jem 77fp
jem 77fp
% . 4.:. j ; y gw , $ w . . 2 . ' r I1 . / , l 43. y-orei-uer-, 196n-,71 16 44. y-oreitoer-u jslx j 45 yv rejryueruu ljlto --s :4 47. 48. 49. Foreicner-v Foreiuuer-vll Foreiontr-vlll 1964=74 1972 1969 36 1 1 50. Estr Is 51. Sta: es 1945 1976-1977 ' 1 8 ''' ' i ; . ' , I '- ' -'''' ''''- . TP-tg-I C-.66-8-fiJU ,- . $ i Ih j . P !,l l fv I aj . ) , c k . ! i I i k I ' I I I . ' j I i I I I ' j I I . l' I I I j' l f. , $ 11 = ' KN No.1/l3/20û9-ORR GovernmentofIndiaz haratSarkar #' Minist?yofHomeAffairsfGrihMantralaya (OrdinaryRecordRoom) New Delhi,the26.2.2009 To TheDirectorGeneral NationalArchivesoflndia, Janpath,New Delhi. V ' Subjectp-Transfer ofrecords pertaining to Sectionsm esltsofM inistry of H om e Affairs to NationalArchives ofIndia. Sir, Iam directedtosaythat668filesin34bundlespertainingtovarious Sectionsr esksofthisMinlstryfortheperiod from 1945to 1982(alonjwith the listin v' iplicate)are hereby transferred to NationalArchivesofIndlafor perm anentretention. 4Allthesefileshavebeen appraised bytheteam from theNAIwho areat present appraising the records in the Record Room of M HA. lt has.been recommended by theteam toretainthesefilespermanently in theNAI. Assuch,aI1these filesare hereby transferred to theNA1forpermanent retention. Itis requested thatthe receiptoffilesmay please be acknowledged alongwith onesetoftransferlist. ! i 1 i .. . y. . 1 i Y rs aithfully, . ( I UnderSecretarytoGovernmetofSI a nh du ia ) - . yi . ei 71 .N0.23092951 q e/ Encl.:668files(34Bundles). 1 1 I . i 3 I I I i I .. I t ç ' . . .-.- ..... j 2 . & No.J/13/2009-ORR Governmentoflndia/ haratSarkar M inistryofHolneAffairs/Grih M antralaya # ,' (OrdinaryReoordRoom) New Delhi,the26.2.2009 To TheDirectorGeneral NationalArchivesoflndia, Janpath,Ncw Delhi. Subject:--rransfcrofrecordspertaining to Sections/lleslksofMinistry of H om e Affairsto N ationalArchivesofIndia. Sir, ' Iam directed to say that668 filesin 34 bundlespertaining to various Sections/DesksofthisMinistry fortheperiod from 1945to 1982 (alongwith the listin triplicate)are kereby transferred to NationalArchivesofIndia for permanentretention, Q? Allthesefileshavebeenappraisedbytheteam from theNA1whoar:at present appraising the retords in the Record Room of M HA. It has bôen recommended by theteam to retainthesefilcspermanently intheNAI. Assuch,aIlthcsetilesarehereby transferred to theNAlforpermanent rdention. ltis requested thatthe receiptoffiles may please be acknowledged >long with one setoftransferlist. Yo rs aithfully, 4. i. :,t'&' . 4% k,p . t . Ao le J -. ' undersecretarytoGovernm(e Azk . to.fsla nh du ia ) . ' o pAt -jkl xo. 23() q295) q . . Encl.:668files(34Bundles). / . rk J : a : f * T N SFER LIST O F M IN ISTRY O F H O M E AFFAIR S SI.N o . 1. 2. 3. 4. '' * 65. $ . . 4 - TotalN o. Offiles NE-IDesk N& IIDcsk AP AM NE Desk 1973-81 1981 1972-79 1978-81 12 1 16 7 1 975-78 1966-68 335 1946-69 13 1960-61 2 SikldmCell 7. 8. Nefampc 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. +. Indusivt Year Na aUnitm -ll Nefa .. le N am t nf Sectionm esk ' j 1 Police-l Police-lll Police-lv Pelice-v Police-vl 1968 1961-69 1957-1968 1960-69 1969 l4. Police-vll 1969 1 15. 16. 17. lPS Cell IPS I PersI 1974-76 1977-81 1976-81 18 54 4 fà Pers11/D0 Ptrs-ll 1973-81 18 19. 20 21. PersIV FinancePtdice.l FinancePolice11 1976-81 1970-78 1970-76 27 7 3 1 22. FinanctPolictIII 19:4-81 13 j ' 23. FinancePolice.IV 24. FinancePoliceV 25. Phtk 26. GPA.I 27.. GPA-II 28. GPA.III/NPC 29. GPAJV 30. GPA-V 31. HK & C 32. BS-II/m VlI 33. BS-II/NPC 34. E.l/llrallch 35. Finance 36. Finance-l 37. Finance-lll 1979 1979 1937-47 1981 1969-82 1978-82 1981-82 1981 1972-76 1963-1969 1968 1948 1972-76 1978 1 2 2 11 14 62 21 10 8 18 3 1 2 5 38 39. 40. Political- lll Political DGCD G 1972-78 1968-1974 1968-71 120 10 15 1980 1 6 3 2 3 ; ! -' ' . . &- ' ( 41. DGCD Comm . 42. CivilDefence Com m unication 43. Forei ner-l 44. Forei ner-ll 45. Forei ner-lll 46. Forei ner-lv 47. Forei ner-v 48. Forei ner-vll 49. Forei ner-v lll 50. Estss 51. States # 1977 1965 4 2 1969-72 1970 1969-76 1967-1970 1964=74 1972 1969 1945 1976-1977 16 1 26 6 36 1 1 1 8 Total:668 files A I 17 : I * J . 4 i ' j * TransferList NE-IDESK Nam e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e Affairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North Block. Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: ' ' Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. # NameoftheBranch/section NE-IDESK . : ! Year : I + #4 1973-81 (12files) #. Transfer List . xs-jsesk Sl.N FileNe. o. 1. Subjectmatter()fthefile Remarlks, . 1û2(1)/73-NE-l ifan . Appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries having the same rank and em oluments as M inisterofStatesin M ani ur. ,+ 2. 3. . 4. 102 53)/73-NE-1 7/8/81-NE-I 11/12/81-NE-lVo1.1 AmnestytoM izoHostile. Unlawfulactivities(Prevention)Tribunalto adjudicate orders issucd declaring Meitei Extrem istOr anization asunlawful. Declaration of RPF,PLA,PREPAK, Red Army, M eitei Extremist Organization as unlawful under unlawful' activities (Prevention)Act- questionofissueoffresh notification date(125thOct !981 Declaration of RPF, PLA,PREPAK,Red Anny, M eitei Extrem ist Organiz-ation as . 5. 11/12/81-NE-1Vo1.Il '#' . unlawful under unlawful activities (Prevention)Act-questionofissueoffresh notification beyond 25tb0ct. 1981. 6. 11/12/81-NE-IKW (l) Unlawful activities (Prevention) Tribtmal under Shri Justice K .W . Saikia - original de osition ofthewitnessesand exhibits.. 7. 8. 11/12/8I-NE-IKW (lI) Unlawful activities (Prevention) Tribunal urderJustice ShriK .W .Saikia -documents issued b GovernorofM ani ur. ' 11/l2/81-NE-1KW -lIl Declaration of M eitei Extrem ist Organization as unlawf'ul under unlawful activities(Prevention)Act1967Questionof authorizing chief Secretary, M anipur for accordin rosecution etc. *' 9. 10. 11/12/8I-NE-IKW (2) Unlawful activities (Prevention) Tribunal 11/16/81-N E-l under SIZ Justice K.W . Saikia - original exhibits. Declaration of M eitai extremist Organization as unlawfulassociation under the UA (P) Act, 1967, Question of authorizing Chief Secy., M anipur for according rosecution. . # 11. 13/1/81-NE-1 ' oj D.S.R.Mizoram. ' ' 12. . E 4 + .' I i i I ! i q i . '# + #. + l3/6/8I-NE-I Violent incident by M NF after suspension of0 eration. : i TransferList xE jjo yrsx 4. . - Nam e ofthe records creating M inistry t)fH om e Affairs agency i-e.M inistry/ N orth Block. D epartm ent/o flk e/public U ndertakings etc: + N am e and particularsofthe records efficer: Nam e ofthe B ranch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. NE-IID ESK Year 1981 (1;le) 4 - * 6- 4: .. ! TransferList NE-IIDesk + Sl.N FileNo. Subjectmatterefthefile o. 1. ifan . 2/2/8I-NE-II Setting up of Nol'th Eastern Regional Agricultural M arketing Corporation (NERAMAC)-Ist,20d,3rdand41Meeting oftheBoard ofDirectors. # A Remarlks, TransferList k AP Secton # x #. .. # Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i.e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: M inistry ofH om e A ffairs North Block. N am e and particularsofthe rtcordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. Nam eoftheBranch/section AP Section Year 1972-1979(2 Bundle)16 files + 4 i #. TransferList 4.. . APSectian I SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatternfthefile Rcmarlisr ifan . 1. V' 12/2/72-AP SecretServiceExpenditure(Artmachal Pradesh)AdministrativtAuditCtrtificates 4. 5. in respectofexpenditure incurred on $Secret Service'by thegovernorofAssam now ChiefCom missioner,ArtmachalPradesh. 16/29/72-Ap Vo1.I Police SetUp-AnmachalPradesh Establishmentofa CivilPolicese,t-up in Anm achalPradesh. 1301l/2/74-AP Vol.I Boundary - Assam -Arunachalbotmdary demarcation. 13011/2/74-AP Vo1.II Assam -A-p. Bountlal' y. 13011/2/74-AP Assam -ArunachalBoundary 6 V o1.1II U-13020/l/74-AP 2. ' 3. . '' f' 7. 8. 9. 10. ( 17 3024/4/74-AP AntiChristianActivitiesinAnmachal U-13029/4/74-AP AirM aintenance Arrangementsfor @ 01.11) ArunachalPradesh. 17-13029/4/74-AP AirM aintenanceArrangem entsfor (701.111) ArunachalPradesh-supplydropping 01.11) j , Leg.Assembly-FullbudgetLeg. Assembly A.P. Pradesh. o erations. 13013/3/79-AP Vol.I ArunachalPrades'h ForestCorporation Ltd. Papersregarding. 13015/1/79-AP Policewirelesssetu in Arunacha!Pradesh 13015/5/79-AP Condemnation and disposalofSDESand PM sand write offsanction ofgodown lossesunderIAP operations. l3915/12/79-A13 ArunachalPradesh M otorVehiclesRules, 1979. 13016/2/79-AP Construction ofPermanentcapiu lat ltanagar-supplementary Estim ates/Revised estimates. - 11. 12. *. . 13. 14. 15. 13016/2/79-AP(pt.) Ca italProject-Su plementaryEstimates. 16. 13020/4/79-AP EstablishmentofaSubtreasuryat . 1 Changlang in Tirap DistrictofArunachal Pradesh. # %J!4: 1 I # Transfer List AM (NE-DESK) N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i.e.M inistry/ N orth Block. Departm ent/o ffk e/public Undertakings etc: Nam e and particularsofthe #' recordsofficer: . ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. + jl . , NameoftheBranch/sectien AM (NE-DESK) Year 1978-81 (7filel T' ransferList # AM NE-Divn. , SI.N FileNe. Subjectmatterefthefile o. 1. 2. ifan . 13034/34/78-AM @ E- Construction of embankment along the Divn) Dhalai River in Sillmt District by 13034/126/78- @ E-Divn.) 4 AM Ban ladesh Government. M anipur-Letterfrom GovernorofM aniptlr to HomtSecrdaryregarding non-inclusion oftheManipurilanguageinthe2thschedule and the likelihood of the agitation for its irkctusion being intensitied btcause of tht handicap of the M anipuri youths at the com ctitiveexamination. 3. 17011/2/78- AM @ E- Tripura-FortnightlyconfidentialReportson Divn) Tripura received from the Governmentof Tripura. 4. . 17011/5/78- AM @ E- Meghalaya - Fortnightly confidential Divn) Reports on Tripura received from the ' GovernmentofM eghalaya. 5. 17011/9/78- AM @ E- FortnightlyconfidentialReportsonManipur Divn.) received from the GovernmentofM anipur for1977-78. 6. 13034/43/80-AM @ E- Meghalaya-concern over the influx of Divn.) foreign nationals and outsiders into the State. 7. + # Remarks 3/5/81-AM Vo1.I Reservation of seats for Schedule Tribes in the M eghalaya Legislative Assembly and in theParliament. * - j * * Transfer List Sikkim C ell I *. ' N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH em e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North Block. Departm ent/o ffk eg ublic U ndertakingsetc: N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: 1 +. . #. Nam e efthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecord O fficer. Sikkim Cell Year 1975-78 (35file) TransferList Sikkim Cell I .4 I SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 11011/2/75-SKM Draft of the Constitution (Thirty eight Amendment)Bill,1975,relatingto Sikkim. 2. 12030/29/75-SKM Request of the Director, lnstitute of Tibetology, Gangtok tsikkiml, for long term loan ofA!Iobjectsfrom theNational A , 3. 12030/50/75-SKM 4. 12030/53/75-SKM 5. 12030/54/75-SKM . 6. 12030/56/75-SKM 7. 13011/3/75-SKM 8. 13012/2/75-SKM X. i- 9. 13013/1/75-SKM l0. 13030/8/75-SKM 11. 14011/1/75-SKM M useum ,New Delhi. Copiesofearlierreferencesto Lesentto the Governm ent of Sikldm-decision taken by the CabinetSecretary. Participation of two delegates and three observers from Sikkim in Silver Jubilee celebration of the W orld Fellowship of Buddhists 20d l1th General Conference be held on 20-26 Feb.1976 atThailand. Licensing ofRadio setslocated in the Site ofSikkim-collection offees for the by the P&T Deptt and the question of m aking good the loss in Revenue of the Govt.of sikldm , List of the files of the office of Ex-po's relating to issue of arm s licenses transferred to the Com m issioner ofPolice, Silddm . State of Sikkim- W eekly report from lntelli enceBueau on theaffairsofSikkim . United News Service of India (1.1N1)TeleprinterNews Service ofthe utilization oftheserviceby the GovernorofSikkim or the Governm ent of Sikkim -suggestion by M EA. Sikkim -Antilndiapropagandaand activities b the supportersoftheChogyal. Closure of the PoliticalOftice in Sikkim , Gangtok Accounting procedure between Govenuuent of lndia agencies and Sikkim Governmentand viceversa. State of Sikkim-lkevision of Quantum of financialassistance given by Govt.of lndia I ' j p. '- .- % to Sikkim for meeting norm al N on-plan Ex enditure. ' r4. . 12. 14O11/4/7s-sx. u and accotmting procedure relating to the State on its becoming a full-fledged State of lndia.(ii) Release of funds to Sikkim. 13. 14011/8/75-SKM purchasefor. Budget Estimates for 1976-77 of the M inistry ofHome Affairs-Grants-in-aid to 14. 14012/1/75-SKM Sikkim . State of Sikkim -Financiai arrangements in . ' state of sikkimti) Budgetav r egard to the State on its becoming a constituentUnit Qf India as a resultof the + Constitution (Thirty-sixth Amendment) ,. Act,1975. 15. 14012/5/75-SKM QuestionofabsorptionintheCentralGm4. Office of Sikkim Govt'spersonnelengaged prior to integration of Sikkim with Indian Urlionson functionsoverafterintegration are tmion fttnctions-decided to setup a Screening Comm ittee to select staff for absorption in thelndian Audit& Accounts Departmentset-u , 4' 16. 14013/1/75-SKM A unitreportin respectofplan funds provided for Governm ent of Sikkim for 1970-71(conductedinMay1974).Decided 17. 14030/1/75-SKM 18. 14030/12/75-SKM 19. 15013/1/75-SKM Co orationofSikkim, RajyaSabhaStarred Questicm N0.1019by 20. 11030/2/76-SKM 21. 12030/29/76-SKM Shri0m Prakash Tyagi- Conspiracy by the ChogyalofSikkim . Notifcations issued under Central Laws extended to the StateofSikkim , Creation of Sikkim Section and allocation 22. 13011/9/76-SKM #. . thatno action is called forthereon in view ofthechanged circumstawes. Statt of Sikkim - Sikkium subsidy for the year 1975-76 - Discontinuance ofpayment under Treaty bdween lndia and Sikkim 1950, Consignm ent of provisions ordered by the Fonner Chogyalfrom the Danish company M /s.Peter Justesen Inc.the State Trading ofsubjects. Release oîforeign exchangein favourofthe former Chogyal of Sikkim in cormection with theeducation ofhischildren. œ . k ( < 23. 18030/4/76-SKM Sikkim- Note on the developments in Sikkim a*ertheintegrationw ith India 2d. 13011/1/78-SKM Sikkim- Visits of the former Chogyalof 25. 13011/2/78-SKM ! p . Sikkim outsidetheState. Sikkim -Report of the Govelnor on M iss Yonghen Dolm a, daughter of Shri P.T. Nmngyal, former Chogyal of Sikkim , studying in USA-Her illness and I tnga em ent. 26. l3û11/3/78-SKM 27. 13011/4/78-SKM 2s. 13011/5/78-SKM Sikkim-shriP.T.Namgyal,formerChogyal of-death ofhiseldestson Tenzing in aroad accident-condolence m essages from Prime M inister,Hom e M inister, Hom e Secretary . andJointSecretary(NorthEasternDivn.) *. ,.- Sikkim -Letter from SM Jayaprakash Narayan to the Prim e M inisterpleading for a m ore sympathetic approach to the needs of ShriP,T.Nam gyalthe form er Chogyal forfinancialassistance. Sikkim-M eetingsof SM P.T.Namgyal,the fonner Chogyal of Sikkim with the Prjme Ministeron 1#hApril1978 and the Home M inister on 13th and 15th Apri1 1978 - f 29 . 13011/1(1/78-SKM R ec ord o tcShr sofi.P.T.Nam gyal,ex-chogyal Re que stn of ofSikkim,forissueofan Ordinary Passport Reference from M inistry of External Affairs. VisitofformerChogyalofSikkim abroad m attersrelatingto thisactivitiesetc. Expenditure incurred on the Transport of ! - 30. 13011/)1/78-SKM 31. 13011/12/78-SKM the lbrmcr Chogyalof Sikkim during his illnessin October1976- Issueofsanctions bb 32. 