February 2014 - Lions District 14A Pennsylvania


February 2014 - Lions District 14A Pennsylvania
February 2014
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District Governor’s Message
Dear Fellow Lions, Lionesses, and Leos,
I am hearing it from almost every Lion I meet – asking me about my first six
months of the Lion year as District Governor. As I look back, I realized that I
went through an exciting journey that is different from the time that I was working
for a living. It is more of doing something from the heart, a labor of love.
The first week of January, I had my first taste of a multi-club visit. Six clubs
within Bucks – Upper Region traditionally met at this time of the year. Doylestown Lions Club
President Myra and her partner in service Zone Chair Ed did an excellent job coordinating the event
despite the sudden change of meeting venue.
District Convention planning is also underway, with the convention date set on March 29.
Please save the date and send your registration early. We need your participation by being there and
your support through your ads in the program book, patron list, and basket raffle club donations.
February is here and the weather is cold and stormy – but it should not affect us as we
celebrate Valentine’s Day with our loved ones. For a head start, start looking ahead for The Family
and Friends Month of April. To commemorate this event, listed below are activities (from LCI website)
that each club may consider as their service project.
1. Plan an Open House
2. Go Green in your Community
3. Share the Gift of Literacy utilizing the LCI Reading Action Program
4. Host a Picnic – Celebrate successful service projects with Family and Friends
As true and dedicated Lions, I urge you to stay focused to the task ahead as we follow our dreams
and build a better world.
DG Tony Mangabat
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First Vice District Governor Comments
I decided to wait until I returned from Cranberry, Pa. where Pat & I
attended the 3rd Council Meeting of the year to write my Newsletter
Comments. For us in the eastern part of the state it was a long drive but well
worth it. These past couple of weeks have been very busy and very hectic.
The weekend before I was at Morgantown, WV for a work shop and yes like I
said I got new tires for my Jeep and yes it turned out to be a wise decision
because as I sit here and write this I look out the window watching it snow it
reminds me of last weekend.
Coming home from Morgantown, the first fifty miles was white knuckle
driving as the roads were bad and everyone was going 20 mph but we made it
OK. This weekend was different as it was good both out and back. While at the council meeting this
past weekend both myself and 2nd VDG Estella spent most of our time in class. I did not think it was
possible to shove one more thing into my brain but somehow they managed to cram a whole lot more
information in to it. One of the nice things about this weekend was getting to know better my fellow
1st VDG’S and find out what they did and information about their particular districts. Like all Lions and
especially the Lions, Lioness and Leos in our district they are an exceptional group of ordinary people
who have chosen to serve their fellow man. I am truly looking forward to work with them this coming
Lions Year.
While there we had the opportunity to hear PID Robert Corlew from Tennessee who is a
candidate for 2nd International President of Lions International and has been endorsed by the Lions
of Pennsylvania. PID Corlew was a judge who’s sat on the bench for over thirty years. Listening him
talk at the dinner you could tell that he is a very dedicated and enthusiastic Lion. He talked about
several areas and especially Measles and how LCI got a matching grant from Bill Gates and how
everyday some four-hundred children in third world country’s die from this preventable disease and
how this grant saves eighty children a day. This is the good news; the bad news is over threehundred children still die every day. LCI has not given up on this and when it comes time to disperse
your money and someone says why should we send money to LCI ask them how much is one child’s
life worth.
On a final note. A special congratulation is in order. While at the State Council I learned that
last week PDG Sten Dalstrom had his 90th birthday and that his partner Helen was able to give him a
surprise birthday party where there were many of his friends and well-wishers. PDG Sten you remind
me of the Timex watch, you both are tough and you both just keep on ticking! So fellow Lions when
you see PDG Sten wish him a happy birthday and many, many more.
Remember: We Serve; It’s the right thing to do.
Yours in Lionism, 1st VDG JIM
Webmaster Request
If your club has a website, please e-mail it’s url to me. We now have a
link page to club websites on our District Site.
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2nd Vice District Governor Comments
We have had a lot of snow so far this year, but it is winter. The area has gotten
spoiled with very little snow the last few years.
