New York Trip
New York Trip
NewYorkCity,Washington,D.C.&theCivil WarBattlefields The Travel Club at The Centre for Learning@Home is organizing an April2017schooltriptoNew York, Washington DC, and Gettysburg. The basic premise of the Travel Club is that the “World is our Classroom.” There is no better way to learn about globalization, culture, nationalism, art, architecture, history, geography, and sociology, than to experience the world firsthand. Yes, we will be visiting the Statute of Liberty pictured above. The Travel Club is organized and led by me: Allan Brennan- Vice Principal at the Centre for Learning@Home. I have led seven internationalschooltripspriorto thistour. The numberofteacherchaperoneswill be determined by the number of students traveling. We will be employing the servicesofEducationFirstTours(EFTours). Wewillbe traveling over Easter break (April 12, 2017 to April 21, 2017). These dates are approximate. Studentsare takenonafirst-come-first-servebasis. The purpose of this brochure is to find out if you are interested. The cost of this tour for students is $3533.00. This amount is paid directlytoEFTours. EFTours hasawealthof travelexperiencewith international travel for students. Studentsbetweentheagesof15and 18 years of age at the time of the tour, April,2017,areeligibletoparticipate. Hotels, travel, and tours are very safe and are fully insured. See right for a photo of New York Cityatnight. Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: Thispriceincludes: • • • • • • • • • Round-trip–Airfare Full-timeEFTourDirector TourDirectorwillleadsightseeingandwalkingtours Transportation:Round-tripflight Deluxemotorcoach(bus) Accommodations:9overnightstaysin hotelswithprivatebathrooms Meals:Breakfastanddinnerdaily Tipsandhotelsecurity BaggageFees(studentscantakeonecheckedbagandonecarry-on) Visitstospecialattractionswithtourguide: EmpireStateBuilding,GreenwichVillage,WorldTradeCentersite,hometo the 9/11 Memorial, a NYC Broadway Play, Chinatown, Macy’s, NBC Studious Tour, Central Park, Statute of Liberty, Ellis Island, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Brooklyn Bridge Walking Tour, United Nations, Broadway Show, Visit to the Smithsonian Museums, Washington Monument, White House, Arlington National Cemetery, The Library of Congress, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, JFK’s gravesite, US Capitol Building, Supreme Court, The United States Marine Corps Memorial, Mount Vernon, Manassas National Battlefield Park - Ranger Walking Tour, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park -Self Guided with Scavenger Hunt, Antietam National Battlefield Park, Gettysburg Visitor Center,Museum & Cyclorama Experience, Guided Sightseeing of Gettysburg, Ford’s Theatre and Petersen House, Legends of Alexandria Tour, US National Archives, Cold Harbor Battle Site in Richmond, Museum and White HouseoftheConfederacyCombo. Ø (10Days)April12-April21(2017).Thisdateisapproximate. Day-by-DayItinerary ExploretheUnitedStatescapitalof Washington, D.C., Visit New York, thecityof lightsincludingstops Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: attheStatuteofLibertyandthesiteof9/11.AttendaBroadway play!Seethemonumentsin Washingtonwhichremindusofthemassivecostsofthe warandthemanyfamousmonumentsof historicalpeople.SetfootontheCivilWar battlefieldsofGettysburg. Day1:April12OvernightflighttoNewYork ArriveintheAM A licensed guide leads your sightseeing tour of New York City. You’ll explore the mosaic of Manhattan neighborhoods that make the city so unique. Drive throughGreenwich Village, New York’s eclectic province of bohemians, immigrants and students, and pass the cast-iron architecture of impossibly trendy SoHo (from“SOuthofHOustonStreet”).Anditjustmightfeelasifyou’velefttheStates and crossed an ocean as you take in the vibrant life of Chinatown and the personality of Little Italy. Finish your tour at the World Trade Center site, home to the 9/11 Memorial. (Route and inclusions may change depending on your requests and the structure of your itinerary). In the evening we will visit the Empire State Building and Observatory. Day2:April13 Behind the Scenes Macy's Tour. Take a guided tour of one of the four historic flagshipstorestolearnaboutthemagicof Macy's. The tour will explore Macy's incredible retailing history and the architecture unique to the store you're in. Getinsiderinformationonmarketing and merchandising industry secrets. Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: NBC Studios Tour: Go behind the scenes and learnthehistorybehindoneoftelevision’smostprestigiousnetworks. WalkingTourofCentralPark Join your tour director for a tour through New York’s backyard playground. An 843-acre rectangular oasis in the heart of the Manhattan jungle,CentralParkhas something for everyone. Admire the58hand-carved horsesparading around the Friedsam Memorial Carousel, brought to the park from Coney Island. Later, head over tothe boathouse and Tavern on the Green.ContinuethroughBethesdaTerrace,oneofCentralPark'sbestplacesforpeople watching, and find the statue of Alice in Wonderland at the northern end of the Conservatory. MetropolitanMuseumofArt Explore one of the most extensive art collections in the world. The Metropolitan MuseumofArt,locatedinNewYorkCity, isthe largestartmuseumintheUnitedStates andone ofthetenlargestintheworld.This museumin New York, New York has large collections of ancient art, including Greek, Roman and Near Eastern. Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: Day3:April14 Board your motor coach to begin yourday.StatueofLibertyandEllis Island. Take a ferry to Liberty Island to marvel at the Statue of Liberty.ContinueontoEllisIsland, now the site of a museum chroniclingthehistoryofEuropean immigration. Brooklyn Bridge Walking Tour: Once the longest steel suspension bridge in the world, the Brooklyn Bridge was begun by John A. Roebling and finished by his son Washington.Ittakesabout40minutestotraversethismassivearchitecturalachievement using the boardwalk shared by pedestrians, in-line skaters and cyclists. The astounding viewsmakethetrekworthwhile;youcanseeMidtowntothenorth,theporttothesouth andGovernor’sIslandandLadyLibertyoutintheharbor.TouroftheUnitedNations.Get aninsider’slookattheUnitedNationsandseetheSecurityCouncilChamberandGeneral Assembly Hall. (Subject to private tour availability) Group Dinner in Midtown Area followed by a Broadway Show. Enjoy your Broadway show, sure to be an unforgettable theaterexperience!SeeBroadwaypicturedabove. Day4:April15 SmithsonianMuseums Bus transfer from New York to Washington DC. Visit to the Smithso nian Museum s. Explore all that the Smithsonian’s museums have to offer. On display at the National Air and Space Museumisthe1903Wright Flyer.Youcanalsoseethe Apollo11commandmodule,Columbia, Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: which orbitedthemoonwhileNeilArmstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin first walked on the surface in 1969. A stroll through the National Museum of Natural History will reveal objects as varied as the 45.52-carat Hope Diamond anddinosaurskeletons. To satisfy your artistic s i d e , d u c k i n t o t h e Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, where masterpieces by Andy Warhol, Willem d e K o o n i n g a n d P a b l o P i c a s s o decorate the halls. Please Note: The museum(s) you visit may vary. Dinner in Washington, Union Station. Day5:April16 Manassas National Battlefield Park - Ranger WalkingTour.HarpersFerryNationalHistorical Park - Self Guided with Scavenger Hunt. Antietam National Battlefield Park Antietam National Battlefield, situated in the rolling farmland of Maryland. At Antietam Creek’s juncture with the Potomac, the deadliest single dayofthewartook place in 1862, as Union troops resisted General Lee’s army. Although the war was f a r f r o m o v e r f o l l o w i n g t h e i n d e c i s i v e struggle, the strength and resolve of the Union troops prompted Lincoln to write the Emancipation Proclamation. Groups will explore the museum exhibits in the visitor center, view the introductory film, walk the Bloody Lane and drive the Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: battlefieldlooptoseethemanymemorials.DinnerinGettysburg. Day6April17 GettysburgVisitorCenter,Museum&CycloramaExperience Immerse yourself in the Battle of Gettysburg at the Cyclorama Experience. Start by seeing A New BirthofFreedom,afilmthatlooksat the life and work of President Abraham Lincoln, particularly as he struggledtoabolishslaveryduringthe Civil War. Calling for “a new birth of freedom” during his famous GettysburgAddress,Lincoln redefined the course of the United States. Move on to the three-dimensional circular painting depicting the dramatic charge of the Confederate infantry led by General George Pickett. Originally created from 1883 to 1884, the giant canvas had become damagedbydecadesof neglect before a major $15-million restoration project returned themasterpiecetothewayitwasintendedtobeviewed.Theconservationprojectwas thelargestofitskindeverundertakeninNorthAmerica. GuidedSightseeingofGettysburg A licensed guide leads today’s tour of Gettysburg National Military Park, where 170,000 fought and 51,000diedduringtheCivilWar’sbloodiestbattlein July 1863. Four months later, President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. Lincoln exhorted Americansto remember the principles of the equality supported by the Declaration of Independence in the name of the slain soldiers. And while the speech remains one of themostfamousinAmericanhistory, Lincoln remarked aftergivingtheaddressthatitwasa“flatfailure.”Learn more about the battle through the extensive collection of Civil War artifacts and archives at the Museum and VisitorCenter. Ford’sTheatreandPetersenHouse Visit the museum at Ford’s Theatre, where, on April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: Booth shockedthenationby assassinatingPresidentLincoln duringaperformanceof Our AmericanCousin.Thestricken presidentwascarriedacrossthestreet to the home of tailor William Petersen. At the historically preserved