General Conditions
General Conditions
Auction Catalogue 14 November 2015 General Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Commission a) Buyers: A 12.00% premium (plus 19.00% VAT) is added to the hammer price and charged on all items bought. b) Sellers: A 18.00% commission (plus 19.00% VAT) is deducted from the hammer price on all items sold, subject to a minimum fee of €4.17 per item. Payment method a)Buyers: CASH ONLY b)Sellers: Cash (up to €50) or Cheque / Bank Transfer for amounts over €50 on the Friday following the sale. NO LOTS TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SALE ROOM UNTIL PAID IN FULL Purchasers are responsible for removing lots by 5pm on Tuesday following the sale and providing adequate people and transportation for the collection of heavy goods. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS SEEN WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY GIVEN OR IMPLIED. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ITEMS ARE NOT TESTED FOR ELECTRICAL SAFETY. FURNITURE MAY NOT BE FIRE RETARDENT Whilst we endeavour to ensure that our catalogue descrip8ons are correct, they should be treated as a guide. Purchasers must check that the lot they intend bidding for is as per the catalogue description and satisfy themselves of that BEFORE making a bid. At the fall of the hammer the onus is on the purchaser to secure his or her own goods. Items for inclusion in one of our auctions need to be delivered to the auction room or arranged for collection Tuesday onwards after the previous sale. To be certain there is room to include them in the sale, items should be booked in advance on 25391537. Items will only be accepted if they are deemed by auction staff to be saleable. Every person on the premises or any other premises on which Castle Auctions may hold a Sale by Auction at any time shall be deemed to be there at his or her own risk without notice of the conditions of the premises and the method of arranging furniture etc. He or she shall have no claim against Castle Auctions in respect of any injury he or she may sustain or for any accident which may occur. Castle Auctions disclaim all responsibility for damage or loss to goods or for any unauthorised removal of goods unless such damage or loss is caused by the negligence of their own employees. Castle Auctions does not undertake to ensure goods under delivery to or from its auction rooms nor while on the premises and advises owners and buyers to arrange appropriate insurance. IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE THE AUCTIONEER’S DECISION IS FINAL. Please note, further terms & conditions apply to sellers and buyers using ‘book bids’ and can be found on the relevant documents or our website. Προμήθεια α)Αγοραστές: Ένα 12.00% + VAT πριμοδότηση προστίθεται στην τελική τιμή και χρεώνονται σε όλα τα αντικείμενα που αγοράζονται. β)Πωλητές: Ένα 18.00% + VAT προμήθεια αφαιρείται από την τελική τιμή για όλα τα αντικείμενα που πωλούνται, υπόκειται σε ελάχιστη χρέωση 4.17 € ανά αντικείμενο. Τρόπος πληρωμής α)Αγοραστές: ΜΟΝΟ ΜΕΤΡΗΤΑ β)Πωλητές: Μετρητά (μέχρι €50) ή επιταγή / Μεταφορά τράπεζας για ποσά πάνω από €50 την Παρασκευή μετά την πώληση. ΚΑΝΕΝΑ ΑΝΤΙΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΑΠΟΜΑΚΡΥΝΘΕΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΑΙΘΟΥΣΑ ΠΩΛΗΣΕΩΝ ΠΡΙΝ ΠΛΗΡΩΘΕΙ ΟΛΙΚΩΣ Οι αγοραστές είναι υπεύθυνοι για την αφαίρεση αντικειμένων μέχρι τις 17:00, την Τρίτη, μετά την πώληση και πρέπει να παρέχουν αρκετά άτομα και φορτηγό μετακόμισης για την συλλογή βαρετών αντικειμένων. ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΑΝΤΙΚΕΙΜΕΝΑ ΠΩΛΟΥΝΤΑΙ ΧΩΡΙΣ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ. ΤΑ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΑ KAI ΤΑ MHXANIKA ΕΙΔΗ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΟΥΝ ΔΟΚΙΜΑΣΤΕΙ ΓΙΑ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ. ΤΑ ΕΠΙΠΛΑ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΜΗΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΝΘΕΚΤΙΚΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΦΩΤΙΑ. Ενώ προσπαθούμε να εξασφαλίζουμε ότι οι περιγραφές στον κατάλογο είναι σωστές, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται ως οδηγός. Οι αγοραστές πρέπει να ελέγχουν ότι το αντικείμενο που θέλουν να αγοράσουν είναι το ίδιο με αυτό που περιγράφεται στον κατάλογο και ότι είναι αυτό που θέλουν ΠΡΙΝ κάνουν την προσφορά. Oταν η δημοπρασία έχει τελειώσει και έχετε κερδίσει το αντικείμενο, το αντικείμενο είναι δική σας ευθύνη. Aντικείμενα για πώληση σε μια από δημοπρασίες μας θα πρέπει να παραδοθεί στην αίθουσα πωλήσεων την Τρίτη μετά την προηγούμενη δημοπρασία. Για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι υπάρχει χώρος για τα αντικείμενα θα πρέπει να τηλεφωνήσετε για να τα εγγράψετε στο 25391537. Τα αντικείμενα θα γίνουν αποδεκτά μόνο εάν το προσωπικό πιστεύει ότι θα πωληθούν. Κάθε πρόσωπο στον χώρο όπου γίνεται μια δημοπρασία θα είναι εκεί με το δικό του/της ρίσκο χωρίς ειδοποίηση του χώρου και την μέθοδο τακτοποίησης επίπλων κλπ. Αυτός ή αυτή δεν μπορεί να ζητήσει αποζημίωση κατά του Castle Auctions για οποιαδήποτε ζημιά ή ατύχημα που μπορεί να συμβεί. Castle Auctions δεν παίρνουν καμία ευθύνη για απώλεια ή ζημιά σε αντικείμενα ή για οποιαδήποτε αφαίρεση αντικειμένων όπως η ζημιά ή η απώλεια που μπορεί να συμβεί από αμέλεια των υπαλλήλων. Το Castle Auctions δεν παίρνει καμία ευθύνη για αντικείμενα κατά τη διάρκεια της παράδοσης προς ή από την αίθουσα πωλήσεων και συμβουλεύει τους πωλητές και τους αγοραστές να οργανώσουν την κατάλληλη ασφάλεια. ΣΤΗΝ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΔΙΑΦΩΝΙΑΣ, Η ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΟΡΓΑΝΩΤΗ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΕΛΙΚΗ. Παρακαλώ σημειώστε, περαιτέρω όροι & προυποθέσεις ισχύουν σε πωλητές και αγοραστές που έκαναν προσφορά και μπορούν να βρεθούν στο σχετικό έγγραφο στην ιστοσελίδα μας. CASTLE AUCTIONS Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus LOT 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION Pair of Wooden Brass Table Lamps LOT 20 Bidding will start at €5.00 2 Set of 4 x Coffee Cups with Wooden Tray Mirror in Wooden Frame 21 5 Wood-Sculpture Table with Oval Glass Top 22 Bidding will start at €10.00 Grand Macnish Blended Scotch Whisky, 70cl Red Wood Coffee Table and Side Table Bidding will start at €25.00 2 x Antique Chairs*Charity: Argos Animal Sanctuary * 23 24 8 Tall Wrought Iron Candle Holder 25 10 11 Bidding will start at €15.00 26 White Horse Fine Old Scotch Whisky with Original Box, 1L, 86.8 US Proof Tall Wrought Iron Candle Holder Bidding will start at €35.00 27 • Antique Austrian Wardrobe with Copper and Mother of Pearl Inlay, Mahogany with Ebony Inlay 28 Bidding will start at €900.00 29 13 15 Bidding will start at €10.00 ''Olympia Big Royal View'' Photo Camera , No Flash Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 • Set of 6 x Vintage Murano Tall Glasses 30 Stewarts Cream of the Barley Special Reserve Scotch Whisky, 1L, 43% Vol. 31 Bidding will start at €20.00 32 Stewarts Cream of the Barley Special Reserve Scotch Whisky, 1L, 43% Vol. Casio Edifice EFA-106 Watch, Dark Face Tablet MID, PSP, Electric Razor & Headphones , All A/F Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 • 8 x Vintage Murano Glasses with Pink Twisted Stems (1 x a/f) 33 34 Set of 2 x Silver Rings, Crystals and Pearl Metaxa Grand Olympian Reserve 0.7L, Golden Centenary 1988 Brandy • Five Murano Glasses, Green Glass with Gold Stem Ararat Armenian Brandy, 50cl, 42% Vol. and Richon De Luxe Three Sevens Israeli Brandy, 50cl, 40% Vol. Linksys Wirelee-G PTZ Internet Camera with Audio Bidding will start at €55.00 35 Nintendo Wii, Black (No Controller) Bidding will start at €15.00 36 ''Sony'' Digital Multiband, PLL Synthesized Receiver ICF-2001 Bidding will start at €25.00 37 Bidding will start at €35.00 19 Casio Color Power Graphic CFX9850G/9950G Calculator Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €35.00 18 New Logitech Head Phones & Laptob Bag Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 17 ''Sixtino 2'' Stop Watch Vintage Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 16 Colour Changing Projection Clock Vintage Wooden Armchair Bidding will start at €20.00 14 10x Boxes of 3 Golf Balls Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 12 Collection of 7 x Miniatures Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 9 2 x Candle Sticks Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 7 2 x Pens Bidding will start at €1,000.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 6 Blue Black Bird Eating Spider (Peru) Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 4 Set of 3 x Rings with Crystals Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 3 ITEM DESCRIPTION Olympus PC-5010, 14 Megapixel Camera with Spare Battery, Charger & Case Bidding will start at €20.00 38 Collection of Jewellery Including 11 x Rings, Bracelets, etc. Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 2 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 39 ITEM DESCRIPTION Bluetooth Adapter & Sony Micro Cassette Recorder LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION 56 Collection of Thunder Birds Toy Figurine & Alien Toy Bidding will start at €5.00 40 41 Bidding will start at €30.00 Leather Bound Stainless Steel Hip Flask with Funnel 57 Bidding will start at €10.00 58 Cobra High Performance Digital Radar/ Laser Detector 360, 14 Band Bidding will start at €10.00 Playstation 3 with 2 x Controllers & 8 x Games & HDMI Cable Bidding will start at €110.00 43 59 60 Bidding will start at €15.00 45 61 62 Sony Video Camera Recorder Original Oil on Canvas of Flowers in Pot, Signed ''Ache, 79'' Bidding will start at €25.00 47 48 63 64 Bidding will start at €40.00 50 Set of 5 x Bijoux Jewellery Bidding will start at €15.00 51 65 52 Sealed Packet of Romeo & Juliet Cigar & Don Antonio Churchill Cigar 66 Decorative Bijoux Rings in Purse/ Case Bidding will start at €15.00 54 Cooking with Jamie Oliver DVD Set (Jamie Oliver in Italy and Three 'Jamie's School Dinners' 67 68 Moto Ware (Devon Ware) Jug with Hand Painted Boat Bidding will start at €15.00 69 6 x Decorative Bijoux Rings Bidding will start at €15.00 70 Pair of Vintage Metal Wall Hanging Swallows (2) Bidding will start at €20.00 71 Complete Set of ''Motryoshka'' (Russain Dolls) Bidding will start at €25.00 72 2 x Pair of Sunglasses: Carrera and Charles&Keith Bidding will start at €30.00 10 x Bracelet & 5 x Earrings Bidding will start at €10.00 Box of Assorted Jewellery Bidding will start at €8.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 55 40 x Thimbles & 1 x Boxed Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 53 Silver Cross Pendant with Paste Stones on Silver Chain & Additional Silver Chain Bidding will start at €20.00 Glass Ice Bucket with Gold Colour Trim, Handle and Tongs Bidding will start at €10.00 Assorted Items with Ladies Watch, Letter Cover, Mini Jewellery Box, etc. Bidding will start at €15.00 Plaque Showing Jesus last Supper Pair of Highly Ornate Chinese, Laquert, Panel Pictures Pair of Silver Earrings Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €250.00 49 Set of Three 'Nectar' Ouzo, Two 20c; Bottles Bidding will start at €20.00 Print of Frame Depicting Chinese Traditional Celebration Bidding will start at €10.00 Mini Mobi ''Unlocked To Any Network'' Mobile Phone & Charger, Boxed, Rose Pattern Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 46 4 x Stainless Steel Rings, Size 9 Bidding will start at €20.00 Rolleiflex SLR 50 Camera & Lenses 5 x Decorative Bijoux Pendants Set of 7 x Vintage & Retro Clocks (a/f) Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €55.00 44 Box of Assorted Items Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 42 Box of Bijoux Bracelet 73 2 Books of Coins for Chinesse Emporers Bidding will start at €15.