Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 gomezdelarosa@padamteatro


Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154 gomezdelarosa@padamteatro
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Fernando García Valle
Romina Oslé
Ariel Núñez Di Croce
OFF-VOICE Alejandro Apo
Scenic Design y Costume Cecilia Noelia García
Lighting Design Yoska Lázaro
Musical Design Fernando Garcia Valle y Marcelo Medina
Graphic Design Iñaki Moreno
Executive Production TeatroATresVeslas
Director Assistant Mariana Santellán
Playwriting and Direction Yoska Lázaro
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
The play is supported by SECRETARIAT OF HUMAN RIGHTS of the JUSTICE,
Extract: “I want to thank and express our support to this iniciative with the certainty that it’ll
constitute, without a doubt whatsoever, one more contribution to recovery the historical
memory and its fighting for Justice and Truth.”
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Several guides of the artistic and political scene have expressed their support to Los
Errores de Noé:
“The play Los Errores de Noé, on your
own authorship, reflects the violations
of Human Rights in Argentina during
the last dictatorship. For that, I express
my whole support to this project that
continues with our fight to keep alive
the memory of our nation.”
Osvaldo Bayer
“I want to express all my support to your
project Los errors de Noé for considering it a
great support to the Argentinian Theater and
for the memory of our nation. With it, we
continue with the recognition of the Human
Rights with the theatrical fact out loud.”
Eduardo Pavlosky
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
“The story this Project relates is extremely interesting to Human Rights suffered in our
Nation during the last dictatorship.”
Estela de Carlotto – Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF MEMORY: “It’ll constitute, undoubtedly, a contribution to the
recovery of historical memory and the fight for Justice and Truth. These actions in the field
of culture are fundamental to strengthening the collective memory.”
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Barcelona, 16 de marzo de 2009
Estimado Sr. Lázaro,
Desde el Memorial Democrático, de la Generalitat de Cataluña, España, damos nuestro
apoyo a su proyecto escénico Los errores de Noé. Un proyecto que incide en la
violación de Derechos Humanos que sufrió Argentina durante la dictadura, y que
promueve la recuperación de la memoria histórica del país.
Reciba un cordial saludo,
Jordi Guixé Corominas
Jefe de Proyectos y Espacios de Memoria
“We give our support to your scenic Project Los errors de Noé. A project that commit
in the violation of Human Rights suffered in Argentina during the dictatorship, and which
promotes the recovery of the historical memory of the country.”
Jordi Guixé Corominas
Memorial Democràtic of Catalonia
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
“The plot reflects the desire of a theater director to take advantage of the transfer of
command of the military government and its celebrations, to present a play that will reveal
the global evidence (as media from all countries will arrive)of the subjugation that the nation
lives. This initiative will be supported by a group of intellectuals and artists exiles that will
return to the country to perform these acts of repudiation and social protest."
The place is a house inhabited by three people who are locked since three weeks ago
rehearsing a play. A table with three chairs, two small tables where they can storing books, a
sewing machine "SINGER" with its table and costumes of the play that the characters will
represent... The props needed in a place where the doors and the walls themselves are the
scenography needed.
The low lights and dark corners underpin the heavy atmosphere, resulting from the
fierce repression in the country, in which these characters live, and what is motor of their
action: end this so oppressive situation in the country.
An audience that watches the play, oblivious to the action, will be surprised by the
intervention of two spectators-actors with repression and subjugation that they will exert on
the actors and which will conclude with his abduction.
“When I knew Videla was going to transfer the power to Viola, the military
government announced that foreign delegations would be received. I thought that was
the moment for exiles intellectuals came back in a unexpected way. We were going to
rent a plane and the German Evangelic Church was going to help us with the finance.
The only thing they had asked was that several recognized intellectuals accompanied us
in that return. Our idea was they were Julio Cortázar, Juan Rulfo, Gabriel García
Márquez, Günter Grass and several more…”
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Costume is one of the elements help us to place the timeframe of the story.
We research on documentation about Argentinian costume on the 70’s.
Fabric Samples
Costume Scketches
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Floor plan
For tours, festivals and new stages
The essential of scenography, is a "Singer" sewing machine and a bookcase. Both are part
of our props. We can get the rest in the place where the show is presented because they
are everyday items such as chairs and tables.
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
1 CD Player
Lighting is composed by 4 nightstand lamps (220w) and a ceiling lamp (220w). To
strengthen these lights, we should need:
→ 8 PAR1000 Frontales
→ Filtros: ámbar y celeste.
The most of the elements of props are carried by the company in two suitcases. We should
need a bookcase, two tables and two chairs at each place.
Cast is composed by 7 people (5 Actors, Assistant and Director)
No rooming request.
Play can be made almost every place (big theatre, alternative stages, houses, storehouse…)
It’s recommended a minimal space of 4 mt. Deep and 6mt wide.
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
TeatroATresVelas TeatroATresVelas is working on the Argentine circuit since its presentation
in 2007 with the play El Ingenio de los Orvantes (The wit of the Orvantes) by Guillermo Montilla
Santillan, set in a sugar factory of Tucuman in 1887. After a year of rehearsals, the play, under the
direction of the Spanish Yoska Lázaro, was premiered in Teatro Absurdo Palermo. After its first
season, the play continued its course in the beautiful Teatro del Sur. The next project was Los
Errores de Noé, (Noé's mistakes) directed and also written by Yoska Lázaro, with a national
thematic again. It's contextualized in the last dictatorship in Argentina, where a theater director, in
hiding, prepares a play for the return to Argentina of Osvaldo Bayer with Julio Cortázar, to show the
population the violation of human rights that the country was living.
This play, because of its strong impact on audiences and critics, remained three years on stage,
being one of the plays of the Off theater in Buenos Aires longest running in recent times. Los
errores de Noé finished its course at the Teatro Timbre 4, as a Claudio Tolcachir personal bet to his
programming, having sold out in all performances. Los Errores de Noé was performed in many
inner cities in Argentina, standing out its participation in the Human Rights Week in Cordoba,
performing at Teatro Real; In Rojas, Buenos Aires province; San Luis University, and in the first
contest of Human Rights in Ecunhi space, the former ESMA.
Yoska Lázaro also directed, with TeatroATresVelas, Filigranas sobre la piel (Filigrees on skin) by
Ariel Barchilón; and Los últimos días de Don Juan, (Last Days of Don Juan) in his own version.
In 2012, group was invited to the First International Festival of Brecht, with a staging of Saint Joan
of the Stockyards.
Group was invited to the event 12.12.12 that was organized by Spanish Cultural Center in Buenos
Aires (CCEBA), with play Una pieza menor, (A minor piece) also by Yoska Lázaro.
In 2013, TeatroATresVelas presents VAGO, where reaffirms its theatricality concerning with
social subject. This new spectacle of the company, with direction and playwriting by Yoska
Lázaro is based, mainly, on three points: continue the characteristic theater aesthetics of
company, give continuity to a cast that works well on and off stage, and the incorporation into
the company of another strong arm in production area, Kike Gomez, with wide experience in the
management area.
The company was invited by CCEBA and Teatro Cervantes of Argentina to participate in a halfstaging of theatrical adaptations of the Novelas Ejemplares Cycle by Cervantes, along with the
more prominent playwrights of the country. The text they adapt is Res (o la mirada corrida)
[Cow (or the moved look]. This text will be base to their next company project.
Since entering the Argentine theatrical system, TeatroATresVelas has been incorporating itself,
slowly, to the artistic task in Argentina, expanding its arrival to the media and accessing to most
important theaters.
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Yoska Lázaro
Nominated in the 2013 Trinidad Guevara Award for Best New Talent.
Playwright - Director
José Carlos "Yoska" Lázaro was born in Madrid in 1979. Actor, producer, director y teacher.
He arrived in june 2003 to Argentina. He trained as an actor with Raúl Serrano and Ricardo
Bartís, in Buenos Aires, and in William Layton Theater Lab in Madrid. Since 2006, he
investigates about the elements that modify to an actor and about the characters creation.
As a director, he staged El Ingenio de los Orvantes, and co-directed Los Kenington: Capitulo
final (Own version along with Nicolás Roberto of the play Se necesita un cadaver by Guillermo
Montilla Santillán) In 2009, he directed Los Errores de Noé. In 2011, Llueve en Barcelona, by
Pau Mirò, as part of the Company Plou Teatro.
Since 2003, as a teacher in theatrical technique (Madrid and Buenos Aires); since 2006,
Theater Production for Scenic Artist; Theater Lab of the Experience (2007) and since 2008,
Theater Lab for Training, Investigation and Character Creation. Also, he works as coach since
As an actor performed: Confesiones del Pene (Dir. Luis Rossini) in Madrid and Argentina Tour;
El ingenio de Los Orvantes and Los Kenington: Capitulo final, among others.
Films: Las Manos (Dir.Alejandro Doria) and La Mano de Dios (Dir. Marco Risi)
On TV: Cuentos de Fontanarrosa (Canal 7), Vientos de Agua (Dir. Juan José Campanella),
Hechizada, Los Felipe, Güeros en tránsito, Barril de amontillado (Dir. Alexis Puig) among
Fernando García Valle
Nominated in the 2013 Trinidad Guevara Award for Best Supporting Actor
He studied at E.T.B.A. Raúl Serrano. He continued training with several seminars and
workshops at Centro Cultural Recoleta with J.M. Rodríguez in charge. Between his last works,
the play A Streetcar called Desire (Dir. Leopoldo Pérez, 2004); Masacre (Massacre) at Centro
Cultural Leopoldo Marechal and Banco Credicoop Auditorium (2005); the videoclip Cabrón de
Mancha Rolando, with direction by Diego Pernia (2006); El Ingenio de los Orvantes, by Yoska
Lázaro (2007); 2 (un hombre… una mujer), [2 (a man… a woman)] by Marcelo Saltal (2011);
Una pieza menor, by Yoska Lázaro (2012); VAGO by Yoska Lázaro (2013); and Res (o la
mirada corrida), also by Yoska Lázaro (2013).
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Romina Oslé
Winner of the 2013 Trinidad Guevara Award for Best New Actress
Actress and Theater Arts Teacher, graduated at National Institute of Arts (IUNA) in 2008.
She began her acting training in 1994 in Teatro Municipal Coliseo Podestá of La Plata. She
studied with teachers as Agustín Alezzo, Ricardo Bartis, Pompeyo Audivert, Alejandro Catalán,
Manuel Vicente, Ana Alvarado (objects theater) y Febe Chávez, among others. She completed
several courses and seminars of theatrical practice, dancing and music. She worked as an
actress in more than twenty spectacles. Her last works have been with TeatroATresVelas
Company: Los errores de Noé, VAGO, and Res (o la Mirada corrida) all by Yoska Lázaro.
She directs her Theatrical Studio, where she teaches Acting Training Courses. She’s assistant
teacher of the matter “Acting II” of the Teacher of Arts at the IUNA, and carries out workshops in
the Program “Theater at the school” of the City Government.
Her teaching experience started ten years ago, inquiring, within the field of non-formal
education, in the training of actors.
Ariel Núñez Di Croce
He studied during three years at the Hugo Midón Musical Comedy School (Río Plateado).
Also, he studied dramatic arts with Julio Chávez, Lito Cruz y Ricardo Bartis.
Played at short-movie El Reloj directed by Marco Berger.
On theater, Hacia la luna by Andres Nordermeer (2009) and Los errores de Noé by Yoska
Lázaro (2009).
On tv he played in soap operas as Trátame Bien, Enséñame a vivir, Por amor a vos,
Mujeres de Nadie - 2ª season, among others.
Played at several commercial.
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
SPAIN: (+34) 660 351 154
ARGENTINA: (+54) 9 11 5143 8075
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Unsettling and disturbing
Los errores de Noé is a brilliant proposal in a atypical space.
Our opinion: Very Good
Already in the opening minutes, little occurs, silence pervades the scene, but there is
an imposing aura of mystery. All is disturbing in that basement become precarious and
temporary house and, in turn, a improvised tailor shop...
...The author manages perfectly the concept of the unknown. That attracts. There's
something out, I don't know what it is, but it disturbed us. It's in this dramaturgical scheme
which combine perfectly the thriller and psychological mystery. One's disturbed by several
He achieves the action and drama are sustained, at the same time, because the
climates. In an intimate level, one's captured by the action and being part of the it…
...Worthy of merit is the cast, composed by three brilliant actors...
Published in press.
Read it complete here.
… Los errores de Noé shows the strange state in which people involves themselves when
something as irrational as a brothers war happens, and it can be used to reflect about the
being in a particular and universal context…
Formally, the arrangement of the statements is always playful: a framework of
suspense and heartbreak, the tone goes from the poetic to the everyday smoothly and the
intertextual and the collage shoot –Mufasa, Mascaró and Rodolfo Walsh by– the infinite
possible apprehensions of the spectator…
Interview published in press.
Read it complete here.
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Before letting out, letting in
Essential. Yoska Lázaro produces in Los errores de Noé an useful feedback to the past hell that
wiped out the utopias of an entire Argentinian generation…
…This disconcert violence is transmitted by the spectacle…
Published in press.
Read it complete here.
…Yoska Lázaro faces the as indispensable as the always complex reading of those days that still
resound not only on impacting issues of complicity of civilian with the crimes against humanity, but
also in the everyday events of our society…
Published in press.
Read it complete here
Yesterday and today, mistakes pay dearly
...Los errores de Noé is an intense play whose purpose is revive the rubbles of the memory
and that the spectator was attentive to, even though 30 years are passed, enemies are still
being with different masks and methods a little more camouflaged. Director Yoska Lázaro
presents a different play, that explores in an original manner, a hard subject that is each time
more spread and studied: the Human Rights violation and the impunity of the enemy...
...Some of these sensations, hard to explain with words, are lived in Los errores de Noé, a
concrete and direct theatrical play, that knock uso ut and it’s going straight to sensivity. In
fact, achieve what it sets: art as social transformer...
Read complete here.
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
Esquina Peligrosa
…Los Errores de Noé is not a political speech of barricade and neither an aesthetic exercise:
it’s theater. Text, action, mimesis. Yoska Lázaro as a director choose to créate a realistic play
as of everyday elements whose weight sets the paradigm of the era: the fleshiness that the
three actors give their characters refer to the worn leaves of the Eduardo's libretto, the
Cristina's headband or the Mario's cap, so worn that seem bear their days; and so, that's said
doesn't sound judgment, because it seem so familiar as bringing closer the truth of some
Read it complete here.
¡What actors! ¡What a play! Compelling, surprising and extraordinary play of the talented
Spanish Yoska Lázaro that writes and directs it.
Highly recommended.
Darkness, silence, pain. Does it end this play? I still have doubts. It's hard to leave the place
without a deep thoughtlessness about what has passed there. The climate of anguish,
accompanied by the overwhelming grief I felt, made me company…
Read it complete here
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154
…Yoska Lázaro builds from the plan Osvaldo Bayer, a fragmented text, full of black holes,
that the spectator fills slowly, feeling the weight on himself of so much silence …
The three actors moves in a space of darkness, well used by direction, where each place
adds a key to reveal the situation of the characters…
…The staging of Los errores de Noé joins aesthetic quality with the need for active memory
on a not so distant past, and even more because they live in the air we breathe every day
through its consequences. A memory required, exemplary, whose dimension, as Todorov
says, is public, and lets convert the past in lesson…
Read it complete here.
Kike Gómez Tel. (+34) 660 351 154