Green Award Annual Report 2012
Green Award Annual Report 2012
1 GREEN AWARD FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 ~ C H A I R M A N ’ S P R E FAC E ~ EVOLVING WORLD PAG E 2 NEW TOPICS ~REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF EXPERTS~ PAG E 2 GROWTH ~REPORT FROM THE MANAGEMENT~ PAG E 3 WHY? ~ W H Y G R E E N AWA R D ? ~ PAG E 5 ~FML SHIP MANAGEMENT LIMITED~REEDEREI DEYMANN~PORT OF GIBRALTAR~ GREEN AWARD ON THE MAP PAG E 6 CERTIFIED ERTIFIED SHIPS PAG E 8 CERTIFICATE HOLDERS~INCENTIVE PROVIDERS PAG E 10 FINANCIAL REPORT ~ A B O U T T H E G R E E N AWA R D F O U N DAT I O N ~ PAG E 11 PAG E 12 ~IN A NUTSHELL~AMBITION~MISSION~ 2 ACE N’S PREF ~ D L R O W G N I V L EVO A ~CHAIRM airman ruijs, Ch Pieter St nd their ima y tr s u d in e aritim e ints on the m a tr s n changed sinc o s c a h ic h m c o u n o m c t e o ly, n ferred to the for sea-going r. Unfortunate la ts u n ic u rt o a c Last year I re p is h in T s ing. still ing companie r the time be fo w lo mpanies are in o a c pact on shipp e m m re o s S te . rt ra nspo and charter waterway tra d n la in then: freight n a e p ell as for Euro shipping as w in organisurvive. evolvement struggling to We also see tion. r Founda e expect just like in ou s ago and w s ar n ye to e sa w fe a airman of th internaNorway rts by the ch a spin-off to e po re av e h In l th il w and from that this indeed d rl ping. o of Experts ip w d sh g ar g e in in Bo or lv go m o a ill read An ev tional se ement you w e disag av h an e s m ie th n in pa ts with e use of ned com developmen d new t ns about th A few renow an io ou ss ab e u en sc sc e di els ar Today om the poragoing vess appeared fr Foundation. fuels for se ing their op iz er se n (introe ea s ar cl el rs fu r eu u n e h re lp ad ep tr su tr le w en . Lo ly stab rsonally. In still going on s cleaning o, traditional affects me pe derably, en ), exhaust ga tunities. Als si ’s ev n A d It co EC d of n ge n ductio Green Awar ductio e chan and fuel re cus on rdance with patterns hav fo d co g ee ac n as sp ro n st e w s, th ast, system to a very e to step do st but not le re, our which led . by-laws I hav res, and, la tal an ever befo su en th ea m n n m te e Foundation ro of vi e the En rman of th ships in Asia. Mor ai of d h C ar n es w io A gu ct at u ea en res th introd sit Gre ith my coll e the measu surveyors vi Together w Index (ESI) ar s. By ip . on ittee I am Sh si on is gi re em the Comm reduce the Asian to om fr ed we os I’s pp are su oud that IAPH/WPC py and pr ally leadntives, the n ap ce h io in it of. ad of Pr to tr s in s n mea owner ift from ccessor We see a sh onomies. nd a good su otivates ship u ec m fo g m n gi ra oer og pr pr ESI This ies to em araftis. emissions. in trade ing econom Harilaos N. Ps er d to a shift sion ce their air is le du y m re e ad ill take ov th re h al it s Psarafti w This has ry well w ain unnor. ve m M fit re es ot e om n w C do d the gram nly, di at reason me during which, certai d and for th om reau. ar fr Bu w A d e em ar en th w ov re A N of G Green ng in as one of ticed by the ittee meeti ed the ESI m at y gr te m in en e hav ts. has be urces r requiremen ber 2013. It t energy reso ents into ou ou em ab el k e the Green in rv th se e What to cted by th honour to fe af my e es ar as G at ds th dation since en House and deman e one hand, ons and Gre Award Foun si th is ng e on em di th s n k ie u en ac St onom the fo threat e emerging ec volvement in t issues that in r alternativ an fo rt ry ll po ai ca da ch im g To e e n ar stro d as th are more. and by the in 1994, an e other? In t. 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It is rem Environmen . la eu ci da ic so rt en e ag pa th in yesterday. en by ng Rotterdam tomorrow’s c that is driv ts to changi pi ap to ec ad ot ew rt n pr l a po e enta able how th Just one for environm conditions. ty’s demand d l. an ry much for oi el ds ch fu n an u of dem Thank you ve high cost gy is the la d er an en to on d ti te professional lexample rela your kind, s future deve it d er an op al pr in t, n rm nt cooperaaccou the of an LNG te and pleasa is all into ub to serve th h al g a ci n e So ki m Ta co te be pora ill opment to tion. tion of Cor terminal w a implementa arket. The m inciples is pr an th ) pe bo ro r SR fo (C Eu G ty li LN bi of si is in th Respon nkering reen competitive also offer bu shipping. G ty to stay g si n es oi Award ec ag n se en The Gre e first th . inland and ld ed or m w co g el evolvin part of the already w G as the Award has a significant e LN g er n h si w u e, e pride in schem that ar ports ented, takes er es inland barges h pr ot l re ra is ve ry owners indust lobally, se onsible ship main fuel. G ithin the sp w re g en ft in is (o ote the recogn selves e like to prom (WPCI)) prepare them W ve s. ti er ia it ag In an and m Climate at the is industry. World Ports unners in th all know th tr e on W fr . re tu f in for the fu fuel took of of LNG as a application ~REPORT FROM THE BOARD OF EXPERTS~ NEW TOPICS Julian Parker OBE, Chairman The purpose of the Board of Experts is to advise on the standards to be applied for vessel and office audits as specified in Seacure for Operations. A number of new issues have exercised the Board over the past year which included the finalisation of two new specifications for the audit of LNG carriers and Chemical carriers. The Board also approved the comprehensive training programmes for the surveyors who would be engaged to audit these additional ship types. The inland waterway barge scheme which has now been running for two years was reviewed and it was agreed to set up a specialist sub-group to consider and make recommendations for improving the scheme in the light of past experience. The sub group plans to make its report early in 2014. There were a number of technical subjects under discussion which reflected convention and resolution changes within the IMO. These included bilge water management to reduce toxic and polluting residues, practical recommendations concerning Vessel Voyage Data Recorders where the Board wanted to encourage a play back feature for sharing experiences of unusual events and near misses to support learning and best practice. Inevitably, with time, elements of Seacure for Operations become overtaken by events and need editing. A considerable amount of time has been devoted to this activity to ensure as far as is reasonably possible that the standards are fully up to date and properly indexed. The Board has kept under review the certification process and monitored the percentage of ship and office audits which became overdue. The Board standard is to aim for no more than 5% overdue inspections and it was most encouraging to see that this performance standard was being maintained. At each meeting the Board reviews the number and type of ‘findings’ resulting from ship and office audits and the three elements which presented the most difficulty for owners were - the Environmental Ship Index, promoted primarily by the International Port Industry - the basic requirements to have an inventory of hazardous and toxic materials on board as part of The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, and - the need to provide procedures to ensure critical and stand-by equipment are available and the crew aware of their importance A number of changes to Board membership are taking place and I would like to thank Mr.Jan Smit of Bureau Veritas and Capt. John Koster, United States Coast Guard for their valuable input during their time with us. Also the Board discussed the appointment of a new chairman and made recommendations to the Management Committee whose decision will be formally announced later. To end on a personal note, everybody in shipping appreciates that the past few years have been challenging. The banking crisis sent shock waves through world economy and this has affected trade. However the marine environment remains sensitive to toxins and pollution as well as acidification due to greenhouse gasses. It is encouraging to see more commercial companies recognising this by signing up to environmentally friendly sea transport as part of their corporate social responsibility and the fact that Green Award has maintained its standards throughout means that certified ships are becoming more attractive to prospective charterers. My special appreciation to colleagues on the Board, surveyors, and the office staff who all work tirelessly to achieve the standards, which we all believe can make a significant contribution to the quality of the marine environment. 3 GROWTH ~REPORT FROM THE MANAGEMENT~ Jan Fransen, Managing Director • Karin Struijk, Deputy Managing Director Seagoing ships Development in the number of ships In 2012 we received 54 applications. We certified 52 newly applied ships, including 31 LNG carriers, 18 oil tankers, and 3 bulk carriers. In total 61 ships were withdrawn from the scheme due to a change of trade, scrapping, change of owner/manager or non-compliance with the Green Award regulations. Also political sanctions forced one of our clients to take out its ships. We carried out 184 ship surveys. At the year end, the number of certified ships was 217, a net decrease of 4% compared to 2011. This decrease was outweighed in the first six months of 2013. We received 23 applications: 11 dry bulk carriers, 11 oil tankers and 1 LNG carrier. We certified 30 new ships and 13 ships were withdrawn, so the total number of ships increased by 17, being 8% compared to 2012. New certification programme As of mid 2012, chemical tankers with a DWT ≥ 20,000 are also eligible for Green Award certification. The initiation of a programme for chemical tankers was driven by the demand from potential certificate holders and our own initiative, whilst at the same time the Foundation aimed to increase diversity in its certification scheme through increasing the impact by broadening the scope of ship types to be certified. Intermediate Survey scheme In 2012 we introduced the Intermediate Survey scheme. The intermediate survey is awarded to the oil tankers that perform better than other Green Award certified vessels of this type, in order to reduce survey burden for those ships. A stringent yet simple set of criteria is looked into in order to identify ships that pose less risk to the marine environment and to the crew in terms of pollution, safety and quality, and ships We welcomed the following companies: • Chevron Tankers Ltd. (London, United Kingdom) • Kyklades Maritime Corporation (Piraeus, Greece) The scheme, meant to motivate and give recognition to clean inland shipping, is developing successfully: the first three certificates were handed over in June 2011 and the total number of certified ships reached 472 by the end of June 2013. LNG certificate Incentive providers • Shell International Trading & Shipping Co Ltd (London, United Kingdom) Vital for the certification scheme is the availability of incentives. We were fortunate to welcome the following incentive providers in 2012, giving a discount on port dues or a contribution to the certification cost: Tanker certificate In the first half of 2013, we executed 11 office audits and welcomed two new companies: Bulk carrier certificate • FML Ship Management Ltd (Nicosia, Cyprus) LNG certificate • Iino LNG (Tokyo, Japan) Municipality of Meppel Groningen Seaports – Eemshaven Groningen Seaports – Delfzijl Port of Rotterdam Port of Moerdijk Port of Dordrecht (incl. Zwijndrecht, Papendrecht) Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI). Captain Snaith is familiar with the Green Award scheme as he provided his expertise to Green Award while serving as Marine Director of INTERTANKO. We also welcomed Ajay Gour. Mr Gour has been with INTERTANKO since 2007 and is their Senior Manager for Chemical and Vetting, Operations and technical issues. Mr Abdurrahman Mohamed M. A. Al-Mulla is also a new member of the Board of Experts. Mr Al-Mulla has been working for the LNG shipping industry for many years and has comprehensive experience of managing LNG vessels and knowledge of various aspects of the gas industry. 