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 3 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 74 ITEM DESCRIPTION Collection of White Metal Items: Ornaments, Tea Pot, Bell & Other LOT 90 Bidding will start at €10.00 75 6 x Decorative Bijoux Rings Collection of CDs 91 78 79 92 Collection of 8 x Egyptian Ornaments (a/f) Poplar Wood Chiffonier (Dresser) with Bevelled Mirrors, Three Drawers, Four Cupboards Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €480.00 925 Hallmarked Silver Ladies Ring with 4Flower Heads / White Sones, 4.2gr 93 Bidding will start at €15.00 94 Set of Three Silver Pieces: Chocker, Bracelet & Neckalce Boxed Tower Blocks Game together with Alluminium Dominoes Set (2) Boxed Tower Blocks Game together with Alluminium Dominoes Set (2) Figurine ''Modiste'' Bidding will start at €7.00 95 Italian Pipe Stand * Charity: Argos Animal Sanctuary * Bidding will start at €10.00 96 Set of 6 x Flower Pattern China Tea Cups Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 81 Flower Optic Pot Purple Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 80 Mahogany Tall Antique Single Wardrobe Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 77 Decorative Print of Mountain Scene in Wooden Frame Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 76 ITEM DESCRIPTION 97 Vintage ''Victor'' Blue Heavy Cast Iron Cook Book Stand with Page Holders, Enamelled Bidding will start at €10.00 82 Boxed Tower Blocks Game together with Alluminium Dominoes Set (2) Bidding will start at €25.00 98 Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 83 Boxed Tower Blocks Game together with Alluminium Dominoes Set (2) Bidding will start at €10.00 84 85 99 100 101 Bidding will start at €10.00 102 87 Assorted Collection of Items: Pink Heart Box, Faux Bijoux Jewellery, Pair of Vintage Style Earrings, Hand Made Candle Holders & Decorative Small Plates ''Silver Leaf'' Bidding will start at €7.00 88 Ethnic Embroidered Cushion in Frame Bidding will start at €15.00 89 Decorative Picture of the Forbiden City (Beijing) in Frame Bidding will start at €15.00 2 x Dolls Bidding will start at €15.00 Set of Tree Porcelain Dolls Bidding will start at €20.00 2 x Telephones Bidding will start at €15.00 Boxed Tower Blocks Game together with Alluminium Dominoes Set (2) Cake Slice (18-Piece) Wooden TV Unit Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 86 Spirit of St. Louis Radio ''Snow Mountain'' Seventies, Food Thermos , Made in China (3x) Bidding will start at €15.00 103 Set of 6 x Decorative ''Leaf'' Plates Bidding will start at €10.00 104 Hand Made Table Lamp, Made by Local Artist Bidding will start at €20.00 105 Large Quartz Wall Clock & Jewellery Box Bidding will start at €7.00 106 King Size Wooden Bed with Mattress and Pair of Bedside Cabinets Bidding will start at €80.00 107 King Size Wooden Bed with Mattress and Pair of Bedside Cabinets Bidding will start at €80.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 4 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 108 ITEM DESCRIPTION Dressing Table with Mirror LOT 126 Bidding will start at €40.00 109 110 Collection of Porcelain; House, Sugar Sifter, Plate, Vase & 3 x Poole Cruet Items Set of 3 x Glass Vases Bidding will start at €30.00 127 128 Set of 7 x Hand Made 24k Gold Rined, Greek Ornament Boxed Set of 6 x Glass Tea/ Coffee Mugs, France 129 Bamboo Picture in Wooden Frame 130 116 131 117 132 Bidding will start at €5.00 134 118 119 120 122 124 138 139 Wooden Set of Bowl & 2 x Bowls with Lid Bidding will start at €7.00 140 Electric Raclette & Grill in Box Bidding will start at €10.00 141 3-Tray Set & 2 x New Picture Frames Bidding will start at €8.00 142 Box of Assorted Glassware Bidding will start at €10.00 144 Bidding will start at €10.00 Small Chinese Diner Set (6x) Bidding will start at €1.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 Russel Hobbs Electric Hot Plate Cheetah Patterned Cups & Soucer Espresso Set Bidding will start at €5.00 143 Bidding will start at €7.00 125 137 31 x Books Collection ''The Companion Book Club''* Charity: Argos Animal Sanctuary * Wooden and Metal Bar Table ''Sadler'' Tea Set with Tea Pot & 5 x Cups, Sugar Bowl & Milk Jar Bidding will start at €10.00 2 x Boxes of Books Bidding will start at €10.00 123 136 Large Mirror in Wooden Frame Bidding will start at €10.00 Coffee Set Bidding will start at €5.00 Large Greek Style Mirror Bidding will start at €10.00 121 135 Walnut Dressing Table Mirror Bidding will start at €15.00 ''Ballantines'' Water Jug & 6 x Glasses Bidding will start at €10.00 Bevelled 1.22 x 1.02cm Mirror in Wooden Frame Bidding will start at €25.00 Set of 5x Wine Glasses Bidding will start at €10.00 Chinese Water Colour of Birds on Scroll Bidding will start at €500.00 6 x White Stem Coctail Glasses Bidding will start at €5.00 133 • Long Continental Grandfather Clock, 8Day Movement, (NB. Running, but requiers chain replacing for chime), circa 1900, Ebonised Oak 6 x Black Stem Cocktail Glasses Bidding will start at €5.00 'Drinking Buddies' Signed Photo by Rod Cabulangh Bidding will start at €15.00 Set of 6 x Cut Glass Champagne Flute Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 115 Large Collection of Brittanica Encyclopedias Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 114 Radio Controller 1:14 Scale Murcielago LP 670-4 SV, New in Box Bidding will start at €25.00 2 x Dark Wood Bookshelves Bidding will start at €40.00 113 Bidding will start at €7.00 11 Volumes of Encyclopedia Dictionary by Elena Eroudakis Bidding will start at €20.00 112 Set of 3 x Packed Curtains with Loops & Tape (145*250cm) Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 111 ITEM DESCRIPTION Wood Handle Cutlery Set & Tray Bidding will start at €10.00 Pressure Cooker Bidding will start at €10.00 145 Sierra 4-Piece Lidded Saucepan & Frying Pan Set Bidding will start at €20.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 5 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 146 ITEM DESCRIPTION Assorted Box of Kitchen Items LOT 163 Bidding will start at €12.00 147 Box of Glass Dessert Dishes 164 Box of Assorted Items: Bags, Ornament, Pictures, Figurines, etc. Bidding will start at €15.00 149 150 Collection of 2 x Chocolate Fondue Mugs, Chess Pieces, Glass Landle Halogen, 2 x Small Pictures, Bell, Jug, Plate, Stone Bird Ornament & Wall Hanging * Charity: Argos Animal Sanctuary * Bidding will start at €7.00 151 152 165 Thorpe Near Morwich, J. Stannard, '' Riverside Cottage'', M.E. Cotman, Reproduced by Kind Permission of Norwich Castle Museum 166 Fraimed Oil on Canvas, Hunting Scene, 85*60cm Bidding will start at €40.00 154 Oval Mirror Gold Colour Frame Bidding will start at €15.00 155 Mirror with Gold Colour Ornate Surround Bidding will start at €15.00 156 157 167 158 168 159 169 160 170 161 171 172 173 Millenium Masterpiece Classical Music Cd's Bidding will start at €10.00 174 3 in 1 Games, Games Compendium,(4x) Bidding will start at €7.00 175 3 in 1 Games, Games Compendium (4x) Bidding will start at €1.00 176 Chess Set Bidding will start at €10.00 Box of Vintage Photo Frames Bidding will start at €15.00 Butchers Block Trolley Bidding will start at €30.00 179 4 x Flower Porcelain Pieces Optic Colour Plant Lamp Bidding will start at €1.00 180 Christmas Candle Holder Extending Wooden Table Bidding will start at €15.00 181 Wooden Coffee Table (Large & Small) Marble Topped Bedside Mahogany Cupboards (2x) Money Box with Lucky Coin Bidding will start at €7.00 Aquarium Decorations Bidding will start at €25.00 182 Wall Ornaments (Dog, Indian, Eagle) Bidding will start at €10.00 183 Collection of Chinese Ornaments Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 162 Wooden Display Cabinet Bidding will start at €10.00 178 Collection of Stainless Steel Cuttlery and Coffee Serving Set Writing Bureau with Glass Fronted Display Bidding will start at €70.00 Large Capotimonte Porcelain Centre Piece Bidding will start at €30.00 Elephant Family Ornament Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 Boxed Porcelain Bathroom Set Bidding will start at €8.00 177 Bidding will start at €10.00 Tea Light Holder ''Red'' (7*3) Bidding will start at €1.00 Antique Mahogany Cabinet with Carved Door Bidding will start at €15.00 8 x Glass Figurines, Boxed Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €40.00 153 Antique Oak Tea Trolley Bidding will start at €30.00 Box of Assorted Items Bidding will start at €7.00 Assorted Items with Thai Stone Games, Display Plate, 2 x Small Vases, African Candle Holder, Wooden Icon Bidding will start at €15.00 2 x Stainless Steel Step Bin Bidding will start at €10.00 Wooden Model Vintage Car Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 148 ITEM DESCRIPTION 184 Bed Cover & 2 x Decorative Pillows Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €80.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 6 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 185 ITEM DESCRIPTION 2 x Pairs of Diamant, Germany, Dance Shoes, Size 38 (Tango & Salsa) LOT 208 Bidding will start at €25.00 186 187 24-Piece Tea Set in Box Box of Assorted Cups and Saucers Bidding will start at €20.00 211 212 213 194 214 215 Oil Painting by Rivolvi Oil Painting by Rivolvi Oil Painting by Rivolvi 216 Oak Fold Up Tea Trolley 217 218 199 200 203 220 221 Clothes Rail Assorted PC Parts & Computer Screen Stand Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 Clothes Rail 222 223 2x 3-Drawer Bedside Cupboard Fish Tank (Aquarium ''Bio Orb'' with Light & Pump) 224 207 3-Tier Black Glass Television Unit Bag of Keyboards Bidding will start at €7.00 225 Bidding will start at €30.00 206 Ferguson Video Camera, VHS Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 205 Box with Large Quantity of PC Keyboards Bidding will start at €1.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 204 3 x Remote Control Helicopters Bidding will start at €30.00 Compact Steam Press Bidding will start at €100.00 202 • Planika Fireplace Bidding will start at €400.00 Universal 32'' Wall Bracket Bidding will start at €15.00 201 219 Small White Sideboard Bidding will start at €5.00 Electronic Type Writer with Accessories, Daisy Wheel with Introdustion Book Bidding will start at €10.00 Blue and White Pair of Desk Lamps Bidding will start at €7.00 Casio Typewriter, (CW-600) Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 198 TCM CD/Tape/ Radio Player Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 197 General Electric Telephone & Answering Machine (Working) Bidding will start at €1.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 196 Box of Assorted Items (Playstation II, Camera, etc.) Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 195 Nintendo Wii Bidding will start at €20.00 • Solid Wood Square Coffee Table Bidding will start at €10.00 Xbox with 10 Games and Accessories Bidding will start at €40.00 Bridge Table with Legs Box of Mixed Items (Brass,Wood) Sony Playstation 1 Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 193 Box of Assorted Items: USB, Nail Dryer etc. Bidding will start at €15.00 Assorted Box of Kitchen Items Bidding will start at €15.00 192 210 Glass Vase & Glass Table Candle Holders Bidding will start at €20.00 191 209 Long Chest of Drawers, Green Front Bidding will start at €7.00 190 Bidding will start at €7.00 Small Pine Display Unit with Mirror Back, Glasss Shelves Bidding will start at €30.00 189 Box of Assorted Children's Games and Assorted DVD Films Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 188 ITEM DESCRIPTION Thetford Campa Pott Qude XGL, (Chemical Toilet), New with Chemicals, etc. Bidding will start at €60.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 226 Cast Iron Living Fire Place (Antique Style) with Coals Picnic Set & Wicker Case Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 7 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 227 228 ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT Electric Wall Heater with Fire Effect & Remote 244 Bidding will start at €40.00 245 231 Copy of the Painting of Van Gogh Bidding will start at €50.00 246 Pair of 40 x 40 CM Canvas on Frame Contemporary Prints 247 Bidding will start at €10.00 248 Modern Art, Possibly in the Style of Damien Hirst! 