innovations build new markets
innovations build new markets
HARTING’s Technology Newsletter 12 INNOVATIONS BUILD NEW MARKETS PROF. DR. BULLINGER: TAKING THE LEAD WITH INNOVATIONS _ PARTNERS IN INNOVATION _ SWITCH TECHNOLOGY _ IN-BETWEEN ETHERNET SWITCH ESC 67-30 _ CONVERGING OFFICE AND INDUSTRIAL NETWORKS _ HARTING‘S COOPERATION WITH LPKF _ APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES _ NO HALFWAY MEASURES _ RUGGED ETHERNET TECHNOLOGY FOR CLEAN WATER _ WIND POWER PLANTS SEE THE LIGHT _ CONNECTION RELIABLE AS STEEL _ THE SIEMON COMPANY AND HARTING COLLABORATE _ OBSAI _ CAB RADIO SYSTEMS _ HAN-CONNECTORS USED BY CERN _ AUTOMATED BAGGAGE HANDLING _ HAN-MODULAR INSERTS IN TRAIN COUPLING DEVICES _ PRESSING ARGUMENTS _ HARTING FAIR ATTENDANCES 2004 _ PICMG-AMC HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 HARTING’s Technology Newsletter 12 INNOVATIONS BUILD NEW MARKETS PROF. DR.-ING. BULLINGER: VORSPRUNG DURCH INNOVATION_PARTNER FÜR INNOVATION_SWITCH TECHNOLOGIE INBETWEEN ETHERNET SWITCH ESC 67-30_BÜRO- UND INDUSTRIENETZWERKE WACHSEN ZUSAMMEN_HARTINGS KOOPERATION MIT LPKF_APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES_KEINE HALBEN SACHEN_ROBUSTE ETHERNET TECHNOLOGIE FÜR SAUBERES WASSER HARTING SORGT FÜR SICHERHEIT_CONNECTION FIRM AS STEEL_HARTING AND THE SIEMON COMPANY COLLABORATE OBSAI_CAB RADIO SYSTEMS_HAN-CONNECTORS USED BY CERN_AUTOMATED BAGGAGE HANDLING_HAN MODULAR INSERTS IN TRAIN COUPLING DEVICES_PRESSING ARGUMENTS_HARTING FAIR ATTENDANCES 2004_PICMG-AMC people | power | partnership HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 INNOVATIONS BUILD NEW MARKETS The twelfth issue of tec.News, our technology magazine, reports on the ways in which innovations are utilized in actual, real world customer applications. Consequently our current title is “Innovations build new markets”. We are covering application fields ranging from steel mills and water treatment plants, to factory automation solutions and the evolution of Ethernet from the office world to the manufacturing area and on to the fields of railway technology and telecommunications. In addition, our present issue is showcasing topics such as wind energy, new microtechnology techniques and the design and production of printed circuit boards. In addition to looking into the pros and cons of switch technology in Industrial Ethernet solutions, the latest issue of our magazine is rounded off by a presentation of our expertise in the manufacture of tools and special purpose machines. We are especially pleased to be featuring Professor Hans-Jörg Bullinger, the President of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, whose article “Taking the lead with innovations” calls for a new innovation culture. As dialogue partners of German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, Professor Bullinger and Dietmar Harting, together with many other policy makers, members of the business community and major associations have, since the beginning of 2004, been discussing the issues of creating the basic conditions and an environment that will enable and promote the continuous creation of innovations. The vital issues of innovation – our cover story – hold more critical significance than ever before. W. Padecken Chief Editor 2 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 C o n t e n t s Contents EDITORIAL Innovations build new Markets _4 GUEST CONTRIBUTION Taking the Lead with Innovations _6 TECHNOLOGY Partners in Innovation advise the Federal Chancellor: Dietmar Harting attends Innovation Summit _10 Switch Technology: The magic Formula for Industrial Ethernet _16 Rugged Ethernet Technology for clean Water _22 A feed through Connection: In-between Ethernet Switch ESC 67-30 _24 Converging Office and industrial Networks _42 Success with the small and fine: Micro Packaging Solutions from harting are strengthened by Cooperation with LPKF _46 No halfway Measures _48 Applied Technologies – Projecting the Future _53 INTERNATIONAL The Siemon Company and harting collaborate on Factory Automation Solution _12 Connections reliable as Steel _14 OBSAI – Enabling an open Market for Base Station Modules _26 Cab Radio Systems, easy to use, easy to maintain _32 Han-Modular® inserts in Train Coupling Devices _34 Wind Power Plants see the Light _36 Technology Group supports Technology Activities _38 Pressing Arguments: Backplane Assembly as next Module for Technology Approach _50 STANDARDS PICMG-AMC – harting parecon® Technology leads the Way _28 APPLICATION Automated Baggage Handling with intelligent Connections _40 FAIRS harting Fair Attendances 2004 _55 Publication details. Published by: harting KGaA, M. Harting, P.O. Box 11 33, 32325 Espelkamp (Germany), Phone +49 5772 47-0, Fax: +49 5772 47-400, Internet: | Chief Editor: W. Padecken | Vice Chief Editor: Dr. H. Peuler | Editor: K. Jording | Overall coordination: Public Relations and Communication Department, W. Padecken | Editorial Adviser: Bickmann & Collegen Unternehmensberatung, Hamburg | Design and Layout: Contrapunkt, Berlin | Production and printing: Druckerei Meyer GmbH, Osnabrück | Circulation: 20.000 copies worldwide (German and English) | Source: If you are interested in obtaining this newsletter on a regular basis, free of charge, contact your nearest harting branch, your harting sales partner or one of the local harting distributors. You can also order tec.News online at | Reprints: Complete reprints and excerpts of contributions are subject to approval in writing by the Editor. This also applies to input into electronic databases and reproduction on electronic media (e. g. CD-ROM and Internet). | All product designations used are trademarks or product names belonging to harting KGaA or other companies. | Despite careful editing it is not possible to completely rule out printing errors or changes to product specifications at short notice. For this reason harting KGaA is only bound by the details in the appropriate catalogue. Printed by an environmentally friendly method on paper bleached entirely without chlorine and with a high proportion of recycled paper. © 2004 by harting KGaA, Espelkamp. All rights reserved. 3 S p e c i a l t o p i c EDITORIAL Dr. Joachim Belz Innovations build new Markets Dear tec.News Readers, With technological leadership and new, innovative products In order to function as an engine of growth, innovation must be Germany will reclaim its foremost position among the lead- brought to bear in equal measure on manufacturing procedures ing industrial nations. On this point, economic and research and processes, logistics, sales and marketing, the utilisation of policy makers agree wholeheartedly with many decision mak- information technology, the pragmatic application of knowledge ers and CEOs in the industrial field. Naturally, it is the task of and not least on the framework of conditions put in place by gov- industry to implement these bold demands for technology and ernments. An innovative product is consequently the end result of innovation in the form of new and competitive products. The a process of innovation that comprises both internal and external necessity for politicians to put the right framework in place is factors and not only involves development engineers, but all those self-evident. This tec.News editorial is not, however, the place who contribute to or are in a position to influence the value chain to pursue this aspect of the discussion. as a whole. Such demands for innovation, however, must be viewed in the Allow me instead to elaborate on the terms ‘technology’ and following context. Innovation becomes a dangerous end by it- ‘innovation’. Modern economies derive their specific powers of self if it is not measured against planned market success. Such innovation on the one hand from the systematic exploitation of success will not be forthcoming unless innovative products are a constantly developing, scientifically founded knowledge base, geared to customer benefits and the actual needs of individuals. and on the other from the positive effect of competition within Consequently, technological progress and innovation derive their a market-directed economy. Technology in the meaning of the existence and substance directly from the world we live in, a world availability and application of knowledge, skills and abilities that can only be improved through constant process of reciprocal to manufacture products is a basic prerequisite for innovative interaction. developments. By now it should generally be accepted that innovations can only Yet the all too frequent practice of restricting innovation exclu- have a stimulating effect on national economic growth provided sively to products is inadequate and misleading. that other links in the value chain – apart from development – also 4 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 remain competitive. First and foremost among these must be tions, to find them and implement them in the form of products manufacturing. In order to be competitive, the process of creating and services. We adapt our technology portfolio, as well as the value must itself be innovative and deliver innovative products. technologies we access via networks, to reflect the needs of our Clearly, innovation cannot be defined exclusively in terms of tech- customers and their applications and create new solutions. This nology, but is decisively determined by applications, markets and process frequently goes hand in hand with necessary changes or industries that in turn have a strong technological character. innovations in internal processes all along the value chain. In summary, innovation in this sense is always synonymous This issue of tec.News once again offers you detailed insight into with entrepreneurial dynamics, the search for viable alterna- the diversity of innovation practiced by harting. The products and tives, proximity to customers, and the transformation of leaps of services developed in close cooperation with our customers are to knowledge into new processes and marketable successful products be found in applications ranging from environmentally friendly and services. wind energy and water treatment plants to modern logistics sys- It is precisely these fields of activity that the harting Technology tems and future-proof data transmission systems. Group perceives to be of primary importance for its individual We, the harting Technology Group, are implementing the demands divisions. The technology portfolio extends from basic techniques for leading edge technology and innovation – to the benefit of our such as injection moulding, die-casting, precision pressing and customers, the success of our own company, and not least as a galvanising through to the key areas of software development, contribution towards local corporate citizenship in more than 20 circuit engineering, PCB design and high-flexibility component countries around the globe. insertion, as well as future-oriented Laser Direct Structuring (LDS) and opto-electronics data transfer for high speed communication in optical networks. With these tools at their disposal, our staff daily address the challenges presented by our customers to seek out innovative solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s applica- Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Belz Senior Vice President New Technologies HARTING Führungs AG 5 S p e c i a l 6 t o p i c GUEST CONTRIBUTION HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jörg Bullinger Taking the Lead with Innovations The famous British physicist Michael Faraday, when asked tion, we are teetering on the brink of mediocrity. Not because we by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to explain the object of have got worse, but because others have become better. his experiments, replied laconically: “Sir, one day you will be able to tax it!” It would be hard to put it more succinctly: Only The present crisis in which Germany finds itself is above all a cri- when new value is created can the state increase its income. sis of innovation, in economic, administrative and political terms. The importance of innovation for prosperity and employment The sustained economic downturn and the collapse of the Neuer in Germany is summed up in the formula which states that Markt have resulted in a far-reaching sense of insecurity. Many “research turns money into knowledge, whereas innovation companies are crippled by the fear of making mistakes, while turns knowledge into money”. Innovations are the force politics is hampered by the fear of scaring off the electorate. In which drives the economy. both cases, there is a lack of courage, imagination and the ability to instigate change and see it through. The pressure to innovate Germany was once regarded as the homeland of inventors, crea- is growing steadily, and the questions we must ask are growing tive thinkers and improvement obsessed engineers and tinkerers: ever more urgent: Have we become too contended, too lethargic, The names of many German inventors are remain alive today by too inflexible? the companies they founded – among them Siemens, DaimlerChrysler and Bosch. There was a time when Germany was the Besides the urgent need to change the terms of reference within research laboratory, pharmacy and workbench of the world. The which we operate, we also need to launch an innovation offensive phrase “Made in Germany” was a byword for high quality and on a broad front. The power to instigate political, economic and cutting edge technology. Nowadays, other countries are setting administrative change can only be mustered by working in con- standards which we struggle to keep up with. Since the early cert. It is essential that we mobilize the most creative minds and 90’s, Germany has fallen behind on several fronts. We have been the most agile entrepreneurs. An innovation offensive will not unable since then to improve on our position as the country with only open up new economic perspectives, but will point the way the lowest economic growth in the European Union. Worldwide out of Germany’s identity crisis. comparative studies such as the PISA report on education and investigations into technological performance capabilities have At last, we can look forward to some growth, albeit at a low level. ruthlessly laid bare the fact that in terms of research and educa- And we are not quite as bad as we protest to be. However, we must 7 not allow positive signals to lull us into a sense of false security. Korea 2.7 and Switzerland with 2.7 percent. If our investment in Some marginal growth in Germany’s economy is far from suf- research remains mediocre, then we will achieve no more than ficient. Our companies are better than the location in which they mediocre results in the long term. Other industrialized countries are doing business. Worse still, German companies are working have consistently increased their research spending. From 2000 hard to improve their competitiveness – at the expense of Germa- to 2002, Sweden increased its expenditure on research by 30 ny itself. Despite healthy balance sheets, companies continue to percent. The USA invested 25 percent more and even recession- cut jobs in Germany and expand abroad. Cutting costs alone will plagued Japan hiked its spending by 15 percent. Over the same not make businesses in Germany competitive, they must counter period, Germany managed an increase of just six percent. the challenge from low-wage countries with innovations – with new products, processes and services. In brief, we must make The EU will only achieve its ambitious aim of becoming the most better products for which consumers are prepared to pay a higher competitive economic area in the world by 2010 and increasing price. For a high wage country such as the Germany, there is no research spending to 3 percent of GDP if there is a significant alternative. If we wish to enjoy a significantly higher standard of increase in outlay. That goes for industry as well, as industry ac- living than in countries such as Malaysia or Brazil, then we must counts for two thirds of all research and development spending. make things and do things which these countries cannot offer. We must make up our minds whether we want to lead the field, or simply be an also-ran. The power of German industry to innovate has withered. Last year only 53 percent of companies presented new technical Increasing globalization puts companies under steadily growing innovations. By comparison, from 1997 to 2000 the figure was pressure to innovate. The majority of small and medium-sized en- just under 60 percent. The only sector to increase its pace of in- terprises have discontinued research activities in the meantime. novation was the automobile industry. The balance between new The longer companies ignore or postpone investments in new products and those at the end of their life cycle is the worst since technologies, the more their achievement potential and their com- 1982. However, what is particularly worrying is the fact that over petitiveness will