Dubbo College Delroy Campus News
Dubbo College Delroy Campus News
Delroy Campus – Year 7 Transition Evening Dubbo College Delroy Campus News A Successful, Innovative and Caring Education for your Child East Street DUBBO NSW 2830 Phone: 6882 7955 Fax: 6881 8749 Email: delroy-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au Web: www.dubbocoll-m.schools.nsw.edu.au Issue 3 Term 1 Week 10 Wednesday 1st April 2015 From the Principal... It has been a real privilege to be able to spend a few weeks at Delroy while Ms Macleod has been on leave. I have been greatly impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm of staff and the wonderful students who have been most polite, helpful and who show a genuine love of learning. The P&C held a very successful BBQ on Saturday14th March at Aldi to raise money for the Gold Level excursion in Term 4. It was great to see such a fantastic roll up of staff and students to help out, with special thanks to Miss Bermingham for her organisation. If you bought a sausage sizzle thanks as well! The P&C have lots of great fundraising activities in mind for the rest of the year to help create more opportunities for students at Delroy Campus. Last Monday the P&C AGM was held and I would like to congratulate the following office bearers: President – Tracey Anderson Vice President - Karen Dicker Treasurer – Leah Bayliss Secretary - Melissa Medway The P&C meets on the third Monday of the month at 6pm downstairs at Club Dubbo and I extend an invitation to all members of our school community to come along. Year 10 students participated in the Get Real assembly held at the Senior Campus on Tuesday 17th March. A Get Real team works from each of the three campuses with the careers team and assist students to find pathways to further education at university or TAFE, traineeships and apprenticeships, or full time work once they leave school. Building on this are the Clontarf team who have been conducting many activities with Aboriginal boys and are a great resource for our school to improve engagement and retention of students. The Learning and Support (LST) team led by Mrs Budden have been interviewing students and assessing student learning needs and developing individual learning plans to improve learning outcomes. Please feel free to contact the LST to discuss your child's progress. Other important staff are the Year Advisers who are: Year 7 Ms Williams and Mr Piper Year 8 Ms Smith and Mr Rice Year 9 Mrs Marsh and Mrs Kelly Girls Adviser: Mrs Kelly These staff should be your first contact for issues around welfare needs. Year 10 Ms McConnell and Mr Stedman I cannot stress enough about the need for students to attend school every day and I seek your support as parents and guardians to ensure that this happens and your child is at school every single day. In 2015 the DEC changed the rules around seeking exemption from attendance at school which can be found at: https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies/student_admin/attendance/sch_polproc/exempt_gui.pdf Note in particular that family holidays, family business are not grounds for exemption from school. This is to ensure that everyone is clear in understanding that students from age 5 to 17 years need to be in school everyday if they are to be successful. It is great to see almost every student in correct school uniform and to be proud of being on “team Delroy!” Well done. I wish you a happy Easter (don't eat too much chocolate!) and an enjoyable holiday! Mrs Debbie Head Principal Rlg Delroy Campus A reminder to Parents/Carers We invite all parents/carers to speak with staff at anytime. However, we do ask that you make an appointment to avoid any delays or unavailability of the particular staff member you wish to see. Thank you for your consideration. 