233 Nigerial Fabric Picture of Gazzels in Green Background 249 250 251 Phillips DVD Sound System with 6 x Speakers & Remote Control 237 Technics Direct Drive Automatic SL-3310 Turntable, GBL Amplifier, Woofer, 5.1 Speakers and Accessories 253 Sony Home Cinema 254 Assorted Box of Kitchen Items 255 Set of Four, Assorted, Ceiling Lights and Lamps 256 Hanging Sphere Ceiling Light 257 Hitachi 42'' Plasma TV 258 ''Logitech'' Woofer & Set of Speakers ''Creative'' (2x) Bidding will start at €25.00 Pair of Bang & Olufsen Active Beolab 6000 Speakers Bidding will start at €200.00 259 JVC Set of Speakers Bidding will start at €5.00 260 Sony Speasker System Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €150.00 243 Pair of Speakers Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 242 World Radio Books Bidding will start at €75.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 241 Kappa Motorcycle/ Scooter, Top Box Rack & 42L Top Box Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €12.00 240 2 x Sony Speakers Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €100.00 239 NRD 515 All Wave Radio Receiver and Extras Bidding will start at €400.00 Bidding will start at €120.00 238 Canon Pixma Ip520 Colour Printer (Including 2 x Sets of Spare Gartidges)NO CABLES Bidding will start at €15.00 Sony Hifi System GRX80, 2 X Speakers (a/f CD Not Working) Bidding will start at €50.00 Stero Compact Turntable System/ Belt, Drive Automatic Turn Off (a/f) Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 236 Sansui Saround System with Speakers Bidding will start at €25.00 Polycarbonate Globe Exterior Wall Lanterns Bidding will start at €30.00 MUSP All-in-One Public Broadcasting Power Amplifier Bidding will start at €60.00 252 235 Toshiba SD-220E DVD Player Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 234 Box of Glassware Bidding will start at €5.00 Large Modernise Painting Depicting Apples Bidding will start at €10.00 Box of Assorted China and Plates Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 232 4-Speakers & 1 x Woofer with Speaker Base Tall Black TV Unit Bidding will start at €20.00 230 Goodmans Karaoke System XB10-CDG Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 229 ITEM DESCRIPTION 261 3C 16 987A', 24-Port Switch, 3-Com Bidding will start at €130.00 262 Sony DVD Recorder Bidding will start at €10.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 8 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 263 ITEM DESCRIPTION 3-Tier Glass TV Unit LOT 284 Bidding will start at €15.00 264 Xbox 266 Bidding will start at €15.00 Table Runner, Eleven Small Tea Napkins, Bread Basket Cloth, Two Pieces of Cream Crochet, Six Handmade Coasters and Six White Napkins 285 Sony DVD Player with Remote Bidding will start at €20.00 F&J HD Interface Device & 2 x Pc Speakers Bidding will start at €20.00 267 286 2 x Radio Wireles Cameras Bidding will start at €10.00 268 Zen Vision DVD Player with RC Bidding will start at €5.00 269 EasyCap USB 2.0 Video Adaptor with Audio Bidding will start at €7.00 270 271 272 Sony System with Charger (a/f No Speakers), 120v 278 280 Bidding will start at €350.00 289 Bidding will start at €20.00 Line Interactive UPS (As New) Gigabyte Nvidia GTX460 Graphic Card Deskjet 3050 Printer/ Scanner/ Copier TV Unit Sony DVP-NS330, DVD Player & Digi Plus DHD-5500 290 291 Bidding will start at €20.00 292 Tall Glass Vase Bidding will start at €20.00 293 Tall Glass Vase Bidding will start at €20.00 294 2 x Bamboo Pictures- Africa Village Bidding will start at €5.00 295 Decorative Wall Light Bidding will start at €5.00 Oil On Canvas: Paris & Steamer in Rough Sea (2x) Set of Five, 3-Fitting, Wall Fitted Lights Bidding will start at €20.00 ''Reflecta Silver'' Projector Screen with Stand 296 297 5 x Decorative Chinese Prints in Frame Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 Original Oil on Canvas Painting ''Village House Scene'' by Metez ''Majorca'' in Watercolours (3x) Bidding will start at €30.00 Water Colours Large Wicker Vase with Peacock Pattern 298 299 Large Side Board Unit with Display Cabinet Top Bidding will start at €700.00 3 x Plant Picture Bidding will start at €25.00 300 Bidding will start at €20.00 283 2 x Print & 1 x Tapestry Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €35.00 282 Vintage Credenza Creative PC Speakers, CSW4400 Bidding will start at €35.00 281 288 Display Cabinets with Bar Unit with Light and Glass Doors Bidding will start at €10.00 279 Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 277 Five Pieces of Lefkara Lace Bidding will start at €350.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 276 287 HP Computer with 19'' G Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse Bidding will start at €50.00 275 Bidding will start at €20.00 Highly Decorative, Front Painted (Red), Solid Wood Two Door Cupboard Bidding will start at €25.00 274 Cream Embroidered Table Cover (164cm Diameter) and Six Lefkara Lace Napkins and Six Coasters Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 273 Pair of Table Clothes Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 265 ITEM DESCRIPTION Painting of Masai Warriors in Wooden frame Bidding will start at €20.00 301 Large African Picture* Charity: Argos Animal Sanctuary * Bidding will start at €30.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 9 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 302 ITEM DESCRIPTION Pair of Artistic Prints in Decorative Frames LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION 317 Regency Bergère Library Chair, Mahogany with Carved Back, Arms and Seat. With Red Leather Cushions Bidding will start at €10.00 303 Extendable Wooden Dining Table with Four Chairs which Includes Red Curtains that Match the Cushions Bidding will start at €350.00 318 Bidding will start at €120.00 304 Italian Travertine Marble Coffee Table From Harrods London Bidding will start at €220.00 305 306 White Ash Lounge Unit with 2 x Bevel Glass Displays, Cupboards & Drawers, Glass Shelves & Concealed Lights From Harrods, London Bidding will start at €250.00 319 Bidding will start at €35.00 Vintage Pearl Necklace with 9ct Hallmarked Gold Clasp Solid Wood Corner Unit with Carved Doors Bidding will start at €25.00 Vintage Bailey's Irish Cream LiquorAdversing Mirror 320 321 309 322 310 323 Bidding will start at €35.00 324 325 313 326 Bidding will start at €30.00 327 Bidding will start at €30.00 Antique Wine Pedestal Table Bidding will start at €15.00 Wooden Latice Foot Stool Hard Wood Seat/ Storage Box with Brass Emblaisend Cushion Orgin- Asia, Purchased in Saudi Arabia 328 African Large Glass Top / Hard Wood Coffee Table 329 • Drop Leaf William IV (1835) Rosewood Sewing Table, Lion Claw Foot, Platform Base Set of 6 x Spoons & 6 x Dessert Forks, Cyprus Silver 830. Bidding will start at €45.00 330 Bidding will start at €350.00 316 Antique White Metal Serving Fork Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €100.00 315 Vintage Sterling Silver Hallmarked English Gate 5-Bar Bracelet, 16.2gr, by ASJ London Solid Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet with Lock Catch, Hallmarked Shefield/ Lion Passant (No Charms), 16.1gr Bidding will start at €15.00 314 Vintage The Dragonfly Curio Dioptric Scope Bidding will start at €10.00 Chest of Drawers (Style of Suitcase) Bidding will start at €25.00 312 Boxed Set of 6 x J.D&S Ltd Stainless Steel Butter Knives Bidding will start at €1.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 311 • 5 x Emeralds Bidding will start at €25.00 Pair of Wooden Wall Ornament ''Chinese Birds'' Dark Wood ''Abbey'' Pendalum Wall Clock with Westminster Chime , Working • 3 x Ruby's Bidding will start at €20.00 2 x Pictures ''African Ladys'' Made of Butterfly Wings Bidding will start at €15.00 2 x Jadeite Necklaces Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €45.00 308 Large Album with Large Quantity of Stamps from Around the World (18852002) Bidding will start at €260.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 307 Set of Four Irish Regency Mahogany Dining Chairs with Material for Upholstery (Was Originaly Bought for €2700) 925. Hallmarked Cross Shaped Pendant on Leather Thong, 11.7gr Bidding will start at €25.00 331 925. Hallmarked Silver Pendant on Solid Silver Wire Maker R. Eve Screw Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €420.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 10 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT 332 Coral Coloured Stone Pendant Necklace on Trace Wire Hallmarked Silver Loop Chain 348 Bidding will start at €10.00 333 925. Hallmarked Folli Folli Pendant on 925. Silver Chain, Boxed Bidding will start at €25.00 334 335 925. Hallmarked Cypriot Pendant Giltedon 925. Chain by CAO, 9.5gr 349 Madison Cavan D'ache Swiss Made Pen & Pencil Set in Case 350 Set of Cypriot Notes of 4 x £20, 11 x £10, 12 x £1, 3x 50c, 1 x £5, & Eleven Others 351 1891, 925 Silver Great Britain Crown Coin Bidding will start at €40.00 339 Collection of British Coins: Five HalfCrowns, Six Shillings and Six Half-Shillings Bidding will start at €10.00 340 1915 One Penny Coin 352 Restrike 1937, 45 Piastres Coin & 1977 Jubilet Coin Bidding will start at €25.00 342 343 353 354 355 356 357 346 359 Ladies Jacket Bidding will start at €70.00 American Co-op Hat/ Coat Stand Bidding will start at €90.00 360 Ornate Wooden Table with 5 x Cushioned Chairs Bidding will start at €400.00 361 Complete Set of Plain with China: 4 x Dinner Plates, 4 x Side Plates, 4 x Bowls, 4 x Cups & 4 x Saucers Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €80.00 Complete Set of Plain with China: 4 x Dinner Plates, 4 x Side Plates, 4 x Bowls, 4 x Cups & 4 x Saucers Porcelain Jurs & Troys Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 347 Office 2-Drawer Folder Cabinet Bidding will start at €35.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 Collection of Cyprus Piastres Coins; 4 x 18 Piasters, 8 x 9 Piasters & 4 x 4 1/2 Piastres Home Decorations: Three Red Pillows, Wooden Black/Grey Photo Frame and Lampshade Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €35.00 345 American Co-op Lamp Bidding will start at €140.00 358 Collection of Cyprus Piastres Coins; 6 x 1 Piasters 1938, 2 x 1 Piastres 1934, 1943, 2 x 1944, 2 x 1938 1/2 Piasters, 1 x 1934 & 1 x 1944 Modern Wooden Lounger Oak Wood Bidding will start at €75.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 344 Babies Bed/Folding Travel Cott Together with Soft Toys, Baby Monitor etc. Bidding will start at €25.00 Nine Churchill 1965 Copper-Nickel Commemorable Coins Large Collection of Old British Penny Coins From 1900-1967 Large Offset Bunk Beds with Wardrobe, Storage Drawers and Mattresses (Requires Screws) Bidding will start at €200.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 341 Chival Mirror Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 338 Bedside Cabinet Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 337 Celestron C102-HD Refractor Telescope Bidding will start at €120.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 336 Girls Bedroom Set of 1 1/2 Size Bed with Aphrostrom Mattress, Matching with Corner Desk & Shelf Unit, Bedside Unit & Coat Stand & Chair (5) Bidding will start at €150.00 • 9ct Gold Snow Flake Pendant Bidding will start at €75.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION 362 363 Ornate Wooden Corner Unit with Drawer Bidding will start at €35.00 Standard Lamp with Shade Bidding will start at €25.00 364 2 x Modern Canvas Pictures Bidding will start at €10.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 11 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 365 ITEM DESCRIPTION Old Style Telephone LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION 386 Bevelled Glass Mirror with Carved Moldings Bidding will start at €7.00 366 Stainless Steel Four Fitting Optics Bidding will start at €20.00 367 1 1/2 Wooden Bed with Mattress with Storage, Bedside Cabinets & Dresser Bidding will start at €80.00 387 Bidding will start at €10.00 388 Bidding will start at €130.00 368 Single Divan Bed with Mattress Blue Leather Coat ''21 Vanaris'', Size 36-38 389 Brown Leather (Suede) Jacket ''Zivanaris'', Size M 390 White Coat/ Hat Stand 391 • Full Length Ink Coat/Jacket Size 10-12 392 374 393 376 394 Bidding will start at €40.00 395 Brown Coat/ Hat Stand Wooden Handy Craft Ornament; Giraffe Carrying Africa Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 Wooden Bunk Bed 396 397 2 x Modern Stools Black Wrought Iron Bed (4'-6') & Mattress Air Bed with Pump 398 Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Double 399 Office Design Chair 400 383 Pair of Modern Metal Bar Stools 401 Bidding will start at €100.00 402 • Collection of 8 x Various Murano Glasses Bidding will start at €15.00 Collection of Table Cloth, Cross-Stitch Table Runner, 6 x Napkins & Silverware Large Green Been Bag Bidding will start at €20.00 403 404 Pine Kingsize Bed with Beige Mattress Bidding will start at €75.00 385 Pair of Lamps Highly Decorative Chinese Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €45.00 384 Lady Figurine with Child Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 382 Brown Briefcase Bidding will start at €12.