2014 Annual Report - Legal Services of North Florida


2014 Annual Report - Legal Services of North Florida
2014 Annual Report
Tallahassee Quincy
Panama City
Ft. Walton Beach Pensacola
Bay Okaloosa Escambia
Gulf Walton Santa Rosa
Leon Jackson
Holmes Wakulla Liberty
Washington Escambia
Santa Rosa
Table of Contents
Our Mission ..................................................................... 03
Ways to Donate................................................................ 04
Services Provided and Yearly Statistics......................06-07
Private Attorney Involvement............................................ 08
2014 Client Stories........................................................... 09
LSNF Funding..............................................................11-22
A Message From
Board Chair – Sally Gertz
My husband Marc and I have been supporters of Legal Services
of North Florida, Inc. (LSNF) for over 15 years. We have gained so
much through our contributions, including the emotional reward
of knowing we have helped ensure so many in our community
have a way to solve their legal problems.
LSNF’s core values match our own. We both care about the
well-being of our community and providing access to justice for
those who may otherwise not be able to afford it and, therefore,
have little chance of success navigating the complicated civil
justice system.
The services LSNF provides are invaluable to the individuals living in the 16 counties we
cover. As a professor at the Florida State University College of Law, I know firsthand just
how complicated our legal system can be. As I teach my students how to practice law, I also
encourage them to provide pro bono help to individuals in their communities once admitted to
the bar.
Despite all of our efforts, there are still many who need help, but who we cannot assist because
we simply do not have the resources. I often think about how difficult it is for LSNF staff to say
“no” to those in need, but also how life changing it is when we can say “yes.”
As LSNF board chair, I want to thank our donors, volunteer attorneys and staff who provide
quality legal assistance to those who need it to continue living in their homes, receiving
the payments they are owed, and escaping violent situations. If you are reading this and
contemplating starting a relationship with LSNF, I urge you to continue. I have received so
much by giving back to this organization and I know you will as well.
Sally C. Gertz, Esq.
A Message from
Executive Director - Kris Knab
An elderly man suffering from dementia is taken advantage of by his
adult children and is at risk of losing his home. A single mother’s only
means of transportation to get to her job 25 miles away each day
is destroyed in a fire. A woman who has suffered years of physical
and mental abuse by her husband has nowhere else to turn and no
resources to end the marriage.
Stories like these happen every day and serve as a harsh reminder
of the struggles that individuals and families in need regularly face.
These struggles are further compounded by the fact that in most of
these cases these individuals can’t afford the legal services they so
desperately need.
Legal Services of North Florida (LSNF) helps ensure there is hope and justice for everyone.
In 2014, LSNF provided services to 6,528 clients resulting in $1,405,422 in one time benefits
and $578,856 in annualized benefits in addition to obtaining 260 injunctions for protection and
55 dissolutions of marriage for victims of violence, relief for 119 families allowing them to remain
in their homes, preparation of 472 wills and advanced directives and other legal solutions.
In 2014, LSNF also launched the Circle of Giving through a legacy gift from the estate of William
T. and Virginia N. Lyons that will help LSNF continue its work providing no-cost civil legal
representation to thousands of domestic violence victims, children, the elderly and poverty
level clients. The Lyons Legacy Gift of $1.4 million will ensure that LSNF continues its mission to
provide hope and justice for all, while realizing the Lyons’ commitment to ensuring vulnerable
individuals and families always have access to justice.
It is my privilege to lead this organization of committed attorneys, staff, board members, donors
and volunteers. Because of their combined efforts we have improved the lives of children,
senior citizens, victims of domestic violence and families at risk of losing their homes. We have
improved our communities by reducing the level of crime, preventing deterioration of property
values and neighborhoods, enhancing local government tax collections and lessening the
demand on other overburdened human service organizations. And, we have breathed life into
our Constitution and Pledge of Allegiance that speak to the importance of justice for all citizens
of our nation, the underlying promise of America. With your continued help we will continue to
pursue justice for all citizens, regardless of their income and resources.
Kristine E. Knab, Esq.
Legal Services of North Florida
is guided by a 21-member
Board of Directors.
board members represent lowincome client groups or are lowincome clients themselves. The
other members are volunteer
attorneys recommended by
local bar associations and
the Dean of the Florida State
University College of Law.
2014 LSNF Board of Directors
Sally Gertz, Esq. - President
Derek Sims - Vice President
M. Catherine Lannon, Esq. Secretary/Treasurer
Board Members
Joan Anderson, Esq.
Joanne Battle
Mark A. Bednar, Esq.
Our Mission
Legal Services of North Florida (LSNF) is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3)
agency providing civil legal assistance. Our core mission is:
To provide an opportunity for justice for eligible residents through
representation conducted efficiently and comparable in quality to
that of the private bar, and through other forms of legal assistance
designed to provide a full range of civil legal services to those in
LSNF provides free civil legal services to persons whose income
falls below 125 percent of the federal poverty level, and to specific
vulnerable populations who experience problems in the following
priority areas:
Preservation of the home and promotion of home ownership;
Support for families and children;
Promotion of employment, economic security and health; and,
Promotion of safety and stability.
2014 Accomplishments
In 2014 LSNF provided a variety of no-cost civil legal services to
6,528 clients.
Our staff and volunteer attorneys obtained 260 injunctions for
protection, 55 dissolutions of marriage for victims of violence, and
relief for 119 families allowing them to remain in their homes, and
assisted in the preparation of 472 wills and advanced directives.
Martin R. Dix, Esq.
LSNF also helped provide various legal solutions for clients
including recovering social security benefits for disabled clients,
representing children in the foster care system, providing
specialized service to homeless veterans, obtaining financial relief
for residents of public housing and resolving tax controversies for
low-income taxpayers.
Barry Gray
The result was more than $1.4 million in one-time benefits and
$578,856 in annualized benefits for our clients.
Pamela Cayson
Tonya Chavis, Esq.
Carolyn Cummings, Esq.
Renée Gordon, Esq.
Michael Guttmann, Esq.
Oliver Hill, Sr.
Fatimah Jackson
Wendy Loquasto, Esq.
Dan Thompson, Esq.
Joel Margules, Esq.
West Ritchie, Esq.
Phil Smith, Esq.
