REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT Page # C COLDSTREAM PRODUCTS................................119 Compressors EMBRACO..........................................................31 Hermetic Air Conditioning Duty........................40-41 Hermetic Refrigeration Duty.............................32-40 Screw..............................................................61-62 Scroll Air Conditioning.....................................42-44 Scroll Refrigeration..........................................45-46 Semi-Hermetic................................................47-60 Condensers Air Cooled, KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION......73-74 Air Cooled, LARKIN.....................................113-118 Condensing Units Air Cooled, COPELAND.................1-7, 13-16, 27-28 Air Cooled, KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION........75-81 Air Cooled, LARKIN.......................................92-105 NOVA KOOL........................................................63 PRO3 Packaged Systems............................111-113 Remote, COPELAND......................................22-26 Water Cooled, COPELAND..........8-12, 17-21, 29-30 Water Cooled, LARKIN...............................106-110 COPELAND.........................................................1-62 Air Cooled Units...............................1-7, 13-16, 27-28 Copelametic Compressors..............................47-60 Hermetic Air Conditioning Duty.........................40-41 Hermetic Refrigeration Duty.............................32-40 Remote Units...................................................22-26 Screw Compressors........................................61-62 Scroll Compressors.........................................42-46 Water Cooled Units.......................8-12, 17-21, 29-30 D Door Gaskets.........................................................126 E EMBRACO..............................................................31 G Gaskets, Door.........................................................26 H Hinges............................................................120-123 K KASON..........................................................120-125 Hinges.........................................................120-123 Latches and Strikes.....................................123-125 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION...........................64-81 Air Cooled Condensers...................................73-74 Coils................................................................64-73 Indoor/Outdoor Units.......................................75-81 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 SUBJECT INDEX Page # L LARKIN INC.....................................................82-118 Air Cooled Condensers................................113-118 BEACON II Refrigeration System..................95-97 Coils................................................................82-91 Indoor/Outdoor Units.....................................92-105 PRO3 Packaged Systems............................111-113 Water Cooled Condensing Units..................106-110 Light Fixtures, Vapour Proof....................................125 S SURE SEAL Gaskets.............................................126 T Thermometers COOPER...........................................................127 Dial..............................................................127-128 Digital..........................................................127,129 Panel Mount................................................127, 129 WEISS........................................................128-129 U Unit Coolers KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION.......................64-73 LARKIN..........................................................82-91 V Vapour Proof Light Fixture......................................125 Ventilator Ports, Heated..........................................125 W WEISS Thermometers..................................128-129 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND SYSTEM PRO HERMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/6 HP TO 10 HP FOR USE WITH R404A, R134A AND R22 ► Drier and Sight glass installed on 091 and 291 BOM units. ► 2 year warranty on 091 and 291 BOM units. CAPACITIES Order Number M2FH-0017-SAA M2FH-0020-SAA MMFH-0022-IAA M4FH-0022-IAA M2FH-0024-SAA M2FH-0026-IAA* MCFH-0027-IAA* M4FH-0025-IAA* M2FH-A033-IAA* MCFH-0036-IAA* M4FH-A036-IAA, IAV M2FH-0049-IAA, IAV* MCFH-0049-CAA, CAV* M2FH-0050-IAA, IAV* M4FH-0050-CAA, CAV* M2FH-0056-IAA, IAV* MCFH-0056-IAA, IAV* FJAF-A056-IAA, IAV* FTAH-B074-IAA, IAV* FTAM-A075-IAA, IAV F3AH-A078-IAA, IAV FJAF-B078-CAA, CAV* FTAH-A101-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AH-A101-CFV, TFC F3AH-A100-CAV, CAA FJAM-A106-CAV F3AM-A105-CFV, TFC FTAH-A125-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A125-CFV, TFC FJAM-A126-CAV, TFC F3AH-0152-CFV, TFC FTAH-A150-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B151-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A150-CFV, TFC, TFD FTAH-A201-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B201-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A200-CFV, TFC FJAM-A225-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B225-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B301-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A300-CFV, TFC, TFD FTAH-A300-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B325-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A325-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B401-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-B400-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-A501-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-B500-CFV, TFC, TFD FNAR-070Z-TFC, TFD, TFE FNAR-080Z-TFC, TFD, TFE FNAR-091Z-TFC, TFD, TFE FNAR-101Z-TFC, TFD, TFE Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BOM 106 106 106 106 106 091 291 291 291 291 201 201 201 201 291 291 291 201 201 001 091 091 020 Interior BC St.Catharines 001 020 001 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 010 020 020 020 020 020 001 001 001 001 001 Ref R134A R134A R22 R404A R134A R134A R22 R404A R134A R22 R404A R134A R22 R134A R404A R134A R22 R404A R134A R134A R22 R404A R134A R22 R22 R404A R22 R134A R404A R404A R22 R134A R22 R404A R134A R22 R404A R404A R22 R22 R404A R134A R22 R404A R22 R404A R22 R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 HP 1/6 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 2 1/4 2 1/4 3 3 3 3 1/4 3 1/4 4 4 5 5 7 1/2 8 9 10 0 3,230 4,060 4,010 5,440 5,760 6,940 7,300 9,600 11,400 14,100 15,700 23,680 25,700 37,700 40,700 48,600 56,500 Vancouver Island Windsor Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature (°F) +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 800 910 1,030 1,150 1,280 1,410 1,560 950 1,070 1,200 1,330 1,470 1,620 1,770 1,250 1,380 1,530 1,680 1,840 2,010 2,180 1,340 1,460 1,590 1,720 1,860 2,010 2,160 1,310 1,470 1,640 1,810 2,000 2,190 2,390 1,530 1,700 1,890 2,080 2,280 2,490 2,710 1,910 2,130 2,360 2,600 2,850 3,110 3,380 1,890 2,060 2,230 2,430 2,620 2,850 3,070 1,870 2,070 2,400 2,710 3,010 3,300 3,580 2,270 2,550 2,830 3,140 3,460 3,790 4,140 2,550 2,815 3,090 3,370 3,670 3,990 4,310 2,610 2,920 3,250 3,600 3,960 4,340 4,740 3,090 3,460 3,840 4,250 4,680 5,130 5,600 2,950 3,350 3,780 4,230 4,710 5,210 5,740 3,320 3,660 4,010 4,380 4,770 5,180 5,600 3,240 3,680 4,140 4,630 5,150 5,690 6,270 3,610 4,020 4,470 4,950 5,480 6,070 6,720 4,150 4,650 5,280 5,990 4,130 4,675 5,220 5,860 6,500 7,260 8,020 4,740 5,470 6,240 7,010 4,480 5,120 5,760 6,450 7,130 7,870 8,660 5,170 5,760 6,380 7,020 4,990 5,860 6,820 7,770 8,780 9,790 10,800 5,850 6,750 7,650 8,580 9,590 10,600 11,700 5,260 5,960 6,700 7,480 8,320 9,220 10,200 6,760 7,450 8,170 8,910 6,610 7,570 8,540 9,600 6,920 8,120 9,410 10,790 12,260 13,820 15,460 7,260 8,110 5,960 9,880 8,550 9,190 9,830 11,100 8,470 9,580 10,800 12,200 13,600 15,000 16,400 8,670 10,200 11,700 13,100 14,600 16,600 18,600 8,350 9,550 10,800 12,100 13,550 15,000 16,600 9,600 10,900 12,100 13,500 10,900 13,100 15,400 17,600 19,800 22,200 24,600 11,400 13,000 14,550 16,200 17,900 19,750 21,600 12,600 14,100 15,700 17,300 14,300 15,900 17,500 19,200 12,500 14,300 16,200 18,100 20,000 22,000 23,900 16,810 19,260 21,850 24,550 27,360 30270 33,230 18,500 20,800 23,100 25,400 15,800 18,800 21,900 24,900 27,900 31,200 34500 18,520 21,170 23,910 26,790 29,820 33,030 36430 20,400 23,100 25,800 28,900 25,000 28,950 32,850 36,900 41,050 45,350 49750 30,630 34,170 37,750 41,380 29,800 34,000 38,200 42,700 47,400 52,350 57500 32,900 37,100 41,300 46,000 46,800 51,500 56,500 61,700 67,200 72,900 78,800 50,500 55,600 60,900 66,400 72,000 77,800 83,600 59,000 64,400 70,100 76,000 82,100 88,400 95,000 67,800 73,800 80,000 86,400 93,000 99,900 107,000 250.883.8858 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan +45 1,710 1,930 2,360 2,310 2,600 2,940 3,660 3,270 3,870 4,500 4,650 5,150 6,090 6,290 6,040 6,870 7,440 8,880 9,440 11,800 12,900 11,200 17,190 17,900 20,500 18,300 26,900 23,600 25,900 36,300 37,800 40,070 54,350 62,950 85,000 89,600 101,700 114,300 306.373.9227 1 COPELAND SYSTEM PRO HERMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/6 HP TO 10 HP ► Drier and Sight glass installed on 091 and 291 BOM units. ► 2 year warranty on 091 and 291 BOM units. SPECIFICATIONS Connecting Lines (in) Order Number M2FH-0017-SAA M2FH-0020-SAA MMFH-0022-IAA M4FH-0022-IAA M2FH-0024-SAA M2FH-0026-IAA MCFH-0027-IAA M4FH-0025-IAA M2FH-A033-IAA, IAV MCFH-0036-IAA M4FH-A036-IAA, IAV M2FH-0049-IAA, IAV MCFH-0049-CAA, CAV M2FH-0050-IAA, IAV FJAF-A056-IAA, IAV M2FH-0056-IAA, IAV MCFH-0056-IAA, IAV M4FH-0050-CAA, CAV FTAH-B074-IAA, IAV FTAM-A075-IAA, IAV F3AH-A078-IAA, IAV FJAF-B078-CAA, CAV FTAH-A101-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AH-A101-CFV, TFC F3AH-A100-CAV FJAM-A106-CAV F3AM-A105-CFV, TFC FTAH-A125-CFV, TFC, TRD FJAM-A125-CFV, TFC FJAM-A126-CAV, TFC F3AH-0152-CFV, TFC FTAH-A150-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B151-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A150-CFV, TFC, TFD FTAH-A201-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B201-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A200-CFV, TFC FJAM-A225-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B225-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B301-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A300-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B401-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-A325-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-B400-CFV, TRD, TFD FTAH-A300-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-B325-CFV, TFC, TFD F3AD-A501-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAM-B500-CFV, TFC, TFD FNAR-070Z-TFC, TFD, TFE FNAR-080Z-TFC, TFD, TFE FNAR-091Z-TFC, TFD, TFE FNAR-101Z-TFC, TFD, TFE Electrical Codes IAA 115V Burnaby Kitchener 2 TFC 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Compressor ARB13C3E ARB17C3E ARB21C3 ASB12C3E ARE25C3E ARE27C3E ARE36C3 ASE19C3E ARE37C3E ARE43C3 ASE24C3E ART51C1E ARE59C3 ART62C1E RS43C2E ART64C1E ART69C1 ASE32C3E RR81C2E RS54C2E RS47C2 RS55C2E CS10K6E CS10K6E RRG4-0100 RS64C2E RS70C1 CS14K6E RS70C1E RS80C2E REY3-0175 CS18K6E CRA1-0150 CS10K6E CS20K63 CRD1-0200 CS12K6E CS14K6E CRE2-0225 CR37KQ CS18K6E CRM3-0400 CS20K6E CS27K6E CS33K3E CR41KQ CRN5-0500 CS33K3E ZB50KCETF5 ZB58KCETF5 ZB66KCETF5 ZB76KCETF5 208/230/3/60 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Oil POE POE AB POE POE POE AB POE POE AB POE POE AB POE POE POE AB POE POE POE MIN POE POE MIN POE MIN POE POE POE POE MIN POE POE MIN POE POE MIN MIN POE MIN POE POE POE MIN MIN POE POE POE POE POE L x W x H (in) 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 16.2 x 13.1 x 11.8 16.2 x 13.1 x 11.8 16.2 x 13.1 x 11.8 16.2 x 13.1 x 11.8 16.2 x 13.1 x 11.8 17.5 x 14.3 x 12.0 17.4 x 14.4 x 11.8 17.4 x 14.4 x 11.8 16.2 x 13.1 x 11.8 17.5 x 14.3 x 12.0 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.0 x 16.8 x 15.9 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.1 x 18.3 x 16.9 24.1 x 18.3 x 16.2 24.0 x 18.4 x 16.3 24.0 x 18.4 x 16.2 24.0 x 18.4 x 16.2 24.0 x 18.3 x 15.8 24.0 x 18.4 x 16.3 24.1 x 18.3 x 16.9 24.1 x 18.3 x 16.9 25.1 x 34.1 x 19.1 25.1 x 34.1 x 19.1 25.2 x 34.1 x 18.9 25.1 x 34.1 x 18.9 25.1 x 34.1 x 19.1 25.1 x 34.1 x 18.9 25.1 x 34.1 x 19.1 28.6 x 44.1 x 26.9 25.1 x 34.1 x 18.9 28.6 x 44.1 x 26.9 25.4 x 34.1 x 19.1 25.1 x 34.1 x 19.1 28.6 x 44.1 x 26.9 28.6 x 44.1 x 26.9 44 x 29 x 37 44 x 29 x 37 44 x 29 x 37 44 x 29 x 37 IAV 208/230/1/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Suction 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 5/8 RF 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 5.8 RF 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 SW 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 3/8 RS 1 3/8 RS 1 3/8 RS 1 3/8 RS TFD Calgary North Bay Liquid 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 F 3/8 F 1/2 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 5/8 S 5/8 S 5/8 S 5/8 S MCA 115/1/60 4.2 - 15 5.1 - 15 6.4 - 15 7.3 - 15 6.3 - 15 6.9 - 15 9.1 - 15 10.7 - 15 9.9 - 15 9.8 - 15 8.4 - 15 12.5 - 20 10.9 - 15 14.6 - 20 14.3 - 20 15.5 - 20 18.0 - 25 12.4 - 20 20.7 - 30 16.8 - 25 19.9 - 30 18.5 - 25 - 460/3/60 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 230/1/60 4.9 - 15 5.8 - 15 6.6 - 15 5.6 - 15 7.4 - 15 8.1 - 15 8.8 - 15 6.7 - 15 6.7 - 15 12.3 - 20 9.7 - 15 10.1 - 15 8.8 - 15 14.8 - 20 9.9 12.7 - 20 12.5 - 15 11.7 - 15 18.4 - 25 11.7 - 15 14.9 - 15 15.9 22.9 - 35 16.4 - 20 16.5 - 20 25.6 - 40 19.1 - 30 15.9 - 20 17.8 - 25 21.4 - 30 28.9 - 40 25.8 - 35 41.9 - 60 29.1 - 40 33.0 - 50 44.2 - 60 30.1 - 40 46.4 - 70 42.0 - 60 - CFV Edmonton Ottawa 230/3/60 10.5 - 15 7.0 8.8 - 15 14.3 - 20 808 - 15 10.9 - 15 11.0 15.9 - 20 14.5 - 20 12.2 - 15 16.6 - 25 13.2 - 15 11.7 - 15 13.7 - 20 15.6 - 20 19.7 - 20 18.8 - 20 25.9 - 40 20.1 - 25 TBD 31.7 - 45 21.9 - 25 30.3 - 45 29.5 - 45 44.8 49.1 51.0 60.8 Pump Ship Down Weight Cap. (lbs) 33 35 36 36 36 2.3 41 2.5 42 2.2 41 2.5 46 3.6 47 3.3 45 3.7 50 4.0 54 4.1 55 4.3 77 4.3 60 4.1 65 3.7 50 5.1 79 7.9 106 6.1 102 7.2 96 8.4 130 6.3 112 8.3 112 7.9 106 14.7 138 9.2 140 12.8 128 12.8 128 6.3 128 9.2 140 9.1 140 12.8 144 16.7 215 17.8 215 14.3 215 14.3 220 17.8 215 20.0 239 16.3 236 31.5 373 16.3 239 27.3 373 19.0 249 20.0 239 31.5 373 27.3 373 44.0 503 44.0 503 44.0 513 44.0 530 208/230/1/60 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND SYSTEM PRO HERMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE 1/5 HP to 4 HP FOR USE WITH R134A / R404A ► Drier and Sight glass installed on 091 and 291 BOM units. ► 2 year warranty on 091 and 291 BOM units. CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature (°F) Order Number M2FL-0023-IAA M2FL-A025-IAA M2FL-0040-IAA M4FL-0033-IAA FTAL-A050-IAA, IAV M4FL-0040-IAA, IAV M4FL-0051-IAA M4FL-0067-CFA, CFV FJAF-A075-CAA, IAV FJAL-A101-CAV, TFC FJAL-A103-CFV, TFC FJAL-B200-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-A225-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-B301-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-A390-CFV, TFC, TFD BOM 106 001 201 091 201 291 291 291 001 020 020 020 020 015 015 Ref R134A R134A R134A R404A R134A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A HP 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 1 1 2 2 1/4 3 4 -30 2,400 4,420 4,580 6,890 8,360 -25 460 740 990 910 1,210 1,430 1,530 2,340 2,340 3,370 3,060 5,440 5,620 8,540 10,220 -20 560 850 1,210 1,080 1,540 1,650 1,840 2,690 2,830 3,950 3,710 6,560 6,780 10,370 12,110 -15 650 970 1,440 1,260 1,900 1,880 2,190 3,090 3,320 4,520 4,370 7,750 8,060 12,340 14,040 -10 760 1,110 1,680 1,440 2,270 2,120 2,550 3,520 4,180 5,150 5,070 9,010 9,440 14,430 16,040 SPECIFICATIONS Connections (in) Order Number M2FL-0023-IAA M2FL-A025-IAA M2FL-0040-IAA M4FL-0033-IAA FTAL-A050-IAA, IAV M4FL-0040-IAA M4FL-0051-IAA M4FL-0067-CFA FJAF-A075-CAA, IAV FJAL-A101-CAV, TFC FJAL-A103-CFV, TFC FJAL-B200-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-A225-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-B301-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-A390-CFV, TFC, TFD Electrical Codes IAA 115V IAV 208/230/1/60 CFV 208/230/1/60 Compressor AFB05C3E AFE10C3E AFT12C1E AFE11C3E RF18C2E AFE13C3E AFT18C1E AFT26C1E RS64C2E RS80C2E CF04K6E CF06K6E CF06K6E CF09K6E CF12K63 TFC TFD Oil POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE L x W x H (in) 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 16.2 x 12.4 x 9.7 13.8 x 11.8 x 9.7 16.2 x 13.2 x 11.9 16.2 x 13.1 x 11.8 17.4 x 13.1 x 11.8 17.4 x 14.4 x 11.8 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.0 x 16.9 x 13.1 24.0 x 18.4 x 16.2 25.2 x 34.1 x 18.9 25.2 x 34.1 x 18.9 25.2 x 34.0 x 19.0 230/1/60 9.6 - 15 12.7 - 20 13.2 - 20 13.2 - 20 20.8 - 25 19.0 - 25 25.8 - 35 29.6 - 40 230/3/60 9.2 - 15 9.2 - 15 14.6 - 15 14.6 - 15 18.6 - 20 21.2 - 25 Condensing Unit Hoods Order Number FJAL-A103-CFV, TFC FJAL-A200-DFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-B200-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-A225-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-B301-CFV, TFC, TFD FJAL-A390-CFV, TFC, TFD 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Liquid 115/1/60 1/4 F 4.2 - 15 1/4 F 6.9 - 15 1/4 F 7.2 - 15 1/4 F 7.7 - 15 1/4 F 17.2 - 25 1/4 F 8.9 - 15 1/4 F 11.6 - 15 1/4 F 11.3 - 15 3/8 F 21.0 - 30 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F - Pump Ship Down Weight Capacity (lbs) 36 2.5 42 2.9 48 2.2 41 36. 64 3.1 47 3.5 56 3.8 60 4.8 100 7.2 120 5.4 135 7.9 144 14.3 196 16.3 217 16.3 220 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 ACCESSORIES Burnaby Kitchener Suction 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 RF 3/8 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS MCA 0 990 1,420 2,220 1,830 3,070 2,640 3,340 4,490 5,040 6,450 6,610 11,530 12,400 18,810 20,100 Interior BC St.Catharines UL Listed 005-8882-00 005-0882-02 005-0882-02 005-0882-01 005-0882-01 005-0882-01 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Economy Style 115-0882-09 005-0882-10 005-0882-10 005-0882-11 005-0882-11 005-0882-11 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa Fan Cycling Control Accessories N/A N/A N/A 985-CP1A-5K Standard equipment Standard equipment 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 3 COPELAND F-LINE REFRIGERATION SCROLL AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM / LOW TEMPERATURE - 2 1/4 HP TO 5 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature (°F) Order Number HP FJAF-022Z 2 1/4 FJAF-025Z 2 1/2 FJAF-035Z 3 FJAF-040Z 4 FJAF-050Z 5 +30 26,500 31,475 40,600 47,090 53,775 +25 24,200 28,600 37,560 43,670 49,980 +20 22,600 26,490 34,300 39,980 45,890 +15 20,880 24,470 31,200 36,180 42,445 +10 19,380 22,550 28,300 33,300 38,435 +5 17,775 20,720 25,800 30,560 35,680 0 16,250 18,980 23,250 27,950 32,700 -5 14,580 17,340 21,030 25,500 29,890 -10 13,150 15,540 18,950 23,175 26,975 -15 11,720 14,000 16,760 20,655 24,055 -20 10,575 12,700 14,925 18,670 21,710 -25 9,320 11,325 13,300 16,560 19,160 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number FJAF-022Z FJAF-025Z FJAF-035Z FJAF-040Z FJAF-050Z L x W x H (in) 25.1 x 34.1 x 18.9 25.1 x 34.1 x 18.9 28.6 x 44.1 x 26.9 28.6 x 44.1 x 26.9 28.6 x 44.1 x 26.9 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number FJAF-022Z FJAF-025Z FJAF-035Z FJAF-040Z FJAF-050Z RLA 16.4 17.9 24.8 27.9 - 208/230/1/60 LRA MCA 88.0 26.3 109.0 25.5 129.1 35.1 169.0 39.0 - Electrical Codes IAA 115V IAV 208/230/1/60 CFV 208/230/1/60 Burnaby Kitchener 4 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Liquid 3/8 S 3/8 S 1/2 S 1/2 S 1/2 S Interior BC St.Catharines TFC TFD 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Suction 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S Fuse 35 35 50 60 - RLA 11.1 13.6 15.0 21.4 23.9 Capacity 10.3 10.3 16.5 16.5 16.5 Air Flow 2,420 2,420 4,560 4,560 4,560 208/230/3/60 LRA MCA 70.0 17.0 88.0 20.1 99.0 22.8 123.0 30.8 156.0 34.0 Ship Weight (lbs) 245 250 360 375 390 Fuse 20 20 30 40 45 RLA 4.3 5.0 8.2 7.9 - Compressor ZS21K4E ZS26K4E ZS30K43 ZS38K4E ZS45K4E 575/3/60 LRA MCA 31.0 6.7 34.0 7.6 40.0 12.3 50.0 12.0 - Fuse 15 15 15 15 - 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND D-LINE AIR-COOLED SCROLL CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE - 1 1/2 HP TO 6 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature Order Number DJAL-015Z DJAL-020Z DJAL-022Z DJAL-026Z DJAL-030Z DJAL-041Z DJAL-051Z DJAL-060Z HP 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 3 1/2 4 5 6 0 11,800 14,600 15,600 20400 22,900 29,200 34,400 40,900 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number DJAL-015Z DJAL-020Z DJAL-022Z DJAL-026Z DJAL-030Z DJAL-041Z DJAL-051Z DJAL-060Z L x W x H (in) 25.2 x 34.3 x 19 25.2 x 34.3 x 19 25.2 x 34.3 x 19 25.2 x 34.3 x 19 25.2 x 34.3 x 19 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 ELECTRICAL DATA 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines -10 9,730 12,100 13,000 16800 18,900 24,000 28,400 33,900 -15 8,770 10,900 11800 15200 17,100 21,600 25,700 30,600 Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 3/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 3/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 3/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 3/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 3/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1/2 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1/2 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1/2 SWT 1 1/8 SWT -20 7,870 9,780 10600 13,600 15,300 19,400 23,100 27,600 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 -25 7,020 8,740 9560 12,200 13,600 17,300 20,700 24,700 Pump Down Capacity 15.2 15.2 15.2 17.2 17.2 29.4 29.4 29.4 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 19.3 30 22.8 35 22.8 35 28.7 45 36.3 60 43.7 70 - Order Number DJAL-015Z DJAL-020Z DJAL-022Z-CFV, TFC, TFC DJAL-026Z-CFV, TFC, TFD DJAL-030Z-CFV, TFC, TFD DJAL-041Z-CFV, TFC, TFD DJAL-051Z-TFC, TFD DJAL-060Z Burnaby Kitchener -5 10,700 13,300 14,300 18600 20,900 26,500 31,400 37,300 -30 6,220 7,770 8,540 10,800 12,100 15,400 18,500 22,000 Compressor ZF06K4E ZF08K4E ZF09K4E ZF11K4E ZF13K4E ZF15K4E ZF18K4E ZF24K4E 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 13.9 20 14.4 20 16.2 20 19.3 30 21.6 30 30.4 45 33.5 50 41.1 60 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa -35 5,460 6,870 7,580 9,580 10,600 13,700 16,300 19,400 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 -40 4,750 6,040 6,680 8,420 9,280 12,000 14,300 17,000 Ship Weight (lbs) 220 222 222 235 254 339 342 476 MCA 6.8 7.7 8.6 12.1 13.5 14.4 14.0 22.0 460/3/60 Max Fuse 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 35 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 5 COPELAND F-LINE AIR-COOLED SCROLL CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1 1/2 HP TO 10 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature (°F) Order Number FJAM-A15Z FJAM-A20Z FJAM-A25Z FJAM-A30Z FJAM-A35Z FJAM-A40Z FJAM-A50Z FJAM-A60Z FPAN-A70Z FPAN-A80Z FPAN-091Z FPAN-101Z HP 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 7,730 11,200 14,300 16,700 18,900 23,400 28,500 33,100 37,700 40,600 48,600 56,500 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number FJAM-A15Z FJAM-A20Z FJAM-A25Z FJAM-A30Z FJAM-A35Z FJAM-A40Z FJAM-A50Z FJAM-A60Z FPAN-A70Z FPAN-A80Z FPAN-091Z FPAN-101Z Burnaby Kitchener 6 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 15 10,600 15,000 19,200 22,300 25,200 31,500 38,200 44,100 51,500 55,500 64,400 73,800 20 11,600 16,400 21,000 24,400 27,500 34,600 41,800 48,200 56,500 60,800 70,100 80,000 25 12,700 17,900 22,900 26,600 29,900 37,800 45,600 52,400 61,700 66,200 76,000 86,400 Connecting Lines SWT (in) L x W x H (in) Suction Liquid 24 x 18.3 x 16.3 25.2 x 34 x 19 25.2 x 34 x 19 25.2 x 34 x 19 25.2 x 34 x 19 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number FJAM-A15Z FJAM-A20Z FJAM-A25Z FJAM-A30Z FJAM-A35Z FJAM-A40Z FJAM-A50Z FJAM-A60Z FPAN-A70Z FPAN-A80Z FPAN-091Z FPAN-101Z 10 9,620 13,700 17,500 20,400 23,100 28,700 34,800 40,300 46,800 50,400 59,000 67,800 Pump Down Capacity 8.9 15.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 29.4 29.4 29.4 60.4 60.4 60.4 67.8 208/230/1/60 MCA 13.9 21.9 25.2 28.7 32.3 37.1 42.5 - Interior BC St.Catharines Air Flow CFM Ship Weight (lbs) ZB11KCE ZB15KCE ZB19KCE ZB21KCE ZB26KCE ZB30KCE ZB38KCE ZB45KCE ZB50KCE ZB58KCE ZB66KCE ZB76KCE 116 220 220 235 235 337 339 342 495 497 498 528 208/230/3/60 Max Fuse 20 35 40 45 50 60 60 - 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Compressor Vancouver Island Windsor MCA 13.4 15.3 17.9 20.2 23.2 31.2 31.7 44.8 49.1 51.0 60.8 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 460/3/60 Max Fuse 20 20 25 30 35 45 50 60 70 70 90 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa MCA 7.7 9.5 10.8 12.1 11.8 14.4 16.8 23.2 24.9 36.3 28.4 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Max Fuse 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 30 35 35 40 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND F-LINE AIR-COOLED SCROLL CONDENSING UNITS HIGH TEMPERATURE - 1 HP TO 10 HP FOR USE WITH R134A CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature (°F) Order Number FTAH-A13Z FTAH-A15Z FTAH-A20Z FTAH-A25Z FTAH-A30Z FTAH-A35Z FTAH-A45Z FTAH-A50Z FPAN-070Z FPAN-080Z FPAN-091Z FPAN-101Z HP 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.5 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 10 8030 9350 12,000 13,700 16,300 19,800 24,900 27,400 28,000 31,000 35,600 40,000 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number FTAH-A13Z FTAH-A15Z FTAH-A20Z FTAH-A25Z FTAH-A30Z FTAH-A35Z FTAH-A45Z FTAH-A50Z FPAN-070Z FPAN-080Z FPAN-091Z FPAN-101Z Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 20 10,100 11,800 15,200 17,200 20,600 24,900 31,400 34,200 35,000 38,800 44,500 49,800 25 11,200 13,100 17,000 19,200 23,100 27,800 35,000 38,000 39,000 43,100 49,400 55,300 30 12,400 14,500 18,800 21,300 25,600 30,800 38,800 42,000 43,100 47,700 54,600 61,100 35 13,600 16,000 20,800 23,400 28,300 33,900 42,800 46,200 47,600 52,600 60,200 67,300 40 14,900 17,500 22,800 25,700 31,100 37,100 47,100 50,700 52,300 57,900 66,000 73,900 45 16,300 19,000 24,900 28,000 34,000 40,500 51,500 55,500 57,400 63,400 72,200 80,800 Connecting Lines SWT (in) L x W x H (in) 24 x 18.3 x 16.3 24 x 18.3 x 16.3 25.2 x 34 x 19 25.2 x 34 x 19 25.2 x 34 x 19 25.2 x 34 x 19 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 28.2 x 44.1 x 26.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 28.5 x 44 x 36.8 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number FJAM-A15Z FJAM-A20Z FJAM-A25Z FJAM-A30Z FJAM-A35Z FJAM-A40Z FJAM-A50Z FJAM-A60Z FPAN-A70Z FPAN-A80Z FPAN-091Z FPAN-101Z 15 9,030 10,500 13,600 15,400 18,400 22,200 28,000 30,700 31,400 34,800 39,900 44,700 Suction 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 Liquid 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Pump Down Capacity (lbs) 10.4 10.4 17.8 17.8 20.1 20.1 34.4 34.4 70.6 70.6 70.6 79.2 208/230/1/60 MCA 21.0 23.8 28.2 31.8 36.3 41.7 - Interior BC St.Catharines 208/230/3/60 Max Fuse 35 40 45 50 60 60 - 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Compressor ZB15KCE ZB19KCE ZB21KCE ZB26KCE ZB30KCE ZB38KCE ZB45KCE ZB50KCE ZB50KCE ZB58KCE ZB60KCE ZB76KCE Vancouver Island Windsor MCA 12.5 13.9 17.4 19.7 22.4 30.4 31.7 39.4 44.8 49.1 51.0 60.8 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 460/3/60 Max Fuse 20 20 25 30 35 45 50 60 60 70 70 90 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Ship Weight (lbs) 135 135 235 235 254 255 329 375 495 497 498 528 Edmonton Ottawa MCA 9.1 10.4 11.1 13.7 16.8 21.2 23.2 24.9 26.3 28.4 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Max Fuse 15 15 15 20 25 30 30 35 35 40 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 7 COPELAND M + F LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/4 HP TO 5 HP FOR USE WITH R134A, R404A AND R22 CAPACITIES Order Number Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature (°F) +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35 +40 Ref HP 0 M2WH-C026 M2WH-C033 M2WH-C049 M2WH-C050 M2WH-C056 FTWH-C074 FPWN-C150 FPWN-C225 FPWN-C300 FPWN-C325 R134A R134A R134A R134A R134A R134A R134A R134A R134A R134A 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 - 1,350 1,800 2,500 2,950 3,220 4,260 5,180 7,220 9,110 10,310 1,610 2,200 2,940 3,500 3,830 4,940 6,350 8,790 11,100 12,550 1,870 2,600 3,420 4,080 4,470 5,690 7,660 10,550 13,300 15,050 2,140 3,010 3,920 4,700 5,140 6,530 9,120 12,500 15,770 17,840 2,430 3,440 4,450 5,360 5,860 7,490 10,700 14,670 18,510 20,940 2,740 3,890 5,030 6,060 6,630 8,580 12,410 17,090 21,560 24,380 3,070 4,370 5,660 6,820 7,460 9,820 14,250 19,760 24,940 28,210 3,440 4,880 6,340 7,640 8,350 11,250 16,200 22,730 28,670 32,430 M4WH-C025 M4WH-C036 M4WH-C050 FJWM-C056 FJWM-C078 FJWM-C106 FJWM-C125 FJWM-C126 FPWM-C150 FJWM-C200 FPWM-C225 FPWM-C300 FPWM-C325 FJWM-C400 FPWM-C500 R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 3 3 1/4 4 5 3,270 4,200 5,390 5,730 6,970 7,760 9,340 11,350 14,190 15,910 21,350 24,920 1,990 2,480 3,500 4,490 5,580 6,950 7,500 9,000 10,870 12,860 15,250 19,600 21,520 29,240 33,450 2,210 2,800 3,940 5,230 6,360 7,810 8,510 10,130 12,590 14,820 17,390 22,540 24,880 33,640 38,630 2,460 3,150 4,450 6,070 7,210 8,740 9,640 11,360 14,400 16,910 19,640 25,590 28,700 38,360 43,750 2,730 3,550 5,030 7,010 8,130 9,730 10,910 12,670 16,310 19,110 21,990 28,730 30,060 43,380 49,650 3,020 3,990 5,720 - 3,350 4,480 6,520 - 3,710 5,040 7,450 - 4,100 5,670 8,520 - MCWH-C027 MCWH-C036 MCWH-C049 MCWH-C056 F3WH-C078 F3WH-C100 F3WM-C105 F3WD-C151 F3WD-C201 F3WD-C225 F3WD-C301 F3WD-C325 F3WD-C401 F3WD-C501 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/2 3/4 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 3 3 1/4 4 5 - 1,980 2,390 3,250 3,730 4,550 5,330 6,480 7,670 10,790 12,470 17,590 19,490 22,530 29,930 2,260 2,720 3,690 4,230 5,310 6,480 7,630 9,090 12,670 14,780 20,580 22,690 28,350 35,020 2,570 3,090 4,160 4,780 6,110 7,510 8,860 10,650 14,760 17,270 23,800 26,080 33,360 40,370 2,910 3,490 4,680 6,390 6,980 8,630 10,180 12,350 17,060 19,940 27,260 29,740 38,600 46,040 3,300 3,920 5,240 6,090 7,910 9,820 14,200 19,570 22,820 30,980 33,730 44,110 52,130 3,730 4,400 5,830 6,870 8,920 11,190 16,210 22,280 25,910 34,950 38,100 49,960 58,700 4,200 4,910 6,450 7,770 10,020 12,650 18,380 25,200 29,220 39,200 42,930 56,170 65,850 4,730 5,470 7,110 8,790 11,200 14,250 20,710 28,330 32,770 43,720 48,270 62,810 73,640 Burnaby Kitchener 8 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor R134A R404A R22 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan +45 306.373.9227 COPELAND M + F LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/4 HP TO 5 HP FOR USE WITH R134A, R404A AND R22 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number Compressor Refrigeration Connections (in) Water Connections (in) Suction Discharge Inlet Outlet M2WH-0026-IAA M2WH-A033-IAA, IAV M2WH-0049-IAA, IAV M2WH-C050-IAA, IAV M2WH-C056-IAA, IAV FTWH-C074-IAA, IAV FPWN-C150-CFV, TFC FPWN-C225-CFV, TFC FPWN-C300-CFV, TFC FPWN-C325-CFV, TFC ARE27C3E ARE37C3E ART51C1E ART62C1E ART64C1E RR81C2E CS10K6E CS14K6E CS18K6E CS20K6E 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 5/8 RF 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS M4WH-C025-IAA M4WH-C036-IAA, IAV M4WH-C050-CAA, CAV FJWM-C056-IAA, IAV FJWM-C078-CAA, CAV FJWM-C106-CAV FJWM-C125-CFV, TFC FJWM-C126-CAV, TFC FPWN-C150-CFV, TFC FJWM-C200-CFV, TFC FPWN-C225-CFV, TFC FPWN-C300-CFV, TFC FPWN-C325-CFV, TFC FJWM-C400-CFV, TFC FPWN-C500-CFV, TFC ASE19C3E ASE24C3E ASE32C3E RS43C2E RS55C2E RS64C2E RS70C1E RS80C2E CS10K6E CS12K6E CS14K6E CS18K6E CS20K6E CS27K6E CS33K3E 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS MCWH-C027-IAA MCWH-C036-IAA MCWH-C049-CAA, CAV MCWH-C056-IAA, IAV F3WH-C078-IAA, IAV F3WH-C100-CAV F3WD-C151-CFV, TFC, TFD F3WD-C201-CFV. TFC. TFD F3WD-C225-CFV, TFC, TFD F3WM-C105-CFV, TFC F3WD-C301-CFV, TFC F3WD-C325-TFC F3WD-C401-CFV, TFC F3WD-C501-CFV, TFC ARE36C3 ARE43C3 ARE59C3 ART69C1 RS47C2 RRG4-0100 CRA1-0150 CRD1-0200 CRE2-0225 RS70C1 CR37KQ CR41KQ CRM3-0400 CRN5-0500 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS 1 1/8 RS R134A L x W x H (in) Weight (lbs) 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 13.4 x 12.1 24 x 18 x 15 24 x 18 x 15 24 x 18 x 15 25 x 21.2 x 15.4 46 51 50 51 57 93 144 210 236 239 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 S 1/2 S 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 1/2 FPT 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 1/2 OD 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 3/4 OD 1 1/8 OD 1 1/8 OD 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 13.4 x 12.1 24 x 16.8 x 12.3 24.1 x 16.8 x 12.3 24 x 17.3 x 12.8 24 x 17.3 x 12.8 24 x 18 x 15 24 x 18 x 15 24 x 18 x 15 24 x 18 x 15 25 x 21.2 x 15.4 25 x 21.2 x 18.4 25 x 21.2 x 18.4 46 51 51 90 98 106 128 128 144 210 210 236 239 373 373 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 S 1/2 S 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 5/8 OD 1/2 OD 3/4 OD 3/4 OD 1 1/8 OD 1 1/8 OD 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 17.4 x 12.2 x 10.2 24 x 16.7 x 12.1 24 x 16.8 x 12.3 24 x 18 x 15 24 x 18 x 16.8 24 x 18 x 17 24 x 17.3 x 12.8 25 x 21 x 17.6 25 x 21 x 17.6 25 x 21.2 x 18.4 25 x 21.2 x 18.4 46 51 54 66 102 117 131 170 176 120 190 201 267 270 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa R404A R22 Electrical Codes IAA 115V IAV 208/230/1/60 CFV 208/230/1/60 TFC 208/230/3/60 TFD 460/3/60 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 9 COPELAND M + F LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/4 HP TO 5 HP ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number BOM 115/1/60 Fuse M2WH-0026-IAA M2WH-A033-IAA, IAV M2WH-0049-IAA, IAV M2WH-C050-IAA, IAV M2WH-C056-IAA, IAV FTWH-C074-IAA, IAV FTWM-C075-IAA, IAV FPWN-C150-CFV, TFC FPWN-C225-CFV, TFC FPWN-C300-CFV, TFC FPWN-C325-CFV, TFC FPWN-C500-CFV, TFC 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 6.3 9.0 11.6 13.8 13.8 16.6 14.8 - 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 - M4WH-C025-IAA M4WH-C036-IAA, IAV M4WH-C050-CAA, CAV FJWM-C056-IAA, IAV FJWM-C078-CAA, CAV FJWM-C106-CAV FJWM-C125-CFV, TFC FJWM-C126-CAV, TFC FPWN-C150-CFV, TFC FJWM-C200-CFV, TFC FPWN-C225-CFV, TFC FPWN-C300-CFV, TFC FPWN-C325-CFV, TFC FJWM-C400-CFV, TFC FPWN-C500-CFV, TFC 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 10.0 9.8 11.5 12.6 16.5 - 15 15 20 20 25 - MCWH-C027-IAA MCWH-C036-IAA MCWH-C049-CAA, CAV MCWH-C056-IAA, IAV F3WH-C078-IAA, IAV F3WH-C100-CAV F3WM-C105-CFV, TFC F3WD-C151-CFV, TFC F3WD-C201-CFV, TFC F3WD-C225-CFV, TFC F3WD-C301-CFV, TFC F3WD-C325-CFV, TFC F3WD-C401-CFV, TFC F3WD-C501-CFV, TFC 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 8.4 8.9 10.0 14.3 17.9 - 15 15 15 25 30 - Burnaby Kitchener 10 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Minimum Circuit Capacity / Maximum Fuse Size 230/1/60 Fuse 230/3/60 Fuse 460/3/60 R134A 4.3 6.0 6.7 7.8 9.7 8.5 13.6 15.5 20.0 23.3 38.4 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 35 40 60 9.4 11.4 13.0 14.3 25.9 15 20 20 25 45 4.5 5.9 5.9 6.4 12.4 15 15 15 15 20 5.2 6.1 7.1 7.6 9.6 8.8 12.1 13.6 13.6 15.5 20.0 23.3 29.4 38.4 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 35 40 50 60 5.9 8.0 9.4 9.4 11.4 13.0 14.3 TBD 25.9 15 15 15 15 20 20 25 45 4.5 5.9 5.9 6.4 TBD 12.4 15 15 15 15 20 5.0 7.6 8.9 9.6 8.8 13.5 16.8 19.1 23.2 35.7 41.9 46.4 15 15 15 15 15 20 30 30 40 40 60 70 5.9 11.6 10.9 13.3 13.9 24.9 25.9 30.3 15 20 15 20 20 25 40 42 5.1 5.3 5.6 7.0 7.4 10.8 12.0 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 R404A R22 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Fuse Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND M + F LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE - 1/4 HP TO 4 HP FOR USE WITH R134A AND R404A CAPACITIES Order Number M2WL-A025 M2WL-B033 M4WL-C033 M4WL-C040 M4WL-C051 M4WL-C067 FJWL-C075 FJWL-C101 FJWL-C200 FJWL-C301 FJWL-C390 Ref R134A R134A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A R404A SPECIFICATIONS HP 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 1 2 3 4 -30 3,630 5,440 8,330 Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature (°F) -25 -20 -15 -10 0 720 830 960 1,120 1,480 880 1,120 1,380 1,660 2,300 860 1,070 1,090 1,530 2,050 1,240 1,490 1,760 2,050 2,700 1,360 1,670 2,020 2,400 3,260 2,180 2,550 2,970 3,450 4,630 2,240 2,800 3,390 4,020 5,390 3,170 3,760 4,430 5,150 6,810 5,010 6,370 7,730 9,090 12,030 7,520 9,560 11,590 13,630 18,040 10,500 12,800 15,200 17,700 23,400 Refrigeration Connections (in) Water Connections (in) Order Number M2WL-A025-IAA M2WL-B033-IAA M4WL-0033-IAA M4WL-0040-IAA M4WL-0051-IAA M4WL-0067-CFA FJWL-A075-CAA, IAV FJWL-A101-CAV, TFC FJWL-B200-CFV, TFC FJWL-B301-CFV, TFC FJWL-C390-CFV, TFC Compressor AFE10C3 AFT12C1E AFT11C3E AFE13C3E AFT18C1E AFT26C1E RS64C2E RS80C2E CF06K6E CF09K6E CF12K6E Suction 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 5/8 RF 5/8 RF 7/8 RS 7/8 RS 7/8 RS Discharge 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 1/4 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 S ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number M2WL-A025-IAA M2WL-B033-IAA M4WL-0033-IAA M4WL-0040-IAA M4WL-0051-IAA M4WL-0067-CFA FJWL-A075-CAA, IAV FJWL-A101-CAV, TFC FJWL-B200-CFV, TFC FJWL-B301-CFV, TFC FJWL-C390-CFV, TFC BOM 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 020 115/1/60 6.8 7.0 8.0 7.9 10.5 10.2 19.7 - Fuse 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 - Inlet 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 3/8 FPT 1/2 OD Outlet 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 3/8 ID 1/2 OD 1/2 OD L x W x H (in) 20 x 17.6 x 10.1 20 x 17.6 x 10.1 20 x 17.6 x 10.1 20 x 17.6 x 10.1 20 x 17.6 x 10.1 20 x 17.6 x 10.1 24 x 16.7 x 12.1 24.3 x 17.6 x 12.8 24.3 x 17.6 x 15 25 x 23.3 x 18.4 25 x 21 x 21.1 Net Weight (lbs) 98 98 98 98 98 98 132 132 148 239 150 Minimum Circuit Capacity / Maximum Fuse Size 230/1/60 Fuse 230/3/60 Fuse 460/3/60 12.0 20 12.5 20 8.7 15 18.4 25 TBD TBD 20.5 35 TBD TBD 26.2 45 15.9 25 TBD Fuse - Electrical Codes IAA 115V IAV 208/230/1/60 CFV 208/230/1/60 TFC 208/230/3/60 TFD 460/3/60 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 11 COPELAND F-LINE SCROLL WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM / LOW TEMPERATURE - 2 1/4 HP TO 5 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr at 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature (°F) Order Number FJWF-C22Z FJWF-C25Z FJWF-C35Z FJWF-C40Z FJWF-C50Z HP 2 1/4 2 1/2 3 1/3 4 5 +25 27,680 34,400 40,240 49,130 58,650 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number FJWF-C22Z FJWF-C25Z FJWF-C35Z FJWF-C40Z FJWF-C50Z L x W x H (in) 24 x 16.9 x 18 25 x 21 x 19.4 25 x 21 x 20.8 25.5 x 21 x 21.1 25.5 x 21 x 21.6 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number FJWF-C22Z FJWF-C25Z FJWF-C35Z FJWF-C40Z FJWF-C50Z RLA 16.4 17.9 24.8 27.9 - +20 25,125 31,200 36,530 44,575 53,225 +15 22,750 28,250 33,000 10,345 48,210 +10 20,550 25,500 29,680 36,420 43,590 Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 3/8 F 7/8 S 3/8 F 1 1/8 S 3/8 F 1 1/8 S 3/8 F 1 1/8 S 3/8 F 1 1/8 S 208-230/1/60 LRA MCA 88.0 20.5 109.0 22.4 129.0 31.0 169.0 34.9 - Fuse 35 35 50 60 - +5 18,520 22,980 26,560 32,790 39,330 0 16,650 20,650 23,675 29,450 35,410 -5 14,935 18,510 21,030 26,380 31,805 -10 13,360 16,560 18,650 23,565 28,485 -15 11,910 14,780 16,540 21,000 25,430 -20 10,585 13,170 14,730 18,670 22,610 -25 9,370 11,720 13,230 16,560 20,000 Water Connections (in) Receiver Capacity Inlet Outlet Ship Weight (lbs) Compressor 5.3 3/8 FP 5/8 S 165 ZS21K4E 10.3 1/2 FP 5/8 S 192 ZS23K4E 10.3 1/2 FP 5/8 S 201 ZS30K4E 10.3 1 FP 1 1/8 S 268 ZS38K4E 10.3 1 FP 1 1/8 S 270 ZS45K4E RLA 11.1 13.6 15.0 24.4 23.9 208-230/3/60 LRA MCA 70.0 13.9 88.0 17.0 99.0 18.8 123.0 26.8 156.0 29.9 Fuse 20 25 25 40 45 RLA 4.3 5.0 8.2 7.9 - 575/3/60 LRA MCA 31.0 5.4 34.0 6.3 40.0 10.3 50.0 9.9 - Fuse 15 15 15 15 - Electrical Codes IAA 115V IAV 208/230/1/60 CFV 208/230/1/60 TFC 208/230/3/60 TFD 460/3/60 Burnaby Kitchener 12 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND C-LINE COPELAMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 10 HP FOR USE WITH R22 CAPACITIES Order Number C3AM-0075 C8AJ-0075 C8AJ-0100 C3AM-0101 C3AH-0150 C3AM-0202 C8AJ-0200 C8AM-0202 C3AH-0303 C3AM-0303 C8AJ-0300 C8DJ-0500 C8DJ-0501 C8DJ-0750 C8DJ-1000 Compressor KAE*-0075 KAN*-0075 KAR*-0100 KAM*-0100 KAG*-0150 ERC*-0200 ERC*-021E ERF*-0310 3RA*-0310 CRF*-031E 2DC*-050E 2DD*-050E 2DA*-075E 3DB*-100E HP 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 7 1/2 10 +45 8,960 11,930 16,600 21,490 38,150 38,300 59,970 66,970 97,790 144,320 Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature +40 +35 +30 +25 +20 +15 +10 7,430 6,630 6,010 5,190 8,190 7,460 6,770 6,110 5,490 4,910 4,370 10,980 10,060 9,170 8,320 7,510 6,740 6,020 10,400 9,380 8,430 7,530 15,100 13,800 12,500 11,300 10,100 9,060 8,060 17,800 16,000 14,500 13,100 19,690 18,010 16,400 14,870 13,410 11,990 10,600 17,270 15,450 13,740 12,160 35,150 32,350 29,600 26,750 24,400 21,850 19,700 32,000 28,800 25,900 23,200 35,000 31,910 28,990 26,260 23,690 21,280 19,030 54,840 49,990 45,360 40,970 36,820 32,890 29,160 61,490 56,290 51,280 46,500 41,950 37,620 33,500 90,210 82,920 75,840 69,020 62,440 56,100 49,900 132,940 122,170 111,890 102,160 92,970 84,310 76,160 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number C3AM-0075 C8AJ-0075 C8AJ-0100 C3AM-0101 C3AH-0150 C3AM-0202 C8AJ-0200 C8AM-0202 C3AH-0303 C3AM-0303 C8AJ-0300 C8DJ-0500 C8DJ-0501 C8DJ-0751 C8DJ-1000 Connecting Lines (in) Oil Type POE POE MIN MIN POE POE POE POE POE POE POE ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number C3AM-0075-CAV, TAC C8AJ-0075-CAV, TAC C8AJ-0100-CAV, TAC, TAD C3AM-0101-CAV, TAC, TAD C3AH-0150-CAV, TAD, TAD C3AM-0202-CAB, TAC, TAD C8AJ-0200-CAV, TAC C8AM-0202-TAC, TAD C3AH-0303-CAB, TAC, TAD C3AM-0303-CAB, TAC, TAD C8AJ-0300-TAC, TAD C8DJ-0500-TFC, TFD, TFE C8DJ-0501-TFC, TFD, TFE C8DJ-0751-TFC, TFD, TFE C8DJ-1000-TFC, TFD, TFE Electrical Codes CAV & CAB TAC & TFC Burnaby Kitchener 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 0 4,450 3,410 4,750 5,920 10,400 7,820 9,380 18,000 14,950 - Interior BC St.Catharines L x W x H (in) 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 44 x 36 x 31 39 x 66 x 36 208/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 7.9 15 14.9 20 TAD & TFD TAE & TFE 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Liquid 3/8 FL 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 FL 1/2 FL 1/2 F 1/2 F 1/2 FL 1/2 FL 1/2 F 5/8 F 5/8 F 5/8 F 7/8 S Suction 5/8 F 5/8 F 5/8 F 5/8 F 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 7/8 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 208/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 7.9 15 7.9 12.2 12.3 14.9 20 15.4 20 16.2 25.7 35 26.7 40 - Receiver Capacity 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 53 53 53 53 53 64 80 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.4 15 4.9 8.3 8.5 9.8 15 10.3 15 11.4 13.9 19.0 25 20.8 25 19.9 32.3 32.3 45.7 63.3 - Ship Weight (lbs) 190 190 190 190 200 260 260 270 430 460 430 540 540 620 940 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 4.1 4.4 4.7 15 5.7 15 6.0 10.4 15 10.7 15 9.7 15.4 15.5 20.6 29.6 - 575/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.1 15 7.7 15 11.5 11.8 18.5 24.4 - 460/3/60 575/3/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 13 COPELAND C + E LINE COPELAMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 HP TO 10 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Order Number E8AM-A050 C8AJ-0075 C8AJ-0100 C8AJ-0200 C8AM-0202 CJAM-0300 C8AJ-0300 C8DJ-0500 C8DJ-0501 C8DJ-0750 C8DJ-1000 Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature Compressor HAJ*-005E KAN*-007E KAN*-010E KAK*-020E ERC*-021E ERF*-031E ERF*-031E 2DC*-050E 2DD*-050E 2DA*-075E 3DB*-100E HP 1/2 3/4 1 2 2 3 3 5 5 7 1/2 10 +45 54,470 - +40 +35 +30 +25 4,530 6,290 8,580 17,270 28,400 28,200 50,230 46,070 42,050 38,200 61,940 57,490 53,030 48,670 90,290 83,770 77,380 71,230 130,970 121,330 111,970 103,000 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number E8AM-A050 C8AJ-0075 C8AJ-0100 C8AJ-0200 C8AM-0202 CJAM-0300 C8AJ-0300 C8DJ-0500 C8DJ-0501 C8DJ-0750 C8DJ-1000 Oil Type POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number E8AM-A050-TAC, CAV C8AJ-0075-CAV, TAC C8AJ-0100-CAV, TAC C8AJ-0200-CAV, TAC C8AM-0202-TAC CJAM-0300-CAB, TAC, TAD, TAE C8AJ-0300-TAC C8DJ-0500-TFC, TFE C8DJ-0501-TFC, TFE C8DJ-0750-TFC, TFE C8DJ-1000-TFC, TFE Electrical Codes CAV & CAB TAC & TFC Burnaby Kitchener 14 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 1/4 F 1/2 F 3/8 F 5/8 F 3/8 F 5/8 F 1/2 F 7/8 S 1/2 F 7/8 S 1/2 F 1 1/8 S 1/2 F 1 1/8 S 5/8 F 1 3/8 S 5/8 F 1 3/8 S 5/8 F 1 3/8 S 7/8 S 1 3/8 S L x W x H (in) 19.5 x 14.8 x 12 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 44 x 36 x 31 39 x 66 x 36 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.2 7.9 12.2 16.2 25.7 30 TAD & TFD TAE & TFE 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 3.4 4.9 8.3 11.4 11.4 19.9 25 19.9 32.3 32.3 45.7 63.3 - +20 4,170 5,680 7,930 13,070 15,450 25,300 25,540 34,520 44,420 65,330 94,430 +15 3,790 5,100 7,240 11,900 13,740 22,500 23,040 34,520 40,330 59,700 86,250 +10 3,410 4,540 6,550 10,700 12,160 19,900 20,720 31,030 36,420 54,330 78,460 Receiver Capacity 2.