-December 2015
he planetary patterns in your
birth chart give a symbolic picture of the
heavens at the moment of your birth and
reflect your potential talents and skills,
as well as the karmic issues you chose to
face this lifetime. Thankfully, you do not have to
meet all of these issues at the same time.
“Transits,” in astrology, refer to the movements of the planets through the zodiac as they
cycle around the Sun. Periodically a transiting
planet will activate a natal planet or even a
group of planets in your birth chart reflecting
an excellent time for you to develop certain
skills or work on the particular issues associated with that combination of planets. Transits
offer a timetable for meeting your karmic
patterns throughout your lifetime. They do not
cause anything to happen. They are like clocks:
they tell the time, but don't make the time. This
does not mean that you cannot work on issues
at other times in your life, but at the moment
of a transit there may be urgency around confronting that particular issue.
Some planets (for example, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto) move more slowly and may
trigger a particular natal placement for months
or even years. These longer transit periods bring
the possibility for a deeper involvement in the
issue at hand. You have the opportunity to
actively participate in a time that is customized
for your own soul development. These outerplanet transits may represent the start of a new
business, a divorce, a serious illness, a job loss,
or a new opportunity in life—issues that take
longer to resolve.
The source of the Cayce readings often commented about the possibilities during certain
astrological periods.
...when in those influences through those
periods of forty ('40) and one and two ('41
and '42) there is the conjunction and the benevolent forces of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury;
making for those years then when in this experience the greater creative endeavors may be
begun—not ended but begun. (1776-1)
Struggling with karmic issues represented by
the different planetary archetypes is a bit like
trying to mediate among children. Sometimes
they like each other and get along well. Other
times they constantly squabble. It is your job
to help your “inner kids” get along—learn to
compromise and make the best choices for
“their” lives.
For example, Saturn began transiting the
sign of Sagittarius in December 2014 and
will continue for more than 2 years. If you
were born between 1981 and 1988, transiting
Saturn will make a conjunction with your natal
Uranus in Sagittarius. During the period of this
transit you may feel conflict between staying
with the old way of doing things (Saturn)—
and taking a risk, striking off in a new direction
(Uranus). It feels like you have 2 separate sides
to your personality, each wanting to do something different and you need to find ways they
can compromise.
The main transit affecting society at large
at the present time is the stressful relationship
between Pluto and Uranus that has been within
orb since about 2008 and will continue until
2018-2020. This transit has illuminated major
differences in the beliefs of groups in the world
and has brought forth irrational (Uranus) and
dangerous (Pluto) thinking, as well as actions.
Neither of these planets wants things to stay
the same so change is inevitable when they are
associated with our personal as well as our
collective timetable.
Neptune is transiting Pisces for many years,
and if you have planets in one of the mutable
signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces),
this transit is a call to develop a more creative
and spiritually meaningful life, and events will
occur to call your attention to this need.
As to the warnings; that come from the
Neptune influence...Make precautions during
the thirty-third (33rd) year especially, for
then there may be—through the adverse
influence of these forces or influences—that
which may take away the material efforts of
the entity to that time. Be not overcome by
disappointments or failures, but rather use
each failure as a stepping-stone for making
the corrections in the endeavors. (1528-1)
—2016 Astrological
Calendar available at
ARECatalog.com or see
page C-11.
Living the Scriptures You Love
Q. What present
printed version of the
Bible gives the nearest
to the true meaning…?
A. The nearest true
version for the entity
is that ye apply of
whatever version
ye read, in your life.
long-time A.R.E. member and friend
of Edgar Cayce. She is an ordained
Disciples of Christ minister.
have a friend who goes to Buddhist
Scriptures for his inspiration and direction in life. Another friend gets her
divine leading from Confucius. I get the
guidance I need for my spiritual growth
from studying the Bible. This was true of Edgar
Cayce too. The truth is that whatever course we
are on is the right one.
I think that whatever faith we choose, the
Scriptures have to be a central part of our spiritual growth.
Sometimes it seems that the spiritual path
we have chosen has lost its savor. The words of
another faith touch us just where our problems
and our questions lie. But to skip from religion
to religion may fascinate us at the moment,
but in the end the new religion will also lose its
flavor if we haven’t taken its core teachings very
seriously and worked hard with them to solve
our problems and inspire us to ever higher states
of consciousness.
As I see it, no matter what religion we have
chosen as right and challenging to our spiritual
growth, it is our job to read their Scriptures and
to go ever deeper into their meaning for our lives:
taking them into our hearts, living the precepts as
best we can and then letting our lights shine. It is
a matter of living constantly with the Scripture
passages that we treasure, taking seriously those
words of hope that give us peace of mind and the
courage to face each day. It is a matter of taking on
the disciplines and doing them daily even though
sometimes we feel that it requires too much.
Edgar Cayce grew up in a small Kentucky
town at a time when the church was the center
of every one’s lives. He took the various church
responsibilities very seriously and worked them
all from janitor, to teaching children’s Sundayschool classes, to working with the youth and
adult groups. He loved it all.
When Harmon and I arrived at Virginia Beach
in 1943, Edgar was teaching an adult Sunday
school class at the Presbyterian Church. Harmon
and I never missed a Sunday. When the minister
who invited him to teach moved on, the church
didn’t want him to teach there anymore. Edgar
was heartbroken.
In one of Edgar’s own readings, he was told
that he had been a Jew—Lucius, the bishop of
the new churches that sprang up after Jesus’
death. He lived in Laodicea, where I was told
in my reading that I had worked to save the
struggling new church by getting them to sing the
Psalms of David. (It’s interesting that Harmon,
my husband in this life, was Edgar’s son in that
same incarnation.)
After the church took stopped his Sunday
school classes, Edgar found another way to
share his faith. He had a Bible study class every
Tuesday night at the Association Headquarters,
and he had a short preparation for his afternoon
session of giving readings by calling all the staff
into his office at 2:00 p.m. for Bible reading and
prayers. It was obvious to me that Edgar’s love
of God and Jesus was foremost in his spiritual
journey. He told us that he believed Jesus to be
the guiding source of his readings. He talked
about Jesus as though he was a very dear friend
or family member.
At age 23 my spiritual position was not yet
clearly formed. I had grown up in the Christian
faith and had always loved the church. My
experiences in Sunday school, church picnics,
and church family gatherings were a large part
of my life.
Seeing that Edgar’s faith in God was strong
helped me to accept his strangely biblical gifts. I
did not experience Edgar as weird, but as someone who loved God, Jesus, the Bible, prayer, and
helping people wherever he could.
I experienced him as a man of God, one who
really tried to live his faith. I saw how much he
missed his sons, who were both serving in the
military during World War II. He died without
ever seeing them again. I saw how he handled
losing his Presbyterian class. I heard his pain of
not finding the oil he was looking for in Texas,
of losing the hospital and university which were
his life-long dreams, of almost losing Gertrude to
tuberculosis, of losing his baby son before he got
to know him, and the list of failures and losses
goes on and on. But with the help of prayer, his
readings, a good wife and secretary, deep friends
like David Kahn and the first study group, he
always bounced back. We can learn as much
from Edgar Cayce’s Scripture- and faith-filled life
as we can from the legacy of his readings.
—Visiting Virginia Beach? You can “Chat with June Bro,” a
free, informal chat every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at
A.R.E. headquarters. June is also a regular lecturer for the free
survey lecture offered daily in Virginia Beach. For schedule see
Another Look at
B Y C A R L A H O P E A N D E R S E N, R N
Proper diet is key, but not easy, in today’s society
IFE IN AMERICA has changed in
many ways since Edgar Cayce was
giving psychic readings. One major
difference is the quality of our “real” food,
like fresh produce, whole grains, and
healthy, lean meats. Before 1945, many
people had backyard gardens and raised
their own animals for slaughter. The use
of pesticides and herbicides, as well as
chemical fertilizers was just getting started
after World War II. Large grocery store
chains were nonexistent and there weren’t
entire aisles devoted to the display of vast
amounts of processed foods, like boxed cereals, sweets, chips, crackers, etc. Children
growing up in America today view these
unnatural foods as staples, as do many of
their parents.
In Cayce’s time, it was probably much
easier to eat the 80% alkaline-forming
diet as prescribed in his psychic readings
as the healthiest diet for all humans. Even
so, there were multitudes seeking his advice
because of dis-ease among the populace.
We tend to reach for what is easy, fast,
cheap, and of course, tasty. These foods are
easy to over-consume, and yet they provide
little or none of the raw materials needed
by each of our cells to perform optimally.
They promote inflammation, addiction,
over-growth of unfriendly or parasitic
micro-organisms, and hunger. That’s
right: these processed non-foods, however
delicious and tempting, lack basic nutrients
required for life, so we eat more, trying to
satisfy the cravings created when nutrients
are chronically absent.
Another thing missing from a diet of processed foods and meat is fiber—healthy
fiber that is accompanied by vitamins,
October-December 2015
minerals, and enzymes. In his trance state,
Cayce relayed that life comes from living foods. Most Americans eat fewer than
20 grams of fiber per day. The 80%-alkaline-forming diet prescribed by Cayce
could provide more than 35 grams a day.
More than 30 grams daily is necessary
for adults to promote normal bowel peristalsis that would result in the “thorough
bowel evacuation” the readings suggested as the bare minimum for normal daily
America spends almost $1 billion
annually on laxatives. Constipation is the
number-one gastrointestinal complaint in
doctors’ offices nationwide. We want the
easy way out and are willing to take pills
and potions to improve our eliminations.
However, too many of us are unwilling to
eat more vegetables. Chronic constipation
creates digestive systems that are so
compromised from lack of fiber—and
the resulting congestion—that added fiber
causes significant gas and discomfort. The
good news is, the same thing that would
have prevented this trauma will also heal
it, provided the bowel is supported with
colon hydrotherapy.
Achieving Colon Health
Cayce mentioned hindered eliminations
in more than 250 readings, and while
some of these challenges were attributed
to spinal misalignments and other stresses
on the body, many cases of sluggish bowel
motility were from an excess of processed
and animal-based foods, and not enough
plant fiber to help it move. Cayce often
recommended more fruits and vegetables,
and even the occasional course of laxative
therapies. But the laxatives were for a
given period of time, and the rest of his
prescription often involved high enemas
and spinal adjustments. Medications were
not intended for indefinite use. There are
many ways to have an enema, which is a
“relieving process, and generally refers to
volumes of water or medicated solutions
of 2 oz.-2 qts. A “high” enema, which
would be more like a colonic, would have
at least 4 quarts and perhaps as many as
8 quarts of water, administered over 3090 minutes. This would be a “restorative”
process, in that, in addition to clearing
waste, would help to tone the weakened
bowel musculature over time.
Whether called a high enema, a colonic,
or colon irrigation, colon hydrotherapy is
recognized as a highly beneficial treatment
for maintaining the health of the colon.
There has been a resurgence of interest
in colon hydrotherapy over the past two
decades, but few people realize that this
level of care was “state-of-the-art” until
about 70 years ago. Colonic machines were
common in doctors’ offices and hospitals
during1920-1940. Cleansing the colon
of impacted waste was recognized as an
important first step in the treatment of
many illnesses.
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who operated
a sanitarium in Battle Creek, Mich., in
the early 1900s, claimed to have helped
thousands of patients avoid surgery with
the judicious use of colon hydrotherapy.
Colonic machines, like the ones used at
the A.R.E. Health Center & Spa, allow a
trained therapist to give a gentle, internal
bath, using warm, filtered water within
a closed system. Some colonic providers
Some Edgar Cayce
Q. Do you advise the use of colonics or Epsom
Salts baths for the body?
A. When these are necessary, yes. For, every
one—everybody— should take an internal bath
occasionally, as well as an external one. They
would all be better off if they would! (440-2)
If periods appear when the eliminations are
lacking through alimentary canal (even with
these stimulations to cerebrospinal as well as the
superficial circulation), then use colonic irrigations.
Not just enemas, but the internal bath; that it may
make for the ability of the organs of the system
through their stimulated activity of the spiritual
forces within the application as well as within self
to replenish. (1678-1)
Also at the same time [as the Epsom Salts pack
and fume bath] we would have an internal bath,
purifying the whole of the colon area so that the
eliminations will be set up to remove the poisons
and accumulations and eliminate through the
alimentary canal. (3708-1)
Keep the eliminations near normal through
the use of the diet. Or, when necessary, as each
body should, have regular periods of cleansing the
colon. (789-1)
...for would the assimilations and the eliminations be kept nearer normal in the human family,
the days might be extended to whatever period
was desired; for the system is builded of that it
takes within, and is able to bring resuscitation so
long as the eliminations do not hinder. (311-4)
For the hydrotherapy and massage are preventive as well as curative measures. For the cleansing
of the system allows the body-forces themselves
to function normally, and thus eliminate poisons,
congestions, and conditions that would become
acute through the body. (257-254)
If there are disturbances with regular daily
eliminations, we would have the colon purified
or cleansed by a colonic irrigation once a month
or the like, along with the regular hydrotherapy
treatments. (2310-1)
With the hydrotherapy we would have the
regular massage—with the cleansing of the colon
occasionally—once in six weeks, or once in ten
weeks. (2602-2)
use an open system and will not stay with
the client during the procedure. Without
the carefully controlled flow of cleansing
waters by a certified colonic practitioner,
the recipient may not experience as
thorough a treatment. Therapists at the
A.R.E., also proficient in bodywork
modalities, may perform abdominal
massage and gentle meridian stimulation
as the process unfolds. The Cayce colonic
recommends the use of baking soda and
sea salt in the first waters, to loosen debris
and encrusted matter from the walls of the
colon. Additionally, Glycothymoline, an
herbal product that stimulates breakdown
of mucous, restores alkalinity, and soothes
the intestinal lining, is added toward the
end of the colonic session. All of these
additives have antiseptic effects as well,
which can be especially helpful when the
intestinal flora is not in the ideal balance
of 80-85% friendly bacteria. These are
the microbes that help us digest our food,
create some vitamins and enzymes, as well
as control over-population of the GI tract
by parasitic microbes.
The human digestive system is designed
to assimilate nutrients ingested for use
as building blocks of our cells, and to
rid the body of waste. Waste comes not
only from used food molecules but also
from the activities of our 70 trillion cells.
These activities include destroying harmful
bacteria and viruses, as well as detoxifying
impurities ingested and inhaled from our
polluted environment.
When the digestive system cannot eliminate the waste as it is generated, which is
usually due to inadequate fiber and water intake, the intestines slowly stretch
and become distended to accommodate
the excess. Over time, the system becomes
weaker and more sluggish, exacerbating and perpetuating the congested state.
Eventually, toxins from stagnant waste
re-enter the bloodstream and settle in other bodily tissues, causing disruption of
normal function, and finally disease. Also,
assimilation of nutrients is challenged,
as chronic constipation causes a domino effect of breakdowns—the integrity
of the small-intestinal walls, the lymphatic system, and commonly liver and kidney
functions as well.
Detoxification Relieves Symptoms
Widespread use of laxatives has created
complacency among many medical
practitioners and those suffering from
constipation and associated bowel
dysfunction. Paradoxically, diarrhea is
often associated with chronic constipation.
Laxatives usually cause bowel movements
but will not cure the condition of the
degenerated colon. Repeated use of
laxatives can lead to dependency and the
eventual need for higher doses to achieve
desired results.
Colon hydrotherapy is by far the most
effective means available to enhance the
detoxification of the body. As the colon is
emptied of toxic build-up, space is created
for the toxins stored in other bodily
tissues. If the colon is strengthened, and its
lining repaired by continued attention to
cleansing and nutritional support, it begins
to resume normal function. This usually
takes a series of irrigations, depending on
commitment level of the person seeking
healing, the length of time eliminations
have been impaired, and the degree of
congestion present. Ultimately, overall
health is improved.
Many colonic clients attest to having
experienced relief of discomforts caused by
chronic problems such as allergies, fatigue,
headaches, bad breath, skin trouble, and
back pain through appropriate colon
—For more information, see
Edgar Cayce’s Guide to Colon
Care: The First Step to Total Body
Health, by Sandra Duggan, RN, at
ARECatalog.com or see page C-4.
For more information on receiving
colon hydrotherapy
at the A.R.E. Health
Center & Spa visit
CARLA HOPE ANDERSEN, RN, a provider of colonic
services at the A.R.E. Health
Center & Spa since 2007, is a
lifelong health and fitness enthusiast, focusing on disease
prevention. A 1982 graduate
of the UCONN School of
Nursing, she encourages clients to achieve wellness,
especially by sharing the wisdom of the Cayce materials, which she has studied for 10 years.
Five Supplements Every Pet Needs—‘An Ounce of Prevention’
I am concerned that my pet’s food
may not be supplying everything
my active Border collie needs.
Are there any supplements you
recommend for pets?
As important as
supplements are, they
are a supplement to,
not a substitute for, a
wholesome diet.
practicing veterinarian in Beaver,
Pa. He has earned certification in
veterinary acupuncture, veterinary
Chinese herbal medicine, and
veterinary chiropractic, and has
advanced training in natural
nutrition, massage therapy, and
homeopathy. He is the author
of The Holistic Health Guide:
Natural Care for the Whole Dog.
For more information, go to
October-December 2015
A. Nutritional supplements can be very beneficial to our pets because most pet foods are deficient
in certain nutritional factors. Conventional pet
foods are especially devoid of nutrients because the
high-heat processing destroys most of the vitamins,
enzymes, and phytochemicals foods naturally contain. The synthetic vitamin/mineral mix that pet
food manufacturers add back is a poor substitute
for the nutrition found in whole foods.
Even raw pet foods can be missing nutrients. It
is difficult to mimic Mother Nature. For example,
the wild game that the ancestors of our pets ate,
themselves fed on grass which is high in omega-3
fatty acids. Thus, the meat they provided was high
in omega-3s. Most of our food animals these days
are grain-fed which instills the meat with omega-6
fatty acids. Pets benefit from a high omega-3 to
omega-6 fatty acid ratio. This cannot be accomplished by feeding most modern meats.
As important as supplements are, they are a supplement to, not a substitute for, a wholesome diet.
The quality of the ingredients a diet contains, as well
as its macronutrient (protein, fat, carbohydrate)
balance, and its degree of heat-processing, all factor
into your pet’s overall nutritional status. You simply
cannot undo poor nutrition with supplements.
The problem is that the nutritional standards
that pet foods are held to are meant to prevent
nutritional deficiencies. In other words, many pet
foods do not provide optimal nutritional value,
but rather the bare minimum. High-quality foods
are best, but even they can fall short. Supplements
are a way of ensuring our animal companions get
everything they need to build healthy bodies.
Recent studies prove that many supplements do
not live up to their labels. I will name names, not
because these are the only good supplements, but
because I have seen through years of prescribing
them, that they work.
1. A balanced, whole-food multivitamin. Such a
vitamin supplement is made by concentrating the
nutrients from whole foods rather than producing
them synthetically. The result is a supplement that
provides the full range of vitamins and phytochem-
icals at doses found in whole foods. My choice is
“Canine Whole Body Support” for dogs or “Feline
Whole Body Support” for cats made by Standard
2. Fish oil. Fish oil is high in omega-three fatty
acids which are lacking in the vast majority of pet
foods. In fact, most pet foods are high in omega-six
fatty acids which promote inflammation. On
the other hand, omega-three fatty acids decrease
inflammation. Foods lacking omega-three fatty
acids promote skin allergies, arthritis, and cancer.
Supplementing fish oil in a pet’s diet can help to alleviate these issues. The omega-threes in fish oil also
help to promote brain development and health. My
choice is “Canine Omega 3” for dogs and “Feline
Omega 3” for cats from the company Ascenta.
3. Probiotics. Probiotics reinforce the good
bacteria in the gut. These bacteria help to maintain
intestinal health. Furthermore, since 3/4 of the
immune system is located in the lining of the GI
tract, probiotics actually help the immune system
function better. Because of the gut-brain connection,
probiotics can even affect mood and behavior. My
choice is Answers Pet Food’s cultured, raw goat’s
milk called “Additional.”
4. Glucosamine and chondroitin. These two
natural compounds help to promote healthy joints.
Arthritis is a common, painful condition in both
dogs and cats. Prevention of this terrible disease is
paramount. Glucosamine/chondroitin supplements
can help the body maintain joint health as well as
help once arthritis has set in. The one I recommend
is Vetri-Science’s “Glycoflex.”
5. Digestive enzymes. By supplementing digestive enzymes we can support the digestive process
and replace some of the natural enzymes that are
processed out of commercial pet foods. It has been
shown that adding digestive enzyme to the food can
improve the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids by
71%. Importantly, as pets age, their production of
digestive enzymes diminishes, which is why some
pets lose weight in their senior years. The one I
recommend is called “Prozyme.”
All pets can benefit from these supplements
throughout their lives. It is best to provide optimal
nutrition before your companion runs into problems. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
Send your vet questions to Dr. Doug at
Medical Science Finally Catches Up
with the Cayce Diet
and a primarily
non-fried, lowsugar diet—were
mentioned in
almost every
health reading.
For an overview of
the Cayce diet visit
e all know we should eat fewer desserts
and drink more water; health researchers
today are confirming that our diet affects
more than our clothing size. As part of a large NIH
study of 400,000 adults over age 50, scientists in 2015
found that adherence to a set of healthy behaviors, including diet and physical activity, was clearly associated with a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. One
hundred years before this study, the same recommendations of thoughtful diet and regular exercise were
found in the majority of the Cayce health readings.
The Cayce readings were ahead of their time when
advocating the health benefits found in a diet of fresh,
local ingredients–—what is now popularly considered the “Mediterranean Diet.” Many Cayce health
readings described the importance of eating whole,
preservative-free foods that strengthen the immune
Every carbohydrate, fat, or protein we eat gets broken down into component building blocks through
mechanical and chemical processes as it moves through
our mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and
large intestine. Nutrients are absorbed through the
walls of the small intestine into our bloodstream. The
chemical breakdown of our food nutrients requires
water, enzymes, acid, and salts. Various Cayce readings
(4834-1, 1259-2, etc.) mentioned that following the
Cayce diet could maximize enzyme performance and
small-intestine absorption.
Scientists are now examining another factor in
digestion that the Cayce readings referenced decades
ago—the importance of the colonies of bacteria that
live in our digestive tracts. Helpful bacteria assist in
fermentation and assimilation of different foods and
produce some amount of gas in our intestines. Harmful
bacteria can block digestive processes and create
excess gas, cramping, malnutrition, and sometimes
even death. Too much processed food, white starches
and sugar have been shown to encourage harmful
bacteria. A Cayce diet supports species of bacteria (e.g.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus,
Bacillus coagulans) that help our digestive tracts absorb necessary nutrients and smoothly eliminate waste.
The readings emphasized balance in our daily diet
and defined balance as 80 percent “alkaline-producing” foods to 20 percent “acid-producing” foods. It
is unclear to what exact physiologic process Cayce’s
acid-and-alkaline designations referred. Hydrogen ion
concentration, or pH, is an important factor in many
chemical processes that occur in our bodies. The pH
of tissues varies significantly based on function. The
stomach, for example, contains hydrochloric acid
and therefore remains in a very acidic pH range. Our
blood stays in a narrow, slightly alkaline, range no
matter what we eat or drink. Though trendy vendors
sell special alkaline water or foods purported to “keep
our blood alkaline,” our bodies, primarily through our
lungs and kidneys, naturally maintain tight control
over our blood pH. As research in gastroenterology
progresses, it will no doubt shed more light on the
science behind the Cayce readings. Though a few
Cayce readings mentioned salivary or urine pH testing for certain individuals, testing was not frequently
recommended. In contrast, moderation and a primarily
plant-based, non-processed, non-fried, low-sugar dietwere mentioned in almost every health reading.