Yvonne Whitehead
Law Day 2014
Jazz for Justice 2014
Ways to Donate
LSNF Tallahassee Office Building Dedication
December of 2014
Planned Giving
Planned gifts are investments in LSNF’s future and the services we provide to low-income individuals in the
16 counties we serve. This type of investment is an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy to Legal Services of
North Florida. You can make a planned gift by leaving a gift to LSNF in your will or bequest, designating all or
a portion of your retirement plan, IRA or life insurance policy, or creating a charitable lead or remainder trust.
Endowment Fund
In 2006 LSNF’s Board of Directors and a committee of volunteers created an endowment fund to commemorate
LSNF’s 30th anniversary. An account was established at the Community Foundation of North Florida from
which proceeds from the endowment will continue to grow and sustain our services long into the future. Gifts to
LSNF’s endowment can be made at any level and as planned or cash gifts. Donations to the endowment fund
are honored on a plaque in each of the LSNF offices.
Founders of Justice Society
The Founders of Justice Society is an association of individuals, firms and businesses who
have made gifts of $5,000 or more to LSNF through planned giving or cash donations.
These gifts can be invested in LSNF’s endowment or annual Justice Fund. Members are
invited to an annual exclusive event and naming opportunities are available for gifts of
$5,000 and above.
Partners in Service
Since 1994, LSNF’s Partners in Service members have provided essential financial support
in aiding victims of domestic violence, the homeless, seniors, rural residents and children.
The Partners in Service program is here to help the members of The Florida Bar meet
their professional responsibility and the goals of the pro bono rule by allowing attorneys to
voluntarily contribute financially to LSNF’s staff-supported and pro bono efforts.
Circle of Giving
In 2014 LSNF established the Circle of Giving to honor those who support LSNF annually
by providing for the financial stability of the various programs LSNF provides. To become
a member of the Circle of Giving a donor must make an annual contribution of $1,000 in a
one-time gift or sustaining monthly donation. Benefits to COG members include fulfillment
of annual pro-bono responsibility through the Partners in Service Program, Jazz for Justice
Patron tickets, annual Pro-Bono Recognition event sponsorships, access to free CLE events
and more.
Other Ways to Donate
You can also make direct donations to LSNF through sponsorship or support of Jazz for Justice or LSNF’s annual
pro bono recognition events, LSNF’s vehicle giving program, on-line shopping, in-kind giving opportunities or
unrestricted cash gifts. Gifts in memory or celebration are always welcome. If you are an attorney or judge
consider designating and approving Cy Pres funds to LSNF.
For more information on the various opportunities to donate please contact Mary Dekle at mary@lsnf.org or 850701-3313. LSNF’s Donor Gift Policy is available at www.lsnf.org and current fundraising efforts can be found
on the Legal Services of North Florida Facebook page.
Our Newest Legacy Givers
William T. and Virginia N. Lyons
Legal Services of North Florida is very pleased to announce
a $1.4 million legacy gift received from the estate of William
T. and Virginia N. Lyons. Mr. Lyons served as an intern
at LSNF during law school at the FSU College of Law.
During that time he grew to realize that LSNF truly served
the community by ensuring that vulnerable individuals and
families always have an access to justice. After the death
of Virginia at their home in Jacksonville he made plans to
leave his estate to LSNF.
In honor of the Lyons Legacy Gift, LSNF named the Legal Services Tallahassee office the William T. and Virginia
N. Lyons Justice Center. The LSNF Board has dedicated part of the Lyons gift to the LSNF Justice Fund to help
provide day to day services to those in need, and a portion to the LSNF endowment fund to provide services
for years to come.
The Lyons Legacy will help ensure that LSNF continues its mission to provide hope and justice for all.
Law Day 2014
Giving Hope through Services
Legal Services of North Florida provides representation to low-income individuals in civil matters only. Eligibility
for assistance may be based on income and assets of all members of the household and the legal problem.
Domestic/Sexual Violence
LSNF provides assistance to adult and child victims of abuse, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking.
Though a broad range of services are available, many of the cases involve securing orders of protection, safety
planning and obtaining dissolutions of marriage.
LSNF handles some family law matters where the situation may threaten the security or the viability of a family.
LSNF may handle the following types of cases: paternity, adoption, name change, and guardianship.
LSNF assistance ensures that issues such as debt collection and lending practices are done in a lawful manner.
LSNF may handle cases such as: bankruptcy, debt collection issues, predatory lending issues, contract issues,
and unfair or deceptive sales practices.
LSNF provides representation to tenants and homeowners.
LSNF may represent tenants with the following types
of cases: lease agreement disputes, landlord lockouts,
evictions, poor living conditions and public housing issues.
LSNF may also represent homeowners facing foreclosure.
Public Benefits
LSNF provides representation in federal and state
administrative hearings to protect the basic necessities of
life. These may include: Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, unemployment compensation, Temporary Assistance
for Needy Families, and Agency for Healthcare Administration Managed Care Advocacy.
Elder Law
LSNF provides assistance with wills, estate planning, and probate matters in limited situations. Simple estate
planning may include beneficiary deeds, powers of attorney, and health care directives. LSNF may also provide
assistance with guardianships for those who need protection.
Tax Law
LSNF provides representation to low income taxpayers in federal tax controversies and educates individuals
about their rights and responsibilities as U.S. taxpayers. LSNF may represent taxpayers with the following
types of cases: collection issues, including offers-in-compromise, installment agreements and currently-notcollectible status.
BP Oil Spill
LSNF provides representation to help low wealth victims with BP oil spill claims issues. LSNF may help people
understand their filing options, understand documentation requirements, review settlement offers, interpret the
Release of Claims, understand the tax implications of receiving a payment, and address other issues that come
up in the claims process.
LSNF provides various legal clinics and a telephone legal advice helpline supported and facilitated by both
LSNF staff and volunteer lawyers in an effort to assist hard-to-serve populations such as home bound sick
and elderly, rural residents and day and evening workers. LSNF clinics and helpline cover a variety of topics
including: agency information, family, consumer, housing, public benefits, and elder law.
LSNF provides public education and outreach services to partnering agencies and community groups upon
request. LSNF covers a variety of topics including: agency information, domestic / sexual violence, family,
consumer, housing, public benefits and elder law.