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 55.4 69.4 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 4.1 9.7 15.4 15.5 20.6 29.6 - 0 2,700 3,530 5,240 8,530 9,380 16,400 16,470 24,680 29,260 44,400 64,030 -5°F 2,430 3,110 4,720 7,800 8,200 14,300 14,620 21,960 26,210 39,970 57,480 Ship Weight (lbs) 124 190 190 260 270 430 430 540 540 620 940 575/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 8.1 15 11.5 11.8 18.5 24.4 - 460/3/60 575/3/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND C-LINE COPELAMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 10 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Order Number Compressor C8AL-0075 KAN*-007E CNAG-0100 KAJ*-010E CPAK-0150 KAL*-015/6E C8AL-0151 EAD*-020E CNAG-0200 EAV*-021E C8AL-0200 EAV*-021E CJAL-0300 LAH*-032E CPDK-0300 2DF*-030E CJDL-0300 2DF3-030E CJDL-0400 2DL*-040E CPDK-0600 2DA*-060E CPDK-0601 3DA*-060E CPDK-0750 3DB*-075E CPDK-0900 3DF*-090E CPDK-1000 3DS*-100E HP 3/4 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 3 3 3 4 6 6 7 1/2 9 10 -40 1,580 2,470 3,650 3,800 4,590 4,130 6,330 10,300 10,700 12,860 15,780 19,050 22,250 27,780 31,490 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number C8AL-0075 CNAG-0100 CPAK-0150 C8AL-0151 CNAG-0200 CJAL-0300 CJDL-0300 CPDK-0300 CJDL-0400 CPDK-0600 CPDK-0601 CPDK-0750 CPDK-0900 CPDK-1000 Oil Type POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE Order Number C8AL-0075-CAA, TAC CNAG-0100-CAV, TAC CPAK-0150-CAV, TAC C8AL-0151-TAC CNAG-0200-CAV, TAC CJAL-0300-CAB, TAC, TAD CJDL-0300-CFB, TFC, TFD, TFE CPDK-0300-TFC, TFE CJDL-0400-TFC, TFD, TFE CPDK-0600-TFC, TFE CPDK-0601-TFC, TFE CPDK-0750-TFC, TFE CPDK-0900-TFC, TFE CPDK-1000-TFC, TFE Burnaby Kitchener 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 0 5,180 7,430 10,680 12,010 13,410 13,420 23,380 29,960 32,000 36,260 43,920 51,440 58,950 76,120 82,860 Connecting Lines (in) ELECTRICAL DATA Electrical Codes CAV & CAB TAC & TFC Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 1,920 2,300 2,710 3,170 3,650 4,150 4,680 2,940 3,450 4,010 4,610 5,260 5,960 6,700 4,340 5,090 5,880 6,740 7,660 8,620 9,650 4,630 5,490 6,400 7,370 8,420 9,540 10,760 5,440 6,390 7,430 8,540 9,720 10,940 12,210 4,950 5,910 6,990 8,180 9,440 10,760 12,120 7,950 9,750 11,710 13,840 16,100 18,470 20,950 12,220 14,310 16,560 18,970 21,530 24,250 27,130 12,600 14,800 17,200 19,800 22,600 25,500 28,600 15,180 17,670 20,340 23,190 26,210 29,430 32,830 18,550 21,510 24,660 28,030 31,630 35,500 39,620 22,090 25,440 29,090 33,040 37,270 41,780 46,550 25,920 29,820 33,990 38,430 43,140 48,160 53,480 32,310 37,260 42,650 48,470 54,730 61,450 68,620 36,530 42,000 47,890 54,180 60,830 67,880 75,280 Interior BC St.Catharines L x W x H (in) 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 44 x 36 x 31.5 44 x 36 x 31.5 44 x 36 x 31.5 39 x 66 x 36 39 x 66 x 36 Liquid 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 1/2 FL 1/2 FL 1/2 F 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 7/8 S 7/8 S 230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 11.5 11.5 14.2 20.2 TBD 36.7 50 TAD & TFD TAE & TFE 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Suction 5/8 F 5/8 F 7/8 S 7/8 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S Receiver Capacity 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 48.5 48.5 46.0 48.5 55.4 55.4 55.4 69.4 69.4 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.2 8.7 10.1 10.3 11.1 20.3 25 25.4 35 25.4 37.3 50 40.4 42.3 43.8 57.2 61.3 - Ship Weight (lbs) 190 190 200 265 275 460 530 540 550 603 630 670 935 940 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 9.9 15 12.5 15 12.5 15.2 20 15.2 19.5 22.5 25.7 27.9 - Air Flow CFM 4,090 4,090 3,102 - 575/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 7.0 15 10.3 15 10.3 11.5 15 13.3 15.1 15.7 24.4 24.8 - 460/3/60 575/3/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 15 COPELAND C + E LINE COPELAMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 10 HP FOR USE WITH R134A CAPACITIES Order Number ENAG-A075 CNAG-0100 ENAG-A100 CPAK-0150 CNAG-0200 CTAH-0300 CPDK-0300 CTAM-0300 CPDK-0600 CPDK-0601 CPDK-0750 CPDK-0900 CPDK-1000 Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature Compressor KAM*-007E KAJ*-010E KAJ*-010E KAL*-015/6E EAV*-021E LAH*-031E 2DF*-030E LAH*-031E 2DA*-060E 3DA*-060E 3DB*-075E 3DF*-090E 3DS*-100E HP 3/4 1 1 1 1/2 2 3 3 3 6 6 7 1/2 9 10 +45 +40 +35 7,960 7,270 11,500 10,540 9,630 10,500 9,700 8,920 16,400 15,060 13,770 21,820 19,900 18,100 35,030 32,250 29,570 49,080 44,870 40,920 67,970 61,940 56,260 78,580 71,850 65,490 89,330 81,800 74,670 111,990 102,150 92,980 121,860 111,160 101,170 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number ENAG-A075 CNAG-0100 ENAG-A100 CPAK-0150 CNAG-0200 CTAH-0300 CPDK-0300 CTAM-0300 CPDK-0600 CPDK-0601 CPDK-0750 CPDK-0900 CPDK-1000 Oil Type POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE POE Order Number ENAG-A075-CAV CNAG-0100-CAV, TAC ENAG-A100-CAV, TAC CPAK-0150-CAV, TAC CNAG-0200-CAV, TAC CTAH-0300-CAB CPDK-0300-TFC, TFD, TFE CTAM-0300-CAB, TAC CPDK-0600-TFC, TFD, TFD CPDK-0601-TFC, TFD, TFD CPDK-0750-TFC, TFD, TFD CPDK-0900-TFC, TFD, TFD CPDK-1000-TFC, TFD, TFD Burnaby Kitchener 16 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 +25 5,990 7,950 7,440 11,350 14,820 24,560 33,630 26,000 45,840 53,740 61,430 76,270 82,950 +20 5,390 7,170 6,750 10,230 13,320 22,290 30,310 24,000 41,110 48,360 55,350 68,680 74,680 +15 4,830 6,450 6,090 9,170 11,900 20,190 27,180 21,600 36,690 43,290 49,610 61,530 66,910 +10 7,290 5,770 5,470 8,180 10,560 18,300 24,260 19,400 32,560 38,530 44,200 54,770 59,580 +5 17,300 - 0 3,310 4,580 4,360 6,400 8,060 15,210 18,920 15,400 25,170 29,840 34,270 42,180 46,010 Connecting Lines (in) ELECTRICAL DATA Electrical Codes CAV & CAB TAC & TFC +30 6,620 5,770 8,170 12,540 16,410 27,000 37,160 50,890 59,440 67,870 84,350 91,760 Interior BC St.Catharines L x W x H (in) 24 x 17.9 x 12 33.5 x 20 x 19 24 x 17.9 x 13.3 33.5 x 20 x 19 33.5 x 20 x 19 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 39 x 30 x 29.5 44 x 36 x 31.5 44 x 36 x 31.5 44 x 36 x 31.5 39 x 66 x 36 39 x 66 x 36 Liquid Valve 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 5/8 F 5/8 F 5/8 F 7/8 S 7/8 S 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 8.2 11.5 9.8 14.2 20.2 25.2 25.2 35 TAD & TFD TAE & TFE 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Suction Valve 5/8 F 5/8 F 5/8 F 7/8 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 8.7 6.9 10.1 11.1 25.4 17.8 20 40.4 42.3 43.8 57.2 61.3 - Receiver Capacity 6.2 20.0 6.3 20.0 20.0 53.7 53.7 53.0 64.6 64.6 64.6 81.0 81.0 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 12.5 15.2 19.5 22.5 25.7 27.9 - Ship Weight (lbs) 160 190 164 200 275 434 540 460 603 630 670 935 940 575/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 10.3 13.3 15.0 15.7 24.4 24.8 - 460/3/60 575/3/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® W-LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 40 HP FOR USE WITH R22 CAPACITIES Order Number W2WH-0075 W2WM-0075 W2WH-0100 W3WM-0100 W2WH-0150 W2WH-0201 W3WM-0200 W2WM-0202 W2WH-0300 W2WM-0300 W2WH-0501 W3DD-0752 W3DD-1003 W3DD-1502 W3DD-2002 W3DD-2500 W3DD-3002 W3DD-3502 W3DD-4001 Compressor KWN*-0075 KWE*-0075 KWR*-0100 KWM*-0100 KWG*-0150 ERA*-0200 KWK*-0200 ERC*-0200 ERF*-0310 3RA*-0300 NRA*-0500 2DA*-0750 3DB3-1000 3DS3-1500 4DA*-2000 4DH*-2500 4DJ*3000 6DH*-3500 6DJ*-4000 HP 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 2 3 3 5 7 1/2 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 +45 10,500 12,900 18,200 28,200 43,400 73,800 117,300 163,240 218,750 244,000 315,200 353,800 460,000 538,100 Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature +40 +35 +30 +25 +20 +15 9,400 8,350 7,390 6,490 5,660 4,890 7,940 6,950 6,190 11,600 10,500 9,360 8,360 7,440 6,600 10,600 9,530 8,520 16,400 14,700 13,100 11,700 10,300 9,100 25,000 21,900 18,900 16,100 13,500 11,100 16,200 14,400 12,800 19,500 17,000 14,800 39,100 35,300 31,700 28,300 25,300 22,400 33,600 30,100 26,800 65,600 59,450 52,500 46,150 41,200 36,050 105,630 94,780 84,770 75,590 67,240 59,730 147,950 133,700 120,430 108,090 96,610 85,930 198,450 179,560 161,970 145,600 130,360 116,170 219,200 196,400 175,600 156,600 139,400 123,700 296,500 251,800 223,800 197,900 174,700 153,000 319,400 287,600 258,500 230,600 205,800 183,100 412,700 369,600 330,300 294,100 261,600 232,100 484,700 444,000 400,000 364,000 310,800 296,000 +10 4,190 5,570 5,830 7,580 7,970 8,820 11,300 12,900 19,700 23,600 31,750 53,060 75,990 102,930 109,400 133,400 162,400 206,100 267,000 SPECIFICATIONS Connecting Lines (in) Order Number W2WH-0075 W2WM-0075 W2WH-0100 W3WM-0100 W2WH-0150 W2WH-0201 W3WM-0200 W2WM-0202 W2WH-0300 W2WM-0300 W2WH-0501 W3DD-0752 W3DD-1003 W3DD-1502 W3DD-2002 W3DD-2500 W3DD-3002 W3DD-3502 W3DD-4001 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 L x W x H (in) 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 31.5 x 14.5 x 17.5 30 x 14.5 x 21.4 31.5 x 14.5 x 17.6 31.5 x 14.5 x 21.4 30 x 17 x 24 30 x 17 x 24 42 x 17.4 x 26.5 46 x 17 x 38.6 52 x 17 x 30.6 52 x 18 x 32.6 64 x 20.1 x 34.2 30 x 17 x 24 30 x 17 x 24 30 x 17 x 24 30 x 17 x 24 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Liquid 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 1/2 FL 1/2 FL 1/2 FL 5/8 F 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 5/8 SWT Vancouver Island Windsor Suction 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 5/8 S 1 5/8 S 1 5/8 SWT 2 1/8 SWT 2 1/8 SWT 2 1/8 SWT 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Water Connections (in) In 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 1/2 FPT 1 1/2 FPT 1 1/2 FPT 2 1/4 FPT Calgary North Bay Out 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 1/2 FPT 1 1/2 FPT 1 1/2 FPT 2 1/4 FPT 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Receiver Capacity 12.6 12.6 14.4 14.4 18.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 41.5 41.5 56.0 128.7 144.0 201.6 258.3 198.0 198.0 243.0 242.0 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Ship Weight (lbs) 170 166 170 170 190 274 260 237 414 374 489 564 701 946 1,160 1,105 1,160 1,357 1,430 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 17 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® W-LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 40 HP FOR USE WITH R22 ELECTRICAL DATA 115/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 14.6 25 13.6 20 19.3 30 19.4 30 - Order Number W2WH-0075-CAA, CAV, TAC W2WM-0075-CAA, CAV, TAC W2WH-0100-CAA, CAV, TAC,TAD W3WM-0100-CAA, CAV, TAC,TAD W2WH-0150-CAV, TAC, TAD W2WH-0201-CAB, TAC, TAD W3WM-0200-CAV, TAC, TAD W2WM-0202-CAB, TAC, TAD W2WH-0300-CAB, TAC, TAD W2WM-0300-CAB, TAC, TAD W2WH-0501-TFC, TFD, TFE W3DD-0752-TFC, TFD, TFE W3DD-1003-TFC, TFD, TFE W3DD-1502-TFC, TFD, TFE W3DD-2002-TSC, TSD, TSE W3DD-2500-TSC, TSD, TSE W3DD-3002-TSC, TSD, TSE W3DD-3502-TSC, TSD, TSE Electrical Codes CAA CAV & CAB TAC TAD TFE & TSE 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 7.6 15 6.8 15 9.3 15 9.4 15 12.0 20 13.0 20 13.3 20 13.6 20 21.3 35 22.3 40 - 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 4.4 15 4.3 15 5.4 15 5.6 15 6.9 15 8.3 15 8.5 15 8.5 15 14.6 25 16.4 25 24.0 40.0 70 54.5 90 74.5 125 82.5 125 107.0 148.0 156.0 - 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 2.8 15 2.8 15 3.1 15 4.4 15 3.8 15 4.5 15 8.0 15 8.3 15 12.0 17.6 30 25.0 45 36.3 60 41.3 70 53.6 73.8 78.1 - 573/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 11.5 16.6 25 20.6 35 29.5 50 30.9 50 42.9 53.8 62.5 - 115V 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 COPELAMETIC® W-LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 40 HP DISCUS FOR USE WITH R404A CAPACITIES Order Number WJWM-0075 WJWM-0100 WJWM-0152 WJWM-0202 WJWM-0203 WJWM-0300 WJWM-0502 WJDM-0503 WJDM-0751 WJDM-1001 WJDM-1201 WJDM-1501 WJDM-2001 WJDM-2501 WJDM-3001 WJDM-3501 WJDM-4000 Burnaby Kitchener 18 Compressor HP KWN*-007E 3/4 KWR*-010E 1 KWG*-010E 1 1/2 KWK*-021E 2 ERC*-021E 2 ERF*-031E 3 2DC3-050E 5 2DD3-050E 5 2DA3-075E 7 1/2 3DB3-100E 10 3DF3-120E 12 3DS3-150E 15 4DA3-200E 20 4DH3-250E 25 4DJ3-250E 30 6DG3-350E 35 6DJ3-400E 40 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines +40 65,805 79,130 10,977 152,213 189,112 199,875 223,757 278,903 341,837 469,757 492,000 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 +35 59,450 71,238 99,630 137,863 170,970 189,625 202,027 255,225 309,345 426,195 450,692 Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature +30 +25 +20 +15 +10 +5 0 6,765 5,945 5,330 4,613 3,997 3,485 10,045 8,918 7,995 7,072 6,304 5,586 12,095 10,660 9,320 8,200 7,380 6,355 16,297 14,760 13,120 11,480 10,148 8,918 21,320 18,963 16,810 14,862 13,120 11,480 30,750 27,470 24,395 21,627 19,065 16,810 53,812 47,662 42,332 37,515 32,800 29,007 25,522 64,062 57,400 50,942 45,202 39,975 35,158 30,852 89,687 80,770 72,468 64,985 58,015 51,660 45,817 124,742 112,135 100,962 90,712 81,180 72,570 64,575 154,263 138,683 125,357 112,135 100,450 89,687 79,745 171,175 154,365 138,478 124,640 111,212 99,425 88,457 183,475 164,923 147,600 131,815 116,645 103,217 90,405 232,162 209,100 188,805 167,895 149,240 132,738 117,362 279,825 251,227 224,577 202,540 179,785 159,490 140,938 383,965 344,912 310,063 277,058 247,537 220,477 195,672 407,950 358,750 333,125 299,300 267,525 241,900 214,225 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 -5 2,962 4,818 5,432 7,995 9,891 14,657 22,447 26,650 39,463 56,375 69,700 77,900 79,950 103,730 122,487 169,740 191,675 Saskatchewan -10 19,270 23,677 35,650 50,327 62,115 69,290 70,725 93,787 108,650 152,828 167,075 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® W-LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 40 HP DISCUS FOR USE WITH R22 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number WJWM-0075 WJWM-0100 WJWM-0152 WJWM-0202 WJWM-0203 WJWM-0300 WJWM-0502 WJDM-0503 WJDM-0751 WJDM-1001 WJDM-1201 WJDM-1501 WJDM-2001 WJDM-2501 WJDM-3001 WJDM-3501 WJDM-4000 Connecting Lines (in) L x W x H (in) 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 31.5 x 14.5 x 21.4 30 x 17 x 24 42 x 17.4 x 28 42 x 17.4 x 28 42 x 17 x 30.3 55.8 x 17 x 30.3 55.8 x 17 x 30.3 54 x 18 x 33.3 63 x 20 x 31.3 70.3 x 22.8 x 32.2 70.3 x 24.4 x 32.2 80.3 x 24.4 x 32.3 89.5 x 24.4 x 36.5 ELECTRICAL DATA Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Suction 5/8 F 5/8 F 7/8 S 7/8 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 5/8 S 1 5/8 S 1 5/8 S 2 1/8 S 2 1/8 S 2 1/8 S 208-230/1 MCA Max Fuse 6.8 18 9.3 15 9.4 15 13.3 20 - Order Number WJWM-0075-CAV, TAC WJWM-0100-CAV, TAC, TAD WJWM-0152-CAV, TAC, TAD WJWM-0202-CAV, TAC WJWM-0203-TAC, TAE WJWM-0300-TAC, TAD WJWM-0502-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDM-0503-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDM-0751-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDM-1001-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDM-1201-TFC, TFD WJDM-1501-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDM-2001-TSC, TSD, TSE WJDM-2501-TSC, TSD, TSE WJDM-3001-TSC, TSD, TSE WJDM-3501-TS6, TSD, TSE WJDM-4000-TS6, TSD, TSE Electrical Codes CAV TAC, TFC, TSC, TS6 TAD, TFD, TSD TAE, TFE, TSE Liquid 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 1/2 F 5/8 F 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 5/8 S Water Connections (in) Receiver Capacity 10.9 12.6 15.6 21.1 21.1 32.8 48.3 48.3 48.4 105.3 105.3 148.9 168.4 163.9 163.8 207.4 206.7 208-230/3 MCA Max Fuse 3.8 15 5.4 15 5.4 15 8.5 15 11.0 15 15.5 25 27.9 50 27.9 50 40.0 70 54.5 90 60.3 90 74.5 125 82.5 125 103.0 175 148.0 250 134.0 225 178.0 300 Inlet 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 1/4 FP 1 1/4 FP 1 1/2 FP 1 1/2 FP 1 1/2 FP 2 1/4 FP MCA 7.3 13.0 13.1 17.6 25.0 29.5 36.3 41.3 51.4 73.8 66.9 88.8 Outlet 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1/2 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 1/4 FP 1 1/4 FP 1 1/2 FP 1 1/2 FP 1 1/2 FP 2 1/4 FP 460/3 Max Fuse 15 20 20 30 45 45 60 70 90 125 110 150 Ship Weight (lbs) 170 170 190 260 250 414 500 500 585 750 820 860 980 1,105 1,160 1,357 1,430 MCA 3.9 9.6 9.9 16.6 20.6 29.5 30.9 43.0 49.1 53.1 66.9 570/3 Max Fuse 15 15 15 25 35 50 50 70 80 90 110 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 19 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® W-LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE - 1 HP TO 27 HP FOR USE WITH R404A CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature Order Number WJWL-0100 WJWL-0151 WJWL-A201 WJWL-0300 WJWL-0301 WJWL-0303 WJDL-0302 WJDL-0401 WJDL-0604 WJDL-0603 WJDL-0751 WJDL-0901 WJDL-1001 WJDL-1501 WJDL-2201 WJDL-2701 HP 1 1 1/2 2 3 3 3 3 4 6 6 7 1/2 9 10 15 22 27 0 8,110 11,900 16,000 26,700 26,700 26,360 34,300 41,000 46,300 55,500 65,500 80,400 89,000 120,000 144,000 184,000 -5 7,180 10,500 14,000 23,300 23,300 23,000 30,200 36,100 41,000 49,200 58,100 71,200 79,400 107,000 129,000 164,000 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number WJWL-0100 WJWL-0151 WJWL-A201 WJWL-0300 WJWL-0301 WJWL-0303 WJDL-0301 WJDL-0401 WJDL-0604 WJDL-0603 WJDL-0751 WJDL-0901 WJDL-1001 WJDL-1501 WJDL-2201 WJDL-2701 Compressor KWJ*-010E KWL*-010E EWV*-021E NRD1-032E NRD1-040E LAH*-032E 2DF3-030E 2DL3-040E 2DA3-060E 3DA3-060E 3DB3-075E 3DF3-090E 3DS3-100E 4DL3-150E 4DT3-220E 6DL3-270E ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number WJWL-0100-CAV WJWL-0151-CAV, TAC, TAD WJWL-A201-CAV, TAC, TAD WJWL-0300-TFC, TFD WJWL-0301-CFB WJWL-0302-CAB, TAC WJWL-0303-CAB, TAC, TAD WJDL-0302-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDL-0401-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDL-0604-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDL-0603-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDL-0751-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDL-0901-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDL-1001-TFC, TFD, TFE WJDL-1501-TSC, TSD, TSE WJDL-2201-TSC, TSD, TSE WJDL-2701-TSC, TSD, TSE Electrical Codes CAV, CFB, CAB 208/230/1/60 Burnaby Kitchener 20 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines -10 6,240 9,260 12,300 20,400 20,400 19,850 26,400 31,800 36,300 43,500 51,300 62,900 70,500 95,200 115,000 146,000 208-230/1 MCA Max Fuse 8.6 15 12.0 20 18.4 30 35.8 60 20.6 30 23.4 30 - 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 -20 4,680 6,970 9,150 15,120 15,120 14,180 19,900 24,100 27,800 33,400 39,600 48,400 54,800 75,000 90,300 112,000 Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 7/8 FL 3/8 FL 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 1 1/8 SW 1/2 FL 1 1/8 SW 1/2 FL 1 1/8 SW 1/2 FL 1 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 1 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 1 3/8 SW 5/8 FL 1 3/8 SW 5/8 FL 1 3/8 SW 7/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 7/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 5/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW L x W x H (in) 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 31.5 x 14.5 x 17.5 30 x 14.5 x 21.4 30 x 17 x 38.5 30 x 17 x 38.5 30 x 17 x 38.5 42 x 17 x 41.6 42 x 18.8 x 41.6 42 x 18.8 x 41.6 42 x 18.8 x 41.6 42 x 17 x 30.8 55.8 x 17 x 38.8 55.8 x 17 x 38.8 54 x 19.9 x 32 70.3 x 23.3 x 37.8 76.3 x 26.8 x 39.1 TAD, TFD, TSD -15 5,410 8,110 10,600 17,500 17,500 16,900 23,000 27,800 31,800 38,200 45,200 55,300 62,300 84,700 102,000 128,000 Vancouver Island Windsor TAC, TFC, TAC, TSC 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay -30 3,330 5,100 6,550 11,200 11,200 9,560 14,500 17,800 20,800 25,100 29,900 36,300 41,300 57,700 68,300 83,600 Water Connections (in) In Out 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/2 FPT 208-230/3 MCA Max Fuse 8.3 15 9.3 15 21.5 35 14.0 20 17.9 30 22.2 35 34.0 50 37.2 60 39.0 60 39.4 70 49.9 80 52.5 90 66.9 110 90.4 150 102.0 175 460/3/60 -25 3,950 6,030 7,800 13,100 13,100 11,760 17,000 20,800 24,100 29,100 34,500 42,000 47,700 66,100 79,000 97,300 MCA 4.3 4.9 11.2 8.4 10.9 13.5 13.5 17.9 20.9 21.9 24.0 33.6 45.4 51.2 460/3 Max Fuse 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 30 35 35 40 50 80 90 208/230/3/60 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa -35 2,800 4,370 5,460 9,520 9,520 7,640 12,200 15,000 17,700 21,500 25,600 31,000 35,400 49,600 58,200 71,100 Ship Weight (lbs) 175 195 275 420 420 420 630 630 630 630 690 840 840 950 1,150 1,240 MCA 9.8 9.5 10.8 12.5 14.3 14.9 21.8 22.2 27.3 36.9 41.8 TAE, TFE, TSE 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 -40 2,300 3,690 4,450 8,200 8,200 5,950 10,100 12,400 14,700 18,200 21,600 26,300 30,000 41,600 48,400 59,800 575/3 Max Fuse 15 15 15 20 20 20 35 35 45 60 70 575/3/60 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® W-LINE WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3/4 HP TO 20 HP FOR USE WITH R134A CAPACITIES Order NumberCompressor WTWH-0075 KWM*-007E WTWH-0100 KWJ*-010E WTWH-0151 KWL*-015/6E WTWH-A201 EMV*021E WTWM-0300 LAH*-031E WTDH-0301 2DF3-030E WTDH-0601 2DA3-060E WTDH-0751 3DB3-075E WTDH-0900 3DF3-090E WTDH-1001 3DS3-100E WTDH-1500 4DH3-150E WTDH-2001 4DJ3-200E Order Number WTWH-0075 WTWH-0100 WTWH-0151 WTWH-A201 WTWM-0300 WTDH-0301 WTDH-0601 WTDH-0751 WTDH-0900 WTDH-1001 WTDH-1500 WTDH-2001 HP 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 3 3 6 7 1/2 9 10 15 20 L x W x H (in) 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 27.4 x 14.5 x 17.5 31.5 x 14.5 x 17.5 30 x 14.5 x 21.4 30 x 17 x 32.2 42 x 17 x 28 42 x 17 x 28 42 x 17 x 30.8 55.8 x 17 x 30.5 55.8 x 20.8 x 30.8 54 x 20 x 31.3 63 x 22.8 x 32.2 Order Number WTWH-0075-CAV, TAC WTWH-0100-CAV, TAC WTWH-0151-CAV, TAC WTWH-A201-CAV, TAC WTWM-0300-CAB, TAC WTDH-0301-TFC, TFD, TFE WTDH-0601-TFC, TFD, TFE WTDH-0751-TFC, TFD, TFE WTDH-0900-TFC, TFD, TFE WTDH-1001-TFC, TFD, TFE WTDH-1500-TSC, TSD, TSE WTDH-2001-TSC, TSD, TSE Electrical Codes CAV, CAB TAC, TFC, TSC TFE, TSE Burnaby Kitchener +45 10,200 13,000 18,500 26,700 60,000 75,300 106,000 124,000 136,000 200,000 240,000 Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature +40 +35 +30 +25 +20 +15 +10 9,200 8,300 7,380 6,560 5,850 5,070 4,400 11,800 10,700 9,500 8,500 7,580 6,600 5,840 16,800 15,000 13,450 12,000 10,700 9,400 8,250 24,000 22,000 19,500 17,000 14,700 12,700 11,000 27,300 24,000 21,000 18,200 53,700 48,000 42,800 38,000 33,600 29,500 26,000 67,000 60,200 53,500 47,500 42,100 36,400 32,300 98,000 85,000 75,600 67,000 59,500 52,500 46,000 111,000 97,600 89,900 79,400 70,500 62,300 54,600 123,000 110,000 98,000 87,500 77,200 68,000 60,100 181,300 162,000 143,500 126,500 110,700 96,200 83,500 216,000 193,500 171,500 151,000 132,000 115,000 99,500 Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 3/8 FL 5/8 F 3/8 FL 5/8 F 3/8 FL 7/8 F 3/8 FL 7/8 S 1/2 FL 1 1/8 S 1/2 FL 1 3/8 S 1/2 FL 1 3/8 S 5/8 FL 1 3/8 S 7/8 S 1 3/8 S 7/8 S 1 5/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 5/8 S 1 1/8 S 2 1/8 S 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 7.0 15 8.6 15 12.4 20 18.4 30 21.9 35 - Water Connections (in) In Out 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 1 1/4 FPT 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.8 15 8.3 15 9.3 15 11.8 15 21.0 35 36.0 60 39.4 70 48.8 80 52.5 90 72.5 110 82.5 125 Receiver Capacity 12.7 14.5 18.2 24.5 40.9 56.4 56.4 92.8 122.8 122.8 173.0 196.0 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 10.1 15 12.8 20 20.1 35 21.2 35 23.3 40 36.3 50 41.3 60 +5 3,800 2,100 7,170 9,900 15,500 22,600 28,100 40,000 47,600 52,300 72,800 87,000 0 3,280 4,500 6,350 8,200 13,200 19,500 24,300 34,300 41,000 45,000 64,200 76,500 Ship Weight (lbs) 166 190 190 270 330 490 600 620 800 820 900 980 573/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 8.4 15 11.4 20 13.8 20 20.7 35 21.0 35 30.4 45 37.5 50 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 575/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 21 COPELAND N-LINE REMOTE CONDENSING UNITS HIGH TEMPERATURE DISCUS - 3 HP TO 40 HP FOR USE WITH R22 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient and 110°F Condensing Temperature Order Number Compressor N2NH-0300 ERF*-0310 N2NH-0500 NRA*-0500 N3DD-0751 2DA*-0750 N3DD-1001 3DB*-1000 N3DD-1501 3DS*-1500 N3DD-2001 4DA1-2000 N3DD-2501 4DH1-2500 N3DD-3001 4DJ1-3000 N3DD-3501 6DH1-3500 N3DD-4001 6DJ1-4000 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number N2NH-0300-CAB, TAC, TAD, TAE N2NH-0500-TFC, TFD, TFE N3DD-0751-TFC, TFD, TFE N3DD-1001-TFC, TFD, TFE N3DD-1501-TFC, TFD, TFE N3DD-2001-TSC, TSD, TSE N3DD-2501-TSC, TSD, TSE N3DD-3001-TSC, TSD, TSE N3DD-3501-TSC, TSD, TSE N3DD-4001-TS6, TSD, TSE Burnaby Kitchener 22 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 +45 39,750 70,700 107,350 159,000 213,000 231,800 304,950 34,2950 445,550 520,600 +40 35,900 63,400 97,300 145,000 193,000 212,250 276,100 312,000 405,700 471,200 +35 32,260 56,900 88,280 131,000 174,000 192,530 249,330 284,950 365,810 430,310 Connecting Lines (in) Order Number L x W x H (in) N2NH-0300 28 x 15.5 x 23.5 N2NH-0500 33.5 x 16 x 26 N3DD-0751 32 x 14.5 x 30.5 N3DD-1001 43 x 17 x 31 N3DD-1501 41 x 17 x 33.5 N3DD-2001 41 x 19 x 33 N3DD-2501 51 x 20 x 33 N3DD-3001 51 x 22.5 x 33 N3DD-3501 51 x 23 x 32.5 N3DD-4001 51 x 23 x 33.5 Electrical Codes CAB TAC, TFC, TSC, TS6 TAE, TFE, TSE HP 3 5 7 1/2 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Discharge 5/8 FL 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT +30 28,840 50,900 79,850 119,000 157000 172,500 224,400 258,300 328,900 388,600 Mounting (in) Suction Receiver Capacity Length 1 1/8 SWT 44.0 12 1 1/8 SWT 56.0 12 1 3/8 SWT 92.0 13 1 3/8 SWT 126.0 24 1 5/8 SWT 166.0 24 1 5/8 SWT 166.0 24 2 1/8 SWT 209.0 24 2 1/8 SWT 209.0 24 2 1/8 SWT 209.0 24 2 1/8 SWT 209.0 24 230/1/60 MCA RLA LRA 21.3 17.0 86.0 - +25 25,630 45,160 71,980 107,000 141,000 154,030 199,940 233,100 297,480 353,070 208-230/3/60 MCA RLA LRA 14.6 11.7 82.0 24.0 19.2 141.0 40.0 32.0 169.0 54.5 43.6 215.0 74.5 59.6 275.0 87.5 70.0 308.0 107.0 85.7 428.0 147.0 118.0 470.0 156.0 125.0 565.0 176.0 141.0 594.0 Width 13 13 15 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 +20 22,750 39,450 64,690 95,800 127,000 141,360 178,660 210,080 268,000 318,060 +15 19,860 34,850 57,900 85,600 114,000 126,460 158,080 188,710 240,080 287,510 +10 17,400 29,700 51,610 76,500 101,000 112,360 139,210 169,040 215,770 258,530 Receiver (in) Inlet 1/2 SWT 5/8 SWT 5/8 FL 7/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 460/3/60 MCA RLA 8.0 6.4 12.0 9.6 17.6 14.1 25.0 20.0 36.3 29.6 43.8 35.0 53.6 42.9 73.8 59.0 78.1 62.5 88.1 70.5 Outlet Ship Weight (lbs) 3/8” FL 285 5/8 FL 365 5/8 FL 440 7/8 SWT 570 1 1/8 SWT 660 1 1/8 SWT 700 1 1/8 SWT 750 1 1/8 SWT 785 1 1/8 SWT 800 1 1/8 SWT 825 LRA 41.0 62.5 85.0 106.0 138.0 154.0 214.0 235.0 283.0 297.0 575/3/60 MCA RLA 5.8 4.6 11.5 9.2 16.6 13.3 20.6 16.5 29.5 23.6 35.8 28.6 42.9 34.3 53.8 43.0 62.5 50.0 71.4 57.1 LRA 30.0 53.4 67.0 84.0 110.0 135.0 172.0 200.0 230.0 235.0 230/1/60 208/230/3/60 575/3/60 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND N-LINE REMOTE CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE COPELAMETIC - 1/2 HP TO 4 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient and 110°F Condensing Temperature Order Number NJNM-0050 NJNM-0075 NJNM-0100 NJNM-0101 NJNM-0200 NJNM-0201 NJNM-0300 NJNM-0301 NJNM-0400 Compressor HAJ*-005E KAN*-007E KAR*-010E KAG*-010E KAK*-020E ERC*-021E ERF*-031E 3RA*-031E NRB2-040E SPECIFICATIONS Order Number NJNM-0050 NJNM-0075 NJNM-0100 NJNM-0101 NJNM-0200 NJNM-0201 NJNM-0300 NJNM-0301 NJNM-0400 L x W x H (in) 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 19 24 x 18.5 x 21.5 24 x 15.5 x 23.5 24 x 16 x 23.5 30 x 16 x 26 Order Number NJNM-0050-CAV NJNM-0075-CAV, TAC NJNM-0100-CAV, TAC NJNM-0101-CAV, TAC NJNM-0200-CAV, TAC NJNM-0201-TAC NJNM-0300-CAB, TAC NJNM-0301-TAC, TAD, TAE NJNM-0400-TFC, TFD, TAE Burnaby Kitchener -5 2,300 2,920 4,400 5,800 7,300 9,000 13,300 14,900 16,900 0 2,600 3,430 5,100 6,660 8,200 10,500 15,400 17,500 19,900 Connecting Lines (in) ELECTRICAL DATA Electrical Codes CAV, CAB TAC, TFC TAD, TFD TAE HP 1/2 3/4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 Discharge 3/8 S 3/8 S 3/8 S 3/8 S 1/2 S 1/2 S 5/8 S 5/8 S 7/8 S Suction 1/2 S 1/2 S 1/2 S 1/2 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.3 15 7.4 15 9.9 15 10.0 15 13.5 20 21.6 30 TBD - +5 3,000 4,000 5,800 7,530 9,300 12,000 17,500 20,300 23,100 +10 3,500 4,660 6,500 8,500 10,600 13,600 19,900 23,400 26,500 Mounting (in) Receiver Capacity 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 22.6 22.6 38.2 38.2 49.1 Length 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 4.4 15 6.0 15 6.0 15 9.1 15 11.3 15 15.8 20 18.1 25 30.3 35 +20 4,500 6,040 8,200 10,760 13,600 17,400 25,300 30,400 34,400 +25 5,000 6,860 9,300 12,140 15,000 19,500 28,400 34,400 38,900 Receiver (in) Width 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 MCA 8.2 11.6 +15 4,000 5,330 7,300 9,580 12,100 15,400 22,500 26,700 30,300 Inlet 3/8 S 3/8 S 3/8 S 3/8 S 3/8 S 3/8 S 1/2 S 1/2 S 5/8 S 460/3/60 Max Fuse 15 20 Outlet 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 3/8 F 5/8 F Ship Weight (lbs) 160 170 170 170 180 225 255 260 330 MCA 4.7 6.8 575/3/60 Max Fuse 15 15 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 460/6/60 575/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 23 COPELAND N-LINE REMOTE CONDENSING UNITS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE DISCUS - 5 HP TO 40 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Order Number NJDM-0500 NJDM-0501 NJDM-0750 NJDM-0751 NJDM-0752 NJDM-1000 NJDM-1200 NJDM-1500 NJDM-2000 NJDM-2500 NJDM-3000 NJDM-3500 NJDM-4000 Compressor 2DC3-050E 2DD3-050E 2DL3-075E 2DA3-075E 3DA3-075E 3DB3-100E 3DF3-120E 3DS3-150E 4DA3-200E 4DH3-250E 4DJ3-300E 6DH3-350E 6DJ3-400E HP 5 5 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number NJDM-0500 NJDM-0501 NJDM-0750 NJDM-0751 NJDM-0752 NJDM-1000 NJDM-1200 NJDM-1500 NJDM-2000 NJDM-2500 NJDM-3000 NJDM-3500 NJDM-4000 +40 61,200 73,200 89,200 102,100 119,300 141,300 175,500 194,300 206,300 258,100 316,500 401,400 460,000 Connecting Lines (in) L x W x H (in) 30 x 16 x 28 30 x 16 x 28 32 x 14.5 x 30.2 32 x 14.5 x 30.2 32 x 14.5 x 30.2 43 x 17 x 31 41 x 17 x 33.5 41 x 17 x 33.5 41 x 19 x 33 51 x 20 x 33 51 x 23 x 33.5 51 x 23 x 33.5 51 x 23 x 33.5 Discharge 7/8 S 7/8 S 7/8 S 7/8 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S ELECTRICAL DATA Burnaby Kitchener 24 Suction 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 3/8 S 1 5/8 S 1 5/8 S 2 1/8 S 2 1/8 S 2 1/8 S 2 1/8 S Mounting (in) Receiver Capacity 49.1 49.1 78.7 78.7 78.7 108.4 143.5 143.5 143.5 180.1 180.1 180.1 180.1 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 27.9 50 27.9 50 39.5 70 40 70 51.3 90 54.5 90 60.3 100 74.5 125 82.5 125 103 175 118 200 134 225 178 300 Order Number NJDM-0500-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDM-0501-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDM-0750-TRD, TFD, TFE NJDM-0751-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDM-0752-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDM-1000-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDM-1200-TFC, TFD NJDM-1500-TRD, TFD, TFE NJDM-2000-TSC, TSD, TSE NJDM-2500-TSC, TSD, TSE NJDM-3000-TSC, TSD, TSE NJDM-3500-TSC, TSD, TSE NJDM-4000-TS6, TSD, TSE Electrical Codes TFC, TSC, TS6 TFD, TSD TFE, TSE Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient and 110°F Condensing Temperature +35 +30 +25 +20 +15 +10 +5 0 -5 55,000 49,300 44,000 39,100 34,600 30,500 26,800 23,400 20,500 66,000 59,300 53,000 47,200 41,900 37,000 32,500 28,600 25,000 80,400 72,300 65,800 57,900 51,600 45,800 40,500 35,800 31,500 92,200 83,200 74,800 67,200 60,200 53,800 47,900 42,500 37,500 107,900 97,400 87,700 78,700 70,500 63,000 56,200 49,900 43,500 128,000 115,700 104,400 94,000 84,500 75,700 67,600 60,100 53,000 158,800 143,400 129,300 116,300 104,400 93,500 83,500 74,300 65,300 175,800 158,800 143,100 128,800 115,600 103,500 92,500 82,300 75,000 187,100 169,000 151,900 135,900 121,100 107,300 94,700 83,200 78,000 236,000 214,500 193,900 174,200 155,800 138,600 123,000 109,100 98,500 286,800 259,000 233,100 209,100 186,900 166,400 147,600 130,500 114,600 362,500 326,700 293,800 263,600 236,000 210,600 187,400 166,200 143,500 418,700 379,900 343,600 309,800 278,300 249,200 222,400 197,800 175,000 Length 12 12 13 13 13 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 MCA 13 13.1 17.3 17.6 25 25 29.5 36.3 41.3 51.4 58.8 66.9 88.8 Width 13 13 15 15 15 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 -10 17,800 22,000 27,700 33,000 39,000 46,800 58,300 64,500 63,800 86,900 101,000 128,800 155,100 Receiver (in) Inlet 5/8 S 5/8 S 5/8 S 5/8 S 5/8 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 460/3/60 Max Fuse 20 20 30 60 45 45 50 60 70 91 100 110 150 Outlet Ship Weight (lbs) 5/8 S 370 5/8 S 370 5/8 S 410 5/8 S 410 5/8 S 455 7/8 S 465 1 1/8 S 595 1 1/8 S 595 1 1/8 S 635 1 1/8 S 645 1 1/8 S 675 1 1/8 S 695 1 1/8 S 715 MCA 9.6 9.9 16.5 16.6 20.7 20.7 29.5 30.9 43.0 49.1 53.1 66.9 575/3/60 Max Fuse 15 15 25 25 35 35 50 50 70 80 90 110 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND N-LINE REMOTE CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE COPELAMETIC - 1/2 HP TO 3 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Order Number Compressor NJNL-0050 KAN*-0050 NJNL-0075 KAE*-007E NJNL-0076 KAM*-007E NJNL-0100 KAJ*-010E NJNL-0101 KAK*-011E NJNL-0150 KAL*-015/6E NJNL-0201 EAD*-021E NJNL-0200 EAV*-021E NJNL-0301 3AB*-032E NJNL-0300 LAH*-032E NJNL-0302 LAL*-032E SPECIFICATIONS Order Number NJNL-0050 NJNL-0075 NJNL-0076 NJNL-0100 NJNL-0101 NJNL-0150 NJNL-0201 NJNL-0200 NJNL-0301 NJNL-0300 NJNL-0302 L x W x H (in) 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 17.8 24 x 18.5 x 19 24 x 18.5 x 19 24 x 18.5 x 21.5 24 x 16 x 34 24 x 16 x 35.5 24 x 16 x 35.5 HP 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 3 3 3 Connecting Lines (in) Discharge Suction Receiver Capacity 3/8 S 1/2 S 19.5 3/8 S 1/2 S 19.5 3/8 S 1/2 S 19.5 3/8 S 1/2 S 19.5 3/8 S 1/2 S 19.5 1/2 S 7/8 S 22.6 1/2 S 7/8 S 22.6 1/2 S 1 1/8 S 22.6 5/8 F 1 1/8 S 38.2 5/8 F 1 1/8 S 38.2 5/8 F 1 1/8 S 38.2 ELECTRICAL DATA 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.1 15 7.4 15 7.6 15 9.2 15 10.5 15 13.0 20 13.1 20 19.0 30 18.6 30 22.0 35 19.9 30 Order Number NJNL-0050-CAV, TAC NJNL-0075-CAV, TAC NJNL-0076-CAV, TAC NJNL-0100-CAV, TAC NJNL-0101-CAV NJNL-0150-CAV, TAC NJNL-0201-CAB, TAC NJNL-0200-CAV, TAC, TAE NJNL-0301-CAB, TAC NJNL-0300-CAB, TAC, TAE NJNL-0302-CAB, TAC Electrical Codes CAV, CAB TAC TAE Burnaby Kitchener 0 3,200 4,100 5,300 7,100 8,300 10,700 12,500 14,500 17,500 23,300 26,200 Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient and 110°F Condensing Temperature -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 2,700 2,300 1,900 1,600 1,200 970 720 3,600 3,100 2,600 2,200 1,800 1,440 1,110 4,600 4,000 3,400 2,900 2,400 1,970 1,580 6,200 5,400 4,700 4,000 3,400 2,900 2,390 7,100 6,200 5,400 4,700 4,100 3,500 2,880 9,400 8,300 7,200 6,200 5,300 4,500 3,730 10,800 9,400 8,000 6,900 5,800 4,840 3,930 12,700 10,900 9,300 7,800 6,500 5,290 4,310 15,100 13,000 11,000 9,300 7,700 6,260 4,920 20,300 17,500 14,900 12,500 10,300 8,240 6,380 22,900 19,800 17,000 14,400 12,100 10,060 8,310 Mounting (in) Length Width 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 Receiver Inlet Outlet 3/8 S 3/8 F 3/8 S 3/8 F 3/8 S 3/8 F 3/8 S 3/8 F 3/8 S 3/8 F 3/8 S 3/8 F 3/8 S 3/8 F 3/8 S 3/8 F 1/2 S 3/8 F 1/2 S 3/8 F 1/2 S 3/8 F 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 3.4 15 4.9 15 4.6 15 6.4 15 8.9 15 9.1 15 9.9 15 13.7 20 17.2 25 16.9 25 MCA 4.5 6.3 - -40 510 790 1,240 1,910 2,200 3,020 3,060 3,510 3,640 4,690 6,870 Ship Weight (lbs) 170 170 170 170 170 180 180 225 260 310 310 575/3/60 Max Fuse 15 15 - 208/230/1/60 208/230/3/60 575/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 25 COPELAND N-LINE REMOTE CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE DISCUS - 3 HP TO 30 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient and 110°F Condensing Temperature Order Number Compressor HP NJDL-0300 2DF3-030E 3 NJDL-0400 2DL3-040E 4 NJDL-0600 2DA3-060E 6 NJDL-0601 3DA3-060E 6 NJDL-0602 2DB3-060E 6 NJDL-0750 3DB3-075E 7 1/2 NJDL-0900 3DF3-090E 9 NJDL-1000 3DS3-100E 10 NJDL-1500 4DL3-150E 15 NJDL-2200 4DT3-220E 22 NJDL-2700 6DL3-270E 27 NJDL-3000 6DT3-300E 30 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number NJDL-0300 NJDL-0400 NJDL-0600 NJDL-0601 NJDL-0602 NJDL-0750 NJDL-0900 NJDL-1000 NJDL-1500 NJDL-2200 NJDL-2700 NJDL-3000 L x W x H (in) 30 x 16 x 36 30 x 16 x 36 30 x 16 x 36 32 x 15.2 x 38.7 30 x 14.5 x 36 32 x 15.2 x 38.7 43 x 17 x 39 43 x 17 x 39 43 x 20.7 x 38.5 51 x 20.5 x 40.5 51 x 23 x 41.5 51 x 23 x 43.5 0 31,000 37,100 42,100 50,600 45,400 59,700 73,400 81,300 109,800 130,900 167,700 188,100 26 -15 20,800 25,100 28,900 34,900 31,000 41,300 50,500 56,800 77,500 92,800 117,100 130,400 -20 18,000 21,800 25,200 30,500 27,000 36,200 44,200 49,900 68,600 81,800 102,200 114,100 -25 15,400 18,700 21,800 26,400 23,300 31,500 38,400 43,400 60,400 71,500 88,400 99,000 Mounting (in) Length Width 12 13 12 13 12 13 15 13 12 13 15 13 24 15.5 24 15.5 24 15.5 24 15.5 24 15.5 24 15.5 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 22.2 35 34.0 50 37.2 60 39.3 50 36.4 50 40.5 70 49.9 80 53.7 90 66.9 110 83.7 125 102.2 175 120.6 200 Order Number NJDL-0300-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-0400-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-0600-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-0601-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-0602-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-0750-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-0900-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-1000-TFC, TFD, TFE NJDL-1500-TSC, TSD, TSE NJDL-2200-TSC, TSD, TSE NJDL-2700-TSC, TSD, TSE NJDL-3000-TSC, TSD, TSE Burnaby Kitchener -10 23,900 28,800 32,900 39,700 35,400 46,900 57,500 64,400 87,100 104,600 132,900 148,000 Connecting Lines (in) Discharge Suction Receiver Capacity 7/8 S 1 3/8 S 49.1 7/8 S 1 3/8 S 49.1 7/8 S 1 3/8 S 49.1 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 78.7 7/8 S 1 3/8 S 49.1 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 78.7 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 108.4 1 1/8 S 1 3/8 S 108.4 1 1/8 S 1 5/8 S 143.5 1 3/8 S 2 1/8 S 180.1 1 3/8 S 2 1/8 S 180.1 1 3/8 S 2 1/8 S 180.1 ELECTRICAL DATA Electrical Codes TFC, TSC TFD, TSD TFE, TSE -5 27,300 32,800 37,300 44,900 40,200 53,000 65,100 72,500 97,900 117,200 149,800 167,300 MCA 10.9 13.5 13.5 17.9 17.4 20.9 21.9 24.0 33.6 42.0 51.3 60.6 -30 12,980 15,930 18,720 22,720 19,840 27,180 33,040 37,440 52,620 61,600 75,630 85,160 -35 10,780 13,370 15,810 19,330 16,680 23,150 28,180 31,960 45,110 52,090 63,920 72,290 Receiver (in) Inlet Outlet 5/8 S 5/8 F 5/8 S 5/8 F 5/8 S 5/8 F 5/8 S 5/8 F 5/8 S 5/8 F 5/8 S 5/8 F 7/8 S 7/8 S 7/8 S 7/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 1 1/8 S 460/3/60 Max Fuse 15 20 20 25 25 35 35 40 50 70 90 90 MCA 9.5 10.8 12.5 14.3 13.2 14.9 21.8 22.2 27.3 31.4 41.8 50.7 -40 8,730 11,010 13,080 16,220 13,750 19,330 23,720 26,910 37,640 42,800 53,290 60,300 Ship Weight (lbs) 410 410 430 450 430 450 460 460 565 645 675 715 575/3/60 Max Fuse 15 15 20 20 20 20 35 35 45 50 70 80 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND E-LINE AND D-LINE COPELAMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 HP TO 2 HP FOR USE WITH R22 CAPACITIES Order Number E3AH-A050 E3AM-A050 E3AH-A075 E3AM-A075 E3AH-A100 E3AM-A101 D3AH-0075 D3AM-0075 D3AH-0100 D3AM-0100 D3AH-0150 D3AH-0200 D3AM-0200 D3AM-0201 Compressor HAG*-0050 HAJ*-0050 KAN*-0075 KAE*-0075 KAR*-0100 KAM*-0100 HP 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 +45 5,870 9,100 11,600 - Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature +40 +35 +30 +25 +20 +15 +10 5,400 4,940 4,510 4,100 3,700 3,330 2,980 4,420 4,010 3,600 3,220 8,280 7,500 6,760 6,060 5,400 4,770 4,170 7,110 6,410 5,780 5,210 10,700 9,830 8,960 8,130 7,320 6,550 5,820 9,650 8,750 7,890 7,070 0 2,530 4,160 5,570 KAN*-0075 KAE*-0075 KAR*-0100 KAM*-0100 KAG*-0150 ERA*-0200 KAK*-0200 ERC*-0200 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 2 9,750 12,100 16,500 22,900 - 8,830 11,100 15,000 20,800 - 4,250 5,760 10,000 10,600 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number E3AH-A050 E3AM-A050 E3AH-A075 E3AM-A075 E3AH-A100 E3AM-A101 19.5 x 22.5 x 11.4 19.5 x 22.5 x 11.4 19 x 22.5 x 13.3 19 x 22.5 x 13.3 24.5 x 31.6 x 14.9 28 x 32 x 14.9 28 x 32 x 14.9 28 x 32 x 14.9 ELECTRICAL DATA 7,150 9,140 12,400 16,800 - Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 1/4 FL 1/2 FL 1/4 FL 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL L x W x H (in) 19.5 x 14.8 x 12 19.5 x 14.8 x 12 24 x 17.9 x 13.6 24 x 17.9 x 13.6 24 x 17.9 x 13.6 24 x 17.9 x 13.6 D3AH-0075 D3AM-0075 D3AH-0100 D3AM-0100 D3AH-0150 D3AH-0200 D3AM-0200 D3AM-0201 7,960 10,100 13,700 18,800 - 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 6,380 7,620 8,250 9,960 11,200 14,900 15,400 18,100 5,660 6,780 7,420 8,980 10,100 13,000 13,800 16,200 4,990 6,130 6,650 8,080 9,000 11,200 12,600 14,700 Receiver Capacity 2.5 2.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 Air Flow (CFM) 331 331 767 767 712 712 Ship Weight (lbs) 124 124 160 160 164 164 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 445 445 763 763 1,196 1,000 1,000 1,000 141 141 146 146 210 290 230 290 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT Order Number E3AH-A050-CAA, CAV, TAC E3AM-A050-CAA, CAV, TAC E3AH-A075-CAA, CAV, TAC E3AM-A075-CAA, CAV, TAC E3AH-A100-CAA, CAV, TAC, TAD E3AM-A100-CAA, CAV, TAC 115/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 11.9 15 11.7 15 16.6 25 15.6 20 21.3 30 21.4 30 208/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.7 15 5.3 15 8.8 15 7.9 15 10.4 15 10.5 15 230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 57. 15 5.3 15 8.8 15 7.9 15 10.4 15 10.5 15 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 3.7 15 3.5 15 5.5 15 5.4 15 6.5 15 6.8 15 D3AH-0075-CAA, CAV, TAC D3AM-0075-CAA, CAV, TAC D3AH-0100-CAA, CAV, TAC, TAD D3AM-0100-CAA, CAV, TAC, TAD D3AH-0150-CAV, TAC, TAD D3AH-0200-CAB, TAC, TAD D3AM-0200-CAV, TAC, TAD D3AM-0201-CAB, TAC, TAD 16.9 15.9 21.5 21.6 - 9.1 8.2 10.7 11.7 14.2 13.0 - 9.1 8.2 10.7 11.7 14.2 15.3 13.0 16.0 5.8 6.7 6.8 8.0 9.2 10.6 10.8 10.8 Electrical Codes IAA, CAA CAV CAV & CAB Burnaby Kitchener 115 208/1/60 230/1/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines TAC TAD 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 20 20 30 30 - 15 15 15 15 20 15 - 4,350 5,590 5,920 7,250 8,010 9,420 11,800 13,300 15 15 15 15 20 20 15 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 3.4 15 3.5 15 3.8 3.8 4.6 5.9 5.2 5.2 15 15 15 15 15 15 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 27 COPELAND E-LINE AND D-LINE COPELAMETIC AIR-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE - 1/3 HP TO 3 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Order Number EJAL-A033 EJAL-A050 EJAL-A075 EJAL-A100 EJAL-A101 EJAE-0175 Compressor HAF*-003E KAN*-005E KAM*-007E KAJ*-010E KAK*-020E KAT*-015E HP 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 3/4 0 1,800 3,400 5,630 7,070 7,850 - Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient - Evaporator Temperature -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 1,560 1,340 1,130 939 770 623 498 2,990 2,640 2,320 2,030 1,750 1,490 1,250 5,140 4,670 4,200 3,750 3,320 2,900 2,490 6,360 5,690 5,080 4,510 3,980 3,490 3,030 7,050 6,300 5,600 4,960 4,370 3,820 3,300 7,940 6,970 6,050 5,160 DJAL-0075 DJAL-0100 DJAL-0150 DJAL-0151 DJAL-0200 DJAL-0300 KAM*-007E KAJ*-010E KAL*-015E EAD*-020E EAV*-021E LAH*-032E 3/4 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 3 5,400 6,720 10,400 12,600 14,600 25,300 4,910 6,180 9,400 11,400 13,100 22,200 SPECIFICATIONS 4,450 5,630 8,380 10,200 11,700 19,400 4,020 5,080 7,410 9,020 10,500 16,900 3,590 4,540 6,530 7,920 9,280 14,500 3,170 4,020 5,770 6,870 8,180 12,400 2,750 3,520 5,130 5,890 7,140 10,600 2,340 3,050 4,570 4,940 6,160 9,040 -40 396 1,010 2,080 2,580 2,780 4,290 1,950 2,610 4,030 4,000 5,250 7,940 Connecting Lines (in) Order Number EJAL-A033 EJAL-A050 EJAL-A075 EJAL-A100 EJAL-A101 EJAE-0175 L x W x H (in) 19.5 x 14.5 x 11.5 19.5 x 14.5 x 12 24 x 17.9 x 13.3 24 x 17.9 x 13.3 24 x 17.9 x 13.3 26.2 x 18.3 x 16 Liquid 1/4 FL 1/4 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL Suction 1/2 FL 1/2 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 7/8 SWT Receiver Capacity 1.6 2.2 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 Air Flow (CFM) 236 331 767 712 712 1,050 Ship Weight (lbs) 109 124 160 164 165 172 DJAL-0075 DJAL-0100 DJAL-0150 DJAL-0151 DJAL-0200 DJAL-0300 19.5 x 22.5 x 11.4 19 x 25.5 x 13.3 24.5 x 31.6 x 14.9 24.5 x 31.6 x 14.9 28 x 32 x 14.9 26.2 x 34.1 x 18.8 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 1 1/8 SWT 5.4 5.4 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 445 763 1,196 1,196 1,000 2,420 141 146 210 275 290 388 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number EJAL-A033-IAA EJAL-A050-IAA, CAV, TAC EJAL-A075-CAA, CAV, TAC EJAL-A100-CAV EJAL-A101 EJAE-0175-CAV, CAV, TAC 115/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 7.7 15 11.1 15 15.6 20 - 208/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.2 15 8.2 15 10.6 15 14.9 20 230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 5.2 15 8.2 15 10.6 15 14.9 20 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 3.3 15 5.2 15 TBD - 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse - DJAL-0075-CAA, CAV, TAC DJAL-0100-CAV, TAC DJAL-0150-CAV, TAC DJAL-0151-CAB, TAC DJAL-0200-CAV, TAC, TAD DJAL-0300-CAB, TAC, TAD 15.9 - 8.4 10.0 14.7 20.7 - 8.4 10.0 14.7 TBD 20.7 TBD 5.4 TBD 10.6 10.8 11.6 21.8 TBD 6.6 6.4 10.7 Electrical Codes IAA, CAA CAV CAV & CAB Burnaby Kitchener 28 115 208/1/60 230/1/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 20 TAC TAD 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 15 15 20 30 - 15 15 20 30 - 15 15 15 15 25 15 15 15 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 E-LINE AND D-LINE COPELAMETIC WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS COPELAND HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 HP TO 2 HP F0R USE WITH R22 CAPACITIES Order Number E3WM-C050 E3WM-C075 D3WM-C100 D3WH-C150 D3WM-C200 Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature Compressor HWJ2-0050 KWE2-0075 KWM2-0100 KWGB-0150 KWKB-0200 HP 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number E3WM-C050 E3WM-C075 D3WM-C100 D3WH-C150 D3WM-C200 Order Number E3WM-C050-CAA, CAV, TAC E3WM-C075-CAA, CAV, TAC D3WM-C100-CAV, TAC, TAD D3WH-C150-CAV, TAC, TAD D3WM-C200-CAV, TAC, TAD Electrical Codes CAA 115 CAV 208/230/3/60 TAC 208/230/3/60 TAD 460/3/60 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines +40 16,400 - +35 14,700 - Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 1/4 FL 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 7/8 SW 3/8 FL 7/8 SW L x W x H (in) 24 x 17 x 11.4 24 x 17.3 x 11.4 24 x 19.4 x 11.4 24 x 19.4 x 11.3 24.6 x 19.5 x 13 ELECTRICAL DATA +45 18,200 - 115/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 10.6 15 13.6 20 - 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor +30 13,100 - Water Connections (in) In Out 3/8 FPT 3/8 ST 3/8 FPT 3/8 ST 3/8 FPT 5/8 SW 1/2 FPT 5/8 SW 1/2 FPT 5/8 SW 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 4.6 15 6.8 15 9.4 15 13.3 20 13.6 20 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 +25 4,790 7,940 10,600 11,700 16,200 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 +20 4,270 6,950 9,530 10,300 14,400 +15 3,790 3,190 8,520 9,100 12,800 Receiver Capacity 3.7 6.3 6.3 13.2 12.0 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 2.8 15 4.3 15 5.5 15 6.9 15 8.5 15 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 +10 3,360 5,570 7,580 7,970 11,300 Ship Weight (lbs) 126 153 180 200 200 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 2.8 15 3.1 15 3.8 15 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 29 COPELAND E-LINE AND D-LINE COPELAMETIC WATER-COOLED CONDENSING UNITS LOW TEMPERATURE - 1/3 HP TO 2 HP FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 75°F Inlet Water - Evaporator Temperature Order Number EJWL-C033 EJWL-C050 EJWM-C050 EJWL-C075 EJWM-C075 Compressor HWFB-003E KWN*-005E HWJ*-005E KWM*-007E KWN*-007E HP 1/3 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 0 1,880 3,760 2,870 6,060 3,485 -5 1,570 3,280 2,511 5,250 2,962 -10 1,360 2,820 4,490 - -15 1,190 2,390 3,820 - -20 1,040 1,980 3,240 - -25 891 1,600 2,740 - -30 732 1,250 2,300 - -35 582 960 1,890 - -40 470 742 1,450 - DJWL-C100 DJWL-C150 DJWM-C150 DJWL-C200 DJWM-C200 KWJ*-010E KWL*-015E KWG*-010E EWV*-021E KWK*-021E 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 8,150 11,900 6,355 15,600 8,918 7,160 10,600 5,432 13,600 7,995 6,270 9,300 11,700 - 5,460 8,100 9,980 - 4,700 7,000 8,360 - 3,990 600 6,870 - 3,340 5,120 5,540 - 2,770 4,360 4,420 - 2,310 3,710 3,590 - SPECIFICATIONS Order Number EJWL-C033 EJWL-C050 EJWM-C050 EJWL-C075 EJWM-C075 L x W x H (in) 24 x 17 x 11.3 24 x 17 x 11.3 24 x 17 x 11.4 24 x 17 x 11.3 24 x 17.3 x 11.4 DJWL-C100 DJWL-C150 DJWM-C150 DJWL-C200 DJWM-C200 24 x 17 x 11.3 24 x 17 x 11.3 24 x 19.4 x 11.3 31.5 x 24.6 x 15.3 31.5 x 24.3 x 14 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number EJWL-C033-IAA EJWL-C050-IAA, CAV, TAC EJWM-C050-CAV EJWL-C075-CAV, TAC EJWM-C075-CAV, TAC DJWL-C100-CAV, TAC, TAD DJWL-C150-CAV, TAC, TAD DJWM-C150-CAV, TAC, TAD DJWL-C200-CAV, TAC, TAD DJWM-C200-CAV, TAC Electrical Codes IAA, CAA CAV TAC Burnaby Kitchener 30 Connecting Lines (in) Liquid Suction 1/4 FL 1/2 FL 1/4 FL 1/2 FL 1/4 FL 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 5/8 FL Water Connections (in) In Out 3/8 FPT 3/8 SW 3/8 FPT 3/8 SW 3/8 FPT 3/8 SW 3/8 FPT 3/8 SW 3/8 FPT 3/8 SW 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FL 3/8 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 1/2 FPT 5/8 FL 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 115/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 6.8 15 10.0 15 13.6 20 - - Receiver Capacity 3.2 3.2 3.2 5.4 5.4 Ship Weight (lbs) 149 149 126 156 153 5.4 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 183 187 200 273 200 5/8 SW 5/8 SW 5/8 SW 5/8 SW 5/8 SW 208-230/1/60 MCA Max Fuse 4.5 15 4.6 15 7.0 15 6.8 15 208-230/3/60 MCA Max Fuse 2.8 4.0 3.8 15 460/3/60 MCA Max Fuse - 8.6 12.4 9.4 18.4 13.3 TBD 8.3 5.4 9.3 8.5 TBD 4.3 TBD 4.9 - 15 20 15 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 - 115 208 208/230/3/60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 EMBRACO REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS 1/16 HP TO 1/3 HP FOR USE WITH R12 / 406A / R414B CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr Order Number 30-EM20 30-EM30 30-PW45K9 30-EM40 30-EM55 30-FF6BKW Motor HP 1/16 1/12 1/8 1/8 1/6 1/5 L/M BP 203 310 377 426 565 655 HBP 2,110 30-FF7.5BKW 30-FF8.5BKW 30-FF10BKW 30-FF10BX 30-FF10SV 30-FF11.5BKW 1/5+ 1/4 1/4+ 1/4+ 1/4+ 1/3 755 854 913 862 900 1,150 2,350 2,651 3,244 3,200 3,048 3,650 30-FFI12BKW 30-FFI12BX 1/3+ 1/3+ 1,300 1,350 4,000 4,150 30-FFI12SV 1/3+ 1,350 4,150 Replacement Guide Danfoss Matsushita Tecumseh Oil Coolers TL2A AZ No TL3A AZ1335D No PW4.5A, PW4.5K9 FN43F67R AE1336A No TFS4A AE1336A, AE1343A No TFS5A AZ No FN66F11R, MA16-634A AE1336A, AE1360A, AE1343A, Yes AE3414A, AE3417A FFS7A, FR7.5B FN73F13R, MA15-734 AE3425D Yes FFS8A, FF8.5A FN91F17R, MA14-889A AE1380A Yes FFS9A, FF10A AE3430A, AE1410A Yes AE2410A, AE4430A No c/w service valve c/w service valve AE2410A, AE4430A No FN110F22S, AE1410A, AE1411A Yes FN110Q22S, MA13-1050 SC12A, SC15A