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 381 Rosewood Figurine 'Love' Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 380 Rosewood Figurine 'Love' Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €75.00 379 Serpantine Fronted Wooden Buffet Bidding will start at €300.00 Mens Black Leather Jacket (Size 42) Bidding will start at €40.00 378 Feng Shui Fountain Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €65.00 377 Pair of Porcelain Base Table Lamps Bidding will start at €5.00 Black Leather (Suede) Jacket ''Zivanaris'', Size 10-12 Bidding will start at €20.00 375 Chinese Bamboo Made Ornate Tea Table Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €600.00 373 pair of Guardian Dragon (1 x a/f Leg Chipped) Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 372 Ornately Carved Low Cupboard / Tv Unit Bidding will start at €150.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 371 Stone Effect Lamp Base Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 370 • Large Ornate Oriental Blue / White Vase Bidding will start at €110.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 369 Habitat 53x32cm Silk Lampshade ''Green'' Brown Wooden Buffet Unit Bidding will start at €120.00 Double Bed with Wood/ Leather Frame & Aphrostrom Mattress 405 Olive Wood Pestle & Mortar Together with Wooden Heart Shape Dish* Charity: Argos Animal Sanctuary * Bidding will start at €500.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 406 Wooden Handy Craft; Collection of Giraffe Bidding will start at €40.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 12 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 407 ITEM DESCRIPTION Long Coffee Table and Two Matching Side Tables LOT 424 Bidding will start at €110.00 408 Box of Assorted Ornaments: Tins, African Ornaments, Jewellery Display, etc. 410 Pair of Dark Wood Bedside Cabinets 425 412 413 414 Bidding will start at €30.00 426 925 Silver Set of Mediterranean Style Bracelet & Pair of Earrings Stainless Steel Coffee/ Tea Set & Tray Bidding will start at €35.00 Dark Wood Unit, Bevel Mirrors (Top Part of Sideboard) 427 4 x Old Chinese Photographs in Wooden Frames, Depicting Life Under the Late Quing Dynasti Bidding will start at €120.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 Set of 3 x 19th Century American Mantlepiece Clocks (a/f 1 x only has pendalium, Not Working, No Keys) 428 Bidding will start at €80.00 429 416 • Antique Bronze Finely Detailed Oriental Urn with Elephants & Dragons • A Finely Engraved Chinese Silver Vase, Depicting a Dragon, 22cm High, 292gr, Circa 1910 Bidding will start at €350.00 Bidding will start at €450.00 2 x Multi-Strand Bead Necklaces 925 Silver Pair of Earrings ''Orchid'' 430 Bidding will start at €30.00 Sapphire Cluster Ring Platinum Plated Silver, 5.5cts, Size Q 925 Silver Ring ''Orchid'' Bidding will start at €100.00 Wooden Biscuit Barrel with Silver Plated Lid, Rim & Handle and Porcelain Lining 431 432 419 433 420 434 Bidding will start at €25.00 435 422 436 925 Silver Mediterranean Style Bracelet Bidding will start at €80.00 437 8-Day Carriage Clock .925 Silver Sauce Jug, Sheffield, E. Viners 1939, Engraved 'R. G. F. & J. R.' *Remove from Auction* Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 3 x Ships in Bottles 438 Bidding will start at €20.00 423 • Carved Jade Camel Figure on Fitted Wooden Plinth Bidding will start at €90.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 421 Tiger's Eye Opal Solitaire Ring Silver Size N Bidding will start at €40.00 Bulimia Prescott Glass Anniversary Clock Under Glass Domes Schatz, Glass Domed Anniversry Clock with Flower Motif Silver Bud Vase, English Hallmarks Bidding will start at €20.00 Bulimia Prescott Glass Anniversary Clock Under Glass Domes Bidding will start at €25.00 925 Silver Ring ''Flower'' Bidding will start at €45.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 418 White Metal Poweder Compact Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 417 • .958 Brittany Silver Bottle Coaster with Felt Base and Silver insert Bidding will start at €120.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 415 Silver Plated Tea & Coffee Set: 2 x Pots Sugar Bow, Milk Jar Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 411 925. Hallmarked Ladies Silver Ring with Black Stone 10.3gr Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 409 ITEM DESCRIPTION 925. Hallmarked Italian Worry Beaded Chain with Large Black Beads/ Tasels Bidding will start at €20.00 Silver Pendant with Blue Stones & Diamond Centre & Chain Bidding will start at €35.00 439 9ct Yellow Gold Earrings Tanzanite & White Sapphires Bidding will start at €200.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 13 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 440 ITEM DESCRIPTION 9ct Yellow Gold Tanzanite Ring Trilogy 1.5cts, Size N LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION 458 18ct Yellow Gold Pendant of Jesus Christ on One Side & The Madonna and Child on the Other Bidding will start at €200.00 441 925. Silver Toped Pen & Post -it Note Holdon Bidding will start at €225.00 459 Bidding will start at €45.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 442 443 Bidding will start at €25.00 Ruby Pendant 14ct Gold Plated Sterling Silver, 2.7cts • 9ct Gold Ring with Ruby & Diamond Bidding will start at €100.00 925 Silver Butterfly Broach on Silver Chain Bidding will start at €65.00 444 445 446 • 9ct Gold Multi Colour Stone Ring Bidding will start at €70.00 Bidding will start at €80.00 462 Bidding will start at €170.00 463 450 451 452 453 455 464 465 • 18ct Gold Edwardian Ring with Platinum Mounted Sapphire and Diamond Round Cluster. Size: N/O, Total Weight: 3.1g • 9ct Yellow Gold Ring Set with 5 x Aquamarine Stones and 10 x Diamonds, Size N, 3gr Bidding will start at €190.00 466 • Diamond Earrings Studs Set in 14ct Gold 18ct Gold Necklace with Swarovski Crystals & 9ct Gold Clasp, Total Weight: 3.8gr Bidding will start at €250.00 Bidding will start at €60.00 9ct Gold Ring with Peridot, Size L, Total Weight: 2.2gr 467 Bidding will start at €25.00 468 Lighting 2-Sport Petrol Remote Control Car Bidding will start at €120.00 • Gold & Enamel Shelf 9ct Gold Land Overlord 1/8 Nitro RC Monster Truck (a/f Needs Maintenance) Bidding will start at €70.00 Bidding will start at €150.00 • Gold & Enamel 9ct Gold Pair Bidding will start at €65.00 469 Large Extending Wooden Dinning Table and Eight Chairs Ruby & Diamond Ring Platinum Plated Sterling Silver, 3.5cts, Size O Bidding will start at €220.00 470 471 Bidding will start at €40.00 472 10ct White Gold Opal & Diamond Accent Ring. 2cts, Size N • Gold Ear Studs 24ct Yellow Gold Lord Nelson One Pound Alderney Coin in 18ct Yellow Gold Mount (2005) Bidding will start at €170.00 Large Brown LeatherHandbag ''The Sak'' Bidding will start at €35.00 Peridot Ring 14ct Gold Plated Sterling Silver, 1.6cts, Size P DKNY Large Black Handbag with 9 x Scarves Bidding will start at €30.00 ''Mulbercy'' Black/Brown Handbag Bidding will start at €65.00 473 Harrods Black Bag Bidding will start at €20.00 474 Bidding will start at €20.00 457 • Aqua Marine 9ct Gold / Diamond Ring Bidding will start at €125.00 • Gold Ruby Ring, 9ct Gold & Zircon Ring Bidding will start at €150.00 456 • 9ct Gold / Diamond Flower Ring Bidding will start at €110.00 Bidding will start at €130.00 454 9ct Gold / Diamond Flower Ring Bidding will start at €110.00 • 9ct Gold Ring Sapphire & Red Stone Bidding will start at €140.00 449 461 • 9ct Yellow Gold Ring Set with 4 x Tanzanite and 6 x Diamonds, Size N, 2.2gr Bidding will start at €125.00 448 460 • 18ct Yellow Gold Ring Set with 3 x Diamonds in a Bow Design, Size L, 2.5gr Bidding will start at €70.00 447 Blue Topaz Sterling Silver Earrings Extending Wooden Dinning Table and Six Chairs, Green Cushions Bidding will start at €160.00 475 Victorian Style Kitchen Scales, Brass Pans & Full Set of 8 x Weights Bidding will start at €35.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 14 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 476 ITEM DESCRIPTION ''Erkameter'' 300 2506 Vinatge Bloodpressure Monitor LOT 495 Bidding will start at €15.00 477 478 496 Bidding will start at €25.00 497 Large Martial Arts Sword Large Brass Artillery Shell 498 Dark Wooden Oblong Sculpted the African Themed Dining Table 499 500 484 501 Gold Coloured Bust of Lady 6 x Bavarian China Saucers together with 5 x Persian Glasses with Floral Decoration Bidding will start at €70.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 'Crown Dynasty' 52-Piece China Dinner Set 502 503 Nao by Lladro Porcelain Lamp with Boy Sitting Under Tree & 2 x Sheep Games Table, Chess, Backgammon & Card Table 504 488 Wooden Chest 505 Bidding will start at €130.00 Pine Desk Original Organ Pedals, From UK Church Large Display Glass Vase & Stones Bidding will start at €60.00 506 507 Nest of 2 x Tables Bidding will start at €25.00 490 508 Oriental Wooden Large Bird Cage Decorative Wooden Stool with Demon Figures 509 2 x Chinese Vases Bidding will start at €7.00 493 Solid Wood Dressing Table Mirror First Class Airplane Seat, Lifejacket Still Under Seat Bidding will start at €120.00 Pair of Heavy Wood Base Decorative Lamps with Pink & Black Colour Shades (a/f 1 x Connection Broken) Bidding will start at €45.00 510 Bidding will start at €50.00 494 Teak Wooden Handy Craft Figurine of Pumas Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 492 Large Dark Violet Cover Photo Album Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €180.00 491 Wooden Sculpture on Pedestal by Geral Tomany Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 489 Wooden Sculpture on Pedestal Titled 'Menhir' by Geral Tomany Bidding will start at €130.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 487 Dark Wood Book Case with Drawer Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €70.00 486 White Finished, Wall Mounted Display Shelves with Glass Doors Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €45.00 485 Decorative Ornate Metal Table Lamp (No Shade) Bidding will start at €25.00 2 x Framed Prints Bidding will start at €15.00 483 Hookha Pipe with Case Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €80.00 482 African Wall Mask Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 481 Wooden Handy Craft; African Woman Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 480 Art Deco Dog Bookends Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €75.00 479 Vintage Dressing Table with Six Drawers and Oval Mirror Bidding will start at €150.00 Vintage Barometer in Round Wooden Case, Wall Hanging Repoduction World War Two Japanese Officers Sword (Guntō) ITEM DESCRIPTION • Gillows of Lancaster Oak Hall Table with 2 Drawers, Circa 1880/1890 with Horn Carved Detail Bidding will start at €240.00 511 Pair of Riding Helmets Bidding will start at €20.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 15 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 512 ITEM DESCRIPTION Vintage Hat Box LOT 527 Bidding will start at €20.00 513 Hand Made Replica of Village House (Natural Stone, Wood, Tree Back) Hand Made Replica of Village House (Natural Stone, Wood, Tree Back) 528 516 529 517 530 Bidding will start at €15.00 531 519 532 533 534 Bidding will start at €280.00 536 Bidding will start at €420.00 521 522 523 537 538 Set of Four Dining Chairs Bidding will start at €25.00 539 Extendable Table Bidding will start at €20.00 541 Set of 4 x Beige Modern Dining Chairs Bidding will start at €25.00 Modern Kitchen Table and Two Chairs Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 Dinning Table and Four Traditional Cyprus Chairs Chinese Set with Umbrella & Steamer Bidding will start at €60.00 542 543 Wooden Coffee Table Solid Wood Water Buffalo Ornament, 35cm*26cm Bidding will start at €30.00 4 x Chairs Bidding will start at €65.00 544 Decorative Orange Glass Shade Bidding will start at €15.00 526 Antique Wooden Table Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €420.