6% 5% 5% 15% 15% 15% Captain J.W. (John) Koster, who represented the US Coast Guard on the Green Award Board of Experts, resigned from the Board following his retirement from the US Coast Guard. During a change of command ceremony in June 2012 in Japan, the Green Award management handed over a certificate of recognition to him acknowledging his great contribution to the Green Award scheme. Incentive providers We were fortunate to welcome the following parties that grant the Green Award certified ships a discount on port dues or on other services: JLMD E. Group JLMD gives a 10% discount on the standard engineering costs for the service for the Fast Oil Recovery System to all types of Green Award certified vessels. Port of Sept-Iles The Port Sept-Iles, Quebec, Canada gives a 10% discount on harbour dues 2010 2011 2012 238 26 264 240 29 269 226 52 278 24 43 61 240 226 217 Certified as per 1st January Issued 600 In January 2013 the Green Award team celebrated an important milestone: 5 of the foundation employees had been working for Green Award for over 12.5 years. Green Award is proud to have such loyal employees that have dedicated years to working for the foundation and are still enthusiastic about their work. Their professionalism and experience benefit the scheme and our certificate holders. It is our pleasure to report below on 2012 and to give a preview of 2013, based on the outcome of the first half of the year. Number of certified seagoing ships 700 inland shipping. We are pleased to have these people onboard and are confident that they will contribute to the further development of Green Award. Despite the global recession in shipping, currently we are fortunate to see a growth in number of certified ships, along with a growth in number of incentive providers. This enhances reciprocal beneficiary relationships: ships have a better image, receive discounts on port dues or other incentives whilst incentive providers benefit from ships that are extra clean and extra safe. And, last but not least: the environment is the ultimate beneficiary. In 2013 the list was extended with Zeeland Seaports - Vlissingen 10% Zeeland Seaports - Terneuzen 10% Port of Utrecht 30% Port of Ghent 10% Municipality of Bergen op Zoom 5% Zicht Insurance company € 200 Committee In 2012, Captain A. (Andrew) Clifton replaced Mr Wayne on the Green Award Committee. Number of inland barges 2011 2012 0 87 0 - 87 308 0 - 3 395 Certified as per 1st January Issued Withdrawn 500 Withdrawn 450 Certified as per the 31st December Mr C.J. (Julian) Parker OBE FNI will step down as Chairman of the Board of Experts in 2013. Green Award will certainly miss him in that role but, above all else, will miss him as a person genuinely interested in people on board and people in the office. He combined that skill with a tremendous insight in how things work aboard ships. We are grate- Certified as per the 31st December Our long time employees are Mrs. Mieke Weteling, Peter van Hattum, Rob den Heijer, Ben Metselaar and Jan Fransen. And, there was one more milestone: Capt Ben Metselaar is our first retiree since the Green Award Foundation was established. He left Green Award as of the 1st of May, 2013. During the past 13 years, Ben had surveyed hundreds of sea-going vessels and gained respect of certificate holders for his knowledgeable approach. The Green Award team wishes Ben the best of luck with all his plans and to enjoy his retirement. Finance The Green Award Foundation reports a surplus for the fiscal year 2012. Details can be found in the relevant chapter in this report. The Green Award tariffs for all types of vessels remained unchanged in 2013. For the eleventh consequent year oil tanker application and annual fees remained the same. The tariffs for bulk carriers, chemical tankers, LNG carriers and inland navigation vessels remained the same as in 2012. In these challenging conditions the Green Award foundation keeps promoting high standards in shipping and caring for safe marine environment. We do our utmost to keep the costs for our certificate holders as low as possible to support them in these difficult times. In this context it is worth mentioning 400 350 300 250 Number of certifi g ships arg es 200 ed seagoin f in lan db 150 um be ro 100 N 50 0 2005 2006 that ensure smooth operations for the Green Award certification scheme. An intermediate survey replaces two annual surveys that usually take place after a renewal survey for oil tankers. By the end of June 2013, 34 oil tankers had been granted an intermediate survey. Cooperation with ESI (Environmental Ship Index) It is Green Award’s ambition to cooperate with other environmental incentive schemes. With the ESI focusing on air emissions of NOx, SOx and CO2, being three of the over 50 important environmental and safety elements Green Award includes in its inspection criteria, it is only natural to join forces in order to achieve the best results in the aspect of minimising the impact of emissions on the environment. Green Award incorporated a simple verification check of ESI data during the regular Green Award ship surveys. With the ever-increasing amount of inspections onboard ships, this approach will prevent Green Award certified ships/certificate holders from facing yet another inspection burden. 2007 2008 only to all GA certified vessels from 01-01-2012. Zeeland Seaports Zeeland Seaports has been supporting the Green Award scheme for years with a 6% discount on the port dues for Crude oil/Product Tankers. From 2012 the discount of 6% is also applicable to bulk carriers. Port of Gibraltar The Port of Gibraltar awards sustainable ships certified by Green Award with a 5% reduction in tonnage dues starting the 1st of April 2013. Port of Rotterdam Rotterdam is the first port in the world to reward sea-going LNG carrying vessels holding the Green Award certificate. From the 1st of January 2013 the Rotterdam Port Authority gives these vessels a 6% discount on port dues. Green Award is thankful to all incentive providers, they play a pivotal role in the effort to acknowledge, recognize and motivate sustainable shipping. Office audits We conducted 9 office audits in 2012. All companies were successful in obtaining or renewing the Green Award Office Certificate, which is valid for three years. Inland shipping Development in the number of ships In 2012 we welcomed 308 inland barges. 2009 2010 Capt Clifton, like his successor, will make his expertise in the LNG sector available to the Green Award foundation. He is the General Manager and Chief Operating Officer of SIGTTO (The Society of International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators Ltd) and has over 30 years experience in the liquefied gas shipping industry. Chairman P. (Pieter) Struijs will resign from the Green Award Committee in 2013. He deserves special compliments: he is the founding father of Green Award. His personal involvement furthered the development and growth of the Green Award Foundation and its certification program. Mr Struijs will delegate his responsibilities to his successor during the next Green Award Board meeting in London in November 2013. The Green Award Foundation has named the Greek Harilaos N. Psaraftis as its new Chairman. Harilaos N. Psaraftis is currently Professor of transport optimization at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Transport. Board of Experts In 2012 Captain Howard N. Snaith returned to the Green Award Board of Experts. He is General Manager of the 2011 2012 June 2013 2013 ful to him for the fact that he has made his knowledge available to Green Award since its foundation in 1994. Mr Parker’s successor is Mr David J. Patraiko BSc MBA FNI, Director of Projects at the Nautical institute. He has extensive experience chairing international technical committees and we are confident that he will lead the Board of Experts to a new phase of development. 2014 2015 that our recently introduced Intermediate Survey Scheme will foster a lower inspection burden and hence a better cost-benefit ratio. External activities We visited many Green Award stakeholders world wide. Please see an overview of our activities in the relevant chapter in this report. Board of Appeal Future The composition of our Board of Appeal did not change in 2012. However, it will change in 2013 due to the fact that Chairman D. Roemers wishes to step down as chairman. We are confident of announcing a successor to Mr Roemers before the end of 2013. We expect a modest growth in the number of certified LNG ships and inland barges, but also foresee that the number of oil tankers will decrease due to the economic situation. A certification scheme for container carriers approaches its completion for implementation in 2013, and we also expect a number of applications for this ship type. Bureau Our dedicated team executed their work in an enthusiastic and professional way, with zero incidents and zero accidents. The team has expanded. In 2012, Jan van Nieuwland joined us as inspector inland shipping, followed by Tom van Ginkel who is a surveyor for the seagoing ships. In 2013 we welcomed Hary Harinder as research officer and Wim van Gils as inspector Furthermore, we will continue inviting incentive providers to join the Green Award scheme. Reciprocal beneficiary relationships, with the environment as ultimate beneficiary: that is our dream. We thank everybody involved for their contribution of time and talent. 4 EXTERNAL CONTACTS AND ACTIVITIES 2012 inars Conferences, symposia and sem APSN/APEC ineTech Annual World Congress of Mar Summit-2012 Blue Shipping Forum 2012 Capital Link CBRB seminar ustry Trading Fair Construction and Shipping Ind Greek Shipping Awards Green4Sea forum ty Forum Informal Tanker Operators Safe g Summit 2012 pin Iron Ore and Coal World Ship MARE Forum Brazil 2012 rative Conference Pacific Ports Clean Air Collabo Safety4Sea Forum SOWOS Symposium mit The World Ports & Trade Sum Vetting Seminar World Port Days Hong Kong Dalian Athens London Gorinchem Gorinchem Athens Athens Rotterdam Athens Sao Paolo Los Angeles Athens Hamburg Abu Dhabi Rotterdam Rotterdam (Maritime) Authorities ClassNK n Council meeting Drechtstede European Parliament tal Policy Division, International and Environmen istry of Land, Min , eau Ports and Harbours Bur rt spo Infrastructure and Tran Japan Coast Guard the Environment Ministry of Infrastructure and Tokyo MOU Secretariat United States Coast Guard etings Membership/stakeholder me Equasis Rightship ESI Board/Committee meetings Board of Experts Committee ts associations Ports, port authorities and por Diretoria de portas et costas Dutch Inland Ports Association Havenvereniging Rotterdam IAPH Moerdijk Port Authority ima Okayama Prefecture / Mizush bours Bureau, Har and s Port n, isio Planning Div re and Transport Ministry of Land, Infrastructu Port of Antwerp Port of Chiba Port of Ghent Port of Gibraltar Port of Kita-Kyushu Port of Los Angeles Port of Montreal Port of Nagoya Port of Osaka Port of Rotterdam Port of Sakaide Port of Sept-Iles Port of Yokkaichi Port of Yokohama Ras Laffan Port Authority Singapore MPA Zeeland Seaports titutes Universities and training ins TU Delft Southampton Solent University am Erasmus University of Rotterd Miscellaneous Tokyo Dordrecht Brussels Tokyo Tokyo The Hague Tokyo Tokyo London Rotterdam Hamburg/ Paris/Bremen Rotterdam Rotterdam Rio de Janeiro Rotterdam Rotterdam Rotterdam Moerdijk Okayama Tokyo Antwerp Chiba Ghent Rotterdam Kita-Kyushu Los Angeles Montreal Nagoya Osaka Rotterdam Sakaide Sept-Iles Yokkaichi Yokohama Doha Singapore Rotterdam Delft Southampton Rotterdam Rotterdam BBU Binnenschifffahrt Duisburg Bundesverband der Deutschen Rotterdam Burando/Nature Group Athens Carbon Positive Rotterdam CBOB Rotterdam CBRB Delft Connekt Rotterdam EICB Zoetermeer EVO Paris JLMD Rotterdam Oxfam Novib Antwerp s der igation in Flan Promotion office for inland nav Rotterdam Several major banks Hamburg Dialog ShortSea und Binnenschifffahrt Tokyo The Japan Shipping Exchange 5 ~ W H Y G R E E N AWA R D ? ~ WHY? FML SHIP MANAGEMENT LIMITED In the wake of worldwide shipping recession and slowdown, FML Ship Management Limited, Cyprus has shown foresight and commitment to implementing international standards to manage safety and quality assurance risks, and added another feather in their cap by obtaining Green Award. The Green Award certificate comes from the Green Award foundation which promotes quality shipping amongst seagoing vessels. Green Award certifies ships and ship managers that prove their dedication to high quality, safety and environmental standards. Green Award senior inspectors Mr Peter van Hattum & Mr Rob den Heijer carried out a thorough check of the systems in the Cyprus office, which is a requirement in order to verify that the office is in compliance with Green Award audit standards. FML Ship Management Limited, Cyprus is a satellite office of Fleet Management Limited (FML), based in Hong Kong, which provides a comprehensive range of ship management services to cargo ship owners worldwide and has internationally recognized quality management standards. Currently, FML is responsible for the full technical management of more than 270 modern ships, on behalf of reputable ship owners. more than just priority but also an integral part of the quality services supplied to our ship owners. Mr Sunil Kapoor, General Manager of FML Ship Management, says that managing a wide variety of vessels, brings risks into the business. Therefore Green Award is a logical step for us as it represents high standards of operation, training and management. Such certifications reflect that the company has active stake in protecting Ship Owners property and the environment. Health, safety and environment (HSE) are primary duty of a ship manager. We believe superior HSE performance adds value to our business by increasing productivity, improving vessel performance and reduced overall operating costs – which are so very important in these falling markets where owners are pushing us to minimize operating expenses. He further adds: “It’s our commitment towards the environment and this has always been top priority in our organization. We are proud to achieve Green Award certification as it reinforces our philosophy that the safe running of all the vessels is not only In these tough times, levelheaded companies are able to go beyond conventional thinking but at the same time believe that “hands on” operation of ships will prevail. REEDEREI DEYMANN In the beginning of 2012 Reederei Deymann joined the Green Award scheme. Our first barge that obtained the Green Award certificate was mts Marten Deymann. Up to now nine inland barges owned by us and one barge managed by us have successfully passed the Green Award certification. These nine barges form a significant part of our total fleet, consisting of 23 barges, both tankers and dry cargo carriers for the container business. Certification of more ships is planned and will take place in the near future. Our diverse fleet is capable of carrying nearly all types of liquid cargo, petrol and chemical products as well as containers. The Green Award certificate is an audible way for us to demonstrate our commitment to the principles of green shipping and to the sustainable operation of our company. Due to a large number of young double hull barges in our fleet, we were able to join the scheme as one of the first inland shipping companies. Since 2007 Reederei Deymann has been implementing and benefiting from new technologies, such as emission and after treatment solutions, and intends to start using a water emulsion system soon. Improvements like these are important for inland navigation vessels in the future, specifically with regard to the environmental regulations. PORT OF GIBRALTAR Gibraltar occupies a prime strategic position at the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea and close to the north-south eastern Atlantic shipping lanes; a position which is truly at the crossroads of world shipping trade. The advantages presented by geographical location have been capitalised upon over recent years to develop Gibraltar into the major bunkering Port for the region. Around 70,000 ships a year transit the Straits of Gibraltar, of which around 8,300 visit Gibraltar’s waters for fuel or one of the other marine services offered in the Port. It is estimated that Port activities account for around 35% GDP of Gibraltar. During the past year, 4.2 million tonnes of bunkers were delivered to visiting ships. Gibraltar is also a major cruise destination which features on a number of the itineraries of major cruise lines. Around 180 cruise ships visit Gibraltar each year bringing some 300,000 passengers. The Government of Gibraltar has made a major commitment to ensure that all activities are assessed for their environmental impact, and best practices employed to mitigate residual risks. To this end, the Gibraltar Port Authority has invested heavily in maintaining strict codes of practice for a broad spectrum of activities including bunkering, the supply of lubricating oils and ship-to-ship transfers. The decision to become an Incentive Provider under the Green Award Scheme was taken in order to make the Port of Gibraltar more attractive to high quality shipping which, due to the stringent auditing standards, reduces risks to the environment. Gibraltar is proud to be associated with the Green Award Scheme; a scheme which demonstrates real commitment to raising and maintaining high standards of ship operation for the benefit of the global environment. Green Award is not just another certificate. It comes with benefits such as discounts on harbor dues and creation of a greener image for our barges which gets noticed by our customers. Furthermore, through our participation in the Green Award scheme, the crew becomes aware of issues like fuel saving and protecting the environment. Yet another benefit of the Green Award program is that the crew acts environmentally-conscious in every decision they make. We will continue supporting the further development of the Green Award scheme. On the left: The Bernd, Tanja and Marten Deymann. On the right: the Günther and Till Deymann. 6 GREEN AWARD ON THE MAP Number of seagoing certified ships per flagstate 2012 Bahamas 20 Bahrain 1 Cayman Islands 2 Denmark 1 Finland 3 Greece 55 Isle of Man 15 Japan 10 Kuwait 8 Liberia 15 Malaysia 7 Malta 9 Marshall Islands 31 Norway 4 Norwegian Int. Ship Reg. 2 Panama 6 Singapore 17 United Arab Emirates 1 United Kingdom 10 Total 217 ships ark pt enm 1 Fi 7 nl m an d gy do 1E ing 1 Cyp dK 1D ite 1 Canada Un rus Number of certificate holders per country 2012 Un ited Ara Russia n bE mir Federa ti ate s1 on 1 8 Greece pore 3 1 1H 1 n sia 2 apa 4J 1 Kuwait Malay al ug 4 rt Po rw ay of Singa No Republic Ira n on g Ko n g 7 Riga Klaipeda Amsterdam Rotterdam Dordrecht Moerdijk Vlissingen Terneuzen Ghent Douro e Leixões Lisboa Setúbal Sines Gibraltar Port of Sept-Iles Eemshaven Delfzijl Meppel Utrecht Zwijndrecht Papendrecht Bergen op Zoom Wellington Taranaki Nelson Sohar Richards Bay Durban East London Port Elisabeth Mossel Bay Cape Town Saldanha Iino Marine Service Co. Ltd “K” Line Ship Management Co. Ltd. MOL LNG Transport Co. Ltd. NYK LNG Shipmanagement Ltd. JSC “Novoship” Neste Shipping Oy A.P. Møller-Maersk A/S Mowinckel Ship Management AS Wallem Shipmanagement Norway AS KNOT Management AS Teekay Shipping Norway AS BP Shipping Limited Chevron Tankers Ltd. MOL LNG Transport (Europe) Ltd. Shell International Trading and Shipping Co. Ltd. ASP Ship Management Ltd Anglo-Eastern (UK) Limited Northern Marine Management Ltd General Maritime Management (Portugal) Ltd. Wallem Shipmanagement Ltd AET Shipmanagement (Singapore) Pte. Ltd Goodwood Ship Management Pte Ltd Tanker Pacific Management Pte. Ltd MISC Berhad International Tanker Management Limited NITC Tankers Kuwait Oil Tanker Co. S.A.K. FML Ship Management Limited Unicom Management Services Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company Aegean Bulk Co Inc Arcadia Shipmanagement Co. Ltd. Chandris (Hellas) Inc. Consolidated Marine Management Inc. Delta Tankers Ltd. Kyklades Maritime Corporation Maran Tankers Management Inc. Thenamaris Ships Management Inc. Dirkzwager’s Coastal & Deepsea Pilotage ABN AMRO Bank ProSea Foundation International Slop Disposal (ISD) B.V. NATURE Group Ship Spares Logistics B.V. EcoScrub Solutions B.V. NATURE Group Meteogroup Euroshore International George Hammond Plc JLMD Ecologic Group Regs4ships Ltd (Nautical) service providers* Expedo Ship Management (Canada) Ltd