Most vegetables, nuts, and fruits fall in the readings’
list of alkaline-producing foods, and most grains,
starches, meats, and sweets are acid-producing. One
Cayce reading defined acid-forming as “all those foods
that are combining fats with sugars” (1523-3) and
explained that we need not totally avoid them—just
limit their consumption. Another reading warned
that strict avoidance of acid-producing foods could
result in over-alkalinity, “much more harmful than a
little tendency towards acidity occasionally.” (808-3)
Thousands of Cayce readings on health produced hundreds of specific dietary recommendations: Jerusalem
artichoke for diabetes, pineapple and orange ices for
malaria, wild game for tuberculosis, etc. Despite such
detail, the readings repeatedly emphasized the importance of not becoming dogmatic and judgmental of
others’ food choices. “Then, it is well that the body not
become as one that couldn't do this, that or the other;
or as a slave to an idea of a set diet.” (1568-2) The
readings encouraged people to listen to their bodies
and take responsibility for their health.
Modern science has confirmed that the balance of
foods recommended in the Cayce diet is a healthy
one. The 80/20 alkaline and acid recommendations
are an excellent guideline for creating a personal diet
plan. Science has also confirmed the readings’ repeated
assertion that attitude plays an even more important
part in our health than diet. “Not that which enters
into the man defiles, but that which comes out of the
man—in thought, in act, in word.” (262-80)
Preserved Mounds and structures provide archaeological evidence that the Atlanteans brought the ancient
Law of One with them when they relocated in the Americas. Native American tribes have carried over this
principle into their sacred rituals, thus recording aspects of lost Atlantean history.
The Law of One
from Atlantis—
Rediscovered in the Americas
N THE EARLY 1930s Hugh Lynn
Cayce wrote a paraphrase of the
364 series of readings on Atlantis.
The section entitled ‘Time and
Location’ includes the following
“Traces of Atlantean rituals and ceremonies are to be found among many of
the Indian tribes. In Central America…
ancient ruins show definite Atlantean influences…” (364-13 Report)
Elsewhere the readings state:
“in that land of Ohio…there were…
mounds that were called the replica or
representative of the Yucatan experiences,
as well as the Atlantean…” (3004-1)
It has been said that the mounds record
the histories of ancient kingdoms, com-
memorate important events, depict spirit
beings, and represent giant cosmological
maps.i As such, it behooves us to study this
information in order to find the elements
of Atlantean culture of which the readings
One of the most important mound
sites in all of North America is Cahokia
Mounds State Historic Site near St. Louis,
Missouri. At its peak, 120 mounds dotted
the landscape of the 4,000-acre city. The
builders laid out the city on a rectangular grid; and the major north-south and
east-west axes, oriented to the cardinal
directions, intersected at the southwest
corner of the 100-foot (30.5m) high,
four-terraced, truncated pyramid called
Monks Mound.
The earliest structures built at Cahokia
included the so-called woodhenges—five
different circular structures defined by
upright poles spaced at regular intervals,
about one kilometer due west of Monks
Mound.ii Another archaeologist predicted
woodhenges south and east of Monks
Mound at a distance of about one kilometer.iii Thereafter, archaeologists uncovered
evidence of the southern woodhenge, and
by inference predicted another on the northsouth axis north of Monks Mound.iv These
structures are unique in North America.
The woodhenges define a diamond on the
face of the earth, and highlight the four
cardinal directions. Ethnographic data
suggest this quartering of the city was of
major cosmological significance.
Cahokia Mounds, Missouri
October-December 2015
The symbols incorporated into the
layout of Cahokia have broad currency
throughout North America. For example,
modern Maya establish sacred space by
placing stones in the corners of a square. A
fifth marks the center, which represents the
location of the world tree that functions as
a conduit between the earth and the worlds
above and below. This cosmic diagram
declares the Maya creation myth.v It is
evident that Cahokia represents a similar
model of the universe, which interpretation
is strengthened by evidence of a magnificent upright pole marking the center, the
Cahokian analog of the cosmic world tree.
The symbols—the four cardinal or inter-cardinal directions, coupled with the
above and below, and the center—permeate the fundamental rituals of the Lakota.
These are the pipe ceremony (also called
the Calumet Ceremony or Peace Pipe), the
sweat lodge ritual, and the earliest of all—
the ‘crying for a vision’ ritual. In all these,
the participants invoke the powers of the
six directions: above, below, west, north,
east-and-south, and the center—where
Wakan-Tanka, or the Great Spirit, lives. As
Brown summarized:
“In filling a pipe all space…and all
things…are concentrated within…the
bowl…of the pipe, so that the pipe contains…is, the universe…since the pipe is
the universe, it is also man, and the one
who fills a pipe should identify with it…not
only establishing the center of the universe,
but also his own center; he so “expands”
that the six directions of space are actually
brought within himself. It is by this “expansion” that a man ceases to be a…fragment,
and becomes whole or holy; he shatters the
illusion of separateness.”vi
This principle of oneness underlying
these Lakota rituals resembles what Edgar
Cayce called the ‘tenets’ of the ‘Law of
Q. We humans are then one with all, one
with the mineral, vegetable, animal, human
and spirit kingdom. We are the spirit of
God…the same as the whole, not yet…
equal to it…We are one with the flowers
of the field, the waves of the sea, the breath
of the forest, with all mankind…To see the
real we must give up the conceived idea
of life, of the conscious mind, and know
ourselves as a portion of the Great Spirit…
Is this all true?
A. This all true…All is Life. God is God
of the Living, God is God of Force, which
is of God…all are of one force… (900-89)
Lakota ritual differs from the readings
in incorporating a cosmological structure,
which also underlies the layout of Cahokia
and other North American sites.vii But the
substance of the teaching is identical to the
Law of One. The readings also state that
Atlantean influences are to be found in the
mounds. The builders of Cahokia shared
their Middle Mississippian culture with
the Ho-Chunk and Ioway Indians,i distant
cousins of the Iroquois, who the readings
state were “the pure descendants of the
Atlanteans…” (1219-1) The Lakota are
cousins to all of these. These data suggest,
then, that indeed vestiges of Atlantean
influences are preserved in Indian rituals,
ceremonies and ruins.
Indian Mounds of Wisconsin by Robert A. Birmingham
and Leslie E. Eisenberg
The Cahokia Atlas by Melvin Fowler
Cahokia by Biloine Whiting Young and Melvin L. Fowler.
Illinois State Museum Report: The Mound 72 Area by
Melvin L. Fowler
Maya Cosmos by David Friedel
The Sacred Pipe by Joseph Epes Brown
The Lost Hall of Records by John Van Auken and Lora Little
JOHN FUHLER has been
involved in the field of alternative medicine for more
than 25 years. He received
his BA in anthropology from
the University of Illinois and
studied in Glasgow, Scotland, and Portland, Ore. As
an amateur archaeologist, he participated in projects
in Ariz., Calif., Hawaii, N.M., and Wis. His tribal
affiliations include: Saxon, Friesian, Bohemian, Irish
(O'Meagher clan), and Wyandot.
St. John Bosco: The Dreamer
Pope Pius IX ordered
Don Bosco to record
and preserve his
dreams, resulting in a
collection of about 153
dreams, many of which
benefited the children
he cared for.
—Visit EdgarCayce.org/
dreams for an online
dream dictionary, free app,
and a link to our Facebook
dream group.
JERRY LAZARUS is a spiritual teacher,
counselor, and author, with a master’s
degree in religion and meditation. He
leads workshops and retreats on meditation and dreams, and is a speaker at
A.R.E. conferences. His books, Dreams:
Listening to the Voice
of God, and Saint John
Bosco—Dreams: The
Guiding Voice, are
available at his website: jerrylazarus.com.
October-December 2015
ommonly known as Don Bosco,
St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was an
Italian Roman Catholic priest who
studied his dreams for 63 years. At
age 9, he had a dream in which the Blessed
Mary and a man we may conclude to be Jesus
appeared. Don Bosco stated that this dream
“left a profound impression on me for the rest
of my life.”
In the dream, Don Bosco jumped into the
midst of a bunch of unruly boys and tried to
calm them by swinging wildly and shouting at
them. Then a man appeared, clad in a white
flowing mantle with his face radiating with
light. He called Don Bosco by name, told him
to lead the children, and said: “You will have to
win these friends of yours not with blows, but
with gentleness and kindness.” Immediately the
fighting, shouting, and cursing stopped and the
crowd of boys gathered around the man. Then,
Don Bosco was told to lead these children. This
dream set the stage for his life’s mission: to
transform the lives of destitute children.
In 1841, at age 26, Don Bosco was ordained
to the priesthood in Turin, where he encountered downcast and downtrodden boys on the
streets and in prisons—an awful outcome of
the Industrial Revolution. Without parenting
and proper guidance, many of them were
troubled and lost. Remembering his dream,
Don Bosco began to befriend them. While
growing up, Don Bosco had a temper, but he
had listened to his dream’s counsel and turned
his temper into gentleness and kindness. It’s
this attitude, as modeled by the radiant man in
the dream, which endeared the children to him.
Moved by the deplorable state of the children, without any backing from the church or
having a blueprint, Don Bosco began guiding
and leading them—as empowered by his
dream. He met and took care of the first boy
on December 8, 1841. Three days later, there
were nine. Three months later, 20. By summer,
there were 80. Don Bosco’s first benefactor and
helper was his mother who sold her wedding
ring, earrings, and necklace to buy food for the
boys. Known as Mamma Margaret, she stayed
with the boys, taking care of them until her
death in 1856.
Soon, Don Bosco had another dream: “I saw
myself as a priest wearing surplice and stole. I
was sitting in a tailor’s shop, not sewing new
clothes, but mending old ones torn and full of
patches.” Good clothes need no repairs, only
those that are torn or damaged. Don Bosco was
shown to take “broken” children and mend
them to have a better future, one child at a time.
Remarkably, he guided and strengthened each
and every child under his care.
Later, Don Bosco built residences to house
the children and trade schools to train them in
vocations: shoemaking, tailoring, book-binding, carpentry, printing, and mechanics. He met
with prospective employers and found work
for the boys. He convinced the employers to
treat them with fairness and dignity, instead of
the beatings that were characteristic of the time.
Don Bosco was a visionary and a leader who
founded three congregations. These congregations serve in more than 132 countries. The
Don Bosco educational institutions are well
known and well respected. They continue to
serve destitute children.
Pope Pius IX ordered Don Bosco to record
and preserve his dreams, resulting in a collection of approximately 153 dreams. Most of
his dreams had a guide, in varying personages, with the Blessed Mary as the mainstay.
Astonishingly, these guides explained the symbols and images in his dreams, often through
conversations. Many of these dreams benefited
the children he cared for. He shared the dreams
as “good night talks,” using them to provide
guidance to mold them into loving, caring, and
capable individuals.
While in school, Don Bosco often saw his test
questions in his dreams. He would so quickly
turn in his answers that the teachers wondered
if he answered at all. To their amazement, all
the answers were written out in their entirety.
When he was questioned by his teachers on
more than one occasion, he candidly answered:
“I dreamed it.”Thus, his classmates nicknamed
him: “The Dreamer.” And what a dreamer he
Note: The Salesian Congregation of the
Catholic Church in Bangalore, India, commissioned me to write a book on St. John
Bosco’s dreams. The book, Saint John Bosco—
Dreams: The Guiding Voice, was published in
September, 2015, in India, to coincide with the
saint’s bicentennial birthday celebration.
Atlantic University
Discovering Mindful Leadership:
From Uncertainty to Inquiry
One year ago I stepped into an elite think tank. My primary task was to guide
high-profile faculty in the design, development, and implementation of a
leadership-training program. Admittedly, I was not drawn to the training
aspect. The way I saw things, the world already had enough trainings. Besides,
What if we, as leaders, were bold
enough to state that we know things
are not working AND that we don’t
know what to do? What if, instead
and planet.
of pontificating the latest theory,
we graciously invite others into a
conversation that prompts exploration
instead of training?
I suspect there to be no argument that leadership requires attention. As Tony
I have been asking questions about
Schwartz acknowledges, “The way we’re working, isn’t working” (Simon &
leadership for many years. As a result, I
Schuster, 2011). I agree, yet cannot imagine the right approach to correcting
have come to believe there is a large cohort
the course we are on to be another training. I do not believe I am alone in this
interested in a leadership that is mindful; a
leadership that attends to our inner aspects
if trainings were the path toward right action, then we wouldn’t be in the mess
we are currently in, would we? By “mess” I am speaking to the current reality of
unprecedented challenges we face across multiple sectors, including people
of being, as well as cultivates our outer
expression in the world; a leadership that
honors possibility and celebrates the whole
self. And of equal import, a leadership that
attends to the relational aspect between
self and other. I trust we are ready to leave
behind command and control leadership,
let the myth of the hero leader fade away,
and step into our own mindful leadership.
Over the last decade, a dramatic increase
in mindfulness has been witnessed in the
marketplace. Some has been based in
pop culture, but much has been rooted in
empirical research and science. We can now
measure mind and body when considering
contemplative practice and mindfulness
studies, allowing us to bring new questions
into the leadership discourse. As mindful
leaders, we attend to questions that are
rigorous, relevant, and deeply personal. We
are called to actively transform our path of
knowing into a path of shared inquiry. The
Atlantic University
“... I have come to believe there is a large cohort interested in a leadership that is
mindful; a leadership that attends to our inner aspects of being, as well as cultivates
our outer expression in the world; a leadership that honors possibility and celebrates
the whole self.”
grand paradox that emerges from mindful leadership is that in
the midst of unprecedented challenges, we are also able to be
Kim holds a Ph.D. in Leadership and
hopeful. This is good news.
Change from Antioch University and
a M.Ed. from Boston University in
So how do we enter into such inquiry?
Counseling Psychology. She most
How do we cultivate individual insights through mindfulness while
recently served as Department
also attending to the ethical aspects of relating with others? For
Chair and Lead Faculty of Integral
now, I will leave you with words from the poet David Whyte, who
Psychology at Burlington College
speaks about the beautiful question. I invite you to contemplate
in Vermont where she founded
the ways in which questions influence your ways of being in the
The Institute of Contemplative
Studies. Kim was the Founder and Executive Director of the Dignity
Foundation, through which she taught self-care and mindfulness in
A feature of a beautiful question is that it puts you in relationship
schools and human service agencies and provided coaching to leaders
to the horizon of your life – and through putting you in relation
seeking contemplative practice. She has been a Research Fellow and
to the horizon of your life, you know what step you have to take
on the ground beneath your feet.
a Senior Investigator at the Mind & Life Summer Research Institute,
is ordained as a Buddhist Chaplain, and is a lifelong activist for social
change and advocate for human rights.
It is a conversation between the ground of your life, the question
you have to come to the center of, the invitation that is waiting
for you, and the consummation of that question on and over that
horizon which is waiting for you, breathless (David Whyte, Solace:
The Art of Asking the Beautiful Question, 2014).
Accepting Applications NOW!
First Cohort Begins January 2016 - Application Deadline: November 15, 2015
Atlantic University
AtlanticUniv.edu/leadership • 800.428.1512 • info@AtlanticUniv.edu
Nationally Accredited, Online, Non-Profit University
October-December 2015
B Y D O N A L D B. C A R R O L L
One of the objectives of the A.R.E. is to research the readings and
seek evidence of the information found in them. There has been much
success in this arena, and in the case of the readings about Egypt, a
long patient, persistent investigation still continues to this end.
This is one such investigation that is bearing fruit.
was four forty and four cubits (twenty-seven and one-half inches was a cubit
then, or a mir [?] then).” (281-25)
THIS ONE BRIEF statement in the
readings has the potential for far-reaching ramifications for the philosophies in
ancient Egypt and the broader information found in the Edgar Cayce readings.
This stated unit of ancient Egyptian
measurement of 27.5 inches, so simple,
so straightforward, may well be a core
representative symbol towards a civilization’s goal to raise one’s consciousness
and embody the bringing together of
heaven and Earth in the venture.
“The predominance of mason’s measures in the Great Pyramid has suggested
that a variety of measures were in use,
some of which do not seem to be an even
number of digits… So there is evidence
for independent standards which are
not formed from digits. This may seem
unsatisfactory to anyone expecting a cutand-dried result; but the subject is new,
and it can only grow by fresh facts which
agree with what is already explored.”
Egyptian Units of Measure
Egyptologist Dr. Mark Lehner, considered one of the world’s experts on
Egyptian pyramids, provides the purpose
of the pyramid. His book, The Complete
Pyramids, explains his concept of how
the pyramid is used as a cosmic engine to
unite the ka or vital life force with the ba
or personality after death to reanimate the
akh or spirit. In his own words:
“…the pyramid was designed to be a
cosmic engine… The mechanics of the
pyramid as a cosmic engine depended
on the Egyptian concept of a person
and the distinct phases of life and death,
called kheperu. These ‘transformations’
continued when the ka, the ba, and the
body, which had become separated at
death, interacted in the final transformation—becoming an akh, a glorified being
of light, effective in the afterlife… The
pyramid was an instrument that enabled
this alchemy to take place…
“Joining the stars, the king becomes an
akh. Akh is often translated as ‘spirit’ or
‘spirit state.’ It derives from the term for
‘radiant light.’ The reunion of the ba and
ka is effected by the burial ritual, creating
the final transformation of the deceased as
an akh. As a member of the starry sky…”
Once the soul is united in the physical
cosmic engine as an akh (alternatively an
aakhu or khu) it would live eternally with
the imperishable stars of the Northern
skies. The cosmic engine required spiritual
fuel to work. The ancient Egyptians recognized a pre-dynastic deity whose purpose
was to perform this very function. The
deity’s name was Nehebukau (some-
Today Egyptology recognizes the general use of two different Egyptian cubits
as units of linear measurement in the
civilization of ancient Egypt. They are
the “Royal Cubit” (Nesu meh) of 20.61
inches (52.35 cm) and the “Little Cubit”
(Netches meh) of 17.5 inches (44.45 cm).
It is generally suggested that the royal
cubit was used in the construction of
temples and monuments. An example of
this is the Great Pyramid of Giza—when
measured by this system, it has a height of
280 royal cubits and a side width of 440
royal cubits.
What is presented here is the evidence
for the possibility that a different unit of
measurement, a different-length cubit,
may have been used in the construction
of pyramids: a unit of measurement
of approximately 27.5 inches (69.85
cm). This consideration is based on the
purpose of pyramids themselves and
an identification of a “third” Egyptian
cubit, considered a non-standard cubit.
Evidence of this “third” cubit consists of
physical discoveries of its use as well as
mention of it, in different forms, in the
hieroglyphs. How this “third” cubit is
named in the hieroglyphs also ties into
the purpose of the pyramids, and an early
deity of ancient Egypt whose name and
purpose also links to it.
Further, the use of such a proposed unit
of measurement, at least for the Great
Pyramid, is given support by the research
of Egyptologist, Sir Flinders Petrie in
Measures and Weights published in 1934:
October-December 2015
The Purpose of a Pyramid
times spelled
Nehebu-Kau or
Neheb Ka) which
translates as ‘he
who unites the
kas.’ One of the
original primeval gods, he was
a benevolent god
depicted in the
form of a snake
with arms and
legs, occasionally
with wings. He is
sometimes shown holding containers
of food in his hands, in offering to the
deceased. Less often, he is shown as a
two-headed snake, with a head at each
end of the reptilian body. His name comes
from the ancient Egyptian word nhb
meaning ‘yoke together’ or ‘unite.’
The Physical Evidence
The following excerpt from the article
Measurement in Ancient Egypt by John
A. R. Legon from his book Discussions
in Egyptology 30 includes references to
a unit of measurement of approximately
27.5 inches (69.85 cm) found at ancient
Egyptian sites earlier. The non-standard
unit of measurement is between 65 and
70 cm and called a nbi.
“…the non-standard measuring rods
of 65-70 cm, which were discovered by
Petrie at Kahun and Deshasha, and another similar rod from Lisht. Now it has long
been considered that a measurement of
between 65 and 77 cm could be equated
with a unit known as the nbi, which is
seldom mentioned in the Egyptian literature and was generally used to record the
amount of work carried out in the cutting of dikes or the excavation of tombs.
Gardiner conjectured that the nbi might
be equal to 1.25 or 1 1/3 cubit [Egyptian
Grammar], and thus gave a name for the
measurement of 1.25 cubit in the tomb
of Tausret…
“Following his survey of a number
of Old and New Kingdom rock tombs,
Naguib Victor maintains that the nbi had
an architectural significance [GM 121],
while Claire Simon believes that it was
connected with the canon of proportion,
and was used to determine the size of the
grid squares in which the human figure
was inserted [JEA 79]. The existence of a
Even within the methodology of Egyptology, without the benefit of
the Cayce readings, the evidence is clear, supportive, and compelling towards the use of a 27.5-inch cubit in pyramid construction.
linear measure of about 1 1/3 cubit is in
any case proven for the Middle Kingdom
by the three rods from Kahun and Lisht,
which vary in length between about 67 cm
and 70 cm. These rods are clearly too long
to answer to Roik’s measure of 65 cm…”
“In addition, 22 measurements are
provided by Naguib Victor as proof of
the use of the ‘rod-70’ in a tomb of the
Sixth Dynasty.”
The discussion of nbi a non-standard
cubit of 70 cm provides evidence supporting the existence of a 27.5-inch (69.85
cm) cubit. It was discovered by Petrie
and has subsequently been researched by
Gardiner, Simon, and Victor.
The name of nbi (alternatively nb or
nbj) was discussed by Dr. Livio Stecchini
in his book A History of Measures, Part
II. His research suggests it was called a
nb or nebiu transliterating it as ‘to yoke’
or ‘unite’—essentially as half a carrying
yoke. Such transliterations allow the
prospect of this unit of measurement to be
associated with the previously noted deity
Nehebukau, who unites the ka and the
ba. Dr. Stecchini also mentions a physical
example of this cubit in the New York
Metropolitan Museum (see photograph).
The wooden Egyptian measuring rod
is now on display at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art (MMA) in Gallery
109. The MMA description dated it to
the Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12–13
circa1640 BC. An MMA expedition
excavated the rod in a Lisht North
Cemetery in the Memphite Region about
1915-1916 and lists its dimensions as
27.75 inches (70.5 cm) in length.
The fact that both Flinders Petrie
and the MMA expedition found examples of this 27.5-inch cubit in the
Lisht area of Egypt, relates it to the
pyramids of Amenemhut I and Senusret
I of the Middle Kingdom, more particularly to the North Side of el-Lisht, the
Amenemhut I Pyramid.
According to Mark Lehner in The
Complete Pyramids, Amenemhut I, the
first ruler of the 12th Dynasty, was trying to revive the Old Kingdom style of
pyramid complexes and their spiritual
Egyptian measuring rod, MMA Gallery 109; below, stone relief thought to be that of Amenemhut I.
brought to Lisht to be incorporated into
the pyramid for their spiritual efficacy.”
This suggests the possibility of the use
of a 27.5-inch (70 cm) unit of measurement in the Old Kingdom pyramids.
