The Southern Cavalier - Cavaliers of the South


The Southern Cavalier - Cavaliers of the South
Cavaliers of the South, A CKCSC USA Regional Club
The Southern
Autumn 2015
Our COS Indy Show was SO Much Fun!
If you did not attend the CMW/COS Indy show
in July, you missed a fun show! We had two
great silent auctions going (CMW & COS), plus
yummy hospitality snacks all day long at the
venue! And of course, the great competition
all weekend long! Thank you to our COS show
chairs, Shannon Schilling and Michelle Lander
for putting on another great COS show! Also,
thank you to Tia Painter and Nikki Parente for
providing a well attended and very informative grooming seminar!
This wonderful painting entitled “Soulful Duet” by Teri
Kaiser of Woodsong Cavaliers
will be auctioned off during the
Live Auction at the upcoming
CKCSC, USA National!
There will also be pieces of
jewelry by famed artists Betty
Turner and Nan Kilgore to be
auctioned off!
So be sure to attend the banquet & auction at the National
and BID HIGH to support the
Inside this issue:
Presidents Message
COS Nominating
COS AGM Minutes
COS Board Minutes
Candids & Brags
COS Officer Listing
Calendar of Events
The Southern Cavalier
Letter from the President
Now that summer is
over, I hope everyone
is settling into a routine and getting ready
for the Fall. Hopefully
the next few months
will bring some welcome relief from the
sweltering heat we’ve
all endured this summer. The cooler
weather provides us
the chance to spend
more time outdoors
with our wonderful
cavaliers. What a
great time of the year!
I’m very proud to be
able to roll out the
new membership
packet that the board,
and especially the
membership committee, has been working
on for a number of
months. This has involved many, many
hours of behind the
scenes work from dedicated club members.
Specifically, I’d like to
thank Pat Mixon for
her efforts in coordinating this project and
bringing it to fruition
and Sharon Utych for
her work on this great
newsletter and the
COS website.
Page 2
One of the primary
goals I set when I began my tenure as
president was to increase member involvement in our club
and to increase the
membership of the
Cavaliers Of The
South. I’m happy to
report that we are up
from 288 members in
2014 to 307 members
in 2015. This is our
first yearly increase in
membership since
2006. This is our highest member count
since 2012.
The majority of this
increase is due to our
dedicated breeders
that are helping to recruit their new puppy
owners by explaining
the benefits of becoming a COS member.
Hats off to all of them!
Even though were on
the right track we still
have a way to go. It is
my hope that our new
website and membership packet will play
an active role in helping achieving this goal.
The new membership
packet is now an active link on the COS
Please read through
this and familiarize
yourself with the content. As always, we
would love any feedback to help us update
existing or add new
As we discussed at the
AGM, held in Atlanta in
May, breeders should
print out a copy of this
packet for their new
puppy owners and discuss the benefits of
COS membership,
which are highlighted
in this packet. New
puppy owners will then
get a follow-up call
from a volunteer from
the membership committee welcoming
them to the cavalier
community and assisting them in becoming a
member of the COS
and ultimately finding
a mentor in their area
of interest such as conformation, performance, therapy, or
If you are interested
in serving as a mentor,
please contact Pat
Mixon as we are looking for additional volunteers in these areas
of interest. We want
our new puppy owners
to enjoy the many
benefits and activities
that the COS has to
offer. It’s through this
involvement that we
can realize the full potential of our great
Lets all work together
to help keep the COS
going strong!
Dr. Kevin Cline
President, Cavaliers Of
The South
The Southern Cavalier
Heart of the South
Randi Rosvoll “Heart of the South” Nominations
It is that time of the year
again to nominate a COS
member for the “Heart of
the South” award. This
award was created in 2000
to honor members who
volunteer tirelessly behind
the scenes and whose contributions are invaluable
to the success of the club.
Randi Rosvoll was honored as the first recipient
and the award was renamed “The Randi Rosvoll
Heart of the South
Award”. Howard Bales was
the second recipient of
the award for his wonderful work in support of our
In May 2010, Cindy
Torgersen was awarded
the Heart of the South for
her work on club functions
and her work with the national
Cavalier Rescue
USA organization.
In May 2012, Beth Arenb urg was award ed t he
Heart of the South for all
the work she has done
with the COS health clinics.