13013/2/78-SKM for. Sikkim-lrmer Line permit - Grant of to M adam ChantalM assonaud - Reg. 33. 13013/3/78-SKM Sikldm-ouestion of Reverification of character and antecedents of central Government staff to be posted to M eteorologicalstations being setup in the State by the Indian M etereological Dept' t. reg. 34. 13013/4/78- SKM Question ofissuing Diplomaticpassportto 35. Vo1.I 13013/4/78Vo1.Il hisholinessthe G alwa Karma a Lam a. SKM Sikkim-press statement by Slu'i N .B. Khatiwayaand SM C.S.RaiM em berofthe X . . ' I ! X. k 't State legislative Assembly against m erger . 4. . of - Question as to whether this would amotmt to sedition punishable in Law Referencefw m theChiefM inister, Rcg. i e. 4 k t' s t ex TransferList NA G A U nit Nam e ofthe recordscreating M inistry efH om eA ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North BlockDepartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: 4 Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecord O fficer. NameoftheBranch/section N aga U nit(N 11 ) Year + t,>: 1966-1968(3 files) . ' k <. TransferList Naaa Unit(N-II) Sl,No. FileNm Subjectmatteraftllefile Remarlks, ifan . 1. . NIl ./ 119(45)/66 Nagaland (Sales of Petroleum and Petroleum Products including M otor Spirits and Lubricants--raxation Bi1l-l966. Sanction ofthe Presidentforintroduction in theState Legislature-assentofthe President. A y. 2. N11/551(60)/68Vo1.l Rcquestfrom theGovernmentofNagaland for increasing the representation of Tuensang District in the Nagaland Legislative Assembly from six m embers to 12 members. 3. + . NlI/551(61)/68 ' The Nagaland Administration of Justice Bil1,'1968 (supreme CourtJudgmentreg. the application ofRules for Adm inistration of Justice and Police 1937 and nonapplication of crim inalprocedtzre code to Nagaland. k k # I Q TransferList N efa Section N am e ofthe recordscreating agency Le.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: i * 1 ! : i M inistry ofH om e A ffairs N orth Block. Nam eand particularsofthe ShriJ.P.Sharma, records officer: N am e ofthe Branch/section D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. NEFA SEC TIO N Year 1946-1969(1Bundle)13 files - è. :. x ee TransferList NEFA Section 7 SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthelile Rema rlts, if all . 1. 38/NE+4. /46 Question ofallocation ofthecostofthe Assam Rifles between the Central Go'vt, and the Governmcntof Assam and oftheir future role vis-à-vis the rovincialGovt. 2. 21(2)/NEFA/51 W ireless Reorganization of Assam Rifles I W ireless Proposal for Establishment of Signalersin theAssam Ritl W -' es. 3. 15(11)m EFA/55 Re-organization Ofthe signalscommunications in the Assam ltiflesBattalionsin theNEFA. 4. 14(12)/NEFA/56 Raising of tw0 Batolions ofAssam Rifles - 5. 1(1)NEFA/57 Assam Battàlions- 10thl& 11tllPETS& Persormel Rifles Policy -procedure of disbursem ent Of Pay & Allowances to Army personnel seconded to Assam Ritles on dtputation. V- , 6. 31(7)NEFA/57 ' . ' As sa m Rifles- Policy Proposalforcreation of d d i t i a onalofficerand staff for Ho/section in theTuensan FrontierDivn. 7. 733(5)NEF4/57 Re-organization ofthe signalscommunications in theAssam RiflesBattalionsin theNEFA-. 8. 1(13)NEFA/58 Assam Rifles - Policy Apportiomnent of Expenditure in r/o 10th and 11th Bn Assam Rifles for 1957-58 between the Assam Govt. and the CentralGovt. . 9. 2(4)m EFA/58 Assam Riflespersonnel-Award of Gallantry M edals/decorationsforAssam RitlespersonnelRecomm endationsfor1958-59. 10. 2(6)/NEFA/58 +x Assam Riflespersonnel-Award ofMedalsfor North EastFrontier Agency service-proposal . for. 11. 2(27)/NEF4. /58 Revision of Pay and Allowances of Assmn Rifles. 12. l3. k 5(4)m EFA/58 RisingofAssam Riflesscalesofrationstothe 1/33/69-NEFA leveloftheArm y. Proposaltopopulateand introduce thevillage voltlnteerforceschem ein NEFA TIRAP Area. ' s:r'-; 4 r jarausferList N EFA/N PC Section R Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: M inistry ofH om eA ffairs N orth Block. Nam e and particularsofthe records officer: . N am e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord o ffja y.. N EFAJN PC SE CTIO N ! j . 1 i Year 1960-1961(2files) I + l ' X k I A... - -1 X NEF TA raJ n NsP fe CrLi Ses t ction sl.No. FileNa. Subjectmatter()fthefile Rema rlts, if an . 1. IOI4I/NEFA/6O/NPC Gallantry/M eritorious Awards in r/o the Cell # 2 . . following AR. Personal. 1. Jem . Bhagat Bahadur Gurang,2 Jem Purn BhadurGunmd 3 Rfn Puran'eeShe a. IOIJI/NEFA/6I/NPC GallantryAward- inr/oLm K DilcRaiof Cell Assam Rifles. 4- # i A. ; i I 4 ' T ransfer List Pelice ISection I N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om eA ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ N orth Block. I I ! I Departm ent/office/public Undertalkings etc: 4 Nameand particularsol.the ShriJP.Sharm a, . . recordsofficer: A k N am e ofthe Branch/section Departm entalR ecord O fficer. PoliceI Section Year 1968(1file) $ 4 TransferList Police.lSectian SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthelile Remarlts, ifan . 1. 25/85/68-P-1 ReoganizationoftheClericalCadreofthe DelhlPolice. A t- - . t 1 4 i I 4 TransferList PoliceI1lSection Nam e ofthe recordscrcating M inistry ofH om e Affairs agency i-e.M inistry/ N orth Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: Nam e and particulars ofthe recordsofficer: % Nam e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecord O fficer. Police IIISection Year 1961-69 (6file.j L? ' à TransferList .. Police-lllSectien SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatter9fthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 1/20/6l-police-lll Re-organization of the W /T Sections at Headquarters of the Intelligence Bureau- Proposalforthecreationofadditionaljosts 2. < 1/86/63-Po1ice-Ill ' and fortlle urchaseofe tti ment-sanctlon. EstablislpmentofDirection Finding Unitsin the W ireless Organization of the IntelligenceBureau. 3. 26/3/65-Po1ke-l11 i Fixation ofpay ofShriR.K.S Deb,Asstt . . Dir.(Law and Sociology)C.P.T.C.,Abu.2. Amendmetd of CPTC tGazttted Staff Recruitment Rules 1959 - for the post of SeniorInstructortAsstt Dir.0. 4. 1/143/66-Po1ice-1I1 - 4 Fabrication of200 N os type NIJ-66 Trans receiverssetswith mainsand Battery power supply unitsfor tht W /T Grids of IB.and creation ofcertain stafftherefore SecretService Expenditure for Intelligence Bureau - VillageVolunteerSchem es . . ' . 5. 6. 13/10/68-Police-lll Vol.H . 1/139/69-Police-llI Establishmentofteleyrinterlinksbetween (i)Bombay-Nagpur(h)BombayPanjim and (iii) Siliguri-Klimpong under the I.B. (Seccmdphase). # i t '*''-** # 4 I TransferList Police IV Section N am eofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ N orth Block. Departm ent/o flk e/public Undertakingsetc: X Nameand particularsofthe ShriJP.Sharm a, . recprds officer: A ( .< N am e ofthe Branch/section Departm entalR ecord O fficer. Police IV Section Year 1957-1968(3files) i ' . . * ' . 4 TransferList Sedion SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterafthefile . Rtmarlks, ifan . 1. 15/4/57-T/Police-lV Assam Rifles - Shifting of Assam Rifles RangeandAnimalTransportLineatAijalA 2. 19/41/66-PolicedV 3. 32/12(S)/68-PoliceIV . : Pr() osalfor-. Arms Actand Rules, Manufactureofarms and am munition in Ordinance Factories for civilian use - Production of L.G.and S.G. Cartridges - Decision that L.G./S.G. Cal-trldges may not be Supplied to civil trade and the arms shtmld be produced in Ordnancefactoriesonl for oliceetc. Security of Central and State M inisterss during their visitto W estBengal- Security arrangem ents notto be insisted upon ofthe Central M inister desire that the security arrangements should be disposed with ' I unlessotherwiseconsidered necessary. l $ 4. l A- . I l l I t ïi'zE' **-1 4 Transfer List PoliceV Section x N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakingsetc: 7' z . N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: N am e oftheB ranch/section ShrjJ.p.sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. Police V Section I Year 4. kQ 1960-1969(2files) A .% 4 TransferList Police-v section SI.NO. FileN(). Subjectmattert)fthefile Remarlts, ifan . X 1. 24/24/6û-Police-V ' 2. 20//1/69-Police-V CentralAssistance to the Government of Assam in connection w ith the operationsin Naga Hills and raising of the 1ûth an(j jjth BattalionsoftheAssam Rifles. Shifting of CPTC from Abu to Hyderabad. Acquisition of land from the Andhra Pradesh Govt. for construction of Bldgs. etc. + 4 k> @ TransferList PoliceV ISectien + Nam e ofthe recordscreating M inistry t)fH om e Affairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North Bloclc D epartm ent/o ffice/public Y Undertakingsetc: ' Nam e and particulars ofthe recordsofficer: /- - 'ïgy . Nam e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fticer. PoliceV l Section Year 1969(3files) #- *7 % TransferList Police-vlScction SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterefthefile Rem arlls, ifan . - X' X.. ' < (' A. .- A. 1. 20/1/69-Police-VI Vo1 IV 2. 20/50/69-Po1ice-Vl 3. 26/1/69-Po1ice-V1 Vol.ll Construction of Bldgs. for NPA at H yderabad.2. Clarification from the Govt. ofAndhra Pradesh aboutthe transferofland to the Gom .oflndia. Free issuc of P.T.Shoes and P T.vests to the constabulary ofNPA Abu Shifting of NationalPolice Academy from M ountAbu to Hyderabad. 2 Construction ofbuildin fortheAcademy atHyderabad. . . A v * T ransferList Pelice vlIsection i + Nam e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om eA ff airs agency i.e.M inistry/ N orth Block # Departm ent/office/public U ndertakingsetc: N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: N am e ofthe Branch/section I ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. Police VII Section ! Year 196: (jfiu ) , I I k. >. I I A I * TransferList Police-vllScction SI.Na. FileNm Subjectmatterofthefile Remarlts, ifan . 1. + . 36/2O/69-Po1ice-VII Appointm ent of D I.G. Headqum ers C.I.S.l7.asthe AssistantSecurity Advisorin the M inistry of Industrial Development, lnternalTrade,Com any Affairs . . % + Ak7+ =#, TransferList IPS Cell . : i Nam e ofthe records creating agency ive.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: + M inistry ofH om e A ff airs N orth Block. I Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: . Nam e ofthe Branch/srction shriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. lPS Cell Year 19g4 . j9g6 (jsundu)jg files # ; kN ' I /'x.. -.x + Transfer List IPS Ccll I SI.NP. FilcNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks: ifan . 1. 21/48/74-1P5Cell 1PS(U.T.)Selectlistof1976-Preparation 2. 16/28/76-1P5 Cell ofand a pointm entsto the IPS. Creation ofapostofAddl. S,P.Gurdap ur astemporary addition to the Cadrebeyond 3. 21/21/76-IPS Cell oneyem'-ref.from Punjab Govt. lPS(MadhyaPradeshlselectionCommittee *' meeting to considerSPS Oftk ersof M adhya Pradcsh forinclusion in theselect listforappointmentto thtI.P.S. 4. 21/23/76-1P5Cell IPS(Tamilnadu.)SelectionCommittee mectingto beheld in 1976 forconsidering SPS OfïicersofTam ilnadu forpromotion to I.P.S, '-X . 5. 21/25/76-1P5Cell IPS(WestBengal)SelectionCommittee 6. 21/26/76-1135Cell iPS(Haryana)SelectionCommittee meeting for1976preparation ofSelectlist ofSPS Officers. M eetingforl976.Preparation ofStltd list ofSPS Officersfora ointmentto theIPS. 7. 21/29/76-1135Cell iPS(Orissa)SelectionCommitteeM eeting for1976 Preparation ofSelectlistpfSPS Officers101.a ointmenttotheIPS. . 8. 9. /' - 10. 21/32/76-1115Cell 21/39/76-1P5 Cell lPS (HimackalPradesh)Selection ) CommitleeMeetilv toconsidtrSPS ' OfficersofHimachalPradesh forprom otion totheIPS. , i lPS(Mabarashtra)SelectionCornmittee M eeting to considerSPS Om cersof 11. 21/40/76-IPSCell M aharaslpraforpromotiontotheIPS, lPS tAntlllraPradesh)SelectionCommittee M ccting toconsiderSPS OflicersofAndhra . k. 12. K v. 26/22/76-1175Cell ' 1PS (Ptlnjab)SelectionCommitteeM eeting toconsitlerSPSOfticersofPunjabfor romotiolqto tlleIPS. 21/34/76-1P5Cell . ' Pradeshfj br romotiontotheIPS. PromotionofPaydrawnintheSu ertimt v'N + . I ! + 13. 26/36/76-1P5 Cell theparentCadre.Caseof ShriS.Tandon and Gobind Chandra,IPS. Grantofhouserent-allowanceto mem bers oftheA11IndiaServices- Framing of Rules. 14. 26/59/76-1P5Cell AmendmentofI.P.S.(Pay)Rules,1954for relaxation ofcondition of14 yearsof service forpromotion to the Selection Czrade-Referencefrom ShriRohan Lal ' Chaturvedi,MemberofParliament(Lok 15. 28/1/76-1P5 Cell Sabha . I.P.S.-TransferofcadreofShriT.S.Rao, IPSfrom GujaratCadretoAndhraPradesh % + * -Q . . 16. 28/14/76-1P5 Cell 17. 28/34/76-1P5 Cell 18. 43/1/76-1P8 Cell Cadre-Fixation ofseniority. IPS-Seniority-HimachalPradejh - S/shri A.S.Bttrathoki,V.Vaidyanathan,,R.S. Pathania,KaliCharan & B.L.PanditFixation of. IPS-Seniority-Karnataka-S/shriP.Ram a Rao,B.M .Uthappa,B.R.Patiland SR Naraharisastr - Fixationof. Estim atesCommittee 1975-76 Recruitment, Trainingand Orientation ofAllIndia Services-Recomm endation N0.3; aral.18. #- , # 1. ê a- # TransferList lPS lSectien . + N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofllom t AFairs agency Lc.M inistry/ N orth Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: - +' Nam e and particularsofthe ShriJ.P.Sharm a, recordsoflicer: DcpartmentalRecord N am eofthe Branch/sectien IPS I Section Year 1977-1981(3Bundle) 54 filcs . # Lu. A : e ; r . y. ' I TransferList -x #, 11!SISection . SI.Na. FileNa. Spbjcctmatterofthefile I Remarkm ifan . 1. 1-14û13/18/77-IPS-I lPS (Bihar)-Appointmentof11State olice ServiceOfticerstotheIPS. - + 2. l-14013/22/77-IPS-I IPS(MadhyaPradesh)-Appointmentof11 3. 1-1501l/1/77-lPS-l SPS OfficersthelndiaPolice Service. IPS - Seniority Jamm u & Kashmir-Sllri A. 11.Khan & -/Others- Fixation of. 4. 1-15011/2/77-IPS-1 IPS- SeniorityPunjabShriD.S.M ohi- 5. I-150l1/5/77-IPS-I Others- Fixation of. 1PS Seniority - Orissa- ShriRamkrislm a Dash and 8 OthersFixation of 6. 1-45013/2/77-lPS-I 1PS (UTS Cadre)-ShriT.R,Kakkar,I.P.S. 7. I-45013/3/77-1PS-I requestforchangein hisdateofbirth. Change in ëateofbirth- CaseofSIZ R.K. Khandelwal,JDD,IB-Rejected. # .. ' 8. l-12012/1/78-1PS-1 RecopmmendationsoftheKothari 9. 1-15011/1/78-IPS-l 10. 1-15011/3/78-1PS-1 Com mitleeonReiluitmentPolicy and selection.methodsforappointmentto the AllJndiaand CentralServices-Decision of the Governmentthereon. ll:s-senieritl,-M u ipm -Tripura-Shri Dam odarSinghand 10 OthersFixationof. lps-seniority-uttarPradesh-shri . ' S.c.Mukheljeeand20OthersAppointedto lP8 w,e.f.11,1.1968 on the LasisofRevised SelectList. 11. l-150l6/8/7%-lPS-l C.W .PN o.844/78and CM N o.1783/78sh.R.R.Verm aand 8 OthersVs.U.O.I.& Others againsttherevision ofseniorityof SD/.ShriSawhney,Dhaliwaland , Y- '' - 12. Ahluwalia. Notice underArticie226 oftheConstitution cd lndiafrom ShriP.K.Basu Advocate, CalcuttaHigh Courton behalfofSh.A.K . 1-15û16/10/78-lPS-I Mukherjee,IPStomoveanapplicationin the CalcuttaHigh CourtCR No.6625/1978 filed l)y ShriA.K.M ukher'ee, ' 4. . -u 13. 1-15016/11/78-1PS-I NoticeunderArticle226oftheConstitution ' ! ' C-'- O e' - . . : AdvocateonbehalfofShriSaroj Bllattacharya,lPS(1963)tomovean a Iication intheCalcutlaHih Court. G - 14, l-15016/12/78-1PS-I C.W .J.C. N O.5065/78-S/shriSehdev Ram andS. N.Puri,IPS(Bihar1964)v/sUOl& Others. Grantofspecialpay to 1PS OfticersRef. from theGovt.ofHimachalPradesh. 15. I-160l1/26/78-IPS-l 16. 1-ll012/14/79-lPS-I 1PStsiW imllnitialConstitutionofJndian Police Senice- Cadre ofSikkim 17. 