Agenda - Thursday, December 17, 2015
Agenda - Thursday, December 17, 2015
City Council 400 Main Street Regular Meeting Knoxville, TN 37902 ~ Agenda ~ Thursday, December 17, 2015 7:00 PM City County Building ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EXTRAORDINARY MATTERS, ADOPTION OF AGENDA a. ITEMS WITHDRAWN (Indicated with "W") b. ITEMS FOR POSTPONEMENT (Indicated with "P") c. ITEMS REQUESTED TO BE ADDED BY MOTION (Indicated with "M") d. CONSENT ITEMS (Indicated with "*") 11e (Certificate of Compliance), 12b (202) 6. MAYOR'S REPORT 7. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS OR COMMITTEES 8. ELECTIONS AND CONFIRMATIONS 9. ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING 10. HEARINGS ON ZONING MATTERS, APPEALS FROM ACTION OF MPC/BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OR PLANS REVIEW Generated 12/11/2015 2:07 PM Regular Meeting a. 11. Thursday, December 17, 2015 7:00 PM A Resolution approving an appeal by Bearden Council of the Metropolitan Planning Commission's decision to approve George Ewart's request for a Use on Review for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space in a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) District, subject to eight conditions, property located on the south side of Sutherland Avenue, west of Lebanon Street. (MPC approved 8-4) (File No. 11-E-15-UR) (Second District) (Requested by Metropolitan Planning Commission) RESOLUTIONS a. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Fred D. (Tony) Thompson, Jr. in the amount of $55,000.00 to provide governmental relations services for the City of Knoxville. (Requested by Law Department) b. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Knox County and the Knoxville Utilities Board amending the 1985 original tri-party agreement which established the Knoxville Geographic Information System (KGIS). (Requested by Mayor) c. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with WageWorks, Inc. to provide administration services for the City-sponsored Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) for City employees, at a projected annual cost of $105,000.00. (Requested by Employee Benefits) d. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept the proposal from BlueRe for Stop Loss insurance for the City of Knoxville’s Self-Insured Medical Plan and Prescription Drug Plan. (Requested by Employee Benefits) * e. A Resolution approving the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance to Vic's Package Store relative to its application to the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission to renew its license to operate a liquor store in the City. (Requested by Finance Department) 12. ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING a. An Ordinance to amend the Knoxville City Code, Chapter 17, Article VII, Division 1, Section 17-392 to increase the penalty for failure to wear a safety belt in a motor vehicle. (Requested by Knoxville Police Department) * b. An Emergency Ordinance of the Council of the City of Knoxville appropriating the sum of $500.00 from the Community Improvement (202) Fund and donating same to KnoxvilleKnox County Community Action Committee, serving as fiscal agent for Inskip Community Association ACI, toward the Thanksgiving Basket Project at Inskip Elementary School. (Requested by Council Member Campen) 13. PUBLIC FORUM 14. ADJOURNMENT 2|Page 10.a CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: M.P.C. DIRECTOR: Gerald Green AGENDA SUMMARY A Resolution approving an appeal by Bearden Council of the Metropolitan Planning Commission's decision to approve George Ewart's request for a Use on Review for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space in a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) District, subject to eight conditions, property located on the south side of Sutherland Avenue, west of Lebanon Street. (MPC approved 8-4) (File No. 11-E-15-UR) (Second District) COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) AFFECTED: Council District 2 BACKGROUND: The appellant states their reason for appeal as “Building design for setbacks and curb cuts and parking do not confirm to the Bearden Village Plan which was adopted by both City Council and MPC.” OPTIONS 1. Approve 2. Deny 3. Postpone for future consideration RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission approved the use on review for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space, subject to 8 conditions, by a vote of 8-4. ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE: N/A PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW: Meeting DatesAds Published MPC Meeting City Council 11/12/2015 12/17/2015 10/9/2015 12/1/2015 FISCAL INFORMATION: Not applicable. ATTACHMENTS: RESOLUTION Bearden Council 11-E-15-UR Bearden Council MOU 11-E-15-UR_appeal applicaton 11-E-15-UR_pkg (DOCX) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) Updated: 12/11/2015 11:22 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 3 10.a.a A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPEAL BY BEARDEN COUNCIL OF THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION TO APPROVE GEORGE EWART'S REQUEST FOR A USE ON REVIEW FOR UP TO 2,590 SQUARE FEET OF RESTAURANT SPACE IN C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO EIGHT CONDITIONS, PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SUTHERLAND AVENUE, WEST OF LEBANON STREET (FILE NO. 11-E-15-UR). RESOLUTION NO: _________________ REQUESTED BY: MPC______________ PREPARED BY: Law_________________ APPROVED: ________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE ______ WHEREAS, on September 25, 2015, George Ewart filed Application No. 11-E-15UR with the Metropolitan Planning Commission (“MPC”) for a Use on Review for a restaurant in a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) District, property located on the south side of Sutherland Avenue, west of Lebanon Street; and WHEREAS, the MPC Staff recommended approval of the request for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space, subject to nine conditions as stated in the Knoxville-Knox County MPC Use on Review Report; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on November 12, 2015, MPC approved the application filed by George Ewart for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space, subject to eight of the 1 Packet Pg. 4 Attachment: RESOLUTION Bearden Council 11-E-15-UR (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) RESOLUTION NO. ___________ RESOLUTION 10.a.a stated in the MPC Minutes; and WHEREAS, on November 24, 2015 Bearden Council appealed this decision to the Knoxville City Council; and WHEREAS, public notice of the hearing before City Council on December 17, 2015 was published in the Knoxville News Sentinel on December 1, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE: SECTION 1: The Appeal filed by Bearden Council of MPC’s decision to approve a Use on Review to allow 2,590 square feet of restaurant space in a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) District, subject to eight conditions as stated on the Knoxville-Knox County MPC Use on Review Report and Minutes of the November 12, 2015 MPC meeting, for property located on the south side of Sutherland Avenue, west of Lebanon Street, known as 3816 Sutherland Avenue with Parcel ID No. 107 KF 008, is hereby approved, thereby reversing the decision of MPC and denying the requested Use on Review. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. ________________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council ________________________ Recorder K:\COUNCIL\RESOLUTIONS\MPC\APPEALS\2015 - UR\Bearden Council 11-E-15-UR.docx 2 Packet Pg. 5 Attachment: RESOLUTION Bearden Council 11-E-15-UR (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) nine conditions recommended by MPC Staff (with the exception of condition number 4) as Attachment: Bearden Council MOU (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.b Packet Pg. 6 Attachment: Bearden Council MOU (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.b Packet Pg. 7 Attachment: Bearden Council MOU (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.b Packet Pg. 8 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_appeal applicaton (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.c Packet Pg. 9 10.a.d KNOXVILLE/KNOX COUNTY METROPOLITAN PLANNING COMMISSION USE ON REVIEW REPORT AGENDA ITEM #: 11-E-15-UR AGENDA DATE: 44 11/12/2015 APPLICANT: GEORGE EWART OWNER(S): Juan & Norma Aranda TAX ID NUMBER: 107 K F 008 JURISDICTION: City Council District 2 STREET ADDRESS: 3816 Sutherland Ave LOCATION: South side of Sutherland Ave., west of Lebanon St. APPX. SIZE OF TRACT: 0.6 acres SECTOR PLAN: West City GROWTH POLICY PLAN: Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits) ACCESSIBILITY: Access is via Sutherland Ave., a minor arterial street with a three lane street section and 38' of pavement width within a 56' right-of-way. The Bearden Greenway is located in front of this property along Sutherland Ave. UTILITIES: Water Source: Knoxville Utilities Board Sewer Source: Knoxville Utilities Board View map on KGIS WATERSHED: Third Creek ZONING: C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant land PROPOSED USE: Restaurant HISTORY OF ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT: North: Apartments / R-2 (General Residential) and R-3 (High Density Residential) South: Residences and Offices / R-2 (General Residential) and O-1 (Office, Medical, and Related Services) East: Dog daycare / C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) West: Convenience store with fuel / C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) This property is located in an area with a mix of office, multi-family, and commercial uses. This block of Sutherland Ave. is a transitional area with commercial establishments and large institutional uses to the east, and single family residential and office uses to the west. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE the request for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space, subject to 9 conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knoxville Engineering Department. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting all other requirements of the Knox County Health Department. Locate the building at the front of the property, with parking located to the side and rear. No parking or drive AGENDA ITEM #: 44 FILE #: 11-E-15-UR 11/5/2015 01:52 PM GERALD GREEN PAGE #: 44-1 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) FILE #: 10.a.d aisles are to be located between the building and the public right-of-way. 5. An entrance to the new structure shall face the public street. 6. A hard-surface sidewalk connection shall be provided from the public sidewalk to the main entry. 7. Installation of proposed landscaping within six month of the issuance of occupancy permits for this project. 8. Remove the old driveway curb cut and replace will full height curb and sidewalk/greenway to match the existing. 9. The new driveway cuts/aprons must meet ADA standards. The use on review process provides an opportunity, and a responsibility, for additional review to assure that the use and its design are compatible with the community in which it is proposed, with standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance, and with community goals and objectives as stated in adopted plans and policies. The proposed development for Sutherland Avenue is within the boundary of The Bearden Village Opportunities Plan which includes the following community goals: 1. Enhance pedestrian activity and access, while minimizing the negative effects of vehicular traffic on neighborhoods and pedestrians. 2. Enhance the sense of place and community. 3.Build upon Bearden’s urban character and unique atmosphere by promoting appropriate development. Recommendations in the Plan that are relevant to the proposed development include: 1. Pedestrian Plan (page 8) a) Encourage the private sector to construct or improve sidewalks with all redevelopment or new development. 2. Sutherland Avenue Commercial Corridor (page 23) - "Creating a safer, pedestrian-friendly environment, improving the visual appearance and controlling vehicle access would enhance pedestrian activity and increase the sense of place within the corridor." a) Parking to back of buildings with buildings fronting on sidewalks. b) Mixed use with commercial/retail on first floors of buildings and office/residential uses on subsequent floors. c) Consistent signage, landscaping and façade requirements. d) Vehicular access control in to developments. 3. Forest Park Boulevard/Chambliss Avenue (page 24) a) Require parking to the side or back of buildings with green space and sidewalk connections in front of businesses. b) Business conversions should not greatly disrupt the facades or overall structure of buildings. c) Establish sign requirements that maintain the small-scale character. Community representatives and MPC staff met with the applicant to discuss the recommendations of the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan and to suggest plan revisions that would aid in implementing the recommendations of the Plan. Reducing the number of curb cuts from the proposed two curb cuts to one was discussed but it appears this would make traffic flow, particularly for delivery vehicles, extremely difficult. Placing the proposed building at the front of the parcel to create a more pedestrian friendly environment was identified by MPC staff as a way to comply with the recommendations of the Bearden Village Plan. In an effort to assure compliance with the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan while acknowledging the need to provide for efficient traffic flow, staff recommends that the building be placed at the front of the property, with parking located to the side and rear. This would permit two curb cuts and allow for traffic to flow behind the building while creating a pedestrian friendly environment along Sutherland Avenue as envisioned in the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan. Excerpts from the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan are attached to the agenda. The full document is available on the MPC website at the following link: EFFECT OF THE PROPOSAL ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, SURROUNDING PROPERTY AND THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE 1. Public utilities are available to service the site. 2. Sutherland Ave. is a minor arterial and has sufficient capacity to handle the additional traffic which will be generated by this development. 3. With the recommended conditions, the proposed restaurant is compatible with the scale and intensity of development in the area. AGENDA ITEM #: 44 FILE #: 11-E-15-UR 11/5/2015 01:52 PM GERALD GREEN PAGE #: 44-2 Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) COMMENTS: 10.a.d CONFORMITY OF THE PROPOSAL TO ADOPTED PLANS 1. The One Year Plan and West City Sector Plan identify this site as part of a mixed use special district (MUSD WC-1), which recommends a mix of commerical, office and residential uses and recommends implementing implementing the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan. 2. The Bearden Village Opportunities Plan identifies this site as part of the "Forest Park Boulevard / Chambliss Avenue" opportunity district. This district is intended to be a buffer between the more intense commercial areas the single family residential section north of Sutherland Avenue and recommends maintaining the smallscale character of the area, parking to side and rear of building, and green space and sidewalk connections to front of businesses. With the recommended conditions, the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan. 3. The block of Sutherland Ave. where the subject property is located also has similar characteristics as the "Sutherland Avenue Commercial Corridor" opportunity district to the east. This district recommends creating a safe, pedestrian-friendly environment by controlling vehicular access into developments, locating parking to the rear of buildings, and fronting buildings on sidewalks. With the recommended conditions, the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Bearden Village Opportunities Plan. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC IMPACT: 338 (average daily vehicle trips) Average Daily Vehicle Trips are computed using national average trip rates reported in the latest edition of "Trip Generation," published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Average Daily Vehicle Trips represent the total number of trips that a particular land use can be expected to generate during a 24-hour day (Monday through Friday), with a "trip" counted each time a vehicle enters or exits a proposed development. ESTIMATED STUDENT YIELD: Not applicable. MPC's approval or denial of this request is final, unless the action is appealed to the Knoxville City Council. The date of the Knoxville City Council hearing will depend on when the appeal application is filed. Appellants have 15 days to appeal an MPC decision in the City. AGENDA ITEM #: 44 FILE #: 11-E-15-UR 11/5/2015 01:52 PM GERALD GREEN PAGE #: 44-3 Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) CONFORMITY OF THE PROPOSAL TO CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE ZONING ORDINANCE 1. With the recommended conditions, the proposal is consistent with all requirements of the C-1 zoning district, as well as other criteria for approval of a use on review. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the general standards for uses permitted on review: The proposed use is consistent with the adopted plans and policies of the General Plan and Sector Plan. The use is in harmony with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. The use should not significantly injure the value of adjacent property. The use will not draw substantial additional traffic through residential areas. No surrounding land uses will pose a hazard or create an unsuitable environment for the proposed use. 12 7 1 3 W VIE NG LO 22 8 21 4 3 ST HIL 7 LS 19 9 D 8 18 16 10 R-3(k) 13 15 11 12 6 10-G-11-RZ 12 D AN RL E TH SU 17.04 17.03 17.01 17 13 11 27 10 28 29 30 15 19 20 21 22 24 R-2 23 6 7 5 4 9 3 4 15 17 16 C-1 12.02 21 11 10 12.01 3 11 10 O-1 12 13 14 R-2 16 18 19 17 2 20 1 W NE M CO E AV 13.01 13 10 11 DR 7 9.01 13 15 5 2 23 8 3 6 O-1 1 15 E AV C-1 12 14 9 8 SS LI MB A CH 17 R-1 26 25 1 10 15 19 D LV KB AR TP ES OR 12 18 16 20 NF O-1 E AV 5 2 17 R-3 15.01 6 9 18 2 13 16 3.01 3 11 17.06 C-1 R-2 8 7 34 1 ST O-1 2 17 9 Y RILE 33 N ANO LEB B LV 6 5 9 13 R-2 20 RE FO 5 1 7 Y PL KELL 4 10.a.d 1 8 8 R-3 RD 3 11 C-3 9 9 10 3 2 RD RD NFO RE 4 23 12 D OD R RD 2 26 27 R-3 13 25 28 8 O LYW HOL 1 R-1 14 RD GE VILLA W VIE 5 R ND TER EAS 24 10 7 13 RD IEW 14 29 14 V HILL 15 EST FOR 11 6 30 C-3 11-E-15-UR USE ON REVIEW C-4 19 21 22 14 Restaurant in C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) Original Print Date: 10/27/2015 Revised: Metropolitan Planning Commission * City / County Building * Knoxville, TN 37902 Petitioner: Map No: Jurisdiction: 0 Ewart, George 107 City Feet 250 ± Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 16 10 C-1 &% ,1 5 6 72 60 + 3 9 687+(5/$1'$9(18( &3 &(17(5/,1(2)3$9(0(17 66 66 66 * 66 66 ( : 72 &% * :$ 7( %2 5 ; * * *9 66 66 66 66 (1 : : : : 66 *: 87 ,/,7 < %2 ; ( *: 87,/,7<'5$,1$*(($6(0(17 ( 0( $6 3+ ( 33 (5 6 $/ 7 3$ 5 &( 32 5 3$ 7,21 5 2 )( 57 & ( / ,2 $6 1 2 '( (0 (' (1 )3 $< % 7 $5 ' 8( &( 2 2. 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Packet Pg. 3?3URMHFWV??(/&+$552?(/&+$552RFWSOQ 0$ 3 9(67,%8/( :25. 7$%/( [ +267(66 :$,7,1* :25. 7$%/( [ &2$76 :25. 7$%/( [ 48$55<7,/( .,7&+(1 %$5 %851(5 5()5 :25. 7$%/( &22. 35(3 )5,'*( (;32 '5,1. +22'$%29( 6729( 67($0 $&7&/28'$%29( $&7&/28'$%29( $&7&/28'$%29( &+,36 :25. 7$%/( -$1 &/26(5 /$7&+ ',6+ 2)),&( &/26(5 /$7&+ 07/7 07/7 32/&21& 32/&21& $ 29(5$//)/2253/$1 6&$/( 35 ( & 2 12 /,0 1 67 7 ,1$ 5 )2 5< 8 5 & 7, 2 1 ,17(5,256($76 3$7,2 6($76727$/ .12;9,//(71 1(('6,=( [ :$/.,1 &22/(5 1(:%8,/',1*)25 72*2 35(3 :$50,1* %2; &2817(5 ,&( )5<(5 7($ 62'$ 0: )5<(5 &2))(( 0: 5$1*( :25. 7$%/( (/&+$552 %851(5 727$%/( 1(('6,=( +22'$%29( 6$/6$ 5()5 )5=5 &+(67 &2817(5 67($0 [ '5< 6725$*( 72: )/2253/$1(/(9$7,21 %5* 3?3URMHFWV??(/&+$552?(/&+$552RFWSOQ (6775866 '(37+ 72522) 72: )) $ 1257+(/(9$7,21 6&$/( REVISED 10/26/2015 11-E-15-UR '$7( 2&7 352-(&712 352-(&70*5 -67 $ 10. Packet Pg. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 19 11/3/2015 KnoxMPC Mail FW: 3816 Sutherland Avenue 10.a.d Mike Reynolds <> FW: 3816 Sutherland Avenue 1 message Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 1:40 PM Mike Sorry I forgot to forward this to you. George A. Ewart, AIA GEORGE ARMOUR EWART ARCHITECT 404 Bearden Park Circle | Knoxville Tn. 37919 p:865.602.7771 c:865.805.9599 f:865.602.7742 George Armour Ewart Architect | Facebook | Twitter Please consider the environment before printing this email This Email contains PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION intended only for the use of the Individual(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this Email, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this Email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this Email in error, please immediately notify us at (865)6027771 or notify us by Email. From: George Ewart Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2015 1:18 PM To: 'Gerald Green' <>; Duane Grieve <>; 'TERESA FAULKNER' <> Cc: Aranda, Juan J. <> Subject: 3816 Sutherland Avenue Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) George Ewart <> To: Mike Reynolds <> Gerald Packet Pg. 20… 1/4 11/3/2015 KnoxMPC Mail FW: 3816 Sutherland Avenue 10.a.d We wanted to thank you, Duane and Terry for taking time out of your schedules to meet with us regarding El Charro’s potential new location at 3816 Sutherland Avenue. I have had several conversations with the Aranda’s since our meeting and they have decided to leave the property as designed with two curb cuts and the building in the location shown. On Monday we will be submitting the revised plans we shared with you, a copy of the access and driveway requirements from the zoning ordinance, a letter of support from the Pond Gap Neighborhood Community where the this parcel resides and maps showing 5 restaurant locations within one mile of this parcel having extremely large curb cuts or two, showing a precedent on Sutherland. After exploring the Bearden plan that was presented to us, I offer the following to why the plan does not apply: 1. I did not see the boundary of the plan area, does it include the entire length of Sutherland? My thoughts of the Bearden Village area was from Forrest Park Blvd to Westover Rd. 2. The sketch shown to us in the meeting had two access points for each parcel. One being off of the main road and the other off a of an alley. Approximately less than 10% of all lots on Sutherland Avenue have an alley behind them. So was sketch only applicable to those lots or is the City going to purchase rightofway for alleys? 3. Below is a list of uses that are taken out of the zoning ordinance that do not require a use on review in C1. Each use would not go before MPC and each use since the lot size allows 2 curb cuts would have 2 curb cuts along Sutherland. B. Uses permitted. Property and buildings in a C1 neighborhood commercial district shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Reserved. 2. Food market including specialty foods such as: a. Bakery goods. b. Delicatessen goods. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) c. Meats. 3. Drugstore or fountain including: a. Book and reading matter. b. Stationery. Packet Pg. 21… 2/4 11/3/2015 KnoxMPC Mail FW: 3816 Sutherland Avenue 10.a.d c. Tobacco. d. Vanity goods. e. Pharmacy. 4. Barbershop and beauty shop. 6. Gift shop. 7. Selfservice laundry and/or dry cleaning establishment, either coin or attendantoperated; provided, however, that notwithstanding other requirements of this section, no such establishment shall exceed four thousand (4,000) square feet of gross floor area and no variance to such maximum floor area shall be granted. 8. Gasoline service station. (See article V, section 11, for additional requirements.) 9. Shoe repair and shoeshine service. 10.Professional and business offices. 11.Nameplate and sign, as regulated in article V, section 10. 12.Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses. 13.Utility substations, easements, alleys and rightsofway, and transportation easements, alleys and rightsofway. 14.Recycling collection facility as an accessory use only as regulated by article V, section 18.B. 15.Personal gardens. 16.Community gardens. 17.Market gardens. We feel that all of the requirements from the zoning ordinance have been met in our submission. It is our hope that with our meeting and the above referenced information you will agree that this USE is proper for this site and two curb cuts are needed. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 5. Cleaning and pressing collection stations. El Charro is hoping to be a part of this community for a long time and would appreciate your support in making this project work. Please contact me with any questions or comments. Packet Pg. 22… 3/4 11/3/2015 KnoxMPC Mail FW: 3816 Sutherland Avenue 10.a.d Respectfully George A. Ewart, AIA GEORGE ARMOUR EWART ARCHITECT p:865.602.7771 c:865.805.9599 f:865.602.7742 George Armour Ewart Architect | Facebook | Twitter Please consider the environment before printing this email This Email contains PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION intended only for the use of the Individual(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this Email, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this Email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this Email in error, please immediately notify us at (865)6027771 or notify us by Email. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 404 Bearden Park Circle | Knoxville Tn. 37919 Packet Pg. 23… 4/4 11/4/2015 KnoxMPC Mail Fwd: Ewart/ use on review,3816 Sutherland Avenue 10.a.d Mike Reynolds <> Fwd: Ewart/ use on review,3816 Sutherland Avenue 1 message Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 8:35 AM Good Morning Mike, Could you please include this email in the staff report for the project. Thanks, Gerald Gerald Green AICP Executive Director Metropolitan Planning Commission KnoxvilleKnox County Forwarded message From: TERESA FAULKNER <> Date: Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:43 PM Subject: RE: Ewart/ use on review,3816 Sutherland Avenue To: Gerald Green <> Dear Mr. Green, Would you please include in MPC Commissioners' packet for the November 12 MPC meeting this email below which states the Bearden Council reasons for requesting denial of the use on review by applicant, George Ewart, for the property located at 3816 Sutherland Avenue. Some information about the Bearden Council: Bearden Council is am umbrella group which represents five neighborhood associations located in the Bearden area; Westwood, Sequoyah Hills/Kingston Pike, Forest Heights, Historic Sutherland Heights and Lyons View. The Bearden Council was formed in 2001 to implement the goals of the MPC Bearden Village Opportunities Plan which was approved by MPC Commissioners and Knoxville City Council in 2001. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Gerald Green <> To: Mike Reynolds <> Cc: Dan Kelly <> The Bearden Village Opportunities Plan and its' successful implementation: Our MPC Small Area Plan was produced by MPC staff working with community leaders and area business owners who met together regularly for a year to create a professional plan for an environmentally sustainable pedestrian "village" where people could live, provide for all their needs and never own a car. Using this plan as a foundation, in the last 14 years Packet Pg. 24 1/2 11/4/2015 KnoxMPC Mail Fwd: Ewart/ use on review,3816 Sutherland Avenue 10.a.d Bearden Council members have helped to acquire over two million dollars for greenways, sidewalks, seven sheltered bus stops from TDOT, KAT, the city and developers/business owners; over 800 trees have been installed in our community and our "Village" received the first ever MPC Environmental Sustainability Achievement Award. Many of Bearden's commercial buildings are older and have been renovated for their present use. In time, due to the success of our village efforts, we expect that many of these renovated, and unimproved buildings will be torn down and new structures will be built on those properties. Bearden Council members will work towards having any new development on those properties meet the standards set forth in the Bearden MPC plan. The property at 3816 Sutherland Avenue is a vacant lot. It is our position that the development of this lot should meet the guidelines presented in our Village Plan which states that buildings (in this case a new structure on a vacant lot) should be placed in "close proximity to streets and sidewalks"...with "parking lots oriented to the backs of buildings." A representative of our group met recently with Gerald Green and the petitioner for the use on review, George Ewart (and his clients, Joan and Norma Aranda), in a failed effort to reach a compromise; we offered to support two curb cuts at the site instead of one as recommended in our plan, if the building was moved to the front of the site and parking to the rear. Bearden Council stands behind the MPC staff recommendation against approval for a use or review for this project Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Terry Faulkner, President; Bearden Council Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Bearden Council position on request for use on review for 3816 Sutherland Avenue: Packet Pg. 25 2/2 Packet Pg. 26 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 27 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 28 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 29 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 30 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 31 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 32 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 33 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 34 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 35 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Bear denGr eenway Thi sconcept ualsi t epl anwascr eat edbyMPCst af fusi ngt hepr oposedbui l di ngandsi t eel ement s,andi snoti nt endedt o beasubst i t ut eoral t er nat i vepl anf orappr ovalbyt hepl anni ngcommi ssi on. Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Sut her l andAv enue Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 38 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) 10.a.d Packet Pg. 51 10.a.d Minutes (Unapproved) 1:30 P.M. Main Assembly Room City County Building The Metropolitan Planning Commission met in regular session on NOVEMBER 12, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in the Main Assembly Room, City/County Building, and Knoxville, Tennessee. Members: A Ms. Rebecca Longmire, Chair Mr. Herb Anders Mr. Bart Carey, Vice Chair Ms. Laura Cole Mr. Art Clancy Ms. Elizabeth Eason Mr. Mac Goodwin * Arrived late to the meeting. ** Left early in the meeting. 44. A Mr. Len Johnson Mr. Michael Kane Mr. Charles F. Lomax, Jr Mr. Jeff Roth Mr. Jack Sharp Mr. Scott Smith Ms. Janice Tocher A – Absent from the meeting GEORGE EWART 11-E-15-UR South side of Sutherland Ave., west of Lebanon St. Proposed use: Restaurant in C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) District. Council District 2. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space, subject to 9 conditions. Gerald Green: The property for which the use on review is requested is within the Bearden Village Opportunities planning area which raises some I guess policy issues on which we would like your direction as you review and consider this request. The Village Opportunities plan, the Bearden Village Opportunities plan recommends that development be pedestrian in nature that buildings be built towards the front of the lot with parking to the side or rear. For that reason one of the conditions is that one of the buildings be placed back on the lot with parking on the side and the rear. It also recommends that curb cuts be reduced to create a more pleasing pedestrian environment. In working and meeting with the applicant, the architect and the owners of the proposed restaurant, we realized that the two curb cuts were necessary for deliveries and to accommodate traffic flow. Compromised and allowed two curb cuts. The restaurant has a use on review hence it being here. Another policy issue for us and I will name all of those, the first policy issue is are uses on review subject to more stringent or additional than typical uses as set forth as permitted uses in the zoning ordinance. If so to what degree do we rely on adopted plans in reviewing those? That is the second policy issue. First is do we have the latitude with uses on review to do a more stringent and in some cases a more thorough project review and the second policy questions is whether we can rely on those Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) NOVEMBER 12, 2015 10.a.d MPC Minutes November 12, 2015 Page 2 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) adopted plans as well as the ordinance to identify standards or provisions for the development of uses on review. With this case in this instance the Village Opportunities, Bearden Village Opportunities plan again has not been codified. It is an adopted plan. It was adopted in early 2000’s and has been used by the community to implement improvements in that community with an activity community organization. I guess the third policy question is to what extend does the community have the ability to guide development within that community. With that I will be happy to answer any questions. Those are major policy questions which staff especially under new directorship needs some direction, would appreciate direction from this commission. With that I will let the applicant speak. Terry Faulkner: 4178 Ridgeway Lane, 37919. I wouldn’t describe us as opponents of this development. I would describe us as supporters of the staff recommendations that go along with our Bearden Village plan. I am here as President of the Bearden Council and I am going to be supporting the staff recommendations relating to Mr. Ewart’s use on review. Our group was formed in 2001 and is an umbrella group composed of representatives from the Westwood, Forest Heights, Historic Sutherland Heights. Lyons View and Sequoyah Hills/Kingston Pike Homeowners Association. Our mission is to implement the goals put forth in our MPC Bearden Village plan which was created by MPC staff working with neighborhood leaders and Bearden business representatives for over a year. This pedestrian plan provides guidance for every aspect of future development in the Bearden Community. The goal of the plan is to create an attractive, sustainable urban environment in which residents can live, access all their needs and enjoy an excellent quality of life without ever owning a car. During the process of approval by MPC Commissioners and City Council in 2001 we were reminded repeatedly by members of those bodies that unless out community leaders worked to implement the plan that it would sit on a shelf and gather dust. We have diligently worked for the last 14 years to carry out the plan always assuming that MPC staff and Commissioners would stand behind our plan. The Bearden Village received the first MPC Environmental sustainability award in 2006. Our group has worked since that time with over 120 businesses and developers within the Bearden community with three mayors and several city council representatives. We have worked with TDOT, KAT, East Tennessee Community Design Center, Knox Heritage, Keep Knoxville Beautiful, Knox County School System and various UT officials. I would like to address at this point Mr. Ewart’s concerns and questions about what we have done on Sutherland Avenue. Two million dollars of State contestation, medication and air quality funds were acquired and used to build approximately two miles of greenways and sidewalks. The roots and shelter cap stops were based on the Bearden Village plan. Over 150 trees funded by business owners, the City and UT have been added to beautify and provide shade. The City recently completed a $400,000 sidewalk to access pedestrians to convenience stores and restaurants across from the UT athletic fields. We worked with the University on this main street project and they agreed to participate and added a public plaza, two greenway connections and paid for a pressed asphalt crosswalk on Sutherland at Hollywood. We worked with developers Jay McBride, Paul Murphy and the City to get sidewalks on the north side of Sutherland across from West High School. We attempted a compromise with Mr. Ewart and I think Gerald Green can address that. Our recommendation is going to be to stand by the staff Packet Pg. 53 10.a.d MPC Minutes November 12, 2015 Page 3 recommendation on this request. I would like to recognize Mary English a member of our group who would like to speak also. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Mary English, 810 Oak Grove Lane. As Terry mentioned I am on the Bearden Council. I have lived in Bearden for 35 years. I am also a professional in land use. I have spent a good deal of my career working on urban growth issues as part of my policy work. Staff is recommended approving the use on review subject to the 9 conditions. The condition I want to focus on is condition four to make it clear that condition specifies placing the restaurant at the front of the lot with parking in the rear unlike the commercial strip that is to the east on Sutherland the lot that you are looking at is right in the middle of a mixed use area. It is surrounded by residential, office. It is a very small strip. Right now the lot is vacant. It has been vacant for a long time. This vacant lot is precisely the kind that benefits from the design features that you find in the Bearden Village Opportunities plan and that has been spelled out by Mr. Green and his staff in their recommendation. These design features not only enhance the neighborhood, they protect the property values of surrounding property owners. They will actually probably benefit El Charro. They also, and this is part of your responsibility, they help to enhance the density of growth in this increasingly urban area which saves public money by using public infrastructure efficiently. Thank you. George Ewart: 404 Bearden Park Circle, 37919. I appreciate Mr. Green allowing me to be you all’s test tube on this project. I want to thank everybody here for serving on this Commission. I served on it for five years and I know what you all go through and I appreciate you all spending your time doing this. Rhonda is here and David Williams from the Pond Gap Neighborhood Association. We have got Mr. Cook who owns the Holyland Market and Oliver Smith with us today. Our issue is number 4 which Mr. Green has already addressed. Let me give you a little bit of history. We first met with the Pond Gap Neighborhood Association where this parcel is located and Ms. Faulkner mentioned that they are not part of the Bearden Council. I am kind of confused about what is going on there. Anyway we met with them before we submitted this. They were involved in the Bearden Opportunities Plan. We collected 72 signatures which you should have in your package of support on this project. When we submitted it we waited until we got the approval from the neighborhood association submitted to you all then we started getting feedback from Mr. Green and saying that we needed to look at the Bearden Village Opportunities plan and so on and so forth. We met and went over everything. I actually met with the Forest Heights Neighborhood Association also. I will get a little bit more on that. When I met with Mr. Green I did not recall the Bearden Opportunities Plan. I went back and started reading it and on page five of that plan there is a picture of me in there. I was involved in this process. There is no doubt about it. What we had was a very conceptual overlay plan. It was for a master plan. If you look at the concept on the Sutherland Avenue plan that they have presented to you in there, there are no parcels on Sutherland Avenue that meet that. This parcel doesn’t have an alley on the back of it. It doesn’t have… We have got to get a setback variance to put this thing in here and so on and so forth. There is a lot of things that kind of have developed over the years since this thing has been implemented. For example the creation of the new sports complex, new offices. Six6 restaurants in this area have developed. There are 10 restaurants from one mile from this property. Every single restaurant has parking in the front. Not one does it have Packet Pg. 54 10.a.d MPC Minutes November 12, 2015 Page 4 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) it in the back. Okay. Every single one of them has it on there. This parcel is zoned C-1. There are 16 uses that we can put in this building on this site that you all would never see. They could put on this site exactly like we have drawn. Exactly. The 10 restaurants I mentioned there’s 10 restaurants. They are all built with parking in front of them. The staff is requiring El Charro to relocate their building in front of their front yard. They have been in the restaurant business for 35 years. They own a place on Bearden that has the exact same situation. It is a failing restaurant. They sold it. They are moving. Why are they moving? Because people cannot see cars. They think it is not popular so they are not going there. They are investing $750,000 in a piece of property on Sutherland. I ask you. Would you do that and have the same situation as you have right now on Bearden Hill? The answer is no. You wouldn’t. Even Mr. Green’s drawing, not picking on you Gerald, but the drawing that he put in your package has us to try to get a front yard setback it shows our entrance in the setback. That is another public hearing that we have to go through. Who knows what is going to happen there. Just like this. It does not make sense to approve something that you already have to get a variance on. The other thing is. Most people look at this thing there’s four residential lots behind this building. Do you want parking lot lights from cars shining in the back of four residences? Because that is what you have got. I ask you all with all this above in mind to approve this use on review and exclude item number 4. Thank you. Carey: I am afraid I have made a rooky mistake. There are two, four, five lights on and I have no clue who was first. I have been reading along with this thing. Is there an honor system here? Michael Kane: I think Mr. Clancy always has his light on first. I think I was second. I think Mr. Ewart makes some very strong arguments. I understand those arguments but I think part of the problem that I have is that we do have plans and they do establish some kind of expectation. I think Ms. Faulkner made a very compelling argument in the fact that they had a plan and they were told to go out and work hard to make it happen. What they have done is to provide the pedestrian infrastructure to make this work. Which doesn’t really happen on top of Bearden Hill. Bearden Hill is not really a pedestrian kind of place. But they worked hard to do that. So some of the things that may not have happened in the past. Maybe there wasn’t justification for it because those buildings already existed and the parking already existed. Some of those examples may not be there. But the problem is these folks have worked hard and now that infrastructure is in place. They worked hard to do that. What’s the payoff if we don’t use the tools that we have in place to say if there is a development here then it must comply with this. I am not saying El Charro will be successful there. They have got to make that decision themselves. I can’t make that decision for them. What I can say is this is what the community has said. They worked hard to make this a pedestrian friendly area. We see urbanized environments all the time that they are designed for pedestrians. That is what happens in other areas of the country. That is what they are doing. They are putting the green space in front. They are moving the building forward. They are doing all those kinds of things. What we are saying is that these folks have worked hard. It was a plan that was endorsed by this body and by City Council. We are saying you worked hard and your payoff, hum really there is no payoff for you. We are not going to really do anything to compel folks to help implement this. So I have a problem with that. If we are not going to try to help implement these things then we Packet Pg. 55 10.a.d MPC Minutes November 12, 2015 Page 5 shouldn’t have these plans or not have any design standards that affect private property. We just do the public infrastructure part of it because that is what we can effect. We just won’t do any of the other stuff because you know there is no other planning that goes with it. Anyway that is my perspective. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Art Clancy: First of all I would like to thank the Bearden Council and all the work they have done with the Bearden Village Opportunity Plan. I think it is a great thing. I think you all have done a lot of good positive things. I would like to sarcastically thank Mr. Ewart for his efforts in developing the Bearden Village Opportunities plan. I don’t think there is no payoff. I don’t agree with that. I am looking at a Bearden greenway that goes out in front of this whether we put the restaurant to the back of the property or the front of the property. I don’t see… other than I asked somebody how does pulling the building up to the road make this more pedestrian friendly and more bicycle friendly. All I got was I think it does. I don’t understand how that makes this more pedestrian friendly. You pull that building all the way up. Let’s say we pull the building all the way up. Put all the parking in the back. The customers are all parking around back where you access door is. You’re moving good in and out. You have got your garbage cans, your grease, everything sitting right there and they have to walk all the way around that and go into your restaurant. I don’t know about seeing cars in front of your restaurant. Maybe that does work; maybe it doesn’t. Having a patio out front with umbrellas makes it more festive. Seems like that make it more attractive. People going down the bike trails; hey there is a restaurant. Not hey they there is a restaurant. I will just drop my bike and walk two feet over into to it. I just don’t get that part of it. Nobody has been able to tell me why putting a restaurant right up against Sutherland Avenue is a good idea and why it makes it pedestrian friendly. Don’t the bicycles have to go around in the back and park? Is that it? Is that where I am missing it? I don’t know of one single restaurant, there probably is one but I don’t know of it, where there is no parking in front. Can anybody tell me where there is a restaurant in Knoxville where there is no parking in front.? Other than something on Gay Street. Clancy’s right. El Charro on Bearden Hill. The Orangery, that is not true. The Orangery has parking in front of it. Somebody else said Namas. Namas has parking in front. Kane: K brew. They have just a little parallel parking. Carey: Okay let’s not get into this conversation. Let’s stay on track. Clancy: It is in front. Shucks locates on Mohican or whatever. That being said. I had other questions but I just really can’t get my head around what makes this so attractive moving this all the way to the front. Having a bigger vegetative buffer between the restaurant and the neighborhood, I am up for that. Yes let’s do that. Let’s make sure that the developer puts a sidewalk in. Let’s make sure that he puts bike racks out front. Let’s make sure that he maintains the greenway. Curb cuts who cares. I mean the Bearden Council is doing a great job of stuff. I just don’t know that any of these things in particular are going to be beneficial to the entire neighborhood. I don’t see where you have increased the value, aesthetic value of your neighborhood by putting a restaurant in that can’t stay in business. I don’t understand why pulling it all the way forward is so import. I don’t understand why planting trees in front of your sign and in front of your whole thing so it blocks the restaurant and you don’t see it. I don’t understand how that it makes it a better place. So I would like to make the Packet Pg. 56 10.a.d MPC Minutes November 12, 2015 Page 6 motion that we approve the request for up to 2,590 square feet of restaurant space subject to 8 conditions, removing condition number 4. MOTION (CLANCY) AND SECOND (ROTH) WERE MADE TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR UP TO 2,590 SQUARE FEET OF RESTAURANT SPACE SUBJECT TO 8 CONDITIONS, REMOVING CONDITION NO. 4. Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Elizabeth Eason: I am not going to try to answer Commissioner Clancy’s many questions he raised. I do want to talk about the plan. I still feel like a fairly new Commissioner and I think that the whole issue that we run into where we have plans that the community has worked really hard on developing; we have put them into place. I think it is something that I appreciate our staff looking at those plans in making decisions and considering those plans as we go forward. I think if we have a plan that has a conflict or requires a variance we should figure out some ways to resolve those conflicts so that we don’t have to go through another process if we are setting up a conflict or find ways to take those plans and actually have some implementation tools that let us more easily follow those plans in our decision process. I think we have got a plan. This is a restaurant on a new, vacant parcel. Many of the other restaurants are in existing buildings. That is sort of a different situation there. I think it is a very walkable, pedestrian corridor and so I support the plan and the staff’s decision. Jeff Roth: I want to go on record, Commissioner Kane, I don’t know if I came across maybe Tuesday like I didn’t think the plan was important. I think the plans are important. I think the plans we adopt are important. I think our zoning ordinances are important. I think it is up to us as commissioners to look at these recommendations in these plans in each individual situation and make a decision as to whether they apply or not. I think this plan resulted in this particular situation there are several things that have happened, several things they have done that are a result of this plan. You talk about making pedestrian friendly. They have got a sidewalk from the hard sidewalk to the front door that doesn’t cross the parking lot. That is pedestrian friendly to me. They have put in vegetation. One of the curb cuts, I know they have two curb cuts, and part of the plan was to recommend to reduce curb cuts but they have shown that there is a requirement for deliveries that makes that not feasible for this situation. They have put in vegetation. They have put in sidewalks. They have worked… you know we are really big on the developers working with the community. I think in this case the owner and developer have gone out of their way. So there are things in the plan that have been adopted under this recommendation in not to move the building to the front. Moving the building to the front, I agree I don’t understand how that makes it more user, increases walkability. We are listening to a situation where okay so there is some give and take. Okay we can do this and this and this. But the person that owns this property says, I can’t do this. He has met everything else including the codified zoning requirements and he has gone above and beyond to meet some of the things that the Bearden Council has recommended. So I think… Kane: What things has he done to meet the Bearden Council? I am sorry I don’t understand. Roth: Well pedestrian friendly recommendations. Right. Packet Pg. 57 10.a.d MPC Minutes November 12, 2015 Page 7 Kane: Like what? Roth: Well there is a sidewalk from in the plan that we have there is a sidewalk. Kane: They are putting in a sidewalk that isn’t there now. Is there a sidewalk there now? Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Roth: They are putting in a sidewalk to the front door of the restaurant. Kane: No I don’t see that. Roth: Look at your plan. Well I don’t have my, my plan has gone out. Kane: On the side. I see it now. I thought… I do see it now. Roth: It doesn’t have to cross the parking lot. So they did that. That is part of the plan’s recommendation. The way I see these plans, and again they are not asking for zoning changes or anything like that. The property is zoned for what they are doing now. I think part of the plan and part of our job as Commissioners is to look at these plans and take these recommendations and say okay does this work. Do all these recommendations in a plan have to apply to every situation? In a plan we would have the latitude to determine when they do. I would suggest that we have done that. I would suggest that this… and I seconded the motion that we support this development without item number 4. So. Scott Smith: I just want to agree with, I don’t understand the putting the restaurant in the front looking backwards and to park in the back. I don’t get that why it helps walkability. But let’s talk about the plan and the area. I went over there to Chambliss and Newcomb Avenue and it is mostly businesses in those old residential style houses. The ones that are there they all pretty much have parking in front of their houses in front of the houses that have been changed into offices. They do have parking in the back as well. As I read through the plan even let’s say we go with this plan although it is not codified one of the main things like page 17 under the urban design page it even, it says for example guidelines might require that buildings front on streets with parking lots towards the rear of the building. Then it goes on to say the design elements will have to be further defined if an overlay or other zoning district is implemented. That led me to believe that maybe this is not finished. Maybe there is more work to be done on this plan. Additionally on page 24 Forest Park Boulevard and Chambliss Avenue which this property is supposed to be a part of it says development occurring between Sutherland Avenue and Kingston Pike east of Carr Street, west of Lebanon Street is a mix of office and residential uses. No commercial. Office and residential uses. This property obviously is a commercial property on Sutherland. I kind of feel like this thing about parking in the rear was directed at these office and residential homes in that district because if you look at those houses where they sit on the lot they were first houses they sit at the front of the lot. So there is no way to have parking in front of the houses. So I think that has kind of gotten morphed into what they are trying to impose on this commercial side. I think the plan if that is the district it falls in needs to address commercial properties which this plan doesn’t. I mean I am fully supportive of Art’s motion to not require them to do parking in the rear. Packet Pg. 58 10.a.d MPC Minutes November 12, 2015 Page 8 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Carey: I am going to weight in just real quickly. I would rather handle three Development Corp deals as opposed to this one. I am not sure there are many comfortable people sitting at this table right now because this is one sticky issue. I on the other hand disagree with Commissioner Clancy’s assessment that there is no benefit from having the restaurant towards the front. I think that creating an urban setting much like an inner city feel with walking right into either a patio or courtyard or right into the restaurant offers a benefit. I think that’s a broad stroke. I would be a whole lot happier if this whole block of land here was vacant and we could establish a street scape that was consistent. My issue with, I think the idea of a front forward building, I think it can offer a much better and more attractive look as you drive down the street to see buildings instead of cars. But we go back to the property next door is set back and other properties are set forward and back. Good planning involves street scape and harmony and not having irregularities as you drive or walk or bike which I do regularly on this area. Again I think conceptually the forward front is moving forward is a good design element but I just don’t know that I can support it because of exactly where it sits. I hope the district can find a place that it could be more at home, more comfortable in its settings. I am just not sure this is it. If there is no other comments or questions, I guess I better find my motion here. The motion was for to approve the request for up to 2590 square feet of restaurant space subject to 9 conditions with the exception of number 4 which makes it 8 conditions. Upon roll call the Planning Commission voted as follows: Tocher No Smith Yes Sharp Yes Roth Yes Lomax Yes Kane No Goodwin No Eason No Cole Yes Clancy Yes Carey Yes Anders Yes MOTION CARRIED 8-4. APPROVED WITHOUT CONDITION 4. Packet Pg. 59 Packet Pg. 60 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 61 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Packet Pg. 62 10.a.d Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) > Ad Proof Sales Rep: Louise Watkins (K3405) Phone: (865) 342-6515 > Account Information 10.a.d Email: > Insertion Information This is a proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Account Number: 237952 (KC03787) Company Name: MET. PLAN. COMM. Please confirm placement prior to deadline by contacting your account rep at (865) 342-6515 . Ad Id: 822848 Contact Name: P.O. Number: Total Cost: $33.58 Email: Tag Line: PUBLIC NOTICE The following appeal s Address: 400 MAIN AVENUE SU 403, KNOXVILLE, TN, 37902 Start Date: 12/01/15 Stop Date: 12/01/15 Phone: (865) 215-2506 Number of Times: 1 Class: 16160 - Miscellaneous Notice Fax: 2152068 Publications: KN-Knoxville News Sentinel, KN-Internet - knoxnews. com > Ad Proof I agree this ad is accurate and as ordered. PUBLIC NOTICE The following appeal shall be considered by the Knoxville City Council on Thursday, December 17, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Assembly Room, City County Building, 400 Main Street, Knoxville TN. Data pertinent to this item may be seen in MPC’s office, fourth floor of the City-County Bldg., Main St., Knoxville. If you need assistance or accommodation for a disability, please contact the City ADA coordinator at 215-2104. Appeal Appeal by Bearden Council of MPC approval of use on review for a restaurant in C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) District. Property located south side of Sutherland Ave., west of Lebanon St. Council District 2, West City Sector. File 11-E-15-UR. Thank you for your business. Our commitment to a quality product includes the advertising in our publications. As such, Journal Media Group reserves the right to categorize, edit and refuse certain classified ads. Your satisfaction is important. If you notice errors in your ad, please notify the classified department immediately so that we can make corrections before the second print date. The number to call is 865-637-4111. Allowance may not be made for errors reported past the second print date. The Knoxville News Sentinel may not issue refunds for classified advertising purchased in a package rate; ads purchased on the open rate may be pro-rated for the remaining full days for which the ad did not run. Packet Pg. 63 Attachment: 11-E-15-UR_pkg (4025 : Appeal by Bearden Council, 3816 Sutherland Ave. 11-E-15-UR) Date: 11/30/15 11.a CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Law Department DIRECTOR: Charles Swanson AGENDA SUMMARY A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Fred D. (Tony) Thompson, Jr. in the amount of $55,000.00 to provide governmental relations services for the City of Knoxville. COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) AFFECTED - All BACKGROUND For the past fifteen years, the City has had a contract with Mr. Thompson to provide professional services related to governmental relations, primarily in connection with the sessions of the Tennessee Legislature. OPTIONS Should Council decline to approve the agreement with Mr. Thompson, the City would need to identify and contract with another professional to provide these services. RECOMMENDATION Approve the agreement. ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE The agreement will run from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW This is a professional services contract therefore, it was not put out to bid. FISCAL INFORMATION $55,000.00, Mr. Thompson has provided these services for the past fifteen calendar years. This amount has been paid in the past from the Law Department's professional services budget. Updated: 12/8/2015 1:42 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 64 11.a Resolution (ID # 4016) Meeting of December 17, 2015 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution (DOC) Agreement (DOC) Updated: 12/8/2015 1:42 PM Page 2 Packet Pg. 65 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH FRED D. (TONY) THOMPSON, JR. IN THE AMOUNT OF $55,000.00 TO PROVIDE GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE. RESOLUTION NO: __________________ REQUESTED BY: Law Department____ PREPARED BY: Law Department________ APPROVED: ________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE ______ WHEREAS, the City of Knoxville desires to continue to employ the services of an attorney engaged in providing governmental relations services to develop an effective relationship with the state government community in Tennessee in order to protect the interests of the City of Knoxville; and WHEREAS, Fred D. (Tony) Thompson, Jr., by reason of skill and experience, has the necessary expertise to provide said services; and WHEREAS, Mr. Thompson has ably served the City in this capacity for fifteen years and has demonstrated his skill, experience, and expertise in this regard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE: SECTION 1: The Mayor be, and hereby is, authorized to execute an Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, on behalf of the City of Knoxville with Fred D. (Tony) Packet Pg. 66 Attachment: Resolution (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) RESOLUTION NO. ___________ 11.a.a 11.a.a Thompson, Jr. in the amount of FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($55,000.00) to provide professional services related to governmental relations for the 2016 calendar year. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of the City requiring it. Attachment: Resolution (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) ________________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council ____________________________ Recorder F:\Resolutions\Tony Thompson 2016.oc Packet Pg. 67 11.a.b CHARLES W. SWANSON Law Director City of Knoxville Document No. C-16-0172 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the CITY OF KNOXVILLE, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Tennessee (“the City”), and FRED Contractor”). WHEREAS, the City desires to employ the services of an individual who is engaged in providing governmental relations services to develop an effective relationship with the state government community in Tennessee in order to protect the interest of the City of Knoxville; and WHEREAS, the Contractor, by reason of skill and experience, has the necessary expertise to provide said services. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Contractor, for the mutual considerations stated herein, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. BASIC AGREEMENTS 1.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES. The Contractor shall monitor proposed legislation considered by the Tennessee General Assembly and shall provide the Mayor's office regular status updates of such legislation during the 2016 legislative session. In addition, the Contractor will provide government relations services by (i) developing a sufficient presence in the legislature to impact specific legislation as necessary; (ii) by working with the large cities in Tennessee in order to form alliances when issues affecting large cities are proposed and being prepared to impact effectively those issues; (iii) by working with members of the legislature on issues affecting the City; and (iv) by providing other applicable government relations services. 