Active Noise Reduction ModulerM lnstallation and
Active Noise Reduction ModulerM lnstallation and
Shownwnh opl ona equrpmenl Active NoiseReductionModulerM lnstallation and Operatinglnstructions For installation into GentexHelmet Model: SPH-3 SPH-4 HGU-33 HGU-55 INDEX I PartsList & ToolsRequired................................... I. Removeoriginalspeakers. .....................................2 tr. Removeoriginalcrossover cable..,........................4 m. Solderingthewiringharness..................................6 Prefened methodfor soldersplice.........................7 TV. Aboutsoldering ...........................8 8 V. Soldering thewires................................................. VI. Solder wiresto modules.........................................9 Insertmodulesinto earcups Install new siliconegel earseals .......... ................. ...............10 vm.OperatingInstructions Caution Read theseinstructions completely before beginning the installation. The anr modules are finely tuned & requirc that installation be performed strictly in accordancewith this manual. Deviations from the instructions contained herein will result in a systemrnalfunction. Purchaser assumes all risks arising frorn an improper installation. This product is intended for'sself installation into your helmet and requires reasonableskill in the use of a soldering tool but a minimal unilerstanding of electronics.ff you question your ability to perforrn the installation, you are adviseil to take this unit & your helnet to the nearest electronic technician, or ship them to HEADSETS, INC. for a factory installation. Any radio/tv technician or avionicstechnician should be able to install the modulesin approximately 3 hours. PartsList Checkto seeyou havereceivedall materials L pair modules (2 modules)- markedR & L. Eachmodulecontainsan anr speaker,audiospeaker,microphoneandcircuit board pair 1 siliconegel earseals- designedspecificallyfor helmettypeearcups in orderto optimizeanrperformanceandcomfort. I battery case- Sliding door permitseasyaccessto the 9v battery. 1 power cable - 60 inch, 2 conductor(red= 9v+ black or white = ground-). 1 crossovercable - a 4 conductorcable, 33" length. 1 zipJoc bag of installation materials: solder,28gawire, shrink-wrap, tie-wraps,strips of double sidedadhesivetape,2 fabic pads(black/ white oval), 4 piecesof temperfoaminsulation(4 pink crescentshaped pieces). Tools Nceded 1. Finetip solderingtool (20 wattor less) 2. Powerdrill and5/16"bit 3. Smallwire cutters 4. Small screwdriverset 5. Damp sponge- to cleansoldertip 6. Butanelighter - to heatshrink wrap 7. ContinuityTester(optional)- very helpful to confirm & identify wire leads InstallationOveryiew Earcupswith earsealsarerequiredfor installationinto aviationhelmets.Includedwith this kit is one pair of siliconegel type earsealsthat will fit most helmetearcups.Earcupsare availablefor purchaseif your helmetis not aheadyso equipped. l. R€mov€original audio spcakcls Removethe earsealfrom eachearcupandsetaside.Reachinto each earcupand pull out the foam insulation and audio speaker.Disconnect both wires from eachspeaker. Confirmtheidentity of thesetwo wireson eachside. In mostGentex helmetsaudio(+) is white andaudio(-) is black.Usinga continuitytester, refer to Figure 1 at right andconfirm the color codingfor (+) and C). Figure1 Originalwiringharness afterspeakerremoval white1= audio(+) black2- audio(-) Cut hereand remove nalcrossovercable originalcrossovercable to boom mic audio(-) MilitaryPlug audio(+) mic(+ GivilianPlugs 3 ll. Removeoriginal crosgovercable Cut the original crossovercableat the placeshownin Figure l. Removethe original crossovercablefrom the right earcupandsetaside. Withdraw the main audio cablefrom the left earcupand partially withdraw this cableftom the main grommet. Enlargethe hole in the left earcupto 5/16 inch diameter. Insert the 9v power cable (togetherwith the main audio cable) throughthe main grommetandinto the left earcupasshownin Figure3. Insertthenewcrossovercableinto the left earcupasshownin Figure3. Insert the otherend of the crossovercableinto the right earcup. The installationshouldnow look like Fieure3. Figure2 Removeoriginalcrossovercableandpartially withdrawmainaudiocabls fromh€lmet. enlargethishole