Demographics of Clients Receiving Services
Total # of Clients Receiving Services - 6,528
Financial Benefits Chart
Area of Law
Clients Served
Back Awards
Annual Monthly
Total Annual
Social Security
Child Support
$81,388 $3,121$37,452 $118,840
Reduced Tax Liability
Tax Awards
Income Maintenance.............1,153
Oil Spill Claims
Civil Judgments
Debt Reduction
Other Public Benefits
$1,405,422$48,238 $578,856
Individual Rights........................69
Private Attorney
Involvement – PAI
LSNF works closely with private attorneys throughout
its 16 county service area to provide legal assistance
to low-income individuals. Through the Private
Attorney Involvement (PAI) Program this cooperation
takes several forms, coordinating volunteer attorney
resources of time and/or financial support. Over 900
attorneys make up LSNF’s support pool. More than
545 of these lawyers contributed over $163,000. In
addition, pro bono attorneys provided over 5,258
hours of service in 2014. This is the equivalent of
$788,700 worth of legal services.
A large part of client assistance continues to come
from volunteers at our telephone legal advice
helpline. We are grateful to our partners at the Florida
Department of Business and Professional Regulation,
Florida Department of Transportation and the City of
Tallahassee Attorney’s office for encouraging their
attorneys to participate in this important program for
so many years.
If you would like to donate your time and expertise,
contact John Fenno at john@lsnf.org or (850) 701-3306.
Volunteer Recognition
The work of volunteers is a vital part of Legal Services’
effort to succeed in its mission. Each year LSNF
recognizes its volunteers by publishing in area
newspapers all the names of lawyers who contributed
time and other resources. Additionally, in the 1st and
2nd Judicial Circuits, LSNF holds a Pro Bono Week
and Law Week Celebration reception each October
and May in honor of all volunteer attorneys in their
respective circuits.
Our staff is one of LSNF’s most valuable resources.
To maintain consistently high quality client services,
it is imperative to keep well-qualified and dedicated
attorneys, paralegals and support staff that are
committed to making a difference in people’s lives.
Towards that end, we strive to expand our community
support by helping the business and private
community understand the role of legal services in
the quality of life for all and to educate and inform
leaders, philanthropists, politicians, business people
and residents about how integral LSNF is to a safe
and healthy community.
Law Day 2014 - Attorney General Pam Bondi
Pro Bono Awards
Each year LSNF participates in The Florida
Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award
nomination process in the 1st, 2nd and 14th
Judicial Circuits, putting forth names of
deserving volunteer attorneys for consideration
for this important recognition. The awards
were established in 1981 and intended to
encourage lawyers to volunteer free legal
services to the poor by recognizing those who
make public service commitments and to raise
public awareness of the substantial volunteer
services provided by Florida lawyers. In 2014
the following attorneys were recognized for
their commitment to justice.
Sonia R. Crockett, 2014 Florida Bar
President’s Pro Bono Services Award
for the 2nd Judicial Circuit;
Virginia Marie Buchanan, 2014
Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono
Services Award for the 1st Judicial
Susan V. Carroll, 2014 Florida Bar
President’s Pro Bono Services Award
for the 14th Judicial Circuit;
Twyla Sketchley, Capital City Bar
Presidents Council’s Richard W.
Ervin Equal Justice Award;
Stephanie Johnson, Esq., Joy
Aukema Taps 2014 Children’s
Advocate of the Year Award; and,
Hon. Jonathan E. Sjostrom, Parks
& Crump Thurgood Marshall 2014
Judicial Excellence Award.
Message from Director of Litigation Scott Manion
Our clients come to us with a variety of problems both large and small. They not only
seek immediate resolution of their legal trouble, but hope for a better future. Whether
we are saving their homes or rebuilding broken families, each client’s case is as
important as the last. A look at some of our work sheds light on what we are all about
and pays tribute to our talented and dedicated legal staff and volunteers. In 2014
LSNF served 6,528 people -- these are a few of their stories (all names are fictitious):
HOPE - Preventing Homelessness
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Mary came into our office and indicated that she was
homeless. She has two children who are living with their father in another county.
She was working, but her paycheck was being garnished for child support. She
could no longer afford her rent, utilities or any other expense, including visiting her children. She was eventually
evicted and subsequently lost her job. She began staying at the homeless shelter. While at the shelter, she
volunteered and eventually obtained two part-time jobs. We succeeded in court and were able to reduce child
support long enough to allow her to save for her deposits and move into affordable housing.
FORECLOSURE: Nancy, an elderly woman who had recently been widowed, was in the process of building
a new home. After her husband died, the builder abruptly refused to finish the house. In fact, he walked off
the job with the entire back of the home unfinished and exposed to the elements, while Nancy was forced to
remain in another home that had been condemned by local officials. Almost a year later she was in contact
with a LSNF attorney after receiving a foreclosure notice from the bank. LSNF quickly contacted the bank to
stop the foreclosure. Nancy had no idea how to proceed. With LSNF’s help the foreclosure was stopped and
monies were provided to finish the home. The house was soon finished and Nancy moved in. The first builder
was reported to the state to have his license revoked and Nancy was able to save her new home from certain
destruction by vandals and from foreclosure.
JUSTICE - Protecting Consumers
BANKRUPTCY: Mr. Sanders was nearing retirement but was in danger of losing his home. A bankruptcy plan
was completed but it was discovered that the lender had added charges that were illegal after the bankruptcy
was discharged. There was a threat the home would go into foreclosure again. LSNF reopened the bankruptcy
and filed for violation of certain bankruptcy rules. LSNF prevailed in court and got the lender to agree to drop
$2,000 in additional charges. The lender also offered a $30,000 reduction in principal and dropped the client’s
monthly payment from $680 to $313 a month as a result of a class action settlement. With the lower mortgage
payment Mr. Sanders and his grandson have additional resources to greatly improve the quality of their lives.
FORECLOSURE: Bethany, a working single mother caring for her four nieces, was facing foreclosure. She
had filed for bankruptcy but could not keep up with the payments the court established. With a new program
designed to help homeowners in rural areas, LSNF helped Bethany on an emergency basis with her application.
Fortunately, she was able to provide the required $3,000 down payment from her tax refund. With LSNF’s help,
Bethany and her nieces remain in their home.
FOR ALL - Protecting Families
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Angie was a 22-year-old college student, who was a victim of domestic violence. On
her own, she obtained a permanent injunction against her husband. She came to us for a divorce after she
had filed her own dissolution of marriage, but was unable to get her husband served with the court papers.
The judge was about to dismiss the case. LSNF stepped in and was granted an extension and then obtained a
voluntary acceptance of service signed by her husband. Their divorce was finalized and Angie graduated from
college and is now working full time for the state. However, prior to obtaining her state job, she discovered that
a prior arrest would prevent her from working for a particular state agency. She had been arrested in a domestic
dispute during which she defended herself from her abusive husband. The charge was eventually dropped.