AE1413A, AE3440A Yes SC128 AE2413A, AE2415A, AE4440A, No AE4448A c/w service valve c/w service valve AE2413A, AE2415A, AE4440A, No AE4448A RATING CONDITIONS - R12 / 406A / R414B Back Pressure Description Condensing Temperature Evaporator Temperature Return Gas Temperature Ambient Temperature Liquid Temperature Entering Expansion Valve Low 130°F -10°F 90°F 90°F 90°F High 130°F 45°F 90°F 90°F 90°F ELECTRICAL DATA - R12 / 406A / R414B Order Number 30-EM20 30-EM30 30-EM40 30-EM55 30-PW4.5K9 30-FF6BKW 30-FF7.5BKW 30-FF8.5BKW 30-FF10BKW 30-FF10BX 30-FF10SV 30-FF11.5BKW 30-FF112BKW 30-FF112BX 30-FF112SV Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Old Style Relay and Overload (one-piece) 30-EM20-402 30-EM30-400 30-EM40-404 30-EM55-406 30-PWK9-154 30-FF6-178 30-FF7.5-179 30-FF8.5-180 30-FF10-181 30-FF11-182 30-FF11-182 30-FF112-006 30-FF112-006 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Hard Start Kit (old style) 30-HS7 30-HS7 30-HS7 30-HS6 30-HS3 30-HS5 30-HS4 30-HS4 30-HS1 30-HS16 30-HS16 30-HS1 30-HS1 30-HS2 30-HS2 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay New Style Relay and Overload (two-piece) 30-1350422 30-1350414 30-1350410 30-1350424 30-1350339 30-1350038 30-1350035 30-1350365 30-1350132 30-135038 30-1350338 30-1350367 30-1350130 30-1350131 30-1350131 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Start Capacitor 35-145A125 35-145A125 35-145A125 35-216A125 35-324D125 35-233A125 35-270B125 35-270B125 35-460D125 35-270B125 35-270B125 35-460D125 35-460D125 35-378D125 35-378D125 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 31 COPELAND HERMETIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS HIGH TEMPERATURE- 1/5 HP TO 2 HP FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ARB21C3-IAA-901 ARE36C3-IAA-901 ARE36C3-SAA-901 ARE43C3-IAA-901 ARE59C3-CAA-901 ARE59C3-CAV-901 ART69C1-IAA-901 ART69C1-IAV-901 ART82C1-CAA-901 ART82C1-CAV-901 RSE4-0075-IAA-901 RSE4-0075-IAV-901 ART97C1-PAA-901 ART97C1-PAV-901 RRG4-0100-PAA-959 RRG4-0100-PAV-959 RS70C1-PFV-959 RS70C1-TFC-909 RR14K1-PFV-959 RR17K1-PFV-959 RR17K1-TFC-950 CFH 37 59 59 65 90 90 108 108 129 129 135 135 152 152 161 161 175 175 196 227 227 Volts/Phase 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY Order Number ARB21C3-IAA ARE36C3-IAA ARE36C3-SAA ARE43C3-IAA ARE59C3-CAA ARE59C3-CAV ART69C1-IAA ART69C1-IAV ART82C1-CAA ART82C1-CAV RSE4-0075-IAA RSE4-0075-IAV ART97C1-PAA ART97C1-PAV RRG4-0100-PAA RRG4-0100-PAV RS70C1-PFV RS70C1-TFC RR14K1-PFV RR17K1-PFV RR17K1-TFC Burnaby Kitchener 32 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Interior BC St.Catharines BTU/hr 1,340 2,130 2,130 2,430 3,550 3,520 4,020 4,020 4,760 4,760 5,060 5,060 5,660 5,660 6,170 6,170 7,090 7,370 8,400 9,950 10,200 Dimensions (in) Length 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.38 9.38 9.80 9.80 9.38 9.38 9.38 9.38 9.38 9.38 9.38 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Width 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.70 6.70 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 Vancouver Island Windsor Amps 4.2 5.7 5.7 5.9 5.7 209 8.1 3.9 9.6 4.7 13.2 6.6 11.9 5.8 9.8 4.9 5.1 3.1 5.9 6.6 4.4 Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) 0038-00 0038-00 0038-00 0036-11 0037-14 0008-74 0037-13 0038-10 0038-05 0036-04 0037-17 0008-70 0037-13 0008-79 0008-66 0036-13 0037-15 0036-13 0037-14 0008-48 0037-09 0008-72 0037-06 0008-66 0037-09 0006-00 0037-09 0008-74 0037-10 - Mounting (in) Service Connections (in) Watts 310 440 440 500 640 630 670 670 830 830 943 943 1,010 1,010 1,050 1,050 1,110 1,020 1,270 1,480 1,420 Height 7.60 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.60 8.60 8.57 8.57 8.75 8.75 11.13 11.13 8.70 8.70 11.13 11.13 10.75 10.75 11.13 11.13 11.13 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Length 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Calgary North Bay Width 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.80 4.80 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Discharge 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 Edmonton Ottawa Suction 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Relay Part (040-) C411-72 C411-82 C401-82 C411-82 0001-88 0001-71 C016-03 C411-79 0001-79 0001-68 0001-80 0001-54 0001-79 0001-68 0001-60 0001-54 0001-60 0001-60 0001-79 - Ship Weight (lbs) 24 26 26 27 25 25 43 43 43 43 51 51 43 43 51 51 51 51 49 46 46 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND HERMETIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS HIGH TEMPERATURE - 1/6 HP TO 3 HP FOR USE WITH R134A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 130 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ARB13C3E-IAA ARB12C3E-SAA ARB17C3E-IAA-901 ARB17C3E-SAA ARE25C3E-IAA-959 ARE25C3E-SAA-901 ARE27C3E-IAA-902 ARE27C3E-SAA-901 ARE37C3E-IAA-902 ARE37C3E-IAV-901 ARE37C3E-SAA-901 ARE41C3-IAA-901 ART51C1E-IAA-901 ART51C1E-IAV-959 ART62C1E-IAA-901 ART62C1E-IAV-901 ART64C1E-IAA-901 ART64C1E-IAV-901 RR81C1E-IAA-958 RR81C1E-IAV-958 RR10K1E-CAV-959 CS27K3E-PFV-970 CS27K3E-TF5-970 CS27K3E-TFD CS33K3E-PFV-970 CS33K3E-TF5-970 CS33K3E-TFD CFH 37 37 45 45 59 59 65 65 90 90 90 100 129 129 152 152 162 162 210 210 244 665 665 665 756 756 756 Volts/Phase 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 200-230/3 380-460/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 380-460/3 BTU/hr 1,350 1,350 1,680 1,680 2,520 2,520 2,730 2,730 3,750 3,790 3,620 3,950 4,880 4,880 5,880 6,100 6,400 6,360 8,070 8,070 10,000 30,100 29,700 29,700 36,500 35,300 35,300 Conditions Watts 250 250 320 320 420 420 460 460 600 590 600 660 830 830 970 960 1,050 1,070 1,220 1,220 1,370 3,360 3,220 3,220 4,020 3,890 3,890 Amps 3.0 3.0 3.6 3.6 4.5 4.5 5.1 5.1 7.1 3.4 6.8 7.5 9.1 4.5 11.5 5.4 11.3 6.0 14.8 7.4 6.5 16.8 9.9 4.9 20.1 11.5 5.7 Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) 0038-00 0038-00 0038-00 0038-00 0038-00 0036-03 0038-04 0038-04 0008-65 0038-04 0008-65 0006-03 0036-03 0008-71 0008-72 0008-66 0037-06 0006-03 0037-18 0006-03 0037-20 - Relay Part (040-) C411-52 C401-40 C411-61 C401-49 C411-35 C401-72 C411-66 C411-66 C411-82 C411-45 C401-82 C411-83 C411-80 C411-79 C411-89 C411-79 C411-91 C411-79 0001-80 0001-60 0001-54 0001-64 0001-68 - MEDIUM TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R134A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number RS40C1E-IAA RS40C1E-IAV RS54C1E-IAA RS54C1E-IAV CFH 162 162 244 244 Volts/Phase 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 Conditions Watts 836 836 1,070 1,070 BTU/hr 3,990 3,990 5,400 5,400 Amps 10.6 5.3 14.0 7.0 Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) 0008-71 0008-64 0008-79 0008-72 - Relay Part (040-) 0001-62 0088-03 0001-62 0001-60 EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R134A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number AFB04C3E-SAA AFB05C3E-IAA-901 AFB05C3E-SAA AFE07C3E-IAA AFE10C3E-IAA-901 AFT12C1E-IAA-901 RF18C1E-IAA-958 RF18C1E-IAV-958 CFH 46 62 62 69 90 140 201 201 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines Burnaby Kitchener Volts/Phase 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 BTU/hr 370 500 500 710 940 1,240 1,870 1,870 Vancouver Island Windsor Conditions Watts 160 200 200 250 300 450 597 597 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amps 2.4 3.0 3.0 4.2 4.9 5.3 10.3 5.2 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) 0038-04 0038-10 0038-10 0038-04 0008-79 0008-61 - Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Relay Part (040-) C401-40 C411-58 C401-58 C411-82 C411-89 C411-85 0001-62 0001-63 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 33 COPELAND HERMETIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS HIGH, MEDIUM AND EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/6 HP TO 3 HP FOR USE WITH R134A DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY Order Number ARB13C3E-IAA ARB13C3E-SAA ARB17C3E-IAA ARB17C3E-SAA ARE25C3E-IAA ARE25C3E-SAA ARE27C3E-IAA ARE27C3E-SAA ARE37C3E-IAA ARE37C3E-IAV ARE37C3E-SAA ARE41C-IAA ART51C1E-IAA ART51C1E-IAV ART62C1E-IAA ART62C1E-IAV ART64C1E-IAA ART64C1E-IAV RR81C1E-IAA RR81C1E-IAV RR10K1E-CAV CS27K3E-PFV CS27K3E-TF5 CS27K3E-TFD CS33K3E-PFV CS33K3E-TF5 CS33K3E-TFD RS40C1E-IAA RS40C1E-IAV RS54C1E-IAA RS54C1E-IAV AFB04C3E-SAA AFB05C3E-IAA AFB05C3E-SAA AFE07C3E-IAA AFE10C3E-IAA AFT12C1E-IAA RF18C1E-IAA RF18C1E-IAV Burnaby Kitchener 34 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Interior BC St.Catharines Dimensions (in) Length 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 10.75 10.75 10.75 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 11.40 10.75 10.75 Width 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.63 6.63 6.63 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 9.28 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.70 6.63 6.63 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Mounting (in) Height 7.00 7.00 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.60 7.90 7.90 8.70 8.70 8.70 8.70 11.25 11.25 11.25 15.06 15.06 15.06 15.31 15.31 15.31 11.25 11.25 10.75 10.75 7.00 7.60 7.60 8.10 8.10 7.90 10.75 10.75 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Length 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 Calgary North Bay Width 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.81 4.81 4.81 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.81 4.81 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Service Connections (in) Discharge 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 Edmonton Ottawa Suction 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/2 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Ship Weight (lbs) 23 23 22 22 26 26 22 22 32 32 32 30 30 30 31 31 37 37 51 51 51 72 72 72 76 76 76 51 51 51 51 28 27 27 24 26 29 52 52 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAWELD® COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/5 HP TO 1 1/4 HP FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ASB12C3E-IAA-901 ASB14C3E-IAA-901 ASE19C3E-IAA-901 ASE24C3E-IAA-901 ASE24C3E-IAV-901 ASE32C3E-CAA-959 ASE32C3E-CAV-901 AST40C1E-IAA-901 AST40C1E-IAV AST45C1E-CAV-901 AST45C1E-IAA AST54C1E-CAV AST54C1E-CAA-901 CFH 37 45 54 65 65 90 90 108 108 129 129 129 152 Volts/Phase 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 BTU/hr 1,250 1,530 1,850 2,310 2,500 3,260 3,320 3,610 3,610 4,230 4,230 5,770 5,770 Conditions Watts 340 470 520 550 560 710 730 890 890 1,010 1,010 1,150 1,150 Amps 4.3 6.0 6.1 6.7 3.2 6.4 3.4 10.2 5.4 5.4 11.1 6.5 12.0 Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) 0038-10 0038-10 0038-00 0038-00 0008-65 0008-74 0037-14 0036-03 0037-13 0036-04 0036-03 0008-70 0037-13 0036-04 0008-70 0037-13 0036-12 0037-15 Relay Part (040-) C411-72 C411-82 C411-71 C411-82 C411-73 0001-88 0001-53 C016-03 C411-79 0001-68 C016-06 0001-68 0140-04 EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/5 HP TO 1 1/4 HP FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 130 / Ambient: 95 Order Number AFE11C3E-IAA-901 AFE13C3E-IAA-901 AFE18C1E-IAA RS43C1E-CAA RS43C1E-CAV RS43C1E-IAA RS43C1E-IAV AFT22C1E-CFV-901 AFT22C1E-IAA-901 RS55C2E-CAA-908 RS55C1E-CAV RS55C1E-PAV-909 RS80C2E-CAV-959 RS80C1E-TF5 AFT26C1E-CFV-959 AFT26C1E-CFA-959 RS64C1E-CAV RS64C1E-PAA RS64C1E-CAA RS64C1E-IAA RS64C1E-IAV RS70C1E-TFC-950 RS70C1E-PFV-959 AFT29C1E-CFA-901 AFT29C1E-CFV RS80C2E-CAA-908 RS86C1E-PFJ RS86C1E-PFV RS97C1E-TFC-950 RS97C1E-CAV-201 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 CFH 62 90 108 113 113 113 113 129 129 135 161 161 201 201 152 152 162 162 162 162 162 175 175 166 166 201 210 210 245 245 Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase 115/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 200–230/3 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 265/1 208-230/1 208–230/3 208-230/1 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 BTU/hr 2,340 3,220 4,170 4,170 4,170 4,170 4,720 4,900 5,220 5,410 5,410 5,410 5,440 6,230 6,340 6,450 6,450 6,460 6,460 6,460 6,800 6,980 7,080 7,080 8,170 8,630 8,680 9,400 9,590 Vancouver Island Windsor Conditions Watts 580 793 940 940 944 940 1,110 1,210 1,150 1,140 1,140 1,690 1,640 1,380 1,430 1,460 1,460 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,220 1,250 1,540 1,540 1,740 1,660 1,620 1,890 1,940 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amps 7.1 8.3 9.4 5.6 10.6 5.6 5.3 15.3 11.0 5.1 5.1 7.8 5.1 5.3 11.4 6.4 8.6 12.9 12.9 12.9 3.6 5.5 12.2 6.0 16.2 6.6 7.5 6.3 9.7 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) 0038-00 0038-04 0038-00 0008-57 0037-06 0008-64 0037-04 0008-57 0008-64 0036-03 0037-13 0038-08 0006-03 0037-09 0008-72 0037-06 0008-72 0037-06 0006-03 0037-14 0036-03 0037-13 0038-00 0037-15 0008-61 0037-06 0008-66 0008-74 0037-16 0008-66 0008-74 0037-16 0008-66 0037-09 0036-12 0037-15 0036-03 0037-13 0036-03 0037-09 0036-00 0037-15 0008-74 0037-10 0036-01 0037-15 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Relay Part (040-) C411-82 C411-83 C411-91 0001-62 0001-54 0001-62 0088-03 0001-82 C016-00 0001-60 0001-54 0001-54 0001-54 0001-53 0001-79 0001-54 0001-63 0001-60 0001-60 0001-60 0001-60 0001-79 0001-53 0001-60 0001-55 0001-60 0001-54 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 35 COPELAND COPELAWELD® COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/5 HP TO 1 1/4 HP FOR USE WITH R404A DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY Order Number ASB12C3E-IAA ASB14C3E-IAA ASE19C3E-IAA ASE24C3E-IAA ASE24C3E-IAV ASE32C3E-CAA ASE32C3E-CAV AST40C1E-IAA AST40C1E-IAV AST45C1E-CAV AST45C1E-IAA AST54C1E-CAV AST54C1E-CAA AFE11C3E-IAA AFE13C3E-IAA AFE18C1E-IAA RS43C1E-CAA RS43C1E-IAV RS43C1E-IAA RS43C1E-IAV AFT22C1E-CFV AFT22C1E-IAA RS55C2E-CAA RS55C1E-CAV RS55C1E-PAV RS80C1E-CAV RS80C1E-TF5 AFT26C1E-CFV AFT26C1E-CFA RS64C1E-CAV RS64C1E-PAA RS64C1E-CAA RS64C1E-IAA RS64C1E-IAV RS70C1E-PFV RS70C1E-TFC AFT29C1E-CFA AFT29C1E-CFV RS80C1E-CAA RS86C1E-PFJ RS86C1E-PFV RS97C1E-CAV RS97C1E-TFC Burnaby Kitchener 36 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Interior BC St.Catharines Length 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 9.40 9.40 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 10.50 10.50 11.40 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 11.40 11.40 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.72 11.40 11.40 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 9.38 9.38 11.40 11.40 10.75 9.38 9.38 10.75 10.75 Dimensions (in) Width 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.00 6.00 6.70 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.70 6.70 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.70 6.70 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.70 6.70 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Height 7.60 7.60 7.60 8.10 8.10 8.60 8.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 8.10 8.60 8.70 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 8.70 8.70 10.75 11.25 11.25 10.75 10.75 8.70 870 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 10.75 10.75 8.70 8.70 10.75 11.38 11.38 11.25 11.25 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Mounting (in) Length Width 6.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.80 6.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.80 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 8.00 4.81 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Service Connections (in) Discharge Suction Ship Weight (lbs) 1/4 5/16 25 1/4 5/16 43 1/4 5/16 26 1/4 5/16 27 1/4 5/16 27 1/4 5/16 25 1/4 5/16 25 1/4 3/8 32 1/4 3/8 32 1/4 3/8 36 1/4 3/8 36 1/4 5/16 25 1/4 5/16 28 1/4 3/8 33 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 1/4 3/8 33 1/4 3/8 33 3 3/4 1/2 54 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 1/4 3/8 36 1/4 3/8 36 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 3/8 1/2 51 1/3 1/2 51 1/3 1/2 51 1/4 3/8 36 1/4 3/8 36 3/8 1/2 31 1/3 1/2 52 1/3 1/2 52 3/8 1/2 52 3/8 1/2 52 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAWELD® CF-LINE REFRIGERATION DUTY COMPRESSORS LOW TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R404A RATINGS @ 110°F Cond Order Number Volts/Phase -20°F Evap BTU/hr CF04K6E-PFV-970 208-230/1 3,150 CF04K6E-TF5-970 208-230/3 3,150 CF06K6E-PFV-979 208-230/1 5,460 CF06K6E-TF5-970 208-230/3 5,460 CF09K6E-PFV-979 208-230/1 8,000 CF09K6E-TF5-970 208-230/3 8,000 CF12K6E-PFV-979 208-230/1 10,700 CF12K6E-TF5-970 208-230/3 10,700 DIMENSIONAL SUMMARY Order Number CF04K6E-PFV CF04K6E-TF5 CF06K6E-PFV CF06K6E-TF5 CF09K6E-PFV CF09K6E-TF5 CF12K6E-PFV CF12K6E-TF5 Length 10 9/32 10 9/32 10 9/32 10 9/32 10 9/32 10 9/32 10 9/32 10 9/32 Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) Relay Part (040-) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 014-008-50 (145-174/220V) 014-0037-10 (30/370V) 040-0001-55 014-008-50 (145-174/220V) 014-0037-10 (30/370V) 040-0001-55 014-008-04 (145-174/250V) 014-0037-12 (40/370V) 040-0001-55 014-008-04 (145-174/250V) 014-0037-12 (40/370V) 040-0001-55 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Dimensions (in) Width 9 3/32 9 3/32 9 3/32 9 3/32 9 3/32 9 3/32 9 3/32 9 3/32 Mounting (in) Height TBD TBD 13 5/16 13 5/16 13 13/16 13 13/16 TBD TBD Length 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 Width 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 7 1/2 Tubing Orientation (in) Height TBD TBD 76 76 78 78 TBD TBD Discharge 3/8 EU 3/8 EU 3/8 EU 3/8 EU 1/2 EU 1/2 EU TBD TBD Suction 3/4 ST 3/4 ST 3/4 ST 3/4 ST 3/4 ST 3/4 ST TBD TBD Process 3/8 EU 3/8 EU 3/8 EU 3/8 EU 3/8 EU 3/8 EU TBD TBD COPELAND / TECUMSEH CROSS REFERENCE Order Number CF06K6E-PFV Order Number AHA2465ZXB AWA2460ZXD CF06K6E-PFV AHA2465ZXB AWA2460ZXD CF06K6E-PFV AHA2465ZXB AWA2460ZXD CF06K6E-PFV Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 AHA2465ZXB AWA2460ZXD Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Volts/Phase 208-230/1 230/1 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/3 200-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/3 200-230/3 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay RLA 11.4 10.7 7.0 6.0 16.7 14.2 10.2 8.1 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa BTU/hr 6690 6580 6300 6360 6450 6000 6800 9400 9500 9620 9100 9100 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Amps 8.0 10.7 8.2 5.3 6.0 5.6 11.2 14.2 11.4 7.6 8.1 7.4 306.373.9227 37 COPELAND COPELAWELD® J AND R-LINE REFRIGERATION DUTY COMPRESSORS HIGH TEMPERATURE - 1/4 HP TO 1 HP FOR USE WITH R134A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 130 / Ambient: 95 Order Number RR81C2E-IAA-959 RR81C2E-IAV-959 RR10K2E-CAV-958 Volts/Phase 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 BTU/hr 8,070 8,070 10,000 Conditions Watts 1,220 1,220 1,370 Start Capacitor (014-) MFD Volts 189-227 (2) 220 64-77 (2) 250 108-130 (2) 220 Amps 15.0 7.5 6.5 Run Capacitor (014-) MFD Volts 15 370 Relay Part 040-0001-41 040-0001-38 040-0001-19 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/4 HP TO 1 HP FOR USE WITH R134A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number RS40C2E-IAA-959 RS40C2E-IAV-959 RS54C2E-IAA-959 RS54C2E-IAV-959 Volts/Phase 115/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 BTU/hr 3,990 3,990 5,400 5,400 Watts 836 836 1,070 1,070 Start Capacitor (014-) Amps 10.6 5.3 13.8 6.9 MFD 189-227(2) 43-52 270-324 64-77(2) Volts 220 220 165 250 Run Capacitor (014-) MFD - Volts - Relay Part 040-0001-25 040-0088-03(1) 040-0001-25 040-0001-38 EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/4 HP TO 1 HP FOR USE WITH R134A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -10 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number JF11C1E-IAA RF18C2E-IAA-959 RF18C2E-IAV-959 Burnaby Kitchener 38 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Volts/Phase 115/1 115/1 230/1 Interior BC St.Catharines BTU/hr 1,223 1,885 1,885 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Conditions Watts 395 596 596 Vancouver Island Windsor Amps 6.1 10.3 5.2 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Start Capacitor (014-) MFD Volts 233-280 125 270-324 165 88-106 220 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa Run Capacitor (014-) MFD Volts - 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Relay Part 040-0090-04 040-0088-04 040-0088-05 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAWELD® RS-LINE REFRIGERATION DUTY COMPRESSORS EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number RS43C1E-CAA RS43C2E-IAA-959 RS43C1E-CAV RS43C2E-IAV-959 RS55C1E-PAA-959 RS55C2E-CAV-959 RS55C1E-PAV-909 RS64C2E-CAA-959 RS64C2E-IAA-959 RS64C2E-PAA-908 RS64C2E-CAV-959 RS64C2E-IAV-959 RS70C1E-PFV-909 RS70C1E-TFC-950 RS97C2E-CAA-959 RS97C2E-CAV-201 RS97C1E-TFC-950 Volts/Phase 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 115/1 115/1 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 BTU/hr 4,170 4,170 4,170 4,170 5,400 5,400 5,400 6,460 6,460 6,460 6,460 6,460 6,980 6,800 9,590 9,590 9,400 Watts 944 944 944 944 1,140 1,140 1,140 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,250 1,220 1,940 1,940 1,890 Start Capacitor (014-) Amps 10.6 10.6 5.3 5.3 10.3 5.2 5.2 12.9 12.9 12.9 6.4 6.4 5.5 3.6 19.4 9.7 6.3 MFD 243-292 243-292 43-52 43-52 124-149 64-77 64-77 72-86 108-130 72-86 88-106 108-130 108-130 145-174 88-106 - Run Capacitor (014-) Volts 115 115 220 220 220 250 250 330 220 330 220 220 220 220 250 - MFD 15 10 25 15 15 30 30 15 25 35 25 - Volts 370 370 370 370 370 440 440 370 370 370 440 - Relay Part 040-0001-25 040-0001-25 040-0001-19 040-0088-03 040-0001-38 040-0001-19 040-0001-19 040-0001-38 040-0001-38 040-0001-38 040-0001-19 040-0001-18 040-0001-38 040-0001-35 040-0001-19 - COPELAWELD® CS-LINE REFRIGERATION DUTY COMPRESSORS EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 40 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number CS10K6E-PFV-970 CS10K6E-PFJ CS10K6E-TF5-970 CS12K6E-PFV-970 CS12K6E-PFJ CS12K6E-TF5-970 CS14K6E-PFV-970 CS14K6E-PFJ CS14K6E-TF5-970 CS14K6E-TFD CS18K6E-PFV-970 CS18K6E-PFJ CS18K6E-TF5-970 CS18K6E-TFD CS20K6E-PFV-970 CS20K6E-TF5-970 CS20K6E-TFD-970 CS27K3E-PFV-970 CS27K3E-TF5-970 CS27K3E-TFD CS33K3E-PFV-970 CS33K3E-TF5-970 CS33K3E-TFD-970 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Volts/Phase 208-230/1 265/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 265/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 265/1 200-230/3 380-460/3 208-230/1 265/1 200-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 380-460/3 Interior BC St.Catharines BTU/hr 10,100 10,100 9,800 12,000 12,000 11,700 14,100 14,100 13,800 13,800 18,100 18,100 17,700 17,700 20,000 19,600 19,600 26,500 2,6000 26,000 31,600 31,200 31,200 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Watts 1,660 1,660 1,610 1,930 1,930 1,860 2,280 2,280 2,210 2,210 2,780 2,780 2,690 2,690 3,120 3,030 3,030 4,420 4,290 4,290 5,290 5,190 5,190 Vancouver Island Windsor Start Capacitor (014-) Amps 7.6 6.6 5.1 8.8 7.6 5.8 10.3 8.9 6.9 3.4 13.0 11.3 8.7 4.4 14.9 10.0 5.0 20.3 13.1 6.6 25.3 15.2 7.6 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 MFD 145-174 130-156 145-174 130-156 145-174 145-174 145-174 145-174 189-227 189-227 189-227 - Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Volts 220 250 220 250 250 220 250 250 330 330 330 - Edmonton Ottawa Run Capacitor (014-) MFD 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 40 40 40 50 - 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Volts 370 440 370 440 370 440 370 440 370 440 440 - Saskatchewan Relay Part 040-0001-38 040-0001-19 040-0001-38 040-0001-19 040-0001-54 040-0001-38 040-0001-54 040-0001-54 040-0001-54 040-0001-12 040-0001-34 - 306.373.9227 39 COPELAND COPELAWELD® CR-LINE COMPRESSORS FOR A/C & REFRIGERATION 1 1/2 HP TO 5 HP FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number Volts/Phase BTU/hr CRA1-0150-PFV-970 208/230-1 18,300 CRB1-0175-PFV-970 208/230-1 19,200 CRC2-0175-PFV-970 208/230-1 22,600 CRD1-0200-TF5-970 208/230-3 23,790 CRD1-0200-TFD-970 380/460-3 23,790 CRD1-0200-PFV-970 208/230-3 24,100 CRE1-0225-TF5-970 200/230-3 27,050 CRE1-0225-TFD-970 380/460-3 27,050 CRE1-0225-PFV-970 208/230-1 27,800 CRF1-0250-TF5-970 200/230-3 28,720 CRF1-0250-TFD-970 380/460-3 28,720 CRF1-0250-PFV-970 208/230-1 29,800 CRG3-0250-PFJ-970 265-1 32,700 CRG3-0250-PFV-970 208/230-1 32,700 CRG3-0250-TF5-970 200/230-3 32,100 CRG3-0250-TFD-970 380/460-3 32,100 CRH3-0275-PFJ-970 265-1 34,300 CRH3-0275-PFV-970 208/230-1 34,300 CRH3-0275-TF5-970 200/230-3 34,000 CRH3-0275-TFD-970 380/460-3 34,000 CRH3-0275-TFE-970 575-3 34,000 CRI3-0290-PFV-970 208/230-1 36,500 CRI3-0290-TF5-970 200/230-3 36,400 CRI3-0290-TFD-970 380/460-3 36,400 CRJ3-0300-PFJ-970 265-1 37,900 CRJ3-0300-PFV-970 208/230-1 37,900 CRJ3-0300-TF5-970 200/230-3 37,700 CRJ3-0300-TFD-970 380/460-3 37,700 CRJ3-0300-TFE-970 575-3 37,700 CRK3-0325-PFJ-970 265-1 42,100 CRK3-0325-PFV-970 208/230-1 42,100 CRK3-0325-TF5-970 200/230-3 41,600 CRK3-0325-TFD-970 380/460-3 41,600 CRK3-0325-TFE-970 575-3 41,600 CRL3-0350-PFJ-970 265-1 47,200 CRL3-0350-PFV-970 208/230-1 47,200 CRL3-0350-TF5-970 200/230-3 47,200 CRL3-0350-TFD-970 380/460-3 47,200 CRL3-0350-TFE-970 575-3 47,200 CRM3-0400-PFV970 208/230-1 53,300 CRM3-0400-TF5-970 200/230-3 53,500 CRM3-0400-TFD-970 380/460-3 53,500 CRT5-0450-PFV-970 208/230-1 55,300 CRT5-0450-TF5-970 200/230-3 55,500 CRT5-0450-TFD-970 380/460-3 55,500 CRT5-0450-TFE-970 575-3 55,500 CRP5-0450-PFV-970 208/230-1 58,300 CRP5-0450-TF5-970 200/230-3 58,600 CRP5-0450-TFD-970 380/460-3 58,600 CRP5-0450-TFE-970 575-3 58,600 CRN5-0500-PFV-970 208/230-1 62,700 CRN5-0500-TF5-970 200/230-3 63,300 CRN5-0500-TFD-970 380/460-3 63,300 CRN5-0500-TFE-970 575-3 63,300 Burnaby Kitchener 40 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 RLA 9.3 12.9 16.4 17.3 12 5.6 19.9 12.5 5.8 5 19.1 22.5 14.3 6.7 5.6 19.6 23.9 15.3 7.7 5.4 21.9 26.5 16.8 8.2 6.4 30.7 17.9 8.6 30.7 19.6 10.4 7 34.3 21.4 9.6 7.9 Vancouver Island Windsor LRA 58 63 75.8 65 32 83.5 66 35 29 87 93 74 41 30 96 95.4 82 41 30 95.6 114 84 42 33 125 90 45 135 105 55 45 142 130 65 52 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Start Capacitor (014-) MCC 13 23 24.2 16.8 7.8 27.9 17.5 8.1 7 26.7 31.5 20 9.4 7.9 27.5 33.5 21.4 10.7 7.6 30.7 37.1 23.5 11.5 9 43 25 12 43 27.5 14.6 9.8 48 30 13.5 11 Calgary North Bay MFD 145-174 145-174 145-174 145-174 145-174 145-174 161-193 145-174 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 189-227 260-302 - 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Volts 250 250 250 250 250 250 220 330 330 220 220 220 220 330 330 330 330 330 330 250 - Edmonton Ottawa Run Capacitor (014-) MFD 25 25 35 35 35 35 40 35 40 40 35 35 40 40 40 40 50 45 45 55 - 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Volts 370 370 370 370 370 440 370 440 370 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 - Saskatchewan Relay Part 040-0001-20 040-0001-20 040-0001-20 040-0001-20 040-0001-20 040-0001-20 040-0001-19 040-0001-17 040-0001-20 040-0001-19 040-0001-19 040-0001-19 040-0001-12 040-0001-12 040-0001-12 040-0001-12 040-0001-34 040-0001-68 040-0001-34 040-0001-34 - 306.373.9227 COPELAND CRKQ SERIES COMPRESSORS FOR AIR CONDITIONING 1 1/2 HP TO 4 HP FOR USE WITH R22 RATINGS @ 45°F SUCTION AND 130°F CONDENSING Order Number CR16KQ-PFV-980WB CR18KQ-PFV-980WB CR18KQ-TF5-980WB CR20KQ-PFV-980WB CR22KQ-PFV-980WB CR24KQ-PFV-980WB CR24KQ-TF5-980WB CR24KQ-TFD-980WB CR28KQ-PFV-980WB CR28KQ-TF5-980WB CR28KQ-TFD-980WB CR30KQ-PFV-980WB CR30KQ-TFD-980WB CR32KQ-PFV-980WB CR32KQ-TF5-980WB CR32KQ-TFD-980WB CR33KQ-PFV-980WB CR33KQ-TF5-980WB CR33KQ-TFD-980WB CR34KQ-PFV-980WB CR34KQ-TF5-980WB CR34KQ-TFD-980WB CR36KQ-PFV-980WB CR36KQ-TF5-980WB CR36KQ-TFD-980WB CR37KQ-PFV-980WB CR37KQ-TF5-980WB CR37KQ-TFD-980WB CR41KQ-PFV-980WB CR41KQ-TF5-980WB CR41KQ-TFD-980WB CR47KQ-PFV-980WB CR47KQ-TF5-980WB CR47KQ-TFD-980WB CR53KQ-PFV-980WB CR53KQ-TF5-980WB CR53KQ-TFD-980WB Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr Volts/Phase 15,700 208/230-1 18,300 208/230-1 18,300 200/230-3 19,800 208/230-1 21,800 208/230-1 23,900 208/230-1 23,700 200/230-3 23,700 460-3 27,600 208/230-1 27,200 200/230-3 27,500 460-3 30,000 208/230-1 29,300 460-3 30,700 208/230-1 31,300 200/230-3 32,000 460-3 32,700 208/230-1 32,000 200/230-3 32,000 460-3 34,000 208/230-1 33,900 200/230-3 33,500 460-3 36,300 208/230-1 35,200 200/230-3 35,700 460-3 36,800 208/230-1 36,400 200/230-3 36,400 460-3 41,700 208/230-1 40,700 200/230-3 41,200 460-3 47,500 208/230-1 47,200 200/230-3 47,200 460-3 53,300 208/230-1 53,200 200/230-3 53,200 460-3 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 EER 10 9.8 10.1 10 9.8 9.8 10.2 tbd 9.7 10.3 10.5 9.7 10.3 9.5 10.1 10.3 10 10 10.3 10.1 10.1 10 10.1 10.2 10.2 10.1 10.4 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.1 10.1 10.2 Vancouver Island Windsor Amps 6.9 8.8 5.5 8.9 10.8 14.7 7 tbd 13.1 8.0 4 14.1 4.3 15.3 9.1 4.5 14.8 9.3 4.5 15.3 9.7 4.8 16.8 10 4.9 17.4 10.2 5.1 18.7 11.5 5.8 22 13.7 6.9 24.1 16 8 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 RLA 7.9 9 6 10.1 11.1 13.5 7.5 3.7 15 8.8 4.4 15 4.7 17 10.4 5 16 10.6 4.7 16.7 11.8 5.4 17.6 12.4 5.5 18.5 11.1 5.6 19.4 13.1 5.9 24.6 16 8.2 29 18 9.1 LRA 38 41 44.2 54 51.5 70.5 40 25 70.5 60.5 30 78 32 83 63 32 75 69 31.6 84 67 29.2 93 68 34.5 100 85 39 109.4 42 42 132 97 50 140 107 55 Calgary North Bay Capacitor Start (014-) Run (014-) 0006-11 0037-15 0006-11 0037-15 0036-04 0037-10 0006-11 0037-17 0006-11 0037-17 0006-11 0037-17 0006-11 0037-17 0006-11 0037-17 0006-07 0037-17 0006-03 0037-18 0006-03 0037-18 0006-03 0037-18 0006-03 0037-20 0006-03 0037-19 0006-03 0037-22 - 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Relay (040-) 0001-55 0001-55 0001-55 0001-87 0001-55 0001-55 0001-55 0001-55 0001-55 0001-54 0001-54 0001-54 0001-68 0001-59 0001-59 - 306.373.9227 41 COPELAND ZR SCROLL® COMPRESSORS FOR AIR CONDITIONING 1 1/2 HP TO 12 HP FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ZR18K4-PFV-930 ZR18K1-PFQ-930 ZR22K4-PFV-930 ZR22K3-PFJ-930 ZR23K1-PFV-930 ZR23K1-PFQ-930 ZR24K4-PFV-930 ZR26K1-PFV-930 ZR26K3-PFV-930 ZR26K3-PFJ-930 ZR28K1-PFV-930 ZR28K1-PFQ-930 ZR28K3-PFV-930 ZR28K3-PFJ-930 ZR28K3-TF5-930 ZR28K3-TFD-930 ZR30K3-PFV-930 ZR30K3-TF5-930 ZR30K3-TFD-930 ZR32K3-PFV-930 ZR32K3-TF5-930 ZR32K3-TFD-930 ZR32K3-TFE-930 ZR34K1-PFV-930 ZR34K1-PFQ-930 ZR34K3-PFV-930 ZR34K3-PFJ-930 ZR34K3-TF5-930 ZR34K3-TFD-930 ZR34K3-TF3-930 ZR36K3-PFV-930 ZR36K3-PFJ-930 ZR36K3-TF5-930 ZR36KE-TFD-930 ZR36K3-TFE-930 ZR40K1-PFV-930 ZR40K3-PFV-930 ZR40K3-PFJ-930 ZR40K3-TF5-930 ZR40K3-TFD-930 ZR40K3-TFE-930 ZR42K3-PFV-930 ZR42K3-PFJ-930 ZR42K3-TF5-930 ZR42K3-TFD-930 ZR42K-TFE-930 ZR46K3-PFV-930 ZR46K3-TF5-930 ZR46K3-TFD-930 ZR46K3-TFE-930 ZR49K3-PFV-950 ZR49K3-TF5-950 ZR49K3-TFD-950 ZR49K3-TFE-930 Volts/Phase 208/230-1 265-1 208/230-1 265-1 208/230-1 265-1 208/230-1 208/230-1 208/230-1 265-1 208/230-1 265-1 208/230-1 265-1 200/230-3 460-3 208/230-1 200/230-3 460-3 208/230-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 265-1 208/230-1 265-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 265-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 208/230-1 265-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 265-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 Conditions BTU/hr 18,100 18,000 22,100 22,100 22,900 22,900 24,500 25,800 26,200 26,200 28,200 28,200 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 30,500 30,500 30,500 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 33,900 33,900 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 36,500 36,500 36,500 36,500 36,500 39,600 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 46,000 46,100 46,100 46,100 49,100 49,200 49,200 49,200 Amperage Ratings RLA LRA MCC 9.3 47 13 12.9 62.5 18 12.9 55.1 18 15 76 21 13.6 70.3 19 20 90.5 28 16.4 88 23 22 107 31 26.4 129 37 15 99 21 8.2 49.5 11.5 6.4 40 9 26.4 129 37 15 99 21 8.2 49.5 11.5 6.4 40 9 Run Capacitor MFD Volts 30 370 25 440 40 370 40 440 30 370 35 440 40 370 35 370 40 370 40 440 35 370 30 440 45 370 45 440 45 370 45 370 35 440 35 440 50 370 50 440 50 370 50 440 35 440 55 370 55 440 60 370 60 440 370 60 370 60 370 - Motor Protector # (071-) Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Table continued next page Burnaby Kitchener 42 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND ZR SCROLL® COMPRESSORS FOR AIR CONDITIONING 1 1/2 HP TO 12 HP FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number ZR54K3-PFV-950 ZR54K3-TF5-950 ZR54K3-TFD-950 ZR54K3-TFE-950 ZR57K3-TF5-950 ZR57K3-TFD-950 ZR57K3-TFE-950 ZR57K3-PFV-950 ZR61K3-TF5-950 ZR61K3-TFD-950 ZR61K3-TFE-950 ZR61K3-PFV-950 ZR68KC-TF5-950 ZR68KC-TFD-950 ZR68KC-TFE-950 ZR72KC-TF5-950 ZR72KC-TFD-950 ZR72KC-TFE-950 ZR84KC-TF5-950 ZR84KC-TFD-950 ZR84KC-TFE-950 ZR94KC-TF5-950 ZR94KC-TFD-950 ZR94KC-TFE-950 ZR11M3-TWC-961 ZR11M3-TWD-961 ZR11M3-TWE-961 ZR108KC-TF5-950 ZR108KC-TFD-950 ZR108KC-TFE-950 ZR12M3-TWC-961 ZR12M3-TWD-961 ZR12M3-TWE-961 ZR125KC-TF5-950 ZR125KC-TFD-950 ZR125KC-TFE-950 ZR144KC-TF5-950 ZR144KC-TFD-950 ZR144KC-TFE-950 ZR16M3-TWC-961 ZR16M3-TWD-961 ZR16M3-TWE-961 ZR19M3-TWC-961 ZR19M3-TWD-961 ZR19M3-TWE-961 Volts/Phase 208/230-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-1 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 189,400 460-3 575-3 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 BTU/hr 54,200 53,300 53,300 53,300 57,200 57,200 57,200 57,500 61,000 61,000 61,000 61,200 68,500 68,500 68,500 73,500 73,500 73,500 84,000 84,000 84,000 94,000 94,000 94,000 108,300 108,300 108,300 108,700 108,700 108,700 125,500 125,500 125,500 125,500 125,500 125,500 144,000 144,000 144,000 154,300 154,300 154,300 189,400 189,400 189,400 Amperage Ratings RLA 19.3 10 7.9 32.1 19.3 10 7.9 32.1 20.7 10 8.2 28.6 14.2 9.7 32.1 16.4 12 34.3 17.5 13.2 33.6 17.3 13.5 38.6 18.9 15.7 42 19.2 13.8 47.1 25 19.9 60.3 27.2 23.5 LRA 123 62 50 169 123 62 50 169 156 70 54 196 100 90 195 95 80 232 125 100 225 114 80 278 127 100 239 125 80 350 158 125 425 187 148 Run Capacitor MCC 27 14 11 45 27 14 11 45 29 14 11.5 40 20 13.5 45 23 16.8 46.6 23.8 18 47 24.2 18.9 52.4 25.7 21.3 58.9 26.9 19.3 64 34 27 75 37 33 MFD 80 80 80 - Volts 370 370 370 - Motor Protector # (071-) Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal SS Module SS Module SS Module Internal Internal Internal SS Module SS Module SS Module Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module UNIVERSAL MOUNTING ADAPTER KIT MOUNTING ADAPTOR PLATES TO CONVERT TO ZR COMPRESSORS USE PART NUMBER 922-0001-00 From Copeland BRD2-0750 (QR85K) BRE2-0750 (QR90K) BRG2-0900 (QR11M) BRH2-1000 (QR12M) BRK2-1200 (QR15M) Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines To Copeland ZR84KC ZR94KC ZR108KC ZR125KC ZR144KC 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay From Tecumseh To Copeland SFA5594E SFA5611E SFA5612E SFA5615E ZR94KC ZR108KC ZR125KC ZR144KC 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 43 COPELAND ZP-LINE SCROLL COMPRESSORS FOR AIR CONDITIONING FOR USE WITH R410A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Connections (in) Order Number ZP16K3E-PFV ZP20K3E-PFV ZP23K3E-PFV ZP23K3E-TFD ZP26K3E-PFV ZP26K3E-TF5 ZP26K3E-TFD ZP32K3E-PFV ZP32K3E-TF5 ZP32K3E-TFD ZP36K3E-PFV ZP36K3E-TF5 ZP36K3E-TFD ZP38K3E-PFV ZP38K3E-TF5 ZP41K3E-PFV ZP41K3E-TF5 ZP41K3E-TFD ZP44K3E-PFV ZP54K3E-PFV-950 ZP54K3E-TF5 ZP54K3E-TFE ZP67K3E-TF5 ZP67K3E-TFD ZP67K3E-TFE BTU/hr 16,000 20,000 23,000 23,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 38,000 38,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 44,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 Volts/Phase 208/230-1-60 208/230-1-60 208-230-1-60 460-3-60 208/230-1-60 208/230-3-60 460-3-60 208/230-1-60 208/230-3-60 460-3-60 208/230-1-60 208/230-3-60 460-3-60 208/230-1-60 208/230-3-60 208/230-1-60 200/230-3-60 460-3-60 208/230-1-60 208/230-1-60 208/230-3-60 575-3-60 200/230-3-60 460-3-60 575-3-60 Suction 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Liquid 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ship Weight (lbs) 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 95 95 95 ZR-LINE SCROLL COMPRESSORS FOR AIR CONDITIONING MEDIUM TEMPERATURE LIQUID INJECTION - FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ZR72KC-TF5-950 ZR72KC-TFD-950 ZR72KC-TFE-950 ZR84KC-TF5-950 ZR84KC-TFD-950 ZR84KC-TFE-950 ZR94KC-TF5-950 ZR94KC-TFD-950 ZR94KC-TFE-950 ZR108KC-TF5-950 ZR108KC-TFD-950 ZR108KC-TFE-950 ZR125KC-TF5-950 ZR125KC-TFD-950 ZR125KC-TFE-950 ZR144KC-TF5-950 ZR144KC-TFD-950 ZR144KC-TFE-950 Burnaby Kitchener 44 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Volts/Phase 200/230-3 460-3 575-3 230-3 460-3 575-3 230-3 460-3 575-3 230-3 460-3 575-3 230-3 460-3 575-3 230-3 460-3 575-3 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 BTU/hr 72,300 72,300 72,300 84,000 84,000 84,000 94,000 94,000 94,000 108,000 108,000 108,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 144,000 144,000 144,000 Vancouver Island Windsor Conditions Watts 6,280 6,280 6,280 7,300 7,300 7,300 8,170 8,170 8,170 9,390 9,390 9,390 10,870 10,870 10,870 - 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amps 18.9 9.4 7.6 22.8 11.4 9.1 25.5 12.8 10.2 29.5 14.8 11.8 32.7 16.4 13.1 - 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 RLA 20.7 10.0 8.2 28.6 14.2 9.7 32.1 16.4 12.0 33.6 17.3 13.5 42.0 19.2 13.8 - Edmonton Ottawa Amperage Ratings LRA 156.0 70.0 54.0 196.0 100.0 90.0 195.0 95.0 80.0 225.0 114.0 80.0 239.0 125.0 80.0 - 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan MCC 29.0 14.0 11.5 40.0 20.0 13.5 45.0 23.0 16.8 47.0 24.2 18.9 58.9 26.9 19.3 - 306.373.9227 COPELAND ZF-LINE REFRIGERATION SCROLL COMPRESSORS MEDIUM / LOW TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 105 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ZF06K4E-PFV-931 ZF06K4E-TF5-931 ZF08K4E-PFV-931 ZF08K4E-TF5-931 ZF09K4E-PFV-931 ZF09K4E-TF5-931 ZF09K4E-TFD-931 ZF09K4E-TFE-931 ZF11K4E-PFV-931 ZF11K4E-TF5-931 ZF11K4E-TFD-931 ZF11K4E-TFE-931 ZF13K4E-PFV-961 ZF13K4E-TF5-961 ZF13K4E-TFD-961 ZF13K4E-TFE-961 ZF15K4E-PFV-961 ZF15K4E-TF5-961 ZF15K4E-TFD-961 ZF15K4E-TFE-961 ZF18K4E-TF5-961 ZF18K4E-TFD-961 ZF18K4E-TFE-961 ZF24K4E-TWC-951 ZF33K4E-TWC-951 ZF33K4E-TWE-951 ZF48K4E-TWC-951 ZF48K4E-TWE-951 -25°F 6,500 6,560 8,300 8,310 9,300 9,300 9,300 9,300 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 16,400 16,400 16,400 16,400 19,500 19,500 19,500 23,400 33,500 33,500 47,100 47,100 BTU/hr 20°F 14,700 14,700 18,900 18,900 20,910 20,900 20,900 20,900 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 30,800 30,500 30,500 30,500 37,400 37,400 37,400 37,400 45,000 45,000 45,000 53,600 76,600 76,600 107,200 107,200 Volts/Phase 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 208-230/3 575/3 208-230/3 575/3 Amperage Ratings LRA 61 55 73 63 88 77 39 31 109 88 44 34 129 99 49.5 40 169 123 62 50 156 70 54 189 278 100 425 148 RLA 13.6 9.3 16.4 9.7 16.4 11.1 5.7 4.3 20.7 13.6 7.1 5 26.8 15 8.2 6.8 31.8 21.4 9.6 7.9 23.9 9.3 7.9 30.9 43.6 16.1 60 22.5 MCC 19 13 23 13.5 20.5 13.5 7 5.5 25.5 17 9 6.5 35 18.5 10 10 38.5 26.5 12.5 9 30.5 12.5 11 42 61 22.5 77 27.5 ZF-LINE REFRIGERATION SCROLL COMPRESSORS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE LIQUID INJECTION - FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ZF09K4E-TF5-931 ZF09K4E-TFD-931 ZF09K4E-TFE-931 ZF11K4E-TF5-931 ZF11K4E-TFD-931 ZF11K4E-TFE-931 ZF13K4E-TF5-961 ZF13K4E-TFD-961 ZF13K4E-TFE-961 ZF15K4E-TF5-961 ZF15K4E-TFD-961 ZF15K4E-TFE-961 ZF18K4E-TF5-961 ZF18K4E-TFD-961 ZF33K4E-TWC-951 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Volts/Phase 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 200-230/3 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 BTU/hr 21,180 21,180 21,180 26,220 26,220 26,220 30,510 30,510 30,510 37,400 37,400 37,400 44,960 44,960 76,910 Vancouver Island Windsor Conditions Watts 2,960 2,960 2,960 3,700 3,700 3,700 4,270 4,270 4,270 5,170 5,170 5,170 6,280 6,280 11,480 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amps 9.0 4.5 3.6 11.0 5.5 4.4 12.3 6.2 4.9 15.1 7.6 6.0 19.2 9.6 34.5 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 RLA 11.1 5.7 4.3 13.6 7.1 5.0 15.0 8.2 6.8 21.4 9.6 7.8 20.7 10.0 43.6 Edmonton Ottawa Amperage Ratings LRA 77.0 39.0 31.0 88.0 44.0 34.0 99.0 49.5 40.0 123.0 62.0 50.0 156.0 70.0 255.0 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan MCC 15.5 8.0 6.0 19.0 10.0 7.0 21.0 11.5 9.5 30.0 13.5 11.0 33.5 13.0 61.0 306.373.9227 45 COPELAND ZS-LINE REFRIGERATION SCROLL COMPRESSORS EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ZS21K4E-TF5 ZS21K4E-TFD ZS21K4E-TFE ZS26K4E-TF5 ZS26K4E-TFD ZS26K4E-TFE ZS30K4E-TF5 ZS30K4E-TFD ZS30K4E-TFE ZS38K4E-TF5 ZS38K4E-TFD ZS38K4E-TFE ZS45K4E-TF5 ZS45K4E-TFD ZS75K4E-TWC Volts/Phase 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 208-230/3 BTU/hr 20,930 20,930 20,930 26,000 26,000 26,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 36,940 36,940 36,940 44,550 44,550 76,650 Conditions Watts 2,890 2,890 2,890 3,550 3,550 3,550 4,070 4,070 4,070 5,170 5,170 5,170 6,110 6,110 11,280 Amps 8.9 4.5 3.6 10.6 5.3 47.2 11.8 5.9 4.7 15.1 7.6 6.0 18.7 9.4 34.0 RLA 11.1 5.7 4.3 13.6 7.1 5.0 15.0 8.2 6.8 21.4 9.6 7.8 20.7 10.0 43.6 Amperage Ratings LRA 77.0 39.0 31.0 88.0 44.0 34.0 99.0 49.5 40.0 123.0 62.0 50.0 156.0 70.0 255.0 MCC 15.0 8.0 6.0 19.0 10.0 7.0 21.0 11.5 9.5 30.0 13.5 11.0 33.5 13.0 61.0 Amperage Ratings LRA 77.0 39.0 31.0 88.0 44.0 34.0 99.0 49.5 40.0 123.0 62.0 50.0 156.0 70.0 255.0 MCC 13.5 7.0 5.5 17.0 9.0 6.5 18.5 10.0 8.0 26.5 12.5 9.0 30.5 12.5 61.0 ZF-LINE REFRIGERATION SCROLL COMPRESSORS LOW TEMPERATURE LIQUID INJECTION - FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -25 / Condensing 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 105 / Ambient: 95 Order Number ZF09K4E-TF5-931 ZF09K4E-TFD-931 ZF09K4E-TFE-931 ZF11K4E-TF5-931 ZF11K4E-TFD-931 ZF11K4E-TFE ZF13K4E-TF5-961 ZF13K4E-TFD-961 ZF13K4E-TFE-961 ZF15K4E-TF5-961 ZF15K4E-TFD-961 ZF15K4E-TFE-961 ZF18K4E-TF5-961 ZF18K4E-TFD-961 ZF33K4E-TWC-51 Burnaby Kitchener 46 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Volts/Phase 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 575/3 200-230/3 460/3 208-230/3 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 BTU/hr 9,300 9,300 9,300 11,500 11,500 11,500 13,200 13,200 13,200 16,400 16,400 16,400 19,500 19,500 33,100 Vancouver Island Windsor Conditions Watts 2,070 2,070 2,070 2,580 2,580 2,580 3,020 3,020 3,020 3,560 3,560 3,560 4,320 4,320 7,630 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amps 7.1 3.6 2.8 8.5 4.3 3.4 9.3 4.7 3.7 11.3 5.7 4.5 14.9 7.5 25.7 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 RLA 9.6 5.0 3.9 12.1 6.4 4.6 13.2 7.1 5.7 18.9 8.9 6.4 21.8 8.9 43.6 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® AIR-COOLED REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSORS H, K, E, 3A, L SERIES - 1/4 HP TO 3 HP FOR USE WITH R12 / R22 / R502 Order Number HAF()-0025 HAJ()-0025 HAK()-0025 HAF()-0033 HAJ()-0033 HAK()-0033 HAT()-0033 HAK()-0050 HAT()-0050 KAE()-0050 KAG()-0050 KAM()-0050 KAN()-0050 KAA()-0075 KAJ()-0075 KAM()-0075 KAG()-0075 KAJ()-0100 KAK()-0100 KAL()-0100 KAT()-0100 KAL()-0150 KAT()-0150 EAA()-0150 EAB()-0150 EAC()-0150 EAJ()-0150 EAV()-0150 EAD()-0200 EAL()-0200 EAV()-0200 3AH()-0200 3AJ()-0200 3AB()-0310 LAC()-0310 LAH()-0310 LAL()-0310 LAM()-0310 Burnaby Kitchener HP 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Bore Stroke CFH @ 60 Hz 1 1/32 5/8 63.4 1 3/16 5/8 84 1 5/6 5/8 102.6 1 1/32 5/8 63.4 1 3/16 5/8 84 1 5/16 5/8 102.6 1 5/16 3/4 123.8 1 5/16 5/8 102.6 1 5/16 3/4 123.8 1 1/2 5/8 134.2 1 7/16 15/16 184.9 1 3/8 15/16 169 1 3/8 5/8 112.8 11 1/16 15/16 255 1 9/16 15/16 218.4 1 3/8 15/16 169 1 7/16 15/16 184.9 1 9/16 15/16 218.4 1 11/16 15/16 255 1 7/8 15/16 313 1 7/8 1 5/32 389 1 7/8 1 5/16 313 1 7/8 1 5/32 389 1 3/4 1 5/32 339 1 7/8 1 5/32 389 1 3/4 1 5/32 339 1 15/16 1 3/8 492 2 1 5/32 442 1 7/8 1 5/32 389 2 1 3/8 524 2 1 5/32 442 2 1/4 1 3/8 664.2 2 1/8 1 3/8 593.2 2 1 3/8 524 2 7/16 1 7/16 815 2 1/4 1 7/16 698 2 3/8 1 7/16 775 2 7/16 1 11/16 952 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor L x W x H (in) 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 12 3/8 x 8 x 10 11/16 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 12 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 14 3/8 x 7 7/8 x 9 3/4 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 16 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 18 x 13 x 12 15/32 18 x 13 x 12 15/32 18 x 13 x 12 15/32 18 1/32 x 13 x 14 1/4 18 1/32 x 13 x 14 1/4 18 1/32 x 13 x 14 1/4 18 1/32 x 13 x 14 1/4 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Service Valves (in) Mount L x W (in) Suction Discharge Ship Weight (lbs) 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 3/8 FL 1/4 FL 73 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 3/8 FL 1/4 FL 72 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/4 FL 3/8 FL 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 73 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 73 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 73 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 73 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 78 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 91 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 91 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 87 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 88 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 1/2 FL 3/8 FL 89 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 96 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 91 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 92 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 3/8 FL 91 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 1/2 FL 95 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 1/2 FL 95 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 1/2 FL 94 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 5/8 FL 1/2 FL 95 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 97 8 3/16 x 6 3/8 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 99 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 168 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 168 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 168 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 168 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 158 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 165 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 170 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 172 11 5/8 x 11 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 186 11 5/8 x 11 7/8 SW 1/2 FL 186 11 5/8 x 11 1 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 192 11 5/8 x 11 1 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 216 11 5/8 x 11 1 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 215 11 5/8 x 11 1 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 215 11 5/8 x 11 1 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 215 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 47 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® REFRIGERANT-COOLED REFRIGERATION AND A/C COMPRESSORS 2 HP TO 40 HP FOR USE WITH R12 / R22 / R502 Order Number HP Bore Stroke ERA()-0200 ERC()-0200 ERJ()-0200 ERF()-0310 NRB()-0310 NRD()-0310 NRN()-0310 3RA()-0310 3RK()-0310 NRB()-0400 MRA()-0500 MRF()-0500 MRB()-0500 NRA()-0500 NRM()-0500 9RA()-0505 9RB()-0505 9RJ()-0505 MRH()-0760 9RJ()-0765 9RB()-0765 9RC()-0765 9RS()-0765 9RC()-1015 9RS()-1015 4RA()-1000 6RA()-1000 9RS()-1505 4RH()-1500 4RL()-1500 4RA()-2000 6RA()-2000 6RH()-2000 4RH()-2500 6RL()-2500 4RJ()-3000 6RA()-3000 6RT()-3000 6RH()-3500 6RJ()-4000 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 25 25 30 30 30 35 40 1 3/4 1 3/4 1 5/16 1 7/8 2 1/4 2 7/16 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 5/16 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 5/8 2 7/16 2 3/16 2 3/8 2 3/8 2 3/16 2 9/16 2 3/16 2 3/8 2 3/8 2 7/16 2 3/8 2 7/16 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 7/16 2 11/16 2 11/16 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 11/16 2 11/16 2 11/16 2 15/16 2 1/2 2 15/16 2 11/16 2 15/16 15/32 15/32 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 7/16 1 7/16 2 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 7/16 1 13/16 1 13/16 1 13/16 1 7/16 2 1/8 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 13/16 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 1/2 2.0 2 1/2 2.0 2.0 2 1/2 2 3/16 2 3/16 2.0 2.0 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 3/16 2.0 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 3/16 Burnaby Kitchener 48 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 CFH @ 60 Hz 339 339 492 460 698 815 970 628 701 698 1,080 1,080 1,191 815 970 1,375 1,620 1,375 1,136 1,375 1,620 1,620 2,120 1,620 2,120 2,380 3,580 2,120 3,020 3,020 2,380 3,580 4,530 3,020 4,530 3,603 3,580 