6882 7955 DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 22 Wednesday 1st April 2015 College celebrates 10th Get Real ceremony Dubbo College marked the 10th Get Real ceremony with a celebration assembly at Senior Campus. More than 230 Year 10 students from South and Delroy Campuses signed the pledge board signifying their intention to be in full-time education, undertaking industry training or in full-time employment by their 17th birthday. The annual ceremony forms an important basis for future employment, promoting the need for students to establish defined education and career goals before they reach leaving age. Dubbo College has worked with a local business partnership in developing the Get Real program and is grateful for the ongoing support of Fletcher International Exports, the Daily Liberal, Dubbo City Council, Bridgewater Signs and Dubbo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During today’s ceremony the Year 10 cohort heard from previous College students and graduates of the Get Real program. Guest speakers included former College captain and current youth engagement officer at Headspace Esther Mines and former captain and current community liaison officer for Apollo House Lionel Wood. The ceremony was also addressed by Senior Campus Principal Andrew Jones, who told the Year 10 students they were not alone. “You have the support of your school and your community,” he said, “the support of the Dubbo business community, the education community, local politicians and your families and friends. “It is up to you as individuals to make the most of what is provided for you and make the commitment to your future. “Once you have commitment you then need the discipline and hard work to get you there. “Your commitment, your discipline and your hard work with community support is what will define you as a person and the future you choose.” Delroy Campus captains Sharika-Marrie Howard and Austin Heller led students in the Get Real pledge, while South Campus captains Emily Crampton and Ethan Hughes gave the response. Delroy Campus School Captains Austin Heller and Sharika-Marrie Howard and South Campus School Captains Emily Crampton and Ethan Hughes sign the Get Real pledge board. DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 3 Wednesday 1st April 2015 Canberra show report 2015 On the 26th of February 24 students from Delroy travelled to Canberra to show sheep at the Royal Canberra Show. The trip down went smoothly with parents and students pitching in to ensure a smooth getaway. Some of the students were on their second trip to Canberra whilst for many students it was their first time to the Nation’s capital. Once again the students showed sheep from Mr Piper’s Belowrie White Dorper stud. Outstanding results were achieved, taking out every class they were entered in, culminating in taking out Champion and reserve White Dorper ram and ewe. One of the rams also took out his age class in the interbreed section and gained reserve champion short wool ram, against some strong competition. Most students competed in their handler’s and junior judging classes and despite some nerves they all performed very well. One standout performance was that of Maree Pobje who came 4th out of 70 students in the 14 to 15yrs age class. This also resulted in Maree placing 5th overall out of 120 students. This is an outstanding effort as this was Maree’s first attempt at judging and she would be the first to admit that sheep are not high on her list of favourite animals. Maybe after this result they have moved up a rung. Whilst in Canberra the students also enjoyed the views from Telstra Tower, toured around Parliament house and enjoyed time at the show, going on rides and seeing the fireworks as well as all the other associated features that come with a show of this magnitude. Overall the trip was highly successful and Mr Piper received excellent feedback from other exhibitors about how well behaved and helpful the Delroy students were. This is always pleasing feedback when it comes from members of the public and Mr Piper would also like to personally congratulate the students on their efforts, the parents for their help and finally Mrs Budden for her excellent assistance. Practice will commence in early term two for the upcoming Dubbo Show which is on from the 15th to 17th of May. Parents, friends etc. are encouraged to come down and see the Delroy show team in action. above: Sharika-Marrie Howard and Maree Pobje. above left: Nathan Bruce left: Maree Pobje very happy to be at the Canberra Show with Mr Piper’s award winning White Dorpers. Maree was placed 5th overall out of 120 students. An outstanding effort as this was Maree’s first attempt at judging. DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 