suffer. Only those players who put money into half of all companies – based on their own data – are operating in research and development during the crisis will have sufficient stagnating or shrinking markets. According to a current study by attractive products ready when the economy resurges. The abil- the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW), the German economy ity to innovate, however, is the key competence required by any is focused on products whose markets show disproportionately business enterprise aiming to hold its own in the world market. low growth rates. Yet companies are finding it harder and harder to persevere with such long-term strategies in the face of shareholder demands for In many areas we have lost the technological lead. There remain short-term returns. but a few rays of hope, such as the automobile industry and mechanical engineering, that continue to be lead markets. The As the financial markets acquire an increasingly global character frightening fact is that when it comes to the dynamically growing and the global economy knits together, the process of “creative technologies of the future, we are being left behind. For years destruction”, as Schumpeter so aptly summed up innovation, is we have been living off our capital and investing too little in the becoming ever more dynamic. Revolutionary business models are future. destroying traditional corporate structures, while old and ponder- Education, science, research and technology are the foundations The only option open to companies unwilling to be overwhelmed that underpin Germany’s position in international competition by this development is to hurl themselves into a process of change ous concerns are being swallowed up by aggressive newcomers. and provide a basis for prosperity and employment. Germany will at least as rapid and rigorous as that embraced by the capital mar- be risking its ability to survive in the future if it does not invest kets which head off in pursuit of the highest returns regardless significantly more in research and education. The 2.5 percent of of the consequences. This compels companies to promote high- GDP that Germany expended on research in 2002 put us in 7 th place behind Sweden with 3.9, Finland 3.7, Japan 3.0, USA 2.8, 8 return areas of business and shed those that are less profitable. They must adopt the advantages of their young challengers. HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 An essential prerequisite is a culture of innovation at both societal and corporate levels. New ideas need an innovation-friendly environment if they are to develop to full effect. We must not simply demand creativity, we must promote it. The ability of a country to compete and innovate is to a large extent dependent on a highly qualified, motivated workforce. Creative minds are the only raw material which Germany has at its disposal. And now the most important resource which the knowledge-based society of the future can call on threatens to run short as fewer and fewer young people opt for technical or scientific careers. We must make better use of the available potential and offer the new generation the kind of development opportunities which match up to even the highest international standards. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is supporting the offensive aimed at strengthening Germany by a wealth of activities. The 12 leadingedge innovations which we presented at the beginning of the year 2004 provide concrete examples of the areas of research which will in our view offer the best prospects for German industry in the years to come. Recognizing and utilizing trends is one thing. The other important task is to heighten the pace of innovation. Success is reserved for those who are the first to turn ideas into marketable products. Once, German firms could enjoy an extended advantage in terms of product quality and technological Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jörg Bullinger know-how. Nowadays their competitors are able to imitate suc- President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft cessful products and marketing strategies with increasing speed and frequency. This means that companies must implement in- BRIEF RÉSUMÉ novations much faster and with greater precision. And they must Hans-Jörg Bullinger was born April 13, 1944 in Stuttgart. Af- respond to the wishes of their customers. The ability to plan ter attending school in Stuttgart, he served an apprenticeship and implement innovations with greater speed and consistently as a workshop mechanic with Daimler-Benz AG in Stuttgart- control their direction is becoming an essential prerequisite for Untertürkheim. After graduating from the Stuttgart Technical future economic success. The exceptional significance of “time Highschool, he went on to study mechanical engineering at the to market” is so crucial that the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has University of Stuttgart, taking a degree in 1971, a doctorate launched a Presidential project aimed at accelerating innovation in 1974 and a post-doctoral lecturing qualification in 1978. processes. We will subsequently make the methods and tools In 1980 he was appointed as Professor of Ergonomics at the developed through the project available to industry, in order to University of Hagen. enable German companies to progress faster from idea to product From 1981 he became head of the newly established Fraun- and thereby take the lead on world markets. hofer Institute for Ergonomics and Organisation (IAO) in Stuttgart, adding a professorship in ergonomics at the University of Stuttgart in 1982. In 1991 he was also appointed to head the newly founded University of Stuttgart Institute of Ergonomics and Technology Management. He has been President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft since October 2002. 9 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Wulf Padecken Partners in Innovation advise the German Federal Chancellor: Dietmar Harting attends Innovation Summit 10 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 “Innovation policy is about more than just education TASKS AND OBJECTIVES The objective in establishing “Partners in Innovation” is to and research. It is equally strengthen Germany’s system of innovation at every level, break important that we have down barriers and stimulate fresh confidence in Germany’s a body of entrepreneurs achievement potential. The creation of a joint “Innovation Office who appreciate innovation Deutschland” will help to identify central future markets and as a core element of their establish a new culture of innovation. By launching projects for business success.” There’s school students and young people, the innovation partners hope no denying the truth of what Dietmar Harting says. Germany to generate interest in science and technology at an early stage. will only regain its role as the engine of innovation provided A process of reform which extends all along the education chain if we succeed in creating a climate in which corporate crea- will create the necessary conditions in schools and universities. tivity, innovation-friendly public policies and research and Greater emphasis will also be attached to promoting compatibility development activities are each in tune with one another. between family and professional life and exploiting the knowl- Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has declared 2004 as the are being made at a European level to develop European industrial year of innovation. To start the ball rolling, he invited top-ranking policy to promote employment and innovation. edge and experience of the older generation of employees. Moves representatives of industry, politics and trade organisations to an innovation summit. In addition to the President of the Fraun- The members of the Federal Chancellor‘s innovation group in- hofer-Gesellschaft, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jörg Bullinger, Chancellor clude: Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, Minister of Economic Schröder invited Dietmar Harting to attend both in his role as Affairs Dr. Wolfgang Clement, Education Minister Edelgard a leading entrepreneur in the SME sector and as President of Bulmahn, the head of the Chancellor‘s Office Dr. Frank-Walter the electrical and electronics industry federation ZVEI and Vice Steinmeier, corporate consultant Prof. Dr. Roland Berger, the President of the BDI (German Federation of Industry). President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Prof. Dr.-Ing. HansJörg Bullinger, the Chairman of the Board of Schering AG, Dr. “An initiative to promote greater innovation in this country is Hubertus Erlen, Vice President of the BDI and general partner in the right signal at the right time,” commented Mr. Harting. harting KGaA, Dietmar Harting, Acatech President Prof. Dr.-Ing. “It is now a matter of actively writing the next page of Joachim Milberg, Chairman of the Board of Lufthansa, Wolfgang Agenda 2010. We need three things: Long-term commit- Mayrhuber, the President of the Humboldt-Universität Berlin, ment, the integration of politics, research and business Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mlynek, Chairman of the Board of Siemens AG, enterprise, and a courageous body of entrepreneurs.” Dr. Heinrich von Pierer, DGB board member Heinz Putzhammer, Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Telekom AG, Kai-Uwe Ricke, In Mr. Harting’s view the “Partners in Innovation” initiative is Chairman of the Board of Bertelsmann AG, Dr. Gunter Thielen, a chance to strengthen the bonds between politics, science and the Deputy Chairman of BASF AG, Eggert Vorscherau, and the industry: “Provided we all pull together, promoting innovation Director of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will enable us to develop markets which will rebuild employment GmbH, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Wahlster. and prosperity in this country. New legislation on its own will not get us anywhere.” The electrical engineering and electronics industry regards itself a major driving force with a proactive role to play in the process of innovation which the Chancellor has now set in motion. Wulf Padecken General Manager Public Relations and Communication HARTING KGaA 11 S p e c i a l t o p i c INTERNATIONAL Bob Lounsbury (Rockwell), Randy Below (The Siemon Company), April Mayse, JoAnne McLeod The Siemon Company and HARTING collaborate on Factory Automation Solution A new age exists in Factory Automation and real time com- The Siemon Company, a respected leader in wiring and structured munication using Ethernet is taking over. Designers and cabling for commercial purposes for over 100 years, answered the engineers in the field are seeking effective ways to link the market’s demands with a field-attachable RJ 45 connector encased factory floor with the front office, and along with that has in its Industrial MAX® ODVA approved IP 67 shell. come the demand for reliable industrial connectors. The ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), is an international association of manufacturers bringing together the world’s leading automation companies and is an independent organization that offers conformance testing to help ensure that products built to its specifications operate in multi-vendor systems. The ODVA chose Siemon’s Industrial MAX connector as the standard connector in its Ethernet Industrial Protocol (Ethernet IP) Physical Layer Specification in 2001. The Industrial Max was the first such connector specifically designed for Industrial Ethernet applications approved by ODVA for use in Ethernet IP systems. ACTIVITIES OF ODVA The ODVA, which currently has over 300 members, was founded in 1995 by Rockwell Automation/Allen Bradley to support worldwide growth of the DeviceNet Specification by assisting vendors, Metal MAX® distributors and end users through tools, training, conformance testing and marketing activities. Over time, the need arose for a closer interaction between the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and the factory floor. In 2000, ODVA selected Eth- THE SIEMON COMPANY ernet as the carrier medium of choice. A major reason for this choice was that Ethernet had been adopted by countless companies across the world in the office environment and its operating characteristics are well understood, many tools exist to work with Randy Below Vice President of OEM Business it and it is broadly accepted. The Ethernet IP standard, based on classic Ethernet and using Industrial Protocol was released by ODVA in the same year. The transmission standard used in Eth- Siemon, a world leader in designing and manufacturing high- ernet IP is IEEE 802.3 and has transmission parameters according performance network cabling systems and connectivity compo- to TIA/EIA Category 5e. While there are subsequent revisions in nents, offers the most comprehensive cabling solutions including existence or planned (cat. 6, cat. 7) ODVA, in common with most unshielded, shielded and fiber media. With products and solutions industry professionals, felt that cat. 5e was mature enough and available in Category 5e, 6, 7 and fiber, the Siemon Cabling Sys- stable enough to be used in an environment where mistakes or tem is providing the foundation for business success. software “crashes” could potentially cost hundreds of thousands Siemon is la privately held company located in Watertown, Con- of dollars or more in capital equipment damage or lost produc- necticut, and has been serving its customers for over 100 years. tion revenue. 12 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 Bob Lounsbury As principal engineer of Rockwell Automation Bob Lounsbury is responsible for all core network physical layer designs and technology. Rockwell Automation is a leading indus- THE CONNECTOR SOLUTION trial automation company focused to be the most valued global The connector is based on unshielded twisted pairs (UTP) of wire provider of power, control and information solutions. size 24 or 26, terminated to an industry standard RJ 45. The con- In his function as chairman of the ODVA Ethernet / IP Joint nector is field installed and encapsulated into the IP 67 housing Special Interest Group Bob Lounsbury is responsible for the de- which is the Industrial MAX connector. velopment of network physical layer architectures including the While the Industrial MAX answered the protection and quality standardization of the core networks for Rockwell Automation. needs of the factory automation world, a desire for a standardized connector with a stronger housing, preferably metal, existed. According to Bob Lounsbury Principal Engineer of Rockwell Auto- The Metal Max® connector with a metal housing is under develop- mation, and Chairman of the Joint Special Interest Group (JSIG), ment by a team of engineers from both harting and the Siemon the ODVA committee responsible for standardizing connectors for Company. Production is scheduled for mid 2004 with an official the industrial environment, “there is a perception in the factory product launch in April 2004, at the Hanover Fair in Germany. automation industry that metal connectors are very rugged and “We’re excited about the opportunity to work with harting on this more suitable for use on the factory floor.” Harsh elements such project,” says Randy Below – Vice President of OEM Sales at the as dust, temperature, moisture, electromagnetic interference, and Siemon Company,” The Metal Max will bridge the product gap vibration have been constant obstacles in the search for reliable between IS and the plant floor, and provide users with another connectivity. Rough handling by factory personnel also causes a robust, high performance connector option.” high failure rate of connectors. The standard RJ 45 connectors do not survive these harsh conditions and as a result, the standard RJ HOWEVER, THE STORY DOES NOT FINISH HERE … 45 needs to be encapsulated in an easily handled, rigid sheath of In addition to the Industrial Max connector, ODVA has also re- protection. However, protection isn’t the only issue. Manufactur- cently standardized on a metal 2 pair UTP solution, specifically ers also are searching for ways to connect systems from multiple geared towards the control devices themselves. These connectors vendors, using a standardized interconnect system. The Industrial will also carry cat. 5e transmission data and will work in an IP 67 Max connector system will function largely on the “backbone” of protected environment. This connector is based on an industry data transmission between the central ERP system and the switch standard 4 pin M12 connector, with a specially designed “D-coded” cabinets or field switches on the factory floor, allowing for the interface that prevents accidental mis-mating with standard I/O first time manufacturers to execute manufacturing changes and devices. harting’s product is based on the patented HARAX® axial to capture production