to 5/16inch (leftearcuponly) marn grommer MilitaryPlug originalcrossover cable audio.C) audio(+) mic(+ CivilianPlugs 9 volt(+) I voltC) to boom mic I voltpowercable lll. Solderingthe wifng harness Aflel installationof all cables,your headsetshouldlook like Figure 3. Review Figure 3 and Figure5, but belbre soldering,srudySectionIV "About Soldering"and Figure 4 "Plefered method for soldersolice". white 1 black2 green3 red 4 black5 red 6 otacK I Figure3 Mainwiringharnessbeforesplicing = audio(+) = audio(-) = audio(+) = 9v(+) = commonground(-) = 9v(+) = 9vC) ., 6 *Disregard this white wire from new crossovercable as it is not usedin thisapplication. newcrossover ca0le original crossover MilitaryPlug audio.(-) caDte to boom mtc a u d i o( + ) mrc(+ Audio+ CivilianPlugs I volt (+) I volt (-) Usc thetie wrapsprovidcdto tie thenewpowcrcableto the originalaudio cable.Do not over tighten or wircs inside-----".\ cablenlay break. 9 volt powercable Figure4 A-F Preferredmelhod for solder splice A B c D E F Stripabout1/4inchinsulation fromeachwireend. Twistwirestrands. Tineachwireendby meltingsolderintotwistedwireends. Holdwireendstogetherandmeltintoone(fuse). Slideshrinkwrapoverspliceandheatwithflamefor 1-2seconds. Heatonlytheshrinkwrap- avoidburninginsulation. Finishedspiceshouldlooklikethis. 7 lV.About soldering If you are not experiencedwith a fine tip solderingtool, a few minutes of practice will greatly improve your proficiency. Spend enoughtime andcarcto insurethatsolderjointsandsplicesarecleanly done. Useonly the 28 ga. wire providedwhenconstructingthe wiring hamessandattachingto thep.c.board. Do not useheaviergagewire or the final installationwill bemoredifficult (i.e.,tuckingwires& closing unit). Using theflexible 28ga.wire (andremoving excesslengths of original wire) will resultin a moreprofessionalinstallation. ReviewFigure5 for wiring sequence, butbeforesolderingreview Figure4, "Preferredmethodfor soldersplice". V. Solderingthe wires Solder/splicewire #6 to wiule#4. Auacha 3 inch pieceof 28 ga. red wire. Coverwith shrink wrap. Solder/splicewtre #7 to wire #2 and#5 (it may be necessaryto lengthenwire #2 first, by usingshortlengthof black 28 ga.wire). Attach a 3 inch pieceof 28 wire. Coverwith shrink wrap. to lengthen Solder/splicewire #l to wire #3 (it maybe necessary wire #1 first, by using shortlengthof green28 ga.wire). Attach a 3 inch pieceof 28 ga.greenwire. Coverwith shrink wrap. Your wiring harnessshouldnow look like Fieure5. w h i t e1 black2 green3 red4 black5 red 6 black7 =audio(+) =audioC) =audio(+) = 9v(+) = commonground(-) = 9v(+) = 9vG) Figure5 Mainwiringharness layout * Typicalsoldersplicelocation 9v(+) commonground(-) Vl. Solderwiresto modules Insertmodulesinto earcups lnstall newsiliconegel earseals Melt a small spotof solderon to eachof the threeattachpoints locatedon thecomerof eachmodule'scircuit board.Carefullysolder the threewires to eachcircuit boardaccordingto Figure6. Apply the 2 sidedadhesivetapeas shownin Figure 6, leaving the exposedbacking paperin place until the foam insulationis in place.Tirck the cablesaway andinsertthe pink temperfoaminsulation in the earcups.Compressthe temperfoamunderthe edgeofthe earcupsandfit the modulesin place.ff modulesfit properly(flush), pull eachmoduleout just enoughto removeadhesivebackingpaper and pressmoduleinto place.Insertone black/whiteoval fabric pad into eachmodule.Thesepadsareyery important. They functionto acousticallydampenthe modulesand rnust remain in place.If the padsbecomelost or soiled,call for a free setof replacements. Install the gel earsealsby carefully sferching them aroundthe flangeof the earcups. green= audio(+) red= 9v(+) black= commont) Figure6 Wiringto modules If it is necessaryto remove a module after final installation, take care not to damage module during removal. Carefully pry module from earcup. Removal is accomplishedby insertingknife bladebetweenmoduleflangeand earcup.This will deform the tape, separatingearcup and module without damage. This adhesivetape is semi-permanentand may need to be replaced if module is removed from earcup. We can provide additionaltapefree of charge. Vll. Operatinginstructions 1. The silicone gel earsealsprovided with this product are required for proper operation of this unit. 2. A standardaircraft radio is all that is requiredto power the audioportion of for theactivenoisereducthe anrmodules.However,anaudiosignalis not necessary tion circuit to operate.Supplying9v to themoduleswill activatethenoisecancelling is "scratchy",checkfor tarnishedbrass system.If audioreceptionor transmission tips on audioor mic plug.Polishif necessary. 