4 Wednesday 1st April 2015 SCIENCE and ENGINEERING CHALLENGE The Science and engineering challenge was held again at the Dubbo racecourse this year. On the 10 th of March Delroy took a team of 30 students to compete against the other schools in the Western region. At half time an announcement was made that Delroy was in the lead by points. However, due to the closeness of the scores we were no longer in the lead by the end of the day. One of our groups won the electricity activity and the other groups all put in outstanding efforts in the catapult, bridge building, ecohabitech, water supply, mars lander and earthquake proof buildings. The students had to build structures to survive the problems they were given. I was extremely proud of all the competitors and would gladly take them all again in the future. Thanks again to the University of Newcastle and the Rotary Club for the organisation of such a fantastic day. Mr A Ruja Science Ladine Caspersonn, Tanisha Tago, Daniel Ramirez, Robert Betts, Jade Tilston, Abbey Linnane, Kelly Rainbow, Sharika-Marrie Howard Antonio Rojas Samantha Costa, Ileen Delos Reyes GOLD LEVEL EXCURSION FUND RAISING BBQ On Saturday 1st March students, parents and staff were involved in a BBQ at Aldi to raise money for the Gold Excursion to the Entrance in Term 4. The members of the PB4L team would like to thank all the people who supported this fundraising event and especially to Aldi who supplied all of the resources. This BBQ enabled us to raise $530, which was extremely pleasing. There will also be another fundraising BBQ at a later date to raise further funds for the Gold Excursion. Chris Schubert PB4L Co-ordinator Champion “Sausage Sizzlers” Tracey Anderson, Leah Bayliss, Delroy students Tyler Rankmore, Teneal Rankmore, Mrs Budden and Miss Bermingham _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 5 Wednesday 1st April 2015 Careers News…... Work Experience is available to all Year 10 at any time of the year except school holidays, if students have completed their work readiness course run by the Careers Team at the end of Year 9. There is always an opportunity to complete this and then partake in the Work Experience. Work Experience is a wonderful opportunity to explore your careers ideas, meet people in the industry and gain knowledge of the industry you want to be a part of. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Every fortnight students in Years 9 and 10 are emailed a Careers News through the DEC portal email distribution list. It is imperative that students check their school emails regularly. This newsletter includes employment opportunities, TAFE and University information, Jobs for the Future, an Occupation profile, Scholarship opportunities and much more. Students can have access to their portal by typing in student portal login in google. Please like our Dubbocollegecareers face book page where you can get information on upcoming events and current positions available for Part time work and positions vacant. Dubbo College Careers also has its own web page www.Dubbocollegecareers.com Students can register in the student secure area and type their own resumes up. There is also information on ADFA, Work Experience, videos on occupations and much more. We have also paid a subscription to the website www.jobjump.com all students at Delroy are free to register select Dubbo College Delroy Campus and your year group. Password is “rams”. This website has occupation information, videos etc. Students can also select occupations they are interested in and it will email them automatically information that comes in about their chosen occupation. left: CSU Future Moves Team Kristie and Ben who delivered Future Moves lesson to classes in Year 7 – 10 March 12 2015 Students were informed about what a University is like, discussed that you don’t have to be rich to attend University, completed team work activities, had a circle yarn about career goals, and were informed about the different courses you can study at University and what occupations need a University degree. Coles are looking for part time workers please go on line to register - you will need to upload a resume. Lucky 7 are looking for workers aged 16 plus. Please see John at Lucky 7 The Grapevine Café is looking for junior wait