Large Scale Smart Grids as System Scale Smart
Large Scale Smart Grids as System Scale Smart
Large--Scale Smart Grids as System Large of Systems Jennifer Pérez, Jessica Díaz, Juan Garbajosa, Agustín Yagüe Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain Eloy Gonzalez, Mercedes Lopez-Perea Indra Software Labs, Spain Contents Introduction Background SoS Smart Grids L Large-Scale S l Smart S tG Grids id as SoS S S Energos NEMO&CODED IMPONET Conceptualization A hit t l Framework Architectural F k for f Large-Scale L S l Smart S t Grids G id Conclusions First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 2 Introduction A System of Systems Conceptualized = a kind of systems which are built from components Large g scale systems y in their own right g Independent An Example: Complex S Smart G id Grids Heterogeneous Emergent Behaviour with a common Goal First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 3 Introduction Smart Grids as a SoS From Smart Grids To LargeScale Smart-Grids Challenges: Conceptualize Large-Scale Smart-Grids as a SoS Architectural Design Guarantee Interoperability A A An Architectural hit t l F Framework k ffor L LargeScale Smart Grids First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 4 Contents Introduction Background SoS Smart Grids L Large-Scale S l Smart S tG Grids id as SoS S S Energos NEMO&CODED IMPONET Conceptualization A hit t l Framework Architectural F k for f Large-Scale L S l Smart S t Grids G id Conclusions First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 5 SoS Characterized by 5+3 criteria Maier’s 5 criteria Operational independence of elements Managerial independence of elements Evolutionary y development p Emergent behavior Geog Geographic ap c distribution d st but o DeLaurentis’ 3 criteria Inter Inter-disciplinary disciplinary Heterogeneous Network of systems systems. First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 6 SoS Classification [Maier] [Dahmann et al] First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 7 SoS Software Architecture Should be: Open Loosely coupled Welcome to changes Guarantee the interoperability Should Sh ld define d fi stable t bl intermediate i t di t forms f Should use Standards First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 8 Contents Introduction Background SoS Smart Grids L Large-Scale S l Smart S tG Grids id as SoS S S Energos NEMO&CODED IMPONET Conceptualization A hit t l Framework Architectural F k for f Large-Scale L S l Smart S t Grids G id Conclusions First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 9 Smart Grids Smart Grids are composed of a broad range of energy resources, f from l large generating i systems to smaller ll generating i systems, all ll of them operating as a single system providing both power and heat to their consumers First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 10 Smart Grids Definitions: S Smart tG Grid: id Microgrid: Small-scale grid that is designed to provide electrical and/or thermal energy for local loads and communities Large-Scale Smart Grid: A set of microgrids, energy resources and systems, and consumers that are connected to the main grid Smart Grid that scales up the electricity service to millions of customers Promote the integration of traditional and renewable energy resources in distributed, open, and self-managed way. Mean a shift from current centralized energy infrastructures towards more distributed ones First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 11 Smart Grids Require innovative models and software architectures for: Integrating the distributed renewal energy resources Providing energy infrastructure with intelligent communication, monitoring, control, and management Enabling two-way exchange of power and information between suppliers pp and consumers ((or pprosumers ) Managing the growing energy demand First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 12 Smart Grids ENERGOS: Technologies for automated and intelligent management of the future power distribution networks Goal: to acquire technical capabilities on basic technologies for Smart Grids O t Outcomes: Middl Middleware technologies t h l i andd uses case from f the th Energy E Domain First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 13 Smart Grids NEMO&CODED: NEtwork MOnitoring & COntrol, Diagnostic for Electrical Distribution Goal: Monitoring and control technologies for electricity networks, focusing on the application of current Web Services technologies into the energy domain Outcomes: Head-End Integration, Use of DPWS Standards, Acquisition Metering Platform First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 14 Smart Grids IMPONET: Intelligent Monitoring of POwer NETworks Goal: To develop an advanced platform for future Smart Metering Outcomes: Modules of the Advanced Metering Platform, Advanced Processing and Storing Infrastructure Infrastructure, Integration of MDM with Nemo Connector via Web Services and with Real-Time Nodes via XTPP COMMUNICATION COMPONENTS REMOTE CONTROL & SMART METERING PLATFORM METER DATA MANAGEMENT HEAD END WEB PORTAL SYSTEM INTELLIGENCE DATA EXCHANGE POWER QUALITY MONITORING INHOME DISPLAY UNITS First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 15 Contents Introduction Background SoS Smart Grids L Large-Scale S l Smart S tG Grids id as SoS S S Energos NEMO&CODED IMPONET Conceptualization A hit t l Framework Architectural F k for f Large-Scale L S l Smart S t Grids G id Conclusions First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 16 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Conceptualization The Large-Scale Smart Grids are constituted by resources interconnected among them. Many of these resources are systems SoS Smart Home SoS SoS Solar Farm Hospital SoS SoS Wind Farm Electric Vehicle Swarm SoS Animal Farm A SoS of SoS SoS Industry First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 17 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Conceptualization The SoS that compose the Large-Scale Smart Grid have: Their own management goals and business purposes and work on their own and d collaboratively ll b ti