March 2015 - Hiawatha Chapter of Trout Unlimited
March 2015 - Hiawatha Chapter of Trout Unlimited
A Monthly Publication of the Hiawatha Chapter of Trout Unlimited Hiawatha TU Board Banquet NEWS The 2015 Hiawatha Chapter of Trout Unlimited (HTU) Conservation Banquet will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2015. If you look at your calendar, that date is almost on top of us. So get out your iPads, your smart phones, your regular old event calendars or date books, or whatever you use to keep track of where you want to be and when, and jot down the date, time, and location. We will again be at the Canadian Honker’s Event Center at Apache, 1517 16th Street SW (two years ago it was called the Ramada). The response to using that venue was overwhelmingly positive, so we are returning again this year. Amy, Chris, and Chef Le have been cooking up some new appetizers for our enjoyment. This event will feature the usual assortment of top quality fly fishing and fly tying materials giving you the opportunity to enhance your already overloaded vest, fly boxes, and wo/man cave. We’ll have reps from Cabelas of Owatonna there to outfit you with new clothing and gear, plus an assortment of local and exotic guided fishing trips to choose from and this year we are adding a new twist to the evening. Our banquet coincides with the Grand Opening of the new Scheels Store in Rochester--they are really lucky they chose this date! A representative from Scheels will be at the banquet to display a selection of over/under and semi automatic shotguns---names like Benelli, Winchester, Franchi, Beretta, and Remington. We’ll have a special bucket raffle to allow guests a chance to win their choice of one of the shotguns displayed, or, if preferred, to take a gift certificate to Scheels and use it to select another shotgun of their choice. The raffle winner will have to foot the bill for the cost difference of the upgrade. Sorry, but this is an adult raffle and we’ll not sell tickets to anyone under 18. Ask members and friends who have attended the past several years and you’ll understand why this is a ‘you don’t want to miss this banquet’ event. Premium quality bamboo fly rods, a wood strip canoe, top of the line graphite fly rods, and other fishing gear items -- all have made past banquets exceed our expectations. The HTU Board’s goal is to make this year’s banquet another one to be remembered. The various pieces and parts for the evening are coming together--- this will be one special night !! This year we also want to recognize the many partners who have helped us with habitat improvement projects over the past half decade -- the designers and contractors who brought together various ideas, accepted challenges and changes, and added their own ideas in order to meet the needs of each project and time schedule. Please join us in letting them know that we appreciate their contributions. So go to the HTU website to easily purchase your tickets online ( and they’ll be waiting for you at the door. Or contact an HTU Board of Director member or chapter member who has tickets for sale. Tickets this year will be a $40 donation in advance; however, ticket prices at the door will be $50.00. So don’t wait as you can use that $10 to purchase a ticket for the shotgun raffle. Doors will open for the evening at 6pm. We are all looking forward to seeing you at the Honker Event Center at Apache on April 11--it’s the Saturday before the trout opener, so that excuse won’t hurt. Ray Rickets • Banquet News • Calendar of Events (the article) • UpComing Meetings/Events • Shotgun Raffle • Secretaries Report march 2015 PRESIDENT Carl Berberich 507-951-2916 VICE PRESIDENT Seth Knight 931-434-2694 SECRETARY Frank Angelotti 507-289-1688 TREASURER Jodie Ice EX OFFICIO Scott Steffens 507-398-2500 WEBMASTER Vince Robichaud Membership Coordinator Frank Angelotti HABITAT Coordinator Paul Krolak YOUTH EDUCATION Coordinator Kelli Schmeling WOMEN’S INITIATIVE CHAIR Marlene Huston 507-208-5013 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Phil Pankow, NTLC Liaison 507-208-4410 Deb Angelotti HTU BOARD members AT large Mike Carpenter Paul Krolak Sh tgun Raffle This year’s HTU Conservation Banquet date coincides with the Grand Opening of