staff. Please drop in your resume to Tim or Kim at the Grapevine. Hogs Breath Café is looking for junior wait staff. Please drop your resume into the Hogs Breath. RESUMES By the end of Year 10, I would like all students to have an up to date resume. Resume templates can be collected from the document holders inside the Library door or a blank resume template has been emailed to all students in Years 9 and 10 through their school emails. I am more than happy for students to email me their resumes so I can proof them or assist students typing a resume. Resumes must be word processed not hand written. Important dates March 23 Year 10 Paired Careers Interviews March 24 Canberra Uni visit for Year 9 HSIE class (5 visits in total) March 29/30 Wollongong University Visit for Year 10 April 29 Newcastle University visit Years 9 and 10 May 4 Sydney University Study Skills day Year 10 May 7 Quest apartments and RSL Careers Visit May 19 Crowe and Horwath Accounting and Enviroscience Careers visit October 13 Meet A Keeper TWPZ Years 9 / 10 cost $20 November 23 Sydney University Law Society Year 10 Visit to Senior Campus. Mrs Fleur Mara Careers Report locust activity to Local Land Services Locusts are becoming a big problem across the central west. To limit their spread Local Land Services is asking farming families to report any locust activity (hatching, swarming, etc) they have seen. You can do this by: contacting your local LLS office calling 1300 795 299 visiting www.lls.nsw.gov.au/centralwest Your information is vital to controlling locust in our region. DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 6 Wednesday 1st April 2015 Year 7 – Forensic Science Assessment Year 7 Science students have been furiously analysing the evidence at the school crime-scene to try and figure out who killed “Alex Smith”. They have learnt about magnetic separation, distillation, chromatography and evaporation techniques and their use in forensic science. The final report (part of Assessment Task One) was due in at the end of Week 8. Please contact your Science teacher if you need any help. Mr Maurice Elbourne-Binns Head Teacher Science MUSIC News…... Want to learn an instrument? Sectionals are during lunch (break 2) on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. Make sure you’re checking the Daily Notices for times. You only get better if you practice! * Instruments are available to borrow! Dubbo College Combined Band: Rehearsals take place at South Campus on Mondays from 330pm til 5pm. A maxi taxi is organised to take students across to South. Remember to bring in your note. Year 7 Music students are learning about pitch in Music. All students are required to bring a Recorder to class. If students do not have a recorder they can purchase one through the Delroy Campus front office for $5.00. Vocal Group has started with Miss Jones and Ms Bell on Tuesdays at Recess. Bring your lunch and your voice! Camps: * Instrumental Camp: 10 – 15 May 2015. Closing date for applications 27 March. Cost is $460 See Ms Bell for an application form or for any other information. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 7 7 Wednesday 1st April 2015 College Sport report This term continues to be a very busy time for the sporting community at Dubbo College. A number of competitions have commenced and various levels of success have been achieved. The results are outlined below. Girls and boys basketball have both progressed to round 2 of the competition after wins in the gala day last Wednesday in Dubbo. Both teams will now play in Orange on Friday the 20 th March. Boys’ cricket is still involved in the 2014/15 competition, with the team now competing in the final 8 in the State. They will play Picnic Point on the 18th-19th March. The 2015/16 team has not yet played their first round due to these other cricket commitments, but will play Nyngan in round 2 after a round 1 bye. Girls’ cricket played their round 1 match against Wellington. They were unsuccessful in progressing to the next round in this rain shortened match. Chloe Ahern was a standout player on the day. Boys’ soccer played and won their first round match against Trangie (11-0), and will now meet Wellington in their round 2 match on Thursday19th March. Girls soccer defeated Trangie on Monday 