1.2 TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2016 and shall terminate on December 31, 2016, unless terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions of Article II hereof. Page 1 of 7 Packet Pg. 68 Attachment: Agreement (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) D. (TONY) THOMPSON, JR., P.O. Box 2103, Brentwood, Tennessee 37024-2103 (“the 1.3 CONSIDERATION. As consideration for the services as set forth hereinabove, the City shall pay the Contractor the sum of FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($55,000.00) payable in equal monthly installments. The City and the Contractor recognize that the majority of the services to be performed hereunder shall occur during the Tennessee General Assembly's 2016 legislative session; however, the Contractor will continue to provide government relations services as needed throughout the remaining calendar year. 1.4 NOTICES. Invoices, communication and details concerning this Agreement will be directed to the following representatives: The City: Charles W. Swanson Law Director City of Knoxville Law Department P.O. Box 1631 Knoxville, TN 37901 (865) 215-2050 The Contractor: Fred D. (Tony) Thompson, Jr. P. O. Box 2103 Brentwood, TN 37024-2103 (615) 975-8169 ARTICLE 2. TERMINATION Either party may cancel this Agreement, with or without cause, by giving written notice to the non-terminating party at least thirty (30) days before the effective termination date. The City reserves the right to suspend or terminate this Agreement immediately and withhold payments in excess of just compensation for completed services if the Contractor (i) fails to perform his obligations under this Agreement, or (ii) violates any provision of this Agreement. Furthermore, the City may declare the Contractor ineligible for any further participation in City contracts after appropriate due process requirements are met; such requirements include a right to notice and hearing. In the event that the City has probable cause to believe that the Contractor is in noncompliance with any provision of this Agreement, the City may withhold payment until the City finds the Contractor to be in compliance, or until the Contractor is otherwise adjudicated to be in compliance. ARTICLE 3. NON-DISCRIMINATION The Contractor: (A) (B) will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, age, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability; will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, age, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability; Page 2 of 7 Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: Agreement (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) 11.a.b 11.a.b (C) will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of it, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, age, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability; and (D) will include these provisions in every subcontract or sublease let by or for him. The Contractor hereby takes notice of and warrants that it is not in violation of, or has not participated, and will not participate, in the violation of any of the following ethical standards prescribed by the Knoxville City Code: (A) Sec. 2-1048. Conflict of Interest. It shall be unlawful for any employee of the city to participate, directly or indirectly, through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a purchase request, influencing the content of any specification or purchase standard, rendering advice, investigation, auditing or otherwise, in any proceeding or application, request for ruling or other determination, claim or controversy or other matter pertaining to any contract or subcontract and any solicitation or proposal therefore, where to the employee’s knowledge there is a financial interest possessed by: (1) The employee or the employee’s immediate family; (2) A business other than a public agency in which the employee or a member of the employee’s immediate family serves as an officer, director, trustee, partner or employee; or (3) Any other person or business with whom the employee or a member of the employee’s immediate family is negotiating or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment. (B) Sec. 2-1049. Receipt of Benefits from City Contracts by Councilmembers, Employees and Officers of the City. It shall be unlawful for any member of council, member of the board of education, officer or employee of the city to have or hold any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work or service, either by himself or by another, directly or indirectly. Any such contract for a job, work or service for the city in which any member of council, member of the board of education, officer or employee has or holds any such interest is void. (C) Sec. 2-1050. Gratuities and Kickbacks Prohibited. Gratuities. It is unlawful for any person to offer, give or agree to give to any person, while a City employee, or for any person, while a city employee, to solicit, demand, accept or Page 3 of 7 Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: Agreement (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) ARTICLE 4. ETHICAL STANDARDS 11.a.b agree to accept from another person, anything of a pecuniary value for or because of: (1) An official action taken, or to be taken, or which could be taken; (2) A legal duty performed, or to be performed, or which could be performed; or (3) A legal duty violated, or to be violated, or which could be violated by such person while a city employee. Anything of nominal value shall be presumed not to constitute a gratuity under this section. Kickbacks. It is unlawful for any payment, gratuity or benefit to be made by or on behalf of a subcontractor or any person associate therewith as an inducement for the award of a subcontract or order. (E) Sec. 2-1051. Covenant Relating to Contingent Fees. (1) Representation of Consultant. Every person, before being awarded a contract in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) with the city, shall represent that no other person has been retained to solicit or secure the contract with the city upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, except for bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial, selling agencies maintained by the person so representing for the purpose of securing business. (2) Intentional violation unlawful. The intentional violation of the representation specified in subsection (a) of this section is unlawful. Sec. 2-1052. (1) Contemporaneous employment prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any city employee to become or be, while such employee, an employee of any party contracting with the particular department or agency in which the person is employed. (2) Remedies for Violations. For violations of the ethical standards outlined in the Knoxville City Code, the City has the following remedies: (a) (b) (c) (d) (F) Restrictions on Employment of Present and Former City Employees. Oral or written warnings or reprimands; Cancellation of transactions; and Suspension or debarment from being a contractor or subcontractor under city or city-funded contracts. The value of anything transferred in violation of these ethical standards shall be recoverable by the City from such person. All procedures under this section shall be in accord with due process requirements, included but not limited to a right to notice and hearing prior to imposition of any cancellation, suspension or debarment from being a contractor or subcontractor under a city contract. Remedies for Violations. For violations of the ethical standards outlined in the Knoxville City Code, the City has the following remedies: Page 4 of 7 Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: Agreement (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) (D) 11.a.b (1) (2) (3) Oral or written warnings or reprimands; Cancellation of transactions; and Suspension or debarment from being a Contractor or subcontractor under city or cityfunded contracts. ARTICLE 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 5.1 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall perform all obligations under this Agreement as an independent contractor; neither it nor its employees shall be considered employees, partners or agents of the City, nor shall it or its employees be entitled to any benefits, insurance, pension, or workers’ compensation as an employee of the City. 5.2 ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement without obtaining the prior written approval of the City. 5.3 SUBCONTRACTS TO THE AGREEMENT. The Contractor shall not enter into a subcontract for any of the services performed under this Agreement without obtaining the prior written approval of the City. 5.4 WRITTEN AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment or addendum that has been executed and approved by the appropriate officials shown on the signature page of this Agreement. 5.5 REQUIRED APPROVALS. Neither the Contractor nor the City is bound by this Agreement until it is approved by the appropriate officials shown on the signature page of this Agreement. 5.6 ARTICLE CAPTIONS. The captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not a part of this Agreement; they do not in any way limit or amplify the provisions of this Agreement. 5.7 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable or invalid, such determination shall not affect the validity of the other provisions contained in this Agreement. Failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement does not affect the rights of the parties to enforce such provision in another circumstance, nor does it affect the rights of the parties to enforce any other provision of this Agreement at any time. Page 5 of 7 Packet Pg. 72 Attachment: Agreement (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) The value of anything transferred in violation of these ethical standards shall be recoverable by the City from such person. All procedures under this section shall be in accord with due process requirements, included but not limited to a right to notice and hearing prior to imposition of any cancellation, suspension or debarment from being a Contractor or subcontractor under a city contract. 5.8 FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. The Contractor is responsible for full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations. 5.9 NO BENEFIT FOR THIRD PARTIES. The services to be performed by the Contractor pursuant to this agreement with the City are intended solely for the benefit of the City, and no benefit is conferred hereby, nor is any contractual relationship established herewith, upon or with any person or entity not a party to this Agreement. No such person or entity shall be entitled to rely on the Contractor’s performance of its services hereunder, and no right to assert a claim against the City or the Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or contractors shall accrue to the Contractor or to any subcontractors, independently retained professional consultant, supplier, fabricator, manufacturer, lender, tenant, insurer, surety or any other third party as a result of this Agreement or the performance or non-performance of the Contractor’s services hereunder. 5.10 NON-RELIANCE OF PARTIES. Parties explicitly agree that they have not relied upon any earlier or outside representations other than what has been included in this Agreement. Furthermore, neither party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by anything other than the specific written terms set forth herein. 5.11 FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any of the services or obligations set forth in this Agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control, and performance times shall be considered extended for a period of time equivalent to the time lost because of such delay plus a reasonable period of time to allow the parties to recommence performance of their respective obligations hereunder. Should a circumstance of force majeure last more than ninety (90) days, either party may by written notice to the other terminate this Agreement. The term “force majeure” as used herein shall mean the following: acts of God; strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders or restraints of any kind of the government of the United States or of the State or any of their departments, agencies or officials, or any civil or military authority; insurrections, riots, landslides, earthquakes, fires, storms, tornadoes, droughts, floods, explosions, breakage or accident to machinery, transmission pipes or canals; or any other cause or event not reasonably within the control of either party. 5.12 EEO/AA. The City of Knoxville is an EE/AA/Title VI/Section 504/ ADA/ADEA Employer. 5.13 GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee. Any action for breach of this Agreement or to enforce or nullify any provision of this agreement shall be instituted only in a court of appropriate jurisdiction in Knox County, Tennessee. 5.14 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement forms the entire Agreement between the City and the Contractor. Any prior representations, promises, agreements, oral or otherwise, between the parties, which are not embodied in this writing, shall be of no force or effect. Page 6 of 7 Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: Agreement (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) 11.a.b 11.a.b IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have executed this Agreement in two (2) copies as of the below-written date. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF KNOXVILLE By: _______________________________ MADELINE ROGERO Mayor Date: _______________________________ FUNDS CERTIFIED: _____________________________ JAMES YORK Finance Director Required Documents: Certificate of Insurance Performance Bond Payment Bond Release Form ________________________________ FRED D. (TONY) THOMPSON, JR. N/A N/A N/A N/A F:\Contracts\Tony Thompson 2016.oc Page 7 of 7 Packet Pg. 74 Attachment: Agreement (4016 : Fred D. Thompson Agreement) ______________________________ CHARLES W. SWANSON Law Director 11.b CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Administration DIRECTOR: Mayor's Office AGENDA SUMMARY A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Knox County and the Knoxville Utilities Board amending the 1985 original tri-party agreement which established the Knoxville Geographic Information System (KGIS). COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) AFFECTED All. BACKGROUND The original agreement (attached) between the County, City, and KUB is outdated. The amendment (attached) further clarifies the structure, cost allocation, participation and duties of the director, employees, policy board and executive committee required for the Knoxville Geographic Information System (KGIS) operations. OPTIONS N/A RECOMMENDATION Approval. ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE N/A PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW N/A FISCAL INFORMATION N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution - Agreement to Amend the KGIS Agreement (DOCX) Original Tri-Party Agreement Updated: 12/7/2015 4:19 PM (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 75 11.b Resolution (ID # 4006) Amended Tri-Party Agreement Updated: 12/7/2015 4:19 PM Meeting of December 17, 2015 (PDF) Page 2 Packet Pg. 76 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH KNOX COUNTY AND THE KNOXVILLE UTILITIES BOARD AMENDING THE 1985 ORIGINAL TRI-PARTY AGREEMENT WHICH ESTABLISHED THE KNOXVILLE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (KGIS). RESOLUTION NO: _________________ REQUESTED BY: Mayor’s Office PREPARED BY: Law APPROVED: ________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE ______ WHEREAS, the City of Knoxville, Knox County and the Knoxville Utilities Board (hereinafter referred to as “KUB”) entered into a Tri-Party Agreement dated August 9, 1985 (Contract C-85-105) in order to develop, implement and maintain a computerized mapping system; and WHEREAS, since 1985, this computerized mapping system, which is more commonly known as the Knoxville/Knox County/Knoxville Utilities Board Geographic Information System (“KGIS”), has been used by the parties as well as the public for geographic informational purposes; and Packet Pg. 77 Attachment: Resolution - Agreement to Amend the KGIS Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) RESOLUTION NO. ___________ 11.b.a 11.b.a reflect certain operational changes and clarify the organizational structure of KGIS; and WHEREAS, this Amendment will also clarify how operational costs for KGIS are to be allocated among the three parties as well as the participation and duties of the Director of KGIS and KGIS’ employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE: SECTION 1: That the Mayor be, and hereby is, authorized to enter into an Amendment to Contract C-85-105, in a form substantially like the document attached hereto, between the City, Knox County and KUB. SECTION 2: This Resolution will take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of the city requiring it. _______________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council ______________________________ Recorder Packet Pg. 78 Attachment: Resolution - Agreement to Amend the KGIS Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) WHEREAS, it is the desire of the three parties to amend the original Agreement to Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 79 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 80 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 81 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 83 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 84 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 85 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 86 Attachment: Original Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.b Packet Pg. 87 Attachment: Amended Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.c Packet Pg. 88 Attachment: Amended Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.c Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: Amended Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.c Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: Amended Tri-Party Agreement (4006 : KGIS Tri-Party Amendment) 11.b.c Packet Pg. 91 11.c CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Employee Benefits DIRECTOR: Christine Fitzgerald AGENDA SUMMARY A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with WageWorks, Inc. to provide administration services for the City-sponsored Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) for City employees, at a projected annual cost of $105,000.00. COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) AFFECTED: All BACKGROUND: Due to the forthcoming expiration of the City's agreement, proposals were requested for FSA and HRA administration services, and a total of seven proposals were received. An evaluation committee reviewed and scored the proposals and researched website demonstrations. The employee committee chose WageWorks, Inc. as the most responsive to the RFP. WageWorks is the incumbent vendor and proposed a discount to their current fee by $0.25. OPTIONS: Approve recommendation or reissue request for proposals RECOMMENDATION: Approve recommendation ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE: Agreement would become effective January 1, 2016, and would be effective for three years with two one-year options to renew PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW: WageWorks has been the City’s vendor since approved on October 23, 2007 FISCAL INFORMATION: The contract cost is $3.50 per month per each FSA account and each HRA account for the term of the contract. This is $0.25 less than the current rate. Projected total annual cost for administration $105,000. Funds are budgeted under 70521260-8399. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution - WageWorks C-16-0081 WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL Updated: 12/11/2015 9:52 AM (DOCX) (DOCX) Page 1 Packet Pg. 92 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH WAGEWORKS, INC. TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR THE CITY-SPONSORED FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT AND HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT FOR CITY EMPLOYEES, AT A PROJECTED ANNUAL COST OF $105,000.00. RESOLUTION NO: _________________ REQUESTED BY: Employee Benefits______ PREPARED BY: Law__________________ APPROVED: ________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE ______ WHEREAS, due to the forthcoming expiration of the City of Knoxville’s agreement, the City’s Purchasing Agent requested proposals for provision of Flexible Spending Account (“FSA”) and Health Reimbursement Account (“HRA”) administration services; and WHEREAS, WageWorks, Inc. (“WageWorks”) submitted the most responsive and most qualified proposal, and has the necessary expertise and experience to provide such administration services, as determined by a City evaluation committee; and WHEREAS, WageWorks is the incumbent vendor and proposed a discount to its previous price by $0.25 per employee per month; and WHEREAS, the projected total annual cost for this administration is decreasing to $105,000.00; and Packet Pg. 93 Attachment: Resolution - WageWorks C-16-0081 (3908 : FSA/HRA) RESOLUTION NO. ___________ 11.c.a 11.c.a WHEREAS, the City of Knoxville desires to enter into an agreement with WageWorks to provide FSA and HRA administration services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE: SECTION 1: The Mayor is authorized to execute an agreement with WageWorks, Inc., in sponsored Flexible Spending Account and Health Reimbursement Spending Account benefit for City employees at an annual projected cost of $105,000.00. SECTION 2: This Resolution will take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of the City requiring it. ___________________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council _______________________________ Recorder R:\DLyon\Resolutions\Benefits\WageWorks C-16-0081.docx Packet Pg. 94 Attachment: Resolution - WageWorks C-16-0081 (3908 : FSA/HRA) substantially the form attached hereto, for the provision of administration services for the City- 11.c.b DEVIN P. LYON Attorney City of Knoxville Document No. C-16-0081 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made between the CITY OF KNOXVILLE, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Tennessee (“CITY”), and WAGEWORKS, INC., 1100 Park Place, San Mateo, CA 94403 (“CONTRACTOR”). A. The Purchasing Agent for the City of Knoxville requested proposals for provision of Flexible Spending Account (“FSA”) and Health Reimbursement Account (“HRA”) administration services. B. The Contractor submitted the most responsive, most qualified proposal as determined by a City evaluation committee. C. The Contractor has the necessary expertise and experience to provide administrative services for the City-sponsored FSA and HRA benefits, and the Office of Employee Benefits recommends that the contract be awarded to it. D. The City of Knoxville desires to enter into an agreement with Contractor to provide FSA and HRA administrative services. E. Knoxville City Council, by Resolution R-_______-2015, approved this Agreement on December 17, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Contractor, for the mutual promises and considerations stated herein, agree as follows. ARTICLE 1. BASIC AGREEMENTS 1.1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The executed Contract Documents will consist of the following: (A) (B) (C) This Agreement; Request for Proposals and Addenda 1, 2, 3, and 4 thereto, attached as collective Exhibit A; and Contractor’s Proposal dated August 18, 2015, attached as Exhibit B. All Contract Documents are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Agreement as if they were fully set out verbatim. To the extent that there is a conflict between the terms of any of the documents that constitute this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will control. Page 1 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 95 Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) RECITALS 11.c.b 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES. Contractor will provide, in a satisfactory manner, all administration and related goods and services necessary to implement the City’s FSA and HRA employee benefits program in accordance with the Contract Documents (“Services”). Contractor will provide said Services in strict compliance with highest applicable professional standards and the terms of this Agreement. 1.3 MAINTENANCE. Contractor reserves the right to perform routine system (both web and IVR) maintenance during off hours (between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. EST). The maintenance normally requires no more than 2 hours per day or 1 weekend per month. 1.4 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES. 1.4.1 RESPONSIBILITIES. The City, as plan administrator and claims fiduciary, will be responsible for establishing and maintaining the employee benefit plans (“Plans”), including, without limitation, the following: A. Determining employees who are eligible to participate in the Plans that are the subject of the Services and providing Contractor with accurate and complete initial enrollment and eligibility data in the prescribed electronic data file format; B. Delivering accurate and timely updates to Contractor regarding employees’ information, including, without limitation, participant enrollment and eligibility data, and additions and deletions of Plan participants and dependents covered by a particular Service such as information that modifies a participant’s eligibility, status or election under the Plans, leaves of absence and terminations, in the format, medium, and timeframe further described in the Contract Documents; C. The accuracy and completeness of all data provided to Contractor; D. Establishing, deploying, and maintaining its own policies and procedures regarding which of its personnel may access the Contractor site; E. Drafting, adopting, communicating, and transmitting Plan documents, policies, and procedures to its employees, including, without limitation, distributing summary plan descriptions, summaries of material modifications and any other plan documentation to participants on a timely basis; F. Providing Contractor with a complete copy of all summary plan descriptions and plan documents for its reference in connection with the provision of Services; Page 2 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 96 Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) Notwithstanding any other provision to the alternative in the Contract Documents, Contractor will provide, without fee or other charge, Account Activity Reports on demand for custom date ranges as requested by the City. 11.c.b G. Ensuring that the City’s medical plan carriers and/or payroll data processor provide timely, accurate and complete data files in the format, medium, and timeframe further described in the Contract Documents; H. Correcting all known errors in any data, files, or other materials provided to Contractor by the City or on its behalf by its third party service providers (e.g., carriers); Contractor does not audit data, files, or other information provided by the City or its third party service providers; J. With regard to the FSA Plan, providing participants with any required information if the City elects to offer Carryover under its Plan; K. Providing participants with any required information if the City elects to offer Run-Out under its Plan, which is the period after the close of a Plan year during which a participant may submit claims for eligible expenses incurred during the immediately preceding Plan year; L. As claims fiduciary, process the second level and/or any final appeal of any claim for benefits; M. Manage access to the employer portal of Contractor’s website by City personnel based upon the City’s internal confidentiality and HIPAA privacy policies and procedures; and N. Complying with all applicable laws with respect to the City Plans and making any required filings with the appropriate governmental agencies, including the DOL and the IRS. 1.4.2 1.5 CITY AS PLAN ADMINISTRATOR AND FIDUCIARY. With respect to all Plans and programs for which Services are provided hereunder, the City acknowledges and agrees that it is the “plan administrator” and “fiduciary” to the extent established in the plan documents and by law. TERM. This Agreement will begin on January 1, 2016, and end on December 31, 2018, unless earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement may be extended for 2 additional 1-year terms, under the same terms and conditions of this Agreement, with the exception that the Contract Price referred to in Section 1.5 may be increased as specified in Section 1.5. Any extension to this Agreement must be in writing and approved by the City and Contractor. Under no circumstances will the term of this Agreement exceed 5 years. Page 3 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 97 Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) I. Pursuant to Section 1.9 below, provide all funding required to cover all payments (e.g., FSA and HRA claim reimbursements, payment requests, and card transactions) made under the Plans; the City has the sole responsibility and obligation to provide Contractor with all required funding; 11.c.b CONTRACT PRICE. During the term of this Agreement, the City agrees to pay Contractor a Monthly Fee for the Services performed under this Agreement. This Monthly Fee will be comprised of the following service charges. a. The City will pay $3.50 per employee per month for each active health care FSA account and/or active dependent care FSA account. Contractor will only charge one fee per employee per month if an employee is enrolled in both an active health care FSA and an active dependent care FSA. b. The City will pay $3.50 per employee per month if the employee has an active HRA account. c. While Contractor will e-mail an end-of-year balance reminder to all FSA and HRA employee participants at no additional charge to the City, if the City desires the Contractor to send participants any additional customized communications by mail, there will be a fee of $1.00 per address per month. Other than for funding and as elsewhere provided for in this Agreement, Contractor will not invoice, and the City will not be liable for, any other fees or charges other than the Monthly Fee. 1.7 INVOICES. Contractor will invoice the City at the end of each month pursuant to the Monthly Fee established in Section 1.6 of this Agreement for Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. 1.8 NOTICES. Invoices, communications, and details relating to day-to-day Services under this Agreement will be directed to the following representatives: City of Knoxville Contractor Boyce Evans City of Knoxville Purchasing Agent P.O. Box 1631 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901-1631 (865) 215-2070 Mary Wallery, CFC WageWorks, Inc. 1100 Park Place San Mateo, California 94403 (480) 291-9075 and Christine Fitzgerald, Benefits Manager City of Knoxville P.O. Box 1631 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901-1631 (865) 215-2111 . Copies of all notices sent by the City, other than communications relating to the day-to-day Services (such as legal notices) shall also be sent to: Page 4 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 98 Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) 1.6 11.c.b General Counsel WageWorks, Inc. 1100 Park Place San Mateo, California 94403 PAYMENTS AND BENEFIT FUNDING. 1.9.1 PAYMENTS OF MONTHLY FEES. The City agrees to receive electronic invoices for the Monthly Fee, and payments of undisputed Monthly Fees will be made within 30 days after the date of each undisputed portion of the invoice. The City will pay by City-initiated ACH, electronic funds transfer, or wire to an account designated by Contractor or by a Contractor-initiated ACH debit. The Contractor will notify City of insufficient funding in the designated account to process the full payment of a Monthly Fee, and the City will provide the balance of any undisputed Monthly Fee to Contractor within five business days via electronic funds transfer. While it is agreed that the City is generally exempt from sales taxes, if sales taxes are incurred by Contractor, the City will be responsible for any sales taxes that are incurred by Contractor as a result of performing the Services described herein and such actual amounts will be included in the invoice provided to the City. All services not set forth in this Agreement may be subject to additional fees (e.g. additional services required as a result of legislative changes, correction services, customization, etc.). 1.9.2 LATE PAYMENTS AND DIPSUTED FEES. A service charge of 2% per month shall be applied to any overdue amount. With regard to any disputed Monthly Fees, the City must submit written notice to Contractor and supporting documentation regarding any portion of the Monthly Fee it disputes within 30 days from the date of the invoice. Contractor will provide a written response within 30 days of the notice of dispute. Upon resolution of the dispute, the City will pay all outstanding amounts agreed to, if any, within 5 business days of such resolution. Payment for Services rendered does not indicate the City’s acceptance of such Services as being fully in accord with all the provisions of this Agreement. The City will not withhold payment on undisputed portions of any invoice. 1.9.3 BENEFIT CLAIMS FUNDING. The City acknowledges and agrees that all benefit funding amounts provided to Contractor pursuant to the terms of this Agreement will be provided from the City’s general assets. In no event will the City provide funds to Contractor that consist of plan assets or participant/employee contributions, whether made by salary reduction or otherwise. All benefit funding amounts provided by the City to Contractor will not be segregated or set aside in a trust or escrow account by Contractor. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor will provide an accounting and reconciliation to the City and will pay to the City any amount due. 1.9.4 ONGOING FUNDING. Each day by 9:00 a.m. EST, Contractor shall notify the City via e-mail that an on-line report that contains the prior day’s Plan transaction history is available for download by the City via Contractor’s website. The City Page 5 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 99 Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) 1.9 11.c.b Daily Funding Report Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1.9.5 Notice Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Payment Due Date Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday RECONCILIATION. At the completion of each Plan year, the remaining funding shall be reconciled and returned to the City (less any amounts owed to Contractor that are not the subject of a disputed portion of an invoice) as soon as administratively practicable, but in no event later than 90 days after the completion of any Run-Out Period and any ancillary manual claims settlement. ARTICLE 2. TERMINATION 2.1 CITY’S RIGHT OF TERMINATION. The City may terminate this Agreement at any time without penalty or recourse by giving written notice to the Contractor at least 7 days before the effective termination date. The Contractor will be entitled to receive just compensation for all satisfactory, authorized services completed prior to the effective termination date. The City reserves the right to suspend or terminate this Agreement immediately and withhold Monthly Fees in excess of just compensation for completed services if Contractor (i) fails to properly perform its obligations under this Agreement, or (ii) violates any material provision of this Agreement. Furthermore, the City may declare Contractor ineligible for any further participation in City contracts. If the City has probable cause to believe that Contractor is in non-compliance with any material provision of this Agreement, the City may withhold Monthly Fees until the City finds Contractor to be in compliance, or until Contractor is otherwise adjudicated to be in compliance. 2.2 Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) hereby authorizes Contractor (or its delegate bank) to initiate an ACH debit against the City’s direct deposit account so that the amount due is received by Contractor by the Payment Due Date set forth in the schedule below (or the following business day if either the Notice Date or the Payment Due Date falls on a bank holiday). CONTRACTOR’S RIGHT OF TERMINATION. Contractor may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the City at least 30 days before the effective termination date. If Contractor terminates this Agreement, provided the City continues to pay all amounts due under this Agreement up to the effective termination date, Contractor must complete all work in progress prior to the effective termination date or be held liable to the City for all costs, expenses, and damages that the City sustains as a result of Contractor’s breach. Page 6 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 100 11.c.b 2.3 EFFECT OF TERMINATION. Upon Contractor’s termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 2.2 of this Agreement, Contractor will notify the City of the date on which all Services will cease. At that time, all rights and licenses granted hereunder to use the Contractor System (including, without limitation Contractor software and/or user manuals, training materials, and other written materials that relate to the services provided hereunder) will immediately terminate. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from any and all liabilities which may accrue against the City, its officers, employees and agents or any third party for any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, losses or damages alleged to have arisen from (i) a breach by Contractor of its obligations hereunder; (ii) negligence or willful misconduct of Contractor or its employees, officers or agents; (iii) failure of Contractor to comply with applicable law except if such act or omission taken by Contractor is pursuant to City’s specific written instructions and differs from the standard manner in which Contractor performs the Services; or (iv) claims in which City is named or joined with the Contractor arising out of acts or omissions by the Contractor in the performance of this Agreement. City will promptly notify the Contractor of any claim. The Contractor shall assume and have sole control of the defense of such claim; provided, however, that Contractor may not settle any claim without the prior written consent of the City if such settlement exposes the City to any liability. The Contractor shall save, indemnify and hold the City harmless from the cost of the defense of any claim, demand, suit or cause of action made or brought against the City alleging liability referenced above, including, but not limited to, costs, fees, attorney fees, and other expenses of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with the defense of the City; and the Contractor shall assume and take over the defense of the City in any such claim, demand, suit, or cause of action upon written notice and demand for same by the City. The Contractor will have the right to defend the City with counsel of its choice that is reasonably satisfactory to the City, and the City will provide reasonable cooperation in the defense as the Contractor may request. The City shall have the right to participate in the defense against the indemnified claims with counsel of its choice at its own expense. The Contractor shall save, indemnify and hold City harmless and pay judgments that shall be rendered in any such actions, suits, claims or demands against City alleging liability referenced above. Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) ARTICLE 3. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION The indemnification and hold harmless provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination of the Agreement. ARTICLE 4. WARRANTY AND LIABILITY THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY FURTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND (EXPRESS OR IMPLIED) INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WHICH Page 7 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 101 11.c.b WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR (A) THE FAILURE OF CITY TO ACCESS THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER DUE TO ANY FAILURE OR INABILITY TO ACCESS THE INTERNET, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES, OR OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES, OR (B) FOR ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF ANY VENDOR OR MERCHANT. ARTICLE 5. INSURANCE 1. Commercial General and Umbrella Liability Insurance; occurrence version commercial general liability insurance, and if necessary umbrella liability insurance, with a limit of not less than $2,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, and products and completed operations. If such insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to the work/location in this Agreement or be no less than $3,000,000. Such insurance shall: 2. a. Contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that includes the City, its officials, officers, employees, and volunteers as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of work or operations performed by or on behalf of the Contractor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of its protection afforded to the above-listed insureds. Proof of additional insured status up to and including copies of endorsements and/or policy wording will be required. b. For any claims related to this project, Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance programs covering the City, its officials, officers, employees, and volunteers shall be excess of Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) Contractor shall at its sole expense obtain and maintain in full force and effect for the duration of the Agreement and any extension hereof at least the following types and amounts of insurance for claims which may arise from or in connection with this Agreement. All insurance must be underwritten by insurers with an A.M. Best rating of A-VIII or better. Automobile Liability Insurance; including vehicles, as applicable, owned, hired, and nonowned, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 each accident. Such insurance shall include coverage for loading and unloading hazards if applicable. Insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that includes the City, its officials, officers, employees, and volunteers as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of automobiles owned, leased, hired, or borrowed by or on behalf of Contractor. 3. Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Contractor shall maintain workers’ compensation insurance with statutory limits as required by the State of Tennessee or other applicable laws and employers’ liability insurance with limits of not less than $500,000. Contractor shall require each of its subcontractors to provide Workers’ Compensation for all of the latter’s Page 8 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 102 11.c.b employees to be engaged in such work unless such employees are covered by Contractor’s workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Other Insurance Requirements. Contractor shall: a. Prior to commencement of services, furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements effecting coverage required by this section. Contractor will provide written notice to the City immediately upon becoming aware of any lapses in the insurance coverages required by this Agreement, of any material reduction in coverage, and of any change in terms that negatively and materially impact the insurance coverage for goods or services under this Agreement. Notices will be sent to: City Attorney of Knoxville, P.O. Box 1631, Knoxville, Tennessee 37901. Proof of policy provisions regarding notice of cancellation will be required. b. Upon the City’s request, provide certified copies of endorsements in lieu of or in addition to certificates of insurance. c. Replace certificates, policies, and endorsements for any such insurance expiring prior to completion of services. d. Maintain such insurance from the time services commence until services are completed. Failure to maintain or renew coverage or to provide evidence of renewal may be treated by the City as a material breach of contract. e. If Contractor cannot procure insurance through an insurer having an A.M. Best rating of A-VIII, Contractor may, in the alternative, place such insurance with insurer licensed to do business in Tennessee and having A.M. Best Company ratings of no less than A. Modification of this standard may be considered upon appeal to the City Law Director. f. Contractor’s Insurance shall cover any subcontractors or, in the alternative, Contractor will require all subcontractors to maintain during the term of the Agreement Commercial General Liability insurance, Business Automobile Liability insurance, and Workers’ Compensation/Employer’s Liability insurance (unless subcontractor’s employees are covered by Contractor’s insurance) in the same manner as specified for Contractor. Contractor shall furnish subcontractors’ certificates of insurance to the City without expense immediately upon request. Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) 4. Waiver of Subrogation Required. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its officers, officials, and employees for losses arising from work performed by Contractor for the City. Proof of waiver of subrogation up to and including copies of endorsements and/or policy wording will be required. Occurrence Basis Requirement. All general liability policies must be written on an occurrence basis unless the Risk Manager determines that a claims made basis is reasonable in the specific circumstance. Use of policies written on a claims made basis must provide retroactive dates and/or continuation dates and must be provided to the City as soon as Page 9 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 103 11.c.b practicable. Professional Liability and Environmental Liability (Pollution Coverage) are most commonly written on a claims made basis and are generally acceptable in that form. ARTICLE 6. NON-DISCRIMINATION A. Will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status or national origin; B. Will ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or familial status or national origin; C. Will in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of itself, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status or national origin or similar language; and D. Will include these provisions or similar language in every subcontract or sublease let by or for it. ARTICLE 7. ETHICAL STANDARDS The Contractor hereby takes notice of and affirms that it is not in violation of, or has not participated, and will not participate, in the violation of any of the following ethical standards prescribed by the Knoxville City Code: (A) Sec. 2-1048. Conflict of Interest. It shall be unlawful for any employee of the city to participate, directly or indirectly, through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a purchase request, influencing the content of any specification or purchase standard, rendering advice, investigation, auditing or otherwise, in any proceeding or application, request for ruling or other determination, claim or controversy or other matter pertaining to any contract or subcontract and any solicitation or proposal therefor, where to the employee's knowledge there is a financial interest possessed by: (1) (B) Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) The Contractor hereby agrees that it: The employee or the employee's immediate family; (2) A business other than a public agency in which the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family serves as an officer, director, trustee, partner or employee; or (3) Any other person or business with whom the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family is negotiating or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment. Sec. 2-1049. Receipt of Benefits from City Contracts by Councilmembers, Employees and Officers of the Page 10 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 104 11.c.b City. It shall be unlawful for any member of council, member of the board of education, officer or employee of the city to have or hold any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work or service, either by himself or by another, directly or indirectly. Any such contract for a job, work or service for the city in which any member of council, member of the board of education, officer or employee has or holds any such interest is void. Sec. 2-1050. Gratuities and Kickbacks Prohibited. Gratuities. It is unlawful for any person to offer, give or agree to give to any person, while a city employee, or for any person, while a city employee, to solicit, demand, accept or agree to accept from another person, anything of a pecuniary value for or because of: (1) An official action taken, or to be taken, or which could be taken; (2) A legal duty performed, or to be performed, or which could be performed; or (3) A legal duty violated, or to be violated, or which could be violated by such person while a city employee. Anything of nominal value shall be presumed not to constitute a gratuity under this section. Kickbacks. It is unlawful for any payment, gratuity or benefit to be made by or on behalf of a subcontractor or any person associated therewith as an inducement for the award of a subcontract or order. (D) Sec. 2-1051. Covenant Relating to Contingent Fees. (a) Representation of Contractor. Every person, before being awarded a contract in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) with the city, shall represent that no other person has been retained to solicit or secure the contract with the city upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, except for bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial, selling agencies maintained by the person so representing for the purpose of securing business. Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) (C) (b) Intentional violation unlawful. The intentional violation of the representation specified in subsection (a) of this section is unlawful. (E) Sec. 2-1052. Restrictions on Employment of Present and Former City Employees. Contemporaneous employment prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any city employee to become or be, while such employee, an employee of any party contracting with the particular department or agency in which the person is employed. For violations of the ethical standards outlined in the Knoxville City Code, the City has the Page 11 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 105 11.c.b following remedies: (1) (2) (3) Oral or written warnings or reprimands; Cancellation of transactions; and Suspension or debarment from being a Contractor or subcontractor under city or cityfunded contracts. ARTICLE 8. ADA COMPLIANCE With regard to the services performed under this Agreement, Contractor will comply with all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq. (“ADA”). Contractor agrees that it will defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or causes of action which arise out of any negligent and/or intentional act or omission by Contractor, its employees, agents or representatives that violates the ADA. Contractor agrees that the City will not be responsible for any costs or expenses arising from Contractor’s failure to comply with the ADA. ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall perform all obligations under this Agreement as an independent contractor; neither it nor its employees shall be considered employees, partners or agents of the City, nor shall it or its employees be entitled to any benefits, insurance, pension, or workers’ compensation as an employee of the City. 9.2 ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement without obtaining the prior written approval of the City. 9.3 SUBCONTRACTS TO THE AGREEMENT. The Contractor utilizes subcontractors to perform certain Services. Contractor shall be liable for the acts or omissions of its subcontractors. 9.4 WRITTEN AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment or addendum that has been executed and approved by the appropriate officials shown on the signature page of this Agreement. 9.5 REQUIRED APPROVALS. Neither the Contractor nor the City is bound by this Agreement until it is approved by the appropriate officials shown on the signature page of this Agreement. Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) The value of anything transferred in violation of these ethical standards shall be recoverable by the City from such person. All procedures under this section shall be in accord with due process requirements, included but not limited to a right to notice and hearing prior to imposition of any cancellation, suspension or debarment from being a Contractor or subcontractor under a city contract. Page 12 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 106 9.6 ARTICLE CAPTIONS. The captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not a part of this Agreement; they do not in any way limit or amplify the provisions of this Agreement. 9.7 SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable or invalid, such determination shall not affect the validity of the other provisions contained in this Agreement. Failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement does not affect the rights of the parties to enforce such provision in another circumstance, nor does it affect the rights of the parties to enforce any other provision of this Agreement at any time. 9.8 FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. The Contractor is responsible for full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations. 9.9 NO BENEFIT FOR THIRD PARTIES. The services to be performed by the Contractor pursuant to this agreement with the City are intended solely for the benefit of the City, and no benefit is conferred hereby, nor is any contractual relationship established herewith, upon or with any person or entity not a party to this Agreement. No such person or entity shall be entitled to rely on the Contractor’s performance of its services hereunder, and no right to assert a claim against the City or the Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or contractors shall accrue to the Contractor or to any subcontractors, independently retained professional consultant, supplier, fabricator, manufacturer, lender, tenant, insurer, surety or any other third party as a result of this Agreement or the performance or non-performance of the Contractor’s services hereunder. 9.10 NON-RELIANCE OF PARTIES. Parties explicitly agree that they have not relied upon any earlier or outside representations other than what has been included in this Agreement. Furthermore, neither party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by anything other than the specific written terms set forth herein. 9.11 FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any of the services or obligations set forth in this Agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control, and performance times shall be considered extended for a period of time equivalent to the time lost because of such delay plus a reasonable period of time to allow the parties to recommence performance of their respective obligations hereunder. Should a circumstance of force majeure last more than ninety (90) days, either party may by written notice to the other terminate this Agreement. The term “force majeure” as used herein shall mean the following: acts of God; strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders or restraints of any kind of the government of the United States or of the State or any of their departments, agencies or officials, or any civil or military authority; insurrections, riots, landslides, earthquakes, fires, storms, tornadoes, droughts, floods, explosions, breakage or accident to machinery, transmission pipes or canals; or any other cause or event not reasonably within the control of either party. 9.12 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Contractor owns and will retain all right, title, and interest (including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights) in and to all software, web pages, documents, processes, and other information, equipment, and materials used in connection with the provision of Services hereunder, including, without limitation, those Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) 11.c.b Page 13 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 107 11.c.b developed by Contractor for use by the City and Plan participants and beneficiaries (the “Contractor System”). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the City may not, unless it receives a valid request for records pursuant to the Tennessee Open Records Act (a) without Contractor’s prior written consent, disclose or provide access to the Contractor System to any third parties, or (b) duplicate the Contractor System (or any associated materials) or use the same in connection with any other benefits program (including City programs). Unless prohibited by City Code, the City will, at its expense, return, erase, or otherwise destroy all materials in the City’s possession and may not use such materials following the termination of this Agreement. All other rights, license and title in and to the Contractor System not expressly granted hereunder shall remain the property of Contractor. 9.13 CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY. Each party acknowledges that performance of this Agreement may involve access to and disclosure of Confidential Information belonging to the other. “Confidential Information” means any non-public confidential or proprietary information, including, without limitation, business and financial information; policies and procedures; operations; customer and potential customer names; suppliers and vendor names; trade secrets; trade dress; patent applications; inventions disclosures; and, with respect to Plan participants and beneficiaries, personal identification information (such as addresses and social security numbers). Confidential Information does not, however, include any information that: (a) was publicly available or released to the public domain at any time prior to disclosure by one party, (b) becomes publicly known or generally available after disclosure by one party through no wrongful action or inaction of the other party, (c) information that is in the party’s possession or known by the party at any time prior to the time of disclosure; (d) is rightfully disclosed to the party by a third party without similar restriction, (e) is independently developed by the party without use of the other party’s Confidential Information; or (f) is required to be disclosed by law, regulation, or court order. Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) Contractor grants the City and Plan participants and beneficiaries a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the Contractor System during the Term of this Agreement, solely and exclusively (a) in accordance with this Agreement and any instructions, user guides, and policies made available by Contractor; and (b) for the purpose of receiving the Services provided by Contractor under and in accordance with this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, no Confidential Information will be disclosed to any third party other than representatives of such party who have a need to know such Confidential Information, provided that such representatives are informed of the confidentiality provisions hereof and agree to abide by them. All such Confidential Information must be maintained in strict confidence. In addition, each party will maintain the confidentiality of medical records as required by law. If a party is required by law to disclose Confidential Information, the disclosing party will immediately notify the other party in writing, describing the circumstances of and the extent of the disclosure. Upon termination of the Agreement, each party, upon the request of the other, will return or destroy all copies of all Page 14 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 108 11.c.b In addition to the prior provisions of this Section, any personally identifiable information (e.g., name, address, age, and social security number) collected or obtained by Contractor in the course of performing its Services under this Agreement (the “Privacy Restricted Data”) will be collected, stored, maintained, accessed, used and disclosed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local privacy laws governing the collection, storage, maintenance, access, use, or disclosure of such personally identifiable information (the “Privacy Laws”). Contractor will at all times perform its obligations under this Agreement as not to cause the City to be in violation of the Privacy Laws. Contractor will be fully responsible for any collection, access, use, and disclosure of Privacy Restricted Data that are based on its actions or inactions that are in violation of any Privacy Laws. Contractor will notify the City as soon as administratively practicable of any breaches of security that may result or may have resulted in the unauthorized collection, access, use, or disclosure of Privacy Restricted Data that is or may be in violation of any Privacy Laws. Contractor will make all reasonable efforts to assist the City in relation to the investigation and remedy of any such breach of security and any claim, allegation, action, suit, proceeding, or litigation with respect to the unauthorized collection, access, use, or disclosure of Privacy Restricted Data that is in violation of any Privacy Law. Contractor will be responsible for the cost of any violation of any Privacy Law with respect to the Privacy Restricted Data, including, without limitation, remedial activity, notification of Plan participants and beneficiaries, and fines and/or penalties. 9.14 RECORDS MAINTENANCE AND DISPOSITION. Contractor will have the right to keep and archive records of information and data regarding the City and the Plan obtained in connection with the provision of Services hereunder (collectively “Service Records”) for the longer of what is required by applicable law or 7 years from the date such information is received by Contractor. Subject to any confidentiality obligations that may apply, the City may request that a copy of the applicable Service Records be provided to the City (or to a third party designated by the City in writing), provided that Contractor may retain copies of any Service Records it deems necessary for the defense of litigation concerning the Services it provided under the Agreement. 9.15 EEO/AA. The City of Knoxville is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Section 504/ ADA/ADEA Employer. 9.16 GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee. Any action for breach of this Agreement or to enforce or nullify any provision of this agreement shall be instituted only in a court of appropriate jurisdiction in Knox County, Tennessee. 9.17 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement forms the entire Agreement between the City and the Contractor. Any prior representations, promises, agreements, oral or otherwise, Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) of the other's Confidential Information in its possession or control except to the extent such Confidential Information must be retained pursuant to applicable law, provided, however, that Parties may retain copies of any such Confidential Information they deem necessary for the purposes of pursuing or defending any litigation concerning the Services it provided under the Agreement. Page 15 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 109 11.c.b between the parties, which are not embodied in this writing, shall be of no force or effect. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF KNOXVILLE ___________________________ CHARLES W. SWANSON LAW DIRECTOR BY: ________________________________ MADELINE ROGERO MAYOR DATE: _____________________________ FUNDS CERTIFIED: _____________________________ JAMES YORK FINANCE DIRECTOR WAGEWORKS, INC. BY: ________________________________ TITLE: ____________________________ Required Documents: Certificate of Insurance X Documents to be Attached: Request for Proposals and Addenda 1, 2, 3, and 4 thereto, collectively Exhibit A Contractor’s Proposal, Exhibit B Attachment: WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL (3908 : FSA/HRA) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Contractor have executed this Agreement in two (2) copies as of the below-written date. F:\Agreements\2016\Benefits\WageWorks C-16-0081 FINAL.docx Page 16 of 16 C-16-0081 Packet Pg. 110 11.d CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Employee Benefits DIRECTOR: Christine Fitzgerald AGENDA SUMMARY A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept the proposal from BlueRe for Stop Loss insurance for the City of Knoxville’s Self-Insured Medical Plan and Prescription Drug Plan. COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) AFFECTED: All BACKGROUND: The City is self-funded for medical insurance and contracts with Willis of Tennessee to act as a consultant for employee benefits. Stop Loss coverage insures the City from catastrophic medical losses in the City’s Health Plan. Our current contract provides a Specific Deductible of $250,000 for any individual plan member with an aggregate specific of $100,000 and also includes Aggregate Stop Loss Coverage which caps the City’s total medical and prescription drug claims liability for one year. For 2016, Willis requested proposals from vendors and recommends BlueRe as the most cost-effective and responsive to the needs of the City as well as a decrease in premiums based on our current coverage levels. OPTIONS: Approve the agreement or refer for alternative proposals RECOMMENDATION: Approve the agreement ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE: Contract would run from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2016. PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW: The City entered into an agreement for Willis to market this coverage for the City on July 1, 2015. FISCAL INFORMATION: Premium is based on the number of employees in the medical plan per month by plan type. The stop loss 2016 premium is estimated to be $359,492.00. Funds are budgeted in 705.21261.8522. ATTACHMENTS: Stop Loss Insurance - BlueRe 2014 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (PDF) City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (PDF) City of Knoxville Stop Loss Schedule 2016.pdf COK Proposal_29621 Updated: 12/11/2015 1:31 PM (DOCX) (PDF) (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 111 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FROM BlueRE FOR STOP LOSS INSURANCE FOR THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE'S SELF-INSURED MEDICAL PLAN AND PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN. RESOLUTION NO: _________________ REQUESTED BY: Employee Benefits__ PREPARED BY: Law______________ APPROVED: ________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE ______ WHEREAS, the City of Knoxville is self-funded for medical insurance and contracts with Willis of Tennessee (“Willis”) to act as broker for the City’s Stop Loss Insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, the City, through Willis, requested proposals from vendors for Stop Loss Insurance coverage for the calendar year 2016; and WHEREAS, Willis recommended and the City determined that BlueRe submitted the quotation and proposal that was most cost-effective and best conformed to the Attachment: Stop Loss Insurance - BlueRe 2014 (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) RESOLUTION NO. ___________ 11.d.a specifications and needs of the City; and WHEREAS, BlueRe offered a quotation for coverage for calendar year 2016 with a Specific Stop Loss premium in the estimated amount of $333,176.00 and an Aggregate Packet Pg. 112 11.d.a premium in the estimated amount of $26,316.00, for a total estimated amount of $359,492.00; and WHEREAS, the City desires to accept the proposal submitted by BlueRe. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SECTION 1: The Mayor is authorized to execute and deliver to BlueRe all documents necessary to accept its quotation and proposal for Stop Loss Insurance for calendar year 2016 through Willis of Tennessee with an estimated annual premium of $359,492.00. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of the City requiring it. ______________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council ______________________________ Recorder R:\DLyon\Resolutions\Benefits\Stop Loss Insurance - BlueRe 2014.docx Attachment: Stop Loss Insurance - BlueRe 2014 (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) CITY OF KNOXVILLE: Packet Pg. 113 2016 STOP LOSS RENEWAL November 17, 2015 Presented by: Andy Rader, Senior Vice President, Practice Leader Nicole Rioux, Client Services Leader Megan Welch, Senior Client Manager Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 11.d.b Packet Pg. 114 11.d.b Specific Stop Loss Analysis Average Incidence and Target Coverage Level Employees: Members/Contract: Members: 1,452 2.15 3,117 95% Confidence Interval Bin Range >$49k Benchmark Measure 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 YTD Average Incidence1 27 29 11 25 7.990 / Low High 1,000 mem 7 42 / 1,000 mem 4 34 >$59k 21 19 7 19 6.083 >$74k 13 12 3 13 4.175 / 1,000 mem 0 25 >$99k 9 6 3 8 2.540 / 1,000 mem 0 18 >124k 4 4 2 6 1.790 / 1,000 mem 0 14 >$149k 3 3 1 4 1.350 / 1,000 mem 0 11 >$174k 3 2 1 3 0.978 / 1,000 mem 0 9 >$199k 3 1 0 2 0.746 / 1,000 mem 0 8 >$224k 3 1 0 2 0.560 / 1,000 mem 0 6 >$249k 3 1 0 1 0.420 / 1,000 mem 0 5 >$299k 2 0 0 1 0.290 / 1,000 mem 0 4 >$349k 1 0 0 1 0.180 / 1,000 mem 0 3 >$500k 0 0 0 0 0.100 / 1,000 mem 0 2 Target Individual Specific Based on Group Size: Minimum Maximum Mid-Point 1 $150,000 $350,000 $250,000 Average Incidence rounded to the nearest w hole claim ant Disclaimer: Incidence rates based on national averages and should be used only as a point of reference. All results are subject to unforeseen and random events and should, therefore, be interpreted as having a likely range of variability from the estim ate. Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) City of Knoxville 1 Packet Pg. 115 11.d.b ISL Limit Agg Spec 2013 $200,000 $100,000 3 $306,211 $497,196 2014 $200,000 $100,000 1 $5,680 $525,643 2015 (claims thru 10/15) $250,000 $100,000 0 $0 $381,541 Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) Historical Stop Loss # of Large Claims Reimbursement $ Stop Loss Premium Paid 2 Packet Pg. 116 11.d.b January 2016 - Stop Loss Renewal & Alternate Options HM Insurance Current Contract Provisions Renewal BlueRe Voya Option 1 Option 2 Specific Deductible Level $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 Aggregating Specific Deductible Level $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Paid Contract Basis 24/12 24/12 24/12 Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Included Included Included 40% 40% 45% Specific Lifetime Maximum Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Specific Annual Maximum Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 None None None Coverage No New Lasers at Renewal Rate Cap Aggregate Policy Year Maximum Laser(s) Preliminary or Firm Quote Expiration Date 36/12 Firm Firm Firm 11/25/2015 11/30/2015 11/13/2015 Current Revised Renewal BlueRe Voya 704 $10.43 $9.77 $8.86 $9.83 Family Specific Rate: 758 $27.09 $25.66 $28.40 $26.03 Aggregate Rate: 1462 $1.78 $1.78 $1.50 $1.60 Rates: Individual Specific Rate: Monthly Interface Fee Total Annual Stop Loss Premium $1,316 $1,316 $0 $1,316 $381,541 $362,958 $359,492 $363,673 -5.8% -4.7% Renewal BlueRe Voya Percentage Increase Aggregate Deductible Factors Individual Aggregate Attachment Factor Family Aggregate Attachment Factor Maximum Annual Claim Liability Aggregate Run In Limit Maximum Potential Cost -4.9% Current $525.80 $515.34 $509.86 $868.75 $1,261.92 $1,236.80 $1,249.70 $868.75 $15,920,383 $15,603,525 $15,674,568 $15,241,350 NA NA $0 $0 $16,301,924 $15,966,483 $16,034,060 $15,605,023 Notes: "This summary is issued as a matter of information only. It does not amend, extend or alter the quotes offered by the insurance companies. Please refer to the actual quote from the insurance company for specific coverage details and rates." Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) City of Knoxville 3 Packet Pg. 117 11.d.b January 2016 - Stop Loss Renewal & Alternate Options HM Insurance Current Contract Provisions Renewal HM Insurance BlueRe Voya Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Specific Deductible Level $250,000 $275,000 $275,000 $275,000 Aggregating Specific Deductible Level $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Paid Contract Basis 24/12 36/12 24/12 24/12 Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Included Included Included Included 40% 40% 40% 45% Specific Lifetime Maximum Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Specific Annual Maximum Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 None None None None Coverage 36/12 No New Lasers at Renewal Rate Cap Aggregate Policy Year Maximum Laser(s) Preliminary or Firm Quote Expiration Date Firm Firm Firm Firm 11/25/2015 11/25/2015 11/30/2015 11/13/2015 Rates: Current Renewal HM Insurance BlueRe Voya Individual Specific Rate: 704 $10.43 $9.77 $8.57 $8.16 $8.93 Family Specific Rate: 758 $27.09 $25.66 $23.02 $26.45 $23.48 Aggregate Rate: 1462 Monthly Interface Fee Total Annual Stop Loss Premium $1.78 $1.78 $1.81 $1.50 $1.60 $1,316 $1,316 $1,316 $0 $1,316 $381,541 $362,958 $329,334 $335,841 $332,875 -13.7% -12.0% -12.8% Renewal HM Insurance BlueRe Voya Percentage Increase Aggregate Deductible Factors Individual Aggregate Attachment Factor Family Aggregate Attachment Factor Maximum Annual Claim Liability Aggregate Run In Limit Maximum Potential Cost -4.9% Current $525.80 $515.34 $517.91 $510.04 $902.69 $1,261.92 $1,236.80 $1,242.99 $1,253.35 $902.69 $15,920,383 $15,603,525 $15,681,541 $15,709,290 $15,836,793 NA NA NA $0 $0 $16,301,924 $15,966,483 $16,010,874 $16,045,130 $16,169,668 Notes: "This summary is issued as a matter of information only. It does not amend, extend or alter the quotes offered by the insurance companies. Please refer to the actual quote from the insurance company for specific coverage details and rates." Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) City of Knoxville 4 Packet Pg. 118 11.d.b January 2016 - Stop Loss Renewal & Alternate Options HM Insurance Current Contract Provisions Renewal HM Insurance BlueRe Voya Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Specific Deductible Level $250,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 Aggregating Specific Deductible Level $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 36/12 24/12 24/12 Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Medical and Rx Included Included Included Included Paid Contract Basis 24/12 Coverage No New Lasers at Renewal Rate Cap Specific Lifetime Maximum Specific Annual Maximum Aggregate Policy Year Maximum Laser(s) Preliminary or Firm Quote Expiration Date 36/12 40% 40% 40% 45% Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 None None None None Firm Firm Firm Firm 11/25/2015 11/25/2015 11/30/2015 11/13/2015 Renewal HM Insurance BlueRe Voya Current Rates: 704 $10.43 $9.77 $11.38 $9.70 $12.86 Family Specific Rate: 758 $27.09 $25.66 $29.37 $30.71 $34.40 Aggregate Rate: 1462 Individual Specific Rate: Monthly Interface Fee Total Annual Stop Loss Premium $1.78 $1.78 $1.74 $1.50 $1.60 $1,316 $1,316 $1,316 $0 $1,316 $362,958 $409,604 $387,600 $465,404 7.4% 1.6% 22.0% HM Insurance BlueRe Voya $381,541 Percentage Increase Aggregate Deductible Factors Individual Aggregate Attachment Factor Family Aggregate Attachment Factor Maximum Annual Claim Liability Aggregate Run In Limit Maximum Potential Cost -4.9% Current Renewal $525.80 $515.34 $512.24 $510.71 $880.35 $1,261.92 $1,236.80 $1,229.39 $1,248.53 $880.35 $15,920,383 $15,603,525 $15,509,935 $15,671,107 $15,444,860 NA NA NA $0 $0 $16,301,924 $15,966,483 $15,919,539 $16,058,707 $15,910,264 Notes: "This summary is issued as a matter of information only. It does not amend, extend or alter the quotes offered by the insurance companies. Please refer to the actual quote from the insurance company for specific coverage details and rates." Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) City of Knoxville 5 Packet Pg. 119 11.d.b Ø Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 2016 Stop Loss Discussion Highmark renewal at current $250k specific deductible with $100k aggregating specific is 5% reduction to current ($19k) Ø Increasing specific deductible to $275k with HM is a 14% decrease to current ($52k) Ø Competitive option from BlueRe at $250k specific deductible with $100k aggregating specific is 6% decrease to current ($22k) Ø Increasing specific deductible to $275k with BlueRe is a 12% decrease to current ($46k) Ø Stop loss analysis shows 1 claimant expected between $250k and $300k Ø At a $275k spec level, additional $25k risk per claimant Ø COK expected net savings of $33k (HM renewal compared to $275k spec level quote) Ø Break even point 1 claimant over $250k Ø Removing aggregate coverage would save approximately $31k annually (HM quotes) Ø Recommend removal of aggregate coverage based on historical claims compared to attachment point Year Claims Max Annual Claim Liability 2016 Expected - $14.8M $15.6M 2015 Expected - $13.7M $15.9M 2014 Actual - $12.4M $17.2M YTD Attachment Point 2013 Actual - $12.7M $13.5M YTD Attachment Point 6 Packet Pg. 120 QUESTIONS? Attachment: 2016 Stop Loss Renewal Presentation_City of Knoxville (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 11.d.b Packet Pg. 121 11.d.c APPLICATION FOR STOP LOSS COVERAGE 1. Full legal name of Policyholder: ___________________________City of Knoxville_________________________________________________ 2. Principal Office Address: _400 Main Street ______________Knoxville____________________TN____________________37902______ (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Contact Person: ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Contact Information: __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Nature of Business: ___Government______________________________________________________________ 6. If Employee Welfare Benefit Plans of subsidiary or affiliated companies (companies under common control through stock ownership, contract, or otherwise) are to be included, list legal names and addresses of such companies and the nature of their business: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Full Name of your Employee Welfare Benefit Plan: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) BlueRe of Tennessee Stop Loss Insurance Company Administrative Address: 1 Cameron Hill Circle Chattanooga, TN 37402 A copy of YOUR ERISA Employee Welfare Benefit Plan Document, and those of any subsidiary of affiliated companies that are to be included, must be attached to this Application. If YOUR Employee Welfare Benefit Plan is for a Multiple Employer Welfare Agreement (“MEWA”) or a Multiple Employer Trust (“MET”), YOUR Application will not be accepted for consideration unless YOU provide a clear and concise statement from the U.S. Department of Labor that it is exempt from ERISA requirements. BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 1 Packet Pg. 122 11.d.c 8. Requested Effective Date: _January 1, 2016________________________________________________________ a. All required information is provided, and b. We have received the initial premium on or before that date. 9. Requested Endorsements: _N/A_________________________________________________________________ 10. OUR Contact Person: _________________________________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: __________________________________________________________________________ 11. YOUR designated Third-Party Administrator (for purpose of claims administration under YOUR Employee Welfare Benefit Plan): Prescription Drugs Medical Optum Rx/ Steve White Name: _Blue Cross BlueShield Of Tennessee_____________________________________________________ P.O. Box 9472 Address: _1 Cameron Hill Circle_______________________________________________________________ Minneapolis, MN 55440-9472 City, State, Zip: _Chattanooga, TN 37402_________________________________________________________ 800.797.9791/ 612.642.7235 Telephone Number: _(423)535-5600_____________________________________________________________ 12. YOUR broker/agent of record: Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________ Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) This Policy will become effective on the Requested Effective Date only if: Telephone Number: __________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 2 Packet Pg. 123 11.d.c 13. COVERAGES REQUESTED The coverage shown applies only during the Policy Period from _January 1, 2016_ (Effective Date) through _December 31, 2016_ (Expiration Date) and is further subject to all the provisions of the Policy. Requested Not Requested, skip to B Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) A. SPECIFIC EXCESS LOSS COVERAGE 1) Coverage to be included: Yes No Medical Prescription Drugs Dental Vision (“Yes” means item will be included in coverage; “No” means item will not be included in coverage) 2) Specific Attachment Point (unless adjusted by Endorsement) Per Covered Person: $ _250,000_ Per Covered Family: $ ________ Aggregating Specific Deductible: $ _100,000_ 3) Specific Reimbursement Percentage: _100 % 4) Specific Lifetime Maximum Reimbursement per Covered Person: $ _Unlimited_ Specific Policy Period Maximum Reimbursement per covered Person: $_Unlimited_ Of this amount, reimbursement for treatment of drug or alcohol abuse will be limited to: $ _____________ ______ days _______ days, up to $ _________ Treatment of drug or alcohol abuse considered as any other illness BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 3 Packet Pg. 124 11.d.c 5) Basis of Specific Stop Loss coverage benefit payment (Benefit Period): Plan Benefits incurred from _January 1, 2015_ through _December 31, 2016_ And paid from _January 1, 2016_ through _December 31, 2016_ Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) Plan Benefits Incurred prior to the Effective Date (Run-In-Period) will be limited to: $ __N/A__ per Covered Person $ __N/A__ for all Covered Persons combined 6) Premium Rates (per month): Covered Unit Description Amount __Single_____________________ $_8.86____ __Family____________________ $_28.40___ ____________________________ $ ________ B. AGGREGATE STOP LOSS INSURANCE Requested Not Requested 1) If yes, please select the coverage: Yes No Medical Dental Vision Prescription Drugs Other: _______________________ (“Yes” means item will be included in coverage; “No” means item will not be included in coverage) BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 4 Packet Pg. 125 11.d.c 2) Monthly Aggregate Factor: Covered Unit Medical Dental Vision Prescription Drugs _Single_____ _Included__ __________ ___________ _Included___ _$509.86___ _Family____ _Included__ ___________ __________ _Included___ _$1,249.70__ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 3) Number of Covered Units Covered Unit Description Quoted Totals Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) Description Actual Medical Dental Vision Prescription Drugs Totals _Single____ _Included__ __________ __________ _Included__ _704_______ _Family____ _Included__ __________ ___________ _Included__ _758_______ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ ___________ ___________ 4) Minimum Annual Aggregate Attachment Point: $ _15,674,568____ (12 times Monthly Aggregate Factor(s), times total Number of Covered Units.) 5) Aggregate Reimbursement Percentage: 100 % 6) Individual Claim Limit: $ 250,000_ 7) Maximum Aggregate Reimbursement (per Policy Period): $ _2,000,000_ BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 5 Packet Pg. 126 11.d.c 8) Basis of Aggregate Stop Loss coverage benefit payment (Benefit Period): through _December 31, 2016_ Plan Benefits Incurred from _January 1, 2015 And paid from _January 1, 2016__through _December 31, 2016 . Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) Plan Benefits Incurred prior to the Effective Date (Run-In-Period) will be limited to: $__N/A__ per Covered Person $ N/A per all Covered Persons combined 9) Premium Rates (per month): Covered Unit Description Medical Dental Vision Prescription Drugs Totals _Composite_ _Included_ ___________ ___________ _Included_ _$ 1.50___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 14. Eligible for coverage: Yes No Retired Employees COBRA Continuee Employees who are not Actively at Work Late entrants Transplants (“Yes” means item will be included in coverage; “No” means item will not be included in coverage) BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 6 Packet Pg. 127 11.d.c 15. Special Limitations: Specific: Yes ____ Aggregate: Yes ____ A 40% Specific Stop Loss Rate Cap with no new lasers at renewal is included. If the group renews with BlueRe, the Specific Stop Loss rates will increase no more than 40% over the January 1, 2016 rates and no new lasers will be added unless requested by the Policyholder or Administrator. The Specific Stop Loss Rate Cap option also applies to the Aggregating Specific deductible. The Specific Stop Loss Rate Cap assumes there are no material changes to the group’s plan such as revisions in the plan design, the specific deductible, contract change, commission or PPO network. The Specific Rate Cap only applies to the group’s next renewal, not subsequent renewals. Future Specific Rate Caps are subject to underwriting discretion. 