3. In cold conditions(below32f OAI) removethehelmetfrom theaircraftafter eachflight.If helmetbecomescoldsoakedit is moresubjectto moisturecondensawill not damngg616sgradethe unit, tion. Although summertimecabintemperatures the batterycasecan warpif left in direct sunlight. f cabintemp)canresult 4. Operationundercoldconditions(below40 degrees insidetheearcups, causingtemporarymalfunction.Allow in moisturecondensation unit to warm& dry beforeresuminguse. 5. Testthe activenoisesystemon the rampprior to eachuse.If thereis any malfunction (squealing,humming,or oscillation),the power shouldbe tumed off and the helmetusedconventionally.Minor hummingor oscillation can usually be stoppedby applyinglight pressureto the earcup. 6. Life of a high quality9V batteryshouldbe approximately15-20hours.To guardagainstaccidentallyleaving power on, unplug the power cablefrom battery casewhenunit is not in use.An optionalautoshut-offbatterycaseis availablewhich will automaticallyturn the poweroff after4 minutesof inactivity. 7. The active noisereductionmodules require a very stable power supply. powersupplysystemswill causemalUse of cheap9v batteriesor nonapproved functions, possiblydamagingthe circuitry. WerecommendDura-Cell , Energizer, or Ray-O-Vac. 10 8. Do not attempt to power the anr modules directly from your aircraft electricalsystemwithout usingour panelmountpowerunit. The voltagespikesand backgroundstaticfrom mostaircraftwill soondamagethevery sensitiveintegrated circuitsin themodules.Our panelmountpowerunit hasa .25ampfuse,dualvoltage regulators,andis isolatedwith a DC/DC converter. 9. A continuity testeris very helpful, andis usuallyrequiredto tracea shortor brokenwire.Theyareavailablefor undergl5. 10. Do not insert any material into the modules,suchas the original cloth insertsor earcovers,foam rubber,etc.,exceptfor the black and white oval fabric piecesprovided. IMPORTANT: 2 blacklwhiteovalpiecesoffabric areprovidedwith eachset. This material is intendedto keepdirt & debris out of the speakerelementsand to acousticallydampentheanr modules,Oneshouldbeplaced insideeachanr module, coveringthe speakergrill holes & the microphones.tlse of thelabric pads is mandatory.Failure to usethesemeyresultin feedback(squealing).IJ thepads are lost or becomesoiled,call for a lree setof replacements. For free technicalassistance call 806-358-6336 weekdaysfrom 9:00A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Central Time). 11 LimitedWarranty This productis warrantedto be free from defectsin materialsor workmanshipfor one(1) yearfrom the dateof purchase.Within this period,IIEADSETS, INC. will at its soleoption,repairor replaceany components whichfails in normaluse. Suchrepairsor replacement will be madeat no chargeto the customerfor partsandlabor; provided, however,that the customershallbe responsiblefor any transportation cost. This warrantydoesnot coverfailure dueto abuse,misuse, accidentor unauthorizedalterationor repairs. HEADSETS,INC. assumesno responsibilityfor special,incidental,punitiveor consequential damages, or lossof use. TI{E WARRANTIESAND REMEDIESCONIAINED HEREIN ARE EXCLUSryE, AND IN LIEU OF ALL OT}IER WARRANTIES AND REMEDIESEXPRESSEDOR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY LIABILITY ARISING I.INDERWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFORA PARTICULARPURPOSE,STATUTORY OR OTTIERWISE.THIS WARRANTY GTVESSPECIFIC LEGALRIGHTSWHICH MAYVARYFROM STAIETO STAIE. To obtail warrantyservice,retum the unit alongwith a brief note indicatingthe natureof the problem. Includeyour full name,address, anddaytimephonenumber.Placethe unit in a box only (no padded envelopes).The unit shouldbe insuredandsentfreight prepaidto HEADSETS,INC., 2320LakeviewDrive.Amarillo.Texas79109 12 @Jteadsets e-mail: Phone:806-358-6336. Fax: 806-358-6449 2320LakeviewDrive . Amarillo, TX 79I 09
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