Certificate holders* Montreal SQE Marine Group GAUSS mbH Institute for Environmental Protection and Safety in Shipping Rabobank Altena Rabobank Krimpenerwaard Rabobank Merwestroom Rabobank Oosterschelde Rabobank Shipping Zicht insurance and risk advisors *Status on date of issue Vancouver Participating ports* 8 OIL TANKERS Certificate holder / Ship name IMO Cert. Nr. Issued AET Shipmanagement (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Certificate holder / Ship name IMO Cert. Nr. Issued Certificate holder / Ship name IMO 9299903 200812 14-03-11 Astro Antares 9120944 Delta Captain 9288710 200810 03-03-11 Astro Arcturus Delta Pioneer 9288693 200806 25-02-11 Astro Challenge Delta Sailor 9288722 200729 11-02-11 Delta Victory 9288708 Pelagos 9299898 9182928 99054 21-01-09 Eagle Austin 9176022 99017 17-03-11 Eagle Columbus 9136046 200011 02-07-09 Eagle Kangar 9417024 2011034 27-08-11 Eagle Kinabalu 9422196 2011035 07-08-11 Eagle Kinarut 9422201 2011036 24-09-11 Eagle Klang 9417892 2011032 23-10-11 Eagle Kuantan 9417012 2011033 30-08-11 Eagle Kuching 9417000 2011031 11-08-11 Eagle Tampa 9253076 200440 27-04-11 DHT Ann 9217979 Eagle Toledo 9250892 200441 07-09-10 DHT Chris 9217981 Eagle Trenton 9250907 200309 16-07-12 DHT Eagle Eagle Tucson 9253064 200310 18-08-09 Eagle Valencia 9292486 Eagle Venice 9292498 Eagle Vermont Eagle Vienna 9438858 2011002 04-06-11 9122916 97023 11-12-12 Nansen Spirit 9438860 2011003 23-04-11 9237072 200623 06-11-12 Navion Britannia 9145188 99026 25-11-11 Astro Chorus 9235244 200319 31-03-11 Navion Hispania 9168922 99047 30-06-12 200811 13-03-11 Astro Perseus 9280873 200918 06-06-12 Navion Oceania 9168946 99045 21-12-12 200808 28-02-11 Astro Phoenix 9280885 200430 20-06-10 Navion Oslo 9209130 200208 21-04-11 Astro Polaris 9281152 200725 01-12-10 Navion Scandia 9168934 99024 11-02-12 Astro Saturn 9235725 200507 30-03-11 Peary Spirit 9466130 2011058 09-12-11 Scott Spirit 9466142 2012145 19-05-12 Stena Natalita 9206671 200313 02-09-12 9298272 200525 14-09-11 Astro Sirius 9120932 97002 27-03-12 New Champion 9298296 200608 29-03-12 Elizabeth I.A. 9257149 200504 24-02-11 Maran Altair 9147435 97019 11-12-12 Maran Atlas 9414022 200942 22-12-12 Maran Callisto 9171448 200703 04-03-10 Maran Canopus 9330563 2011007 04-05-11 Maran Capella 9174660 99001 01-06-11 2012052 27-02-12 Maran Capricorn 9389019 2011022 14-06-11 2012053 22-02-12 Maran Carina 9240512 200446 13-11-10 9233753 2011102 17-02-12 Maran Cassiopeia 9257137 DHT Phoenix 9180891 2011106 23-01-12 Maran Castor 200511 07-05-10 GC Haikou 9182291 201006 20-01-12 200520 09-05-09 Samco America 9237620 2012131 12-09-12 9234654 200303 20-03-09 Samco Asia 9237632 9290775 200510 25-01-10 Samco Scandinavia Samco Taiga General Maritime Management (Portugal) Lda. 2011011 04-08-12 9288734 200505 19-05-11 Seamagic 9317949 200930 13-09-12 Seaoath 9290361 200609 17-04-12 Dukhan 9265500 2011004 17-05-11 200413 20-09-10 Seaprince 9241607 200218 26-09-11 GDF Suez Point Fortin 9375721 2012223 13-10-12 9194127 201009 25-09-10 Searacer 9227443 200204 07-05-11 Maran Centaurus 9073050 200417 26-10-11 Seatriumph 9227455 200210 14-08-11 Maran Corona 9252333 200428 07-06-10 St. Helen 9229350 200224 27-10-11 200514 23-08-11 Maran Cygnus 9227479 200923 08-07-12 9315147 200821 01-02-12 Maran Lyra 9042063 200828 23-12-11 9590888 2012244 20-10-12 Maran Penelope 9402914 201015 09-12-10 Maran Plato 9399507 2011014 29-05-11 International Tanker Management Holding Limited 9256078 200418 18-02-11 SCF Baltica 9305568 200610 07-04-12 9402926 201014 04-11-10 Maran Pythia 9402902 201007 27-07-13 Sonangol Namibe 9325049 200727 21-03-11 Maran Sagitta 9414034 200939 10-11-12 Sonangol Girassol 9180114 Maran Taurus 9012915 200916 03-04-12 Sonangol Kassanje Phaethon 9412098 2011088 19-09-11 2012222 22-09-12 Zallaq 9205067 200107 18-04-10 Kazan 9258002 Zirku 9237802 200506 12-03-11 Krasnodar 9270517 200524 05-10-11 NS Antarctic 9413559 2011001 18-02-11 NS Arctic 9413547 201010 04-11-10 JSC "Novoship" 200531 03-03-12 Aegean Angel 9290323 200447 11-06-12 NS Creation 9312896 200724 24-01-11 Aegean Blue 9346720 200823 03-10-11 NS Laguna 9339325 200814 14-02-12 Aegean Dignity 9290335 200527 15-10-11 Aegean Faith 9232888 200909 07-03-12 Aegean Freedom 9232876 200614 07-06-12 Anneleen Knutsen 9176929 2011126 21-11-12 Aegean Harmony 9338917 200817 31-07-11 Betty Knutsen 9172870 200114 23-11-13 Aegean Horizon 9326811 200801 13-01-11 Bodil Knutsen 9472529 2011127 17-02-12 Aegean Legend 9200964 200517 27-05-11 Elisabeth Knutsen 9131357 200116 05-07-13 Aegean Myth 9348479 200809 27-03-11 Gijon Knutsen 9313527 200620 05-11-12 Aegean Navigator 9326809 200803 30-01-11 Hanne Knutsen 9190638 200115 25-10-10 Aegean Nobility 9345441 200818 30-07-11 Karen Knutsen 9169615 200214 03-06-11 Aegean Power 9338905 200917 15-04-12 Nancy Knutsen 9020699 96001 01-03-11 Aegean Pride 9200952 200521 01-07-11 Sallie Knutsen 9169627 200216 21-07-11 Maratha 9252371 200706 12-05-13 Siri Knutsen 9247168 200443 14-11-10 MISC Berhad Bunga Akasia 9389497 201016 21-10-11 Bunga Alamanda 9389502 201017 30-10-11 9248447 200420 10-04-13 KNOT Management AS Kuwait Oil Tanker Co. S.A.K. 9282493 200912 05-11-12 Al Jabriyah II 9329708 200721 22-09-10 British Cygnet 9297345 200913 04-02-13 Al Riqqa 9534808 2011138 28-12-11 9162875 99010 06-11-11 2011059 23-08-11 British Eagle 9297371 200901 05-03-12 Al Salheia British Emissary 9315769 200904 11-06-12 Al Salmi 9534793 British Ensign 9312913 200915 16-07-10 Al Shegaya 9162887 99009 29-10-11 British Esteem 9251573 200322 09-01-13 Dar Salwa 9534779 201019 16-01-11 British Explorer 9251561 200931 15-08-13 Kazimah III 9329693 200612 30-04-12 British Falcon 9297369 200905 20-02-12 Umm Al Aish 9534781 2011021 06-06-11 British Integrity 9288758 200911 18-03-12 British Kestrel 9297357 200920 29-07-13 British Robin 9282508 200903 23-06-12 British Serenity 9288837 200906 14-01-13 British Tranquillity 9288849 200914 17-04-12 2012054 03-09-12 9236987 200305 02-12-12 Mastera 9235892 200314 08-09-12 Stena Arctica 9305556 200606 14-02-12 Tempera 9235880 200306 23-05-12 Wallem Shipmanagement Ltd Stena Antarctica 9322827 200935 09-11-12 Stena Atlantica 9322839 200934 19-05-13 9573660 2011135 11-01-12 Pacific Garnet 9573672 2011136 09-03-12 Chevron Tankers Ltd. t Sta o us n3 1- 12 20 12 200728 17-05-12 2012056 18-05-12 2012055 15-05-12 9315654 200532 25-01-13 Broog 9085651 2011005 24-11-11 Sonangol Kizomba 9203772 200515 08-08-11 Doha 9085637 2012057 14-05-12 Sonangol Luanda 9203760 200603 31-01-12 Sonangol Rangel 9575541 2012086 13-04-12 Storviken 9308065 200714 05-07-13 Erviken 9274812 200712 13-06-10 Kronviken 9321677 200705 01-07-10 Solviken 9321689 200711 25-05-13 Certificate holder / Ship name S ENI Cert. Nr. Issued Dortsman bv mcs. Dortsman 2 2330155 2011143 27-01-12 Duc in Altum b.v. ms. Duc in Altum 2331380 2011139 30-01-12 Certificate holder / Ship name ENI Cert. Nr. Issued A. de Groot Stavoren BV mts. Stad Stavoren 2334662 2012229 13-09-12 A. Goudriaan ms. Octopus 2204579 2012111 17-04-12 Addio Maritieme Logistiek mcs. Addio 2330197 2011093 14-10-11 Anaconda Tankvaart CV mts. Nerodia 2333811 2011074 13-09-11 Apollo Shipping B.V. mts. Achilles mts. Amphiro Aquateam Shipping BV mts. Aquateam Aquila Shipping BV mts. Hollandia Arese Shipping ms. Arese Argonon Shipping B.V. mts. Argonon Aruba Shipping BV mts. Aruba 2333346 2011199 29-02-12 2332862 2011200 06-02-12 Bek & Verburg B.V. ms. Invotis III ms. Invotis IV ms. Invotis V ms. Invotis VI ms. Invotis VII 05-08-11 25-01-12 07-02-12 01-03-12 2329494 2011198 13-02-12 Blonk Martiem b.v. ms. Oostenwind 01-07-11 01-07-11 01-07-11 01-07-11 22-11-11 2332230 2011124 01-12-11 Bolero Scheepsprojecten B.V. mts. Bolero VI 2333726 2011202 29-02-12 Bonaire Shipping BV mts. Bonaire 2330297 2012032 06-03-12 ENI Cert. Nr. Issued Hoeykens J-B FV mcs. Metropolis 6105155 2011098 18-10-11 Huber Shipping AG mts. Leopoldstad 6105061 2012011 10-02-12 Iduna Tankvaart VOF mts. Iduna 2332765 2011152 26-01-12 Ilitrans AG mts. Elisabethstad 6105062 2012010 16-02-12 Imperial Shipping Services GmbH dbt. Herkules XII 4003960 2012286 14-12-12 dbt. Herkules XVI 4004220 2012281 04-12-12 Inge Shipping v.o.f. ms. Inge dbk. Inge II 2331067 2011055 12-07-11 2330600 2011056 12-07-11 Inland Cargo-Line S.A. mts. Beringzee 6105293 2012165 25-06-12 Innland Tankers C.V. mts. Dechelle 2332232 2012102 06-04-12 6105020 2012031 07-03-12 Duwa B.V. mcs. Alexandra Colonia bv mts. Urgentia 2332401 2011158 02-02-12 Elay B.V. mts. Elay 2335098 2012219 29-08-12 Comanche Maritiem bv mts. Naduah 2333018 2012157 23-08-12 Evidence Tankvaart CV mts. Evidence 2333185 2011069 09-08-11 Componist Tankvaart B.V. mts. Componist 2332517 2012147 24-05-12 Fa. A.P. Verheij & Zn. ms. Johanna-M Concentus Shipping AG mts. Aswintha mts. Concentus 2332076 2012116 19-04-12 Inorodtsky Investment BV mts. Cygnet 2333398 2012126 15-05-12 2332975 2011104 25-11-11 International Slop Disposal BV mts. Hydrovac 10 2331802 2012267 06-12-12 mts. Hydrovac 11 2333112 2012268 19-11-12 Cotrano B.V. ms. Cotrans 11 ms. Cotrans 9 CT Sofia B.V. mts. Sofia Cunera CV ms. Cunera ms. Cunera II Curaçao Shipping BV mts. Curaçao CV Ancona Tankvaart mts. Ancona CV Savona Tankvaart mts. Savona Dagevos Promotion B.V. mts. Promotion Danser Group dbk. Marla mcs. MarlaDuo Danser Switzerland AG mcs. Grindelwald dbk. Mürren 2332474 2011107 06-01-12 2333017 2011108 19-12-11 2325435 2011038 01-07-11 2318494 2012177 19-07-12 2330574 2012270 19-11-12 Interstream Barging mts. Bergse Diep mts. Grevelingen mts. Haringvliet mts. Hollands Diep 2334365 2333880 2334123 2328985 Fa. J. Vlot & Zonen ms. Delta 2332657 2012283 28-12-12 Intraline S.A. mts. Noordzee 6105187 2012166 03-07-12 Fa. Rolf Bach ms. El Niño dbk. La Nina 4607710 2012254 10-12-12 4805880 2012258 10-12-12 Isis BV ms. Isis 2332311 2011151 22-12-11 J.A.J. van der List v.o.f. ms. Animar 2332008 2012042 22-03-12 J.W.P. Tankvaart B.V. mts. Joffer-Jet 2333354 2012047 21-02-12 Jansen Tankvaart bv mts. RO-VER 2333736 2012132 31-05-12 Jolanda 2 BV mts. Jolanda 2 2333747 2012247 08-11-12 Factofour B.V. mcs. Factofour 2333516 2011061 19-07-11 2330447 2011147 19-01-12 2331321 2011162 03-02-12 Fantoom BV mts. Fantoom mts. Matrix Firma Diepeveen ms. Rapitard 2330490 2012035 28-02-12 2332571 2012036 06-03-12 2331137 2012098 15-03-12 2334492 2012061 16-03-12 De Goeij Maasvallei BV ms. Maasvallei 6105039 2011039 01-07-11 Judith Tankschiffahrt AG mts. RP Zürich 2332490 2012128 06-09-12 Frederika Vaart BV mts. Fredrika 2333904 2012080 03-04-12 Kralingen B.V. mts. Calcit 11 2332886 2012159 18-06-12 Friendship Shipping bv mts. Friendship 2330121 2011224 06-02-12 2332837 2011131 06-12-11 FV Maes Gasten ms. Amberes 6105022 2012008 07-03-12 G.P. Shipping v.o.f. mts. Fellowship 2331497 2012156 15-08-12 7001731 2011218 15-02-12 7001811 2011219 15-02-12 Gebr. Werkman tanktransporten B.V. mts. Valsinni 2331636 2012216 21-08-12 2332304 2012039 09-03-12 Gloria Tankschiffahrt