16th March 15-0, they will meet Wellington in the second round Boys hockey play in a gala day competition on Monday 23 rd March at Bathurst Girls’ hockey meets Gilgandra in their round 1 class on Friday 27 th March in Dubbo at Pioneer Park. The Lawn Bowls team will play in Parkes on the 1st April. We have 3 students in this team which includes; David Wood (Delroy), Jessica Ball and Adam Ball. The Golfers Jesse Carolan and Kaden Barker have commenced their competition, Kaden competing in Orange on Monday 16th March. The girls’ netball teams from the three campuses will compete on Thursday 19 th March in a divisional day in Dubbo. The top two teams will then compete in the Western area Semi’s and hopefully finals at Orange on the 25th March. Boys and girls squash will compete in Parkes on Friday 27 th March. The boys and girls touch football teams play on Wednesday against Wellington The other sports such as rugby league, rugby union and volleyball commence their competitions in Term 2. Another upcoming event is the College cross country. This event will be for serious competitors only and will be run early in Term 2 (week 3 or 4). The date is yet to be confirmed. This is run in preparation for the Western cross country day at Geurie on the 12th June. The college has a number of successful swimmers going to compete at the state championships in Sydney on the 25-27th March after podium placing in the Western carnival. Those swimmers are Sharnia Dimmock, Carly Andrews, Matilda Munn, Connor Stewart, Robert Betts, Shenaye Moses-Bird, Darcy Wood, Jayden Blake, Toby Stewart, Matilda Irvine, Billy Munn, Olivia Watmore, James Murphy, Ned Manton, Tyler Edwards, Jordan Fuller, Martha Munn, Holly Keizer, Ava Medley, Eliza Vail, Maddie Fernando, Tara Williamson, Meg Keizer, Juliet Furner, Kelsey Rowe, Emma Blake, Angus Wood A number of students have been selected into Western sporting teams. They include; Boys basketball- Nick Conti and Adam Wheeler Girls basketball- Melita Hampton, Majayda Darcy, Geogie Holland and Maddi Chapman Boys cricket- Martin and Michael Jeffrey Girls cricket- Chloe Ahern Girls soccer-Jess Fuller, Charlotte Duffy and Teegan Hall Rebecca May College Sport Dubbo College Open Girls Cricket Report The Dubbo College Open Girls Cricket team took on Wellington High in round one of the Marie Cornish CHS competition. The team put in a great performance on the day given that only two girls had played competitive cricket before. Dubbo College won the toss and elected to bowl first. Some excellent catching and bowling saw Wellington out for 104. Chloe Ahern 4-14, Nicole Kelly 1-15 and Kyla Wilson 2-10 all bowled well for the team. Gabby Magner-Pollard and Lilli Campbell did great jobs as wicket keepers. Dakota Newman and Haylee Burton took some great catches also. In reply Dubbo College lost wickets through-out the early overs against a strong Wellington bowling attack. Unfortunately after 15 overs a major thunder storm hit the ground with hail. As a result the game could not continue with Dubbo College 8-54. Wellington High being determined the winner after the two coaches consulted. Chloe Ahern was the standout with the bat scoring 35 not out including five boundaries. back: Gabby Magner-Pollard (Senior), Dakota Newman (Delroy), Lilli Campbell and Kyla Wilson were the equal second Raissa Starr (Senior), Caitlin Acheson (Senior), Peggy Sue-Langlo best run scorers. (Delroy), Nicole Kelly (Delroy), Chloe Ahern (South) The team were great ambassadors for the Dubbo College with the Wellington coach commending them on the way they played the game. And given 10 girls are in year 9 or below there is potential for some success in girls cricket in coming years. Congratulations to Chloe Ahern who was selected in the Western area CHS girls cricket team that competed in Armidale at the NSW CHS championships. The team finished seventh out of ten teams. Chloe made several valuable contributions with both the bat and ball throughout the carnival. Front Lilli Campbell (Delroy), Juliet Furner (South), Haylee Burton Mr May (South), Chloe Stewart (Delroy), Alex Couley (South), Kyla Wilson Dubbo College Girls Cricket Coach DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 88 Wednesday 1st April 2015 HSIE Happenings….. Year 10 Geography