In May 2015, Nancy
Maddox was awarded the
Heart of the South for her
work on shows and her
generosity with donating
pieces of her wonderful
artwork to the Club for
prizes and donations.
To be nominated for the
award the nominee must
be a member of COS for a
minimum of 7 years.
Please send your nominations (50 words or less as
to why you are nominating
this person) to:
Secretary at
The deadline for submitting nominations is FEBRUARY 1, 2016
The COS Board will review
all nominations and determine the final choice. The
award will be given in
years where the Board
feels the award is deemed
appropriate and announced at the May AGM
Support Cavalier Rescue USA. GEORGIA needs FOSTER VOLUNTEERS BADLY! We have
very limited resources in GA. Cavaliers that come into rescue in GA most often have
to be transported to another state because of the lack of fosters. PLEASE VISIT
Puppy Families on our Website!
Send us your puppy pics for the website! Please make sure
that it is OK with your puppy families to post their images on
our website prior to submitting photos!
Send your photos to:
Make sure you send your photo in a JPG format!
Check out our website at
Page 3
The Southern Cavalier
COS Nominating Committee 2016
The members of the
COS Nominating Committee for 2016/17 are:
The resume for each
candidate must be
submitted on one side of
an 8.5x11 sheet of paper
and must include:
308 Huntington Rd
The election is for the
following positions to
be filled May 2016:
Thomson GA 30824
Vice President
Board of Director
(B. Martz)
Hollis Land, Chair
Pat Lander
389 North Lake Dr
Canton GA 30115
Elizabeth Gerkin
113 Meadow Lane
Bamberg SC 29003
tel: 803.245.7322
Juahn Mixon
Suggestions for nominees, including self
nomination, are encouraged and
welcomed. The ultimate responsibility of
the selection of the
Officers and Directors
of the Cavaliers of the
South lies with it’s
Please submit names
of eligible members,
together with a brief
resume (see note) to ,
COS Nominating Committee Chair.
Tallahassee FL 32308
The deadline for
submitting nominations
Tel: email:
NOVEMBER 30, 2015.
2630 Noble Drive
Ricky Perkins
Franklin, TN
tel: 615.983.0171
Page 4
The slate of candidates
will be published in
January 2016 issue of
The Southern Cavalier.
Candidate’s name,
mailing address,
telephone number
and email address.
Education and professional qualifications
Offices held, past
and present
Other positions, committees, past and
Other activities related to dogs
Disclosure of conflict of interest
Personal statement
The Southern Cavalier
ALL ABOARD the Chattanooga Choo Choo!
Join COS and CMW for the last show of the year in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the
historic Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel.
Our judges for the shows are: Sweeps: Michelle Lander (Jayba US), Friday: (COS)
Paula Ayers (Brookhaven US), Saturday: (COS) Mark Smith (Aranel UK), Sunday:
(CMW) Katie Sloan (Turretbank UK/FR)
Last year, S&L Photography also provided the opportunity to have personal photographs taken against wonderful holiday themed backgrounds. If they are providing
this again, take advantage of it! Pose with your cavalier(s) for some lasting memories or even for that photo for next year’s holiday cards!
Join us après show in the hospitality suite for food, beverage and socializing. There
is usually some singing of carols happening too!
Make your hotel reservations now! Call the Choo Choo directly at:1.800.872.2529.
Group code for reservations: 15KING. Tell them you are with the Cavalier King
Charles COS club. Rates: $95.00 Single or Double occupancy.
Reservation deadline is November 12, 2015. $50 one time non-refundable dog fee
per stay. Check in 3:00pm. Check out 11:00am.
RV parking $50 per night; rate includes power;pumping not allowed. RV guests must
pay COS directly.
Note: a maximum of 6 dogs will be allowed per room and plastic must be
placed under each crate. Guests will be
required to sign a copy of the Choo
Choo Hotel Dog Show Guideline Form.
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The Southern Cavalier
2015 TOP Twenty Gala & People’s Choice Award
Top Twenty and People’s Choice Awards Gala
October 8, 2015
In conjunction with CKCSC’s National Specialty
Sacramento, California
Join us at the fourth CKCSC Top Twenty and People’s Choice Awards Gala in conjunction with the 2015 National Specialty. Enjoy the Cavalier chatter, with friends old
and new, as well as food, drinks and dessert.
