america - Vote Hemp


america - Vote Hemp
Ziggy Marley
is Growing Wild and Free
featured articles
Hercules Media LLC
EDITOR Dave Brian
ART DIRECTOR Scott “Scotty” Mitchell
Hemp Back
Into Our Lives
Joe Klare, Sarah Diesel, Old Hippie, David Fiedler,
Jorge Cervantes, Phyliss Pollack, Jim Carlson,
Dean Christopher, Dave Brian, WildFlower
Rachel Whaley
12 things you didn’t know
Growing Wild
and Free
Lisa Kaler
natural healing patients, caregivers and the general public readers. Publication
and operated by Hercules Media LLC.
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Printed in The USA
The 420 Times
Issue 35
We take you through a few key moments in the
history of the world’s most versatile and useful
plant – cannabis – from its discovery, cultivation and
widespread use in America … to its prohibition due
to the relentless efforts of special interest groups
By Dean Christopher
The 420 Times
Issue 35
The first
find hemp growing
wild. Since cannabis
had its roots in
Asia – literally as
well as figuratively
– its seeds probably
arrived on migrating
birds; with Siberian
the Bering Straits;
or via driftwood/
shipwrecks floating
Hempiculture is a major portion of
Kentucky’s economy (and important for other
states) until around the Civil War. Slaves work
on hemp nearly as much as on cotton. In 1815,
Thomas Jefferson patents a design for a hemp
processing machine, not unlike Eli Whitney’s
Cotton Gin (1794). Both machines vastly facilitate
the manufacture of fabrics.
The 1850 Census notes over 8,000 major hemp
growers nationwide (at least 2,000 acres each).
Small family farms are not included in this total.
Abraham Lincoln opposes the banning of hemp
and other products, stating that prohibition is not
consistent with American values. (He uses hemp
oil in his own lamps.)
The Jamestown and New England Colonies survive,
then flourish, partly thanks to hemp’s versatility. In
1639 Massachusetts farmers are ordered to plant at
least one teaspoon of hemp seed to “grow” a future
supply of fabrics. Some colonies declare hemp legal
payment for personal and public debts, including
Our British overlords require the
colonies to cultivate hemp for ropes and sails for the
American merchant fleet. Much harvested hemp
is shipped to England for processing into textiles,
which are then sold back to the colonists.
Early drafts of the Declaration of Independence are
written on hemp paper. During the Revolutionary
War, patriots organize spinning bees to make
hemp fabrics for the Continental Army. Jefferson
considers hemp a better overall crop than tobacco
– which has limited all-around value – and he
stockpiles it while Governor of Virginia.
Cannabis derivatives are among the top medications
prescribed in the country – a situation that will last
until the 1930s. Major pharmaceutical companies
(Lilly, Parke-Davis, Squibb, Smith Brothers etc.)
therefore owe much of their ongoing success to
After Independence, the government maintains
the policy of farmers devoting a certain percentage
of their crops to hemp. In 1781, hemp serves as
de facto money when national cash reserves are
drained. Until the mid-1820’s, 75% of all woven
materials for home, industry and public use are
made totally or mainly of hemp (including Old
The 420 Times
Issue 35
New machines are developed to process
hemp into paper, plastics, fibers and foodstuffs.
But the Federal government, in league with special
interests (Hearst, DuPont et al) supports a virulent
campaign against marijuana (and all hemp products).
Consisting largely of lies and racist distortions
about the dangers of “the devil’s weed,” the program
results in the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, illegalizing
industrial and agricultural cannabis as well as “pot.”
In 1941 Henry Ford “grows” a car
constructed of hemp fibers, with a hemp seed oil motor.
1943: Declared essential for the WWII war effort, the
government initiates “Hemp For Victory” program,
urging farmers to devote a portion of each planting to
hemp. As an incentive, active hemp farmers and their
families are exempted from the draft.
The 420 Times
Issue 35
1950s: In 1955 hemp farming is banned again,
and remains so to this day.
2000s: The movement to un-ban industrial hemp
(and legalize medical marijuana) gains momentum
through growing public awareness of the all-around
value of the cannabis plant.
How To Incorporate
Hemp Back Into Our Lives
By Phyllis Pollack
The 420 Times
Issue 35
year that DuPont patented its wood pulp paper
The American government still insists on
banning people, pretending not to know the
distinct difference between hemp and medical
marijuana. Simply stated, there just isn’t enough
THC in hemp to get high.
While hemp (Cannabis Sativa) is illegal to
grow in the United States, farming the plant is a
substantial industry in other countries, including
Australia, Italy and Canada.