Excursion On Tuesday 3rd March, a group of Year 10 students went on excursion to the John Gilbert Water Treatment Plant located in South Dubbo and to Whylandra Waste Management Depot. The excursion was to fulfil outcomes set by the Board of Studies and complements class work undertaken in Geography on issues that concern all Australians. At the John Gilbert Water Treatment Plant students learnt how water is filtered and cleaned before it reaches our taps. At the Whylandra Waste Management Depot students witnessed the process of managing rubbish produced by Dubbo residents only and its environmental impacts. The excursion was very successful and all students enjoyed it. I would like to thank, and congratulate our students who participated on the excursion for their excellent learning attitude and behaviour. I would also like to thank Dubbo City Council staff at both centres for their remarkable service and for guiding us through the centres. Mr F Audisho HSIE Teacher below: Jessica McKinnon, Jeremy Stewart, Mustafa Al Badre, Mr Audisho, Antonio Rojas, Chloe Hawke and Nathan Bruce above: Nathan Bruce, Brendan Deveigne, Mr Audisho with Karen Hagan from Dubbo City Council Students are busy over the next couple of weeks working on their assessment tasks. The HSIE faculty has ensured that students have had class time and time in the computer labs to work on their assessments to ensure their success in learning. The Year 10 excursion, organised by Mr Audisho provided students with information that would assist them with the completion of their assessment tasks. If any student is having difficulty with their assessment tasks, we welcome them to come and ask any teacher in the HSIE faculty for assistance. Ms J Grey Head Teacher HSIE 2015 ANZAC Regional Sleep-Out – Tickets now available Dubbo City Youth Council – in partnership with the RSL Sub Branch and Dubbo City Council have create a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity for residents to come together on the 100 th anniversary of Gallipoli to sleep under the same stars as the original ANZACs did 100 years ago. The 2015 Centenary of ANZAC Regional Sleep-Out will be held at Victoria Park No. 1 Oval in Dubbo from 4pm, Friday 24 April. It is a drug and alcohol-free event with family entertainment, displays and ANZAC themed short films being shown. Tickets are now available at www.dubbo.com.au. ANZAC Tickets $5 each Andrew Woodcock Regional Sleep-Out +booking fee Corporate Communications Supervisor DUBBO Children under Centenary of ANZAC Spirit Dubbo City Council 18 yrs MUST be P 02 6801 4552 F 02 6801 4259 accompanied by an M 0409 324 379 adult. E andrew.woodcock@dubbo.nsw.gov.au Swag only event. Alcohol and smoke WWIN MORE INFORMATION free event. Go in the draw to win No tickets sold at Jason Yelverton Youth Development Officer 2 x RETURN FLIGHTS and Event Project Manager the gate. DUBBO TO GOLD COAST* Dubbo City Council For more info Proudly sponsored by P: 6801 4000 (business hours) dubbo.com.au jason.yelverton@dubbo.nsw.gov.au or phone 6801 4000 E: dubbo.com.au DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER 9 Wednesday 1st April 2015 Delroy Swimming Carnival 2015 On Monday 23rd February Delroy Campus held its swimming carnival at the Dubbo Aquatic and Leisure Centre. The day proved to be very enjoyable with competitive races highlighted by some excellent individual achievements. Yarradaroo were also the champion house for the day with a narrow one point victory!!! Non –competitive events were also enjoyed by all and included the following: Zoo FM music and giveaways Belly Flop competition Massed Relay Noodle race Waterslide Touch football Volleyball Best dressed competition Congratulations to the following students who were age champions for the day: Boys 16 years – Jeremy Vincent Boys 15 years – Robert Betts Boys 14 years - Aiden Lake Boys 13 years – Anthony Charters Boys 12 years – Caydean Milson Girls 16 years – Chloe Fardell Girls 15 years – Maddy Buckley Girls 14 years - Chloe Goedee Girls 13 years – Abbey MacLeod Girls 12 years – Shenaye Moses -Bird Thank you to all teachers, students and sponsors Zoo FM and Sportsmans Warehouse for their support during the day. Congratulations also to Shenaye Moses-Bird and Robert Betts who were the carnivals fastest 