We assisted Angie in obtaining an expungement of the arrest so she could obtain the job she wanted.
TEENS & CHILDREN: LSNF represented Jenny, a 13-year-old severely autistic girl with epilepsy. Medicaid
was providing personal care assistance during the time she was not in school. Julie’s mother was disabled and
could not care for her without assistance. She received a notice from the Agency for Healthcare Administration
that would significantly reduce her assistance on the basis it was not medically necessary, since the mom was
at home and Julia did not require any complicated medical treatment. Her mom requested an appeal. At the
same time she required hospitalization for three weeks. This caused Julie to be placed into a foster home. LSNF
was able to get Julie returned to her mom after her hospital stay and a hold placed on reducing her benefits.
Tallahassee Office
2119 Delta Blvd.
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Fort Walton Beach Office
133 Staff Drive Ste. B
Ft. Walton Beach, Florida 32548
Quincy Office
121 N. Jackson St.
Quincy, Florida 32351
Panama City Office
211 E. 11th St.
Panama City, Florida 32401
Pensacola Office
1741 N. Palafox St.
Pensacola, Florida 32501
LSNF is grateful for the many local and national
governmental entities, agencies and grantors
who have embraced our mission of justice by
supporting our work. On behalf of all we serve
we thank our funding partners.
Area Agency on Aging of North Florida
Bay County Commission
Big Bend Homeless Coalition
Calhoun County Commission
Community Foundation of North Florida
Florida Attorney General’s Office
Florida Bar Foundation
Florida Coalition Against Domestic
Florida Coastal School of Law
Florida Council Against Sexual Violence
Florida Department of Elder Affairs
Florida Guardian ad Litem
Franklin County Commission
Gadsden County Clerk of the Circuit
Gadsden County Commission
General Practice Solo and Small Firm
Section of FL Bar
Gulf County Commission
Holmes County Commission
Internal Revenue Service
Jackson County Commission
Jefferson County Commission
Justice Administrative Commission
Lakeview Center
Legal Services Corporation
Leon County Clerk of the Circuit Court
and Comptroller
Leon County Commission
Liberty County Commission
Mississippi Center for Justice
Okaloosa County Commission
Refuge House
U. S. Department of Justice
United Way of Escambia County
United Way of Northwest Florida
United Way of the Big Bend
University of Minnesota
Wakulla County Commission
Walton County Commission
Washington County Commission
Where does your funding come from?
LSNF is funded from a variety of public and private sources.
Our largest funder is the Legal Services Corporation (LSC)
which is funded by Congress. Additionally we receive Interest
on Trust Accounts’ funds from the Florida Bar Foundation. We
also have a variety of governmental grants which help fund
our domestic violence programs, representation of children
and low-income taxpayer clinics. We receive funds from
14 of our counties derived from ordinances in accord with
a legislative mandate. The remainder of our funding comes
from other governmental and private grants, the United Way,
private contributions and fundraising events.
Are you a state or governmental agency?
No, we are a private not-for-profit agency.
How many lawyers do you have?
Over the 16 counties we serve, we have 16 staff attorneys
and over 340 volunteer lawyers.
What is the composition of your board?
Our board is comprised of representatives of the various
attorney groups throughout our region and one third is
comprised of client members, who represent various agencies
serving the poverty community.
How do individuals get services from LSNF?
A potential client is either referred by another agency or the
courts, or comes to us on their own. They apply for services
and within one week are notified if we will handle their case.
The cases are assigned to LSNF attorneys, paralegals or
volunteer attorneys.
What is the criteria for accepting a client?
Our primary client base is restricted to an income of 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. Several of our
grant sources have varying income requirements. The domestic violence grants do not have an income criteria
because so many victims are situationally poor. All cases must be civil in nature and adhere to our priorities.
What is the difference between you and Legal Aid and Northwest Florida Legal Services?
Legal Aid provides services through volunteer attorneys, almost exclusively in Leon County. Northwest Florida
Legal Services provides services through staff attorneys primarily in the areas of health, social security, juvenile
and family law, almost exclusively in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. LSNF provides services through staff
and volunteer attorneys throughout 16 North Florida counties. In 2014 in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties,
LSNF focused primarily on consumer, housing, domestic and sexual violence issues, tax controversies and
children’s issues.
Hope. Justice. For All.
Who benefits from your investment in LSNF?
Vulnerable and exploited individuals, families, and veterans.
Domestic and sexual violence victims and their children in long-term personal
Senior citizens with disabilities who have limited access to
public transportation.
Seniors who are targeted by home improvement/
predatory lending scams.
Families stabilized by maintaining
transportation and income.
Individuals given assistance to secure employment and education.
Community non-profit organizations that work with special needs populations, affordable housing, job creation
and transportation.
Rural and immigrant women/men who are victims of abuse.
Everyone Benefits
When we stop an illegal eviction, one less person is homeless.
When we force a fly-by-night contractor to redo “shoddy” work for an elderly couple, we are discouraging
contractors from preying on other victims.
When we save a home from foreclosure, residents do not need to seek shelter at the community’s expense or
become homeless.
When we stop a cycle of domestic violence, we are saving lives, enhancing employment stability and reducing
healthcare costs.
When we help not-for-profits with their legal issues, we are helping them to allocate more revenue for their client
When LSNF helps clients provide for themselves, other community non-profit resources are not stretched as thin.
Our Many Thanks to these Donors for their Gifts in 2014!
$10,000 Plus
Fox & Loquasto, P.A.
Dan and Robin Thompson *#
The Archibald Foundation *
The Gem Collection
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
William T. and Virginia N. Lyons
Greenberg Traurig
Steven J. Uhlfelder
Grossman Furlow & Bayo’ LLC
$5,000 Plus
Gunster Law Firm
Randall “Big Daddy” Webster and
Red Hot Java
Sandy D’Alemberte and Patsy
Palmer *
Don Hinkle *
$500 Plus
Lisa and Keith Foran *
Hip First!
1st District Court of Appeal
Paul Houzell
Akerman LLP *
Paul and Helen Jess *
Debby Kearney
Ed Bayo
Kristine E. Knab *
Judge Gary Bergosh
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
Lisa and Sheldon Bernau *
M. Catherine Lannon and
Stephanie A. Clapp *#
Russell Brabec
$1,000 Plus
Wendy Loquasto and Terry
Hansen *#
Hopping Green & Sams *
Kent Spriggs and Kathleen
Laufenberg *#
Robert W. Murphy Law Firm
The Tallahassee Democrat
Aloft Hotel
Judge Simone Marstiller and Greg
Philo #
Joan and Wayne Anderson *
MVP Productions *
Andrew’s Capital Grill & Bar
Karen Oehme and Nat Stern
Barrett Fasig & Brooks
Parks & Crump *
Barron & Redding
Mary Anne Price #
Berger Singerman *
The Radey Charitable Fund *
Mary-Anne Bestebreurtje #
The Radey Firm
Bobby Blanchard
Bishop A. J. and Mrs. Connie W.