This is going to be such a fun evening that you really would not want to miss so mark
your calendars and join us in the West at this annual Top Twenty and People’s Choice
Awards Gala.
Note: The Top Twenty Show Point Standings are listed on the CKCSC website. Best that you keep an eye on this list and keep showing your Cavaliers between now and the September show to make sure they qualify for this top Twenty Gala or to make sure your
dog’s points remain high to keep them in the running!
Top Twenty Gala
Purpose of this Event: To recognize those Cavaliers who best exemplify the breed
Qualifications for the Top Twenty Gala: Top Twenty Cavaliers will be invited to compete, as well as the Top Three Cavaliers of
each color, if not already in the Top Twenty, points accumulated from October 1 st of the previous year to October 1st of present
Judges: The identities of the judges will be kept secret by the Gala Chairs until the evening of the event.
Judges are drawn from three categories:
Licensed Cavalier Breeder/Judge
CKCSC, USA Breeder and/or Judge with in depth knowledge of the breed
A licensed all-breed judge, not a breeder or owner of Cavaliers.
All exhibitors who enter the Top Twenty Gala will receive a commemorative rosette etched with their dog’s name.
The Winner will take home a perpetual trophy of a piece of Cavalier artwork and will receive a small giclee print of that artwork to
People’s Choice Award
At the same time as the Top Twenty dogs are being judged, spectators can participate as People’s Choice ringside judges, filling in
the ballot provided. Ballots are tallied at the end of the evening and the winner of the People’s Choice Award will be announced at
the banquet on Saturday evening and presented with a small giclee Cavalier print of the Top Twenty artwork.
Contact Judi Geldermann at or Kathy Tegg at
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The Southern Cavalier
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2015 CKCSC, USA National Specialty Show
The Southern Exchange
Autumn 2015
Would you or someone you know like to advertise in The Southern Cavalier?
Quarter page ads (4.25” x 5.5”) cost $18 a year and will be published four times a year. This is a great way to advertise a dog friendly location, cavalier related items or dog related items. If you are interested, you will need to
submit your advertisement in a jpg format to the editor @
Please make your check payable to “The Cavaliers of the South” and mail to: Sharon Onorato Utych, 540
Weatherstone Court, Alpharetta GA 30009
Page 8
Cavalier Bits and Bobs
The Southern Cavalier
Southern Cavalier Publication Months
It’s Membership Renewal Time!
Don’t forget to renew your annual membership in the CKCSC, USA and the Cavaliers of
the South (COS)!
Check out the publication schedule for The Southern
Cavalier. To have items included in the newsletter,
please submit to the editor by the 15th of December,
March, June and August.
The Southern Cavalier will be published in January, April,
July and September.
NEXT PUBLICATION will be January 2016
Dues are to be paid by December 31, 2015
for the year 2016 and can be paid online on
the CKCSC USA webpage or can be mailed in.
You can pay dues online via Mastercard, Visa,
Discover or American Express.
Share it in The Southern Cavalier! Just email the
following information to the editor by the 5th of
each publication month:
Your name and kennel name
Your cavalier’s registered name & call name
Type of win, win date, win venue
Judge (optional)
Picture (optional) in jpeg format with 300 dpi
Regular membership for the CKCSC, USA is
$45 annually and you can add an additional
family member for an extra $20.
Be sure to also renew your Cavaliers of the
South (COS) membership at the same time!
Membership fee is $20 per person.
Visit the CKCSC, USA website
( for more information
Is YOUR contact information correct?
Make sure that you do not miss out on any communication
from COS or CKCSC USA! Please send any address changes
or email address changes to :
Earline Barrios @
Be sure to “like” our club page and receive our posts about upcoming shows, COS news, deadlines and just fun stuff!
We have A LOT of members who are active on Facebook but
have not LIKED our club page yet! Don’t miss out on updates
and reminders! Be sure to “LIKE” your Club’s page!
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COS AGM Minutes - May 9, 2015
Autumn 2015
Meeting called to order at 6:10 PM EST
In Attendance:
Kevin Cline, Linda Whitmire, Caryna Baker-Fox, Elizabeth Gerkin, Brenda Bailey, Pat Mixon, Howard Bales, Michelle
Lander, Beth Bales, Donna Wills, David Miller, Tia Painter, Shannon Schilling, Brenda Martz, Pam Taub, Sue Barrett,
Ellen Seidman, Dawne Lazar, Gwendolyn Wells, Mary Ellen Arthur, Johan Mixon, Stephan Lazar, Margaret Hubbard,
Clayton Klutts, David Kirkland, Beverly Manley, Laurie Story, Nancy Maddox, Paula Ayers, Peggy Marler, Pamela A.