AG mts. RP Gent 2332952 2012129 14-05-12 De Vries Scheepvaart BV ms. Amira 2331447 2012280 10-12-12 Goba VOF ms. Lean Delero BV ms. Solare 2331449 2012110 28-03-12 Groenendaal Shipping bv mts. Groenendaal 2332234 2011142 20-01-12 6105206 2012167 20-08-12 Handelsonderneming Boersma B.V. mts. Tim 2332991 2012038 01-05-12 2332580 2011134 15-12-11 Hans Nico Tankvaart B.V. mts. Hans-Nico 2331207 2011092 03-10-11 2333812 2011129 09-01-12 2334060 2011157 30-01-12 Heros Shipping bv mcs. Heros dbk. Heros II 2332321 2012066 02-05-12 2335294 2012272 23-11-12 Chamisa-D Tankvaart BV mts. Chamisa-D 2331909 2012019 07-03-12 2332326 2012256 13-11-12 Delta-Line S.A. mts. Oostzee Deltatank AG mts. Odessa Desert tankers BV mts. Kalahari mts. Sonora 02-09-11 01-07-11 01-07-11 17-02-12 Floratrans Shipping NV mts. Floralia 2332866 2012160 19-06-12 2324035 2011053 01-07-11 2325700 2011054 01-07-11 2011089 2011041 2011042 2012002 2330686 2011090 16-09-11 2331296 2011189 19-01-12 Catharina Tankvaart B.V. mts. Catharina 2332611 2012120 25-04-12 Charisma Transport mcs. Crigee Certificate holder / Ship name 2331474 2011112 13-12-11 2334625 2012062 23-02-12 Bosch en Ooms Binnenvaart BV mcs. Friendship 2332265 2011167 12-01-12 Caruton BSO B.V. mts. CT Vienna 2334595 2012063 23-02-12 2011044 2011045 2011046 2011047 2011123 Bodewes Binnenvaart B.V. mts. Blikplaat 2332821 2012148 18-07-12 mts. Ulekrite 2333198 2012153 24-09-12 Calabria B.V. mts. Piz Performance 2334277 2011101 08-11-11 2331941 2012178 23-07-12 Binnenschiffahrt Holger Bernd Luepkes mts. Hyperion 2204724 2012180 13-08-12 2333764 2011225 08-03-12 2331690 2012046 28-02-12 6105037 2012140 14-05-12 2329951 2330183 2331573 2333117 2334352 Issued Duricha BV ms. Duricha IN Issued Bagger en overslagbedrijf M & M Heuvelman b.v. ms. Kraanvogel 2328356 2011137 03-01-12 INLAND BARGES F I LA D N 2331716 2012135 07-06-12 2333461 2012154 15-06-12 Chemcontrans AG mts. Comus 2 Befrag AG mts. Sempachersee ENI Cert. Nr. D E I G A E Dutch Cargo ms. Hyade Charlois CV mts. Charlois Bavaro AG mts. Alaska V G N I O Duo Shipping BV ms. Amaranthus Avalon Shipping ms. Avalon 2011013 18-11-11 9085613 Detlef WIRTZ Binnenschiffahrt ms. Futura 4806130 2012277 06-12-12 dbk. Matura 4806140 2012278 06-12-12 2011067 2011212 2011213 2012003 9085649 9132791 Certificate holder / Ship name Atlantic Schepen Expl. Mij. B.V. mts. Atlantic Partner 2333118 mts. Atlantic Performer 2333816 mts. Atlantic Prestige 2333489 mts. Atlantic Progress 2333566 2012060 21-05-12 Al Zubarah Al Khor T R E C Consolidated Marine Management Inc. ENI Cert. Nr. 9086746 200526 12-01-12 Tanker Pacific Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Pacific Diamond Chandris (Hellas) Inc. Certificate holder / Ship name 2012059 23-05-12 Al Wakrah Al Jasra Northern Marine Management Ltd Maersk Tankers A/S 200519 28-06-11 2012058 19-05-12 9085625 Neste Shipping Oy Kyklades Maritime Corporation 9592252 9132741 Al Wajbah Wallem Shipmanagement Norway AS Mowinckel Ship Management AS Grena British Cormorant MOL LNG Transport Co. Ltd. Al Bidda NYK LNG Shipmanagement Ltd. Maran Poseidon 2012264 23-11-12 9607710 9183647 Liteyny Prospect 9575553 Sea Star MOL LNG Transport (Europe) Ltd. Unicom Management Services (Cyprus) Ltd Sonangol Kalandula 200907 28-02-12 9125736 2011009 25-07-12 Seabravery 9381744 200816 01-11-12 2011008 22-09-11 9331672 2011010 19-09-12 Sea Legend 200530 21-10-11 9331660 Seri Balqis 9331658 98013 05-10-09 9322267 Thenamaris Ships Management Inc. MISC Berhad Seri Bijaksana 9127148 Ellinis Seri Balhaf 200508 29-07-11 Aldawha 200522 22-07-11 2011006 10-11-11 9288746 200825 24-02-12 9173721 2012100 24-05-12 9132818 Seaborn 200312 02-09-12 9291236 9086734 Zekreet 9331646 9381732 Astrea K Line Ship Management Co. Ltd. Al Rayyan Seri Begawan 9240407 Aktea Issued 200223 04-03-12 Alburaq Maersk Rosyth Cert. Nr. 9229362 201008 09-05-11 Goodwood Ship Management Pte Ltd Nissos Kythnos Certificate holder / Ship name IMO Saint Nicholas 9336983 Album BP Shipping Limited LNG CARRIERS Issued Teekay Shipping Limited New Century Arcadia Shipmanagement Co. Ltd. Cert. Nr. Amundsen Spirit Expedo Ship Management (Canada) Ltd Genmar St. Nikolas Certificate holder / Ship name IMO 97022 11-12-09 Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company Hellas Symphony Issued Maran Tankers Management Inc. Delta Tankers Ltd. Deep Blue Eagle Albany Aberdeen Cert. Nr. 2330687 2011190 13-01-12 2329443 2011191 13-01-12 2330190 2012238 05-11-12 Lehnkering Reederei GmbH mts. Auriga 4607590 mts. LRG Gas 87 2331363 mts. LRG Gas 88 2334167 mts. LRG Gas 89 2334363 2012182 2012150 2012172 2012173 02-08-12 28-06-12 03-08-12 03-08-12 Leijten Scheepvaart V.O.F. mcs. Novum 2330689 2012095 21-03-12 Luxshipping SA mcs. Euroports 6105251 2011194 27-01-12 M&M Shipping B.V.B.A. mts. New York 6105170 2011133 09-02-12 M. Remie Tankvaart B.V. mts. Scaletta 2332648 2012084 05-04-12 M.E. Sakko b.v. mts. Somtrans XXVI 2333653 2011187 09-01-12 m.t.s. Liguria BV mts. Diane 2333409 2011193 20-02-12 Maatschap Barco ms. Barco 2316367 2012040 23-04-12 Maatschap van den Hurk-Slokkers mts. Calcit 12 2334933 2012225 14-09-12 9 Certificate holder / Ship name IMO Cert. Nr. Issued Shell International Trading & Shipping Co Ltd 9431147 2012196 08-11-12 Al Ghashamiya 9397286 2012189 01-11-12 Al Ghuwairiya 9372743 2012152 11-11-12 Al Karaana 9431123 2012203 03-11-12 Al Kharaitiyat 9397327 2012187 21-11-12 Al Mafyar 9397315 2012197 02-12-12 Al Mayeda 9397298 2012144 01-12-12 Afovos 9217228 200815 09-05-08 Al Nuaman 9431135 2012205 14-11-12 Anemos 9495727 2012164 07-07-12 Al Rekayyat 9397339 2012186 14-11-12 Arkas 9486142 2012210 26-08-12 Al Sadd 9397341 2012191 04-11-12 Intuition 9471276 2012248 24-10-12 Al Samriya 9388821 2012198 12-11-12 Al Sheehaniya 9360831 2012192 25-11-12 Bu Samra 9388833 2012199 15-11-12 RTM Gladstone 9373046 201003 17-02-10 Lijmiliya 9388819 2012206 02-11-12 RTM Weipa 9341938 201001 20-02-10 Mekaines 9397303 2012200 18-11-12 Onaiza 9397353 2012207 28-11-12 Rasheeda 9443413 2012193 12-11-12 RTM Piiramu 9341926 200932 24-02-10 Shagra 9418365 2012190 29-11-12 RTM Twarra 9373034 201002 22-02-10 Umm Slal 9372731 2012202 23-11-12 RTM Wakmatha 9341914 200940 25-02-10 Zarga 9431214 2012194 05-11-12 E S G R Certificate holder / Ship name Maatschap Veni mts. Veni Maatschap Vici mts. Vici Maatschap Vidi mts. Vidi Maiden BV mts. Rina ENI Cert. Nr. Issued 2332483 2011148 20-12-11 2332462 2011153 15-12-11 2331965 2011154 31-01-12 2333775 2012124 09-07-12 2330289 2012288 27-12-12 Manouk Tanktransport B.V. mts. Manouk III 2332572 2012289 31-12-12 Maria-D B.V. mcs. Maria-D Marshal Ship B.V. dbt. Marshal MCT Lucassen ms. Lahringen dbk. Salland mcs. Transferium Mees - Patrick mcs. Aspasia Mejora Tankvaart bv mts. Mejora Merlease 6 B.V. mts. Aventura Montana VOF ms. Montana Moseltank mts. Barcelona Mountain Tankers BV mts. Dinara mts. Trivor ms Noordster BV mts. Noordster MTS Theodora B.V. mts. Theodora 2331496 2012175 16-07-12 2331730 2012236 27-09-12 2331526 2012114 19-04-12 2331290 2012113 16-04-12 2332771 2012112 16-04-12 6105036 2012065 06-03-12 2333571 2012037 08-03-12 2333406 2011097 13-10-11 2325248 2012271 03-12-12 Nerodia Tankvaart c.v. mts. Anaconda 2333347 2011156 20-01-12 2329173 2011161 09-02-12 2331876 2011160 24-01-12 2331245 2012240 11-10-12 2332059 2011109 01-11-11 2332448 2012108 08-05-12 2332193 2011094 05-10-11 NV Scheepvaartonderneming mts Incubator mts. Incubator 2335063 2012185 27-08-12 Oiltraco bv mts. Topaz Olesia B.V. mts. Duandra Orlando Vof ms. Orlando OTexDelta mts. OTD.Alpha Otterspeer Tankvaart mts. Otter Oudcomb AG mts. Oranje Nassau II mts. Oranje Nassau III 2331263 2012227 12-09-12 2334382 2012174 24-07-12 2314920 2012125 11-06-12 2329682 2011049 01-07-11 2331441 2012183 16-08-12 2331002 2012096 09-03-12 2330728 2012097 02-04-12 Pealko Transport & Logistiek Vof ms. Pealko 2330440 2011226 31-01-12 Pefki BV mcs. Rean-L Petro Shipping SA mts. Anversa Philos Shipping B.V. mts. Philos Procyon Shipping BV mts. Procyon ASP Ship Management Limited Certificate holder / Ship name Certificate holder / Ship name Quadrans III B.V. mts. Quadrans III Quadrans Shipping B.V. mts. Quadrans I mts. Quadrans II R. Somers B.V.B.A. mts. Somtrans XVI mts. Somtrans XXV Radu Shipping BV mts. Radu Rederij Combination ms. Combination Rederij de Jong B.V. dbt. Aquarius ms. Biesbosch dbt. Libra dbt. Taurus Rederij Kruiskade BV mts. Kruiskade Rederij L. van Vliet mts. Rezovar Rederij Ringoot mts. Poseidon Scheepvaartonderneming Carpe Diem vof ms. Semper Fi 2335121 2012275 27-11-12 Scheepvaartonderneming delta bv mcs. Delta 2329693 2011128 06-12-11 ENI Cert. Nr. Issued 2332887 2012089 13-04-12 2333061 2012004 01-03-12 Schotsman bv mts. Schotsman 2332526 2011179 28-03-12 2333652 2011197 09-02-12 Sendo Shipping BV mcs. Nadorias Sepang Shipping cv mcs. Bontekoe 2104793 2334968 2332645 2326799 2011125 2012181 2011068 2011065 31-08-12 16-08-12 10-08-11 03-08-11 2331458 2012122 26-04-12 23340082 2011186 07-02-12 2331118 2330132 2330240 2333003 2332484 2334940 2012030 2012029 2012027 2012028 2012026 2012261 16-02-12 06-03-12 16-02-12 06-03-12 17-04-12 13-11-12 2332449 2012094 12-03-12 v.o.f. Amesha ms. Amesha dbk. Amesha II 2331845 2012070 16-03-12 2331846 2012071 16-03-12 v.o.f. Amulet mts. Amulet 2333259 2011024 01-07-11 V.O.F. Astrakhan ms. Astrakhan dbk. Astrakhan II 2332593 2012072 28-02-12 2332594 2012073 28-02-12 Somtralux SA mts. Somtrans XV mts. Somtrans XXI mts. Somtrans XXII 2332252 2011177 03-04-12 2333400 2011183 27-01-12 2332063 2011184 26-03-12 Somtrans NV mts. Somtrans XX mts. Somtrans XXIII mts. Somtrans XXX mts. Somtrans XXXI mts. Somtrans XXXIII 2333399 2332573 2334667 2334931 2334844 Scheepvaartbedrijf Caron VOF ms. Caron 2330817 2012119 20-04-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf den Ouden & de Jong V.O.F. mcs. En Avant 2333599 2011196 02-02-12 6105349 2012228 12-09-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf J. van der Stelt cv ms. Mon Desir 2329683 2012138 30-07-12 2332857 2011060 18-07-11 Scheepvaartbedrijf Jeanine BV mts. Jeanine 2332323 2011140 05-01-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf Nesselande mts. Nesselande 2316766 2012155 29-06-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf ReBa vof mcs. Erica 2332181 2012143 13-06-12 2332358 2011211 03-02-12 2332359 2011210 03-02-12 Vof Bosman Vigila mcs. Vigila 2330242 2011100 24-10-11 2332799 2011216 02-02-12 2332800 2011217 02-02-12 2331472 2012282 28-12-12 V.O.F. Brijder-Troost ms. Passant 2331381 2012239 03-10-12 VOF C. Hovestadt ms. Sayonara v.o.f. C. Speksnijder ms. Unitas 2324875 2012092 29-03-12 vof C. Mourik Scheepvaartbedrijf ms. Deo Favente 2333026 2012091 06-04-12 v.o.f. Commander mts. Commander 2330664 2011083 25-08-11 vof Choice ms. Choice 2331536 2012005 09-03-12 vof Deo Gratias dbk. Deo Gratias ms. Deo Gratias 2330542 2011169 13-02-12 2330219 2011168 13-02-12 Vof G.C. de Jong & Zn ms. Taling 