RPWST March 2016 Newsletter - Republican, St. Tammany
RPWST March 2016 Newsletter - Republican, St. Tammany
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany March 2016 RPWST March Meeting Dates to Remember: March 12, 2016 - Republican State Convention March 18, 2016 - Lincoln-Reagan Banquet April 6, 2016 - RPWST mtg May 11, 2016 - RPWST Scholarship Banquet June 1, 2016 - RPWST mtg July 6, 2016 - RPWST Meet & Greet August 3, 2016 - RPWST mtg September 7, 2016 - RPWST mtg October 2016 - RPWST Fundraiser November 2, 2016 - RPWST mtg December 7, 2016 - RPWST Christmas Party Executive Board: President – Stephanie Danielson Past President—Robin Pringle 1st Vice President – Brandy Morris Programs and Venues 2nd Vice Pres. - Samantha Goodwin Membership Secretary, Recording – Tracy Krieger Secretary, Corresponding – Barbara Ryan Treasurer – Barbara Phillips Standing Committees: Bylaws – Campaign Communications— Susan Strain Legislative – Public Relations/Publicity – Scholarship – Gayle Weber Additional Committees: Americanism—Sara Wood Community Involvement – Fundraising— Meeting Raffle— Military – NFRW/LFRW Programs/Awards – Please join the Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany for our first ever Candidate Cocktail Party, Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 6:30pm at the Old Rail Brewing Company in the Malt Room, 639 Girod St., Mandeville. After a brief business meeting, each candidate will have an opportunity to speak for 3 minutes. Following comments we will conclude with a cocktail meet and greet for everyone to meet candidates and ask questions individually. Feel free to invite your family, friends and neighbors, this meeting will be open to the public. There will be a $20 charge with a cash bar. Light hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please RSVP to Brandy Morris at brangibboney@gmail.com or Barbara Phillips at barbiedollmom@gmail.com. We are now able to accept credit cards for RPWST meetings! NRMC Meeting LincolnReagan Banquet March 2016 pg 2 Where to Find It: Minutes Pg 3 Military & New/Renewing Members Pg 4 Lincoln-Reagan Banquet Pg 5 RPWST College Scholarship Application Pg 8 Wounded War Heroes Banquet Pgs 9-11 Louisiana Caucus Info Pgs 13-15 Leadership St. Tammany Info Pg 17 Rotary’s Sunday with Scholars Pgs 17-18 RPWST Membership Application Pg 19 NFRW & LFRW Information Pg 20 Photo Gallery for the RPWST February Meeting with Rafael Goyeneche Pgs 7, 12, & 16!! Happy Birthday!!! Laurie Pennison March 13 Diane Bellas March 25 Jessica Dejean March 25 Joyette Rhoden March 31 Government’s first duty is to protect the people, Not run their lives. - Ronald Reagan March 2016 pg 3 Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany Minutes of the February 3, 2016 Meeting Bourre Call to Order and Welcome: After a sign-in and social, President Stephanie Danielson called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Stephanie Danielson. Stephanie welcomed our guests and officials. Business Meeting and Reports: Minutes: Minutes from the January meeting were accepted. Membership: We recognized those with birthdays in February. Our new members for this month are Ann Thompson, Janet Reynolds, Jeanett Beck, and Pat Rodriquez. Remember new members will receive a name tag with membership renewal. Treasury: Barbara Phillips gave the treasury report. The current treasury balance can be requested by any member to view. Stephanie introduced our guest speaker for the night, Rafael Goyeneche. We would like to thank Mr. Goyeneche for his informative message about crime and investigation in the New Orleans metropolitan area. We must remember that we are all responsible for a safe and productive community. New Business: Peggy Spiceland explained that we must vote in the caucuses in March. We are electing five candidates for the caucus. She promoted the Wounded War Heroes program run by Matt Cole. Their major fund raiser for service men and women of our area is June 17th at the Castine Center. She also reminded us that the Mandeville Rotary Club has an excellent scholarship for college students. Stephanie shared some of the upcoming events with us which include a cocktail hour at the Old Rail’s Malt Room in March, Pat Brister in April, and our May Scholarship banquet. Susan Strain is spear-heading the Fall Fund raiser for our club which will be a Masquerade Ball. Peter Egan of RPEC told us about the caucus for the convention. We will vote for representation at the March 5th Primary Elections. He also gave each of us fliers from the Office of the Governor that examined stabilizing the budget and short term options for the FY 16 budget shortfall. Rob Maness who is running for the Louisiana Senate spoke to us. He currently has been endorsed by our state’s Tea Party. He has a newsletter available at his web site. Remember to look at our webpage http://sttammanyrepublicans.org/ republicanprofessionalwomenofsttammany.html There being no further business Pam Egan motioned to adjourn and Liz Didier seconded. We adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Tracy Krieger February 2016 pg 4 Welcome New/Renewing RPWST Members!! Jeanett Beck Janet Reynolds Pat Rodriguez Anne Thompson Sonya York We’re glad you're here!! Our Military See below the wonderful thank you letter from SSG Martin Lawson from Afganistan to RPWST and information on the Wounded War Heroes Banquet located on pages 9-11. Good morning from Afghanistan, Just wanted to let Operation We Care know that I received the King Cakes!! They are amazing and arrived just on time because it was two of my fellow soldiers birthdays!! I was the one who found the baby in the cake lol! I was like noooo because my wife has been talking about having another baby. Getting those packages definitely made my day and week! Reading those letters from those kids was also great. They reminded me of my two little ones! If you know who they are can you please say thank you for me. It was pretty awesome to read the history behind the King Cake as I had never had it before. The cakes got here on Feb 3rd. Again thank you all very much for taking the time, effort, funds etc to send those packages. It feels so great to know we get that kind of support from people we might not ever meet in person but support our military from the bottom of their hearts. So please please thank everyone who is involved for me. And please thank Randazzo's Camellia City Bakery! God Bless! SSG Martin Lawson March 2016 pg 5 March 2016 pg 5 LFRW Recognizes One of Our Own! March 2016 pg 6 RPWST February 2016 Meeting Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany Empowering women through political education and through the support of Republican candidates for better government March 2016 pg 7 RPWST Scholarships for Young Republican College-bound Women March 2016 pg 8 March 2016 pg 9 Dear Patriot, We would like to invite you to the Wounded War Heroes Banquet! Here at Wounded War Heroes, our mission is to give back to those who have sacrificed so much in order to protect our American rights and freedoms. Not only have these veterans sacrificed precious time with their families, but they have also suffered physical losses while abroad. An average of one in ten service members is disabled during active duty. At Wounded War Heroes, we believe in healing from the inside out. By using outdoor recreational therapy, we are able to help our selfless veterans learn a new outdoor hobby or reconnect with an old one. The outdoor activities provided by WWH have the ability to heal these heroes both physically and mentally by allowing them to utilize their bodies and connect with other veterans who are experiencing similar hardships. Being able to serve our wounded heroes is very important to us, but we could not do it without the generosity of our community members. We are incredibly grateful for those of you who have donated to Wounded War Heroes. Our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is growing larger than we could have ever hoped for. Because of this, we are planning to organize more events in order to reach as many of our disabled veterans as possible. To raise money for these events, we will be hosting our 2nd Annual Wounded War Heroes Banquet. The Wounded War Heroes Banquet will be held at the Castine Center on Pelican Dr. in Mandeville, LA 70448. Provided at the banquet will be a dinner and an open bar with the purchase of a $10 raffle cup. Also included in the banquet will be gun raffles, a silent auction, live auction, and live music by Harvey Jesus and Fire. Guests are free to wear casual, camouflage, or patriotic attire. To order tickets, please visit www.woundedwarheroes.org. Please see attached flyer for ticket and sponsorship packages. Thank you for all of your generous contributions and please continue to support our Wounded War Heroes. Sincerely, Tim Achee Dustin Mince Matt Cole Banquet Chairman Banquet Co-Chair Banquet Co-Chair EVENTS SPONSORSHIP: $5,000 • Premium table position (8 seats) • Gold sponsorship at 7th Annual WWH Fishing Rodeo (August 25 - 28th Cypress Cove Marina - Venice, LA) • Headlined as main sponsor on all advertising materials (Banners, etc.) at Banquet and Rodeo including radio exposer • This sponsor will be allowed to have two people to fish with our Heroes and participate in the weekend’s activities, accommodations included ($2,500 value -August 25-28th Cypress Cove Marina - Venice, LA) • Large Extreme Cold Series® Ice Chest www.extremecoldseries.com • 3 Sponsorship only raffle chances at Browning® 12 Gauge Silver Hunter Semi-Automatic Shotgun (3” Chamber)*Must