1-14û11/29/79-IPS-1 IPS(AndhraPradesh)Selectlistfor prom otion to IPS - Preparation ofselection Comm itteeM eeting- convening of- +. Meetin tobeheldon6.12.79. 18. 1-14011/3l/80-1PS-I Selection Comm itteeM eeting forselection the OffcerforPromotion tothelPS Cadre ofthe Union Territories. 19. 1-14013/1/80-lPS-l lPS(Orissa)-O.J.C.No,1618of1979SIZ UmaShankarM ishra- IPS (Orissa)vs U.O.I& othcrs 20. 1-14013/6/80-IPS-l 1PS (UnionTerritory)-AppointmenttolPS PromotionQuota-Proposalsfrom U.T. - X # ... Divn, 2l. I-1501l/4/80-lPS-l 1PSSeniority-TamilnaduSr.C.I.P. 22. I-15011/5/80-IPS-1 23. I-15û16/9/8û-lPS-l 24. l-15016/l0/8û-lPS-l 1PS(UttarPradesh)W PNos,4490-4499/80 Vol.l@ otes) BhupendraSingh and OthersV/s.Unionof 25. l-15016/10/80-lPS-I lPStuttarPradesh)W P Nns.4490-4499/80 Vololtcorrespondenc BhupendraSinghand OthersV/s.Unionof Dhanraj& Others-fixationof. lnter-se Seniority ofIPS Ofticersof1964 Batchworkin in C.B.I. I.P.S.-Seniority - U.Ts- Fixation ofS/slvi V.R.Kadam,Om Parkash,O.P.M ehra. India& Others. e $ ' 26. 1-15016/10/8O-lPS-I 1PS(UttarPradesh)W P Nos.4490-4499/80 Vo11 I . 27. 28. 29. '#' 4.1 lndia & Othcrs. . BhupendraSingh and OthersV/s.Union of lndia& Others. 1-15016/1û/80-IP8-I 1PS tuttarPradesh)W PNos.4490-4499/80 Vo1.1II, BhupendraSingh and OthtrsV/s.Union of lndia& Othcrs. 1-18û12/4/80-IPS-1 lPS (M adhyaPradesh)Contirmationin Vo1.1. serviceofpromoted I.P.S.Officers- cases of26 oftk ers. l-180l2/4/80-lPS-l 1PS(MadhyaPradesh)Contirmationin Vol.ll. serviceof romotedI.P.S.Oftkers-cases I ! X r -mw -.i : % of26oë cers. 30. 1-11013/4/8l-lPS lPS (Cadre)Rules,1954- lncreasein TrainingR' esewe- Recommendationefthe a ' N tionalPoliceAcademy Board-proposal a ' reg, 31. I-11013/9/81-IPS 32. Memorandum bythelPS(Central) Association reg.servicemattersand giving suggestionsforthe solution. ' 1-1401l/20/81-lPS-I IPS(Orissa)-O,J,C,N0.378/198l-sl=i K.P.Bhowm ickV s.U.O.l& Otherslnclusion in theselectlistof1967-68-reg. 33. 1-14011/20/81-IPS-I 1PS(Orissa)-O.J.C.No.378/l98l-Shri I I e K.P.Bhowm ick Vs.U .O.l& Others- +. .., 34. 35. 36. q ' # m 37. lnclusionintheselectlistof1967-68-re . 1-1401l/27/81-IPS-l IPS(Gujarat)-selectionCommittee M eetingforselection ofSPS Officersfor romotion tolndian Police Service. 1-1401l/32/8l-IPS-T IPS Tamilnadu- Selection Com mittee M eetingforselection ofSPS Oftk erfor romotion totheIPS. 1-14011/34/#1-lPS-l IPS Orissa- Selection Comm itteeM eeting f0rselection ûfSPS Officerforpromotion to theIPS, 1-14011/41/#1-lPS-l IPS(Gujarat)-SCA N0.4374of1981-Shri J.H .VyasVs.U .O.l,& Others& SCA N0.4448/81Vs,ShriA .K.BhattV/s.U .O.l. & OthersintheHighCbuztofGujratat 38. Ahm edabad-N 0n inclusionin the selectlist of1981-reg. ' 1-1401l/45/81-IPS-I W .P.NO.9006()f 1981filed by K. JagannadhaRao and OthersintheHigh CourtofJudicature,AndhraPradesh at Y 39 . :- ' ,, 4 1-14013/3/81-1PS-I 40. I-l40l3/4/8l-lPS-1 41. l-14013/6/81-IPS-I 42. l-140l3/8/81-lPS-I ! HyderabadPrayerforinclusionofnamesin SelectlistforPromotionoflPSby by p j Senice-reg. I revisingtheirseniorityinStatePolice ' I ( lPS tManipur,Tripura)Appointmentof State Police ServiceOfficersto the Indian PoliceService-pro osalre , Appointm entofStatePoliceService Ofticersto the Indian PoliceServiceProposalsfrom State Govt.ofKarnataka. U .T.-CivilW ritPetitionsNo.498-499 of 198Itiled in theSupremeCourtby Shri SheelKum arSaxena. A ointmentofStatePoliceServicefor : . > . promotion to IPS from the Selectlist re are, d on 1980. % 43. .. I-14013/10/81-IPS-l 1PS(MadhyaPradesh)AppointmentofSPS Oftk erto P S-Proposalsf' rom the State Govt--reg. 44. ' 1-14013/11/81-IPS-I lpstMaharashtra)AppointmentofState PoliceServiccOfticersto thelPS Pro osalsfrom the Stategovernment-reg. 45. 1-14013/14/81-lPS-l 1PS(U.T.)AppointmentofU.T.Officersto 1PS - ro osalsreg. 46. 1-14013/15/81-lPS-I lPS(Gujarat)AppointmentofSPSOfficer 47. 1-14013/17/8I-IPS-I 48. 1-15011/3/81-IPS-l 49. l-15016/8/81-IPS-1 to IPS-Pro osalfrom arding IPS seniority Bihar Shri D.C.Sinha & 11 Others- tixation of. IPS - Seniority Bihar ShriD C.Sinha and 11others-fixation of. . . + 50. 1-150l6/9/81-1PS-I . IPS Senioritpl-laryana S/shri Raj Singh ShamsherSingh & R.S.Kalson-fixation of. Ips-seniority- Haryana W .P N O. 1637 of 1981- SIZ D.D. Kashyap & Others Vs U .O,l& Othersregarding yearofallotment assi ned to ShriM ,L.Chhibar. Kerala- Ips-seniority-Representation of . . ' xq 51. 1-15016/11/8l-lPS-I Shri R, Padmanabhan (Rlk:66lagainst ' ' # A *- 4. . Seniority of Shri K.J. Joseph, IPS 52. (Eco.SSC) l-15016/17/8l-lPS-l I.P.S.(W . B)-Seniority case- PromoteesVs. 53. Vo1.1l 1-16013/29/81-1PS-1 54. l-45028/6/21-lPS-l DirectRecruits. 1PS Tam ilNadu-Revision ofdateofficiating in the gradt of DIGP by Sbri N . Devasahayam ,1PS & others-Ref. Govt.of Tamilnadu. Consulutive Com mittee M eeting on 1:-121981-1tem fordiscussion - M atterraise by SM B.P.M aurya M .P. j <-** j I i ; . I TrangferList PER S 1 Section @ N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e Affairs agency i-e.M inistry/ N orth Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: N am e and particularsofthe N am e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. PERS 1Section Year 1976-81(4files) recordsofficer: ' # u I jv-. 4 TransferList PERS-I + SI.N:. FilcNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 15/25/76-Pers-l 2. 45020/42/80-13e1. sI 3. 12016/8/81-PersI V' SccurilyForce, ,,- N Constitution ofSubordinate Services Commission- Collection ofinform ation fw m CPOsaboutcertain categoriesofpost with them . IG/CISF-Authorityto withdraw recognition of-staffAssociationsin Centrallndustrial RecruitmentRuiesforthepostofAssistant Director(Training)intheSardarVallabbhai 4. # 'V k 12017/2/81-persI PatelNationalPoliceAcademy-ldyderabad. Framing ofRecruitmentRulesfornewly created postofP.A .to Directorin S. V .P. NationalPoliceAcademy-Hyderabad. ' ' . 2 .'-. I 4 TransferList PER S-II/DO PERS-II Section + ' r Nam e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH em e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: Nam e ofthe Branch/section 4 Year <. k . ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecord O flicer. PER S ll/DO PER S-II Section 1973-81 (18files) TransferList * pluts-lvoo pym s-ll SI.NO. FileNo. Subiectmatter ofthefile 1. 20/5/73-Pers-lI Home 1'0w11declaration/oath/affinmation of the lPS Probationersof 1973 2. 24/4/74-Pers-Jl lPS(Probation)Rules,l954-confirmation Rem arksy ifan . ofHaryanacatlrelPS Oftk ers. #' 3. - 4. 11013/2/8û-DO(Pers- RecommendationsoftheCornmi r tdteeon I1) Subordinatelegislationintheir3 Report (para85)(SixthLokSabhaI-CRPFtFourth amendment)Rules,1968(GSR 3737, l968). l2017/1/8O-(Pers-11) FramingefRecruitmentRulesfornewly created postin theSVP NationalPolice Academy,Hyderabad-proposalregarding Laboratory Asstt.. ' 5. 12û17/3/80-(Pers-ll) FramingofRecruitmcntRulesfornewly #' createdpostintheSVPNationalPolice -- 6. 12U17/4/80- (Pers-Il) 7. 12017/5/80- (Pers-ll) Academy,Hyderabad-proposalregarding sanitary inspection. DO Fram ingofRecruitlnentRulesfornewly createdpostintheSVPNationalPolice Academ y,Hyderabad-proposalregarding SeniorPro'ectionist. DO Framing ofRecruitmentRulesfornewly createëpostintheSVPNationalPolice Academ y,HyderaLad-proposalregarding Painter-cum -Artist. 8. #' . 12017/7/80- (Pers-ll) .- 9. X- createdpostintheSVPNationalPolice Acatlemy,Hyderabad-proposalregarding Librarian. 45020/81/8û-(Pers-11) Rcvisionoftheprocedurebeingfollowed by BSF in connection with the reporting of transaction ofacguisition of movablc/immovable ro erty. Recruitment-changeinthe system ofdirect 10. 45020/140/80- 11. D0(Pers-1l) recruitmentforthepostofDy.S.P. 11019/4/8l-D0(Pers- TheAssam Rifles(GroupWD''posts) 11 k. .. DO FramingofRecrtlitmentRulesf0rnewly RecruitmentRules,l980 G.S.R.204 of 1981).-ExaminationbytheCommitteeof Subordinatelwegislation. ' 12. 12017/10/31-(Pers-II) RecruitmentRulesforthenewlycreated postofJuniorScientitk Ofticerin tbe SVP, NPA Hyderabad - Reg. 13. 45020/45/81-tpers-ll) ToursLyHeaëofCentralPolice 14. 45025/13/81-D0 Organization, Grantof Hon.Rank ofNaib Subedaron (Pers-ll) retirementtoNon-commisionedOfficers- 45025/254 l-D0 Pers-ll 45025/36/81-DO clarjfication abouttheHead ofA/c. Change ofdesignationofSweepersin Assam Rifles. Enrolm entofN epaliGorkhasin Assam (Pers-l1) Rifles-Pre-verifcationandcharacter 45027/5/81-170 antecedents- question regarding. CaclreReview oftheGazeted Establishment 15. . 16. #. .... 17. 18. (Pers-I1)Vo1.I intheCentralReservePoliceForce(Group tA-posts). 45027/5/81-1)0 Cadrereview ofCRPF'. (Pers-ll Pt.file --,16 4I <.; R , + TransferList PERS IV Sectien N am e ofthe records creating M inistry ofH om eA ffairs ' #. agency i.e.M inistry/ North Block. Departm ent/o fficez ublic U ndertakingsetc: N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: - # # ,K N am e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecerd O fficer. PER S IV Section Year 1976-81 (27files) i 1 . V. TransferList .. PERS-IV SI.NO. FileNe. Subjectmatterefthtfile Remarlts, ifan . 1. 2. #. 1/IIl/76-Pers-IV Central Police Establishm ent Board Thirt T ifth M eeting of. 1-28011/1/77-Pers-IV Central Police Establishm ent Board Thirty-Fifth M eeting of- beld on 22nd July jqyy -. , 3. 1-28011/9/77-Pers-lV Central Police Establishment Board Thirty-Fiflh M eeting of - held on 10-121977. . 4. 5. ''' -a 6. ..-.- . . 7. ' a J 8. 9. 10. 11. 4 1-28011/1û/78-PersIV ' I-21016/10/79-Pers- Central Police Establishm ent Board Thi T iûh M eeting of. IPS - Deputation - R&AW -Prom otion of IV the IPS (MP:1962)as Deputy Director R &AW ,CabinetSecy. CentralPolice EstablishmentBoard - Fifty fourth u eetingof. 1-28011/2/79-Pers-IV CentralPolice EstablishmentBoard - FiftyFifth M eetingof-held on 27.3,1979, 1-28011 /79-Pers-1V CentralPoliceEstablishm entBoard - Fiftp Sixth M eetingof-held on 3.5.1979. 1-28011/4/79-Pers-1V CentralPolice Esublishm entBoard - FiûySeventb M eeting of-held on 26.5.1979.2. Fifly eighth meeting. 1-28011/5/79-Pers-IV CentralPolice EstablishmentBoard - FiftyNinth M eetin of. I-28011/6/79-Pers-lV CPEB - Composition of - Selection of a 1-28011/1/79-Pers-lV successortoShriJohnLobo(Retd.)& SIZ 12. 13. 14. 15. A R C,Cio alformerDG:CRPF. 1-28011/7/79-Pers-lV Central Polic, e Establishm ent Board Sixieth M eetin of- held on 6-10-79. 1-28011/8/79-Pers-IV CentralPolice Esïblishm entBoard - Sixty tirstM eetingof- held on 8-11-79. 1-28011/9/79-Pers-IV CentralPolice Establishm entBoard - Sixty Second M eeting of. 1-28011/1/81-Pers-lV Central Police Establishm ent Board Seventy Fourt h M eeting of- held on 26-3- 81. > . L . . . I ' 81. # 16. 1-2801l/2(A)/81- 17 P ers-lv SeventyFifthMeetingof-heldon3-4-81. 1-28011/3/81-Pers-lV Central Police Establislunent Board - . - 18. 19. 20. -' Y' 21 . 22. 23. 24. >' 25. ... Seventy Sixt.h M eeting of - held on 16-481. 1-28011/3A. /81-Pers- Central Police Establishment Board IN Seventy Seventh M eeting of- held on 1-581. 1-28011/4/81-Pers-IV Central Police Establishm ent Board Seventy Eighth M eeting of- held on l5-581. 1-28011/7/81-Pers-1V Central Police Eslblislunent Board Eightieth M eeting of- held on 19-6-81. 1-28011/8/8l-Pers-IV Central Police Establishment Board Eighty FirstM eeting of- held on 3-7-81. 1-28011/9/81-Pers-IV Central Police Establishment Board Eighty Second M eeting of- held on 16-481. 1-28011/1û/81-Pers- Central Police Establishm ent Board IV Eighty Third M eeting of- held on. 1-28011/11/81-Pers- Central Police Establishm ent Board IV Eighty FourthM eetingof- held on 4-9-81 1-28011/12/8l-Pers- Central Police Esàblishment Board IV ' 26. Eighty Fifth M eeting of- held on12.11.8l. l-3000l2/1/8l-Pers- AIS(DCRS),Rules16(3)Review ofcaseof IV 27. Central Police Establishment Board - IPS Officers forretention in service beyond the ageof50 ears.AP . I-30ûû12/2/81-Pers- A1S (Death cum-Retirementbenetits)Rules IV 1958-Rule 16(3)- Review ofthe cisesof 1PS Ofticers of M aharashtra cadre for continuance orotherwise in service beyond theageof50 years. A ( ! ï A .---..-. .. .. 1 TransferList Finance Police -1Section (FP-l) + Nam e ofthe records creating agency i-e. M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakings etc: M inistry ofH em e Affairs Nerth Block. N am eand particularsofthe records officer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. Nam e ofthe Branch/stction Finance Police ISectinn FP-I x Year 1970-1978(1Bundle)7 tiles 4 $' ) . vrayjss rjust FinancePolice-1Sectian(FP- l) - SI.Na. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . ' '+ 1. 15/14/70-FP-1 Abu Lawrence SchoolPrem ises atM t. Abu occupied by National Police Academy RenewalofLease- Corres ondenccre . 2. 5/48/72-17P-1 Teaching of regional languages to lPS 7/28/72-12P-1 Probationers - Language Laboratorysettingu in theNPA,Abu . NationalPolice Academy - Construction of Buildings- Acquisition of Iand for 3. Director'sBungalow, 1. 9/20/73-FP-I - % Financial arrangements between the Government of India and the State Governm ents reg.expenditure incurred by the latter during Emergency on the employment of police forces etc. for - guarding vulnerable ointsz uildings Creation ofapostofHindiT' ypistand Hindi Translator in the S.V.P. N ational Police Academ y,Hyderabad. . 5. 5/18/7& FP-I 6. 5/58/76+P-1 7. 11-27012/14/78-FP-1 Conversion of temporary posts (Class I Gazette)intopcrmanentpostsintheS.V.P. NationalPolice Academ ,H derabad Raising the status of SVP NationalPolice Academ y,Hyderabad to thatofan attached Ofiice - vesting of more powers with the Director- pro osalre . . V A) 1 i I 1 . ' ( 4 T ransfer List FinancePolice -1l Section (FP-Il) 4 N am e ofthe records M inistry ofH om e Affairs creating agency i-e. N orth Block. M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public U ndertalkin setc: Nam e and particularsofthe ShriJ.P.Sharm a, recordsofficer: Depad m entalRecord O fficer. N am e oftheBranch/sectipn Finance Police -lISection $ ! - Year 1970-1976(1Bundle) 3 files # I A TransferList FinancePeliee-IISection (FP-lI) SI.Ne. FiltNm Subjectmatteroftllefile Remarks, ifan . + 1. 5/3/70-FP-I1 UpgradingthelostofHindiTeacher(Class 2. !5/12/7û-FP-1l 111)toclass(ll oftheNPA Abu. NPA:Question reg it's sbifting from M t 3. >. # V. . . Abu to Hyderabad - Decision notto shiq from M T.Abu. 11-1101l/31/76-FP-l1 Delegaticm Of Financial Powers Rules Delegaticm oferlhanced financialpowers to the Deputy Com missioners/Additional Deputy Commissiolwrs in Arunachal Pradesh. ' i TransferList Finance Police -111Section (FP-lII) N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e Affairs agency i.e.M inistry/ North Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord Nam e ofthe Branch/section ofjuer Finance Police lIl Section FP-Ill Year 1974-1982(1Bundle) 23 A . liles + Vp - l TransferList PtlliceFinante-lllSection (FP-III) kf . SI.NO. FileNm Subjectmatterefthefile Remarlts, ifan . è. 1. 8/15/74-FP-IlIVo1.l Outstanding recoveries from State Govts On account of CRPF/BSF Cops deploycd forI.S.duties,Law and Orderin the States riorto 1.4.74, 2. 2/1(A)/76-FP-IIl Sharingofexpenditureonpolicebandobust 2/21/76-FP-1I1 during the General Elections between the Centre andtheState Govt.- reg. M anipur- Reimbursementofexpendimre in respectofState Anned Police Bns.Deputed .- ' 3. . Ex-state. 4. 6/3/76-FP-1I1 Ration .-state Resem,e Police Force Group X,Baroda - Deputation to Agra for guard dutits atthe P.O.W Camp.Qutstion rtg. 5. 6/5/76-FP-1Il 6. 8/1/76-FP-IIl reim ursemcntofexpenditure on. lssue of tickds on Railway W arrantto al1 ranksofspecialArmed f'orce on deputation while roceeding on leave. Compilation/consolidation of Govermnent Orders/instructions on various subjects - 7. #- - 8. 