16. Initial premium deposit accompanying the application: $ 17. Minimum Plan Enrollment: ____ Covered Units, or ____ ____% of initial enrollment YOU have read the foregoing and understand and agree with the terms and conditions of the coverage as set forth by US and as reflected in the Application. YOU represent that YOU have formed YOUR Employee Welfare Benefit Plan in compliance with and in reliance on the applicable provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), as amended, or any other applicable law or regulation. It is agreed that the statements in the Application or in any materials submitted with this Application or attached to it are YOUR representations and shall be deemed material to acceptance or the risk by US and that the Policy is issued by US in reliance on the truth and accuracy of such representations. Should subsequent information become known which, if known prior to issuance of the Policy, would affect the premium rates, factors, terms or conditions for coverage thereunder, WE will have the right to revise the premium rates, factors, terms or conditions as of the Effective Date, by providing written notice to YOU. Any fraudulent statement will render the Policy null and void and claims, if any, will be forfeited. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT BIND COVERAGE. Upon approval of the application, the Policy evidencing that the coverage is in force will be issued by US. Coverage will commence on the Effective Date set forth in the Policy. This application will attach to and form part of the Policy. FRAUD WARNING. It is a crime to knowingly provide false, incomplete or misleading information to an insurance company for the purposes of defrauding the company. Penalties include imprisonment, fines and denial of coverage. APPLICANT’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The applicant represents, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, that the statements and answers in this application are true and complete. The applicant understands and agrees that (a) this application, along with all of its attachments and supporting information, will form part of any policy issued, (b) no information given to or acquired by any representative of Company will bind it, unless it is in writing on this application, (c) no waiver or modification will bind Company unless it is in writing and is signed by Company, and (d) coverage will be provided only to those persons or entities eligible under the terms of an issued policy. The applicant further understands and agrees that (a) Company will rely on this application, its attachments and supporting information, to issue any policy and (b) if the information contained in and submitted with this application materially changes prior to the policy Effective Date, the applicant will notify company and company will then modify or withdraw any outstanding offer of insurance. Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) Any individuals currently eligible under the plan that were formerly ineligible due to meeting their lifetime maximum in the past will not be covered for stop loss insurance unless approved in advance by US. BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 7 Packet Pg. 128 ACCEPTED BY THE POLICYHOLDER: ACCEPTED BY: BlueRe of Tennessee Stop Loss Insurance Company Date Date Policyholder (correct legal name) Policyholder (correct legal name) BY (officer's name and title) BY (officer's name and title) Policyholder's Broker/Agent of Record Policyholder's Broker/Agent of Record Attachment: City of Knoxville 2016 Stop Loss Application.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 11.d.c BRSL? 0100 App (08 2011) 8 Packet Pg. 129 11.d.d BlueRe SCHEDULE FOR STOP LOSS COVERAGE Policy Number: BR-111174-16A A. NATURE OF BUSINESS: B. PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS C. POLICYHOLDER CONTACT PERSON D. CONTACT INFORMATION (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE): E. FULL NAME OF YOUR EMPLOYEE WELFARE BENEFIT PLAN: F. G. POLICYHOLDER’s broker/agent of record: BRSL 0100Sch (Revised 2 2014) Attachment: City of Knoxville Stop Loss Schedule 2016.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) FULL LEGAL NAME OF POLICYHOLDER Page 1 Packet Pg. 130 11.d.d EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE THIRD-PARTY ADMINISTRATOR (Medical Admin) Prescription Drug Admin) OptumRx PO Box 9472 Minneapolis, MN 55440-9472 800.797.9791 Steve White 612.642.7235 COVERAGE BRSL 0100Sch (Revised 2 2014) Attachment: City of Knoxville Stop Loss Schedule 2016.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) ENDORSEMENTS (IF APPLICABLE) Page 2 Packet Pg. 131 Attachment: City of Knoxville Stop Loss Schedule 2016.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 11.d.d BRSL 0100Sch (Revised 2 2014) Page 3 Packet Pg. 132 Attachment: City of Knoxville Stop Loss Schedule 2016.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 11.d.d 7. ELIGIBLE FOR COVERAGE: 8. SPECIAL LIMITATIONS BRSL 0100Sch (Revised 2 2014) Page 4 Packet Pg. 133 11.d.d 9. MINIMUM PLAN ENROLLMENT: 11. YOU have read the foregoing and understand and agree with the terms and conditions of the coverage as set forth by US and as reflected in the Application. YOU represent that YOU have formed YOUR Employee Welfare Benefit Plan in compliance with and in reliance on the applicable provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), as amended, or any other applicable law or regulation. YOU agree that: a. the statements in the Application or in any materials submitted with or attached to this Application are YOUR representations; b. such representations shall be deemed material to acceptance of the risk by US; and c. WE issue the Policy in reliance on the truth and accuracy of such representations. If subsequent information becomes known that, if known prior to issuance of the Policy, would affect the premium rates, factors, terms or conditions for coverage thereunder, WE will have the right to revise the premium rates, factors, terms or conditions as of the Effective Date, by providing written notice to YOU. Any fraudulent statement will render the Policy null and void, and any claims will be forfeited. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT BIND COVERAGE. FRAUD WARNING APPLICANT’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BRSL 0100Sch (Revised 2 2014) Attachment: City of Knoxville Stop Loss Schedule 2016.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 10. PREMIUM DUE DATE Page 5 Packet Pg. 134 BlueRe BlueRe of Tennessee and BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Independent Licensees of BlueCross BlueShield Association BRSL 0100Sch (Revised 2 2014) Attachment: City of Knoxville Stop Loss Schedule 2016.pdf (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 11.d.d Page 6 Packet Pg. 135 11.d.e 6723/266,1685$1&(352326$/)25 &LW\RI.QR[YLOOH &DPHURQ+LOO&LUFOH&KDWWDQRRJD71 3URSRVDO 6/3 3ODQV$GPLQLVWHUHGE\%OXH&URVV%OXH6KLHOGRI7HQQHVVHH 3URSRVDO'DWH %&%671HWZRUNV8WLOL]HG 9DOLG7KURXJK (IIHFWLYH'DWH &RQWUDFW'XUDWLRQ 0RQWKV 1HWZRUN36 %&%675HSUHVHQWDWLYH 7RGG+RGJH %URNHU :LOOLV+5+ 63(&,),&6723/266&29(5$*( 2SWLRQ %DVLV2I&RYHUDJH 6SHFLILF$WWDFKPHQW3RLQW $JJUHJDWLQJ6SHFLILF'HGXFWLEOH 0HGLFDO5[&DUG 6SHFLILF3ROLF\3HULRG0D[LPXP5HLPEXUVHPHQW 8QOLPLWHG 6SHFLILF/LIHWLPH0D[LPXP5HLPEXUVHPHQW 8QOLPLWHG 5DWH3HU0RQWK &RYHUHG8QLWV 6LQJOH )DPLO\ 7RWDO/LYHV (VWLPDWHG0RQWKO\3UHPLXP (VWLPDWHG$QQXDO3UHPLXP 5DWHVLQFOXGHV&RPPLVVLRQVRI $**5(*$7(6723/266&29(5$*( 2SWLRQ %DVLVRI&RYHUDJH ,QGLYLGXDO&ODLP/LPLW 0D[LPXP$JJUHJDWH5HLPEXUVHPHQWSHU3ROLF\3HULRG 0RQWKO\$JJUHJDWH)DFWRUV 0HGLFDO5[&DUG 5XQ,Q2XW/LPLWHG7R &RYHUHG8QLWV 6LQJOH )DPLO\ $QQXDO$JJUHJDWH$WWDFKPHQW3RLQW 0LQLPXP$QQXDO$JJUHJDWH$WWDFKPHQW3RLQW 5DWH3HU0RQWK &RPSRVLWH (VWLPDWHG$QQXDO3UHPLXP &RPPLVVLRQ &RYHUHG8QLWV Attachment: COK Proposal_29621 (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) &RYHUDJH7R%H,QFOXGHG 3ODQV$GPLQLVWHUHGE\ 1RYHPEHUSP Packet Pg. 3DJH 136 11.d.e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ttachment: COK Proposal_29621 (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss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Proposal_29621 (4031 : 2016 Stop Loss) 7KLVSURSRVDOLQFOXGHVDUDWHSDJHDOODFFRPSDQ\LQJQRWHVFRQWLQJHQFLHVDVVXPSWLRQVDQGDVLJQDWXUHSDJH5DWHV'HGXFWLEOHVDQG)DFWRUVDUH EDVHGRQWKHGDWDSURYLGHGWRXV,QDFFXUDWHRULQFRPSOHWHGDWDPD\UHTXLUHFKDQJHVLQWKHWHUPVSURYLGHG:HZLOOQRWEHERXQGE\FOHULFDORU W\SRJUDSKLFDOHUURUVFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVSURSRVDO7KLVTXRWHLVVXEMHFWWRDOOSROLF\SURYLVLRQOLPLWDWLRQVDQGH[FOXVLRQV%\VLJQLQJEHORZ,FRQILUPWKDW, DPDXWKRUL]HGWRDFFHSWWKHWHUPVRIWKLVLQVXUDQFHSURSRVDO 3ODQV$GPLQLVWHUHGE\ 1RYHPEHUSP Packet Pg. 3DJH 138 11.e CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Finance DIRECTOR: Jim York AGENDA SUMMARY A Resolution approving the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance to Vic's Package Store relative to its application to the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission to renew its license to operate a liquor store in the City. COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) AFFECTED 3rd District BACKGROUND Vic's Package Store LLC dba Vic's Package Store is owned by Garrett M. Jernigan and Timothy D. England and is located at 102 Stekoia Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee 37912. Applicant originally received ABC license and Certificate of Compliance for this location in November 2011. This renewal request is one of the regular biannual processes required by ABC for renewal of the ABC license. OPTIONS Approve, disapprove, or postpone RECOMMENDATION Approve application at this time so applicant can meet ABC schedule for renewal by that Board. ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE N/A PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW N/A FISCAL INFORMATION N/A AIS prepared by Donna Dyer, Revenue Administrator Updated: 12/8/2015 12:44 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 139 11.e Resolution (ID # 4022) Meeting of December 17, 2015 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Renewal, Vic's Package Store (DOC) Vic's Package Store Application Updated: 12/8/2015 12:44 PM (PDF) Page 2 Packet Pg. 140 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO VIC'S PACKAGE STORE RELATIVE TO ITS APPLICATION TO THE TENNESSEE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION TO RENEW ITS LICENSE TO OPERATE A LIQUOR STORE IN THE CITY. RESOLUTION NO: _________________ REQUESTED BY: Finance & Accountability PREPARED BY: Law____________________ APPROVED: ________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE _____ WHEREAS, pursuant to TENN. CODE ANN. §§ 57-3-213 and 57-3-208(b), an applicant is required to obtain a new certificate of compliance every two years from the legislative body of the municipality in which the licensed premises is located in conjunction with the renewal of its retail liquor store license from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission (hereinafter referred to as “ABC”); and WHEREAS, Vic's Package Store LLC d/b/a Vic's Package Store (hereinafter referred to as “Vic's Package Store”), which is owned by Garrett M. Jernigan and Timothy D. England and is located at 102 Stekoia Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37912, obtained its original certificate from the City in November 2011; and Attachment: Resolution, Renewal, Vic's Package Store (4022 : Certificate of Compliance, Renewal for Vic's Package Store) RESOLUTION NO. ___________ 11.e.a Packet Pg. 141 11.e.a Package Store applied for a certificate of compliance from the City of Knoxville on December 2, 2015; and WHEREAS, Vic's Package Store has met the necessary requirements contained in TENN. CODE ANN. § 57-3-208; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Knoxville desires to approve the application of Vic's Package Store for a certificate of compliance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE: SECTION 1: The Council of the City of Knoxville hereby approves the issuance of a certificate of compliance to Vic's Package Store in accordance with TENN. CODE ANN. §§ 57-3-213 and 57-3-208(b). SECTION 2: This Resolution will take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of the City requiring it. ___________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council ________________________ Recorder Attachment: Resolution, Renewal, Vic's Package Store (4022 : Certificate of Compliance, Renewal for Vic's Package Store) WHEREAS, as part of the process of renewing its liquor license with the ABC, Vic's Packet Pg. 142 11.e.b Packet Pg. 143 Attachment: Vic's Package Store Application (4022 : Certificate of Compliance, Renewal for Vic's Package 11.e.b Packet Pg. 144 Attachment: Vic's Package Store Application (4022 : Certificate of Compliance, Renewal for Vic's Package 11.e.b Packet Pg. 145 Attachment: Vic's Package Store Application (4022 : Certificate of Compliance, Renewal for Vic's Package 11.e.b Packet Pg. 146 Attachment: Vic's Package Store Application (4022 : Certificate of Compliance, Renewal for Vic's Package 11.e.b Packet Pg. 147 Attachment: Vic's Package Store Application (4022 : Certificate of Compliance, Renewal for Vic's Package 12.a CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Knoxville Police Department DIRECTOR: Chief Rausch AGENDA SUMMARY An Ordinance to amend the Knoxville City Code, Chapter 17, Article VII, Division 1, Section 17-392 to increase the penalty for failure to wear a safety belt in a motor vehicle. COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) ALL BACKGROUND The City Code sets certain requirements for the use of safety belts in passenger motor vehicles, and the penalty for failure to adhere to the safety belt ordinance; and the Code currently permits a person charged with a violation of this section, in lieu of appearance in courts, to submit a fine of $10 for a first violation and $20 for the second subsequent violation to the city court clerk, which fine schedule mirrors the fine set forth for similar violations of Tenn Code Annotated 55-9-603. Effective January 1, 2016 the fine for a first violation of Tenn Code Annotated 55-9-603 will increase to $25 and subsequent violations will increase to $50. It is requested to change City Code to mirror the Tenn Code regarding penalties for Seat Belt Law violations by increasing fines from $10 to $25 for first offense and from $25 to $50 for any subsequent offenses OPTIONS Approve or reject request RECOMMENDATION Approval by Council to amend City Code 17-392 to mirror TCA 55-9603 regarding penalties for violation of Seat Belt Law ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE Effective upon approval PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW FISCAL INFORMATION No cost Updated: 12/7/2015 12:03 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 148 12.a Ordinance (ID # 4021) Meeting of December 17, 2015 ATTACHMENTS: Seatbelt Fine (DOC) Updated: 12/7/2015 12:03 PM Page 2 Packet Pg. 149 ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE TO AMEND THE KNOXVILLE CITY CODE, CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE VII, DIVISION 1, § 17-392 TO INCREASE THE PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO WEAR A SAFETY BELT IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. ORDINANCE NO: __________________ REQUESTED BY: KPD PREPARED BY: Law APPROVED ON 1ST READING: _________________________ APPROVED ON 2ND READING: _________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE ______ WHEREAS, Chapter 17, Article VII, Division 1, § 17-392 of the Knoxville City Code sets forth certain requirements for the use of safety belts in passenger motor vehicles, and the penalty for failure to adhere to the safety belt ordinance; and WHEREAS, § 17-392 (d) currently permits a person charged with a violation of this section, in lieu of appearance in court, to submit a fine of ten dollars ($10.00) for a first Attachment: Seatbelt Fine (4021 : seat belt law) ORDINANCE NO. ___________ 12.a.a violation and twenty dollars ($20.00) for the second and subsequent violation to the city court clerk, which fine schedule mirrors the fine set forth for similar violations of TENN. CODE ANN. § 55-9-603; and WHEREAS, in 2015 the Tennessee General Assembly enacted Public Chapter 296, effective January 1, 2016, which increases the fine for a first violation of TENN. CODE ANN. § 55-9-603 to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and to fifty dollars ($50.00) for any subsequent violation; and Packet Pg. 150 12.a.a WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Knoxville desires to enact penalties for violation of Knoxville City Code § 17-392 which mirror the penalties set forth in TENN. CODE ANN. § 55-9-603. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE: SECTION 1: Chapter 17, Article VII, Division 1, § 17-392 of the Knoxville City the words “twenty-five dollars ($25.00)”, and by replacing the words “twenty dollars ($20.00)” with the words “fifty dollars ($50.00)”. SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, the welfare of the City requiring it. ___________________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council ______________________________ Recorder Attachment: Seatbelt Fine (4021 : seat belt law) Code is hereby amended by replacing the words “ten dollars ($10.00)” in subsection (d) with Packet Pg. 151 12.b CITY OF KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE City Council AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: December 17, 2015 DEPARTMENT: Legislative DIRECTOR: City Council AGENDA SUMMARY An Emergency Ordinance of the Council of the City of Knoxville appropriating the sum of $500.00 from the Community Improvement (202) Fund and donating same to Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee, serving as fiscal agent for Inskip Community Association ACI, toward the Thanksgiving Basket Project at Inskip Elementary School. COUNCIL DISTRICT(S) AFFECTED Council Member Campen BACKGROUND OPTIONS RECOMMENDATION ESTIMATED PROJECT SCHEDULE PRIOR ACTION/REVIEW FISCAL INFORMATION ATTACHMENTS: CAC_Inskip 12-2015 Updated: 12/7/2015 2:47 PM (DOC) Page 1 Packet Pg. 152 ORDINANCE AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $500.00 FROM THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT (202) FUND AND DONATING SAME TO KNOXVILLE-KNOX COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION COMMITTEE, SERVING AS FISCAL AGENT FOR INSKIP COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ACI, TOWARD THE THANKSGIVING BASKET PROJECT AT INSKIP ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. ORDINANCE NO: _________________ REQUESTED BY: Council Member Campen PREPARED BY: Council APPROVED ON 1ST READING: _________________________ APPROVED ON 2ND READING: _________________________ APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE: _________________________ MINUTE BOOK: ________ PAGE ______ WHEREAS, the Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC), Office on Aging is a valuable asset to older citizens of the City of Knoxville bringing to certain individuals publications that provide easy accessible information regarding service programs and activities available to older individuals; and WHEREAS, said organization has agreed to act as fiscal agent on behalf of Inskip Community Association ACI toward the cost of food and supplies for Thanksgiving baskets provided to deserving families with children at Inskip Elementary School; and Attachment: CAC_Inskip 12-2015 (4026 : Community Improvement (202) Fund - CAC: Inskip Community Association ACI) ORDINANCE NO. ___________ 12.b.a Packet Pg. 153 12.b.a worthy and worthwhile of Council’s financial support; and WHEREAS, there exists within that portion of the Community Improvement (202) fund available for use upon motion of the council member representing the Fifth (Mark Campen-$500) Council District the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) which sum may be donated to Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee, acting as fiscal agent on behalf of Inskip Community Association ACI, toward the Thanksgiving Basket Project at Inskip Elementary School, and Council is of the opinion that the funds should be so utilized; and WHEREAS, an emergency exists in that it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety that this Ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE: SECTION 1: There is hereby appropriated from that portion of the Community Improvement (202) fund available for use upon motion of the council member representing the Fifth (Mark Campen-$500) Council District the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) and said sum is hereby donated to Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee, acting as fiscal sponsor and oversight organization on behalf of Inskip Community Association ACI, as previously described. Attachment: CAC_Inskip 12-2015 (4026 : Community Improvement (202) Fund - CAC: Inskip Community Association ACI) WHEREAS, Council is of the opinion that said community outreach initiative is Packet Pg. 154 12.b.a immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety that this Ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage. ________________________________ Presiding Officer of the Council ____________________________ City Recorder Attachment: CAC_Inskip 12-2015 (4026 : Community Improvement (202) Fund - CAC: Inskip Community Association ACI) SECTION 2: An emergency is declared to exist in that it is necessary for the Packet Pg. 155