Using this cubit with the measurements
for the Great Pyramid, the results are
a height of 210 such cubits and a side
width of 330 such cubits. Interestingly,
Egyptologists theorize that the Great
Pyramid may have had 210 courses of
blocks in its original condition.
The Hieroglyphic Evidence
“Picking up the pieces to resurrect the
pyramid age: Amenemhut I incorporated fragments of Old Kingdom tombs
and pyramid complexes in his own
pyramid… Amenemhut I returned to
the approximate size and form of the
late Old Kingdom pyramid complex…
Perhaps the most remarkable feature
is the fact that it included fragments
of relief-decorated blocks from Old
Kingdom monuments—many from pyramid causeways and temples, including
Khufu’s… We can only conclude that they
were picked up at Saqqar and Giza and
The last piece of evidence comes from
a unit of measurement which is found
in Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Aakhu
Meh is translated by E. A. Wallis Budge
as the name of a cubit (An Egyptian
Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Vol. 1). Could
this be another name for this 27.5-inch
cubit? The earlier link between nbj or
nb measurement unit to Nehebukau, the
deity responsible for uniting the ba and
the ka which ultimately creates an alh
or aakhu. As this is the accepted purpose
for the pyramids, it seems appropriate
that the name of the unit of measurement
of this cosmic engine, called a pyramid,
Amenemhut I Pyramid at Lisht; close-up of entrance.
would be related to such purpose, as has
been defined by Dr. Lehner.
In Conclusion
This article began with a brief statement about a cubit from Edgar Cayce’s
readings as 27.5 inches in ancient
Egypt. From there, we reviewed the
evidence for this “third” cubit as
a unit of measure. We considered
the purpose of pyramids as
a cosmic engine designed to
unite the ka and the ba, and
an Egyptian deity with a similar
purpose whose name links it to this
third cubit.
There was the mention of a 27.5inch cubit by Petrie and subsequent
research by Gardiner, Simon, and Victor.
Multiple expeditions found examples
of a 27.5-inch cubit in the Lisht area,
associated with a Middle Kingdom pharaoh who was trying to revive the Old
Kingdom style of pyramid building for a
spiritual purpose. We reviewed a photograph of a 27.75-inch measuring rod, a
measurement nearly identical to the third
cubit. The name of this measuring rod
associates it with the deity Nehebukau,
October-December 2015
whose purpose was to unite the ka and
the ba which results in a cubit identified
in the hieroglyphs, the aakhu meh, whose
name includes the term for a radiant being
of light, the final purpose of the cosmic
engine known as a pyramid. This evidence
makes a third cubit of 27.5 inches (70
cm) worthy of consideration.
Even within the methodology of Egyptology, without the
benefit of the Cayce readings, the
evidence is clear, supportive, and compelling towards the use of a 27.5-inch
cubit in pyramid construction. The
difference with the use of the Cayce
readings is not only the evidence
it presents for information from
a psychic, higher source, but the material
the readings provide of the deeper meaning and purpose for this “cosmic engine”
called a pyramid. Rather than a tomb for
the ascension of the soul to heaven, it was
a place for initiates to bring Heaven and
Earth together within themselves in the
raising of their consciousness.
“The Pyramid is a simulacrum of
both the mound of primeval earth and
the weightless rays of sunlight, a union
of heaven and earth that glorifies and
transforms the divine king and ensures
the divine rule of the Egyptian household.”
(The Complete Pyramids, Mark Lehner)
Not in death, but in life, can this transformation be accomplished. Even Edgar
Cayce’s name in his incarnation in ancient
Egypt as the high priest “Ra-Ta” provides
confirmation: Ra, in ancient Egyptian,
represents the sun and heavens, and Ta
represents land or earth, thus Ra-Ta brings
them together in one.
—See also Venture Inward Oct-Dec 2011, “The
Cayce Cubit and the Kundalini—Correlations
Between Cultures,” explaining why the length of
27.5 inches was chosen, and its significance in
Board member, is a regular
speaker, author, and international tour leader. A.R.E.
Press recently
published his
book, Sacred
and Spiritual Symbolism, available at ARECatalog.com or see
page C-7.
Your Life AfterTheir Death:
A Medium’s Guide to Healing
After a Loss
BOUT 20 YEARS ago, I was sitting on the edge of my
bed, recuperating from a brief illness and feeling very
sorry for myself. I had been going through a difficult
time in my life and was asking God if everything was
going to be okay. Suddenly, a beautiful white light
snapped me out of my somber mood as it slowly began floating
toward me. Somehow I knew that I could speak directly to it and
demanded, “If you are not of God, please leave!” In spite of my
request, the light continued to move closer and eventually enveloped me, bestowing upon me a feeling of indescribable bliss. An
audible voice then resounded from the light and spoke words in
Italian that I will never forget: “Luce lucina, bella luce lucina.”
Since my grandparents were Italian, I knew what this meant:
“Light, little light. Beautiful little light.”
I was speechless, and tears of joy began
pouring down my face. In an instant, I felt all
of my so-called problems being washed away.
Although I wasn’t sure of what had just occurred, I knew that this heavenly experience
would change my life forever.
I’ve since learned that the beautiful light was
St. Francis of Assisi, along with a group of other
magnificent angels and ascended masters. From
that day on, they’ve been guiding me on my path
of teaching others about the afterlife and how to
spread peace and love in the world.
After this experience with the light, I began to
understand things that once eluded me, and my
interests and values began to change. Whereas
before I was self-centered, now I felt compelled
to be of service to others. My mediumship abilities increased dramatically as well. Before this
event, I was hesitant to share what I was receivEdgarCayce.org
ing with others because I didn’t want them to think I wasn’t in
my right mind. However, I finally began to relay the messages
I was receiving to family members and friends. I was giving my
loved ones very specific information, and they knew without a
doubt that what I was telling them was real.
When I saw how much peace this work provided, I decided
to give in and share my knowledge with others as well. From
the readings I gave, I understood with certainty that I was receiving real messages from deceased loved ones and the angels,
and learned how to interpret the signs they were giving me. As I
continued to connect my clients with souls who were reaching
out to them, the word spread, and eventually I was booked
for years in advance, and had to stop taking new clients since I
didn’t have a calendar that went that far into the future.
You’re OK, They’re OK
I’ve learned so much over the many years of communicating
with those in the celestial realm. The bottom line is, “Your
deceased loved ones really are okay; they just want you to
be okay, too!” They’re in a state of total bliss, surrounded by
family, friends, and pets that have passed, and are still able to
be with you as well, whenever they choose. This is why, as I’m
doing a reading, I also always attempt to heal the mind, body,
and spirit of the living loved ones who come to my office after
the trauma of losing those who were so dear to them.
As an empath, a psychic medium, and one who has also lost a
precious loved one, I hear what you are saying, I feel your grief,
and I truly identify with all that you’re going through. Many
of you may even feel that a part of you has died as well and
not wish to be here on Earth anymore. Please know, though,
that your deceased loved ones are probably right there by your
side, trying to comfort you, whispering a powerful message in
your ear:
“Please don’t grieve for me. It is so hard for me to watch you
suffer. I’m in such a peaceful and happy place, and I want you
to be in the same wonderful energy.
“As you now fully understand, life is too short, so make
sure to embrace each and every day, and be grateful for all the
blessings in your life. Love and appreciate those who are still
here with you. Be strong, show compassion to everyone you
meet, and make a difference in this world. Please go out and
enjoy life again. I love you so much, and I will see you again
when you join me, many years from now. But for now, be brave
and make me proud of all that you are able to accomplish in
this time that we are apart.”
How to Heal Your Grief—Five Steps
But how can you heal after all that has happened? Here are
five important things to know and steps that you can take to
help you with your grief.
1. Most of all, it’s important to truly understand what happens
after we die. Even though the body has died, the energy of who
we are continues to exist. For those who are scientifically oriented, just remember that energy doesn’t begin or end! I like to
use the analogy of water to explain this concept further. If we
October-December 2015
put a bowl of water in the middle of the room, it will eventually
evaporate. The water is no longer limited to the bowl and is now
free to go where it wants. It’s the same with us!
When we leave our physical bodies, the energy of who we
are continues, but it is finally free of its vessel and is totally
You may want to do some research on your own of neardeath experiences—(NDEs). (A phenomenon that occurs when
people are clinically dead for a short time and then return to
life.) The International Association for Near-Death Studies at
iands.org is a wonderful website with a lot of information and
2. Practice Different Healing Techniques. There are many healing techniques that can help you immensely as you are going
through the grieving process, such as the
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, also known as “tapping”), Ho’oponopono, energy healing, prayer, meditation, and
positive thinking. I talk about each one of these in more detail
in my book, Your Life after Their Death: A Medium’s Guide to
Healing after a Loss. Some techniques may resonate with you
more than others; so make sure to practice the ones that you
feel most guided to use.
3. Maintain Your Connection with Your Loved Ones. Talk to
your deceased loved ones; write letters to them; learn how to
receive messages from them; go to a reputable medium who can
receive messages for you. Your loved ones want to communicate
with you as much as you want to communicate with them!
4. Ask for “Without-a-Doubt” Signs from Them. Then after
you ask, just be patient and wait, and you will receive these
magnificent signs. Some of these types of signs are:
• They come through as animals. They are able use their
energy to go inside of an animal, such as a bird, ladybug, or
butterfly, for a brief period of time. The animal will commonly
behave in a way that it normally wouldn’t, such as land on
you, peck at your window, make an odd sound, and so on.
• They place objects, such as coins and feathers, in your
path. If you have been finding these types of objects in your
path, make sure to keep them and put them in a safe place so
you will be able to see how many of these objects your loved
one is sending you!
• They love to come through with songs. For example,
their favorite songs may come on at the perfect time with the
exact words you need to hear. Often the same song is played
in many different places.
• They come through in dreams. All you need to do is to ask
them to come, and they will. However, you should ask them
to wake you up after they come, or else you will not remember the dream. A dream that is a true visitation will be very
peaceful and you will know it truly is your loved one. You
will remember this type of dream in detail many years later.
• They love to show you numbers that are relevant to you,
such as birthdates, anniversaries—or repeating numbers,
such as 1111, 2222, 3333, etc. These numbers may appear
on clocks, billboards, or any other familiar place.
• When your loved ones are in the
room, they usually make you feel so
loved and at peace. It usually happens at
the most surprising time, so there is no
logical explanation for your sudden bliss.
• Because they are in spirit form, your
loved ones don’t have an audible voice.
Therefore, they give you messages telepathically. You will be able to tell the
difference between your thoughts and
theirs by back-tracking your thoughts. If
you can find the thought that triggered
the thought, it is probably your idea. If a
thought about him or her just pops into
your head for no apparent reason, it is
probably your deceased loved one speaking directly to you!
• They turn electricity on and off. They like to flicker lights,
turn the television and radio on and off, and make appliances
beep for no apparent reason.
• Because those in the celestial realm speak to you on a
different, higher frequency, you may hear ringing in your
ears when they are trying to get your attention. This is a sign
telling you to listen to what they are saying.
• They use license plates to let you know they are there.
If a car cuts you off, instead of getting angry, check out the
license plate. It may be your loved one’s name, birth date, or
something else that was significant to him or her.
The list can go on and on, but these are the most common
ways they let you know they are around. If you haven’t received
any of these signs, simply ask your deceased loved ones to let
you know they are there.
The more you are aware of the messages they are giving you,
the more they will continue to allow you to know they are
present. Be patient and persistent, and I promise that they will
give you the signs you have always wanted.
5. Move Forward. Your loved ones want you to move on and
be happy again. They would like for you to set new goals for
your future and live your life to the fullest!
A common message that comes through in my appointments
is, “I’m okay. I just want you to be, too!”
Here are some ways to step ahead after the
loss of a loved one:
Getting Out There Again. After suffering your loss, make
sure to give yourself plenty of time to take care of whatever
needs to be done. Hopefully you’ll have friends and family
who will be there to help you. Give yourself sufficient time
just to cry and reminisce. Don’t begin to settle legal issues, go
through your loved one’s belongings, or whatever else needs to
be accomplished until you are completely ready.
Keeping Their Memory Alive. You may also wish to involve yourself in events that are dedicated to the memory
of your loved ones. These may include
raising money for their favorite charity
or whatever illness that they had, creating
a scholarship in their name, speaking on
their behalf at certain functions, planting
a tree in their honor, or anything else that
would allow you to pay tribute to their
precious lives. Keeping a journal of your
fond memories, writing letters to them,
sending them love, and talking to them are
also excellent ways to maintain your connection with your loved ones. It doesn’t
matter which way you decide to plug into
their energy; because your thoughts are
directed towards them, they will be aware
of your efforts to communicate with them.
Getting Rid of Guilt. You may be feeling that you should
have done something differently to have prevented their death;
you may be believe that you didn’t carry out their wishes the
way they wanted; you may think that you didn’t treat them the
way you should have. If you are feeling guilty for anything you
did or didn’t do, please understand that your deceased loved
ones are in a place of complete love, where blame no longer
exists. They see the bigger perspective—able to understand
your actions completely.
It’s Okay to Be Happy Again—Yes, it really is okay for you
to be happy again! It is not disrespectful to laugh and have a
good time. Your deceased loved ones don’t want you to be sad,
and encourage you to move on with your life.
In fact, a common message that comes through is that they
don’t want you to be alone and want you to find the perfect
“significant other” who will help you feel better.
Remember, you will always love and never forget those departed. You have been so blessed, not only because they were
physically with you before, but also because they are still by
your side, watching over and protecting you in more ways than
they ever could before!
KAREN NOÉ, a renowned psychic medium,
spiritual counselor, and healer, is the author of
Your Life After Their Death: A Medium's Guide
to Healing After a Loss, and other books. She
founded Angel Quest Center where she practices
alternative healing. Find her Angel Quest
Radio Show at wrcr.com or visit her website at
Nov 5-8, HQ Conference: Join Karen Noé, Lisa Williams, Robert Brown,
Rev. Janet Nohavec, and Annette Gerwitz for Life Beyond Death:
Afterlife Communication, Mediumship, and Your Eternal Soul—
Four days with five renowned psychic mediums and John Van Auken’s
opening talk with Edgar Cayce’s insights into mediumship and the
continuity of the soul..
For more info visit EdgarCayce.org/conferences or call 800-333-4499.
ven those of us who study history are inclined to repeat it, contrary to
this popular saying by Spanish philosopher George Santayana (1863–
1952): “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” Why then
would those of us who indeed study history still be among those inclined to
repeat it? Could it be because we humans often shape our memories around
the romance rather than the realities? There’s much evidence in our novels
and movies, and it can even be found in some of our history books.
While exploring this human trait we should acknowledge that in recent
years there have been increasing numbers of realistic historical movies, articles, and novels, so we may be changing. With that said, let’s take a look at
our human nature.
Historical Revisionism
We humans savor a hero, a great sacrifice, a glorious struggle against great evil,
and the Phoenix-from-the-ashes miracle.
Even when media is reporting the ugly
side of events we tend to glamorize, sentimentalize, and romanticize the dark facts.
When history is too uncomfortable we
humans have a crafty tendency to rewrite
history to fit our need for the more idealized view of events and people. Plato
(428-348 BC) expressed the power of
historical revisionism in his statement,
“Those who tell the stories rule society.”
Not all of the storytellers are fabricators,
just disposed to put the best face on
things, even if it requires some distortion
of reality.
As poet Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
wrote in his An Essay on Man: “Hope
springs eternal in the human breast.”
And we may add that romanticizing is
one of the favorite ways humans keep
hope alive!
Consider the ancient legends and tales
of Lemuria, Atlantis, and ancient Egypt,
India, and China. We love these ancient
tales and the Cayce readings on these
October-December 2015
cultures are very popular. They inspire
us. And in many ways they should.
The art alone of ancient Egypt, India,
and China is testament to the magic of
human creativity. And the art of these
cultures honors us as our heritage. Even
so, we often so romanticize this heritage
that we overlook the darker side of these
cultures and how they ultimately failed to
survive. We must remember that Cayce’s
motivation was to give that which was
uplifting, encouraging, and hopeful to
seeking souls. Nevertheless, even he
occasionally revealed the reality of the
darker sides of these ancient human activities and revealed the harm they did to
many souls—many of whom are carrying
around today the weight of their karma
from those past incarnations.
In my many years of leading A.R.E.
tours to ancient sacred sites I have met a
number of souls for whom the site was a
sad or even a dark memory. When Cayce
was doing a read-through of a soul’s past
lives he would say, “the entity gained
and lost.” Well, most of the souls he read
for had losses even in the midst of some
amazing gains, especially in those won27
It seems we remember
feelings longer than facts,
perceptions longer than specifics, and
intentions longer than actualities.
derful ancient times that were so close
to nature and the spiritual forces. But we
don’t like to focus on the losses, we like
the gains. Yet, despite Cayce’s focus on
the positive, he always balanced truth
with his kindness.
Consider some of the more famous
classical events, such as the glory and
reach of Roman, the spiritual mission of
the Crusades, the romance of Napoleonic
France, and the impressive disciple and
perfection of the Third Reich (which
still appeals to some today). And yet we
today have all learned the dark side of
these movements. If we look deeply into
the little crevices of Cayce’s readings on
ancient Egypt, India, and China, we’ll
find rebellions, murders, back-stabbings,
betrayals, banishments, state-run executions, suppression of minorities, misuse
of power, and so on.
We need to be mindful of historical
revisionism, even in our own lives.
Viewing Objectively
There is also self-deception. This is often motivated by ideologies, nationalism,
and racial, cultural, or religious prejudices, and pushing agendas that ignore the
means to reach a desired end. Again, and
surprisingly, not all self-deception is necessarily evil. In some cases evolutionary
psychologists have found that believing
ourselves to be better than we actually
are can be a benefit in getting us through
threatening truths about ourselves before
we are ready to face them.
One of the most important talents
of Edgar Cayce was how completely
he could get himself and his prejudices
out of the way when attempting to get
information for a person. And though
his King James language during a reading
was likely influenced by his outer self’s
daily reading of the Bible, his readings
had no trouble presenting un-Christian
ideas, such as reincarnation, or presenting
the positive elements of another religion,
such as Hinduism, or even the good side
of Odin in Norse mythology.
Viewing most anything from one’s
perspective carries the prejudices of
one’s upbringing, education, environment, and even one’s gene pool! It takes
a clear mind to view without prejudice,
to see the real without coloration or
romance. I have often caught my mind
remembering past events only to have
someone else tell me, “it didn’t happen
that way.” Why would my mind deceive
me, or, how could I have gotten that
event stored incorrectly in my memory
banks? These are important questions for
those of us who are attempting to master
ourselves as God instructed Cain to do:
“Sin lies at the door [of your consciousness]; its desire is for you, but you must
master it.” (Genesis 4:7) Of course I am
associating “sin” with deception through
fabrication. If we’re uncomfortable being
associated with Cain, then consider Jesus’
instruction to us: “You must be perfect,
even as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
(Matthew 5:48)
Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “What is
truth?” (John 18:38) Unfortunately, Pilate
did not wait for the Master’s answer, indicating that from Pilate’s perspective, truth
is fluid—it varies depending on one’s
view. But isn’t truth about reality, about
facts, about actuality? Not necessarily.
The English word “truth” is derived from
the Old Germanic language which had
two words for “truth,” sanna is truth that
is “factuality,” whereas wara is “fidelity.”
You see truth can simply mean fidelity to
a standard that we all agree is true—not
accounting for prejudices. In the so-called
romance languages “truth” comes from
the Latin veritas, named after the goddess
of truth who hides at the bottom of a holy
well because she is so elusive, as the truth
is. According to this myth, Veritas (Truth)
is the mother of Virtue, and she is saved
from the rape of Falsehood and Envy by
Time, indicating that the truth will, over
time, be revealed. Veritas is depicted as a
nude woman who is vulnerable, symbolizing that the “naked truth” is vulnerable
as well. There’s a famous painting—Time
Saving Truth from Falsehood by French
painter François Lemoyne (1688-1737),
and statues of Veritas stand outside of
the U.S. Library of Congress and the
Canadian Supreme Court.
Rosy Retrospection
In psychology there is a term known as
“Rosy Retrospection,” which refers to the
finding that people rate past events more
positively than they had actually rated
them when the events occurred. There’s
even a Latin phrase for this, memoria praeteritorum bonorum,“memory of the good
pasts.” New York University researchers
Yaacov Trope and Nira Liberman also
found that different types of memory
fade at different rates. In “Temporal
Construal,” Psychological Review, they
reported, “In the memory of events, some
things fade from memory faster than others. Details fade faster than higher-level
constructs. Emotions fade faster than cognitions. In psychology, these phenomena
have been studied under several rubrics,
including 'temporal construal theory' and
'rosy remembrance.' There is considerable
psychological evidence to support the notion that positive and negative events fade
at different rates from memory, and that
affective elements fade differently than
cognitive ones—or in my terminology,
reflective memories fade most slowly.”
It seems that we remember feelings
longer than facts, perceptions longer
than specifics, and intentions longer than
French novelist Marcel Proust (18711922) wrote: “Remembrance of things
past is not necessarily the remembrance
of things as they were.” Newspaper
columnist Doug Larson recently wrote:
“Nostalgia is a file that removes the
rough edges from the good old days.”
Rock musician and singer Billy Joel wrote
this line in his song Keeping the Faith:
“Say goodbye to the oldies but goodies,
because the old days weren’t always
good…” And novelist and playwright
Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) wrote
in Of Human Bondage: “It is an illusion
that youth is happy, an illusion of those
who have lost it; but the young know they
are wretched for they are full of truthless
ideals which have been installed into them,
and each time they come in contact with
October-December 2015
the real, they are bruised and wounded.”
So why do we romanticize, glamorize,
and sentimentalize reality?
The answer may be that humans have
to have both romance and reality in order to live their lives—lives that contain
disappointment, confusion, deception,
suffering, illness, pain, and, ultimately,
death. Alexander Pope’s line “Hope
springs eternal in the human breast” was
referring specifically to people's belief
in a life after death. For most humans
life cannot simply be some eighty to a
hundred years and then there’s nothing.
What human could happily engage in such
a bleak outlook? How can one get up in
the morning and give it their best if there’s
nothing in the end? There are indeed some
who can, for in a 2011 an Ipsos/Reuters
poll conducted in 23 countries found that
26% of those polled believed that we simply cease to exist. Of course, 51% of those
polled believed in life after death, and
23% simply didn’t know what happens
after life. If we consider the reports from
Near-Death-Experience (NDE) patients, it
doesn’t matter what you believed before
you died, you’ll still be alive when your
body is dead in the emergency room or
on the operating room table. Surprise,
Making the Ordinary Special
Researchers of humanity, such as anthropologists and evolutionists, can add
to our understanding on this human
inclination. Consider the breakthrough
work of anthropologist Ellen Dissanayake
(pronounced, diss-an-eye-uhk) published
in her books: What Is Art For? (1988),
Homo Aesthetics (1992, 1995), and Art
and Intimacy: How the Arts Began (2000).