data in real time. IDC field termination system and is available in 5 pin DeviceNet SIEMON AND HARTING SOLUTION As a result of the successful joint development effort with the The Technology Group harting has partnered with The Siemon Siemon Company, harting now offers a complete range of ODVA configurations as well as the 4 pin Ethernet IP version. Company to develop a connector that encapsulates an RJ 45 con- standardized connectivity solutions available either as discrete nector in a new metal housing. harting has long been a leader in connectors or as cord-sets, patch cords and field-installable con- developing connectors for various types of cables for industrial figurations. harting IP 67 Ethernet switches are supplied with environments. This new connector, the “RJ 45 Metal Max®” will ODVA interfaces, as are the new range of industrial outlets. So not only provide the protection manufacturers are looking for, but the users can always count on harting to be the leader in the will also easily allow for the connection of systems from multiple IP 67 industrial connectivity environment. vendors, raising the standard of network communication on the factory floor to the next level. It incorporates bayonet style locking lugs that ensure a full connection and the rugged metal hood and housing provide a robust IP 67 degree of protection. Built-in toggle containment means you don’t have to operate the RJ 45 toggle lever in order to disconnect it. The hood and housing hold the plug and jack rigidly together for trouble-free connections. April Mayse Marketing Communications Intern HARTING, Inc. of North America JoAnne McLeod Executive Assistant HARTING, Inc. of North America 13 S p e c i a l t o p i c INTERNATIONAL Andre Beneke & Bart Van Biesen Connections reliable as Steel – Ethernet Switch and HARTING RJ Industrial® System Cabling Network in a Steel Production Plant of SIDMAR, Belgium Industrial Ethernet components are typically used in auto- The harting Switch offers 5 Ethernet ports, and one additional mobile manufacturing and robotic processes, etc. There are Han 4A connector for the necessary 24 V power supply. The many other sectors, however, in which solutions based on application at SIDMAR uses a version with five harting switches and system cabling may offer interesting potentials RJ Industrial connections. Additionally very reliable worth leveraging. and industrially proven Ethernet cables with AWG 22 wire gauges are used. The ambient conditions in The Belgium company SIDMAR N.V. focuses on the production which the product can be used are -40 °C up to +70 °C of flat steel products, ranging from thin rolled steel plates to and a non-condensing humidity of 30 % to 95 %. thick massive plates of high quality. High quality is a must for Users have the option of 10 and 100 Mbit/s data trans- SIDMAR’s customers as the steels finding use in the automotive fer rates, and features such as auto-negotiation and industry, for example, must be of a premium type. The company auto-crossing are realized as well as status LEDs and ensures optimal quality with the help of vision control and track- non-blocking Store and Forward Switching mode. The ing systems. product also provides several mounting possibilities to In order to guarantee high quality standards, SIDMAR has in- be used directly in the field. stalled a camera system along production lines. At different steps The harting RJ Industrial connectors offer Cat. 5 trans- of the production process photos are taken of each individual mission based on RJ 45 connector technology in addition product. The cameras make four photos per product, and these to proven mechanical stability and robustness. A special photos are stored in addition to the normal production data. In product feature is the incorporation of IDC field termina- this way SIDMAR realizes a complete follow-up of the production tion technology (HARAX®) that also allows the use of AWG process of each end product. An Ethernet system based on hart- 22 wire gauges in addition to a very easy and time saving ing technology solutions links the cameras. termination process. The choice of this wire size is crucial for long NETWORK WITH SWITCHES AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES proven cables. Industrial Ethernet switches are the core elements of the Ethernet The complete design, in other words the combination of the metal distance Ethernet transmissions (up to 100 m) with industrially system. switch, the metal connectors and the industrially proven cables The harting Ethernet Switch ESC 67-10 TP05U offers switch func- represent a perfect solution for the harsh environmental condi- tionality in connection with a very robust, shock- and vibration tions prevailing at SIDMAR manufacturing facilities. The harting resistant metal housing offering IP 65/67 protection. Thanks to solution enables the realization of decentralized star structures the specific metal material of the housing, the switch provides a for Ethernet transmission, helping to ensure the perfect quality very high mechanical stability. It is highly shock and vibration of the SIDMAR products. resistant, and additionally incorporates very good resistance against electromagnetic interferences. Andre Beneke Market Manager Car Industry & IT HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG 14 Bart Van Biesen Manager Industrial Business HARTING N.V. Belgium HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 SIDMAR Based in Ghent, SIDMAR N.V. is the largest steel manufacturing company in Belgium. On a total production area of approximately 2,100 acres some 5,200 employees are producing flat steel products. These flat steel products, mainly in deep-drawable grades, are especially well suited for the automotive industry, as well as household appliances, furniture, heating equipment and other applications and product areas. Annual SIDMAR production capacity is in excess of 5 million tons of steel products. SIDMAR N.V. is part of the French ARCELOR Group, the world’s largest producer of flat carbon steel and long carbon steel, and ranks among the leaders in stainless steel production and among the European leaders in the distribution, transformation and trading of steel. With a workforce of more than 34,000 employees ARCELOR generated sales of near € 27 billion in 2002. 15 S p e c i a l TECHNOLOGY t o p i c Andreas Huhmann Switch Technology: The magic Formula for Industrial Ethernet? Segment (Maximum 500 meters long, maximum of 100 stations) min. 2.5 Meter Terminator Transceiver/MAU DB15 AUI-cable max. 50 m Terminator DB15 Station 1 Station 2 Station 100 Once upon a time Ethernet topology was originally synonymous with using the “yellow cable”. Stations were strung together along this coaxial cable just like beads on a string. This was accomplished 24 V Power Supply by connecting the network stations via external transceivers, which used vampire taps to tap the signals directly from the bus cable, without interrupting the bus line. A linear topology, similar to today’ field bus solutions, was the Ethernet way things were done. The advent of new technologies, such as full duplex Ethernet over twisted pair cable, necessitated some rethinking of the topology. This was accompanied by a change in the installation paradigm. The line arrangement was substituted in favor of the star. For the first time, it was possible, in addition to simple passive distributors, to also deploy intelligent distributors for consistent point-to-point cabling. This network component, which actively switches a connection between two stations, was – logically enough – called a switch. The switch connects two subnetworks, so-called collision domains, on layer 1 and layer 2 in the OSI layer model. Ethernet uses the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) method for transmission. Due to the fact that stations can send data on the bus simultaneously, collisions occur in this ac- 16 Star cabling HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 Switch Linear topology based on a switched Ethernet 17 cess method. If the subnetworks connected via a switch represent individual devices, collision-free communication is ensured. If the industrial user wants to continue to install according to linear topology, the switch functionality must be integrated in each device, assuming that freedom from collision is a requirement. Cascading results in high switch demands, however, because the forwarded data packets have to be temporarily stored in order to then be forwarded to a target (store and forward). The situation is even more troublesome when there are telegram packets that receive preferential treatment due to prioritization. Switch technology is therefore facing new challenges in industrial applications that extend well beyond office requirements. THE NEED FOR SWITCHED ETHERNET So-called switched Ethernet is necessary in order to avoid collisions. Such collisions always occur with the CSMA/CD access method. They are detected, however, and all stations causing the collision stop sending and subsequently re-send according to a statistical time unit (see the flow chart). The Ethernet protocol based on CSMA/CD does not rule out collisions. This is why providers of Industrial Ethernet solutions are opting for different ways to either prevent such collisions by way of the protocol or by providing a feasible method using switches. One thing is indisputable, however, data packet delays caused by collisions are not acceptable. 1. Cyclic Ethernet operation (for example, PowerLink Protected Mode or EtherCat) 2. Standard Ethernet with additional real time extensions (for example, PROFInet, Ethernet IP) 3. Or a combination of the mechanisms from 1 and 2 (for example, PROFInet) CSMA/CD flow chart Accordingly, there is either the philosophy of avoiding to send simultaneously and thereby preventing collisions or of using temporary storage to group these by time. If collisions are fundamentally allowed in standard Ethernet, switched Ethernet, they allow cyclic communication even on a concurrence can only be cancelled with switches. protected channel (for example, PROFInet with IRT). Where the Ethernet CSMA access method is supplemented in the To summarize, all protocols that cancel out the CSMA/CD access direction of established field buses in the first case, and therefore method do not need a switch. On the other hand, in heterogeneous the protocol is not compatible with standard Ethernet devices, systems, in which collisions can occur, switches may represent communication with all TCP/IP devices is fundamentally non- an expedient solution. critical when standard Ethernet is used. The following table provides an overview showing systems in Interestingly, Ethernet protocols with cyclic operation also allow which switches can be employed: non-cyclic communication, for which a switch is again optimal This means that there are protocols permitting collision-free (for example, Powerlink Open Mode), and, on systems based on communication. 18 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 Collisions should be avoided in order to make sure that data does technologies into industrial applications, switch technology is also not arrive at a time that cannot be predicted (determinism). moving from the office into the field. In this connection, however, the topic of real-time is often labored, The problems with real-time capability were not of immediate which takes up where the discussions along the lines of the drive significance in the office. It was not until the advent of multimedia applications that real time became im- System Switch possible Switch not possible Switch improves Performance Switch has to be used portant, while entailing requirements that differ from the demands of industrial real time. The necessary prerequisite for multi- PROFInet X media applications in the office area is the availability of a bandwidth enabling the Ethernet IP X transmission of tremendous data volumes. X Individual network components must not Powerlink X Open Mode EtherCat X restricted Standard TCP/IP X Protected Mode X Open Mode restrict the usable bandwidth. Methods such as cyclic operation, which restricts the amount of data possible, are not viable in the office environment. All methods in X cyclic operation restrict the effective use- X ful data in favor of real-time performance. Here the switch is the only instrument to The protocols enabling switch use offer the capability of preventing collisions engineering of existing field buses left off. Because most field without restricting the bandwidth. Consequently, and for good buses do not have a bandwidth sufficient for drive solutions, Fast reasons, switches have become standard technology in office Ethernet is seen here as the philosopher’s stone. environments. The real-time topic is considerably more complex, however, be- In other words, switched Ethernet installations are looking in cause what is important in industrial automation is ensuring to the industrial world from the office side. As the direction of that properties are maintained that are critically important migration is progressing from the office, and its first step in to the operation of a plant. In the case of a larger load on the industrial applications only entails the recording of conditions or network, collisions can statistically delay the transmission of a writing information on operation into the controllers, switched message in the second range, in spite of Fast Ethernet. It is also Ethernet is found on practically every machine. not ensured that messages in the automation network arrive at A second, seemingly smaller, step then involves Ethernet grow- the receiver in the correct time order. Systems such as real-time ing beyond the switch cabinet and replacing the conventional expansion of Ethernet IP CIP Sync or SRT for PROFInet can only classic field bus. This substitution only makes sense, however, if be implemented on the basis of switches, because only switches consistency is maintained from the office through to machines. allow information to be forwarded in a defined time slot. This would result in a framework retaining existing office tech- There are protocols, however, that enable collision-free com- nologies, and therefore also retaining switches in industrial munication. Nevertheless, the use of switch technology is applications. expedient. INDIVIDUAL INDUSTRIAL ETHERNET PROTOCOLS THE PATH FROM THE OFFICE TO THE FIELD LEVEL All proven protocols for Ethernet in industrial surroundings use Ethernet was first implemented in the office area and evolved real-time mechanisms. into a standard in this field. It was only after becoming firmly All protocols must meet the high demands of drive control appli- established here and gaining additional technical sophistication cations. Most Ethernet protocols can be scaled, as these require- that this standard was actually mature for industrial applications. ments account for no more than roughly 15 % of all applications. Considering this migration of Ethernet and the associated office Consequently, there are several protocols behind a single name, 19 redundant connection Office building / Switch technology Manufacturing area / Switch technology Explanations: CD-Campus Distributor FD-Floor Distributor BD-Building Distributor PMD-PROFInet Machine Distributor MO-Machine Outlet TO-Telecommunications Outlet Use of switch technology and these protocols cannot be implemented without additional IRT applications, a special switch ASIC is needed to administer hardware. Consequently, there are protocols that are comparable the IRT channel. to standard Ethernet TCP/IP, while others extend all the way up to high end solutions. ETHERNET IP Ethernet IP uses CIP Sync protocol, regardless of the network PROFINET and therefore also of the physical layer. Clocks are synchronized PROFInet supports three channels. In addition to the standard with a time stamp in accordance with IEEE 1588 for this purpose. TCP/IP channel, which is not real-time compatible, there are soft Clock synchronization requires additional hardware. Cyclic data real-time (SRT) and isochronous real-time (IRT) channels avail- is exchanged with the help of prioritization. Switches are crucial able. While the SRT channel is primarily based on prioritized in order to ensure smooth, collision-free data transmission. CIP telegrams, the IRT channel has a cyclic setup. In one cycle, there Sync protocol is fully compatible with standard Ethernet. There- is an IRT channel available, in addition to the standard channel; fore, additional devices that do not support CIP will not interfere this IRT channel is evaluated on the basis of a hardware expan- with data transmission. sion called “Switch ASIC”. The PROFIbus user organization (PNO) Ethernet IP does not stipulate the use of special infrastructure has decided to generally use switches that offer data technology components and therefore real-time performance depends on the advantages as well as installation advantages on all channels. In correct component selection. 20 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 ETHERNET POWERLINK SWITCH TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS Ethernet Power Link has two modes: protected mode and open To a large degree, switch functionality will move into the devices mode. In protected mode, a sub-network is formed for demanding that are primarily intended for building up a linear topology. real-time traffic; this sub-network is connected to the standard This results in an integration of topology and device function. network via a router. Within this sub-network, cyclic data is ex- The network would lose the autonomous character it holds in changed between the stations, while avoiding collisions. The se- the office world based on the standard for structured cabling quence is coordinated by a managing node, which works similarly (ISO/IEC 11 801). to a bus master. This sub-network is not compatible with standard The cabling for these devices will then only be device connec- Ethernet and requires hubs as network components. tions. Following this line of thinking far enough, networks would Open mode can be seen as similar to other real-time concepts, lose their structure entirely. Loss of network structure, however, such as Ethernet IP. Switches are generally usable here. is neither desired in terms of safety, nor from a performance standpoint, and especially with regard to drive applications. In ETHERCAT addition, functions will be combined inside a switch cabinet that EtherCat differs from the standard topology. EtherCat is always are executed in a pluggable form, via switches that are situated implemented as a ring, in which the Ethernet telegram runs between the switch cabinet and the outside world (in between). through each station. There is no direct addressing. The station Switches decouple segments mechanically, and not only in terms knows which data in a telegram is meant for it by using the of data technology. sub-telegram, which is also implemented by way of additional With the CBA, or the component model, the PNO has taken a hardware. EtherCat also synchronizes clocks according to IEEE clear step forward towards structuring, because reproducible 1588. structures also simplify the engineering considerably. Unlike rings based on standard Ethernet technology (Layer 1 + The final goal is consequently not to lose all structure, but rather 2), in which the ring is separated by the spanning tree algorithm, to create useful structures. This could mean: the ring in EtherCat is physically closed. This means that, seen l Areas of networked drives from this layer, a switch is not expedient. l Safety areas Virtual switches are offered, however, that forward the telegrams l Components of a plant or mechanical units to a connected standard Ethernet device via the master. l Areas for operation and observation All switches that will be supporting these segments in future are necessary elements. Switches for these jobs have extended functions, such as those of a firewall or router. Additional functions from the diagnosis area are conceivable. The switch will be equipped with new functions in industrial surroundings and must be completely reassessed. It will continue to be called a switch, even if its job has nothing more to do with actually “switching”. It will increasingly become the medium for structuring and segmenting networks. In-between switch Andreas Huhmann Market Manager Industry HARTING Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG 21 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Lutz Herrmann Rugged Ethernet Technology for clean Water Ethernet is also increasingly being used in the industrial therefore, one single, powerful network will be frequently be in environment, as a replacement for, or supplement to the clas- place that will handle all jobs. sic field bus systems. Especially thanks to the higher data rate Ethernet delivers, it is far easier to provide enhanced THE HARTING APPROACH maintenance with standardized protocols or remote main- Currently, IP 20 components are mainly employed in Ethernet tenance. Consequently, installing Ethernet as a supplement network structures. They elements do not offer any special protec- to the existing field bus system in the first step is often an tion against environmental influences, such as dust and splashed expedient option, thereby reducing the load that service and water or jets of water. They must be installed in switch cabinets maintenance jobs impose on this system. (centralized) or terminal boxes (decentralized). Thanks to high data throughput and globally standardized pro- In many Ethernet network structures in the industrial branch, it tocols, however, Ethernet can do considerably more than simply is necessary to deviate from the traditional star structure, which relieving the service and diagnosis job load on field bus systems. represents the optimum connection from the transmission point In additional to “normal” data transmission, audio and image of view, as the cabling effort and costs make this structure un- transmission are easily possible. Standardized protocols, such feasible. In this case, the network structures are adapted to the as Voice-IP, are available for such applications. bus or linear structure commonly encountered with field bus systems. Once Ethernet has proven its capability and stability in the realtime area at customers, it will become increasingly possible to This means that decentralized Ethernet stations in the field, incrementally replace field bus systems with Ethernet. In future, meaning outside the switch cabinet, are executed in the IP 67 Application 22 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 degree of protection, or are housed in decentralized terminal With the help of the Ethernet network, monitoring of the water boxes, in IP 20 degree of protection. As a result, the active net- filter unit’s valves and pumps is released for service and main- work components, such as switches and hubs that are also needed tenance purposes, and monitoring, service and maintenance for Ethernet, are installed decentralized and close to the stations, data is exchanged, all independently of the control network and either as IP 67 devices only or inside already existing terminal without influencing the control data. Consequently, for example, boxes. One advantage of the IP 67 only solution is the option of control personnel are always informed as to whether the filters installation at almost any point in the plant without additional and accompanying controlled system are in the necessary operat- protective measures. Retrofitting an existing plant with IP 67 components is also easier to accomplish. harting’s Ethernet product program supports these optimized, decentralized structures, with switches and hubs in different models, as well as with passive infrastructure components, and consequently offers an integrated solution approach in industrial surroundings. Integrated solution approach for Ethernet in industrial surroundings without switch cabinet, by using components with the following properties: l High degree of protection IP 65 / IP 67 l Temperature range from -40 °C to +70 °C l Active network components High EMC and mechanical compatibility against shock and vibration l Rugged metal housing l Plug & Play ing range. In addition, one Ethernet switch port is always freely available as a diagnosis port, so that maintenance personnel can log in to the system directly at the site with a hand-held PC, in AN INDUSTRIAL DIAGNOSIS NETWORK order to obtain the necessary information. BASED ON ETHERNET The British enterprise Earthtech Engineering Ltd. plans and SUMMARY designs water treatment, such as monitoring water filter units, Using this application as an example, it is clear that the harting for industrial plants. approach harnessing an integrated Ethernet solution in IP 65 / IP 67 provides customers with distinct advantages that are also One of their requirements was the clear separation of control and readily utilized. The main reasons for selecting this solution were diagnostic data. Added to this is a hostile, unprotected environ- the network and solution expertise, the high degree of protection ment, which calls for rugged components with a high degree of offered by the components (IP 65 / IP 67), Plug & Play aspects for protection. Furthermore, the shortest possible installation and shortening installation and commissioning times, as well as the commissioning times had to be guaranteed. rugged construction suitable to the hostile environment in water THE HARTING SOLUTION approach. treatment and harting’s integrated, comprehensive Ethernet The solution delivered by harting, that is already in use in this form, consists of a small Ethernet network for a hostile environment, with two ESC 67-10 TP05U Ethernet switches. This network works parallel to the control network, which is based on ControlNet/DeviceNet. Both networks are connected to the Lutz Herrmann Product Manager Devices HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG SCADA system in the control center. 23 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Heiko Frese A feed through Connection: In-between Ethernet Switch ESC 67-30 Pure star topology for Ethernet, the standard encountered and a height of 40 mm, is mounted on the outside of the switch in the “office world”, is not always expedient in industrial cabinet and offers 2 pluggable Ethernet interfaces that provide automation with its typical plant structures. The trend here a high degree of protection and are suitable for industrial use. is towards ring or line topologies or combinations of the There are 3 Ethernet interfaces, one interface for the power supply two, which are implemented by using active network com- and an alarm contact on the back or bottom of the device. These ponents. IP 20 interfaces are sealed towards the switch cabinet with a In order to keep a lid on wiring input and installation costs, it the respective Ethernet stations (controllers, I/O modules, drives, is necessary to execute active network components, such as service interfaces) can be networked via the switch, using stand- sealing ring when the housing is screwed on. Inside the cabinet, switches and hubs, with a high degree of protection, even for ardized IP 20 patch cables. decentralized plant structures. After the IP 20 Ethernet devices inside the switch cabinet have been installed, the network to additional switch cabinets or de- THE SITUATION TO DATE centralized modules is built up with a high degree of protection At this time, there are also IP 20 switches available on the market via the 2 Ethernet ports outside. for collision-free networking of Ethernet stations (such as controllers and I/O modules) inside a switch cabinet; these switches Switch cabinet machine module 1 take into consideration the increased demands (environmental Switch cabinet machine module n conditions, EMC) in industrial surroundings. Networking to additional stations at the machine or in the factory building, however, must be solved with the help of additional components. Panel feed through and connectors with a high degree of protection (IP 65/67) are used on the switch cabinet for this purpose. The disadvantage of this solution is that there is no status or diagnostic information concerning the Line/star networking in automation technology with HARTING switches with a high degree of protection data link available outside the switch cabinet (for exam- The In-between Ethernet Switch supports both line structures in ple, when the switch cabinet distributed systems (such as conveyors) and star/line structures door is locked). This is that, starting at a switch cabinet, connect the other components where the newly developed directly in or at the machine. In-between Ethernet Switch from harting comes in. DIAGNOSIS The integrated display area allows status information concerning NEW SOLUTION In-between Ethernet Switch 24 the data communication to be viewed from outside by the machine A 5-port Ethernet switch operator during the production process. If there is a malfunction, is integrated into a rugged these LEDs signal important information, which accelerates fault metal housing with an IP location within the plant. 65 / 67 degree of protection. In addition, malfunctioning can be communicated directly to The compact housing, with a the control room or center via the alarm contact integrated in base area of 105 x 105 mm the switch. HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 SUMMARY The In-between Ethernet Switch ESC 67-30 from harting closes the gap between the switch cabinet (IP 20 version) and hostile industrial environments (IP 67 version). The switch guarantees networking with other stations at the machine, both in line and in star/line structures, thereby connecting the two worlds. Heiko Frese Product Manager Devices HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG 25 S p e c i a l INTERNATIONAL t o p i c Kai Nurmenniemi OBSAI – Enabling an open Market for Base Station Modules Traditionally, mobile network manufacturers have developed MMS (Multi-media Messaging Service), presence, transactional proprietary modules for Base Tranceiver Stations (BTS). The services and video-streaming, not only add to infrastructure com- key challenge in the future is to create cost effective prod- plexity, but will create growth in network traffic (see figure 1). ucts for base station manufacturers in order to facilitate Large numbers of base stations will need to be deployed, initially the production of new base stations that will allow telecom to provide coverage as next generation mobile technologies come operators to roll out new services, cost effectively and rapidly. on line, and then to provide sufficient capacity to meet the rising The Technology Group harting and several other companies market demand. support this approach. COMPLEX TO COST EFFECTIVE Greater complexity almost invariably leads to higher capital and operational costs. In an increasingly competitive market, mobile Monthly data consumption per subscriber (MB) 70 operators will not be able to sustain the potential increase in costs 60 that these developments will bring. The cost of base stations and 50 their implementation will also have a critical impact on an opera- 40 tor’s profitability. As next generation networks are deployed and 30 the number of subscribers rises, more and more base stations will Mobile data 20 be needed to provide the coverage and capacity that the market 10 will demand. Voice 0 2001 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 New and more cost-effective ways to design infrastructure equip- '10 2011 Source: OBSAI ment must be found in order to reduce the higher costs that would otherwise occur with conventional development methods. Fig. 1: Monthly data consumption per subscriber (MB) With large numbers of base stations being deployed, even a small improvement in the cost-effectiveness of each BTS can The Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) has developed a comprehensive set of open specifications for key module interfaces within the base station architecture. This development System Software will enable an open market to become reality. A key challenge facing cellular op- Open interfaces erators and other mobile telecommu- Radio RP3 future will be the rising cost of the RP2 Power System WCDMA GSM/EDGE CDMA2000 Processing Transport Mechanics … Control nications service providers in the near infrastructure needed to provide suf- Antenna Line Base Band IP ATM E1 T1 … ficient capacity for advanced mobile InRP1 ternet services. Recently launched and forthcoming services such as content download, location based applications, 26 Fig. 2: OBSAI Base Station Overview HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 have a large impact on the overall investment that an operator control, transport, baseband and radio. The OBSAI architecture must make. provides a clear functional split and detailed internal interface MAKING INROADS IN THE INDUSTRY that are truly compatible in all OBSAI compliant base stations. The Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) is a con- OBSAI provides the springboard for a new, competitive market stantly growing group of over 63 members from industry, span- for interoperable modules, where economies of scale will result ning leading base station vendors, module and component manu- in significantly lower costs. specifications which then allow companies to create modules facturers. The members of OBSAI have created a complete set of open specifications for the base station architecture. By defining a HARTINGs COMMITMENT TO OBSAI basic modular architecture and the detailed specifications for the harting has been a supporter member of OBSAI since September internal interfaces between modules (see figure 2), OBSAI aims 2003. to create an open market for cellular base stations. The company’s activities in the wireless market are in line with those of