Partner in Service Ted and I will be in Cranbury, PA starting January 30 for the
State Council meeting and 2nd Vice District Governor training. We attended the 6
(7) Lions Club meeting in Doylestown. It was a great evening for Lionism. I
attended the merger meeting with District R and our own District. They are very
helpful. There are many great Lions, Lioness, and Leo’s in both Districts. It is
going to be great working with all of them in 2015.
Clubs should have started the process of nominating their new officers for the 2014-2015 Lions year. It is
important to encourage your members to serve. Get your newest members involved in the Club activities and
give them a job. Talk to your older members to get more involved in the Club. They can grow so much in their
involvement within the Club. They could be a future Zone Chairperson, Vice District Governor and District
2nd Vice District Governor
Estella Kristiniak
Events, DG Club Visitations, Meetings – February/March 2014
Sat, Feb 15
36th Lions Day at the UN
United Nations, NYC
Sat, Feb 15
Dist A&R Merger Mtg
8:30A, Holiday Inn, Ft
Sun, Feb 16
3rd Cabinet Meeting
Wed, Feb 19
District Convention Mtg
Feb 28 - March 2
MD 14 Regional Lions
Leadership Institute
1:30PM at CBVI, 100 W.
15th Street, Chester, PA
11:30A, Houlihans
Plymouth Mtg
Best Western Hotel and
CC, 800 East Park Drive,
Harrisburg, PA
Tues, March 11
District Foundation
Board Mtg
10:30A, Golden Corral,
Sat, March 29
District Convention
Clarion Hotel, Essington,
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District 14-A Charitable Foundation
Board of Directors Positions
As of the end of this June there will be two 3 year term openings on our Foundation Board as follows:
Lower Bucks Region
At Large (any Region)
Lions in the Lower Bucks Region and District-wide interested in serving on the Board of Directors need to
send a letter of endorsement from their club to DG Tony Mangabat with a copy to the Foundation Secretary
PDG Linda Cunningham (514 Emerson St, Lindenwold, NJ 08021) no later than February 15, 2014. The
nominee names will be placed on the ballot and elections will take place at the District Convention .
Suggested Format for Your Letter of Endorsement
Anytown Lions Club
To: DG Tony Mangabat
Subject: Letter of Endorsement for Foundation Director
The Anytown Lions Club proudly endorses Lion Joseph Doe for the position of Director of the
Lions District 14-A Charitable Foundation, Inc. representing the ____ Region/District.
Lion Doe is an Active Member of the Anytown Club which is in good standing in Lions Clubs
International and District 14-A and therefore meets the basic qualifications for the position as
outlined in the Foundation Bylaws.
In addition, Lion Doe has the following experience and recognitions for his activity in Lions:
This endorsement was unanimously approved by the Anytown Lions Board at its meeting on
Signed: President and Secretary
Notice to Club Secretaries
When you report new members, PLEASE include the e-mail addresses in your MMR to the
District. This will enable us to include them in our electronic mailing list so they can start
receiving the Announcer, an excellent way for them to learn more about our District. Thank
Upper Bucks Region, Zones A & B Meeting
Zone Chair Wilbur Wohlbach announces the next meeting will be February 24 th at the Dublin Towne
Diner. The program will be a speaker on the subject of credit card and personal security. Discussion on
District events and activities will follow.
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Notice of Cabinet Meeting
Our next Cabinet meeting has been rescheduled for 1:30 PM Sunday
February 16th at:
Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
100 West 15th St.
Chester, Pa 19013
Phone 610-874-1476
Written reports are due from all Zone Chairs and Committee Chairs
All Lions, Lioness and Leo’s are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Light refreshments will be available.
It is anticipated the meeting will adjourn before 4 pm
In Sympathy
Our prayers and deepest sympathy to the families and friends
of the following deceased Lions & Lionesses
Lion Jack Eliason – Marple Newtown Lions
Lion Francis Passalacqua – Adelphia Lions
Lion Alfred Blough – Quakertown Lions
Lion Marvin Refsnider – Quakertown Lions
Lion George Stahl – Southampton/Warminster Lions
A ship sails away and we see it no more,
but we know it is going to some other shore.
Our dear ones pass on and we see them no more,
but we know they are waiting on some other shore.
