Spring Hill United Methodist Church


Spring Hill United Methodist Church
Spring Hill United Methodist Church
January, 2014
Volume V, Issue 271
9:30 a.m. Fellowship Coffee
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Worship Service
2nd Sunday POTLUCK Breakfast
January 12 at 9:30 am
On Thursday, January 2 and on Thursday,
January 16, at 7:00 p.m., the bible study on the
Gospel of Matthew will continue at the Bucyrus
1 & 3 Thursdays at Bucyrus UMC
Afternoon Theologians will meet at the home of
Rob & Bev Guess at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January
7. And at the home of Charles & Ruth DeWendt at
2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21.
Celebrate the new Great Plains United
Methodist Conference
As the Kansas East, Kansas West, and Nebraska
United Methodist Conferences join to create one,
new, Great Plains United Methodist Conference, on
Jan. 1, let us celebrate in the Litany of Unity in
recognition of new possibilities.
Sunday, Jan. 12, 2014, is the date selected for this
collective celebration of the Great Plains United
Methodist Conference. Our vision is for all
churches to take part in this litany on the same day.
Men’s Group (Meeting Date is January 15)
January 3, 2014- Community Blood Drive
here at Spring Hill UMC
Schedule your appointment
on the website:
or call the Church Office
Walk – ins welcome
Turkey & Ham Dinner @ Bucyrus UMC
A Celebration of Marie Knight’s 96 Birthday
1:00 pm on Sunday, January 26- weather
permitting. Reschedule date will be Feb. 2
Cake & Ice Cream will be provided.
All are welcome to come and bring a side.
Please plan to attend the next Methodist Men’s
Meeting on Wed., 01/15/2014 at 8:00 pm at
Keith & Mary Crouch’s home at 22657 W. 220th
St., Spring Hill.
At the meeting we will discuss projects, continue
our reading and discussion of "The Grand
Weaver" by Ravi Zacharis, have fellowship and
Please feel free to invite someone to come and
join us.
Thanks, Keith 530-7936
Spring Hill United Methodist Church, 112 E. Nichols, Spring Hill, KS 66083, 913.592.3660, umcspringhill@gmail.com,
springhillunitedmethodistchurch.org, Pastor Scott Hannon
Page 1
Human Relations Day Sunday –
January 19, 2014
Your Gift Today . . . Helps To Overcome Injustice
and Empowers
Those Struggling To Survive.
environmental justice — seminar designer Susan
Burton tailors a unique learning experience.
"The program," she said, "offers us the opportunity
to increase our knowledge of ourselves and our
faith, increase our knowledge of injustices
impacting our brothers and sisters in our own
communities and throughout the world, and identify
new ways to use our voices — staying awake and
keeping watch."
Your Generous Gifts assists:
 Community Developers Program, related to
the General Board of Global Ministries
 United Methodist Voluntary Services
Program, GBGM; and
 Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program,
General Board of Church and Society.
"I feel more empowered. I feel like I will be more
capable now of going home and initiating a
meaningful movement."
—LINDSAY UHLINGER, Seminar Participant,
Wofford College, Spartanburg, S.C.
Because of a Human Relations Day grant, United
Methodists of all ages travel to Washington, D.C.,
where about 30 seminars on national and
international affairs per year take place at the
United Methodist building across from the U.S.
The high-impact seminars date back more than half
a century with luminaries such as Eleanor Roosevelt
and Hubert Humphrey. The sessions empower and
equip participants to put their faith together with
action steps to change their world.
January Birthdays
January 2: Art Canright
January 4: Jenny Kohl
January 9: Rachel Krummel
January 9: Darien McAnany
January 10: Jim Lasseter
January 10: Patty Marshall
January 12: Betty Kelley
January 16: Valerie Krummel
January 24: Betty Miller
January 28: Cion Hamilton
January 30: Dave Haney
Happy Anniversary!
January 4: Johnny & Debbie Ford
January 18: Gerald & Deba Barker
After each group chooses a topic — poverty and
homelessness, human trafficking, immigration,
The Special Offering collected on Christmas Eve
totaled $390- going to the Imagine No Malaria
Spring Hill United Methodist Church, 112 E. Nichols, Spring Hill, KS 66083, 913.592.3660, umcspringhill@gmail.com,
springhillunitedmethodistchurch.org, Pastor Scott Hannon
Page 2
Believing, Saying, Doing
A sermon based on Mark 8:27-38
By Pastor Scott Hannon
Peter’s connection to Caesarea is the way in which
he and the other disciples respond to Jesus’
question: “Who do people say that the Son of Man
The disciples dramatize the difficulty of forming
is?” Because Jesus had not asked what the disciples
beliefs about Jesus. They have witnessed him feed
thought, they report on they had heard others say
thousands of people with only a few loaves of bread
about him: “They think you’re John the Baptist, or
and a few fish. They have seen him walk on water
Elijah, or Jeremiah.” Jesus listens to what they say
and calm a raging sea. They have seen him restore
and is disappointed because no one seems to know
sight to blind persons and hearing to deaf persons.