Petersen House,you’llseetheroomwhere a 23-year-old doctor worked unsuccessfully through the night to save the mortally wounded president. Dinner • Enjoy your evening meal, providedbySmithsonian Student Travel.DinnerinWashington,D.C. Day7:April18 GuidedSightseeingofWashington,DC Your Tour Director, a DC licensed guide, introduces you to the sites where national policies and political reputations are formed and reformed daily. On the grassy National Mall, which extends from the Capitol to the Potomac River, view the Washington Monument. Visit the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and finish your sightseeing with a photo stop at the White House, home of every U.S. president except George Washington. TheJeffersonMemorial PhotostopattheJeffersonMemorial FranklinDelanoRooseveltMemorial Trace the history of FDR’s four terms in office as you move through this monument, which spans more than seven acres. From the Great DepressiontoWWII you’ll see a changing America and a remarkable president. And it is the only presidential memorial to alsoportraya First Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: Lady. PhotoStopatLincolnMemorial ArlingtonNationalCemetery Observe the quiet dignity of Arlington National Cemetery, the final resting place of more than 200,000 veterans and their families. At JFK’s gravesite, you’ll see the eternal flame that was originally lit by Jacqueline Kennedy at her husband’s funeral. You’llalsowitnessthechangingof theguardat theTomboftheUnknowns. TheUnitedStatesMarineCorpsMemorial ThecastbronzedepictionofMarinesraisingtheflagat Iwo Jima honors all those who have served in the Marine Corpssinceitsinceptionin1775. Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: PhotoStopattheWashingtonMonument ExcursiontoMountVernon Travel through the Virginia countryside to Mount Vernon, the lovely retreat overlooking the Potomac where George and Martha Washington lived from 1754 to 1799. As you tour the restored Georgian mansion, you’ll see many symbols of the owner’s eminence, including Washington’s presidential chair. You’ll also see the reconstructed slave quarters and Washington’s tomb, as well as the elegant estate’s 500 acres of grounds and gardens.Be sure to explore the comprehensive Ford Orientation Center and Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Center. The interactive displays, short films and high-tech immersive experiences featured in the center depict Washington at three significantstages inhislife. DinnerinAlexandriafollowedbytheLegendsofAlexandriaTour Joinusforaspecialactivitytonight.Youmaytake aonehourLegendsofAlexandriatourinOldTown, where an 18th-century costumed guide shows you the way through the streets by lantern and shares ghoststories, legendsandfolkloreaboutthearea! Day8: April19 TheUSCapitolBuildingTour&Visitor'sCenter Enjoy a docent-led tour of the Capitol, the city’s epicenter andtheheartoftheAmerican legislature. GeorgeWashington laidthefirstcornerstoneforthe building in 1793, but the edifice was set on fire in 1814when Britishtroopsmarchedthrough thecity. Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: Muchofthestructure wassalvaged,thankstoheavy rainsthatquelledtheflames,and the Capitolremainsthesymbol ofAmericangovernmenttoday.You’llalsoexploretheVisitor Center.Thisundergroundfacilityfeaturesan exhibitiongallery,orientationtheaters,a550seatcafeteriaandgiftshops. TheLibraryofCongress Marvel at the green-domed Library of Congress, whose collection of 113 million items includes a Gutenberg Bible. Note: Thisisnotaguidedtour. UnitedStatesSupremeCourt Be awed by the imposing white-marble Supreme Court building, where the nine justices of the nation’s highest court convene to hear oral argumentsandruleoncasesthat affectthecourse oflawintheUnitedStates. UnitedStatesNationalArchives This important landmark holds priceless documents that have shaped the history and politics of the United States. Interactive components will give you an appreciation for the rolerecordsandarchivists playinlinkingthe pasttothe Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: future. View all four pages of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence simultaneouslyintheChartersofFreedomRotunda. Day9:April20 ColdHarborBattleSite Visitthebattlefield site ofthelong siegeat ColdHarborinMayandJuneof1864which culminated in a Confederate victory and 15,500 casualties. We move on to the Richmond National Battlefield Park/Civil WarVisitorCenteratTredegarIronWorks. MuseumandWhiteHouseoftheConfederacy Combo Tour the restored Confederate White House” thatservedasthe homeofJeffersonDavis,his wife Varinaandtheirchildrenduringthewar. RichmondEveningActivity-GhostTour OvernightinRichmond Day10:April21DepartforHome Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: *Participantsarenotpermittedtoconsume,purchase, or possess,alcoholand/ortobaccoofanykind* Therearenotourextensionsforstudents. Wemustdepartfrom Calgary and return to Calgary together as one group.We will attendMassover Easterweekend. Once again, the purpose of this