Brown, Betty Obrien, Sue Bess, Ken Bess, Dorothy Fry, Noreen Wolzer, Jim Utych, Sharon Utych.
Quorum Established.
Approval of the 2014 AGM Minutes - Motion: Tia Painter motioned to approve minutes from 2014. The motion
was seconded by Pat Mixon. Motion unanimously passed.
The COS Club President, Kevin Cline, briefly introduced each of the current Board members to everyone assembled at
the meeting.
New Business:
President’s Report- Kevin Cline
The President addressed the assembled group, first thanking this year’s cohesive COS Board for their hard work. He
also thanked Pam Taub for her work hosting a Fun Match at her home. Pam Taub stood up, and she said a few additional words about her successful efforts to recruit new club members in her area of Beaufort, SC. Kevin also
thanked our hard-working health clinic volunteers, Dixie Westmoreland and Kate and Connie Bertron. Thanks went
out to our Show Secretary, Beth Bales, who always helps us so much with each and every show.
More thanks to Brenda Martz, who helps with our ribbon recycling program. Brenda irons all the recycled ribbons, so
that they are fresh and crisp for the next show. Thanks, too, to Brenda Martz and Paula Ayers, who are the show
chairs for the Atlanta show and to Amanda for donating the beautiful flower decorations for the show. Finally, thank
you to the Mixons for all their hard work collecting and preparing the trophies for this show.
Kevin discussed how membership numbers for dog clubs overall have been historically declining over the past decade.
The good news is that in the past year, the COS has countered that trend and has added 20+ new members, making
this the largest membership increase since 2012. This is a great accomplishment.
Secretary’s Report – Caryna Baker-Fox
Caryna briefly introduced herself, and commented that the meeting minutes are regularly published in the newsletter
every quarter.
The COS issued a new 2014 Membership Directory, thanks to the efforts of Caryna Fox and Howard Bales, who designed the document. The Board plans on issuing an updated copy every few years. This year, Kevin Cline and Brenda
Bailey donated to the cost of producing the directory. In the future, we will seek out more sponsors and perhaps
even sell advertising space in order to help cover costs.
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The Southern Cavalier
COS AGM Minutes - May 9. 2015
Treasurer’s Report – Elizabeth Gerkin
Elizabeth reported that as of the meeting date, the COS is in good financial shape with $111,245.00 in cash, and in
2014 we had $8,363.00 in income. The COS has the strongest account of all the regions.
Special Committee Reports:
Media Committee-Ricky Perkins, Kevin Cline, Sharon Utych
Kevin reported for the Media Committee. The new COS website is up and running and the content on the site is almost complete. The website redesign was modeled after the National site. It is designed to be user-friendly, and
serves to support new Cavalier owners. Many hours of hard work have gone into developing the new site.
Photos of actual puppy buyers are part of a banner slide show at the top of the page. People can send their candid
photos to Sharon Utych in order to be included on the site. This design will help to draw new puppy buyers to the
site, in order to see their photos and other content.
Kevin stressed the different ways we can encourage new puppy buyers to join the COS Club. Breeders in particular
can encourage new families to join the Club when they are picking up their new puppy. Breeders could either opt
to pay for the new Club membership as part of the puppy purchase, or they could have the puppy buyer fill out the
new member form and send it in to the Club. Either way, this new site offers new opportunities and support for
families who are new to our breed and our club.
Membership Committee- Pat Mixon, Caryna Baker-Fox, Mimi Hodges, Barb Magera, Pam Taub, Earline Barrios
Pat Mixon reported to the audience about the New Member Packet that she has been developing. The goal is to
send out this packet to every COS club member just as soon as they join the club. Inside is general club information, as well a Mentor list, with names listed from every state. These experts can help support Cavalier owners
whenever they have any questions concerning their dogs or the breed. It’s this kind of personal support that will
make people want to be COS Club members, and remain COS Club members.
There was a long discussion about creating a new list of Mentors for various topics, and that these Mentors will also
be listed on the website as an open resource. A sign-up sheet for Mentor volunteers was circulated around the room
and then returned to Pat Mixon.