the Scheels store in the Apache Mall in Rochester. To help facilitate both events, Scheels was asked if they would consider hosting a shotgun raffle as a part of our fundraiser. A representative from the Scheels store will be on hand throughout the banquet to display an assortment of over and under and semi-automatic shotguns for your raffling interests. The winner of this special raffle may select one from the shotguns offered to be picked up at the store, or may choose a gift certificate from Scheels that can be used to purchase a firearm of their choice. Any difference in the value of what the winner chooses to purchase over the value of the certificate will be the responsibility of that winner. Scheels will handle all the necessary purchase eligibility and screening requirements when the winner comes to the store. The shotguns to be displayed at the banquet are: • Benelli, M2 Field model, semi-automatic, 3” chamber, 28” barrel • CZ, Redhead Premier, over/under, 3” chamber, 28” barrel • Franchi, Instinct L, over/under, 3” chamber, 28” barrel • Franchi, Intensity, semi-automatic, 3 1/2” chamber, 28” barrel • Remington, Versamax, semi-automatic, 3” chamber, 28” barrel • Winchester, SX3 Waterfowl Hunter, semi-automatic, 3 1/2” chamber, 28” barrel To ensure we follow the rules of he MN Gambling Board, we must state that this raffle will be held during the banquet at the Canadian Honker Events at Apache location on April 11, 2015. Tickets will be on sale beforehand and at the banquet for $10 a ticket. You do not have to be present at the banquet to win the raffle. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase a ticket. These tickets cannot be purchased via our website, and MUST be purchased using either cash or a check; NOT a credit card. To purchase tickets, contact any of the following persons: Carl Berberich at 951-2916, Phil Pankow at 273-0934, Paul Krolak at 202-3464, Marlene Huston at 208-5013, Frank Angelotti at 358-1337, Kelli Schmeling at 990-4531, Ray Ricketts at 269-3707. March 2015 Sun Mon Tue WedThu Fri Sat 1 2 HTU Meeting 345 67 Fly Tying Rochester Public Library 9:30 am-Noon HTU BOD 101112 8 9 1314 Newsletter Fly Tying Rochester Public Library 9:30 am-Noon 15 16 171819 2021 G R E AT W AT E R S E X P O Fly Tying 22 23 242526 2728 2930 31 Upper Midwest Regional TU Meeting March 10th 2015: 7:00 - 9:30 pm HTU Newsletter Meeting Dunn Brothers North, Rochester, MN March 27-29, 2015 Upper Midwest Regional TU Meetng • Franchi, Affinity, semi-automatic, 3” chamber, 28” barrel G R E AT W AT E R S EXPO March 9th 2015: 7:00 - 9:30 pm HTU BOD Meeting People’s Food Co-op, Rochester, MN up coming events • CZ, Canvasback gold, over/under, 3” chamber, 28” barrel Meeting Meeting 6:30 pm 7:00 pm People’s Food Co-op up coming MEETINGS March 2nd 2015: 7:00 - 9:30 pm HTU Chapter Meeting. Izaak Walton Cabin, Rochester, MN March 20-22, 2015 Great Waters Expo National Sports Center, Blaine, MN • Beretta, A300 Outlander, semi-automatic, 3” chamber, 28” barrel 7:00 pm Izaak Walton Lodge Up coming events/ meetings Upper Midwest Regional TU Meeting Fly Tying April 11th, 2015 Hiawatha Spring Banquet Canadian Honker Events at Apache, Rochester, MN check for more information Hiawatha Trout Unlimited Calendar of Events Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is growing in scope and enthusiasm. Kelli Schmeling is the Hiawatha Trout Unlimited (HTU) youth education coordinator and a teacher at the Stewartville Middle School. She organizes the program for the schools involved coordinating with teachers Kevin Landherr, Mayo High School, and Bruce Frutiger, Century High School, in Rochester and Steve Hinrichs from the newest school joining TIC, Plainview/Elgin/Millville High School. Approximately 550 eggs were delivered to each school in early December thanks to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fisheries Division and these eggs are already hatched into hatchlings. Kelli has the Facebook page set up so please like it and check out the progress. Habitat Improvement (HI) work is still going on in tree removal of non-native trees on Trout Run. The HI project construction is now completed on Cold Spring Brook, East Indian, and Camp creeks, while construction continues on Pine