RReeefffeeerrreeeeee HHaaannndddbbbooooookkk 22000000999


RReeefffeeerrreeeeee HHaaannndddbbbooooookkk 22000000999
Long Island
Soccer Referees
Association, Inc.
Referee Handbook
701-9 Koehler Avenue, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Ph: 631-648-8877
Fx: 631-648-8875
Forward ....................................................................................................3
Youth Games Topics List ..........................................................................5
Assignment & Game Coverage ..................................................................6
Calling Coach ...........................................................................................6
Bad Weather .............................................................................................6
Emergency, Can’t Cover Your Game ........................................................6
No Assignments in the Mail ......................................................................7
Turn-Backs ...............................................................................................7
Field Conditions & Markings ....................................................................7
Substitutions .............................................................................................8
Number of Players ....................................................................................8
Players’ Uniforms & Equipment ................................................................9
Referee Fees & Game Duration (chart) ......................................................9
Game Reports (Purchasing, Mailing Procedures) .......................................10
Red and/or Yellow Cards ..........................................................................10
State Cup Reporting ..................................................................................11
Referee Pre-Game Duties ..........................................................................11
Referee Late Arrival ..................................................................................13
Arbitration Boards ....................................................................................14
Post-Game Duties .....................................................................................14
Sportsmanship Program ............................................................................15
State Cup & Waldbaum’s Challenge Procedures .......................................16
Methods of Payment .................................................................................17
Referee Assault Procedure .........................................................................18
List of LISRA Activities ............................................................................19
LISRA Executive Board Names & Phone Numbers ...................................20
Member in Good Standing ........................................................................21
Soccer Websites ........................................................................................22
USSF Referee Code of Ethics ....................................................................23
LISRA Honorary Members .......................................................................24
Big Brother Program .................................................................................25
Annual Dues .............................................................................................25
LISRA Scholarship ...................................................................................25
LIJSL Convention .....................................................................................26
Referee Number ........................................................................................26
Tournament Sign-Up .................................................................................26
Annual Dinner –Dance .............................................................................26
Office Hours ..............................................................................................27
Meetings ...................................................................................................27
Directions to Meeting Site .........................................................................28
Evaluation & Assessment Program ............................................................28
Rap Sessions .............................................................................................29
Mandatory Annual Testing ........................................................................29
Report Samples .........................................................................................30
LISRA.net 36 ............................................................................................36
LISRA Affiliations ....................................................................................38
Page 1
This handbook was created by the LISRA Organization.
Updated by Kyle Markott
Fall 2001
This handbook is designed to provide LISRA officials
essential information regarding their duties and responsibilities
in covering their youth officiating assignments to the Long
Island Junior Soccer League (LIJSL), State Cup games,
Waldbaum’s Challenge Cup games and Tournament
Noted herein are procedures for writing and mailing
referee game reports (LIJSL, State Cup, Tournaments, etc.),
Supplementary Reports, referee assaults, Sportsmanship Forms,
In addition, there is information about the functioning of
your Association, listings of various LISRA committees, a
roster of your Board Members and other important Association
You are encouraged to read this booklet thoroughly,
offer suggestions for its improvement and, if there is something
LISRA@ix.netcom.com for clarification.
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In the Spring of 1971, LISRA’s founding fathers, guided
by Willie Noble and Keith Bantz, organized the Long Island
Soccer Referees Association…an organization that serves its
USSF registered Soccer Referee members in professional soccer
and community matters.
The LISRA has set high standards for its members and
for itself, as it continues to provide the finest refereeing services
in the Nation. LISRA officials foster sportsmanship and instill a
character-building value system among players and spectators as
they adhere to the high standards of the USSF Code of Ethics for
Through the years, the LISRA has always focused on its
true purpose…to service the needs of the youth of Long Island
through the Long Island Junior Soccer League. It is in this
context that the LISRA has fostered several important leaders in
the officiating community, many of whom have attained local,
State, National and International fame and recognition.
LISRA members can proudly march into the new
millennium as they continue to demonstrate their commitment
to the highest officiating performance standards in support of
soccer on Long Island.
1. Assignment and game coverage…availability
2. Calling coaches…leaving your name and phone number
3. Bad/wet weather…assess field/playing conditions
4. Make-up games…you must make a call
5. A real emergency…if you can’t cover your games
6. If you do not receive your mailed assignments
7. Turn-backs
8. Field conditions and markings
9. Substitutions
10. Number of players
11. Uniforms
12. Referee fees
13. Purchase of game reports
14. Officials referee game reports
15. Procedure for preparing game reports for mailing
16. Red or yellow cards
17. State Cup reports
18. Referee pre-game duties
19. Game responsibilities
20. Referee late arrival
21. Cautions
22. Post-game duties
23. Sportsmanship
24. State Cup games
25. Waldbaum’s Challenge Cup games
26. Method of payment
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Each referee must make his availability known to our office. A form for
this purpose is distributed to every member prior to the start of each season.