A January 19 paper from the Congressional
Research Service, entitled “Hemp as an
Agricultural Product” estimates that the global
market for hemp includes more than 25,000
While the two major Presidential candidates
argue about the economy, America is sending
billions of dollars abroad, both to import hemp and
products made from it. Hemp could help our weak
economy and unemployment if Americans could
both grow it, and manufacture products with US
grown hemp, rather than importing it.
Hemp farms would create countless new jobs
for farmers cultivating it, those that process it,
and those working in other aspects of the hemp
Farmers would no longer have to be victimized
and held hostage by Monsanto, with its ownership
of the patent for the soy seed. The country would
also need fewer subsidies for farmers if they could
grow hemp, and become part of that multi-billion
dollar industry.
There are also environmental reasons to support
hemp. The Environmental Justice Foundation and
Pesticide Action Network estimated that four years
ago, 16 percent of the cancer-causing pesticides
used globally were for cotton. That is more than
any other single crop. Conversely, because unlike
cotton, hemp’s roots grab so strongly into the
ground, and because hemp has no known insect
opponents as cotton does, there is no need for
massive amounts of pesticide.
While decimating trees and forests, hemp is a
quickly renewable resource than can be grown
almost anywhere in the world.
With global warming and pollution from
carcinogenic materials, it only makes sense to turn
to hemp. Many biodegradable hemp plastics can
be substituted for traditional less environmentally
friendly materials.
There are many ways to incorporate hemp into
our lives. The easiest thing to do with hemp is to
enjoy its nutritional value. Low in saturated fat,
the Oleic Acid (Omega 9) contained in hemp seed
oil helps prevent hardening of the arteries. It can
be added to salad dressings and to many recipes.
Hemp seeds are rich in essential fatty acids with
Omega 3, Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA), and
Omega 9 fatty acids. Using hemp oil and hemp
seeds, one can get these essential oils without
taking in pollutants found in fish. The seeds also
have up to 33% high quality protein.
Three tablespoons of hulled hemp seeds contain
45% of the RDA for phosphorous that is crucial for
healthy bones.
Hemp powder is high in protein, and it is
gluten and lactose free. It is also noteworthy for
its high amount of soluble and insoluble fiber.
Hemp powder can be incorporated into a myriad
Issue 35
The 420 Times
In addition to the hemp cone speakers for guitar
and base, they also offer them for car speakers, for
those into “hemp hop.”
of recipes. Hemp shakes and hemp infused
smoothies are far healthier than sugary frozen
It can also be used when making pancakes,
bread and other baked goods.
Hemp butter is another product that is tasty on
foods, while yet another item, hempseed butter,
can be substituted for peanut butter.
While there are many cookbooks available
with recipes using hemp products, concocting
recipes is very simple.
Tempt Hemp Milk is a good substitute for
soymilk, and another way to show Monsanto that
they can be boycotted.
Hemp candy, lollipops and chewing gum are
easily available through the Internet, as are a
variety of flavors of hemp ice-tea.
Hemp oil and hemp extract are rich sources of
essential fatty acids, amino acids and nutrients
that are vital to providing skin hydration.
Therefore, taking care of your skin and hair
with hemp makes sense, as well. Dr. Bronner’s
is arguably the best-known company that makes
soaps and shampoos with hemp. Forbidden Leaf
is a brand, specializing in luscious hemp massage
oils and lotions.
The Tone Tubby company in San Rafael
makes hemp speaker cones. They have made
hemp speaker cones for rock stars including
Keith Richards, Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton,
Metallica’s Kirk Hammett, The Eagles, and many
other A-list artists. “The artists that use them do
so because of their superior sound,” notes Thom
Brown, manager of Tone Tubby.
The 420 Times
Issue 35
Consider using a hemp guitar strap or a hemp
gig bag for your guitar.
Buying a hemp collar for your dog at cat
through will make your pet happy.
Earthdog is among many other companies that
sell hemp dog toys and hemp pet beds.
Hemp backpacks and bags are highly durable,
as hemp fabric is four times stronger than cotton
fabric of the same weight.
Hemp Hollow sells hemp toothpaste that can
be used with a hemp toothbrush.
Hemp skateboards are also easily obtained.
Hemp plastics provide bowls, toys and other
Hempboard can be used for carpentry, shelves,
furniture and flooring.
Stylish 100 percent hemp dresses, and clothing
made with hemp combined with silk, cotton and
other fabrics, let women express their politics
with their clothing.
There all forms of hemp menswear, including
t-shirts, underwear and socks. Wear hemp slip-on
shoes, hiking boots, or sneakers. Accessorize with
a hemp belt, and pay for it with money stashed in
your hemp wallet.
Hemp key rings and jewelry can be purchased
from Richard Davis, curator of the American
Hemp Museum in L.A.
Let’s show the government that we understand
the difference between hemp and medical
marijuana, and start incorporating hemp into our
12 things
you didn’t
By Dean Christopher
The 420 Times
Issue 35
Don’t bother smoking that rope. The U.S.
government, presumably still trembling at the
idea of “reefer madness,” maintains its illogical
ban on all hemp products, even though only a
tiny fraction of cannabis varieties contain enough
THC to be psychoactive.
Now who’s “advanced”? The U.S. is the
only major “First World” nation that prohibits
cultivation of industrial hemp. All over the
world, other advanced countries recognize it as a
legitimate agricultural crop. In fact, the European
Union began subsidizing hemp cultivation in the
Hemp: the All-American fiber. Hemp
cultivation was considered so vital a commodity
that for years it was an obligatory crop in the
American Colonies. Post-Revolution planters
(including Presidents Washington and Jefferson)
grew it enthusiastically. Ben Franklin built the first
U.S. hemp paper mill. Abe Lincoln’s in-laws were
hemp farmers.
A one tough little plant. No need for
insecticides (insects don’t like the taste!),
herbicides or fungicides. It resists mildew, plant
rot and does well in drought conditions – unlike
cotton, a water-intensive crop.
But an hour later, they have to harvest all
over again. China harvests about ¾ of the planet’s
hemp, followed by countries as widespread as
Chile, France and North Korea. Hemp is legally
grown wherever governments are immune to
mega-spending alcohol, chemical and drug lobbies
who are terrified of cannabis cutting into their
8. What took you so long? A century ago Henry
9. Hemp is for the birds. In 1937 (the year all
Woodsman, spare that tree. Hemp paper is
more eco-friendly than wood paper. Cannabis
grows much faster than trees. It’s harvestable in
only 4 months, compared to about 20 YEARS for
trees! Hemp needs far less land per ton of yield,
and far less water. It produces paper of fine quality,
requiring fewer chemical processes. Until the late
19th Century, most U.S. paper was made of hemp.
Famous hemp debuts. The Magna Carta
(1215); Gutenberg’s Bible (1470s); the King James
Bible (1611); our Declaration of Independence
(1776); Alice in Wonderland (1865). Rembrandt
(1600s); Gainsborough (1700s); Van Gogh
(1800s) and many other artists painted on hemp
canvas. Betsy Ross sewed the first American Flag
out of hemp cloth.
Ford experimented with hemp as a structural
component for cars. It’s stronger, lighter and
cheaper than sheet metal. The Diesel engine was
originally designed to run on hemp and other seed
oils, not gasoline. Mercedes-Benz and BMW are
finally including hemp compounds in door panels,
dashboards, etc.
hemp products became illegal), hemp seed was the
favorite for U.S. pet bird owners, who bought 4
million pounds of it that year.
10. Will that be hemp or charge? For over
a century hemp was used in the U.S. as legal
currency to pay debts – including taxes!
11. “Green” jeans. Levi Strauss’s original
dungarees were made of hemp, not cotton denim.
12. If it weren’t for hemp, maybe you’d be reading
this in The Azores. Had they been made of cotton
(or any other fiber) rather than rugged hemp,
Columbus’s sails and ropes would probably have
decayed into uselessness long before he reached
the New World.
Issue 35
The 420 Times
Grammy Lifetime
Achievement Award
honors Bob Marley
Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award given to reggae
The 420 Times
Issue 35
By Phyllis Pollack
On August 7, Bob Marley’s 2001 Grammy Lifetime
Achievement Award was accepted on his behalf by his
son Ziggy and daughter Karen. The film “Marley” was
also shown at the event.
Many Grammy voters predict that the feature
film documentary, produced in conjunction with
the Marley family, will receive a nomination in the
category of Best Long Form Music Video for the 55th
Annual Grammy Awards, slated for February 10, 2013
at Staples Center in Los Angeles.
This year’s televised Grammy Awards show not
only generated incredibly high ratings with 39 million
viewers, it also won six Emmy Awards. The Grammy
Awards are produced by The Recording Academy.
They are the most prestigious, and the only peerrecognized music awards in the US.
Ziggy Marley is a five-time Grammy winner.
At the Grammy event, Ziggy Marley was also
among panelists discussing the film. Ziggy, who is Rita
and Bob’s oldest son. The critically-acclaimed movie
was directed by Academy Award-winning Kevin
MacDonald, best known for his work with “The
Last King Of Scotland.” Steve Bing of Shangri-La
Entertainment and Charles Steel produced “Marley.”
Bing has produced films including the Rolling Stones/
Martin Scorsese concert documentary “Shine A
Magnolia Pictures released “Marley” in theaters and
on digital platforms on the appropriate date of April
20, 2012, commemorating 420 Day.
Ironically, the same day of the Grammy Lifetime
Achievement Award was presented to Ziggy, it was
City Council member Tom LaBonge that presented
the proclamation to the Marley family, declaring
August 7 as Bob Marley Day in Los Angeles.
LaBonge, who represents the 4th District, has been
an opponent to decriminalizing medical marijuana,
which was one of Bob Marley’s dearest causes. An
outspoken proponent of ganja, Marley quickly became
a de-facto international symbol of marijuana within
his own lifetime.
The late reggae musician’s lyrics were never subtle in
their intent. In the song “Legalize Marijuana,” Marley
sang, “Singers smoke it, and players of instruments,
too. Legalize it, yeah, ah, yeah, ah. That’s the best
thing you can do.”
LaBonge has admitted to smoking marijuana in
the past, stating, “I was 15. It was after school. I was
visiting a girl. And ya know, that’s what you did then.”
It seems to be lost on LaBonge that is still what
people do now.
LaBonge made the statement to KPCC’s Frank
Stoltze, admitting to a brief encounter with cannabis
during his high school years, in 1968.
Despite this, LaBonge was still among the nine
members of the City Council that voted for the socalled “soft ban” on dispensaries, as opposed to the
five other City Council members that did not.
LaBonge should listen to Marley’s music, and change
his voting record, making it in full support of medical
marijuana, rather than continuing his hypocrisy.
Robert Nesta “Bob” Marley was initially diagnosed
with melanoma, a virulent form of skin cancer, in 1977.
Discovered in one of his toes, it spread rapidly. The reggae
legend died on May 11, 1981 at age 36, and was given
a state funeral. This was the first time that a Jamaican
recording artist had received such a burial service.
Issue 35
The 420 Times
by Sarah Diesel
The 420 Times
Issue 35
Some hemp and cannabis history:
Hemp is one of the earliest domesticated plants
known. Some believe that hemp is humankind’s oldest
cloth and hemp-limestone composites have been
found in ancient Roman architecture. Surprisingly, the
Chinese used cannabis seeds with their food as early as
6000 BC and cannabis as medicine in 2727 BC.
According to the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
(, “the earliest record of man’s use of
cannabis comes from the island of Taiwan located off
the coast of mainland China. In this densely populated
part of the world, archaeologists have unearthed an
ancient village site dating back over 10,000 years to
the Stone Age.” Amongst the trash and debris from
this ancient village the archaeologists found some
broken pieces of pottery made from cannabis fiber and
elongated rod-shaped tools used to pull the fiber from
the stem. These clay pots suggest that men have been
using the cannabis plant since the dawn of history.
It is mind-boggling to think that if humankind
never flowered and smoked cannabis; it would be legal
today and used to manufacture everything from cars to
buildings and even hemp-fuel! In fact, Rudolf Diesel,
the inventor of the diesel engine, designed it to run
on vegetable and seed oils like hemp; he actually ran
it on peanut oil for the 1900 World’s Fair. On a side
note, hemp is four times more efficient than corn for
making fuel. Moreover, Henry Ford used hemp to not
only construct cars but also fuel them.
Before cannabis prohibition began in the late 1930s,
many people, including some of our nation’s leaders grew
cannabis for a variety of reasons. George Washington
routinely smoked marijuana to alleviate the pain from
his ailing teeth. His diary recounts his efforts to better
cultivate and enhance his crops of cannabis. Thomas
Jefferson grew cannabis on his plantation and smuggled
Chinese hemp seeds to America. He also is believed to
have given special smoking blends out as personal gifts.
Hemp is good for the soul and body:
Hemp is a good source of highly digestible protein and
fiber just to name a few. Eating nutrient rich super foods,
like hemp seeds, will not only heal and help prevent
Issue 35
The 420 Times
most diseases; it also enhances the quality of life
for all. By adding these healing seeds to your
diet you will fuel you body with high amounts
of EFA’s (essential fatty acids or omegas), which
have anti inflammatory properties.
Hemp is good for the Mother Nature and
our economy:
Global warming is the rise in the average
temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans
since the late 19th century, and its projected
continuation. The increasing amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing the
temperature of the Earth by absorbing infrared
and near infrared light. The present level is
higher than at any other time during the last
800 thousand years and likely higher than in
the past 20 million causing bizarre things to
happen in nature and yet more evidence of
the effect humankind is having on the planet.
This heat is caused by humans burning coal
and cutting down trees and rain forests only to
break down our planets natural resources and
increasing the amount of carbon dioxide on
the atmosphere. Hemp grows much faster than
trees, and it only takes one acre of hemp to do
what four acres of trees can produce. If we kept
the forests and trees planted to pull the excess
CO2 from the atmosphere, we can then grow
and harvest hemp to manufacture clothing,
paper, fuel, homes, cars and thousands of more
uses thus creating jobs and stimulating our
economy in America.
Here are some ways to get involved in hemp
Volunteer & Donate:
Hemp Advocacy Organizations:
Vote Hemp – VH (
Vote Hemp is a national, single-issue,
nonprofit organization dedicated to
the acceptance of and free market for
industrial hemp, low-THC oilseed and
The 420 Times
Issue 35
fiber varieties of Cannabis, and to changes
in current law to allow U.S. farmers to
grow the crop.
Hemp Industries – HIA (
The mission of the HIA, a 501(c)(6)
membership-based non-profit trade group,
is to represent the interests of the hemp
industry and to encourage the research and
development of new products made from
industrial hemp, low-THC oilseed and
fiber varieties of cannabis.
The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation –
THCF is working to truthfully educate the
public concerning hemp and cannabis, as
well as helping medical marijuana patients.
We have clinics across the country where
our doctors help patients obtain a permit
for medical marijuana.
NORML Hemp Alliance – NHA
The NORML Hemp Alliance (NHA) is an
online professional association consisting of
high quality hemp merchants, researchers,
business consultants, growers, and activists.
NHA members are committed to reforming
the laws prohibiting the cultivation and
processing of industrial hemp in the United
States and eliminating trade barriers on
the importation of hemp products into the
U.S. from Canada and other countries.
Hemp Technologies – HT
To enrich and enhance the health and
welfare of our planet and those living on
it through reductions in toxicity levels
and increased use of sustainable building
materials that reduce energy cost. Building
a healthy, sustainable tomorrow.....
Hemp Heals Foundation
To increase health awareness and to help
people understand the connection between
diet and most disease. And to promote a
separation between industrial hemp and
other uses of the cannabis plant.
Dr. Bronner’s Soap (
Fighting for organic integrity in personal
care, re-commercialization of industrial
hemp in the US, and promotion of “Fair
Trade” certification of product supply chains
to ensure fair wages and prices are paid.
Hemp History Week
Now in its third year, Hemp History Week
is the largest national grassroots marketing
and public education effort to renew strong
support for hemp farming in the U.S. and
raise awareness about the benefits of hemp
United States House of Representatives
Find your local representative at - http://www.
They usually have an online email set up to
contact them faster than snail mail, but sending
correspondence both ways is more effective.
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Note: Due to limited resources, responses to
inquiries via mail may take up to 90 days. If you
would like a more timely response, please use the
email form:
Call the President
Phone Numbers - Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
TTY/TTD Comments: 202-456-6213
Spread the word with social media
Follow hemp organizations on Facebook,
Twitter and other social media outlets to stay
up to date with activism actions alerts, policies,
news and more.
Hemp for Victory is a black-and-white United
States government film made during World War
II, explaining the uses of hemp, encouraging
farmers to grow as much as possible. You can see
the full version of Hemp for Victory via YouTube.
com. I encourage you to watch and share this
video with everyone you know, especially folks
who are anti-cannabis.
Write, call and fax local representatives,
congress and the president
Remember to be polite and courteous when
contacting our government. Cannabis activists
need to be professional and show that we are
well informed. Be concise and direct with
your message, such as asking him/her to allow
states to regulate hemp farming without a DEA
permit. Politicians don’t have time to read a 30
page letter, so K.I.S.S. (as my mom would day,
keep it simple silly).
The 420 Times
Issue 35
Write a letter to the President
Here are a few simple things you can do to
make sure your message gets to the White House
as quickly as possible:
1. Email them at - http://www.whitehouse.
gov/contact - This is the fastest way to get
your message to President Obama.
2. If you write a letter, please consider typing
it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. If you
hand-write your letter, please consider using
pen and writing as neatly as possible.
3. Please include your return address on your
letter as well as your envelope. If you have an
email address, please consider including that
as well.
4. And finally, be sure to include the full
address of the White House to make sure your
message gets to us as quickly and directly as
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
discuss events, talk about local progress and plan future
of Inspector General, and Division of Labor Racketeering
the local, state, and national campaign for safe access
will be music and speakers all day as well as activities,
in America of cannabis law reform activists and
organizations working for public policy alternatives
election year, voters in as many as four states will have
Do you have a an event for your
organization that you would like to
have listed in our
Advocacy and Activism Calendar?
cannabis law reform measures, placing much needed
Email to us at:
The 420 Times
Issue 35
Growing Wild and Free
Bob Marley’s seed Ziggy
is selling his own hemp seeds
Photo: Kelsey Nicole Outman/Westword
The 420 Times
Issue 35
By Phyllis Pollack
As if five Grammy Awards are not enough
success for Ziggy Marley, his music represents
only part of his business endeavors. Despite the
critical acclaim of his current album, 2011’s
“Wild and Free,” Ziggy is also heavily immersed
in humanitarian causes, with his tireless efforts to
promote awareness about hemp at the forefront.
Ziggy is not only spreading the word about hemp,
he is literally spreading hemp seeds, as well.
Ziggy’s coconut oils can be used in recipes
ranging from fish to cookies.
Because it is illegal to grow hemp in The States,
Ziggy’s hemp products are sourced in Canada.
Among other similar stops, this July, he arrived
at a health food store in Lakewood, Colorado,
a suburb of Denver, to promote his hemp
products, while en route to his performance at
the Wanderlust Festival.
His image not only graces his album covers, but
also the products made by his company Ziggy
Marley Organics. Simply stated, not only is
Ziggy a hemp advocate, but he also has put his
money where his mouth is, as he promotes his
own brand of hemp foods.
While Ziggy was scheduled to play concert dates
in the US from late August to early September,
he still made sure to stay politically aware, and to
let people know the facts about his many causes.
Hemp and marijuana are his greatest passions.
His line of Ziggy Marley’s Hemp Rules hemp
seeds includes three flavors. Respectively they
are Caribbean Crunch, Sea Salt and Pepper,
and Shelled. With essential amino acids and the
recommended three to one ratio of Omega-6
to Omega-3 fatty acids, they make a healthy
snack when having an attack of the “munchies.”
Hemp seeds are also enjoyable in soups, salads,
oatmeal and other foods.
Perhaps Ziggy expressed it best in the title
track of his current album, when he sang, “I
see hemp fields forever growing wild and free. I
see marijuana trees blowing in our breeze, I see
hemp fields forever growing wild and free, wild
and free. A crime against nations, a war is
waged. There is a message in the wind for every
race, peace and love. We saw, so let us grow, is
good for the body, is good for the soul.”
Both his hemp seeds and his jars of coconut oils
are certified kosher by the Union of Orthodox
Rabbis. His products are also non-GMO verified,
and USDA organic.
The track is a duet with actor Woody Harrelson.
Its lyrics were inspired by the desire to see
California’s Prop 19 passed. It quickly became
an anthem for those in support of to legalize
marijuana and hemp.
Says Ziggy, “I don’t want to put anything into
my body that’s not natural, that wasn’t created
by nature, because we are part of nature.”
Ziggy remains dedicated to spreading the word
about hemp as a healthy way to feed the planet.
Showing respect to international tastes and
recipes, Ziggy’s Coco’Mon cold-pressed coconut
oils are available in flavors including orange
almond, lemon ginger, curry and original. They
are distributed by Omega Health Products and
“I don’t want to put
anything into my body that’s
not natural, that wasn’t
created by nature, because
we are part of nature.”
Issue 35
The 420 Times
The best in
hemp seed oil
skin care.
Body Wash
Massage Oil
Hand Soap
Gift Sets
Lip Balm
Containing the highest grade
“cold pressed” hemp seed oil and
nature’s finest moisturizers.
The 420 Times
Issue 35
also see more
reviews at
Ziggy Marley’s Hemp Rules
Ya mon, I eat hemp! During this year’s Hemp History week, we discovered
many hemp products & foods. During the press meeting, we had the
pleasure to meet Grammy award winning reggae superstar, Ziggy Marley.
Ziggy, just like his father, (Bob Marley) is a revolutionary & an activist in
the world of hemp & cannabis. Perhaps you’ve eaten roasted hemp seedsthey’re tasty and crunchy. Ziggy has taken these hemp seeds to the next
level: no GMO’s & they’re Kosher. I like the Caribbean crunch flavor, it
has a punch of spices that is sure to make you want to eat more. There is
also salt & pepper roasted hemp seeds & also shelled seeds- which can be
used in so many recipes. These little seeds are packed with protein & all
the Omega fatty acids that makes hemp the food of the planet. For more
details on where you can purchase near you, Visit:
Kleen Green
Forbidden Leaf
Forbidden leaf products are infused with the amazing power of hemp
and natural botanicals. In the last decade, more products made with
hemp have been coming into the marketplace- one of my family’s
favorites is Forbidden Leaf. The moisturizing lotion is smooth,
luxurious, and it doesn’t leave your skin feeling oily- not to mention
smelling wonderful. The hand & the body soaps are great for getting
you clean & smelling fresh. Recently I had an opportunity to put
the massage oil to work during my monthly massage appointment,
even my message therapist was impressed with how well the oil is
absorbed into the skin. During dry weather, I use their lip balm, which
again absorbs well into your skin to help heal & soothe chapped lips.
You can find Forbidden leaf at many fine retailers as well as going to
The 420 Times
Issue 35
I’ve gone through many cleaning products over the years
that are specifically made for glass, however recently I
discovered a better way. Kleen Green Gold is one of
the only concentrated cleaners that is 100% natural &
non-toxic. I’ve used many glass cleaners in the past and
now it makes me wonder how many of those left behind
dangerous residues. With KGG, my worries are over.
You’re probably wondering, how well does it work? Yes,
it works on the most sticky, dirty pipe we had (thanks
Louis) and it works without much effort. What I really
like about KGG is that is more than just a water pipe/
pipe cleaner, it can be used throughout the house. It
will clean, sanitize & eliminate bacteria, fungus, mold,
mildew and mites from grow equipment too! There are
dozens of uses for this safe & effective cleaner, which can
also be reused to clean the dirtiest of deeds. Because it is
concentrated, it saves cash! Ask for Kleen Green Gold
at your local head shop or buy direct by going to www.
Hemp Shield Penetrating Oil Wood Finish & Deck Sealer
In celebration of all things hemp, we decided to branch out and check out
other products made from mother nature’s super plant that you might find
unexpected. Hemp Shield’s line of penetrating oil and sealer is another reason
to end the prohibition of hemp farming in America with a swift stroke (farming
is prohibited but manufacturing with imported hemp is not).
We were a bit hesitant to even think about using a hemp-based product on
our fence at home since we’ve used other big-box retailer
choices before — but we were really impressed with how
easy it was apply and how it didn’t smell or have unfriendly
fumes like we’ve experienced before with past products. No
wonder, it’s based on 100% hemp oil without petroleum —
most wood oils and sealers contain petroleum.
After applying with some brushes and rollers, our fence and
a chaise lounger never looked so good and clean up was just
simple soap and water for my hands.
With fall and winter approaching, I am anxious to see how
the outdoor furniture and surfaces that I applied Hemp
Shield will do — but I think I will have forgotten about
them since they will probably still look as good as new.
For more information about Hemp Shield, visit them online
Holistic Sam’s Edibles Cannabis infused goodness
Perhaps you’ve tried edibles in the past that were, well…
less than satisfactory. I myself am skeptical of medicated
edibles due to lack of potency and taste. I can honesty
tell you that I’ve found an edible line that is worthy of
the word “potent.” Holistic Sam’s medicated cookies
and the ever so famous “lose a day brownie.” The cookies
have great flavors like peanut butter, chocolate chip and
oatmeal blazin’. Medicated pretzels are also available,
if you don’t have a sweet tooth. These edibles are by
far, the best tasting, the freshest and wonderfully potent.
So potent in fact that I finally got to take advantage of
using a designated driver after eating the cookie I had at
the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. I was so relaxed, out
of pain and inspired all at once! If you didn’t know, now
you know- I promise you won’t be disappointed. Holistic
Sam’s edibles are exclusively available at Perennial
Holistic Wellness, in Studio City
Ultra Oil for Pets
Now & then my dogs get dry
skin from the weather and
baths, as I like my dogs to smell
fresh. I discovered a few years
ago that fish oil is good for your
pet’s skin & coat. In my pursuit
to add more hemp to my life and
my dog’s lives, I found Ultra Oil
for pets. This dietary supplement
has everything that keeps them
happy & beautiful. Ultra Oil for
pets has no fishy smell, which is
huge- you don’t want stinky dog
breath with fish! This special
blend of healthy oils includes:
hempseed oil, flaxseed, grape seed
and fish oils that provides the
Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids that
keeps pets need for healthy skin
and shining coats. It helps with
multiple health issues: dry skin,
hot spots, joint pain & excessive
shedding. This oil is essential
for overall health of your pets.
Check it out at ultraoilforpets.
Issue 35
The 420 Times
LA’s own, Red Hot Chili Peppers, recently played
the Staples Center to a sold out concert. Our own,
WildFlower, was there to witness the 7-time grammy
winning, near 30 year old band mesmerize their fans.
by Wildflower
A not so great thing happened on the way to the
stadium to see the L.A.’s hottest home-town band
perform… traffic! Needless to say, I was red hot to see
the Chili’s perform - literally baking for 5 hours sitting in
triple-digit temps. I won’t get into the amazing re-route
journey miracle that took place, but just the thought
of missing any moment of the show was unacceptable.
It’s been an extremely busy time for a band that has
evolved over the past 29 years like the Chili’s have.
Just in this last year alone, they have not only released
their 10th studio album, started a world tour — and
were inducted into the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame.
Their latest album, I’m With You, adds another chapter
in RHCP’s evolution. This time around there is a new
member to the tribe, Josh Klinghoffer. RHCP’s current
lineup is mainly what it has been for many years,
Anthony Kiedis, Flea, Chad Smith, and replacing
long time guitarist John Frusciante, Josh is definitely
up for the job. Since 2009, Klinghoffer has been filling
in, but in February of 2010; they made him an official
member of the band. With his new gig, Klinghoffer
also becomes the youngest person to be inducted into
the Rock and Roll Hall of fame since Stevie Wonder.
Since 1983, the solid and creative forces of the band
have been Anthony and Flea. Over the years they have
experienced member turn over both by choice and by
tragedy — losing their original guitarist, Hillel Slovak
The 420 Times
Issue 35
via heroin overdose. Throughout their career, several
members have suffered from addiction including front
man Kiedis, who went through an amazing journey of
addiction, sobriety, addiction and finally a sober life. I
recommend reading Scar Tissue, by Kiedis — it’s one of
the best autobiographical books I’ve read to date.
At the Staples Center, we ran to get to our seats and
settled in to witness greatness. There was a familiar smell
in the air tonight — an arrangement of various blends of
cannabis being smoked throughout the stadium. I came
prepared with a nice smoke-free option by bringing a
medicated cookie with me. In a perfect symphony, my
cookie just happened to kick in just in time for Under
the Bridge. When the song started playing, it gave me
goose bumps to hear the entire stadium singing along in
unison, “the city I live in, the city of angels.” The set
list was comprised of many hits throughout the years,
including an amazing performance of Right On Time
— which for those readers who are old school — you
have to hear and see to believe. Kiedis can still sing so
incredibly fast yet you can still make out the words.
Being a longtime RCHP fan — yet never seeing them
live — the concert was everything I could of dreamed
of and more.
Not surprising, between their music and the cookie,
I’m still hungry for more.
for more events see our calendar online at
Upcoming concert events for August/September
More than just a cannabis friendly band, they bring unity with
music. Slightly Stoopid is currently on tour promoting their
latest album Top of the world. Recently they released their
latest single of the same title, giving fans the opportunity to
discover new material before the entire release. This OC band
is a favorite among many people; you might be surprised to
see such diversity in their fan base. This is generally because
of their unique style and sound. Slightly Stoopid doesn’t fit
well into one genre of music, as they have influenced sounds of
Reggae, Rock, Hip-Hop and blues. Even if you are not familiar
with all of their music, there is always a good time to be had
at a SS concert. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover them
for yourself. Bonus! They are touring with 311 this summer,
need I say more? You can get tickets directly from the band’s
website by going to: or your favorite ticket
Photo: Scott Dudelson
Slightly Stoopid with 311 - August 24, 25 & 29
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine on August 24
Chula Vista on August 25
Santa Barbara Bowl on August 29
Sunset Strip Music Festival – August 16-18
SSMF is a three day event and it kicks-off with a special event
honoring Sunset Strip artists who have made an impact on
the boulevard. This year SSMF celebrates the music and
legacy of The Doors at the House of Blues on opening night.
The festival starts on Aug. 16th-18th with various venues &
genres of music for all tastes. Interestingly enough, they have
3 different types of passes that can be purchased. There are too
many bands to mention here, go to sunsetstripmusicfestival.
com for the entire line up.
Rock the bells festival - 8/18 & 8/19
Dubbed the best Hip-Hop music festival ever! Two days of
mind splitting rhymes and rhythms. Each year, this show seems
to get even bigger, this year’s line-up is with no exception.
There are 3 stages and 2 days to catch it all. Just to name a
few artists in the line-up: Ice Cube, Kid Cudi, Naughty by
Nature, Wiz Khalifa, Nas, Currency, Bone Thugs & Harmony,
Salt-N-Pepa and many more. If you haven’t already gotten
your tickets for this event, make sure to check out the rest of
the line-up and details by visiting
The 420 Times
Issue 35