Brewton Plante, P.A.
Judge Stephen T. Brown #
Clark, Partington, Hart, Larry,
Bond & Stackhouse, P.A.
Bob Cox *
Cuneo Creative Consultants
Daddy “B”
Mark Ellis
Jill Fitzpatrick
Curtis and Nina Ashenafi
Richardson *
Rowland Publishing
Rumberger Kirk & Caldwell
Mark Russell
Rutledge Ecenia, P.A.
Cathy and Larry Sellers #
Dan Soloway
Richie Summa Trio
Kathleen Brennan and Claude
Herndon #
Audra M. Bryant
Richard Burton Bush
Matthew Byrge and Jessica
Petra-Kate Califano
Carlton Fields Jorden Burt
Jorge Chamizo
Harry F. and Mary Chiles
Copy Fax
Mary L. Dekle and William R.
Roxane R. Dow
ERS Group
Farnsley & Johnston
Janet Ferris and Phil Padovano *
Florida Government Bar
Association *
Florida Justice Association *
FSU University Center Club
Gilmore Services
Warrior Golf Club
Tom Barnhart
Grant & Rump, P.A.
Roy C. Young
Amanda S. Barr
Zaid Haynes
Zelman Heath, P.A.
Michael J. Barry
Terence A. Gross
Jerome A. Zivan
James Craig Barth
John “Jack” and Jere Harkness
Tim Harley and Marsha Orr
Debra Henley
Hinkle & Foran
Holland & Knight *
Robert P. Hubbard
Kid’s Incorporated
Thomas F. Kirwin
The Krizner Group
Kevin Mangan and Linda Vaughn
Daphne Wiggins Martin
Judge June McKinney
Ross Andrew Nabatoff
Northwest Florida Legal Services
Alexa Pleas
Thomas A. Pobjecky
Powell & Mack
Judge Lynne A. Quimby-Pennock
Barbara L. Ray
Michelle Saber
Ellery W. Sedgwick
Stan Johnson PhotoGraphics
Dan R. Stengle
Thomas Stahl
Tallahassee Chapter of the FACDL
Tallahassee Diamond Center
Tallahassee Downtown
Improvement Authority
Under $499
211 Big Bend
Eric Abrahamsen
Robin S. Abramowitz
David H. Abrams
Howard E. Adams
William Adams
Silvia M. Alderman
Jeffrey Alexander
Stefani Alexander
John M. Alford
James S. Alves
Farrukh S. Alvi
Alzheimer’s Project
C. LeDon Anchors, Jr.
James W. Anderson
Jim Andrews
R. Alan Andrews
Brenda Anthony
Robert Colin Apgar
Applebee’s Village
Art of the Find
Dubose ‘Duby’ Ausley *
Bada Bean
Linda A. Bailey
Thomas Balcerzak
Brian D. and Kathryn S. Ballard
Kathleen Villacorta and Thomas
Warren *
Janet Barber
Waldoch & McConnaughhay
Farrar J. Barker
Thomas Warren Law Firm *
Linda Barge-Miles
Sandy C. Barnett
W. Randall Bassett
Janine G. Bauer
Mark Bauer
Thomas M. Beason
Mark Bednar
Steven A. Been
Belks Department Store
Douglas Bell
Bella Bella
Theresa Marie Bender
Richard Benham
Wings S. Benton
Brian and Carol Berkowitz
Kara J. Berlin
Toni C. Bernstein
Kathy J. Bible
Judge Ross L. Bilbrey
Birdsong Nature Center
Michael P. Bist
Orlando L. Blanco
Donna E. Blanton
Sarah M. Bleakley
Byron B. Block
Jennifer Suzanne Blohm
Blossom’s Flowers
Robert C. Blue
Robert G. Blythe
Ira Bodenstein
Body Trac
Samantha D. Boge
John P. Booth
Winston K. Borkowski
Robert W. Byrne
Judge Robert S. Cohen
Harry C. Bosman
Jennifer Byrom
Julius Wadsworth Cohn
John C. Bottcher
Salvatore J. Calabrese
Terry Cole
Nathan D. Boyles
Cabo’s Island Grill & Bar
Miguel Collazo, III
Charles A. Bowen
Lee L. Cameron
Bert Lewis Combs
Georgenne Bracko
Bruce Campbell and Susan P.
Ian Comisky
Kate Brady
David S. Bralow
Christopher Paul Brannon
William Dennis Brannon
Michael Brennan
James R. Brewster
Wilbur E. Brewton
Richard Stephen Brightman
Quinn E. Brock
Courtney S. Brogan
Thomas W. Brooks
Elliot J. Brown
Evelyn and Alvin Brown
H. French Brown
Joseph A. Brown
Toni Y. Brown
Browns Kitchen Center
Rep. Doug Broxson
Wendy Brummett
Bill L. Bryant
B’ Sharp’s Jazz Café
Brenda Buchan
Katie S. Buchanan
Virginia M. Buchanan
Tasha O. Buford
Samuel Dean Bunton
Les W. Burke
Ernest and Nancy Burkman
Jennifer Lee Bushnell
Scott M. Campbell
Bruton M. Campbell-Work
Capital City Country Club
Dennis Salvatore Cappello
Diane W. Carr
Scott H. Carruthers *
Justin Chang
Stan Chapman
Ganesh L. Chatani
Tonya Chavis
Chelsea Salon & Spa
Cherry Blow Dry
David William Childs
Computer Repair Doctor
Michael J. Coniglio
Patricia Ann Conners
The John C. Cooper Campaign
Pam Cooper
William W. Corry
John Costigan and Debbie Hall
Berneice Cox and Gary Yordon *
Thomas A. Crabb
Col. Dayton M. Cramer
William C. Cramer, Jr.