Should a referee turn back an assignment, he/she will be subject to a $10.00 fine for
each game turned back. Appeals of these fines can be made to our Grievance
Committee. If you anticipate a change in your availability (as indicated on your
Availability Form), you must inform the office of the change a minimum of two
weeks prior to the date in question. If you are uncertain of your availability, rather
than face the possibility of a fine, place yourself on an on-call status and you can
check the LISRA website on Wednesday evenings of the season to determine if
there are weekend games you can cover.
Please call EACH home team coach to verify your field location and game
time and to get travel directions to your field. It is very much to your advantage to
leave your name and phone number with the home team coach so that you can be
contacted directly in the event of any last minute change in plans.
It is your responsibility to go to the field and assess the playing conditions
in person, if you have not heard from the home team coach two or more hours prior to the
game’s scheduled starting time. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE MAY YOU
CANCEL A GAME OVER THE TELEPHONE. If the home coach does not
cancel, you must appear at the field and make a decision as to whether or not the
field is in playable condition. Be careful…sometimes, if there is more than one
game scheduled on a field, only one game can be canceled but the following games
may not have been canceled. Check with each coach just to be sure that all games
on your field have been canceled. In the event of bad weather, check the office
answering service. If there has been a cancellation, there will be a message to that
effect on the machine.
If you can not cover your assigned game(s) due to a last minute
emergency, you must contact Nanci at home (631) 225-2145.
Page 6
If, for whatever reason, your game(s) go uncovered, you will receive a
call from a LISRA Board member to determine the reason. That board
member will report his/her findings to the Arbitration Committee for
evaluation and appropriate action will be taken.
Please…it is very important that you call Nanci at home only in the
event of a real emergency. Please respect our plea. You can always email
Nanci at the office Monday through Friday during normal business hours and
the office is always manned on Friday nights as well as Saturday and Sunday
mornings from 7am-11am during the Spring and Fall seasons.
The U.S. Postal Service is not always as reliable as we might like;
therefore, if you have not received your weekend assignment by Wednesday
before the scheduled weekend of games, it is YOUR responsibility to phone the
office to inquire if you have been assigned. The office has no way of knowing
that you may not have received your assignment in the mail. If games assigned
to you go uncovered because you didn’t receive them in the mail and you failed
to check with the office, your failure to call the office will be presented to the
Arbitration Committee for appropriate action.
We must do our utmost to stop turning back games. The amount of
work required to cover your turn-backs continues to be excessive.
BEEN ASSIGNED TO YOU!! Remember…you WILL be fined $10.00 for
each turned back game. As with any fine assessed to you, you may always
appeal to the Grievance Committee.
The home club is responsible for the condition of the fields, the proper
marking of the fields and the installation of corner flags, goals and goal nets, as
described the FIFA Laws of the Game. When a game is scheduled on a neutral
field, the host club shall be responsible for providing adequate playing facilities.
If you, as the referee, decide that the field is unplayable for one reasons or
another, fill out a Supplementary Report and mail it to the office. It will be the
decision of the Junior League as to what happens to the un-played game.
Page 7
All substitutions are made following the FIFA Laws of the Game:
1. In Youth games, team may make an unlimited number of
substitutions during a game, at ANY stoppage of play.
2. The coach must alert the referee and obtain his/her permission before
substituting a player.
3. Any player entering the field of play without the referee’s permission
will receive a caution (Yellow Card).
4. A team may not substitute for any player who has been ejected (Red
Card) by the referee. The violating team must play short handed.
5. The player leaving the game must exit the field before the substitute
may enter the field of play.
6. All substitute players must enter the field of play at the halfway line
only after having received permission from the referee.
Teams must be in proper uniform attire at all games. Players who are
not properly attired will be ordered off the field by the referee and not permitted
to return until they have corrected their equipment.
The uniform shirts must have numbers on their backs except as provided in
situations requiring a change of uniforms by the home team due to a
conflict in colors. All jerseys (shirts) must have different numbers (no
duplicate numbers). In the situation where the home team must effect a
change in colors, replacement jerseys are not required to have numbers.
Goalies may wear long pants at any time. Field players may, at the
referee’s discretion, wear long pants if the weather warrants. Any clothing
worn in the event of inclement or cold weather should be worn under the
regular uniform. In any case, the jersey must be tucked into the shorts.