Judge’s Committee- Michelle Lander, Glen Richmond, David Kirkland, Rachel Venier, Valerie Comer
No Report
Trophy Committee- Johan and Pat Mixon
There are three trophies which are retiring; they will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Three trophies are
being replaced because they are broken, with only two replacements needed.
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COS AGM Minutes - May 9, 2015
Autumn 2015
Caryna Baker-Fox has already volunteered to replace the Best Puppy Dog trophy with a large silver bowl. All the trophies have been carefully inventoried and have been hand-polished for the next winner.
Nominating committee- Pat Lander, Elizabeth Gerkin, Hollis Land, Johan Mixon, Linda Whitmire
2015 COS Slate
BOD 2015-2018 Michelle Lander
BOD 2015-2018 Gwendolyn Wells
Board Terms: Brenda Bailey is rotating off the Board, along with Michelle Lander. The unopposed slate welcomes
Michelle back on to the Board, along with newcomer Gwendolyn Wells. Welcome, Ladies!
Heart of the South Award
This years’ winner of the Heart of the South Award is Nancy Maddox.
The Board voted, and Nancy Maddox is highly deserving of receiving this award. She has been a long-time Officer on
the COS Board, giving freely her time and energy. She has been a show chair, and donates her beautiful hand-painted
BIS show prizes and judge’s gifts. She is just a great person all-around, and truly exemplifies the Heart of the South.
Everyone in the room gave Nancy a standing ovation, as Kevin presented her with the new Heart of the South Trophy.
Nancy received a large perpetual trophy, with her name plaque on it, along with another trophy to keep, also customized with her name. Congratulations, Nancy!
Motion: Linda Whitmire motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Brenda Martz. Motion
unanimously passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:36 PM EST
Respectfully Submitted,
Caryna Baker-Fox
Secretary, Cavaliers of the South
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The Southern Cavalier
COS Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2015
Held by Teleconference
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM EST, April 21, 2015
In Attendance:
Kevin Cline, Linda Whitmire, Caryna Baker-Fox, Elizabeth Gerkin, Brenda Bailey, Pat Mixon, Ricky Perkins, Howard Bales, Michelle Lander
Previous Minutes:
Motion: Linda Whitmire motioned to approve minutes from December 6, 2014. The motion was seconded by Elizabeth
Gerkin. Motion unanimously passed.
Special Committee Reports
Judges Committee – Michelle Lander
The Judges Committee is in the process of getting more judges approved. This effort will result in a greatly expanded judges
list. Vacant judging positions for 2016 have been successfully filled. Vacancies for 2017 are in the process of being filled.
Membership Committee – Caryna Fox, Pat Mixon
Pat Mixon reported to the Board about the progress of the New Member Packet that she has been working on. The goal is to
send out this new packet to every new COS club member. Kevin’s “Welcome Letter from the President” is complete and has
been added to this packet. A mock-up of the packet will be ready in time for the Atlanta show, in May. The cover page will
have the same look as the web page. Pat will check with Sharon Utych in order to get a copy of images from the web site to be
used in the packet.
Media/Website/Social Network – Kevin Cline
Website Update: The new website is up and running! Sharon is learning how to add slide show images to the home page, so that
she can easily and frequently update the photos of our newest club members with their puppies. Content management has been
more complicated that it seemed at first. Ricky will reach out to David and Sharon to ensure that we continue to make timely
progress on the site.
Trophy Committee- Pat Mixon
Letters have gone out to all the exhibitors who have outstanding trophies. The trophies need to be returned for the upcoming
show. Returned trophies are being polished. Everything is being made ready.
The Lamar trophy is being returned but not being replaced. The McDaniel trophy will be replaced.
Treasury Report – Elizabeth Gerkin
The COS will be ready to roll out PayPal in time for the December 2015 show. Elizabeth is getting information from the CMW in
order to help insure that the roll-out goes smoothly.