Because she could not accept Darwin’s socalled “peacock principle,” as detailed in
his The Descent of Man, that beauty was
simply an element of sexual selection,
she searched for a better answer. You see,
Darwin had to deal with the odd evolution
of a peacock's tail, which is obviously a
heavy burden to drag around, especially
when eluding predators for survival. It
had no apparent evolutionary advantage,
so Darwin believed the colorful tail existed
as a sexual enticement. Ellen simply could
not accept that beauty, and thus art, was
simply sexual—that couldn’t be the total
After much research she expressed
a likely answer to why humans make
beauty, make art. And her answer was
that humans, and possibly nature, needed
to make the ordinary special. And here’s
where her findings touch on our discussion of romance and reality. She defined
art as “making special.” Humans have
an inner need to make the mundane, the
ordinary, special. Ellen wrote: “You create
a bowl out of mud but you don't leave it
ordinary, you make it special by engraving
a pattern or figures on it. A poet takes
ordinary words and makes them special.
An artist places an activity or an artifact
in a realm different from the everyday.”
Do we humans also take mundane,
ordinary history and enhance it with our
romanticizing tendency? Is this a part of
our nature? There appear to be several
reasons that we need both romance and
Join John Van Auken for these special activities
or visit EdgarCayce.org/johnvanauken:
Oct 8-11, HQ Conference: Remnants of the
Distant Past: Sacred Sites, Lost Lands, and
Legendary Places Our Annual Ancient
Mysteries Conference. Visit EdgarCayce.
Oct 14-Nov 10, Online eGroup: Achieving
Higher States of Consciousness Using
Ancient Egyptian Concepts.Visit EdgarCayce.
org/eGroups for details.
—John’s latest book, Edgar
Cayce on the Spiritual Forces
Within You, is available at
ARECatalog.com or see
page C-8.
The Spirit of Giving:
Making a Difference through the A.R.E.
From Development Director Patrick Belisle
CREATE Campaign’s Final Months
You have just a few months left to
make your mark at the A.R.E. via our
CREATE Campaign. Pledges and gifts
made before December 31 will count
toward our goals. Are you in?
Do you want to help us renovate Hugh
Lynn Cayce’s 1975 Visitor Center? We have a Matching Gift
Fund that will double your donation of $500 or more through
December 31. Do you want to endow your favorite A.R.E.
activity for future generations? Do you just want to support
the A.R.E. or Atlantic University in carrying out our day-to-day
missions? It’s up to you how you want to make your mark on
the Cayce Work.
As I write this, we are less than $1 million away from our $30
million goal! Who would have guessed—just a few short years
ago—that we could do this? YES. If we all chip in what we can,
we WILL reach the goal.
10,500 BC meets 2015—
Our “Capstone Year”
Years ago, I remember hearing a
story about the mysterious missing
capstone of the Great Pyramid in
Egypt. The story says this capstone
was made of a gorgeous, shiny metallic alloy which shone
brightly in the sun and could be seen from great distances.
After many years of building, when the Great Pyramid was all
but finished, the capstone was brought in, placed atop the
Pyramid and—this is my favorite part of the story—struck like
a bell! The reverberations it sent throughout that structure are
what made everything vibrate perfectly into place and seal tight
for thousands of years. Wow! What a capstone! Ra-Ta and his
initiates—our soul group—had made their mark.
When we moved into this final year of the
CREATE Campaign back in January, this story came
to mind. Here we have all been working—and donating—cooperatively to build up this organization
we care so much about (brick by brick, so to speak)
and we are almost there! Suddenly that image
popped into my mind—a beautiful new
Pyramid—just missing its capstone. With
your participation and prayers and
donations, we are about to place
this beautiful new capstone on the Cayce Work. And what a
vibration it will create in this world!
“As there was in the temple service that was initiated by
Ra-Ta…so may the soul—through laying aside all cares other
than to be that channel through the activities in the earth in the
present—become more and more aware of being of service, a
channel, to the fellow man in the present.” (378-16)
Karma Call!
We have all been
called to the Cayce
readings and A.R.E.
for some reason. And
we have all benefited
from having them in
our lives. The A.R.E. has
never called for tithes
but has always been keen to teach lessons of prosperity. One
of those lessons is to give back to what nourishes us—mentally
and spiritually. The readings put it this way:
”…those who have been aided in any manner through this
channel must give of their surplus but also of themselves, that
the glory of God may be manifested in the earth.” (254-83)
Is this your time to give something back to your spiritual home?
New Way to Give
You will notice that in this issue of the magazine we have
inserted a self-mailing envelope as part of a booklet
explaining the projects of the CREATE Campaign and giving
you yet one more way to participate in it. Be part of something
big! Make your pledge today by returning the envelope or go
to EdgarCayce.org/CREATE.
Come Party with Us on October 10
We will be throwing a “help us cross the finish line” party on
Saturday, October 10—during our annual Ancient Mysteries
conference—to bring this Capstone Year of the Campaign to a
successful conclusion.
All conference attendees will attend as part of their registration.
All Golden Circle and Edgar Cayce Legacy Society donors will be
invited as our
guests. Everyone
Renovation Project Needs (Partial)
else can join us for
just $100—not
w Endow a Program or Scholarship $25,000
bad for a fun night
w Digitize Old A.R.E. Press Books $30,000
filled with great
food, great peow Develop A.U.’s Leadership Master’s$35,000
ple, dancing, and
w A.R.E. Camp Dining Hall $35,000 away
celebration! If you
can’t come to this
w Online Delivery of eBooks $50,000
Grand Finale in
person, be sure to
w Massage School Tech Upgrade $100,000
watch us streamw Endow Health Research $250,000
ing live online
at EdgarCayce.
w Website Redesign $300,000
beginning at 8:00
w Visitor Center Renovation $500,000 away
p.m. Eastern Time.
Q. What should be the attitude of the officers in seeking donations to the Institute?
A. Attitude of service to man(kind)… (257-20)
A.R.E. Camp Rebounds from Tragic Fire
n the early morning hours of
June 5, our A.R.E. Camp Dining
Hall was completely destroyed
by fire. It was a real shock to
all of us—especially the tightknit A.R.E. Camp community.
Thankfully, no one was hurt and
the fire did not spread to other
buildings or the woods
in Camp’s beautiful
mountain valley.
Almost immediately,
A.R.E. Camp Manager
Malenka Kaydan and
an incredibly dedicated
group of volunteers
that included former Camp
Manager Suebee Sheldon, Fred
Dewey, Rich Hopkins, Hal Costley,
and many more sprang into action
finding ways to pull off the Camp
season. We rented a 53-foot “mobile kitchen”—literally, a kitchen
on wheels—and set up a wedding-sized tent dining hall in order to provide and serve
delicious, Cayce-friendly meals to our campers.
A “wish-list” was set up at Amazon.com for everything we needed to continue
functioning, and monetary donations have been coming in as we now strive to rebuild.
Camp’s 2015 season was one of the most heart-felt seasons yet. We would like to give
a big shout-out to the Camp community for your patience, love, and help with this
healing process.
Salemme Sculpture Returns from Hop Town
uring this year’s Congress celebration, Alissa Keller,
the Director of the Historic Museums of Hopkinsville, returned a bronze bust of Edgar Cayce created by
Antonio Salemme in 1957. The sculpture was on loan to
the Pennyroyal Area Museum by the Edgar Cayce Foundation. One of the premier portrait sculptors of his time, Salemme’s work is on display at the Metropolitan Museum
of Art in New York, and universities such as Yale, Harvard,
and Duke. He was a member of David and Lucille Kahn’s
ASFG study group in New York City, along with Thomas Sugrue, Ida Rolf, and others. He
believed that the Cayce information changed his life by helping him discover meditation
and prompting him to live in Easton, Pennsylvania, rather than New York.
Keller also gave an update on activities at the Pennyroyal Area Museum which has been
preserving and promoting its area's diverse history for more than 35 years—including
Hopkinsville’s most famous son, Edgar Cayce, who is honored with an annual Hometown
Seminar. For details on the 24th annual seminar featuring Peter Woodbury from March 18
to 20, 2016, visit MuseumsofHopkinsville.org.
October-December 2015
Member/Volunteer in the Spotlight
— In Appreciation of —
Fred Dewey
e’d like to introduce you to a
very special A.R.E. member
and volunteer, Fred Dewey. Fred,
who is a retired technology CEO and
entrepreneur, was hard at work as a
volunteer at A.R.E. Camp, working
diligently on our new shower-house
rebuild project, on that fateful morning
of June 5, when our beloved dining hall
burned to the ground.
Though this must have been an
incredibly emotional time for Fred, who
had been coming to A.R.E. Camp since
he was 11 years old (followed by years
of bringing his own family to Camp’s
special valley), he took on the Herculean
task of managing our fire recovery and
as a result was instrumental in ensuring
that Camp’s 2015 season commenced
without any delay.
From assisting us with our kitchen rental and dining hall tent to submitting our
18-page insurance claim with nearly 100
supporting photos, Fred has been the
rock that we’ve all leaned on for support
throughout our recovery. THANK YOU,
Fred! For all you do for A.R.E. and A.R.E.
Camp. Your loving support and hard
work is greatly appreciated!
A.R.E. News
Around the World
ileen Malo and Lynn Sparrow Christy, co-directors of the
12-month spiritual growth and healing intensive Journey to
Wholeness and Integrative Growth (Journey to WING), report
enthusiastic response to the Journey’s free introductory teleconferences in July and August.
A recording of the teleconference that includes an experiential exercise is available for download on the Journey’s website,
Journey2WING.org. On the website you will also find a free
downloadable guided audio session called “Breaking Past Current
Limitations” and interesting blogs and videos about the spiritual
path, as well as information about the Journey to WING itself.
Application deadline for the 2016 offering of this customized
program of personal telephone mentoring, teleseminars, live
retreats, group spiritual practice, and body-mind-spirit therapies, is
October 31. There is also an early-bird discount for those who pay
in full by October 31, so if you have an application pending, please
keep this in mind.
New Board Member Elected
laire Levy, from Marshall, Mich., a
longtime A.R.E. member, was elected to
the Board of Trustees at the June meeting. She
comes from a background steeped in the Cayce
philosophy, as her parents were also longtime
members. Her work background includes 25
years as Account Leader and Sales Team Leader in the nation’s
leading commercial office furniture design and supply company.
She says, “I chose to leave my successful career at its zenith. My
mother had been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. There
was no question it was my calling to serve her in her time of
need as she always served me in mine.” Of her new path she says,
“Coupled with my lifelong passion for study and following the
Edgar Cayce readings, I recently made an internal commitment
to dedicate the next phase of my life to service of this nature,”
adding, “I believe that the A.R.E. is a guiding light.”
The Board officers are Art Strickland, Board Chair, and William
Austin, Vice Chair. Rotating off the Board were Andrea Singer and
Vickie Church, and Lou Henry resigned for personal reasons.
Nutritionist Joins Health Center & Spa
atie Abbott, MS, RDN, HC, a Master’s Degree-Level Registered Dietitian Nutritionist,
is joining the holistic A.R.E. Health Center &
Spa in Virginia Beach. She earned her Master
of Science degree in Public Health Nutrition at
Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland,
Ohio and received her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. She
also became certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach at
the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, NY. Her
approach to nutrition counseling is personalized to each client’s
individual needs with an in-depth nutrition and lifestyle analysis.
She assists clients in making nutrition and lifestyle changes that
lead to realistic and sustainable results. Her practice is based on
nutrition guidelines from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
and the Edgar Cayce readings.
Edgar Cayce Scholarship Program
Awards $2,000
he Edgar Cayce Scholarship program awarded Mary
Ramsey (left) this year’s Edgar Cayce Scholarship
Award of $1,000. Two honorable mention awards of
$500 were given to Natalie Simon (center) and Alissa
Letourneau (right). Winners were selected from a group of
Virginia Beach high-school seniors, who submitted essays
in response to the Cayce challenge to “make the world a
better place because you have lived in it.” Other criteria
included their grade-point averages, test scores, acceptance
at a college or university, and ability to maintain a wellrounded life with sports and volunteer activities.
The program, created in 2007, exists due to the generosity of long-time A.R.E. member Nancy Clark and the
George Clark Foundation. Since its inception, A.R.E. has
awarded more than $20,000 in scholarships. As one of
the many ways A.R.E. reaches out to the local community, the goal of this annual scholarship program is to
attract young people to the Cayce concepts.
A.R.E. staff members, volunteers, and their family
members, are not eligible for this scholarship.
New Yoga Teacher Training
he Cayce/Reilly School of Massage announced the launch of our
new 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. The one-year program
begins in January 2016 and features training classes one weekend per
month at our beautiful oceanfront campus where attendees will learn
the art and science of yoga practice as well as the holistic health concepts found in the Cayce readings. For details, visit CayceReilly.edu.
Psychic Medium Lisa Williams
.R.E.’s “Official Edgar Cayce Page” on Facebook,
which has over 151,000 “Likes,” is a fun and easy way
for members and like-minded friends of the Cayce work to
share inspiration and fellowship. It attracts thousands of
visitors daily, who often post insights and comments.
One such visitor in April of 2014 turned out to be renowned psychic medium Lisa Williams, author of I Speak to
Dead People: Can You? and Life Among the Dead. She noted that she was writing a new book on psychic ability and
mediumship and wanted to “honor Edgar Cayce as a pioneer in this field.” The resulting conversation with Marketing
Director Jennie Taylor Martin led to an invitation to Lisa to
join us for a program at A.R.E. Headquarters. This program,
A.R.E. News
Cayce/Reilly School Graduate
Honored as Legacy Therapist
of the Year
1998 graduate from the Cayce/Reilly
School, Wendy Delk Greene, received
the prestigious Legacy Therapist of the Year Award for 2014
for Massage Envy Spas throughout the country! The Legacy
Therapist of the Year is selected from the group of therapists
who previously were honored as Therapist of the Year and
is based on the therapist’s continued commitment to excellence and contributions to clients and fellow team members.
Juliebeth Mezzy Awarded
Educator of the Year
ayce/Reilly School of Massage is
proud to announce that Reflexology
Instructor, Juliebeth Mezzy, CMT, AAEd,
has been awarded the prestigious honor
of Educator of the Year by the Alliance for
Massage Therapy Education. The applicant pool is extremely
competitive, and winners are chosen based on experience,
teacher training taken, and how well they meet the core
competency standards. Additionally, applicants must rate
themselves on 4 out of the 10 Standards from the NTESP
Core Competencies for Massage Therapy Teachers. Juliebeth
will appear at the 2015 Educational Congress in Minneapolis
to share information on the specific ways she demonstrates
her commitment to excellence in education.
A Board Certified Massage Therapist and Certified
Reflexologist, she has been in the field of professional bodywork for over 22 years. She is one of only 24 Accredited
Reflexology Educators in the country. Her major focus is on
reflexology, palpation lab, and chair massage, but she also has
training in hand and ear reflexology, meridian therapies, and
Reiki. She has been with Cayce/Reilly School of Massage since
2000 and is adored by her students who describe her classes
as interactive and fun. “This award is the culmination of every
class I have written, instructed, revised, laughed at, and cried
over,” said Juliebeth. “It is dedicated to students. Without
them, my soul’s purpose may have gone unnoticed.”
Life Beyond Death: Afterlife Communication, Mediumship, and
Your Eternal Soul, will be held November 5-8.
In addition to Lisa Williams, it features mediums Robert
Brown, Rev. Janet Nohavec, Karen Noé, and Annette Gerwitz,
along with John Van Auken. During the program, attendees will
hear the true stories of the very specific messages and details these
gifted mediums have received—messages that are sometimes
profound, sometimes surprising, and most always bring comfort,
peace, and healing.
All five mediums will also demonstrate their gifts with random
readings for audience members. John will offer Edgar Cayce’s insights into the journey of the soul and the process of mediumship,
including exercises for developing one’s own ability to communicate with loved ones who have crossed over.
October-December 2015
Around the World
Estate Planning Officer (Planned Giving Officer)
The Cayce Work is predicated on our
connectedness and the need for cooperation with and service to others. I regularly see signs of that spirit in action
within the local Virginia Beach A.R.E. community, particularly
when a fellow member is ill or otherwise in need of assistance,
and friends at A.R.E. jump into action to provide love, support,
and help. But it can be risky to rely too much on others, expecting that because we do love one another and want to be a
channel of blessings, friends can do whatever needs to be done.
That may be the case spiritually. Unfortunately, it is not the case
legally. And you need to get your legal documents in place.
Just recently, one of our older members—let’s call her Dolly—
began to decline and her friends jumped in to help, increasing
the level of help as her health declined and she needed more
and more assistance. And here’s the irony—because her friends
helped so very much, Dolly relied on them more and more.
Unfortunately, the situation has deteriorated to the point where
friends alone cannot handle her needs. So why is this a problem?
Because Dolly did not prepare the medical and financial powers
of attorney which every senior citizen should have. Yes, I’m
talking about estate planning, but not death planning—this
is incapacity planning. This enables someone of your choice to
step in and help make your medical decisions and to pay your
bills if you can no longer do that yourself. We will certainly all
die, but most folks don’t know that at least a third of us will be
incapacitated beforehand. What happens then? And now what
will happen to Dolly? This is often where the legal system becomes the only recourse, with time-consuming, expensive proceedings which someone must initiate. Who will do that—front
the cost and become enmeshed in the court process? Is this right
to ask or expect of a friend? And don’t think if you have loving,
willing family members that you’re off the hook—you still need
these documents! If you don’t like the idea of paying to have
these documents prepared, think about what you’re asking
your friends and family to pay if you do not.
BE A CHANNEL OF BLESSINGS to those you love by getting your
house in order. If you have questions about these documents,
contact me at 757-457-7125 or susan.luscomb@edgarcayce.org.
Tom Johnson Passes On
Thomas Lane Johnson, 72, passed away on
April 6, 2015, in Mayo Clinic Hospital, Minn.
Tom Johnson was dedicated to creating and offering holistic health products under the label Heritage
Products. Many of his products were based on the
Edgar Cayce readings, with formulas and remedies that he worked on for
several decades. In more recent years, he continued to own and operate
The Heritage, a holistic health store offering Cayce remedies, supplements, natural foods, massage therapy, and more in Virginia Beach, Va.
Through the years, he often sponsored the A.R.E. staff Christmas party
and donated to various A.R.E. activities. He will be greatly missed.
A.R.E. News
Around the World
Bruce and Kathy Baar
Downingtown, Penn.
Members since 1977; Life Members since 2009
Why do we give back to A.R.E.?
Bruce had asthma when he
was very young and looked
to the readings for help. We
manufacture the same formula that he used as a child.
Having made and used the
Edgar Cayce health products
for many years, we are inspired by the results and are
committed to helping others discover these healing
systems. We consult on the phone daily with members
and those seeking help with the readings. Sharing these
discoveries and our testimonials is our way of keeping
the Cayce legacy available for future generations.
Background/work life: Bruce has a Masters in Health and a
Doctorate in Naturopathy and is CEO of Baar Products, Inc. We
are the official worldwide supplier of Edgar Cayce Health Care
Products. We also own Nature’s Blessing, a natural supplement
company. Bruce has 18 years’ experience in the Medical Diagnostic
Industry and 30 years manufacturing Edgar Cayce formulations.
Kathy is a registered Dental Hygienist with a degree in Public
Health. She has taken courses in Therapeutic Touch, reflexology,
and continuing education seminars in health.
Gifts to A.R.E.: We have personally donated to the A.R.E. Café
project. As a business, we send free gifts and samples of the Cayce
health products to Wellness Week attendees, incoming Cayce/Reilly®
massage students, and donor appreciation events. Bruce volunteers
his time to lecture at the A.R.E. Conferences and A.R.E. Region
seminars when possible.
To continue the Cayce legacy, we have built a new innovative
manufacturing facility in Downingtown, Penn. It is solar-powered
and maintains a “green” environment.
Special A.R.E. memories: Congress is always a special time, as
we love connecting with the members and staff. It’s wonderful to hear
the testimonials of those who have been blessed with healing. There is
a unique energy at the A.R.E. that inspires us to continue our work.
My conversations with Hugh Lynn, Edgar Evans, Charles Thomas
Cayce, and Gladys Davis are also special memories.
Personal activities: Bruce is an avid reader and also enjoys writing
music, playing guitar and singing. Kathy enjoys gardening, exercise
classes and reading. Meditation is key to starting our day. We feel
blessed to have this opportunity to be of service to others through
the Cayce work.
Want to contribute to A.R.E.’s work?
Contact Development Director Patrick Belisle at
757-457-7126 or patrick.belisle@EdgarCayce.org.
A.R.E. Celebrates 3,000th Life Membership
.R.E. welcomed Carter and Teza Lord to Life Membership on May 7, as the 3,000th Life Members. Long-time
supporters of the A.R.E., Carter and Teza originally joined the
organization in 1989. Their decision to become Life Members
continues a tradition begun by Carter’s parents, William and
Fonchen Lord, who were among the first few-hundred Life
Members in 1970. William Lord, a former Trustee, learned
about Edgar Cayce from the book There Is a River and traveled to Virginia Beach in January, 1944 for a health reading.
He was cured of a debilitating medical condition which
changed his life forever. Deeply prayerful people, they applied
Cayce’s spiritual concepts including Christ Consciousness daily, and were closely involved with the organization until their
death. The “Bill and Fonchen Lord Auditorium” in the A.R.E.
Visitor Center was named in their honor.
Deeply influenced
by Edgar Cayce,
Carter and Teza
reside in Florida
where they strive
to live in attunement with Christ
Consciousness daily.
Carter has been involved with A.R.E. his whole life, attending A Search for God
prayer and meditation meetings since age six and following
Cayce's medical advice, including castor oil packs, since age
10. He was on the first Bimini expeditions with Pino Turolla
and Dr. Valentine in the search for Atlantis in 1969. Carter
most values the readings about Jesus. He added, “Cayce's
work is like one other body of information I know [the Bible],
in that the more you read and the more you absorb, the more
it changes and deepens your understanding.”
Donor Appreciation Celebration a
ne hundred fifty dedicated members and donors
gathered at Virginia Beach’s
Museum of Contemporary
Art (MOCA) to celebrate all of
the wonderful programs and
improvements your donations
have made happen in recent
years. Standing beneath the
Dale Chihuly chandelier, our
donors were wined and dined
and, most importantly, thanked profusely for their dedication
to the cause. We thanked all our donors that night—even if you
couldn’t attend the event. Visit EdgarCayce.org/CREATE to see
the video shown during the party.
A.R.E. celebrated the ‘Women of the A.R.E.—Past and
Present’ during a special Women’s Tea on June 25. The event,
held on the “Gladys Davis Porch” in the historic Hospital building, was a huge success with the many women in attendance.
A.R.E. News
By Karen Boldt
Thanks to the suggestion of Richard Copeland, one of our most
dedicated donors, we will offer regular reports on our activities, events,
milestones, and feedback under our Outreach Services umbrella, including
the grateful correspondence we receive from inmates participating in our
Prison Outreach Program, and inspirational experiences from A Search for
God Study Groups and Glad Helper Prayer Healing Groups.
A Heartfelt Goodbye
One of the most rewarding things about working at the
A.R.E. is the variety of people we meet and contact every day—
people, just like you and me, who are transforming themselves
and the world around them in seemingly small but often miraculous ways. For me, one of those people was longtime volunteer
and life member Erma G. Cook, who passed away in late July.
Erma started volunteering at A.R.E. in the 1970s for the former
Readings Research Department, where she assisted Mae St.
Clair with compiling all the readings for the 1976 book Early
Christian Epoch, Vol. 6, of the hardback Library Series, now
out of print. Erma was fiercely dedicated to the Prison Outreach
Program and personally answered thousands of letters in her
decades of volunteering. She was a great friend and mentor and
will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.