Penny Crandall
Samuel S. Critzer
Chop House on the Block
Sonia Crockett and Jack Van
Christmas by King
Brian Alex Crumbaker
Walter Ciliberto
Carolyn D. Cummings
City Day Spa
Gregory J. Cummings
Mary Ellen Clark
Peter C. Cunningham
Mary W. and James T. Clark
Gerald B. Curington
Judge Nikki Ann Clark
Meghan Boudreau Daigle
Susan Leslie Forbes Clark
John and Virginia C. Dailey
Wade Clark and Kathleen Hudson
Nancy Daniels *
The Clothesline
Diana and Walter Dartland
Coastal Bank and Trust
Brian Dassler
Richard E. Coates
Ronald M. Davids
Erin Coburn
Connie Davis
Coco’s Salon
Ella Jane P. Davis
Karen Asher Cohen
J. Riley Davis
Ken W. Davis
Judge E. Gary Early
Janet L. Findling
Valencia Davis
Jere L. Earlywine
John Mark Fisher
William Davis
Stephen A. Ecenia
John M. Fite
Dennis De Angelis
Mirentxu Rosa Echenique
H. Bart Fleet
Barbara Debelius-Enemark
Michael C. Eckert
Florida Healthy Kids Corporation
David Scott Dee
Linda Bond Edwards
Kim Fluharty-Denson
Francisco De La Fuente
Charles ‘Chuck’ Ehrhardt
Chris DelMarco
Carl Eldred
Judge Ronald W. and Theresa A.
Ralph A. DeMeo
Arthur M. Elk
Anthony Dominick Demma
Merphis Ellis
Laura Dennis
Karen O. Emmanuel
Barbara A. DeVane
Patrick G. Emmanuel, Jr.
LeMae DeVane and Robert
Stephen C. Emmanuel
J. Ladon Dewrell
Michael P. Dickey
Leonard J. Dietzen, III
Jeffrey M. Dikman
Dillard’s Department Store
William P. Dillon
Gail Dixon
Judge Charles W. Dodson
Pamala J. Doffek
Richard T. Donelan, Jr.
Mike Donovan
Keith P. Vanden Dooren
Richard E. Doran
Mike Doubek
George Drumming
Charles F. Dudley
Melody Duke
David Ericks
Donna Erlich
Jewel Ervin
Richard W. Ervin, III
David B. Erwin
George W. Estess
Silas R. Eubanks
C. Michael Evert
Jeffrey Ewaldt
Steven Falkoff
Gregory F. Farkas
Patrick J. Farrell, Jr.
Kelton and Margaret Farris
Jeffrey Howard Feldman
John H. Fenniman
John Fenno and Kerri Bowden
Eugene D. Feola
Diana M. Ferguson
Barbara Foley
John P. Fons
C. David Fonvielle, III
Marguerite Foxon
Belinda T. France
David M. Frank *
Louis F. Fray, Jr.
Seann Frazier
Jeffrey L. Frehn
Scott French
Joy Fulford
Bill Fuller and Marilyn Yon
Loula M. Fuller
J. Richard Gallagher
Laura L. Gallagher
Jeffrey Gallen
James Seth Galloway
Armando Garcia
James F. Garner, III
Kathy S. Gatzlaff
Katherine E. Giddings
Clarence James Gideon, Jr.
Judge Karen Gievers
Rachael R. Gilmer
Davisson F. Dunlap, Jr.
Howell Ferguson and Sharon
Maxwell *
Davisson Dunlap, III
Erik Matthew Figlio
Glasswork by Susan
Kirsten L. Dunton
Barbara M. Finch
Susan Glickman
John F. Gilroy
Vinette D. Godelia
William D. Hall, Jr.
Brian W. Hoffman
Golden Eagle Country Club
Diane and Steve Halleck
Linda A. Hoffman
Judith Rice Goldman
John Hanes
J. David Holder
Jesus Alberto Gonzalez-Pita
Susan W. Harrell
Holder of the Keys
Owen K. Goodwyne
John A. Harrelson, Jr.
Lorena A. Holley
Renée Gordon *
Lucy H. Harris
John David Holt
Theodore G. Granger
Leigh D. Hart
Andrew E. Holway
Michelle Hartson and Bill Wilson
Home Health Services
Christine Lee Gray
Ana M. Carroll Hasbrouck
Hopkins Eatery
Great Bicycle Shop
Judy Hasner
Edward W. Horan
Lois Green
George William Hatch, III
Norman H. Horton, Jr.
William Harris Green
Hathaway & Sprague, P. A.
William S. Howell, Jr.
William Howard Green
Kathryn Hathaway
Virginia W. Hubbard
Richard A. Greenberg
Herbert Dale Haughton
Frank R. Hughes, II
Karen Greenfield-Sanders
Susan Hawkins
Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Carol Gregg and Ken Hart *#
Brian L. Hayden
Warren H. Husband
Curtis A. Griffin
Maureen M. Hazen
Andrew A. Iacobelli
Steve Grigas
The Healing Center
Imagine That!
Roberta A. Grimes
Lynn C. Hearn
Patrick “Booter” Imhof
Stephen H. Grimes
Leonard Helfand
Peter J. Imholz
Dr. Patricia Gritta *
Douglas J. Helling
Dina Ivory Photography
Carol S. Grondzik
Anne Hempel
Lila A. Jabar
Michael Gross
Cynthia A. Henderson
Pamela and Philip Jackson
Stephen Grow
Robert Alan Henderson
Diane and Joseph W. Jacobs
Edward and Kathy Grunewald *
Carol L. Hendrix
Theresa Jacobson
Guided Tours in Tallahassee
Debra A. Henley
Anthony V. James
Lee Ann Gustafson
William C. Henry
Denise O. James
Charles A. Guyton
Ashley Smith Herndon *
Karen Wallace James
Dr. William Guzman
Clifford C. Higby
Dr. Brenda Jarmon
Scott E. Gwartney
Hilton Garden Inn
Jasmine Women’s Center
Karen Varn Haber
Julie K. Hilton
Mohammad O. Jazil
Wesley S. Haber
Loyd Charles Hilton, Jr.
Nancy Jefferson
Virginia W. Haddad
Melanie Ann Hines
John Jenkins
Mitchell B. Haigler, Jr.
Dottie and Jon Hinkle
Kathleen Jenkins
Debora Hall
Elizabeth and Gary T. Hirst
Kitty Jenkins
Dr. Cheryl Jennings
Olivia Klein
Joe and Susan Lombardi
Tor Jensen-Friedman
Adam J. Komisar
Brittany Adams Long
Sonia Jewell
Kool Beanz
Mariah Long
Jim Grey Designs
Ann Kozeliski
Robert E. Long, Jr.