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 525 Pair of Wooden Base Table Lamps Bidding will start at €5.00 540 Bidding will start at €10.00 524 Dark Wood Sideboard Bidding will start at €250.00 • Large (Approx. 6 Foot) Goddess Lautern on Plinth (one other available) 13 x Volume & General World Encyclopedia by Papyros- Laurous Black Padded PVC Bench and Table Set: 1 x Long and 2 x Short Benches, together with 2 x Square Tables (5x) Bidding will start at €45.00 535 • Large (Approx. 6 Foot) Goddess Lautern on Plinth 3 x Framed Prints Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 520 Pair of Matching Coffee Table with Gold Leaf Bidding will start at €60.00 • Edwardian Mahogany Music Cabinet with Satin Wood Banding, 4 Adjustable Shelves Pair of Tifany Style Lamps with Gold Colour Bases Large Italian Dining Table with 10 x Chairs Bidding will start at €1,100.00 Bidding will start at €450.00 518 Wooden Kitchen Table with 6 x Chairs Bidding will start at €120.00 3 x African Hand Craft Pictures • Mid 19th Century Mahogany Lined Secretare, Flame Front, Pull Out & Drop Down Front Top Drawer with Felt Writing Pad, Tropical Satin Wood Interior with Ebony String Inlay and Knobs Above 3 Further Drawers (Original Key in Office) Extending Oval Wooden Dining Table with Fitted Heat Pads / Protective Covers Bidding will start at €75.00 Hand Made Replica of Village House (Natural Stone, Wood, Tree Back) Bidding will start at €3.00 6 x Solid Wood Pine Dining Chairs Bidding will start at €100.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 515 1960's Rectangular Wooden Dining Table with Five Dining Chairs with Padded Seats Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 514 ITEM DESCRIPTION Set of 7 x Prints of Milan in 1890's Bidding will start at €20.00 545 Wooden Kitchen Table Bidding will start at €20.00 546 Set of Three Glass Retro Style Tables (2 x Small & 1 x Large) Bidding will start at €100.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 16 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 547 548 ITEM DESCRIPTION Vintage (1960's) Reed / Chord Organ by J Busilacchio, Italy in Hard Case 566 Bidding will start at €50.00 567 551 568 Wooden Coffee Table and Side Table Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €220.00 570 Glass Coffee Table 70*120cm 2 x IKEA Shelves 555 571 572 573 Bidding will start at €110.00 574 Bidding will start at €100.00 558 575 576 577 Wicker Steam Basket with Pyrex Bowl & Red Glass Bowl with Pot Pourri Bidding will start at €15.00 561 Vintage Hand Painted Bramly of Brentleigh, Fruit Bowl Bidding will start at €10.00 562 578 579 580 Large Coffee Table with Glass Paners Bidding will start at €150.00 565 Large Decorative and Ceramic Oriental Style Vase, Approx 92cm (a/f) Bidding will start at €25.00 581 Tall Decorative Red Chinese Vase (a/f top cracked) Bidding will start at €30.00 582 • Epiphone Black Dot Studio, SemiAcoustic Electric Guitar with Hard Case Bidding will start at €300.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 564 Marble Stand Bidding will start at €20.00 Blue Hand Made Glass Vase 2 x Villeroy & Bosch Unicef Collectable Plates & 2 x Marquetry Pictures (4x) ''Slim Image Toning Systems'' MultiFunction Toning Tale Bidding will start at €200.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 563 Vintage Clemens Meninel (Germany) Clarinet in Case Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 560 Modern Violin with Hard Case Bidding will start at €50.00 Blue Vase & 3 x Glass Flowers Pair of Black Modern Style Ceramic Ornamnets Pearl Drum Kit 22'' Base, 16, 14 & 12'' Toms, Complete with 14'' Snare & Hardware, Set of Zylgin Symbols Hi-Hat 14'' Crash & 20 Ride,Stool & Sticks Bidding will start at €350.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 559 Headliner Drum Kit Bidding will start at €180.00 • Highly Ornate Gold Coloured African Woman and Child Statue Table (Glass Top) • Highly Ornate Gold Coloured African Woman and Child Statue Table (Glass Top) Coffee Table Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €100.00 557 Red Top Storage Stool Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €110.00 556 Solid Wood Large Occasional Table Bidding will start at €20.00 • Highly Ornate Gold Coloured African Woman and Child Statue Table (Glass Top) • Highly Decorative Gold Coloured Ballerina Statue Table (Glass Top) Small Wooden Coffee Table Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 554 Wooden Handy Craft Figurine of Pumas Ornately Carved Hall Stand with Ball & Claw Feet Box of Assorted tems 569 Bidding will start at €35.00 553 Iguana Figure on Wooden Stand Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 552 3-Tier Cake Stand Bidding will start at €15.00 Dutch Clogs (3x) Bidding will start at €3.00 550 ITEM DESCRIPTION Bidding will start at €15.00 Vintage Autoharp in Box Bidding will start at €70.00 549 LOT 583 Small Accordian Bidding will start at €20.00 Wine Table/ Chess Table Bidding will start at €75.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 17 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 584 585 586 587 ITEM DESCRIPTION Mitchell Guitar, MDS-10, in Soft Case with Strap & Book 604 Bidding will start at €30.00 605 591 Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €900.00 Irish Bodhran Drum with Stick, 30cm Diameter 606 Bidding will start at €20.00 607 608 609 Modern Glass Toped Table & 6 x Chairs Scrolled Armed Classic Setee with Carved Wooden Frame Bidding will start at €300.00 Bidding will start at €280.00 Tall Modern Standard Lamp 610 611 Glass Toped Occasional Table Glass Office Desk Grey Fabric Swivel Chair Antique Green Uplosterd Chair 612 597 613 614 600 615 Pair of Modern Chairs • Chesterfield Suite, Turquoise Fabric Three-Seater and Two-Seater Sofas and Armchair with Six Cushions Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €350.00 Chair 1/2 Turned Beads, Ralton Seat and Tiled Back (Bali) 616 Wooden Sofabed and Two Matching Armchairs 602 Old Style Brown Brown Colour Fabric and Wooden Sofa and Two Armchairs • Large Dolls House, Custom Made to Match Double Fronted Brick Effect Edwardian English House with Quantity of Furniture Kits, Accessories and Decoration Bidding will start at €75.00 Bidding will start at €300.00 Modern Sofa Bed with Brown Cover Cushion 617 618 Print of Flower Still Life of Jan Van Huysum in Decorative Frame Bidding will start at €10.00 Blue Colour Sofa Set with 2-Seater & 3Seater 619 Bidding will start at €45.00 620 Print In Vintage Style Gold Frame Bidding will start at €15.00 White & Black of Snowboarding Salopettes Bidding will start at €1.00 Scroll Arm Sofa Yellow/Beige Armchair 2 x Vintage Glass Biscuit Jars (1x Lid Missing), Meredith Drew Ltd Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €60.00 603 3-Seater and Two-Seater (Can Be Combined to Form a Five Seater) Brown Fabric Sofas Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €65.00 601 Lazy Boy Armchair Bidding will start at €100.00 Bidding will start at €60.00 599 Wooden Sofa Bed, Brown Cushions Bidding will start at €70.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 598 Brown Sofa Bed Bidding will start at €250.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 596 Dark Beige Sofa Bidding will start at €100.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 595 Lazy Boy 3-Seater Couch Bidding will start at €110.00 Tone Bank MA-120 Electric Keyboard Bidding will start at €80.00 594 Navy Blue Three Seater Sofa Bed Bidding will start at €10.00 Brass Musical Instrument (No Mouth Piece) Bidding will start at €20.00 593 Mustard Colour Patterned Sofa Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 592 Yellow Two-Seater Sofa Bidding will start at €40.00 Acoustic Guitar Bidding will start at €30.00 590 Ikea White/ light Wood Chair Tall Wooden Bongo Drum Bidding will start at €30.00 589 ITEM DESCRIPTION Natissi Dark Brown Leather 3-Seater, 2Seater & Square Footstool Bidding will start at €30.00 588 LOT 621 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 18 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 622 ITEM DESCRIPTION Whale Bone Carving of Eskimo Hunting LOT 638 Mountain Goat Horn Skull Ornamnet Pair of Victorian Antique Cranberry Glass Lustre Vases, Hand Blown with Hanging Crystals (2) Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €130.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 623 624 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953, Collectable Plates 639 Bidding will start at €5.00 625 Antique Wooden Russian Icon of the Virgin Mary Bidding will start at €35.00 626 Allander, Sheffield Steel, Silver Plated Canteen of Cutlery (88 Pieces) Silver Mother/Son Picture 640 629 641 642 643 Bidding will start at €30.00 644 1980's Johnnie Walker Swing Blended Scotch Whisky, 7cl, 43% ''Rosenbaum'' Solingen Oxford 24Carat Gold Plated, 72-Pieces Cuttlery Set in Suitcase Bidding will start at €120.00 632 Glenmorangie Single Highland Malt Scotch Whiskey with Original Tasting Glass 645 646 647 Cyprus Brandy ''Viva'' Eau De Vie De Vin Jean Hdjistiriou & Son Limassol- Chypre Marque Deposee 648 Murano Glass Clown & Coloured Glass Ashtray 649 Murano Glass Clown Bidding will start at €20.00 Antique Pitcher/ Jug By Doulton Lambeth, W. Hutton Age Related Cracks/ Proffesionaly Stiched Bidding will start at €15.00 650 White Metal Tea & Coffee Set: Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Sugar Bowl with Lid & Cream Jar Bidding will start at €15.00 651 Enfield Wooden Mantlepiece Clock Bidding will start at €30.00 652 Collection of 5 x Franklin Mint ''Wild Cats'' Collectable Plates Bidding will start at €35.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 637 ''Love'' Porcelain Figurine Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €40.00 636 Aynsley ''Wild Tudor'' Tall Vase & Lidded Pot Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 635 Pair of Alfred Meakin Lidded Taureens/ Vegetable Dishes, Twin Handled Bidding will start at €20.00 1978 Uncirculated Cyprus Coins Set 1977 Uncirculated Cyprus Coins Set Royal Albert Bone China Cup & Saucer Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 634 Pair of Crystal Decanters Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 633 Oval Dish with Gold Tray & Floral Decoration Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 631 Set of 5 x Crystal Whiskey Tumblers Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 630 Black swan Bidding will start at €10.00 Large Collection of Cypriot Coins with other Coins from Around the World Included in Collecter Case 1980's Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 Tennessee Whisky 1L, 45% 5 x Crystal Wine Glasses (1 x Chipped) Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 628 • Set of 8 x Vintage Baccarat (France), Presser Crystal Rose Tente Swirl Amberina Footed Water Goblets & Plates (2 x Plates Signed), Together with Matching Decanter Bidding will start at €600.00 Bidding will start at €140.00 627 ITEM DESCRIPTION 653 Pair of Non-Matching Crystal Decanters & 6 x Liqueur Glasses Bidding will start at €20.