9. 10. im plzmentation of the decision of the Cornm ittee of Secretaries-coditications of a1lthe instructions/orders relating to terms and conditions of service for lntelligence Bureau. 8/18/76-FP-III Accommodation forUPSAF-Electritication ofS.P.F.Bld s.atAskote,Pithora arh.. 8/21/76-FP-lIl Contknuance of Armed Police Battalions raisedon behalfoftheGovt.ofIndia. 8/23/76-FP-111 Border special Pay to the Uttar Pradesh s ecialPoliceForce,M oradabad. 11/1/76-FP-III Setup of the CoastGuard Organization in theM inistry ofHom eAffairs. 11-11û14/1/77-FP-1II M aintenance of an unauthorized Guest ! Houseintbepremisesof@ o.1526,Sector36-D, Chandigarh) of CDTS (Central Detective Training School), Chandigarh11. < 'Q AuditPartyis 11-16011/3/77-FP-I11 Shming ofexpenditure on Police Bandobas during the Generalelection M arch,l977 i * ' 12. between the Centre and State Govts.r 'rsClaim sfrom State Govts./u-fs. 11-16û1l/3/77-FP-111 Recovery of the cost of CRPF/BSF Battalionsfrom State Govt,-Adjustmentof 13. 14. + the dues againstthe am ountpayable by the Central State Govt.during 197778. 11-16011/5/77-l7P-llI Assam :ReimbursementofEx enditure. 11-16011/3/78-FP-l1I M adhya Pradesh: Reim bursement of expenditure claim m ade by the Govt. of M adhya Pradesh on account of the expenditure incurred on India Reserve Battalion in someStates. 15. ll-27013/3/79-FP-11I Guarding 16. Points/areas/lnstallation belonging to Govt. of lndia and Pubic Undertakings etc. Reference from Govt.of M aharashtra for reim bursem ent of expenditure incurred on the Undexakings Hindustan Petroleum, Bharat Petroleum & M /s. Tata Hydro ElectricPowerSup ly Co. I1-16011/3/80-FP-1lI M eghalya- Re-imbursement of expenditure of W atch post schemes and checking of 17. 18. 19. *' '' 20. 21. 22. 23. (N - ! Vulnerable the scheme forpolice for check posts (2) + . intiltration and Thum b lm pression of BanglaDesh nationalsforthe year 1977-78 andonwards 11-16û11/4/80-FP-1ll Rationalization ofDepuition term sofState Armed Police Battalions when deputed outsidethe State. 11-16011/4/8û-FP-1Il Rationalization ofDeputation termsofState Armed Police Battalions when deputed outsidetheState. 11-16011/4/80-FPRationalization ofDeputation tennsofStatt I1l(pt.) Armed Police Battalions when deputed 11-1601l/4/80-FP- outsidethe State. Rationalization ofDeputation tennsofState , lIl(pt,) Armed Police Battalions when deputed outsidetheState. 11-16011/22/8l-FP-lI1 Deploym entofdetachm entofCRPF/ESF in Stmes Recovery of cost 9om State Govts.Etc.- Revision ofratesof. 11-17020/26/82Purchase & SuppliesofBatteries, Eqpt-/DGPE/FP-III 11-27013/3/82-FP-111 Organizations receiving f'unds from the Govt,ofIndia Referencefrom Lok Sabha ' Sectt.. Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences,Calcutta-On the exemption from j k + + # 1N lyouse, H ingauditedaccountsonTableofthe 'k TransferList Finance Police -IV Section (FP-IV) + > Nam e t)fthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North Block Departm ent/o fllce/p ublic Undertakingsetc: N am eand particulars ofthe tecerdsofficer: Nam e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord Officer. Finance policeIV Section Year (FP-IV 1979 (1 filel - + S l i j l : 3 i Tr:nsferList ' FjnancePalice-IV Sectinn(FP-IV) SI.NO. FileN(). Subjectm atterofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. Il-27012/19/79-FPIV Assam Rifles - Adm inistrative and Financialarrangements . : + i +. ' ! i + i 1 V) ! I 1 TransferList Finance Police -V Section (FP-V) * + Nam e ofthe records creating agency i-e. M inistry/ bepartm ent/office/public Undertakingsetc: Nam e and particulars ofthe recordsofficer: M inistry ofH om eA ffairs N orth Block. ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalRecord bfficer. Nam e ofthe Branch/section Finance Police V Section FP-V Year '# < 1979(2files) I tx TransferList # FinancePolice-V Sectilm (FP-V SI.NO. FileNe. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. Il-27013/3/79-FP-V . 2. 11-27012/18/79-FP-V Guarding of vulnerable points/areas/installationsbelonging to Govt. of India and Public Undertakings etc. Reference from Govt. of M aharashtra for rcimbursement of expenditure incurred on the undertakings Hindustan Petroletlm , BharatPetroleum and Tata Hydro Electric PowerSup ly co. Group lnsurance Schem e for UP Police Employees-Exemption underSection 44 of thcLlC Act-commentsofM HA. ' I + + ! 4) l Transfer List A PM A J . N am e t)fthe recordscreating agency i.e.M inistry/ 4. M inistry ofH om e A ffairs N orth Block oepartment/ofcce/public Undertakings etc: N am e and particulars t)ffhe recordsofficer: N am e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. PM A Year 1937-1947(2files) + + l <J I I ' + TransferList PM A SI.Na. FileNo. Subjeetmattert)fthefile Remarks ' ifan . v .J 1. 2. w A , < <' J' M d als List of files of tbe year1937 to 1947. 66-H/47-PM A Cell Listoftiles/papersrelating to the award of folder Police M edals transferred to the M inistry ofHome Affairs. Correspondence with the Prime M inister of India about the ycontinuance of the awm. d of the King s Police and Fire services M edal and the Indian Police M edal. Am endments to the Royal W arrants relatingto the awardsoftheKing'sPolice and Fire Services M edal and the lndian PoliceM edal. '' i 'N - I x A * I + . TransferList G PA lSection N am e ofthe records creating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ N orth Bleck. Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: + i I Nam e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. G PA l Section Year 1981(1Bundle) 11files ; l #. I #..* - #. TransferList G PA-ISection SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthe5le Remarks, ifan . I 1. ' V1-24021/50/81- Itcm f0rinclusion in the agenda ofthe next GPA.I. (Sixtcenth)meeting. oftheNorthem Zonal Councel. +.. 2. . 3. V1-24021/61/81GPA.I. V1-24021/91/81GPA.I. General:Policematters. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on the report of the Third ' Committee(* 35/742)25/172.Arbitraryof sttmmaryexecutions. 4. Vl-24021/92(A)/81- Western ZonalCouncilMeeting- Noteon !. GPA.I. V1-24021/95/81GPA .I. x'' m PoliceAssociation Conference ofthe Chief Secretariess Hom e Secretariesand inspectorsGeneralofpolice held on 17thand 18thJuly 1981 Copiesof . . theAnswersgiven inLokSabhaandRajya ' Sabha on 26th and 27th August, 1981 in respect of Unstarred Questions No. 1529 . 6. V1-24021/97/81GPA.I. ' 7. Vl-24021/1û0/81GPA.I. 8. + #. 1Q. 11. Na . VI-24021/101/81GPA.I. V1-24021/103/81GPA.I. V1-24021/104/81GPA.I. V1-24021/106/81GPA.I. antjq-s . National physical fimess Programme lnclusion of %one Star' standard as one of the Pre-requisite qualifications for entering intothePolice Services. Grant-in-aid for the welfare of police - . ' ersonnel. PressCuttingofStatesman dated 30 3.81 . Reorganization ofPolicein U P - Article by ShriPari urnanandVarm a M ttting wit btheHeadsofPoliceTraininj Institute in lndia held at Patna - the 10 Sym posium of Heads at Police Training Instimte. U.P. HomeM inister'spowerfuldriver. . . . ' ,.-.w. * # TransferList G PA 11Sectitm ' # N am e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e Affairs agency i-e.M inistry/ ' N orth Block. D epartm ent/o fllce/public U ndertakings etc: -.m N am e and particularsofthe recordsoffk er: N am e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecerd O fficer. GPA 11 Section Year 1969-1982(1Bundle) 14 files + : I x ' I I I 4- TransferList 1 GPA-IIsection SI.NO. FileN(). Subjectmattert)fthefile Remark s,ifan . 1. 19/62/69-Po1iceIV/GPA.II 2. 9/2/70-P-IV/GPA .lI + . 3. 9/7/73-GPA.Il ' v. e Arm sActandRuies- M anufactureofarm sin private sector- RenewalofLicense in favors of M /s. Ganesh Bhatti & Co,, Jodhpur. Representation from Shri Ganeshi Lal, one the artnersin theM anufacturin Unit Recomm endation from the Govt.of U,P.for the award of the Police M edalfor gallantary to Siui M .D.M aurya,Dy.Superintendentof Police, Shri Jagdish La! Chawla, Sub lnspector and Shri Karauti Singhym Constable. M edals - Payment of enhanced m onetary allowance to the recipients of Presidents' Police and Fire Service M edal for Gallantry and police medal for gallantry at uniform ratesirres ectiveofranks. 4. 19/67/74-GPA.Il Arm sAct& Rules:-Possession ofM achintry in connection with m anufacture ofexempted type of airweapons - application from M /s. ShriGaneshalndustries,AnandinGujarat. 5. 6. V1-15ûl1/13/82- Complaint from GPA.II. regardingmurderofherhusbandbyShriRaj Vl-l5011/16/82GPA.II. Reddy S,l.Police Siddipetin policelock up in Andhra Pradesh. Complaintfrom Slu. i KanailalPatra,reg.his son ShriBidyutPatra killed by police tiling + Smt. Erakala Kuthadi CalcuttaPolice(W .B. 7. Vl-15011/23/82GPA.ll. lnvestigation against Police complaints Complaint from Shri Hanif, Vill.Sohanptu. , Distt.Bulandshahar rcg.M urder of his son ShriNaim -ud-Din byPolice. 8. V1-15012/24/82- Complaintfrom Shri Baijnath forwarded by GPA.II. V1-15012/39/82- Shri JharkhandeyM p - reg. murder of SIG Seera& Sakhra'b Gazi urPolice. Complaint from Shri A.U. Azam i, M .P. GPA.II. regardingpolicemanharasesharijansinPama 9. Y 1YibX)' . . #' . ...w . @ 10. . . VI-15012/42/82- Coimplaint from Shri Samar Mukherjee GPA.ll. M P., regarding murder of ex-llavaldar Narayan Singh by Police Distt,Champaran, Bihar. Com plaint of Shri Chritra Paswan fonvarded Ly ShriRamvilas Paswan,M p reg.murderofShriCharitra Vind by Gram Panchayat. -DevraM asad Police, Call Book-complaing from Sllri Syed u 11. 12. Vl-15012/43/82GPA.1l. Vl-l5012/45/82GPA.II. Nuruddin reg.ofhis son Sayeed Bayazeed alleged harassing by Pelice Distt. Vijayawada fonvarded by Shri H.N. Bahuguna(M .P.) A.P.) - *' 13. V1-15013/12/82GPA 11 14. VI-25013/7/82GI7A.II, I Reg.complaintofSlu.iKarpuriThakurreg. death of five persons by Police firing in Distt.Go al an'Vili.Chathi. Establisiunent of currency chests by nationalized banks - arrangements for security. ' ! ' x '' N ' ' < 1 1 i l r : ' . 4. Transfer List GPA III/N PC Section - > + Nam e ofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ North Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakings etc: Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: N am e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. G PA III/NPC Section Year 1978-1982(4 Bundles) 62 files -,(s.. 1 4 2.. TransferList , GPA-III/NPC Section SI.NO. K leNo. Subjectmatterofthelile Remark s,ifan . . 1. % 2. ... 3. 4. + ' ..... 5. 6- -X ' . . 7. 8. 9. 10. VI-11' 013/6/78-GPA- Consideration of Recommendation for the III/NPCVOI.II Award of President Police M edal for distinguished service and Police M edal for meritorious Scrvice on the occasion of Re ublicday 1978. Vl-11013/5/21-GPA- Preparation of President's Police III/NPC M edal/police M edal for distinguished ymeritorious service awarded on Independence Day 1981 and submission of undertaking. VI-l10l3/6/8l-GPA- Recom mendation forthe Award ofPresident IIFNPC Vo1.1V Police M edal for distinguished senice and Police M edal for meritorious Service on the occasionofRe ublicday 1982. V1-11013/9/81-GPA- Consideration of recommendations for the IIFNPC Vol.l award of Presidents' Police M edal for distinguished Service and Police M edal for ' m eritorious service on the occasion of Re ublicDay 1982. VLl1ûl3/9/2l-GPA- Consideration of recomm endations for the IIIVol.lI award of Presidents' Police M eda! for distinguished Service and Police M edal for meritorious service on the occasion of Re ublicDa 1982. VI-11013/9/81-GPA- Consideration of recommendations for the IIIVo1.llJ award of Presidents' Police M edal for distinguished Service and Police M edal for meritorious service on the occasion of Ju ublicDay 1982, Vl-110l4/1/81-GPA- Award ofPolice(SpecialDuty)M edaltothe II1 VI-11015/3/81-GPAI1l VI-11015/5/81-GPAIIl offcersofthe IntelligenceBureau. Supply of 25 Independence M edal- Delhi . Administration. Receipt of gallantl' y and m eritorious service Awards by Deputationists in Assam Rifles Uniform Assam Rifleswould wear. VI-11015/9/81-GPA- Recom mendations for the award of Prime III/NPC M inisters' M edal for life saving to be F * 11. 12. l3, l4. V1-23014/29/81OPA-IIIm IAC VI-11011/2/82-GPAIII/NPC V1-11011/5/82-GPAIII/NPC awarded on the occasion ofA11IndiaPolice Dut M ed tobeheld in1982. SupplyofcopiesofBlue Bcmks. Police M edals- Bills in respect- thereof Paymentof. Eligibility of BSF Persormelfor the award of Param Vashisht Seva M edal of the M inistry ofDefence in r/o these personnel who are functioning under the operational controloftheArmy, VI-11û11/6/82-GPA- Police Award fOr gallantry Publication in III/NPC the Indian Police Journal- Inclusion ofthe . addressofthejottrnalin themailing list- * 15. 16. +17. 18, Re uestfor. Vl-1lû12/1/82-GPA- Recom mendation from the Govt, of III/NPC M izoram forthe award op resident's Police M edalfor gallantry posthumously to Shri Lalbuanga Sailo, Sub Inspector &police M edaltoshri Hran lianaConstable. VI-1l()12/2/82-GPA- Recommendation from the Govt,ofAssam IIIJNPC forthe award ofPolice M edalforgallantry to ShriG.M .Srivastava,Superintendentof Police,& Shri Galop Chandra Barkakoti, Ins ectorofPolice. V1-11012/3/82-GPA- Recommendation from the Govt.ofU .P.for III/NPC tile award of Police M edalfor gallantry to ShriGopal Singh, Sub-lnspector of Police & Shri Radhe Shyam Constable.. V. l-11012/4/32-GPA - Recommendation from the Govt. of IIIm PC RajasthanfortheawardofPoliceMedalfor gallantry to SIZ Harcharan Das,Constable & SI' I H Deep Chand Cook (now Constable) 19. 20. 21. A)'#- RAC VI-11012/5/82-GPA- Recom mendation from the Go' vt.of Bihar III/NPC forthe award ofPolice M edalforgallantry to ShriSarfuddin Khan,Ccnstable N0.706, , Rohtas,Bihar. Vl-l1012/6/82-GPA- Recom mendation from the Govt.ofU .P.for III/NPC the award of Police M edalfor gallantry to Shri Aditya Parkash Gangwar, Sul)1ns ector, V1-l1012/8/82-GPA- Recommendation from the Govt.ofUP for IIIY PC the award of President, Police M edal for gallantry posthumously to Sarvshri Kali Ram Singh,Sub-lns ectorand ShriBhoore y 9 Laland Indej-pal Singh,Constable and President's Police M edal for gallantaryto ShriBhagwatSknghConstable. 22. N- 23. Vl-11012/9/82-GPA- Recommendatidn from the Govt.ofUP for III/NPC the award ofPolice M edalfor gallantry to ShriVirenderPratap Singh and ShriDinesh Chander Chaturvedi , Sub Inspector of Vl-11012/10/82GPA-III/NPC , Police. Recomm endation âom the Govt,of UP for the award ofPfesident's Police M edalfor )I. iMtmlCàand,Inspector gallantry to late SI ' and ShrilnderjalChand and Police M edal forgallantrytoS/sluiU.S.Bajpai,Supdt.of PoliceandOthers. + 24. Vl-l1012/12/82GPA-III/NPC 25. V1-I1012/15/82- Recommendation from the Govt.ofUP for the award of Police M edalfor gallantry to Shri Kishor M anohar Fadanavis, Sublnspector and SM V.K . Patil, Police ConstableofGreaterBom bay PoliceForce. Recornmendatitm fcr the award of Police GPA-III/NPC Medal for gailatltry to Shri A Romen KumarSingh,Addl,SP ofPolice by the of GovernmentofM anipur.. . G 26. ' V1-l1012/17/82- Recommendation by theDG,BSF forthe IIIm PC 'GPAV1-11012/18/82- Award ofPolice M edalforGallantry to Shri Dinkar Subhana Kamble,Constable of 73 Bn. Recomm endatiim from the Govt. of GPA-III/NPC Mizoram fortv awardofPoliceMedalfor w -. 