The Laws of the Game forbid players from wearing bicycle shorts, or slide
pants under their uniform shorts if they protrude from the bottom of the
shorts and they must be the predominate color of the short. Players who
wear such items will not be permitted to participate until they correct the
deficiency in their uniforms.
The goalkeeper is permitted to wear a soft plastic helmet (no metal clips or
hard visors are allowed). The goalkeeper must wear colors, which
distinguish him or her from all of the other players.
No player may participate in a LIJSL game if wearing an orthopedic cast
or hard joint support brace of any type.
Number of Players
A minimum of seven (7) players shall be required for a team to
participate in a match, 5 players for U10’s and 6 players for U11’s. If a
team does not have the required minimum number of players, it shall,
after a specified waiting period of 15 minutes, forfeit the game.
In LIJSL games, the team that does have at least 7 players (5
players for U10’s and 6 players for U11’s) must line up on the field and
the referee shall have them kick off. The referee will then stop the game
and report the score as 1-0, file a regular game report and include
information about the kick-off in a Supplementary Report.
In the event a team DOES have 7 players present (5 players for
U10’s and 6 players for U11’s), the game MUST begin on time. Teams
CANNOT delay the start of a match to wait for the remainder of their
players to arrive.
Page 8
Referee Fees and Game Duration
2 x 25
2 x 30
2 x 30
2 x 35
2 x 35
2 x 40
2 x 40
2 x 45
2 x 45
Page 9
Game Reports
USSF official game reports are available on-line at the LISRA website
and also at the USSF website. These official reports are the only game reports
you may use. You must file the originals; photocopies are not acceptable at any
time. Your reports will be returned to you if they are not on the proper form and
will not be processed for payment. Supplementary Report forms are also
available on the LISRA and USSF websites and Assistant Referee payment claim
forms are available at LISRA.net.
In the event you have issued a RED CARD, paperclip the player(s) or
coach(s) pass to the Supplementary Report. Make sure that Red Card reports
are mailed to the LISRA office IMMEDIATELY so the incident can be
dealt with at the League’s arbitration hearing the Wednesday following the
game. If you are sending in a Red Card report, please mark the outside of
the envelope in large letters, “RED CARD ENCLOSED.” If you’re
uncertain of the report arriving at the office in time for Wednesday’s hearing,
please try to bring the report to the office in person.
State Cup Reports
Official Referee Game Reports
You must submit a USSF game report for every game you officiate. Be
certain the reports are mailed within 48 hours of the game. This does not apply
to most tournaments as usually a special form is used. Mail your game reports
701-9 Koehler Avenue
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Mail the game report to the office. Keep a copy for your records.
Enclose the Sportsmanship Forms (staple nothing to the game report). Mail
everything to the office in the same envelope within 48 hours of the game(s).
Make sure that the envelope is addressed to the Long Island Soccer Referees
Association, not the Long Island Junior Soccer League.
If you are assigned to officiate in any State Cup match, follow the
same procedures as above but mail the reports to:
53 North Park Ave., Suite 207, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
Mail the Game Report to the State office and keep the a copy for
your records. If you have issued any cards or have injuries to report, mail the
Supplementary to the State Office. In the event of a Red Card having been
issued, include the player(s) or coach(s) pass in the envelope you send to the
State office if the winning team. Send all others to LIJSL.
Referee Pre-Game Duties
Please examine the properly filled out Referee Reports beginning on
page 30 of this manual. Make sure that, in addition to your name, you include
your referee number on your game reports. We do not pay by name; we pay
referee numbers only.
If you have served as an assistant referee in a game, you must fill out an
fee for the game. These forms are available on the LISRA website. Make sure to
get the details of the game from the referee in the middle (teams, competition,
etc.) and get the referee’s name and referee number, which you will need for the
Red and/or Yellow Cards
If you have issued and Red or Yellow cards, you MUST fill out a
Supplementary Report in addition to you Game Report and mail the White and
Yellow copies to the office. The Supplementary report should give all details of
the incident in question.
Page 10
REFEREE UNIFORM – Only the approved USSF uniform, as detailed
in the USSF Referee Administrative Handbook shall be worn. This will
a. Official Gold, Red, Blue, Black, or green jersey.
b. Solid black shorts.
c. Black knee socks with three white stripes at top.
d. Black leather shoes or black with white manufacturer’s logo.
e. Current year’s USSF badge with your current referee grade.
A referee should be well groomed, uniform’s neat and pressed and shoes
should be well polished. TAKE PRIDE IN YOURSELF.