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 19 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT 654 1980's Glenfiddich Special Old Reserve Single Malt Whisky in Collectable Tin Case 'Clan Macpherson' 673 Bidding will start at €50.00 674 655 656 Bidding will start at €7.00 Pair of Duchess ''Green Sleeves'' Tea Pots, Togehter with Duchess Ascot Tea Pot (English Fine Bone China), (3) 2 x Matching Heavy Glass Vases Bidding will start at €15.00 675 Wooden Carving / Craft; Motherly Love Bidding will start at €30.00 658 Porcelain Lady Figurine, Czechoslovakian Bidding will start at €20.00 659 Wooden Handy Craft; Black Panther Bidding will start at €30.00 660 Russian Swan Royal Salute Porcelain Whisky Flagon 21 gr. Bidding will start at €10.00 662 Set of 5 x Crystal Small Wine Glasses (1x Chipped) Bidding will start at €15.00 663 Porcelain Tureen Bidding will start at €40.00 664 Chateau De Laubade Bas-Armagnac XO 70cl, 40% Bidding will start at €40.00 665 6 x Crystal Tumbler Glasses Bidding will start at €20.00 666 Set of 5 x Wine Glasses & 5 x Crystal Wine Glasses (10x) Bidding will start at €10.00 667 Royal Doulton ''His Holiness Pope John Paul II'' figurine 676 Glass Prism Ornament with Figures Design Bidding will start at €30.00 669 4 x Stainless Steel Rings, Size 19 Bidding will start at €20.00 670 1970's Hennessy V.S.O.P Reserve Cognac, 70cl, 40% Vol. Bidding will start at €60.00 671 Binocular Patterns ''Swift'' in Black Leather Case Bidding will start at €30.00 672 Ornamental Pewter Tea Pot Bidding will start at €10.00 Black Leather Handbag ''Keneth'' Bidding will start at €45.00 677 Old St. Andrews Blended Scotch Whiskey, 70cl, 40% Bidding will start at €30.00 678 Collection 9-Porcelain Tricket Box Bidding will start at €40.00 679 12 x Vintage Glass Miniature Bottle Bidding will start at €10.00 680 Percelain Angel Bidding will start at €7.00 681 Collection of 4 x Carved Boxwood Netsuke; Dog, Owl, Turtle & Animal on Pumpkin (4) Bidding will start at €25.00 682 Green Amethyst Sterling Silver Ring, Size P Bidding will start at €60.00 683 Bohemia Crystal Candle Holder & Ornament Bidding will start at €20.00 684 Bidding will start at €35.00 668 2 x Royal Doulton Bunnykins Figurines: Little John & Prince John from the Robin Hood Collection (DB 243 & 266) Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 661 Solid Brass Antique Japanese High Relief Vase Bidding will start at €45.00 6 x Blue Champagne Flutes Bidding will start at €20.00 657 ITEM DESCRIPTION 4 x Vintage Clocks, Including a Greek Hotel Manual Wind Alarm Clock with Coin Slot and Perpetual Calendar (3x Working) Bidding will start at €40.00 685 Set of 4 x Shiny Rings Bidding will start at €20.00 686 Antique Hallmarked Silver Picture Frames, 3 x English & 1 x Spanish Bidding will start at €75.00 687 Chinese Tea Mugs* Charity: Argos Animal Sanctuary * Bidding will start at €1.00 688 1960's Japanese Made Tin Toy Pop Gun Bidding will start at €20.00 689 Askan Type XTR 703 Retro Shaver Bidding will start at €10.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 20 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 690 691 ITEM DESCRIPTION Assortment of Faux Bijoux Jewellery Brown Leather Small Marks & Spencer Handbag with Matching Wallet Set of 2 x Crystal Champagne Glasses Bidding will start at €25.00 694 925 Silver Cherry Pendant on Silver Chain 7.8g 696 Bidding will start at €25.00 710 711 Golconda White Topaz Ring Sterling Silver, 2.2cts, Size O 14 x Miniature Spirit Bidding will start at €40.00 Middle East/ Bedouin White Metal Bracelet with 2 x Coins British One Penny Denomination Commemorative Stamp From a Plaster Cast, ''The Machin Series'' 15.02.1971 Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 3 x Pair of Silver Earrings : 2 x Pair of Perls & 1 x Ladybird 712 713 Collectable Coalport 75th Anniversary of the RAF Plate with Certificate 699 Marcasite Necklace & Earrings 714 Bidding will start at €20.00 Zambian Emerald & Diamond Platinum Plated Sterling Silver Ring, 1.25cts, Size M ''Christian Dior'' Key Ring Bidding will start at €120.00 Mans Watch ''Fossil'' 715 716 Bidding will start at €20.00 701 Mans Watch ''Casio'' Bidding will start at €15.00 702 Vintage Style 10-Strand Pearl Necklace Bidding will start at €10.00 703 2 x Wedgewood Small Twin Handled Urns Bidding will start at €10.00 704 Set of 3 x Silver Rings, Modern with Pearl & Zircons Siamese Cat Figurine by Tony Raymond Pottery (a/f) 717 Collection of 4 x Carved Boxwood Netsuke; 2 Dragons, Snake and Mouse with Chinese Token 718 Vintage Technical Drawing Set Micrometer Bidding will start at €30.00 Abbydale Bone China Egg Cups (4x) Bidding will start at €7.00 719 Set of 6 x Shot Glasses Bidding will start at €10.00 720 3 x Pair of Silver Earrings & 2 x Silver Bracelet Bidding will start at €20.00 721 Ethiopian Ancherry Opal Trilogy Ring, Silver, 1.2cts, Size N Bidding will start at €50.00 722 1980's Chivas Regal 12 Years Old Blended Scotch Whisky, 75cl, 43% Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 707 Pair of Candle Holder ''Rosenthal Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 706 Smiths Hanging Travel Alarm Clock with Square Face Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 705 Vintage Electric Metal & Wooden House Bell Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 700 White Metal 'Fruit' Shaped Tea Pot by J.P. Broadhead & Co. Sheffield Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 698 Swarovski Crystal 3 Stone Silver Ring, Size R Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 697 Collection of 5 x Silverplated Items: Pair of Candlelabras, Salad Spoons & Dish Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 695 709 925 Hallmarked Silver Mother of Pearl Pendant on Black Cord, 14.5gr Bidding will start at €10.00 693 708 ITEM DESCRIPTION Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 692 LOT 723 Vintage ''Megger'' Circuit Tester Ohmeter in Original Box Bidding will start at €30.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 21 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 724 725 ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT Large Quantity of Buttler EPNS Cuttlery Together with White Metal Sugar Tongs, Cake Slice, etc. 743 Bidding will start at €50.00 744 Large Collection of Vintage Greek Comics, Including Mikey Mouse (Approx. 50) 3-Part Flask Set in Leather Case 728 745 730 Bidding will start at €15.00 746 732 Bidding will start at €40.00 Blue/ White Chinese Carpet Bidding will start at €20.00 747 Blue/ White Chinese Carpet Kinmount Blened Extra Special Scotch Whiskey, 70cl, 40% Vol. Bidding will start at €300.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 Beige Rug Brown Patternt Carpet 748 749 Bidding will start at €25.00 Grants, The Family Reserve, Finest Scotch Whisky, 1L, 40% Vol. Brown Patternt Carpet Bidding will start at €25.00 2 x Matching Floor Rugs 12*9Ft 750 751 Bidding will start at €30.00 734 Grey and Beige Carpet Bidding will start at €10.00 735 752 Red/ Blue Patternt Carpet Runner Persian Carpet, Green Base Colour with Floral Pattern Bidding will start at €60.00 737 739 753 754 Bidding will start at €70.00 755 Bidding will start at €50.00 6 x 40w Glass Ceiling Lights / Chandeliers Bidding will start at €120.00 756 Large Black Marble Clock, German Movement, Greek Theme-Working Set of 12 x Antique Medical & Chemical Bottles Botrys V.S.O.P 50 Years Old Greek Brandy, 70cl, 40% Bidding will start at €100.00 757 Wooden Model of a Gallion Bidding will start at €80.00 758 Decorative Brass Bowl On Stand of Three Elephants Quantity of Vintage Porcelain: Royal Doulton Bowl with Cottage Garden Scene, Staffordshire Jug, Tea Caddy, Jugs, Lidded Coalport Pot, etc. Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 742 Scapa Single Orkney Malt, 12 Years Old, 70cl,40% Vol. Martell Napoleon Cognac Cordon Noir, 70cl, 40% Vol. Modern 5-Spot Chandelier Bidding will start at €110.00 741 Glass Fish Bidding will start at €80.00 Vintage Style Hanging Celing Light, 6-Fitting Bidding will start at €20.00 740 Whyte & Mackay Special Reserve Scotch Whisky, 1L, 43% Vol. Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 738 Berdinet Napoleon French V.S.O.P Brandy, 70cl, 40% Vol. Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 736 Grants Finest Scotch Whisky, 1L, 43% Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 733 Decorative Art Deco Style Lamp Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €40.00 731 Nine Decorative Vintage Bottle Quantity of Brass Items, 2 x Saucers, Keys, Ladle, Pestle & Mortar, Ashtray (7) Orange Carpet Bidding will start at €300.00 729 Pair of Oil Lamp Bases Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 727 Set of Six Vintage Glass & Ceramic Bottles, Decanters & Jars Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €40.00 726 ITEM DESCRIPTION 759 Cigar Humidor Bidding will start at €75.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 22 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 760 ITEM DESCRIPTION Copper Pot Engraved ''Ste De Cir Battalion 13'', Belived to be French Elite Mountain Corps, 13th Battalion Chambery'', Alpine Hunters'', Chasseurs LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION 778 Vintage Harper Cast Iron Green Enamelled Mincer Bidding will start at €15.00 779 Bidding will start at €15.00 761 762 763 780 Bidding will start at €150.00 781 782 Large Wedgewood Oval Meat Plater 783 Toyota Electric Sewing Machine 785 Vintage Body Measuring Scales 786 787 769 788 771 789 773 Antique Wooden Spining Wheel Decorative Metal Umbrella Stand, Hand Painted Front Bidding will start at €70.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 Cow Bell with Wooden Strap 790 791 Pewter Plate 1761 & Silver Plated Candle Holder 792 Bidding will start at €15.00 793 2 x Vintage Wooden Water Carriers, One Metal Bound (2) Metl Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Milk Jar & Sugar Pot 2 x Pairs of Brass Candle Sticks 794 777 Vintage Harper Cast Iron Green Enamelled Mincer Bidding will start at €15.00 Pair of Beige Occasional Tables Bidding will start at €7.00 795 Pair of Grey Wall Lamps Shaped as Brown Tropical Leafs Bidding will start at €10.00 796 Modern Art Print & Glass Fronted Print of Pencils Bidding will start at €10.00 Brass Urn with Double ''Rope'' Handle Bidding will start at €15.00 Bush Portable Vintage Record Player Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 776 Large Decorative Brass Plant Pot Bidding will start at €65.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 775 Copper Coal Scuttle Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 774 Antique Leather Travel Bag, Brass Bar Lock Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 772 Dark Cherry Velvet Toped Antique Footstool Bidding will start at €20.00 Ornate Vintage Style Bellows Bidding will start at €10.00 770 Five Place Tools Bidding will start at €15.00 Antique German Scales Bidding will start at €40.00 Collection of 52 LP/ Records Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 768 Box of Assorted LP's, Over 100 Bidding will start at €100.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 767 Antique Cyprus Seed Sifter Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 766 Antique Cyprus Seed Sifter (2x) Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 765 Dark Wood 2-Drawer Leather Top Unit with Brass Handles Bidding will start at €30.00 Pair of Flower Patterned Meat Platters 'Huguenot Royale' China Tea Service (26 Pieces) Box of Terracotta Warriors Bidding will start at €3.00 'Royal Doulton Platinum' Coffe Cups, Saucers and Plates (24x) Bidding will start at €5.00 764 Bidding will start at €20.00 19th Century (1890's) Doulton Burslem Napkin China Set (37-Pieces) Bidding will start at €30.00 Quantity of Collectable Plates (10) 797 Piano Stand Bidding will start at €5.00 798 Sony Vaio Netbook Bidding will start at €30.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 23 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION 799 Battery Operated Dream Catcher 1018 Tefal Electric Knife & Set of Knifes & Grater (7 in 1) Bidding will start at €10.00 800 Square Glass Top Coffee Table with Wooden Legs Bidding will start at €20.00 1019 Bidding will start at €25.00 1000 Desley Black Colour Hardcase Suitcase Bidding will start at €10.00 1020 Bidding will start at €10.00 1001 Kerosene Heater Gas Heater ''Domenic'' 1021 'Champion' Electric Radiator 1022 1005 1023 1024 Bidding will start at €5.00 1025 Home Electric Coffee Maker Black & Decker Mixer 1026 Small Coffee Maker 1027 Judge Steamer with Bon Maire Stainless Steel (for all Hobs) 1028 1011 1029 1013 1030 1015 Bidding will start at €5.00 1031 Humidifier and Mothercare Steriliser Catri Mincur & Kitchen Scales 1032 Lierva Steam Cleaner Bidding will start at €10.00 Morphy Richards Travel Kettle & Bialetti Moka Express 1033 Bidding will start at €10.00 1034 Black and Decker 12v Dustbuster Pivot Bidding will start at €10.00 Food Mixer Blender 2 100 Classic Prestige Medical Autoclave 13Amper Boost Switch for Immersion Heaters Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 Fast Cooker Electric Wok 1035 1036 Electric Pan B&D Dust Buster, 3.6V Bidding will start at €1.00 1037 Bidding will start at €5.00 1017 Samsung Junior Hand Vaccum with Charger Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 1016 Privileg Hair Straightners and Phillips Epilator (2) Bidding will start at €10.00 Home Meat Grinder Bidding will start at €10.00 1014 Desperate Housewives Tourmaline Ceramic Hair Straighteners Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 1012 Nail Gel UV Lamp Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 1010 Home Ironic Hair Dryer Bidding will start at €7.