2332074 2012123 01-05-12 Vof Ingona RoRo ms. Ingona 2316588 2012081 13-03-12 VOF Kuiper/Smith mts. Nomadisch III 2333357 2011203 07-02-12 V.O.F. den Herder-Abrahamse ms. Deo Gratias 2331243 2012033 24-02-12 V.O.F. Eleveld en Bosman ms. Michaelangelo 2329759 2012043 15-02-12 v.o.f. Elisabeth ms. Vector V.O.F. Formosa ms. Formosa 2331015 2012099 27-03-12 2331202 2012115 09-07-12 v.o.f. Ger-Jan ms. Ger-Jan dbk. Ger-Jan II 2331871 2012074 08-03-12 2332510 2012075 08-03-12 vof m/s Sento ms. Sento 2329923 2011159 13-01-12 v.o.f. Grandia ms. Xena 2316825 2012006 07-03-12 VOF Marea mcs. Marea 2331459 2012025 29-03-12 v.o.f. Hego ms. Ferramenta 2324470 2012179 25-07-12 vof Marmara Scheepvaart mts. Marmara 2334311 2011132 09-02-12 v.o.f. Helena mcs. Helena 2330402 2012009 21-05-12 VOF Marsdiep mts. Serano 2331756 2012118 26-04-12 V.o.f. Immaculata ms. Immaculata 2331206 2011208 06-02-12 Vof Mer Blue ms. Mer Blue 2335071 2012279 11-12-12 v.o.f. Immanuel ms. Immanuel 2331439 2011043 01-07-11 vof Messina Scheepvaart mts. Messina 2335184 2012284 11-12-12 v.o.f. J. van der Meulen mts. Alie-Jan 2331761 2011099 19-10-11 Vof Milagro mts. Milagro 2332057 2011222 05-03-12 V.O.F. Klein-Vlap ms. Oriana 2330688 2011201 13-02-12 Vof Mimosa mcs. Promessa 2332450 2012017 02-03-12 2011182 2011185 2012168 2012276 2012231 24-01-12 28-03-12 28-06-12 06-12-12 08-10-12 V.O.F. Kortrans scheepvaartonderneming ms. Vectura 2331454 2012158 15-06-12 vof Ocean mts. Ocean 2332734 2012260 29-11-12 v.o.f. Krammer mts. Desperado 2332583 2011070 23-08-11 VOF Olesia ms. Duancis 2332192 2011105 07-11-11 V.O.F. Matthinge mcs. Matthinge 2333789 2012117 30-05-12 vof Patricia shipping mts. Patricia 2331524 2011146 20-12-11 v.o.f. Merveen ms. Mer-Green 2334510 2011091 22-09-11 VOF Peters Embregts mts. Leonardus 2332403 2011110 14-11-11 2324086 2012287 27-12-12 2332441 2011144 27-01-12 v.o.f. Myriam mts. Myriam 2333752 2011071 26-09-11 VOF RAVI ms. Ravi Stavordia BV mts. Stavordia 2332427 2011227 23-01-12 v.o.f. Nelfra dbt. Jan van Hasselt Sr. 2003581 2011048 01-07-11 VOF Scheepvaartbedrijf Stad Rotterdam mts. Stad Rotterdam 2333110 2012082 26-03-12 Steltshipping BV ms. Leendert Senior dbk. Leendert Senior II 2331755 2012076 07-03-12 2332158 2012077 07-03-12 v.o.f. Novitas ms. Novitas 2332183 2012171 15-08-12 VOF Scheepvaartbedrijf Zoey-V mts. Zoey-V 2333794 2012083 21-03-12 v.o.f. Piton ms. Onderneming 2325981 2011062 22-07-11 Vof Servus mts. Servus 2332610 2011223 07-02-12 V.o.f. s.v.b. Mariposa ms. Mariposa 2330239 2011170 15-03-12 VOF svo Focus ms. Focus 2331319 2011195 14-03-12 V.O.F. Scheepvaartbedrijf Weeltrans ms. Discovery 2332430 2012259 26-11-12 Vof svo Petran mcs. Petran 2332322 2011166 30-01-12 Vof T. Bouman ms. Fitariek 2331406 2011209 01-02-12 2332793 2012211 20-08-12 v.o.f. Scheepvaartonderneming Esperanto ms. Esperanto 3 2331837 2011084 31-08-11 dbk. Esperanto 4 2332182 2011085 31-08-11 Vof Teekman-Kruisinga ms. Ina 2332254 2012105 02-04-12 2331724 2012214 27-08-12 V.O.F. scheepvaartonderneming Veritas mcs. Fides 2331392 2012127 11-05-12 2331723 2012213 29-08-12 V.o.f. Tertia mts. Oase Storm Scheepvaart mcs. Azolla SVB Amarone B.V. mts. Amarone SVB Felicia BV mts. Felicia SVB Vanquish B.V. mts. Vanquish 2329306 2011163 31-01-12 2332868 2012218 03-09-12 2331667 2012212 29-08-12 vof van de Pol & Fransbergen ms. Pecaro 2333203 2011113 08-11-11 2332936 2012022 22-03-12 T. de Jong scheepvaartbedrijf ms. Deo Confidentes 2330120 2012101 23-03-12 V.O.F. Vita-Nova mcs. Vita-Nova Tankreederei I S.A. mts. Tourmaline 2333290 2012107 28-03-12 v.o.f. Zijlmans-Tromp mts. Rapsody 2332313 2012106 27-03-12 Vagebond VOF mcs. Vagebond 6105232 2012079 20-03-12 Valliantie Chartering BV mts. Spangen 2334366 2012255 15-11-12 Tankreederei II S.A. mts. Citrine Thalys Shipping NV mts. Eurostar Theo Pouw B.V. ms. Rosanne ms. Wessel 2331119 2012134 07-06-12 2333180 2012137 31-05-12 ThyssenKrupp Veerhaven B.V. dbt. Veerhaven III 2334855 2012021 16-03-12 (Waterbuffel) dbt. Veerhaven X (Orka) 2329273 2011086 08-09-11 dbt. Veerhaven XI 2333095 2011026 09-06-11 (Ysbeer) Tolhuis Shipping B.V. mts. Bolero IV mts. Bolero V 2332402 2011206 10-02-12 2332790 2011207 02-03-12 Triple-T Shipping BV mts. Experta 2332716 2012285 27-12-12 Tristan shipping bv mts. Tristan 2334081 2011141 30-01-12 Unibarge mts. Amistade mts. Chicago mts. Convenant mts. Gentle mts. Houston mts. Jowi mts. Melbourne mts. Midway mts. Montreal mts. Njord mts. Quebec mts. Volterra 2332451 2332788 2333235 2333184 2333236 2330211 2333687 2332444 2333685 2333237 2333686 2330212 2011115 2011077 2012048 2011087 2011072 2011066 2011079 2011082 2011080 2011078 2011064 2011076 12-08-11 17-08-11 02-03-12 07-10-11 07-09-11 05-08-11 21-10-11 09-09-11 30-08-11 12-09-11 28-07-11 21-09-11 Veerman bv mts. Veerman VOF A.C. Trouwborst ms. Grato Vof Antonius mcs. St. Antonius dbk. St. Antonius 2 2331195 2012078 30-03-12 vof van Zwol ms. Deo Volente 2332963 2011192 08-02-12 Vof Viraya mts. Viraya 2333199 2011221 09-02-12 VOF W. de Waardt en Zoon mcs. Moonlight 2332261 2012034 14-03-12 VOF Wierdsma-van der Weij ms. Nivoma 2330576 2012104 26-03-12 VOF Zijpe mts. Calcit 7 2325283 2012235 04-10-12 W. den Herder BV ms. Deo Juvante 2330445 2012093 12-03-12 Waterpoort Ctex C.V. mts. Waterpoort 2334777 2012245 09-11-12 Wijgaart B.V. mts. North Carolina mts. South Carolina 2332196 2011095 31-10-11 2332197 2011096 27-10-11 Wijgula B.V. mts. Natrona mts. Nitrico II mts. Synthese 1 mts. Synthese 15 mts. Synthese 16 mts. Theion 2315118 2005973 2325952 2329557 2334334 2320649 Zembla VOF mts. Virginia 2334383 2012064 23-02-12 Zeus Greenshipping CV mts. Zeus 2335135 2012263 13-11-12 Zuidwal Transport mts. Zuidwal 2333788 2012233 08-10-12 2332792 2012215 21-08-12 2332826 2012146 24-05-12 2329919 2011145 05-01-12 Verenigde Tankrederij B.V. mts. Copenhagen 2333268 mts. Valburg 2333617 mts. Veeningen 2332021 mts. Victoria 2327269 mts. Voerendaal 2332442 mts. Volendam 2330828 mts. Voorburg 2326275 mts. Vorstenbosch 2333564 Victrol N.V. mts. Victrol 10 VOF van Veen ms. Armira 2330203 2012176 13-08-12 Van Vlierberghe-Belinda ms. Loma 6105059 2011111 04-11-11 Vecht Tankvaart B.V. mts. Compaan 2333392 2011220 12-03-12 2331475 2011081 23-08-11 Van der Ham Scheepvaart BV mcs. Sarina 2331460 2012051 13-03-12 Vantage B.V. mts. Vantage VOF van de Pol & Stam ms. Gambler 2331793 2012230 25-09-12 2331138 2012041 30-03-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf A.A. Cornet ms. Govert Sr. 2331739 2012085 26-03-12 Vof Bjornoya dbk. Ursa Montana ms. Ursa Montana 2330052 2012234 27-09-12 2334704 2012053 23-02-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf A. de Groot en Zonen b.v. ms. Willem Antonie 2331120 2012162 17-07-12 dbk. Willem Antonie 2 2331637 2012163 17-07-12 2331196 2012045 12-03-12 Vof Bosman-de Bot ms. Millennium ms. Millennium 2 2331927 2012217 04-09-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf "INITIA" vof ms. Initia 2325641 2011118 23-11-11 VOF Benja ms. Benja 2332679 2011228 14-02-12 2332656 2011155 29-02-12 2332934 2011117 14-02-12 SVB Volante B.V. mts. Volante Scheepvaartbedrijf Jacobus BV mcs. Jacobus 2332043 2011149 10-01-12 Issued V.O.F. Brijder-Hovestadt ms. Stentor 2332264 2012226 25-10-12 Scheepvaart Onderneming Riva C.V. mts. Riva 2333491 2012251 23-10-12 ENI Cert. Nr. Star Tankers BV mts. Astra mts. Botein mts. Castor SVB Virage B.V. mts. Virage Scheepvaart Onderneming Kornet v.o.f. ms. Navigatie 2333760 2012170 05-07-12 Certificate holder / Ship name 2331511 2011057 13-07-11 6003745 2012121 23-04-12 Speelman B.V. mts. Speelman V&S Exploitatie bv ms. Papillon 2331435 2011171 26-01-12 2331877 2012133 22-05-12 Solution v.o.f. mts. Solution Issued 2331952 2012044 21-02-12 Ships Waste Oil Collector BV mts. Aqua Albis 2333388 2012049 14-03-12 Slurink Transport B.V. mts. Pouwel S ENI Cert. Nr. 2331393 2011116 18-08-11 2332329 2012253 29-10-12 2331021 2012050 05-03-12 Provider Scheepvaartbedrijf B.V. mts. Provider 2334815 2012246 30-10-12 2332651 2012023 08-03-12 Silvia Tankschiffahrt AG mts. RP Brugge 2333621 2012130 14-05-12 Scheepvaartbedrijf Forens bv mts. Forens 2333436 2011040 01-07-11 2330272 2012269 23-11-12 6105189 2012139 14-05-12 2332712 2012136 20-06-12 Reederei Deymann GmbH & Co. KG TMS Walter Deymann mts. Walter Deymann 4807460 2012020 26-03-12 Saron vof ms. Saron 2333484 2012169 07-08-12 2334792 2012052 23-02-12 Reederei Deymann GmbH & Co. KG TMS Till Deymann mts. Till Deymann 4805920 2012015 06-03-12 Saba Shipping BV mts. Saba Schubtrans AG mts. Cyrano SDS Devonia B.V. mcs. Devonia Reederei Deymann GmbH & Co. KG TMS Tanja Deymann mts. Tanja Deymann 2333403 2012018 16-05-12 mts. Tanja Deymann II 2333404 2012016 16-05-12 S.V.B. Chardonnay B.V. mts. Chardonnay Scheepvaartonderneming Zweep ms. Elmare 2332457 2012007 12-04-12 Schiffahrtbetrieb R.P.A. Schreurs mts. Illusion 4809550 2012161 09-07-12 Reederei Deymann GmbH & Co. KG TMS Marten Deymann mts. Marten Deymann 2331853 2012012 14-02-12 RP Tankschiffahrt AG mts. RP Zug Scheepvaartonderneming Zijpsche Gat C.V. ms. Zijpsche Gat 2331760 2012241 16-11-12 2331646 2012087 20-03-12 2331647 2012088 20-03-12 Reederei Deymann GmbH & Co. KG TMS Günter Deymann mts. Günter Deymann 4808080 2012013 16-05-12 Royal Tankers B.V. mts. Ariane mts. Isabella mts. Laurentien mts. Leonore mts. Marilene mts. Zaria Issued Scheepvaartonderneming Anda v.o.f. ms. Anda 2332439 2011027 09-06-11 Reederei Deymann GmbH & Co. KG TMS Bernd Deymann mts. Bernd Deymann 4807160 2012014 05-04-12 River Shipping mts. Somtrans XXIV ENI Cert. Nr. Scheepvaartbedrijf Rimado V.O.F. ms. Lansingh 2329462 2011150 23-01-12 Certificate holder / Ship name River Ouderkerk v.o.f. mts. River Niedersächische Verfrachtungsgesellschaft mbH ms. Niedersachsen 8 4002200 2012220 14-11-12 Nova Zembla V.O.F. mcs. Amazone Anglo-Eastern (UK) Limited 2332647 2011119 29-11-11 Nassaukade Tankvaart CV mts. Nassaukade 2331740 2012252 02-11-12 Navigo Maritiem BV mts. Endeavour Issued Aegean Bulk Co Inc Queste Shipping c.v. mts. Queste Mammoet Maritime B.V. slb. Spitsbergen 2310239 2012257 15-11-12 slb. Zephyrus 2718227 2012103 03-04-12 Manouk Shipping B.V. mts. Manouk II Cert. Nr. S P I H S ES D BA Certificate holder / Ship name IMO S L S E V DRY BULK CARRIERS Al Bahiya 2011037 2011114 2011122 2011120 2011121 2011214 2011215 2011050 21-06-11 16-11-11 08-12-11 08-12-11 12-12-11 06-03-12 19-04-12 15-06-11 6105078 2012184 13-08-12 2334048 2012067 20-04-12 2332899 2011164 24-01-12 2332893 2011165 24-01-12 2012221 2012151 2012142 2011025 2011073 2012141 26-09-12 05-06-12 20-06-12 09-06-11 28-09-11 15-05-12 10 CERTIFIED OFFICES OIL TANKERS CANADA Expedo Ship Management (Canada) Ltd One City Centre Drive Suite 1510 L5B 1M2, Mississauga, Ontario CYPRUS Unicom Management Services (Cyprus) Ltd Unicom Tower Maximos Plaza 2 Paparigopoulou Street 3106, Neapolis, Lemesos DENMARK Maersk Tankers A/S A.P. Møller Singapore Pte. Ltd Esplanaden 50 1098, Copenhagen K