Concrete Roads
Concrete Roads
Concrete Roads The sustainable choice! Erik Simonsen, Market Development, Ph.D. Cementa AB/Heidelberg Cement Contents: - The situation in Sweden - Presentation of a modern concrete road project, E4 Uppsala - New concept for concrete road building - Sustainability: Are we focusing on the right things? Examples: - Conclusions Fuel efficiency Particle emissions Lighting energy requirements The situation in Sweden Category Length, km State roads 98 400 Local roads 46 500 Private roads 200 000 = 344 900 Highways cat A 1 860 Highways cat B 360 = 2 220 Asphalt (cat A) 1793 (~ 96 %) Concrete (cat A) 67 (~ 4 %) ? Misconception frequently heard • Investment cost • Difficult to construct/lay • Difficult to maintain • Energy requirements for cement/concrete • Concrete is noisy • etc….. • etc…. • etc…. However modern concrete technology and life cycle analysis dispute this! Concrete roads in Sweden today E4 Uppsala-Mehedeby 2006, 23 km E4.65 Stockholm Arlandavägen 1990, 2 km E20 Eskilstuna-Arphus 1999, 14 km Göteborg E6/E20 Falkenberg, etapp I 1993, 15 km Total 86 km (today 67 km) Falkenberg, etapp II 1996, 13 km E4 Väla-Hyllinge 1978, 7 km (Overlay with asphalt 2010) Malmö E6 Malmö-Vellinge 1972, 12 km (Overlay with asphalt 2009) “Current“ status of Concrete Pavements [%] 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 BE DK FI FR NL NO CH ES SE DE UK AU Number of concrete roads in different European countries after European Commission (1999) North part Läby - Mehedeby Road E4 Uppsala – Mehedeby Facts about the project: 6FKHGXOHVHS RNW 5RDGVHFWLRQ0RWRUZD\ 5RDGOHQJWKNP&RQFUHWHNP$VSKDOWNP &RQFUHWH± YHKLFOHVGD\ $VSKDOW± vehicles/day South part Uppsala - Läby %ULGJHVVW &RQWUDFWRU 6RXWKSDUW9HLGHNNH$6$ 1RUWKSDUW3($%$% 6XEFRQWUDFWRUIRUFRQFUHWH(XURYLD%HWRQ*PE+ Facts about the concrete E4 Uppsala - Mehedeby: • 7LPH-XQH± 2FWREHU &RQFUHWHLERWKGLUHFWLRQVNP :LGWKP 7KLFNQHVVPP 6SHHGFDSDFLW\PPLQ 7RWDOVXUIDFHFDP &RQFUHWHYROXPHFDP Laying technology Slipform paving and treatment of the road surface Movie New concrete road E4 Uppsala - Mehedeby Concrete surface Exposed aggregate Diamond grinded Concrete Roads in Sweden today PJCP ([SRVHGRUJULQGHGVXUIDFH $QFKRUEDUV &RQFUHWHSDYHPHQWLQWZROD\HUV /HI PP Q WOD H 5 W LJK P H ODQ P &HPHQW RUELWXPHQERXQGEDVHOD\HU 'RZHOV The situation for concrete roads in Sweden today. • What type of concrete roads will be construced in the future? • Where are our focus today? The traffic on Swedish motorways 75 - 95% of all traffic in right lane 95 -100% of all heavy traffic in right lane Highways: A new concept for Sweden? PJCP or CRCP? Motorway $VSKDOWSDYHPHQW ([SRVHGRUJULQGLQJ URDGVXUIDFH PP LJ 5 QH IWOD /H H ODQ KW &RQFUHWHSDYHPHQWLQ RQHRUWZROD\HUV %RXQGHGRUXQERXQGHGURDGEDVH Experience from other countrys A3, Köln, Germany Experience from other countrys A3 förbi Köln Pilot project in Sweden 1988 Asphalt Concrete E4 Södertälje Old 2 road lanes rebuilt to 2+1 road lanes The effect of old pavement design and narrow traffic lanes! Rut depth development after conversion to 2+1 10-years experience of different pavement in Sweden from test on E6 Fastarp - Heberg Rutting from traffic Asphalt SOA Concrete Another type of concrete roads? 2+1 road lane PJCP or CRCP? $VSKDOWSDYHPHQW n directio c i f f a r T ection r i d c i f Traf ([SRVHGRUJULQGLQJ URDGVXUIDFH ection r i d c i Traff %RXQGHGRUXQERXQGHGURDGEDVH PP Design of longitudinal joint between concrete and asphalt in traffic lane Example Jointing materials? Bitumen-bound layer K2 Asphalt adhesive? K1 Concrete PJCP or CRCP Roadbase and sub-base Bitumen-bound layer K2 Joint-cut? K1 Concrete PJCP or CRCP Roadbase and sub-base Bitumen-bound gravel 6XVWDLQDELOLW\DQG3DYHPHQWV $UH:H)RFXVLQJRQWKH 5LJKW7KLQJV" 11th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 13-15 October , 2010 Seville, Spain Leif G. Wathne, P.E. American Concrete Pavement Association Sustainability? • Highway Engineer will focus on – Structural design – Pavement materials – Construction • Items such as: – Recycling – Industrial byproducts – Resource conservation $UHZHPLVVLQJ VLJQLILFDQW RSSRUWXQLWLHV" $UHZHPLVVLQJ WKHWDUJHW" Sustainability? <(6 • Opportunities are missed by ignoring the operational or usephase of the pavement! • Research suggests the long-term, cumulative benefits are staggering (…Europe and North America). • Mostly relates to fuel use and surface reflectivity • So, central question for engineers/administrators: In the context of sustainable practices… Are we focusing on the right things? Sustainability and Roadways… What to make of all these opportunities? • Cradle-to-grave or end-to-end analysis has emerged… • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) • Involves a “cumulative analysis of impacts throughout all stages of the life cycle” What should we be doing? Ecoprofile of different life cycle stages >&HQWUHG¶(QHUJHWLTXH GHO¶(FROH GHV0LQHVGH3DULV@ What should we be doing? • From this LCA we see: – Overall impacts from use-phase dwarfs impacts from ALL other phases of the roadway life cycle – From energy perspective… construction and maintenance accounts for less than 2% of the entire energy footprint [EAPA 2004] • Therefore (as an example): – Just a 3% improvement in the truck/car portion of the ecoprofile would offset the entire construction and maintenance ecoprofile! What should we be doing? • From this LCA we see: – Overall impacts from use-phase dwarfs impacts from ALL other phases of the roadway life cycle – From energy perspective… construction and maintenance accounts for less than 2% of the entire energy footprint [EAPA 2004] • Therefore (as an example): – Just a 3% improvement in the truck/car portion of the ecoprofile would offset the entire construction and maintenance ecoprofile! What should we be doing? What are these use/operational-phase impacts? •Vehicle fuel consumption rates – Pavement rigidity – Pavement smoothness •Pavement surface reflectivity (albedo) – Urban heat island mitigation – Lighting need – Global cooling potential •Particle emissions 0HDVXUHPHQW RI)XHO &RQVXPSWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 5RDG(DW8SSVDODLQ6ZHGHQ $VSKDOW DQG&RQFUHWH 3DYHPHQW &DU)XHO 0HDVXUHPHQWV -XQHPHDVXUHPHQWVWZR QLJKWV -XQHPHDVXUHPHQWVWZR QLJKWV )XHO 0HDVXUHPHQWV+HDY\ 'XW\ 9HKLFOH -XO\ PHDVXUHPHQWVDKRWVXPPHUGD\ -XO\ PHDVXUHPHQWVDKRWVXPPHUGD\ &DU)XHO 0HDVXUHPHQW 0HDVXUHPHQW 9HKLFOH 92/92 3DUDPHWHUVPHDVXUHG 7LPH ± 5RDGGLVWDQFH 6SHHG )XHO &RQVXPSWLRQ )XHO 7HPSHUDWXUH 'HVFULSWLRQ RI0HDVXUHG 5RDG6HFWLRQV $VSKDOW DQG&RQFUHWH &DUPHDVXUHPHQW Asfalt syd Asfalt norr Betong syd Betong norr (DFK VHFWLRQ NP 'LVWDQFH EHWZHHQ VHFWLRQV NP 6WRQH0DVWLF $VSKDOW60$ ([SRVHG DJJUHJDWH LQWKH FRQFUHWH VXUIDFH $JJUHJDWH VL]H PP 5RDG*HRPHWU\ ± DVHTXDO DVSRVVLEOH 567YHKLFOH PHDVXUHPHQW +RUL]RQWDO DQGYHUWLFDO DOLJQPHQWV VXUIDFH FKDUDFWHULVWLFV Measured Road Sections Concrete Asphalt 6XUIDFH &KDWUDFWHULVWLFV 3DUDPHWHU &RQFUHWH 1RUWK &RQFUHWH 6RXWK $VSKDOW 1RUWK $VSKDOW 6RXWK 5XWGHSWK PP (YHQQHVV ,5, PPP 7H[WXUH 03'PP *UDGLHQW :HDWKHU &RQGLWLRQV )LUVW1LJKW -XQ-XQ $LU7HPSHUDWXUH & 6XUIDFH 7HPSHUDWXUH & :LQG 'LUHFWLRQ :LQG 6SHHGPV 6HFRQG 1LJKW -XQ-XQ 1:6 1:1(6( 1RUWKDQGVRXWK GLUHFWLRQ %OXHLVWKHILUVWQLJKWUHGLVWKHVHFRQG QLJKW S_Asf_12 S_Asf_11 S_Asf_10 S_Asf_9 S_Asf_8 S_Asf_7 NORR S_Asf_6 S_Asf_5 S_Asf_4 S_Asf_3 S_Asf_2 S_Asf_1 N_Asf_12 N_Asf_11 N_Asf_10 N_Asf_9 N_Asf_8 N_Asf_7 Natt 2 N_Asf_6 Natt 1 N_Asf_5 N_Asf_4 0,065 N_Asf_3 0,07 N_Asf_2 N_Asf_1 Bränsleförbrukning (g/m) )XHO &RQVXPSWLRQ 5HVXOWV $VSKDOW 3DYHPHQW Asfalt SÖDER 0,06 0,055 0,05 0,045 0,04 0,04 1RUWKDQGVRXWK GLUHFWLRQ %OXHLVWKHILUVWQLJKWUHGLVWKHVHFRQG QLJKW S_Cem_12 S_Cem_11 S_Cem_10 S_Cem_9 S_Cem_8 S_Cem_7 NORR S_Cem_6 S_Cem_5 S_Cem_4 S_Cem_3 S_Cem_2 S_Cem_1 N_Cem_12 N_Cem_11 N_Cem_10 N_Cem_9 N_Cem_8 Natt 2 N_Cem_7 Natt 1 N_Cem_6 N_Cem_5 N_Cem_4 N_Cem_3 0,07 N_Cem_2 N_Cem_1 Bränsleförbrukning (g/m) )XHO &RQVXPSWLRQ 5HVXOWV &RQFUHWH 3DYHPHQW Betong SÖ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xample: 70 km concrete vs asphalt 20 000 vehicles/day 15 % HDV Fuel consumption: Car: 1.1 l/10 km (80 km/h) HDV: 4.0 l/10 km (80 km/h) Consumer fuel cost: 13 SEK/l (1.36 euro) Reduced consumer/industry cost: 12 000 000 kr/year 1 260 000 euro/year = E4 Uppsala – Mehedeby öppnad för trafik 2006 3 000 ton CO2/year 3DUWLFOHHPLVVLRQIURPFRQFUHWH SDYHPHQWV,QUHODWLRQWRDVSKDOWSDYHPHQWV &RQFOXVLRQV Surface Reflectivity - Lighting Enhanced Nighttime Visibility: • Improved pedestrian and vehicle safety • Reduced lighting & energy requirement: – Less fixtures/watts – Up to 33% reduction – AASHTO - 40% lower – Huge budget impact! >)RUWXQH@ Conclusions*: Functional property Investment cost Asphalt Concrete + Maintenance + Accidents (maintenance) + Evenness = = Polishing = = Noise = = Logistics (during const.) = = Abrasion resistance + Plastic deformation + Particle emissions + Fuel consumption (user cost) + CO2 (environment) + Brightness/reflection + Friction + Repair (flexibility) + Fire (in tunnels) * According to the Swedish National Road administration + Thank you! New concrete road E4 by-pass Uppsala opened dec 21, 2006 Extras Design of transverse joints in concrete roads in Sweden 1990 1999 - 2006 8 8 Jointing compound 40 Bottom strip 1/3 H 3 EPDMprofiles 40 1/3 H 3 1993 - 1996 8 EPDMprofiles 40 1/3 H 3 Design of transverse joints in new construction of concrete roads? After 2010 3 8 40 ? 1/3 H 3 Profiles or compound 1/3 H No profiles or compound
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