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 1009 Duck in Dry Novelty Hair Dryer Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 1008 Samsung Microwave Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 1007 Plastic Kitchen Stand & Assorted Items Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 1006 Retro Slushy Machine Maker Bidding will start at €30.00 ''Prwileg'' Vacuum Cleaner -Old Style Hand Cleaner Philips Comfort Plus Coffee Machine withInstroduction Biscuit Press & Cherry Stoning Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 1004 Air Humidifier Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1003 Air Humidifier Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €40.00 1002 Ciatronic Fondue/ Deep Fat Fryer BBG Tools Bidding will start at €10.00 SEB Vita Compact Mixer / Blender & Accessories 1038 Bidding will start at €25.00 1039 Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner and Accessories Bidding will start at €250.00 Proffesional Coffee Grinder Bidding will start at €20.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 24 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 1040 ITEM DESCRIPTION TV Stand LOT 1060 Bidding will start at €10.00 1041 • 2 x Free Standing Shop Display Units with Adjustable Rails and Qty of Metal Hangers, Each Unit 1m Wide and 2.25m High (Top of Changeable Illuminated Signage) ITEM DESCRIPTION Full Set of Malibu Golf Clubs with Bag, Trolley & Tube of Balls Bidding will start at €20.00 1061 Golf Clubs in Bag Bidding will start at €10.00 1062 Golf Bag & Clubs Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €60.00 1042 1043 Bidding will start at €10.00 1064 Quantity of Till Drawers 2-Step Ladder 1065 Box of Assorted Home Items Rimo Heated Clothes Airer Bidding will start at €10.00 1045 Ice Skating Boots, Size 42 Bidding will start at €10.00 1046 Pair of Roller Blades 38-39 Size Bidding will start at €10.00 1047 1048 Bidding will start at €10.00 1066 1067 1068 Bidding will start at €5.00 1070 Furuno FE-400 Boat Depth Reader Health Hand Massager & Toy 1071 Vintage Picnic Box ''Gio Style'' 1072 1054 1073 1056 Bidding will start at €1.00 1074 Bidding will start at €7.00 1075 Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 Light Wooden Square Kitchen / Restaurant Table 1076 1077 Daye DYM2139 Electric Strimmer Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 Bosch 4ACCV Battery Hedge Trimmer with Charger *as found* power lead damaged Golf Clubs in Grey Bag Bidding will start at €20.00 1078 1079 Golf Clubs in Black & White Bag 1080 Professional Hopper Gun Bidding will start at €10.00 1081 Set of Golf Clubs with Red Bag Bidding will start at €20.00 Black & Decker Strimmer Bidding will start at €15.00 Golf Clubs in Pink Bag Bidding will start at €15.00 1059 Sapir Toaster Travel Cover Golf Bag (New) Bidding will start at €15.00 1058 Bathroom Items Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1057 'ТЕМП' Toilet Seat (As New) 1 x Leaf Blower/ Hoover & 1 x Spare for Parts Cressi Fishing Spear Gun Bidding will start at €15.00 1055 Sensea Toilet with Pump (As New) Bidding will start at €55.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1053 Spin Dryer Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 1052 BEG2001 Generator 2.3KW Bidding will start at €150.00 Bidding will start at €70.00 1051 SIP 140 Welder Bidding will start at €75.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1050 Large Water Tank & Flute Bidding will start at €3.00 1069 Instand Fisherman Fishing Pole/Reel Ispection Chamber Bidding will start at €30.00 2 x Pair of Crivit Sports Child Ice Skates (2832 Size) Cannon Downrigger Professional Fishing Equipment Brackets Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €200.00 1049 Golf Bag Bidding will start at €10.00 3-Step Ladder Bidding will start at €10.00 1044 1063 Pair of Car Jacks Bidding will start at €20.00 1082 Grease Gun & Car Jump Leads Bidding will start at €15.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 25 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 1083 ITEM DESCRIPTION Car Waxer with Accessories LOT 1106 Bidding will start at €15.00 1084 Ideal Resi-Pro Multimeter 1086 1107 1108 Bidding will start at €10.00 1109 1089 1091 1110 Einhell Mansonry Channel Cutter • Shop / Retail Display Units, Light Wood Effect Finish with Metal Grid and Qty of Hanging Rails; 141 x 100cm * Option of 2 Following Lots * Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 Hoteche Mouse Sander Painting Accessories 1111 Pack of 12 x Work Gloves • Shop / Retail Display Units, Light Wood Effect Finish with Metal Grid and Qty of Hanging Rails; 141 x 100cm Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 2 x 10L Collapsible Water Carriers 1112 Bidding will start at €5.00 1092 T.I.P Tile Cutter Tipcut 180RW Bidding will start at €50.00 1093 Pilar Drill Ferm FTB-13 Bidding will start at €100.00 1094 Black & Decker BD711 Electric Plane Bidding will start at €20.00 1095 Einhell Circular Saw Bidding will start at €30.00 1096 DeWalt 110V Router Bidding will start at €40.00 1097 Fukung Vice Bidding will start at €10.00 1098 A4 Laminator with Laminator's Pat Sheets Bidding will start at €15.00 1099 Pavo Laminator with Laminating Pouches Bidding will start at €10.00 1100 1113 1114 Power Plus PSDS Hammer Drill & 4 x Other Drills Bidding will start at €50.00 1103 DeNing Cordless Drill with Charger & Case Bidding will start at €25.00 1104 Parts & Locks For Doors Bidding will start at €20.00 1105 ''Plexiglass'' Swivel Stand with Base Bidding will start at €20.00 1115 ''Plexiglass'' Swivel Stand, No Base Bidding will start at €20.00 1116 Straight ''Plexiglass'' Stand Bidding will start at €15.00 1117 Large White Stand ''Plexiglass'' Bidding will start at €40.00 1118 Large White Stand ''Plexiglass'' Bidding will start at €40.00 1119 Large White Stand ''Plexiglass'' * Option for following 3 Lots * Bidding will start at €40.00 1120 Large White Stand ''Plexiglass'' Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 1102 2 x Halogen Security Light Bidding will start at €10.00 Ryobi Router Makita Orbital Snder in Meta Case • Shop / Retail Display Units, Light Wood Effect Finish with Metal Grid and Qty of Hanging Rails; 141 x 100cm Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 1101 Set of 3 Sodium Hanging Lights Bidding will start at €15.00 7 x Lengths of Rope Bidding will start at €5.00 1090 Boxed Solar Wall Light Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 1088 2 x Metal Iron Basket with Handles Bidding will start at €25.00 37-Piece Rutcheting Screwdriver Bit & Socket Set Bidding will start at €20.00 1087 Large Quantity of Brass Door Handles Bidding will start at €45.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1085 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1121 ''Plexiglass'' Stand Bidding will start at €20.00 1122 Set of 4 x Tangetti Wall Lights Bidding will start at €40.00 1123 HW Sololite Light Bidding will start at €5.00 1124 Halogen Wall Light Bidding will start at €10.00 Box of Tools, S & Drill Bits Bidding will start at €5.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 26 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 1125 ITEM DESCRIPTION • 2 x Shop / Retail Display Units; Light Wood Effect Finish with Metal Grid Inside and Qty of Hanging Rails; 141 x 100cm (2) LOT 1145 Honsel 4-Spot Hanging Lught 1146 1128 1147 Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 Pair of Grey Powerful Halogen Wall Lights Bidding will start at €200.00 1132 1149 1150 Street Light Lamp ''Raymond'' Gas Oven & Electric Grill with Hob Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €70.00 Wall Light 1151 1152 Large Round Wall Lamp Set of Boller Blind, 3 x White & 1 x Grey, Fabric 100% Cotton, Fabric Treadment Acrylic Plastic 1153 Self Fit Power Blinds x 5 1154 1137 1138 1155 1156 1139 Bidding will start at €10.00 1158 1140 Bidding will start at €15.00 1160 Pair of IKEA Summera Computer Holders Bidding will start at €15.00 1141 Collection of Heavy Steel Hanging Basket Brackets (6) Bidding will start at €10.00 1142 Assorted Lights (4x) Bidding will start at €10.00 1143 Portable Gas Stove in Case & Spare Gas Bidding will start at €10.00 1144 • Mocopan Commercial Coffee Machine Digi DS-700 Electric Scales Bidding will start at €100.00 1159 Bidding will start at €10.00 General Electric Dryer Bidding will start at €1.00 26 x Desktop Security Lock for iPod (New in Packet) and 6 x Belkin Leather iPod Covers in Cases Kiosk Display Unit Arcadia Micrelec Cash Till with Scanner Bidding will start at €200.00 1157 Bidding will start at €5.00 Miele Dishwasher Bidding will start at €10.00 Assorted Box of Items, Including Hangers, Painting Tools, etc. Box of Assorted Lights Tumble Dryer Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 1136 Gas 2-Burner Hob Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 1135 Cygnet Tea Urn Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1134 ''Ariston'' Clothes Dryer Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 1133 Miele Washing Machine, WZ104 Bidding will start at €100.00 Wall Flood Lights Bidding will start at €15.00 1131 1148 Anglepoise Lamp Bidding will start at €10.00 1130 Proffesional Grill Toaster- Gas • Stainless Steel Commercial Gas Deep Fat Fried Solar Step Light (8x), Light Hose Bidding will start at €30.00 1129 Modern Large Wall Mirror Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 1127 Ikea Square Mirror Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 1126 ITEM DESCRIPTION Fly Killer Bidding will start at €10.00 Pestives Mosquito Killer Lamy Bidding will start at €5.00 1161 RCA37 Kerosene Heater Bidding will start at €30.00 1162 Kerosene Room Heater Bidding will start at €20.00 1163 Kerosene Room Heater (Knob Missing) Bidding will start at €20.00 1164 Kerona Kerosene Heater Bidding will start at €15.00 1165 Hirundo GRE Fridge Bidding will start at €20.00 1166 Whirlpool Washing Machine Bidding will start at €30.00 1167 Ariston Small Fridge Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €220.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 27 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 1168 1169 ITEM DESCRIPTION Keloh Small Fridge • Cold Room Chiller, Compressor, Fan & Isolator Switch Halogen Heater Bidding will start at €280.00 1190 Halogen Heater Bidding will start at €7.00 1171 1189 1191 2 x Electric Halogen Heaters 'Silver' Halogen Heater Bidding will start at €1.00 1173 3 x Wall Lamps Bidding will start at €15.00 1174 Halogen Heater & Wall Round Light Bidding will start at €5.00 1175 Light-up Display Board (No PSU) Bidding will start at €5.00 1176 Blue Modular Display / Storage Unit & White Modular Display / Storage Unit Kalloy Scooter & Punky Scooter (2) Bidding will start at €5.00 1178 2 x LG Air Conditioning Units (Model LG S30AHP NMO), 27000 BTU 1192 Force Gym Bidding will start at €100.00 1180 Gym Steps Bidding will start at €5.00 1181 Pull Up Bar Bidding will start at €15.00 1182 Ab Toner Bidding will start at €1.00 1183 UTYLE Pro. Treadmill Bidding will start at €220.00 1184 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 Large Curved Reception Desk Bidding will start at €400.00 1198 Oak Colour Conference Table (394cm * 136cm) Bidding will start at €300.00 1199 3 x Brown Faux Leather Office Chairs Bidding will start at €80.00 1200 Architectural Office Desk Bidding will start at €40.00 1201 Office Desk Bidding will start at €20.00 1202 Shredder Bidding will start at €40.00 1203 4 x Brown Faux Leather Waiting Room Seats Bidding will start at €80.00 1204 Electric Turntable for TV Bidding will start at €20.00 Box with Assorted Beach Items 1205 1187 • Cold Room Chiller, Compressor, Fan & Isolator Switch 1206 5 x Blade (16'') Ceiling Fan with 3x Lights Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €280.00 Bidding will start at €280.00 'AA Catering Service' Double Kebab Grill/Gyros Spit Bidding will start at €300.00 1186 • Cold Room Chiller, Compressor, Fan & Isolator Switch White Desk (a/f), 2x Legs Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1188 Filing Cabinet Bidding will start at €20.00 Walker Life Gear Table Top Air Hockey Table Grey Computer Desk Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €45.00 1185 Aluminium Door Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 1179 Office Desk with Chest of Drawers & Black Office Chair Bidding will start at €60.00 Bidding will start at €200.00 1177 • Cold System, (CU076VZ) Bidding will start at €60.