SPI Newsletter Issue 2 750 high.pub


SPI Newsletter Issue 2 750 high.pub
Editorial by Vorpral Ghost Ettiquette
……... 3
Jefferson, TX
…….. 4
Down To A Quantum Sea ... 5
Sony DSC-V1 Review
Effective Use of Psychics ………. 7
………….. 6
OKCGC & “Hospital X”
..…. 9
“Carnival of Souls”………. 10
Haunted Encounters …….. 11
Summer & Fall 2004 ……. 11
Up until recently, paranormal investigation was a field that very few people entered, generally only
parapsychologists with degrees or true self-taught devotees of the fringe sciences. Now people from
all walks of life are trying their hand in this arena and there are now thousands who call themselves
ghost hunters or paranormal investigators.
What is responsible for this trend? A number of factors including popular TV shows and movies dealing
with the supernatural, widespread use of the Internet, and digital camera technology. Overall, I feel
that the increased interest in the paranormal is a good thing for all considered. However, there are
some definite trends that bear watching.
When a layperson has a question or possible haunting they need investigated, one of the first resources they turn to is the Internet. This can be a mixed blessing, because depending on the geographic region, there may be no groups in the area or there may be several. In the case of the latter
condition, which group will best address their concerns?
Groups vary in their range of professionalism, but I have found that most people try to make an effort
to do things right. What disturbs me are two issues in particular. I have heard of cases where a group
shows up for an investigation, and somehow manages to make such a bad impression that the client/
management decides to never again have a ghost group as a guest. At the Jefferson Hotel, a group of
guests (not sure they were a hunter group) burned candles and left wax drippings on the carpet. This
was not only inconsiderate to the establishment, but to all other groups that may wish to freely study
the haunting there.
There are a lot of haunted sites out there, enough for everyone, unless we let rudeness and a lack of
respect “burn” those opportunities. Instead of being concerned about whether you have the best orb
picture or EVP, focus on your reputation. Are clients glad to see you coming? Do you get good exit reports from individuals whom you have helped? If so, that can open doors to places that might normally
turn down “ghostbusters”.
The other concern I have is a lack of responsiveness. I hear again and again: “You are the first group to
have written me back or taken me seriously.” Very often for whatever reason, a client request for an
investigation often goes unanswered. I realize that ghost hunting is an avocation that virtually no one
makes any money at, so it will tend to get put towards the bottom of the priority pile. Other concerns
tend to intrude - being ill, having family matters and just getting some rest. I am single with no children
and I find it very difficult to do everything I want to in this field. I don’t understand how others manage,
to be honest.
What I do ask is that investigators be REALISTIC about the time they can devote to this arena. If you
can’t go every weekend or even every month, that’s fine. Just notate your activity level on the website
or give some indication when a client can expect a reply. We try to get back with people on Priority One
cases within 24 hours. The reason we do this is because even a few days can be a long time for someone with a very active haunting.
Try to check your email frequently - going a few weeks or even several days without a reply can look
like rudeness or a complete lack of interest to those who “live on the Net.” And if you are busy, at least
write a couple of sentences back and explain. That way someone who needs help NOW will know to
look elsewhere in the interim.
So I ask hunters everywhere to please evaluate their client relations policies and be considerate to
those who look to us for assistance. You will find it a boon to your progress in the long run.
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“Diamond Bessie” was a sultry 28 year old women allegedly strangled by her newlywed husband while on a picnic on New Year’s Eve in 1876. Bessie Moore was a runaway from New
York, who desperately turned to prostitution to support herself. She met a wealthy man who
bestowed her with diamonds and promised to care for her…but did he? Bessie was found tragically murdered only days after she married. Her husband went on trial for her death but was not
convicted. Bessie is buried in the Jefferson Cemetery by the railroad tracks. Every year in the
spring, the town reenacts her murder trial. Poor tragic Bessie, her destiny was to become an
unsolved mystery in a tiny Texas town.