Joanie’s Gourmet Market
Kenneth D. Kranz
James E. Joanos
Larry Krieger and Donna Klein
Anne Longman and Peter
Antonacci #
Joe’s Bike Shop
Mark Alan Krohn
Dalana W. Johnson
Carrie and Christopher Kroll
Jonathan T. Johnson
David Kuritz
Kelly Overstreet Johnson *
Edward L. Kutter
Laurel D. Johnson
Ronald A. Labasky
Mandi Johnson
Elizabeth LaFollette
Stephanie Anne Johnson
John Thomas LaJoie
Edward Burke Jolly
Lake Jackson Weight Loss Clinic
David and Janie Jones
Alisa LaPolt
David L. Jordan
Last Call
Elise F. Judelle
Mary Sterner Lawson
Charles and Janet Kahn
Zachary F. Lawton
Gladys Kane
Dean R. LeBoeuf
Eric S. Kaplan
Bruce A. Leinback
Tawainga Katsvairo
Theresa Leslie
Mary E. Keating
Myrtice S. Lester
Julie Meadows Keefe
Fredric G. Levin *
Kenneth M. Keith
Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell
Rafferty & Proctor, P.A.
Cameron M. Kennedy
Danny L. Kepner
Brian C. Keri
Keynotes Piano Studio
Kathleen Kiefer
Roland W. Kiehn
Douglas L. Kilby
Jennifer L. Kilinski
Killearn Country Club
Terry King
Patrick T. Kinni
A. Kenneth Levine
Brooke E. Lewis
Fran and Judge Terry Lewis
Gerald A. Lewis
Gary A. Lieberman
Nancy G. Linnan
Lynne L. Liska
Theodore P. Littlewood, Jr.
Gerald S. Livingston
James J. Logue
Patricia D. Lott
Dewitt M. Lovelace
Jeffrey A. Luhrsen
Christoph B. Lunny
Lutz Bobo Telfair Eastman Gabel
& Lee
Suzanna Lyle
Teresa Jane Lynch
Karen Mack
Tucker F. Mackie
Madison Social Club
Michael G. Maida
Thomas J. Maida
Robert Makemson
Steven M. Malono
Douglas M. Mann
Robert A. Manning
Margaret Marcil
Jane and John Marks
Patrick F. Maroney
Charles Marschall
John David Marsey
Maria I. Matthews
Frank E. Matthews
John J. Matthews
Marie A. Mattox, P.A.
Joanna Maurer
Jonathan Harris Maurer
Sula S. McAuley
Cassandra McAway
Rick H. McClure
G. C. Murray
Philip S. Parsons
Fred A. McCormack
Karen and Randy Murrell
Pathway Wellness
Mari Helen McCully #
Daniel E. Myers
Ben R. Patterson, III
Martin P. McDonnell
Julie S. Myers
Allison D. Patton
Andrew H. McElroy, III
Nails La La
Summer L. Pedersen
Mary and Tripp McElroy
Valerie L. Nettles
Alexander W. Peet
Robert E. McGill, III
Robert D. Newell, Jr.
Thomas G. and Vivian Pelham
C. Jeffrey McInnis
Raymond F. Newman, Jr.
Robert A. Pell
Don and Kathy McLaughlin
Judge John Newton and Mignon
Gary V. Perko
Kathy McNaughton
Brent McNeal
Donna C. McNulty
Timothy J. Meenan, Jr.
Joseph C. Mellichamp, III
Richard D. Melson
Lesley Fellows Mendelson
John Stephen Menton
Frances and Jason Merritt
Ronald G. Meyer
Michles & Booth, P.A.
Angela D. Miles
Millennium at Midtown
Craig D. Miller
Cynthia Brown Miller
David K. Miller
Holly Randall Miller
Mary Miller
Travis L. Miller
Ra Shaundra Miller-Wallace
Steven T. Mindlin
William W. Montjoy
Theresa A. Moore
Tim Scott Morris
Gregg R. Morton
Gregory M. Munson
Richard Lee Nichols
Miriam and Randy Nicklaus
Jeff Norcini
Lynette Caryl Norr
Emily J. Norton
William A. Norton
Pedro P. Notario
Kara Tollett Oakley
Jarrett C. and Sharon Oeltjen
Olive Garden
Martha C. Olive
Miguel A. Olivella, Jr.
Eric T. Olsen
Kelly Otte
Emily A. Pabalan
Daniel C. Perri
Anne Perry
Jeff G. Peters
Michael P. Petrovich
David C. Pettig
Patrick M. Pfeffer
Thomas R. Philpot
Robert A. Pierce
Annette Pitts
Kelly Brewton Plante
Patricia Plummer
Jeffrey E. Pomeranz
Terry Poore
Audrey E. Post
David L. Powell
Martin F. Powell
Stanley Powell
Jose Pagan
Thomas L. and Jeanne BeckerPowell
R. Anita Page
Theodore Prekop
Paintings with a Twist
R. David Prescott
Thomas F. Panebianco
Valerie Prevatte
Mary L. Pankowski
Jerald S. Price
Justice Barbara Pariente
Rachel Pringle
Daniel Parisi
The Proctor Dealerships
James J. Parry
M. Julian Proctor, Jr.
Theresa “Cissy” Proctor
Dustin Rost
Marcia Seligman
ProForma - Anchor
Page Rozelle
Sentry Self Storage
Eric D. Prutsman
Steven S. Rubinstein
Melanie Shaw Seymour
Jan and Mark Pudlow
Jonathan Ruckdeschel
Paul A. Shapiro
Harold F. X. Purnell
Marsha E. Rule
Timothy J. Sheehan, Jr.
Laura C. Pyne
Sarah Rumph
Judge Frank and Jan Sheffield
Quady Winery
Laura Rush
Linda L. Shelley
Timothy R. Qualls
Mack Rush
Timothy Francis Sheridan
Quarter Moon Imports
Debbie Sinclair Ruskin
William C. Sherrill, Jr.
Quincie Hamby Art Jewelry
Gary R. Rutledge
Barry N. Shinberg
Priscilla Rivera Quinones
Eric Ryan
Vikki R. Shirley
Edmund D. Quintana
Sachs Media Group
Brian M. Showman
Carolyn S. Raepple
D. Kent Safriet
Jack Shreve
Mary Lou Rajchel
S. Ansley Samson
Jennifer Wintrode Shuler
Thomas Andrew Range
Barbara Sanders
Martin B. Shulkin
Louis Francis Ray, Jr.