27. gallantryto Shii M .T.Prabhakaran,Dy.SP ofPoliceCRPF arld Slui K.Lalruata,SubIns ector, '3 ' 28. VJ-11û12/19/82GPA-III/NPC 29 Vl-11012/20/82GPA-III/NPP . .'' Recommendation from the Govt.ofU .P.for the award of Police M edalfor gallantry to Shri C.B. Satpathy, Sr, Supdt. of Police, Azam garh. Recommendatign from the Govt.ofUP for the award of President, Police M edal for gallantry to Shri Daya Nath M ishra Constable and Ram Dec Arya, SubIns ector,Varanasi. ... 3t). - Vl-11012/21/82GPA-III/NPC Recormnendation from the Govt.of Bihar forthe award ofPolice M edalfor gallantry to SluiAnjaniKumarSinha, Sublnspector ofPolice,Alamganj. 31. V1-11012/22/82- Recom mendation from the Govt. of W est . GPA-III/NPC 32, V1-l1012/23/82GPA-IIIm PC 'x' Bengal for the award of Police M edal for gallantry to Slui Siddhartha Roy and Satish ChandraM ehara,Constable. Recommendation from the Govt. of M aharashtra forthe award ofPolice M edal for gallantry posthtlmously to Shri 33. Vl-11012/24/82GPA-III/NPC 34. Vl-11012/25/82- SuryakantPandurang,PoliceConstable. Recommenzation from the Govt, of M izoram f0r the award of President's, Police M edal for gallantry to Shri M .T. Prabhakaran, DSP 28thtippj. Recomm endation from the Govt. of GPA-III/NPC RajasthM f0rtheawardofPresident,Police X Medalforgallantry to ShriGopalRam, 35, V1-l1012/26/82GPA-III/NPC . 36. Vl-11012/27/82GPA-UI/NPC .r+ Sub-lnspectorofPolice. Recom mendation from the Govt. of Tamilnadu for the award of President's, Police M edal for gallantl'y to SIZ M . Bhaggasamy, Sub-lnspector & K. Karru iah,PoliceConstble. Recom mendation from the Govt.of Bihar forthe award of PolioeM tda!fo<gallantry to ShriRadha Krishna ,Dy.S.P.,ShriB.S. Singh, lnspector of Police & Shri S.N. 37. V1-11012/28/82GPA-IIIJNPC 38. V1-11012/29/82- Chouhan,Sub-lns ectorand ether. Recommendation from theof Governm ent of M anipur for the award of BARS to President's Police M edal for gallantry to ShriA Romen KumarSingh. Reconmwndation from the Govt. of GPA-III/NPC RajasthanfortheawardofPresident,Police VI-11012/31/82GPA-IIJ/NPC M edalforgallantry to ShriItichhpalSingh, Sub-lns cctorofPolice. Recommendation from the Govt. of Bihar forthe award ofPolice M edalforgallantry 39. to SII Ravinder Rajak Sub-lnspector of Police, Bha al ur. -* ' 40. VI-11012/32/82GPA -III/NPC V1-11012/34/82- Recommendation from the Govt. of Karnataka f0rtheaward ofPoliceM edalfor gallantry to Shri M .B. Achappa, SubInspectorarld other. Gallantry award - President's Police M edal for gallantry to Shri Gurbax La1 M ehta, Sub-lnspectorofPolice,DelhiAdmn. Recommendation from the Govt. of 41. VJ-11012/33/82GPA-III/NPC GPA-III/NPC RajasthanfortheawardofPoliceMedalfor e' ' , - 42. ! ! I I * v . 43. VI-11012/35/82- GPA-III/NPC 144. Vl-11012/36/82GPA-III/NPC gallantry posthumously to Slvi Nathu Singll,Constable and Shri Laxman Singh Constable. Recomm endation from the Gom . of RajasthanfortheawardofPresident,Police MedalforgallantrytoShriRajinderSingh Raghuvanshi,S.H.O. Recomm endation fzom the Go' vt ofM adbya Pradesh forthe award of Police M edalfor gallantry to Shri Ayodhya Nath Pathak, Supdtof Police,Shri Kedar Singh, Circle ! . i I lnspector & Shri Rajinder Singh, Sub '' Y- 45. VI-11012/37/82- GPA-III/NPC lns totorofPolice. Recomm endation from the Govt ofM adhya PradeshfortheawardofPresident's, Police M edalfor gallantry to ShriM .D.Sharma, . ' Deputy I.G.of Police,ShriVijay Raman, 46, 47. ww. m ?-' '- 48. 49. 50. Su dt,ofPolic, tand othtrs. Recom mendation from the Govt of HimachalPradesh for the award of Police M edal for gallantry posthumously to Slui Kuldi Kum arConstable. Vl-11012/39/82Recomm tndatilm from theDG CISF forthe GPA-III/NPC award ofPolice M edalforgallantry to Shri RavinderKumar, Security Guard. VI-l1013/2/82-GPA- Preparation ofPresident'sPoiice M edalfor III/NPC distinguished senice and Police M edalfor mtritorious sew iot awarded on Republio Da 1982. VI-11013/3/82-GPA- Consideration of recom mendations for the III/NPC Vol.1 award of President's Police M edal for distinguished Service and Police M edalfor mtrhorious servict on tht oocasion of lnde endenceDa 1982. VI-110l3/3/82-GPA- Consideration of recom mendations for the III/NPC Vo!.Il award of President's Police M edal for Vl-11012/38/82GPA-III/NPC ' Y t . . ' distinguished service and Police M ezalfor meritorious service on the occasion of lnde endenceDay 1982. ,.- 51. VI-11û13/3/82-GPA- Consideration of recom mendations for the III/NPC V01.lI1 award of President's Police M edal for distinguished Service and Police M edalfor meritorious service on the occasion of lnde endence Day 1982, 52. Vl-110l3/5/82-GPA- PreyarationofPoliceMedalformeritorious - - . III/NPC servlce awarded to the ofticers of the ' 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. - Vl-11013/13/82GPA-III/NPC VI-l10I5/l/82-GPAIII/NPC Vl-11015/2/82-GPAIII/NPC V1-l10l5/4/82-GPAIII/NPC VI-11()l5/6/82-GPAIII/NPC Y' Central Reserve Police force on the occasion ofInde endence Day 1982. Police Award on lndependence Day 1982 Con ratulato:' y message. Award of GeneralSenices M edal l947 & Clas sM izoram . Presentation of Governor's Gold/silver M edals by the Governor of Assam and M eghalaya - Entitlement of T.A./D.A. of Awardeesand guests. Recommendations of Assam Ritles from DefenceAwards. Authorization ofa Barto the W ound M edal - Comments on the proposal of Defense Ministry. 58. Vl-l1019/25/82GPA-III/NPC 59. VI-11019128182GPA-III/NPC Vo1.l Recom mendations for the award of President's Police M edal for gallantry to Shri Dhruv Lal Yadav, Sub-lnspector of Police,Kali,Distt Jalatm k' .+ .P) Consideration of recom mendations for the award of President's Police M edal for distinguished Service and Police M edalfor meritorious service on the occasion of IndependenceDay 1983(AndhraPradeshto M/oRailways). 60. Vl-11019/28/82GPA-IIJ/NPC Vo1.1l Consideration of recom mendations for the award of President's Police M edal for distinguished Service and Police M edalfor meritorious service on the occasion of IndependenceDay l982.(AndhraPradeshto Rajasthan. ' 61. VI-11619/28/82Comsideration of recomm endations for the GPA-III/NPC Vol,1ll award of President's Police M edal for distinguished Service and Police M edalfor meritorious serdce on the occasion of lndependenceDay 1982.(AndhraPradeshto 62. Vl-11019/33/82GPA-III/NPC M /o Railwa s . Award ofPolice M edalforgallantry to Slui J.H. Gohil, Constable recom mended by GujaratGovt. + T ransfer List G PA IV Section + Nam eoftherecordscreating M inistry ofH om eAffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: North Block. Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: Nam e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. GPA IV Section Year 1981-1982(1Bundle) 21 + ' files . , ' X + TransferList GPA-IV Scction i SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmattcrofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. + .. V-16011/1/81GPA.IV. Com m ittee on JailReferms- Facilities to be provided to the M embers of the Committee while visiting different prisons in thecountry. 2. V-16011/3/81- M aterial for - Lawasia Human Rights 3. GPA.IV . V-160l1/20/81- StandingCommittee. U.N .Com mitlee on Crim e Prevention and GPA.IV. Control-Nominationofargresentativeof ' the Govt.of lndia as substltution of SIZ . P.R.Rajago al(sinceretircd . 4. 5. A. - 6. 7. V-160l1/23/81GPA.IV. V-16012/5/81GPA .lV.Vol.1 V-16û12/5/81GPA.IV.Vol,II CentralAdvisory Board on socialDefenceCom osition and function of. 87t Report of the Law Com mission on identitication ofPrisonersAct,1920. 871' Report of the Law Com mission on identitication ofPrisonersAct,1920. V-l6ûl2/6/81GPAJV. ldentification of Prisoners (Karnataka Amendment) Bill, 1981 for assent of the , President. 8. V-17011/25/81- Releaseon paroleofShriP Bharath Rajlzs GPAJV, C.NO.3924,confined in the Centralprison Ra'ahmundary, W rit Petitions & Criminal.M isc.Petitions againstState Govts.And Govt.ofIndia for Release and Coln ensation. W rit Petition No.7404/1981 - M /s.K & Company, Petitioner Versus the State of M 17 & Others., llespondents - Ban on LotteriesofothcrStates. Proposal for organizing a lottery/raffle in 9. V-170l4/15/81GPA.IV. 10. V-17ûl4/16/810PA .lV.Vol.l 11. V-210l2/1/8l- *% GPA.IV. 12. V-l6011/1/82GPA .IV. Gujarat. 2. Proposal for delegation of powers under Art. 258(1) of the Constitution for l'estricting the sale of unauthorized lottcries. Proposalfora dclegation to the third Asian and Pacific Conference of Corrections Administrators in Tok o from 5th A rkjto ' ' %. < . ' -+. - 13. V-1601l/15/82GPA.IV. 14. V-16013/7/82GPA.IV. 15. V-16015/7/82GPA.IV. 9 A ri11982. Fourth Asian and Pacitic Conference of correctional Administrators to be held in July,1983. . Request by the Spanish Embassy in lndia for the text of the lndian Laws about the rizhtsofforeign Embassies and Consulates to visit and assist their Nationals in the lndian Jails. Extension of Central Acts to State of Sikkim byParliamentary Legislation. 16. V-17011/21/82- Transfer of prisoners from Punjab in 17, GPA.IV . V-210l1/2/82GPA IV . connection with Akaliagitation. Proposalfrom theGovt.ofTam ilNadu reg. enactment of legislation for running the ' Statelotterieswithinthejurisdictionofthe 18. 19. V-21012/1/82GPA .IV. V-21012/2/82- 2(j. GP A. IV. V-21012/3/82- ' W ' GPA,IV. 21. V-25013/7/82GPA .IV. res ective States. Permission to the Govt.of M eghalaya for conductofstateLolteries. Proposal from Cl lief M inister, Govt. of . Pondichen' yreg.Lotter. J Rulesan2regullttionsapplicableto lotleries conducted in lIltlia - Request m ade by . M .E.A. for supllly of a copy for onward transm ission to llle social service National Coordination Cotlllcil,N e a1. Establishm ent tll' currency chests by nationalized balqks - arrangem ents f0r security. : '' i ' # ; I I I . I E * .. 3 I ! I '< I Transfer List c px v section ' +. . *' - Nam e t)fthe records creating M inistry ofHom e Affairs agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertaldngs etc: North Bleck. Nam e and particulars ofthe recordsofficer: Nam e t)fthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord O fficer. GPA V Section Year 1981(1Bundle) 10files x..- - k I ! e- TransferLjst GPA-V Section -. SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmattert)fthefile Remarlks, ifan . 1. - +. 2. V-11û12/3/81-GPA- ARM S ACT & RULES - Am endment to V. Rulc46 oftheArm sRules,1962 - Proposal from the Governm ent of W est Bengal, Arms Amendment)Rules,1982issued. V-11012/6/81-GPA- ARMSACT& RULES-proposalfrom tbe V. 3. GovernmentofUP to m akeitobligatory for the licensesto renms empty cartridges casc ofthetim epurchaseofnew cartridges. V-l1015/12/81-GPA- ARM S ACT & RULES -lm port of V. revolver- Review of policy - Reference from M inistly ofCom merce V-1l018/2/81-GPA- ARM S ACT & RU LES -From IX License V. for m anufacture Blank Fire CartridgesRequestfrom ShriRakesh GuptasPathankot Pb. V-11018/8/21-GPA- ARM S ACT & RULES -M anufacttlre of V. lead shotsin the Pvt Sector- Requestfrom M /s. Super iron & Steel Co., Pathankot . 4. + 5. , (Pb. 6. V-1l018/25/81-GPA- ARM S ACT & RULES - Restoration of V. Gun m anufacturing License No. 1X/6 of W s. Lal ji & Sons, Gtm Manufacturer, 7. # 8. M ongh r-Pro .ShriGulab Shanna. V-110l8/33/81-GPA - ARM S ACT & RULES -M anufacttlre of V. Lead shotsand P.Capsin theprivate sector: Requestfzom W s.Gupta Udyog for grant ofLicenseinfonnIX Ref.Rajasthan). V-l10l8/37/81-GPA- ARM S ACT & RULES -G1.antoflicence in V. form l for the manufacmre of exempted types of Air W eapon and Air -pellets. Request from W s. Gupta Udyog , Sri Ganganagar(Rajasthan). 9. , 4z #' . V-11û18/54/81-GPA- ARM S ACT & RULES -Revival of o1d V. Gun manufacturing license in J & K . Requestfrom M irza M ohd.Abd ullah, Secretarys Gun M anufacturing Association,Srinaar. x.: t...- - e- l 10. V-11018/57/81-GPA- ARM S ACT & RULES -M anufacturing of V.Vo1.I arms/ammunition in the Private Sector License granted for manufacture of M L Guns in place of M L Guns only from ! I UdaiurGunmakersAssociation , 1 I ; .' + + i I # y i I N? N + ' TransferList H K & C Section ' + N am e oftherecordscreating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i.e.M inistry/ N orth Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: A . # Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: Nam e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR eéord O fficer. H K & C Section Year 1972-1976(1Bundle) 8files :x.. k TransferList + HK& C Section . SI.Ne. FilcNo. Subjectmattert)fthefile Remarlts, ifan . 1. 13/72-H.K&C Discussion that noting on files received from BSF should in separate note sheets ar12 that only tinal decision should be recorded on theirfiles. 18/72-H .K&C Deptt.ofAdministrative Reform s- Draft report on the iirst stage of a design of lnformation system in police wingforwardingofinform ation. 18/72-H .K&C Part Deptt.ofAdministrative Reforms - Draft file report on the lirst stage of a design of Inform ation system in police wingfonvardingofinform ation. 27/72-H.K&C PM RecruitmentRulesforthepostsofSection 2. 3. 4. +. - 5. 6. 7. 8. ' file Officer S ecial). 22/72-H .K& C Pa!4 file Pat' t- VI/115/75H,K&C Vol.lI1 Vi/1138/76-H .K&C Economy in theuseofpaper. Vo1.1Il (Police Wireless), Ministry of Home Vl/1170/76H .K&C Vol.1ll Affairs - Report orf the Department of AdministrativeReformson the. M easure to avoid adm inistrativt dtlaysReview of periodicglreports and returns Functional File lndex System for Police Division - Introduction of. Study ofthe ' D irectorate of Co-ordination inPoliceDivisionatthelevelofJS(P). #... ., j x#' + T ransferList BS-ll/P-V lISection ' + Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: #. . - M inistry ofH om e Affairs N orth Block. Nam e and particulars ofthe ShriJ.P.Sharm a, recordsofficer: Departm entalRecord N am e ofthe Branch/section O fficer. BS-ll/P-V ll Section Year 19f7 1969(1Bundle)18 files l9 é'3- 1&f< -' i-. ! Y .- . TransferList ., BS-II/P-VIISection m SI.NO. FileNo. Subjcctmatteroftllefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 2. 3. 4. 327 23 -NI/63/BS-lI EducationalTrainin Grant-Assam Rifles. N1/573/77/65-85-11 FutureoftheAssam Riies. 9/25/66/115-11 Grant of air travel concession to sick & wounded personnel of police personnd serving underthe army. 11/2/66/2S-1I Transfer of land belonging to the Assam +. Rifles,tthe CivilAviation atthe Jorhat .... 5. 13/8/66/BS-Il 6. 13/26/66+ 5-11 Airfield - Proposal regarding. 2. Acquisition of land for Assam Ritles at Jorhat. Rentfree Accommodation fQrAssam Ritles Persônncl- Questionregardingthe. l & Special Compensatory/Field Area Allowance . -Grant of - to Assam Ritles personnel employed in operations in connection with the Chines aggression in NEFA and also in operations againstNaga Hostiles.2, Spl.Compensatory/Field Area Allowance - grantofs '-(i)Army personnel seccmded to Assam ltifles in NlifAm agaland , (ii) Assam Ritles 7. 17/19/66/BS-II personneland army personnelseconded to Assam Riflesin M izo Hills. Transfer efRecords ofAssam Riffles from N.E.F.A. Section antl destruction of o1d records. x. '- .. 3. 13/5/67/85-11 9 15/7/67/BS-II Artificial linksc eplacement thereof to disablcdAssam Riflespersonnel-Delegation ofFinancialPowersto IGAR to sanctions. Creation of posts of one heavy vehicle M echanic and one heavy Electrician M V in the establishments of HQ-IGAR-Proposal ' 10. 15/14/67/BS-lI for, Sikkim com pensatory and otherallowances Proposalforgrantto the civilian staffof Assam Rifles deployed in Sikkim on the - analogy of lndia based Central Govt. ' $, servantsin Sikkim.2.Question whetherthe Asstt.Comdts (Promoted JC0s) are also . . + . l1. 