Creek in Winona County. Designs were completed for work on Mill, Willow, and Newberg creeks, with construction bids to be solicited in the near future and the construction to begin next year. Future work also includes logging on Spring Valley Creek and restoration work on Lynch Creek. Looking even further into the future, a large-scale project on the Root River in Preston has been moving through the Lessard-Sams process with the rest of the Minnesota National Trout Unlimited (MNTU) projects. We had Hiawatha Trout Unlimited (HTU) Chapter work days on East Indian (beaver dam removal and tree cutting) and Camp Creek (tree cutting on banks adjacent to the bike path). As we bring in more designers and as more experience is gained with stream restoration in the Driftless Region, different techniques and varied approaches are being applied to our projects. We work closely with the Department of Natural Resource (DNR) throughout each project’s life cycle and we’ve learned from our colleagues in Wisconsin and Iowa, thanks to events sponsored by Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TUDARE). We now have a variety of contractors doing these projects for two reasons: 1. State law requires bids from multiple qualified firms on state funded projects. This requires us to follow state guidelines for the awarding of contracts and for which we are auditable. 2. There are many habitat improvement projects being done throughout Minnesota by MNTU, not just in the Southeast. This has been seen as too much work for any one company. We here at HTU continue to monitor and learn as our local projects mature so we can provide restorations that improve habitat and hold up through whatever nature can dish out. As we work on local HTU projects, the construction plans are posted to Our March meeting is the HTU Annual Members Meeting where we say good-bye and thank you to officers and board members leaving their seats and welcome to the new officers and board members being voted in. The HTU Spring Conservation Banquet will be April 11 at the Canadian Honker Event Center in the Kahler Apache. Additional events coming up are the MinnAqua adult and youth weekend through the DNR May 29-31 and T.U.N.E. Camp run by Pheasants Forever and TU June 25-28. More details coming soon. Yours Truly, Phil Pankow HTU Newsletter Editor February 2015 HTU Board Meeting Minutes In attendance: Frank Angelotti, Phil Pankow, Carl Berberich, Marlene Huston, Ray Ricketts • Chapter finances: Think Checking $5653.23Think MM$7,579.85, Altra Checking $5030.88 Altra Savings $5.00 • We owe a bill for $2611.72 to Fish and Pets for TIC equipment • We shall try to get store credit from Mend Provisions for the donation of fine vintage fly reels from Jim Suk. Carl will take them over. Education • The Winter fly tying class was cancelled due to lack of signups • A Rochester community education fly fishing for women class is scheduled for March 4, 11 and 18. Upcoming Events March members meeting March 2 • Annual Chapter elections • Lake Superior Steelhead presented by Carl Haensel Great Waters Expo March 20-22 • MNTU will get booth space for all chapters who wish to be present • We have hotel accommodations booked April 11 HTU Banquet • Have venue and rough program need to start meting for banquet Spring MNTU Meeting • tentatively in Rushford but we expect it to move to our banquet venue on April 11 May 29-31 • MNDNR MinnAquaflyfishing camp June 25-28 • TUNE Camp • Volunteers are needed to help with these events. Contact me at if you would like to help and I shall point you in the right direction. respectfully submitted by Frank Angelotti, HTU secretary Non-profit organization u.s. postage p a id Rochester, MN 55901 permit No. 281 P.O. Box 7168 Rochester, MN 55903 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 507-288-5554 800-314-WELL 507-288-3224 fax 507-696-7191 cell 7025 HWY 63 N. Rochester, MN 55906 DLF Custom Fishing Rods 6747 19th St SE Eyota, MN 55934 Shop (507) 289-7680 Dan Fryer Matthew Like Paul Myhrom Rochester, Mn Sales & Service Open Tuesday-Saturday 44 4th St. SE Rochester, MN 55904 507-288-8888 Guide: J. Mark Reisetter Lewiston Area Trout Guides 165 Whispering Pines Court Lewiston, MN 55952 (Fifty Streams Within Twenty Miles)