By Helen Steiner Rice
Franny Passalacqua, a long-time Lion active at both the Club and District levels will be greatly
missed. Fran's son has requested that memorial donations for Fran be made to The Adelphia
Lions Club, Treasurer Denise Keen, 2303 Hartranft Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145.
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District 14 A Convention
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Clarion Hotel and Conference Center
(formerly Ramada Inn)
76 Industrial Highway
Essington, PA 19029
(610) 521- 9600
Our special guest for the
Weekend will be
Past International Director Larry
from Virginia
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2014 District 14-A Convention
March 29, 2014
Time Schedule
8:00am to 12:00PM
2:45pm to 3:30pm
8:00am to 8:50AM
10:00 AM to 12:15PM
After Voting
9:00am to 10:00am
WORKSHOP--- “So you want to be a Club Officer”
All About Lions, Organization, Roles/Responsibilities
Learning Center, Training Modules, Club Excellence
Process (CEP)
Roundtable Discussion – Help from LCI
International Programs, Others
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
11:15 AM – 12 Noon
12:30pm to 3:00pm
8:00am to 3:30pm
3:30pm to 4:00pm
4:00pm to 4:15pm
4:30pm to 5:00pm
VOTING RESULTS / Group Dinner (ON YOUR OWN) at ____
5:30pm to ????
8:00am to 4:00pm
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We are planning a program booklet for the District Convention on March 29, 2014. One way you can show support
to our district officers is to consider being a Patron or by placing an AD in the Program Book. Complete the form below
and return to the address below.
____ Full Page Ad (4 ½ x 8)
____ Half Page Ad (4 ½ x 4) $30.00
____ Patron Ad (Per Person) $5.00
Remittance in the amount of $ _________ is enclosed.
Please add name(s) to the list of Patrons. Multiple list form is attached.
Remittance in the amount of $ _________ is enclosed for _____ names.
CONTACT NAME __________________________ CLUB__________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________________________________
Phone # ___________________________ E-Mail _____________________________
Make Checks Payable to: Lions District 14-A
Send to:
Convention Program Book
P.O. Box 36
Folcroft, PA 19032
February 2014
District 14-Announcer
2014 District 14-A Convention
March 29, 2014
Cost of listing a single name, a Mr. & Mrs., or a group listing is $ 5.00(maximum 40 letters)
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________
11. __________________________________________________________
12. __________________________________________________________
All Checks payable to: Lions District 14-A
and mail to: Lions District 14 A, P.O. Box 36
Folcroft, PA 19032
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The District Convention Committee is asking all
Lions/Lioness/Leo Clubs to donate a basket worth
$50.00 for our fundraising raffle. Please have the
basket at the hotel March 29th by 8:00 am with your
Club name on the basket and give it to PDG Gerri
Towson or Lion Anita Morton.
If your club is providing a basket for the raffle, please let us know by calling Lion Anita
Morton (610-346-6887) or e-mail PDG Gerri at peacefullion@verizon.net by March 11, 2013.
If your Club would like the committee to purchase a gift card basket, please send a $50.00
check payable to Lions District 14-A and the form below to the address noted by March 11th.
Help is also needed to sell tickets on Saturday March 29th.
Please have the Committee purchase a gift card basket worth $50.00
Club ______________________________________________________________
Contact Person______________________________________________________
Enclosed is a Check for $50 made out to: Lions District 14-A
Send to: Lions District 14A, PO Box 36, Folcroft, PA 19032
Deadline is March 11, 2014
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Following is a project completion letter to LCIF concerning the fund
raising project for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan
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February 2014
District 14-Announcer
Lions Club Activities
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Adelphia: We had our holiday party, Tuesday, 1/28/14. Due to bad weather in December we had to cancel it. It
turned out very nice and everyone had a good time. Scheduled also the DG Visit.
Aston Twp: Approved payment to LCI for $200 for hearing aid for needy woman.
Bensalem Twp: Held board meeting and diner meeting. Holding Lions Night at McDonalds, Feb 11. Club receives
20% of all purchases for the specified time. Holding AC trip on March 16 th- leaving Bensalem at 9 am.
Bristol: No report at this time.
Bustleton: No report at this time.
Brandywine: No report at this time.
Bucks County ABVI: MMR submitted but no service activity reported.
Chalfont: Collected 325 pairs of used eyeglasses which gives us a total of 1625 pairs of used eye glasses from
February 2013 to January 2014.