15/15/67/BS-II (:liéjillltl tll tllc éjrftrtt ()#7 E;ilCltirïl com pensatory allowance - clarification soughtby the A.G.Assan & Nagaland. Compensatory Allowances - grant of-to Doctors sening with Assam ltifles in M izo l4i1ls and K & J Hills,Districts ofAssam pro osalfor. 12. 16/6/67/BS-II ! . 1 Pension in Nepal to Gorkha (Civi1) Pensioners - payment of - Dclegation of powers to sanction alrears to O,C, Recruiting Organization ofAssam Ritles at ' Kunraghat (Gorakhpur) in the case of Assam Ritles ensioners. + 13. 17/4/67/BS-II Discs identity forAssam RiflespersonnelAuthorizationof . 14. 15. 16. 17 . ! t 17/7/67/BS-lI Part- Assam Rifles personnel-M eteorological 11 ObservationsTraining. 19/15/67/BS-lI Despite of surplus cash of Field Post Officessenin 'UnitsofAssam Rifles. 15/3/68/BS-II f' ree family allotmentforthe Assam Rifles 36/8/69/85-11P-W 1 ersonnel-introductionof- roosalfor. Declaration ofI.G.P.,CISF asHead of 1 i De artm ent. t * . 18. 36/10/69/. BS-II/PV1I Rationalizationofpayscalesand allowanoesforDtputationistPoliceOftkers : in the C.I.S.F. l ' ! # l r- w e' I + Transfer List BS-II/N PC Section I ! + . 1 i I 1 + # - .i V N am eofthe recordscreating M inistry ofH om e A ffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: N orth Block. N am e and particulars ofthe recordsofficer: Nam e ofthe B ranch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. B S-II/N PC Section Year 1968(3files) > > R y. TransferList BS-II/NPC Section SI.Na. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarlks, ifan . 1. 4/17/68m S-1I/NPC + Replacementofthreearmed policebtn. M izo Hills- Proposalthatpriorapprovalof theM inistry ofHom eAffairsshouldbe taken beforemovingpolicebtn.From one stateloanother1) theArmy. ... 2. 10/4/68/BS-lI/NPC 3. 19/8/68/BS-Il/NPC Freezing o0fdeputation allowance admissibleto anned policebtn deputed exState attlle levelof1.6.1968-Regarding. Defenceinvestitureto beheldatRashtrapati Bhavan in April1968forpresentation of Gallantry and otherDefenceAward. + # , i - J. ! #' i TransferList E.l/Branch ! + N am eofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakingsetc: + Nam eand particularsofthe recordsofficer: M inistry ofH om eA ffairs N orth Block. ; ShriJ.P.Sharma, Nam e oftheBranch/section D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. E.IkBranch Year 1948(1file) ' , 1 i ! I . k1 ) TransferList E-IBranch y SI.Na. FileNo. subjectmatterofthefile Remarkss ifan . 1. # A 14(12)-1948-E.I. Revision ofpay and allowances ofAssam Branch Ritles. N % . #. Transfer List Finance Section + + A i Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertalkingsetc: M inistry ofH om e A ffairs N orth Block. Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: N am eofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecord O fficer. Finance Section Year 1972-1976(2files) è- e > tw TransferList Y- FinanceSectinn * SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthet' ile Remarks, ifan . 1. 2. + ' 3/3/72-Fin. Delegation of tinancial powers to Administrator of M izoram and Arunachal Pradesh. 11011/26/76/Finance Delegation of powers-recom mendations in 98th repol't of the Estimates committee (1975-76) - Review Of Powers by the subordinateformations/levels. #' ! # z I ' #- #- TransferList FinanceI Section 4 Nameoftherecord:creating M inistryofH omeAffairs agency i-e.M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public Undertakings etc: North Block. N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: F Officer. ' > #; ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord N am e ofthe Brancb/section Finance ISection Year 1978(5files) < . f-- TransferList .. Finance1Section . SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 10(2)-Fin.I/78 Fixation of rent to be recovered from Adviser's suites when they come to assist the U.P.S.C.artd m akeuse ofthese suits. 2. 1û(4)-Fim1/78 *- ' Fixation ofcertain ceilingratesforsetting objective conventional type papers in respect of certain Examination conducted bytheU.P.S.C. 3. 10(5)-Fin.l/78 Creation ofadditionalpostsin the ranksof AêditionalSecretary and JointSecretary in theU .P.S.C. 4. 11(5)-Fin.1/78 Openingoftwo Sub-lkegionalofticesofthe SSC at Gauhati and Raipur-N ote f0r the Cabinet. 5. /-- - 13(7)-Fin.l/78 Five yearTraining Plan (1978-79 to 1982- 83)ofthe lnstitute ofSecretariatTraining and M arta em ent. # , .' A ... ' ( i I r'x r' w #' ! ! I i Transfer List Finance llISection Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: # A. M inistry ofH om e Affairs N orth Block. Nam eand particularsofthe ShriJ.P.Sharma, recprdsofficer: N am e oftheBranch/section D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. Finance IIlSection Year 1980(2files) r x a'r: : I TransferList FinanccIllScction + SI.NO. FileNm Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 4/22/80T inance-lll 2. 1/26/80-Finance-lIl National Police Com mission's ReportsConstitution ofa Cem mittee of Secretaries to exam inetlleRe orts-Pa ersrelatin to. Raising ofAdd1.Bns.OfBSF & CRPF. + + 1 p ' :11, .., . ..... 1 ! ' . j I TransferList Political-lllSection * . + * Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: M inistry ofH om e A ffairs North Block. N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. Nam eoftheBranch/section Political-lllSection Year 1972-1978(4Bundle)120 files # , #- . yyauss rjsjst P01l.IIISection * SI.NO. FileNm Subjectmatterafthefilc Remarlts, ifan . 1. 2. 3/2/72-Po11.-lll. Death of tlld former ruler of Jnjir antl 3/4/72-Pol1.-1II. Jafrabad. Paym ent of ex-gratia am ount to the legal heir of the late former ruler of Jan'irandJafrabad. Death of SM Chitamanrao M adavrao, formernlierofMiraj(Jr.). Paymentofex. gratia amount to the heirs of the fonner + rulerofMiraj(Jr.) 3. 4/3/72-Poll.I1I 4. 5/4/72-Po1l-1ll. 5. 8/5/72-Po1l-1lI. 6. 10/3/72-Poll-lIl. Private properties of the former Ruler of Cochin. Future of the properties aûer the abolition of tile conceptof rulership to be decided by theState Govt.them selves Realisation and division of the foreign assets of late Sir Gulab Singh of Rewa, between the Govt. of lndia and tlle M aharf aofRewa. Death of Shri Pratap Singh Deo, fonner ruler Of Sonepur. Payment of ex-gratia am ountto the legalheirsofthe late form er rulerofSone ur. . +' lmpact of the Constitution (Twenty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1971 on the private properties of the fonner Rulers in Rajasthan.2.Positionregardingdisposalof 7. 10/7/72-Pol1-1Il. Rambagh palace by the form er Ruler of Jaiptzr and the conversion of City Palace Jai tlrintoaNationalTnlst. Private properties of the fonner ruler of Ud f aipur.RequestoftheGovt.ofRajasthan A ' 8. 1l/3/72-Pol1-III. orthe redrawaiofplan ofPichola Lake by the Government of lndia as held by the Court- Decision nottakeany action tillthe a ealto hedecided b the High Court. Claim softhe fonnerRulerofTehri-Gam al in r/o Orchard in Sim lasu Estate and NarendraNagaxPalaceforest.-Questionof 9. K . 1l/7/72-PoIl-I1I. refenin thismatterto an Arbitrator. Death of Shri Radha Charan Singh Deo formerRulerofSamthar. Paymentofex- . ' gratia amountto the heirsofthe late former rulerofSamthar. #. - .. % 10. l1/9/72-Po1l-l1l. 11. l3/2/72-Poll-lII. 12. 16/5/72-Pol1-l1I. 13. 16/6/72-Po1l-Ill. 14. 16/7/72-Po1l-1Il. Payment of Rs. One lakh yearly to tht form erRulerofBM aI'ASon accotmtoffour sircarstaken overb Governm ent. Claim of Him achal Pradesh Government overM andiHouseNew Delhi. DcathofShriJaydevsinhji,formerRulerof Aanasan. Payment of allowances to Smt. Anandkunvarba and Smt. Padm akunverba ofRanasan. Claim ofthe fonnernzlerofJetptlrin regrd to certain ro erty atPithadia. Death ofGohelAbhesinhjiMadhavsinhji, form erTalukdarofKatodia. 15. 16/8/72-Pol1-1ll. DeathofSM PausinhjiTakhatsinhji,former 16. 21/7/72-Pol1-IlI. 17. 21/25/72-P011- Ruler of W asna. Paym ent of ex-gratia amountto the heirs ofthe late former ruler ofW asna. Paym ent of transitionalallowanaces to the relaties of the form er Rulers of Sangli, Bho aland Baroda. W rit Petitions filed in the Supreme Court III.Vol.I by formerRulersofKurundwad (Jr.)and 21/25/72-Po11-III. Nalerkotla challenging the validity of Constitution (26tb Amendm ent Act, 1971. Paym entoffeesto the advocate engaged in thecase. W rit.Petitions filed in the Supreme Court Vo1.ll by formerRulers of Kurundwad (Jr.)and .'. . 1s. t M alcrkotla challenging the validity of Constitution (26th Am endmentAct, 1971)Judgem entofthe SupremeCourt upholding thevalidi oftheAct. 19. 21/26/72-Pe1i-lll. * Question of continuance of annual paymentsto the fonuerRulersofKolhapur and Cochin in connection with ceremonial and reli ious oses. 20. 27/1/72-Poll-l11. Payment of M alikhan (PoliticalPensions) totheRajasandChieûains inMalabararea ofKerala. V 21. 29/1/72-Poll-III. Sanction in regard to repairs Am ir M ahal,Building,M adras,officialresidence tothePrinceofArcot. 22. 32/92/72-Pol1-lII. TaskforcesintheM inistryofHomeAffairs onti Law and Order ii Secularism and , I i ! ' Safeguarding the interests ofm inorities and weaker section and Centre-state Relations Jj.' 23. 39/3/72-Poll.IlI 24. 69/37/72-P0l1-III. aerSrC . Request of Slzri Sardar Lal for grant of ension fw m centralRevenues. Suggestions by Political Suffercrs' (Freedom Fighters')Association,Delhi,reg, 25. 1/6/73-Po1l-III. 26. 5/1/73-Poll-l1l. +. . ' #' -27. 5/2/73-Po11-III. 28. 5/3/73-Poll-1Il. proprietary rights to political suflkrers of Hisar,Distt. RequestofSM M onzzam Jah forpayment of certain a111011111 from W alshan Prince M oazzam Jah Trust. Request of Slui Saadath Jah fora share in N izam Jewellary T1R1St. Paym ent of annuities to the Khandeu rs of Panth Piploda. M isc.Petition No. 57 of 1973 filed by Shri Ram esh Chandra Khandekar against the Govertnm ent of M adhyaPradesh and Union ofIndia. Realisation and division of the foreign assetsofthe late Sir Gulab Singh ofRewa between the Governm ent of India and Mahara'aofRewa. r t Removalof Railway siding outside the Jai Vilas Palace,Gwalior,by the form er luler of Gwalior, M aterial withheld buy the M adhya Pradesh Govtm ment. Notict under Section 80 CPC for title to the ! . ro ert . 29. 5/8/73-Po11-I1I. 30. 5/13/73-Po11-lII. 31. 7/2/73-PolI-IlI. 4 Donation ofaPalaceby the fonnerRulerof Gwalior. Khairagarh private property - Power HousesBuildin and attached uarters. Requestofthe fonnerRuler ofM ysore for exemption of Bangalore Palace from W ealth-tax Act, in lieu of M ysore Palace bein converted into amuseum Dispute Overthe plotofland pm chased by . 32. 10/6/73-Pol1.lll I i Smt.ManiDeviOhjafrom the lateRuler ofr Jaipur. SuitNo. 179/73 tiled by Sm t O 'haa ainsttheUnion ofIndia & Others. Requestoftlw form erRulerofBikanerfor allotm entofaplotofland in BikanerHouse com ound,New Delhi. . & 33. 10/7/73-Pol1.III 34. 11/1/73-Pol1.IIl Privilegesenjoyed by the formerRulerof Ram1)ur' I ! h I : , i I . i E 35. 11/4/73-Pol1,l1l #'- of religious functions performed by the ' . . . Amendm entofU.P.ShriBadrinath and Shri Kedarnath TemplesAct1939 - W ithdrawal ! I 36. 13/1/73-Poll.llI formerrulerofTehri-Garwal. JubbalStateEndowm entTrust. 37. 17/2û/73-Po11.IlI Questionsin Parliament-Grantofpension 1 ! by the Tamil Nadu Governm ent to the dependants of those who irnm oliated themselvesduringAnti-Hindiagitation atld for secming inclusion of certain border areasin theSàte, lndo-Nepalborder- Re-erection ofmissing, damaged pillars,etc.- lnstructionsto State I ' 38. 18/32/73-Po!l.1l1 39. 21/4/73-Po!l.lII Amendm ents to the Government of lndia 21/9/73-Pol1.l1l AllocationofBusiness)Rules,1961. Question ofremovalofstatuesoftheRuiers +- I Government. .... 40. ofform erlndian States. 41. 21/10/73-Po1l.1I1 ' Question whether ex-gratia amotmts payable to the former Rulers ortheir legal 42. 34/2/73+011.111 heirswouldbesubjecttoEstate-dut. Continuanceofpension enjoyed by thelate , ' ShriFazley AliKhan in favourofhis lega! 1 43. 35/2/73-P011.111 44. 37/3/73-Poll.I1I 45. 39/1/73-Po1l.Ill 46. 39/2/73-Po11.lIl #' heirsonitstreatmentashereditary ension, Grantofpension to to the legalheirsoflate SafdarJah Zahid AliM irza,a grandson of the late Kingh of Oudh.shri Sudhangsu Sen u taan ex-Andam an PoliticaiPrisoner. Paym entofrentin respectofthe building of Hussainabad Trust, occupied by W asika Ofjice,Lucknow attheenhanced rate. Grant of pension to Shri Sudhangsu Sen u taanex-Andam an PoliticalPrisoner, Grant of pension to Smt. Harnam Kaur widow of late Shri Inder Singh s/o Sltri Ganda Singh an ex-Andm an freedom ,. 47. 42/l/73-Poll,1Il 48. 50/1/73-Po1l.IlI fighter. Representation from Sarvashri Krishnarao and Vinayakrao Peshwa and Shrimati Kam aliniBaiPeshwa forthe restoration of Central property confiscated during the M utiny of1857. Hom e M inister's Discretionary Grant - (1973-74) Reconciliation #- ' Expenditure of from expenditure ' I - A ointment of disbursin Oft icer - 1 ? lnspection of Accounts dc. Decision that casesinvolving grantsexceeding Rs.1000/- #- should Le submittedtoHome Ministerfor hisa roval. 49. 67/24/73-17011.111 Grantoftinancialassistance to cx-Andaman Political Prisoners' Fraternity Circle, Calcim a. 50. 76/1/73-Po1l.llI Allotment of accommodation to Raja 51. 3/2/74-Po1l-ll1. + M ahanderaPrata . Paymentofex-gratia am ountto the form er rulerofBhor. Paymentofofa sum ofRs,3, 47,287/- to the Tax Recovery Ofticer-ll, Pune outofthe ex-gratia am ount fixed for tbe formerrtllerof Bhorfor adjusting it 52. 5/7/74-Po1l-1Il. 53. 7/2/74-Po11-1I1. against tlle arrear of tax dues from the formerrulerofBhor. Death of ShriKaushalendra Pratap Singh, former Ruler of Kothi. Payment of exgratia amount to the legal heirs of the fonnerrulerofKothi. Death of Shri Jaya Chamaraja W adiyar, fonner ruler Of M ysore. Payment of exgratia amountto the members ofthe fam ily & ' 54. 9/2/74-Poll-1ll. 65. 10/9/74-Po1l-lI1. 56. 13/1/74-Poll-Il1. 57. 16/4/74-Poll-lll. 58. 16/5/74-Pol1-III. ofthelateformerrulerofM sore. Death of Shri Yadavindra Singhs fonner ruler of Patiala. Payment of ex-gratia amountto the membersofthe family ofthe formerrulerofPatiala. Death of ShriM uhammad lsm ai!AliKhan, fonnerrulerofTonk. Paym entofex-gratia amountto thewidow ofthe lateformerruler ofTonk. Death ofShriSham shetrSingh,formerruler ofRatesh,Paymentof ex-gratia amountsto them embersofthe family ofthe lateform er rulerofRatesh. Request of Smt. Aysha Sheikh for restljration ofproperties of M angrolruling fam ily and also for the increase in her allowances. Question of restoration of Darbargadh premises in the use of the Governm ent of Gujarat,which weredeclaredastheprivate 59. t x ' >.. 16/6/74-Po1l-I11. ro ert oftheformerrulerof W anakaner. Death of Slui Gambhirsinh Vakatsinh, form erRulerofVals,Paym entofex-gratia amount to the legal htirs of the deceased formerrulerofVala. #- . 6#. 21/1/74-Poll-Ill, 61. 2I/l/74-Poll-Ill. Paymentoîex-gratia amountsto the folzner Rulers - W riting off'of overpayments for tlle period 28.12.1971 to 315t Decem ber 1971on a/cof rivy tlrse. Paymentofex-gratiaanountsto the former Vol.lI PartI RulersinGujaratCircle. 6l. 63. 64. ' .-z 65. 2l/1/74-POll-I1l. Vo1,l TransitionalPamentstotheformerRuler. 21/1/74-Poll-1I1 Part Paym entofex-gratia am ountsto the former 11 Rulersin Gu'aratCircle. 2l/1/74-Poll-1I1 Paypentofex-gratia amountsto the former Vo1.lIPM lI1 RulersinGujaratCircleofAccount. 2l/1/74-Poll-I1I Vol.W Paym entofex-gratia am ountsto the fonner Rulers in M adhya Pradesh Circle of A ccounts. 