l with ith the th restt off SoS An agreement, usually with the utility, in terms of power decisions, i.e. power supply, l billi billing, power sale, l power storage, t etc All of them have a agreement with the Utilityy C ll b Collaborative i / Acknowledge A k l d First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 18 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Conceptualization Smart Grid’s SoS work on their own Characterization criteria: Smart Grid’s SoS have their own management goals and business p purposes p Operational independence of elements Managerial independence of elements Smart Grids have an open nature, and a Evolutionary development flexible and scalable infrastructure Emergent behavior Smart Grids leverage emergent behavior Geographic distribution and requires run-time capabilities Network of systems y Smart Grid services are decentralized and its infrastructure is distributed Inter-disciplinary Heterogeneous Smart Grid are composed of systems such as l ffarms, power plants, l h i l wind i d farms, f solar hospitals, animal farms, industries, the swarm of electric vehicles, smart homes, etc. First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 19 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Conceptualization Software Architecture Open, Loosely coupled, Welcome to changes, Guarantee the interoperability Should Sh ld ddefine fi stable bl iintermediate di forms f Should use Standards Real time capabilities Management of real time problems in a more efficient and safer way, F ilit ti the Facilitating th integration i t ti off reall time ti information: i f ti to t acquire, i store, t distribute, process, and analyze data in real-time Connecting and disconnecting resources Smart metering and real time monitoring Data interoperability Huge amount of data from the volume of the data collected from smart meters and other devices connected to the ppower network,, which are from different vendors First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 20 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Architectural Framework: Dimensions Smart Grid Comm mon Systtems Diimension n Wind Farm SoS Dimension Smart Home Industry Hospital Animal Farm Electric Vehicle Swarm Solar Farm Devices that constitute the power network and allow the smart monitoring and control of the power network First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 POWER 21 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Architectural Framework: Dimensions Smart Grid Comm mon Systtems Diimension n Wind Farm SoS Dimension Smart Home Industry Hospital Animal Farm Electric Vehicle Swarm Solar Farm Network Monitoring and Controlling. Data Storage CONTROL AND OPERATION First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 POWER 22 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Architectural Framework: Dimensions Smart Grid Comm mon Systtems Diimension n Wind Farm SoS Dimension Smart Home Industry Hospital Animal Farm Electric Vehicle Swarm Solar Farm Management of the huge volume of run-time and historical data DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS CONTROL AND OPERATION First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 POWER 23 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Architectural Framework: Dimensions Smart Grid Comm mon Systtems Diimension n Wind Farm SoS Dimension Services that are provided to utilities, retailers, customers of the Smart Grid to operate/query the Electric Vehicle Solar Smart network Industry Hospital Animal Swarm Home Farm Farm STAKEHOLDERS SERVICES DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS CONTROL AND OPERATION First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 POWER 24 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Architectural Framework: Deployment Smart Grid Comm mon Systeems Dim mension n SOA Wind Farm SERVICE LAYER SoS Dimension Smart Home Industry Hospital Animal Farm Electric Vehicle Swarm Solar Farm STAKEHOLDERS SERVICES DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS COMPONENT LAYER CONTROL AND AND OPERATION COMMUNICATION LAYER PHYSICAL LAYER First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 POWER 25 Large Scale Smart Grids as SoS Large-Scale Architectural Framework: Deployment Management, access and analysis of a huge variety of information System: Data Processing and Analysis Layer: y Component p Technologies: Massive storage solutions Big Data Interoperability of data Clustering technologies for batch data processing : Hadoop Integration with the SQL and NonSQL paradigms System: Operation Layer: Communications Standards: Common Information Model (CIM), IEC 61850 Real-Time System: Operation Layer: Communications Technologies: Extreme processing XTPP which is based on the Publish/Subscribe paradigm with DDS (Data Distribution Service) and CEP (Complex Event Processing) First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 26 Contents Introduction Background SoS Smart Grids L Large-Scale S l Smart S tG Grids id as SoS S S Energos NEMO&CODED IMPONET Conceptualization A hit t l Framework Architectural F k for f Large-Scale L S l Smart S t Grids G id Conclusions First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 27 Conclusions From the experience in the projects ENERGOS, NEMO & CODED and IMPONET: Large-Scale Smart Grids have been defined as a SoS of SoS It has been defined based Architectural Framework to deploy the software architectures of Large-Scale Smart Grids. Two Dimensions: Organizational perspective: SoS that compose the Smart Grid Functional perspective: System that provide the common functionality of the Smart Grids This architectural framework is based on SOA + run-time capabilities and a set of technologies and standards to guarantee the open, decoupling and interoperability requirements of SoS architectures. This is just a first and small step in a long way First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), 2nd July 2013 28 Thank you very much for your attention Questions? For more information: Jennifer Pérez Technical University of Madrid- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid(UPM)