Clifton Heights: Push for Calendar Sales, Push for Block Pool Sales, Change in meeting location for February-June
Meetings to “The Broadway” in Clifton Heights.
Doylestown: Hosted 5 club District Governor visitation. Awarded Gene Polgar Fellowship to Lion Rick Colello for his
many years of handling eyeglass collections and Community Eye Exams. Donated 4 cases of oranges and grapefruit to
Bucks County Housing Group Food Panty in conjunction with the Plumstead Lions Club.
Dublin: 4 members attended a 6 Club meeting. 3 scholarships for $100 each were given to seniors at Pennridge High
Filipino-American: A member volunteered at the USO, Philadelphia airport facility. A member cooked food for Meals
on Wheels. Collected used eyeglasses.
Greater Philadelphia Asian American: Another round of Greater Philadelphia Asian American Lions Club Glaucoma
Screenings were scheduled for January 7th, but they had to cancel because the elevator in the building where they were
scheduled was not working. They will be rescheduled when the elevator is fixed. GPAALC is looking forward to Chinese
New Year and wishes Lions and their friends everywhere the best of luck in the Year of the Horse.
Langhorne: No report at this time.
Hilltown: No report at this time.
Lansdowne: Submitted MMR. No service activity reported.
Lindley-Olney: Club donated $300 to be used in Nepal for eye exams and glasses to people and mainly children.
Two members made and donated over 80 bracelets for the children in Nepal. Lion Mike Cassidy took everything there
on his three month work with poor in Nepal. Members collecting used eyeglasses, soda tabs for Ronald McDonald
House and cell phones. Members also helping with Thrift Shop, Food Cupboard, Church School and Feeding Ministry of
St. Gabriel’s Church. Members tutoring one-on-one reading and math, also taking? Seniors to store, bank and Doctor’s
Appointments. Club selling box candy as fundraiser, also bracelets. Members sending birthday, get well, thinking of
you, and sympathy cards to their members in the Club.
Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley: No report at this time.
Marple-Newtown: No report at this time.
Media: Breakfast with Santa netted $514. Over 1000 pairs of used eyeglasses collected.
Middletown: No report at this time.
Newtown: Newtown Lions Annual Spaghetti Dinner scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 2014 from 5:00-7:00 pm at
400 Freedom Drive, Newtown. Proceeds benefit the Bucks County Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired,
Adults $14, Children $6, Kids under 3 eat free. Support from our fellow Clubs is appreciated.
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Lions Club Activities (cont.)
Northeast Philadelphia: Held annual Christmas tree sale and made a profit of over $2000.00. Had annual Christmas
Party with 40 in attendance. Sent four people four eye glasses. Donated 20 Thanksgiving baskets to needy families.
Also spent $1,500.00 on toys for needy families for Christmas.
Northwest Philadelphia: Closing of the club effective 12/31/13.
Northampton Twp: MMR submitted, No activities listed
Pennsbury: No report at this time.
Perkasie: Have one new member joining in January 2014. Had 15 members attending the annual 6 Club meeting in
Doylestown on January 8.
Philadelphia Law Enforcement: No report at this time.
Philadelphia Chinese: Two members from our club Kim Mu and Jeffrey Hy both donated $5,000 (five thousand
dollars) personally to North Vietnam for relief of typhoon occurred on November 2013 and to feed the hunger.
Monetary donation was sent directly by the couple. Linh Quang Buddist Temple 821 Ridge Road (563 Hwy) Telford, PA
raised funds and donated $4000.00 (four thousand dollars) to Philadelphia Chinese Lions Club, check was sent to
International Lions Club for the relief of Halyan Typhoon in Tacloban, Philippines.
Plumstead: No report at this time.
1/21 14 – Special anniversary fundraiser at Papa John’s Pizza.
Richlandtown: No report at this time.
Rising Sun: No report at this time
Roxborough - Manayunk: No report at this time.
Solebury: No report at this time.
South Philadelphia: 11/2013- Lions-Family and Friends dinner, Installing of New Members.
1/ 2014; Bake it Auction, 1/21/14. Board meeting only due to inclement weather.
Southampton-Warminster: Had our fruit sale. Weather not on our side, but did well. Working on our Scholarships.