66. 69. 21/1/74-Po1l-1IJ. Vol.V 21/1/74-Po11-I1l Vo1,V1 21/1/74-PQ1l-111 Vo!.V1l 21/1/74-Po11-lII Paym entof ex-gratia amountto the former rulersinOrissaCircieofAccount. Grant of ex-gratia amount to the former rulersin UtterPradesh CircleofAccount. Grant of ex-gratia amount to the form er rulersin KarnatakaCircleofAccount. Grant of ex-gratia am otmt to the fonner 70. V o/l III 21 1. /V 74P()ll-I1l r ule sin as thaatniaCi le duri nog1 974f75 Gr ar nt ofRa ej xgr ar mc ount t the or m. er Vol.1X rulers in lndia Circle of Account, New Delhi. Grant of ex-gratia am ount to the former rulersin Pun'ab Circle. Grant of ex-gratia amotmt to the former rulersin M aharashtraCircleofAccounts, Grant of ex-gratia amount to the form er rulersin BiharCircleofAccûunts. Paym entofex-gratiaam ountto the relatives of the form er rulers who were getting 67. 68. A- 71. 72. 73. 74. 21/1/74-P()ll-1l1 Vo1.X 21/1/74-Po1lIlI.Vo1.X1 21/1/74-Pol1-Ill VoI.XIIl 21/14/74-Poll-ll1. #. ' ' allowances by direct deduction from the - Priv urse. 75. 27/1/74-Poll-IIl. Political Pension-M alie ana-Devolution of - i- , 76. 5/4/75-Poll-IIl. 77. 5/6/75-Pol1-I1l. Question of succession to Smt.Ambika aliasCheriyamm aRa'aofCholakovilakom . Representation of Shri M urtaza A1i Khan, brotherofthe late formerrulerofJaora for paypent of ex-gratia amount due the late form ernllerofJaora. Private property of the former ruler of Indore-D av M ahal,Burwah. f ! . - 78. 7/l/75-P0l1-l1I. Question of taking over the palaces at M ysore and Bangalore by the Govermnent + ofKarnataka. 79. 8/2/75-P0ll-Il1. Death of former luler of Patna, Shli RajendraNarayanSingh Deo. Paymentof $0. 9/5/75-Po!l-1l1. 81. 11/2/75-Poll-llI. 82. 11/3/75-Po11-l1I. +. . ex-gratiato theheirsofthe late formerruler ofPatna. Paym entofex-gratia mnountto the form er nzlerofKalsia,whose estate isunderCourt . ofW ards. Arbitration in l'tspectofOrchard in Simlasu Estate antlNarendra NagarPalace ForestClaim oftheformerrulerofTehri-GarwalM atterreferredto Arbitrator. Assessmentof Rampur group ofAssecces. RequestofCentralBoard o?DirectTaxes ' S3. 13/1/75-Poll-lI1. forco iesofcertain documents. Death ofShriRanbirSingh,form errulerof M ankal. Paymentof ex-gratia amountto 84. ' Y' - 85. 18/5/75-Po1l-I1l. the heirsofthelatefonnerrulerofM angal. Gfant of allowances to Sm t. M anishwari Devi and Smt. Kusumkunverba of Sayla from theCentralrevenues. 19/6/75-Poll-1Il G rantoftemborary increasetothesmall sca1eofPolitical ensions. 86. 21/1/75-Po!1-IlI 87. 21/l/75-Poll-llI Vol.lI 21/1/75-Poll-IlI Vol.lII 21/1/75-Po1l-lI1 Vol.IV Paym entofex-gratia mnountsto thc former rulers. Paymentofex-gratia amotmtsto the former rulersfrom Gu'aratcircleofaccount. Paym entofex-gratia am ountsto the former rulersfrom M aharashtra circleofaccount. Pc m entofex-gratia am ountsto the fonner rulers from M adhya Pradesh circle of 88. 89. accotm ts. 90. >. ,. 91. 21/1/75-Pol1-lIl Paymentofex-gratia amountsto the former Vol.V rulersfrom Inzia circle ofaccotmt/pay & 21/1/75-Pol1-l1I Vo!.V1 Accounts Offices M inistry of Home Affairs.. Paymentofex-gratia am ountsto the form er rulers from Tamil & Karnataka circle of accounts. 92. 93. , 2l/1/75-Pol1-III Vo1.VIl 2l/l/75-Po1l-1lI Vol.VIlI Paymentofex-gratia amountsto the former rulersfrom Ra'asthan circleofaccounts. Paymentofex-gratia amountsto the former rulers from Himachal Pradesh circle of accounts. .. JJ. - 94. al/1/75-po11-III Vo1.1X ' # ''Fàyikébtœ. .exkratla'amouhtstothefonn 'er rulersfrom Orissa circleofaccolmts. 95. V 21 /1/75-Poll-1ll ol.X P aymentofex-g .ratiaamountstothefonner rulersfrom Pun ab circle ofaccounts. 96. Paym entofex-gratia amountsto the form er rulersfrom W estBengalcircleofaccounts, Paymentofex-gratia amountsto the form er nllersfrom UttarPradesh circle ofaccount. Payrhentofex-gratia am ountsto the former rulersRai arh circle ofaccounts. Paymentofex-gratiaamountsto the form er attidarsofDhurwal. Annual Payments to the Trustees of lthe formerNizam 'sTrusts. Claim of the Govem ment of Andhra 99. 21/l/75-Poll-III Vol.XI 21/1/75-Pol111l.Vol.X1I 2l/1/75-Po11-1I1 Vol.XIlI 21/5/75-Poll-1II. 100. 1/1/76-Po1l-lll, 101. l/3/76-Po11-1I1, 97. 98. *. ' Pradtsh in regard to (i)Oftkers'M ess,(ii) QuartersofGuardsand(iii)GoleBungalow in the possession of the form er ruler of Hyderabad. 102. 5/10/76-Po1l-I1I. Khasgi (DeviAhilyabai Holkar Charities) Trust'', lndore antl Alamptlr (Holkaf Chhatries) Trust tG lndore - Payment of atmuity to the Govermnent of M adhya ' Y- 103 . 11/1/76-Po11-III. Pradesh. Death of Shri Bhupendra Vijay Singh, fonnerrulerofJigni,Question ofpayment ofex-gratia amountto the legalheirsoflate ShriBhupendraVijaySinghformerrulerof Y- ' j- , 104. 18/2/76-Po11-I11. 105. l9/4/76-Poll-I11. 1 . 06 19/24/76Po11-III. 1Q7. 5/3/77-Poll-l1I. 108. 19/9/77-Po11-I1I. - Jigni. RequestofSmt.Am irktmverba, step-m other ofthe former ruler ofKhadalforthe grant of allowance from Central Revenues Granted Payment of undrawn political pension of SIZ V.A.Deshpande holder of P.P.O.NO. 3738m and 3739. Continuance of Carnatic Stipends on the demise of Sm t.M ohatm innissa Begum and ShriShabirAhmed - representation ofShzi NisarAhmed Faru i. Clarification sought y the Government of M adhya Pradesh aboutthe botmdm' y of thc Fort and the Forest thereon which was dtclared as tbe privace property of tbe formerrulerofM ohamm adgarh. Continuance of Salina Allowance - Shri i M orcshwarrao Chintaman Onkar, Holding Pension Pa m entOrderNo.Poll/sal.2483. ' k- 109. , 3/3/78-Poll-IIl. Request of Administrator, Estate of late 110. 3/4/78-Poll-l1I, Ruler of Sangli f0r supply of certain documentssrelatin to rivatc ro erties. Ownership of tKum Kum ' Kothi,simated on SirmurPlot,New Delhi,belongingto the GovernmentofM aharashtra. 111. 5/4/78-Pol1-III. DeathofShriTukojirao111,ex-Maharajaof Indore,Questionoftakingovertheproperty ofShriTukojiraoasState roperty. 112. 7/1/78-Poll-III. Claim of the former ruler of Kunmdwad .. . (Jr.I)toManiageReserveFundcreatedby #.. his late father (mt of the income from his sub-soil rights and recognition of sub-soil Hghtsand recognition ofsub-soilrights in SurveyN0.240 in Han irgeVilla e. 113. 10/4/78-Po11-I1l. Request of Smt. Vasundhra Raje Singh, form erM aharaniofDholpurforsupply ofa listofprivateproperty ofthefonnerrulerof Dhol u?. 114. 10/5/78-Po1l-llI. Requestonbehalfoftheformerrajmataof Dholpur for a copy of the report of M r. r JusticeK.N.Wanchoo,ChiefJustice,and Rajasthan High Courton the question of 115. 16/1/78-Pol1-1lI. 116. 18/1/78-PoIl-I1l. 117. 19/1/78-Po1l-lIl. :y. M eerza and Syed Kazim Ali M eerz.a in , # succession to the gaddiofDholpurand also forcertain othcrdocuments. RequestofthefonnerrulerofJatpurforthe allotznentofland in GirForestand also for paymenton account of two annas share in theGondalJaiklsarRailwa . Requestofthe formerrulerofSayla forthe gr= ofallowances to hisbrothersfrom the CentralRevenues. Representtions of Syed Fatehyab Ali -. 118. 19/2/78-Pell-II1. 119. 12ê. 2û/1/78-Pol1-11l. 2, 3/1/78-Po1l-III. regard to their claim s to the paym ent of ammity & Succession to Nawab Bahadurof M urshidabad. RequestofShriAmrinderSingh son oflate fonner l' uler of Patiala for the supply of inventory of private property of the formr rulerofPatiala. Commutation ofW asikas. Preposed setting up oi-a M useum of Gem s andJewelleryinDelhiundertheMinistryof ' Finance(DepartmentofRevenue).Position in tegard to the heirloom jewellery in the #- .- . + X + # ossessionofthefonnerrulers. f < .e T ransfer List Political(K ashmir) F I 4- , X N am e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: M inistry ofH om e Affairs N erth Block. N am e and particularst)fthe recordsofficer: N am e ofthe B ranch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord Officer. PoliticalK ashm ir Year 1968-1974(1Bundle)10 files # q l TransferList Political(K)Seetion % SI.Ne. FileN(). Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 8/33/6S-Po1l-(K. ). Levy ofTax by Bhutaneseauthorîtics on Indian people ofbordervillages for natural flow of water from Bhutan Hills-l-ither from Govt.ofAssam . 2. 8/38/68-Po1l-(K). lndo-BhutanBoundary(Darjeeling. -Bhutan 3. 30/24/69-17011-K , lntelli ence--fibet-Army Head uarters 4. 30/2/70-PoI1-(K). Mizo National Front - Question of Section). . Aw . 5. 7/1/73-Po11-(K). continning it as an unlawful association beyond 15.1.1970. 2. Declaration of amnesty to M izo Hostiles. Bhutanese fugitives-proposal to ban their entry into W estBengaland Assam . 6. 7/3/73-Poll-(K). Acquisition of CDEVASTHAN'commonly known as 'KHANGSIR GUM PA' in the Districtof Darjeeling by the Survey and - 3/5/AP/74-Poll- settlementOfficer. Six point formula for Andhra Pradesh - (K).(S&P)D-V Constitution 3/&74-Po1l- Adm inistrative Tribunal - Issue of AdministrativeOrder,1975. Six point formula-lnstitution of unifbrm (K).(S&P)D-V arrangements for admission to State . 7. 8. of Andhra Pradesh Universities Presidential Orders under Constitution (Thil-ty Second Amendment) Act, 1973). The Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions Resulation of Admissions Order1974. )w- 9. 10. 4/4/AP/74-Poll- Memorandum from lllrd Year MBBS (K).(S&P)D-V students of three M edicalColleges in the 32/4/GUJ/74-Pol1- Telenganalkegion in theVice Chancellorof the Osm ania University relating to nsecibd M BBS exam ination. Appointment of laokpal in the State of (K).(S&P)D-V Gujarat-ludicial enquiry against ChimanbhaiPatel,M inistry. Shri -T..,k y A- % Transfer List DG CDIH G) Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakingsetc: M inistry ofH om e A ffairs North Block. N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecord O fficer. -' r- NameoftheBranch/section Year DGCDIHG) 1968-1971(1Bundle)15 files i 1 I A Q- ' TransferList DG CDIH G)Sectilm + SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectm attcrafthefile Remarks, ifan . 1. 1/28/6s-DGCD(HG) Authorization of post of Dy. Commdt. General HGs in lieu of post of Dir. Com mdt.HGsin UttarPradesh. 2.' 1/3l/68-DOCD(HG) QuestionofrevisionofHomeGuards FinancialPolicy lettern0,47/36/63-ER1 œ. dated29/7/64).RecommenzationsofHGs . StandingComm ittee. Categorization of HOsand CD Personnelforpaym entofTA & DA. 3. 1/34/68-DGCD(HG) PresentationofBalmertotheBSFHome GuardsContingentparticipating in the RepublicD ay Parade, 4. 1/11/69-DGCD(HG) Actionontherecommendationsofthe Conferenceofthe CGHG and the DCD held behveen 20tb-24thM arch> 1969. CategorizationofHGsand CD personnel for aym entofT.A,& D.A. ' .v . ' r 5. 4/1/69-DGCD(HG) lssueofwhistles,peakcaps,Baret(Maroon) etc.towomenHome ersons. 6. 10/10/69-DGCD(HG) HomeGuardsOrganizationinPunjab, 7. 11/4/69-DGCD(HG) RulesfortheconductofA1lIndiaHome 3. 9. l1/4/69- Guardsand CivilDefence Professionaland s ortsmeetheld inN ovember1969. A1lIndiaHom eGuardsand CivilDefence DGCDIHG Vo.II Professional& S ortsM eetRulesfor. 11/4/69- FirstA11India Home Guardsand Civil DGCDIHGIVO.III DefenceprofessionalandSportsmeet1969 heldLucknow -lncurofEx enditure. l1/4/69- Al1IndiaFlom eGuard & CivilDefence DGCDIHGF O.IV Professional& SportsM eetbeldat 11/4/69- Lucknow inNov,1969.Insuranceof Tro hies. FirstA1llndiaHom eGuardsand Civil #-. 10. 11. DGCDIHGIVO.VI DefenceProfessionalandsportsMeetheld inNovember1969atLucknow.Question forthc supply ofTrophiesetc.and conespondencewith the SalesTax . A I Commissioner,Delhifortheexem tionof i N -w - I SalesTM onthe urchaseofTro hies. . l2. w13. ! i 10/8/70-DGCD(HG) SettingupofBorderwingofHomeGuards inPunjab. Iû/I8/7O-DGCDIHGI l-lomeGuardsOrganizationinAndbara Vol.1 Prdesh, 14. 1û/6/71- Home GuardsOrganiwrttion in M adhya 15. DGCDIHGIVOI.I Pradesh. 11/16/71-DGCD(HG) Treatmentofworkchargedstaffatparwith regularin them atterofgrantofspecial CasualleaveforHome ardsdut ' . r' A. r + Transfer List DG CD(C 0m m n) < r > # N am e ofthe records creating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakings etc: M inistry ofH om eA ffairs North Block. N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecerd O fficer. NameoftheBranch/section DGCD (Commn.) Year 1977 (4files) TransferList DGfm tcbm m unication)Section I I SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile . Remarlts. jyas . 1. w. 1V-16022/41/77- Provision for W ireless fo< External Radio DGCD(Comm).Vo1.1 Communication -lndenting procurement 2. 3. 1V-16025/41/77- and sup ly ofindigenousitems. Provision for W ireless for External Radio DGCD (Comm). Communication - Allotment/sanction of 1V -22022/41/77- frequenciesand Correspondence with W PC W ing,M inistry of Communication in that re ard. Provision - Internal Line Circuit - DGCD (Comm). Requirement of Telephones for Civil 1V-24011/41/77- Defence authorities in Statesr n . Telephones for Civil Def. W ardensW olunteers - under .<OYT,, Scheme ofP&T-recommendationsfor. Provision-Black out/Dim out/crash Black DGCD (Comm). out Arrangements Policy and General . F- . ! 4. instructions. 4. Transfer List CivilDefence (Com m n) 4k Ngaem a nc eyt )i fe.thMer co dscreating Mi ni str yoct )fkHomeAffairs ie ni str ry/ N ort h Bl 1 Department/office/public Undertalkingsetc: l I . .. ' F > . N am e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D tpartm entalR ecord O fficer. NameoftheBranch/section CivilDefence(C0m mn) Year 1965(2Bundle) ' . ( ' j. N #, TransferList ' DGtm tcom munication)Section SINO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthe5le 1 Home Guards- Order of Precedence in . Y. . 18/66/65-C13 Remarks, ifan . artici atin in ceremonialParadesof. 2. 18/84/65-C9 HomeGuardsinPunjab. I I Y I + I !< v a œ' TransferList Foreiuner-lSectien Y , Nam e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakingsetc: N am e and particulars()fthe records officer: Y Y' # M inistry ofH om eA ffairs North Block. ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalRecord Officer. N am e oftheB ranch/section Foreigner-l Year 1969-1972(16files) *' . J p K ' TransferList Foreicner-fSection .. SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . x. - 1. 2/16/69-17.1 2. 6/30/69-12.1 3. 26/18/69-17.1 4. 11012/5/70+ .1 ï # Exemption ofelectric charges- Requestby W est Bengal Govt. Oflicer accolnm odation in M arine House by the pass ortchecking staff Foreignersarriving in lndia on tim e-expircd Return Visas and Return Special Endorsements-ltegularization oî entry by the Foreigntrs Regional Registration Ofticer. Agency functions- Police staff etc. employez for registration etc.offoreigners by theGovt.ofKerala. Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1939 Amendm ent of to provide requirement of I registration of persons who become 5. 6. 11013/5/70+ .1 11013/6/70-F.I foreignerswhileresidentin lndia. Acts and Rules relating to foreigners Entrustm ent of functions to the State of M e halaya Under-. ! Forcigners(Restricted Areas)Order,1963Delegation of authority to issue Restricted 7. 20011/9/70-17.1 Area ermits. Agency Functions-staff employed by the Governm ent of M ysore in the State Secretariat- Question ofrevision ofratesof Contribution. >. . 8. 9. 20011/35/70+ .1 Revised Estimatesfor1970-71and budget j i 2901l/l1/7û-F.I estimate for 1971-72 in respect of Demand No.45-Po1ice and veritk ation of Staff stren th. Regional Registration Office, M adras-shri K.Chenthamarai- Questionofextension of the period ofdeputation.And Question of 10. 11013/l/71-F.l Transferring the Fltlko's Organisation to theI.B. Acts & Rules relating to foreigners Entrustment of functions to the State of I J 'k .... I I 11. 