OBSAI. The OBSAI specifications allow harting the OPENNESS AND BENEFITS opportunity to support a large group of wireless base station An open market will substantially reduce the development effort manufacturers and module manufacturers with unified, state of and costs that have been traditionally associated with creating art interconnection solutions. harting has utilised its extensive new base station product ranges. The availability of off-the-shelf technology and service capabilities available to provide signifi- base station modules will enable manufacturers to focus their cant contribution to OBSAI towards the definition of their inter- development efforts on creating further added value within the connection specifications. base station, encouraging greater innovation and more cost-effec- The har-bus® HM Signal and HM Power connectors meet OBSAI tive products. Furthermore, as product development cycles will specifications and provide a reliable and cost effective solution for be reduced, new base station functions will become available on connecting plug-in units to the backplane. The connector solution the market more quickly. available from harting will offer full compatibility and intermate- Not only will operators benefit from greater competition among ability with base station modules. base station vendors, but they will also have the opportunity to bring new and advanced services to market earlier. End-users will benefit too, by having access to mobile services at the price levels they are prepared to pay and earlier than would otherwise be possible. COMPLETE SET OF INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS OBSAI has now defined a complete set of detailed interface speci- Kai Nurmenniemi Application Engineer HARTING Oy Finland fications to cover the functions of all key base station modules: Fig. 3: har-bus® HM Signal and HM Power connectors 27 S p e c i a l t o p i c STANDARDS Jörg Hehlgans PICMG-AMC – HARTING parecon® Technology leads the Way! You may not be familiar with the name PICMG, but if you have used a PC since this organization was founded in 1994, then you will almost certainly have had firsthand experience of their work. 28 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 PICMG (PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group) is a consortium of over 600 companies who collaboratively develop open specifications for high performance Appendix A covers a total of 6 modular connector designs mounted within 3 housing variants. The designs are all 85 contacts wide and cover up to 340 contacts. Of these between 15 and 84 are differential pairs capable of operating above 12.5 Gb/s. telecommunica- tions and industrial computing applications. The members of the consortium, which include module cards will connect to the main boards through a small leading corporations such as family of surface mounted z- pluggable connectors. Intel, Motorola, Lucent, Nortel harting EO, along with Molex, Samtec, Tyco and Yamaichi all and Nokia have a long history of submitted draft proposals for the layout of this connector for developing leading edge prod- consideration by the PICMG members. Thanks in no small part ucts for these industries. PICMG to Intel’s open support, the harting parecon solution won the specifications include Compact- subsequent vote. In fact all the potential users voted for harting® PCI® for Eurocard, rackmount parecon, while only connector suppliers voted against. applications and PCI/ISA for passive backplane and standard format cards. Subsequently harting has been a driving force in the developAssembly of 3 carrier blades with each 8 AMCs ment of this connector family, actively suggesting modifications and improvements as well as trying to accommodate as many user In line with harting’s policy of requirements as possible. Hundreds of drawings and 3-D views early involvement in design-in activities, harting Electro-Optics have been generated and harting EO also stepped in to take over have been actively involved with PICMG for the last 2 years. the related mechanical design of the card guiding structure when Their latest development, Advanced Telecom Computing Architec- the original supplier dropped out. This mechanical design has ture (AdvancedTCA® or ATCA) is the largest specification effort demonstrated novel solutions to requirements in an area outside in PICMG’s history, with more than 100 companies, including the normal scope of harting’s activities and may provide added harting, participating. AdvancedTCA is a new series of PICMG revenue for the Group that was not anticipated at the start of the specifications (3.X), targeted to the requirements of the next program. generation of carrier grade communications equipment. This The Appendix A document covering the specifications of this con- series of specifications incorporates the latest trends in high nector family has been prepared by harting EO and was officially speed interconnect technologies, next generation processors and adopted by the PICMG working group in mid December 2003. improved reliability, manageability and serviceability. In telecommunication networks to date, each of the current sys- This is an ambitious project as the standardization involved goes tems has been engineered and put into production separately and much deeper than in previous generations. Systems suppliers at great expense. The same problems have been solved in at least who have had to severely trim their own R&D resources can look four different but very similar ways. Each system will fail unless 900 mercial Off-The-Shelf) components that will al800 low them to build systems with the minimum of clean-paper design effort. ture, the Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC) connector. The high-capacity z- pluggable connections are needed by hot-swap capable processor or transceiver modules realized on mezzanine cards. The rear edges of these 800 700 700 600 600 500 500 Units (K) of the key components of this new architec- Non-Server Blades Forecast Wireless Access Units (K) harting EO’s involvement is related to one Server Blades Forecast Source: RHK Inc. forward to a pool of interoperable COTS (Com- 400 Wireless Edge 400 Wireline Access 300 300 Edge 200 200 New Access Edge 100 100 0 0 Core Signaling 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Market forecast for carrier blades 29 customers can be convinced that all their potential interfaces The adoption of the ATCA standard is expected to match the con- can perform as a compatible system within a reasonable period vergence of the computer, telecoms and CATV networks. Today of time. each of these industries have their own standards and their own One major reason is the lack of compatibility. Each of these sys- specialized processing equipment which makes integration com- tems comes from a different industry – computer, fixed telecoms, plicated. As well as offering cost-effective bandwidth increases, cellular telecoms, cable TV, and each industry already had its own the ATCA standard will allow existing signal protocols from each infrastructure and way of thinking. Their independent solutions of these industries to be handled and combined within a single are conceptually similar but not interoperable. rack. Currently chip development significantly outpaces the 5 – 10 This means that ATCA will arrive at just the right time to be year typical life-cycle of telecoms systems. Adoption of any new adopted for some of the potential applications. This is just one architecture is more likely to happen when an existing system small example of the challenge facing the broadband industry. approaches the end of this cycle and/or has reached the limit of It also high-lights the opportunities for future business as it has its upgradeability. been forecasted. Envisaged Network architecture with AdvancedTCA Jörg Hehlgans Market Development Manager HARTING Electro-Optics GmbH & Co KG 30 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 3D model of the demonstrator for AMC Differential lines’ conduction HARTING parecon® Introduced to the world markets as recently as 2003, harting’s parecon technology for high speed connectors has not only generated broad customer interest across an extensive range of applications, but has also made its way into standardizations, a development promising extensive utilization of parecon based Eye diagram solutions. harting is developing a set of technology design rules, thereby enabling rapid response to customer inquiries. For example, there are simulation models for the mechanical properties of the flexible PCB, as well as electronic SPICE models that enable the development of the desired high frequency transmission parameters to a high degree of precision. The simulation predictions are continuously enhanced by meas- Insertion loss urements. A testing set-up of this type featuring the high-speed demonstrator from the new AMC connector family was presented at the Bus and Board trade fair. With the help of the demonstrator a range of key parameters can be displayed for customers. In cooperation with the Zentrum für Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik (ZAVT) in Lippstadt (“Center for Packaging and Interconnection Technologies”) verifications of proper solderability are compiled. Soldering tests under industrial conditions have shown Return loss that the parecon’s flexible PCB can be handled just as easily as conventional, standard components. Dr. Jens Krause Head of Development HARTING Electro-Optics GmbH & Co. KG 31 S p e c i a l t o p i c INTERNATIONAL Christian Ruque / Alain Thevenon & Nicolas Mallet Cab Radio Systems, easy to use, easy to maintain Responding to rapid technology advances, including new TYPICAL HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE train control techniques, French National Railways (SNCF) The mechanical design offers has decided to revamp its entire cab radio operation in col- the same level of flexibility. laboration with harting. The cooperation focuses on back The product housings range panel connectors. from tiny mobile units to complex configurations enclosed Train-borne communication func- in a 6U21 rack. Moreover, all tions are generating increasing boards have the same standard interest throughout the railway format of 3U x 160 mm. community since they extend the possibilities of embedded informa- MECHANICAL INTEGRATION tion systems and offer a seamless Agate Cab Radio mechanical and reliable link to the ground. design is based on Alstom’s In terms of implementation, the combination of the railway- extensive experience in em- specific version of the global system for mobile communications bedded electronics for rolling (GSM-R) and the global positioning system (GPS) offers high value stock and the particularly added to systems builders designing reliable radio communica- harsh environments involved. tions between trains and the ground. Moreover, it also enables Since a number of years, the precision positioning. patented EasyPlug™ racking SNCF decided in 2000 to upgrade its cab radio fleet, encompassing several dozen different types of trains. Alstom Transport Information Solutions provided its Agate onboard electronAntenna Coupling Units ics platform, which includes a complete range of cab radio products. GSM-R AN EXTENSIVE PRODUCT RANGE ALSTOM’s Cab Radio solutions cover client re- EVC (voice, ERTMS & data) 1 to 4 module(s) Analog radio GPS (positioning) (voice, data) Central unit processing MMI management I/Os, serial links TDMA config. maintenance quirements from the basic GSM-R radio through to the full ERTMS-ready, voice and data comTDMA bus munication system including analogue radio compatibility. architecture. In fact, all products are based on a Power supply MMI (redun (redudant dantin inoption) option) Audio TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) internal LV & serial communication bus allowing fast data and voice Train network transfer between the modules, and total freedom in terms of configuration design. 32 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 Interfaces This diversity is enabled by the given product technology has established itself as a proven standard thanks to A piece of Zamac is ensuring the centring of the floating posi- its unique feature: the harting connectors (located on the rear) tion. can be plugged and unplugged in one move. As connectors are Both power and coax contacts needed 3,3 mm mating security not handled during maintenance operations, the reliability is minimum, through contact’s resistance measure. dramatically enhanced. The right angled coax contact is mounted by force on the male body to exclude any potential mismatching. A HIGHLY MAINTENANCE FRIENDLY PRODUCT l l 10 minutes max. are required for in line unit replacement THE CABLE CONNECTION thanks to the EasyPlug with harting specific connectors. Depending on applications, the cable connection is made by crimp Maintenance data are available on the train network thanks to or flat cable technologies. the Cab Radio network connection In collaboration with the Alstom packaging manager Christian Ruque and the Alstom Product Manager Alain Thevenon, the harting Technology Group developed this specific Easy Plug MAJOR REFERENCES: l SNCF (France) l SBB (Switzerland) l CD / Pendolino (Czech Republic) l Euro AVE / HSL (Spain) l West Coast Main Line (UK) DIN project in 2 years from the conception phase through to realization. Christian Ruque Alstom Packaging Manager Alain Thevenon Alstom Product Manager THE HARTING DIN MH 21+4 CONNECTORS Based on the MH 21+5, a specific female body has been designed to mixed 21 power contacts with 4 coax contacts. Nicolas Mallet Sales engineer – Electronic division HARTING France Contacts have to be designed to make up for an axial residual play of the contacts of ± 0.25 mm when floating housing plugged with centring pegs. 33 S p e c i a l t o p i c INTERNATIONAL Jan Cerny & Bohuslav Tryzna Han-Modular® Inserts in Train Coupling Devices 34 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 Apart from other sectors of its production range such as com- by its volume, the device size was reduced by some 30 % to 35 % plete DC-substations for different kinds of public transport compared to the original. In series production the coupling head (railways, metro, trams, etc.) Sécheron Tchequie produces an contains nine Han E®-modules with male contacts and nine Han extensive range of electrical apparatuses for railway vehicles E-modules with female contacts (a total of 108 contacts); these for the world market. In addition to various types of discon- contact types can be used to connect various conductor cross- necting, selecting and earthing switches, contactors, pulse section sizes (from 0.5 to 4 mm2). The use of harting elements generators and other components, the company also produces is advantageous because of their modularity – it is possible to several types of devices for the mechanical or electrical cou- use various existing combinations of Han-modules with a differ- pling of traction vehicles. ent number and type of contacts. If necessary, by coupling-head Intensive cooperation between Sécheron Tchequie and harting size modifications, the number of modules can be increased / Czech, which started in 1997, was necessitated by Sécheron’s decreased, which provides a solution that offers a wide range need to develop a new automatic electric coupling device for one of possibilities to match the best the requirements of potential of its customers, where the design was limited by the maximum customers. Even though the coupling types produced so far con- permissible dimensions that excluded any use of normal standard nected only communication, video-signal and control conductors equipment. The customer’s requirements then resulted in the (up to 40 A/750 V), there is a possibility of connecting some miniaturisation of the device and the development of a new range power conductors, air pressure connections, optical cables, etc. of coupling devices. The use of Han-Modular series connectors Another advantage, compared to the earlier solutions, is the ease proved to be the best option. of repairing or replacing damaged contacts or modules. With the USAGE IN HELSINKI METRO placed at ‘the other end’ of the device, i.e. connecting the cables The first type implemented using Han®-modules was the automat- to the vehicle cable channel; however, this design is now being ic coupling device for the Cobra-Tram, which was later followed used by other traction vehicle manufacturers as well and, together by the automatic-pneumatic coupling device for the Helsinki also with other connectors, they have become standard on all the Metro. At the very beginning, there were some doubts about coupling devices supplied by Sécheron Tchequie. new range of electric coupling devices the connectors can be the mechanical life of the contacts (the generally required life The new range of coupling devices has been developed due to for automatic electric coupling devices is at least 20,000 cycles) the active cooperation of Sécheron Tchequie and harting CZ, as well as the contact engaging motion (the ‘sensitive’ manual where the representatives of the latter provided Sécheron with coupling of standard connectors is replaced by ‘hard-pressing’ of all the development support, including the test model samples. modules by either electric or pneumatic drive). Bearing this in This cooperation continues in a development project for a new mind, there was designed and manufactured a coupling prototype. higher capacity disconnecting switch (in the order of 650 A/4000 This prototype was tested in the Sécheron testing plant for the V), which will be another specific example for the application of mechanical resistance of modules and electrical characteristic harting solutions in the instrumentation for traction vehicles of contacts. The test results were remarkably successful: about manufactured by Sécheron Tchequie. 