EGYPT Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company 21st Giza Street Nile Tower Building, 9th Floor, Giza FINLAND Neste Shipping Oy Keilaranta 8 02150, Espoo GREECE Arcadia Shipmanagement Co. Ltd. 8 Dragatsaniou Street 10559, Athens Chandris (Hellas) Inc. 95 Akti Miaouli 185 38, Piraeus Consolidated Marine Management Inc. 1-3 Igias & Ak. Themistokleous 185 36, Piraeus Delta Tankers Ltd. 58B Zefyrou Street Palaio Faliro 17564, Athens Kyklades Maritime Corporation Ethn. Makariou & 2 D. Falireos 185-47 N. Faliro, Piraeus Maran Tankers Management Inc. 8, Achilleos & Labrou Katsoni Street 17674-Kallithea, Athens Thenamaris Ships Management Inc. 16 Athinas & Vorreou Street Vouliagmeni 16671, Athens HONG KONG Wallem Shipmanagement Ltd 12/F Warwick House East Taikoo Place 979 King’s Road Quarry Bay, Hong Kong KUWAIT Kuwait Oil Tanker Co. S.A.K. Shuwaikh Administrative Area Block 4 Jamal Abdul Nasser Street MALAYSIA MISC Berhad Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin 50050, Kuala Lumpur NORWAY KNOT Management AS Smedasundet 40 5529, Haugesund IRAN NITC Tankers 67 & 88 Shafid Atefis Street Africa Avenue P.O. Box 19395-4833 19177, Tehran JAPAN Iino Marine Service Co. Ltd Iino Building 2-1-1 Uchisaiwaicho Chiyoda-Ku 100-0011 Tokyo Mowinckel Ship Management AS P.O. Box 4130 Sandviken 5835, Bergen Teekay Shipping Limited Verven 4 4068, Stavanger UNITED ARAB EMIRATES PORTUGAL General Maritime Management (Portugal) Lda. Largo Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, 20 3rd Floor 1200-369, Lisboa REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE UNITED KINGDOM AET Shipmanagement (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 1 HarbourFront Avenue #11-01 Keppel Bay Tower 098632, Singapore Goodwood Ship Management Pte Ltd #02-34/36 Tele Tech Park 20 Science Park Road 117674, Singapore Tanker Pacific Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 1 Temasek Avenue #38-01 Millenia Tower 039192, Singapore RUSSIAN FEDERATION Wallem Shipmanagement Norway AS Allehelgensgate 4 5016, Bergen International Tanker Management Holding Limited Executive Heights (Damac Bldg) Tecome C, Dubai BP Shipping Limited Building G Chertsey Road Sunbury on Thames Middlesex, TW16 7LN Chevron Tankers Ltd. 1 Westferry Circus London, E14 4HA Northern Marine Management Ltd Alba House 2 Central Avenue Clydebank, G81 2QR Scotland BULK LNG CARRIERS CARRIERS GREECE Aegean Bulk Co Inc 8 Dragatsaniou Str. 10559 Athens REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Goodwood Ship Management Pte Ltd #02 - 34/36 TeleTech park 20 Science Park Road, Singapore 117674 UNITED KINGDOM Anglo-Eastern (UK) Limited 144 Elliot Street Glasgow G3 8EX www.angloeasterngroup. com ASP Ship Management Limited 3rd Floor Quayside House 110 Quayside Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 3DX JAPAN “K” Line Ship Management Co. Ltd. IINO BLDG. 1-1 Uchi-Saiwaicho 2-Chome Chiyoda-Ku 100-0011 Tokyo MOL LNG Transport Co. Ltd. 2-1-1 Toranomon Minato-ku 105-0001 Tokyo NYK LNG Shipmanagement Ltd. Yusen Building 2-3-2 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku 100-1005 Tokyo Shell International Trading & Shipping Co Ltd 80 Strand, 4th Floor 446-West side London WC2R 0ZA MALAYSIA MISC Berhad Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin 50050 KUALA LUMPUR UNITED KINGDOM MOL LNG Transport (Europe) Ltd. Dexter House Royal Mint Court EC3N 4JR, London Shell International Trading & Shipping Co Ltd 80 Strand WC2R 0ZA, London JSC “Novoship” 1, Ul. Svobody 353900 Novorossisysk Some certificate holders had no certified ships yet/anymore on 31-12-2012 INCENTIVE PROVIDERS Status on the date of issue SEAGOING VESSELS PORTS BELGIUM Port of Ghent EJ. Kennedylaan 32 9042 Ghent T +32 9 251 05 50 F +32 9 251 54 06 Reductions on the ship’s tonnage. The ship’s tonnage (ST) is reduced however by: - 15% if it concerns sea-going vessels for which a valid bulk Green Award certificate can be submitted; - 20% if it concerns sea-going vessels not used for ro/ro operations or recorded in Lloyd’s Register of Shipping as “pallets carrier” for which a valid shortsea Green Award certificate can be submitted GIBRALTAR Gibraltar Port Authority North Mole P.O. Box 1179 Gibraltar GX11 1AA T +350 200 46254 F +350 200 51513 5% reduction in tonnage dues for all Green Award certified vessels entering BGTW (British Gibraltar Territorial Waters) and calling at the Gibraltar Port. LATVIA Freeport of Riga Authority 10% discount on port dues 12 Kalpaka blvd for oil tankers Riga, LV-1010 T +371 67030800 F +371 67030835 LITHUANIA Klaipeda State Seaport Authority 20% discount on waste J. Janonio 24 reception facilities Klaipeda, 92251 T +370 46 49 96 00 F +370 46 49 97 77 NEW ZEALAND CANADA Port of Montreal Port of Montreal Building All Green Award certified 2100 Pierre-Dupuy Avenue vessels are granted 10% fee reduction on port dues. Wing 1, Montreal Quebec H3C 3R5 T +1 514 283 7011 F +1 514 283 0829 Port of Sept-Iles 1 Quai Mgr-Blanche Sept-Iles, Quebec G4R 2P2 T +1 418 968-1231 F +1 418 962-4445 Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe 999 Canada Place Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3T4 T +1 604 665-9000 F +1 866 284-4271 The Port Sept-Iles, Quebec, Canada gives a 10% discount on harbor dues only to all GA certified vessels from 01-01-2012 23.4% savings over the basic harbour dues rate for oil tankers and bulk carriers. Port Metro Vancouver recognizes Green Award certified vessels as eligible at the Bronze level under the EcoAction program. CentrePort Wellington Harbour Quays P.O. Box 794 Wellington 6140 T +64 4 495 3800 F +64 4 495 3820 Port Nelson P.O. Box 844 Nelson T +64 3 548 2099 F +64 3 546 9015 Port Taranaki Ltd P.O. Box 348 New Plymouth 4340 T +64 6 751 02 00 F +64 6 751 08 86 3% of the port’s Marine Services Charge (MSC) for bulk carriers and oil tankers Starting 1 December 2009, the port offers a 5% discount off tariff price for marine services for all tankers and bulk carriers certified by Green Award 5% premium on the port fees for any Green Award ship SULTANATE OF OMAN Sohar Industrial Port Company 5% rebate on port dues for P.O. Box 9 tankers 327 Sohar T +998 2685 2700 F +968 2685 2701 PORTUGAL Administração do Porto de Sines SA 5% premium on Tariff of Apartado 16 port use (TUP) for Crude EC Sines oil/Product Tankers 7521-953 Sines T +351 269 86 0600 F +351 269 86 0690 Administração dos Portos Apartado 3004 4451-851 Leça da Palmeira T +351 22 999 0700 F +351 22 999 0701 Port of Amsterdam P.O. Box 19406 1000 GK Amsterdam T +31 20 523 45 00 F +31 20 620 98 21 Port of Dordrecht P.O. Box 6622 3002 AP Rotterdam All commercial shipping is controlled by the Port of Rotterdam Authority T + 31 10-252 10 00 F + 31 10-252 16 00 VHF channel 14 6% premium on the port fees for Crude oil/Product Tankers and for Cargo Bulk Carriers 6% premium on the port fees for Crude oil/Product Tankers Port of Sines do Douro e Leixões 3% premium on Tariff of port use (TUP) for Crude oil/Product Tankers Administração do Porto de Setúbal 3% premium on Tariff of Praça da República port use (TUP) for Crude 2904-508 Setúbal oil/Product Tankers T +35 1265 54 2000 F +35 1265 23 0992 SOUTH AFRICA National Ports Authority of South Africa: Richards Bay, Durban, East London, Port Elisabeth, Mossel Bay, Cape Town, Saldanha 10% port dues rebate P.O. Box 32696 for Crude oil/Product Braamfontein 2017 Tankers in all South T +27 11 351 90 01 African national ports if F +27 11 351 90 23 not enjoying a 5% rebate www.transnetnationalin terms of double-hulled/ SBT scheme. THE NETHERLANDS 6% premium on the port fees for Crude oil/Product Tankers INLAND SHIPPING PORTS OTHER BELGIUM Port of Ghent John Kennedylaan 32 Haven 3000 A B-9042 Ghent T + 32 9 251 05 50 F + 32 9 251 54 06 FRANCE 10% discount on the port dues BELGIUM Euroshore International Buro & Design Center Esplanade 1 5th Floor 1020 Brussels All members of Euroshore, the association of port reception facilities, provide a 5% discount in 9 countries. FRANCE JLMD Ecologic Group 26 Boulevard Malesherbes 75008 Paris T +33 1 43 12 59 00 F +33 1 58 18 31 53 All Green Award certified ships are entitled to a 10% discount on the standard engineering costs for the service provided by JLMD E. Group for the Fast Oil Recovery System GERMANY GAUSS mbH Institute for and Safety in Shipping Werderstraße 73 28199 Bremen T +49 421 59054850 F +49 421 59054851 ABN AMRO Bank reimburses - 25% of the annual Green Award fees for the vessels that are financed by ABN AMRO, and - 25% of the Green Award office audit fees for the (shipping) companies that are a client of ABN AMRO Dirkzwager’s Coastal & Deepsea Pilotage P.O. Box 14 5% premium on published 3140 AA Maassluis tariff T +31 10 593 16 00 F +31 10 592 57 67 ProSea Foundation P.O. Box 428 3500 AK Utrecht T +31 30 230 00 77 F +31 30 232 17 55 10% discount on the fee for the Marine Awareness Courses. Environmental Protection 7% discount on all fees for advanced training courses, seminars and events to employees of shipping companies and ships GREECE SQE Marine Group 2 Afentouli street 185 36 Piraeus T +30 210 4520410 F +30 210 4520182 ABN AMRO Bank Coolsingel 93 3012 AE Rotterdam T + 31 10 40 15 123 F + 31 10 40 15 323 Green Award members are entitled to a 10% discount on all IBS Marine Group products and services such as QHSE & SMS Consulting, Shipboard Documentation, QHSE Training Seminars, Computer Based Training and Software Products International Slop Disposal (ISD) B.V. NATURE Group 5% discount on ship Torontostraat 20 generated waste collection 3197 KN Rotterdam (bilge water and/or sludge) T +31 181 291 144 for Green Award ships Ship Spares Logistics B.V. Bunschotenweg 115 3089 KB Rotterdam Portnr 2678 T +31 10 429 8322 2,5% discount on services for Green Award ships. Ship spare logistics and warehousing EcoScrub Solutions B.V. NATURE Group Solutions for emission Torontostraat 20 problems. 5% discount on 3197 KN Rotterdam services for Green Award T +31 181 291 144 vessels MeteoGroup All Green Award certified P.O. Box 617 ships are entitled to 6700AP Wageningen - 50% discount on the T +31 317 39 98 00 initial software licence F +31 317 42 31 64 fee of the SPOS - 5% discount on the published full price list of the annual weather subscription fee for the SPOS The above discounts are only for the vessels of Companies which have the Green Award certificate and not for all the vessels of a Company UNITED KINGDOM George Hammond Plc Aycliffe Business Centre (1st floor) Archcliffe Road Dover, Kent CT17 9EL T +44 130 424 83 25 F +44 130 424 03 74 www.georgehammond. regs4ships Ltd Digital House Kemps Quay Quayside Road Southampton, SO18 1AD T +44 2380 988 631 F +44 2380 228 029 5% rebate of the pilotage element of the tariff of Hammond Deepsea Pilots. Green Award members are entitled to a 10% discount on all regs4ships products and services such as Digital Maritime Regulations, Training and Consultancy. JLMD Ecologic Group 26 Boulevard Malesherbes 75008 Paris France T +33 1 43 12 59 00 THE NETHERLANDS All Green Award certified ships are entitled to a 10% discount on the standard engineering costs for the service provided by JLMD E. Group for the Fast Oil Recovery System THE NETHERLANDS Groningen Seaports: Eemshaven and Delfzijl 5% discount on the port P.O. Box 20004 dues 9930 PA Delfzijl T +31 596 64 04 00 F +31 596 63 04 64 www.groningen-seaports. com Moerdijk Port Authority OTHER Zeeland Seaports: Vlissingen, Terneuzen P.O. Box 132 6% premium on the port 4530 AC Terneuzen fees for Crude oil/Product T +31 115 64 74 00 Tankers and bulk carriers F +31 115 64 75 00 Administração do Porto de Lisboa 5% premium on Tariff of Rua da Junqueira, 94 port use (TUP) for Crude 1349-026 Lisboa oil/Product Tankers T +35 121 361 1000 F +35 121 361 1005 Moerdijk Port Authority P.O. Box 17 4780 AA Moerdijk T +31 168 38 88 88 F +31 168 38 88 99 THE NETHERLANDS Port of Rotterdam 6% premium on the port P.O. Box 6622 fees for Crude oil/Product 3002 AP Rotterdam Tankers and LNG carriers T +31 10 252 10 10 F +31 10 252 10 20 P.O. Box 17 4780 AA Moerdijk T +31 168 38 88 88 F +31 168 38 88 99 15% discount on the port dues Municipality of Bergen op Zoom 5% discount on the port P.O. Box 35 4600 AA Bergen Op Zoom dues T +31 164 27 74 95 Ondernemer/Haven Municipality of Meppel P.O. Box 501 7940 AM Meppel T +31 522 85 05 00 F +31 522 85 05 80 6% discount on the port dues Ports of Dordrecht, Zwijndrecht and Papendrecht 20% discount on waste P.O. Box 6622 reception facilities 3002 AP Rotterdam All commercial shipping is controlled by the Port of Rotterdam Authority T + 31 10-252 10 00 F + 31 10-252 16 00 Port of Rotterdam 15% discount on the port P.O. Box 6622 dues 3002 AP Rotterdam T +31 10 252 10 10 F +31 10 252 10 20 Port of Utrecht P.O. Box 16200 3500 CE Utrecht T +31 30 286 00 00 30% discount on the port dues Zeeland Seaports: Vlissingen and Terneuzen 10% discount on the port P.O. Box 132 dues 4530 AC Terneuzen T +31 115 64 74 00 F +31 115 64 75 00 ABN AMRO Bank Coolsingel 93 3012 AE Rotterdam T + 31 10 40 15 123 reimbursement of 50% of the certification costs to inland shipping clients of the bank Rabobank Altena P.O. Box 60 4286 ZH Almkerk T +31 183 50 76 00 bedrijven/lokalebanken/ altena/ reimbursement of 50% of the certification costs to inland shipping clients of the bank Rabobank Krimpenerwaard reimbursement of 50% of P.O. Box 19 2920 AA Krimpen aan den the certification costs to inland shipping clients of IJssel the bank T +31 182 32 27 00 bedrijven/lokalebanken/ krimpenerwaard/ Rabobank Merwestroom P.O. Box 33 3370 AA HardinxveldGiessendam T +31 184 67 31 11 bedrijven/lokalebanken/ merwestroom/ Rabobank Oosterschelde P.O. Box 33 4460 AA Goes T +31 113 24 84 00 bedrijven/lokalebanken/ oosterschelde/ Rabobank Shipping P.O. Box 10017 3004 AA Rotterdam T +31 10 400 37 00 reimbursement of 50% of the certification costs to inland shipping clients of the bank reimbursement of 50% of the certification costs to inland shipping clients of the bank reimbursement of 50% of the certification costs to inland shipping clients of the bank Zicht Insurance and risk advisors € 200 reimbursement of P.O. Box 170 5201 AD ‘s-Hertogenbosch the certification costs T +31 73 548 55 00 11 FINANCIAL REPORT BALANCE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES as at 31 December 2012 (in Euro’s) for the year ended 31 December 2012 (in Euro’s) 2012 2011 Tangible fixed assets 22.138 27.011 202.502 176.805 4.357 11.300 Accounts receivable and prepaid expenses 132.102 Cash at bank and in hand 954.334 Total current assets T Training expenses T 19.400 6.043 175.660 Accommodation expenses 50.935 49.994 910.519 General expenses 130.212 160.720 Travel and representation expenses T 159.185 157.267 Research 41.253 69.787 Depreciation 11.665 12.689 1.293.295 1.274.284 103.300 141.270 Wage Tax W 31.283 29.832 427.243 453.422 and accrued expenses Total net assets T 1.341.508 838.328 Creditors Net current assets 1.422.413 945.579 Personnel expenses Less: Current liabilities Received annual fees in advance Certification fees Expenses Current assets Value added tax V 2011 Income Fixed assets Debtors 2012 561.826 624.524 731.469 649.760 753.607 676.771 676.771 614.952 76.836 61.819 753.607 676.771 1.358.229 1.294.828 Surplus on activities 64.184 46.680 Interest 12.652 15.139 Surplus after interest 76.836 61.819 Surplus for the year 76.836 61.819 Financed by: Accumulated fund Surplus for the year Total funds ACCOUNTING POLICIES USED FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Tangible fixed assets residual value over time are treated as changes in accounting estimates. Tangible fixed assets in use by the company Depreciation Tangible fixed assets in use by the company are carried at the cost of acquisition or production (less any investments grants) net of accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. Costs of major maintenance are recognized under cost when incurred and if the recognition criteria are met. The carrying amount of the components to be replaced will be regarded as a disposal and taken directly to the profit and loss account. All other repair and maintenance costs are taken directly to the profit and loss account. Depreciation is calculated on a straightline basis over their expected useful economic lives, taking into account their residual value. Changes in the expected depreciation method, useful life and/or Office furniture, ICT and other related equipment 10 – 20 – 30 %. Cash at bank and in hand Cash and cash equivalents are carried at their face value. Other assets and liabilities All other assets and liabilities are stated at the amounts at which they were acquired or incurred. Income and expense Turnover is accounted for in the year in which the services are rendered. Other income, costs and expenses are allocated to the year to which they relate. Losses are accounted for in the year in which they are identified. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT The accompanying summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at December 31, 2012, the summary statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited financial statements of Green Award Foundation for the year ended December 31, 2012. We expressed an unqualified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated 22 April 2013. Those financial statements, and the summary financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial statements. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Dutch law including the Dutch Standards on Auditing describe financial reporting framework applied in the preparation of the audited financial statements of the entity. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Green Award Foundation. Management’s responsibility Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements on the bases described as set out in the financial statements. Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Dutch law, including the Dutch Standards on Auditing 810 “Engagements to report on summary financial statements”. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements derived from the audited financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the accounting policies selected and disclosed by the entity, as set out in the financial statements. Rotterdam, 4 June 2013 Ernst & Young Accountants LLP signed by W.H. Borsje 12 GREEN AWARD IN A NUTSHELL ~ A B O U T T H E G R E E N AWA R D F O U N DAT I O N ~ By rewarding high safety and environmental standards in shipping, Green Award makes above standard ship operation economically more attractive. The Green Award certification scheme is open to crude oil and product tankers, dry bulk carriers, LNG carriers, chemical tankers and inland barges. The Green Award procedure is carried out by the Bureau Green Award, the executive body of the independent non-profit Green Award Foundation. The certification procedure consists of an office audit and an audit of each individual ship applying for certification. Amongst many others, the assessment focuses on crew, operational, environmental and managerial elements. At ports in Belgium, Canada, Gibraltar, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa and the Sultanate of Oman the Green Award vessels receive a considerable reduction on port dues. Private companies also appreciate the extra quality which Green Award guarantees. Several incentive providers, government institutions as well as private companies, grant savings to a vessel with a Green Award certificate, which subject to annual verification, is valid for three years. Design:, Henk Knoeff Photos on pages 1, 2, 4 , 6, 8, 9, 10 (Bulk and LNG) and 11 (bottom page) Ed Seeder, Heerhugowaard Print: Ando, The Hague AMBITION Green Award is to drive the highest standards in environmental performance and safety in shipping MISSION To identify, recognize and motivate for environmentally responsible shipping through operating a non-profit certification scheme that assesses the safety and environmental performance using criteria in the following areas: • Ship lay-out and equipment • Quality of the organisation/management • Human factor • Continuous improvement THE ORGANISATION Committee • P. Struijs (Chairman) • H. Psaraftis (Chairman as of the end of 2013) • D. Cotterell, OCIMF • D. Hodgson, IACS • P.W. Mollema, Port of Rotterdam • L.R. Pedersen, BIMCO • P.M. Swift, INTERTANKO • A. Clifton, SIGTTO Board of Experts • C.J. Parker, The Nautical Institute (Chairman) • D.J. Patraiko, The Nautical Institute (Chairman as of the end of 2013) • P. Alkema, Port of Amsterdam • A.M.M.A. Al Mulla, Qatargas • R.M. Boudiette, SIGTTO • A. Gour, INTERTANKO • D. Jones, INTERCARGO • E. Leemans, North Sea Foundation • K. Lumbers, UK P&I Club • J. Post, Post & Co. (P&I) • Mrs. C. Prekezes, HELMEPA • J.B. Robertson, US Coast Guard • H. Snaith, CDI • R. Tieman, Deltalinqs Board of Appeal • E.A. Bik LL.M. • G.J.W. Smallegange LL.M. • A.N. van Zelm van Eldik LL.M. Bureau Green Award • J.A.A.J. Fransen, Managing Director • Mrs. M.K. Struijk, Deputy Managing Director • P.C. van Hattum, Team Leader survey Department • T. van Ginkel, Surveyor • A.R. den Heijer, Surveyor • H. Hoogerbeets, Surveyor • W. Smit, Surveyor • W. van Gils, Inspector Inland Shipping • F. de Leeuw van Weenen, Inspector Inland Shipping • J. van Nieuwland, Inspector Inland Shipping • Mrs. C.E.M. Baijens-Bosman, Project assistant inland shipping • Ms. Y. Diyakonova, Project and management assistant • N.S. Harinder, Research officer • K. Shinohara, Certification manager • Mrs. A.M. Weteling-Wally, Bookkeeper • Ms. K. Zmijowska, Research and certification assistant Green Award Foundation P.O. Box 23107, 3001 KC Rotterdam Street address: Veerkade 2, 3016 DE Rotterdam the Netherlands T + 31 10 21 70 200, Status on date of issue
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