5,404 4,530 5,404 Service Valves (in) L x W x H (in) Mount L x W (in) Suction Discharge 16 1/16 x 12 x 12 5/8 16 1/16 x 12 x 12 5/8 16 1/16 x 12 x 12 5/8 17 1/8 x 12 x 12 7/16 21 1/16 x 13 x 15 21 1/16 x 13 x 15 21 1/16 x 13 x 15 18 x 13 x 12 7/16 18 x 13 x 12 7/16 20 1/8 x 13 x 15 19 11/16 x 13 x 16 7/16 19 11/16 x 13 x 16 7/16 19 11/16 x 13 x 16 7/16 20 1/8 x 13 x 15 21 1/16 x 13 x 15 22 31/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 1/4 22 31/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 1/4 22 31/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 1/4 20 5/8 x 13 x 16 7/16 22 31/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 1/4 22 31/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 1/4 22 31/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 1/4 22 31/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 1/4 23 27/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 5/16 23 27/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 5/16 24 5/8 x 18 9/16 x 16 3/8 24 5/8 x 18 9/16 x 16 3/8 23 27/32 x 15 1/16 x 17 5/16 24 5/8 x 18 15/16 x 16 3/8 27 1/32 x 18 15/16 x 23 24 5/8 x 18 9/16 x 16 3/8 27 5/8 x 20 1/2 x 17 5/8 27 5/8 x 20 1/2 x 17 5/8 26 13/32 x 18 15/16 x 17 5/8 27 31/32 x 20 1/2 x 24 15/32 27 5/32 x 19 13/16 x 17 5/8 27 5/8 x 20 1/8 x 17 5/8 27 31/32 x 21 5/8 x 26 5/32 28 23/32 x 20 1/2 x 17 5/8 28 23/32 x 21 5/8 x 19 5/8 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 10 1/16 x 10 1/2 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 11 5/8 x 11 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 11 5/8 x 11 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 FL 5/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 7/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Ship Weight (lbs) 170 170 170 187 248 281 267 187 218 248 298 298 298 208 280 349 353 378 310 366 372 384 371 391 391 400 440 418 429 429 411 450 451 471 482 495 496 496 550 560 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® REFRIGERATION AND A/C DUTY COMPRESSORS CAPACITY CONTROL MODELS - 7 1/2 HP TO 40 HP FOR USE WITH R12 / R22 / R502 Order Number HP 9RP()-0765 9RP()-1015 4RE()-1000 9RT()-1505 4RK()-1500 4RE()-2000 6RE()-2000 6RK()-2000 6RN()-2000 6RP()-2000 4RK()-2500 4RR()-3000 6RE()-3000 6RN()-3000 6RK()-3500 6RP()-3500 6RR()-4000 6RS()-4000 7.5 10 10 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 30 30 30 35 35 40 40 # of Cyl 3 3 4 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 Bore Stroke 2 3/8 2 3/8 2 1/2 2 7/16 2 11/16 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 11/16 2 1/2 2 11/16 2 11/16 2 15/16 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 11/16 2 11/16 2 15/16 2 15/16 2 2 2 2 1/2 2 3/16 2 2 2 3/16 2 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 2 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 3/16 2 3/16 CFH @ 1750 RPM 1,620 1,620 2,380 2,120 3,020 2,380 3,580 4,530 3,580 4,530 3,020 3,603 3,580 3,580 4,530 4,530 5,404 5,404 L x W x H (in) 22 31/32 x 16 5/16 x 22 7/16 22 31/32 x 16 5/16 x 22 7/16 24 5/8 x 18 9/16 x 16 3/8 22 31/32 x 16 5/16 x 22 7/16 24 5/8 x 18 15/16 x 16 3/8 24 5/8 x 18 9/16 x 16 3/8 29 13/32 x 20 1/8 x 17 5/8 29 13/32 x 20 1/2 x 17 5/8 29 13/32 x 22 5/8 x 17 5/8 29 13/32 x 23 x 17 5/8 26 13/32 x 18 15/16 x 17 5/8 27 5/32 x 19 13/16 x 17 5/8 29 13/32 x 20 1/8 x 17 5/8 29 13/32 x 22 5/8 x 17 5/8 30 5/32 x 20 1/2 x 17 5/8 30 5/32 x 23 x 17 5/8 30 5/32 x 21 5/8 x 19 5/8 30 5/32 x 24 1/8 x 19 5/8 Mount L x W (in) 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 Service Valves (in) Suction Discharge 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 5/8 SW 1 5/8 SW 1 5/8 SW 1 5/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 2 1/8 SW 7/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 1/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW 1 3/8 SW Ship Weight (lbs) 344 371 400 385 431 420 460 460 460 465 449 495 502 502 519 529 566 563 COPELAMETIC® REFRIGERATION AND A/C DUTY COMPRESSORS TWO STAGE MODELS - 5 HP TO 20 HP FOR USE WITH R12 / R22 / R502 Inches CFH @ 1750 RPM 1375 1620 2120 3580 3580 4530 Order Number HP # of Cyl Bore Stroke 9TK()-0505 9TL()-0765 9TH()-1015 6RB()-1000 6RB()-2000 6TM()-2000 5 7.5 10 10 20 20 3 3 3 6 6 6 2 3/16 2 3/8 2 7/16 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 11/16 2 2 2 1/2 2 2 2 3/16 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 L x W x H (in) 24 7/8 x 14 x 20 7/8 24 7/8 x 14 x 20 7/8 25 3/4 x 14 x 20 7/8 28 3/32 x 21 5/8 x 20 25/32 28 3/32 x 21 5/8 x 20 25/32 28 3/32 x 22 x 21 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa Mount L x W (in) 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 15 x 12 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Service Valves (in) Suction Discharge 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 7/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT 1 3/8 SWT Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 49 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION HIGH TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 130 / Ambient: 95 Amperage Ratings Order Number BTU/hr Volts/Phase RLA LRA MCC HAG2-0050-CAA-800 HAG2-0050-CAV-800 HAG1-0050-TAC-800 KAN2-0075-CAA-800 KAN2-0075-CAV-800 KAN1-0075-TAC-800 KAR2-0100-CAA-800 KAR2-0100-CAV-800 KAR1-0100-TAC-800 KAR1-0100-TAD-800 KAM2-0100-CAA-800 KAM2-0100-CAV-800 KAM1-0100-TAC-800 KAM1-0100-TAD-800 KAGB-0150-CAV-800 KAGA-0150-TAC-800 KAGA-0150-TAD-800 KAKB-0200-CAV-800 KAKA-0200-TAC-800 KAKA-0200-TAD-800 ERA2-0200-CAB-800 ERA1-0200-TAC-800 ERA1-0200-TAD-800 ERA1-0200-TAE-800 EAD2-0320-CAB-800 EAD1-0320-TAC-800 EAD1-0320-TAD-800 ERF2-0310-CAB-800 ERF1-0311-TAC-800 ERF1-0311-TAD-800 ERF1-0300-TAE-800 NRB2-0400-TFC-800 NRB2-0400-TFD-800 NRB2-0400-TFE-800 NRA2-0500-TFC-800 NRA2-0500-TFD-800 NRA2-0500-TFE-800 5,410 5,410 5,280 8,360 8,360 8,560 11,900 11,900 11,500 11,500 13,800 13,800 13,300 13,300 15,300 15,300 15,300 21,400 21,000 21,000 20,100 20,000 20,000 20,000 30,700 31,800 31,800 35,900 35,200 35,200 35,200 50,100 50,100 50,100 57,600 57,600 57,600 Burnaby Kitchener 50 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 460-3 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 460-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 460-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 460-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 8.6 4.4 2.4 11.7 6.1 3.5 15.4 7.4 4.3 2.2 15.5 7.5 4.5 2.2 9.6 5.5 2.5 10.6 6.8 3 10.4 6.6 3.5 3.5 16 12.4 5.2 17 12.4 5.8 5.2 21.8 11.3 9.2 19.2 9.6 9.2 Vancouver Island Windsor 44 22 13 65 36 19.9 93 40 27 13.5 93 40 27 13.5 55 35.5 18.2 55 50 25 58 46 46 23 102 85 42 86 82 41 30 141 62.5 53.4 141 62.5 53.4 12 5.6 3.3 16.4 8.5 4.9 21.5 10.3 6 3.1 21.7 10.5 6.3 3.1 13.4 7.7 3.5 14.8 9.5 4.2 14.5 9.2 4.9 4.9 22.4 17 7.3 24.3 17 8.1 7 30.5 15.8 12.9 26.9 13.5 12.9 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Start Capacitor Run Capacitor MFD Volts MFD Volts 400-480 108-130 541-634 145-174 430-516 145-174 430-516 145-174 130-156 130-156 130-156 189-227 130-156 - 110 330 110 220 125 220 125 220 330 330 330 330 330 - 10 10 30 10 40 20 40 20 25 25 25 40 40 - 370 370 370 370 330 440 330 440 480 480 440 440 440 - Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Relay Part Motor Protector # (040-) # (071-) 0001-22 0099-03 0001-03 0092-27 0090-42 0001-22 0099-06 0001-03 0092-41 0090-41 0001-11 0099-05 0001-04 0092-39 0090-40 0090-43 0001-11 0099-05 0001-04 0092-39 0090-40 0090-43 0001-00 0099-04 0090-39 0090-27 0001-00 0099-04 0099-35 0099-16 0001-00 0103-02 0090-00 0090-08 0090-08 0001-08 0119-02 0090-38 0090-03 0001-08 0119-00 0090-36 0090-10 0090-16 Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Amperage Ratings Start Capacitor Run Capacitor Order Number BTU/hr Volts/Phase RLA LRA MCC MFD Volts MFD Volts HAJ2-0050-CAA-800 HAJ2-0050-CAV-800 HAJ1-0050-TAC-800 KAE2-0075-CAA-800 KAE2-0075-CAV-800 KAE1-0075-TAC-800 ERC2-0200-CAB-800 ERC1-0200-TAC-800 ERC1-0200-TAD-800 3RA2-0310-CAB-800 3RA1-0311-TAC-800 3RA1-0311-TAD-800 NRM1-0500-TFC-800 NRM1-0500-TFD-800 NRM1-0500-TFE-800 3,800 3,800 3,700 6,090 6,090 6,080 14,400 14,500 14,500 25,800 25,800 25,800 43,400 43,400 43,400 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 8.5 3.7 2.2 10.9 5.4 3.4 10.9 6.8 3.6 17.8 14.2 6.3 24.3 12.1 9.2 44 22 13 65 36 19.9 58 46 23 86 82 41 141 62.5 53.4 11.9 5.2 3.1 15.2 7.6 4.7 15.2 9.5 5.1 24.9 19.8 8.8 34 16.9 12.9 400-480 108-130 541-634 145-174 130-156 130-156 - 110 330 110 220 330 330 - 10 10 30 10 25 40 - 370 370 370 370 440 440 - Relay Part # Motor Protector (040-) # (071-) 0001-22 0099-03 0001-03 0090-27 0090-42 0001-22 0099-06 0001-03 0092-29 0090-41 0001-00 0099-01 0090-00 0090-08 0001-08 0119-02 0090-32 0090-22 Internal Internal Internal LOW TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -25 / Condensing: 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 105 / Ambient: 95 Amperage Ratings Order Number HAFB-0033-IAA-800 HATB-0051-CAA-800 KANB-0050-IAA-800 KANB-0050-CAV-800 KAMB-0075-CAA-800 KAMB-0075-CAV-800 KAMA-0075-TAC-800 KAJB-0100-CAV-800 KAJA-0101-TAC-800 KAKB-0200-CAV-800 KAKA-0200-TAC-800 EADB-0200-CAB-800 EADA-0200-TAC-800 EADA-0200-TAD-800 EAVB-0210-CAV-800 EAVA-0210-TAC-800 EAVA-0210-TAD-800 3AJB-0210-CAB-800 3AJA-0210-TAC-800 LAHB-0311-CAB-800 LAHA-0310-TAC-800 LAHA-0310-TAD-800 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Start Capacitor Run Capacitor BTU/hr Volts/Phase RLA LRA MCC MFD Volts MFD Volts 695 1,930 1,340 1,340 2,720 2,720 2,470 3,470 3,370 4,030 3,800 5,590 5,710 5,710 6,820 6,470 6,470 8,310 8,420 9,890 9,840 9,840 115-1 115-1 115-1 208/230-1 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 460-3 230-1 208/230-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 5.4 10.4 8 3.6 10.9 5.6 3.2 6.9 4.5 10.6 6.8 8.4 6.8 3.1 14.7 7.4 3.9 14.4 10 16.6 10.7 5.2 31 58 45 24 85.5 36 19.9 40 27 55 55 58 46 20.4 102 50 26.6 86 82 93 82 41 7.5 14.6 11.2 5 15.3 7.9 4.5 9.7 6.3 12.8 9.5 11.8 9.5 4.3 20.6 10.3 5.4 20.2 14 23.2 12.2 7.2 324-389 400-480 400-480 108-130 430-516 145-174 145-174 130-156 130-156 189-227 189-227 189-227 - 115 115 115 330 125 220 220 330 330 330 330 330 - 10 10 40 10 20 25 25 40 40 40 - 370 370 330 370 440 440 440 440 440 440 - Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa Relay Part # Motor Protector (040-) # (071-) 0001-01 0092-04 0001-11 0099-03 0001-01 0092-06 0001-03 0092-37 0001-11 0092-40 0001-03 0092-29 0092-41 0001-04 0092-39 0092-16 0001-61 0099-04 0091-35 0001-00 0092-18 0090-00 0090-15 0001-08 0119-02 0090-35 0090-41 0001-08 0119-05 0090-44 0001-08 0119-05 0090-19 0090-03 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 51 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3A, 3R, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number Amperage Ratings Volts/Phase BTU/hr Watts Amps EER RLA LRA MCC Relay Part 208/230-1 208/230-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 208/230-3 3,910 7,220 7,490 11,900 12,100 15,100 22,300 22,300 22,300 26,200 29,900 685 1,280 1,320 1,850 2,130 2,480 3,460 3,460 3,460 4,240 4,770 3.3 4.1 6.2 6.4 10 7 10 5 4 12 16 5.7 5.6 5.7 6.4 5.7 6.1 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.2 6.3 3.7 4.3 7.4 6.8 10.6 8.8 12.4 5.8 5.2 14.2 21.8 22 27 40 50 55 46 82 41 30 82 141 5.2 6 10 9.1 14.2 12.3 17.4 8.1 7 19.8 30.6 0001-09 0001-04 0001-00 - HAJB-005E-CAV-800 KARA-010E-TAC-800 KARB-010E-CAV-800 KAKA-020E-TAC-800 KAKB-021E-CAV-800 ERCA-021E-TAC-800 ERFA-031E-TAC-800 ERFA-031E-TAD-800 ERFA-031E-TAE-800 3RAA-031E-TAC-800 NRB2-040E-TFC-800 Motor Protector # (071-) 0092-27 0090-40 0092-39 0090-35 0099-04 0090-49 0090-36 0090-10 0090-16 0091-32 Internal MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3A, 3R, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 ELECTRICAL SUMMARY Start Capacitor Order Number HAJB-005E-CAV KARA-010E-TAC KARB-010E-CAV KATA-020E-TAC HAKB-021E-CAV ERAC-021E-TAC ERAC-031E-TAC/TAD/TAE 3RAA-031E-TAC NRB2-040E-TFC Burnaby Kitchener 52 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines MFD 108-130 145-174 130-156 - 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Run Capacitor Volts 330 220 330 - 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 MFD 10 20 40 - Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Volts 370 440 440 - Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Relay Part # (040-) 0001-49 0001-50 0001-61 - Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND LOW TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3A, 3R, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -25 / Condensing: 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 105 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number HAFB-003E-IAA-800 KANA-006E-TAC-800 KANB-005E-IAA-800 KANB-005E-CAV-800 KAEA-007E-TAC-800 KAEB-007E-CAA-800 KAEB-007E-CAV-800 HATB-005E-CAA-800 KAMA-007E-TAC-800 KAMB-007E-CAA-800 KAMB-007E-CAV-800 KAJA-011E-TAC-800 KAJA-011E-TAD-800 KAJB-010E-CAV-800 KAKB-011E-CAV-800 KALA-016E-TAC-800 KALA-016E-TAD-800 KALB-015E-CAV-800 EADA-020E-TAC-800 EADB-021E-CAB-800 EAVA-021E-TAC-800 EAVA-021E-TAD-800 EAVA-021E-TAE-800 KATA-020E-TAU-800 EAVB-021E-CAV-800 3ABA-031E-TAC-800 3ABB-032E-CAB-800 LAHB-032E-CAB-800 LAHA-032E-TAC-800 LAHA-032E-TAD-800 LAHA-032E-TAE-800 LALA-032E-TAC-800 LALA-032E-TAD-800 NRD1-040E-CFB-800 NRD1-032E-TFC-800 NRD1-032E-TFD-800 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Amperage Ratings Start Capacitor Run Capacitor Volts/Phase BTU/hr Watts Amps EER 115-1 208/230-3 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 115-1 208/230-1 115-1 208/230-3 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 460-3 208/230-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 460-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 200-3 208/230-1 208/230-3 230-1 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 Interior BC St.Catharines 882 1,410 1,510 1,510 1,980 2,030 2,030 2,070 2,610 2,800 2,800 3,710 3,710 3,810 4,410 5,610 5,610 5,690 6,260 6,290 6,970 6,970 6,970 7,020 7,510 8,440 8,530 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 13,000 13,000 13,600 14,300 14,300 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 310 421 443 443 556 611 611 595 679 730 730 929 929 914 1,280 1,310 1,310 1,440 1,480 1,560 1,620 1,620 1,620 1,640 1,900 1,940 2,150 2,780 2,440 2,440 2,440 2,930 2,930 3,610 3,470 3,470 5 2 4 2 2 7 4 9 3 8 4 3.6 1.8 4.5 5.9 5.3 2.6 7 4.8 7.2 5.6 2.8 2.2 6.2 9.2 6.9 9.8 13.2 9.4 4.7 3.8 10.5 5.2 17.3 11.4 5.7 Vancouver Island Windsor 2.9 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 4 4 4.2 3.5 4.3 4.3 4 4.2 4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4 4.4 4 4 4.6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 RLA LRA MCC MFD Volts MFD Volts 5.4 2.2 8 3.6 3.4 10.9 5.4 10.4 3.2 10.9 5.6 4.6 2.1 6.9 7.9 6.6 3.4 9.9 6.8 10 7.4 3.9 3.1 7.2 14.7 10 14.7 16.7 12.8 6 4.1 12.6 6.2 27.7 16.3 8.4 31 13.2 45 24 19.9 65 36 58 19.9 85.5 36 27 15 40 40 50 25 55 46 58 50 26.6 20 51 102 82 86 105 112 56 30 112 56 115 82 41 7.5 3.1 11.2 4.9 4.6 15.1 7.6 14.6 4.5 15.3 7.9 6.4 2.8 9.7 11 9.3 4.8 13.9 9.5 14 10.3 4.5 4.4 9 20.6 14 20.6 23.4 17.9 8.4 5.8 17.6 8.7 38.8 22.8 11.8 324-389 400-480 108-130 400-480 540-648 145-174 430-516 145-174 145-174 145-174 130-156 130-156 189-227 8 8 8 189-227 189-227 216-259 - 115 115 330 115 115 220 125 220 220 220 330 330 330 330 10 20 30 10 40 10 20 40 25 25 40 40 330 330 - 60 40 - 370 440 440 - Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Motor Protector # (071-) 0092-04 0090-21 0092-06 0092-37 0090-41 0099-06 0092-29 0099-03 0090-41 0092-40 0092-29 0090-50 0090-42 0092-39 0092-42 0090-35 0090-16 0099-04 0090-00 0099-03 0090-35 0090-13 0090-52 0090-31 0119-05 0090-37 0119-02 0119-05 0090-47 0090-53 0090-14 0090-47 0090-46 Internal Internal Internal Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 53 COPELAND COPELAMETIC® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION LOW TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3A, 3R, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 ELECTRICAL SUMMARY Order Number HAFB-003E-IAA KANA-006E-TAC KANB-005E-CAV KANB-005E-IAA HATB-005E-CAA KAEA-007E-TAC KAEB-007E-CAA KAEB-007E-CAV KAMA-007E-TAC KAMB-007E-CAA KAMB-007E-CAV KAJA-011E-TAC/TAD KAJB-010E-CAV KAKB-011E-CAV KALA-016E-TAC/TAD KALB-015E-CAV EADA-020E-TAC EADB-021E-CAB KATA-020E-TAU KACA-020E-TAU EAVA-021E-TAC/TAD/TAE EAVB-021E-CAV 3ABA-031E-TAC 3ABB-032E-CAB LAHA-032E-TAC/TAD/TAE LAHA-032E-CAB LALA-032E-TAC/TAD NRD1-032E-TFC/TFD NRD1-040E-CFB MFD 324-389 108-130 400-480 400-480 540-648 145-174 430-516 145-174 145-174 145-174 130-156 130-156 189-227 189-227 189-227 216-259 Volts 115 330 115 115 115 220 125 220 220 220 330 330 330 330 330 330 MFD 10 20 30 10 40 10 20 40 25 25 40 40 60 40 Volts 370 370 370 370 370 370 440 440 480 440 440 440 440 440 Relay Part # (040-) 0001-48 0001-49 0001-48 0001-51 0001-75 0001-49 0001-51 0001-49 0001-50 0001-50 0001-61 0001-60 0001-69 0001-69 0001-69 0001-69 EXTENDED LOW TEMPERATURE - H, K, E, 3A, 3R, L, N SERIES FOR USE WITH R404A / R507 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -25 / Condensing: 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 105 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number HAJB-003E-IAA-800 KAGB-005E-IAA-800 KAAB-007E-CAA-800 KALB-010E-CAV-800 KATA-015E-TAC-800 KATB-015E-CAV-800 LALB-032E-CAB-800 LACB-032E-CAB-800 LACA-032E-TAD-800 Amperage Ratings Start Capacitor Run Capacitor Volts/Phase BTU/hr Watts Amps EER RLA LRA MCC 115-1 115-1 115-1 208/230-1 208/230-3 208/230-1 230-1 230-1 460-3 1,230 2,930 4,200 5,380 6,700 6,900 12,700 14,700 14,600 425 832 1,130 1,330 1,650 1,700 3,240 3,370 3,070 5.6 9.6 12 6.2 5.4 8.2 15.2 15.8 5.4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4.7 31 7.8 45 10.2 59.8 6.9 40 5 35.5 9.6 55 15 105 15.5 105 6 56 6.6 10.9 14.3 9.7 7 12.6 21 21.7 8.4 MFD Volts MFD Volts 324-389 400-480 540-648 145-174 130-156 189-227 189-227 - 115 115 115 220 330 330 330 - 25 20 25 60 60 - 440 440 480 440 440 - Motor Protector # (071-) 0092-04 0092-06 0099-00 0092-39 0090-03 0099-04 0119-05 0119-05 0090-53 ELECTRICAL SUMMARY Order Number HAJB-003E-IAA KAGB-005E-IAA KAAB-007E-CAA KALB-010E-CAV KATA-015E-TAC KATB-015E-CAV LALB-032E-CAB LACA-032E-TAD LACB-032E-CAB Burnaby Kitchener 54 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 MFD 324-389 400-480 540-648 145-174 130-156 189-227 189-227 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Volts 115 115 115 220 330 330 330 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 MFD 25 20 25 60 60 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Volts 440 440 480 440 440 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Relay Part # (040-) 0001-48 0001-48 0001-48 0001-50 0001-61 0001-69 0001-69 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND DISCUS® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION LOW TEMPERATURE DEMAND COOLING - 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -25 / Condensing: 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 105 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number 2DF3-F16KE-TFC-800 2DF3-F16KE-TFD-800 2DF3-F16KE-TFE-800 2DL3-F20KE-TFC-800 2DL3-F20KE-TFD-800 2DL3-F20KE-TFE-800 2DA3-F23K0-TFC-800 2DA3-F23K0-TFD-800 2DA3-F23K0-TFE-800 2DB3-F25KE-TFC-800 2DB3-F25KE-TFD-800 2DB3-F25KE-TFE-800 3DA3-F28K0-TFC-800 3DA3-F28K0-TFD-800 3DA3-F28K0-TFE-800 3DB3-F33K0-TFC-800 3DB3-F33K0-TFD-800 3DB3-F33K0-TFE-800 3DF3-F40K0-TFC-800 3DF3-F40K0-TFD-800 3DF3-F40K0-TFE-800 3DS3-F46K0-TFC-800 3DS3-F46K0-TFD-800 3DS3-F46K0-TFE-800 4DA3-R12M0-TSK-800 4DA3-R12M0-TSE-800 4DA3-R12M0-FSD-800 4DL3-F63K0-TSK-800 4DL3-F63K0-TSE-800 4DL3-F63K0-FSD-800 4DT3-F76K0-TSK-800 4DT3-F76K0-TSE-800 4DT3-F76K0-FSD-800 6DL3-F93K0-TSK-800 6DL3-F93K0-TSE-800 6DL3-F93K0-FSD-800 6DT3-F11M0-TSK-800 6DT3-F11M0-TSE-800 6DT3-F11M0-FSD-800 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Amperage Ratings Volts/Phase CFH BTU/hr Watts Amps EER RLA LRA MCC 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 208-230/3, 460/3 575/3 460/3 208-230/3, 460/3 575/3 460/3 208-230/3, 460/3 575/3 460/3 208-230/3, 460/3 575/3 460/3 208-230/3, 460/3 575/3 460/3 904 904 904 1008 1008 1008 1135 1135 1135 1191 1191 1191 1375 1375 1375 1620 1620 1620 1915 1915 1915 2120 2120 2120 2380 2380 2380 3020 3020 3020 3603 3603 3603 4530 4530 4530 5404 5404 5404 13400 13400 13400 16100 16100 16100 18800 18800 18800 20500 20500 20500 23200 23200 23200 29000 29000 29000 34400 34400 34400 37500 37500 37500 39000 39000 39000 52300 52300 52300 62500 62500 62500 78300 78300 78300 93400 93400 93400 2770 2770 2770 3260 3260 3260 3850 3850 3850 3950 3950 3950 4650 4650 4650 5550 5550 5550 6740 6740 6740 7470 7470 7470 8070 8070 8070 10670 10670 10700 12600 12600 12600 16100 16100 16100 19200 19200 19200 10.8 5.4 4.3 12.1 6.1 4.8 14.8 734 5.9 15.0 7.5 6.0 16.7 8.4 6.7 18.9 9.5 7.6 22.7 11.4 9.1 24.4 12.2 9.8 27.0 10.8 13.6 37.0 14.6 18.3 42.0 16.7 20.9 54.7 21.9 27.4 64.7 25.9 32.4 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 16.8 8.1 6.7 26.3 10.2 7.7 28.8 10.2 9.1 28.2 13.3 9.6 30.3 16.8 10.5 31.5 16.1 11.0 39.0 16.9 16.5 42.0 18.6 16.8 42.0 17.4 20.0 52.6 20.9 24.5 66.0 24.2 33.9 80.8 32.5 41.6 95.6 39.6 42.8 102.0 52.0 41.0 161.0 60.0 49.0 161.0 60.0 49.0 161.0 80.0 63.0 150.0 77.0 62.0 161.0 83.0 67.0 215.0 106.0 84.0 215.0 106.0 84.0 240.0 106.0 115.0 278.0 113.0 136.0 374.0 135.0 180.0 450.0 172.0 218.0 470.0 200.0 235.0 22.3 11.1 9.4 33.8 12.2 10.5 35.6 13.6 11.8 35.6 18.0 13.4 37.5 16.8 14.7 44.0 22.0 15.4 51.8 23.4 19.7 49.2 22.9 22.7 49.0 20.0 23.1 73.6 25.0 28.3 72.0 27.5 39.1 95.0 36.4 48.0 106.0 44.0 49.5 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Motor Protector # (071-) Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module 306.373.9227 55 COPELAND DISCUS® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Model w/Unloading Order Number 2DC3-R53K0-CFB-800 2DC3-R53K0-TFC-800 2DC3-R53K0-TFD-800 2DC3-R53K0-TFE-800 2DD3-R63K0-TFC-800 2DD3-R63K0-TFD-800 2DD3-R63K0-TFE-800 2DL3-R78K0-TFC-800 2DL3-R78K0-TFD-800 2DL3-R78K0-TFE-800 2DA3-R89K0-TFC-800 2DA3-R89K0-TFD-800 2DA3-R89K0-TFE-800 3DA3-R10M0-TFC-800 3DA3-R10M0-TFD-800 3DA3-R10M0-TFE-800 3DB3-R12M0-TFC-800 3DB3-R12M0-TFD-800 3DB3-R12M0-TFE-800 3DF3-R15M0-TFC-800 3DF3-R15M0-TFD-800 3DF3-R15M0-TFE-800 3DS3-R17M0-TFC-800 3DS3-R17M0-TFD-800 3DS3-R17M0-TFE-800 4DA3-R18M0-TSK-800 4DA3-R18M0-TSK-800 4DA3-R18M0-TSE-800 4DA3-R18M0-FSD-800 4DH3-R22M0-TSK-800 4DH3-R22M0-TSD-800 4DH3-R22M0-TSE-800 4DH3-R22M0-FSD-800 4DJ3-R28M0-TSK-800 4DJ3-R28M0-TSE-800 4DJ3-R28M0-FSD-800 6DG3-R37M0-TSK-800 6DG3-R37M0-TSN-800 6DG3-R37M0-TSE-800 6DG3-R37M0-FSD-800 6DG3-R37M0-FSU-800 6DH3-R35M0-TSK-800 6DH3-R35M0-TSD-800 6DH3-R35M0-TSE-800 6DH3-R35M0-FSD-800 6DJ3-R40M0-TSD-800 6DJ3-R40M0-TSE-800 6DJ3-R40M0-FSD-800 6DJ3-R40M0-FSU-800 Burnaby Kitchener 56 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr 32,700 34,900 34,900 34,900 41,000 41,000 41,000 52,400 52,400 52,400 59,400 59,400 59,400 72,800 72,800 72,800 87,200 87,200 87,200 101,000 101,000 101,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 123,000 123,000 123,000 123,000 158,000 158,000 158,000 158,000 187,000 187,000 187,000 254,000 254,000 254,000 254,000 254,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 281,000 281,000 281,000 281,000 Interior BC St.Catharines 1 Bank 3DE3 3DE3 3DE3 3DP3 3DP3 3DP3 3DK3 3DK3 3DK3 3DT3 3DT3 3DT3 4DE3 4DE3 4DE3 4DE3 4DK3 4DK3 4DK3 4DK3 4DR3 4DR3 4DR3 6DM3 6DM3 6DM3 6DM3 6DM3 6DK3 6DK3 6DK3 6DK3 6DR3 6DR3 6DR3 6DR3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 2 Bank 6DN3 6DN3 6DN3 6DN3 6DN3 6DP3 6DP3 6DP3 6DP3 6DS3 6DS3 6DS3 6DS3 Vancouver Island Windsor Amperage Ratings Volts/Phase 230-1 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/ 230-3, 460-3 575-3 460-3 230-3 208/ 230-3, 460-3 575-3 460-3 200-3 208/ 230-3, 460-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/ 230-3, 460-3 575-3 460-3 200-3 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay RLA 29.9 22.3 10.4 7.7 31.2 10.5 7.9 31.6 13.8 13.2 32 14.1 13.3 41 20 16.5 43.6 20 16.5 48.2 23.6 19.5 59.6 29 23.6 66 33 24.7 33.6 82.2 41.1 34.4 40.6 94, 47 39.3 45 135.0 125, 62.5 46 66 150.0 107, 53.5 55.0 42.2 55 142, 71 53.5 70 150 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 LRA MCC Motor Protector # (071-) 125 42.3 Internal 120 31.2 Internal 60 14.6 Internal 40 10.6 Internal 120 31.2 Internal 60 14.7 Internal 40 11.1 Internal 169 44.2 Internal 85 19.3 Internal 67 18.5 Internal 169 44.8 Internal 85 19.4 Internal 67 18.6 Internal 215 57.4 Internal 106 28 Internal 84 23 Internal 215 61 Internal 106 28 Internal 84 23.1 Internal 275 67.4 Internal 138 30.3 Internal 110 24.5 Internal 275 83.5 Internal 138 40.6 Internal 110 33 Internal 308 93.2 SS Module 154 46.6 SS Module 135 34.6 SS Module 173 47 SS Module 428 115.0 SS Module 214 57.5 SS Module 172 48.1 SS Module 206 56.8 SS Module 470, 235 131.6, 65.8 SS Module 200 55 SS Module 235 63 SS Module 650 189.0 SS Module 594, 297 175, 87.5 SS Module 245 64 SS Module 315 92.4 SS Module 754 210.0 SS Module 565, 283 150, 53.5 SS Module 260 77.0 SS Module 230 59.1 SS Module 260 77 SS Module 594, 297 198, 99 SS Module 245 74.9 SS Module 315 98 SS Module 754 210 SS Module Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND DISCUS® COMPRESSORS FOR AIR CONDITIONING AIR CONDITIONING - 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D, 8D FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Model w/Unloading Order Number 2DC3-R53K0-TFC-800 2DC3-R53K0-TFD-800 2DC3-R53K0-TFE-800 2DD3-R63K0-TFC-800 2DD3-R63K0-TFD-800 2DD3-R63K0-TFE-800 2DL3-R78K0-TFC-800 2DL3-R78K0-TFD-800 2DL3-R78K0-TFE-800 2DA3-R89K0-TFC-800 2DA3-R89K0-TFD-800 2DA3-R89K0-TFE-800 3DA3-R10M0-TFC-800 3DA3-R10M0-TFD-800 3DA3-R10M0-TFE-800 3DB3-R12M0-TFC-800 3DB3-R12M0-TFD-800 3DB3-R12M0-TFE-800 3DS3-R17M0-TFC-800 3DS3-R17M0-TFD-800 3DS3-R17M0-TFE-800 4DA3-R18M0-TSK-800 4DA3-R18M0-TSE-800 4DA3-R18M0-FSD-800 4DB3-R20M0-TSK-800 4DB3-R20M0-TSE-800 4DB3-R20M0-FSD-800 4DC3-R20M0-TSK-800 4DH3-R22M0-TSK-800 4DH3-R22M0-TSE-800 4DH3-R22M0-FSD-800 4DJ3-R28M0-TSK-800 4DJ3-R28M0-TSE-800 4DJ3-R28M0-FSD-800 6DB3-R32M0-TSK-800 6DB3-R32M0-TSE-800 6DB3-R32M0-FSD-800 6DH3-R35M0-TSK-800 6DH3-R35M0-TSE-800 6DH3-R35M0-FSD-800 6DG3-R37M0-TSN-800 6DG3-R37M0-TSE-800 6DG3-R37M0-FSD-800 6DG3-R37M0-FSU-800 6DJ3-R40M0-TSN-800 6DJ3-R40M0-TSE-800 6DJ3-R40M0-FSD-800 6DJ3-R40M0-FSU-800 8DP1-R56M0-TSK-800 8DP1-R56M0-TSE-800 8DP1-R56M0-FSD-800 8DS1-R67M0-TSK-800 8DS1-R67M0-TSE-800 8DS1-R67M0-FSD-800 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr 62,700 62,700 62,700 72,800 72,800 72,800 90,800 90,800 90,800 103,000 103,000 103,000 123,900 123,900 123,900 145,900 145,900 145,900 194,000 194,000 194,000 216,000 216,000 216,000 247,300 247,300 247,300 247,000 273,000 273,000 273,000 317,900 317,900 317,900 356,400 356,400 356,400 387,200 387,200 387,200 422,100 422,100 422,100 422,100 466,700 466,700 466,700 466,700 565,700 565,700 565,700 644,200 644,200 644,200 Interior BC St.Catharines 1 Bank 3DE3 3DE3 3DE3 3DP3 3DP3 3DP3 3DT3 3DT3 3DT3 4DE3 4DE3 4DE3 4DC3 4DC3 4DC3 4DK3 4DK3 4DK3 4DR3 4DR3 4DR3 6DW3 6DW3 6DW3 6DK3 6DK3 6DK3 6DM3 6DM3 6DM3 6DM3 6DR3 6DR3 6DR3 6DR3 8DP1 8DP1 8DP1 8DS1 8DS1 8DS1 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 2 Bank 6DY3 6DY3 6DY3 6DP3 6DP3 6DP3 6DN3 6DN3 6DN3 6DN3 6DS3 6DS3 6DS3 6DS3 8DP1 8DP1 8DP1 8DS1 8DS1 8DS1 Vancouver Island Windsor Amperage Ratings Volts/Phase 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 200-3 230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 200-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 460-3 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 RLA LRA 22.3 120 10.4 60 7.7 49 22.3 120 10.5 60 7.9 49 31.6 169 13.8 85 13.2 67 32 169 14.1 85 13.3 67 41 215 20 106 16.5 84 43.6 215 20 106 16.5 84 59.6 275 29 138 23.6 110 66, 33 308, 154 24.7 135 33.6 173 65.6, 32.8 374, 187 26.5 135 32.5 180 65.6, 32.8 374, 187 82.2, 41.1 428, 214 34.4 172 41 206 94, 47 470, 235 39 200 46 235 105, 47.8 565, 235 40 230 50 260 107, 53.5 565, 283 42.5 230 55 260 125, 62.5 594, 297 46 245 66 315 135 650 142, 71 594, 297 53.5 245 70 315 150 754 180, 90 1,070, 535 75 405 91 510 224, 112 1,070, 535 80 405 96.5 510 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa MCC Motor Protector # (071-) 31.2 Internal 14.6 Internal 10.8 Internal 31.2 Internal 14.7 Internal 11.1 Internal 44.2 Internal 19.3 Internal 18.5 Internal 44.8 Internal 19.4 Internal 18.5 Internal 57.4 Internal 28 Internal 23 Internal 61 Internal 28 Internal 23 Internal 83.5 Internal 40.6 Internal 33 Internal 93.2, 46.6 34.6 47 91.8, 45.9 37.1 45.5 91.8, 45.9 SS module 115, 57.5 48.1 56.8 131.6, 65.8 55 63 147, 51.8 56 70 150, 53.5 59.5 77 175, 87.5 64.4 92.4 189 198, 99 74.9 98 210 252, 126 105 127 314, 157 112 135 - 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 57 COPELAND DISCUS® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION LOW TEMPERATURE - 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -25 / Condensing: 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 105 / Ambient: 95 Order Number 2DF3-F16KE-TFC-800 2DF3-F16KE-TFD-800 2DF3-F16KE-TFE-800 2DL3-F20KE-TFC-800 2DL3-F20KE-TFD-800 2DL3-F20KE-TFE-800 2DA3-F23KE-TFC-800 2DA3-F23KE-TFD-800 2DA3-F23KE-TFE-800 2DB3-F25KE-TFC-800 2DB3-F25KE-TFD-800 2DB3-F25KE-TFE-800 3DA3-F28KE-TFC-800 3DA3-F28KE-TFD-800 3DA3-F28KE-TFE-800 3DB3-F33KE-TFC-800 3DB3-F33KE-TFD-800 3DB3-F33KE-TFE-800 3DF3-F40KE-TFC-800 3DF3-F40KE-TFD-800 3DF3-F40KE-TFE-800 3DS3-F46KE-TFC-800 3DS3-F46KE-TFD-800 3DS3-F46KE-TFE-800 4DA3-F47KE-TSK-800 4DA3-F47KE-TSE-800 4DL3-F63KE-TSK-800 4DL3-F63KE-FSD-800 4DL3-F63KE-TSE-800 6DL3-F93KE-TSK-800 6DL3-F93KE-FSD-800 6DL3-F93KE-TSE-800 6DT3-F11ME-TSK-800 6DT3-F11ME-FSD-800 6DT3-F11ME-TSE-800 Burnaby Kitchener 58 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr 16,300 16,300 16,300 19,900 19,900 19,900 23,100 23,100 23,100 24,600 24,600 24,600 27,800 27,800 27,800 33,100 33,100 33,100 40,200 40,200 40,200 45,700 45,700 45,700 47,200 47,200 63,200 63,200 63,200 93,100 93,100 93,100 105,000 105,000 105,000 Interior BC St.Catharines Model w/Unloading 1 Bank 2 Bank 3DHH 3DHH 3DHH 3DJH 3DJH 3DJH 3DGH 3DGH 3DGH 3DRH 3DRH 3DRH 4DN3 4DN3 4DP3 4DP3 4DP3 6DC3 6DD3 6DC3 6DD3 6DC3 6DD3 6DE3 6DF3 6DE3 6DF3 6DE3 6DF3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Volts/Phase 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/203-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 460-3 575-3 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amperage Ratings RLA LRA MCC Motor Protector # (071-) 16.8 102 22.4 Internal 8 52 11 Internal 7 41 9 Internal 26 161 37 Internal 10.2 60 14.3 Internal 7.7 49 10.8 Internal 28.8 161 40.3 Internal 10.2 60 14.3 Internal 9.1 49 12.7 Internal 28.2 161 40 Internal 13.3 80 19 Internal 9.6 63 13 Internal 30.3 150 37.5 Internal 13.7 77 16.8 Internal 10.5 62 14.7 Internal 31.5 161 43 Internal 16.1 83 22 Internal 11 67 15.4 Internal 39 215 51.8 Internal 16.9 106 23.4 Internal 16.5 84 22 Internal 42 215 58 Internal 18.6 106 26 Internal 16.8 84 22.7 Internal 45.2 22.6 220, 110 63.8, 31.9 SS Module 17.5 106 24.3 SS Module 52.6 26.3 278, 139 73.6, 36.8 SS Module 24.5 136 34.3 SS Module 20.9 113 29.3 SS Module 80.8 40.4 450, 225 113, 56.5 SS Module 41.6 218 58.2 SS Module 32.5 172 45.5 SS Module 95.6 47.8 470, 235 133.8, 66.9 SS Module 42.8 235 60 SS Module 39.6 200 55.4 SS Module 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND DISCUS® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Order Number 2DC3-R53KE-TFC-800 2DC3-R53KE-TFD-800 2DC3-R53KE-TFE-800 2DD3-R63KE-TFC-800 2DD3-R63KE-TFD-800 2DD3-R63KE-TFE-800 2DL3-R78KE-TFC-800 2DL3-R78KE-TFD-800 2DL3-R78KE-TFE-800 2DA3-R89KE-TFC-800 2DA3-R89KE-TFD-800 2DA3-R89KE-TFE-800 3DA3-R10ME-TFC-800 3DA3-R10ME-TFD-800 3DA3-R10ME-TFE-800 3DB3-R12ME-TFC-800 3DB3-R12ME-TFD-800 3DB3-R12ME-TFE-800 3DF3-R15ME-TFC-800 3DF3-R15ME-TFD-800 3DS3-R17ME-TFC-800 3DS3-R17ME-TFD-800 3DS3-R17ME-TFE-800 4DA3-R18ME-TSK-800 4DA3-R18ME-TSK-800 4DA3-R18ME-FSD-800 4DA3-R18ME-TSE-800 4DH3-R22ME-TSK-800 4DH3-R22ME-FSD-800 4DH3-R22ME-TSK-800 4DH3-R22ME-TSE-800 4DJ3-R28ME-TSK-800 4DJ3-R28ME-FSD-800 4DJ3-R28ME-TSK-800 4DJ3-R28ME-TSE-800 6DH3-R35ME-TSK-800 6DH3-R35ME-FSD-800 6DH3-R35ME-TSK-800 6DH3-R35ME-TSE-800 6DG3-R37ME-FSU-800 6DG3-R37ME-TSN-800 6DG3-R37ME-FSD-800 6DG3-R37ME-TSN-800 6DG3-R37ME-TSE-800 6DJ3-R40ME-FSU-800 6DJ3-R40ME-FSD-800 6DJ3-R40ME-TSN-800 6DJ3-R40ME-TSE-800 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr 34,600 34,600 34,600 41,900 41,900 41,900 51,800 51,800 51,800 60,100 60,100 60,100 71,200 71,200 71,200 84,800 84,800 84,800 104,600 104,600 116,000 116,000 116,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 156,000 156,000 156,000 156,000 187,000 187,000 187,000 187,000 236,000 236,000 236,000 236,000 257,000 257,000 257,000 257,000 257,000 278,000 278,000 278,000 278,000 Interior BC St.Catharines Model w/Unloading 1 Bank 2 Bank Volts/Phase 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 208/230-3 460-3 575-3 3DEH 208/230-3 3DEH 460-3 3DEH 575-3 3DPH 208/230-3 3DPH 460-3 3DPH 575-3 3DKH 208/230-3 3DKH 460-3 3DTH 208/230-3 3DTH 460-3 3DTH 575-3 4DE3 208/230-3 4DE3 460-3 4DE3 460-3 4DE3 575-3 4DK3 208/230-3 4DK3 460-3 4DK3 460-3 4DK3 575-3 4DR3 208/230-3 4DR3 460-3 4DR3 460-3 4DR3 575-3 4DK3 6DP3 208/230-3 4DK3 6DP3 460-3 6DK3 6DP3 460-3 4DK3 6DP3 575-3 200-3 230-3 460-3 6DM3 6DN3 460-3 575-3 6DR3 6DS3 200-3 6DR3 6DS3 460-3 6DR3 6DS3 460-3 6DR3 6DS3 575-3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay RLA 22.3 10.4 7.7 22.3 10.5 7.9 31.6 13.8 13.2 32 14 13 41 20 17 44 20 17 48 23.6 59.6 29 23.6 66 33 33.6 24.7 82.2 40.6 41.1 34.4 94 45 47 39.3 107 55 53.5 42.5 135 125 66 62.5 46 150 70 71 53.5 Amperage Ratings LRA 120 60 49 120 60 49 169 85 67 169 85 67 215 106 84 215 106 84 275 138 275 138 110 308 154 173 135 428 206 214 172 470 235 235 200 565 260 283 230 650 594 315 297 245 754 315 297 245 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa MCC 31.2 14.6 10.8 31.2 14.7 11.1 44.2 19.4 18.5 44.8 20 19 57 28 23 61 28 23 67 33 83.5 40.6 33 82.2 41.1 45 33.3 104.2 56 52.1 46.6 117.6 60.5 588 54 150 75 75 57 185 153.6 92.4 76.8 64.4 208 95 79.4 72 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Motor Protector # (071-) Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module SS Module Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 59 COPELAND DISCUS® COMPRESSORS FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D FOR USE WITH R134A RATING CONDITIONS HIGH (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 130 / Ambient: 95 MEDIUM (°F) Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Model w/Unloading Amperage Ratings Motor Protector # Order Number BTU/hr - High BTU/hr - Med 1 Bank 2 Bank Volts/Phase RLA LRA MCC PWLRA (071-) 2DF3-F16KE-TFC-800 47,700 29,000 208/230-3 16.8 102 23.6 Internal 2DF3-F16KE-TFD-800 47,700 29,000 460-3 8.1 52 11.4 Internal 2DF3-F16KE-TFE-800 47,700 29,000 575-3 6.7 41 9.4 Internal 2DA3-F23KE-TFC-800 59,800 36,300 208/230-3 28.8 161 40.3 Internal 2DA3-F23KE-TFD-800 59,800 36,300 460-3 10.2 60 14.3 Internal 2DA3-F23KE-TFE-800 59,800 36,300 575-3 9.1 49 12.7 Internal 2DB3-F25KE-TFC-800 62,800 38,100 208/230-3 28.2 161 39.5 Internal 2DB3-F25KE-TFD-800 62,800 38,100 460-3 13.3 80 18.6 Internal 2DB3-F25KE-TFE-800 62,800 38,100 575-3 9.6 63 13.4 Internal 3DA3-F28KE-TFC-800 72,000 44,000 208/230-3 30.3 150 42.4 Internal 3DA3-F28KE-TFD-800 72,000 44,000 460-3 13.7 77 19.2 Internal 3DA3-F28KE-TFE-800 72,000 44,000 575-3 10.5 62 14.7 Internal 3DB3-F33KE-TFC-800 84,800 51,600 208/230-3 31.5 161 44 Internal 3DB3-F33KE-TFD-800 84,800 51,600 460-3 16.1 83 22.5 Internal 3DB3-F33KE-TFE-800 84,800 51,600 575-3 11 67 15.4 Internal 3DF3-F40KE-TFC-800 99,400 60,900 208/230-3 39 215 54.6 Internal 3DF3-F40KE-TFD-800 99,400 60,900 460-3 16.9 106 23.6 Internal 3DF3-F40KE-TFE-800 99,400 60,900 575-3 16.5 84 23 Internal 3DS3-F46KE-TFC-800 110,400 67,100 208/230-3 42 215 58.8 Internal 3DS3-F46KE-TFD-800 110,400 67,100 460-3 18.6 106 26 Internal 3DS3-F46KE-TFE-800 110,400 67,100 575-3 16.8 84 23.5 Internal 4DH3-R16ME-TSK-800 156,000 95,600 460-3 SS Module 4DH3-R16ME-TSK-800 156,000 95,600 4DK3 208/230-3 58, 29 278, 139 81, 40.5 SS Module 4DH3-R16ME-TSE-800 156,000 95,600 4DK3 575-3 24.3 113 34 SS Module 4DJ3-R19ME-TSK-800 186,400 114,100 4DR3 208/230-3 66, 33 346, 173 92.4 46.2 208 SS Module 4DJ3-R19ME-TSK-800 186,400 114,100 460-3 66, 33 346, 173 92.4 46.2 SS Module 4DJ3-R19ME-TSE-800 186,400 114,100 4DR3 575-3 30 135 42 SS Module 6DH3-R23ME-TSE-800 234,000 143,000 6DK3 6DP3 575-3 30 135 42 SS Module DISCUS® COMPRESSORS FOR AIR CONDITIONING 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D, 8D UNLOADER FACTORS Factors Full Load Model HT MT LT 4D 1.00/1.01/1.01 1.00/1.03/1.03 1.00/1.02/1.02 6D 1.00/1.01/1.03 1.00/1.03/1.04 1.00/1.02/1.02 8D 1.00/1.00/1.00 - Factors One Bank Unloading HT MT LT .50/.56/0.6 .50 /.56/.60 .50/.56/.74 .70/.70/.75 .70/.71/.77 .70/.72/.84 .78/.78/.80 - OIL CHARGES Standard Model Family 2D 3D 4DA3-R12ME 4DL3-F63KE 4DA3-R18ME 4DT3-F76KE 4DH3-R22ME 4DJ3-R28ME 6D 6DT3-F11M0 6DJ3-R40M0 8D Burnaby Kitchener 60 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Factors Two Bank Unloading HT MT LT .36/.40/.55 .36/.42/.60 .36/.43/.72 .78/.78/.80 - Initial 80 144 140 135 135 130 130 140 140 255 255 255 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Deep Sump Recharge 70 128 130 120 120 120 120 125 130 245 245 245 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Initial 110 190 250 250 245 245 255 255 255 255 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Recharge 95 170 235 235 235 235 240 245 245 245 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COPELAND CONTOUR SCREW COMPRESSORS LOW TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: -25 / Condensing: 105 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 37 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number SHL1-2000-TWK SHL1-2000-TWE SHL1-2500-TWK SHL1-2500-TWE SHL1-3000-TWK SHL1-3000-TWE SHL1-4000-FWC SHL1-4000-FWD SHL1-4000-TWE SHL1-5000-FWC SHL1-5000-FWD SHL1-5000-TWE SHL1-6000-FWC SHL1-6000-FWD SHL1-6000-TWE SHL1-7000-FWC SHL1-7000-FWD SHL1-7000-TWE SHL1-7500-FWC SHL1-7500-FWD SHL1-7500-TWE BTU/hr 101,700 101,700 127,100 127,100 154,500 154,500 184,400 184,400 184,400 224,000 224,000 224,000 252,800 252,800 252,800 298,800 298,800 298,800 339,700 339,700 339,700 Amperage Ratings Service Valves EER Volts/3 Phase RLA LRA MCC Discharge Suction L x W x H (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 4.5 208-230/460 81/41 492/246 114/57 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 366 4.5 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 366 4.8 208-230/460 85/42 436/218 120/60 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 374 4.5 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 374 4.9 208-230/460 104/52 532/266 146/73 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 392 4.9 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 392 4.9 460 136 655 228 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 515 4.9 208-230 65 313 109 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 515 4.9 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 515 5.1 208-230 165 743 240 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 5.1 460 79 355 115 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 5.1 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 4.9 208-230 186 939 247 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 653 4.9 460 89 449 118 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 653 4.9 575 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 653 5.1 208-230 215 1,015 299 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 682 5.1 460 103 485 143 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 682 5.1 575 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 682 5.1 208-230 249 1,224 314 2 1/8 3 1/8 41.06 x 20.59 x 16.62 717 5.1 460 119 585 150 2 1/8 3 1/8 41.06 x 20.59 x 16.62 717 5.1 575 2 1/8 3 1/8 41.06 x 20.59 x 16.62 717 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R404A RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number SHM1-3000-TWK SHM1-3000-TWE SHM1-3500-TWK SHM1-3500-TWE SHM1-4000-TWK SHM1-4000-TWE SHM1-5000-FWC SHM1-5000-FWD SHM1-5000-TWE SHM1-6000-FWC SHM1-6000-FWD SHM1-6000-TWE SHM1-7000-FWC SHM1-7000-FWD SHM1-7000-TWE SHM1-8000-FWC SHM1-8000-FWD SHM1-8000-TWE SHM1-9000-FWC SHM1-9000-FWD SHM1-9000-TWE Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr 166,400 166,400 208,000 208,000 245,400 245,400 300,200 300,200 300,200 353,800 353,800 353,800 411,700 411,700 411,700 471,800 471,800 471,800 536,100 536,100 536,100 Interior BC St.Catharines EER 5.7 5.7 6 6 6 6 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 Amperage Ratings Volts/3 Phase 208-230/460 575 208-230/460 575 208-230/460 575 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Service Valves RLA LRA MCC Discharge Suction L x W x H (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 92/46 436/218 130/65 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 375 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 375 121/60 532/266 182/91 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 385 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 385 130/65 622/311 285/124 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 400 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 400 165 743 258 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 79 355 124 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 205 939 334 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 541 98 449 160 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 541 1 5⁄8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 541 251 1,015 295 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 671 120 485 141 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 671 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 671 263 1,224 343 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 691 126 585 164 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 691 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 691 305 1,435 358 2 1/8 3 1/8 43.03 x 20.59 x 16.62 739 146 686 171 2 1/8 3 1/8 43.03 x 20.59 x 16.62 739 2 1/8 3 1/8 43.03 x 20.59 x 16.62 739 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 61 COPELAND CONTOUR SCREW COMPRESSORS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 20 / Condensing: 120 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 120 / Ambient: 95 Conditions Order Number SHM2-3000-TWK SHM2-3000-TWE SHM2-3500-TWK SHM2-3500-TWE SHM2-4000-TWK SHM2-4000-TWE SHM1-5000-FWC SHM1-5000-FWD SHM1-5000-TWE SHM1-6000-FWC SHM1-6000-FWD SHM1-6000-TWE SHM1-7000-FWC SHM1-7000-FWD SHM1-7000-TWE SHM1-8000-FWC SHM1-8000-FWD SHM1-8000-TWE SHM1-9000-FWC SHM1-9000-FWD SHM1-9000-TWE BTU/hr 178,700 178,700 223,400 223,400 263,500 263,500 326,900 326,900 326,900 384,600 384,600 384,600 436,400 436,400 436,400 499,800 499,800 499,800 568,000 568,000 568,000 Amperage Ratings Service Valves EER Volts/3 Phase RLA LRA MCC Discharge Suction L x W x H (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 6.7 208-230/460 92/46 436/218 106/53 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 375 6.7 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.05 x 16.93 375 7.1 208-230 121/60 532/266 138/69 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 385 7.1 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 385 7.1 208-230 130/65 622/311 156/78 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 400 7.1 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 29.8 x 17.32 x 16.93 400 7.7 208-230 165 743 215 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 7.7 460 79 355 103.6 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 7.7 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 524 7.7 208-230 205 939 278 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 541 7.7 460 98 449 133 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 541 7.7 575 1 5/8 2 1/8 35.98 x 20 x 17.13 541 7.5 208-230 251 1,015 280 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 671 7.5 460 120 485 134 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 671 7.5 575 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 671 7.5 208-230 263 1,224 293 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 691 7.5 460 126 585 140 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 691 7.5 575 2 1/8 3 1/8 40.2 x 20.59 x 16.62 691 7.5 208-230 305 1,435 341 2 1/8 3 1/8 43.03 x 20.59 x 16.62 739 7.5 460 146 686 163 2 1/8 3 1/8 43.03 x 20.59 x 16.62 739 7.5 575 2 1/8 3 1/8 43.03 x 20.59 x 16.62 739 CONTOUR SCREW COMPRESSORS HIGH TEMPERATURE FOR USE WITH R22 RATING CONDITIONS (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Order Number SCH2-5000-FWC SCH2-5000-FWD SCH2-5000-TWE SCH2-6000-FWC SCH2-6000-FWD SCH2-6000-TWE SCH2-7000-FWC SCH2-7000-FWD SCH2-7000-TWE SCH2-8000-FWC SCH2-8000-FWD SCH2-8000-TWE SCH2-9000-FWC SCH2-9000-FWD SCH2-9000-TWE Burnaby Kitchener 62 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Conditions BTU/hr EER 533,000 10.3 533,000 10.3 533,000 10.3 628,000 10.3 628,000 10.3 628,000 10.3 727,000 9.9 727,000 9.9 727,000 9.9 833,000 9.9 833,000 9.9 833,000 9.9 946,000 9.9 946,000 9.9 946,000 9.9 Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/3 Phase 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 208-230 460 575 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Amperage Ratings Service Valves RLA LRA MCC Discharge Suction 165 743 215 1 5/8 2 1/8 79 355 104 1 5/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 205 939 278 1 5/8 2 1/8 98 449 133 1 5/8 2 1/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 251 1,015 280 2 1/8 3 1/8 120 485 134 2 1/8 3 1/8 2 1/8 3 1/8 263 1,224 293 2 1/8 3 1/8 126 585 140 2 1/8 3 1/8 2 1/8 3 1/8 305 1,435 341 2 1/8 3 1/8 146 686 163 2 1/8 3 1/8 2 1/8 3 1/8 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 L x W x H (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 55.51 x 20 x 17.05 671 55.51 x 20 x 17.05 671 55.51 x 20 x 17.05 671 55.51 x 20 x 17.05 693 55.51 x 20 x 17.05 693 55.51 x 20 x 17.05 693 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1058 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1058 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1058 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1076 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1076 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1076 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1091 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1091 52.87 x 22.21 x 23.58 1091 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 TL200,TL210 DC Condensing Units Ideal for mobile & off power grid applications where 12 or 24vdc is available. -Danfoss BD compressor -12/24VDC (Optional 10-45 VDC) -Optional AC/DC 12 & 24VDC and 100-240 50/60 Hz -Low voltage protection -Variable speed compressor -Designed for mobile and off camber operation -7 ½”H x 11”L x 9”W powder coated base -1/4” suction line -3/16” liquid line -Fan cooled condenser TL200 Condensing Unit BD35F Rpm/F 2000 BTU 2500 3000 3500 Rpm/F 2000 AMPS 2500 3000 3500 -20 74 95 104 119 -20 1.83 2.34 2.85 3.38 -13 101 127 138 153 -13 2.20 2.82 3.25 3.82 -10 113 142 155 171 -10 2.34 3.01 3.43 4.03 0 159 199 222 248 0 2.81 3.62 4.10 4.79 10 214 268 307 349 10 3.25 4.19 4.82 5.62 20 280 351 410 473 20 3.68 4.73 5.56 6.49 30 361 452 535 619 30 4.13 5.29 6.30 7.39 40 458 573 681 45 514 643 40 4.61 5.87 7.00 45 4.88 6.19 50 575 50 5.17 Ohms 0 277 692 1523 Ohms 0 277 692 1523 TL210 Condensing Unit BD50F Rpm/F 2000 BTU 2500 3000 3500 Rpm/F 2000 AMPS 2500 3000 3500 -20 95 119 142 167 -20 2.52 3.10 3.76 4.44 TL200 DC TL200 ACDC TL210 DC TL210 ACDC THERMOSTAT EVAPORATOR EVAPORATOR EVAPORATOR CAPILLARY. Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 -13 126 157 189 220 -13 2.93 3.65 4.40 5.12 + PLATE MEDIUM LARGE Interior BC St.Catharines -10 142 176 211 245 -10 3.11 3.89 4.67 5.42 0 201 247 296 342 0 3.74 4.69 5.61 6.48 10 273 335 401 464 10 4.42 5.50 6.57 7.63 20 359 442 529 612 20 5.14 6.34 7.55 8.85 30 458 570 682 790 30 5.89 7.18 8.56 10.15 DC condensing unit BD35F AC/DC condensing unit BD35F DC condensing unit BD50F AC/DC condensing unit BD50F Thermostat with housing(sense plate) 10”x16” roll bond evaporator plate 12”x32” roll bond evaporator plate 15”x36” roll bond evaporator plate 11.5 ft 0.026 hard drawn cap tube 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 40 570 723 863 45 632 809 50 697 40 6.69 8.05 9.58 45 7.11 8.49 50 7.53 Ohms 0 277 692 1523 Ohms 0 277 692 1523 Wire gauge Awg 12 10 8 Edmonton Ottawa 12 13 19 32 vdc ft ft ft 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 24vdc 26 ft 39 ft 65 ft Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 63 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KMK SERIES TUCK-AWAY UNIT COOLERS HIGH AND MEDIUM TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS RATING CONDITIONS HIGH (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 130 / Ambient: 95 MEDIUM (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 Attractive low silhouette allows maximum usage of refrigerated space. Lightweight cabinet made of smooth aluminum and corrosion proof hardware. Protective coating on all models. Generously sized coils provide balance with available condensing units and compressors. Rear air discharge reduces door sweating. Motors thermally protected and life lubricated. Quick-connect moisture-proof wiring harness. Light molded plastic fan blades ensure low noise level and optimum air circulation. Internally equalized expansion valve mounts inside of cabinet. Removable drain pan with self-retained fasteners. Knockouts for electrical connections conveniently located in cabinet. Opening at the back for refrigeration connections. Durable high density electric heaters for a fast and complete coil defrosting. (LK models only). Electrical junction box with terminal plate. (LK models only.) R134a, R404A, R507, R22, R407A, R407B, R407C. AIR DEFROST - 115V BTU/hr @ 10°F TD Order Number @ 20°F SST KMK100 1,000 KMK130 1,300 KMK170 1,700 KMK230 2,300 KMK300 3,000 KMK430 4,300 KMK510 5,100 Volts/Phase Fan Qty 115-1-60 1 115-1-60 2 115-1-60 2 115-1-60 3 115-1-60 4 115-1-60 3 115-1-60 3 CFM 160 190 230 340 440 480 530 Connections (in) Suction Liquid 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 W x D x H (in) 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 x 4 1/2 19 1/4 x 14 1/2 x 4 1/2 24 x 15 1/2 x 4 1/2 31 1/2 x 15 1/2 x 4 1/2 40 x 15 1/2 x 4 1/2 46 1/4 x 16 1/2 x 5 3/4 55 1/4 x 16 1/2 x 5 3/4 Ship Weight (lbs) 13 15 18 27 32 43 50 KLK SERIES TUCK-AWAY UNIT COOLERS LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS RATING CONDITIONS HIGH (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 130 / Ambient: 95 MEDIUM (°F): Evaporation: 45 / Condensing: 130 / Return Gas: 65 / Liquid: 115 / Ambient: 95 ELECTRIC DEFROST - 115V BTU/hr @ 10°F TD Order Number @ -20°F SST KLK90 900 KLK120 1,200 KLK160 1,600 Volts/Phase 115-1-60 115-1-60 115-1-60 Fan Qty 1 2 2 CFM 160 190 230 Connections (in) Suction Liquid 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 W x D x H (in) 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 x 4 1/2 19 1/4 x 14 1/2 x 4 1/2 24 x 15 1/2 x 4 1/2 Ship Weight (lbs) 14 16 19 KTL SERIES TWO-WAY LOW PROFILE UNIT COOLERS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS Reach-in and walk-in cooler flexibility is provided with this flush ceiling mounted unit cooler. Designed with dual refrigeration coils and two-way air distribution. This effectively reduces air velocities and minimizes product dehydration. Air defrost units feature cleanable textured aluminum cabinets with stainless steel and nylon fasteners, corrosion resistant fan guards and permanently lubricated fan motors. Electric defrost units feature stainless steel defrost heaters and also include a thermodisc-type fan delay and defrost termination thermostat. AIR DEFROST - 115V BTU/hr @ 10°F TD Order Number @ 20°F SST KTL010MAS1A 950 KTL015MAS1A 1,450 KTL020MAS1A 2,000 KTL025MAS1A 2,500 KTL032MAS1A 3,200 KTL038MAS1A 3,800 KTL060MAS1A 6,000 KTL077MAS1A 7,700 KTL115MAS1A 11,500 Burnaby Kitchener 64 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 CFM 130 180 237 270 440 440 928 807 1,242 Fan Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 Vancouver Island Windsor Connections (in) TXV Suction 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 5/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 5/8 ODS 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 H x W x D (in) 4 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 4 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 21 7/8 x 19 1/8 5 1/2 x 21 7/8 x 19 1/8 7 5/8 x 42 3/4 x 23 3/4 7 5/8 x 42 3/4 x 23 3/4 7 5/8 x 59 1/2 x 23 3/4 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Ship Weight (lbs) 12 13 14 15 19 20 38 40 60 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KTL SERIES TWO-WAY LOW PROFILE UNIT COOLERS KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS ELECTRIC DEFROST - 115V Order Number KTL009LES1A KTL013LES1A KTL017LES1A KTL021LES1A KTL028LES1A KTL033LES1A KTL052LES1A KTL066LES1A KTL099LES1A @ -20°F SST 850 1,250 1,700 2,100 2,800 3,300 5,200 6,600 9,900 CFM 130 180 237 270 440 440 928 807 1,242 Fan Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 Connections (in) TXV Suction 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 5/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 5/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 7/8 ODS H x W x D (in) 4 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 4 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 21 7/8 x 19 1/8 5 1/2 x 21 7/8 x 19 1/8 7 5/8 x 42 3/4 x 23 3/4 7 5/8 x 42 3/4 x 23 3/4 7 5/8 x 59 1/2 x 23 3/4 Ship Weight (lbs) 12 13 14 15 19 20 38 40 60 Fan Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 Connections (in) TXV Suction 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 Flare 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 3/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 1/2 ODS 5/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 5/8 ODS 1/2 ODS 7/8 ODS H x W x D (in) 4 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 4 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 18 7/8 x 14 1/8 5 1/2 x 21 7/8 x 19 1/8 5 1/2 x 21 7/8 x 19 1/8 7 5/8 x 42 3/4 x 23 3/4 7 5/8 x 42 3/4 x 23 3/4 7 5/8 x 59 1/2 x 23 3/4 Ship Weight (lbs) 12 13 14 15 19 20 38 40 60 LOW TEMPERATURE ELECTRIC DEFROST - 208-230V Order Number KTL009LES2A KTL013LES2A KTL017LES2A KTL021LES2A KTL028LES2A KTL033LES2A KTL052LES2A KTL066LES2A KTL099LES2A @ -20°F SST 850 1,250 1,700 2,100 2,800 3,300 5,200 6,600 9,900 SERVICE PARTS Model Medium Tem Low Temp KTL010M KTL009L KTL015M KTL013L KTL020M KTL017L KTL025M KTL021L KTL032M KTL028L KTL038M KTL033L KTL060M KTL052L KTL077M KTL066L KTL115M KTL099L CFM 130 180 237 270 440 440 928 807 1,242 Fan Motor 115/1/60 208-230/1/60 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 1069592 1069593 Fan Blade Fan Guard 1043870-001 1043870-002 1043870-003 1043870-004 1043870-005 1043870-005 1043870-005 1043870-005 1043870-006 1043293 1043293 1043293 1043293 1043294 1043294 1043294 1043294 1043294 Defrost Heaters * (ME & LE Models) 1070468-001 1069861-001 1069861-001 1069861-001 1069861-002 1070468-002 1069861-002 1069861-003 1069861-004 Drain Pan 1043868-001 1043868-001 1043868-001 1043868-001 1043868-001 1043868-001 1070010-001 1070010-001 1070010-001 Air Defrost (060 and up) Terminal Board - 104825 Electric Defrost (052 and up) Terminal Board - 1070060 Electric Defrost Fan Delay / Defrost Termination Control - 1043725 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 65 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KTM SERIES TWO WAY MEDIUM PROFILE UNIT COOLERS Heavy gauge textured aluminum cabinet construction resists scratches / corrosion and minimizes weight for shipment, installation and service. Capacity up to 29,500 BTU/hr nominal. Dual refrigeration coils with two-way air distribution reduces air velocities to minimizes product dehydration. Air enters through fan and discharges two ways out of each coil side. Low height compact size usable storage space. MEDIUM TEMPERATURE MODELS AIR DEFROST - 115V OR 230V Order Number KTM-115-MA KTM-139-MA KTM-172-MA KTM-208-MA KTM-236-MA KTM-260-MA KTM-295-MA Capacity @ 25°F SST/hr 11,500 13,900 17,200 20,800 23,600 26,000 29,500 CFM 2,020 1,900 3,030 2,850 3,700 3,780 4,630 Fan Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Connections (in) Suction (OD) Inlet Size 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 Fan Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Connections (in) Suction (OD) Inlet Size 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 3/8 7/8 1 3/8 7/8 W x D x H (in) 67 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 67 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 93 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 93 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 93 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 113 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 113 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 Ship Weight (lbs) 110 116 150 157 164 191 198 LOW TEMPERATURE MODELS ELECTRIC DEFROST - 230V Order Number KTM-105-LE KTM-124-LE KTM-153-LE KTM-188-LE KTM-210-LE KTM-235-LE KTM-265-LE Capacity @ 20°F SST/hr 10,500 12,400 15,300 18,800 21,000 23,500 26,500 SERVICE PARTS Model Medium Tem Low Temp KTM115M KTM105L KTM139M KTM124L KTM172M KTM153L KTM208M KTM188L KTM236M KTM210L KTM260M KTM235L KTM295M KTM265L 115V 1073403 1073403 1073403 1073403 1073403 1073403 1073403 CFM 2,020 1,900 3,030 2,850 3,700 3,780 4,630 W x D x H (in) 67 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 67 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 93 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 93 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 93 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 113 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 113 1/2 x 26 1/2 x 8 2/3 PSC Motor EC Motor & Blade Fan Guard Wire Harness 230V Fan Blade 115V Combo 230V Combo 1073405 1087600 1087500 1087501 1073456 1073642 1073405 1087600 1087500 1087501 1073456 1073642 1073405 1087600 1087500 1087501 1073456 1073642 1073405 1087600 1087500 1087501 1073456 1073642 1073405 1087600 1087500 1087501 1073456 1073642 1073405 1087600 1087500 1087501 1073456 1073642 1073405 1087600 1087500 1087501 1073456 1073642 Ship Weight (lbs) 110 116 150 157 164 191 198 * Drain Pan Heater (if appl) 1070854-003 1070854-003 1070854-002 1070854-002 1070854-002 1070854-001 1070854-001 Terminal Board - 1048825 Fan Delay / Defrost Termination Control - 1071280 (electric defrost models only) Fan Delay / Heater Control - 1073640 (hot gas models only) Burnaby Kitchener 66 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KLP SERIES LOW PROFILE UNIT COOLERS High efficiency and high strength fan guard. Front access with higher capacity. More uniform air flow. Has convenient mounting brackets. Ample electrical and header compartments. The KLP features a flush to ceiling textured aluminum cabinet, stainless steel and nylon hardware, quick disconnect shaded pole fan motors, high density polyethylene fan guards with built in throw boosters. KLP are 6 FPI, 4 FPI is also available, call for more information. MEDIUM TEMPERATURE MODELS AIR DEFROST - 115V OR 230V Capacity @ 25°F BTU/hr 4,300 5,500 6,800 8,600 11,000 14,000 17,000 20,000 23,000 26,000 32,000 39,000 Order Number KLP-104-MA KLP-106-MA KLP-107-MA KLP-209-MA KLP-211-MA KLP-214-MA KLP-317-MA KLP-320-MA KLP-423-MA KLP-426-MA KLP-532-MA KLP-639-MA Connections (in) HP CFM Fan Qty 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1010 950 900 2,020 1,910 1,800 2,860 2,700 3,810 3,600 4,500 5,400 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 Suction (ID) Inlet Size 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 7/8 W x D x H (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 30 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 30 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 30 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 62 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 62 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 78 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 78 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 94 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 110 1/4 x 13 7/8 x 15 7/8 45 47 49 70 74 78 101 107 117 135 163 192 LOW TEMPERATURE MODELS ELECTRIC DEFROST - 230V Capacity BTU/hr - Evaporator Temperature °F Order Number 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 KLP-104-LE 3,930 3,870 3,800 3,550 3,270 KLP-105-LE 5,200 5,020 4,800 4,410 3,980 KLP-106-LE 6,090 5,960 5,800 5,380 4,920 KLP-207-LE 7,930 7,690 7,400 6,820 6,180 KLP-209-LE 9,720 9,400 9,000 8,280 7,470 KLP-211-LE 11,500 11,300 11,000 10,200 9,340 KLP-314-LE 15,100 14,600 14,000 12,900 11,700 KLP-317-LE 18,100 17,600 17,000 15,700 14,300 KLP-419-LE 20,000 19,600 19,000 17,600 16,100 KLP-422-LE 23,000 22,500 22,000 20,400 18,800 KLP-527-LE 29,000 28,100 27,000 24,900 22,500 KLP-631-LE 34,400 32,900 31,000 28,400 25,300 HP 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 CFM 1,010 950 900 2,020 1,910 1,800 2,860 2,700 3,810 3,600 4,500 5,400 Connections (in) Fan Qty Suction ID Inlet Size 1 5/8 1/2 1 5/8 1/2 1 5/8 1/2 2 7/8 1/2 2 7/8 1/2 2 7/8 1/2 3 7/8 1/2 3 1 1/8 1/2 4 1 1/8 1/2 4 1 1/8 7/8 5 1 3/8 7/8 6 1 3/8 7/8 W x D x H (in) 30 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 30 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 30 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 62 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 62 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 78 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 78 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 94 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 110 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 LOW TEMPERATURE MODELS HOT GAS DEFROST - 115V OR 230V Order Number KLP207L# KLP209L# KLP211L# KLP314L# KLP317L# KLP419L# KLP422L# KLP527L# KLP631L# Capacity BTU/hr @ -20°F TD 7,400 9,000 11,000 14,000 17,000 19,000 22,000 27,000 31,000 Connections (in) Volts/Phase Fan Qty CFM Watts 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 2,020 1,910 1,800 2,860 2,700 3,810 3,600 4,500 5,400 490 490 490 720 720 950 950 1,170 1,400 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 Liquid Suction 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 7/8 7/8 7/8 H x W x D (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 46 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 46 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 62 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 62 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 78 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 78 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 94 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 110 1/4 x 13 7/16 x 15 7/8 87 91 95 124 130 145 163 198 233 Note: Capacities rated using R404A with 10°F TD and 100°F liquid temperature Defrost*: T = 3 Pipe Hot Gas w/Electric Heater Pan or Warm Fluid w/Electric Heater Pan for Fluid Air Coolers H = 3 Pipe Hot Gas w/Hot Gas Loop Pan (optional) G = Reverse Cycle w/Electric Heater Pan R= Reverse Cycle w/Hot Gas Loop Pan (optional) * T, H, G, R, available on 2 to 6 fan models only Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 67 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KMP MEDIUM PROFILE UNIT COOLERS Totally enclosed high efficiency PSC motors, high efficiency and high strength fan guard; internally enhanced tubing; more uniform air flow; reverse cycle & 3 pipe got gas available; ample electrical and header compartments; lower heater wattage; liquid line solenoid valve wire harness factory installed; proven motor/fan/motor mount design. Available voltages are: 208-230/1/60, 208-230/3/60, 460/1/60, 460/3/60, 575/1/60, 575/3/60. MEDIUM TEMPERATURE MODELS AIR DEFROST - 115V OR 230V Capacity @ 25°F BTU/ Order Number hr KMP-118-MA 18,000 KMP-122-MA 22,000 KMP-228-MA 28,000 KMP-236-MA 36,000 KMP-245-MA 45,000 KMP-355-MA 55,000 KMP-368-MA 68,000 KMP-480-MA 80,000 KMP-488-MA 88,000 Connections (in) HP CFM 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3,430 3,240 7,260 6,870 6,480 10,300 9,720 13,000 12,200 Fan Qty Suction (ID) Inlet Size 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 W x D x H (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 50 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 50 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 118 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 118 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 136 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 136 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 154 161 224 240 254 326 349 414 433 LOW TEMPERATURE MODELS ELECTRIC DEFROST - 230V Capacity BTU/hr - Evaporator Temperature °F Order Number KMP-116-LE KMP-119-LE KMP-225-LE KMP-232-LE KMP-240-LE KMP-348-LE KMP-356-LE KMP-471-LE 0 16,500 20,100 26,400 24,100 42,200 49,300 57,300 73,200 -10 16,300 19,600 25,700 33,200 41,200 48,800 56,800 72,300 -20 16,000 19,000 25,000 32,000 40,000 48,000 56,000 71,000 -30 14,900 17,600 23,100 29,500 37,000 44,900 52,600 66,300 -40 13,800 16,000 21,100 26,800 33,800 41,600 48,900 61,300 Connections (in) HP 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 CFM Fan Qty Suction ID Inlet Size 3,430 1 1 1/8 5/8 3,240 1 1 1/8 5/8 7,260 2 1 3/8 5/8 6,870 2 1 3/8 7/8 6,480 2 1 5/8 7/8 10,300 3 1 5/8 7/8 9,720 3 1 5/8 1 1/8 13,000 4 2 1/8 1 1/8 W x D x H (in) 50 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 50 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 118 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 118 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 136 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 LOW TEMPERATURE MODELS HOT GAS DEFROST - 115V OR 230V Capacity @ -20°F Order Number BTU/hr KMP116L# 16,000 KMP119L# 19,000 KMP225L# 25,000 KMP232L# 32,000 KMP240L# 40,000 KMP348L# 48,000 KMP356L# 56,000 KMP471L# 71,000 Connections (in) Volts/Phase Fan Qty CFM Watts 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 208-230/1/60 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 3,430 3,240 7,260 6,870 6,480 10,300 9,720 13,000 534 534 887 887 887 1240 1240 1430 Liquid Suction 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 W x D x H (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 50 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 50 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 84 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 118 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 118 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 136 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 27 3/4 157 164 230 245 261 335 360 423 Note: Capacities rated using R404A with 10°F TD and 100°F liquid temperature Defrost*: T = 3 Pipe Hot Gas w/Electric Heater Pan or Warm Fluid w/Electric Heater Pan for Fluid Air Coolers H = 3 Pipe Hot Gas w/Hot Gas Loop Pan (optional) G = Reverse Cycle w/Electric Heater Pan R= Reverse Cycle w/Hot Gas Loop Pan (optional) * T, H, G, R, available on 2 to 6 fan models only Burnaby Kitchener 68 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KHP SERIES HIGH PROFILE UNIT COOLERS Heavy gauge textured aluminum cabinet with galvanized steel hangers, support channels and end plates. Hinged access panels with removable hinge pins and captive fasteners. Hinged drain pan with removable hinge pins. Rugged heavy-gauge galvanized steel rail motor mount and support. Medium and low temperature 6 FPI. Note: also available in 4 FPI call for more information. Available voltages are: 208-230/3/60, 460/3/60, 575/3/60. HIGH AND MEDIUM TEMPERATURE MODELS AIR DEFROST - AVAILABLE IN 230/3/60, 460/3/60 AND 575/3/60 Order Number KHP073HA KHP086HA KHP113HA KHP130HA KHP154HA KHP170HA KHP189HA KHP233HA KHP252HA KHP278HA Capacity @ -20°F BTU/ FPI hr 7 73,000 7 86,000 7 113,000 7 130,000 7 154,000 7 170,000 7 189,000 7 233,000 7 252,000 7 278,000 Connections (in) CFM Motor Qty H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction Ship Weight (lbs) 16,400 15,200 15,600 22,800 24,700 23,500 25,400 35,600 33,800 31,000 2 2 2 3 3 3 3+ 4 4 4 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2 56 21/32 x 145 x 40 1/2 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 770 742 837 1071 1145 1208 1293 1590 1696 1919 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE MODELS ELECTRIC DEFROST - AVAILABLE IN 230/3/60, 460/3/60 AND 575/3/60 Order Number KHP068ME KHP081ME KHP092ME KHP108ME KHP123ME KHP135ME KHP162ME KHP181ME KHP221ME KHP243ME KHP271ME Capacity @ -20°F BTU/ FPI hr 6 67,900 6 81,300 6 91,500 6 108,000 6 123,000 6 135,000 6 162,000 6 181,000 6 221,000 6 243,000 6 271,000 Connections (in) CFM Motor Qty H x W x D (in) Liquid 16,800 15,600 14,700 15,900 23,400 22,000 23,900 26,100 36,300 34,800 32,000 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3+ 4 4 4 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2* 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2* 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2* 56 21/32 x 145 x 40 1/2* 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2* 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2* 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2* 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 Suction Ship Weight (lbs) 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 689 731 774 816 1049 1113 1177 1272 1558 1664 1876 LOW TEMPERATURE MODELS ELECTRIC DEFROST - AVAILABLE IN 230/3/60, 460/3/60 AND 575/3/60 Capacity BTU/hr - Evaporator Temperature °F Motor Connections (in) Ship Order Number FPI 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 CFM Qty H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction Weight (lbs) KHP065LE 6 71,900 68,800 64,300 59,700 54,500 18,900 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 1 3/8 2 1/8 689 KHP078LE 6 87,400 83,700 78,200 72,600 66,200 17,800 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 1 3/8 2 1/8 731 KHP089LE 6 99,500 95,200 89,000 82,700 75,400 16,900 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 1 3/8 2 1/8 744 KHP094LE 6 105,200 100,700 94,100 87,400 79,700 15,930 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2* 1 3/8 2 1/8 816 KHP118LE 6 131,900 126,300 118,000 109,600 99,900 26,730 3 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2* 1 3/8 2 5/8 1,049 KHP134LE 6 149,800 143,400 134,000 124,500 113,500 25,310 3 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2* 1 5/8 2 5/8 1,113 KHP143LE 6 159,800 153,000 143,000 132,800 121,100 23,890 3 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2* 1 5/8 2 5/8 1,117 KHP161LE 6 179,900 172,300 161,000 149,600 136,400 26,080 3+ 56 21/32 x 145 x 40 1/2* 1 5/8 2 5/8 1,272 KHP175LE 6 195,600 187,300 175,000 162,600 148,200 38,100 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2* 1 5/8 2 5/8 1,452 KHP198LE 6 221,300 211,900 198,000 183,900 167,700 36,290 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2* 1 5/8 3 1/8 1,558 KHP216LE 6 241,400 231,100 216,000 200,700 183,000 34,770 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2* 1 5/8 3 1/8 1,664 KHP228LE 6 254,800 244,000 228,000 211,800 193,100 32,000 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2* 1 5/8 3 1/8 1,876 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 69 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KHP SERIES HIGH PROFILE UNIT COOLERS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE MODELS HOT GAS DEFROST - AVAILABLE IN 230/3/60, 460/3/60 AND 575/3/60 Order Number FPI KHP068M# KHP081M# KHP092M# KHP108M# KHP123M# KHP135M# KHP162M# KHP181M# KHP221M# KHP243M# KHP271M# 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Capacity @ -25°F BTU/hr 67,900 81,300 91,500 108,000 123,000 135,000 162,000 181,000 221,000 243,000 271,000 Connections (in) CFM Motor Qty H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction Ship Weight (lbs) 16,800 15,600 14,700 15,900 23,400 22,000 23,900 26,100 36,300 34,800 32,000 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3+ 4 4 4 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2** 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2** 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2** 56 21/32 x 145 x 40 1/2** 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2** 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2** 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2** 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 2 5/8 689 731 774 816 1,049 1,113 1,177 1,272 1,558 1,664 1,876 LOW TEMPERATURE MODELS HOT GAS DEFROST - AVAILABLE IN 230/3/60, 460/3/60 AND 575/3/60 Capacity BTU/hr - Evaporator Temperature °F Motor Connections (in) Ship Order Number FPI 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 CFM Qty H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction Weight (lbs) KHP065L# 6 71,900 68,800 64,300 59,700 54,500 18,900 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 1 3/8 2 1/8 689 KHP078L# 6 87,400 83,700 78,200 72,600 66,200 17,800 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 1 3/8 2 1/8 731 KHP089L# 6 99,500 95,200 89,000 82,700 75,400 16,900 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 1 3/8 2 1/8 774 KHP094L# 6 105,200 100,700 94,100 87,400 79,700 15,930 2 53 1/32 x 99 x 40 1/2** 1 3/8 2 1/8 816 KHP118L# 6 131,900 126,300 118,000 109,600 99,900 26,730 3 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2** 1 3/8 2 5/8 1,049 KHP134L# 6 149,800 143,400 134,000 124,500 113,500 25,310 3 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2** 1 5/8 2 5/8 1,113 KHP143L# 6 159,800 153,000 143,000 132,800 121,100 23,890 3 53 21/32 x 139 x 40 1/2** 1 5/8 2 5/8 1,177 KHP161L# 6 179,900 172,300 161,000 149,600 136,400 26,080 3+ 56 21/32 x 145 x 40 1/2** 1 3/8 2 5/8 1,272 KHP175L# 6 195,600 187,300 175,000 162,600 148,200 38,100 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2** 1 5/8 2 5/8 1,452 KHP198L# 6 221,300 211,900 198,000 183,900 167,700 36,290 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2** 1 5/8 3 1/8 1,558 KHP216L# 6 241,400 231,100 216,000 200,700 183,000 34,770 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2** 1 5/8 3 1/8 1,664 KHP228L# 6 254,800 244,000 228,000 211,800 193,100 32,000 4 57 9/32 x 187 x 40 1/2** 1 5/8 3 1/8 1,876 Note: Capacities rated using R404A with 10°F TD and 100°F liquid temperature Defrost*: T = 3 Pipe Hot Gas w/Heater H = 3 Pipe Hot Gas w/Loop G = Reverse Cycle Hot Gas w/Heater R= Reverse Cycle Hot Gas w/Loop Burnaby Kitchener 70 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KLV SERIES LOW VELOCITY UNIT COOLERS Designed to 35°F rooms and higher, the KLV-AD low velocity unit cooler allows for positive low air movement and even temperatures throughout the refrigerated space, while maintaining desired humidity conditions. The KLV-AD unit features a cleanable, durable textured aluminum cabinet, corrosion resistant fasteners, low speed plug-in motor/fan assemblies and a positive sloped drain pan assembly. Available in ten sizes from 6,000 – 37,000 BTU/hr. optional fin materials and coatings, energy efficient PSC motors, and painted cabinet available. AIR DEFROST MODEL 115V 1 PHASE Order Number KLV-060-AD-S1 KLV-090-AD-S1 KLV-120-AD-S1 KLV-150-AD-S1 KLV-180-AD-S1 KLV-220-AD-S1 KLV-270-AD-S1 KLV-300-AD-S1 KLV-340-AD-S1 KLV-370-AD-S1 Note: Capacity @ 20°F BTU/hr and 10°F TD 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 22,000 27,000 30,000 34,000 37,000 Connections (in) CFM Fan Qty FLA MCA MOP H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction 850 1,120 1,500 2,000 2,530 2,785 3,400 4,000 4,370 4,840 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 2.3 2.3 4.6 4.6 6.9 6.9 6.9 9.2 9.2 11.5 2.9 2.9 5.2 5.2 7.5 7.5 7.5 9.8 9.8 12.1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 8 11/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 9 9/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 12 7/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 14 15/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 14 15/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 14 15/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 112 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 112 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 Coils also available in 208–230, 1 Ph. Capacities are rated with R22 ELECTRIC DEFROST MODEL 208-230V 1 PHASE The KLV electric defrost low velocity unit cooler features the same characteristics as the KLV-AD and can be applied in lower temperature 28 - 34°F rooms. The electric defrost units also include corrosion proof incoloy sheathed defrost heaters on the face of each coil and on individual inner-drain pans under each coil allowing for fast efficient coil defrosting. Defrost heaters are wired to a factory installed terminal block. The unit also includes a thermodisc type fan delay and defrost termination thermostat. Defrost Heaters Connections (in) Capacity @ 20°F Fan Order Number CFM FLA MCA Watts FLA MCA H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction BTU/hr and 10°F TD Qty KLV-060-ED-S2 6,000 850 1 1.2 1.5 1,880 8.2 10.2 8 11/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 5/8 KLV-090-ED-S2 9,000 1,120 1 1.2 1.5 1,880 8.2 10.2 9 9/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 7/8 KLV-120-ED-S2 12,000 1,500 2 2.4 2.7 3,180 13.8 17.3 12 7/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 7/8 KLV-150-ED-S2 15,000 2,000 2 2.4 2.7 3,180 13.8 17.3 14 15/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 KLV-180-ED-S2 18,000 2,530 3 3.6 3.9 4,540 19.7 24.7 14 15/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 KLV-220-ED-S2 22,000 2,785 3 3.6 3.9 4,540 19.7 24.7 14 15/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 KLV-270-ED-S2 27,000 3,400 3 3.6 3.9 4,540 19.7 24.7 17 7/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 KLV-300-ED-S2 30,000 4,000 4 4.8 5.1 4,540 19.7 24.7 17 7/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 KLV-340-ED-S2 34,000 4,370 4 4.8 5.1 5,580 24.3 30.3 17 7/16 x 112 7/8 x 28 1/8 7/8 1 3/8 KLV-370-ED-S2 37,000 4,840 5 6 6.3 5,580 24.3 30.3 17 7/16 x 112 7/8 x 28 1/8 7/8 1 3/8 Note: Burnaby Kitchener Capacities are rated with R22 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 71 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KLV SERIES LOW VELOCITY UNIT COOLERS The KLV hot gas defrost low velocity unit cooler features similar characteristics as the KLV-AD and can be applied in lower temperature 28 - 34°F rooms. The hot gas defrost units include corrosion proof incoloy sheathed heaters on individual drain pan assemblies preventing refreezing of condensate water during defrost cycles. Factory installed side outlet distributor and thermodisc type fan delay thermostats are standard. Check valves are supplied loose for TX valve by-pass. Units are suitable for reverse cycle, three pipe or Thermosaver™ hot gas defrost applications. Available in ten sizes from 9,000 – 37,000 BTU/hr. optional fin materials and coatings, energy efficient PSC motors, and painted cabinet available. Available in 115/1/60 and 208/230/1/60. HOT GAS DEFROST MODEL 115V OR 230V Order Number KLV-060#* KLV-090#* KLV-120#* KLV-150#* KLV-180#* KLV-220#* KLV-270#* KLV-300#* KLV-340#* KLV-370#* Capacity @ 20°F BTU/hr and 10°F TD 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 22,000 27,000 30,000 34,000 37,000 Connections (in) CFM Fan Qty 850 1,120 1,500 2,000 2,530 2,785 3,400 4,000 4,370 4,840 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 Type of Defrost HE = 3 Pipe Defrost, Electric Heated Drain Pan RE = Reverse Cycle Defrost, Electric Heated Drain Pan TE = Thermosaver Defrost, Electric Heated Drain Pan SERVICE PARTS Order Number 1073402 1073403 1073404 1073405 1070854-003 1070854-002 1070854-001 1070854-006 1070854-005 1070854-004 1073414 1073415 1073416 1073640 1073350 1073825-001 1073825-002 1073825-003 1073825-003 1073760-002 1073761-002 1073762-002 1073763-002 1073764-002 1073765-002 1073765 Burnaby Kitchener 72 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Drain Pan Heaters (watts) 580 580 580 580 820 820 820 820 1,020 1,020 H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction 8 11/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 9 9/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 12 7/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 14 15/16 x 66 7/8 x 28 1/8 14 15/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 14 15/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 92 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 112 7/8 x 28 1/8 17 7/16 x 112 7/8 x 28 1/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 Electrical Designation S1 = 115/1/60 S2 = 208/230/1/60 Description Fan motors: 100-115/1/60 SP, 1/15 HP Fan motors: 100-115/1/60 PSC, 1/15 HP Fan motors: 200-230/1/60 SP, 1/15 HP Fan motors: 200-230/1/60 PSC, 1/15 HP Heater: coil face, 115V, 650 W Heater: coil face, 115V, 930 W Heater: coil face, 115V, 1,140 W Heater: drain pan, 115V, 290 W Heater: drain pan, 115V, 410 W Heater: drain pan, 115V, 510 W Fan blades: 14” 35° 5 blades Fan blades: 14” 32° 5 blades Fan blades: 14” 22° 5 blades Thermostat: fan / heater control Fan guard Inner drain pan Inner drain pan Inner drain pan Inner drain pan Outer drain pan Outer drain pan Outer drain pan Outer drain pan Outer drain pan Outer drain pan Outer drain pan Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Use on Models All All All All KLVB-60, 90, 120, 150 KLVB-180, 220, 270, 300 KLVB-340, 370 KLVB-60, 90, 120, 150 KLVB-180, 220, 270, 300 KLVB-340, 370 KLVB-90, 270, 340 KLVB-150, 220, 300, 370 KLVB-60, 120, 180 Hot gas defrost models (RE and HE) All KLVB-60, 90, 120, 150 KLVB-220, 270, 300 KLVB-340, 370 KLVB-340, 370 KLVB-60, 90 KLVB-120, 150 KLVB-180, 220, 270 KLVB-300 KLVB-340 KLVB-370 KLVB-370 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION R SERIES ROUNDELL UNIT COOLERS FOR USE IN SMALL WALK-IN COOLERS AND OTHER SIMILAR APPLICATIONS Air defrost models designed for room temperatures of 35°F or higher. Storage space is maximized by the compact, low profile design. Air is drawn in through the fan and discharged radially in a full 180° arc. The low discharge air velocity helps to minimize product dehydration. Connections (in) BTU/hr Capacity Order Number CFM FLA Fan Qty H x W x D (in) Liquid Suction @ 10°F TD R375A 3,730 770 1.6 1 11 5/8 x 33 1/4 x 20 3/4 1/2 5/8 R485A 4,880 770 1.6 1 11 5/8 x 33 1/4 x 20 3/4 1/2 5/8 R595A 6,050 1,280 1.6 1 11 7/8 x 39 1/4 x 23 3/4 1/2 5/8 R775A 7,900 1,300 2.1 1 14 7/8 x 39 1/4 x 23 3/4 1/2 7/8 R905A 8,900 1,800 2.1 1 15 1/8 x 42 1/4 x 25 1/4 1/2 7/8 R1025A 10,200 2,050 2.1 1 16 1/8 x 42 1/4 x 25 1/4 1/2 7/8 R1305A 12,800 2,000 2.1 1 16 1/8 x 42 1/4 x 25 1/4 1/2 7/8 R2050A 20,400 4,050 4.2 2 16 1/8 x 74 x 25 1/4 1/2 1 1/8 Ship Weight (lbs) 72 76 98 104 108 114 124 187 *. Standard voltage @ 115V @ 60 Hz, 1 Ph. Note: Drain connection: 5/8 OD. Note: Also available in 230V. SERVICE PARTS Order Number 170621 170620 1062533 1062541 1062534 1062531 28271 28270 28272 28269 1043043 170512-003 Description 115V S.P. fan motors 115V S.P. fan motors 115V P.S.C. fan motors 115V P.S.C. fan motors 208-230V P.S.C. fan motors 208-230V P.S.C. fan motors Fan Blade Fan Blade Fan Blade Fan Blade Fan Guard Fan Guard Use on Models R375, R485, R595 R775, R905, R1025, R1305, R2050 R375, R485, R595 R775, R905, R1025, R1305, R2050 R375, R485, R595 R775, R905, R1025, R1305, R2050 R375, R485 R595 R775 R905, R1025, R1305, R2050 R375, R485 R595, R775, R905, R1025, R1305, R2050 KCS SERIES AIR COOLED CONDENSERS HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL AIR DISCHARGE CSA approved for outdoor and indoor applications. Totally enclosed, ball bearing 1,500 RPM, PSC high efficiency motors. Coils fabricated with 3/8” OD copper tube mechanically expanded to corrugated aluminum fins. Rugged heavy gauge galvanized steel construction. Vinyl coated fan grille and motor mount for improved appearance and durability. AIR DEFROST - AVAILABLE IN 208-230/1, 208-230/3, 460/1, 460/3, 575/1 AND 575/3 Total Heat of Rejection MBH (R22) Connections (in) Order Number 1°F 10°F 15°F 20°F 30°F Fan Qty HP CFM Inlet Outlet KCS-002 1.24 12.4 18.6 24.8 37.2 1 1/6 2180 5/8 3/8 KCS-003 1.54 15.4 23.1 30.8 46.2 1 1/6 1950 5/8 1/2 KCS-005 2.60 26.0 38.9 51.9 77.9 1 1/3 4570 7/8 5/8 KCS-008 3.87 38.7 58.1 77.5 116 1 1/3 4570 1 1/8 7/8 KCS-010 5.10 51.0 76.4 102 153 2 1/3 9140 1 1/8 7/8 KCS-012 6.17 61.7 92.6 124 185 2 1/3 8160 1 1/8 7/8 KCS-014 7.03 70.3 105 141 211 2 1/3 9140 1 3/8 7/8 KCS-016 7.72 77.2 116 154 232 2 1/3 9140 1 3/8 7/8 KCS-019 9.18 91.8 138 184 276 3 1/3 12240 1 5/8 1 1/8 KCS-024 11.5 115 173 231 346 3 1/3 13700 1 5/8 1 1/8 Vertical Application Ship W x L x H (in) Weight (lbs) 24 1/4 x 26 1/2 x 38 3/8 127 24 1/4 x 26 1/2 x 38 3/8 121 31 3/4 x 39 x 38 3/8 150 41 3/4 x 39 x 38 3/8 197 41 3/4 x 56 1/2 x 38 3/8 254 41 3/4 x 56 1/2 x 38 3/8 269 41 3/4 x 76 1/2 x 38 3/8 305 41 3/4 x 76 1/2 x 38 3/8 325 41 3/4 x 42 x 38 3/8 381 41 3/4 x 57 x 38 3/8 447 SERVICE PARTS FOR ALL MODELS Order Number 171521-056 1042319 1042220 1042221 1042140 1042141 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Order Number 1041289 1041300 1042219 104148 1041313 1042441 Description Capacitor, 5 mfd, 270V Fan blade Condenser coil, (08) Condenser coil, (10) Fan motor: 575/1/60 Fan motor: 460/1/60 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa Description Terminal block Fan motor: 208-230/1/60 Condenser coil, (03) Condenser coil, (05) Motor mount Condenser coil, (02) 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 73 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KVC SERIES DIRECT DRIVE AIR COOLED CONDENSERS SINGLE ROW Features: THERMOSPAN coil design feature eliminates tube failure on tube sheets. Standard 850 RPM quiet low speed dual voltage (230/460) fan motors with male electrical plug, moisture slinger, and rain shield for complete weather protection. Heavy gauge galvanized steel rail motor mounts/support. All fans sections individually baffled with full height partitions, and clean out panels. Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinet assembled with zinc plate huck bolts supported on heavy duty legs. AVAILABLE IN 208-230/1, 208-230/3, 460/3, 575/3 MBH Capacity THR @ 20°F TD (R22, R404, R507) Order Number KVC011A KVC012A KVC013A KVC014A KVC016A KVC022A KVC024A KVC027A KVC032A KVC037A KVC041A KVC043A KVC048A KVC056A KVC063A KVC068A KVC079A KVC085A KVC095A KVC103A Fan Rows 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 1°F 5.220 5.875 6.460 6.882 7.670 10.44 11.58 12.92 15.34 17.63 19.37 20.65 22.80 26.94 30.28 33.00 37.86 41.25 45.43 49.49 30°F 156.6 176.3 193.8 206.5 230.1 313.2 347.4 387.6 460.2 528.9 581.1 619.5 684.0 808.2 908.4 990.0 1,136 1,238 1,363 1,485 H x W x L (in) 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 49 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 49 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 49 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 62 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 62 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 96 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 96 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 96 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 122 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 143 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 143 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 182 1/5 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 182 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 242 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 242 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 242 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 302 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 302 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 362 1/2 48 1/2 x 45 1/8 x 362 1/2 Ship Weight (lbs) 380 410 440 460 510 620 690 750 890 970 1,070 1,170 1,310 1,650 1,810 1,990 2,300 2,530 2,880 3,150 Fan Rows 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 MBH Capacity THR @ 20°F TD (R22, R404, R507) 1°F 10°F 15°F 20°F 30°F 20.88 208.8 313.2 417.6 626.4 23.50 235.0 352.5 470.0 705.0 25.84 258.4 387.6 516.8 775.2 27.53 275.3 413.0 550.6 825.9 30.68 306.8 460.2 613.6 920.4 35.25 352.5 528.8 705.0 1,058 38.76 387.6 581.4 775.2 1,163 41.29 412.9 619.4 825.8 1,239 46.02 460.2 690.3 920.4 1,381 53.89 538.9 808.4 1,078 1,617 60.57 605.7 908.6 1,211 1,817 65.99 659.9 989.9 1,320 1,980 75.71 757.1 1,136 1,514 2,271 82.49 824.9 1,237 1,650 2,475 90.85 908.5 1,363 1,817 2,726 98.99 989.9 1,485 1,980 2,970 H x W x L (in) 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 96 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 96 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 96 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 122 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 122 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 143 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 143 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 182 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 182 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 242 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 242 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 242 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 302 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 302 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 362 1/2 48 1/2 x 87 5/8 x 362 1/2 Ship Weight (lbs) 1,070 1,200 1,330 1,400 1,590 1,720 1,920 2,060 2,340 2,780 3,100 3,460 4,000 4,460 4,850 5,400 DOUBLE ROW Order Number KVC044A KVC049A KVC054A KVC057A KVC064A KVC073A KVC081A KVC086A KVC096A KVC112A KVC126A KVC137A KVC158A KVC172A KVC190A KVC206A 10°F 52.20 58.75 64.60 68.82 76.70 104.4 115.8 129.2 153.4 176.3 193.7 206.5 228.0 269.4 302.8 330.0 378.6 412.5 454.3 494.9 15°F 78.30 88.13 96.90 103.2 115.1 156.6 173.7 193.8 230.1 264.5 290.6 309.8 342.0 404.1 454.2 495.0 567.9 618.8 681.5 742.4 20°F 104.4 117.5 129.2 137.6 153.4 208.8 231.6 258.4 306.8 352.6 387.4 413.0 456.0 538.8 605.6 660.0 757.2 825.0 908.6 989.8 Capacity correction factors for other refrigerants: R134 R407A R407B R407C 0.94 0.97 0.97 1.00 Burnaby Kitchener 74 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KMH-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR COMPACT AIR COOLED HERMETIC CONDENSING UNITS Standard features include space-saving, compact design; Copeland (H/E/L), Bristol R22 (H) or Maneurop R404A/R507 (M/L) hermetic compressor; high efficiency PSC fan motors; enhanced tube condenser coil; copper tubing secured with cushion clamps; outdoor weatherresistant housing with removable hood; adjustable low (1 HP and below) or high/low pressure control (above 1 HP); fan guard; receiver outlet valve; flooded head pressure control; crankcase heater. R22 HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 - 5 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA (60 Hz) Ambient Order Number Compressor HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 Copeland Compressors Ship Weight Liquid Suction (lbs) Connections (in) L x W x H (in) KMHA005H2 KMHA008H2 KMHA011H2 KMHA015H2 KMHA020H2 KMHA025H2 KMHA031H2 KMHA035H2 KMHA040H2 KMHA050H2 ARE59C3 RS47C2 RS70C1 CR18KQ CR24KQ CR32KQ CR37KQ CR41KQ CR53KQ CRN5-0500 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 5 5,420 7,290 10,600 14,700 19,800 26,200 29,400 32,100 43,700 50,100 4,440 5,910 8,500 11,500 15,800 21,400 23,900 26,300 35,500 41,200 10.2 17.2 20.0 - 5.0 8.5 8.4 10.6 16.3 20.2 21.9 22.8 34.6 40.6 5.8 7.3 9.5 12.2 13.5 15.8 22.5 26.1 18 x 27 x 16 1/8 18 x 27 x 16 1/8 18 x 27 x 16 1/8 19 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 5/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 75 97 120 137 199 210 210 214 285 319 KMHS011H2 KMHS015H2 KMHS020H2 KMHS031H2 KMHS035H2 KMHS040H2 KMHS050H2 H29B14U H29B18U H29B24U H29B35U H23A423 H23A543 H23A623 1 1 1/2 2 3 3 1/2 4 5 10,900 14,500 19,800 28,700 32,200 43,400 49,000 8,340 11,200 15,200 23,000 25,800 34,700 39,700 - 10.1 11.7 16.3 21.9 26.1 38.2 39.8 11.5 13.8 17.1 23.7 27.7 18 x 27 x 16 1/8 19 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 120 137 199 210 214 285 319 Bristol Compressors R404A EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 - 5 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Order Number Compressor HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 115/1 KMHA006E6 KMHA008E6 KMHA009E6 KMHA010E6 KMHA016E6 KMHA021E6 KMHA025E6 KMHA031E6 KMHA035E6 KMHA040E6 KMHA050E6 RS43C2E RS55C2E RS64C2E RS70C1E CS10K6E CS12K6E CS14K6E CS18K6E CS20K6E CS27K6E CS33K6E 1/2 3/4 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 5 - 5,730 6,960 8,280 9,050 13,200 17,100 19,900 24,200 26,400 37,200 40,400 12.5 15.9 - 6.5 7.3 14.7 8.4 12.8 13.4 15.1 19.0 21.9 29.0 36.6 KMHD016M6 KMHD021M6 KMHD025M6 KMHD031M6 KMHD036M6 KMHD040M6 KMHD050M6 MTZ18 MTZ22 MTZ28 MTZ36 MTZ44 MTZ50 MTZ56 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 5 15600 20200 24600 29000 33800 44000 47000 13,400 17,000 20,500 24,400 28,500 36,700 39,700 - 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Copeland Compressors Maneurop Compressors Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor MCA (60 Hz) Ship Weight Liquid Suction (lbs) Connections (in) 208-230/1 208-230/3 L x W x H (in) 9.2 5.8 8.9 9.5 11.4 11.0 13.9 17.2 23.1 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 95 95 95 95 146 208 212 215 216 282 287 10.9 14.7 21.1 25.1 25.9 30.9 36.2 7.7 9.9 13.9 14.7 18.7 22.1 22.9 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 146 208 212 215 221 282 287 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 75 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KMH-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR COMPACT AIR COOLED HERMETIC CONDENSING UNITS R404 LOW TEMPERATURE - 1/2 - 4 HP Order Number BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient 0°F SST -20°F SST Compressor HP KMHA006L6 KMHA008L6 KMHA010L6 KMHA020L6 KMHA025L6 KMHA031L6 AFT22C1E AFT26C1E CF04K6E CF06K6E CF09K63 CF12K6E 1/2 3/4 1 2 2 1/2 3 3,270 4,100 5,910 10,200 14,900 18,700 1,990 2,420 3,320 5,800 8,690 11,400 11.4 11.0 12.9 13.3 19.9 24.1 4.7 5.7 8.1 8.4 12.6 14.9 KMHD015L6 KMHD025L6 KMHD031L6 KMHD040L6 LTZ22 LTZ28 LTZ40 LTZ50 1 1/5 1 1/2 3 4 7,110 10,600 15,400 22,800 3,910 6,070 8,870 13,200 14.1 21.1 26.0 30.9 9.3 13.9 18.7 20.5 Copeland Compressors Maneurop Compressors Ship Weight Liquid Suction (lbs) MCA (60 Hz) Connections (in) 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 H x W x L (in) 8.1 8.4 12.6 14.9 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 17 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 86 88 120 123 212 215 9.3 13.9 18.7 20.5 19 7/8 x 27 x 16 1/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 33 x 29 1/4 x 19 5/8 43 1/2 x 38 5/8 x 29 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 119 212 224 282 KEH-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR AIR COOLED HERMETIC CONDENSING UNITS Indoor unit features weatherproof electrical control box with compressor contractor and fused control circuit; welded-hermetic compressor; high efficiency enhanced tube and fin condenser design; pre-formed piping; quiet fan motor operation; energy efficient PSC condenser fan motor; and electrical control panel away from air flow stream. Additional features of outdoor unit include outdoor weather-resistant housing with removable hood; flooded head pressure control (non-adjustable); liquid line drier, sight glass and crankcase heater. R22 HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 - 7 1/2 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient Order Number Compressor HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 Copeland Compressors Ship Weight Suction Liquid (lbs) Connections (in) H x W x L (in) KEHA005H2 KEHA008H2 KEHA010H2 KEHA015H2 KEHA020H2 KEHA025H2 KEHA029H2 KEHA030H2 KEHA035H2 KEHA040H2 KEHA050H2 ART82C1 RS64C2 RS70C1 CR18KQ CR24KQ CR32KQ CR37KQ CR37KQ CR41KQ CR53KQ CRN5-0500 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 3 1/2 4 5 7,430 9,850 11,000 16,600 20,100 26,700 29,900 33,000 36,400 44,600 53,700 5,970 8,090 8,870 13,000 16,100 21,800 24,400 26,600 29,300 36,200 43,900 14.5 16.1 20.0 - 7.1 9.1 8.4 11.2 16.3 20.2 21.9 22.9 23.9 34.6 40.6 5.8 7.9 9.5 12.2 13.5 14.5 16.9 22.5 26.1 4.8 6.3 6.9 7.4 7.7 11.3 12.0 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 1/2 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/2 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 141 152 167 277 282 392 298 394 394 405 415 KEHS010H2 KEHS015H2 KEHS020H2 KEHS029H2 KEHS035H2 KEHS040H2 KEHS050H2 H29B14U H29B18U H29B24U H20B35U H23A423 H23A543 H23A623 1 1 1/2 2 3 3 1/2 4 5 11,500 16,400 20,200 29,300 36,300 44,300 52,200 8,730 12,400 15,500 23,400 28,600 35,400 41,900 - 10.1 12.4 16.3 21.9 27.1 38.2 39.8 11.5 13.9 18.1 23.7 27.7 7.5 8.7 12.3 13.9 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/2 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 167 282 298 405 415 KEHD060H2 KEHD075H2 MT72 MT100 6 57,900 7 1/2 78,700 47,100 63,300 - - 27.0 36.6 13.5 18.7 1 1/8 1 1/8 