be present to win BANQUET SPONSORSHIP: $3,000 • Prominent table position (8 seats) • Sliver sponsorship at 7th Annual WWH Fishing Rodeo (August 25 - 28th Cypress Cove Marina - Venice, LA) • Company logo/name placed on Stage at Banquet • Medium Extreme Cold Series® Ice Chest www.extremecoldseries.com • 2 Sponsorship only raffle chances at Browning® 12 Gauge Silver Hunter Semi-Automatic Shotgun (3” Chamber)*Must be present to win • Recognition Plaque TABLE SPONSORSHIP: $1,000 • Table (8 Seats) • Company logo/name advertised at banquet • Sponsorship only raffle chance at Browning® 12 Gauge Silver Hunter Semi-Automatic Shotgun (3” Chamber)*Must be Present to win SINGLE TICKETS: $50 • General admission seating March 2016 pg 10 RAFFLE, LIVE & SILENT AUCTION DONATION FORM WWH FOUNDATION PRESENTS WOUNDED WAR HEROES 2nd ANNUAL FUNDRAISING BANQUET Castine Center – Mandeville, LA Friday, June 17th 2016 5:30 – 11PM www.woundedwarheroes.org Deadline to Donate – June 10th DONOR’s NAME: 501c3 Tax I.D. # 27 - 0794499 Business____ or Individual____ (Please check one): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Contact: URL: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Person*:____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Email*:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number(s): (c)__________________________________(w)_____________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Item Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ Item Description:___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Value: $___________________ Is this a Gift Card____ or Actual item____ (Please check one) Any Restrictions? Expiration Date? ______________________________________________________________________ Questions? Email: banquet@woundedwarheros.org or Call Makayla Achee@ 985-400-9170 March 2016 pg 11 Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany More information, more fun, more Republican values March 2016 pg 12 March 2016 pg 13 How Louisiana Republican Caucus Works Here is an explanation of what will happen at the Republican Caucus on March 1, 2016. If you intend to vote the voting location for Congressional District 1 is the Madisonville Town Hall. There will be 18 delegates and 18 alternates to the Republican National Convention selected a the caucus. 3 and 3 per Congressional District. A voter will come in, provide photo ID, and if they were a registered republican as of December 1, 2015, they will be on the voter rolls and will be allowed to vote. They must go to caucus site that provides for the parish that they were registered to vote in on December 1, 2015. If they have moved since then, they will have to go to their old parish's site in order to cast a ballot. When a voter appears on the voter rolls, the person checking the rolls will ask the voter to indicate their presidential candidate of choice. The person checking the rolls will then hand the voter a ballot, circling their presidential candidate of choice, and instructing them to vote for up to 6 names that appear beneath that presidential candidate's name. The voter will then move into the voting area, make their selection for up to 6 delegates, and then deposit their ballot on the way out of the voting area. At the end of the caucus, the site director, and any representatives of the presidential campaigns, will open the ballot box, divide the ballots according to the presidential candidates selected, and then tally the votes for each delegate beneath each presidential candidate. Every presidential candidate will finish the night with a list of the top 6 vote getters from beneath their name, ranked 1-6. In the event that a presidential candidate finishes in the top 3 in votes, in that congressional district, in the Louisiana Republican Primary, on Saturday, March 5, 2016, they will be awarded 1 Delegate and 1 Alternate in that congressional district. If a candidate receives over 50% of the vote in that CD, they will be awarded 2 delegates and 2 alternates, while the second place finisher is awarded 1 delegate and 1 alternate, and the third place finisher is awarded nothing. If a presidential candidate is awarded 1 delegate and 1 alternate, the person ranked 1st from the caucus will become the delegate, and the person ranked 2nd will become the alternate. If the presidential candidate is awarded 2 delegates and 2 alternates, the people ranked 1st and 2nd will become the delegates, and the people ranked 3rd and 4th will become the alternates, and so forth. Here is link to the the sample ballots and caucus sites: http://www.lagop.com/caucus March 2016 pg 14 March 2016 pg 15 March 2016 pg 16 RPWST Leadership Scholarship available to those who have been RPWST members for more that one year! March 2016 pg 17 March 2016 pg 18 March 2016 pg 19