FGS Equipment Rental Policy - Fiber Guild of the Savannahs


FGS Equipment Rental Policy - Fiber Guild of the Savannahs
Terms for Rental of the Equipment belonging to
1. A Guild member in good standing is eligible to rent equipment for her/his use in
the Oatland FGS Studio (for larger floor looms) or at home (for smaller more
portable looms and spinning wheels). The equipment is not to be lent to any
other parties. A list of items for rental is available at the studio. The larger floor
looms must only be used in the Oatland Island Fiber Studio.
(Please note - “Good standing” means that the member has attended a guild
sponsored workshop or meetings for 3 months.)
2. It is the responsibility of the Guild member renting equipment to pick up and return
items. Larger floor looms used in the studio must be cleaned and undressed at
the end of the rental period. Rental rates apply for the duration of the period the
equipment is out. Rental period is on a month by month basis with a maximum
of 3 months. Members can apply for additional rental time if the equipment has
not been previously booked and/or on hold for scheduled workshops or classes.
3. Equipment will be returned in the same or better condition than it was received.
The renter is liable for the cost of replacement or repair of the equipment should
it be damaged or destroyed or should parts be missing. Renters should not
undertake repairs on items rented.
4. A rental fee of $20/ month and a deposit of $50 on looms and spinning wheels are
due at the time of rental. Members must date and sign the agreement form.
The check for $50 is required as a deposit for all looms and wheels. Reeds,
warping boards and spool racks can be rented for $10/ month with a $20 deposit.
When the item is returned to the studio or left in the studio in good condition and
no further fees are due, the uncashed deposit check will be returned.
5. Prior to each rental, please record any existing faults in the equipment such as
scratches or missing parts.
Rental Fees and Deposits
Looms and spinning wheels: $20 per month plus $50 deposit.
Reeds, Warping Boards and Spool Rack: $10 per month plus $20 deposit.
If you have any questions, please contact fiberguildofthesavannahs2@gmail.com
Fiber Guild of the Savannahs Equipment Rental Contract
This contract must be completed and rental fees and deposits collected before the equipment is
used in the studio or taken form the FGS Studio
Member’s name: (please print) __________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________(home)______________________________(cell)
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Equipment: Please list inventory number & type of equipment & condition:
Loom #, type & condition: _______________________________________________________
Spinning Wheel type & condition: _______________________________________________
Other: ______________________________________________________________________
Note: Rental period is for one month:
for looms and spinning wheels $20/ month with a $50 deposit.
other equipment for $10/ month with a $20 deposit.
Payment & deposit are due at the time of rental.
Date equipment reserved: ______________________________________
Date equipment returned: ______________________________________
I, ______________________________________, (print name) have read and accept the rental
Date __________________________
Renter’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Signature of guild representative: ________________________________________________________________________
Payment received:
check number
Deposit received
check number
(items with * to be used only in Oatland fiber studio)
12 shaft Nilus Leclerc – 42” weaving width
8 shaft Gilmore (donated) – with bench 42” weaving width
8 shaft–HarrisvilleDesign(donated)–countermarche– 22” width
4 shaft Nilus Leclerc – counterbalanced – 36” weaving width
4 shaft Harrisville Design - counter-balanced – 40” weaving width
4 shaft direct tied Dorset – 20” weaving width
4 shaft Structo loom -homemade stand (donated) –20” weaving width
Donated Homemade 8 shaft loom - 36” weaving width
4 shaft Rasmussen Table Loom (donated) – 24” weaving width
8 shaft Table Loom – 14” weaving width
4 shaft Kessinick loom on loan from Annie Quinting warped and ready to weave used by children during demonstrations at Sheep to Shawl & Harvest Festival
no photo
Ashford traditional spinning wheel
Nilus Leclerc spinning wheel
Equipment that may be signed out and rented for $10/ month on a monthly basis:
We have a spool rack, 2 warping boards and warping reel, and a variety of reeds that
Equipment that may used ONLY in the studio. They are NOT to go home. There is no rental fee.
We have a tension box, lazy kates, 2 yarn ball winders, some stick shuttles, boat shuttle and
bobbins and a variety yarns, etc The carding machine must be used only in the studio.
for using our Fiber Guild of the Savannahs (FGS)
studio at Oatland Island Wildlife Center
1. Our Fiber Guild of the Savannahs Studio at Oatland is able to be used 10am to 4pm every
single day! It is YOUR space as a FGS member! Come alone or with others and enjoy it!
2. You do NOT need to pay an entrance fee to Oatland – the first time you come mention that
you are either going to a Fiber Guild meeting OR that you are working there
3. Pick up ½ sheet Fiber Guild of the Savannahs ID paper (on the table in the Oatland studio)
and keep in your car to show gatekeeper in future for easier access
4. Sign In & out on the clip board hanging in the Oatland Fiber Studio at times other than
meeting days. This is important for the Oatland staff to know who is using the building as
well as for FGS use to see who is using the studio.
5. The object of renting a loom/spinning wheel is to have access to expensive piece of
equipment so that our members can try the equipment out before they have to make a large
6. The fees collected will be used for maintenance of the looms/spinning wheels and for
purchasing equipment that all FGS members can use, such as sley hooks, shuttles, warp
yarns, etc.