5/8 5/8 427 577 Bristol Compressors Maneurop Compressors Burnaby Kitchener 76 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KEH-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR AIR COOLED HERMETIC CONDENSING UNITS R404A EXTENDED MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 - 5 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient Order Number Compressor HP 10°F SST -10°F SST 115/1 208-230/1208-230/3 460/3 Copeland Compressors KEHA006E6 KEHA008E6 KEHA009E6 KEHA010E6 KEHA015E6 KEHA020E6 KEHA025E6 KEHA029E6 KEHA030E6 KEHA035E6 KEHA040E6 KEHA050E6 RS43C2E 1/2 RS55C2E 3/4 RS64C2E 1 RS70C1E 1 CS10K6E 1 1/2 CS12K6E 2 CS14K6E 2 1/2 CS18K6E 3 CS18K63 3 CS20K6E 3 1/2 CS27K3E 4 CS3353E 5 4640 5730 6520 7060 10800 12300 14900 18100 19900 21500 27200 32200 2584 3705 3819 4009 5349 6308 8066 9462 10165 11685 14900 18100 12.6 16.1 14.8 - 6.5 7.3 9.2 8.4 13.4 13.4 15.1 19.0 20.1 23.0 28.9 36.6 5.8 9.5 9.5 11.4 11.0 12.0 14.9 19.6 23.1 4.6 5.9 5.9 6.4 6.9 10.6 12.2 Connections (in) H x W x L (in) 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 R404 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1 1/2 - 7 1/2 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient Order Number Compressor HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 Maneurop Compressors KEHD015M6 KEHD020M6 KEHD025M6 KEHD030M6 KEHD035M6 KEHD040M6 KEHD050M6 KEHD060M6 KEHD075M6 MTZ18 MTZ22 MTZ28 MTZ36 MTZ44 MTZ50 MTZ56 MTZ72 MTZ100 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 5 6 7 1/2 18,100 20,600 25,100 33,500 40,700 44,800 48,000 60,300 81,300 15,300 17,300 20,900 27,700 33,500 37,400 40,500 51,200 68,000 11.5 14.7 21.1 26.1 27.0 30.9 36.2 - 8.4 9.9 13.9 15.7 19.7 22.1 22.9 27.0 36.6 5.4 6.6 8.4 8.7 10.7 10.7 13.5 18.7 4.1 5.3 6.7 7.7 8.9 9.7 14.5 R404 LOW TEMPERATURE - 1/2 - 7 1/2 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient Order Number Compressor HP -5°F SST -25°F SST 115/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 Copeland Compressors KEHA006L6 KEHA008L6 KEHA010L6 KEHA020L6 KEHA025L6 KEHA030L6 AFT22C1E 1/2 3,100 AFT26C1E 3/4 3,870 CF04K6E 1 5,960 CF06K6E 2 9,230 CF09K6E 2 1/2 14,400 CF12K6E 3 17,000 Maneurop Compressors KEHD015L6 KEHD025L6 KEHD030L6 KEHD040L6 KEHD065L6 KEHD075L6 Burnaby Kitchener LTZ22 LTZ28 LTZ40 LTZ50 LTZ88 LTZ100 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 1 1/2 2 1/2 3 4 6 1/2 7 1/2 Interior BC St.Catharines 8,200 12,800 17,700 26,100 41,600 51,000 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Suction Liquid 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Ship Weight (lbs) 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 149 149 152 167 279 282 286 292 388 389 389 398 Ship Weight Suction Liquid (lbs) Connections (in) H x W x L (in) 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 279 282 286 388 389 389 398 427 577 Ship Weight Suction Liquid (lbs) Connections (in) H x W x L (in) 1,810 2,210 2,350 3,980 6,110 8,270 11.6 11.1 - 4.7 5.7 12.9 13.3 19.9 24.1 8.1 8.4 12.6 14.9 6.8 8.0 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 1/2 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 141 165 194 281 292 4,710 7,460 10,500 15,600 23,300 30,300 - 14.1 21.0 26.0 30.9 - 9.3 13.9 18.7 20.5 36.6 45.4 6.6 7.8 10.7 18.7 22.7 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 190 281 292 389 427 577 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 77 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KEZ-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR AIR COOLED SCROLL CONDENSING UNITS Standard features of indoor unit include weatherproof electrical control box with compressor contractor and fused control circuit; welded hermetic scroll compressor; high efficiency enhanced tube and fin condenser design; energy efficient PSC condenser fan motor; receiver with fusible plug and liquid injection (low temperature models); and unit leak tested and shipped with helium holding charge. Outdoor unit has all standard features of indoor unit plus outdoor weather-resistant housing with removable hood; flooded head pressure control (non-adjustable); and crankcase heater. R22 HIGH TEMPERATURE - 2 HP TO 7 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient Order Number Compressor HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 Copeland Compressors KEZA020H2 ZB15KCE 2 21,900 18,200 20.7 12.2 6.9 KEZA025H2 ZB19KCE 2 1/2 24,900 20,700 23.5 13.6 6.9 KEZA030H2 ZB21KCE 3 33,100 27,400 28.0 17.2 8.7 7.2 KEZA035H2 ZB26KCE 3 1/2 37,600 31,300 28.0 19.5 10.0 7.2 KEZA040H2 ZB30KCE 4 43,200 36,000 35.6 21.7 10.5 8.4 KEZA050H2 ZB38KCE 5 53,400 44,400 41.1 29.7 13.1 10.5 KEZA060H2 ZB45KCE 6 65,000 53,900 30.2 15.5 12.4 KEZA075H2 ZB56KCE 7 1/2 75,000 62,600 39.6 20.7 15.2 Connections (in) H x W x L (in) Suction Liquid 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 Ship Weight (lbs) 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 300 320 410 415 420 425 470 480 R404A / R507 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 2 HP TO 7 HP Order Number Compressor KEZA020M6 ZB15KCE KEZA025M6 ZB19KCE KEZA030M6 ZB21KCE KEZA035M6 ZB26KCE KEZA040M6 ZB30KCE KEZA050M6 ZB38KCE KEZA060M6 ZB45KCE KEZA075M6 ZB56KCE BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 2 21,400 18,200 20.7 12.2 6.9 2 1/2 26,700 22,700 23.5 13.6 6.9 3 33,600 28,400 28.0 17.2 8.7 3 1/2 38,300 32,500 31.6 19.5 10.0 4 42,800 36,300 35.6 21.7 10.5 5 53,400 45,400 41.0 29.7 13.1 6 65,200 55,200 30.2 15.5 7 76,100 64,900 39.6 20.7 Ship Weight Liquid Suction (lbs) 7/8 3/8 300 7/8 1/2 320 1 1/8 1/2 410 1 1/8 1/2 415 1 1/8 1/2 420 1 1/8 1/2 425 1 3/8 5/8 470 1 3/8 5/8 480 Connections (in) 575/3 7.2 8.0 8.4 10.5 12.4 15.2 H x W x L (in) 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 R404A / R507 LOW TEMPERATURE - 2 HP TO 10 HP Order Number Compressor KEZA020L6 ZF06K4E KEZA025L6 ZF08K4E KEZA030L6 ZF09K4E KEZA035L6 ZF11K4E KEZA045L6 ZF13K4E KEZA055L6 ZF15K4E KEZA060L6 ZF18K4E KEZA075L6 ZF24K4E KEZA100L6 ZF33K4E Burnaby Kitchener 78 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 HP 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/2 6 7 1/2 10 Interior BC St.Catharines BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient -10°F SST -30°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 9,600 6,200 17.5 12.1 12,200 7,900 21.6 13.2 6.9 13,500 8,800 21.6 15.0 7.7 16,300 10,700 57.0 18.1 9.5 19,200 12,200 35.6 20.9 11.4 23,100 15,000 41.9 28.9 13.1 28,000 18,300 32.0 12.7 34,500 22,100 39.6 20.7 46,900 29,900 56.6 27.5 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Ship Weight Suction (lbs) 7/8 315 7/8 335 7/8 425 1 1/8 430 1 1/8 435 1 1/8 440 1 1/8 485 1 3/8 495 1 3/8 545 Connections (in) 575/3 5.9 6.8 11.2 10.8 10.8 12.0 21.0 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 H x W x L (in) Liquid 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 3/8 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 1/2 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1/2 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1/2 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1/2 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 5/8 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 5/8 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KES-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR AIR COOLED SEMI-HERMETIC CONDENSING UNITS Standard features of indoor unit include weatherproof electrical control box with compressor contractor and fused control circuit; solid mounted accessible semihermetic compressor up to 2 HP models; spring mounted accessible semi-hermetic compressor with suction and discharge vibration eliminator on 3 HP and over models; high efficiency enhanced tube and fin condenser design; energy efficient PSC condenser fan motor; receiver with fusible plug and liquid shut off valve; adjustable dual high/low pressure control; suction service valve; pre-formed copper tubing; unit lead tested and shipped with helium holding charge. Outdoor unit includes all standard features of indoor unit plus outdoor weather-resistant housing with removable hood; flooded head pressure control (non adjustable); and crankcase heater. R22 HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 HP TO 7 1/2 HP Order Number Compressor KESA005H2 HAG2-0500 KESA008H2 KAN2-0075 KESA010H2 KAR2-0100 KESA015H2 KAGB-0150 KESA020H2 KAKB-0200 KESA030H2 ERF1-0310 KESA040H2 NRB2-0400 KESA050H2 2DC3-0500 KESA051H2 2DD3-0500 KESA075H2 2DL3-0750 KESA076H2 2DA3-0750 HP 1/2 1 1 1 1/2 2 3 4 5 5 7 1/2 7 1/2 BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient 35°F SST 25°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 5,480 4,390 5.5 3.5 8,550 6,920 8.1 4.9 11,700 9,530 9.8 5.9 14,900 12,000 13.1 8.0 3.7 20,300 16,600 14.4 9.6 4.4 33,290 27,110 23.4 15.7 8.9 46,060 37110 28.4 15.0 54,650 44,280 39.5 30.0 14.1 62,110 50,650 30.0 14.2 75,230 62,010 41.6 18.4 83,080 68,890 42.1 18.7 Ship Weight 575/3 H x W x L (in) Suction Liquid (lbs) - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 1/2 3/8 215 - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 1/2 3/8 240 - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 3/8 270 - 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 3/8 310 - 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 1/2 320 - 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/8 1/2 477 - 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/8 1/2 542 10.5 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 766 10.8 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 769 17.4 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 780 17.5 1 3/8 5/8 780 Connections (in) R22 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 HP TO 5 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F Ship MCA Connections (in) Ambient Weight Order Number Compressor HP 25°F SST 5°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 H x W x L (in) Suction Liquid (lbs) KESA005M2 HAJ1-0050 1/2 4,880 3,050 5.1 3.3 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 1/2 3/8 215 KESA008M2 KAE2-0075 1 7,560 4,800 7.3 4.8 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 3/8 240 KESA010M2 KAM2-0100 1 10,600 6,560 9.9 6.1 4.4 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 3/8 270 KESA021M2 ERC1-0200 2 18,300 11,000 14.4 9.6 5.1 4.5 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 1/2 390 KESA030M2 3RA1-0310 3 30,990 19,850 14.7 18.5 9.4 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/8 1/2 486 KESA050M2 NRM1-0500 5 52,400 33,690 24.4 32.5 16.2 12.4 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 1/8 1/2 738 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 79 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION KES-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR AIR COOLED SEMI-HERMETIC CONDENSING UNITS R404A / R507 HIGH/MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 5 HP TO 7 1/2 HP Order Number KESA050H6 KESA051H6 KESA075H6 KESA076H6 BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient Compressor HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 208-230/3 460/3 2DC3-050E 5 54,810 45,240 30.0 14.1 2DD3-050E 5 63,520 52,880 30.0 14.2 2DL3-075E 7 1/2 73,950 62,190 41.6 18.4 2DA3-075E 7 1/2 81,690 69,480 42.1 18.7 Ship Weight 575/3 H x W x L (in) Suction Liquid (lbs) 10.5 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 1/8 5/8 766 10.8 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 1/8 5/8 769 17.4 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 780 17.5 1 3/8 5/8 780 Connections (in) R404A / R507 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 1/2 HP TO 4 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient Order Number Compressor HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 208-230/1 208-203/3 460/3 575/3 H x W x L (in) KESA005M6 HAJA-005E 1/2 5,040 3,250 5.1 3.3 - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 KESA010M6 KARB-010E 1 9,360 6,300 9.8 5.9 - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 KESA020M6 KAKA-0203 2 15,400 10,200 14.4 9.6 4.4 - 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 KESA021M6 ERCA-021E 2 19,400 12,700 12.1 5.5 4.5 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 KESA030M6 ERFA-031E 3 28,360 18,700 23.4 17.6 8.4 - 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 KESA035M6 3RAA-031E 3 1/2 34,730 22,100 19.9 9.0 - 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 KESA040M6 NRB2-040E 4 38,350 24,600 29.4 12.4 - 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 Ship Weight Suction Liquid (lbs) 1/2 3/8 215 5/8 3/8 270 7/8 1/2 320 7/8 1/2 390 7/8 1/2 477 1 1/8 5/8 487 1 1/8 5/8 542 Connections (in) R404A / R507 LOW TEMPERATURE - 1/2 HP TO 7 1/2 HP BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Connections (in) Ambient Order Number Compressor HP -10°F SST -30°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 575/3 H x W x L (in) Suction Liquid KESA005L6 KANB-005E 1/2 2,750 1,300 5.0 3.3 - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 1/2 3/8 KESA008L6 KAMB-007E 1 4,580 2,520 7.5 4.5 - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 5/8 3/8 KESA010L6 KAJB-010E 1 5,760 3,330 9.1 63 - 16 7/8 x 24 7/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 3/8 KESA015L6 KALB-015E 1 1/2 8,960 5,130 13.5 9.4 4.9 - 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 3/8 KESA020L6 EADB-021E 2 10,100 5,550 13.6 9.6 - 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 3/8 KESA021L6 EAVB-021E 2 11,400 6,500 19.5 10.4 5.5 4.4 19 7/8 x 36 3/8 x 30 3/8 7/8 1/2 KESA030L6 LAHA-032E 3 18,630 9,820 23.0 18.1 8.6 6.0 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/8 1/2 KESA031L6 NRD1-032E 3 21,060 12,350 36.7 22.5 11.6 1 1/8 1/2 KESA032L6 LACA-032E 3 12,670 21.5 18.1 8.6 1 1/8 1/2 KESA035L6 2DF3-030E 3 1/2 24,080 14,140 23.1 11.2 9.3 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/8 1/2 KESA040L6 2DL3-040E 4 29,510 17,520 35.0 13.9 10.5 30 3/8 x 47 3/8 x 32 7/8 1 1/8 1/2 KESA060L6 2DB3-060E 6 36,760 21,860 37.4 17.7 12.9 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 KESA061L6 3DADA060E 6 40,480 24,580 40.0 18.2 14.0 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 KESA075L6 3DB3A075E 7 1/2 46,550 28,760 41.5 21.2 14.7 41 7/8 x 55 5/8 x 35 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 Burnaby Kitchener 80 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Ship Weight (lbs) 240 270 290 315 385 390 493 562 491 588 618 781 819 827 306.373.9227 KEEPRITE REFRIGERATION K-LINE INDOOR/OUTDOOR AIR COOLED SEMI-HERMETIC CONDENSING UNITS Offers the most current high efficiency accessible hermetic compressors available today. Consisting of a generously sized copper tube and aluminum fin condenser coil, the Kline allows maximum operational efficiency with low refrigerant charges. A weatherproof electrical control panel is standard with compressor contractor and fused control circuit. Dual high/low pressure and oil safety control included where required. The addition of a lightweight aluminum weather resistant housing, sealed liquid line filter drier and sight glass, flooded head pressure control, compressor crankcase heater, and pump-down toggle switch make this unit an ideal choice for your outdoor installation needs. Available in sizes from 3-30 HP, with options designed to meet your special needs. R134A models available. R22 HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 3 - 30 HP Order Number K300M8 K310M8 K500M8 K510M8 K750M8 K760M8 K1000M8 K2000M8 K2500M8 K3000M8 Compressor ERF1-031E 3RAA-031E 2DC3-050E 2DD3-050E 2DL3-075E 2DA3A075E 3DB3A100E 4DA3-200E 4DH3-250E 4DJ3-300E BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient HP 35°F SST 25°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 3 31,000 25,330 24.5 17.8 9.6 3+ -00 31,460 26.9 21 10.5 5 54,465 44,970 37.1 17.6 5+ 61,780 51,140 37.1 17.7 7.5 78,265 64,620 47.9 21.5 7.5+ 104,885 86,580 59.7 29.2 10 123,905 102,100 62.9 29.2 20 184,300 151,290 95.1 47.6 25 233,340 193,000 115.1 57.7 30 258,700 214,000 130.1 65.1 Ship Weight Liquid Suction (lbs) 1/2 1 1/8 505 5/8 1 1/8 590 5/8 1 3/8 810 5/8 1 3/8 810 5/8 1 3/8 1,020 5/8 1 3/8 1,130 7/8 1 5/8 1,210 7/8 1 5/8 1,620 1 1/8 2 1/8 1,710 1 1/8 2 1/8 1,710 Connections (in) 575/3 8.1 14.3 14.5 20.7 24.8 24.8 37.2 49.3 55.4 H x W x L (in) 35 1/2 x 38 1/4 x 46 35 1/2 x 48 1/4 x 46 36 1/2 x 58 1/4 x 46 36 1/2 x 58 1/4 x 46 39 x 68 1/4 x 55 39 x 68 1/4 x 55 49 x 68 1/4 x 57 53 x 98 1/4 x 66 1/4 53 x 98 1/4 x 66 1/4 53 x 98 1/4 x 66 1/4 Note: For 90°F ambient add 3% to capacity. R404A / 507 LOW TEMPERATURE - 3 - 30 HP Order Number K300L6 K350L6 K400L6 K600L6 K610L6 K750L6 K900L6 K1000L6 K1500L6 K2000L6 K2500L6 K3000L6 Compressor LAHA-032E 2DF3-030E 2DL3-040E 2DA3-060E 3DA3-060E 3DB3-075E 3DF3-090E 3DS3-100E 4DL3-150E 4DT3-220E 6DL3-270E 6DT3-300E HP 3 3.5 4 6 6+ 7.5 9 10 15 22 27 30 BTU/hr @ 95°F MCA Ambient -10°F SST -30°F SST 208-230/1 208-230/3 18,100 9,500 24.1 19.2 24,270 13,990 21.4 28,440 16,800 37.5 33,100 19,810 45.2 39,170 23,500 47.1 46,170 27,810 48.8 57,480 34,690 57.2 65,510 39,790 60.9 86,250 53,870 74.2 103,120 63,800 90.9 128,990 78,430 113.6 146,160 88,320 132.1 Ship Weight 575/3 H x W x L (in) Liquid Suction (lbs) - 35 1/2 x 38 1/4 x 46 1/2 1 1/8 540 10.7 35 1/2 x 48 1/4 x 46 1/2 1 1/8 685 11.9 35 1/2 x 48 1/4 x 46 1/2 1 1/8 685 16 35 1/2 x 58 1/4 x 46 5/8 1 3/8 760 17.7 35 1/2 x 58 1/4 x 46 5/8 1 3/8 850 18.4 35 1/2 x 58 1/4 x 46 5/8 1 3/8 880 24.8 39 x 68 1/4 x 55 5/8 1 3/8 1,090 25.2 49 x 68 1/4 x 57 5/8 1 3/8 1,125 30.3 49 x 68 1/4 x 57 7/8 2 1/8 1,260 34.5 49 x 68 1/4 x 57 1 1/8 2 1/8 1,330 46.9 53 x 98 1/4 x 66 1/4 1 1/8 2 1/8 1,443 55.8 53 x 98 1/4 x 66 1/4 1 1/8 2 1/8 1,775 Connections (in) 460/3 9.1 12.4 15 17.3 21.7 24.7 25.3 27.5 37.1 45.5 56.8 66.1 Note: For 90°F ambient add 3% to capacity. Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 81 LARKIN, INC. REACH-IN EVAPORATORS Ideal for refrigerated reach-ins. It mounts to the top of the refrigerator and discharges cold air against the back wall. With air flow pattern, the air is not blasted on the product, but is diffused along the back wall and then gently drawn across the product as it returns to the unit; thus, uniform temperatures are maintained throughout the refrigerator. In addition, door sweating and refrigeration loss due to door opening is greatly reduced because the air is not discharged against the doors. Mounting is made easy by means of aluminum hangers that automatically space the unit the correct distance from the back wall. The expansion valve fits inside, out of sight. Available with an optional protective coil coating (designated as model CK) for corrosion protection. MODEL C HIGH PROFILE AIR DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Motor FLA Order Number C-13-AG C-17-AG C-23-AG C-30-AG, BG C-43-AG, BG BTU/hr 10°F TD 1,300 1,700 2,300 3,000 4,300 CFM 235 250 265 480 520 Connections (in) Fan Qty 115/1 208-230/1 L x H x D (in) 1 1 0.5 14 1/4 x 8 7/8 x 13 3/4 1 1 0.5 17 1/4 x 8 7/8 x 13 3/4 1 1 0.5 22 3/4 x 8 7/8 x 13 3/4 2 2 1 27 3/4 x 8 7/8 x 13 3/4 2 2 1 38 x 8 7/8 x 13 3/4 Liquid 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Suction 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 Drain 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Ship Weight (lbs) 12 12 17 21 33 MODEL VAK V-PROFILE AIR DEFROST COATED UNIT COOLERS A deluxe unit designed for use in small reach-ins, back bar and under counter refrigerators, an many other applications where a small, compact unit is required. The thermal expansion valve mounts inside of the unit. The unit can be mounted from the ceiling or off the back or end walls, or can be used in mullion application. Coils are stocked with standard protective coating for corrosion protection. Ship Motor FLA Connections (in) Weight Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD CFM Fan Qty 115/1 208-230/1 L x H x D (in) Liquid Suction Drain (lbs) VAK-06-AG 600 135 1 0.8 0.4 12 1/2 x 6 7/8 x 8 1/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 7 VAK-08-AG 800 130 1 0.8 0.4 12 1/2 x 6 7/8 x 8 1/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 7 VAK-12-AG 1,200 265 1 1.6 0.8 18 x 8 x 8 1/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 12 VAK-17-AG 1,700 245 2 1 0.5 14 x 9 3/4 x 10 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 9 MODEL RAMK REVERSE AIR MULLION UNIT COOLERS Ideal for use in under-counter reach-in refrigeration. The thin line design allows the unit to be mounted behind a mullion with sufficient clearance for the installation of tray slides. RAMK or reverse air mullion draws air through the coil at the bottom and discharges the cooled air out the top. This arrangement allows the coldest air to be in contact with drop-in trays. The versatile design of the compact mullion is also adaptable for mounting on the back wall or ends of a beverage cooler. The finned coil of RAMK is protected by special coating as standard. Motor FLA Order Number RAMK-13-AG RAMK-17-AG RAMK-23-AG Burnaby Kitchener 82 BTU/hr 10°F TD CFM 1,300 180 1,700 170 2,300 255 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Fan Qty 2 2 3 115/1 1.6 1.6 2.4 Vancouver Island Windsor Connections (in) 208-230/1 0.8 0.8 1.2 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 L x H x D (in) 15 5/8 x 17 3/4 x 5 5/8 15 5/8 x 19 3/4 x 5 5/8 22 x 19 3/4 x 5 5/8 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Liquid 1/2 1/2 1/2 Edmonton Ottawa Suction 3/8 3/8 3/8 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Drain 5/8 5/8 5/8 Saskatchewan Ship Weight (lbs) 15 17 23 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. LCA SERIES AIR DEFROST COMPAK UNIT COOLERS Air defrost with shaded pole motors; more capacities 5,700, 7,000 and 25,000 BTU/ hr models; more accessible-electrical and piping on opposite ends, access provided through large access panels; Schrader valve on suction header; extended warranty for oil construction; 3 years protection against tube sheet leaks; drain fitting allows removal of drain pan without removal of hard piping; moulded fan guard design made of strong plastic material or optional wire fan guard for air diffusion; internally enhanced tubing. AIR DEFROST MODELS 115V Order Number LCA6-40AB LCA6-51AB LCA6-62AB LCA6-72AB LCA6-90AB LCA6-110AB LCA6-135AB LCA6-160AB LCA6-185AB LCA6-215AB LCA6-260AB LCA6-310AB LCA6-350AB BTU/hr 10°F TD 4,400 5,100 6,200 7,200 9,000 11,000 13,500 16,000 18,500 21,500 26,000 31,000 35,000 CFM 800 800 800 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,250 2,250 3,000 3,000 3,750 4,500 4,500 Fan Qty 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 Coil Connections (in) Inlet Suction 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 3/8 1/2 1 3/8 H x W x D (in) 14 3/4 x 30 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 30 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 30 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 58 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 58 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 74 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 74 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 90 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 106 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 106 1/2 x 14 15/16 Ship Weight (lbs) 27 28 31 40 44 46 59 63 74 78 88 108 110 Note: Air throw is 30’ based on 8’ ceiling with no obstructions where velocity drops to 50 fpm. Molded fan guards used. Note: All fan diameters are 12″. Note: Also available in 208-230V, 1 Ph. LOW PROFILE ELECTRIC DEFROST UNIT COOLERS 208/230V, 1 PHASE WITH SHADED POLE MOTORS Order Number BTU/hr 10° TD @ -20°F LCE6-35BB 3,500 LCE6-43BB 4,300 LCE6-65BB 6,500 LCE6-76BB 7,600 LCE6-94BB 9,400 LCE6-120BB 12,000 LCE6-160BA 16,000 LCE6-200BA 20,000 LCE6-240BA 24,000 LCE6-270BA 27,000 CFM 800 800 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,250 3,000 3,750 4,500 4,500 Fan Qty 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 Coil Connections (in) Inlet Suction 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 3/8 1/2 1 3/8 1/2 1 3/8 H x L x D (in) 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 58 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 74 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 90 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 106 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 106 1/2 x 14 15/16 Ship Weight (lbs) 45 49 63 67 70 80 104 117 142 161 LOW PROFILE HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS 208/230V, 1 PHASE WITH SHADED POLE MOTORS Order Number LCH6-35AB LCH6-43AB LCH6-65AB LCH6-76AB LCH6-95AB LCH6-120AB LCH6-160AB LCH6-200AB LCH6-240AB LCH6-270AB Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr 10° TD 3,500 4,300 6,500 7,600 9,400 12,000 16,000 20,000 24,000 27,000 Interior BC St.Catharines CFM 800 800 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,250 3,000 3,750 4,500 4,500 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Fan Qty 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 Vancouver Island Windsor Coil Connections (in) Inlet Suction 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 3/8 1/2 1 3/8 1/2 1 3/8 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 H x L x D (in) 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 42 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 58 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 74 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 90 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 106 1/2 x 14 15/16 14 3/4 x 106 1/2 x 14 15/16 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Ship Weight (lbs) 65 71 82 86 91 100 110 120 130 135 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 83 LARKIN INC. LOW VELOCITY AIR DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Features very low coil face velocity yet provides positive, quiet air movement. This combination assures even box temperatures and high humidity at the same time. Equal or outperform gravity coils but are far more economical to install. Their low, narrow construction was designed especially for installation between the rail beams in meat storage and aging rooms. The high humidity characteristics minimize shrinkage and dehydration of produce. Designed for the attractive appearance and easy cleaning necessary in food processing. 115V BTU/hr Order Number LFA-070 LFA-087 LFA-120 LFA-135 LFA-150 LFA-170 LFA-190 LFA-230 LFA-270 10°F TD 7,000 8,700 12,000 13,500 15,000 17,000 19,000 23,000 27,000 Motor FLA 15°F TD 10,500 13,000 18,000 20,250 22,500 25,50 28,500 34,500 40,500 CFM 1,200 1,200 1,300 1,300 1,900 1.900 2,400 2,700 3,200 Fan Qty 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 115/1 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 2.8# 2.8# 2.8# Connections (in) Liquid 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Suction 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 H x L x D (in) 14 x 83 x 23 1/4 14 x 83 x 23 1/4 14 1/2 x 111 x 23 1/4 14 1/2 x 111 x 19 1/2 16 x 114 x 23 1/4 16 x 114 x 19 1/2 16 1/2 x 134 x 23 1/4 16 1/2 x 153 x 19 1/2 20 x 158 x 28 1/4 Ship Weight (lbs) 178 189 262 262 280 285 298 366 405 #: PSC motors. Note: All models require external equalized expansion valve. Room thermostat (289-1040) temperature range 0°F - 55°F. Note: Available in 115V or 230V, 1 Phase. LOW VELOCITY ELECTRIC DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Used in 25 - 32°F cooler applications. Defrosting is accomplished by stainless steel electric heating elements which fit into slots in the coil surface. The defrost cycle is time initiated, temperature terminated and provides a quick defrost without excessive temperature and humidity fluctuations in the cooler. 230V Motor Electric Ship BTU/hr Connections (in) FLA Defrost Weight Order Number 10°F TD 15°F TD CFM Fan Qty 230/1 230/1 Liquid Suction Drain L x H x D (in) (lbs) LFAE-070 7,000 10,500 1,200 2 1.8 11.5A 1/2 7/8 7/8 83 x 14 x 23 1/4 178 LFAE-087 8,700 13,050 1,200 2 1.8 11.5A 1/2 7/8 7/8 83 x 14 x 23 1/4 189 LFAE-120 12,000 18,000 1,300 2 1.8 16.7A 1/2 7/8 7/8 111 x 14 1/2 x 19 1/2 262 LFAE-150 15,000 22,500 1,900 2 1.8 16.7A 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 114 x 16 x 23 1/4 280 LFAE-190 19,000 28,500 2,400 2 1.4# 20.7A 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 134 x 16 1/2 x 23 1/4 298 LFAE-270 27,000 40,500 3,200 2 1.4# 24.8A 1/2 1 3/8 7/8 158 x 20 x 28 1/4 405 #: PSC motors. Note: Available in 115V or 230V, 1 Phase. LOW VELOCITY HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Has very low velocity yet provides positive, quiet air movement. This combination assures even box temperatures and high humidity at the same time. The hot gas defrost (reverse cycle) can be configured by individual system design or assembled with the factory designed kit. Either option makes LFAH a good choice for the applications where positive defrost is required in rooms 28 - 34°F. The low air movement assures even temperatures, a factor very important for product freshness. This unit is ideal for meat storage, floral boxes, vegetable and fruit storage and/or dough retarding storage. Has heavy gauge aluminum casings with a rust-free, all aluminum white case for an attractive look. Strong aluminum hanger bars are slotted for easy installation, and a double drain pan with electric heaters in the inner pan eliminating sweating or condensate flow problems. 230V Motor Ship BTU/hr Connections (in) FLA Weight Order Number 10°F TD 15°F TD CFM Fan Qty 230/1 FLA Liquid Suction Hot Gas Drain L x H x D (in) (lbs) LFAH-070AE, BE 7,000 10,500 1,200 2 1.8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 83 x 14 x 23 1/4 178 LFAH-087AE, BE 8,700 13,050 1,200 2 1.8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 83 x 14 x 23 1/4 189 LFAH-120AE, BE 12,000 18,000 1,300 2 1.8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 111 x 14 1/2 x 19 1/2 262 LFAH-135AE, BE 13,500 20,250 1,300 2 1.8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 111 x 14 1/2 x 19 1/2 264 LFAH-150AE, BE 15,000 22,500 1,900 2 1.8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 7/8 114 x 16 x 23 1/4 280 LFAH-170AE, BE 17,000 25,500 1,900 2 1.8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 7/8 114 x 16 x 23 1/4 285 LFAH-190AE, BE 19,000 28,500 2,400 2 1.4* 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 7/8 134 x 16 1/2 x 23 1/4 298 LFAH-230AE, BE 23,000 34,500 2,700 2 1.4* 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 7/8 153 x 16 1/2 x 23 1/4 366 LFAH-270AE, BE 27,000 40,500 3,200 2 1.4* 1 1/8 1 3/8 1/2 7/8 158 x 20 x 28 1/4 405 *. PSC motors. Note: Available in 115V or 230V, 1 Ph. Burnaby Kitchener 84 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. LOW AIR FLOW AIR DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Ideal for floral storage, fresh fruit and vegetables, dough retarding, fresh meat storage and preparations, and many other applications of 28°F and above. The low air flow and quiet fans are ideal for work room applications. The generous coil surface combined with close T.D. system balance provides high humidity characteristics to minimize product shrinkage and drying. Motor FLA Connections (in) Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD CFM 115/1/60 230/1/60 L x H x D (in) Liquid Suction LWA-050 5,000 725 2.1 1.1 53 1/2 x 8 7/8 x 26 5/8 1/2 7/8 LWA-075 7,500 730 2.1 1.1 75 1/2 x 8 7/8 x 26 5/8 1/2 7/8 LWA-100 10,000 1,450 4.2 2.2 75 1/2 x 11 3/8 x 26 5/8 1/2 7/8 LWA-130 13,000 1,470 4.2 2.2 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 LWA-155 15,500 1,460 4.2 2.2 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 LWA-180 18,000 2,130 6.3 3.3 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 LWA-210 21,000 2,840 8.4 4.4 97 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 LWA-270 27,000 2,800 8.4 4.4 97 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 13/8 1 3/8 LWA-340 34,000 3,500 10.5 8.5 119 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 13/8 1 3/8 Note: All units have 1/4” OD external equalizer and 3/4” FPT drain connection. Note: Available in 115V or 230V, 1 Phase. Ship Weight (lbs) 70 103 106 145 149 160 193 200 242 LOW AIR FLOW ELECTRIC DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Ideal for floral storage, fresh fruit and vegetables, dough retarding, fresh meat storage and preparations, and many other applications of 28°F and above. The low air flow and quiet fans are ideal for work room applications. The generous coil surface combined with close T.D. system balance provides high humidity characteristics to minimize product shrinkage and drying. Motor FLA Order Number LWE-050 LWE-075 LWE-100 LWE-130 LWE-155 LWE-180 LWE-210 LWE-270 LWE-340 BTU/hr 10°F TD 5,000 7,500 10,000 13,000 15,500 18,000 21,000 27,000 34,000 Heater Information CFM 115/1/60 230/1/60 725 2.1 1.1 730 2.1 1.1 1,450 4.2 2.2 1,470 4.2 2.2 1,460 4.2 2.2 2,130 6.3 3.3 2,840 8.4 4.4 2,800 8.4 4.4 3,500 10.5 5.5 Watts 2,000 2,400 2,800 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,200 5,200 7,000 230/1 8.7A 10.5A 12.2A 17.4A 17.4A 17.4A 22.6A 22.6A 30.4A Connections (in) L x H x D (in) Liquid 53 1/2 x 8 7/8 x 26 5/8 1/2 75 1/2 x 8 7/8 x 26 5/8 1/2 75 1/2 x 11 3/8 x 26 5/8 1/2 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 97 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 97 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 3/8 119 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 3/8 Note: All units have 1/2” OD external equalizer and 3/4” FPT drain connection. Note: Available in 115V or 230V, 1 Phase. Suction 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 Ship Weight (lbs) 75 108 111 150 154 157 203 208 250 LOW AIR FLOW HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Ideal for floral storage, fresh fruit and vegetables, dough retarding, fresh meat storage and preparations, and many other applications of 28°F and above. The low air flow and quiet fans are ideal for work room applications. The generous coil surface combined with close T.D. system balance provides high humidity characteristics to minimize product shrinkage and drying. Motor FLA Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD LWG-100 10,000 LWG-130 13,000 LWG-155 15,500 LWG-180 18,000 LWG-210 21,000 LWG-270 27,000 LWG-340 34,000 CFM 1,450 1,470 1,460 2,130 2,840 2,800 3,500 Heater Information 115/1/60 230/1/60 4.2 2.2 4.2 2.2 4.2 2.2 6.3 3.3 8.4 4.4 8.4 4.4 10.5 5.5 Watts 350 500 500 500 650 650 875 230/1 1.5A 2.2A 2.2A 2.2A 2.8A 2.8A 3.8A Connections (in) L x H x D (in) Liquid 75 1/2 x 11 3/8 x 26 5/8 1/2 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 75 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 97 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 1/8 97 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 3/8 119 1/2 x 15 1/8 x 26 5/8 1 3/8 Note: All units have 1/4″OD external equalizer and 3/4″FPT drain connection. Note: Available in 115V or 230V, 1 Ph. Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Suction 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 Saskatchewan Ship Weight (lbs) 131 170 174 185 223 228 270 306.373.9227 85 LARKIN INC. ACM, ECM SERIES CENTER MOUNT AIR/ELECTRIC DEFROST UNIT COOLERS The Center Mount Unit Cooler is designed for cooler applications where space conservation is primary criterion. Features: dual drain pans, coil surface gives proper compressor balance, high-efficiency aluminum fins with full collars cover mechanically expanded copper tubes. Coils dehydrated and sealed at the factory. ACM AIR DEFROST MODEL 115V 1 PHASE 115/1 Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD ACM052AE 5,200 ACM076AE 7,600 ACM090AE 9,000 ACM102AE 10,200 ACM108AE 10,800 ACM134AE 13,400 ACM156AE 15,600 ACM179AE 17,900 ACM208AE 20,800 ACM249AE 24,900 CFM 610 1,300 1,260 1,220 1,950 1,890 1,830 2,520 2,440 3,050 Fan Qty 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 FLA 2.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 6.3 6.3 6.3 8.4 8.4 10.5 Connections (in) Liquid 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD 1/2 OD Suction 7/8 OD 7/8 OD 7/8 OD 7/8 OD 7/8 OD 7/8 OD 7/8 OD 1 1/8 OD 1 1/8 OD 1 1/8 OD Drain 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT 3/4 FPT L x H x D (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 31 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 42 53 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 64 53 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 70 53 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 83 75 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 105 75 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 117 75 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 123 97 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 149 97 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 164 119 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 206 Note: All units have 1/4” OD external equalizer connections and 3/4” FPT drain connection. ECM ELECTRIC DEFROST MODEL 230V 1 PHASE The Center Mount Unit Cooler is designed for freezer applications where space conservation is primary criterion. Features: PVC coated fan guards, coil surface gives proper compressor balance, high-efficiency aluminum fins with full collar mechanically expanded copper tubes. Coils dehydrated and sealed at the factory. BTU/hr Motor Amps Order Number 10°F TD 12°F TD ECM040BE 4,000 4,800 ECM054BE 5,400 6,480 ECM065BE 6,500 7,800 ECM090BE 9,000 10,800 ECM130BE 13,000 15,600 ECM174BE 17,400 20,880 Heaters Connections (in) CFM Fan Qty Shaded Pole PSC 610 1 1.1 0.4 1,300 2 2.2 0.8 1,260 2 2.2 0.8 1,950 3 3.3 1.2 1,853 3 3.3 1.2 2,440 4 4.4 1.6 Amps 5.3 8.7 8.7 10.5 15.7 20.9 Inlet 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Suction 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 L x H x D (in) 31 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 53 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 53 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 75 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 75 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 97 1/2 x 8 5/8 x 28 13/16 Ship Weight (lbs) 90 120 120 160 174 218 Note: All units have 1/4” OD external equalizer connections and 3/4” FPT drain connection. Note: All models require external equalized expansion valve. Burnaby Kitchener 86 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 MMT, MLT, MLG SERIES AIR/ELECTRIC/HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS LARKIN INC. All electrical components factory wired to terminal board and identified, making it easy to field wire the unit. All electric defrost models have adjustable defrost termination and fan delay thermostat. From hinged drain pan for easy access. Schrader valve provided for suction pressure measurement. External equalizer connection. Terminal board design simplifies wiring between the evaporator and condensing units. Permanent split capacitor, thermally protected, lifetime-lubricated motors in 115, 208-230 and 460 volts. Reliable nickel alloy defrost heater elements. All internal panel have been isolated which provides for quiet unit operation. Motors plug into wiring harness for easier servicing. AIR DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS 230V Order Number MMT6-130BA MMT6-155BA MMT6-245BA MMT6-300BA MMT6-365BA MMT6-450BA MMT6-510BA MMT6-600BA MMT6-710BA BTU/hr 13,000 15,500 24,500 30,000 36,500 45,000 51,000 60,000 71,000 CFM 2,300 2,200 4,600 4,400 6,900 6,600 9,200 8,800 10,500 Motor Amps 115V 208-230V 4 1.8 4 1.8 8 3.6 8 3.6 12 5.4 12 5.4 16 7.2 16 7.2 9.0 Fan Qty 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Connections (in) Coil Inlet Suction 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 1 5/8 L x H x D (in) 39 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 39 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 138 3/4 x 25 x 22 7/8 ELECTRIC DEFROST 4 FPI MODELS 230V Order Number MLT4-100BA MLT4-165BA MLT4-220BA MLT4-250BA MLT4-330BA MLT4-370CA MLT4-440CA MLT4-530CA BTU/hr 10,000 16,500 22,000 25,000 33,000 37,000 44,000 53,000 CFM 2,325 4,900 4,650 7,350 6,975 9,100 8,700 10,350 Fan Qty 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 Motor Amps 208-230V 1.8 3.6 3.6 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.2 9 Connections ODS (in) Coil Inlet Suction 1/2 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 1 5/8 1 1/8 1 5/8 Motor Amps Connections ODS (in) L x H x D (in) 39 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 138 3/4 x 25 x 22 7/8 ELECTRIC DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS 230V Order Number MLT6-101BA MLT6-140BA MLT6-190BA MLT6-260BA MLT6-310BA MLT6-390BA MLT6-430CA MLT6-520CA MLT6-620CA BTU/hr 10,100 14,000 19,000 26,000 31,000 39,000 43,000 52,000 62,000 CFM 2,350 2,250 4,750 4,500 7,050 6,750 8,800 8,400 10,000 Fan Qty 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 HOT GAS DEFROST 4 FPI MODELS Order Number MLG4-165BA MLG4-220BA MLG4-250BA MLG4-330BA MLG4-370BA MLG4-440BA Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 BTU/hr 16,500 22,000 25,000 33,000 37,000 44,000 Interior BC St.Catharines 208-230V 1.8 1.8 3.6 3.6 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.2 9 Motor Amps CFM 4,900 4,650 7,350 6,975 9,100 8,700 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Fan Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 208-230V 3.6 3.6 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.2 Calgary North Bay Coil Inlet 1/2 1/2 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 Suction 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 L x H x D (in) 39 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 39 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 138 3/4 x 25 x 22 7/8 Connections ODF (in) Coil Inlet 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Suction 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 L x H x D (in) 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 87 LARKIN INC. MMT, MLT, MLG SERIES AIR/ELECTRIC/HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS HOT GAS DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS Order Number MLG6-190BA MLG6-260BA MLG6-310BA MLG6-390BA MLG6-430BA MLG6-520BA Motor Amps BTU/hr 19,000 26,000 31,000 39,000 43,000 52,000 CFM 4,700 4,500 7,050 6,750 8,800 8,400 Fan Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 208-230V 3.6 3.6 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.2 Connections (in) Coil Inlet 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 Suction 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 L x H x D (in) 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 67 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 95 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 123 3/10 x 25 x 22 7/8 *. CAPACITY @ 10°F TD. NOTE: Air Defrost models available in 115V & 230V. NOTE: Electric Defrost models available in 230V & 460V. LHA, LHE, LHG SERIES AIR/ELECTRIC/HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS Aluminum cabinet with bonded white enamel finish. Thermoflex (5-year limited warranty) is innovative, eliminates leaks, reduces risk of refrigerant loss. 850 RPM motors are quiet and reliable . Liquid line solenoid wiring harness for faster installation. Suction schrader fitting for easier temperature measurement. Hinged drain pan and access panels with captive fasteners for easy servicing - no fumbling with loose bolts and nuts. Adjustable defrost control can be customized. Long air throw is ideal for warehouse and industrial applications. Standardized terminal board for easier field wiring. Complete hot gas defrost model meets more applications. AIR DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS CAPACITIES Fan Air Throw Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD LHA6-520 LHA6-630 LHA6-750 LHA6-850 LHA6-930 LHA6-1100 LHA6-1170 LHA6-1400 LHA6-1610 LHA6-1900 LHA6-2200 LHA6-2440 52,000 63,000 75,000 85,000 93,000 110,000 117,000 140,000 161,000 190,000 220,000 244,000 Std (ft) W/Collar (ft) 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 120 120 120 85 85 85 85 85 85 115 115 115 140 140 140 HP 1/2+* 1/2+* 1/2+* 1/2+* 1/2+* 1/2+* 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 203-230/1 1 Ph 6.4 6.4 9.6 9.6 12.8 12.8 - Standard Motor Total Amps 203-230/1 460/1 460/1 208-230/3 3 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 5.2 3.4 5.2 3.4 5.5 7.8 3 5.5 7.8 3 8.7 10.4 4.7 8.7 10.4 4.7 13.8 13.8 19.8 21 26.4 28 - 460/3 575/3 2.6 2.6 3.9 3.9 5.2 5.2 6.9 6.9 9.9 10.5 13.2 14 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.6 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.4 10.4 11.2 AIR DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LHA6-520 LHA6-630 LHA6-750 LHA6-850 LHA6-930 LHA6-1100 LHA6-1170 LHA6-1400 LHA6-1610 LHA6-1900 LHA6-2200 LHA6-2440 Burnaby Kitchener 88 Coil Inlet 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8* 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 5/8 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Connections Suction Ext. Equal. 1 5/8 1/4 1 5/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8* 1/4* 2 5/8 1/4 2 5/8 1/4 2 5/8 1/4 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Drain 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 Vancouver Island Windsor CFM 9,400 9,000 13,200 12,600 17,600 16,800 21,900 20,700 24,300 26,550 30,400 35,400 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Fan Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 Calgary North Bay Dia 24 24 24 24 24 24 30 30 30 30 30 30 L x H x D (in) 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 135 13/32 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 142 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 185 1/2 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 185 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 5 21/32 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Ship Weight (lbs) 270 300 390 430 515 565 738 800 850 1,160 1,500 1,600 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LHA, LHE, LHG SERIES AIR/ELECTRIC/HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS LARKIN INC. ELECTRIC DEFROST 4 FPI MODELS CAPACITIES Fan Air Throw Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD Std (ft) W/Collar (ft) LHL4-440 LHL4-480 LHL4-560 LHL4-650 LHL4-710 LHL4-840 LHL4-890 LHL4-1050 LHL4-1220 LHL4-1440 LHL4-1860 40,000 48,000 56,000 65,000 71,000 84,000 89,000 105,000 122,000 144,000 186,000 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 120 120 85 85 85 85 85 85 115 115 115 140 140 208-230/3/60 and 460/3/60 motors are 3/4 HP SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LHL4-400 LHL4-480 LHL4-560 LHL4-650 LHL4-710 LHL4-840 LHL4-890 LHL4-1050 LHL4-1220 LHL4-1440 LHL4-1860 Standard Motor Total Amps HP 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 208-230/1 1 Ph 6.4 6.4 - Connections (in) 208-230/1 3 Ph 5.5 5.5 8.7 8.7 - 208-230/3 5.2 5.2 7.8 7.8 10.4 10.4 13.8 13.8 19.8 21 28 460/1 1 Ph 3.4 3.4 - 460/1 3 Ph 3 3 4.7 4.7 - 460/3 575/3 2.6 2.6 3.9 3.9 5.2 5.2 6.9 6.9 9.9 10.5 14 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.6 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.4 11.2 Fan Coil Inlet Suction Ext. Equal. 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 1 3/8* 2 1/8* 1/4* 1 5/8 2 5/8 1/4 1 5/8 2 5/8 1/4 Drain 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 CFM 9,800 9,400 13,800 13,200 18,400 17,600 22,800 21,600 25,200 27,600 36,800 Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Dia 24 24 24 24 24 24 30 30 30 30 30 L x H x D (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 277 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 306 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 400 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 440 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 528 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 578 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 744 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 805 135 13/32 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 854 142 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 1160 185 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 1600 ELECTRIC DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS CAPACITIES Fan Air Throw Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD Std (ft) W/Collar (ft) LHE6-450 LHE6-550 LHE6-640 LHE6-740 LHE6-810 LHE6-950 LHE6-1020 LHE6-1200 LHE6-1390 LHE6-1650 LHE6-2120 45,000 55,000 64,000 74,000 81,000 95,000 102,000 120,000 139,000 165,000 212,000 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 120 120 208-230/3/60 and 460/3/60 motors are 3/4 HP Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 85 85 85 85 85 85 115 115 115 140 140 Vancouver Island Windsor HP 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2+ 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 208-230/1 1 Ph 6.4 6.4 - 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Standard Motor Total Amps 208-230/1 460/1 460/1 208-230/3 3 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 5.2 3.4 5.2 3.4 5.5 7.8 3 5.5 7.8 3 8.7 10.4 4.7 8.7 10.4 4.7 13.8 13.8 19.8 21 28 - 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 460/3 575/3 2.6 2.6 3.9 3.9 5.2 5.2 6.9 6.9 9.9 10.5 14 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.6 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.4 11.2 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 89 LARKIN INC. LHA, LHE, LHG SERIES AIR/ELECTRIC/HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS ELECTRIC DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS SPECIFICATIONS Connections (in) Order Number Coil Inlet Suction Ext. Equal. LHE6-450 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 LHE6-550 1 1/8 1 5/8 1/4 LHE6-640 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 LHE6-740 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 LHE6-810 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 LHE6-950 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 LHE6-1020 1 3/8 2 1/8 1/4 LHE6-1200 1 5/8 2 1/8 1/4 LHE6-1390 1 3/8* 2 1/8* 1/4* LHE6-1650 1 5/8 2 5/8 1/4 LHE6-2120 1 5/8 2 5/8 1/4 Drain 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 CFM 9,400 9,000 13,200 12,600 17,600 16,800 21,900 20,700 24,300 26,550 35,400 Fan Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Dia 24 24 24 24 24 24 30 30 30 30 30 L x H x D (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 280 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 310 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 405 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 445 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 535 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 585 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 753 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 815 135 13/32 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 865 142 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 1,175 185 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 1,620 HOT GAS DEFROST 4 FPI MODELS CAPACITIES Order Number Fan Air Throw BTU/hr 10°F TD LHF4-400 LHF4-480 LHF4-560 LHF4-650 LHF4-710 LHF4-840 LHF4-890 LHF4-1050 LHF4-1220 LHF4-1440 LHF4-1860 40,000 48,000 56,000 65,000 71,000 84,000 89,000 105,000 122,000 144,000 186,000 Std (ft) W/Collar (ft) 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 120 120 85 85 85 85 85 85 115 115 115 115 115 SPECIFICATIONS Connections (in) Order Number Coil Inlet LHF4-400 1 3/8 LHF4-480 1 3/8 LHF4-560 1 3/8 LHF4-650 1 5/8 LHF4-710 1 3/8 LHF4-840 1 5/8 LHF4-890 1 5/8 LHF4-1050 1 5/8 LHF4-1220 1 3/8* LHF4-1440 1 3/8* LHF4-1860 1 3/8* Burnaby Kitchener 90 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Suction Ext. Equal. 1 5/8 1/4 1 5/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8* 1/4* 2 5/8* 1/4* 2 5/8* 1/4* Interior BC St.Catharines Standard Motor Total Amps 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Drain 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 HP 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 208-230/1 208-230/1 1 Ph 3 Ph 6.4 6.4 5.5 5.5 8.7 8.7 - Connections Hot Gas (in) Side Port Drain 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 7/8* 1 3/8 7/8* 1 5/8 7/8* 1 5/8 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 208-230/3 5.2 5.2 7.8 7.8 10.4 10.4 13.8 13.8 19.8 21 28 460/1 1 Ph 3.4 3.4 - 460/1 3 Ph 3 3 4.7 4.7 - 460/3 575/3 2.6 2.6 3.9 3.9 5.2 5.2 6.9 6.9 9.9 10.5 14 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.6 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.4 11.2 Fan CFM 9,400 9,400 13,200 13,200 17,600 17,600 21,600 21,600 25,200 27,600 36,800 Calgary North Bay Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Dia L x H x D (in) 24 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 24 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 24 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 24 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 24 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 24 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 30 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 30 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 30 135 13/32 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 30 142 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 30 185 1/2 x 5 07/32 x 35 21/32 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Ship Weight (lbs) 277 306 400 440 528 578 744 805 854 1,160 1,600 306.373.9227 LHA, LHE, LHG SERIES AIR/ELECTRIC/HOT GAS DEFROST UNIT COOLERS LARKIN INC. HOT GAS DEFROST 6 FPI MODELS CAPACITIES Fan Air Throw Order Number BTU/hr 10°F TD Std (ft) W/Collar (ft) LHG6-450 LHG6-550 LHG6-640 LHG6-740 LHG6-810 LHG6-950 LHG6-1020 LHG6-1200 LHG6-1390 LHG6-1650 LHG6-2120 45,000 55,000 64,000 74,000 81,000 95,000 102,000 120,000 139,000 165,000 212,000 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 120 120 85 85 85 85 85 85 115 115 115 140 140 Standard Motor Total Amps HP 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 208-230/1 3 Ph 6.4 6.4 - 208-230/1 208- 230/3 3 Ph 5.2 5.2 5.5 7.8 5.5 7.8 8.7 10.4 8.7 10.4 13.8 13.8 19.8 21 28 460/1 1 Ph 3.4 3.4 - 460/1 3 Ph 3 3 4.7 4.7 - 460/3 575/3 2.6 2.6 3.9 3.9 5.2 5.2 6.9 6.9 9.9 10.5 14 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.6 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.4 11.2 SPECIFICATIONS Connections (in) Order Number Coil Inlet LHG6-450 1 3/8 LHG6-550 1 3/8 LHG6-640 1 3/8 LHG6-740 1 5/8 LHG6-810 1 3/8 LHG6-950 1 5/8 LHG6-1020 1 5/8 LHG6-1200 1 5/8 LHG6-1390 1 3/8* LHG6-1650 1 3/8* LHG6-2120 1 3/8* Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Suction Ext. Equal. 1 5/8 1/4 1 5/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8 1/4 2 1/8* 1/4* 2 5/8* 1/4* 2 5/8* 1/4* Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Drain 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 Connections Hot Gas Side Port Drain 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 11/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 7/8* 1 3/8 1 1/8* 1 5/8 1 1/8* 1 5/8 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Fan CFM 9,400 9,000 13,200 12,600 17,600 16,800 21,900 20,700 24,300 26,550 35,400 Calgary North Bay Qty 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Ship Weight Dia L x H x D (in) (lbs) 24 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 280 24 83 3/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 310 24 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 405 24 105 5/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 445 24 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 535 24 135 7/32 x 37 3/16 x 26 1/4 585 30 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 753 30 135 13/32 x 44 1/2 x 35 21/32 815 30 135 13/32 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 865 30 142 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 1,175 30 185 1/2 x 50 7/32 x 35 21/32 1,620 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 91 LARKIN INC. LHT SERIES OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 1/2 HP - 6 HP HERMETIC COMPRESSORS Model LHT condensing units feature a hermetic refrigeration compressor with oversized aluminum fin, copper tube condenser that works in high ambients. Motors rated for 50 and 60 cycle applications. Fans specifically matched with motor and coil to attain maximum air movement and cooling. Suction service valves for hermetic and scroll compressors located outside the cabinet for quick installations. Semi-hermetic compressor models have a suction valve on the compressor and an access fitting on the suction line entering the cabinet. A receiver with fusible plug, liquid shutoff valve and charging port is also standard. Discharge service valves on all compressors including hermetics. Wide variety of compressors including: Copeland hermetic, semi-hermetic, new Glacial Scroll and the popular Copeland low temperature compressors. R22 and R404A/R507 available for both medium and low temperature applications. R22 MEDIUM / HIGH TEMPERATURE CAPACITIES Order Number LHT-005H2 LHT-008H2 LHT-010H2 LHT-015H2 LHT-020H2 LHT-029M2 LHT-030H2 LHT-040H2 LHT-050H2 40°F 8,381 11,890 13,640 19,120 23,880 39,990 55,760 64,770 Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient Temperature 25°F 20°F 15°F 6,230 5,614 5,060 8,600 7,570 6,600 9,980 8,800 7,690 13,830 12,150 10,560 17,410 15,340 13,380 24,390 21,570 18,840 28,640 25,080 21,680 39,600 34,580 29,840 46,250 40,490 35,010 30°F 6,901 9,670 11,180 15,560 19,540 27,270 32,330 44,800 52,240 10°F 4,574 5,630 6,560 8,980 11,410 16,230 18,490 25,390 29,860 0°F 3,831 4,170 4,590 6,050 8,390 11,530 12,830 17,570 20,740 SPECIFICATIONS Compressor Order Number LHT-005H2B LHT-008H2B LHT-010H2B LHT-010H2C LHT-015H2B LHT-015H2C LHT-015H2D LHT-020H2B LHT-020H2C LHT-020H2D LHT-029M2B LHT-029M2C LHT-029M2D LHT-030H2B LHT-030H2C LHT-030H2D LHT-040H2B LHT-040H2C LHT-040H2D LHT-050H2B LHT-050H2C LHT-050H2D Burnaby Kitchener 92 Compressor ART82C1-CAV RRG4-0100-PAV RS70C1-PFV RS70C1-TFC CRA1-0150-PFV CRA1-0150-TF5 CRA1-0150-TFD CRD1-0200-PFV CRD1-0200-TF5 CRD1-0200-TFD CRJ3-0300-PFV CRJ3-0300-TF5 CRJ3-0300-TFD CRJ3-0300-PFV CRJ3-0300-TF5 CRJ3-0300-TFD CRM3-0400-PFV CRM3-0400-TF5 CRM3-0400-TFD CRN5-0500-PFV CRN5-0500-TF5 CRN5-0500-TFD 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase RLA LRA 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 5.9 5.4 6.3 4.2 9.7 8.3 3.7 12.1 7.8 3.8 20.2 12.8 6 20.2 12.8 6 27.6 16 7.7 30.8 19.2 8.7 30 33.5 34.2 31 48 58 17.4 59 50 23 93 74 41 93 74 41 125 90 45 142 130 65 Vancouver Island Windsor Fan Motor MCA Qty HP FLA 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.5 3.5 1.9 3.5 3.5 1.9 3.5 3.5 1.9 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amps Evaporator Defrost Air Electric Air Electric Fan Heater 15 20 15 20 8 15 15 20 15 20 8 15 15 20 15 20 7 15 15 20 15 20 8.6 15 15 24 20 25 6 19 15 24 15 25 7 19 15 20 15 20 9 15 20 29 25 30 6 23 15 24 15 25 9 19 15 20 15 20 8.5 15 26 38 45 50 12 30 20 38 25 40 12 30 15 15 15 15 * * 29 41 45 60 12 30 20 38 30 40 12 30 15 24 15 25 9 19 38 50 50 60 12 35 24 38 35 50 12 30 15 29 15 30 11 23 42 59 50 60 12 47 28 40 45 50 12 30 15 29 20 30 10 23 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 MOPD Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. LHT SERIES OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 1/2 HP - 6 HP HERMETIC COMPRESSORS HCFC-404A / 507 EXTENDED TEMPERATURE CAPACITIES Order Number LHT-005X6 LHT-008X6 LHT-009X6 LHT-010X6 LHT-015X6 LHT-020X6 LHT-025X6 LHT-030X6 LHT-032X6 LHT-040X6 LHT-050X6 30°F 5,890 8,490 9,570 10,360 15,940 18,050 19,830 31,240 34,200 45,330 51,000 25°F 5,410 8,050 8,960 9,660 14,660 16,680 18,220 28,630 31,310 40,730 46,400 Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient Temperature 20°F 0°F -10°F 4,850 3,260 2,130 7,480 4,260 2,350 8,190 5,140 4,070 9,160 5,640 4,160 13,330 7,700 4,900 15,150 8,940 6,170 16,770 10,810 7,840 25,980 15,400 10,260 28,580 16,910 11,960 36,240 21,200 15,440 41,670 25,630 18,670 -20°F 1,810 1,750 3,190 2,970 3,610 4,410 6,360 8,110 9,440 12,200 14,740 -25°F 1,380 1,130 2,360 1,870 2,330 2,640 4,470 5,950 6,930 8,960 10,820 SPECIFICATIONS Compressor Order Number LHT-005X6B LHT-008X6B LHT-009X6B LHT-010X6B LHT-010X6C LHT-015X6B LHT-015X6C LHT-020X6B LHT-020X6C LHT-025X6B LHT-025X6C LHT-025X6D LHT-030X6B LHT-030X6C LHT-030X6D LHT-032X6B LHT-032X6C LHT-032X6D LHT-040X6B LHT-040X6C LHT-040X6D LHT-050X6B LHT-050X6C LHT-050X6D Burnaby Kitchener Compressor RS43C1E-CAV RS55C1E-CAV RS64C1E-CAV RS70C1E-PFV RS70C1E-TFC CS10K6E-PFV CS10K6E-TF5 CS12K6E-PFV CS12K6E-TF5 CS14K6E-PFV CS14K6E-TF5 CS14K6E-TFD CS18K6E-PFV CS18K6E-TF5 CS18K6E-TFD CS20K6E-PFV CS20K6E-TF5 CS20K6E-TFD CS27K6E-PFV CS27K6E-TF5 CS27K6E-TFD CS33K6E-PFV CS33K6E-TF5 CS33K6E-TFD 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase RLA LRA 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 4.8 24.1 6 33.5 6.9 37 6.3 34.2 4.2 31 9.8 56 6.7 51 9.8 56 6.7 51 11.2 61 8.2 55 4.2 28 14.4 82 9.4 65.5 3.9 33 16.7 96 10.3 75 4.6 40 21.5 95.4 13.7 82 7.6 41 27.6 125 18.6 90 8.8 45 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Fan Motor MCA Qty HP FLA 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.5 3.5 1.9 3.5 3.5 1.9 3.5 3.5 1.9 3.5 3.5 1.9 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay Amps Evaporator Defrost Air Electric Air Electric Fan Heater 15 20 15 20 8 15 15 20 15 20 8 15 15 20 15 20 7 15 15 20 15 20 7 15 15 20 15 20 8.6 15 15 24 20 25 6 19 15 20 15 20 7 15 15 24 20 25 6 19 15 24 15 25 9 19 15 29 25 30 6 23 15 24 15 25 9 19 15 20 15 20 8.3 15 21 38 35 45 12 30 15 29 20 30 7 23 15 24 15 25 10 19 24 38 40 50 12 30 20 29 25 30 7 23 15 24 15 25 10 19 30 44 50 60 12 35 21 38 30 45 12 30 15 29 15 30 11 23 38 59 50 60 12 47 27 39 45 50 12 30 15 29 20 30 10 23 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 MOPD Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 93 LARKIN INC. LHT SERIES OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 1/2 HP - 6 HP HERMETIC COMPRESSORS R404 / 507 LOW TEMPERATURE CAPACITIES Order Number LHT-011L6 LHT-014L6 LHT-025L6 LHT-031L6 Compressor CF04K6E CF06K6E CF09K6E CF12K6E Capacity BTU/hr @ 90°F Ambient Temperature -5°F -10°F -20°F -25°F 6,624 5,765 4,090 3,293 9,460 8,340 6,220 5,250 15,970 14,050 10,400 8,700 18,889 16,931 12,938 10,952 0°F 7,484 10,610 17,940 20,793 -30°F 2,536 4,340 7,130 9,009 SPECIFICATIONS Compressor Order Number LHT-011L6B LHT-011L6C LHT-014L6B LHT-014L6C LHT-025L6B LHT-025L6C LHT-031L6B LHT-031L6C LHT-031L6D Compressor Volts/Phase RLA CF04K6E-PFV CF04K6E-TF5 CF06K6E-PFV CF06K6E-TF5 CF09K6E-PFV CF09K6E-TF5 CF12K6E-PFV CF12K6E-TF5 CF12K6E-TFD 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 460/3 8.6 3.9 10.3 6.3 15 9.2 17 10.7 5.3 Fan Motor MCA MOPD LRA Qty HP FLA Air Electric Air 59.2 52 59.2 52 87 72.2 105 85 42 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 20 15 22.3 15 15 20 20 20 24 29 21 37.5 28.8 23.8 15 15 20 15 30 20 35 25 15 Amps Evaporator Defrost Electric Fan Heater 25 7 15 20 8 15 25 4 15 25 9 19 40 6 23 25 7 15 50 12 30 30 7 23 25 10 19 UNIT DIMENSIONS Connections (in) Liquid Suction 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 3/8 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/8 3/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 3/8 5/8 3/8 7/8 Order Number LHT-005H2 LHT-008H2 LHT-010H2 LHT-015H2 LHT-020H2 LHT-029M2 LHT-030H2 LHT-040H2 LHT-050H2 LHT-005X6 LHT-008X6 LHT-009X6 LHT-010X6 LHT-015X6 LHT-020X6 LHT-025X6 LHT-030X6 LHT-032X6 LHT-040X6 LHT-050X6 LHT-013L6 LHT-024L6 Burnaby Kitchener 94 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 D x W x H (in) 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 37.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 37.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 37.75 x 19.75 30.25 x 42.5 x 29.75 30.25 x 42.5 x 29.75 30.25 x 42.5 x 29.75 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 30.25 x 42.5 x 29.75 30.25 x 42.5 x 29.75 30.25 x 42.5 x 29.75 30.25 x 42.5 x 29.75 28.25 x 23.75 x 17.25 28.25 x 37.75 x 17.25 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa Ship Weight (lbs) 161 173 172 223 225 246 311 319 333 176 176 179 173 230 230 231 314 315 315 319 202 238 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 95 Burnaby Kitchener 96 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 97 LARKIN INC. LZ SERIES SCROLL AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS 2 HP TO 13 HP - AVAILABLE FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS Features a complete line of Copeland’s Glacier refrigeration scroll compressors. These condensing units have an oversized condenser which allows units to operate in high ambient for 35°F boxes and below. UL listed for the United States and Canada. R404A - LOW TEMPERATURE CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Temperature Order Number LZ*020L6 LZ*025L6 LZ*030L6 LZ*035L6 LZ*045L6 LZ*055L6 LZ*060L6 LZ*0750L6 LZ*1000L6 LZ*1300L6 LZ*1500L6 0°F 11,510 14,310 15,900 19,040 24,950 29,840 34,960 39,060 54,890 69,440 77,970 * T for Outdoor; N for Indoor; S for Beacon II SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LZ*020L6 LZ*025L6 LZ*030L6 LZ*035L6 LZ*045L6 LZ*055L6 LZ*060L6 LZ*0750L6 LZ*1000L6 LZ*1300L6 LZ*1500L6 Compressor ZF06K4E ZF08K4E ZF09K4E ZF11K4E ZF13K4E ZF15K4E ZF18K4E ZF24K4E ZF33K4E ZF40K4E ZF48K4E -10°F 9,540 11,850 13,200 15,860 20,410 24,650 28,970 32,650 45,630 57,900 65,370 -15°F 8,600 10,690 11,920 14,340 18,290 22,190 26,120 Connections (in) Liquid Suction 1/2 1/2 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 1 3/8 7/8 1 3/8 7/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 5/8 -20°F 7,700 9,580 10,700 12,900 16,290 19,860 23,390 26,540 36,890 47,010 53,282 -25°F 6,860 8,550 9,550 11,540 14,410 17,670 20,850 Receiver 90% Full (lbs) 14 14 14 14 20 20 20 40 80 80 67 * T for Outdoor; N for Indoor; S for Beacon II -30°F 6,070 7,600 8,500 10,300 12,670 15,660 18,500 21,060 28,940 37,330 42,440 Fans 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Weight (lbs) 231 240 240 243 325 334 335 550 750 765 891 -40°F 4,710 5,990 6,710 8,200 9,680 12,250 14,520 14,490 22,050 29,410 33,510 Sound Data dba 71 73 71 73 73 74 76 82 83 84 83 ELECTRICAL DATA Power Supply Order Number LZ*020L6B LZ*020L6C LZ*025L6B LZ*025L6C LZ*030L6B LZ*030L6C LZ*035L6B LZ*035L6C LZ*045L6B LZ*045L6C LZ*055L6B LZ*055L6C LZ*060L6C LZ*0750L6C LZ*1000L6C LZ*1300L6C LZ*1500L6C LZ*1500L6E Burnaby Kitchener 98 Compressor Volts ZF06K4E-PFV ZF06K4E-TF5 ZF08K4E-PFV ZF08K4E-TF5 ZF09K4E-PFV ZF09K4E-TF5 ZF11K4E-PFV ZF11K4E-TF5 ZF13K4E-PFV ZF13K4E-TF5 ZF15K4E-PFV ZF15K4E-TF5 ZF18K4E-TF5 ZF24K4E-TWC ZF33K4E-TWC ZF40K4E-TWC ZF48K4E-TWC ZF48K4E-TWE 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 575 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Compressor Phase RLA 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12.2 8.3 14.7 8.7 14.7 9.9 17.9 12.1 24.0 13.5 28.8 19.2 21.5 26.9 39.1 47.4 49.4 17.6 Vancouver Island Windsor Fan Motor MCA MOPD LRA Qty HP FLA Air Elec Air Elec 61 55 73 63 88 77 109 88 129 99 169 123 156 189 278 350 425 148 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 7 7 5.4 2.4 20 15 20 15 19 20 24 16 34 20 40 28 30 37 56 66 67.1 24.4 38 24 38 29 38 24 38 29 45 38 50 40 44 68 71 81 93.1 34.8 30 20 35 25 30 20 40 25 50 30 50 45 50 60 90 100 90 40 40 25 45 60 40 45 50 30 60 45 60 50 60 80 100 125 100 50 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Evap. Defrost Fan Heater Amps Amps 12 30 9 19 12 30 11 23 11 30 11 19 12 30 6 23 11 30 11 30 9 30 9 30 12 35 15 68 15 68 15 68 26 70 10.4 28 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. LZ SERIES SCROLL AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS 2 HP TO 13 HP - AVAILABLE FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS R22 - MEDIUM TEMPERATURE CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Temperature Order Number LZ*020M6 LZ*025M6 LZ*030M6 LZ*035M6 LZ*045M6 LZ*055M6 LZ*060M6 Compressor ZS15K4E ZS19K4E ZS21K4E ZS26K4E ZS30K4E ZS38K4E ZS45K4E 35°F 21,230 25,080 30,740 37,430 44,150 51,970 61,220 30°F 19,630 23,260 28,360 34,440 40,390 48,030 56,690 25°F 18,080 21,480 26,040 31,570 36,830 44,190 52,230 20°F 16,560 19,740 23,800 28,820 66,470 40,480 47,880 10°F 13,710 16,430 19,580 23,580 57,360 33,270 39,610 Receiver 90% Full (lbs) 14 14 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 Fans 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Weight (lbs) 231 240 305 308 325 334 335 716 750 765 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LZ*020M6 LZ*025M6 LZ*030M6 LZ*035M6 LZ*045M6 LZ*055M6 LZ*060M6 LZ*0750M6 LZ*1000M6 LZ*1300M6 Compressor ZS15K4E ZS19K4E ZS21K4E ZS26K4E ZS30K4E ZS38K4E ZS45K43 ZS56K4E ZS75K4E ZS92K4E Connections (in) Liquid Suction 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 1 1/8 7/8 1 3/8 7/8 1 3/8 * T for Outdoor; N for Indoor; S for Beacon II Sound Data dba 71 73 72 74 73 74 76 83 83 84 R404A/R507 - MEDIUM TEMPERATURE - 6 1/2 - 14 HP CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Temperature Order Number LZ*0650M6 LZ*0700M6 LZ*0750M6 LZ*0860M6 LZ*1000M6 LZ*1400M6 10°F 42,960 51,120 59,780 69,090 82,180 91,200 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LZ*0650M6 LZ*0700M6 LZ*0750M6 LZ*0860M6 LZ*1000M6 LZ*1400M6 Compressor ZB50KCE ZB58KCE ZB66KCE ZB76KCE ZS92K4E ZS11M4E 20°F 51,650 62,030 71,470 82,060 96,920 106,940 Connections (in) Liquid Suction 1/2 1 1/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 7/8 1 5/8 * T for Outdoor; N for Indoor; S for Beacon II Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 25°F 56,230 67,790 77,660 89,080 105,030 115,470 Receiver 90% Full (lbs) 28 67 67 67 67 67 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 30°F 60,990 73,780 84,210 96,380 112,810 123,550 Fans 1 2 2 2 2 2 Edmonton Ottawa 40°F 70,930 86,350 98,100 111,850 129,620 140,990 Weight (lbs) 574 800 813 818 908 915 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Sound Data dba 78 80 80 80 82 82 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 99 LARKIN INC. LZ SERIES SCROLL AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS 2 HP TO 13 HP - AVAILABLE FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS MEDIUM TEMPERATURE ELECTRICAL DATA Power Supply Compressor Fan Motor MCA MOPD Order Number Compressor Volts Phase RLA LRA Qty HP FLA Air Elec Air Elec LZ*020M6B LZ*020M6C LZ*025M6B LZ*025M6C LZ*030M6B LZ*030M6C LZ*035M6B LZ*035M6C LZ*045M6B LZ*045M6C LZ*055M6B LZ*055M6C LZ*060M6C LZ*0650M6C LZ*0650M6E LZ*0700M6C LZ*0700M6E LZ*0750M6C LZ*0750M6E LZ*0860M6C LZ*0860M6E LZ*1000M6C LZ*1000M6E LZ*1400M6C LZ*1400M6E ZS15K4E-PFV ZS15K4E-TF5 ZS19K4E-PFV ZS19K4E-TF5 ZS21K4E-PFV ZS21K4E-TF5 ZS26K4E-PFV ZS26K4E-TF5 ZS30K4E-PFV ZS30K4E-TF5 ZS38K4E-PFV ZS38K4E-TF5 ZS45K4E-TF5 ZB50KCE ZB50KCE ZB58KCE ZB58KCE ZB66KCE ZB66KCE ZB76KCE ZB76KCE ZS92K4E ZS92K4E ZS11M4E ZS11M4E 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12.2 8.3 14.7 8.7 14.7 9.9 18.6 12.2 24.0 13.5 28.8 19.2 21.5 25.6 9.7 27.6 11.5 26.9 11.2 37.2 11.9 47.4 17.9 53.8 20.2 61 55 73 63 88 77 109 88 129 99 169 123 156 196 90 195 80 225 80 239 80 350 125 425 148 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1 1 1 1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.7 1.1 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 20 15 20 15 22 16 27 19 34 20 40 28 30 34.8 13.3 39.9 16.8 39.1 16.4 51.9 17.2 64.7 24.8 72.7 27.6 38 24 38 29 38 49 39 38 59 44 59 44 42 49.8 19.7 59.9 24.8 59.1 24.4 77.9 28 90.7 35.2 98.7 38 30 20 35 25 35 25 45 30 50 30 50 45 50 60 20 60 25 60 25 80 25 90 40 90 45 40 25 45 30 45 40 50 40 60 45 60 50 60 70 25 80 35 80 35 100 35 100 50 100 50 Evap. Defrost Fan Heater Amps Amps 12 30 9 19 12 30 11 23 12 30 12 30 12 30 12 30 11 47 12 35 12 47 12 35 12 30 15 40 6.4 16 20 48 8 20 20 48 8 20 26 70 10.4 28 26 70 10.4 28 26 80 10.4 32 LD SERIES INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 3 HP TO 15 HP DISCUS COMPRESSORS Enhanced grill design gives up to 40% more free-air area than before, and its vertical receiver needs less refrigerant to ensure a solid column of liquid reaches the expansion valve. Fan motors and serviceable glass is conveniently placed so that charging is quick, easy and accurate. Thorough cleaning of the coil is easier because the unit’s top is one piece and lighter for easier removal. A liquid vase valve and suction service tap is placed on the outside of the cabinet for easy pump-downs and quick diagnosis. The footprint is smaller for easy job-site placement. These condensing units utilize the patented Floating Tube condenser that eliminates tube-sheet leaks. This coil design allows Larkin to off you a 5-year warranty against tube-sheet leaks that includes labour and refrigerant. R404A / R507 LOW TEMPERATURE -10°F SUCTION TEMPERATURE CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Temperature Order Number LD*0300L6 LD*0400L6 LD*0600L6 LD*0601L6 LD*0750L6 LD*0900L6 LD*1000L6 LD*1200L6 LD*1500L6 LD*2200L6 Burnaby Kitchener 100 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 0°F 31,390 36,470 42,830 47,060 54,880 72,600 78,620 86,720 107,630 122,150 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 -10°F 25,320 29,620 35,160 38,920 45,630 59,280 64,870 70,880 89,380 103,010 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 -20°F 19,560 23,140 27,770 30,940 36,410 46,730 51,680 55,650 71,720 83,410 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 -30°F 14,500 17,400 21,070 23,710 27,960 35,680 39,780 41,970 55,530 64,540 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 -40°F 10,490 12,750 15,490 17,830 21,030 26,850 29,910 30,700 41,710 47,660 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. LD SERIES INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 3 HP TO 15 HP DISCUS COMPRESSORS R404A / R507 LOW TEMPERATURE -10°F SUCTION TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LD*0300L6 LD*0400L6 LD*0600L6 LD*0601L6 LD*0750L6 LD*0900L6 LD*1000L6 LD*1200L6 LD*1500L6 LD*2200L6 Compressor 2DF3F16KE 2DL3F20KE 2DB3F25KE 3DA3F28KE 3DB3F33KE 3DF3F40KE 3DS3F46KE 4DA3F47KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F76KE Connections (in) Suction Liquid 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 5/8 7/8 1 5/8 7/8 1 5/8 7/8 Receiver 90% Full (lbs) 28 28 28 28 28 67 67 67 67 67 Fans 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Weight (lbs) 737 741 751 781 805 1,030 1,035 1,199 1,234 1,224 Sound Data dba 78 78 78 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 * T for Outdoor; N for Indoor; S for Beacon II ELECTRICAL DATA Power Supply Compressor Fan Motor High Amps Order Number Compressor Volts Phase RLA LRA Qty HP FLA MCA MOPD LD*0300L6C LD*0300L6E LD*0400L6C LD*0400L6E LD*0600L6C LD*0600L6E LD*0601L6C LD*0601L6E LD*0750L6C LD*0750L6E LD*0900L6C LD*0900L6E LD*1000L6C LD*1000L6E LD*1200L6C LD*1200L6E LD*1500L6C LD*1500L6E LD*2200L6C LD*2200L6E 2DF3F16KE 2DF3F16KE 2DL3F20KE 2DL3F20KE 2DB3F25KE 2DB3F25KE 3DA3F28KE 3DA3F28KE 3DB3F33KE 3DB3F33KE 3DF3F40KE 3DF3F40KE 3DS3F46KE 3DS3F46KE 4DA3F47KE 4DA3F47KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14.4 6.0 23.6 6.9 25.3 8.6 24.0 9.4 27.6 9.9 33.2 14.1 37.2 14.6 40.9 15.6 47.2 18.8 57.7 21.7 102 41 161 49 161 63 150 62 161 67 215 84 215 84 220 106 278 113 374 135 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 8.8 3.6 8.8 3.6 8.8 3.6 40 16 48 20 60 24 60 24 60 24 72.9 30.4 77.9 31 87.5 40 92.8 40 105.9 47.5 50 20 70 20 70 25 70 30 80 30 100 40 100 45 110 50 125 50 150 60 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Evap. Fan Amps 15 6.4 15 6.4 20 8 20 8 20 8 26 10.4 26 10.4 20 12 25 12 25 12 Saskatchewan Defrost Heater Amps 40 16 48 20 60 24 60 24 60 24 70 28 70 28 70 32 70 32 70 38 306.373.9227 101 LARKIN INC. LD SERIES INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 3 HP TO 15 HP DISCUS COMPRESSORS R22 LOW TEMPERATURE -10°F SUCTION TEMPERATURE Enhanced grill design gives up to 40% more free-air area than before, and its vertical receiver needs less refrigerant to ensure a solid column of liquid reaches the expansion valve. Fan motors and serviceable glass is conveniently placed so that charging is quick, easy and accurate. Thorough cleaning of the coil is easier because the unit’s top is one piece and lighter for easier removal. A liquid vase valve and suction service tap is placed on the outside of the cabinet for easy pump-downs and quick diagnosis. The footprint is smaller for easy job-site placement. These condensing units utilize the patented Floating Tube condenser that eliminates tube-sheet leaks. This coil design allows Larkin to off you a 5-year warranty against tube-sheet leaks that includes labour and refrigerant. CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Temperature Order Number LD*0300L2 LD*0400L2 LD*0600L2 LD*0601L2 LD*0750L2 LD*0900L2 LD*1000L2 LD*1200L2 LD*1500L2 LD*2200L2 0°F 28,840 33,310 39,830 44,070 52,700 67,890 72,700 82,860 100,880 116,660 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LD*0300L2 LD*0400L2 LD*0600L2 LD*0601L2 LD*0750L2 LD*0900L2 LD*1000L2 LD*1200L2 LD*1500L2 LD*2200L2 Compressor 2DF3-030E 2DL3-040E 2DB3-060E 2DA3-060E 3DB3-075E 3DF3-090E 3DS3-100E 4DA3F46KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F76KE -10°F 22,160 25,870 31,180 34,760 42,060 53,290 57,230 63,600 79,760 92,430 Connections (in) Suction Liquid 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 5/8 7/8 1 5/8 7/8 1 5/8 7/8 * T for Outdoor; N for Indoor; S for Beacon II Burnaby Kitchener 102 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor -20°F 16,240 19,290 23,540 26,290 32,340 40,440 43,500 46,800 60,820 70,610 Receiver 90% Full (lbs) 33 33 33 33 33 78 78 78 78 96 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 -30°F 11,420 13,760 17,120 19,090 23,960 29,540 31,830 32,800 44,520 52,030 Fans 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Edmonton Ottawa -40°F 8,030 9,490 12,250 13,570 17,490 21,020 22,500 21,780 31,460 37,530 Weight (lbs) 737 741 751 781 805 1,030 1,035 1,199 1,234 1,224 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Sound Data dba 78 78 78 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. LD SERIES INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 3 HP TO 15 HP DISCUS COMPRESSORS R22 LOW TEMPERATURE -10°F SUCTION TEMPERATURE ELECTRICAL DATA Power Supply Compressor Fan Motor High Amps Order Number Compressor Volts Phase RLA LRA Qty HP FLA MCA MOPD LD*0300L2C LD*0300L2E LD*0400L2C LD*0400L2E LD*0600L2C LD*0600L2E LD*0601L2C LD*0601L2E LD*0750L2C LD*0750L2E LD*0900L2C LD*0900L2E LD*1000L2C LD*1000L2E LD*1200L2C LD*1200L2E LD*1500L2C LD*1500L2E LD*2200L2C LD*2200L2E 2DF3-030E 2DF3-030E 2DL3-040E 2DL3-040E 2DB3-060E 2DB3-060E 2DA3-060E 2DA3-060E 3DB3-075E 3DB3-075E 3DF3-090E 3DF3-090E 3DS3-100E 3DS3-100E 4DA3F46KE 4DA3F46KE 4DL3F63KE 4DL3F63KE 4DT3F76KE 4DT3F76KE 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14.4 6.0 23.6 6.9 25.3 8.6 24 9.4 27.6 9.9 33.2 14.1 37.2 14.6 40.9 15.6 47.2 18.8 57.7 21.7 102 41 161 49 161 63 150 62 161 67 215 84 215 84 220 106 278 113 374 113 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 8.8 3.6 8.8 3.6 8.8 3.6 50 20 60 25 75 30 75 30 75 30 87.5 35 87.5 35 87.5 40 92.8 40 105.9 47.5 50 20 70 25 80 30 80 30 80 30 100 40 100 45 100 50 125 50 150 60 Evap. Fan Amps 15 6.4 15 6.4 20 8 20 8 20 8 20 10.4 20 10.4 20 12 25 12 25 12 Defrost Heater Amps 40 16 48 20 60 24 60 24 60 24 70 28 70 28 70 32 70 32 70 38 LD SERIES INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 3 HP TO 15 HP DISCUS COMPRESSORS R404A / R507 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE 20°F SUCTION TEMPERATURE Enhanced grill design gives up to 40% more free-air area than before, and its vertical receiver needs less refrigerant to ensure a solid column of liquid reaches the expansion valve. Fan motors and serviceable glass is conveniently placed so that charging is quick, easy and accurate. Thorough cleaning of the coil is easier because the unit’s top is one piece and lighter for easier removal. A liquid vase valve and suction service tap is placed on the outside of the cabinet for easy pump-downs and quick diagnosis. The footprint is smaller for easy job-site placement. These condensing units utilize the patented Floating Tube condenser that eliminates tube-sheet leaks. This coil design allows Larkin to off you a 5-year warranty against tube-sheet leaks that includes labour and refrigerant. CAPACITIES Order Number LD*0500M6 LD*0501M6 LD*0750M6 LD*0751M6 LD*0800M6 LD*1000M6 LD*1200M6 LD*1500M6 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 -10°F 19,850 24,040 29,930 36,060 42,820 50,790 61,590 69,910 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Temperature 0°F 15°F 20°F 25,650 36,010 39,690 30,440 41,930 46,000 37,860 51,600 56,360 45,780 62,250 67,930 54,150 73,840 80,710 64,440 87,000 94,670 77,190 102,850 111,440 88,030 118,400 128,750 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 30°F 47,090 54,150 65,730 79,180 94,310 109,650 127,950 148,920 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 103 LARKIN INC. LD SERIES INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 3 HP TO 15 HP DISCUS COMPRESSORS R404A / R507 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE 20°F SUCTION TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LD*0500M6 LD*0501M6 LD*0750M6 LD*0751M6 LD*0800M6 LD*1000M6 LD*1200M6 LD*1500M6 Compressor 2DC3R53KE 2DD3R63KE 2DL3R78KE 2DA3R89KE 3DA3R10ME 3DB3R12ME 3DF3R15ME 3DS3R17ME ELECTRICAL DATA Connections (in) Suction Liquid 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 5/8 7/8 Power Supply Receiver 90% Full (lbs) 28 28 28 67 67 67 67 67 Compressor Fans 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Fan Motor Weight (lbs) 751 751 761 985 1,020 1,045 1,065 1,182 High Amps Order Number Compressor Volts Phase RLA LRA Qty HP FLA MCA MOPD LD*0500M6C LD*0500M6E LD*0501M6C LD*0501M6E LD*0750M6C LD*0750M6E LD*0751M6C LD*0751M6E LD*0800M6C LD*0800M6E LD*1000M6C LD*1000M6E LD*1200M6C LD*1500M6C LD*1500M6E 2DC3R53KE 2DC3R53KE 2DD3R63KE 2DD3R63KE 2DL3R78KE 2DL3R78KE 2DA3R89KE 2DA3R89KE 3DA3R10ME 3DA3R10ME 3DB3R12ME 3DB3R12ME 3DF3R15ME 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 208-230 575 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 6.9 20 7.1 28.3 11.9 28.7 11.9 36.8 14.7 39.1 14.8 43.2 53.5 21.2 120 49 120 49 169 67 169 67 215 84 215 84 275 575 110 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3/4 3/4 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 5.4 8.8 3.6 42.7 16.3 42.7 16.5 58.1 24 61.3 25.3 77.4 31.2 80.3 31.3 85.4 100 60 60 20 60 20 80 35 90 35 100 45 100 45 100 125 60 Burnaby Kitchener 104 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Sound Data dba 78 78 78 82 82 82 82 81 Evap. Defrost Fan Amps 15 6.4 15 6.4 20 8 20 8 26 10.4 26 10.4 26 20 12 Heater Amps 40 16 40 16 48 20 48 20 70 28 70 28 70 80 48 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. LD SERIES INDOOR OR OUTDOOR CONDENSING UNITS 3 HP TO 15 HP DISCUS COMPRESSORS R22 HIGH TEMPERATURE 25°F SUCTION TEMPERATURE Enhanced grill design gives up to 40% more free-air area than before, and its vertical receiver needs less refrigerant to ensure a solid column of liquid reaches the expansion valve. Fan motors and serviceable glass is conveniently placed so that charging is quick, easy and accurate. Thorough cleaning of the coil is easier because the unit’s top is one piece and lighter for easier removal. A liquid vase valve and suction service tap is placed on the outside of the cabinet for easy pump-downs and quick diagnosis. The footprint is smaller for easy job-site placement. These condensing units utilize the patented Floating Tube condenser that eliminates tube-sheet leaks. This coil design allows Larkin to off you a 5-year warranty against tube-sheet leaks that includes labour and refrigerant. CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr @ 95°F Ambient Temperature Order Number LD*0500H2 LD*0501H2 LD*0750H2 LD*0751H2 LD*0800H2 LD*1000H2 LD*1200H2 LD*1500H2 10°F 30,960 35,800 46,500 54,120 65,890 77,290 86,170 99,390 20°F 39,060 44,680 56,450 65,540 80,610 94,230 104,950 122,270 25°F 43,380 49,380 61,680 71,930 88,450 103,250 115,210 134,780 30°F 47,830 54,200 67,480 78,700 96,520 112,540 125,900 147,820 40°F 57,000 64,090 78,200 93,130 113,110 131,720 148,190 174,980 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number LD*0500H2 LD*0501H2 LD*0750H2 LD*0751H2 LD*0800H2 LD*1000H2 LD*1200H2 LD*1500H2 Compressor 2DC3-050E 2DD3-050E 2DL3-075E 2DA3-075E 3DA3-075E 3DB3-100E 3DF3-120E 3DS3R17ME ELECTRICAL DATA Connections (in) Suction Liquid 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 1/8 1/2 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 3/8 5/8 1 5/8 7/8 Power Supply Receiver 90% Full (lbs) 33 33 33 78 78 78 78 96 Compressor Fans 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Fan Motor Weight (lbs) 751 751 761 985 1020 1045 1065 1182 High Amps Order Number Compressor Volts Phase RLA LRA Qty HP FLA MCA MOPD LD*0500H2C LD*0500H2E LD*0501H2C LD*0501H2E LD*0750H2C LD*0750H2E LD*0751H2C LD*0751H2E LD*0800H2C LD*0800H2E LD*1000H2C LD*1000H2E LD*1200H2C LD*1500H2C LD*1500H2E 2DC3-050E 2DC3-050E 2DD3-050E 2DD3-050E 2DL3-075E 2DL3-075E 2DA3-075E 2DA3-075E 3DA3-075E 3DA3-075E 3DB3-100E 3DB3-100E 3DF3-120E 3DS3R17ME 3DS3R17ME 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 575 208-230 208-230 575 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 6.9 20 7.1 28.3 11.9 28.7 11.9 36.8 14.7 39.1 14.8 43.2 53.5 21.2 120 49 120 49 169 67 169 67 215 84 215 84 275 275 110 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 2.7 1.2 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 5.4 2.4 5.4 8.8 3.6 50 20 50 20 60 25 61.3 25.3 87.5 35 87.5 35 87.5 100 60 60 20 60 20 80 35 90 35 100 45 110 45 110 125 60 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Sound Data dba 78 78 78 82 82 82 82 81 Evap. Fan Amps 15 6.4 15 6.4 20 8 20 8 20 10.4 20 10.4 20 20 12 Saskatchewan Defrost Heater Amps 40 16 40 16 48 20 48 20 70 28 70 28 70 80 48 306.373.9227 105 LARKIN INC. HWN SERIES WATER COOLED CONDENSING UNITS 1/2 HP TO 5 HP HERMETIC COMPRESSORS R22 MEDIUM AND HIGH TEMPERATURE HWN are part of the water cooled hermetic and scroll condensing unit line, 1/2 to 6 HP. The new condensing units component selection, location, base and unit dimensions are all optimized for easy field replacements or in new installations where space is limited. Extra space is provided inside the electrical box for easy servicing. The area is large enough to accommodate circuit breakers, compressor contactors time clocks and all start components in one enclosure. Standard features include: compressor isolation valves that enable service technicians to isolate the compressor for service. Also standard is the extra capacity receiver which provides total refrigerant pump down. Ideal for units requiring long line runs. These units are available with Copeland hermetic, scroll low and medium temperature compressors as well as hermetic low temperature compressors for HCFC-22 and HFC-404A. These units are UL listed for the USA and Canada. CAPACITIES Order Number HWN005H2 HWN008H2 HWN010H2 HWN015H2 HWN020H2 HWN030H2 HWN040H2 HWN050H2 Compressor ART82C1 RS64C2 RS70C1 CR18KQ CR24KQ CR37KQ CR53KQ CRN5-0500 0°F 3,220 3,840 4,550 5,700 7,120 11,950 14,850 21,510 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number HWN005H2 HWN008H2 HWN010H2 HWN015H2 HWN020H2 HWN030H2 HWN040H2 HWN050H2 Compressor ART82C1 RS64C2 RS70C1 CR18KQ CR24KQ CR37KQ CR53KQ CRN5-0500 Capacity BTU/hr Suction Temperature * 10°F 20°F 30°F 4,220 5,390 6,860 5,530 7,500 9,820 6,600 8,810 11,350 8,190 11,240 14,860 10,330 14,330 19,190 17,140 23,660 31,640 23,880 33,740 44,620 30,630 40,460 51,570 Suction 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Connections (in) Liquid Water In (FPT) Water Out (MPT 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 40°F 87,600 11,900 14,280 19,100 25,100 41,470 56,820 64,890 L x W x H (in) 22 x 14 x 17 22 x 14 x 17 22 x 14 x 17 27 x 22 x 21 27 x 22 x 21 29 x 25 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 Ship Weight (lbs) 77 92 91 136 141 174 196 221 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number HWN005H2B HWN008H2B HWN010H2B HWN010H2C HWN015H2B HWN015H2C HWN015H2D HWN020H2B HWN020H2C HWN020H2D HWN030H2B HWN030H2C HWN030H2D HWN040H2B HWN040H2C HWN040H2D HWN050H2B HWN050H2C HWN050H2D Burnaby Kitchener 106 Compressor ART82C1-CAV RS64C2-PAV RS70C1-PFV RS70C1-TFC CR18KQ-PFV CR18KQ-TF5 CR18KQ-TFD CR24KQ-PFV CR24KQ-TF5 CR24KQ-TFD CR37KQ-PFV CR37KQ-TF5 CRJ3-0300-TFD CR53KQ-PFV CR53KQ-TF5 CR53KQ-TFD CRN5-0500-PFV CRN5-0500-TF5 CRN5-0500-TFD 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Compressor RLA LRA 5.9 30 6.9 37 6.3 34.2 4.2 31 8.1 47 4.9 40 2.8 23 12.2 70.5 6.7 40 3.6 28 16.7 100.3 9.9 85 5 39 26 140 16.3 107 817 55 30.8 142 19.2 130 8.7 65 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Air 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 15 15 21 15 15 33 20 15 39 24 15 MCA Electric 20 20 20 20 24 24 20 29 24 20 38 38 24 45 38 29 59 37.5 29 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Air 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 25 15 15 35 20 15 50 35 15 50 40 15 MOPD Amps Electric Evaporator Fan Defrost Heater 20 8 15 20 8 15 20 7 15 20 8.6 15 25 6 19 25 7 19 20 9 15 30 6 23 25 9 19 20 8.5 15 45 12 30 40 12 30 25 9 19 60 12 35 45 12 30 30 11 23 60 12 47 50 12 30 30 10 23 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. HWN SERIES WATER COOLED CONDENSING UNITS 1/2 HP TO 5 HP HERMETIC COMPRESSORS R404A EXTENDED TEMPERATURE CAPACITIES Order Number HWN005X6 HWN008X6 HWN009X6 HWN010X6 HWN015X6 HWN020X6 HWN025X6 HWN030X6 HWN032X6 HWN040X6 HWN050X6 Compressor RS43C2E RS55C2E RS64C2E RS70C1E CS10K6E CS12K6E CS14K6E CS18K6E CS20K6E CS27K6E CS33K6E -25°F 1,280 1,590 2,060 1,600 2,000 2,650 3,840 4,590 4,650 6,819 8,100 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number HWN005X6 HWN008X6 HWN009X6 HWN010X6 HWN015X6 HWN020X6 HWN025X6 HWN030X6 HWN032X6 HWN040X6 HWN050X6 Compressor RS43C2E RS55C2E RS64C2E RS70C1E CS10K6E CS12K6E CS14K6E CS18K6E CS20K6E CS27K6E CS33K6E Suction 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number HWN005X6B HWN008X6B HWN009X6B HWN010X6B HWN010X6C HWN015X6B HWN015X6C HWN020X6B HWN020X6C HWN025X6B HWN025X6C HWN025X6D HWN030X6B HWN030X6C HWN030X6D HWN032X6B HWN032X6C HWN032X6D HWN040X6B HWN040X6C HWN040X6D HWN050X6B HWN050X6C HWN050X6D Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Compressor RS43C2E-CAV RS55C2E-CAV RS64C2E-CAV RS70C1-PFV RS70C1E-TFC CS10K6E-PFV CS10K6E-TF5 CS12K6E-PFV CS12K6E-TF5 CS14K6E-PFV CS14K6E-TF5 CS14K6E-TFD CS18K6E-PFV CS18K6E-TF5 CS18K6E-TFD CS20K6E-PFV CS20K6E-TF5 CS20K6E-TFD CS27K6E-PFV CS27K6E-TF5 CS27K6E-TFD CS33K6E-PFV CS33K6E-TF5 CS33K6E-TFD Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 -20°F 1,540 2,010 2,560 2,335 2,815 3,615 4,900 5,825 6,505 8,628 10,515 Capacity BTU/hr Suction Temperature * -10°F 0°F 10°F 2,210 2,950 4,060 2,800 3,980 5,280 3,695 4,953 6,395 3,770 5,200 6,800 4,580 6,930 9,710 5,670 8,340 11,490 7,160 10,140 13,630 8,570 12,600 17,400 10,110 14,210 19,220 12,406 17,547 23,901 15,433 21,505 28,838 Connections (in) Liquid Water In (FPT) Water Out (MPT 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Compressor RLA LRA 4.8 24.1 5.4 40 6.9 37 6.3 34.2 4.2 31 9.8 56 6.7 51 9.8 56 6.7 51 11.2 61 8.2 55 4.2 28 14.4 82 9.4 65.5 3.9 33 16.7 96 10.3 75 4.6 40 21.5 121 13.7 105 7.6 52 27.6 125 16.8 102 8.8 48 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Air 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 15 15 21 15 15 27 20 15 35 21 15 MCA Electric 20 20 20 20 20 24 20 24 25 29 24 20 38 29 24 38 29 24 44 38 29 59 38 29 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Air 15 15 15 15 15 20 15 20 15 20 15 15 30 20 15 30 20 15 45 30 15 50 35 15 L x W x H (in) 22 x 14 x 17 22 x 14 x 17 22 x 14 x 17 22 x 14 x 17 27 x 22 x 21 27 x 22 x 21 27 x 22 x 21 27 x 22 x 28 27 x 22 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 20°F 5,500 6,800 8,019 8,700 12,900 15,100 17,500 22,700 25,600 31,622 37,733 30°F 7,300 8,800 9,947 11,200 16,300 19,200 21,800 28,300 34,000 40,740 48,694 Ship Weight (lbs) 98 98 103 107 148 148 152 172 182 183 207 MOPD Amps Electric Evaporator Fan Defrost Heater 20 8 15 20 8 15 20 7 15 20 7 15 20 8.6 15 25 6 19 20 7 15 25 6 19 25 9 19 30 6 23 25 9 19 20 8.3 15 40 12 30 30 7 23 25 10 19 50 12 30 30 7 23 25 10 19 60 12 35 40 12 30 30 11 23 60 12 47 45 12 30 30 10 23 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 107 LARKIN INC. HWN AND HWZ SERIES WATER COOLED CONDENSING UNITS HERMETIC COMPRESSORS R404A LOW TEMPERATURE - 1/2 - 5 HP HWN are part of the water cooled hermetic and scroll condensing unit line, 1/2 to 6 HP. The new condensing units component selection, location, base and unit dimensions are all optimized for easy field replacements or in new installations where space is limited. Extra space is provided inside the electrical box for easy servicing. The area is large enough to accommodate circuit breakers, compressor contactors time clocks and all start components in one enclosure. Standard features include: compressor isolation valves that enable service technicians to isolate the compressor for service. Also standard is the extra capacity receiver which provides total refrigerant pump down. Ideal for units requiring long line runs. These units are available with Copeland hermetic, scroll low and medium temperature compressors as well as hermetic low temperature compressors for HCFC-22 and HFC-404A. These units are UL listed for the USA and Canada. CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr Suction Temperature * Order Number HWN011L6 HWN014L6 HWN025L6 HWN031L6 Compressor CF04K6E CF06K6E CF09K6E CF12K6E -30°F 2,080 3,770 5,560 7,550 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number HWN011L6 HWN014L6 HWN025L6 HWN031L6 Compressor CF04K6E CF06K6E CF09K6E CF12K6E Suction 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number HWN011L6B HWN011L6C HWN014L6B HWN014L6C HWN025L6B HWN025L6C HWN031L6B HWN031L6C HWN031L6D Burnaby Kitchener 108 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Compressor CF04K6E-PFV CF04K6E-TF5 CF06K6E-PFV CF06K6E-TF5 CF09K6E-PFV CF09K6E-TF5 CF12K6E-PFV CF12K6E-TF5 CF12K6E-TFD Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 208-230/1 200-230/3 460/3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 -25°F 2,810 4,810 7,040 9,510 -20°F 3,570 5,990 8,720 11,570 Connections (in) Liquid Water In FPT 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 Compressor RLA LRA 9.6 59.2 649 52 11.4 59.2 7 52 16.7 87 10.2 72.2 19 105 11.9 85 5.9 42 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Air 15 15 15 15 20 15 21 15 15 Water Out MPT 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 MCA Electric 20 20 20 20 25 20 38 29 24 Calgary North Bay -10°F 5,310 8,700 12,590 16,060 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Air 15 15 20 15 30 20 35 20 15 0°F 7,590 11,780 17,060 21,180 L x W x H (in) 27 x 22 x 21 27 x 22 x 21 27 x 22 x 21 27 x 22 x 21 10°F 10,680 15,070 21,970 27,140 Ship Weight (lbs) 114 114 120 136 MOPD Amps Electric Evaporator Fan Defrost Heater 20 8 15 20 8 15 25 4 23 20 9 19 35 6 30 25 7 19 50 12 30 30 7 23 25 10 19 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. ZWN SCROLL SERIES WATER COOLED CONDENSING UNITS SCROLL COMPRESSORS R404A LOW TEMPERATURE Features a complete line of Copeland’s Glacier refrigeration scroll compressors. These condensing units have an oversized condenser which allows units to operate in high ambient for 35°F boxes and below. UL listed for the United States and Canada. CAPACITIES Order Number ZWN030L6 ZWN035L6 ZWN045L6 ZWN055L6 ZWN060L6 Compressor ZF09K4E ZF11K4E ZF13K4E ZF15K4E ZF18K4E -40°F 6,380 7,900 8,570 11,080 13,260 -30°F 8,270 10,170 11,480 14,480 17,260 Capacity BTU/hr Suction Temperature * -25°F -20°F 9,370 10,500 11,500 12,900 13,200 15,000 16,400 18,500 19,500 22,000 -10°F 13,200 16,200 19,100 23,300 27,700 0°F 16,300 20,200 23,800 28,900 34,500 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number ZWN030L6 ZWN035L6 ZWN045L6 ZWN055L6 ZWN060L6 Compressor ZF09K4E ZF11K4E ZF13K4E ZF15K4E ZF18K4E Suction 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Connections (in) Liquid Water In (FPT) Water Out (MPT) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 L x W x H (in) 27 x 22 x 28 27 x 22 x 28 27 x 22 x 28 27 x 22 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 Ship Weight (lbs) 159 165 185 201 207 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number ZWN030L6B ZWN030L6C ZWN030L6D ZWN035L6B ZWN035L6C ZWN035L6D ZWN045L6B ZWN045L6C ZWN045L6D ZWN055L6B ZWN055L6C ZWN055L6D ZWN060L8C ZWN060L8D Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Compressor ZF09K4E-PFV ZF09K4E-TF5 ZF09K4E-TFD ZF11K4E-PFV ZF11K4E-TF5 ZF11K4E-TFD ZF13K4E-PFV ZF13K4E-TF5 ZF13K4E-TFD ZF14K4E-PFV ZF15K4E-TF5 ZF15K4E-TFD ZF18K4E-TF5 ZF18K4E-TFD Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/1 208-230/3 460/3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Compressor RLA LRA 14.7 88 9.9 77 5.1 39 18.6 109 12.2 88 6.4 44 24 129 13.5 99 7.4 49.5 28.8 169 19.2 123 8.7 62 21.5 156 8.3 70 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Air 18 15 15 23 15 15 30 17 15 36 24 15 27 15 MCA Electric 38 24 24 38 29 24 41 38 24 38 38 25 44 29 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 MOPD Amps Air Electric Evaporator Fan Defrost Heater 30 45 12 30 20 25 6 19 15 25 10 19 40 50 12 30 25 30 6 23 15 25 10 19 50 60 11 30 30 40 11 30 15 25 9 19 60 60 10 30 40 50 10 30 15 25 8 19 45 60 12 35 15 30 11 23 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 109 LARKIN INC. ZWN SERIES WATER COOLED CONDENSING UNITS SCROLL COMPRESSORS R404A EXTENDED TEMPERATURE Features a complete line of Copeland’s Glacier refrigeration scroll compressors. These condensing units have an oversized condenser which allows units to operate in high ambient for 35°F boxes and below. UL listed for the United States and Canada. CAPACITIES Capacity BTU/hr Suction Temperature * Order Number ZWN030X6 ZWN035X6 ZWN045X6 ZWN055X6 ZWN060X6 Compressor ZS21K4E ZS26K4E ZS30K4E ZS38K4E ZS45K4E -25°F 9,010 11,270 12,810 15,920 19,220 -20°F 10,230 12,740 14,390 18,050 21,820 -10°F 12,840 15,910 17,960 22,640 27,360 0°F 16,070 19,930 22,870 28,420 34,160 10°F 19,740 24,490 28,480 34,970 41,850 20°F 24,110 29,950 35,030 42,780 51,090 30°F 29,310 36,400 42,320 51,980 62,130 40°F 35,200 43,650 50,100 62,350 74,750 SPECIFICATIONS Order Number ZWN030X6 ZWN035X6 ZWN045X6 ZWN055X6 ZWN060X6 Compressor ZS21K4E ZS26K4E ZS30K4E ZS38K4E ZS45K4E Suction 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 Connections (in) Liquid Water In (FPT) Water Out (MPT) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1/2 3/4 3/4 L x W x H (in) 29 x 25 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 29 x 25 x 28 Ship Weight (lbs) 171 186 207 226 241 ELECTRICAL DATA Order Number ZWN030X6B ZWN030X6C ZWN030X6D ZWN035X6B ZWN035X6C ZWN035X6D ZWN045X6B ZWN045X6C ZWN045X6D ZWN055X6B ZWN055X6C ZWN055X6D ZWN060X6C ZWN060X6D Burnaby Kitchener 110 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Compressor ZS21K4E-PFV ZS21K4E-TF5 ZS21K4E-TFD ZS26K4E-PFV ZS26K4E-TF5 ZS26K4E-TFD ZS30K4E-PFV ZS30K4E-TF5 ZS30K4E-TFD ZS38K4E-PFV ZS38K4E-TF5 ZS38K4E-TFD ZS45K4E-TF5 ZS45K4E-TFD Interior BC St.Catharines Volts/Phase 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/1 208-230/3 460/3 208-230/3 460/3 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Compressor RLA LRA 14.7 88 9.9 77 5.1 39 18.6 109 12.2 88 6.4 44 24 129 13.5 99 7.4 49.5 28.8 169 19.2 123 8.7 62 21.5 156 8.3 70 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 MCA Air Electric 18.4 38 15 38 15 24 23.2 38 15.2 38 15 24 30 59 17 44 15 29 36 59 24 44 15 29 27 38 15 29 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 MOPD Amps Air Electric Evaporator Fan Defrost Heater 30 45 12 30 20 40 12 30 15 25 10 19 40 50 12 30 25 40 12 30 15 25 9 19 50 60 11 47 30 45 12 35 15 30 11 23 60 60 12 47 40 50 12 35 15 30 10 23 45 60 12 30 15 30 10.6 23 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. PRO3 PACKAGED INDOOR REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS COOLERS AIR DEFROST SYSTEMS R22 Larkin brings you the simplest, most reliable walk-in refrigeration system solution in a single package! The PRO3 system comes ready to mount on top of the cooler or freezer and requires minimal space. The evaporator portion of PRO3 sits flush in the ceiling, allowing for maximum use of refrigerated space inside the box. 115V @ 60 HZ, 1 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F Order Number 35°F Box 38°F Box PTN024H2A 2,540 2,650 PTN029H2A 3,070 3,180 PTN040H2A 4,240 4,350 PTN047H2A 4,980 5,300 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 1 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F Order Number 35°F Box 38°F Box PTN047H2B 4,980 5,300 PTN063H2B 6,680 7,100 PTN072H2B 7,630 8,060 PTN099H2B 10,490 11,340 PTN128H2B 13,570 14,520 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 3 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F Order Number 35°F Box 38°F Box PTN099H2C 10,490 11,340 PTN128H2C 13,570 14,520 MCA 10.2 10.6 11.7 16.9 MCA 8.6 9.8 10.9 17.1 20.1 MCA 14.7 14.1 MOPD 15 15 15 20 Unit Amps 8.7 9 9.9 14.2 Evaporator CFM 34 340 340 350 H x W x D (in) 15.3 x 28.1 x 24.4 15.3 x 28.1 x 24.4 15.3 x 28.1 x 24.4 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 Ship Weight (lbs) 88 90 92 192 MOPD 15 15 15 20 30 Evaporator Unit Amps CFM 7.3 350 8.4 550 9.3 500 14.7 875 17.1 825 H x W x D (in) 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 19 x 52 x 42 19 x 52 x 42 Ship Weight (lbs) 192 207 211 270 290 MOPD 20 20 Evaporator Unit Amps CFM 13.3 875 12.8 825 H x W x D (in) 19 x 52 x 42 19 x 52 x 42 Ship Weight (lbs) 265 285 H x W x D (in) 15.3 x 28.1 x 24.4 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 Ship Weight (lbs) 101 213 FREEZERS ELECTRIC DEFROST SYSTEMS R404A 115V @ 60 HZ, 1 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F 0°F Box -10°F Box -20°F Box 2,470 1,850 2,680 2,160 1,340 MCA 13 13.9 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 1 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F Order Number 0°F Box -10°F Box -20°F Box PTN021L6B 2,680 2,160 1,340 PTN031L6B 4,220 3,190 2,060 PTN044L6B 5,870 4,530 3,400 PTN052L6B 7,000 5,360 3,910 PTN069L6B 9,060 7,100 5,250 MCA 7.6 13.8 15.9 17.7 23.8 MOPD 15 15 20 20 30 Unit Amps 6.5 11.6 13.3 15.3 20 Evaporator CFM 350 550 520 900 875 H x W x D (in) 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 17.5 x 52 x 28.5 19 x 52 x 42 19 x 52 x 42 Ship Weight (lbs) 213 221 225 275 280 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 3 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F Order Number 0°F Box -10°F Box -20°F Box PTN052L6C 7,000 5,360 3,910 PTN069L6C 9,060 7,100 5,250 MCA 12.2 15.9 MOPD 15 20 Unit Amps 11.3 14.2 Evaporator CFM 900 875 H x W x D (in) 19 x 52 x 42 19 x 52 x 42 Ship Weight (lbs) 270 275 Order Number PTN019L6A PTN021L6A Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Evaporator MOPD Unit Amps CFM 20 11 340 20 11.8 350 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 111 LARKIN INC. PRO3 SIDE MOUNT PACKAGED REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS The PRO3 packaged refrigeration systems combine evaporator and condensing unit into one unit - simplifying installation and reducing refrigerant charge - saving time, money and energy. The latest addition to the PRO3 family, the PRO3 Side Mount is optimized for outdoor applications and is ideal for small to medium sized restaurant and convenience store applications where maximum airflow is essential for pulling down the temperature of foods or beverages. The PRO3 Side Mount is also available with electric defrost medium temperature models, ensuring maximum performance in storage applications slightly above freezing. HIGH / MEDIUM TEMPERATURE AIR DEFROST - COOLER APPLICATION 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 1 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F 35°F Box 38°F Box 6,641 6,968 8,643 9,064 12,448 13,107 14,081 14,759 Order Number PST070H6B* PST090H6B* PST131H6B* PST147H6B* MCA 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 * H for PSC, E for EC motor on evaporator section only. MOPD 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Evaporator CFM 625 625 1,350 1,350 Ship Weight (lbs) 260 265 320 325 MEDIUM TEMPERATURE ELECTRIC DEFROST - COOLER APPLICATION 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 1 PHASE BTU/hr @ 95°F Order Number 35°F Box PST066M6B* 6,641 PST086M6B* 8,643 PST124M6B* 12,448 PST141M6B* 14,081 MCA 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 MOPD 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 Evaporator CFM 625 625 1,350 1,350 Ship Weight (lbs) 260 265 320 325 * H for PSC, E for EC motor on evaporator section only. LOW TEMPERATURE ELECTRIC DEFROST - FREEZER APPLICATION 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 1 PHASE Order Number PST034L6B* PST051L6B* PST057L6B* PST077L6B* 0°F Box 4,746 6,530 7,541 10,002 BTU/hr @ 95°F -10°F Box 3,444 5,121 5,735 7,716 * H for PSC, E for EC motor on evaporator section only. Burnaby Kitchener 112 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 -20°F Box 2,260 3,720 3,918 5,689 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 MCA 15.0 15.0 15.0 20.7 Calgary North Bay MOPD 20.0 20.0 20.0 35.0 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa Evaporator CFM 625 625 1,350 1,350 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Ship Weight (lbs) 260 265 320 325 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. PRO3™ PACKAGED OUTDOOR REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS COOLERS - AIR DEFROST SYSTEMS R-22 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 3 PH. OUTDOOR UNITS Order Number PTT047H2B PTT072H2B PTT063H2B PTT099H2B PTT128H2B BTU/hr @ 95°F 35°F Box 38°F Box 4,980 5,300 7,630 8,060 6,680 7,100 10,490 11,340 13,570 14,520 MOPD 15 15 15 20 30 MCA 8.6 10.9 9.8 17.1 20.1 Evaporator Unit Amps CFM 7.3 350 9.3 500 8.4 550 14.7 875 17.1 825 H x W x D (in) 21.5 x 52 x 28.5 21.5 x 52 x 28.5 21.5 x 52 x 28.5 23.5 x 52 x 42 23.5 x 52 x 42 Ship Weight (lbs) 192 211 207 270 290 FREEZERS—ELECTRIC DEFROST SYSTEMS R404A 208-230V @ 60 HZ, 3 PH. OUTDOOR UNITS Order Number PTT021L6B PTT044L6B PTT052L6B PTT069L6B PTT031L6B BTU/hr @ 95°F 0°F Box -10°F Box -20°F Box 2,680 2,160 1,340 5,870 4,530 3,400 7,000 5,360 3,910 9,060 7,100 5,250 4,220 3,190 2,060 MCA 7.6 15.9 17.7 23.8 13.8 MOPD 15 20 20 30 15 Evaporator Unit Amps CFM 6.5 350 13.3 520 15.3 900 20.0 875 11.6 550 H x W x D (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 21.5 x 52 x 28.5 213 23.5 x 52 x 42 225 23.5 x 52 x 42 275 23.5 x 52 x 42 290 21.5 x 52 x 28.5 221 FCB SERIES DIRECT DRIVE AIR COOLED CONDENSERS 1 THROUGH 26 TONS The industrial standard for remote air cooled applications. There are several features that make this true-versatility and simplicity of design and service are the most recognized. All air cooled condensers have: fully baffled fan sections to provide structural strength and prevent fan wind-milling in the off cycle; multi-circuiting at no extra cost; optional coils with coated or all copper fins are available for corrosive or damaging atmospheres; weatherproof junction box, with motor leads terminating for single point field wiring; availability in either vertical or horizontal arrangement; fan cycling or variable-speed fan cycling for head pressure control; PVC coated steel fan guards. R-22 Order Number FCB-1 FCB-1-1/2 FCB-2 FCB-3 FCB-5 FCB-8 FCB-10 FCB-12 FCB-14 FCB-16 FCB-21 FCB-23 FCB-26 Fan Data THR (MBH) 30°F TD * Fan Qty HP FLA @ 230V 22.9 1 1/4 2 26.7 1 1/4 2 30.5 1 1/4 2 47.1 1 1/4 2 73 1 1/3 3.4 120 1 1/2 3.9 146 2 1/4 6.8 182.4 2 1/2 7.8 209.6 2 1/2 7.8 239.6 2 1/2 7.8 314.2 3 1/2 11.7 339.6 3 1/2 11.7 398.2 3 1/2 11.7 CFM 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,100 5,050 6,450 10,100 12,400 13,700 12,900 20,500 19,900 19,400 Connections (in) L x W x H (in) Inlet Outlet Ship Weight (lbs) 37 1/2 x 22 x 22 3/8 3/8 280 37 1/2 x 22 x 22 5/8 5/8 96 37 1/2 x 22 x 22 7/8 5/8 96 37 1/2 x 22 x 22 7/8 5/8 114 39 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 180 49 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 1 1/8 7/8 260 69 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 (2) 1 1/8 (2) 7/8 450 69 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 (2) 1 1/8 (2) 7/8 470 89 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 (2) 1 1/8 (2) 7/8 510 89 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 (2) 1 3/8 (2) 1 1/8 530 129 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 (2) 1 5/8 (2) 1 1/8 550 129 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 (2) 1 5/8 (2) 1 1/8 580 129 3/4 x 43 x 40 1/2 (2) 1 5/8 (2) 1 1/8 625 * For HFC-404A and HFC-507, multiply MBH by 0.98. Note: 208/230/1/60, 3 Phase motors available FCB-5–FCB-26. Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 113 LARKIN INC. LNH SERIES AIR COOLED CONDENSERS 1140 RPM, 1.5 HP 208-230/3 10 FPI For customers seeking an economical solution to their capacity requirements, Larkin now offers the 1140 RPM Series with enhancements to improve capacity and serviceability. The 1140 Series features a broader product range with capacities ranging from 15 to 249 nominal tons to address all applications. Features include: Larkin’s patent-pending ServiceEase™ motor mount; New, high efficiency condenser coil designed for optimum performance; Expanded product range from 15 to 249 nominal tons; Galvanized steel cabinet with options for aluminum or painted galvanized steel. SINGLE ROW Order Number LNH-S01-A007 LNH-S01-A009 LNH-S02-A011 LNH-S02-A015 LNH-S02-A017 LNH-S03-A022 LNH-S03-A026 LNH-S05-A037 LNH-S04-A029 LNH-S04-A034 LNH-S05-A044 LNH-S06-A053 LNH-S07-A061 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 7.3 73 109.5 7.2 72 108 8.7 87 130.5 8.6 86 129 10.7 107 160.5 10.5 105 157.5 14.5 145 217.5 14.2 142 213 17.1 171 256.5 16.7 167 250.5 21.8 218 327 21.4 214 321 25.7 257 385.5 25.2 252 378 37.1 371 556.5 36.4 364 546 29.1 291 436.5 28.5 285 427.5 34.2 342 513 33.5 335 502.5 44.0 440 660 43.1 431 646.5 52.8 528 792 51.7 517 775.5 61.0 610 915 59.8 598 897 CFM FLA 9,900 7 9,500 7 20,500 14 19,800 14 19,000 14 29,700 21 28,500 21 48,300 35 38,600 28 37,000 28 46,200 35 55,400 42 64,700 49 MCA 15 15 20 20 20 22.8 22.8 36.8 29.8 29.8 36.8 43.8 50.8 MOPD 25 25 35 35 35 40 40 50 45 45 50 60 70 Ship H x W x D (in) Weight (lbs) 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 330 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 360 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 580 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 630 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 680 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 930 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 1,000 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 1,510 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 1,210 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 1,310 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 1,640 49.13 x 45.43 x 339 1,950 49.13 x 45.43 x 392 2,240 DOUBLE ROW THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 Order Number LNH-D04-A021 LNH-D04-A029 LNH-D04-A034 LNH-D06-A044 LNH-D06-A051 LNH-D08-A058 LNH-D08-A068 LNH-D10-A074 LNH-D10-A088 LNH-D12-A106 LNH-D14-A122 Burnaby Kitchener 114 1°F 21.4 29.1 34.2 43.6 51.3 58.2 68.4 74.2 88.0 105.6 121.9 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 10°F 214 291 342 436 513 582 684 742 880 1,056 1,219 Interior BC St.Catharines 15°F 321 436.5 513 654 769.5 873 1,026 1,113 1,320 1584 1,828.5 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 21 28.5 33.5 42.8 50.3 57 67.1 72.7 86.2 103.5 119.5 Vancouver Island Windsor 10°F 210 285 335 428 503 570 671 727 862 1,035 1,195 15°F 315 427.5 502.5 642 754.5 855 1,006.5 1,090.5 1,293 1,552.5 1,792.5 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Ship CFM FLA 41,000 28 39,600 28 38,100 28 59,400 42 57,100 42 77,200 56 73,900 56 96,500 70 92,400 70 110,900 84 129,400 98 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 MCA 29.8 29.8 29.8 43.8 43.8 57.8 57.8 71.8 71.8 85.8 99.8 Edmonton Ottawa MOPD 45 45 45 60 60 70 70 90 90 100 110 H x W x D (in) 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 233 49.13 x 88 x 233 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 339 49.13 x 88 x 392 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Weight lbs 1,240 1,340 1,440 1,990 2,140 2,630 2,830 3,290 3,540 4,230 4,910 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. ALTUS SERIES - LNL - AIR COOLED CONDENSERS 830 RPM, 1.5 HP MOTORS 208-230/3 10 FPI Excellence in sound, energy and capacity solutions. The Altus Series of condensers by Larkin utilizes 830 and 540 RPM motors and incorporates advanced features that further improve sound levels and energy efficiencies, as well as provide increased capacity in a smaller footprint. In addition, there are new features designed to improve serviceability, resulting in reduced maintenance costs. The Altus series is a perfect fit for applications requiring low sound and energy levels and optimized capacities. Features include: direct drive fan motors in 830 and 540 RPM; the patented QuietEdge™ fan blade provides an unprecedented sound level of 49.6 dBA (540 RPM @ 10 ft.); Larkin’s patent-pending ServiceEase™ motor mount feature, allows for ease of motor service and reduces likelihood of damage to the coils during servicing; Larkin condenser coils incorporate the latest advancements in coil technology to provide maximum capacity; broader product range to address all applications – complete range of capacities ranging from 11 to 225 nominal tons’ galvanized steel cabinet with an option for aluminum or painted galvanized steel; high efficiency three phase fan motors with ball bearings and internal overload protection. SINGLE ROW Order Number LNL-S01-A007 LNL-S01-A008 LNL-S02-A010 LNL-S02-A014 LNL-S02-A016 LNL-S03-A021 LNL-S03-A024 LNL-S04-A028 LNL-S04-A032 LNL-S05-A035 LNL-S05-A042 LNL-S06-A050 LNL-S07-A055 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 6.7 67 100.5 6.6 66 99 8 80 120 7.8 78 117 10.1 101 151.5 9.9 99 148.5 13.9 139 208.5 13.6 136 204 16.1 161 241.5 15.8 158 237 20.9 209 313.5 20.5 205 307.5 24.2 242 363 23.8 238 357 27.8 278 417 27.3 273 409.5 32.3 323 484.5 31.7 317 475.5 35.5 355 532.5 34.7 347 520.5 41.6 416 624 40.8 408 612 49.9 499 748.5 48.9 489 733.5 55 550 825 53.9 539 808.5 CFM 8,400 8,000 17,500 16,700 16,100 25,100 24,100 32,800 31,200 41,000 39,100 46,900 54,700 FLA 6.6 6.6 13.2 13.2 13.2 19.8 19.8 26.4 26.4 33 33 39.6 46.2 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 20.2 202 303 19.8 198 297 27.8 278 417 27.3 273 409.5 32.3 323 484.5 31.7 317 475.5 41.8 418 627 40.9 409 613.5 48.4 484 726 47.5 475 712.5 55.7 557 835.5 54.6 546 819 64.6 646 969 63.3 633 949.5 70.9 709 1,063.5 69.5 695 1,042.5 83.1 831 1,246.5 81.5 815 1,222.5 99.8 998 1,497 97.8 978 1,467 110 1,100 1,650 107.9 1,079 1,618.5 CFM 35,000 33,500 32,100 50,200 48,200 65,600 62,500 82,000 78,100 93,700 109,300 FLA MCA MOPD 26.4 28.1 45 26.4 28.1 45 26.4 28.1 45 39.6 41.3 50 39.6 41.3 50 52.8 54.5 70 52.8 54.5 70 66 67.7 80 66 67.7 80 79.2 80.9 90 92.4 94.1 110 MCA 15 15 15 15 15 21.5 21.5 28.1 28.1 34.7 34.7 41.3 47.9 MOPD 25 25 30 30 30 35 35 45 45 50 50 50 60 Ship H x W x L (in) Weight (lbs) 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 330 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 360 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 580 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 630 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 680 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 930 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 1,000 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 1,210 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 1,310 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 1,510 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 1,640 49.13 x 45.43 x 339 1,950 49.13 x 45.43 x 392 2,240 DOUBLE ROW Order Number LNL-D04-A020 LNL-D04-A028 LNL-D04-A032 LNL-D06-A042 LNL-D06-A048 LNL-D08-A056 LNL-D08-A065 LNL-D10-A071 LNL-D10-A083 LNL-D12-A100 LNL-D14-A110 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa H x W x L (in) 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 233 49.13 x 88 x 233 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 339 49.13 x 88 x 392 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Ship Weight (lbs) 1,240 1,340 1,440 1,990 2,140 2,630 2,830 3,290 3,540 4,230 4,910 306.373.9227 115 LARKIN INC. ALTUS SERIES - LNX - AIR COOLED CONDENSERS 830 RPM, 1.0 HP MOTORS 208-230/3 10 FPI SINGLE ROW Order Number LNX-S01-A006 LNX-S01-A008 LNX-S02-A010 LNX-S02-A013 LNX-S02-A015 LNX-S03-A020 LNX-S03-A023 LNX-S04-A026 LNX-S04-A030 LNX-S05-A033 LNX-S05-A038 LNX-S07-A052 LNX-S06-A045 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 6.4 64 96 6.2 62 93 7.5 75 112.5 7.4 74 111 9.8 98 147 9.6 96 144 13.1 131 196.5 12.8 128 192 15.1 151 226.5 14.8 148 222 19.7 197 295.5 19.3 193 289.5 22.7 227 340.5 22.3 223 334.5 26.3 263 394.5 25.7 257 385.5 30.3 303 454.5 29.7 297 445.5 32.8 328 492 32.1 321 481.5 37.8 378 567 27.1 271 556.5 52 520 780 51 510 765 45.4 454 684 44.5 445 667.5 CFM 7,600 7,300 15,900 15,200 14,700 22,900 22,000 29,800 28,400 37,300 35,500 49,700 42,600 FLA 4.8 4.8 9.6 9.6 9.6 14.4 14.4 19.2 19.2 24 24 33.6 28.8 MCA MOPD H x W x L (in) 15 15 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 15 15 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 20 25 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 20 25 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 20.4 30 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 20.4 30 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 25.2 35 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 25.2 35 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 34.8 45 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 30 40 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 Ship Weight (lbs) 330 360 580 630 680 930 1,000 1,210 1,310 1,510 1,640 2,240 1,950 DOUBLE ROW Order Number LNX-D04-A020 LNX-D04-A026 LNX-D04-A030 LNX-D06-A039 LNX-D06-A045 LNX-D08-A052 LNX-D08-A061 LNX-D10-A066 LNX-D10-A076 LNX-D12-A091 LNX-D14-A104 Burnaby Kitchener 116 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 19.6 196 294 19.2 192 288 26.2 262 393 25.7 257 385.5 30.3 303 454.5 29.7 297 445.5 39.4 394 591 38.6 386 579 45.4 454 681 44.5 445 667.5 52.5 525 787.5 51.4 514 771 60.6 606 909 59.3 593 889.5 65.6 656 984 64.3 643 964.5 75.7 757 1,135.5 74.2 742 1,113 90.8 908 1,362 89 890 1,335 104.1 1,041 1,561.5 102 1,020 1,530 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 CFM 31,700 30,500 29,300 45,700 44,000 59,700 56,800 74,600 71,000 85,200 99,400 Calgary North Bay FLA 19.2 19.2 19.2 28.8 28.8 38.4 38.4 48 48 57.6 67.2 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 MCA MOPD 20.4 30 20.4 30 20.4 30 30 40 30 40 39.6 50 39.6 50 49.2 60 49.2 60 58.8 70 68.4 80 Edmonton Ottawa H x W x L (in) 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 233 49.13 x 88 x 233 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 339 49.13 x 88 x 392 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan Ship Weight (lbs) 1,240 1,340 1,440 1,990 2,140 2,630 2,830 3,290 3,540 4,230 4,910 306.373.9227 LARKIN INC. ALTUS SERIES - LNQ - AIR COOLED CONDENSERS 540 RPM, 0.5 HP MOTORS 208-230/3 10 FPI SINGLE ROW Order Number LNQ-S01-A005 LNQ-S01-A006 LNQ-S02-A008 LNQ-S02-A010 LNQ-S02-A011 LNQ-S03-A016 LNQ-S03-A017 LNQ-S04-A021 LNQ-S04-A023 LNQ-S05-A026 LNQ-S05-A029 LNQ-S06-A034 LNQ-S07-A042 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 5.2 52 78 5.1 51 76.5 6.1 61 91.5 5.9 59 88.5 8 80 120 7.8 78 117 10.3 103 154.5 10.1 101 151.5 11.5 115 172.5 11.2 112 168 15.6 156 234 15.2 152 228 17.2 172 258 16.9 169 253.5 20.7 207 310.5 20.3 203 304.5 22.9 229 343.5 22.4 224 336 25.9 259 388.5 25.4 254 381 28.6 286 429 28.1 281 421.5 34.4 344 516 33.7 337 505.5 41.6 416 624 40.7 407 610.5 CFM 5,400 5,200 11,200 10,800 10,400 16,100 15,600 21,500 20,800 26,900 26,000 31,200 36,400 FLA 3.5 3.5 7 7 7 10.5 10.5 14 14 17.5 17.5 21 24.5 MCA MOPD H x W x L (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 15 15 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 330 15 15 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 360 15 15 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 580 15 15 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 630 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 680 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 930 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 1,000 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 1,210 15 20 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 1,310 20 25 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 1,510 20 25 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 1,640 21.9 30 49.13 x 45.43 x 339 1,950 25.4 35 49.13 x 45.43 x 392 2,240 DOUBLE ROW Order Number LNQ-D04-A016 LNQ-D04-A021 LNQ-D04-A023 LNQ-D06-A031 LNQ-D06-A034 LNQ-D08-A041 LNQ-D08-A046 LNQ-D10-A052 LNQ-D10-A057 LNQ-D12-A069 LNQ-D14-A083 Burnaby Kitchener THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 16 160 240 15.6 156 234 20.7 207 310.5 20.3 203 304.5 22.9 229 343.5 22.4 224 336 31 310 465 30.4 304 456 34.4 344 516 33.7 337 505.5 41.4 414 621 40.6 406 609 45.8 458 687 44.9 449 673.5 51.8 518 777 50.7 507 760.5 57.3 573 859.5 56.1 561 841.5 68.7 687 1,030.5 67.3 673 1,009.5 83.1 831 1,246.5 81.5 815 1,222.5 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 CFM FLA MCA MOPD 22,300 14 15 20 21,500 14 15 20 20,800 14 15 20 32,300 21 21.9 30 31,200 21 21.9 30 43,000 28 28.9 35 41,600 28 28.9 35 53,700 35 35.9 45 52,100 35 35.9 45 62,500 42 42.9 50 72,900 49 49.9 50 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa H x W x L (in) Ship Weight (lbs) 49.13 x 88 x 127 1,240 49.13 x 88 x 127 1,340 49.13 x 88 x 127 1,440 49.13 x 88 x 180 1,990 49.13 x 88 x 180 2,140 49.13 x 88 x 233 2,630 49.13 x 88 x 233 2,830 49.13 x 88 x 286 3,290 49.13 x 88 x 286 3,540 49.13 x 88 x 339 4,230 49.13 x 88 x 392 4,910 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 117 LARKIN INC. SOLUS SERIES - LNE - AIR COOLED CONDENSERS EC MOTORS 208-230/3 10 FPI SINGLE ROW The Solus Series by Larkin offers the optimum solution for sound and energy performance. The Solus Series utilizes EC motor technology that provides unmatched sound and energy performance and is the perfect solution for applications where low noise levels and significant energy savings are essential for success. THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A Order Number 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F CFM LNE-S01-A008 7.7 77 115.5 7.6 76 114 11,000 LNE-S01-A009 9.3 93 139.5 9.1 91 136.5 10,500 LNE-S02-A011 11.3 112 169.5 11.1 111 166.5 23,400 LNE-S02-A015 15.4 154 231 15.1 151 226.5 22,000 LNE-S02-A018 18.1 181 271.5 17.8 178 267 20,900 LNE-S03-A023 23.1 231 346.5 22.7 227 340.5 33,100 LNE-S03-A027 27.2 272 408 26.7 267 400. 31,400 LNE-S04-A031 30.8 308 462 30.2 302 453 42,600 LNE-S04-A036 36.3 363 544.5 35.5 355 532.5 40,000 LNE-S05-A039 39.3 393 589.5 38.5 385 577.5 43,200 LNE-S05-A047 46.6 466 699 45.7 457 685.5 50,000 LNE-S06-A056 56 560 840 54.8 548 822 60,000 LNE-S07-A065 64.6 646 969 63.3 633 949.5 70,000 DOUBLE ROW Order Number LNE-D04-A023 LNE-D04-A031 LNE-D04-A036 LNE-D06-A046 LNE-D06-A054 LNE-D08-A062 LNE-D08-A073 LNE-D10-A079 LNE-D10-A093 LNE-D12-A112 LNE-D14-A129 Burnaby Kitchener 118 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R22 THR (MBH) 1°F TD * R404A 1°F 10°F 15°F 1°F 10°F 15°F 22.7 227 340.5 22.2 222 333 30.8 308 462 30.2 302 453 36.3 363 544.5 35.5 355 532.5 46.2 462 693 45.3 453 678.5 54.4 544 816 53.3 533 799.5 61.7 617 925.5 60.5 605 907.5 72.5 725 1087.5 71.1 711 1,066.5 78.6 786 1178 77 770 1155 93.3 933 1,399.5 91.4 914 1371 111.9 1,119 1,678.5 109.7 1097 1,645.5 129.2 1,292 1,938 126.7 1267 1,900.5 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 CFM 46,700 44,100 41,800 66,100 62,700 85,100 80,000 106,400 100,000 120,100 140,100 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 FLA 7 7 14 14 14 21 21 28 28 35 35 42 49 MCA 15 15 20 20 20 22.8 22.8 29.8 29.8 36.8 36.8 43.8 50.8 MOPD 25 25 35 35 35 340 40 45 45 50 50 60 70 H x W x L (in) 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 49.13 x 45.43 x 73 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 49.13 x 45.43 x 127 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 49.13 x 45.43 x 180 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 49.13 x 45.43 x 233 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 49.13 x 45.43 x 286 49.13 x 45.43 x 339 49.13 x 45.43 x 392 FLA 28 28 28 42 42 56 56 70 70 84 98 MCA 29.8 29.8 29.8 43.8 43.8 57.8 57.8 71.8 71.8 85.8 99.8 MOPD 45 45 45 60 60 70 70 90 90 100 110 H x W x L (in) 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 127 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 180 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 286 49.13 x 88 x 339 49.13 x 88 x 392 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 COLDSTREAM PRODUCTS COLDSTREAM REFRIGERATION COMPONENTS Order Number 200-3411 355-171 355-475 355-643 355-644 355-645 355-648 366-281 Description Evaporator coil, with cap tube and accumulator Accumulator Condenser, RSCP48 Evaporator coil, no cap tube or accumulator, fin size 18 x 8 x 4 Evaporator coil, no cap tube or accumulator, fin size 14 x 5 x 4 Evaporator coil, no cap tube or accumulator, fin size 14 x 8 x 3 Evaporator coil, no cap tube or accumulator, fin size 14 x 4 x 4 Accumulator, RSCP24 GASKETS Order Number 200-629 200-1414 200-1445 200-1446 200-1447 200-1448 200-1449 200-1451 200-1453 200-1987 200-1988 355-442 355-596 363-625 Description Gasket, 22 x 61 1/4 Gasket, 22 x 61 1/4 Gasket, WIDF/WIDC standard door Gasket, 22 x 29 Gasket, 21 x 61 1/4 Gasket, 21 x 35 1/2 Gasket, 35 1/2 x 79 3/4 Gasket, WIDF/WIDC pallet door Gasket, 31 1/2 x 79 3/4 Gasket, 22 x 65 3/8 Gasket, 22 x 31 1/8 Wiper gasket, pastry case, 25 13/16 Wiper gasket, walk-in box, per foot Gasket, 23 3/16 x 62 13/16 ELECTRICAL Order Number 355-336 355-486 355-490 355-492 356-427 359-323 Gasket Style Arrow head Flange Flange Arrow head Arrow head Arrow head Arrow head Flange Arrow head Arrow head Arrow head Anthony COLDPACKS Description Switch with red indicator light, walk-in Limit stat, 37T32 Fan motor, 115V, 1,550 rpm Fan motor, 230V, 1,550 rpm Temperature control Blower motor assembly Order Number 200-1773 200-2279 200-2438 200-2479 200-2501 200-2502 200-3005 Description Coldpack (plastic base) current 3 door cooler Coldpack, RSCP30 (s/n 93E) Coldpack (plastic base) current 1 door cooler, air-cooled Coldpack (plastic base) current 2 door cooler Coldpack (metal base), 1 door cooler Coldpack (metal base), 2 door cooler Coldpack (metal base), 3 door cooler Description Spring and cable, 2 door slider Fascia RSCP24RSL Fascia RSCP48RL Spring cover kit Louvre c/w thermometer Louvre c/w thermometer Dome plug, 1/2” white (older models) Handle, chrome Thermometer Glide shoe, pastry case Large padlock block (for McLock) Shelf Shelf Shelf clips Shelf, 2 and 3 door reach-ins Order Number 357-777 359-519P 359-763 361-675 363-375 363-871 363-881 365-131 365-132 365-379 366-697 Description Extruded track Hinge assembly (old style), solid door Floor screen, 3” x 12’ length, white Shelf, 1 door reach-ins Hinge spring only (black) for 359-519P Anthony roller Anthony closer tube/spring Hinge Hinge Curtain Shelf clips, 4 required per shelf HARDWARE Order Number 200-1728 200-1905 200-1909 200-2034 200-3462 200-3464 355-053 355-092 355-213 355-623 355-891 356-078 356-079 356-103 356-410 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 119 KASON HINGES 217 ADJUSTABLE HINGE Order Number 217-78 217-118 217-138 Hinge Offset 7/8 (22.2 mm) 1 1/8 (28.6 mm) 1 3/8 (34.9 mm) Finish Chrome Chrome Chrome 218 ADJUSTABLE SPRING HINGE Order Number 218-78 218-118 218-138 218-206 Hinge Offset 7/8 (22.2 mm) 1 1/8 (28.6 mm) 1 3/8 (34.9 mm) Spring Cartridge for #218 Finish Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome 220 ADJUSTABLE SPRING HINGE Order Number 220-118 220-138 Hinge Offset 1 1/8 (28.6 mm) 1 3/8 (34.9 mm) Finish Chrome Chrome KASON CAM-RISE SELF CLOSING HINGES Order Number 1247 1247 Offset 1 1/4 - 1 5/8 1 3/4 - 2 3/8 Finish Chrome Chrome 139 NARROW FLANGE HINGE Order Number 139 Burnaby Kitchener 120 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Offset Flush Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Finish Chrome Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KASON HINGES KASON SURFACE MOUNT HINGES 1070 NARROW FLANGE HINGE Order Number 1-1070-000004 1-1070-000032 1-1070-000040 Offset Flush 7/8 1 1/8 Finish Chrome Chrome Chrome Offset 7/8 1 1/8 Finish Chrome Chrome 1070A NYLON BEARING HINGE Order Number 1-1070-A00016 1-1070-A00024 1071 LARGE NARROW FLANGE HINGE Order Number 1-1071-000032 1-1071-000040 Offset 7/8 1 1/8 Finish Chrome Chrome 1071A LARGE NYLON BEARING HINGE Order Number 1071-A00036 1071-A00044 Offset 7/8 1 1/8 Finish Chrome Chrome KASON PIVOT HINGES PIVOT HINGE Order Number 1-512-000004 1-1513-000004 Description Mounts upper left or lower right Mounts upper right or lower left Finish Chrome Chrome Description Left hand hinge 1 3/8 (39.9 mm) Right hand hinge 1 3/8 (39.9 mm) Finish Chrome Chrome BOTTOM HINGE Order Number 1521L 1521R TOP HINGE Order Number 1522L 1522R Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Description Left hand hinge 1 3/8 (39.9 mm) Right hand hinge 1 3/8 (39.9 mm) Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Finish Chrome Chrome 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 121 KASON HINGES KASON HINGES Order Number 1-1074-000008 1-1074-000020 1-1241-000004 Description Hinge flush (0.0 mm) Hinge 1 1/8 (28.6 mm) Hinge flush (0.0 mm) Finish Kasonized Kasonized Chrome KASON HEAVY DUTY HINGES Order Number 1075000004 1075000016 1075000020 1075000024 Description Hinge flush (0.0 mm) Hinge 1 1/8 (28.6 mm) Hinge 1 1/4 (31.8 mm) Hinge 1 3/8 (34.9 mm) Finish Kasonized Kasonized Kasonized Kasonized KASON EXTRA HEAVY DUTY HINGES Order Number 1076000016 1076000020 1076000024 Burnaby Kitchener 122 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Description Hinge 1 1/8 (28.6 mm) Hinge 1 1/4 (31.8 mm) Hinge 1 3/8 (34.9 mm) Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Finish Kasonized Kasonized Kasonized Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KASON HINGES KASON REVERSIBLE CAM-RISE HINGES Order Number 1-1245-000028 1-1245-000040 1-1245-000048 1-1245-000068 1-1249-000004 1-1277-L00008 1-1277-L00010 1-1277-L00012 Description Hinge flush Hinge 1 1/8 offset Hinge 1 3/8 offset Hinge 1 1/2 offset Hinge flush Hinge 1 1/8 offset Hinge 1 1/4 offset Hinge 1 3/8 offset Finish Polished chrome Polished chrome Polished chrome Polished chrome Polished chrome Kasonized Kasonized Kasonized KASON LATCHES 930 SERIES SURFACE MOUNT LATCHES Trigger-action latch with 6 different patented strikes for use with right or left-hand doors; drilled and countersunk for No. 8 screws. Material: high pressure die-cast Finish: highly polished chrome plated Order Number 930C Description Latch with adjustable micrometer strike for precise adjustments from 3/4 - 1/4 170 SERIES MAGNETIC LATCHES Order Number 0170B00034 Handle Offset, die-cast Finish Polished chrome Magnet Ceramic 171 SERIES MAGNETIC LATCHES Order Number 171000004 0171C00004 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Handle Straight, die-cast Straight, die-cast Interior BC St.Catharines Finish Polished chrome Polished chrome 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor Lock Magnet Standard Standard Cylinder 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 123 KASON LATCHES KASON MAGNETIC MECHANICAL LATCHES 172 SERIES EDGEMOUNT LATCHES Order Number 172 0172B00006 172BC 172C Description Non-cylinder locking latch straight handle Non-cylinder locking latch offset handle Cylinder locking latch offset handle Cylinder locking latch straight handle Finish Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome KASON MECHANICAL LATCHES 173 LATCH Order Number 1-0173-000004 1-0173-B00004 1-0173-BC0004 1-0173-C00004 Description Non-cylinder locking latch straight handle Non-cylinder locking latch offset handle Cylinder locking latch offset handle Cylinder locking latch straight handle Finish Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Description Non-cylinder locking latch straight handle Non-cylinder locking latch offset handle Cylinder locking latch offset handle Cylinder locking latch straight handle Finish Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome 174 LATCH Order Number 174000004 1-0174-B00004 0174BC0004 1-0174-C00004 EDGEMOUNT MECHANICAL LATCHES Order Number 1-0531-000004 1-0531-C00004 1-0533-D00004 1-0538-C00004 Burnaby Kitchener 124 Description Available with straight or offset handles, powerful action provides positive air-tight closure; a finger-touch is all that’s needed to release the catch, can be used for right or left-hand doors Cylinder locking, straight handle, can be used for right or left-hand doors Powerful, smooth acting latch with padlock provision and patented MICROturn two-way adjustable strike Latch furnished with cylinder lock, 1 high pressure die-cast zinc construction, highly polished chrome plated finish 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 KASON LATCHES, LIGHT FIXTURES AND VENTILATOR PORTS 1000 SERIES DOOR CLOSERS Order Number Type 1091 Spring activated 1092 Hydraulic Description Steel construction and polystyrene cover with Kasonized finish, offsets: flush, 1 1/8 stock drilled for No. 10 screws, hook drilled for No. 12 screws Steel construction with Kasonized or chrome plate finish, offsets: flush, 1 1/8 drilled for No. 10 screws High tension Malleable iron construction with steel rod and tube, Kasonized or highly polished chrome plate finish, guide is drilled for 1/4 screws, door closer is drilled for 3/8 screws 1097 INTERMEDIATE & HEAVY DUTY LATCHES Order Number Type Description K52 Smaller bolt-action latch Cast iron body and strike-housing, malleable iron handle, Kasonized finish, with padlock provision offsets: adjustable 1/8 to 1 3/8, body drilled and countersunk for 1/4 screws K56, K58 LATCHES & STRIKES Order Number 1-0056-L06021 1-0056-005002 1-0056-005003 1-0056-006002 1-0056-006003 1-0056-006005 1-0058-L06021 1-0058-006001 1-0058-006002 Item Padlocking body Strike Strike Strike Strike Strike Body Strike Strike Description Light spring -1/8” to 1/4” 3/4” to 1 1/2” -1/8” to 1/4” 3/4” to 1 1/2” 1 3/4” to 2 1/2” Light spring -1/8” to 1/4” 3/4” to 1 1/2” Finish Brushed chrome Polished chrome Polished chrome Brushed chrome Brushed chrome Brushed chrome Brushed chrome Brushed chrome Brushed chrome INSIDE RELEASE HANDLES Order Number 481A 481B 481C Construction Steel rod & flange, Safety-glow™ plastic knob, Kasonized finish, drilled for No. 10 screws Steel rod & flange, Safety-glow™ plastic knob, Kasonized finish, drilled for No. 10 screws Steel rod & flange, Safety-glow™ plastic knob, Kasonized finish, drilled for No. 10 screws Use with Latches 56, 5656 45, 4545, 50, 5050, 52, 53 58, 59 1800 SERIES VAPOR PROOF LIGHTING FIXTURES Order Number Description 1802CS-269 Cast aluminum junction box and housing with two drilled tabs for surface mounting, based tapped on four sides and top to accept standard 1/2 conduit, accept up to 100W bulb 1800-850-278 Glass globe for 1802 fixture 1802-851-37 Chrome plated steel wire guard for 1802 fixture 1801-850-118 Laxen globe for 1803 fixture 1830 SERIES HEATED VENTILATOR PORTS Two-way air flow compensates for air expansion and contraction. All metal parts aluminum; internal sleeve self-extinguishing Lexon; natural aluminum finish. Order Number Description 1830 KASON Heated vent, 5 3/32 diameter, requires 115 volts, drilled for No. 8 screws Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 125 DOOR GASKET GASKETS INNER SEAL GASKETS Order Number 81-NX302-100 81-NX352-100 81-NX402-100 284-9/16X1-1/16 81-NX502-100 81-NX504-100 Cushion Dia. 5/16 3/8 7/16 9/16 1/2 1/2 Flange Width (in) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 Overall Width (in) 13/16 7/8 1 5/16 1 1/16 1 1 1/4 Cushion Dia. 3/8 3/4 Flange Width (in) 3/8 3/4 Overall Width (in) - FOAM EDGE GASKETS Order Number 81-3703-100 81-7507-100 CURVALL COMPRESSION GASKETS Order Number 81-A5451-100 81-A6387-100 81-A6662-100 Description Extruded vinyl 7/16” cushion height Extruded vinyl 1/2” cushion height Extruded vinyl 1/2” cushion height RECTANGULAR EXTRUDED CLOSED CELL SEALING STRIPS Order Number 81-1210-25 81-1220-25 Thickness (in) 1/2 1/2 Width (in) 1 2 SURE SEAL CUSTOM MOULDED GASKETS Order Number RKG-LP RKG-NK RKG-UFGC RKG-COM RKG-WW RKG-BLY RKG-UFGB RKG-BCD RKG-BCF RKG-GMD RKG-SKG RKG-MD RKG-GFM RKG-FTR RKG-WN RKG-UFGD RKG-UFGA Burnaby Kitchener 126 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Description Grey 3/4” magnet Black 3/8” magnet Grey 3/4” magnet 5/8 Grey no magnet White 3/8” magnet White 1/2” magnet Grey 3/4” magnet Black no magnet Flange Style, black for 1/2” offset Grey 3/4” magnet Grey 3/8” magnet Black 3/8” magnet Grey 1/2” magnet Grey 3/4” magnet White 3/8” magnet Grey 3/4” magnet Grey 3/4” magnet Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 THERMOMETERS COOPER REMOTE VAPOR TENSION THERMOMETERS USED IN ALL TYPES OF CABINETS, CHAMBERS, REFRIGERATORS AND DISHWASHERS For temperature readout where sensor and indicator must be separated from one another; all models are recalibrateable; have colour-zoned dual scale dials; tin plated bulbs and capillaries. Capillary length: 48” except where noted. Recalibrateable, dual scale dial; polycarbonate lens/bezel. FRONT FLANGE Order Number 6142-06 6142-13 6142-20 6142-58 Dial Size (in) 2 2 2 2 Mounting Front flange, back connect/flush mount Front flange, back connect/flush mount Front flange, back connect/flush mount Front flange, back connect/flush mount Range (°F) 40 - 240°F -40 - 120°F -40 - 60°F -40 - 60°F Dial Size 2 2 2 Mounting Back flange, back connect/surface mount Back flange, back connect/surface mount Back flange, back connect/surface mount Range (°F) -40 - 60°F -40 - 120°F -40 - 60°F BACK FLANGE Order Number 6812-01 6812-02 6812-01-3 COOPER ELECTRONIC PANEL MOUNT THERMOMETERS Order Number DM120S DM450 PM120 DM120S Description Reverse flange surface mount remote sensor digital thermometer, case buffed stainless steel, 2” diameter stainless steel bezel and acrylic lens, with 0.5” LCD Front flange surface mount remote sensor digital thermometer, case buffed stainless steel, 2” diameter stainless steel bezel and acrylic lens, with 0.5” LCD Rectangular remote, 2.625 x 1.375 x 1” white polystyrene, 39” remote sensor length and 0.5” high LCD display, mounting flange #9302 is available DM450 PM120 Power 1.5V battery #393 accessory Range (°F) -40 - 120°F 1.5V battery #393 accessory -40 - 450°F AA battery -40 - 120°F COOPER SOLAR PANEL THERMOMETER Order Number SP160-0-8 SP120-0-8 Description Easy to read LCD display, 1.4” x 0.5” Easy to read LCD display, 1.825” x 0.625” Power Solar / one 1.5V ’AAA’ battery Solar / one 1.5V ’AAA’ battery Range (°F) -58 - 158°F -58 - 158°F COOPER BIMETAL STEM THERMOMETERS STAINLESS STEEL STEM Order Number 2225-03 2236-06 2245-03 2255-03 Dial Size (in) 2 2 2 2 Stem Length (in) 4 5 6 9 Range (°F) -40 - 160 0 - 220 -40 - 160 -40 - 160 Scale F Dual F/C F F Note Reversible flange Reversible flange Reversible flange COOPER THERMOMETERS FOR MANY GENERAL PURPOSE, FOOD SERVICE AND HVAC APPLICATIONS REFRIGERATOR / FREEZER Order Number 335-01-1 Burnaby Kitchener Type Refrigerator Freezer 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines Description Rectangular aluminum frame, completely enclosed and hangs, stands or can be mounted. 1 1/3 x 5, magnifying lens 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Scale Range -40°F to 80°F, 2 colour dial with 2° markings Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 127 THERMOMETERS REMOTE READING DIAL THERMOMETERS NSF Approved Remote Reading Dial Thermometers The Weiss line of remote reading dial thermometers offers a wide variety of dial sizes and case configurations to match any installation. All items are furnished in attractive stainless steel cases and all models are NSF listed. Additional features include smart colour zoned dual scales and tin plated thermal systems. FB SERIES - 2” DIAL SIZE Front flange back connection Order Number 14-20FB-060 14-20FB-110 14-20FB-240 14-45BB-060 Range (°F) 40 - 0 - 60 °F/°C 40 - 0 - 110 °F/°C 40 - 240 °F/°C 40 - 0 - 50 °F/°C Capillary (in) 48 48 48 48 BB SERIES - 2” DIAL SIZE Back flange back connection Order Number 14-20BB-110 14-20BB-240 14-20FB-110 Range (°F) 40 - 0 - 110 °F/°C 40 - 240 °F/°C Capillary (in) 48 48 HL SERIES - 2” DIAL SIZE Hanging bracket lower connection Order Number 14-20HL060 Range (°F) 40 - 0 - 60 °F/°C 14-25FB-060 Capillary (in) 48 FB SERIES - 2 1/2” DIAL SIZE Front flange back connection Order Number 14-25FB-060 14-25FB-110 14-25FB-240 Range (°F) 40 - 0 - 60°F/°C 40 - 0 - 110°F/°C 40 - 240°F/°C Capillary (in) 48 48 48 14-45RB-060 HL SERIES - 2 1/2” DIAL SIZE Hanging bracket lower connection Order Number 14-25HL060 Range (°F) 40 - 0 - 60 °F/°C Capillary (in) 48 PB SERIES - 2 1/2” DIAL SIZE Plain w/lock nut back connection Order Number 14-25HL060 Range (°F) 40 - 0 - 60 °F/°C 14-20BB-060 Capillary (in) 48 RB SERIES - 4 1/2 DIAL SIZE Front flange back connection Order Number 14-45RB060 14-45RB-110 Range (°F) 40 - 0 - 60°F/°C 40 - 0 - 110°F/°C Capillary (in) 48 48 14-20-HL-060 BB SERIES - 4 1/2” DIAL SIZE Back flange back connection Order Number 14-45BB-060 14-45BB-110 14-45BB-260 Burnaby Kitchener 128 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Range (°F) -40 / 0 / 60 °F/°C -40 / 0 / 110 °F/°C -40 - 60 °F/°C Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Capillary (in) 48 48 48 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 14-25HL-060 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 DIGITAL THERMOMETERS DIGITAL REMOTE READING THERMOMETERS Weiss Instruments is the leader in Solar Powered technology as we now offer ten different versions of our Digital thermometers. Available in super low light versions. 56SD, 72SD and 25SD (8 Lux) and low light series 20SD (18 Lux). These “self powered” thermometers operate without any batteries and off an attractive and modern update to existing refrigeration equipment. Each thermometer has adjustable calibration, a 10 second update time and wide ambient temperature specifications for both indoor and outdoor installations. Where customers prefer LED, Weiss offers our 2” retrofit unit, the 14-20DT complete with a UL listed transformer and a 1/2” high intensity red read out. All digital thermometers are NSF listed. LCD - SD SERIES Solar Powered 5’ Standard Sensor Length (longer lengths available) Equivalent °C models available, consult factory Order Number Case Range (°F) 14-20SD-BS Back flange -40 / 0 / 160°F 14-20SD-HL Hanging -40 / 0 / 160°F 14-20SD-FS Front flange -40 / 0 / 160°F 14-20SD-FSC Front flange -5 / 0 / 70°C 14-25SD-70C Horizontal Wall Mount -5 / 0 / 70°C 14-56SD-230 Front flange -50 / 0 / 230°F 14-72SD-F-160 Front flange -5 / 0 / 70°F 14-20SD-HL 14-56SD-230 14-20DT-F 14-72SD-F LED - DT SERIES Order Number 14-20DTF 14-20SD-FS Case Front flange Range (°F) -40/0/230°F 14-25SD-160 Burnaby Kitchener 604.298.4472 519.748.0961 Interior BC St.Catharines 604.202.4853 905.988.1724 Vancouver Island Windsor 604.282.0118 519.251.9925 Calgary North Bay 403.214.2134 780.476.0800 Edmonton Ottawa 780.451.4744 613.742.0083 Saskatchewan 306.373.9227 129 EMERGENCY SERVICE CONTACT INFORMATION ISC Partner Dene Flahr Anthony Cegielnik Robert Grieve Kent Iwaskiw Email ISC Partner Calgary: 403.214.2134 Vince Larsen Joe McIntyre Jeff Weber Email Edmonton: 780.451.4744 Brian Pampu Doug Ade Jordan Arts Joline Kuhn Miles Nelson Cliff Osadchuk Dale Werner Mike Wieschorster Burnaby: 604.298.4472 Glenn McCullough Ademar Andres Rabin Kishore Wayne McCollum Gary Monts Tom Newmark Jerry Schaab Marcel Silberman Brian Yi Saskatchewan: 306.373.9227 Don Faris Kitchener: 519.748.0961 Ken Desrosier Phil Antunes Dave Cushing Tom Grant Terri-Lynn McNeil Sam Otaki St. Catharines: 905.988.1724 Dave Sevcik Jeff Dougall Aaron Garrett Brandon Keel Jeff Zimmerman Windsor: 519.251.9925 Tim Reid Ray Copeman Bill Pratt Ottawa: 613.742.0083 Alain Brunet Louis Aivaliotis Robert Lantaigne Jonathan Ritchot North Bay: 705.476.0800 Ray Spencer Yves Audette Mark Spencer Keith Werner Mike Feedham Ray Newstead Johann Russell Rudy Wieschorster Headquarters: 604.298.4463 BURNABY, BC KITCHENER, ON 3030 Beta Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 4K4 24 HR Ph: (604) 298.4472 BC Toll Free: 1.877.778.1818 YVR Island Toll: 1.866.886.8858 Interior BC Toll: 1.866.950.4853 Fax: (604) 298.4288 186 Shoemaker Street Kitchener, ON N2E 3E1 24 HR Ph: (519) 748.0961 Toll Free: 1.866.300.4300 Fax: (519) 748.2068 CALGARY, AB ST. CATHARINES, ON 2280 Portland Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4M6 24 HR Ph: (403) 214.2134 Toll Free: 1.877.212.2822 Fax: (403) 214.2139 Units 4, 5 & 6, 27 Seapark Drive St. Catharines, ON L2M 6S5 24 HR Ph: (905) 988.1724 Fax: (905) 988.5722 EDMONTON, AB WINDSOR, ON 11418 - 120 Street Edmonton, AB T5G 2Y2 24 HR Ph: (780) 451.4744 Toll Free: 1.877.969.9979 Fax: (780) 454.1072 Unit 200, 3215 Jefferson Blvd Windsor, ON N8T 2W7 24 HR Ph: (519) 251.9925 Toll Free: 1.866.282.4472 Fax: (519) 251.9930 SASKATCHEWAN OTTAWA, ON 24 HR Ph: (306) 373.9227 Toll Free: 1.877.969.9979 Fax: (306) 374.7911 Units 1-4, 1550 Liverpool Court Ottawa, ON K1B 4L2 24 HR Ph: (613) 742.0083 Toll Free: 1.866.896.4439 Fax: (613) 742.0084 HEADQUARTERS NORTH BAY, ON Ph: (604) 298.4463 Fax: (604) 205.7162 Unit N, 600 Gormanville Road North Bay, ON P1B 9S7 24 HR Ph: (705) 476.0800 Toll Free: 1.888.266.1955 Fax: (705) 476.2210
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