32,000 connecting cycles were carried out with satisfactory mechanical and electrical parameters on all the tested modules. It has been noted that the use of harting components in applications of this type is both possible and suitable. So the customer has Jan Cerny Head of the construction department Sécheron Tchéquie, spol. s r.o. approved this solution. THE NEW COUPLING DEVICE This development project resulted in a coupling device, the Bohuslav Tryzna Product Manager EL & EC HARTING s.r.o. Czech Republic external dimensions of which have been significantly reduced; 35 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Hans-Günter vom Bauer & Thomas Heckmann Wind Power Plants see the Light The development of wind power has produced resolute system modularization for the series production of modern plants. With the building block principle, manufacturers and system suppliers achieve not only efficient manufacturing processes, but also greater flexibility for implementing special customer demands. In industrial management and operations, modularization also proves to be advantageous for tasks in service and repair work, where simplified exchangeability of the subsystems leads to greater technical availability in terms of the overall system. The so-called “W, red” (German: W, rot) hazard beacon from the REETEC Company in Bremen, Germany, is a typical example of a modern system area in a wind power plant. Most wind power plants are equipped with hazard beacons, among other features, for reasons of air navigational safety. Day and night identifiers are prescribed for aircraft objects with a total height of 100 m or more. A high degree of operational dependability was reached in the development of “W, red” by means of component selection 36 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 and design (such as LED technology). Furthermore, the compact ternal seal, locking elements of non-rusting steel and housing signal bodies offer sufficient assembly options with regard to material made of a corrosion-resistant zinc die casting alloy. specific customer wishes – even when the unit is not assembled By using the appropriate adapters, it is possible to choose be- until it is outside. tween cable clamps with a universal clamp for the upper part The harting connectors used for the electrical connection of the of the housing with strain relief and special cable clamps with “W, red” hazard beacon were not only selected for their primary bend protection or anti-twist protection. The EMC cable clamp is mechanical and electrical functions. It was more important to a further option for providing a conductive connection between design in a high protection class, surface quality and – in those the cable screen and the housing. places that call for it – electromagnetic compatibility with the Together with REETEC, harting is ensuring that “W, red” hazard combination of the cable and connector components, thereby ena- beacons make wind power plants easy to recognize. bling them to meet the high demands of a wind power plant. The currently enhanced Han® HPR housings that are used, offer very tight sealing increased pressure tightness (protection class IP 68). They comply with tough climatic demands, such as found in wet areas, which allow the use of sensitive interfaces that must be protected. The identifying features are the black coloring, in- Han® 3 HPR Hans-Günter vom Bauer R&D / Support Engineer for Special Components REETEC GmbH Regenerative Energie- und Elektrotechnik Thomas Heckmann Market Manager Renewable Energy HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG 37 S p e c i a l t o p i c INTERNATIONAL Davide Bozzini & Rolf Baumann Technology Group supports Technology Activities – Han®Connectors used by CERN for their Large Hadron Collider (LHC) A TeV is a unit of energy used in particle physics. 1 TeV is about the energy of motion of a flying mosquito. What makes the LHC so extraordinary is that it squeezes energy into a space about 1012 times smaller than a mosquito. The LHC is the next step in a voyage of discovery which began a century ago. Back then, scientists had just discovered all kinds of mysterious rays, X-rays, cathode rays, alpha and beta rays. Where did they come from? Were they all made of the same thing, and if so what? These questions have now been answered, giving us a much greater understanding of the Universe. Along the way, the anThe Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project is another step for- swers have changed our daily lives, giving us televisions, transis- ward to prove CERN’s ability to be in front of the relevant re- tors, medical imaging devices and computers. search activities. The approval for the LHC construction was On the threshold of the 21st century, we face new questions which given in 1994 and the LHC will go live in 2007. The Technol- the LHC is designed to address. Who can tell what new develop- ogy Group harting has traditionally worked very closely with ments the answers may bring? the CERN engineers. The interconnection solutions in many cases are responsible for reliable connections of important power and datastream systems. The below presented project again demonstrates harting’s ability to cope with CERN’s high needs of quality, support and product versatility. CERN is the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, the world’s largest particle physics center based in Geneva, Switzerland. Here physicists come to explore what matter is made of and what forces hold it together. CERN exists primarily to provide the physicists community with the necessary tools. These tools are accelerators, which accelerate particles to almost the speed of light and detectors to make the particles visible. Founded in 1954, the laboratory was one of Europe’s first joint ventures and includes now 20 Member States. The organization is designed for the very specific needs of a scientific community. The prototype LHC full cell during test WHAT IS LHC? The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator which will probe deeper into matter than ever before. Due to switch on HARTING WITHIN THE LHC PROJECT in 2007, it will ultimately collide beams of protons at an energy For the LHC particle accelerator, 1232 dipole magnets (for the of 14 TeV. Beams of lead nuclei will be also accelerated, smashing bending of the beam) and about 400 quadrupole magnets (for together with a collision energy of 1150 TeV. beam focusing) are needed, all operating at a cryogenic tempera- 38 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 ture of 1.9 K. Each cryo-magnet assembly comprises the main the above mentioned CERN acceptance tests/specifications. The magnet and several small corrector magnets. Each assembly is Han family diversity in terms of contact configurations, mechani- equipped with instrumentation for the protection of the supercon- cal layout as well as ease of integration and robustness makes it ducting electrical circuits and for the control of the accelerator a powerful and multifunctional connectivity solution. Because of components. The total number of instrumentation wires routed its compatibility with industrial standards, it is also suitable for out from the cryo-magnets is around 120 000. The routing of the cost-efficient upgrading of existing systems and industrialization instrumentation wires from the magnet to the corresponding of the manufacturing and assembly process. electronic has to satisfy several requirements in order to grant a high degree of reliability for the entire 25 years lifetime of the machine. Above all, the connectivity technique shall make possible a simple integration, an easy handling and manipulation during test and commissioning phases and shall be mechanically robust and compatible with the different voltage and current withstand levels. LHC Dipole Magnet Instrumentation Box Cryogenics for the LHC test facility TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONNECTIVITY The need to group and distribute different types of instrumentation wires led to selecting a family of connectors suitable to cover all the envisaged configurations. More than 15 different configurations of connectors are needed, differing on the type of instrumentation and on the number of wires. The most complex case consists of three assorted types of instrumentation wires LHC Beam Separation Dipole Magnet Instrumentation Box with different functionalities such as: 1000 V DC voltage pickup point, 75 A peak capacitor discharge carrier and a 8000 A, 200 ns peak current pulse carrier, on a single connector. HARTING’s HAN®-CONNECTORS SELECTED During the development phase, in total 15 different configurations have been evaluated and the Han family has shown to comply fully with the CERN technical requirements. The Han-Modular® including “Axial-screw-module”, “C-module” and “EE-module” has Davide Bozzini LHC Project Engineer CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics Geneva, Switzerland Rolf Baumann Managing Director HARTING AG Switzerland been retained as a possible solution and has successfully passed 39 S p e c i a l t o p i c APPLICATION Hervé Yves Herman / Antonio de Diego & Pere Joan del Valle Automated Baggage Handling with intelligent Connections In 2000, Siemens Dematic undertook what is globally its most The process of automated transport developed by Siemens Dematic important project and embarked on the biggest project in in the extension to Barajas Airport includes all the stages of lug- Europe: the extension of the Madrid-Barajas airport. In this gage processing: from the arrival of the luggage at check-in, to extension, Siemens Dematic is carrying out the automatic labeling, weighing, inspection and classification, right through baggage handling system (BHS) encompassing four phases, to its final destination within the airport. with a budget of 300 million Euros, which will be completed in 2005. The BHS project, which is highly automated, includes, among other elements, about 12,000 monitors which are controlled by The BHS will have a total circuit of 91.3 kms divided between some 15,000 detectors. conventional belt conveyors and high-speed conveyors. One of the most important new features incorporated by Siemens De- CONNECTION APPROACH matic into this project is the use of the high-speed system (ITBS) The development of this important project required careful con- characterized by a belt conveyor speed of more than 10 m/s. sideration of points crucial to the efficiency of the system: rapid Madrid-Barajas will be the first airport in the world to use this and secure connections, practical installation and assembly and groundbreaking solution developed by Siemens Dematic. uncomplicated maintenance. These same considerations have been applied to all the electrical and electronical components The BHS will process more than 16,500 pieces of luggage per hour, supplied by the Technology Group harting: controlled by 174 check-in desks together with an early baggage store for 2,000 pieces of luggage. Simultaneously, it will manage l Quintax connectors – used in peripheral cabinets to connect the inspection of 100 % of the baggage, using 30 X-ray machines touch panels and carry out the motor control in manual mode. in Level 1 and 4 tomographic scanners in Level 3. The connection is made by crimp contact. 40 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 l HARAX® M12-L connectors: these PROFIBUS-DP connectors link the INDRIVE motors and the read/write stations of inductive identification. The connection is made by means of axial insulation displacement. l Han® 10 E connectors: installed in the connection box of the motors. The connection is made by crimp contact. l Han® 3A connectors: used to connect the photocells of the vertical classifiers by means of extra flexible cables. The connection Han Quintax® is made by screws. To achieve all this, Siemens Dematic has invested a great deal in terms of human resources and technical knowledge in order to offer integrated solutions based in state of the art systems Hervé Herman SATE-NAT Project Manager Siemens Dematic and equipment to meet the requirements of AENA (Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea). Antonio de Diego de Castro Electrical Engineer Siemens Dematic With all of these innovations, improvements and BHS solutions, the new Area Terminal will service more than 35 million passengers a year. Pere Joan del Valle Product Manager & Marketing Industrial Markets HARTING Iberia S.A. 41 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Rainer Schmidt & Simon Seereiner Converging Office and industrial Networks Effective communication is increasingly becoming an es- HISTORY OF STRUCTURED BUILDING CABLING sential part of everyday personal life, as well as a decisive While cabling was developed and set up on an application-by-ap- competitive factor in business life. Communication technolo- plication basis during the 1970’s and 1980’s, the idea of univer- gies geared to increasing efficiency in all business processes sally usable cabling in the LAN area took hold at the beginning are particularly evident in the constantly growing number of the 1990’s. This generic cabling, not tied to any specific ap- of PCs in companies. Genuine efficiency was only attained, plication, was meant to offer a cost-effective infrastructure for however, with the advent of LAN technology (LAN = Local all existing information services and protocols within buildings Area Network). or building complexes. A LAN not only includes servers, PCs, protocols and programs, but In 1995 the first internationally coordinated standard on struc- also the corresponding cabling, which more or less represents the tured building cabling (ISO/IEC 11801) appeared; essential sec- transport paths for the data packets to be sent. tions of this standard were adopted by the European EN 50173. In the same year, the German standard titled “Generic Cabling Systems” (DIN EN 50173) was published. The current standards for structured building cabling are: 42 l ISO/IEC 11801:2002 (international standard) l EN 50173-1:2002 (european standard) l TIA/EIA 568:2002 (american standard) HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 CABLING STRUCTURE Defined outlets are needed in order to reliably connect the large IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISO/IEC 11801, EN 50173 number of already existing office networks to industry’s machine There are three distinct areas: networks. Therefore, user demands for defined standards have l Primary area (also called the campus area) l become increasingly vocal in recent times. Secondary area (also called riser area or, more frequently, backbone) CONNECTING THE OFFICE WORLD l Tertiary area (also called the horizontal area) WITH INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS There is a central theme in the international standardization of Today’s structured building cabling systems essentially use only generic cabling: How does the IT network enter into industrial two cable types: fiber optic cable for the campus and backbone applications? The TO (Telecommunication Outlet = junction box) areas and twisted-pair copper cable for the horizontal area. already known from the office, is of essential significance. The so-called InO (Industrial Outlet) represents the interface between In the horizontal area, a maximum length of 100 m is assumed. building cabling and plant cabling. Cable and connector are organized into categories, which simultaneously define the components’ performance. The locations for the Industrial Outlets are already defined during network planning for the factory building. The building network cables terminate at outlets positioned on columns or at manufac- The categories are defined as follows: l Category 5 for bandwidths up to 100 MHz, turing cells. These industrial outlets represent the point where l Category 6 for bandwidths up to 250 MHz and plant or facility specific cabling commences. In order to ensure l Category 7 for bandwidths up to 600 MHz. smooth interaction from the top (office) to the