Working on our next projects for upcoming year.
Springfield: 1/28, Recognition Night for Best Buy and the Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Springfield Twp: Submitted MMR, No service activity reported.
Swarthmore: No report at this time.
Trumbauersville: No report at this time.
Warrington Twp: Collected eye glasses to be recycle. Given to the Bucks County for the Blind and visually Impaired.
Pancake Breakfast on January 26th to raise funds for our Charities.
Western Delaware Valley: No report at this time.
Wills Eye Hospital: Continue mentoring girl for 6 hours. Continue to collect eyeglasses and tabs. Donated toys,
clothes, tolieties and food for 40 people to Mercy Hospice.
Lioness Club Activities
Aston Twp. Lioness:
-(Dec. 2013) $250.00 given out over Christmas to 3 families in $100, $100, $50 gift cards
to Giant Market. Our IPad fundraiser was given out on 12/11/13. It was won by an Aston resident. Club Christmas
Party 12/11/13 members only. (January 2014) Nonperishable donation to local church. Dinner meeting 1/23/14 Library
manager spoke about Aston Library and the services they have available.
Bensalem Lioness: Collecting flip tops for Ronald McDonald House. Working on annual “Sweetheart Brunch” – to be
held Sunday, March 2nd.
Bristol Lioness: No report at this time.
Roxborough-Manayunk Lioness: No report at this time.
Southampton Lioness: Finish up our Penny Party. Working on moving membership to the Southampton Warminster
Area Lions Club.
Springfield Lioness: Two month lottery underway.
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Leo Club News
Aston Leos:
Club working on a cake sale, collecting used eye glasses and working on other service projects in
their school. Working on getting new members in their club.
Bensalem Leos: Leos working on getting new members Will be working on service projects for the community and
for Bensalem High School.
Ridley Leos: Leos working on service projects in the schools and the community. Also will be working with
Swarthmore Lions Club with their projects..
Springfield Leos: Working on Pen Pal Projects with Elementary School. Also planning projects for the Senior
Citizens, Elementary School Breakfasts and Fairs, Pennies for Patients , Senior Citizen Breakfast and many more projects.
Perkasie Leos: Leos made 98 meals for their outreach programs—OPEN LINK and FISH. So far this month count for
collecting eye glasses is 14 and more coming in by the end. Planning on more service projects for the needy and
assisting the Perkasie Lions where needed.
District 14-A New Members
We welcome all our new members and are happy
to have you serve with us. Don’t forget to ask your
Sponsor about how to achieve the Proud Lion Award
Bristol Lioness
Bristol Lioness
Bristol Lioness
Bristol Lioness
Bristol Lioness
Perkasie Lions
Quakertown Lions
Quakertown Lions
South Phila Lions
Western DelVal Lions
PDG Linda Cunningham
PDG Gerri Towson
Patty Samuels
Mary Culp
Rose Gorton
Tim Tarantino
Bob Breon
Michael Johnson
Zygmund Naprinkowski
Mark Curtin
Michele Herzog
Sue Prouty
Loretta DelLisso
Jon Dembrosky
John Nagurny
Rachel Alesiani
Dennis Hunsecker
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WOW – continued on next page!
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The Bensalem Lions Club letter of endorsement for PDG Ken Moore as a Director
of the District Foundation representing the Lower Bucks Co Region got stalled in
the mail and did not arrive in time for publication.
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The Springfield Lions Club recently presented
to the Springfield BEST BUY STORE “for years
of unparalleled contributions and service to
the Springfield Community”.
Accepting the award are Best Buy
representatives Letty Carney(L) and DJ
Spicer(R) flanked by Lion Ed Rocco and PDG
Jim Harrington.
Springfield Lions President Larry DeMooy(L)
and Vice President Joe Saunders(R) present
the PediVision testing machine and printer to
Candy Bantum representing the Center for
the Blind and Visually Impaired . The Lions
donated this machine which assesses the
vision of young children to CBVI for use in
their blindness prevention program. Candy is
the CBVI Prevention of Blindness Specialist
and Low Vision Coordinator.
Low Vision Equipment Donation By DG Tony
A week ago Lucy and I got a call from a lady resident of Beaumont Retirement Center in Bryn Mawr, PA
to pick up a low vision equipment that was used by her late husband. Her husband was visually impaired
due to macular degeneration. The equipment is a Spectrum video graphics (SVGA) in good condition. I
contacted the Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI) in Chester, PA. I was told that they will take
the equipment which will be reconditioned and be made available to anyone who might need it. Lucy and I
decided to donate this equipment on behalf of our district 14A.
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Dear Lions and Lionesses of District 14A,
There's no better way to start the year than by saving sight and supporting youth. This January,
members of the Lions Quest and SightFirst advisory committees came together to discuss new
Lions projects for these programs. I am always impressed by the commitment and dedication Lions
show in their project ideas towards helping their communities through LCIF grants.
The cornerstone of Lions' service is saving sight, and there are some exciting new SightFirst
projects that will be implemented in the coming year. Lions and the African Institute of Tropical
Ophthalmology in Mali will train ophthalmic surgeons and nurses, as well as assistant optometrists,
over the course of five years. In India, diabetic retinopathy will be treated through an infrastructure
development grant that enables the Lions Eye Hospital, Nidadavole, to provide diagnostic and
treatment services.
In addition to these life-changing SightFirst grants, Lions Quest grants were awarded. In
Virginia, USA, Lions achieved great success with a community partnership grant in 2012,
implementing Lions Quest in local schools. Through a new grant, Lions will expand the program's
social and emotional learning methods to new school districts. Students in 22 elementary schools in
that region are already learning positive life skills through trained school counselor-taught Lions
Quest classes. Now even more children will have the chance to do so, thanks to Lions' outreach
and efforts.
Lions also support youth through measles-related activities. World Immunization Week in April
presents an opportunity for projects that raise awareness of measles and the importance of
vaccinations. You can learn more about this event below.
There are so many projects of all sizes being completed around the world through Lions and
LCIF. As a Foundation, we have supported more than 11,000 grants worldwide since 1968! I
encourage you to keep up the good work. In our global community, we have the power to make a
difference, no matter the size of the project.
Wayne A. Madden
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation
Lions Clubs International & LCIF | 300 W. 22nd St. | Oak Brook, IL | 60523 | USA
Click here to unsubscribe
February 2014
District 14-Announcer
I am encouraging club leaders to register their clubs for the Lions World Lunch Relay on April 4 th. The
Lunch Relay is an exciting Family and Friends Month event that connects Lions around the world for a day
of food, family and fun. Encourage your club to register for the Lunch Relay or host a Family and Friends
event in April!
Lion Barry J. Palmer
Your International President
Dear Lion Leader,
Get ready to celebrate Family and Friends Month in April by taking part in the Lions World Lunch
Relay on April 4th. It's a 24-hour international event that brings families and friends of Lions together in
their local communities with families and friends of Lions around the world. It's a great opportunity to share
how your club is making a difference in the community with the people you care about. There will be special
contests for clubs that register to participate on April 4th!
Join the Lions World Lunch Relay today—it's as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Register your lunch event – Share the time and location for your lunch.
2. Plan your lunch event – Choose a location and menu that's good for you.
3. Celebrate your event – Take photos and share the fun through social media.
Don't miss this special day of food, family and fun! Register your club today for the Lions World Lunch
April Is Family and Friends Month
Family and Friends Month in April is the perfect
opportunity to introduce your club to potential new
Did you know that women are the fastest
growing group of members in LCI? Women now
represent 25 percent of Lions club members
worldwide, and more women are looking for an
opportunity to serve.
As you plan your Family and Friends Month
event, I encourage you to invite men and women to
get to know your club. Women can play an important
role in expanding your membership and meeting the
growing service challenges in your community.
Protecting Our Environment
Make your Family and Friends Month event an
opportunity to serve by organizing an environmental
service project for your family and friends. The LCI
Protecting Our Environment campaign in April is a
great opportunity for family and friends to make a
difference in the community and feel the satisfaction
of service.
You can organize a community clean-up, plant a
tree, or plan a recycling project to collect old
eyeglasses, batteries or small electronics. Check out
the environmental planning guide for great ideas to
jumpstart your project, or visit the Protecting Our
Environment Web page for more resources and
information. Remember to share your projects
through MyLCI!
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