14012/3/71-17.1 #- ' staybeyond2lda s-Questionregarding. ... 12. 20012/6/71+ .1 13. 29011/6/71-F.l . . HimachalPradesh. Landing pennitsfor21 days- Extension of Additional staff etc. for Hussainiwala o xks ost. Delegation of Powers to the Foreigners RegionalRegistration Oflicer,M adras- for localpurchasesetc.and suppiy ofstationery articles. 14. 29011/9/71-F.l Parb Regional Registration Office, M adras-shri 11 K.Chenthamarai- Questionofextension of the period ofdeputation.And Question of Transferring the FRRO'S Organization to à. theI.B. . 15. 20011/3/72+ .1 M ysore-Agency Ftmctions-state Sectt-l19- general Administration.'' Question of 16. 2001l/l8/72-F.1 revision ofratesofcontribution. M ysore Andhra Pradesh- State Sectt. Agency Functions-lg-general Adm inistration.'' - Continuance of Stafll Budgd proposal, . ReimbursementofEx enditure-1971-72''. & # 1 i J > I I # * z j TransferList Foreiuner ll Section *- - +. # > # - Nam e ofthe recerdscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public Undertakings etc: M inistry ofH om e A ffairs North Block. N am e and particulars ofthe recordsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. NameoftheBranch/section Foreigner-ll Year 1970(1filel !w4% ê + Transferlaist Foreicner-llSection SI.NO. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarks, ifan . ?%. 1. 14026/5/70+ -11 Grantofvisaforlndia-ShriJoan Claude M aisonneuve,aFrench national # # #. t . l . . 1 . TransferList Foreicner-lll Section *' Nam e ofthe agencyie.M r cstorrd screating Mi nti str yock ofHomeAffairs ie ni y/ N or h Bl t Department/office/public ; - . Undertakingsetc: Nam e and particularspfthe recordsofficer: # ShriJ.P.Sharma, Departm entalR ecord $ 1 1 . Officer. Nam e ofthe Branch/section Foreigner-lll Year 1969-1976(26files) ' > . I Y . 2 . du *- TraluferList Fereizner-lllSectien - SI.Ne. FileNe. Subjectmatterefthefile Remarlks, ifan . 1. l/5/69-F-IlI 2. 1/26/69-F-111 3. 1/31/69-F-lII 4. 1/34/69-F-1I1 .. v' Grantofnon-diplom aticvisasto the families()fmtmbtrsofstaffofDiplom atic M ission in Inziaand Pakistan. Registration ofPakistan nationalsunderthe Registration ofForeignersRules, 1939, Stay in InziaofPakistaniNationalsPossessitm ofvalid PakistaniPass orts. Grantoflanding perm itfacilitiesto PakistaniVlPstransitin India . 5. 6. 8/39/69-12-111 GrantofçNoObjectionCertificatetoSmt 14/83/69-17-111 M tmeera ObedullaChinoys a Pakistani National,forvisiting Euro e. Requestfrom M r. W ang Dth Chien,a ChineseNatianalfrthegrantofIndian V. r. I . Citizenshiptohim andhiswifeMrs . 7. 19011/7/70-F-111 Chensoorto treatthem asstatelesspersons. Delegation ofpowersto the subordinate authoritiesinTripuraundersection3(i)of theForeignersAct,l946,and the ' Foreigners(Tribunals)Order,1964. 8. 12011/28/71-F-lII Linkingcheckpostson the lndla-Nepal BordersfortheentryintoNepal(from lndia)andexitfrom Nepal(into India)of 9. 22019/2/71-F-lI1 Vo1.ll Pakistaninationals. M easuresto betaken in theeventofoutof bostilities 2.PA M erchantNavy Personnel and connectedm atters. 12011/53/72-17-111 Travelaaangementsbetween Indiaand - 10. . I Bangladesh nationalswho escaped from Pakistan and othercountries . 11. # 28020/50/72-17-111 Questionofcitizenshipof19civilianinterns 12. 12011/15/73-F-III from Bombay in Visapurinternm entcam . GrantofNORIendorsementsto Bangladesh 13. 14011/9/73-F-IIl nationais(Bibar GrantofM ultipledourney Long term visas and Re-entry visasto Bangladesh nationals- S ecimenFonn. l 1 I Q- - 4 : ; 14. 14011/1l/73-F-ll1 %- Procedureto befollowed in respectof Bangiadesh Seamen forlanding in lndia and proceedingtoBangladesbbylandrcmteQuestionraisedbytheGovt,ofW est ... jierja), 15. 16. 14011/16/73-F-1Il Grantoflong-term multi-journeyvisasand 14011/31/73-F-111 short-term visasto Bangladesh nationalsroposalforthereview of Suggestion madeby Govt ofBiharand . Gujaratthattheyshouldbeconsultedbefore granting long-term and short-term visasto Bangladesh nationals.2.Sending ofVisas returnsin respectofBangladesh nationals, 17. 16029/22/73-17-111 Stayinlndia(restricted areas),Slui Hayauddin Khan,s/o late ShriSabdurKhan, aPakistaninational W estBengal). 18. 1201l/27/74-F-lII 19. 14011/10/74-F-1Il #- 20 16028/41/74-F-111 21. 16028/84/74-17-111 22. 16035/21/74+ -111 23. 27023/2/74-17-111 Grantoffacilitiesforperm anentstay in lndiato Pakistaninationalson the ground thattheirwivesand children are lndian citizens-observation ofthe Advisol' y Board Grantofextension ofstay to Bangladesh nationalswh0 aredeputed fortraining in lndia. . RegistrationasPakhtooncaseofMr. Hazrath Khan son ofLateNawab Khan Stay in lndiaofShriM (1 ShatiHujjatullah Ansarihiswife Smt.M unzurumnessaand otherfam il m embers, Pakistaninationals. Stay inIndia ofShriParshotam Das GoklaniS/o ChandiRam-aPakistani national. Rules/ordersissued underthevariousActs . . 28020/63/74+ -111 # i ; relatingtoForeigners-layingthem onthe l I tableoftheParliament Proposalfrom theGovt ofUttarPradesh- I . 24. ' . foramendmentofForeignersAct-1946-so asto enforce sureties/bondsand recoverthe amountinvolved in caseswhere Pakistani entrantsbecame untraceable. 25. 26. 14011/25/75-F-I1l 16026/3/76-12-111 QuestionwhetheraBangladeshinational who hasoncebeen registered,isagain required to registerhim selfifheleavesfor Bangladesh and re-entersIndia. Pennanentstay in lndiaofSmt. Pushpavati W /o Yudhishter,aPakistaninational . Y : ' e. , xm Transfer List Foreivner-lv Section > N am e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ # M inistry ofH om e A ffairs North Block. Departm ent/office/public Undertakings etc: Nam e and particulars ofthe recordsofficer: *. #. - Nam e oftheB ranch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O fficer. Foreigner-lv Year 1967-1970 (6iles) e v w' N. + l i i TransferList E Fôreiuner-lv Section * SI.NO. FileNm Subjectmatterefthefile Remarlts, ifan . 1. 30/13/67-F.IV C.R. No.544 (w) 1966-Rehman Molla @ l I AbdurRehman M olla s/o M akim M olla Vs #.- > UnionofIndia& Others. 2. 30/10/69-F.lV SuitNo.304/69 (in the CourtofM unsif, Behrampur) Shli Khondakar M okarram Hussain.Nowdau/s80c c W estBengal). 3. 25015/49/70-F-IV M osharat Khan S/o Sobat Khan, a Pak National,Black listing of. Arrest and Prosecution of Pakistani nationals belonging to m inority comm unity in Pakistan - casesofpersonsbelonging to Cluistian Com munity. Stay in lndia or depollation to Pakistan of Pak nationals- Generalquestion regarding 4. 25022/8/70+ -1V 5. 25022/20/70-F-1V - 6. 28012/18/70+ -1V Vol.Il OrdersofJS CD) . Procedures for subm ission of orders, individua!particulars etc.- Reference from G0vt.ofPunjab. 'à I . I 1 i i . ' ' . ' q.-. --.-ad I1/ y- Transfer List Foreixner-v Section . ' >' #. N am e efthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakingsetc: M inistry ofH om e A ffairs N orth Block. N am e and particulars()fthe recerdsefficer: Nam e oftheB ranch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O ffk er. Foreigner-v Year 1964-1974(36files) > I '#. $, 4 . .-.v TransferList Forcianer-v Section . SI.NO. FileN(). Subjectmatterofthefile Remarlks, if an . 1. 7/41/64-12.V Stay in India- Extension of M r. Khan Lajmir S/o Syed Amir Ikhan as Afghan national 2. . +. 7/45/64-17.V 3. ,.. 7/46/64-17.V 4. 7/55/64-12.V 5. 7/87/64-12.V Stzy in India- Extension of M r. M irza M ohd. S/o late Abdullah Jan as Afghan national(WestBengal). Stay in India-Extension ofShriDad Mohd. Khan S/o Said M ohd. Khan as Afghan national . Stay in India-Extension ofM r.Nasiruddin AbdulJabbar,asAfghannational Maha). Stay in India- Extension of M r,Nabo S/o Qutubuddin, as Afghan national (W est Bengal. 6. 7/164/64-17.V 7. 12/76/64-17.V ,. #' Stay in India-Extension ofMr.Ajab Khan S/o HajiM Afghan nationaltW est Bengal). ' 8. VisaforIndia-M r.M ohd.JowkarS/o Alian lraniannational.(Mahashtra), 12/79/64-17.V Visa for India-Grant of-syed Ali Rez-a HussainiNasab S/o Syed Haji- lranian national(AP . 9. 10. 14016/&70-F.V 14016/53/70+ .V Visa f0rIndia-Grantof-Nlr.LalGue son of M irYusufKhan - an Afghan national (W estBengal) 1 VisasforIndia-grantof-M r,W alayatShah son ofHaron Shah.,M r.Shah M ohd.Son of . HajiJanMohd.,Mr.Gu1HassanKhanson ofAjabKhan,Mr.SaidMulaBadshahson # #. . t. 11. 25016/1/70-17.V 12. 25016/2/70+ .V 13. 25016/3/70-F.V ofSaid JamalBadshah,M r.AbdulLatifson ofGulam Jan-Afghan nationals. M r.RabNawazKhan and two otherAfghan nationals.1.Issueofexitperm itsand 2. lssue ofrcstrictedwarnin circulars. ExitPerm it-lssueof& Issue ofrestricted warningcircularagainst- M r.JUM M A GUL son ofGuldad- an Afghan national. WarningCircularm estricted)-lssueof againstMr.lddiMohd.S/olateShriJalad ! $, #w, .s 14. 25016/4/70+ .V & 1th% -an Afghannational. ExitPermit-lssutof-and question ofissue I ofrestrictedwarningcircularagainst-Mr. 15. 25016/6/70-F.V HaiderKhansonofM ohd.lthan-an Afghan national. * W ahid Shah and three otherAfghan national.1.Issueofoxitpermitsand 2 Issueofrcstricted warning circularsagainst theiile alentryof. M r Ghulam Siddiq,and threeotherAfghan nationals.1.Issueofexitpennitsa:1(12. lssueofrestrictedwarning circularsagainst theillegalentry 0f-. M r DayaKbanandtwootherAfghan national.1.Issue ofexitpennits, and Issue ofrestrictedwarning circularsagainstthe illegalentry of-. M r. SartorKhan & Niznmuddinsan Af nationals.1.lssueofexitpermits, and lssueofrestricted warning circulars a ainsttlw ille a!ent of-. M r Aligul& otherAfghan nationals l. lssueofexitperm itand Issueofrestricted warningcircularsagainstthe illegalcntry of-. M r. DadaulKhan,M r.DostM ohamm ad, M r.Saleh M ohd.4.M r.Abdtllla Jan -lssue ofexitpermits,and lssue ofrestricted warning circularsagainsttheillcgalentry 0f-.' M r. Seikh M ohd.Alld otherAfghan nationals.Issueofexitpermitsand Issue of restricted wam ing circularsagainstthe ille alentry of-. M r KudasKhan and tiveotherAfghan I . . 'f . + 16. 25016/7/7û-F.V 17. 25016/10/70+ .V 18. 25016/12/70+ .V 19. 25016/13/70+ .V . 20. 25016/15/70+ .V 21. 25016/16/70+ .V 22. 25016/19/70+ .V # . . . . $ . nationals.IssueofexitpennitsandIssueof 23. 25016/23/70-F.V 24. 25022/14/79-F.V 24. 25022/40/70-17.V restricted warning circularsagainstthe ille alen of-. M r. AbdulRqziq and fiveotherAfghan nationals.lssueofexitptrm itsand lssueof restricted warning circularsagainstthe illegalen of-. Unauthorised entry intolndia- M r. Behram Khan son ofJum maKhan,an Afghan national. M r. Aligul& otherAfghan nationals. 1. . i lssueofexitperm itand Issue ofrestricted warning circularsagainsttheillegalentry W of-. 25. 18016/74/71-17.V 26. 25016/4/71-17.V 27. 25016/35/71+ .V Stay in India- Extension of- ShriAmin Khan son ofSV Sadho Khan - An Afghan National ttarPradesh . M r.DostM ohd.AndthreeotherAfghan nationals..Issueofexitperm itsand lssueof restrictedwarningcircularsagainstthe ille alen of-. Exitptrmitsto Afghan nationals- Caseof (1711) SardarMohd.M ohsinKhan & family. ttarPradesh ->. 28. 25022/72/71-12.V ComplaintlodgedbyM r.ShariliHassan againstoneMr.RajabaliSalmani-an Iraniannationalforsending an Indian boy M r.Iskandarto Iran on lranian passport- (Maha)2.RestrictedW arningCircular 29. 14016/62/72+ .V againstM z.IskandarS/o ShriHassan Shariti. VisaforIndia- grantof-M r.Ghulam Jan S/0Late BasherKhan,Afghan national.tWestBengal , # . 30. 11016/72/72-17.V 31. 18016/80/72+ .V 32. 25022/50/72+ .V 33. 25022/94/72+.V Graritofentryvisaforlndian-toShriSyed Karim Khan S/o Sam ad Khan ofTarokai,an Afghan national. Stay in Order- Extension ofstay on lndia forM r.Abmed Shah Naz-qrM ohammad,an Afghan national. aharashtra GrantofNORsendorsementto M r.Shah NawazKhan S/o lateM ohd.Jan-an Afghan national.W estBen al Arrestof-Mr.HajariS/oMaseudAli@ M aqsoudAli,M .30 yrs.- aTnnzanian national- Crew memberon an Indian > CountryGraftRM .S.V. Damayanti.ntM aharashtra 34. 14030/12/73+ .V 35. 18011/1/73-F.V 36. 12016/202/74-17.V GrantofaVisa- M r.Faramarz Baig lslamlou-anlranian national. DaIUIUloom SabeelurRashad,Arabic College,Bangalore,Complaintreg.the grantofextensionto itsstudent. Extension ofstay in India:M r.M irzaKhan. S/o M r.Sobin,an Af an national. 4 # A TransferList Foreicner-vll Section - % N am e t)fthe records creating agency i.e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: # . > Y M inistry ofH om e Affairs North Block. ! N am e and particularsofthe ShriJ.P.Sharm a, recordsofficer: Departm entalRecord Nam e ofthe Brancll/section o fju ej.. Foreigner-v ll Year 1972(1filel z. y% . + TransferList Foreicner-vllSection SI.NO. FileNo. 1. s. . ' .- 25012/15/72-F-Vl1 Subjectmatter()ftbefile Remarks, ifan . j Delention ofM r.M enino Antonio Jose SalvadorRelxlo aPortuguesenational undersection3(1)(6)oftheMaintenanceof InternalSecurityAct,1971Q.of deportation. * I A 1 + TransferList Foreiuner-v lll Section l rf y- . N am e ofthe recprdscreating M inistry ofH om e Affairs agencyi-e.M inistry/ North Block. D epartm ent/o ffice/publit U ndertakingsetc: Nam e and particularsofthe recordsofficer: > Nam e ofthe Branch/section ShriJ.P.Sharm a, D epartm entalR ecord O ffictr. Foreigner-v lll Year 1969(15lel ; q I #. TransferList Foreicner-vlllSectinn #, SI.Ne. FileNo. Subjectmatterofthefile Remarlks, ifan . 1. 14/128/69-FV111 M r.Chen KUO Lian - a Chinese national (old resident) Expansion of business'Certain clarificatiocs sought by the Foreigners regional Registration Officer, M adras. * ; + TransferList Establilhment(sksectien 4 N am e ofthe recordscreating agency i.e.M inistry/ Departm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakings etc: M inistry ofH om e A ffairs N orth Block. N am e and particularst)fthe recerdsofficer: ShriJ.P.Sharm a, Departm entalR ecord NameoftheBranch/section Officer. Establishmentts). Year 1945(1file) 8 A Y ) '' j TransfcrList Establishm entts). SI.NO. FileNo. Subjcctmatterofthefile Remarlts, ifan . 1. 1/4/45-Ests(s). Applications from sunqualitied candidates for the posts of Assistant in the Home De artm entreceived duringtheyear1945. + * > fw..x , Transfer List E StatesSection ; I : . < N am e ofthe recordscreating agency i-e.M inistry/ D epartm ent/o ffice/public U ndertakingsetc: Nam e and particularsofthe h ' recordsofficer: M inistry ofH om eA ffairs N orth Block. ShriJ.P.Sharm a, DepartmentalRecord Nam e ofthe Branch/section o fgcer. STA TES SECTIO N Year 1976-1977(8files) . t 1 # : # ' .. . . . TransferList h- statesSection .. SI.NO. FileNo. Subjcctmatterafthe5le Remarlks, ifan . 1. 7/& 76-Statcs Clmnge in the name of the village ttfhugaon'', Distt. Ahemdnagar) tn W ' 2 7/14/76-States 3. 7/l4/76-States Sugaon'tproposal from the Govt. of M aharashtra. Change in the nam e of the revenue village from K'Firuppappuliyur to t' Firuppadirippuliyur'- proposal from the Govt.ofTamilNadu, Change in the nam e of railway station - çBhajangarh Beri' to Kolida Beri' Proposal from 4. 7/14/77-Stmes 5. 7/17/77-States 6. 7/25/77-States 7. 7/32/77-States ' the Governem ent of Rajasthanreg. Change in the name ofthe revenue village from Gllurrito Shantinagar''-Proposalfrom theGovernem entofHaryana reg. Change in the name of railway station R' N agendranagar to Bazarghat'' Proposal from the Governem entofAssam reg. Chalve in the name of Village ''Bandali Charnan''to Nathusur- Proposalfrom the GovernementofRfasthan reg. Change in the name of Villages (a) Srivaikuntam to Thiruvaikuntmn (b) Srirangam to Thiruvarangam (c) Sriperumpudur to 'Ihinzperumpudtu'-roposalfrom theGovt.ofTamilNadu. X' * *. 7/39/77-States Changein thename ofVillage ttohagarh Phide to it ohgarh'' - Proposal from the Govt.ofPun'ab.
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