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 1172 ITEM DESCRIPTION Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 1170 LOT Light Wood Office Desk/ Sideboard/ Storage Unit Bidding will start at €25.00 1207 Large Light Wood Colour Office Desk (200*100cm) Bidding will start at €40.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 28 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 1208 1209 ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT Brown & Black Modern Reception Desk with Glass Top 1228 Bidding will start at €30.00 1229 Brown & Black Modern Reception Desk with Glass Top Office Chair Black Leather Office Chair 1230 1231 1213 1232 1214 1215 1233 Light Wood Colour Corner Office Desk (182cm * 161cm Overall) 1234 Marble Colour Office Desk (160*80cm) 1235 Black Faux Leather Swivel Office Chair 1236 Dark Wood Office Desk with Wood Panelling Effect Back, Together with 3Drawer Pedestal 1237 Dark Wood Colour Office Desk with Wood Panelling Effect Back (180*75cm) & 3Drawer Pedestal 1238 Office Desk 1239 Blue Fabric Office Chair 1240 Blue Fabric Office Chair (a/f) 1241 Black Fabric Office Chair 1242 Light Wood Office Desk (140*70cm) 1243 1244 1226 1245 1227 Black Fabric Office Chair Bidding will start at €1.00 Box of Office Telephones Bidding will start at €40.00 1246 Light Wood Colour Coffee Table with Glass Top Bidding will start at €25.00 1247 2-Tier Glass Coffee Table Bidding will start at €10.00 Black Office Chair Bidding will start at €5.00 2-Tier Shelf Unit Bidding will start at €15.00 Light Wood Office Desk (140*70cm) Bidding will start at €25.00 Black Wood Effect Office Unit with Shelf Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €25.00 1225 2 x Boxes of Office Files Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 1224 Light Grey Office Cupboard, Double Opening Doors & Shelf (90*47*90cm) Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 1223 Light Grey Office Cupboard, Double Opening Doors & Shelf (90*47*90cm) Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 1222 'QPS' Standing Fan Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 1221 Airmat Small Table Fan Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €65.00 1220 Ciatronic White Desk Fan Bidding will start at €10.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 1219 3-Drawer Metal Filing Cabinet Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 1218 Metal 4-Drawer Filling Cabinet Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €45.00 1217 4-Drawer Wood Effect Filing Cabinet (a/f) Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €50.00 1216 4-Drawer Wood Effect Filing Cabinet (a/f) Bidding will start at €40.00 Black Office Chair Bidding will start at €25.00 ''Framec'' Commercial Shop Fridge (a/f Compressor not working) Bidding will start at €75.00 Office Chair Bidding will start at €10.00 Light Wood Office Desk (140*70cm) Bidding will start at €25.00 Blue Fabric Office Chair Bidding will start at €10.00 Blue Fabric Office Chair (a/f) Bidding will start at €1.00 Bidding will start at €35.00 1212 Office Chair, Modern Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €20.00 1211 Light Wood Office Desk (140*70cm) Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 1210 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1248 Drak Wood Colour Office Desk with Lighter Wood & Gold Colour Trim, (204*94cm) Together with 3-Drawer Pedestal Unit Bidding will start at €100.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 29 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT 1249 4 x Black Office Chairs (Stackable) 1269 Bidding will start at €40.00 1250 Light Wood Office Desk with Black Trim (180*80cm) 1252 1253 1270 1254 1271 Bidding will start at €200.00 1272 1255 1256 Bidding will start at €40.00 1274 1257 1258 1259 1275 1276 1277 1262 1278 1279 1280 Baby Stairgate Medium Round Table with Green Cushion Top and Cover 1266 Rocking Baby Chair 4 x Metal Frame Chairs with Striped Seat & Back with Wood Arms Bidding will start at €50.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 Fisher Price Car Seat 1281 Ig100 10 Coolbox Large Canopy & Blinds for Restaurant/ Shop/ House: 2 x Curved Roof Sections Making Covered Area of 30m2 (8m x 3.7m) in Green, Orange & White Stripe. Together with Roller Blinds (Clear PVC in Green Surround) for Both Sides and one Long Edge Incl. Door 1282 Bidding will start at €5.00 Bidding will start at €2,000.00 Baby Cot & Mattress Pine Dining Table Shoe Rack, Wicker Basket & Hanging Lamp (3x) Inglod Cool Box with 2 x Wheels Canopy for Restaurant/ Shop/ House: 3 x Sections Making Covered Area of 20m2 (10.2M x 2m) in Green, Orange & White Stripe Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €1,000.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1267 1268 A Selection of Irrigation Grade Pipework, Connectors & Fittings, Including Numerious Miniature Hoses, Sprinklers & Accessories Bidding will start at €30.00 Bidding will start at €30.00 1265 Large Single Stainless Steel Sink Bidding will start at €15.00 Graco Buggy/ Pushchair Bidding will start at €15.00 1264 Large Single Stainless Steel Sink Bidding will start at €15.00 2 x Surfboards & Box of Various Items Bidding will start at €5.00 1263 Bidet (as new) Bidding will start at €5.00 Large Quantity of Assorted Pizza Boxes Bidding will start at €15.00 1261 Ceramic Shower Tray/ Base Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 1260 Wash Basin Base Bidding will start at €25.00 Heavy Front Door with Frame, Wooden Bidding will start at €20.00 Wash Basin Base Bidding will start at €25.00 Security Door with Frame Bidding will start at €5.00 Granite Toped Custom Made, Venity Table Bidding will start at €30.00 Carved Reception Desk with Side Extension Bidding will start at €150.00 TV Aerial Bidding will start at €10.00 1273 Bidding will start at €150.00 Set of 6 x Black Leatherrette & Chrome Dining Chairs Bidding will start at €40.00 Dark Wood Colour Office Desk with Lighter Wood & Gold Colour Trim & 2-Drawers (124*74cm) Bidding will start at €300.00 Bunk Beds/ 2 x Single Bed, Metal Frame, Pine Headboards & Matching Wardrobe Bidding will start at €100.00 2 x Dark Wood Office Storage Units , Shelves (1 x with Glass Doors & Cupboards Bellow) Bidding will start at €400.00 Pair of Pet Cages: Rabbit and Hamster Bidding will start at €25.00 Bidding will start at €40.00 1251 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1283 Dog Travel Case Bidding will start at €15.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 30 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 1284 ITEM DESCRIPTION Ford Street KA (2003), Convertable, 1.6L, Manual, Petrol, 80.600 Miles, Alloys, A/C, Heater Seater, MOT expires 29/1/17, TAX'd until December 2015. ** Buyers Premium is 8% + vat ** Bidding will start at €2,500.00 1285 1286 LOT 1300 Small Beach Chairs 1301 Quantity of Chimney Piping / Extrator Flu (8x) Bidding will start at €30.00 1302 1303 Bidding will start at €1,600.00 1305 Concrete Base Well with Rope Mechanism 1304 1289 1306 1290 1307 1308 1291 Blue, Folding Sun Lounger Bidding will start at €5.00 1292 3 x Foldable Stools with 2 x Foldable Wooden Tables Bidding will start at €10.00 1293 3 x Folding Tables: Bridge Table, Small Brown Wooden Table & White Plastic Table Garden Ornaments Bidding will start at €15.00 1310 Bidding will start at €1.00 Three Wicker Frog Baskets Bidding will start at €1.00 Bidding will start at €1.00 Camp Bed Garden Ornament ''Crocodile'' Bidding will start at €5.00 1309 Bidding will start at €1.00 2 x Papaya Plants Bidding will start at €10.00 Beach Chairs Snorked Mask & Umbrella Stand White Sun Lounger Chair 2 x Old Cypriot Chairs Bidding will start at €15.00 Bidding will start at €100.00 1288 Ornate Cast Iron Tall Garden Ornament Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €1,200.00 1287 3 x Plant Pots Bidding will start at €20.00 Honda CRX DEL SOL (1996), 1.6L, Automatic, Petrol, 96,000 Miles, MOT until 16/1/16, Taxed ends Dec. 2015. ** Buyers Premium is 8% + vat ** Volvo S70 T5 (1999), 2.0L, Automatic, Petrol, Blue, 136,000km, Alloys, A/C, Tax'd June 2015 & MOT December 2015. ** Buyers Premium is 8% + vat ** ITEM DESCRIPTION Snow Future Toboggan / Snow Bike Bidding will start at €40.00 Collection of Garden Ornaments Bidding will start at €10.00 1311 Terracotta Pig Bidding will start at €30.00 1312 Garden Ornament ''Monkey'' Bidding will start at €20.00 1313 Garden Ornament ''Turtle'' Bidding will start at €20.00 1314 Garden Ornament ''Shoe'' Bidding will start at €15.00 1315 2 x Clay Plant Pots Bidding will start at €20.00 1316 Pair of Petrol Cans, One with Stand Bidding will start at €1.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1294 Bidding will start at €60.00 1295 1317 Wicker/ Metal Glass Table with 6 x Chairs Bidding will start at €15.00 1318 Round, Wooden and Foldable Garden Table 1319 2 x Light Wooden Armchairs 4 x White Plastic Chairs 1320 1299 Set of 3 x Plastic Stools Roll / Qty of White Rope Bidding will start at €60.00 1321 Bidding will start at €10.00 1298 Roll / Qty of Orange Rope Bidding will start at €60.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 1297 Large Boat Net Reel (a/f) Bidding will start at €200.00 Bidding will start at €10.00 1296 8 x Metal Plant Pot Stands / Holders Greek Sandstone Urn on Plinth Bidding will start at €40.00 Bidding will start at €7.00 1322 Decorative Sandstone Bust of Hebe on Column Plinth 4 x Shabby Chic Chairs Bidding will start at €70.00 Bidding will start at €5.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 31 of 32 CASTLE AUCTIONS LOT 1323 1324 ITEM DESCRIPTION LOT Christmas Tree Complete with Lights & Decorations 1344 Bidding will start at €40.00 1345 Christmas Tree with Lights ITEM DESCRIPTION Purple & Black XRM Gents Bike Bidding will start at €70.00 Led Ceramic Bulbs, 3W Warm White (6x) Bidding will start at €20.00 Bidding will start at €15.00 1325 Boxed Norway Spruce 7'' Christmas Tree Bidding will start at €30.00 1326 Medium Round Table with Green Cushion Top and Cover Bidding will start at €15.00 1327 Xmas Tree 6-Feet Tall Bidding will start at €10.00 1328 Honda Shadow, 1999, 400L, 71.500Km, New Brakes Jan15, Serviced Feb 15, New Exhaust System, Taxed Bidding will start at €2,300.00 1329 • Working Arcade Rocking Horse Bidding will start at €250.00 1330 Large Round Mirrored Display Unit / Table / Stand / Base Bidding will start at €20.00 1331 4 x Roller Blinds Bidding will start at €15.00 1332 Skiing Helmet ''Marker'' Bidding will start at €10.00 1333 2 x Colourful Metal Plastic Stools Bidding will start at €10.00 1334 2 x Colourful Metal Plastic Stools Bidding will start at €10.00 1335 Dark Brown Window Blind 120 x 210 cm Bidding will start at €10.00 1336 Cane Seat with Cushion Bidding will start at €5.00 1337 Plastic Outside Table Bidding will start at €15.00 1338 Garden Table Bidding will start at €20.00 1339 Wooden Folding Table Bidding will start at €15.00 1340 Wooden Folding Table Bidding will start at €15.00 1341 Universal Dynamic Gents Mountain Bike Bidding will start at €90.00 1342 Gents Mountain Bike Bidding will start at €90.00 1343 Road King Gents Mountain Bike Bidding will start at €80.00 Tel: (00357) 25 391 537 - Email: - Address: Alexandrou Papadiamanti, Ypsonas, 4193 Limassol, Cyprus Page 32 of 32
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