50m swimmers winning the splash for cash. Wayne Dunlop Carnival Organiser ABORIGINAL GIRLS CIRCLE CAMP The first camp for 2015 was held at the end of Feb. The girls focused on ‘Respect – Working Together’ and looked at the many ways that this can be achieved while having fun and engaging in many activities. Time was also spent discussing/ brainstorming for our project ‘Random Acts of Kindness’. Some thoughts from the girls about the camp and Girls Circle: “I learnt that you do not need to over react to little things” “It is a privilege to be part of Girls Circle. There is so much stuff that’s fun and you learn a lot from the projects.” – Hayley Smith “Doing a Random Act of Kindness makes you feel good about yourself and might make a person’s day” – Taneka Todhunter “Respect plays a massive part in everyone’s life!” – Krystal Dallinger. “I am going to think about helping people.” “The best thing about the camp was being able to work with a lot of different groups and to get to know each other” “Two things I learnt at the camp were: laughing with people is better than laughing at people, and your friends are everything.” – Jahnesta Carriage. “Learning new things to take home and teach or tell them about it.” “The best thing about the camp was bonding and having fun” – Natalie Gardoll “Teamwork is a big thing especially when you are in a group” “I learnt that I am not as shy as I thought.” “I am going to think about being a better person and a good role model.” Thank you for a wonderful camp. You girls were awesome! Mrs Kelly, Miss Bermingham and Ms C Lane. 10 DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER Wednesday 1st April 2015 WESTERN REGION SWIMMING TRIALS above: Shenaye Moses-Bird, Robert Betts and Abbey Macleod above back: Brad Young, Gabby Ramirez, Chloe Fardell, Isabella Ramirez, Hayley-Ann Smith, Kyla Wilson. front: Jeremy Stewart, Drew Baldock, Maggie Pittman, Vanessa Price On Thursday 5th March, three talented swimmers attend the Western Region Swimming Trials at Dubbo Aquatic Centre. Shanaye Moses-Bird, Abbey Macleod and Robert Betts took on the best swimmers of the West in an attempt to make the State Titles in Sydney. All swimmers performed their best and represented the school with pride. By the end of the day, Shenaye and Robert had both qualified for the State Carnival. Well done and good luck. Results for the Western Trials are as follows: Shenaye Moses-Bird - 12 years girls Robert Betts - 15 years boys 12 years 100m freestyle 2nd 15 years 100m Butterfly 5th 12 years 50m freestyle 3rd 15 years 100m freestyle 5th 12 years 100m freestyle 2nd 15 years 50m freestyle 3rd 13 years 200m freestyle relay 1st 15 years 200m freestyle 4th 15 years 100m backstroke 4th Abbey Macleod - 13 years girls 200m Medley relay 1st 13 years 50m freestyle 28th 15 years 200m freestyle relay 1st 13 years 100m breaststroke 18th Mixed 12—19years freestyle relay 1st Delroy Campus PASS students also played a major role at the swimming trials by helping time keep for the day. All students showed excellent timekeeping skills and represented the school with pride. Reports from the Head Timekeeper and Peter Ipkendanz (Western Region Sport) were outstanding regarding their attitude, ability and professionalism. Congratulations to all PASS students who attended the carnival. Mrs Peta McAneney PDHPE CIRCUS WEST……. Circus West travelled to Tottenham once again last Saturday to teach and perform in the Tottenham Community Expo. Seven students went with Mr Woodhead and Mr Walsh from Wellington Public School for the day. They taught many local students, from 10am to 1.30pm and then at 2.30pm, helped the students to perform with the group in a public show. The day was hot but a great deal of really good teaching was done and the show was well received. Jamie Measures demonstrating his skills above: Phoebe Farrell and Emily Blackett left: Lindsay Walters and Jamie Measures Jeremy Vincent and Phoebe Farrell Lindsay Walters DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER Wednesday 1st April 2015 11 PDHPE Faculty News Term Merit Achievement. Well done to the following students who have received merit certificates in PDHPE core and elective classes in Term one. Students who obtain five merit awards in the year are eligible for open orders at