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COS Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2015
Autumn 2015
Entrants will be able to use their credit cards to pay for their entry online. The credit card payment converts over to PayPal. We
will have a “swiper” available in Atlanta, and it would be good to coordinate with National. Elizabeth expects to close the deal at
the end of September. Cash: $42,569.00, Savings: $75,001.00
Unfinished Business:
Heart of the South (HOTS) Award
The HOTS trophy was returned by the previous award recipient, Cindy Torgersen. After this point, the records are unclear, and the
trophy is considered to be non-recoverable. The Board plans on awarding the HOTS at the upcoming Atlanta AGM, and so new trophies will need to be ordered. Howard Bales will have a new trophy made. We will order a perpetual trophy, and he will also order a smaller version of the perpetual trophy, which can be permanently retained by the HOTS recipient.
Motion: Elizabeth Gerkin motioned that Howard Bales should order a new HOTS perpetual trophy and also a smaller version
of the trophy, which the HOTS recipient may keep permanently. Brenda Bailey seconded this motion. The Motion passed
The names of three 2015 nominees have been submitted to the President. No names were reported as submitted to the Secretary.
The board discussed these nominees. An additional nominee’s name was submitted by a Board member during the course of this
discussion, increasing the field of candidates to four nominees. The Board discussed whether the award should be an occasional or
annual award, and the Board quickly decided that because we have many worthy recipients, the award should be given out annually at the AGM.
The Board discussed and outlined the following proposed protocol for the HOTS Award given after Year 2015:
The HOTS Award shall be awarded annually.
A Call for Nominees could become a constant newsletter item, and HOTS nominees can be submitted by COS club members to
a designated Board Member. A final date for submitting HOTS nominations still needs to be specified; it would be a date
prior to the AGM, which is held every year in May.
The nominee with the most votes from the Board members will then receive the award each year. The President will tabulate the individual Board votes. The individual Board votes will remain anonymous.
An envelope with the tabulated Board vote will be given to the Secretary from the President in order to officially record the
results in the meeting minutes, after the award is given. The Secretary will then publish the number of Board votes per candidate in the AGM minutes.
With four nominees under consideration for 2015, any additional nominee names should be sent in to Kevin within the next 24
hours. Kevin will file a formal report to the Board with his final decision for this year’s HOTS award.
Motion: Brenda Bailey motioned that Kevin is to receive emails from COS Board Members by tomorrow, and Kevin will designate this years’ recipient for the HOTS award to Howard and give a copy of the results to the Secretary at the Atlanta show.
Motion seconded by Pat Mixon. Motion passed unanimously.
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The Southern Cavalier
COS Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2015
New Business:
Current Shows
May (Atlanta) Paula Ayers and Brenda Martz Chairs
July 9 (Indianapolis) Michelle Lander & Shannon Schilling Chairs
November ( York) Beth and Howard Bales Chairs
December ( Chattanooga) – Kevin Cline, Cheryl Cline Stough
Future Shows
March Show
The Board discussed moving the Williamsburg show to Reston, VA for March of 2017. The Board members discussed the pros and
cons of each venue and location. The Williamsburg location has been a familiar and traditional show site for the club. However,
the Patriot increased our daily room rate in the new, 2016 contract. That rate increase, in combination with the lack of on-site
dining (other than breakfast) and the lack of convenient airport access, encouraged the Board to look at different venue options.
The Sheraton Reston was identified, and this hotel offered our Club a lower daily room rate than the Patriot, in combination
with updated facilities, major airport connections (Dulles Airport) and a free, convenient airport shuttle. The Sheraton Reston
also has several on-site dining options, in addition to the hotel shuttle which also takes guests to the surrounding restaurants and
shopping at Reston Towne Center. After much discussion, the Board decided to move the March show to the Sheraton Reston for
one year, in 2017.
Motion: Ricky Perkins motioned that the COS book the March 2016 show in Williamsburg at the Holiday Inn Patriot, and
then book the March show for 2017 at the Sheraton Reston. The motion was seconded by Pat Mixon. The motion passed
December Show
The Board discussed various show locations for December of 2016. Airport accessibility and affordability are both key venue attributes. Nashville has been researched, and the Nashville metropolitan area no longer offers us affordable room rates. Our
previous New Orleans hotel no longer allows for dogs. Shreveport requires multiple flights. We also looked at the RaleighDurham-Charlotte area, and again, our show dates were not available due to holiday bookings. The discussion then turned to
exploring the Orlando area. The Orlando area offers convenient direct flights. It is warm in the winter, and many hotels are dog
-friendly. Pat Mixon will explore this possibility further.