him. But at least he had broken the ice and
They have seen him enable paralyzed persons to get
motivated the disciples to talk.
up and walk. Had I seen Jesus perform those
miracles, I would believe without a doubt that Jesus
Seizing the moment, Jesus pops the question: “But
is the Son of God. But, for some reason, the
who do you say that I am?” Now, the disciples are
disciples are unable to believe that. Perhaps if Jesus
silent; except for Peter. The other disciples do not
just claimed to be a magician, they could at least
know what to say. But, as usual, Peter does. He
believe he is a performer of magic tricks. But Jesus
speaks his mind. Sometimes he is right on.
claims to be far more than a magician; he claims to
Sometimes he is way off. This time, he is right on.
be the Son of God. That is too much for them to
He says, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living
comprehend. So despite witnessing those miracles,
God.” This is what he believes, but unfortunately,
they struggle with what to believe about him.
he does not understand what his belief entails. But
Finally, in a village around Caesarea of Philippi,
later, he would.
Jesus decides to confront them about their
continuing struggle.
But at least for now, all that matters is that Peter
gets it right. Even though he does not understand
On one of our trips to Israel, we visited Caesarea,
what he has said, he has given the answer that Jesus
which is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. After
wants to hear. So to reward him, Jesus gives him a
touring the Roman Aqueduct that used to transport
new identity: From now on he will be known as the
water to Caesarea, Carol searched for seashells by
Rock on which the Church will be built.
the sea. I took a stick and on the beach between
some rocks wrote, “Rock Chalk Jayhawk.” It was so
After Peter gives his impressive answer, Jesus tells
impressive that I took a picture of it. Anyway, that
the disciples about his fate. He will undergo great
is our connection to Caesarea.
suffering, be rejected by the religious authorities,
and be killed. But after three days, he will rise
Spring Hill United Methodist Church, 112 E. Nichols, Spring Hill, KS 66083, 913.592.3660, umcspringhill@gmail.com,
springhillunitedmethodistchurch.org, Pastor Scott Hannon
Page 3
again. Well, the disciples are not prepared for his
opinion he voiced. I presume that is the nature of
pending absence. Sure, they heard the part about his
officers. To be respected, they must sound like they
rising again, but they do not know what that means.
are completely sure of whatever they say. Because
opinions are not facts, John Wesley used to say,
Again, Peter speaks. Before I get into discussing
“We think and let think." He did not want
Jesus' reaction, I want to ponder why Peter said
Methodists to get distracted by arguing about whose
what he said. He believes Jesus is the Messiah, the
opinions are right.
Son of the living God. But, he does not believe
Jesus should suffer such a cruel fate. It does not
With reference to Peter, he truly believed it was
seem fair. So from his belief, he rebukes Jesus.
wrong for Jesus to suffer the fate he spoke about.
And, in turn, Jesus rebukes Peter. A moment ago,
He said what he believed. Perhaps he had no other
he was the rock on which the church will be built.
information on which to base his belief on what was
Now, he is a rock that sinks. That is what beliefs
fair for Jesus. Or, perhaps, he had heard Jesus allude
can do for us or to us. If they are right, they can
to his coming fate and refused to accept it. In any
gain us acclaim and good fortune. But if they are
case, his opinion about the fate facing Jesus was
wrong, they can get us into trouble. So before
speaking or acting in response to our beliefs, we
need to make sure they are right.
When it comes to Jesus, the best we can do is form
opinions about him. Yes, we can use passages of
Of course, so many of our beliefs are based on
scripture as a basis for forming our opinions about
opinions, instead of fact. As to the difference
him. But our opinions are subject to our
between beliefs and opinions, opinions are what a
interpretation of those passages. What I mean is that
person thinks about a particular issue, when that
we can agree that in a certain passage there are
person does not have proof for that view. Beliefs are
certain words. But when we take those words and
strongly held opinions.1 So it is difficult to discern
form our beliefs, we will do so on the basis of how
whether or not our opinions or beliefs are right. Of
we interpret them. Thus, we might form one belief
course, some people have no doubt about their
about them and others may form different beliefs.
opinions or beliefs. An example is a Colonel that I
Who is right and who is wrong?
knew from a church I used to pastor. He refused to
acknowledge that he could be wrong about any
I believe it is okay to form firm beliefs about Jesus
and to think we are right about them. Because if we
At least that is what I found on
do not do so, Jesus would be a meaningless void.
Likewise, I think it is good to be open to new
Spring Hill United Methodist Church, 112 E. Nichols, Spring Hill, KS 66083, 913.592.3660, umcspringhill@gmail.com,
springhillunitedmethodistchurch.org, Pastor Scott Hannon
Page 4
information about Jesus. Maybe someone else's
being firm about them. But there is a greater price
opinions about Jesus make more sense than ours do.
to be paid for just trying to fit in by agreeing with
So if we want to grow in wisdom, we need to be
everyone else. Holding firm beliefs may not result
open to what other people have to say. “The recipe
in your being the most popular, but it will help you
for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your
be a better and more reliable witness.
opinions and content with your knowledge.”2
So, considering the nature of beliefs, should we
hold any belief firmly? In my opinion, the answer is
From Pastor Scott:
yes. We have to take strong positions on issues,
such as the divinity of Jesus. Because if we do not,
we would be like the Israelites who wandered in the
desert, not going anyway in particular. All I have
tried to do thus far is to warn against thinking that
you are always right. No one is always right about
anything and everything. Persons who think they
are have the potential to do great harm; take for
instance Adolf Hitler. But as long as you leave
room for the possibility that you could be wrong, it
is right and proper to have firm beliefs.
One of the ways we can help make our world a
In John 10:10, Jesus said, “My purpose is to give
them a rich and satisfying life.” He did not define
what it takes to gain such a life. However, I think
practicing nine essentials, which I call The Divine
Nine Essentials, will help you gain that life. So
beginning January 5, I will be preaching a series of
sermons about those essentials. They are: Faith,
Loving God, Loving Others, Discipleship,
Forgiveness, Courage, Humility, Integrity, and
Wisdom. The sermons for January are listed below:
Divine Nine Essentials
# 1 – Faith
Based on Luke 7:1-10
better place is to profess our firm beliefs about
Jesus. Just because we do not have proof that they
are factual does not mean we have to be silent. So,
profess your beliefs. But a word of caution is in
order: It will be tempting at times to compromise
your beliefs so you can be more agreeable with
what others believe. That is because speaking or
acting on your beliefs may get you ostracized.
There is a price to be paid for holding beliefs and
Divine Nine Essentials
#2 - Loving God
Based on 1 John 5:1-6, John 15:9-12
Divine Nine Essentials
#3 - Loving Others
Based on Luke 6:27-36, Romans 12:9, 10
Divine Nine Essentials
#4 - Discipleship
Based on Luke 14:25-33
Spring Hill United Methodist Church, 112 E. Nichols, Spring Hill, KS 66083, 913.592.3660, umcspringhill@gmail.com,
springhillunitedmethodistchurch.org, Pastor Scott Hannon
Page 5
Prayer Request List
Ongoing Concerns from the Bucyrus
weekly bulletin:
Ongoing Illnesses:
Joyce Wilbanks
Debbie Stiles
Blanche Fountain
Courtney Beck- Debbie Kohl’s sister-in-law
Ben Russell- Gene Sawyer’s grandson
Don Reddell- Del & Pearl Findley’s brother-in-law
Don Cook – Cousin of Carrie Mahoney & Sonny
Hazel Henry- friend of Sue Hiatt
Maryanne Beets Myers- friend of Kay Lowrie, Carol
Bollin, Marjorie Dees
Lois Russell- friend of Lois Stiles
Raymond Winisky- Monica Loveall’s stepfather
Mary Worden – friend of Lois Stiles
Ongoing Concerns:
Ron Dougan
Sue Hiatt Rick Newton
Bruce Hiatt
Patty Warren- Betty Miller’s Daughter
Evelyn Dilts – great-granddaughter of Ray Sheldon
Brian Stirling – Charlie Birmingham’s nephew
Amos Hanser – Carol Bollin & Kay Lowrie’s greatnephew
Gene Smyth – Steve Smyth’s Father
Willie Diedrich – Diane Diedrich’s Father
Earl Sevey – Blanche Fountain’s Brother
Vicki Whisenant—close friend of Carol Bollin’s
Bollin & Kay Lowrie
Sherri Brower- friend of Kim Mustain
Rosa Simington- friend of Cheryl’s daughterbrain tumors - prayers for Rosa’s family
Randy Schooley - esophageal cancer
Gene Brown - esophageal cancer
Lori Duffin- prayers for health & healing, Carolyn
Ammon- Diane Boyd’s mom,
Brenna and Finley McKeag, Craig Langley, CW
Eden Adler- co-worker of Nicole Brooke- prayers
for health and healing during treatments
Leslie Bruce- prayers for strength and health.,
Winton Town – pancreatic cancer – prayers for
health and healing
Assisted Living:
Andy & Hazel Haynes
Ron Dougan
Mary Meek
Military Personnel:
Weston Stiles – son of Dale & Debbie Stiles, grandson
of Lois Stiles
Joel Morton – Pat Davis’s Son
Johnny Gallegos – Mustain Family Friend
Upper Room…
The January/February editions of the Upper Room
& Alive Now publications are available on the back
table in the Sanctuary– Don’t forget to pick up a
Spring Hill United Methodist Church, 112 E. Nichols, Spring Hill, KS 66083, 913.592.3660, umcspringhill@gmail.com,
springhillunitedmethodistchurch.org, Pastor Scott Hannon
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