bottom (machine), the harting Technology Group developed a product family that is While the SC and Duplex SC connectors are predominant for optimally adapted to the machine network and still compatible fiber optic cabling, the RJ 45 connector is the standard for copper with common office standards. cabling. This connector is used as a socket in distribution panels and junction boxes and, in plug form, it is employed on patch and The harting RJ Industrial® connector simultaneously conforms connection cords. to the specifications of the Profibus Nutzerorganisation (PNO 2 3 1 1: Campus 2: Backbone 3: Floor area Organization of the cabling levels in a building complex 43 – Profibus User Organization) and is RJ 45 compatible, which ISO/IEC 118 Structure 01 d network industrial for building Productio means that it supports the global office standard according to ISO IEC 11801. The PNO has defined this interface for PROFInet, the Ethernet-based automation network, which optimally corresponds n area to industrial cabling requirements. The InO is the data handover point between the factory building Field cab and the office network, which is usually a part of the company- ling PROFInet Structure d Field cab network wide IT infrastructure. ling Field cab for mach ling ines INDUSTRIAL OUTLET FROM HARTING In the interest of providing users with technical continuity, the Outlet from office cabling to industrial cabling InO from harting has adopted proven LSA-PLUS® termination technology for the building network cable. Consequently, users encounter something that they are already familiar with and can therefore install. The development of this InO was driven forward in close cooperation with the experts for building and in-house cabling in the office area at KRONE. KRONE’s cabling solutions and components for equipping buildings (office cabling) are used in building cabling around the world. harting presented a plastic housing version of the Industrial Outlet, which combined the expert knowledge of the two companies, as an absolute innovation for the first time at the SPS/IPC/Drives 2003, in addition to the metal InO, which is already very successful in the market. Merging a wealth of functions and practical qualities with award deserving design, the InO Push Pull is setting new standards. Preparing the KM8 jacks without tools Guiding the cable with the help of the cable manager PROPERTIES OF THE INDUSTRIAL PUSH PULL OUTLET Connecting the cable in the InO was simplified, as the prescribed terminal lengths are clearly marked inside the housing. This allows the installing technician to determine the cable length for the specific case even faster, spelling a considerable reductions in installation times as a result. The RJ 45 jack connection in the housing was optimized by using KM8 jacks from KRONE, which can be harnessed without tools. The office-proven RJ 45 terminal blocks KM8 with LSA-PLUS® termination technology allow cabling with AWG 22-24 industrial cables. These terminal blocks have 360° screening and comply with IEC 11801, not only in their link performance, but also in the strict component requirements in accordance with Cat. 6. This Cable entry from top and bottom 44 guarantees reliable transmission of data signals according to the HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 standard, in addition to further reducing the connection time as Task Group (IPTG) – a work group within the ISO IEC for revis- no tools are required for the preparation. ing the 11801 cabling standard – as the possible mating face for connecting industrial cabling to the office network. The integrated cable manager ensures that the cable is guided correctly inside the housing. The geometry of this innovation These developments outlined demonstrate, close cooperation enables the creation of a defined bending radius, allowing among experts from office and industrial cabling can produce smooth installation of Cat. 6 performance. When the InO is con- the greatest possible advantages for end users. Thanks to this nected and the cover has been closed, it is always ensured that approach harting is able to offer reliable solutions today that fully the cable is guided inside in just the right way, as HF lines work meet the requirements of crucial applications in building cabling like a water hose: in industrial surroundings. Nothing gets through if the line is kinked. This resulted in an extreme reduction in the housing’s overall dimensions, as it was possible to minimize the standard bending Rainer Schmidt Manager, Marketing/Product Management PremisNET® KRONE GmbH Berlin radius since the cable is precisely guided into the cable manager. At the same time, this cable guide facilitates the installing technician’s work, because he/she can be sure that the cable is fed in the housing correctly, thereby patting the error ratio and the Simon Seereiner Strategic Market Manager Industrial HARTING Electronics GmbH & Co. KG error propability to zero. Another advantage of this cable manager is the cable feed into the InO from two sides. By simply shifting the cable manager, it is possible to rotate the lower housing by 180° and thereby connect the cable coming in from the top or from the bottom. This allows the widest possible application range for the InO. As an inserted connector cannot always be assumed, the InO Push KRONE Pull is fitted with automatic flaps. This guarantees permanent KRONE has been involved in the development of struc- IP 65/67 degree of protection – whether plugged in or not. The tured cabling systems right from the initial stages, and subsequent insertion of cover flaps can be dispensed with. is a member of international and many national standards In order to realize unique port identification in the network, passive infrastructure solutions. KRONE cabling solutions committees. The company ranks as a leading provider of even under unfavorable environmental conditions, the InO from and components for buildings systems (office cabling) are harting has an integrated transparent protective glass, which marketed globally under the PremisNET® name. allows the box to be labeled, even in an IP 65/67 environment. Cabling components from KRONE show up in all telecom- This ensures that even after many years of use in a hostile en- munications companies, providers and in cabling in large vironment, the box identification does not yellow and become office buildings, airports and financial service providers. illegible. KRONE has responded to constantly growing market THE RJ 45-BASED CONNECTION Consequently, KRONE was the first company to put a 100% The harting RJ Industrial Push Pull is used as an interface in component-compliant Category 6 system based on the KM8 machine cabling. This connector beats the space requirements on the markets. The company is dynamically advancing the of all other IP 65 and IP 67 RJ 45 connectors by 50 %. Given user development of de-embedded test methods and is leading requirements by increasing its capacity for innovation. demands for miniaturization, harting also resolutely follows this in the development of copper cabling systems capable of path in international standardization. The harting RJ Industrial 10 Gigabit Ethernet. Push Pull connector is currently seen by the Industrial Premise 45 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Michael Grätz Success with the small and fine: Micro Packaging Solutions from HARTING are strengthened by Cooperation with LPKF Decreasing size and increasing opens the metal complex, and the metal seeds for the subsequent performance – harting Electro- metal-plating process are exposed. Optics is meeting these market demands by way of micro pack- STRUCTURING PROCESS aging solutions. The solutions The structuring process allows processing times in the seconds are offered as project services. range; thanks to batch processing (or also production run process- The LPKF LDS (Laser Direct ing) it is possible to reduce the average processing time per piece Structuring) process plays a key even further. The data for the structuring is generated directly role here by enabling the cost-efficient mass production of from the CAD data and processed immediately in the laser system, 3D circuit carriers that are tailored to individual customer which allows structuring without the need to produce any masks. requirements. After a cleaning step to remove the ablation products (ablation: removal of material using a high temperature process and crea- COOPERATION AGREEMENT tion of a clean surface), the metal layers that form the later circuit In the course of the productronica 2003 trade fair, a cooperation structures are applied in a multiple-step wet-chemical process. agreement between harting Electro-Optics and the LPKF Company in Garbsen was signed on November 10, 2003, that focuses on LAYER BY LAYER the joint development and qualification of the LDS process. LPKF The starting layer plays a crucial role here; it essentially deter- is an established equipment manufacturer and service provider in mines the adhesion properties for the entire metal setup. This the field of laser microprocessing. Some of the operations covered starting layer is always generated using purely chemical deposi- are micro-drilling, structuring, cutting and surface treatments tion. In an adequate process the starting layer only grows in those in the micrometer range, based on laser equipment and serving areas at which the metal seeds were previously already exposed, the widest range of application fields. Thanks to the new coop- so that the deposited metal represents an exact image of the pre- eration agreement and associated equipment base, harting now vious structuring. The layers applied subsequently ensure the has access to patented, leading-edge technologies offering high appropriate surface properties, which allows further processing application flexibility. with typical electronic assembly technologies, such as SMD sol- WORKING WITH THE LPKF LDS PROCESS technologies. A typical layer combination used in this context is The LPKF LDS process is an additive procedure for creating 3D copper-nickel-gold, with a total layer thickness of approximately circuit structures on a plastic carrier. The principle of the proce- 8 – 11 µm. The chemical deposited structures can be reinforced dure is based on laser activation of a metal complex. To this end, by electroplating. This presupposes the existence of contacting the metal complex, in a finely distributed form, is added to the possibilities for the electroplating process. Such contacting pos- dering, conducting adhesives, chip and wire bonding or flip chip plastic material (LCP, PBT and PP are currently available). sibilities must already be The blanks for the circuit carrier are injection molded from these taken into consideration dur- special plastic materials by way of a conventional injection mold- ing the development of the ing procedure. The blanks may typically measure in the range parts. Furthermore, it must from 2 x 2 x 1 mm to 100 x 100 x 30 mm. be noted that while a layer In the subsequent structuring process in the laser structuring applied with electroplating is system, the circuit structures are “written” onto the blank with a considerably thicker and less laser beam, in a 3D structuring process. This process destroys, i.e. rough, when the electroplate 46 Figure 1 shows a part manufactured with the LDS method. HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 layer grows, the track conductor image is also considerably of micro packaging. The advantages of the procedure are prima- changed horizontally. rily based on its flexibility, permitting subsequent adjustment The comparison with the match in Figure 1 impressively demon- of the circuit structure design without any tool changes at all. strates the achievable structure sizes that are currently in the Just as important is the possibility of interlacing mechanical and range of 200 µm. Further work is directed at advancing down to electrical functionalities, as a mechanical carrier simultaneously the region of structure sizes around 100 µm. The procedure also serves as the carrier of a three-dimensional conductor image, and enables the creation of vias, i.e. the connection between 2 sides therefore allows a further step in component miniaturization. The of the carrier. cooperation project with the LPKF Company merges the strengths of the two companies to deliver maximum customer benefits, SUMMARY combining LPKF’s equipment knowledge and first procedure In summary, it can be stated that the procedure outlined above is results with harting’s technology experience and qualification opening up new potentials for the harting Company in the field procedure knowledge. The products created with this new method are finding use in the fields of medical technology and sensor technology, among others. Figure 2 shows a cross-section through a 300 µm through-plating (via), magnified 100 times, before and after the metal coating. Michael Grätz Manager Production Technology HARTING Electro-Optics GmbH & Co KG 47 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Frank Quast No halfway Measures It’s only been around for some 50 years, but there are few These operations must be performed manually, and are time and products that have asserted themselves and spread through- cost- consuming, depending on the cable’s flexibility. This was out the industrial arena as quickly as the rectangular con- the background for the development of a housing impressing nector. Its diversity is primarily found inside the protecting with new, unconventional approaches, in order to offer optimized metal housing. The range of different inserts is gigantic and cabling convenience for interfaces with unwieldy cables or high covers virtually any requirements that may arise. pin count cables. Sectional view of a standard connector Viewed against this backdrop, it is all the more surprising that Industrial connector with separable hood there have been only very few changes in the appearance or function of the metal housing until now. CURRENT SITUATION FIFTY-FIFTY On the cable side, the entire industrial connector design in protec- The fundamental innovation is the vertical separation of the tion class IP 65 consists of three components. housing. The two half-shells make it possible to open the hood, which has been closed until now. The work paths in the assembly l Connector insert l Hood l Cable clamp consequently move out of the axial level and into the horizontal. This affects the logistics during the wiring process, because the cable and insert can be conveniently connected at different Regardless of the termination technology used for the insert, the work stations and then inserted into the hood later. This makes assembly of an industrial connector requires five basic steps. assemblies easier and more reliable, because the housing interior 1. Guiding the cable through the cable clamp and through the can be viewed and inspected. In order to completely implement opening in the hood the “divided” principle of the hood, the “cable clamp” components 2. Connecting the insert must also be considered. The pressure screw, mostly of brass, is 3. Feeding the insert with cable back into the hood completely eliminated for this housing model, and the clamp’s 4. Screwing in the insert’s fixing screws. elastomer moves completely into the housing. Along with IP 65 5. Tightening the cable clamp. tightness, this principle offers an optional strain relief clamp, 48 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 which guarantees high-quality function protection when the conductive pressure spring system, which is also the connection cable is subjected to a tensile load. Housing and “cable clamp” to the hood’s ground potential. The insert is no longer screwed to become a single unit. the hood. This time-saving fastening system has been designed for all harting contact inserts and consequently allows maximum FIRM SEATING EVEN WITHOUT SCREWING application flexibility. Another feature for reducing the assembly time is the insert receptacle. The contact insert is based on a patented electrically- TIGHTNESS UNDER TOUGH CONDITIONS Vertically separated housing places high demands on the housing seal. The area of the hood’s vertically running cord seal is the most sensitive; it borders the lower part of the housing’s horizontal profile rubber gasket. In order to quickly and effectively reach reliable sealing contours, these “bordering spots” were digitally modeled on computer by a specialized company. Using FEM analyses (FEM = Finite Element Methods), it was possible to optimize volume compaction, so that IP 65 dust and water jet tightness in accordance with IEC 60 529 can be guaranteed throughout the product’s entire lifetime. Housing shell with contact insert for voluminous wire packets UNDREAMED-OF POSSIBILITIES All of the details mentioned result in an industrial connector that allows new ways of assembly thanks to its separated construction. The product offers expanded cable room and improved packing density, while retaining insertion compatibility with existing interfaces. It is possible to look into the cabling, which considerably increases the connector’s reliability. Assemblies can be completed up to 25% faster and, thanks to the horizontal working method, automation approaches are possible for assembly operations. Non-linear static simulation of the volume compaction in the area of the cord and rubber profile gasket Frank Quast Product Manager Connectors HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG 49 S p e c i a l t o p i c INTERNATIONAL Steve Richardson & Paul Atkinson Pressing Arguments: Backplane Assembly as next Module for Technology Approach Traditionally, converting soldered backplane assemblies to 2. Where the backplane is heavily populated on two sides with pressfit technology really pays dividends when certain intrin- connectors necessitating slow and potentially unreliable hand sic conditions are present in the design of the unit. soldering of one side. HARTING INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS In a recent high-volume application encountered by harting Integrated Solutions (HIS) in the UK, a family of four backplanes had been designed using flow solder as the assembly process. harting were chosen for the main interconnect, with cable-toboard connectors from a variety of manufacturers – all solder pin contacts. Interestingly, none of the aforementioned conditions were present in this application, all connectors were mounted on the same side of the PCB and all were short ‘pc tail’ contacts, so at first glance, a ‘flow solder’ approach to assembly seemed the best solution. Double-sided assembly – pressfit connectors both sides However, on further investigation, several factors emerged that brought the prospect of transitioning to pressfit more into focus These fall into two main categories. 1. Where there is a requirement for ‘feed-through’ interface on the – and on discussion with the design authority, HIS was awarded a contract to investigate this option. backplane, using connectors with long spill contacts whereby The HIS team proceeded to look at all aspects of the four assem- either a second daughter card or I/O cables are plugged-up to blies to see where more cost-effective solutions could be offered the rear. In this instance pressfit provides clean gold plated against the current designs. pins for reliable connection, a condition that cannot always be Conversion of the main interconnect was quite straightforward, guaranteed by other assembly methods. as pressfit versions were part of harting’s existing connector Backplane with feed-through contacts and shrouds 50 M3 nut swaged into reverse of board HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 also able to bring to bear influence in other aspects of the board assembly process, with experience of “design for manufacture” principals extensively used within other products made at the harting UK facility. HIS’s Production Engineers looked at cost-effective process solutions in respect of both production and test, eventually submitting proposals that reduced manufacturing time of the individual boards from eleven minutes down to as little as five minutes per assembly, including electrical test. These proposals included utilization of harting CPM machines, with a pressing cycle of three minutes per board. Jack sockets fixed through connector, board and into M3 nut Finally, HIS submitted their proposal, highlighting all the technical and cost advantages on offer and not surprisingly with such portfolio, but finding cost-effective pressfit solutions to the cable compelling arguments, the business was won via a world-wide connectors presented more of a challenge and after extensively CEM, even in direct competition with their own in-house back- searching the market-place, good quality pressfit options were plane manufacture. selected, submitted to the design authority, and approved. As ever, the most expedient means of manufacture may not Reliable retention of jack sockets, cable retention brackets and always maintain the levels of quality compliance demanded. Ini- bail locks in the cable connectors was a key concern for the tially, through the use of FMEA (failure mode and effect analysis) designers, due to the fact that when the backplane is mounted techniques, the cross-functional team employed manufacturing in the sub-rack, any loosening and spinning whilst securing the techniques based upon Poke-Yoke (fool-proof) assembly methods mating cable half “in the field” would cause a major problem. HIS to ensure “right first time” product conformity. provided the solution with a pressfit M3 nut swaged into the re- This approach ensured a rapid and reliable production cycle that verse side of the PCB. This secure solution had the added bonus engendered customer confidence in HIS’s ability to deliver large of eliminating time-consuming washer and nut handling, simply quantities of product, on-time and to high levels of quality. leaving any hardware to be fitted down through the connector, A production cell was instigated across two shifts, with flow line PCB and into the M3 nut. principals employed to ensure immediacy of feedback along the The original solder design also required fixings for the DIN 41612 production line – using pre-defined performance metrics. This connectors. With 16 to 24 DIN connectors per board, huge savings ultimately enabled the team to meet the exacting requirement in assembly time would be possible if fixings were completely discarded. HIS were able to quadruple the throughput within the first four weeks of manufacture. to prove to the customer using sample assemblies and pull test data, that with 64 or 96 pressfit pins retained in the PCB, the need for further fixing was indeed unnecessary. THE BOARD ASSEMBLY PROCESS In providing cost effective solutions to the customer in the field of pressfit applicaHARTING 2001/s press in action tions, the HIS team were Drop-on connector check 51 Test fixture. Simple and fast, checks all connector orientation again, exercises all contacts and electrically tests backplanes Re-useable packaging Finally, always aware of its environmental responsibilities, the HIS proposal for shipping the backplanes in re-useable, collapsible boxes avoided the use of expensive disposable packaging, Each stage is verified as correct before the board is moved on whilst also dramatically simplifying the handling of the product within the cell. After pressing and before test and hardware as- both at HIS and the Customer’s premises. sembly, the orientation of all connectors is checked on a simple This was not only a welcome cost-saving initiative, but the cus- ‘plug-on’ fixture. tomer was sufficiently impressed to adopt the idea themselves for Boards then move on to electrical test, which is simplified as far the handling of their own PCB assemblies and metalwork. as possible, using a purpose-made fixture that suits all assembly In true harting style, the framework of the continuous improve- styles. Four multi-connector plug-in cards are mounted horizon- ment philosophy as part of The harting Way, ensures that HIS tally, the backplane is easily located in a drop-down, hinged rear constantly strive for better and more cost effective ways of panel and locked in position as responding to today’s ultra reactive market environment by shown. accommodating fluctuating demand curves, whilst ensuring The cards are then plugged up, complete compliance with the customers’ requirements and the test programme run and the specifications. board is moved on to the final stage of fitting hardware. The fitting of the various hardware requirements is completed using automatic dispensing equipment, torque-set electrical screwdrivers and Poke-Yoke fixtures that only allow the right part to be fitted to the Hardware fixture 52 Steve Richardson Sales & Marketing Manager (HIS) HARTING Integrated Solutions, HARTING Ltd. UK Paul Atkinson Manufacturing Manager (HIS) HARTING Ltd. UK right place. HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 S p e c i a l t o p i c TECHNOLOGY Heinz-Wilhelm Meier Applied Technologies – Projecting the Future The term “Applied Technologies” stands for the company The following examples provide an overview of how the techno- in the harting Group that for years has worked directly on logical basis is transformed into concrete solutions: transforming what is technologically possible into products delivering practical benefits and meeting customer requirements. This is where technologies, in the sense of the practical application of knowledge, ability and skills, are harnessed to create products and processes. Technologies assume concrete form as actual products and create value. The activities of harting Applied Technologies revolve around engineering in the fields of tooling, special purpose machines and assembly systems. This entails covering a wide range of Fig. 1 technologies that meet the needs of today’s applications, while also pointing the way to new, innovative applications. Stepped insulating sleeve for high-frequency contacts. Outer diOn the one hand, the know-how acquired in theory and practical mensions: Ø 1.1 / n 1.8 mm x 8.9 mm length. Parts weight: 20 operation in plastics processing (precision and micro injection mg (Fig. 1). molding), metal processing (precision stamping and die cast- Demands made on the tool: minimized metering and miniature ing), the necessary assembly, adjustment and inspection to suit core for producing elongated bores with a diameter of 0.47 mm, industrial demands and professional application of 3D CAD/CAM with additional slide switch cross-slot cores that seal along the systems is used to conduct the continuous, innovative, ongoing elongated cores. development of existing products and processes in the harting Technology Group; on the other hand, this know-how opens up completely new markets. THE MICROTECHNOLOGY TREND One of these markets is determined by rigorous miniaturization in the field of mobile communication, medical technology and automotive engineering. It is not enough simply to manufacture microstructures of plastic and metal – they also have to be assembled industrially, meaning in an automated process. Today the handling technology for microstructures or for the microsystem technology necessary for this generally represents a weak link Fig. 2 in the overall value chain. The manufacture of precision tools for microstructures and assembly technology, however, are exactly the core competence of harting Applied Technologies. Synchro- Molded contact (Fig. 2) for high-performance connectors. Part nizing the necessary and available technologies with the market’s weight = 42 mg, plastic weight = 22 mg. emerging applications and needs is the greatest challenge and Demands made on the tool: minimized metering and sealing of opportunity here. round contacts. 53 Insulating carrier for connectors (Fig. 3). Dimensions: 13 x 7 mm, Structural height = 1.1/1.6 mm, weight = 137 mg. The contact cavities are set off and partially tapered. The tool is designed for direct injection molding and does not produce a protruding injection point. Fig. 5 + 6 Handling technology (Fig. 7) for the automatic assembly of micro-components (from the component parts to the complete assembly). The carrier covers are separated and the bridges are fed in the form of a magazine tape to the assembly unit. This unit is Fig. 3 equipped with an integrated bending tool. After they pass the bending phase, the bridges are separated and mounted onto the Carrier cover (Fig. 4) with intricate contours for electronic switch carrier covers. In the final step, the machine ejects the finished connectors. Parts weight = 20 mg. Dimensions: 6.7 mm x 2.4 mm parts. x 4.8 mm. Demands on the tool: multiple slide-action tool for producing cutouts and undercuts on the part. Fig. 7 PERSPECTIVE harting Applied Technologies is drawing on innovative power precisely in this critical field of tension between the technically feasible and the market’s future needs – to the benefit and profit of the company’s customers. Against this background, the terms tool and assembly system engineering open up a completely different perspective, pointing ways towards the future. Fig. 4 Mold insert (Fig. 5 + 6) for an MID component with domes for bores. Die dimensions: wall thickness = 300 µm, structural width = 250 Heinz-Wilhelm Meier Project Management / Marketing HARTING Applied Technologies GmbH & Co. KG µm, bore diameters = 100 µm. 54 HARTING tec.News 12-I-2004 S p e c i a l t o p i c FAIRS HARTING Fair Attendances 2004 30.03. – 02.04. USA, San Francisco, electronicaUSA 30.03. – 02.04. Czech Republic, Prague, AMPER 19. – 24.04. Germany, Hanover, Hannover Messe 21. – 24.04. Italy, Genova, Venditalia 29.04. Belgium, Leuven, M & R 04. – 06.05. USA, Las Vegas, Electronic Distribution Show 11. – 14.05. Germany, Hamburg, Windenergy 11. – 14.05. 18. – 22.05. 25. – 28.05. Denmark, Odense, EL 2004 Brazil, São Paulo, Mecânica 2004 Russia, Moscow, Expo-Electronica 15. – 17.06. Germany, Nuremberg, SMT 31.08. – 04.09. Switzerland, Basel, go. Automation days 01. – 02.09. USA, Boston, Arrow Fest 20. – 24.09. Czech Republic, Brno, MSV Brno 21. – 24.09. Germany, Berlin, InnoTrans 21. – 23.09. Norway, Oslo, e04 22. – 24.09. Spain, Zaragoza, Power Expo 01. – 02.10. USA, San Jose, Arrow Fest 28. – 30.10. Brazil, São Paulo, Negócios nos Trilhos 2004 09. – 12.11. Germany, Munich, electronica 23. – 25.11. Germany, Nuremberg, SPS/IPC/Drives 55 Austria Germany Russia HARTING Ges. m. b. H. Deutschstraße 3, A-1230 Wien Phone +43 1 6162121, Fax +43 1 6162121-21 E-Mail: HARTING Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 2451, D-32381 Minden Simeonscarré 1, D-32427 Minden Phone +49 571 8896-0, Fax +49 571 8896-282 E-Mail: HARTING ZAO ul. Tobolskaja 12, Saint Petersburg, 194044 Russia Phone +7 812 3276477, Fax +7 812 3276478 E-Mail: Internet: Belgium Great Britain HARTING N.V./S.A. Doornveld 8, B-1731 Zellik Phone +32 2 4660190, Fax +32 2 4667855 E-Mail: HARTING Ltd. Caswell Road, Brackmills Industrial Estate GB-Northampton, NN4 7PW Phone +44 1604 766686, 827500 Fax +44 1604 706777 E-Mail: Internet: Brazil HARTING Ltda. Av. Dr. Lino de Moraes Leme, 255 Pq. Jabaquara CEP 04360-001 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil Phone +55 11 5034-0073 Fax +55 11 5034-4743 E-Mail: HARTING (HK) Limited Regional Office Asia Pacific 4208 Metroplaza Tower 1, 223 Hing Fong Road Kwai Fong, N. T., Hong Kong Phone +85 2 2423-7338, Fax +85 2 2480-4378 E-Mail: Italy HARTING (HK) Limited Shanghai Representative Office Room 2302 Hong Kong Plaza South Tower 283 Huai Hai Road (M) Shanghai 200021, China Phone +86 21-6390-6935, 6390-6936 Fax +86 21-6390-6399 E-Mail: HARTING SpA Via Dell‘ Industria 7, I-20090 Vimodrone (Milano) Phone +39 02 250801, Fax +39 02 2650597 E-Mail: HARTING spol. s.r.o. Mlynská 2, 16000 Praha 6 Phone +42 02 20380450 Fax +42 02 20380451 E-Mail: Internet: Finland HARTING Oy Hakamäenkuja 11 A, FIN-01510 Vantaa Phone +35 8 9 350 87 300, Fax +35 8935087320 E-Mail: France HARTING France ZAC Paris Nord II, B.P. 60058 181, av. des Nations F-95972 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cédex Phone +33 1 49383400, Fax +33 1 48632306 E-Mail: HARTING Singapore Pte Ltd. No. 1 Coleman Street, #B1-21 The Adelphi Singapore 179803 Phone +65 62255285, Fax +65 62259947 E-Mail: Spain Hong Kong China Czech Republic Singapore Japan HARTING K. K. Yusen Shin-Yokohama 1 Chome Bldg., 2F 1-7-9, Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0033 Japan Phone +81 45 476 3456, Fax +81 45 476 3466 E-Mail: Internet: Korea HARTING Korea Limited 14/F FKI Building, 28-1 Yodo-dong Youngdungpo-Gu, Seoul 150-756, Korea Phone +82 2-784-4614, 784-4615 Fax +82 2-3776-0070 E-Mail: Netherlands HARTING B.V. Larenweg 44, NL-5234 KA ‚s-Hertogenbosch Postbus 3526, NL-5203 DM ‚s-Hertogenbosch Phone +31 73 6410404, Fax +31 73 6440699 E-Mail: HARTING Iberia S.A. , Josep Tarradellas 20-30 4o 6a E-08029 Barcelona Phone +34 933 638 475, Fax +34 934 199 585 E-Mail: Sweden HARTING AB Fagerstagatan 18 A, 5 tr., S-16353 Spånga Phone +46 8 4457171, Fax +46 8 4457170 E-Mail: Switzerland HARTING AG Industriestrasse 26, CH-8604 Volketswil Phone +41 19082060, Fax +41 19082069 E-Mail: Taiwan HARTING R.O.C. Limited Room 6, 10 Floor, No. 171 Sung-Te Road, Taipei, 110 Taiwan Phone +886 2 2346-3177, Fax +886 2 2346-2690 E-Mail: USA HARTING Inc. of North America 1370 Bowes Road, Elgin, Illinois 60123 Tel. 877 741-1500 (toll free) Fax 866 278-0307 (Inside Sales) Fax 847 717-9430 (Sales and Marketing) E-Mail: Internet: Eastern Europe Norway HARTING A/S Østensjøveien 36, N-0667 Oslo Phone +47 22 700555, Fax +47 22 700570 E-Mail: HARTING Bauelemente GmbH Vertrieb Osteuropa Bamberger Straße 7, D-01187 Dresden Phone +49 351 4361760, Fax +49 351 4361770 E-Mail: HARTING KGaA Marienwerderstraße 3 | D-32339 Espelkamp P.O. Box 11 33 | D-32325 Espelkamp Phone +49 5772 47- 0 | Fax +49 5772 47- 400 E-Mail: | Internet: