Directory of Schools 2014-2015
Directory of Schools 2014-2015
o Ministry of Education Policy, Planning, Research, & Evaluation Unit DIRECTORY OF SCHOOLS IN BELIZE 2014-15 March 2015 Contents BELIZE DISTRICT ......................................................................................................................................................3 Preschools: .................................................................................................................................................................3 Primary Schools:........................................................................................................................................................5 Secondary Schools:....................................................................................................................................................7 CAYO DISTRICT .........................................................................................................................................................8 Preschools: .................................................................................................................................................................8 Primary Schools:...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Secondary Schools:.................................................................................................................................................. 12 COROZAL DISTRICT ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Preschools: ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 Primary Schools:...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Secondary Schools:.................................................................................................................................................. 15 ORANGE WALK DISTRICT ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Preschools: ............................................................................................................................................................... 16 Primary Schools:...................................................................................................................................................... 17 Secondary Schools:.................................................................................................................................................. 18 STANN CREEK DISTRICT ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Preschools: ............................................................................................................................................................... 19 Primary Schools:...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Secondary Schools:.................................................................................................................................................. 21 TOLEDO DISTRICT .................................................................................................................................................. 22 Preschools: ............................................................................................................................................................... 22 Primary Schools:...................................................................................................................................................... 23 Secondary Schools:.................................................................................................................................................. 25 JUNIOR COLLEGES.................................................................................................................................................. 26 UNIVERSITIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 26 VOCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 27 ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS ................................................................................ 27 POLICY, PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION (PPRE) UNIT ............................................................. 28 2 BELIZE DISTRICT Preschools: District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Belize ABC Pre School San Pedro Town, Lion Street, Airstrip Area Wilfredo Alamilla Jr 226-3070 Belize Anglican Diocesan Preschool 1 Angel Lane Joy Ross 207-0639 Belize Ambergris Caye Preschool 1 Turtle Street Amanda Burgos 226-2226 Belize Belize Elementary Preschool Princess Margaret Drive Majiba Sharp 223-0905 Belize Bernice Yorke Institute of Learning 27 Corner St. Thomas & Sixth Street Sherry Ali 223-1870 Belize Bethany Baptist Preschool Corner Cemetery Road & Central American Blvd Karen Lewis 207-0644 Belize Brighter Tomorrow Preschool Collin Clerk Subdivision, San Pedro Town Ariani Y Gongora 661-6127 Belize Building Block Preschool 1 Racoon Street Denise Trapp 207-5306 Belize Central Christian Preschool 116 Freetown Road, Belize City Jermaine Crawford 224-5674 Belize Church of Christ Preschool 1 Elston Kerr Street 625-5621 Belize Belize City Early Childhood Education Centre Crooked Tree Preschool 5759 Corner Meighan & Goldson Ave, Kings Park Crooked Tree Village Morna Elizabeth Davis Jeanettte Bennett Winnie Gillett 245-7061 Belize Ebanks Preschool 1 Goal Lane Grace Ebanks 223-4302 Belize Eternal Light Preschool Burrel Boom Village Evangelina Waight 205-9015 Belize Ethel Vargas Community Preschool Pinks Alley, Belize City Therese Flores 203-1194 Belize 5618 Lizarraga Av, Belize City Jacqueline Gill 630-0844 Gales Point Manatee Village Bernadette Nolberto 661-4242 Belize Fairyland Early Childhood Development Center Gales Point Child Stimulation Centre* Hand in Hand Ministries Preschool 69 Amara Avenue, Belize City Fiona Alay 227-0412 Belize Happy Days Preschool 3 Curassow St, Belize City Norma Jean Pitts 628-2212 Belize Harmony Preschool Bermundian Landing Paulette Martinez 607-8113 Belize Hattieville Government Preschool 115 Sylvester Blvd., Hattieville Village Juanita Batun 225-6127 Belize Helping Hands Preschool B68, Section Q, Mahagony Heights Tisby Gregorio 663-5673 Belize Holy Cross Anglican Preschool San Mateo, San Pedro Grace Williams 226-3456 Belize Horizon Academy Preschool 3 miles Phillip Goldson Highway Dian Maheia 223-2765 Belize 24 Newtown Barracks Jamuna Vasquez 224-5383 Belize Hummingbird Elementary Preschool James Garbutt SDA Preschool 21 Albert Street West Sandra Carr 207-2769 Belize Jonee Preschool 1301 Crown Cone Ave., Belize City Yueh-Yun Wu 223-0890 Belize Kiddies' Campus 1736 Coney Drive Adela Pilgrim 203-6303 Belize King Jesus Preschool 26 Humming Bird Street Jerrilyn Flowers 621-9528 Belize Kingdom Kids Preschool 214 Lords Bank Village Ines Scott 622-3736 Belize Liberty Community Preschool Stork Street, Ladyville Village Dacia Tillett 225-2158 Belize Little Angel's Preschool Ambergris St, San Pedro Marina Kay 226-2115 Belize Little Cadets Academy Preschool 4292 Louise Bevans St., Belize City Judith Marin 602-9710 Belize Little Star Preschool Avenida Mangle, Caye Caulker Myrna Vanina Sosa 226-0014 Belize 3 224-4452 District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Belize Lloyd Coffin Community Preschool Mahogany St. Lake I Comm. Centre Sharon M. Baird 202-4325 Belize Mustard Seed Preschool 6 Mamie Rd, Ladyville, Belize Chantel Westby 623-8168 Belize Our Lady of Lourdes Preschool Maskall Village, Belize District German Ramirez 205-5593 Belize Pickstock Community Preschool 27 Lovely Lane, Belize City Marcella Wade 650-5311 Belize Hattieville, 16 miles George Price Hwy Louis Ysaguirre 205-6011 Belize Pilgrim Fellowship Mennonite Preschool Pine Street Community Preschool 2 Pine Street, Belize City Felicia Anthony 207-2323 Belize Port Loyola Community Preschool Corner Central American Blvd & Fabers Rd Elizabeth Pott 635-3491 Belize San Pedro Pre-School Ambergris Street, San Pedro Town Rosela Guerrero 226-2325 Belize San Pedro Shining Stars Preschool Escalante Subdivision, San Pedro Town Kristy Sansores 226-3541 Belize Sandhill Community Preschool Patricia Jones Canton 622-8424 Belize Sesame Street Preschool 18 miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Sandhill Village 29 Fairweather St., Belize City Yvette Nicholas 600-8255 Belize Small World Preschool 2 G St. Kings Park, Belize City Teresita Wade 665-6841 Belize St. Agnes Anglican Preschool La Democracia Village Pamella Neal 670-6551 Belize St. Martin's Preschool Corner Oleander St & Rose Lane Sharon Marin 202-4439 Belize Star-Brite Preschool Poinsettia St., Mitchelle Estate, Ladyville Encarnita Bennett 225-2531 Belize Stepping Stone Preschool 2595 Chetumal St., Belama Phase 2 Beverly Pook 203-1184 Belize Sun Flower Preschool 8 Baghdad St. Belize City Desirene Myvette 227-5920 Belize Sunshine Preschool 86 Regent St Yvonne Castillo 207-6166 Belize Unity Star Child Preschool 109 A Antelope Extension Carolyn Betson 671-4151 Belize Valgarten Preschool Vilma Joseph 205-2171 Belize Wesley Preschool PO Box 141 Belize City (Price Barracks, Ladyville) 1 Chapel Lane Darlene Lozano 227-4809 Belize YWCA Preschool 119 Corner Freetown Rd & St Thomas Street Nadine Harris 203-4971 *Gales Point Child Stimulation Centre is managed by the Stann Creek District Center 4 Primary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Belize All Saints Anglican School 1 First & Dunn Street, Kings Park Therese Roches 223-1390 Belize Ambergris Caye Elementary 1 Turtle Street, San Pedro Town Amanda Burgos 226-2226 Belize Belize Elementary School Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City Majiba Sharp 223-5765 Belize Belize Rural Primary School Double Head, Flowers Bank, Rancho, Bermudian Landing Marilyn Stephenson 632-9685 Belize Bernice Yorke Institute of Learning 27 Corner St. Thomas & Sixth Street Sherry Ali 223-1870 Belize Bethel Primary School 46 Freetown Road, Belize City Edward Logan 203-7602 Belize Biscayne Government Biscayne Village Dorla Wade 235-1216 Belize Burrell Boom Methodist Burrell Boom Village Evangelina Waight 225-9024 Belize Buttonwood Bay Nazarene School 4649 Coney Drive, Buttonwood Bay Amelia Bencomo 223-1847 Belize Calvary Temple Primary School 60 Regent Street West, Belize City Georgett Bartley 227-1676 Belize Caye Caulker RC Avenida Pueblo Nuevo, Caye Caulker Beatriz Chan 226-0614 Belize Central Christian Primary 166 Freetown Road, Belize City Jermaine Crawford 224-5674 Belize Belize Crooked Tree Government Ebenezer Methodist Crooked Tree Village 117 Barrack Road, Belize City Winnie Gillett Gaynor Munnings 245-7061 224-4558 Belize Ephesus SDA 1 Wilson Street, Belize City Velda Jesse 203-0487 Belize Friends Boys School 4 Allenby St., Belize City Candelaria Yound 227-0449 Belize Gales Point Government* Main Street, Gales Point Village Bernadette Nolberto 661-4242 Belize Grace Primary 14 Amara Avenue, Belize City Morna Gillett Sheppard 207-3430 Belize Guadalupe RC Sandhill Village, 17.5 miles Phillip Goldson Highway Esther Nal Requena 205-5114 Belize Hattieville Government 115 Sylvestre Blvd, Hattieville Village Juanita Batun 225-6127 Belize Hattieville SDA Hattieville Village Rose Trapp 663-6503 Belize Holy Cross Anglican San Mateo, Ambergris Caye Grace Williams 226-3456 Belize Holy Redeemer RC 144 North Front Street, Belize City Suzette Arzu 227-0959 Belize Horizon Academy 3 miles Phillip Goldson Highway Dian Margaret Maheia 223-2765 Belize Hummingbird Elementary 24 Newtown Barrack, Belize City Jamuna Vasquez 224-5383 Belize Isabella Harmony PO Box 596 Belize City/ Isabella Bank John Stephen Schrock None Belize James Garbutt SDA 21 Albert Street West, Belize City Sandra Carr Belize La Isla Bonita Elementary Cormorant Street, San Pedro Addy A Martinez 207-2769 602-2917 226-3754 Belize Ladyville Evangelical 10 ¼ miles Phillip Goldson Highway Elia Lucia Chi 205-2223 Belize Ladyville SDA Corner Mamie & Perez St., Ladyville Idelfonso Acosta 205-2409 Belize Living Hope Preparatory School 7088 Maskall Street, Racoon extension Francisca Lacayo 207-0139 5 Email DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Belize Lucky Strike Government 30.5 miles Old Northern Highway Ruth Smith 205-5589 Belize Muslim Community Primary Corner Central American Blvd & Faber’s Road Lana Ahmad 227-5589 Belize New Horizon SDA Academy Escalante Subdivision, San Pedro Town Miguel Hernandez 665-1897 Belize Our Lady of Lourdes RC Maskall Village German A. Ramirez 205-5593 Belize Our Lady of the Way 9 ¼ miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville Maria Lanza 205-2135 Belize Pancotto Primary Sand Hill Anna Mae Reyes 225-5143 Belize Pilgrim Fellowship Mennonite 16 miles George Price Highway, Hattieville Louis L. Ysaguirre Jr. 205-6011 Belize Queen Square Anglican 1 Armadillo Street, Belize City Myrna Smith 227-2478 Belize Queen Street Baptist Corner Eve & Queen Street, Belize City Lavern Gillett 665-8404 Belize Salvation Army School 12 Cemetery Road, Belize City Dorla Vernon 207-2156 Belize San Pedro RC Corner Barrier Reef Drive & Tarpon Street Roxani Kay 226-2550 Belize St Agnes Anglican La Democracia/Mahogany Heights Pamela Neal 650-6551 Belize St Ignatius RC School 75 Euphrates Avenue, Belize City Lureen Ciego 227-0058 Belize St John Vianney 289 Fabers Road, Belize City Felix Sutherland 227-4844 Belize St John's Anglican 1 Amara Avenue Ersella Griffith 227-3410 Belize St Joseph RC 3 St. Joseph Street & Simon Lamb Rose McGregor 203-4623 Belize St Luke Methodist Primary Mahogany Street, Belize City Pamela Bodden 222-4301 Belize St Martin de Porres Partridge Street, Belize City Sharon Marin 222-4457 Belize St Mary's Anglican 1 Angel Lane, Belize City Beatrice Geban 227-3352 Belize St Therese RC Burrell Boom Village Evadney Young 205-9171 Belize Stella Maris Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City Joy Westby 224-4564 Belize The Island Academy Coconut Drive, PO Box 137, San Pedro Lady Dixie W. Bowen 226-3642 Belize Trinity Methodist 5 G Street, King's Park, Belize City Brendalee Enriquez 223-1096 Belize Unity Presbyterian Primary 109 A Antelope Extension Carolyn Betson 671-4151 Belize Wesley Lower 38 Albert Street, Belize City Darlene Lozano 227-3288 Belize Wesley Upper 44 Dolphin Street, Belize City Nicole Welch Middleton 227-2921 Belize YWCA 119 Cor. St. Thomas St. & Freetown Road Elizabeth Eck 203-4971 Belize Zion Park Methodist Santana Village, Belize District Ruth Williams 205-5666 *Gales Point Government is managed by the Stann Creek District Center 6 Secondary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Belize Anglican Cathedral College 71 Regent St., P.O. Box 98 Ismael Requena 227-2098 Belize Belize High School Mercy Lane, Belize City (P.O. Box 714) Jamie Lee Usher 223-0378 Belize Belize Rural High School Double Head Cabbage, PO Box 1481 Juan R. Gongora 235-2433 Belize Canaan SDA High School 1508 Buttonwood Bay, Coney Drive, P.O. Box 1690 Garfield McCulloch 223-2297 Belize Edward P. Yorke High School P.O. Box 471, Princess Margaret Drive Rodrick Cardinez 224-4554 Belize Excelsior Junior High School Fabers Road, Belize City Gayle Thompson 227-0044 Belize Gwen Lizarraga High School 18 Antelope Street Lorna McKay 227-7144 Belize King's College 31½ miles Old Northern Highway Pedro Reyes 225-5501 Belize Ladyville Technical High School 9 ¾ miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize District Diane Wesby 225-3499 Belize Maud William High Corner Dolphin and Racoon Sts., P.O. Box 1990, Belize City Cruzita Castillo 227-6717 Belize Nazarene High School 31 Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City Elisa Seguro 203-2248 Belize Ocean Academy Ocean Academy Drive, Caye Caulker Hilda Marin 226-0321 Belize Pallotti High School Princess Margaret Drive Sr. M. Clara Teul, S.A.C. 224-4886 Belize Sadie Vernon Technical High School Cor. Morning Glory & Partridge Street Deborah Marin 232-9926 Belize San Pedro High School San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, PO Box 23 Emil Vasquez 226-2045 Belize St Catherine's Academy 6 Hutson St., PO Box 1891 Salome Terry-Tillett 223-1758 Belize St John's College Princess Margaret Drive Yolanda Gongora 223-3733 Belize Wesley College 34 Yarborough Road, Belize City Joan Tillett 227-7127 7 CAYO DISTRICT Preschools: District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Cayo A to Z Learning Tree Preschool 2 Mount Mossey, Belmopan Michelle Cano 610-0270 Cayo All God’s Children Preschool Another World, Roaring Creek Esther Smith 604-9242 Cayo Armenia Development Preschool Erminda Pop 626-2329 Cayo Arms of Love 46 miles Hummingbird Highway, Armenia Village Joseph Andrews Drive, San Ignacio Rachel Juan 651-9434 Cayo Arms of Love – Knotiki Kontiki Area, San Ignacio Carmen Garcia 663-1405 Cayo Belize Christian Academy Carolyn Hulse 822-3048 Cayo Belmopan Community Preschool 47 ½ Mls Western Highway, Banana Bank Road Independence Park Area, Belmopan Angela T. Casey 802-2623 Cayo Benque Viejo Community Preschool Corner Baron Bliss & Church St Flor Velasquez 803-2110 Cayo Bullet Tree Community Preschool Bullet Tree Fall, Cayo District Natalie Arnold 666-8665 Cayo Cinderella Preschool 3rd Street, San Ignacio, Cayo Shakira Cho 610-4948 Cayo Cristo Rey RC Preschool Cristo Rey Village Ronnie Ulloa 621-4584 Cayo DePickni Place Community Dr., Roaring Creek Ellis Cruz 822-2775 Cayo Destiny Preschool Georgeville Village Rosalva Seguro 665-0284 Cayo Esperanza Community Preschool Esperanza Village Criselda Gladden 662-6048 Cayo Evangelical Holiness Preschool Santa Familia Village Elias Moh 651-4231 Cayo Garden City Preschool Hummingbird Avenue, Belmopan Kevin Hall 822-3791 Cayo Good Start Preschool Camalote Village Carol Leanora Banner 664-5640 Cayo Hope Presbyterian Preschool La Loma Luz Blvd, Santa Elena Ruth Sierra 605-5131 Cayo Howard Smith Nazarene Juanito Gongora St., Benque Viejo Ardulfa Velasquez 803-3202 Cayo Jireh Preschool 21 Carmen St., Santa Elena, Cayo Dist Martha Mar 665-4851 Cayo Kiddie Kinder Preschool 15 Apollo St., San Ignacio Arleni Gomez 607-8609 Cayo Kiddie’s Care Learning Center Ontario Village Abelina Valdez 802-2951 Cayo KLIC Preschool 18 Roseapple Street, Belmopan Margarita Mena 822-0143 Cayo Kuxlin Ha Gov't Preschool Masaan St., Maya Mopan, Belmopan Sarita Westby Cayo Leta Webb Preschool Valley of Peace, Cayo District Jose Duenas 802-0741 663-6142 669-7703 Cayo Little Treasures 15 street, San Ignacio Emilia Paredez 663-2875 Cayo Miracle Angels Preschool Cotton Tree Village, Cayo District Hortence Anderson 650-7899 Cayo Oasis Preschool United Ville Village Tiffany Middleton 632-5508 Cayo Precious Jewels Teakettle Rose Jones 625-2267 Cayo Rosado's Preschool 8th St. San Ignacio Yolda Rosado 624-7909 Cayo San Antonio Community Preschool San Antonio Village Petrona Coc 651-2198 Cayo San Ignacio Preschool 9 West St., San Ignacio Lisa Usher 600-6358 Cayo Santa Elena Baptist Corner Carillo Puerto & George Price Ave Lela Cowo 824-2845 Cayo Santa Elena Community Preschool Carillo Puerto Ave, Santa Elena, Cayo Lorena Rancharan 621-4742 Cayo Santiago Juan Community Preschool 17 Cabbage Bark St., Santiago Juan Layout Imay Quiterio 601-4030 Cayo St. Joseph Preschool San Jose Succotz Village Melvin Manzanero 803-2325 Cayo St. Matthews Government Preschool St. Matthews Village Michelle Murray 669-1171 Cayo St. Michaels RC Las Flores, Belmopan Joan Sanchez 668-9094 Cayo The Children's Nest Valley of Peace, Cayo Alba Medina 628-8232 Cayo The Shepherds Academy Rivera Road, Belmopan Carla Marin 636-4279 8 District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Cayo UB Early Childhood Stimulation Centre George Price Center Blvd, San Martin Feliciana Torres 670-4039 Cayo Victorious Nazarene Preschool San Jose Succotz Village Ingrid Cunil 625-0723 9 Primary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Cayo Arms of Love Kontiki Area Carmen Garcia 663-1405 Cayo Armenia Government Mile 46 Hummingbird Highway Brian Watson 628-8055 Cayo Belize Christian Academy PO Box 237/ Mile 47 George Price Highway Carolyn Hulse 822-3048 Cayo Billy White SDA Billy White, Spanish Lookout Area Ricardo Avella 607-5176 Cayo Bishop O.P. Martin RC Bullet Tree Road, San Ignacio Town Rebecca Chun 674-1010 Cayo Buena Vista Government Buena Vista Village, Spanish Lookout Alberta Betty August 636-9020 Cayo Bullet Tree SDA Bullet Tree Falls Village Clarita Ortega 667-1391 Cayo Cristo Rey RC Cristo Rey Village Ronnie Ulloa 621-4584 Cayo Eden SDA Cor. Carmen & Salazar St., Santa Elena Tharine Gabourel 804-3032 Cayo El Progreso Government 7 miles Mountain Pine Ridge Rd Pedro Cano 627-4244 Cayo El Shaddai SDA 1 Macal Street, Belmopan Guadalupe Quetzal 664-2894 Cayo Evangelical Holiness Academy 10 Cemetery Road, Santa Elena Doris Flores 662-1749 Cayo Evangelical Holiness Academy Santa Familia Village Elias Moh 651-4231 Cayo Faith Nazarene 4 George Street, San Ignacio Town Policarpia Pech 804-3320 Cayo Frank's Eddy Government 37 ½ miles George Price Highway Brenda Guillen 666-5039 Cayo Garden City Primary Hummingbird Avenue, Mountain View Area Kevin Hall 628-0523 Cayo Hidden Paradise Government Duck Run 3, Spanish Lookout Area Noemi Pott Gonzalez 633-6054 Cayo Hills of Promise Corner George Price Blvd & Said Musa Street Esmay Neal 650-3766 Cayo Holy Cross RC Calla Creek Village Aide Contreras 620-3590 Cayo Howard Smith Nazarene Juanito Gongora Street Ardulfa Velasquez 803-3202 Cayo Iguana Creek Government Selena Village Roberto Tzib 653-4287 Cayo Immaculate Conception RC Bullet Tree Falls Village Victor Daniel Pott 804-0460 Cayo Kuxlin Ha Government Maya Mopan Sarita Westby Cayo La Gracia Government La Gracia Village, Yalbac Area Noemi Westby 802-0741 663-6142 660-8563 Cayo La Inmaculada RC Arenal Village Oscar Guerra 809-3051 Cayo Los Tambos Government Los Tambos Village Demetria Lilia Reyes 653-8567 Cayo Monsignor Romero Valley of Peace Village Johnny H Valencia 670-2799 Cayo More Tomorrow Government More Tomorrow Village Vicente Bolon 666-3485 10 DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Cayo Mount Carmel Primary 10 Diaz St., Benque Viejo del Carmen Abel Silva Jr. 823-3103 Cayo New Life Government Duck Run 1 Village, Spanish Lookout Pauline Gilharry 607-9890 Cayo Ontario Christian 56 ½ mls George Price Highway, Ontario Village Abelina Valdez 802-2951 Cayo Our Lady of Fatima RC Roaring Creek Village Marlinia Herrera 600-4301 Cayo Our Lady of Guadalupe RC Ring Road, Belmopan Margarita Martinez 629-5407 Cayo Red Creek Mennonite Esperanza Village Ben Stoltzfus 824-3055 Cayo Raymond Sheppard Nazarene Roaring Creek Village Sharon Jones 627-0435 Cayo Sacred Heart Primary Church Street, San Ignacio Town Bernadine Lavern Martinez 824-2183 Cayo San Antonio RC San Antonio Village Ismael G. Mai 809-4053 Cayo San Antonio United Pentecostal San Antonio Village Arcelito Mai 661-8106 Cayo San Jose Succotz RC San Jose Succotz Melvin Mananero 803-2325 Cayo San Marcos RC San Marcos, Spanish Lookout Adan Barrera 666-1383 Cayo Santa Elena Baptist Bradley Bank, Santa Elena Ana Hulse 652-7594 Cayo Santa Elena Primary Perez Street, Santa Elena Manuel Medina Sr 824-2919 Cayo Santa Familia RC Santa Familia Village Estevan Donicio Escobar 651-7272 Cayo St. Andrew Anglican 5 West Street, San Ignacio Sharee Gutierrez 824-2991 Cayo St. Ann’s Anglican Independence Park Area, Belmopan Lizette James 622-8843 Cayo St. Barnabas Anglican Central Farm Isaac Longsworth 804-2726 Cayo St. Edmund Campion Teakettle Village Carl Cardinez 802-0781 Cayo St. Francis Xavier RC Esperanza Village, Catherine D. Welch 824-3155 Cayo St. Hilda's Anglican Georgeville Village Ida Bennett 605-5587 Cayo St. Joseph RC Joycelyn Coleman 802-0252 Cayo St. Joseph RC Mile 42 George Price Highway, Cotton Tree Village Duck Run 2, Spanish Lookout David Cabb Jr. 637-1924 Cayo St. Jude RC Camalote Village Frances Avella 602-0823 Cayo St. Margaret Mary RC Estevan Peck 634-9156 Cayo St. Martin De Porres RC St. Margaret Village, Mile 32 Hummingbird Highway, Cayo Dist Blackman Eddy Village Melida Jones 635-3856 Cayo St. Martin's Government 34 Calle Las Americas, Salvapan Loretta Thompson 822-1017 Cayo St. Matthew's Government 38 miles George Price Highway Michelle Murray 669-1171 Cayo St. Michael's RC Monja Blanca St., Las Flores Joan Sanchez 629-2540 Cayo St. Peter's RC El Progresso (7 Mls) Gerardo Aldana 809-0025 Cayo St. Vincent Pallotti Unitedville Village Gilberto Cocom 824-4739 Cayo Sunlight Christian Education Spanish Lookout, P.O. Box 401 Ervin Plett 823-0449 11 DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Cayo The Shepherds Academy Riviera Road, Belmopan Diana Codrington 636-4279 Cayo United Christian Mennonite New Santa Cruz Area, Santa Elena Danny M. Ku 663-4704 Cayo United Evergreen Primary Ambergris Avenue, Belmopan Rosalie Witty 822-2288 Cayo Valley of Peace Christian PO Box 501, Belmopan/Valley of Peace Jose Dueńas 669-7703 Cayo Victorious Nazarene San Jose Succotz Ingrid Cunil 625-0723 Secondary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Cayo Alvin L. Young Nazarene High San Jose Succotz Village Lavern Flowers 667-7261 Cayo Belize Christian Academy High School PO Box 267, Mile 44 ½ George Price Highway Carolyn Hulse 822-3048 Cayo Belmopan Baptist High School Banana Bank Area, Belmopan, PO Box 384 Ann Lopez Uyi 822-2437 Cayo Belmopan Comprehensive School Ring Road, Belmopan Israel Gonzales 822-2253 Cayo Belmopan Methodist High School George Price Center Road, Belmopan Maureen Cayetano 822-2153 Cayo Cayo Christian Academy PO Box 636, Belmopan City Idolly Adolphus 802-2009 Cayo Eden SDA High School Eden Drive, Santa Elena Erodito Pineda 824-2966 Cayo Mopan Technical High School Francisco Tun 823-2028 Cayo Our lady of Mount Carmel High School Said Musa St., New Area, Benque Viejo del Carmen Benque Viejo del Carmen, Cayo District Daniel Juan 823-2535 Cayo Our Lady of Guadalupe George Price Blvd., PO Box 479 Barrette Belisle 822-0602 Cayo Sacred Heart College Joseph Andrew Drive, PO Box 163 Melba Velasquez 824-2102 Cayo St. Ignatius High School 22A George Price Avenue Jeaneane Vaneasa Neal 824-3294 Cayo Valley of Peace SDA Academy Valley of Peace Fausto Cabanas 666-8378 12 COROZAL DISTRICT Preschools: District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Corozal Barney Preschool 62 Corner R & Q Street, Corozal Town Marisol Vivas 637-5194 Corozal Buena Vista Preschool Buena Vista Village Fernando Bobadilla 409-3003 Corozal Calcutta Government Preschool Calcutta Village Annaese Mendez 663-8519 Corozal Caledonia RC Preschool Caledonia Village Sebastian Vargas 423-0057 Corozal Chan Chen Preschool Chan Chen Village Carlos Itzab 422-3816 Corozal Christian Assemblies Of God Preschool Santa Rita Layout Jesus Catzim 667-8824 Corozal Christiline Gill SDA Preschool Pot Saul Area Ever Lucas 402-2909 Corozal Chunox RC Preschool Chunox Village Octaviano Mesh 666-5328 Corozal Concepcion Presbyterian Preschool Concepcion Village Juan Patt 423-0332 Corozal Concepcion RC Preschool Concepcion Village Deyfi Perez 621-7223 Corozal Copper Bank RC Preschool Copper Bank Normando Santoya 622-1795 Corozal Corozal Church of Christ Preschool Hall's Layout, Corozal Town Jose Chan 623-8097 Corozal Cristo Rey RC Preschool Cristo Rey Village Carmita Chan 668-9410 Corozal Fairyland Preschool 60-1st St. North Corozal Town Sylvia Cruz 620-2585 Corozal Kiddy Kinder Preschool 2nd Street South, Corozal Dist Elda Babb 661-7569 Corozal Libertad Methodist Preschool Libertad, Corozal Town Marie Nunez 403-0204 Corozal Little Paradise Preschool Chunox Village Daniel Montalvo 660-2829 Corozal Louisville RC Preschool Louisville Village Lorena Coba 620-7386 Corozal Mary Hill Preschool San Andres Road, Corozal Town Herminia Escalante 402-2567 Corozal Nazarene Preschool Sarteneja Village Mario Mora 632-5221 Corozal Patchakan RC Preschool Patchakan Village, Corozal Dist Teobalda Ruiz 403-5029 Corozal Play World Methodist Preschool 57-1 st Ave, Corozal Town Gwendolyn Monima 422-2839 Corozal Presbyterian Day Preschool Cristo Rey Village Miguel Medina 667-8406 Corozal Progresso Rising Star Preschool* Progresso Village Abilu Tzul 627-7109 Corozal Rainbow Brite Preschool 14, 4th Avenue, Corozal Town 621-4975 Corozal Ranchito Little Star Preschool Ranchito Village Maria de Lourdes Marin Yesenia Tun Corozal Redeemer Presbyterian Preschool San Narciso Village Leydi Patt 604-6222 Corozal Saint Francis Xavier Preschool Corner 4th Venue & 1st Street North Eloisa Middleton 402-2521 Corozal San Antonio Government Preschool San Antonio Village Karen Juchim 634-4910 Corozal San Joaquin Preschool San Joaquin Village Humberto Juarez 423-0057 Corozal San Narciso RC Preschool San Narciso Village Gregorio Moralez 403-3810 Corozal San Pedro Government Preschool San Pedro Village Abner Bobadilla 623-4690 Corozal San Victor RC Preschool San Victor Village Ramiro Castillo 667-7340 Corozal Santa Clara Baptist Preschool PO Box 264, Santa Clara Village Carmita Canul 634-8005 Corozal San Roman, Corozal Dist Gregoria Canul 650-1826 Corozal Santa Clara/San Roman Community Preschool Sarteneja Community Preschool Sarteneja Village Yodilda Villanueva 668-8281 Corozal Sunshine Preschool- Paraiso GOB Paraiso Village Marvila Lawrence 402-3255 Corozal Xaibe Preschool Xaibe Village Margaret Carr 403-5226 *Progresso Rising Star Preschool is managed by the Orange Walk District Center 13 622-5556 Primary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Corozal Buena Vista RC School Buena Vista Village Fernando Bobadilla 409-3003 Corozal Calcutta Government School Calcutta Village Annaese Mendez 663-8519 Corozal Calcutta SDA School Mile 81 Phillip Goldson Highway Berisford Awardo 622-5157 Corozal Caledonia RC School Caledonia Village Sebastian Vargas 423-0057 Corozal Chan Chen Government School Chan Chen Village Carlos Itzab 422-3816 Corozal Santa Rita Layout Jesus Catzim 667-8824 Corozal Christian Assemblies of God School Christiline Gill SDA School Port Saul Area Ever Alfredo Lucas 402-2909 Corozal Chunox RC School Chunox Village Octaviano Mesh 666-5328 Corozal Chunox SDA School Chunox Village Daniel Montalvo 660-2829 Corozal Concepcion Presbyterian School Concepcion Village Juan Y Patt 423-0332 Corozal Concepcion RC School Concepcion Village Deyfi Perez 621-7223 Corozal Copper Bank RC School Copper Bank Normando Santoya 622-1795 Corozal Corozal Church of Christ School Hall's Layout, Corozal Town Jose Chan 623-8097 Corozal Corozal Methodist School 57 1st Avenue, Corozal Town Gwendolyn Monima 422-2839 Corozal Corozal Nazarene School 5 Fifth Avenue, Corozal Town Alice Sierra 422-2846 Corozal Cristo Rey RC School Cristo Rey Village Carmita C Chan 668-9410 Corozal Fire Burn RC School Fire Burn Community Omar Mendez 664-1930 Corozal Libertad Methodist School Libertad Village Marie Nunez 403-0204 Corozal Libertad RC School Libertad Village Esteban Pasos 629-1355 Corozal Libertad SDA School Libertad Village Anjony Canul 633-9428 Corozal Louisville RC School Louisville Village Ruth Lorena Coba 620-7386 Corozal Mary Hill RC School San Andres Road, Corozal Town Herminia Escalante 402-2567 Corozal Our Lady of Guadalupe School Altamira Emmanuel J. Gonzalez 605-7561 Corozal Paraiso Government School Paraiso Village Marvila Lawrence 402-3255 Corozal Patchakan RC School Patchakan Village Teobalda Ruiz 403-5029 Corozal Presbyterian Day School Cristo Rey Village /PO Box 274 Miguel Medina 667-8406 Corozal Progresso RC School* Progresso Village Delia Peralta 403-6178 Corozal Ranchito Government School Ranchito Village Yesenia Tun 622-5556 Corozal San Antonio Government School San Antonio Village Karen Juchim 634-4910 Corozal San Joaquin RC School San Joaquin Village, Ml. 79 Phillip Goldson Highway Humberto Juarez 423-0057 14 DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Corozal San Narciso RC San Narciso Village Gregorio Moralez 403-3810 Corozal San Pedro Government San Pedro Village Abner Bobadilla 623-4690 Corozal San Victor RC San Victor Village Romiro Arthuro Castillo 667-7430 Corozal Santa Clara SDA School Santa Clara Village Samuel Chi 633-6535 Corozal Santa Clara/San Roman RC Santa Clara/San Roman Villages Gilberto Gabriel Perez 662-8945 Corozal Sarteneja "La Inmaculada" RC Sarteneja Village Evelio Tzul 633-1371 Corozal Sarteneja Nazarene Sarteneja Village Mario Mora Jr 632-5221 Corozal St. Francis Xavier Corner 4th Avenue & 1st St. North Eloisa Middleton 402-2521 Corozal St. Paul's Anglican Corner 4th Avenue & 5th St. South Valerie Rogers 422-2480 Corozal Xaibe RC Xaibe Village Margaret Carr 403-5226 Corozal Zills SDA* Progresso Village, Corozal District Wilbert Tamay 630-3500 * Progresso RC Primary and Zill’s SDA Primary are managed by the Orange Walk District Center. Secondary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Corozal Belize Adventist College Calcutta Village Celia Clarke 423-0080 Corozal Chunox St. Viator Vocational High School 1.5 miles Chunox-Sarteneja Road Patrociana Sho 433-6031 Corozal Sarteneja Baptist High School Sarteneja Village, Corozal Town Erlindo Novelo 423-2143 Corozal Cornerstone Presbyterian High School 74.5 miles Phillip Goldson Highway, PO Box 32 Albert Zantingh 634-5200 Corozal Corozal Community College San Andres Road, PO Box 63 Endevora Jorgenson 422-2541 Corozal Escuela Secundaria Tecnica Mexico San Roman Carlos Castillo 423-3140 15 ORANGE WALK DISTRICT Preschools: District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Orange Walk All God's Children San Lazaro Village Elsie Cordova 342-9030 Orange Walk August Pine Ridge Preschool August Pine Ridge Village Blanca E. Torres 303-3288 Orange Walk Carmelita Government Carmelita Village Keith Augustine 302-1438 Orange Walk Carmen's Preschool 5 Palmetto Ave, Lousiana Area Carmita Gutierrez 627-9188 Orange Walk Chan Pine Ridge Preschool Chan Pine Ridge Village Victor Padron 631-3991 Orange Walk Casey Community Preschool PO Box 37, Belize City, Gallon Jug Sean Houlihan 604-2139 Orange Walk Eden Preschool Tate Street, Orange Walk Town Julian Chi Sr. 322-2026 Orange Walk Emmanuel Presbyterian Preschool San Pablo Village Cira Novelo 607-5986 Orange Walk Guardian Angel Preschool Guinea Grass Village Elver Medina 323-1028 Orange Walk Guinea Grass Pentecostal Preschool Guinea Grass Village Noel Lopez 303-1031 Orange Walk La Inmaculada Preschool 3 Church St Manuel Polanco 322-3450 Orange Walk Linda Vista Preschool Blue Creek Nancy Rempel 323-0203 Orange Walk Little Angels Preschool Trial Farm Maria Rita Cocom 302-3877 Orange Walk Little Haven SDA Preschool Palmar Boundary Road Sheryl Distan 668-7846 Orange Walk Louisiana Government Preschool Corner Flamboyant & Zericote Street Deborah Palacio 322-2684 Orange Walk New Life Presbyterian Preschool Holy Trinity & Tate St Ruth Ku 678-9922 Orange Walk Pete Lizarraga Preschool San Estevan Senaida Blanco 634-6519 Orange Walk San Francisco Preschool Price Avenue, Orange Walk Town Maria Yanira Baeza 302-2374 Orange Walk San Jose Nuevo Palmar RC San Jose Nuevo Palmar Rosita Desideria Canul 322-0192 Orange Walk Santa Martha Government Preschool Santa Martha Village Alejandro Hernandez 668-8262 Orange Walk Santa Teresa Preschool 26 Dunn Street Maria Thompson 302-2844 Orange Walk St Michael RC San Felipe Village Armando Peralta 669-3319 Orange Walk St Peter's Anglican Preschool 9 St. Peter's Street Rossana Briceno 322-2160 Orange Walk Trial Farm Preschool San Isidro Street, Trial Farm Village Nazira Romero 322-2481 Orange Walk Yo Creek Community Yo Creek Village Adrianni Cobb 634-3701 16 Primary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Orange Walk August Pine Ridge RC August Pine Ridge Village Blanca Estela Torres 303-3288 Orange Walk Carmelita Government Carmelita Village Keith Augustine 302-1438 Orange Walk Chan Pine Ridge Government Chan Pine Ridge Village Victor Padron 631-3991 Orange Walk Casey Community School PO Box 37, Belize City, Gallon Jug Sean Houlihan 604-2139 Orange Walk Chapel School Tate Street, Orange Walk Town Julian Chi Sr. 322-2026 Orange Walk Compassion UECB Yo Creek Village Manuel Rejon 303-2110 Orange Walk Fire Burn Government Fireburn Village Rubiceli Varela 661-3345 Orange Walk Guinea Grass Pentecostal Guinea Grass Village Noe Lopez 303-1031 Orange Walk Guinea Grass RC Guinea Grass Village Elver Medina 303-1028 Orange Walk Indian Church Government Indian Church Village Eutemio Magana 333-0772 Orange Walk La Inmaculada RC 3 Church St., Orange Walk Town Manuel Polanco 322-3450 Orange Walk Linda Vista Linda Vista, PO Box 2, OW Town Nancy Rempel 323-0203 Orange Walk Lousiana Government Corner Zericote & Flamboyant Street Deborah Palacio 322-2684 Orange Walk New Life Presbyterian Holy Trinity & Tate Street Ruth Ku 678-9922 Orange Walk Nuevo San Juan RC Nuevo San Juan Village Isaias Blanco 661-5885 Orange Walk Our Lady of Fatima RC Douglas Village Gilgardo Arcurio 664-5119 Orange Walk San Antonio RC San Antonio Rio Hondo Jorge Cawich 342-9040 Orange Walk San Carlos Government San Carlos Village Noel Norberto Carrillo 666-6759 Orange Walk San Estevan RC San Estevan Village Leticia Perez 323-4095 Orange Walk San Francisco RC Price Avenue Maria Yanira Baeza 302-2374 Orange Walk San Jose Government San Jose Village Lupita Gongora 627-7449 Orange Walk San Jose Nuevo Palmar RC San Jose Nuevo, Palmar Rosita Desideria Canul 322-0192 Orange Walk San Lazaro Methodist San Lazaro Village Elsie Cordova 342-9030 Orange Walk San Lazaro RC San Lazaro Village Dalia Gonzalez 650-4693 Orange Walk San Luis RC San Luis Village Felipe Marin 665-3019 Orange Walk San Pablo Government San Pablo Village Jose Moralez 634-4853 Orange Walk San Pablo RC San Pablo Village Florita Blanco 323-5118 Orange Walk San Roman RC San Roman Rio Hondo Nellie Toledano 667-0709 Orange Walk Santa Cruz Government Santa Cruz Village Yolanda Novelo 650-6440 Orange Walk Santa Martha Government Santa Martha Village Alejandro Hernandez 668-8262 Orange Walk Solomon's SDA Palmar Boundary Road Sheryl Distan 668-7846 17 DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Orange Walk St. Michaels RC San Felipe Village Armando Peralta 669-3319 Orange Walk St. Peter's Anglican 9 St. Peter's Street, OW Town Rossana Briceno 322-2160 Orange Walk Trial Farm Government Trial Farm Village Nazira Romero 322-2481 Orange Walk Trinidad Government Trinidad Village Victoria Carrillo 668-2567 Orange Walk Yo Creek Sacred Heart RC Yo Creek Village Maria Antonita Novelo 323-2076 Secondary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Orange Walk Belize High School of Agriculture San Lazaro/Trinidad, PO Box 161 Cecilio Pech 342-9730 Orange Walk Bishop Martin Academy High School ¾ mile San Lorenzo Road, PO Box 177 Luis Pook 322-3469 Orange Walk Linda Vista High School Blue Creek, P.O. Box 2 Daphne Dyke 323-0203 Orange Walk Muffles College Orange Walk Town, PO Box 64 Maria Johnston 322-2033 Orange Walk New Hope High School Rear Stadium Street, PO Box 188 Susanna Grant 322-3389 Orange Walk Orange Walk Technical High School Stadium Street, PO Box 126 Julian Polanco 322-2540 18 STANN CREEK DISTRICT Preschools: District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Stann Creek Benguche Preschool 1068 Benguche Area, Dangriga Town 502-2153 Stann Creek Church of Christ Children Centre 281 Happy Avenue, Independence Village Phidalia Castillo Alvarez Kennishia Pandy Stann Creek Coastland Community Preschool 1596 Teddy Cas Street, Dangriga Town Clarabelle Martinez 502-0028 Stann Creek Destiny Preschool 44 Magoon Street, Dangriga Town Yadira Diego 622-9756 Stann Creek Epworth Methodist Preschool 119 Cor Commerce St. & Dr. Alley, Dangriga Gilda Wagner 502-2059 Stann Creek Evershine Preschool 15 Magoon St., Dangriga Town Lydia Ovando 502-3431 Stann Creek Glory Zone Christian 2682 Wagierale Street, Dangriga Town Desiree Young 661-3974 Stann Creek Gulisi Community Preschool Monument Area, Dangriga Town Venancia Flores 624-8295 Stann Creek Holy Angels Preschool 12 miles SC Valley Rd, Pomona Village Sadie Asevedo 502-3202 Stann Creek Holy Family Preschool Hopkins Village Natasha Acosta 533-7077 Stann Creek Holy Ghost Preschool Commerce Bight Road, Dangriga Town Juliette Williams 502-3077 Stann Creek Hope Creek Methodist Preschool Hope Creek Village Gladys Jackson 542-2010 Stann Creek Kids First Child Development Centre 7 Rice Street, Dangriga Town Carla Thompson 502-0272 Stann Creek LesKuela Garifuna Preschool 1582 Teddy Cas Street, Dangriga Town Madlene Lopez 660-0025 Stann Creek Light of the Valley Baptist Preschool 18 ½ miles Valley Road, Valley Community Olive Hyde 668-3487 Stann Creek Maya Mopan Preschool Maya Mopan Village Ewart Caballero 665-9805 Stann Creek Moriah’s Learning Center Independence Village Mark McDonald 604-8823 Stann Creek Nazarene Bright Star Preschool 1 Magoon Street, Dangriga Town Nancy Coleman 607-3619 Stann Creek Nazarene Preschool Aubrey Gordon Street, Independence Village Claudette Saragosa 503-2154 Stann Creek Peninsula Academy Preschool Placencia Village Selina Lucas 601-3523 Stann Creek Pomona Hope Preschool New Sites, 11 miles, Pomona Valley Carla Lopez 651-2260 Stann Creek Red Bank Christian Preschool Red Bank Village Ofelia Chiac 663-0872 Stann Creek Richard Quinn RC Preschool Georgetown Village Vicent Nunez 660-0581 Stann Creek San Juan Bosco Preschool San Juan Bosco Village Emil Viera 663-3884 Stann Creek Silk Grass Methodist Preschool Silk Grass Village Kevin Brooks 543-7083 Stann Creek Sittee River Methodist Preschool Sittee River Village Sylvia Sabal 543-7076 Stann Creek Solid Rock Christian Academy Preschool Rivas Estate, PO Box 40, Dangriga Town Elcedia Awe 522-0776 Stann Creek St. Alphonsus Preschool Seine Bight Dushinka Lopez 635-6275 Stann Creek St. Augustine Preschool 23 miles Hummingbird Highway, Middlesex Ellorine Jackson 660-8454 Stann Creek St. John's Memorial Anglican Preschool Placencia Village Stephen Whyte 503-3170 Stann Creek St. Jude RC Maya Center Liberato Saqui 650-9000 Stann Creek United Community Preschool 26 miles Southern Highway Anthony Zuniga 678-9809 19 600-1975 Primary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Stann Creek Christ the King Anglican 2 Rest House Alley, Dangriga Carol Brackett-Young 502-2462 Stann Creek Church of Christ Primary Independence Village Kennishia Pandy 600-1975 Stann Creek Coastland Institute Primary Julius Martinez NONE Stann Creek Epworth Methodist 1596 Teddy Cas Street, Dangriga Town 119 Corner Commerce & Dr. Alley Gilda Wagner 502-2059 Stann Creek Gulisi Community Primary Monument Site, Dangriga Town Venancia Flores 624-8295 Stann Creek Holy Angels RC 12 miles SC Valley Road, Pomona Sadie Asevedo 502-3202 Stann Creek Holy Family RC Hopkins Village Natasha Acosta 533-7077 Stann Creek Holy Ghost RC Rail Way Pier Road, Dangriga Town Juliette L Williams 502-2014 Stann Creek Hope Creek Methodist 8 miles Stann Creek Valley Road Gladys Cadogan Jackson 542-2010 Stann Creek Hummingbird Christian Mennonite 25.5 miles Hummingbird Highway Jason Kropf 668-9664 Stann Creek Independence Primary Independence Village Mally Burgess 523-2506 Stann Creek Kids First Child Development Center 7 Rice Street, Dangriga Town Carla Thompson 502-0272 Stann Creek Light of the Valley Baptist 18.5 miles Stann Creek Valley Road Olive Hyde 668-3487 Stann Creek Maya Mopan Government Maya Mopan Village Ewart Caballero 665-9805 Stann Creek Peninsula International Academy Placencia Village Selina Lucas 601-3523 Stann Creek Red Bank Christian Red Bank Village Ofelia Chaic 663-0872 Stann Creek Richard Quinn RC Georgetown Village Vicent Elias Nunez 660-0581 Stann Creek Sacred Heart RC 77 Sisters of Holy Family Avenue Clara Sabal 522-3907 Stann Creek San Juan Bosco San Juan Village Emil Viera 663-3884 Stann Creek Shiloh SDA Hercules Ave., Independence Village Marva Bennett Awardo 601-4083 Stann Creek Silk Grass Methodist Silk Grass Village Kevin Brooks 543-7083 Stann Creek Sittee River Methodist Sittee River Village Sylvia Sabal 543-7076 Stann Creek Solid Rock Christian Academy Rivas Estate, Dangriga Elcedia Awe 522-0776 Stann Creek St Alphonsus RC Seine Bight Village Dushinka Lopez 635-6275 Stann Creek St Augustine RC School 23 miles Hummingbird Highway Ellorine Jackson 660-8454 Stann Creek St John's Memorial Anglican Placencia Village Stephen Whyte 503-3170 Stann Creek St Jude RC Maya Center Village Liberato Saqui 650-9000 Stann Creek St Matthew's Anglican Pomona Village Nancy Flores Cruz 502-3589 Stann Creek United Community Primary Mile 26 Southern Highway Anthony Zuniga 678-9809 Stann Creek Zion SDA 90 St. Vincent Street Emilia Montejo 502-2741 20 Secondary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Stann Creek Canada Hill Road, Stann Creek Francelia Linarez 532-2085 Stann Creek Agriculture and Natural Resource Institute - ANRI Delille Academy 2nd New Site Area, Dangriga Town, PO Box 262 Dina Villafranco 522-3917 Stann Creek GeorgeTown Technical High School 29 miles southern Highway, Georgetown Village Ervin Casimiro 543-3029 Stann Creek Independence High School Savannah Road, Independence Village Omar Longsworth 523-2220 Stann Creek Stann Creek Ecumenical College P.O. Box 84, Dangriga Jeremy Cayetano 522-2114 jeremycayetano@ecumenicalh 21 TOLEDO DISTRICT Preschools: District SCHOOL NAME Address Principal Phone Toledo Big Falls RC Big Falls Village Gregorio Chee 604-7467 Toledo Blue Creek RC Blue Creek Village Carlos Chee 661-0960 Toledo Bright Star Preschool Forest Home Village Deborah Borland 650-4562 Toledo Fabian Cayetano RC Preschool* Bladen Village, Toledo District Hilaria Ramos 670-8456 Toledo Golden Star Government Golden Stream Village Doret Zuniga 663-1855 Toledo Happy Home Preschool Front Street, Punta Gorda Town Florence Ramclam 702-2463 Toledo Little Haven Preschool Indian Creek Village Miguelina Mendez 636-3794 Toledo Little Paradise Preschool Water Supply Area, Punta Gorda Town Melanie Espat-Nah 661-3658 Toledo Midway Government Preschool Midway Village Omar Selgado 632-7820 Toledo Our Lady of Bella Vista RC* Bella Vista Village Sarah Gutierrez 670-3258 Toledo Our Lady of Sorrow Preschool Dolores Vilage Hermilinda Ical Tush 607-1165 Toledo Progressive Early Learning Centre Leigh Usher Blvd, Indianville 607-2238 Toledo Pueblo Viejo RC Preschool Pueblo Viejo Village Sharon Sharlett Rodney Stephen Sho Toledo Sacred Heart Preschool Crique Sarco Village Victor Teul 636-9797 Toledo San Antonio Christian San Antionio Village Marion Nolberto 620-5729 Toledo San Benito Poite Preschool San Benito Poite Village Domingo Teck 661-6817 Toledo San Isidro Government Preschool* San Isidro Village Anselma Woolery 669-5489 Toledo San Jose RC San Jose Village Madonio Cal 650-7921 Toledo San Miguel Preschool San Miguel Village Louis Chub 636-6902 Toledo San Pedro Columbia RC San Pedro Columbia Omar Requena 665-0117 Toledo Santa Teresa RC Santa Teresa Ernesto Wewe 634-7311 Toledo Silver Creek R.C. Preschool Silver Creek Village Roquelino Mendez 636-0926 Toledo St. Joseph Anglican 30 Main St., Punta Gorda Emely Ramirez NONE Toledo St. Peter Claver Preschool 60 Main St., Punta Gorda Town Telesforo Paquiul 702-2027 Toledo St. Stephens Anglican Preschool* Monkey River Village Joey Fuentes 669-3163 Toledo Sunday Wood Sunrise Preschool Sunday Wood Village Calistro Bo 651-4302 Toledo Sunshine Preschool San Marcos Village Diane Teul 601-7932 Toledo Tiny Tots SDA Preschool Indianville, Punta Gorda town Rose Odinga 650-9442 Toledo Toledo Christian Academy Preschool Emerson Mangar 732-4019 Toledo Twinkle Star Preschool 8 ½ miles San Antonio Road, Yemeri Grove Jalacte Village Floriano Chun NONE 626-9939 *Fabian Cayetano RC Preschool, Our Lady of Bella Vista RC Preschool, San Isidro Government Preschool, and St. Stephen's Anglican Preschool are managed by the Stann Creek District Center. 22 Primary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Toledo Aguacate RC Aguacate Village Louis Cucul 633-9954 Toledo Bethel SDA Indianville Area Extension Rose Odinga 650-9442 Toledo Big Falls RC Big Falls Village Gregorio Chee 604-7467 Toledo Blue Creek RC Blue Creek Village Carlos Chee 661-0960 Toledo Blue Creek Mennonite Blue Creek Village / PO Box 35 Punta Gorda Janita Eberly 660-8661 Toledo Corazon Creek RC Corazon Creek Village Agona Shantell Ramirez 634-2225 Toledo Crique Jute Government Crique Jute Village Maria Bejerano 630-1922 Toledo Fabian Cayetano RC* Bladen Village, Toledo District Hilaria Ramos 670-8456 Toledo Forest Home Methodist Forest Home Village Deborah Borland 650-4562 Toledo Golden Stream Government Golden Stream Village Doret Zuniga 663-1855 Toledo Graham Creek Graham Creek Village Seferino Pow 600-3687 Toledo Indian Creek RC Indian Creek Village Miguelina Mendez 636-3794 Toledo Jalacte RC Primary Jalacte Village Floriano Chun 702-2610 Toledo Jordan Mennonite Jordan Village /PO Box 35, Punta Gorda Leroy VanPelt 621-0258 Toledo Laguna Government Laguna Village Belinda Ann Coleman 662-7280 Toledo Little Flower RC Forest Home Village Julieta Paquiul 722-2930 Toledo Living Word Primary Boom Creek Village, PO Box 90, PG Ruth Coleman 661-7848 Toledo Mabil Ha Government Mabilha Village Jose Cuc 665-4295 Toledo Machakilha RC Machakilha Village Arsenio Rash 602-4434 Toledo Mafredi Mehtodist Mafredi Village Nolberto Rodriguez 650-5620 Toledo Medina Bank Government 36 miles Southern Highway, Medina Bank Howard Reyes 665-4384 Toledo Midway Government Midway Village Omar Selgado 632-7820 Toledo Na Luum Ca Na Luum Ca Village Clemente Cho 627-4594 Toledo Our Lady of Bella Vista RC* Bella Vista Village Sarah Gutierrez 670-3258 Toledo Our Lady of Sorrows Dolores Village Hermilinda Ical Tush 607-1165 Toledo Punta Gorda Methodist Front Street, Punta Gorda Town Florence Ramclam 702-2463 Toledo Sacred Heart RC Crique Sarco Village Victor Teul 636-9797 Toledo San Benito Poite RC San Benito Poite Village Domingo Teck 661-6817 Toledo San Felipe Govt San Felipe Village Everaldo Gracia 662-7280 Toledo San Francisco de Jeronimo Pueblo Viejo Village Stephen Anthony Sho 742-4020 Toledo San Isidro Government* San Isidro Village Anselma Woolery 669-5489 23 DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Toledo San Jose RC San Jose Village Madonio Cal 650-7921 Toledo San Lucas RC San Lucas Village Romana Salam 625-0947 Toledo San Luis Rey RC San Antonio Village Marion Nolberto 620-5729 Toledo San Marcos RC San Marcos Village Diane Teul 601-7932 Toledo San Miguel RC San Miguel Village Louis Chub 636-6902 Toledo San Pedro Columbia San Pedro Columbia Village Omar Requena 665-0117 Toledo San Vicente RC San Vicente Village Moses Cal 650-5326 Toledo Santa Anna Govt. Santa Anna Village Augustin Lara 631-9997 Toledo Santa Cruz RC Santa Cruz Village Zita Sho-Bol 633-0867 Toledo Santa Elena RC Santa Elena Village Pedro Celestino Tush 661-8144 Toledo Santa Teresa RC Santa Teresa Village Ernesto Wewe 634-7311 Toledo Silver Creek RC Silver Creek Village Roquelino Mendez 636-0926 Toledo St. Benedict RC Toledo Hope, Punta Gorda Town Claret Jacobs 665-2848 Toledo St. Cuthberts Punta Negra Village Lisa Garnett 662-8475 Toledo St. John the Baptist Conejo Creek Village Pedro Ack 627-4975 Toledo St. Joseph RC Barranco Village Loma Rodriguez 663-9797 Toledo St. Mark's RC Otoxa Village Manuel Ac NONE Toledo St. Paul RC* San Pablo Village, Toledo District Juan Chub 661-7269 Toledo St. Peter Claver School 60 Main Street, Punta Gorda Town Telesforo Paquiul 702-2027 Toledo St. Phillip RC Cattle Landing Village Roberto Luis Vairez 629-6594 Toledo St. Stephen's Anglican* Monkey River Village Joey Fuentes 669-3163 Toledo Sunday Wood Sunday Wood Village Calistro Bo 651-4302 Toledo Toledo Christian Academy 8.5 miles San Antonio Road, Yemeri Grover Emerson A Mangar 732-4019 Toledo Trio Government* Trio Village, Toledo District Adon Marcelo Arzu 653-5696 *Fabian Cayetano RC, Our Lady of Bella Vista RC, San Isidro Government, St. Stephen's Anglican, St. Paul RC, and Trio Government are managed by the Stann Creek District Center. 24 Secondary Schools: DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Address PRINCIPAL PHONE Email Toledo Corazon Creek Technical High Corazon Creek Village, Toledo Macario Coy 620-3914 Toledo Julian Cho Technical High School 14.5 miles PG/San Antonio Rd, PO Box 171 Simeon Coc 630-4159 Toledo Mafredi Vo-Tech School 1 mile Mafredi-Blue Creek Road, PO Box 35 Daniel Sullivan 632-7852 Toledo Providence SDA San Antonio Village Patricia Nembhard 623-3484 Toledo Toledo Community College New City Area, Punta Gorda Town, PO Box 41 Harriet Lino 722-2101 25 JUNIOR COLLEGES DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Administrator Location Phone Email Belize St. John's Jr. College Mirtha Peralta Princess Margaret Dr. 223-3732 Belize San Pedro Jr. College Gustavo Ellis Lagoon St. 226-4691 Belize Wesley Jr. College Eleanor Gillett 34 Yarborough Rd 227-0333 Cayo John Paul 11 Jr. College David N. Ruiz 58 Churchill St., Benque Viejo 803-3022 Cayo Sacred Heart Jr. College Fermin Magaňa 3 Joseph Andrews Dr. 824-2102 Corozal Belize Adventist Jr. College Joel Clarke Calcutta Village, P.O. Box 257 423-0068 Corozal Centro Escolar Mexico Jr. College Hugo Gonzalez San Roman Village 423-3132 Corozal Corozal Jr. College Jose Mai San Andres Rd. 422-3062 Orange Walk Muffles Jr. College Adrian Leiva 1.3 miles San Estevan Rd. 322-1016 Stann Creek Independence Jr. College Maria Young Independence Village 523-2566 Stann Creek Stann Creek Ecumenical Jr. College Karen Martinez Ecumenical Drive 522-2654 UNIVERSITIES DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME President City/Town/Village Phone Belize, Cayo, Toledo University of Belize ( various Faculties and campuses) Alan Slusher Belmopan (Belize City, Punta Gorda, Central Farm) 822-1000 Belize University of the West Indies School of Continuing Studies Jane Bennett (Resident Tutor) Belize City 223-0484 Cayo Galen University Andreas Charalambous Central Farm 824-3226 26 VOCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME Managers City/Town/Village Phone Email Belize ITVET- Belize Kenroy Ellis Belize City 203-4798 Cayo ITVET- Cayo Edilto Romero (Acting) San Igancio 824-2944 Corozal ITVET- Corozal Ana Gomez Corozal Town 402-0149 Orange Walk ITVET- Orange Walk Armando J. Gomez Orange Walk Town 302-0309 Stann Creek ITVET- Stann Creek Roxanna Alvarez Hope Creek Village, SC 502-0859 Toledo ITVET- Toledo Allen Genus Crique Jute Village, Toledo 742-4774 ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS District Name of Institution Director Address Phone Email Address Belize Gwen Lizarraga Evening Division Lorna McKay 18 Antelope Street P.O. Box 702 227-7144 Belize Wesley Junior College Eleanor Gillett 34 Yarborough Rd. 227-0333 Belize San Pedro Evening Division Paul Kelly Lagoon Street 226-2045 Cayo Baptist School of Adult Continuing Education Janice Willacey Banana Bank Area 822-2437 Cayo St. Ignatius HS Evening Division 22A George Price Avenue, Santa Elena 824-3294 Corozal Corozal Community College ACE Jeaneane Vanessa Neal Ravey Vellos San Andres Road 422-3806 Orange Walk San Juan Bautista ACE Manuel Bautista 136 San Andres Street, Orange Walk Town 602-2797 Stann Creek Ecumenical Adult Continuing Education Jeremy Cayetano Ecumenical Drive, Dangriga Town 522-2114 / jeremycayetano@ecumenicalhighsc Stann Creek Dangriga Adult Education Program Francis Flores Dangriga Town 661-2913 Toledo St. Peter Claver Evening Program Andre Price Jose Maria Nunez Street 702-2053 27 POLICY, PLANNING, RESEARCH, AND EVALUATION (PPRE) UNIT CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. Alan Genitty Deputy Chief Education Officer- PPRE Dr. Neulin Villanueva Researcher/Planner Mr. Bernaldino Pech Researcher/Planner Mr. Martin Aldana Researcher/Planner Mrs. Yvonne Casildo-Flowers Statistician Mrs. Cercia Kelly Secretary II Policy, Planning, Research, and Evaluation Unit Corner St. Thomas and St. Joseph Streets (Second flat - Former CET Building) Belize City Belize Tel: 207-6486 Fax: 227-5705 Email: 28
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