Sarah R. Sandy
Kenneth Mitchell Sigelman
Dale Stephen Recinella
Lisa S. Santucci
Michael T. Simpson
Regal Entertainment Group
Robert M. Saunders
Madelyn and Neil Skene
Judge George S. Reynolds, III
Amelia A. Savage
Skin Deep Center for Wellness
George S. Reynolds, IV
Jeffrey H. Savlov
Timothy J. Sloan
Robert L. Rhodes
Nona R. Schaffner
Gina Smith and Craig Graham
Terence J. Ricaforte
Randall R. Schmidlin
Douglas M. Smith
The Curtis Richardson Campaign
Linda C. Schmidt
James C. Smith
Monique Richardson
Michael L. Schneider
Robert J. Sniffen
Audrey Keeling Rierson
Carly J. Schrader
Meredith Woodrum Snowden
Daniel J. Rigo
Charles J. Schreiber, Jr.
Susan L. Somers
Timothy M. Riley
Maggie M. Schultz
Teresa Sopp
Douglas J. Rillstone
Charles A. Schuster
Laura Spears
Lisa Anne Ritchey-Craig
Lisa Scoles
Michael P. Spellman
Douglas S. Roberts
Darby Kerrigan Scott
River and Troy Spencer
Marcia Robinson
Kellie D. Scott
Spirit Spins Pottery
Chris B. Roe
Lynn Scruggs
Brett Spradlin
Gigi Rollini and Stephen Thomas
Steven M. Seibert
Spuhler Family
Jaimie A. Ross
Lynn Seiler
Thomas John Spulak
Kim Ross
Samantha Seletos
Judge Charles Stampelos
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church
William W. Tharpe, Jr.
Jason M. Walters
Susan L. Stephens
Theatre Tallahassee
Jennifer L. Warfel-Bushnell
Wayne Cameron Stephenson
Harry O. Thomas
William G. Warner
Earlynn Stillwell
Shira R. Thomas
Gabriel F. Warren
Susan L. St. John
Three Sons Bakery
Sarah S. Warren
Margaret T. Stopp
David Ellis Todd
Jeffrey W. Watson
Tana Duden Storey
Touch of Healing
Victoria L. Weber
Ronald G. Stowers
Kenneth M. Towcimak
Michele and Peter D. Webster
Nate Wesley Strickland
Traditions Antiques
Virginia Weeks
Cyneetha A. Strong
Irene and Deno Trakas
C. J. Weinman #
Cheryl G. Stuart
Allison Tringas and Timothy Walker
John A. Weiss
Q. Tod Stupski
Jann and Will Tucker-Pettway
Michael D. West
Cindy and David Suhrweir
Amalie L. Tuffin
Joseph Y. Whealdon, III
Tiffany Sullivan
Charles F. Tunnicliff
Wyndi L. Wheaton
Ivan T. Sumner
M. Stephen Turner
Lindsay C. Whelan
Glenda F. Swearingen
Alexander H. Twedt
Eric C. White
Mary L. Sweet
United Church in Tallahassee
Larry White
Anne Swerlick
Uptown Café & Catering
Teresa B. Widmer
Synovus Trust Company
Steve Urse
Bruce I. Wiener
William E. Tabor, Jr.
Abigail Vail
Ann Johnson Wild #
The Tallahassee Automobile
H. Kenza van Assenderp
Wild Olives Restaurant
J. Arby Van Slyke
Cathy Anne Williams
Roy and Judge Suzanne Van Wyk
S. Denise Williams
Charles E. Vanture
F. Palmer Williams
John Veasley
J. Larry Williams
John E. Venn, Jr.
Jack G. Williams
Carmel and Rusty Vernon
Kirby Hamm Williams
Raymond B. Vickers
Phil and Sue Ann Williams
Richard Voellmy
Dr. Tamaria and Brian Williams
Neill G. Wade, IV
Jackie Wilson
Reid M. Wakefield
Robert S. Wilson
Lauchlin Waldoch
Sandra A. Wilson
Walk the Tail
The Wine Loft
Louis C. Walker
The Wine Warehouse
Tallahassee Barristers Association *
The Tallahassee Museum
Tallahassee Nurseries
Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra
Tallahassee Women Lawyers *
Debra Tann
Marc E. and Maria Taps *
Elizabeth Clark Tarbert
Michael T. Tartaglia
Ron Tate
Robert J. Telfer, III
Tammy Tener
Sharon Teskey
Elizabeth J. Walters
The William H. Stafford American
Inn of Court
Jacob Dorman Wingard, Jr.
E. Ellen Winslow
Donald E. Witmyer
Judge James R. and Jolen Wolf
Karen Woodall
Samuel S. Woodhouse
Thomas B. Woodward
Susan Adair Woolf
Robert Woolfork
Robert S. Wright
We especially thank all
those who contributed to
us through the various
United Way campaigns
and who may go
unnamed here. All our
friends and contributors
are sincerely appreciated;
we regret if we have
inadvertently left anyone
off the list.
Wyrough Law Firm
* Founders of Justice Society
Mary Jean Yarbrough
# Circle of Giving members
Yes to Carrots
David A. Yon
Laura Youmans
David W. and Patricia Young
Young Lawyers Section of the TBA
Lauren Yuzon
Douglas C. Zahm
Paul A. Zeigler
Memorial Gifts
Mary-Anne Bestebreurtje # in
Memory of Madison Hodges
Elliot J. Brown in Memory of Evelyn
and Alvin Brown
Karen Greenfield-Sanders
in Memory of Arnold M.
Greenfield, Esq.
Laurence S. Krieger in Memory of
Larry and Donna Krieger
Dale Stephen Recinella in Memory
of Reubin Askew
Reid M. Wakefield in Memory of
Reid and Jaime Wakefield
LSNF Locations
Tallahassee Office
2119 Delta Blvd.
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Phone: (850) 385-9007
Fax: (850) 385-7603
Quincy Office
121 N. Jackson St.
Quincy, Florida 32351
Phone: (850) 875-9881
Fax: (850) 875-2008
Panama City Office
211 E. 11th St.
Panama City, Florida 32401
Phone: (850) 769-3581
Fax: (850) 785-2041
Fort Walton Beach Office
133 Staff Drive Ste. B
Ft. Walton Beach, Florida 32548
Phone: (850) 862-3279
Fax: (850) 862-6327
Pensacola Office
1741 N. Palafox St.
Pensacola, Florida 32501
Phone: (850) 432-8222
Fax: (850) 432-2329