ARRIVAL – Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your first game.
a. 2 Whistles
e. 2 Pencils or Pens
b. 2 Watches and/or Stopwatches f. Notepad or Scoresheet
c. Red and Yellow Cards
g. 2 coins
d. Assistant Referee Flags
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4. FIELD INSPECTION – It is the referee’s responsibility to check the field
prior to the start of the game. This should include:
a. Goals (securely anchored!) and Nets
b. Proper field markings
c. Playing conditions of the field itself
d. Hazards and other dangers
e. Game ball(s)
Playability of the field is at the discretion of the referee. Anything
unusual or dangerous to the players should be reported to the home coach and
made part of the referee Supplementary report. If you judge the field of play to
be potentially dangerous, DO NOT PLAY THE GAME.
most competitions that no player is to be allowed to participate without a proper
player’s pass. The wearing of dangerous and/or illegal equipment is also
forbidden. The pre-game checklist should include:
a. Line-up sheet with proper uniform and registration numbers.
b. Player Pass (check picture, team name & player name)
c. Footwear.
d. Do not allow any player to play without shinguards.
e. In LISJL games do not allow and player to play if he/she is wearing
any kind of hard cast or hard joint support device.
f. The Laws do not permit players to wear anything under their
uniform unless they are the same color as the uniform if they
protrude from the uniform.
g. The captain(s) should be wearing an armband (on the arm) for
identification purposes. If no armband is available, have the
captain(s) place something on his/her uniform to identify him/her.
A piece of tape will do.
h. In severe weather, players may wear sweat pants and shirts UNDER
their uniforms. In any case, shirts must be tucked into the shorts.
i. Coaches’ and trainer (if issued) must be checked.
j. No jewelry of any kind may be worn by the players.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to make players kneel to check their
cleats nor are you to act like a dictator in checking uniforms, equipment and
passes. Please be kind and considerate to all coaches and players.
6. ASSISTANT REFEREE INSTRUCTIONS: It is the referee’s responsibility
to instruct the assistant referees on what the referee expects during the game. The
USSF Guide to Procedures should be followed. If using a Club Linesman,
simply instruct the linesman to only signal when the ball has crossed the touch
7. PRE-GAME INSTRUCTIONS: There is no reason to give a 10minute speech to anyone when checking equipment and passes. Make
your pre-game instructions brief;
a. Explain how you want substitutions handled (no substitutes are to
enter the field without your permission and only after the players
being substituted have left the field).
b. You may choose to emphasize or explain any new law or rule you
want to stress.
c. Establish your authority in a firm but pleasant manner.
d. Call for the captains and conduct the coin toss.
Game Responsibilities
All game contests are governed by FIFA LAWS OF THE GAME.
Remember to use Law XVIII….COMMON SENSE!
Referee Late Arrival
If you are late getting to your assigned game and the game is
already in progress, you MAY NOT take over the game. You MAY
NOT replace the referee who is doing the game.
If you have refereed a game on a given field and the referee for the
following game has not yet arrived, you may officiate that game under the
following conditions:
1. Determine if the assigned referee has called the home coach.
He may have notified the coach that he would be arriving late.
2. If the coach has not heard from the assigned referee or been
informed of a possible late arrival, you may referee the game after waiting
15 minutes form the scheduled starting time.
CAUTIONS (Yellow Card)
A yellow card is displayed by the referee to indicate that a player
or adult supervisor (coach) is being cautioned for a violation of the FIFA
Laws of the Game. Only players and/or coaches may be cautioned. In
no case may you caution a spectator, but under LIJSL rules you may
caution a coach for failing to control the conduct of the people on his/her
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Page 13
If a player or adult supervisor received two cautions during
one match, the player or adult supervisor will be ejected from the
match and he/she may not be substituted.
A red card is displayed by the referee to indicate that a player or
adult supervisor (coach) has been ejected (sent-off) from the match.
The LISRA Arbitration Board, at its discretion, may forward any
referee to the ENY Referee Arbitration Committee who will determine the
length of suspension and any other punishments, fines and/or assessments.
A LISRA board member attends all Arbitration hearings.
Game reports (cont’d):
Your game reports must include all of the following:
Your Full Name and LISRA Referee Number
Club and Team names, League name (e.g. LIJSL, Division &
The score of the game.
Field address and field conditions.
Any unusual events.
Cautions and Ejections – Accompanied by Supplementary
Report. This includes injuries where the player did not return
to the game.
Line-up sheets with Sportsmanship portion of form properly
filled out. There is a space on the form, which must be
completed by you with the appropriate ratings. Submit the
White copy of the form. Return the yellow copy to the
coaches with their player passes.
Sportsmanship Forms
Game Reports Will Be Reviewed by the
Appropriate Arbitration Board
The league or state Arbitration Board shall review the “Referee
Report” and the “Supplementary Report”. The Arbitration Board, upon
determination of a breach of the LIJSL Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and
Regulations, Guidelines, Regulations and Procedures, FIFA Laws of the
Game or the rules of a special competition, shall determine the punishment,
fine and/or assessment of players and adult supervisors.
1. GAME REPORTS: The referee is responsible for keeping an
accurate record of the game. All Game Reports must be submitted within 48
hours of the match on an official USSF form. Game reports must include all
of the following elements. If you have any questions on properly filling out
your forms, see examples of properly completed forms on page 32 in this
manual. Make sure you keep a copy or all game reports!
Page 14
The LIJSL has a very strong Sportsmanship Program and it
has been a huge success that has been adopted by Leagues across the
Country. The referee plays a vital role in the program by rating the
teams, fans, coaches, etc. and by indicating points earned on the
bottom portion of the line-up sheet. This completed form must
accompany the official game report. In the event the referee does not
send this form to the LISRA office, the referee is subject to a fine of
$5.00 for each missing Sportsmanship Form.
Please be conscientious when filling out these Sportsmanship
ratings. Be honest and accurate so as not to deprive the players of
potential awards. Indicate “RED CARD” on the form. Three
Yellow Cards to the same team in a game will also result in zero
points. You MUST put your name and referee Number on the roster!
Page 15
State Cup Games
Eastern New York has its own procedures for Youth Soccer State
Cup competition. Payment for all State Cup games is at the same scale as
all other games. Referee is to collect the game fee from the HOME coach
prior to the start of the game. It can be difficult to collect your fee after
the game is over!
If you are assigned to a State Cup game, YOU MUST GO TO
THE FIELD, regardless of the weather conditions on the day of the
game. You must appear at the game site and make the decision as to
whether or not the game can be played.
For State Cup Games, the referee official uniform will be the GOLD shirt
with the red, black, and blue shirts being official alternates. Be certain
that you have all three uniform shirts with you for all games and change
into if there is a conflict with either of the teams.
State Cup games generally follow the same rules and procedures
as your other games with one major exception. THERE MUST BE A
WINNER. Therefore, if you are assigned any of these games, make sure
that you are familiar with the length of the overtime periods and
procedures for Taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark to determine a winner.
These procedures are detailed for you in both the State Cup manual and
FIFA’s Laws of the Game.
You must check the passes and lineup sheets of each team prior to
the start of the match. If for some reason a team does not have a lineup
you WILL play the game and file a supplementary report.
A special state committee will select referees and assistant referees for the
State Cup finals.
Waldbaum’s Challenge Cup (cont’d):
The major difference between these games and regular LIJSL
games is that games cannot end in a tie. The overtime periods are as
follows: for ages 10 to 14 you play 2x5 and for ages 15-19 you play 2x7.
Over time periods are played with a Golden Goal – first team to score
wins. Make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the procedures for
taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark to determine a winner. These
procedures are outlined for you in great detail in FIFA’s Laws of the
Game and in the Waldbaum’s Challenge Cup rulebook.
You must files an official game reports to all Waldbaum’s Cup
matches, even the one’s you have already received payment. Mail your
reports within 48 hours of the game. Cup assignments will be so
designated on the printed assignment forms that you receive from the
office (both State Cup and Waldbaum’s Cup). Remember to collect yours
fees before the start of these games. It can be difficult to collect them after
the fact and the results are in.
Methods of Payments
1. LIJSL games will be paid by the League shortly after the
conclusion of the Fall and Spring seasons. In the event of a financial
emergency, you may request an early payment; otherwise, expect to
receive your checks at the beginning of July and at the beginning of
December. Fees for Waldbaum’s Cup finals will be included with your
July check.
2. State Cup fees will be paid by the home team coach at the site
of the game.
3. Waldbaum’s Challenge Cup fees will be paid by the league.
Waldbaum’s Cup games should be treated just like other LIJSL
games with ONLY ONE exception.
4. Tournaments pay you for your services at the conclusion of
your tournament assignments. On rare occasions, you may be required to
fill out a special tournament form. In this case, you’ll be so notified when
you sign in.
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Waldbaum’s Challenge Cup Games
Referee Assault Procedure
II. Lisra Activities
1. Executive Board
1. Never strike back.
2. Maintain a standard of behavior befitting a professional.
3. Where possible, get and number of player, coach and/or fan
4. Obtain name and phone number of any witnesses.
5. If physically assaulted or threatened, call the police and file
a report.
6. Seek medical attention immediately if you are injured.
Howard Rubinstein, SRA… (516) 330-7689
Raymond Wolfe, SYRA… (516) 488-1883
Barry Lawson, LISRA President … (516) 338-4313
(If you can’t find Howard or Ray, call Barry and/or Nick)
8. Submit a Supplemental Report to the LISRA office
immediately (within 48 hours of the incident) and mail
copies to:
Howard Rubinstein, SRA
3. Soccer Websites
4. Code of Ethics for Referees
5. Honorary LISRA Members
6. Big Brother Program
7. Annual Dues
8. LISRA Scholarship
9. Grievance Committee
7. Upon reaching home, contact:
53 North Park Avenue, Ste 207
Rockville Centre, NY 11510
2. Member in Good Standing
Raymond Wolfe, SYRA
186 Lincoln Road
Franklin Square, NY 11010
Your report should be complete and factually accurate.
Give full details of the incident including location, injuries suffered,
etc. Your report is the OFFICIAL record of the incident and will
be used at any hearings!!
10. LISRA Convention
11. Referee Number
12. Tournament Sign-Up
13. Annual Dinner-Dance
14. Office Hours
15. Meetings
16. Directions to James E. Allen Elementary
(Meeting Site)
17. Evaluation & Assessment Program
18. Rap Session Program
19. Annual Testing
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Page 18
Member in Good Standing
On June 5, 2005 the membership of LISRA approved the following
criteria to characterize a member in good standing and resolved that:
Executive Board
A LISRA member can not participate in any activity with or receive any
service provided the Long Island Soccer Referees Association if the
member is not in good standing. These activities include, but are not
limited to, meetings, access to the LISRA website, monthly mailings,
voting rights, holding office, or attendance to any social functions
limited to LISRA members.
LISRA Member In Good Standing
Barry Lawson
3 Northcote Crescent • Westbury, NY 11590 • (516) 338-4313
Executive Vice-President
Nick Apostolides
618 12th Street • West Babylon, NY 11704 • (631) 225-2145
To be considered in Good Standing, a LISRA member:
Must attend at least 3 of the 5 monthly clinic meetings (November, January,
February, April, and May) unless excused for reasonable cause. Requests to be
excused must be submitted in writing to the board 5 days in advance of any
meeting. The Mandatory Rules Interpretation meetings, June Election meeting,
October Recertification meeting, and December Holiday meeting do not count as
clinic meetings.
Must uphold the Referee Code of Ethics of the United States Soccer Federation, as
outlined in the most recent Referee’s Administrative Handbook as published by the
Must attend both Referee Rules Interpretation meetings which take place at the
September and March general meetings, unless excused for reasonable cause.
Requests to be excused must be submitted in writing to the board 5 days in advance
of any meeting
Must have paid the annual dues by January 31st. (A member is not in good
standing if dues are not paid by January 31st. Exceptions are to be judged by the
Executive Board on a case-by-case basis).
Must pay all fines levied by the Arbitration Committee prior to the June meeting.
A member is not is good standing if fines are not paid or appeals filed within 10
days of having been notified by LISRA.
Vice President
Cathy Caldwell
51 Dolphin Lane. • Copiague, NY 11726 • (631) 842-2874
Jay Schwartz
3000 Stevens Street Unit 23• Oceanside, NY 11554 • (516) 678-1136
John Sengelaub
903 Viceroy Road• Wantagh, NY 11793 • (516) 796-9775
Gary Brown
16 Baker Street • West Babylon, NY 11704 • (631) 816-0135
Hank Lozano • (631) 744-4347
Don Schulze • (631) 495-0700
Jean-Marie Maio • (631) 666-1655
Al Giorgianni • (631) 543-6225
Scott Abel • (516) 564-7670
Nanci Apostolides – Office Manager / USSF Assignor
Theresa Trejo-Araujo – Office Assistant
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6. Must not have been convicted of a felony after having join LISRA. A LISRA
member is not in good standing upon conviction.
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Referee Code of Ethics
That I shall always maintain the ultimate respect for the game of soccer.
That I shall conduct myself honorably at all times on and off the field and
maintain the dignity of my position.
That I shall always honor my obligations to the Association and the
That I will endeavor to attend local meetings and clinics so as best to know
the laws of the game and their proper interpretation.
That I will always strive to achieve maximum teamwork with my fellow
referees and assistant referees.
USSF www.ussoocer.com
That I shall be loyal to my fellow referees and assistant referees and never
knowingly promote criticism of them.
MLS www.MLSnet.com
That I shall be in good physical condition so as to be in the right place at the
right time.
That I will control the players effectively by being courteous and considerate
without sacrificing firmness.
US Youth Soccer www.usysa.com
LIJSL www.lijsoccer.com
LISRA www.lisra.net
Amateur Division www.usasa.com
9. That I shall do my utmost to assist my fellow officials to better themselves
and their work.
10. That I shall not make statements about any game except to clarify an
interpretation of the laws of the game.
11. That I consider it a privilege to be a part of the USSF and I will strive to
make my actions reflect credit upon the organization and its affiliates.
NY/NJ Red Bulls www.redbulls.com
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The Big Brother Program
1971 – 2008
Anthony Amato
Nick Apostolides
Dr. Keith Bantz
Guy Bavaro
Ollie Bell
Mario Boltri
Ben Blum
Bill Doyle (deceased)
Emrys Joseph (deceased)
Helmut Kadner
Bob Koch
Hank Lozano
Barry McArthur
Jack McCabe
Bill Nobel
Larry Pagliaro
Franco Schettino
Joe Schuerwegen
John Varas
Paul Vass (deceased)
Mel Weinbaum
Jimmy Xenakis
LISRA has a unique Big Brother program to help and assist our
newest referees. A new graduate of the Entry Level Course who joins LISRA
will be assigned an experienced referee from among the membership.
The new referee will be contacted by his/her Big Brother/Sister before
they officiate their first game. The Big Brother/Sister will try to answer any
questions the new referee has before they take the field for the first time.
Thereafter, the Little Brother/Sister will call his/her Big Brother/Sister after
each weekend’s games. They will discuss any problems they encountered
doing their games and arrive at solutions and answers to questions so that the
problems can be eliminated and not repeated during subsequent games.
The new referee should look upon his Big Brother/Sister as a mentor
whose only responsibility is to make the new member a better, more confident
official. Where possible, the Big Brother/Sister will try to observe will try to
observe the new referee on the field and to offer constructive criticism to
improve the new referee’s performance.
From time to time, new members will be invited to attend rap sessions
specifically designed for the Big Brother program. You should in no way
construe an invitation to one of these sessions as some sort of punishment. The
object is to prevent repetition of errors and to improve knowledge of the Laws,
handling of specific match situations and to improve the level of our officiating.
Annual Dues
Every year in January, annual dues are payable. If the dues are
delinquent, a fine may be imposed and/or assignments may be withheld.
Annual dues are set per our By-Laws. For 2009, they are $134. (Two dollars
goes directly into the scholarship fund). If dues have not been paid on time, a
late fee of $10.00 will be added.
LISRA Scholarship
Every year, LISRA offers scholarships to Members-In-Good-Standing
or the children of members who are in good standing. Scholarship applications
are encouraged. Please contact the LISRA office and ask for an application.
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Selected by the Executive Board for extraordinary service to soccer and to
their fellow referees over a lifetime.
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LIJSL Convention
Every year in March, before the start of the Spring Season, the
LIJSL hosts its annual convention. Referee clinics, the time and date of
which are printed in the LISRA meeting notice, are conducted during
this weekend.
LISRA has a hospitality suite at the convention every year and
every referee; his family and guests are invited to attend.
Referee Number
Every LISRA Referee has a referee number assigned to him/her
by our Assigning Chairperson. This number is used for identification as
well as payment purposes. You must include your number on the
coach’s copy if the roster (given to each coach at the game) and when
you fill out your Official Game Report or Assistant Referee claim form.
You make a mistake and put down the wrong number, someone else
will receive your fee.
Tournament Sign-Up
All tournament sign-ups will be separate from your regular
Availability Form. There will always be sign-up sheets at the General
meeting preceding any tournaments. Often, sign up sheets for a specific
group of tournaments (ex: tournaments held over the summer), are
mailed home to you. Your Availability Forms for the Spring and Fall
seasons have nothing to do with tournament availability; you must signup for tournaments separately.
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The LISRA office is located at:
The office is open from 9:00am to 3:00pm. You may always
drop off your weekly game reports in person. When you do visit, please
respect the fact that there is an enormous volume of work being
conducted in the office all year long. PLEASE keep your visits short.
If you have problems with assignments, game coverage, etc.,
please e-mail Nanci at the office. Please avoid phoning the office. If
possible use e-mail. The answering service is, however, in operation 24
hours a day. If you get the answering service, leave a detailed message.
Please understand it is sometimes impossible for Nanci to stop what she
is doing and answer the phone.
Your cooperation in the above is most appreciated!
General meetings for all members are usually held on the
second Thursday of each month except for July and August. At
present, meetings are held at James Allen School on Route #231. Each
meeting features a business portion with reports from all committees
and Executive Board members and a clinic on a topic of interest to all
Attendance is mandatory at the September and March
meetings, as new laws/rules and interpretations of existing laws/rules
are discussed in preparation for the beginning of the Fall and Spring
Please see the Member-in-Good-Standing (pg. 22) to
familiarize yourself with the requirements for meeting attendance
during the year.
respect and common courtesy to our speakers, guests and your fellow
referees during our general meetings. Private conversations while
someone is addressing the group are distracting to your fellow referees,
discourteous to the speaker and may cause you to miss a vital piece of
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Directions to Monthly Meetings:
As previously mentioned we hold monthly meetings (except in
July & August) at the James Allen Elementary School in Dix Hills.
The directions are as follows:
LIE to Exit 51 (Deer Park Ave)
Travel South 1 (One) Mile
The School Complex is on the EAST Side of Deer Park Ave
(Immediately South of the Large Church Building on your Left)
Meetings are held in the Gym
Evaluation and Assessment Program
LISRA has an active program designed to evaluate the progress of
new referees and provide assessments for those referees seeking to upgrade
or, for certain grades, to maintain their current grade. The Director of
Assessment assisted by his staff of trained assessors administers the
From time to time, as manpower allows, all new referees will be
evaluated as they work a game on the field. The evaluator will discuss the
referee’s performance with him after the game and offer suggestions for
improvement. The evaluator’s judgment as to the referee’s proficiency
becomes part of the recommendation process to move newer referees to
games in older age groups. Any referee who feels he is ready to move up
should contact the office and ask that an evaluator come watch him
officiate a game.
Referees wishing to upgrade should first check with the USSF
Referee Administrative Handbook to make sure they meet all the
requirements. Then download the Assessment Request form found on
LISRA.net and submit to the office, attention Barry Lawson.
The assessor/evaluator and this program have only one aim in
mind; to improve the quality of refereeing for all members. Please take their
comments and suggestions and use them to improve your own techniques,
mechanics and knowledge of the game. They are there to help you; use
them to your advantage.
Annual Testing
Once per year, every USSF Referee, no matter the grade
level, is required to take a written test. A Physical Fitness test is
required for all Grade 7 Referees and higher. These tests are
necessary to maintain your grade and certification and are
MANDATORY! Failure to take these tests can result in a referee
being downgraded by the USSF!
Dates for both tests will be announced far enough in advance for
you to be able to make yourself available. The LISRA Executive
Board has decided that any referee who fails to take the running test
will be ineligible to work any indoor tournaments that winter.
Please see to it that you honor the commitment you have made to
soccer officiating and make it your business to take both the written
and running tests.
In order to officiate any ENY sanctioned game, a referee
must undergo the ENY Risk Management process. This is a
background check to ensure that no official has any previous
incidents that would adversely affect the game they cover and the
players that they are obliged under the Laws of the Game to protect.
Each referee must go to the ENY website (enysoccer.com) and
follow the “Risk Management” link to be processed.
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2. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT (Yellow Card, Red Card, Injury)
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You may download this form from LISRA.net
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Be sure to check the LISRA website for
important updates during the season.
Always check the website after Monday of
each week of the season for additional
uncovered games.
You must be a Member-in-Good-Standing
in order to access members-only areas
of this site!
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The Long Island Soccer Referees Association is a member
of the Eastern New York State Soccer Referee Council, whose
purpose is described on the following page. The Referee Council,
which is comprised of representatives from each of the various
Referee Associations operating in the Eastern New York region,
meets four times a year. The Council is a member of the Eastern
New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) and the Senior
New York Soccer Association.
The ENYYSA is a non-profit corporation, which is affiliated
with the Southern New York Soccer Association, affiliated with the
United States Youth Soccer Association, the United States Soccer
Federation and F.I.F.A. The SNYSA and the ENYYSA are
dedicated to educating, developing and fostering soccer in the
Eastern New York State Soccer Association.
Following are the officers and affiliates of the Eastern New
York Soccer Associations:
Sal Rapaglia
President, ENYSSA
Barry Salter
President, ENYYSA
Howard Rubenstein
State Referee Administrator
Raymond Wolfe
State Youth Referee
Klaus Mueller
State Director of Assessment
Richard Ceonzo
State Director of Instruction
John Sengelaub
Deputy State Director
of Instruction
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