Budget of Future Shows
The Board discussed the finances of the various COS shows. Because of the seasonal challenge faced by the December show, this
show does not break-even. See chart below:
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COS Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2015
Autumn 2015
By reducing the expenses of the March and May shows, we will offset the losses incurred by the December show.
The President presented the following budgetary guidelines for all future COS shows:
March, May, July, November :
 Hospitality ( March and May) – $150
Prizes – (total $555 per day)
Class Prizes - $300
Major prizes
BIS – $40, RBIS $40
WD, WB, RW, RWB, BPIS – $35 each
Ribbons- $1125 ($375 per day)
Judges Gifts/Baskets $35 per judge
Hospitality – $100
Prizes – (total $400 per day)
Class Prizes - $250
Major prizes
BIS – $25, RBIS - $25
WD, WB, RWD, RWB, BPIS – $20 each
Summary of savings from 2014 vs 2015 ( Prizes $1350 vs $800, Ribbons $1450 vs $750)
Ribbons- $750 ($375 per day)
Judges Gifts/Baskets $35 per judge
Raise Class Sponsorships and Sell Catalog Ads
The Board discussed the possibility of raising the class sponsorships from $10.00 to $25.00. Historically, we have only offered class
sponsorships in May. We could offer sponsorships in every premium at every show. We could also sell ads in the show Catalog.
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The Southern Cavalier
COS Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2015
Swap the COS day at Indianapolis for the CMW day in Chattanooga
The Board discussed the possibility of swapping the Indianapolis show with the December show on a rotating basis. Table this
conversation until May.
Alcohol at Club Functions
It has been suggested by several COS Members that serving Alcohol in the hotel in a public setting (i.e. as perceived supplied by
the COS during a show and distributing it to members) could represent a potential liability for the COS. We need to avoid the
perception that Alcohol is provided and its use encouraged by the COS.
Motion: Linda Whitmire motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Gerkin. The motion
passed unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:14 PM EST
Respectfully Submitted,
Caryna Baker-Fox
Secretary, Cavaliers of the South
Can it be Chucky the
As part of the Whelping
process some breeders will obtain radiographs of their expectant moms several
days to a week before the puppies are
due. Knowing the number can help
breeders better manage labor and can
sometimes help predict potential problems, such as a large puppy.
This is a recent X-Ray obtained by one
of our COS breeders, Dr. Kevin
Cline. The veterinary staff was quite
amused by the image created by the
superimposition of two puppies in the
top corner.
Obviously the puppies were “Clowning
Around” while waiting their turn to
come into the world.
Page 17
Upcoming COS Show Schedule - 2016
Autumn 2015
Page 18
The Southern Cavalier
COS Candids & Brags
Barb Magera & Elaine Mitchell are bragging on their boy, Ch Melrose
Gold for Bonitos Campaneros “Nikolaus” who is being shown in Canada by Elaine. Niki is Canada’s #1 CKCS and #2 Toy! Congrats to
Barb, Elaine and Nikolaus!
Sharon Utych & Linda Whitmire are bragging on
their boy, Almeara Visionnaire (Stevie), who at
his 1st AKC All Breed show weekend took RWD
on August 22!
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Sharon & Jim Utych are bragging on their boy, Karvale Brookhaven
Finn C-TC, who took Best Veteran in Show under judge Mandy Attwood at the Friday Indy CMW Show!
Cavalier Candids & Brags
Autumn 2015
Nancy Maddox is bragging on new CH Denham Superstorm, JW who took RWD under Judge Elaine Whitney
at the COS Specialty!
Also, new CH Denham Over the Moon took RWB under
Judge Pam Raynor at the Dallas show!
And under Judge Pam Barret, the siblings took WB (CH
Denham Over the Moon) and RBIS Denham Superstorm,
JW at the April 10 CMW Show!
Denham Siblings traveling in
style! CH Denham Superstorm,
JW is thinking it’s going to make
a great photo to post on Facebook for “Tongue out Tuesday” !
Got a brag or win shot? Or even a cute candid or great cavalier selfie or a cavalier photobomb? Email it to the newsletter editor to
get into the Southern Cavalier’s next newsletter!
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The Southern Cavalier
Cavalier Candids & Brags
Heather Borton & Ginger Harrison are bragging on
Bentwood Distinction of Livelyoak, JW “Lincoln” who won Best Puppy Dog at the CNE Matamoras
show, earning his JW just two days after
turning 9 months old! He also won Best
Puppy Dog at the July 24 CMW Indy show
ant the COS Indy show!
Norene and Don Walzer are bragging on their boy ForestCreek Apollo
For his RBIS win at the May COS Specialty under Judge Andy Vella.
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Betsy Crousen’s darling Abbey is chilling out! Abbey is
14+ years young and as sweet as they come! She
always spreads sunshine to everyone she meets!
The Southern Cavalier
Cavaliers of The South Officers - 2015-2016
Gwen Wells
Kevin Cline
Greensboro, NC
Newsletter Editor
Shreveport, LA
Sharon Onorato Utych
Alpharetta, GA
Vice President
Howard Bales
Linda Whitmire
Knoxville, TN
Conyers, GA
COS Representative
- CKCSC USA Board of Directors
Michelle Lander
Caryna Baker Fox
Clifton, VA
Elizabeth Gerkin
Canton, GA
Ricky Perkins
Franklin, TN
Pat Mixon
Cavalier Rescue
Carolyn Stigler,
Tallahassee, FL
pat@mixonandassociates 239.395.3601
Bamberg, SC
Membership Chair
Caryna Baker-Fox
COS Board of Directors
Brenda Martz
Puppy Referral
Madison, GA
Brenda Bailey
Jupiter Island, FL
Page 22
Cavaliers of the South Calendar of Upcoming Events
CKCSC, USA National Specialty Show
CNE/COS Autumn Show, York PA
October 8-11, 2015
Date: November 12-15 , 2015
Doubletree by Hilton
2001 Point West Way
Sacramento, California 95815
Phone: 800.686.3775 or 916.925.8855
Autumn 2015
Hosts: CNE, COS
Hotel: Wyndham Garden, York PA
Puppy Sweeps, 3 conformation shows, Children’s Handling & more
Events: National Specialty Show - Three conformation shows,
National and Regional Board Meetings, Obedience, Rally, AGM,
Puppy Sweeps, Veterans Sweeps, Parade of Champions, Top 20
Friday (CNE): Pam Lewis (Daraste UK)
Gala & Buffet (Thursday), Banquet & Live Auction (Saturday)
Saturday (CNE): Pieter Burema (NL)
Ricky Perkins (Mimric US)
Sunday (COS): Mary Ann Hogan (Stavonga UK)
Sweeps: Pat Lander (Jayba US)
Friday: Mark Sedgwick (Pascavale UK)
Saturday: Veronica Hull (Telvara UK)
Show Chairs:
Joan Twigg/Judy Perini
Sunday: Heidi Mohn (Covington US)
Premium received: 9/28-10/2/15
Performance Judges:
Postmark closing date: 10/23/15
Friday: Noelle Pilat (OB and Rally)
Reservation cutoff date: 10/13.15
Saturday: Alvin Eng (OB and Rally)
Sunday: Alvin Eng (OB), Barbara Witzke (Rally)
COS/CMW Winter Show, Chattanooga TN
Hotel Information:
December 4-6, 2015
$98 plus tax; $75 refundable pet fee; Cal Expo Building rooms
Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel
$118 plus tax. Cutoff date: September 15, 2015
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Group Code: CAV
Events: Board Meeting, Puppy Sweeps, Three Conformations Shows, Children’s Handling and more!
Show Chairs:
Ms. Judi Gelderman ( and Ms. Kathy Tegg
Sweeps: Michelle Lander (Jayba US)
Friday: (COS) Paula Ayers (Brookhaven US)
Date Premium will be received: 8/24/15-8/28/15
Saturday: (COS) Mark Smith (Aranel UK)
Postmark closing date: 9/18/15
Sunday: (CMW) Katie Sloan (Turretbank UK/FR)
Hotel reservation cutoff date: 9/9/15
Hotel Information:
$95 plus tax; $50 non refundable pet fee; Maximum 6 dogs per room.
Cutoff date: November 12, 2015
Group Code: 15KING - Call hotel directly at 1.800.872.2529
Date Premium will be received: 10/19/15 - 10/23/15
Postmark closing date: 11/13/15
Hotel reservation cutoff date: 11/04/15
Page 23
Cavalier s of the South
The Southern Cavalier
540 Weatherstone Court
Alpharetta, GA
We’re on the web!
A Regional Club of the CKCSC USA
COS wishes everyone a very merry holiday season
and a prosperous New Year!