brochure is to find out if you are interested. Thecostofthistourforstudentsbetweentheagesof15and18yearsat the time of the tour, April, 2017, is $3533.00.Monies are paid directly to EF Tours. Information regarding EF Tour’s Booking Conditions, EF’s Global P r o t e c t i o n Plan(whicheachparticipantreceivesaspartoftheirtour fees), andReleaseandAgreementcanbefoundatthefollowingEFTours weblink. Pleasereadthefinancial,registration,andinsurancedetailsat thislinkprior tosigningupforthistrip.Aswell,EF’sBookingConditions, this EF Tours web link includes information regarding cancelations, refunds, insurance, andpaymentscheduleetc.Pleasevisitlinkat: Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: NeedMoreInformation Iamhappytotalkwithyouifyouhaveanyquestions. Ifyouwouldliketo discussour trip,pleasecontactme,Mr.AllanBrennan,atoneofthe followingcontacts: Toe-mailmeinFirstClassjusttypeMr.BrennanintotheTo box FromaTelus,Hotmail,Gmail,Shaw,orothernon-FirstClass account Phonemeat:(403)938-4119ext.291 1-800-659-1945(ext.291) Fax:(403)938-8070 Mr.AllanBrennan VicePrincipal St.Paul’sAcademy/TheCentreforLearning@Home Seesignupinstructionsonnextpage: Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: If you are interested in signing up for this CFL student trip adventure,youcanenrolltwodifferentways: Youcancompletetheregistrationprocessonlinebydoingthefollowing: 1) ClickonEnrollNowandcompletetheonlineregistrationform. Thetour numberis:1596439FS Or 2) YoucanphoneinyourregistrationtoEFTours@1-800-263- 2806 (Quotetour#1596439FS). Pleasebeadvisedthatyouwillneedadepositofatleast$199.00toofficially registerandthussecureaseatonthistrip. If youlike,youcanorganizea monthlypaymentplanwithEFTours. Pleaseaskthemfordetailswhenyou phone.Applicantsaretakenon afirst-come-first-servebasis. J Tourfeesprogramprice:$3533.00 TwoEFToursvideosrelatedtoourtrip. • Washington: • NewYork: v &src_vid=BB0xNY8oMq4&annotation_id=annotation_249339 4449 Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: StudentandParentTestimonialsfromPreviousTrips: The entire process of making the trip a reality was very rewarding for my son: Saving the money, the planning and the researching. In planning the Italy and France trip in 2013 Al Brennan was extremely comforting for the parents and participants. He walked us through every step of the way and left no stone unturned when it came to answering our questions or concerns. I was a little worried about my son being in a new element with unfamiliar faces, but this trip proved to be more than we bargained for. Our son blossomed and met many like-minded children with similar interests. He came home knowing that outside of school, there's this whole world of possibilities. I loved the tour. I have always wanted to and Greece and I’m really travel to Italy glad I did this with you, Mr. Brennan. Greece was amazing but Rome was my favourite. The food was excellent and the sights were perfect. None of this could have been possible without out and your amazing teachers that introduced all of this to me. I made some great friends on our guide was great too. I this trip and would definitely recommend it. Our son participated in the 2015 “Canada and the World Wars” (Germany, The Netherlands, and France) trip to Europe and he absolutely had an amazing time. … He had never been away from home before and we were a bit concerned, but there was no need to be. The safety and security of my son was well looked after by all the staff and EF Tours. Mr. Brennan did an incredible job of planning and preparing before the trip and in keeping parents advised of everything that was going on. Then, during the trip, Mr. Brennan sent an email each day. Our son had fun and met many new friends that we know he will keep in contact with. Further, although he did not really know anyone prior to going, he had fun. What more could we want? We highly recommend these EF Tours and of course the ones planned and executed by Mr. Brennan and the staff at CFL. I wanted to let you know how much my daughter enjoyed her trip to Costa Rica. I would like to thank you for giving me the confidence in you to trust you, Mr. Brennan, with one of the two people I love the most. I knew that my daughter was in very capable hands. I knew that you would ensure her safety and that is exactly what happened. My daughter learned a lot… EF Tours is a fabulous organization and makes certain the students are taken care, and you, my friend, have proved that the students are actually cared for… I would like to thank you in assisting my daughter in making life long memories in a very positive experience. Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: AtypicalDeluxeMotorCoachusedbyEFTours: SchoolTripsledbyMr.Brennantodateinclude: 1. Switzerland,Germany,Italy(2005) 2. England&France(2006) 3. Greece&Italy(2007) 4. Italy,Croatia,Medjugori(2009) 5. CostaRica(2011) 6. France,theRiviera,&Italy(2013) 7. Germany,France,&theNetherlands(2015) 8. NewYork,Washington,&Gettysburg(2017) Mr. Allan Brennan EF Tour #: 1596439FS 1-800-659-1945 ext. 291 e-mail: