canna-med documentary
canna-med documentary
APPETITE STIMULANTS CANNA-MED DOCUMENTARY GIVES DOCTORS THE SHAKES / issue 18 RICK SIMPSON (STILL) RUNNING FROM THE CURE los angeles / san fernando valley / ventura edition ALWAYS $FREE CONTENTS Issue 18 featured articles 10 RICK SIMPSON (STILL) RUNNING FROM THE CURE A simple question to the medical establishment: Does Cannabis Cure Cancer? 20 ONLINE AT: PUBLISHER Hercules Media LLC EDITOR Dave Brian ART DIRECTOR Scott Mitchell PRODUCTION EDITOR Louis Marshall DISTRIBUTION MANAGER John Hennisey CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Theo Douglas, Dean Christopher, Larry Lechuga, Joe Klare, Tegra Little, Jim Carlson, Bud Friendly, Terry Warren CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Rachel Whaley ADVERTISING SALES & ACCOUNT MANAGER: Lisa Kaler DIRECTsOFC SUBSCRIPTIONS 53-!),$ELIVERYOF4HE4IMESISAVAILABLETOADDRESSESINTHE5NITED3TATES ONAPAIDSUBSCRIPTIONMONTHLYBASIS&ORCOMPLETEDETAILSON53-AILDELIVERYOF 4HE4IMESVISITWWWTHETIMESCOMSUBSCRIBE )0!$ +).$,% 4HE 4IMES AVAILABLE FOR MOBILE READING DEVICES INCLUDING +INDLEI0AD0LEASEVISITAMAZONCOMORTHE!PPLEI4UNESONLINESTOREFOR FURTHER DETAILS 9OU CAN ALSO VISIT WWWTHETIMESCOMSUBSCRIBE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 36 Thees of Facdical Me rijuana Ma Appetite Stimulants 56 4HE4IMES©ISPUBLISHEDANDDISTRIBUTEDMONTHLYFORMEDICALMARIJUANAAND NATURALHEALINGPATIENTSCAREGIVERSANDTHEGENERALPUBLICREADERS0UBLICATION MAILINGOFlCE7/LIVE!VE3TE"URBANK#!4HISPUBLICATION ISATRADEMARKANDTRADEDRESSOF4HE4IMES!LLMATERIALINCLUDEDWITHINIS THECOPYRIGHTOF4HE4IMESUNLESSOTHERWISENOTED4HE4IMESISOWNED ANDOPERATEDBY(ERCULES-EDIA,,# #OPYRIGHT¥BY4HE4IMES!LLRIGHTSRESERVED2EPRODUCTIONINWHOLE ORINPARTWITHOUTWRITTENPERMISSIONISSTRICTLYPROHIBITED $ISCLAIMER-ARIJUANAISILLEGALUNDERFEDERALLAWANDMEDICALMARIJUANA IS LIKEWISE NOT RECOGNIZED UNDER FEDERAL LAW %VEN THOUGH #ALIFORNIA STATE LAW RECOGNIZES MEDICAL MARIJUANA THE LIST OF CLINICSPHYSICIANS PATIENTGROUPSISFORINFORMATION/.,9AND4(%4)-%3DOESNOTIN ANYWAYRECOMMENDORVERIFYTHELEGITIMACYORTHEACTIVITIESOFCLINICS PHYSICIANSPATIENT GROUPS LISTED HEREIN 7E DO NOT ENDORSE ANY CLUBS COMPASSIONATE CENTERS MAIL ORDER FACILITIES ETC AND NO WAY ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF THESE GROUPS NOR DO WE SUGGEST OR otherwise represent that they are acting legally under the law. We have NOTINVESTIGATEDTHEIRBACKGROUNDSMETHODSOFOPERATIONSORANYOTHER FACETOFTHEIRFACILITIESORACTIVITIES!NYCONTACTTHATYOUMAYWISHTOMAKE WITHTHEMISATYOUROWNRISK 4WO FREE COPIES OF4HE 4IMES PER PERSON -ULTIPLE COPIES MAY BE AVAILABLEFORTHEPURCHASEOFBYCONTACTING4HE4IMESBUSINESS OFlCE-AGAZINETHEFTISACRIME4HOSEWHOVIOLATETHETWOCOPYRULEMAY BESUBJECTTOCIVILANDCRIMINALPROSECUTION $ESIGNEDIN#ALIFORNIA Printed in The USA HERCULES MEDIA, LLC 8 The 420 Times Issue 18 Help Protect Your Home and Family FREE Home Security System! $850 Value! Available two-way voice that allows you to instantly communicate with an ADT Security Specialist. 24/7 PROTECTION only $35.99/mo. Get up to a 20% DISCOUNT on your home owner’s insurance! FREE wireless remote control with PANIC BUTTON! Call Now and Help Protect Your Family! 1-888-446-8013 Mon-Fri 8am - 11pm - Sat 9am- 8pm - Sun 10am - 6pm EST $99.00 Customer Installation Charge. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $35.99 per month ($1,295.64). Form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account. Offer applies to homeowners only. Local permit fees may be required. Satisfactory credit history required. Certain restrictions may apply. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Dealer customers only and not on purchases from ADT Security Services, Inc. Other rate plans available. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Licenses: AL-10-1104, AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, IA-AC-0036, ID-39131, IL-127.001042, IN-City of Indianapolis: 93294, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1375, Baltimore County: 1375, Calvert County: ABL00625, Caroline County: 1157, Cecil County: 541-L, Charles County: 804, Dorchester County: 764, Frederick County: F0424, Harford County: 3541, Montgomery County: 1276, Prince George’s County: 685, Queen Anne’s County: L156, St. Mary’s County: LV2039R, Talbot County: L674, Wicomico County: 2017, Worcester County: L1013, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. Louis: CC354, St. Louis County: 47738, MS-15007958, MT-247, NC-25310-SP-LV, 1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-68518, City of Las Vegas: B14-00075-6-121756, C11-11262-L-121756, NY-Licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State UID#12000286451, OH-53891446, City of Cincinnati: AC86, OK-1048, OR-170997, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number: PA22999, RI-3428, SC-BAC5630, TN-C1164, C1520, TX-B13734, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VT-ES-2382, WA-602588694/PROTEYH934RS, WI-City of Milwaukee: 0001697, WV-042433, WY-LV-G-21499. For full list of licenses visit our website Protect Your Home – 3750 Priority Way South Dr., Ste 200, Indianapolis, IN 46240. "Crime data taken from http://ovc.ncjrs.gove/ncvrw2008/pdf/crime_clock_eng.pdf" 44 The 420 Times Issue 33 18 The 420 Times Issue 33 ACTIVISM AND ADVOCACY COMMUNITY CALENDAR JUNE - JULY, 2012 Friday, June 15th - 7pm Orange County-Chapter Monthly Meeting The Orange County chapter of ASA meets on the third Friday of every month. The public is invited to join to discuss events, talk about local progress and plan future activities. Giovanni’s Pizza 922 W. Williamson Avenue, Fullerton Contact – Marla,, (714) 377-9434 Saturday, June 16th - 1pm June 23rd – 7-11pm MPP’s Summer Solstice Party MPP believes that the greatest harm associated with marijuana is prison; they focus on removing criminal penalties for marijuana use. Summer Solstice is a celebration of vitality, fortitude, and new beginnings. Join MPP on June 23rd at a magical hillside home in Los Angeles as they herald their achievements and the opportunities that lie ahead. This event will help MPP raise money and awareness and to position them for success. As summer brings the heat of a pivotal election year, MPP looks forward to numerous marijuana policy successes. Guests should dress to impress. Creative attire within the summer solstice theme is encouraged. For more information and to purchase tickets please visit - LA-ASA Chapter Monthly Meeting Join LA-ASA for our monthly meeting to get involved in the local, state, and national campaign for safe access to medical cannabis. Meetings feature skills building, planning, action alerts, and the latest news. All medical cannabis advocates are welcome. Wednesday, June 27th Community Room at West Hollywood, Gateway Mall, 7100 Santa Monica Blvd., Room 152, West Hollywood Contact - Don Duncan, Time 4 Hemp on American Freedom Radio The topic for this interview will be “A Sound Solution to Ending the War on Drugs” 10-11a.m. (PST) & 1-2p.m. (EST) Speaker: James “Flaming Eagle” Mooney, Former Undercover Narcotics Officer Wednesday, June 20th Tuesday, July 3rd- 10-11a.m. (PST) & 1-2p.m. (EST) Time 4 Hemp on American Freedom Radio Time 4 Hemp on American Freedom Radio The topic of discussion is “The War on Drugs has Corrupted our Judicial System” This show will be co-hosted by LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) spokesman, Peter Christ. 10-11a.m. (PST) & 1-2p.m. (EST) Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Speaker: James “Flaming Eagle” Mooney, Former Undercover Narcotics Officer 43rd Annual Smoke-In-Rally & In & The US Marijuana Party Political Convention Do you have a an event for your organization that you would like to have listed in our Advocacy and Activism Calendar? Email to us at: The FOURTH OF JULY HEMP COALITION (FJHC) is recognized as a 501(a) non-profit by the IRS and is registered as an organization in good standing with the District of Columbia. Contributors are grassroots volunteers. FJHC is free organization and based upon an individual’s desire to reform drug policy. Patients will march to end cannabis prohibition. 9a-12p / March at Noon Meet at Lafayette Park (North side of the White House), Washington, D.C. and at noon march the stage area at the Lincoln Memorial Park near the Vietnam War Memorial. Contact: John Pylka (202) 251-4492 42 The 420 Times Issue 33 36 The 420 Times Issue 33 Bring on p u o c s i h t ff o % 0 1 r in fo !* n o i t n o d t nex a healthier way to medicate Your neighborhood pharmacy staffed with knowledgeable friendly budtenders All Organic Medicine One POUND of legendary LAMBS BREAD. (pictured above) ~Organic & vegan edibles ~Medicated balms & massage oil ~Cooking oil & butter always available! ~Recycling program that rewards the customers for going green! ~Bi-monthly raffle ~We support local artists ~8ths ranging from $30+ and capped at $55 ~ATM, dog friendly, handicap accesible, veterans and ssi discounts, free wifi new and returning patients always receive free gift! new patients recieve TWO FREE ONE GRAM joints. Returning patients receive free ONE GRAM joint with 8th donation. Check us out online for current menu and specials! Issue 18 The 420 Times 9 10 The 420 Times Issue 18 RICK SIMPSON (STILL) RUNNING FROM THE CURE By Joe Klare Cancer is a devastating disease that affects tens of millions of people in the United States alone. It consumes lives and destroys families. It causes many to seek alternative treatments, and to try things they may not have considered under less dire circumstances. Issue 18 The 420 Times 11 “ ...from that point on I went on a crusade to bring this knowledge foreword.” Many of these alternative treatment seekers have gone down a road that has led them to a man named Rick Simpson. Formerly of Nova Scotia in Canada, Rick now lives in an undisclosed location in Europe due to legal entanglements with the Canadian government. Many of you may have heard of Rick Simpson; his documentary, Run From The Cure, has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on the internet. Dozens attest to the healing power of the cannabis oil he taught them how to make. And untold numbers around the globe consider him a visionary and cannabis freedom fighter of the highest caliber. The 420 Times was fortunate enough to get into contact with Mr. Simpson, and our conversation was as interesting as it was informative. He was very forthcoming, up to and including sending us the latest instructions on making hemp oil, which are printed at the end of this article. A “late bloomer” in terms of cannabis use, Rick preferred alcohol to weed. “My parents never really said much about cannabis and since I didn’t use the substance at the time no one tried to preach to me. When I was young a great number of my friends were smoking cannabis, but me in all my wisdom stuck to alcohol as my drug of choice. From all the propaganda we had been fed by our trusted government, I thought the use of cannabis must be harmful in some way. But watching the effect it had on all my friends that were smoking it seemed to go against all I had been told. After smoking cannabis in the evening they all awoke the next morning feeling fine and unharmed, while myself after drinking awoke with a nasty hangover. When I was young I tried to smoke it with friends a couple of times, but I didn’t like its effects at the time so I stuck with booze. They say hindsight is 20/20 and I wish I had known then what I do today, for if I had I would have smoked cannabis and drank a whole lot less alcohol.” As happens with many, Rick didn’t discover the medical benefits of cannabis until after he had been using it recreationally. “I was a late starter when The Royal Canadian Mounted Police vs. Rick Simpson Rick is currently in Europe because of problems with the Canadian government; as he told The 420 Times: “I never had a drug charge in my life until the RCMP staged the raid on my property in 2005. Of course in reality this raid was staged simply to prevent me from supplying the medicine and spreading the truth about the medicinal value of the hemp plant. The legal system tried to paint me as some type of drug dealer, but how many drug dealers do you know that openly grew cannabis and produced the essential oil from the plant and then gave this oil away free of charge to those in need? On my fifty eighth birthday November 30th 2007 12 The 420 Times Issue 18 I was put in jail for four days supposedly for trafficking an illegal substance. I had supplied 5 grams of oil again free of charge to a woman in her early twenties who was suffering from a back condition that had put her off work. Her mother who it seems considered herself to be an upstanding citizen, reported it to the local police and I was arrested. When the case was heard in court in early 2008 I was sentenced to time served. In other words the legal system considered the four days I had already served as just punishment for the terrible crime I had committed by helping this woman and giving her the medicine free.” it comes to the use of cannabis and I was in my mid thirties before I started to use it recreationally. Like most other people I had no idea of this plants potential as a medicine and I remained that way until about a year after I had suffered the head injury that ended my working career.” Rick Simpson’s documentary – Run From The Cure has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, and can be seen at the site of Rick’s foundation, 14 The 420 Times Issue 18 “I have to admit that it took me quite some time to realize the healing potential of this amazing oil,” Rick said when we discussed the cannabis oil he has been teaching people how to make for a decade. “When the medical system told me in 2001 that there was nothing more they could do for me, I had no option other than to turn to the oil for relief. The chemical medications that they had been giving me for years had badly damaged my thinking ability to the point that I couldn’t seem to remember anything. But once I started ingesting the oil on a regular basis it began to work its magic and in a short time it lifted me out of the chemically induced haze that I had been in. As this was taking place I became quite alarmed because I started loosing a lot of weight, of course I didn’t know at the time that the oil was simply detoxifying my body of excess fat and toxins that had built up over the years. It wasn’t until I had cured my own skin cancer, that I really became aware of the healing potential of this substance. Shortly after I had cured the last of the skin cancers with the oil, it suddenly dawned on me what this amazing substance was all about. Not only had it cured my cancer and brought my thinking ability back to normal. It had also cured the arthritis in my knees that I had been suffering from for years. Another truly amazing thing it had done was completely heal a severe third degree burn that occurred when I first tried to produce the oil. Of course at the time my thinking was badly impaired by all the chemical medications the doctors had given me, so I blame these so called medications for the injury that I suffered. When I say that I had suffered a severe burn I do mean severe. Three quarters of my right hand had literally melted and was hanging in big gobs from what was left of my hand. Eleven days after this injury my hand was completely healed leaving no scars, it was almost as if it had never happened. But at the time my thinking was so impaired by all the chemicals I had taken, I simply wrote it off by telling myself that I must be a good healer. Finally after I had cured my cancers I put all the oil had done for me into perspective and thought what have I stumbled upon. It then became more than obvious to me what this wonderful substance could do and from that point on I went on a crusade to bring this knowledge foreword. In the beginning I never really thought that the miraculous healing ability of this oil would be rejected. But I was soon to find out differently and in a few short months I came to realize the sad state of the world in which we live.” Youtube is full of video testimonials of people who say they have used Rick’s oil and that it has done amazing things. Obviously The 420 Times cannot claim knowledge of the oil’s ability to cure cancer; we can only say we have viewed the testimonials, and there are many who have been pushed to what many would consider an extreme treatment to help them with a horrific and soul-crushing disease, and they say it works. In the final analysis, there are many with cancer that come to the “what do I have to lose?” moment. It is something you should discuss with your family, friends, and doctor. Rick Simpson is yet another example of the hideousness of The War on Drugs; it only serves to hurt good people. It saps the will of those who want to help others. After all, what is wrong with someone having the option of cannabis to treat their cancer? The 420 Times cannot verify that Rick Simpson’s cannabis oil can cure cancer. We also concur with Mr. Simpson’s disclaimer that we bear no responsibility for the misuse of this information. Discuss all treatments with your doctor or other medical professional before use of any medicine or alternative. Get lit with great reads, incredible lighting tools and the 420 Times best new products and services for smoking, medicating and relaxation. Heart of Dankness By Mark Haskell Smith Novelist Mark Haskell Smith has been reporting for the Los Angeles Times and some other beats for years – but after attending the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, he went on a journey at home to find weed akin to the “dank” he sampled a the Cup. Starting as a novice when it comes to how great weed is grown, Smith encounters a myriad of botanists, farmers, and connoisseurs of high-grade varieties. Smith gives anyone who often wonders about how a variety of marijuana starts, grows and makes it to your bowl. This is a quick read that is perfect while sitting outside this summer — enjoying your own stash. Smith is the author of four novels, Moist, Delicious, Salty, and Baked, and has written for film and television. A contributor to the Los Angeles Times and a contributing editor to the Los Angeles Review of Books, Smith is an assistant professor in the MFA program for Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts at the University of California, Riverside, Palm Desert Graduate Center. Available at booksellers and online at: I-Tal HempWick The problem with lighters -- besides never finding yours -- is keeping it lit. With the I-Tal HempWick, all you need to do is simply ignite the end of the Hemp Wick, and then sit back and enjoy a clean burning flame; one that lasts as little or as long as you want, and one that can withstand the windy days outdoors. The strong flame of the I-Tal HempWick is the perfect solution for those of you who enjoy smoking your favorite blends outside with the wind at your back. Whether you smoke glass water pipes and you need a constant supply of pipe lighters, or you smoke rolled tobacco, or medicinal herbs, all work with the HempWick. I-Tal HempWicks also don’t come with all of the chemicals associated with lighters of plastics or butane. Get lit at: 56 The 420 Times Issue 33 Cheech & Chong’s Fatty Ganja Comedy App a Mobile Dispensary of Fun Available for iOS and Android devices, Cheech and Chong’s newest venture (where are they not anymore?) is the ultimate app for fans of the comedy duo. Tap into a top-shelf variety of games, features, sights, sounds, and smells – all wrapped in a ridiculously interactive design that will make your head spin. The Fatty features a ton of interactive elements that you can touch, tap, twist, and explore — either on purpose or not! It has a clock. Why is this clock better than all other clocks? The time is always 4:20! It’s like that movie with the dude who keeps waking up on the same day, but way better. Also you can feed your head with the latest news and updates from the front line of marijuana reform. The Chronic pull it’s content from NORML & The Marijuana Policy Project, so you know the information is legit. The apps Kush Notifications remind even the most loopy the most important details, “Did you remember to grab that thing for that dude?” The best feature is the Soundboard feature. Users can relive their favorite Cheech & Chong moments with a primo selection of sounds, lines, and classic phrases from the two pot-riarchs of comedy. Download additional sound packs and keep the good times rolling! FreshStor CVault FreshStor’s CVault is a handy bud humidor, for ease of definition. It comes with re-placable “moisture packs”, with no muss no fuss, you slip the pack out from under the lid of this cool storage container and slip in another one. They are good for more than 2 months (mine lasted longer than the stated life span) and you simply wait for it to get hard and then replace it. Meanwhile, this shiny stainless steel container, keeps your stash humidified in it’s dark and airtight snap-buckle lidded receptacle. This is an affordable accouterment for the leaf lovers in your life. There is nothing like guaranteed fresh and fragrant bud to tuck into after a long day. Check them out online at: Issue 33 The 420 Times 57 20 The 420 Times Issue 18 A simple question to the medical establishment: Does Cannabis Cure Cancer? A filmmaker’s journey to find some answers Interview by Jim Carlson Recently The 420 Times sat down with writer and film maker Len Richmond (Agony, Everything Bad is Good) to discuss the motivation behind the movie What if Cannabis Cured Cancer? 420: Okay, so let’s talk about your movie. So what made you do this film? I mean you came from TV and you have a lot of writing credits and you started directing stuff. What turned you on to medicine and cannabis? Len: My mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and we have a family history of cancer – my aunts, my grandmother and my stepfather and everybody. They all went for conventional therapy of chemotherapy and radiation and they all died. The cancer industry is an absolute scandal. They are hurting more people than they’re helping. Even the treatments that appear to work, the people frequently come down with cancer five years later even when they’re supposedly cured. It’s a real scandal. It’s not working, the doctors won’t admit it and my mother was very aware of this. Issue 18 The 420 Times 21 “You know, the doctors are not going to touch me. I’m going to find a way to heal myself with nature.” She said, “You know, the doctors are not going to touch me. I’m going to find a way to heal myself with nature.” And we were kind of into health foods. So she went on the internet and started researching. Now there was nothing about cannabis, you know. Nobody knew that you could use cannabis to treat cancer but there were a hell of a lot of other herbs including mistletoe and Asian mushrooms. There are a lot of anti-cancer elements out there in nature. So she started doing them all and going on a raw food diet and she stopped the tumor from growing for four years and after four years it began to shrink. Now mind you, during this whole time, my brothers and sisters and I are going, “Oh my, Mom, you’re going to kill yourself. You have to go for radiation and therapy. Doctors, oh we have to trust the doctors, they’re there to heal you.” And she’s just a stubborn lady and she said, “No, the doctors are stupid.” That was her favorite phrase, “Doctors are stupid. They don’t know what they’re doing. Nature is there to heal us and I’m going to find a way.” And she did. She shrunk her tumor and I was really impressed by that. It kind of proved to me that yeah, there is something about herbs and diet that really is more powerful than all the radiation 22 The 420 Times Issue 18 and chemotherapy in the world. And I made a film about it called Everything Bad Is Good, where I interviewed a whole group of people who had all cured themselves of cancer with natural therapies. 420: So from there, what? Len: I started reading here and there about cannabis and to tell you the truth I was totally skeptical. I just thought, “This is too good to be true; this is a stoner’s dream,” you know. Not only were you wrong about what we’re doing all these years but, hey folks, that cancer that your wife has, your grandma has, your granddad has, if they had been smoking cannabis, first of all they might not have got it. And secondly, in highly concentrated forms, we’re talking about oil here like Rick Simpson’s oil; it’s been shown to have curative effects. Now I’m not going to say it absolutely cures cancer in all cases but there are certainly other people out there who have had their cancer cured who will say that. And there are a lot of researchers and doctors who are really coming to believe that we have something really unique in this earth beyond any other cancer-killing herb and there are a lot of cancer killing herbs out there. 420: Okay, so how did you finance the film? Len: I didn’t even try to get financing because, you know, from what I know about this field, they do not trash doctors and my film was all about trashing doctors. It basically said doctors are killing people, and that’s a very radical point of view. PBS is not ready for that or at least I certainly didn’t think they were ready for that. “I have a career, I’m not sticking my neck out by coming on a film and saying that cannabis cures cancer. No way.” So I proceeded cautiously and I found some doctors who had been quoted in some of these articles and I tried to interview them and they said absolutely not, you know, “I have a career, I’m not sticking my neck out by coming on a film and saying that cannabis cures cancer. No way.” I mean one of them worked at Cedar-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. I was all set up to do an interview with him because he had been quoted in an L.A.Times article and at the last minute the Cedar-Sinai press people said absolutely no way can you interview him, we will not allow it. We’re not having our institution associated with this cringeyness, you know. 420: Got it. 24 The 420 Times Issue 18 Len: So this is totally unacceptable in the medical field, particularly to the people who treat cancer. They don’t want to know, they don’t want to know that what they’re doing is hurting people and that maybe they’ve been ignoring a cure that’s been out there for thousands of years. So, anyhow, I found one brave doctor, Jeffrey Hergenrather who lives in Sebastopol who, again, had been quoted as treating cancer patients and having success with cannabis. And, again, I have to emphasize it’s not just smoking a joint. Because everybody says, “Well what about all the people who smoke for chemotherapy and they still die of cancer?” 420: What did Taskin’s study show? Len: Smoking may help prevent cancer, that’s what Taskin’s study has shown; that people who smoke marijuana have less cancer than people who smoke nothing at all. But once you get cancer, I mean we’re talking about your body being under a lot of stress and just smoking a joint is not going to do the trick. You have to bombard it with the cannabinoid chemical in marijuana, all of them because they all have slightly different actions, in an oil, in something that’s way concentrated. And you have to do it frequently. I mean Jeffrey was saying that one patient he had that had been diagnosed with a brain tumor that should have killed him within a year, that’s with radiation and chemotherapy. Had he done that, he would have been dead within a year probably, but he’s been alive for seven years. He does cannabis multiple times a day. He bombards his system with the chemicals. 420: What else did Dr. Hergenrather teach you? 420: And you don’t believe prescription medication can help? Len: He said, “Well you know you have marijuana in your body right now Len, whether you’ve ever smoked it or not.” That was like totally news to me. He said, “Yeah, we’re born with the endo-cannabinoid system. It’s a mirror image of what happens when you smoke cannabis. It’s virtually the same chemical in slightly different forms.” Len: Pharmaceutical drugs are extremely toxic to our system. And so it can’t always be a tumor regulator and stop the tumors from growing when we’re bombarding ourselves with cancer causing toxins in our food and pharmaceutical drugs and the air we breathe. But when you smoke cannabis, it gives it more power. It’s basically like a little booster shot saying, “Here, you need some help? Smoke this cannabis and your endo-cannabinoids are going to be woken up a little bit and recharged.” Well, that’s revolutionary; I mean that’s beyond any other herb on this planet. It’s like a key fitting into a lock in the body and the lock is the endo-cannabinoid system you’re born with and the key is cannabis and it feeds it, it makes it more powerful. 420: What system? What if Cannabis Cured Cancer The DVD is available at and 26 The 420 Times Issue 18 is the endo-cannabinoid Len: It’s there to keep us healthy. It’s a tumor regulator, it regulates inflammation, it’s antibacterial, it’s anti-spasmodic – I mean the list goes on. It’s the system in our body; it’s a chemical reaction with the neurotransmitters that is there to try to keep us healthy. And every cat and dog, every elephant, every fish has it. And it developed thousands of years ago as a way to survive. However, in modern times, our endo-cannabinoid system is just stressed beyond belief because of all the toxins coming in our bodies because of the food we eat and the pollution and you know. So Jeffrey was talking about this and I just went, “Oh my God, there is a film here.” This is beyond anything I realized. We’re talking about the whole science of medicine and this would be a revolution. Where natural healing begins with you The journey to your wellness begins with Azusa Patient Remedies. We’ve always believed in quality over quantity — that’s why we only carry the absolute finest medical cannabis available. With a large variety of potent and clean cannibis available, we are confident you will find the one tailored to meet your individual needs. We are ready to answer your need for natural healing. sa Av S. Az u 605 FWY e. 10 FWY 57 FWY Azusa Patient Remedies 393 S. Azusa Ave., La Puente, CA 91744 60 FWY HAPPY HOUR 12PM - 4:20PM EVERYDAY During this time patients who donate 1/8 receive free gift from APR gift box! (626) 839-3883 FREE SUNDAY JOINT for every patient on Sundays NEW 60 dollar cap EVERYDAY PROMOTIONS - 5% off Persons with disabilities ADD 10 to any 1/8 donation to receive 4.5g upgrade Free joint and edible for all first time patients Free gift and gram for all first time patients who donate 1/8th or more Issue 18 The 420 Times 31 GREEN Machine City Near You! NEW REGISTERED PATIENTS GET A FREE GIFT! (LIMITED TIME OFFER) SPECIALS ALL NEW REGISTERED PATIENTS GET A FREE GIFT AND 20% ADDED BONUS OF THEIR INITIAL DONATION. Many Southern California locations. Find the location nearest you at visit us online at Clinics are independently operated and are not affiliated to Medicine Dispensing Systems or Prescription Vending Machines, Inc. e h T es of c a F dical e M rijuana a M _Pak s r M h@ t i w a iew had v r e e t w t, ana” An In atien ariju nabis p e of M l a edic ical can is just on ed M f o med tter. She en help ces a a i F n “ r Twi th’s e be alifo n v n o C a o k h a ith ho _Pa his m For t rsation w as @Mrs nwide w n e io conv an know ople nat e m a wo illions of p juana. ri the m dical ma 420T: What is your favorite way to consume e m y medical marijuana? b M_P: By bong! 420T: What state do you live in? Mrs_Pak: I’m Sacramento. in California, specifically 420T: How long have you been a medical marijuana patient? M_P: 6 months, but have used “illegally” for over 15 yrs. 420T: What ailments do you use medical marijuana to treat? M_P: I have chronic pain due to a disc issue in my lower back. Pain radiates down the sciatic nerve in my right leg. I had surgery about 11 years ago but still have pain & spasms! I also have nausea when taking pills & have used for anxiety! 420T: How symptoms? does mmj alleviate your M_P: Using medical marijuana calms the nerves in my legs which lessen the spasms; it helps reduce the pain in lower back & legs; I also use it for nausea when needed to help me eat. 36 The 420 Times Issue 18 420T: What are your favorite strains and why? M_P: I prefer sativas during the day & indicas before bed. Strain wise I love anything with Sour D genetics, has helped the most. I also prefer wax over weed for pain relief!! Hits off the Skillet have made it possible for me to take away most pills I was taking! Strain not specific with that, they all seem to help! 420T: What would your life be like without medical marijuana? M_P: Painful and depressing! 