Sportsman’s warehouse. Year 7: Teneal Rankmore, Simone Dudgeon, Jaydean McCarthy, Dakota Lacrosse, Latrell Byers, Luke Smith, Shelby Saffy, Kenzie McFarlane, Chloe Stewart, Grace Willis, Brit Ashby, Jive Moore, Andew Everingham, Year 8: Chloe Goodee, Krystal Dallinger, Lilli Campbell, Aroha Taurau Ngamota, Courtney Hangan, Quincy Ross, David Woods, Year 9: Maree Pobje, Paula-Jane Hopkins, Ladine Caspersonn, Natalie Fardell, Maddison Cafe, Amy Yeo, Kyla Wilson, Caitlin Powyer (two), Robert Betts, Jack Clow, Maggie Pittman, Daniel Ramirez, Year 10: Taliah Perkins, Zara Lake, Kellie Rainbow, Tim Gann, Shekeah Knight, Carmen Rogers, Chloe Fardell (two), Tori Trindall, Takoda Lee, Ben Smit, Tyler Rankmore, Leah Hellowell, Mustafa Al Badre, Jeremy Stewart, Isabella Ramirez, Charity Mendoza, Julie Bayliss, David Carriage. PDHPE Year 7 and 8 Assessment Task One. Year 7 and Year 8 have just completed their term one assessment task in PDHPE. Year 7 completed an in class task where they had to evaluate support networks and also design a comic strip to show the role support networks play. The Year 8 PDHPE task was completed in class and involved students analysing the effects of bullying and identifying effective strategies to combat bullying. Congratulations to the following students for their excellent achievement in the task: Year 7: Liberty Jolliffe, Jazmyn Newby, Jessica Ware, Kenzie McFarlane, Joelene Tonkin. Year 8: David Woods, Elizabeth Campbell, Georgia Josephs, Chloe Goodee, Sheridan Munro, Alison Toohey. DUBBO COLLEGE DELROY CAMPUS CALENDAR 2015 ~ TERM 1 ~ Wk 10 March/ April 30 FORTE DRTCC 6.30pm Yr 10 Paired Career Interviews 31 01 02 03 AECG Snr Campus Last day of Term 1 STUDENTS RETURN FOR TERM 2 ON TUESDAY 21st APRIL 2015 Good Friday DELROY CAMPUS NEWSLETTER Wednesday 1st April 2015 12 DUBBO COLLEGE UNIFORM SHOP Darling Street Dubbo SCHOOL POLICY ON STUDENTS WHO ARE UNWELL Phone: 6881 8989 Term 2 Opening hours: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3.00pm - 6.00pm 3.00pm - 6.00pm 3.00pm - 6.00pm 3.00pm - 6.00pm CLOSED 9.00am - 1.00pm DELROY CAMPUS Executive Staff 2015 When a student is unwell at school he/she: Ms L Macleod Principal Rlg DELROY CAMPUS Year Advisers 2015 Year 10 Mr D Stedman Ms L McConnell Miss K Bermingham Deputy Principal Year 9 Ms C Marsh Mrs D Kelly Mr G Braithwaite Rlg Deputy Principal Year 8 Mr L Rice Ms E Smith Mr N Thompson Head Teacher English Year 7 Ms S Williams Mr D Piper Mr P Woodhead AP/Head Teacher Student Support Girls’ Adviser: Mrs D Kelly Mrs V Budden Head Teacher Prof Learning Head Teacher Teaching and Learning LEVELS SYSTEM Mr C Schubert Head Teacher Mathematics Mr M Elbourne-Binns Head Teacher Science Do your Best, be Equipped ready for Learning, show Respect and make the most of the Opportunities offered by Your School must obtain a note from the teacher and then present at the office, where a parent/carer will be contacted by the office staff to collect the student. Students are carer directly. For legal reasons and school policy students are NOT to leave the school without signing out at the office. ATTENDANCE: NOTES for PARENTS and CARERS Attendance every day that the school is open for instruction is a legal requirement and a major responsibility of parents/carers. Please send a note when your student has been away from school. Mr C May Head Teacher PDHPE Ms K Smith Head Teacher TAS Mr J Biles Head Teacher Support Prosecution in the Local Court - If all attempts by schools and regional support staff fail to improve a student’s attendance, action can be taken in the Local Court and the result can be fines up to a maximum of $11,000. DUBBO RSL CLUB Brisbane Street DUBBO (Delroy Campus Newsletter Sponsor) Ms A Piddington Head Teacher Administration Mr S Groen Head Teacher Equity (Delroy Campus Newsletter Sponsor) Rlg Principal: to use their mobile phones to phone parent/ Ms J Grey Acting Head Teacher HSIE Mr S Groen / Mr W Dunlop Sports Co-ordinators NOT Ms Linda Macleod Deputy Principal: Miss Kathryn Bermingham A NOTE TO PARENTS/CARERS and STUDENTS Tank tops/ singlets are not to be worn at school. These tops are not part of the uniform and the do not meet sun-safe requirements. Rlg Deputy Principal: Mr Glen Braithwaite
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