Reaching “Over the Wall”
Around the World
Fred Dewey
Victor, N.Y.
Member since 1979; Life Member since 1980
Why do I give back to A.R.E.? Because
A.R.E. in general, and A.R.E. Camp in
particular, gave me the foundation
I needed from the time I was 11
years old, to recognize that I am a
permanent spiritual being having a
temporary physical experience, for
the purpose of growing closer to
God/Love/Oneness; and allowing me to realize that I
am here to facilitate the transformation of thousands
and eventually millions of lives, as a catalyst for people
to get going on their spiritual path. To do that, I have
to be on my own spiritual path in a big way, so that I
am a demonstration of what is possible. I got all of this
from A.R.E./A.R.E. Camp, as a result of being raised by
two A.R.E. study group/council leaders, Bill and Barb
Dewey, since the time I was 5 years old.
“What I have read about Mr. Cayce and his readings on
reincarnation felt true. It also helped me to stay on the right path
even when I know that the good I do will not be repaid in kind.
It’s helped me to not lose hope in prison when abandoned by
everyone. Instead of regressing I grew as a person. I’m not sure it
would have happened without that. Thank you!” —Letter from
an inmate
Background/work life: Retired technology CEO and Entrepreneur. Most of my career I have managed and led silicon valley
technology companies, anywhere from startups to Hewlett-Packard
and Sun Microsystems. Over the past 10 years, I have transitioned
from full time technology leadership to my second career which
is teaching people how to love and respect themselves and each
other at home and at work.
Spiritual Growth Groups Welcomes New Staff Person
Gifts to A.R.E.: My gifts are to A.R.E. Camp buildings and A.R.E.
Camp marketing/promotion/outreach.
With the added support of A.R.E. Board members Don
Carroll and Lora Little, A.R.E.’s A Search for God Study
Groups now has a new, part-time position—Spiritual Growth
Groups Associate. Leigh Hronek, who took this position in
July 2015, will be the primary contact for existing A Search for
God/Spiritual Growth Groups and regional volunteers. She will
also focus on developing communication with new groups and
encouraging members to join or start a group in their local area.
For more information, call 800-333-4499, ext. 7190, e-mail
study@edgarcayce.org , or visit EdgarCayce.org/studygroups.
A.R.E. at Earth-Keeper 2015 Star-Gate Conference
e want to honor James Tyberonn for his vision, sincerity, and passion
promoting Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. at the Earth-Keeper 2015 Star-Gate conference in Denver, Colorado. As the hosting spokesman of the four-day event,
his focus on the importance of membership to A.R.E. resulted in the sale of 175
memberships! The inspiration of presenters Charles Thomas Cayce and John
Van Auken; the enthusiasm of Pat Belisle; and the hours of support provided by
Darlene Bodnar and the A.R.E. Rocky Mountain Region team at the event were
also appreciated. The promotion of A.R.E. membership will continue with the
next Earth-Keeper 'Crystal Vortex' Arkansas Gathering in November.
October-December 2015
Special A.R.E. memories: Spending every summer at A.R.E.
Camp from age 11 to 16, and then either on staff or as a volunteer
or camper nearly every year since then, including all three of my kids
being campers and then on staff at Camp. Camp has been foundational,
formative, and transformational for my parents, my siblings, myself,
my nieces and nephews and my children.
Personal activities: I have devoted the rest of my life to teaching
millions of people how to live their life based on love rather than
negative emotions (fear/sadness/shame), and to find a way to love
themselves and each other more and more of the time. I teach a set
of 15 tools called “love-based leadership,” which is a psychological
implementation of the Cayce and A Course In Miracles work. I do
this for employees in the organizational setting via my coaching and
training business at Alive9to5.com and for individuals in a personal
growth setting working with LifeResults.org.
Want to contribute to A.R.E.’s work?
Contact Development Director Patrick Belisle at
757-457-7126 or patrick.belisle@EdgarCayce.org.
Visit EdgarCayce.org/members on the
website for exclusive materials.
New Material in the Online Member Section
NEW VIDEOS You can now view almost all of our videos
from any device including your mobile phone.
• Cayce Remedies for Body, Mind, Spirit presented by
Dr. J. P. Amonte Recorded during the Holistic Aging
Series at A.R.E. headquarters in Virginia Beach on
April 15, 2015. Edgar Cayce is widely regarded as the
"father of modern holistic medicine." This overview of
the Cayce perspective on health includes several of the
body-mind-spirit components recommended by Edgar
Cayce when making treatment recommendations.
• Edgar Cayce's Greatest Hits presented
by Peter Woodbury, MSW Recorded at the
84th Annual A.R.E. Members Congress:
Bringing the Edgar Cayce Readings to LIFE
Conference in June 2015. Peter Woodbury
shares the readings and topics he found
most insightful and helpful from the vast
array of material in the Cayce readings.
EDGAR CAYCE BOOKS BLOG Sets New “Like” Record: A new
post on our Edgar Cayce Books Blog has the highest amount of
"Likes" to-date with more than 3,000 users responding. The post,
titled Thoughts on Suicide and the Afterlife, is an excerpt from the
latest 4th Dimension Press title, We Are Never Alone, by psychic
medium Anthony Quinata. This response shows what a great need
there is for discussion and hope on such a sensitive topic. To read
the post, visit EdgarCayceBooksBlog.com.
More Ways to Get Connected
ATTEND AN A.R.E. conference from the comfort of your
home with live and on-demand videos and digital downloads
of some of our most popular conferences. Visit EdgarCayce.
org/online for price, details, and registration.
NEW OFFERING FROM Journey2WING: The Journey to
Wholeness and Integrative Growth is the first offering from
A.R.E.’s Tarsia Healing Center, dedicated to the healing of
individuals and the awakening of deeper spiritual consciousness in the world. Visit Journey2WING.org to download free
material, including: recordings of the free introductory teleconferences with experiential exercises, “Breaking Past Current
Limitations” guided audio session, and more.
• The Joy of Mindfulness and Beauty in Aging present-
ed by Betty Davis Recorded during the Holistic Aging
Series at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. headquarters in Virginia
Beach on June 17, 2015. Betty Davis reminds us that we
are so much more than we may believe. She uses mindfulness to reintroduce you to your highest self while
exploring aging from a body-mind-spirit perspective.
• Return of the Cayce Bust by Salemme and Update
on Hopkinsville Events presented by Alissa Keller
Recorded at the 84th Annual A.R.E. Members
Congress, June, 2015. Alissa Keller, the Director of the
Historic Museums of Hopkinsville, returned a very
special bronze statue of Edgar Cayce before giving
an update on activities in in Hopkinsville, Kentucky,
including the Pennyroyal Area Museum.
FILES are available for members to download.
Circulating Files are a collection of verbatim Edgar
Cayce readings and reading extracts carefully selected
and arranged by topic.
• Medical Files: Cancer: Brain; Castor Oil and the Palma
Christi Study; Diet--Meatless; Head Injuries and
Aftereffects; Nails: General--Biting; Radionics and
Etheronics; Tuberculosis Vol 1.
• Non-Medical Files: Book of Revelation: Commentary;
Forgiveness; Humor; Jesus’ Brothers: James and Jude;
Patience and Problems.
Interact with us online on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and
Google+. Go to EdgarCayce.org under “Follow Us” for links.
Dealing with Fear
uring his first inaugural address at
the height of the Great Depression,
Franklin D. Roosevelt declared,
“The only thing we have to fear is fear
itself!” The suggestion was that fear is
primarily an internal issue, not an external
one. During the same period in history,
Edgar Cayce was giving readings that
stated exactly the same thing about fear.
We have all experienced fear, and it can be
anywhere from annoying to unpleasant to
downright paralyzing. Most of the time,
it is an invisible influence functioning as
a destructive paradigm that forms our
misperceptions, misunderstandings, and
maladaptive responses. By distracting us
from our resources, sometimes it can bring
about, paradoxically, the very conditions
over which we have worried so much.
October-December 2015
The Cayce readings suggest that one of the leading causes of individuals failing to
achieve and live out their soul’s purpose was fear and not dealing with longstanding
patterns of fear. After studying and working with his father’s material for many
years, Hugh Lynn Cayce concluded that fear was humanity’s biggest stumbling
block. In his book, Edgar Cayce on Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, he described the
main sources of fear that had prompted individuals to seek his father’s help. These
sources were physical conditions, thoughts of death or the unknown, unconscious
fears remaining from childhood, fears associated with religion or God, and fears that
were connected to past-life experiences.
We distinguish fear from anxiety. Fear is the adrenal fight-or-flight response to
the perception of imminent danger. Most of the time, the fears that affect us exist in
our minds—a virtual danger rather than a literal one: the anticipation of danger, the
possibility of danger, or the conditioned response to past danger. Such manufactured
fear is nevertheless an effective disabler. Most fear active in humans today is of this
anxious, conditioned sort, as most of us lead lives that are predominately safe from
physical harm. Even if it is virtual danger that provokes it, fear is nevertheless a significant inner condition that can prompt both internal and external response patterns.
Recognizing Fear
The best reason to be concerned about fear itself is that it kidnaps our abilities and
holds them hostage, disguising its crime with various rationalizations assembled with
half-truths. One of the first things we can do in response to fear is begin to recognize if
we are coming from a place of fear and then decide what it is we can best do about it.
If you are feeling angry, you are coming from fear. If you find yourself being in
a hurry, you are coming from fear. If your friend is talking to you, and instead of
listening carefully, you find yourself thinking about what you are going to say in
response, deep down you may be motivated by fear. If you are envious of someone’s
success, there is some underlying fear around that. If you are overly obsessive about
the pure food you eat, you probably are coming from fear. If it is easy for people
to “push your buttons,” somewhere there is fear. If you are finding it difficult to be
patient about something, fear may be to blame. If you know you shouldn’t, but do
it anyway, fear may have you hypnotized.
Fear Brings a Physical Shift
With practice, we can begin to tell when
the fear paradigm is active in our thoughts
and planning. Begin by exploring the difference in how your body feels when you
think “Yes!” in contrast to when you think
“No!” Can you tell the difference between
how it feels when you have an “open” mind
versus a “closed” mind? Explore the difference between seeing the glass as half full in
contrast to seeing it as half empty. In each
of these contrasts, there is a definite shift in
the body sense. It could be the difference
between tight and loose, tense and relaxed,
or pessimistic and optimistic.
The use of ideals is important, because
they help to create an ongoing focus for
the mind in terms of what the individual
is trying to create. Things like, “to become
more loving,”“to be at peace,”“to embody
Oneness,” and “to be more forgiving”
are all examples of possible ideals (more
on working with ideals can be found in
Chapter 6). The key to working with
spiritual ideals is simply to train the mind
to focus on attitudes and thoughts that
cultivate that spiritual ideal and then to
follow through on activities (doing for self
and others) those things that will enable
you to experience and maintain that positive attitude.
As it relates to overcoming personal
fear, Andrew tells the story of being “crippled with anxiety” over the fear of public
speaking—a common fear. Unfortunately
for Andrew, his occupation eventually
required frequent public presentations—at
first to small groups of coworkers and then
to much larger audiences. In the beginning,
Andrew found himself hardly able to speak
for 10 or 15 minutes without turning red
and stammering. It was only by the repeated use of positive affirmations with himself,
“these people want to hear what you have
to say,”“you know your topic and want to
share it with others,”“you can easily share
the story of this situation,” and so forth,
that Andrew was able to overcome his
fears, eventually becoming a sought-after
presenter for his firm.
Switching Gears
In terms of constructive thoughts, influencing the body with thought, and
controlling thoughts, the readings repeatedly counseled individuals that if they
desired to overcome their fears and anxieties, they needed to change their mental
attitudes. Many individuals may be aware
of a slogan from A Course in Miracles:
“Love is letting go of fear.” The origin is
the biblical verse, “perfect love drives out
fear” (John 4:18). The implication is that
fear and love are incompatible frames of
mind. With this in mind, one possible approach to try when fear arises is to think
about something you truly love or truly
enjoy doing. What is it that brings a sense
of well-being, joy, or fulfillment to you? It
is possible to switch from fear to love, and
when that happens, many other derivative
qualities switch as well. For some, it is a
matter of switching from head to heart.
For others, it is a matter of switching from
a cold, hard heart, to a warm, soft heart.
As we meditate on the body’s physical
experience of shifting paradigms of love
and fear, we might realize that fear is our
response to the perception of separation,
while love is the experience of oneness
and connection. If you can shift your
perspective from separation to oneness
or connectedness, you have a chance to
shed the fear. In this way, we learn how to
recognize fear and use that mindfulness as
an opportunity to affirm once again our
kinship with the Creator.
In many cases, becoming aware of our
fear is not a problem. Instead, the problem
is that the fear is so captivating, so hypnotic, so compelling, that it is difficult to break
free, no matter how much love and gratitude we use to embrace it. It is when fear
is the conscious, formidable challenge that
Cayce’s recommendations for treatment
come into play.
Sometimes fear is a symptom of a physical disturbance, such as an imbalance in the
nervous system that keeps the adrenals in a
hyperactive state. Oftentimes, imbalances
in our physical systems can make us more
prone to fear, anxiety, and even unwanted
psychic experiences. In such cases, Cayce
recommended a treatment that emphasized
physical intervention, such as massage and
chiropractic adjustment. Even though there
was no psychological event behind the fear,
Cayce nevertheless recommended using
affirmations and other forms of positive
suggestion to reprogram the mind. For example, while receiving massage, the person
might also visualize burdens dissolving and
loving light replacing areas of stiff darkness. Whether or not there is anything to
be afraid of or whether the fear is arising
from a physical disturbance, there is the
fact that the body is full of fear chemistry.
Relaxation, however induced, is the prescribed remedy. Especially important, the
mind needs to be fully participating in any
physical treatment.
Sometimes an individual’s diet can
contribute to a physical source of fear. For
example, Michael had been a regular coffee
drinker all his life, with no negative effects.
In his late 40s, however, he began to notice
an uncomfortable perspiration after his
morning cups of coffee. He also noticed
that his attitude toward the day ahead
seemed to be more apprehensive than it
used to be. Michael made the connection
between the coffee, the perspiration, his
attitude, and an overactive adrenal gland.
He concluded that waking up by coffee
was overstimulating him. He changed
his routine of several years and shifted
his afternoon pleasure walk to a morning
get-up-and-wake-up walk. After returning
from his walk, he would shower and meditate. Then he would drink his coffee and
There are physical, mental, and spiritual means of temporarily lowering the fear level.
start his day. He found that with the new
routine, there were no longer any negative
effects from the coffee and his usual upbeat
approach to the day had returned.
When individuals came to Mr. Cayce
looking for help with their anxieties or
fears, he would often recommend inspirational reading. To be sure, there are all
types of inspirational materials—everything from positive “thoughts for the day”
to mainstays like Unity’s Daily Word and
scriptures from every religion. The scripture readings most often recommended
by Edgar Cayce were the following: John,
chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17; Psalms, chapters 1, 23, 24, 91; Exodus, chapter 19; and
Deuteronomy, chapter 30.
son that an apple they were holding was
a live grenade about to explode if it was
moved. The hypnotist gave the post-hypnotic suggestion that the person would
not remember what happened while in
hypnosis until the hypnotist sneezed. After
the sneeze, the hypnotist suggested, the
person would remember the session and
no longer fear the apple. After the person
came out of hypnosis, he looked around
a bit, woke up, noticed the apple and had
a panic reaction. Wanting to toss off the
“grenade,” but afraid of moving it, the
person was paralyzed with fear. When the
hypnotist sneezed, the person responded on
cue, and looked at the apple and laughed.
Many folks who came to Cayce concernHypnosis: Two-Way
ing their irrational fears were diagnosed as
Dreams: Important Tools
having repressed fears from childhood or
The Cayce information is adamant
Hypnosis, which provides a channel of past lives. Fred found himself, for example,
that our dreams contain a wealth of in- communication between the conscious very nervous and fearful for no reason
formation and guidance. In part, dreams and subconscious mind, was a common around a new co-worker. Following the
contrast and correlate the events of the day, prescription from Cayce for uncovering suggestions in the Cayce material, Fred
often giving the mind another perspective and reprogramming repressed fears. The sought out a psychologist who used hypon events and experiences. In addition, channel of communication works in both nosis to uncover the source of the fear.
dreams can give us guidance as to what directions. We can uncover information While hypnotized, Fred described the
we might do about a particular situation. and also plant new ideas and motivations. co-worker as having a slight tic in the left
Dreaming—itself—can be a healing ex- Cayce suggested both strategies when eye. That observation immediately brought
perience. For example, most individuals dealing with fears.
up a memory of a baby sitter Fred had as
have had the experience of going to sleep
In a demonstration using hypnosis a young infant. The sitter, who had an eye
anxious, frustrated, or worried about to show how repressed fears operate, a tic, had been mean to him. That one session
something, only to awaken refreshed and hypnotist suggested to a hypnotized per- relieved the fear.
revitalized; somehow the proAs to uncovering the source of
cess of dreaming and sleeping
repressed fears, hypnosis is not the
has given the mind resolution.
only means available. Cayce noted
that by simply asking ourselves,
Just think how much more
After encountering so many examples of fear in the
“I wonder where this fear came
helpful that resolution might
lives of individuals (as well as in his own life), Hugh Lynn
be if an individual was aware
from?” we may find ourselves sponCayce created a list of eight approaches to working with
of what he or she had been
remembering an incident
personal fears, all focused on becoming cognizant of
dreaming. Recent research in
Meditation can
where an individual places her or his mind in the present:
“lucid dreaming” (the dream is
also refine the process of remem1. Set and work with spiritual ideals.
considered lucid if the dreamer
bering. Keeping steady with such
2. Focus the mind on constructive thoughts.
is aware and mindful that she
an intention might even inspire a
or he is dreaming during the
dream. Cayce noted that dreams
3. Use the mind to influence the body (and
dream) has demonstrated that
can serve both functions—not only
work with the body through relaxation and
knowing “it is only a dream”
revealing the presence and source of
allows some dreamers to acan otherwise unrecognized fear, but
4. Cultivate the systematic control of thought.
tively combat and defeat their
also providing dream experiences
5. Use inspirational reading.
“demons” in a dream.
that reduce or eliminate the fear.
The readings often encourWhen a 35-year-old marine
6. Watch your dreams as a means of observing
aged individuals to work with
asked Edgar Cayce how to deal
your real attitude.
“presleep suggestion” for overwith his longstanding fears, Cayce
7. Use pre-sleep suggestion (or, for long-standing
coming fears—especially as a
recommended that he develop his
fear issues, consider hypnosis).
helpful approach when working
sense of humor and attempt to see
8. Develop your sense of humor.
with children. For example, if
the “funny side” in life. Others were
your child suffers from night
encouraged to laugh when they
October-December 2015
terrors, you might sit next to that child as
he or she is falling asleep and be a voice
of positive encouragement: “You are in a
place of safety.” “You will have a restful,
helpful sleep.”“You are home, and you are
safe.”And so forth. Presleep suggestion can
be catered to address whatever is troubling
an individual by replacing that with positive, reinforcing thoughts and ideas. Giving
oneself suggestions when falling asleep
is also a very effective strategy. We might
decide to provide this kind of support to
ourselves by using a recorder. It is most
effective to record our own voice speaking
the suggestions, as our subconscious will
process it as if we are talking to ourselves.
Set aside the fear and replace it
with something more positive.
were depressed or discouraged, to read the
funny papers, or to watch a funny movie.
Often, laughter can provide immediate
relief to tension.
Today, psychologists know that the
basic challenge that fears present is that
they keep the person away from situations
where they would discover there was nothing to fear. The road from avoiding one’s
fear to facing and letting it go can take
many paths. The most common is a combination of interventions that gradually seek
two things simultaneously: to reduce fear
and to bring the person a little closer to the
object of fear. Dealing with nightmares is a
good example of Cayce’s approach, which
is also supported by modern psychotherapeutic methods.
Treating Nightmares
Suppose your child awakens from a
nightmare of being chased by a lion. You
put your child on your lap and comfort her
or him, thus reducing the level of fear. Next
you remind the child that you are present
and nothing can hurt the child while you
are around, thus providing a comforting
affirmation. Then you ask the child to
holler to the lion, “Leave me alone!” encouraging the child to use the protection
of the parent as extra courage to confront
the lion. A similar approach is used today
for the treatment of post-traumatic shock
among returning war veterans. The effect
of the trauma shows itself in recurring
nightmares. The therapy occurs in a group
setting, where not only the therapist but the
other veterans can support and encourage
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the patient to explore alternative ways of
confronting the bogey appearing in the
The dramatic example of treating
nightmares encompasses all the main
ingredients in Edgar Cayce’s philosophy
of dealing with fears in less dramatic
situations. The first thing is to recognize
and dedicate the fear to growing into
closer alignment with spiritual truth and
your co-creatorship with God. There are
physical, mental, and spiritual means of
temporarily lowering the fear level. As
we use these methods, we must also use
affirmations and guidance to move closer,
little step by little step, to the rewards of
overcoming the fear, to the enjoyment of
being in harmony with the opportunities
and events of life and able to respond and
contribute as the creative individuals that
by God’s nature we are.
The fears that truly challenge us are those
that come to our attention because they
upset us, blocking us from doing something
that we need or want to do. People find
themselves in conflict, where the motivation to approach a situation is at war with
a physically-felt need to flee the situation.
In order to deal with our personal
fears, Cayce provided many strategies.
Regardless of the origin of the fear, these
strategies were all designed to provide the
individual with a means of taking charge
of the situation, utilizing the power of the
mind, setting aside the fear and replacing it
with something more positive, and cultivating a new focus in the present. With this in
mind, a new twist to Franklin Roosevelt’s
famous statement might simply be, “As
I set aside my fear, I have nothing else to
Fear Is the Illusion of
Cayce contended that everything happens for a purpose. With that in mind,
adopting an “attitude of gratitude” toward
adversities is also a good strategy for recovery and beyond. How might that same
strategy apply to fear? To be aware that
fear is present is the first step. Mindfulness
of fear can be the first step in transforming
it. Awareness of fear can be a wake-up call
that we’ve fallen into the illusion of separation and therefore all strategies for survival
are probably tainted with fallacy. It can be
a call for re-examination and re-dedication
to our growth in co-creatorship with God.
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To learn more, call Customer Service: 800-333-4499 or 757-428-3588.
is Executive Director and
CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.,
an authority and spokesperson
on the Cayce Work, and the
author of more than 25 books,
including Edgar Cayce on the
Akashic Records.
research psychologist by training,
and the author of several books
and scholarly articles describing
his research developing ways
of applying the concepts in the
Edgar Cayce material.
Join Kevin for this field conference:
Nov 7, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Edgar
Cayce on Akashic Records, Relationships,
and Your Soul.
Visit EdgarCayce.org/fieldconferences.
Join Henry for his online eGroup:
Nov 4-Dec 1, eGroup: Awaken the Inner
Shaman. Visit EdgarCayce.org/eGroups.
—Kevin and Henry’s new book, Contemporary
Cayce: A Complete Exploration Using Today’s
Science and Philosophy,
includes 24 chapters on the
most important concepts
in the Cayce readings in
modern language, and is
available on page C-2 or at
The Healing Power of Love
Every day we have the
opportunity to choose
what we are going to
accept into our lives
and give energy to.
MD(H), a pioneer in holistic medicine
and study group member since 1957,
uses Cayce concepts in her consulting
practice in Scottsdale, Arizona.
October-December 2015
n reading 688-4, Edgar Cayce
says, “…the healing you each may
administer to others may flow as His
love through thee! For love healeth
the wounded; it binds up the broken-hearted; it makes for understandings
where differences have arisen. For God is love.”
I have a lifelong friend, Elizabeth, who has
taught me lessons by the very way in which
she lived her life. She is now in her 97th year
and still is my greatest teacher. This spring I
spent some time with her and I came away,
again, with a deeper understanding of the
power of love.
In 1939 after completing her training at
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, she went to
India as a missionary nurse. While there, she
fell in love with a young American in the Air
Force. Upon returning home, they were married. The only complicating factor was that he
was an only child and his mother had dreamed
of his marrying a girl of her choosing. When
that didn’t happen, she had trouble accepting
the bride he had chosen.
Their new home was a duplex. Her in-laws
lived in the upstairs apartment and she and her
husband lived in the ground-floor unit. Her
mother-in-law chose to supervise practically
everything her new daughter-in-law did, and
disapproved most of the time. So this young
bride was constantly faced with criticism and
lack of appreciation. When her baby was born,
her mother-in-law disapproved of the ways in
which she was caring for her child, and let her
know how she felt.
When I would visit their home I would
come away frustrated and upset about what
I considered the abuse my friend was putting
up with. I did not hear her complain, so I said
nothing. I was still hanging on to my emotional
attachment to what I had witnessed, so at this
year’s visit with her, I asked her how in the
world she had tolerated the abuse and actually
maintained a happy loving household.
Her answer was,“Well, Gladys, you know at
first it really bothered me, and I allowed myself
to be hurt. It was very painful and I knew I
had to do something about it. So after praying
about it for some time I came to the realization
that I loved my husband and his mother loved
him. We both loved the same man, and we each
had our own way of showing that love. My job
was to love him the way I did, and there was
nothing I could do about the way his mother
loved him. That changed everything for me.
She still continued with her ways but I did not
let them affect me or take it in or accept it. I
just let it be words and I went on doing what
I needed to do.
“When my father-in-law had a stroke I
nursed him until he died. After all, I am a nurse.
And when my mother-in-law had surgery, I
nursed her through that. When she died, the
first item in her will was, ‘Elizabeth gets my
The lovely thing is that Elizabeth raised three
children, and had never had a car. They were a
one-car family. So she had to take the streetcar
or walk for many years until her mother-in-law
willed her car to her. And now, at 97, she is the
only one still alive and is still driving a car. She
is the most kind, peaceful, loving, and funny
person I know.
Elizabeth for me has always been a living
example of what Edgar Cayce meant when
he said that love heals. Every day we have the
opportunity to choose what we are going to
accept into our lives and give energy to. Every
day she chose to concentrate on the healing,
which was love. The Christ love through her
not only healed the family but it healed her. She
was wounded and often her heart was broken
and differences arose, but she chose the path
of love and has blessed all of us who know her
throughout the years.
Another truth which is expressed in the readings is that ideals bring people together, while
ideas separate them. Looking at Elizabeth’s life,
I see that she understood this basic truth. She
really believed and lived her ideal—that love
heals. Her mother-in-law did not understand
this, but she loved her son—in her own way.
Their ideas about love were very different, but
as long as Elizabeth kept her focus on her ideal,
they were brought closer and closer together. It
took a long time, but it healed the whole family.
Three generations of people have lived and are
living productive creative loving lives because
one person, Elizabeth, kept and keeps love as
the center focus of everything.
The Magic of the A.R.E. Labyrinth
B Y J A N E T M . B J O R N S O N, M A
hen I was 16 I had an experience
with spirit communication that
intrigued and frightened me.
My grandmother, Rev. Laverne Hudock,
helped me to understand the experience.
She loved Edgar Cayce, and read most of
his books. She was a healer and medium,
and she taught me how to meditate. She
taught me about guides, telling me the
name of my Indian guide, White Feather. I
was fortunate to have my grandmother in
my life. She opened up a whole new world
of possibilities.
Later in life, I realized many other guides
and teachers were helping, teaching, and
guiding me as well. I inherited her Edgar
Cayce books when she passed from physical form to spirit. Reading those books
sparked my interest in Edgar Cayce and
A.R.E. Edgar Cayce believed that all trance
communication he received was from the
universal consciousness. I trust that the
communication I receive is from the same
A “Guided” Trip to Virginia
I was fortunate enough to visit A.R.E.
for five days in November, 2013. I enjoyed
the classes, seminar, and meditations so
much I decided to return for a month in
2014 to study, meditate, and take in the
amazing energy that surrounds A.R.E.
and Virginia Beach. Little did I know the
extraordinary experiences my guides were
planning. I have learned over the years to
listen to them, trust them, and do as they
ask. I may not know why I am directed to
do certain things until years later, but their
direction is always perfect for my growth
and development. The spiritual growth that
follows these experiences is life changing.
Shortly after arriving in Virginia
Beach and getting settled in a beautiful
oceanfront condo, I visited the A.R.E.
Bookstore. I was immediately drawn to
the stones, in particular a
heart-shaped labradorite. My
guides communicated that
I was to purchase this stone
and carry it with me while in
Virginia Beach. I purchased
the heart-shaped labradorite
as directed. Several days later
while waiting for a friend to
finish her massage, my guides
communicated clearly to me that I was to
walk the A.R.E. Labyrinth and work on
karma from this life and past lives. I have
never walked a labyrinth with any intention
before, so this was new to me. Upon reaching the labyrinth my guides explained what
they wanted me to do. They said “the twists
and turns of the labyrinth are like the twists
and turns of life on Earth.” They instructed
me to work on forgiving everyone for anything and everything they may have done
that hurt me in this life or any other.
This was to be done on the way into the
center of the labyrinth. Furthermore, they
told me to hold my heart shaped stone to
my heart, stop at each twist or turn and
say the prayer they directed me to say. I did
exactly as they directed. I was amazed at
the impact the prayers had, the issues my
guides brought up, and
the sense of release I felt
as I slowly walked to the
center of the labyrinth.
When I reached the center
I was instructed to say a
special prayer of release
and forgiveness in all four
directions, with the beautiful stone placed at my
heart. The stone began to get warm and
glowed the most beautiful blue color.
When I turned to make my way from
the center of the labyrinth out through the
twists and turns back to the beginning, I
was instructed to ask for forgiveness for
anything I may have done in this life or
any other that hurt another sentient being.
The instructions were clear, I was to release
all karmic debt against others through forgiveness and prayer on the way in, and ask
for other’s forgiveness and that they release
me from any karmic debt I carried from our
lifetimes together on the way out. I did all
that was asked of me. I felt so peaceful and
full of joy and love when I finished walking
the labyrinth. I thanked my guides for their
direction and for this wonderful experience.
I felt so close to God and so full of light,
as if a heavy burden had been lifted from
my spirit.
More Gifts
The next morning I took a walk on the
beach with my beautiful heart stone in
hand. When I got down to the oceanfront
my guides clearly said “well done, we have
a gift for you and you will find it on your
walk today.” What gift, I thought, could be
more precious than all the release, peace,
and joy I felt after walking the labyrinth? I
simply accepted this as another example of
their direction and thanked them. I walked
in the sand along the ocean heading north
from 36th Street. I enjoyed the day, the
sun and the warmth. Two miles into my
daily walk I asked my guides, “am I on
the right path?” After asking this question
it occurred to me that while enjoying the
ocean and sunshine I had not been thinking
about or looking for the gift they promised
on the walk. I looked down and there on
the sand was a white feather. Frequently
when I get spiritual communication from
my guides a white feather will appear. I
thanked White Feather and all my guides
for the confirmation, and continued to
walk. I smiled and knew that yes, I was on
the right spiritual path.
I walked another 50 feet and there
on the sand was another
white feather. I thanked
them again. I continued
to walk about another 50
feet, glanced down and
there in the sand was a
small heart-shaped metallic
stone. The face of a woman
was etched into the stone.
October-December 2015
I picked it up and said thank you many
times in my amazement. I continued
to walk contemplating the experiences
with my guides when I looked down and
there on the ground was
a triangular-shaped reddish-gold stone. The stone
had a mountain etched
into it that reminded me of
Secret Mountain in Sedona,
Arizona, and the red rock
I was in Sedona in 2011
and wanted to go to Secret Mountain, but
was unable to go because of time constraints. I felt a longing to return to Sedona
and visit the Secret Mountain wilderness
area. I believe they were directing me to my
next spiritual growth experience. My guides
have led me to wonderful spiritual energy
sites. I have learned life lessons at each
sacred spot. I have met wonderful people
and experienced such joy, peace, and love.
My experiences have replenished my soul. I
thanked my guides for all the gifts they have
bestowed and for the love I felt from them.
After this experience, I attended a fantastic past-life regression workshop at A.R.E.
with Peter Woodbury, MSW. I worked on
releasing more karma during my own pastlife regression. My guides came through
again at the end of the past-life regression
and told me that because of the karmic
work I had done I would have a new master
teacher working with me. I was astounded,
excited, and couldn’t wait to meet the new
master. During the regression workshop
I met a lady named Irmina Stalzer who
walks the labyrinth professionally. I shared
my labyrinth story with her. She told me
the labyrinth at A.R.E. is for karmic work.
I was excited, but not surprised. My guides
almost always send confirmation from
an outside source after a guided spiritual
experience and this time was no different.
Irmina was my confirmation. Little did I
know what else my guides had in store for
me during this trip, but I would find out
An Auspicious
I was meditating alone
in the A.R.E. meditation
room two days before
Thanksgiving. I was in
a very deep meditative
state and clearly heard my sister’s voice.
My sister passed away February 2, 2003
in Houston, Texas. She said as clearly as
if she were sitting next to me, “there is a
baby boy spirit waiting to
be born into your family, if
not in this lifetime then in
the next...” I was thrilled to
hear from her because we
were very close. I was surprised because I didn’t think
I would ever have another
grandchild. I was filled with
tearful excitement as I came out of the
meditation. Lo and behold, two days later,
on Thanksgiving Day, my son and daughter-in-law showed us the ultrasound picture
of the baby she was carrying, due July 4,
2015. While they didn’t know the gender of
the child then, we now have confirmation
that this child is a boy. My heart was full
of joy as I shared the story about my sister
with them.
I left beautiful Virginia Beach in early
December for a fundraiser at the United
Metaphysical Churches in Roanoke,
Virginia. Part of the fundraiser included
three readings with some of the best mediums in the United States. Imagine my
surprise when Reverend Reed Brown was
reading for me and told me that the karmic
work I had done had helped my spirit to
advance to a higher spiritual level. He did
not know anything about the work I had
been doing at A.R.E. This was another
confirmation from my remarkable guides.
I am so thankful to have been able to experience the high spiritual energy at A.R.E.
and in Virginia Beach. I am grateful for the
like-minded people I met. Every day was a
new adventure and learning opportunity.
We are all guided, all we have to learn to
do is hear the guidance, accept the direction,
and the experiences will be magical.
MA, was born in Michigan and has lived there her
whole life. She is married
to Richard. Together they
have a son, Richard Jr.,
a daughter-in-law Jen, a
granddaughter, and their
new grandson born in July,
2015, as predicted. Janet is a retired psychologist,
teacher, certified regression therapist, ordained
minister, medium, and healer. She has taught classes in beginning meditation and life between lives.
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Hone your skills.
Reiki Masters, yoga instructors, psychotherapists,
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many more seek out Atlantic University. There are many choices. First, there
are two M.A. programs: Leadership and Transpersonal Studies. Students
can also choose from two certificates: the Spiritual Guidance Mentor
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Maybe you are not interested in a full Master’s degree, but still want to
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If you want to be a regression hypnotist, you may enjoy the three levels of
Integrated Imagery: Regression Hypnosis Graduate Certificate. The Atlantic
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consciousness to enable people to access the many dimensions of the
unconscious mind. One primary objective of Integrated Imagery is to
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psychological complexes.” Program graduate Jim Pyra says, “The three
levels of integrated imagery classes, residencies and volunteer sessions
have provided me tremendous personal experience with hypnotic induction,
deepening and using various techniques. I have built my confidence in
general hypnotherapy as well as in regression work. The hours spent in
residency and practice sessions have provided many of the required
clinical hours to complete my external certification as a hypnotherapist
by the hypnotherapists’ union.”
Will these programs help you in your career? When alumni were asked
whether their studies at Atlantic University had affected their professional
lives, the vast majority answered “yes!”
Follow your bliss.
Some students are looking not for career
support: they want to learn more, absorb all that they can, and find
ways to blaze new trails and ignite the passion in their souls. Students
at Atlantic University have the opportunity learn more about how their
inner wisdom can guide them in their quest to live in harmony with the
universe and reside in a state of eternal joy. Recent graduate Deni Luna
says, “The experience was invaluable. Each class was life-transforming.”
Discover your mission, and jumpstart a career.
Are you an entrepreneur waiting for just the right purpose to emerge?
Graduates from Atlantic University programs have gone on to write books,
start mentoring and coaching practices, establish nonprofits, and open
thriving businesses. Luis Palma, an Army Afghanistan War veteran with
a background in Special Operations, was so moved by his education at
Atlantic University that he begin a holistic healing practice in his home
town, Palma Wellness Therapies. What might you create?
These are just a few aspects of what the programs can provide you. Do
they resonate with you? Can we help you take the next step? Contact
us at 757.631.8101 or 800.428.1512.
By Rachel Alvidrez, MS, and Bunny Paine-Clemes, PhD
Atlantic University
Our Students and Alumni Share About Their Atlantic University Experience
Atlantic University Your Spiritual Path to the Next Degree
Now, looking back on my experiences, I realise that I have not been awoken so much as (dare I say
it?) reborn into a new way of being, of experiencing and knowing the world, similar perhaps to how
a butterfly has died to its old self and been reborn as something different. I simply do not perceive
or experience the world in the same way I did before. Most impressive to me is that I have somehow
become the more peaceful, trusting, open-hearted, joyful, loving person I have always wanted to be,
and that this person IS me through and through. My whole attitude towards, and approach to my
fellow humans, Nature and the Divine has been profoundly transformed.
TOSCA ZARAIKAT, Class of 2015, MA in Transpersonal Studies
How I show up in the roles and the world continues to
expand and grow. My fundamental intention is to be a
better human and be of service to others, whatever my
role, interaction or daily responsibility. In the face of my
humanity I seek to view life through the spiritual lens.
My studies have supported expanding my lens and
integrating the whole of my life and my ability to show
up with presence, love and grace.
RHONDA HUBLER, Current Student, MA in Transpersonal Studies
Unbelievable transformation. This
has greatly boosted my professional
career, spiritual life, personal
relationships and confidence.
Current Student,
MA in Transpersonal Studies
My studies awakened me and brought me out of
the box from which I was living. It opened my eyes
to realizing where I was holding back and allowed
me to move forward into fulfilling a purpose in a
career that fits me.
EILEEN BILD, Class of 2010
MA in Transpersonal Studies
As an ever evolving spirit, I am grateful to Atlantic University
for reminding me of a goal I might have forgotten at birth, my
mission in life. My time at Atlantic University was serendipitous
in the complete removal of my spiritual veil. I was propelled
beyond my expectations as an intellectual and mystic on the
LUIS PALMA, Class of 2015
MA in Transpersonal Studies & IIIRH
October-December 2015
The extensive inner work done in
these courses will be extremely
useful for future endeavors.
Personal experience is an
amazing tool when helping or
teaching others.
Current Student,
MA in Transpersonal Studies
Claiming the Most Special Hour of the Day
“The best hour for
meditation is two
o'clock in the morning.
The better period
would be that…
in which the body
and mind may be
dedicated to that.”
author, psychologist, and educator
who worked at A.R.E. and Atlantic
University from 1973 through 2008.
He is now a faculty member at George
Mason University’s Center for the
Advancement of Well-Being where he
teaches courses about consciousness,
meaning, mindfulness, and spirituality.
More about his work can be found at
am not sure when I first heard this
strange idea about an optimal time
for meditation. It was probably more
than 45 years ago—at one of my first
A.R.E. conferences, or perhaps at a
meeting of my first A Search for God study
group. Get up in the middle of the night and
meditate at this time that is perfectly suited for
attunement and personal transformation. I am
sure my initial reaction was similar to what
most anyone else would say or think, “Oh,
sure, that sounds great, but there is no way
that’s going to happen for me!”
But in spite of my early reluctance to
embrace such a radical project, I have had
periods in my life where I did, in fact, become
a devoted practitioner. And I have come to
believe it may be one of the most powerful
and accessible tools for transformation that
Edgar Cayce ever mentioned. Let’s consider
what he had to say. I hope it will convince you
to give it a try.
In one reading, a 35-year-old woman asked,
“What are the best hours for meditation?” His
answer gave a specific time and emphasized
dedication: “The best hour for meditation is
two o'clock in the morning. The better period
would be that which will be set as a period in
which the body and mind may be dedicated
to that.” (2982-3) The same advice was given
to the original A Search for God study group
when they tried to find a time to meditate
together daily. But was 2:00 a.m. the only
time when everyone was available? Or was
there a deeper spiritual or even physiological
Cayce may have been pointing to a profoundly important fact of our evolutionary
history and the way our brains are designed
to operate. Scientific evidence for this possibility emerged more than four decades after
Cayce’s death. In 1992, psychiatrist Thomas
Wehr published a study in the Journal of Sleep
Research in which he reported on a monthlong study done with volunteers who were
placed in a controlled environment that had
14 hours daily of darkness. For the first few
days the subjects slept an average of 11 hours,
seemingly compensating for their longstanding
sleep deprivation. By the fourth week a new
pattern emerged: approximately four hours
of sleep followed by a natural awakening for
one or two hours, followed by another phase
of about four more hours of sleep. That intermediary period was characterized as a period
of quiet wakefulness or calmness that could be
likened to meditation.
Approaching this as a historical issue,
Professor Roger Ekirch’s book At Day’s Close:
Night in Times Past describes the extensive
evidence that before the modern era of electric
lighting, people naturally slept in a pattern
like the one Wehr had discovered in his lab: a
“first sleep” for four or five hours, then a calm,
meditative-like wakefulness for an hour or
two, and finally a “second sleep.” It sounds like
Cayce’s advice about a best time to meditate
was really just an invitation back to making
the best possible use of an hour that is already
embedded in our ancestral DNA.
So why is it so hard to say “yes” to this
advice? Surely, our modern culture of 24hour news and entertainment provides a
strong force to counter this innate tendency
to 2:00 a.m. wakeful calm. In his recent book
Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom
for a Sleepless Age, Clark Strand makes an
impassioned plea for us to have the discipline
to disengage from our computer screens and
TVs in the evening and to reconnect with the
natural rhythms of light and dark. In fact,
he makes the case—without any reference
to Edgar Cayce’s work—that the survival of
our civilization depends on our willingness to
embrace the darkness, to reclaim the ancient
wisdom of the goddess, and to make optimal
use of that hour in the middle of the night when
we are called to wakefulness.
Maybe you feel you want to experiment
with this in your own life. Try it for 28 days.
Even if you don’t feel ready to make such a
commitment, you’ll probably still have those
nights when you wake up at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m.,
and perhaps you can reframe what is going
on. Instead of insomnia, you can see it as an
opportunity to commune with God in the
silence of the night.
It’s just the way that thousands of years of
human history have programmed your brain
and hormonal system. It’s an opportunity to
use that time wisely, and there’s no better use
than a meditation period on those nights.
Earliest human engraving dates to
430,000 years ago
cientists have discovered what might be the oldest known
example of deliberate human engraving on an ancient shell
that had been stored in a museum for more than a century.
An NPR.org article by Nell Greenfieldboyce [sic] reported that
marine biologist/ archaeologist/paleontologist Josephine
Joordens of Leiden University was examining photographs
of a collection of shells from a natural history museum in the
Netherlands to reconstruct their native environment. She and
a colleague noticed faint geometric markings on one of them.
After ruling out that the marks were made by nature or animals,
she determined that the carved zig-zag marks were very old and
not created after the object was brought to the museum.
When the shell was fresh, the engraving would have
produced white lines on the black exterior of the shell, creating
a distinct, contrasting pattern.
Iceland is rising
esearchers Kathleen
Compton and Richard
Bennett, geoscientists at
University of Arizona, have
linked a physical rise in
Iceland’s crust with melting
glaciers due to global
warming that began about
30 years ago. Using a network
of 62 global positioning
satellite receivers fastened
to rocks throughout Iceland,
the scientists measured
the change over time. This
technique, called geodesy,
was used to determine
that Iceland is rising at an
accelerated rate—in some
cases, as much as 1.4 inches
per year. Being an island, as
the glaciers and ice caps melt,
the land mass of Iceland is
rebounding from the massive
loss of weight.
While scientists have
noticed the rise of Iceland
for some time, they weren't
sure if it was caused by past
or present deglaciation.
Their research is the first
to unequivocally link the
accelerated uplift and
melting glaciers to global
“What we’re observing is
a climatically induced change
in the earth’s surface,” said
Bennett. He added that there
is geological evidence that
during the past deglaciation,
roughly 12,000 years ago,
volcanic activity in some
regions of Iceland increased
thirtyfold. The date of 12,000
years ago roughly coincides
with Edgar Cayce’s final
sinking of Atlantis, circa
10,000 BC.
Sense of “awe” promotes altruistic
While the carvings are similar to engravings found on
ochre in Blombos Cave in South Africa from around 100,000
years ago, they are much older. Several different techniques
dated sediments from the shells to determine that the
carving was made between 430,000 and 540,000 years ago,
suggesting that the species Homo erectus, preceding the
Neanderthals, engaged in surprisingly sophisticated behavior.
In addition to the engraving, many of the shells have holes
that appear to have been made by rotating a pointed object
like a shark tooth. One shell seemed to have been shaped as a
cutting or scraping tool.
Skeptics doubt the conclusions: “This is a find that is
problematical in several ways,” says John Shea, a professor
of anthropology at Stony Brook University in New York. “It
sits there in the archaeological record with nothing like it
around for hundreds of thousands of years, and thousands
and thousands of miles. If this is symbolic behavior by Homo
erectus, then it's basically the only evidence we've got for
a species that lived for a million-and-a-half years on three
According to a Cayce reading, we may yet find older
drawings made by Miss 2665 in the northwestern portion of
New Mexico. Her drawings in mounds and caves were made
“some ten million years ago.” (2665-2)
October-December 2015
ecent research published by the American Psychological
Association (APA.org) suggests a strong correlation between a
sense of awe and cooperation, generosity, and altruism. The article
defines awe as “that sense of wonder we feel in the presence of
something vast that transcends our understanding of the world.
People commonly experience awe in nature, but also in response to
religion, art, and even music.”
For example, researchers had subjects look up at trees in a forest
or at a tall building for one minute. The experimenter then “accidentally” spilled a handful of pens. The tree-gazers were the most helpful.
Paul Piff, PhD, the lead author of the study explains, “Our investigation indicates that awe, although often fleeting and hard to
describe, serves a vital social function. By diminishing the emphasis
on the individual self, awe may encourage people to forgo strict
self-interest to improve the welfare of others.” The studies used
a variety of methods to test the effect of awe, including showing
video clips of nature.
He continued, “Across all these different elicitors of awe, we
found the same sorts of effects—people felt smaller, less self-important, and behaved in a more pro-social fashion. The common
thread across all of those manipulations is that each one, however
different in content, exposed people to something vast that transcended their understanding of the world, or their default mode of
seeing the world.”
Perhaps there is something in nature, in beauty, in art, in music
that promotes cooperation and oneness.
Child’s Epileptic Seizures Reduced
“Keep in that same way and manner [of hope],
would the body, [137], be of that utmost help,
strength, to this wavering condition that exists.
Giving of self in the way that brings the stronger
light, in faith, hope and cheer, see?” (137-46)
The mother committed
to massage the child
most every day with
olive oil. Afterward,
she would cradle the
child’s head and hold it.
chiropractor and a massage therapist
who trained with Dr. Harold Reilly in
massage and holistic therapies as
found in the Edgar Cayce readings.
He has taught at the Cayce/Reilly®
School of Massage for over six years,
and is an international speaker and
teacher in Cayce-based health and
wellness. He is now a consultant at
the A.R.E. Health Center and Spa
(AREHealth.org) in Virginia Beach.
amantha, a three-year-old girl, was
brought in by her mother for a consultation. Samantha suffered from hydrocephalus, a condition that increases the
pressure on the brain and when present
from birth, enlarges the skull. In due course, Samantha had a shunt implanted—a small plastic
tube which relieved the extra pressure. She is on
certain anti-epileptic medications to reduce the
frequent seizures. The seizures occurred almost
daily and were mostly of the grand mal type.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) of the
NIH, “the term hydrocephalus is derived from
the Greek words “hydro” meaning water and
“cephalus” meaning head. As the name implies,
it is a condition in which the primary characteristic is excessive accumulation of fluid in the
brain. Although hydrocephalus was once known
as “water on the brain,” the “water” is actually
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)—a clear fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The excessive
accumulation of CSF results in an abnormal widening of spaces in the brain called ventricles. This
widening creates potentially harmful pressure on
the tissues of the brain.”
On the NINDS website it further states,
“In infancy, the most obvious indication of
hydrocephalus is often a rapid increase in head
circumference or an unusually large head size.
Other symptoms may include vomiting, sleepiness, irritability, downward deviation of the
eyes (also called “sun setting”), and seizures.”
Samantha had experienced all of the symptoms.
And even though she was taking anti-epileptic
medication, she still had seizures frequently.
Her mother wanted some advice as to natural
methods that could support her daughter and
the healing process.
There are a few Edgar Cayce health readings
on hydrocephalus, with some recommendations, two of which were applicable in this
case—massage and prayer. In addition, I felt
that cranio-sacral therapy would be helpful as
well as nutritional support. I instructed her in the
massage recommended in the readings as well as
in cranio-sacral therapy, at this point limited to
gently cradling the head in specific ways. While
doing so I suggested she pray over her child.
The nutritional support consisted of a liquid
multivitamin and multimineral and a liquid
omega-3 oil, given each day Monday through
Friday, with a break over the weekend. In addition, I instructed her to give Samantha more pure
proteins and avoid any processed starches and
sugars, and plenty of vegetables and fruit. Only
whole grains were allowed, following the basic
80%-alkaline Cayce diet with the exception of
the carbohydrate:protein ratio. Research suggests
that a high-protein diet may reduce the frequency
and intensity of epileptic seizures.
The mother committed herself to massage
the child most every day with olive oil. After
the massage she would have her lie on her back
and cradle the child’s head and hold it for a
period. The supplements were ordered and then
administered. Samantha continues to be under
medical care.
“Do these, as we have indicated, in a consistent
and persistent manner; and we will find we will
bring the normal conditions for this body. Not as
rote, but knowing that within self must be found
that which may be awakened to the building
of that necessary for the body, mentally and
physically and spiritually, to carry its part in this
experience. For the application of any influence
must have that which is of the divine awakening
of the activative forces in every atom, every cell
of a living body.” (726-1)
I saw them about three months later and the
mother reported that Samantha’s seizures had
been greatly reduced, she was eating better and
was more interactive. The mother promised to
continue the regimen and both mother and child
are happier and healthier.
The reading that came to my mind when I
heard her report was:
“The time and the place is at hand when each
may in their own way see the manifestations of
the spiritual forces shown in the material world,
and as each feel the weakness in their physical
abilities to be of aid under the existent conditions,
then doing that which seems to be as near as
possible the correct conditions in this time, put
then the trust in Him who is the seat of Hope…”
We Can Make a Difference.
CREATE Campaign Ends December 31
Raised: $13.9 million
Annual Giving
Goal: $13 million
Raised: $6.9 million
Support Programs You Love
Goal: $7 million
Your Favorite Program Needs Your Support
A.R.E. Camp still needs your help recovering from the Dining Hall fire; the Massage School and Atlantic
University need dollars for new programs and technology – including support for veterans; help us
upgrade EdgarCayce.org; or choose your favorite program and help us transform it. Together, we can
make a real difference.
Capital Projects
Raised: $7.1 million
Build for Tomorrow
Goal: $7.5 million
Renovate the Library & Conference Center at Headquarters!
Until December 31, 2015, your donations of $500 or more will be DOUBLED when you contribute to
this final CREATE Campaign building project. We still need to raise over $500,000 to renovate the 1975
Library and Conference Center: update the lobby and Library, build new and larger restrooms, expand the
bookstore/gift shop and auditorium, new air-conditioning, improve parking. Please help us make a great
impression on future visitors.
Goal: $2.5 million
Ensure A
Bright Future
Raised: $1.8 million
Three Endowments Created in Memory of Gail Flagler
An anonymous donor has established three endowments in memory of longtime member and former
Vice President of Trading Operations for the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Gail Anita Flagler: one for
A.R.E. Membership Scholarships, one for A.R.E. Camp, and one to support our Prayer Services program.
$250,000 in total, these endowments will generate funds in Gail’s memory in perpetuity.
Do you have someone you’d like to memorialize or honor? Named endowments start at $25,000.
Campaign Total
CREATE Ends Dec. 31, 2015
Raised: $29.7 million
Goal: $30 million
For more information about the CREATE Campaign,
go to EdgarCayce.org/create or contact
Patrick Belisle, Development Director
at 757-457-7126 or Pat@EdgarCayce.org
October-December 2015
Carrying Unnecessary
Burdens? Let’s Let
Go of Them!
CAN be
enough without also
bearing the burdens
of yesterday. By releasing the past, we
free ourselves to
step into the healing rays of God’s
light. We’re the ones
holding onto these,
not God. While it may
appear impossible on
our own, with God’s help
all things are possible, as Jesus
taught in Matthew 19:26.
Too many of us carry unhealthy negative energy such as pain, anger, remorse,
regret, and guilt around with us. Not only
do these emotions burn in our gut and
tighten our chest, they separate us from
God and begin to eat away at our relationships with others and with ourselves.
Rather than feel sorry for ourselves, we
can apply this teaching from Edgar Cayce:
“Never think too highly of yourself
and never belittle yourself too much. You
have almost lost hold of yourself at times
in feeling sorry for yourself. You have
nothing to feel sorry for! God is just as
mindful of you, though you have made a
wreck of some people's lives—and you'll
have to meet it. But that you are alive, that
you are conscious, and that you have the
opportunity in this period to apply self in
the reconstruction of what man is to look
forward to, should encourage you to know
that God is mindful of each soul. Then use
the abilities that you have, and you have
many.” (3689-1)
When we deny or ignore bad feelings
and hurts, we drag them around everywhere as if they were a literal ball and
chain. We carry them into new relationships, workplaces, and our homes. I (John)
love the saying first spoken in the 1930s by
Emmet Fox, “carrying resentment is like
drinking poison while expecting the other
person to die.” These emotions are truly
poisonous to our bodies, and worse, they
block us off from God’s peace.
The added burden of carrying these resentments can cause us to tire much more
quickly. We may become comfortable in
the role of victim or martyr.
These issues create a dis-ease in us. And
if we allow them to fester, then we may
become ill, as Cayce warned: living in a
state of dis-ease leads to disease!
Some of us become increasingly focused
on ourselves, narcissistic and entitled. Or
the opposite may happen and we become
timid and mousy, waiting for someone to
acknowledge our pain or to save us from
Many of us feel so trapped by our past
that we allow it to define us. We can’t see
a clear way to resolve these heavy feelings.
Of course, there is no easy resolution.
Cayce instructs us to turn our faces to the
Light and ask for liberation and resolution.
Many, having overcome a heavy burden,
have shared that asking God to help is
essential to lighten it. Of course, it requires
action on our part as well. Here’s Cayce’s
teaching on this all-important step in our
“Look to the front ever, for as one looks
towards the light the shadows fall behind
and do not become stumbling blocks to
individual development. Thoughts are
things, and while the past that is passed
may be used as stepping-stones to higher
things, looking back causes one to stumble…” (262-28)
In other words, although the past may
be used as a stepping-stone because we can
learn from it, it is best to look forward to
the light of a new horizon—a new, wiser,
gentler self, living with God’s help.
Now it is also true that in order to fully
release a burden, we have to acknowledge it
and grasp some understanding of its origin
(see sidebar).
Don’t Let the Dirty Dishes
Pile Up
Marla Cilley, who goes by title “The Fly
Lady,” has a motivational website flylady.
net, that focuses on organization, housekeeping, and ridding your surroundings
of clutter. She offers some helpful tools. I
(Jacqueline) have used her concepts about
the house of my heart and mind to relate
to emotional clutter. My favorite of her
sayings is: “Shine your sink at night.” Clean
How to Fully Release a Burden
When a troubling situation comes up in your memory, examine it—allow it to
sit, as painful as it is, and as much as you want to quickly brush it away or find
some distraction to avoid the pain—look at it, feel it. Consider where it is manifesting in your body: do you feel it in your chest, in your solar plexus, in your head, or
heart? Breathe into that space; take three deep breaths into the emotions you are
feeling. Ask God to come with you, to hold your hand, to breathe with you. Ask God
to help you forgive and release this experience, to forgive the other person as well
as yourself. This takes time. It takes prayer. These deep hurts have many layers and
some have festered for a long time and become hardened. We are good at developing defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from pain. But, shockingly, some of
these defense mechanisms cause us to hurt others again. Some of us lash out at others or have no patience, because these layers are unconscious—difficult for us to see.
God and our inner mind can help reveal them in a manner that we can handle.
Now the next step is up to us: we must move on to forgiveness, prayer, and release! Within us is the power to take these first steps toward change, especially
when we feel our loving Creator is with us in this difficult process.
Once we have owned our painful feelings and memories, and God has helped
us release them, we are reborn! We stand tall. We are lighter. We are free to
feel joy and peace. We are free to spread love and help others. And we can now
encourage those who still feel trapped, because we speak from personal experience.
We can assure others who are carrying burdens that there is peace on the other side.
Having released our burdens we can set boundaries when engaging with our
own negative thoughts and with negative people. Rather than spreading our
pain, we can now spread our newfound freedom from burdens throughout every facet of life. We can say “no” to carrying resentments. We can truly forgive and release.
We can live the life we dreamed. Right here, right now, with our current circumstances and relationships. We can be free, no matter our surroundings because freedom
comes from within. This is a contentment that brings a peaceful disposition so rare in
life. It’s a condition that helps us be patient and kind to the people around us.
all the dirty dishes that have piled up from
that day. Wash them, dry them, and put
them away. Clean the sink itself. Wipe it
dry and buff the spout. Oh my, it does feel
good to wake up to a clean sink! I don’t
manage this every night, but when I do, it
really lifts my spirits in the morning.
Now let’s transfer this to our emotional
dishes. Let’s say you’re driving the car on a
lovely day and someone cuts you off—take
that dirty dish and put it in your sink. Say
you have an argument with a loved one—
this one’s more like a lasagna pan with all
the layers and baked-on cheese—put that
in the sink, too. Then on your way home,
for some reason, a thought comes into
your mind of a time that was very painful.
You haven’t processed this painful time
and still carry it within you. Not always
consciously, but you have never released
it. So this memory comes up and with it
come all the other dirty dishes waiting
to be cleaned. So you pile those on top
October-December 2015
of the dishes from today. Now when you
get home, exhausted, after a long day of
dragging all this emotional baggage, you
leave the dishes for another day. The next
day more dishes, and eventually they are
spilling out of the sink.
Imagine what could happen if each
night we did our emotional dishes from
that day. We remember the guy who cut us
off and remind ourselves that we have no
idea what burdens he bears or why he was
in such a rush. It really wasn’t a big deal,
and we wash, dry, and put away that dish.
Moving on to the next dish, we analyze
the argument we had with our loved one.
Maybe we even start to teach ourselves to
focus on our part rather than his or hers.
We see where we could have modified our
behavior. In Richard Carlson’s bestselling
book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, And It’s
All Small Stuff, there is one of my (John’s)
favorite sayings: “Choose to be kind over
being right, and you’ll be right every time.”
We begin to focus less on that person’s
actions or behavior, seeing that they are
doing what they can with what they have.
Our heart softens. We pray and ask God to
guide both of us. And we let it go! When
all our dishes are clean, we shine our sink
by praying, meditating, and spending time
allowing God to shine through the house
of our heart and mind. We trust that He too
is mindful of us, understands us, and loves
us. We go to bed with clean energy. When
we wake up, our sink is empty and totally
ready for the emotional dishes of this day.
Beginning a new practice is not to say
that we should expect ourselves never to
lose our cool or hold on to something for
too long. Expecting perfection will often
result in disappointment. It’s not about
expecting to feel joy and understanding
when someone cuts us off in traffic. It’s
about beginning to see how these situations
affect us, especially if we don’t process
them. It’s about observing how we allow
them to change our emotional state; and
then how they ripple out and usually hurt
the people we love most. Becoming aware
of how this process works in us is the beginning of owning our emotions and being
empowered to step out of victim, martyr,
or grump roles, and step into God’s warm
glow, and walk with love and light. The
decision is ours. God is already there.
the daughter of John and
Doris Van Auken. She
worked in customer service
at A.R.E. and attended Radford University. She lives in
Virginia Beach with her husband and their two children.
JOHN VAN AUKEN is a renowned speaker, writer, tour
leader, and director at A.R.E.
He is the author of several
bestselling books and is an
expert on the Edgar Cayce
readings, Egyptian mysticism,
and meditation.
Join John and Jacqueline:
December 29-31, HQ Workshop: Letting
Go of Unnecessary Burdens at the Annual
New Year’s Conference. Visit EdgarCayce.org/
—For a complete list of John's upcoming
activities visit EdgarCayce.org/johnvanauken.
Edgar Cayce’s Sacred Stones
By Shelley Kaehr, PhD
A.R.E. Press • 224 pages, paperback, full-color illustrations • Item #671 $16.95; A.R.E. Members $13.56
Excerpts from Introduction and
Part I: How and Why Gem Healing
…Everything in the universe consists of vibrations, and this idea is highlighted in much of the
Cayce material.
Recently after a long period of working nonstop over the holidays, I developed a headache
that lasted for three days. It was so severe that I
had no choice but to go to bed and rest. When we
need rest but refuse to listen to subtle clues, the
body will eventually make the decision for us. Such
was the case with my headache…
I was so “out of it” the first day that it wasn’t
until the second day before I finally got up and
selected some rocks. I chose my favorite citrine for
my solar plexus, some amethyst for my eye sockets,
a carnelian for my abdomen, and some quartz for
the collarbone and neck area.
Within about twenty minutes of laying the
gems on my body, I began to feel better.The stones,
along with a vaporizer filled with eucalyptus, a
lavender pillow on my eyes, and music consisting
of alpha waves, all worked together to help me
turn the corner in my healing.
This example of using stones explains how
working with gems or any vibrational remedy can
be successful. When you feel out of alignment in
any way—and normally on a much more subtle
level than what I just described—you need something to help you to restore your alignment.
Gems and stones, along with music, essential
oils, and other wonderful tools that we have at our
disposal, are very beneficial for realigning us with
our natural healthy balance.
Gem healing is like music. Have you ever heard
people trying to play music when it is out of tune?
There is something off, and it doesn’t sound quite
right. That is what happens to the body—the
physical body, as well as the energetic body. On
the other hand, when you hear singing or playing
that is harmonious, it lifts the spirit as though the
heavens have parted…
I am extremely concerned about the idea of
frequency sickness. Our society is often so plugged
into phones, computers, televisions, and other
devices that we have become out of sync with
nature. This is not good!
During those few days when I was ill, I could not
stand the sight of any [computer] screens or loud
sounds. I was literally sick of anything electronic. I
had to unplug. I am a very sensitive person, and I
am greatly concerned about the masses that may
be unaware of what electronics are doing to us…
Now more than ever, it is extremely beneficial to
understand Cayce’s work and to learn how to use
natural methods to shift our energy when necessary.
Subtle Bodies
Aside from the physical body, there are three
areas of energy within all of us. …
The first is the etheric energy layer. This is the
field that resides closest to your physical body
and is most intricately tied to your health and
well-being. If you are blocked here, it will result in
an actual, physical illness.
Second is the mental or emotional body, which
is six inches away from the body. This is where our
memories and emotions are stored. When we do
not adequately express our emotions, this area
is affected.
Finally, the causal or spiritual body is about a
foot away from your physical body and extends
to infinity. I believe that all of our challenges in life
begin here. Some challenges derive from karma
that we incarnated here to work on, and some
challenges are new lessons that we have decided
to take on after our birth. If we can address our
issues at this level, then we do not need to be
concerned with the emotional aspects or physical
aspects of our energy bodies. That is easier said
than done, of course! As my story about being ill
demonstrates, we do not normally make changes
unless there is mental or physical discomfort first.
When you place a stone on your body, that
mineral exists at a higher vibrational frequency
than that of the body. Because it is natural and
free from the mental or emotional garbage that
affects the rest of us, the stone holds its own.
When introduced to the physical shell, it will create
a change in the above-mentioned energy fields.
Different stones bring different qualities to
us. Do you need love, health, or money/security?
Depending on what you want to create, certain
stones hold a frequency for those circumstances
or attributes. By using the stones, your field can
begin to shift and align in order for you to attract
what you want. We will explore how this energy
shift works throughout this book…
Healing Self and Others
Once you understand how and why gem healing works, it’s time to put that knowledge to use
by healing yourself and others with the stones…
When I do self-healing, I like to lie on my back
and place stones on my heart center, my torso, and
my forehead. In addition, I often place a crystal at
the top of my head on my pillow to help open the
crown. Sometimes the placement varies, depending on what I believe I need at the time.
Please remember that there is no right or wrong
in this method. Your intuition will let you know
what is best for you. Simply place the stones on
or around the body, leaving them there while you
take a brief nap or meditation. When you awake,
the stones will have assisted you in producing the
needed shift, as they did for me.
Dr. Kaehr is one of the
world’s leading authorities on the practical uses
of gems and stones for
energy healing and mindbody medicine. She is a
member of the American
Board of Hypnotherapy and Master Practitioner
of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Available through our catalog; see page C-4 or visit
ARECatalog.com.A.R.E. members receive a 20% discount.
Unlocking Your Intuition
7 Keys to Awakening Your Psychic Potential
By Carol Ann Liaros
4th Dimension Press • 112 pages, paperback • Item #125 $12.95; A.R.E. Members $10.36
Excerpt from Chapter Three: Seven
Keys to Unlocking Your Intuition
Having given readings for 45 years, I have
discovered there are certain formulas that work.
I am sharing these formulas in the Seven Keys;
these keys will be helpful as you learn to use your
intuitive skills…
Key Seven: Practice, Practice, Practice
The seventh key to unlocking your intuition
has three parts to it—practice, practice, practice!
Confidence will come with practice and feedback.
Intuition is like other skills. Even though an artist
has wonderful talent, certain amounts of training
and practice are required to develop that talent.
You wouldn’t expect to take one or two tennis
lessons and be an excellent player. Like any skill
or talent, intuition takes practice and feedback to
gain confidence.
Having been in a scientific laboratory where I
had the opportunity to practice, receive immediate and extensive feedback, and thus gain confidence was fortunate for me. One of the things
people ask is “How can I practice? I can’t go up to
strangers on the street and say let me give you a
reading! Let me tune into you. I want to practice.”
Actually, all you need to do is let your friends
know that you are studying intuition, and they
will usually say something like this: “Well, I don’t
believe in this, but here…here’s a photograph, or
here’s my watch, or tune into me, or tune into my
daughter.” Most will be more than willing to have
you practice with them, and at the same time,
October-December 2015
you have the freedom to say “I’m just learning.”
Practice with a situation in which you don’t
have an emotional investment. Take the newspaper, and with an election tomorrow (you don’t
care who wins) decide who is going to win. Keep
in mind though that if you are a staunch party
member, your conclusion might be colored. There
are many TV shows (like a quiz show) you can
practice with and get immediate feedback. After
you have developed a track record and want to
make decisions using your intuition (along with
your intellect) about important issues in your life,
you have confidence that you can be objective.
Here are other suggestions for practicing.
When you are standing in front of an elevator, decide which of the elevators is going to come first.
If you are shopping for a particular object, select
three or four stores where you might find it; then
intuit which store will have the object. Intuit the
price as well.Then call the stores for confirmation.
Is it the store you have intuited? Is the price higher
or lower? If you want to play the stock market,
pick a stock. Will it go higher or lower? What will
the selling price be? While listening to the news,
intuit outcomes, such as what the verdict is going
to be in a trial which is in progress.
• Do not send telepathic messages. You will not
want your fears/guesses/wishes fed back to you.
Excerpt: Suggestions When
Visiting a Psychic
• After the reading is completed, share the information that you can verify. Psychics are human and
feedback can be very helpful for them. If the psychic makes predictions, it would be very thoughtful
to write and let the person know the outcome…
• Every person has his or her own area of expertise.
If possible, find out if it is relationships, precognition, retrocognition, locating lost objects, etc.What
are your needs?
• Make a list of questions to cover everything
you want to know. Some people are nervous or
intrigued with information the psychic gives them
and may leave with questions unanswered.
• Be prepared: If the psychic does psychometry,
have all of your objects ready. Follow the instructions of the psychic. Allow the reader to proceed
in his or her own manner. Record the reading.
Sometimes we hear what we want to hear, not
what was said. Also, you can check the accuracy
of the psychic to discover what areas he or she has
been most accurate for you. (Be concerned if the
person will not allow taping.)
• Be courteous, even if you are a skeptic. The individual deserves to be treated with consideration.
As the psychic is concentrating, do not rattle
papers, smoke, squirm in your seat, interrupt, or
display other distracting behaviors.
• Do not press for information. The psychic will
give you everything he or she receives. A good
reading is designed to help you cope with your life.
• Be discerning. Not critical.
• Keep an open mind—but not a sieve!
• Remember the percentage of accuracy varies
with each psychic. Get the perspective of friends
whose judgment you trust to review the reading
with you. Sometimes our blind spots interfere with
our evaluation!
• Inaccuracies can occur in readings if the psychic
is reading your mind (telepathy) or misinterpreting
information he or she receives. It can be a good
idea to ask how the person receives the information. You may recognize the information while he
or she may be interpreting from his or her own
experiences. Be willing to verify.
“Each one who has a soul has a psychic power.”
Edgar Cayce (5392-1)
For over 40 years, Carol
Ann has been a professional psychic, lecturer,
workshop presenter, and
author. She has appeared
on international TV,
hundreds of radio shows,
in the movie Inner Spaces, and has been a
speaker and mentor for A.R.E.
Available through our catalog; see page C-3 or visit
ARECatalog.com.A.R.E. members receive a 20% discount.
Scottsdale • Nov 24-25
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Lynnie or Rex 480-661-8000
Tucson • Nov 21-22
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Gina Sperry 520-490-0680
Culver City • Oct 3
The Quickening: Leaping Ahead on
Your Spiritual Journey
Gregg Unterberger, MEd, LPC
Sacramento • Nov 17-19
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Yuene Shure 530-219-6831
Santa Monica • Nov 27-29
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Wilma Jackson 310-829-1425
Vacaville • Nov 13-14
Light from the Distant Past: Ancient
Insights Revealed for Today
John Van Auken, James Tyberonn,
David Hatcher Childress
Denver • Oct 3
Energy Medicine: Practical Applications
and Scientific Proof
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
North Haven • Oct 24
Edgar Cayce on the Light and Dark
Forces: Angels, Fairies, and Ghosts
John Van Auken
Palm Harbor • Nov 7
Think on These Things: Timeless Gems
from the Edgar Cayce Readings
Charles Thomas Cayce, PhD, Corinne Cayce, MA
The Villages area • Jan 30, 2016
Many Lives, One Source: Understanding Karma, Grace, Reincarnation, and
Your Place in the Divine Plan!
Peter Woodbury, MSW
Edgar Cayce Holistic Center 888-663-0082 or
847-299-6535; areheartland.org/chicago; email
Des Plaines (Chicago area) • Dec 1-3
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Edgar Cayce Center 888-663-0082
Oct 4
Mindshift: Putting on the Mind of
Robert Trowbridge, MDiv
Marlene Duet 985-893-9025
Jan 23, 2016
Sacred Geometry and Spiritual
Symbolism: Bringing Heaven and
Earth Together
Donald B. Carroll
Bethesda • Oct 24
Your Soul Remembers—Accessing Your
Past Lives Through Soul Writing
Joanne DiMaggio
Ann Jaffin 240-669-6032 (sjaffin@juno.com)
Boston • Dec 5-7
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Aantre Kennedy 781-848-8860
Plymouth • 2nd and 4th Friday mornings
Coffee with Cayce
Presentation and group discussion
Betty 508-673-0477 (bettyp508@aol.com)
or Lois 508-880-7588
Quincy • 3rd Saturdays
Monthly Meeting and Program
Jeff Bagley 617-479-9361 (jefftb9@gmail.com)
Waltham • Oct 3
Finding Your Intuitive Voice: Listening
to the Wisdom of Your Soul for
Inspiration and Guidance
Mary Roach, MA
Detroit area
Nov 7
Many Lives, One Source: Understanding Karma, Grace, Reincarnation:
Your Place in the Divine Plan!
Peter Woodbury, MSW
4th Wednesday of each month
Healthy Sleep & Dreamwork Support
3rd Thursday of each month, 7-9 p.m.
Metro Detroit A.R.E. Lecture Series
Margaret Dwyer 248-541-0128
Woodbridge • Nov 7
Discover Your Spiritual Destiny with
Guidance from Your Angels
Kim O’Neill
Albuquerque • Oct 17
True Tales from the Cayce Archives:
Lives Touched and Lessons Learned
from the Sleeping Prophet
Sidney Kirkpatrick
For info call HQ toll-free: 800-333-4499
New York City
A.R.E. of New York Edgar Cayce Center
212-691-7690 or visit EdgarCayceNYC.org
Nov 7-11
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Oct 6, 13, 20, 27
Sacred Sound—Find Yours!
Sound Energy Healing Class
Elizabeth Tomboulian
Oct 8
Clairvoyance and Messages from
Loved Ones in Spirit
Karen Rose Slember and Jane Dawson
Oct 10, Nov 7, Dec 12
Monthly Psychic and Healing Fairs
Oct 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 18
Intuitive Tarot Course
Sylvia Chappell
Dec 12
Holiday Party
Dec 31
Annual New Year’s Eve Celebration
with Midnight Meditation and
Prayers for Peace
Westerville • Nov 14
Meditation Retreat
Darian Torrance 614-332-6214
Philadelphia • Nov 13-15
Spiritual Healing Sessions
Malcolm Smith/malcolmsmithhealer.com
Phyllis Vorhauer 484-494-6097
For a schedule of group meetings to discuss Edgar
Cayce topics (in Spanish), contact Dolly at:
787-765-3574 or 787-397-0440
(edgarcaycepr@gmail.com) or go to
Montgomery Bell State Park near Burns
Nov 6-8
44th A.R.E. Mid-South Retreat
Edgar Cayce: The Man and the Message
Sidney and Nancy Kirkpatrick
Greta Heru (Gheru19@hotmail.com)
or 901-206-6289 or CareMemphis.org
For upcoming events, call Southwest Region
Houston A.R.E. Center
713-263-1006 or visit EdgarCayceHouston.org
Cayce/Reilly® School of Massotherapy
Continuing Education Workshops
EdgarCayce.org/houston; Email: workshops@
caycereilly.edu; or call 757-457-7134
Hunt area • Oct 1-4
Texas Fall Retreat
Awakening the Light Within
John Van Auken
Linda Mitchell 210-273-0370 (TxFallRetreat@gmail.com)
Oct 3
Mini One-Day Program at the
Monroe Institute
Oct 17
The Inspirational Drawings of Alma
Wendy Oke
Joanne DiMaggio 434-242-7348
Fairfax Area • Nov 14
Think on These Things: Timeless Gems
from the Edgar Cayce Readings
Charles Thomas Cayce, PhD, Corinne Cayce, MA
Virginia Beach
New Bookstore and Gift Shop Events
In addition to the new aura camera, and popular
monthly Psychic Fairs, the A.R.E. Bookstore &
Gift Shop is offering evening classes in Virginia
Beach. The new classes include popular topics
like pendulums and dowsing, spirit communication, palmistry, and understanding auras. For
a list of upcoming events, visit EdgarCayce.org/
bookstore or call 757-457-7231.
Atlantic University
Visit AtlanticUniv.edu or see pgs. 18 and 44
A.R.E. Headquarters
The A.R.E. Visitor Center offers free activities to
all guests. For a complete listing of all upcoming
events and times, visit EdgarCayce.org/VaBeach.
2 p.m. Edgar Cayce Legacy Movie
Also available on-demand; ask for details
at the Lobby desk.
2:30 p.m. Guided Tour of Visitor Center
VIRGINIA, continued
3:30 p.m. Lecture on a Topic from
the Readings
Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. Chat with June Bro
Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Glad Helpers
Healing Prayer Group (with
Laying on of Hands)
Saturday, 1 p.m. ESP Testing and Demos
12:30 p.m. Guided Meditation on CD
1 p.m. ESP Testing and Demos
Weekdays, 12 noon Staff-Led Meditation
Headquarters Conferences
For a list of upcoming A.R.E. Conferences in
Virginia Beach, see p. 59
2016 Dates TBA
Wellness and Rejuvenation
Retreat Limited Enrollment
Details and registration at EdgarCayce.org/
spa or call 757-457-7202
Life Member Benefit Conferences
Open to all. Life Members (and a guest) may
redeem their passes for one of the following
conferences as a membership benefit:
Oct 17
Many Lives, One Source:
Understanding Karma, Grace,
Reincarnation, and Your Place in
the Divine Plan!
Dec 29-31, 2015
Annual New Year’s Conference:
Living Edgar Cayce's Legacy of
Health and Wellness
The Forum
Hosted at A.R.E. HQ once a month, Wed.,
7-9:30 p.m. Day Schwartz 804-693-5192
Oct 28
Walking the Intuitive Path: the
Shaman’s Journey to Oneness
Nancy Pohle Chrisbaum
Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage
Continuing Education Workshops
Open to all—no prerequisite required.
757-457-7134; workshops@caycereilly.edu
Partial list of workshops; see CayceReilly.edu for
complete schedule.
Oct 3-4
Acupoint Reflexology™, Level I
For info call HQ toll-free: 800-333-4499
October-December 2015
50th Annual A.R.E. Summer Seabeck Retreat
By William and Judith Munns
Seabeck Conference Center in Washington state hosted
more than 120 delighted A.R.E. members and friends June
24-28, 2015, at the 50th annual A.R.E. Summer Retreat in
that marvelous location. Author/Researcher/Lecturer John
Van Auken was the favorite choice to lead our celebratory
anniversary week. He packed in many hours of information
from the Cayce legacy during those five days! Newcomers
and old-timers, from as far as northern Alberta, Canada, and
southern California, USA, shared the magnificent weather,
the annual salmon bake on the beach, a talent show, and
John’s thoughtful insights into Edgar Cayce’s views on our
soul’s appearance on the earth.
We honored the many A.R.E.-Seabeck friends who have
gone before us these last 50 years. This year, we planted and
dedicated a Norway spruce on the grounds, to commemorate our 50th anniversary there.
The youth of A.R.E. also got a taste of Edgar Cayce during this celebration. Thanks to our amazing youth counselors, Rose Rizzuto and Tod
Hunter, youngsters explored dreams, meditation, arts and crafts, nature walks, and a memorable low-tide excursion, as well as a presentation
of Edgar Cayce’s diet recommendations.
We are already looking forward to 2016. The dates are set: July 6-10. Whoever the speaker is, we can be sure of exhilarating discussion plus
the love, joy, and friendship generated at Seabeck.
VIRGINIA, continued
Nov 1
Integrated Energy Therapy, Basic
Dec 5-6
Jin Shin Do® Windows of the Sky
Dec 5-15
Raindrop Therapy
Jan 29-31, 2016
Reflexology, Level I
Seabeck • Apr 1-3, 2016
Seabeck Spring Retreat
Mind is the Builder—Shifting
Awareness for a Fulfilling Life
Marie Manuchehri (energyintuitive.com)
Dawn Fulton 509-899-5124
Kevin Reger 414-322-6552 (vfuller@wi.rr.com)
Milwaukee • Oct 17
An Edgar Cayce Perspective on
Astrology, Numerology and Past Lives
Susan Wisehart and David Birr
WISCONSIN, continued
Wauwatosa • Nov 14
Energy Healing Using Magnets and
Other Simple Practices
Kathryn Hill
Kevin Reger 414-322-6552 (vfuller@wi.rr.com)
CANADA, continued
Nanaimo • 1st Thursdays
Nanaimo Metaphysical Network
William and Judith Munns 250-753-2110
Visit nanaimometaphysicalnetwork.org
CANADA EdgarCayceCanada.com
Spiritual Growth Study Groups
Across Canada
Marilyn Kendall Smith 1-866-322-8209, ext. 5
Catherine MacDonald, Registrar; 705-645-3879
Peterborough • Nov 16
Edgar Cayce, His Life and Legacy
Mark Finnan
Hélène Thibert 705-745-7188
(helene_thibert@hotmail.com) or
Linda Thomson (light.mail@hotmail.com)
Edmonton • Nov 7
Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records,
Relationships, and the Illusion of
Kevin J. Todeschi, MA
Burnaby (Vancouver Area) • Monthly
Spiritual Movie Nights
Marty Ozols 604-290-5366
Chateauguay • Oct 2-4
Creative Spiritual Awakening
Workshops in French and English
Rev. Bob Johnstone 438-807-3647
Comox Valley • Monthly
Metaphysical Exploration Group
Anjali or Norman Thomas 250-338-1690
For info call HQ toll-free: 800-333-4499
Submit your local A.R.E. events to:
Cuba The Return to Atlantis Tour!
Peru and Bolivia
The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that many of the Soul
Group that were in Atlantis have been reincarnating in the
Americas at this time. Come with us as we touch ground
that may have once been Atlantean soil! Will it stir deep
memories? Will it reinforce your Soul’s Mission?
Led by Peter Woodbury, MSW, and spiritual guide, Juan de Dios Kucho
May 11–22, 2016; optional extension to view the mysterious Nazca Lines
Back by popular demand
Where Heaven Meets Earth
Led by John Van Auken • February 13-21, 2016
Legal U.S. travel to Cuba is now an
option through the People-to-People Cultural Exchange Program!
The program is designed to create
engaging and meaningful encounters with
Cuba’s warm
and vibrant
people and allow you to fully
experience the
sounds, sights,
and flavors of
Cuba! It’s also
a “trip down memory lane” in
more ways than one as you may
feel you have stepped back into
the 1950s surrounded by antique
cars still cruising the streets, or you
may slip into a reverie of the Lost
Lands of Atlantis!
the quaint streets, and meet the
inviting Cuban people: artists,
and chefs. Savor the flavors and
be moved by the music of Cuba!
Havana • la Casa de Las Africas • Cabildo Quisicuaba and
Fusterlandia • Matanzas • Plaza de la Vigia • Viñales
And so much more!
Land of Leprechauns,
Fairies, and Elves!
Led by John Van Auken • July 10-24, 2016
Highlights of the tour:
l Walk the ancient paths of Machu
Picchu alongside renowned
Shaman and Healer, Juan de Dios
Kucho, and participate in a special
Shamanic Ceremony, “Pay To
The Earth”
l Take a mystical visit to the
Pisac Ruins and the venerable
Ollantaytambo Fortress
l Browse the colorful Pisac Market,
a veritable treasure trove of exquisite Peruvian handicrafts: rugs
and blankets, tapestries, alpaca
sweaters, and Incan pottery
l Explore the wonders of Lima,
Cusco, the Sacred Valley, Aguas
Calientes, and Puno
l Pay your respects to Lake Titicaca,
the “Birthplace of the Sun”—the
largest lake in South America and
the highest navigable body of water
in the world
l Hear the whispers of the ancient Incas on your full day at
Tiahuanaco, long considered to be
“the Sacred Center of the Andes”
l Marvel at the floating islands of
the indigenous Uros on Uros and
Taquile Islands
Walk the winding paths amongst quaint cottages, touch the standing stones
and feel their ancient energies, wander the lush, green valleys, and raise a
glass at a traditional Irish Pub to toast your latest adventure!
l Wicklow Mountain and Glendalough
A few of the highlights:
l Dublin’s Trinity College, which houses l
Take a coach to Kenmare
the “Book of Kells” and the Nationl Tralee and the Dingle Peninsula
al Museum of Ireland
l Lough Gur and the charming old town
l Trim Castle, used in Mel Gibson’s
of Ennis
movie “Braveheart”
l Boyne Valley, site of megalithic
passage tombs, Knowth, Dowth, and
Newgrange, and Mellifont Abbey
l Sacred sites in the County Meath of
Loughcrew, Hill of Tara, and Fourknocks
A Tour Like No Other! Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Travel Programs provide the unique experience of visiting special areas of the
globe that have historical, spiritual, or metaphysical significance tied to insights found in the Cayce readings. Our tour leaders
have extensive backgrounds in the Cayce material and are your guides to a deeper, more fulfilling journey.
Contact the A.R.E. Travel Programs office toll free at 888-273-3339 or visit our website: EdgarCayce.org/tours57
October-December 2015
The Readings
Opening the Door to Oneness with God
From A Search for God study group reading 262-29, on
The Open Door
Q. Please explain clearly the difference between the Christ
Consciousness, the Christ Spirit.
A. As the difference might be given in that which makes
for the birth in the flower, and the flower. The consciousness
of the Spirit and the abilities to apply same are the differences in the Christ Consciousness, the Christ Spirit.
As has been given, the devils believe, the devils know,
individuals that may be conscious of an activity. Those
with the abilities to call upon, to be so unselfish as to allow
the Spirit to operate in self’s stead, are aware of the Spirit’s
activity, while those that may be conscious or aware of a
truth may not wholly make it their own without that which
has been given, “He that would have life must give life;” for
He thought it not robbery to be equal with the Father, yet
of Himself did nothing, “but the Father that worketh in me,
through me.”
Do thou likewise, that thou may know the consciousness
of the Christ Spirit, and experience the operation of that witness, that “My Spirit beareth witness with thy spirit, that the
Father may be glorified in you, even as I am glorified in the
Father through you. If ye love me keep my commandments,
and I will abide with you. I will not leave thee comfortless;
I will make thee aware of that glory I possessed with the
Father before the world was.”
In such a manner may individuals become aware of the
Christ Consciousness and become one with the operative
forces of the Christ Spirit abroad in the earth; for He shall
come again, even as ye have seen Him go. Then shall the
Christ Spirit be manifest in the world, even as the Christ
Consciousness may make thee aware of that promised as
the Comforter in this material world.
Then, the Christ Consciousness is the Holy Spirit, or that
as the promise of His presence made aware of His activity in
the earth. The Spirit is as the Christ in action with the Spirit
of the Father.
Q. Explain and expand fully the thought that the Christ
Spirit, not the man, should be the door, the truth, the way.
A. That which has been given may be used to illustrate the
difference that may be felt by a soul that has become aware
of itself, as the Christ, or as Jesus the man became aware of
the Spirit of the Father through those experiences of the man
as he “went about doing good,” and at those periods when
there was received those acknowledgements of the Father
that he was the one who could, would, through those activities, become the Savior of man. First, as “in whom I am well
pleased;” then as “This is my son; hear ye him!”
In the overcoming, then, He IS the way, the manner in
which individuals may become aware of their souls that are
in accord with that as may be one with the spirit of truth; for
corruption inherits not eternal life. The Spirit is the true life.
Then, as individuals become aware of that ability in Him to
be the way, so they become the door, as representatives, as
agents, as those that present the way; and the door is thus
opened; and not to the man but the spirit of self that bears
witness with the spirit of truth through Him that overcame
the world, thus putting the world under His feet.
So we, as heirs of the kingdom, as brothers one with Him,
may enjoy that privilege as He has given to those that hear
His voice and put on the whole armor; that we may run the
race that is set before us, looking to Him, the author, the
giver of light; for in Him ye live and move and have their
being. Do ye become rebels? Do ye find fault one with another, that are as self heirs to that kingdom? Rather be in that
humbleness of spirit, that His will “be done in earth as it is in
heaven.” Thus do we become the children of the Father, the
door to the way, and joint heirs with Him in glory.
Let thy yeas be yea, thy nays be nay. “Let others do as they
may, but for me I will serve a living God,” who has shown
in man—all men, everywhere—that image of the Creator, in
that the soul may grow in grace, in knowledge, in peace, in
harmony, in understanding.
Be ye doers of the word; not hearers only. Thus ye become
the door that the Way, the Christ, the Savior, may enter in;
for He is the way, the truth, and the light. (262-29)
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Inspiring Speakers, Extraordinary Events
A.R.E. Virginia Beach Conferences and Training Programs
Peter Woodbury, MSW
October 17; March 6-11
OCTOBER 8-11: Our Annual Ancient Mysteries
Conference: Remnants of the Distant Past—
Sacred Sites, Lost Lands, and Legendary Places
FEBRUARY 20, 2016: Soul Growth Saturday! Supernatural Discoveries: Your Psychic Ability, Soul Wisdom,
and the Unseen Forces
Erich von Däniken, Jason Martell, John Van Auken, James Tyberonn,
Robert M. Schoch, PhD, Freddy Silva, all renowned researchers and
explorers, reveal ancient secrets and cultures long buried. Includes
special Saturday CREATE celebration evening dinner and social. Register
early—this program has sold out four years in a row!
NEW Enhance your innate psychic ability and sharpen your intuitive
skills with psychic trainer and author Darrin W. Owens. Take an experiential journey into the world of consciousness, energy, self-diagnosis
and healing, and supernatural forces with this in-depth, information-packed workshop. Combine with February 21 program and save!
OCTOBER 17: Soul Growth Saturday! Many Lives, One
FEBRUARY 21, 2016: Soul Growth Sunday!
NEW Join hypnotherapist and Cayce teacher Peter Woodbury, MSW,
for this hypnosis and regression program that will help you heal the
past and build the future. You’ll leave with a greater understanding
of your soul purpose and the limitless potential of your incarnation in
this lifetime! **
NEW Mary Roach, MA, one of the nation's most respected psychic trainers, helps you tap into your inner wisdom and hear your soul's true
voice. You'll exercise your "psychic muscles" to encourage them to grow
stronger in safe, steady, and powerful ways! Combine with February 20
program and save!
OCTOBER 18-23: Past-Life Regression Hypnotherapy
MARCH 4-6, 2016: Inner Life Retreat: Practices for
Accelerating Spiritual Breakthroughs
Learn this popular healing modality with psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and Harvard University graduate Peter Woodbury, MSW, who was
trained by Dr. Brian Weiss, and be certified in past-life regression hypnotherapy by the A.R.E. Register early—this certification SOLD OUT in 2013
and 2014!
NEW This weekend of renewal will revitalize your spiritual practice and
encourage you to go deeper within with tools for transformation such
as meditation, chanting, breathing, dreamwork, inner reflection, and
more, featuring John Van Auken and Robin Wimbiscus. **
NOVEMBER 5-8: Life Beyond Death: Afterlife Commu-
Training and Certification Course
Source: Understanding Karma, Grace, Reincarnation, and Your Place in the Divine Plan!
Lisa Williams
November 5-8
Training Certification
nication, Mediumship, and Your Eternal Soul
Robert Brown
November 5-8
FOUR days with FIVE renowned psychic mediums! Lisa Williams, Robert
Brown, Rev. Janet Nohavec, Karen Noé, and Annette Gerwitz bring afterlife wisdom and messages from departed loved ones for the audience,
and John Van Auken shares Edgar Cayce's insights into mediumship and
the continuity of the soul.
DECEMBER 29-31: Annual New Year’s Conference:
Healthy New Year: Living Edgar Cayce’s Legacy of
Healing and Wellness
Kim O’Neill
January 15-17, 2016
Embrace holistic living with some of A.R.E.’s most experienced health
professionals and Cayce instructors, including Jo Adamson, MD, J.P.
Amonte, DC, and Peter Van Daam. And, ring in the New Year with
like-minded friends old and new at this traditional gathering which
includes a festive party with music, dancing, and refreshments plus a
peaceful midnight meditation. **
JANUARY 15-17, 2016: How to Talk with Your Angels
and Departed Loved Ones: Intensive Channeling
Darrin W. Owens
February 20, 2016
NEW Psychic and angel channel Kim O’Neill, author of How to Talk with
Your Angels and The Way of Knowingness shares tools for working directly with your spirit guides using safe and accurate techniques, in this
hands-on workshop with special guest Cayce expert John Van Auken.
Certificate of Completion awarded.
Your Intuitive Voice: Listening to the Wisdom of
Your Soul for Inspiration and Guidance
MARCH 6-11, 2016: Master’s Level Hypnotherapy:
NEW Take the next step in developing a successful hypnosis practice
with this master’s level certification taught by two of A.R.E.'s best-rated
and most qualified professionals, Jason Parker, PhD, MHt, and Peter
Woodbury, MSW. Certificate awarded. Limited enrollment!
Join with like-minded friends
for fellowship and fun!
Call: 800-333-4499 toll-free
International: 757-428-3588, ext. 0
Website: EdgarCayce.org/
Email: are@edgarcayce.org
Show your conference badge to get 10% off purchases in the
A.R.E. Bookstore and Gift Shop.
Programs, speakers, and tuitions are subject to change. Check our
website for updates.
** Open to everyone; Life Members may redeem their Life Member
pass for this program.
Use code C15VI when registering.
A.R.E. Headquarters: 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
October-December 2015
Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
U.S. Postage
Association for Research
and Enlightenment, Inc.
60more information and to register, go to EdgarCayce.org/conferences or call the conference registrar at 800-333-4499.