420T: How hard was it for you to become a medical marijuana patient? M_P: Not hard at all, Md said I was a “perfect” candidate due to my continued back pain. Wish I had known, would have gotten sooner. I’m licensed in my state for my job & was really nervous to get medical marijuana card. I was worried my job could track it which I found out was not possible!! Save Energy & Grow With The Spectrum Your Plants Absorb! ZERO DOWN TIME 3 Year Warranty If you have a problem with one of our products let us know and we will send a replacement to you immediately along with a shipping label to return the other light. This is unparalleled service you can count on! Save On Electricity 30 Day Money Back LEDs Made In USA Reduced Cooling Cost No Heat Signature Up To 90% Less Heat 50,000 Hour Rated Custom Orders WHOLESALE INQUIRES WELCOME! ORDER ONLINE: 42 The 420 Times GROW GREENER WITH LED’S Issue 18 1-888-476-9553 Best Of The Blog Blurbs from The 420 Times Grinder! NORML Turns 40 On March 2nd the nation’s oldest and most well-known cannabis law reform organization celebrated its 40th anniversary. In 1971 the War on Drugs was in its infancy and a young lawyer named Keith Stroup gathered with some friends in Washington D.C. to form a non-profit organization dedicated to ending cannabis prohibition. Many of our readers prefer to use grinders to break up their cannabis – as opposed to scissors or their fingers – and we have a great product for you! From the website: This grinder is lightweight, yet very durable. It is jam packed with every feature you would want. From the top, it has a smooth engraving and finish. The sharp tooth grinding top and bottoms are held together firmly with magnets in both pieces. This makes traveling and using the grinder worry-free. Below the grinding parts, is the screen piece. This piece has a tight stainless steel screen that only allows the most potent particles to fall through. These particles gather quickly with use in the bottom tray of the grinder. The 420 Times Herb Grinder also includes a mini plastic scraper to make gathering particles and cleaning your grinder easier! If you ever lose the scraper, we will replace it freely! The gains our movement has made over the past 40 years have been incredible, and NORML has been there leading the way. Some may grumble about the fact that legalization hasn’t come to be yet, but we stand on the precipice of the biggest gains in the history of the marijuana law reform movement. This wouldn’t be possible without NORML, and NORML wouldn’t be possible without us. Congratulations to NORML and all their supporters for a productive 40 years. Hopefully someday soon the organization can be disbanded for lack of need. So go to and click on the “Exclusive Web Content” section to find the grinder! Another great product from The 420 Times. “K2,” “Spice,” Officially Become Illegal Nationwide The all-powerful DEA has decided to ban 5 chemicals that are used to make the so-called “synthetic marijuana” products like K2 and Spice. As we have seen, banning a product does nothing to slow down it’s use; it just makes it cooler to some who will now go out and search for these products. And while K2 or Spice may very well be dangerous to your health, no agency in this country should have the kind of power the DEA has. We supposedly live in a republic, but bureaucrats at the DEA can make practically anything illegal. And who will stop them? 46 The 420 Times Issue 18 Is The Drug Czar Trying To Bully The Seattle Times? According to reports, soon after The Seattle Times published an editorial in favor of Washington State House Bill 1550 - a bill that would legalize cannabis in the state – the editorial board received a call from The White House alerting them to the fact that Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske wanted to fly to Seattle – at the taxpayers’ expense I’m sure – to meet with the editorial board in person; presumably to take issue with their stance on HB 1550. Has the Drug Czar never heard of videoconferencing? Over 200 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Apply For Los Angeles Lottery After being smacked down by a judge and having many of their medical marijuana restrictions thrown out, the L.A. city council has decided to hold a lottery to choose 100 dispensaries that will get to do business in the city. A ridiculous way to run the city’s economy, but that’s what the people of L.A. have to work with. 229 dispensaries got their applications for the lottery in before the deadline, but the city says they believe only about 135 are qualified. No word yet on when the lottery will be held. Early Presidential Poll Results We recently ran a poll at, asking our online readers who they would vote for in the 2012 Presidential Election. The options included those who have spoken out on marijuana law reform, plus the more obvious candidates. The winner with 47% was Texas Congressman Ron Paul (R), who has spoken out often on the failure of The War on Drugs. Second place was taken by President Obama with 23%, followed by former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson with 21%. These results not only show Ron Paul’s popularity in the cannabis law reform movement, but the President’s lack of popularity in the same group. Cannabis users are tired of hearing about “Change” and not seeing any. “Change” will still be the watchword in 2012. Marijuana Legislation Pending In At Least 13 States Many states currently have cannabis-related bills pending in their state houses and assemblies. To keep up with the swirling winds of change, here’s a quick rundown of what’s happening in the states: Medical marijuana bills are being debated in Hawaii, Delaware, Maryland, and Idaho. Colorado and Rhode Island are considering changes to their medical marijuana laws, including a possible ban on cannabis edibles in CO. California is going to decide on a bill that would prevent employers from firing medical marijuana users who medicate during off hours, while decriminalization is on the table in Connecticut, Hawaii, and Rhode Island. Add all this to the legalization efforts going on across the country, and you can see how busy our movement is on a daily basis. Big things are happening. Stay tuned to the website so you don’t miss what’s going everyday in the world of cannabis activism. Issue 18 The 420 Times 47 If you ever have doubts about your collective, or the safety of your medicine, look for the GLACA logo — it’s the sign of safety and knowledge in medical cannabis. The Greater Los Angeles Collectives Alliance (GLACA) is an association of co-ops and collectives that provides a clean, safe environment for patients in compliance with medical cannabis laws and their own strict operational guidelines. We are part of a shared desire for a shared solution. Look for the GLACA logo at these accredited collectives: California Patients Alliance The Farmacy-Venice The Farmacy-Westwood 8271 Melrose Ave., #102 Los Angeles, CA 90046 1509 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice, CA 90293 1035 Gayley Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 LAPCG 7213 Santa Monica Blvd. W. Hollywood, CA 90046 LAXCC 5710 W. Manchester Avenue Suite 203 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Eagle Rock Herbal Collective 4729 Eagle Rock Blvd. North Los Angeles, CA 90041 LA Wonderland The Natural Way of LA PureLife Alternative 4406 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 5817 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 1649 S. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 Wellness Center More and more collectives are being accredited with GLACA every day. If you are a collective, or a medical marijuana patient, and wish to learn more about GLACA, check out our website at: 48 The 420 Times Issue 18 $ : 5 " % 20 - 5019-4 "- ) 4 23 (3 -&"%&3*/13&.*&3& 8
*/5."3,&5*/( '035)&803-%8*%&$"//"#*4*/%6453: 8&#%&4*(/%&7&-01.&/5 8FC 1SPT 0òFST #FBVUJGVM "òPSEBCMF8FC %FTJHO %FWFMPQNFOU 1BDLBHFT UIBU XJMM NBLF ZPVTUBOEBQBSUGSPNUIFDPNQFUJUJPO $6450.-0(04*%&/5*5: 8BOU5P (FU /PUJDFE -FU 8FC 1SPT EFTJHO BUUFOUJPOHSBCCJOH CSBOEBCMF MPHPT øJFST CVTJOFTTDBSETQSPEVDUQBDLBHJOHNPSF 0/-*/&."3,&5*/(.03& *TOUJUUJNFZPVSDPNQBOZTFFTSFTVMUT -FUVTIFMQ .BSLFUJOH JT KVTU BOPUIFS TFSWJDF JO PVS SPCVTU MJOFVQPGQSPEVDUT March 19th 9am-6pm Marijuana Reform: Next Steps for California Join with leaders of the cannabis reform movement, public officials, medical cannabis providers, patients and advocates for a continuing conversation. ticket info available at: Tickets are $20 info: Sponsorship info: March 19th, 2011 9am-6pm The Ricardo Montalban Theatre Hollywood 1615 Vine St., Los Angeles 90028 Issue 18 The 420 Times 55 56 The 420 Times Issue 18 Appetite Stimulants By Joe Klare Cannabis is often depicted in pop culture as the munchie-producing favorite of burn-outs and Frito-Lay stockholders. But many medical marijuana patients rely on cannabis to stimulate their appetites and allow them to take in life’s nourishment. Those in cancer treatments are a prime example of patients who need cannabis to be able to eat and retain the minerals and vitamins they need to keep their strength. There are several strains that work well as appetite stimulants and we will discuss a few here. Sour Diesel is a favorite of cannabis smokers the world over, and it also happens to stimulate the appetite. A sativa dominant hybrid that has a light green appearance, SD is covered in THC trichomes and has a distinct gas-like taste. Casey Jones is another sativa-dominant hybrid with buds covered in red hairs. It comes with an energizing high that will allow you to eat and get on with your day. Another strain good for the appetite is an indica strain known as Top 44. It produces a very euphoric high that can become sedative if vaporized. Its buds are big and fluffy, and it has a distinct fruity taste. Another good hybrid is Strawberry Cough, characterized by its bright orange hairs and fruity taste/smell. It comes with a motivating high and is great for increased appetite. The infamous Pineapple Express is a sativadominant hybrid that is a helpful appetite stimulant. With orange hairs much like Strawberry Cough, it also shares SC’s fruity aroma and won’t leave you locked to the couch. White Russian is a very potent strain that is an indica-dominant hybrid. WR has a noticeable Kush taste and smell and the buds are bright green and frosted with trichomes. White Shark is a hybrid with buds covered in trichomes which provides an uplifting buzz that is great for pain and lack of appetite. Kush is a very popular strain with many variations, and is readily available in many places around the U.S. A heavy indica, you know Kush is around because the smell permeates the air around it. A full body high is accompanied by the “munchie” effect that is so necessary to medical cannabis patients. As always, consult your doctor, friends, and your budtender about what strains are best for your ailments and symptoms. Finding a strain isn’t an exact science, and the trial and error process can be a very enjoyable prelude to finding the strain that’s right for you. Do you have a strain that works for you? We’d like to hear your favorite. Email to us at: Issue 18 The 420 Times 57 Issue 18 The 420 Times 61 62 The 420 Times Issue 18