Located near the Texas and Louisiana border, Jefferson has a mere 2,500 population preserving its past. Jefferson was founded in the early 1800’s. Jefferson’s prime occurred from the Red
River trade flourishing from steamboats that traveled along the river. However, Mother Nature
had different intentions for this town when following a violent storm the river changed direction.
Commerce on the river ran aground. Business and people faded away. Now the spirits cling to
the silky Spanish moss on Caddo Lake and haunt the historic buildings earning Jefferson the
title “America’s Most Haunted Town.”
Jefferson is best known for its antebellum and Greek revival homes, antique stores, and
haunted hotels. We had reservations to stay at the historic Excelsior Hotel. The official statement from the Excelsior is that the hotel is not haunted. Yet, locals told us otherwise. Either
way, the hotel is historic and beautiful. Upon checking in at 10:00 p.m. the night clerk scolded
us on our late arrival stating “people round here go to bed at night.” In the world of paranormal
investigating, we are just getting started at 10:00 p.m.
At midnight we began our investigation of the hotel. We took EVP recordings and digital pictures. A suspect orb appeared in a picture of the registration desk in the lobby. We took special
notice of a picture hanging in the parlor of the Garden Club members. No other abnormalities
were found that evening. INCLUDE MY ORB PICTURE
Within 24 hours of being in Jefferson, we discovered a divided culture. Half the population believes Jefferson is haunted, the other half deny any ghostly activity and in fact religiously discourage such especially by the conservative Garden Club Members. However, based upon our
personal experience, we believe Jefferson is definitely haunted.
At the Jefferson Historical Society Museum we met the tour guide for the “Ghost Walk.” Since
we already had plans to take the moonlight Cypress Steamboat Swamp Tour that evening we
would miss her tour. She graciously gave us a verbal account of the haunted sites in Jefferson.
While listening to the guide’s scary ghost stories, the owner of the town’s beauty salon came
rushing in waving a photo of her beauty shop. In the picture was a dark shadowy figure of a
man standing on the front porch. The picture was taken in the 1970’s and had just been found
by a friend. The ghostly figure was clearly visible. The salon is in an old house shared by Fred’s
Books on the Bayou. The owner of the salon stated there is a history of strange events occurring in the salon. She described doors opening and closing by themselves, books and objects
move during the night, and lights going on and off by themselves.
After our swamp tour, around midnight, we decided to explore the haunted sites mentioned by
the tour guide. We had our ghost hunting equipment and we were ready to find ghosts. While
taking pictures of the haunted Hayward House, an abandoned historic home frequented by a
Continued on page 8
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“In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure dome decree
Where Alph, the sacred rived ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.”
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
It has frequently been suggested that in common with the fantastic tales of H.P. Lovecraft, the
haunting and evocative poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge describes an alien but
genuine world glimpsed by its author. It is known that Coleridge, in common with many of the
intelligentsia of his day, flirted with the recreational use of opium and other narcotics and it is
therefore presumed that anything written by him under the effects of this substance was merely
the product of drug induced enchantment. However when the effects and visions produced by
various naturally occurring hallucinogens used by shamans is taken into account, mitigating
factors are introduced. If as is claimed, the use of plant extracts like ‘Ayahuasca’ induces visions of an alternate reality, which shamans’ claim is genuine and repeatable, then Coleridge’s
words take on an utterly different and exciting perspective. In this essay I shall attempt to explore the possibility that certain brain chemicals can and do cause mind to separate from body
and journey, travelling in the eddies of the accommodating, electromagnetic universe that ebbs
and flows around us, to the alien shores of some distant reality.
Of all the categories comprising the bizarre world of the paranormal surely the most fascinating
yet elusive is the hypothesis of alternate realities and continuums. It is theorised that within
these nebulous dimensions lies the ultimate truth explaining the origins of magic, ghosts, Psi
abilities, alien entities and other manifestations of the unexplained. While it is true that many
reports of apparitions, angels and aliens overlap and to some extent are interchangeable, it is
equally true that for millennia people have encountered and described beings and events existing outside normal experience; i.e. the truly paranormal.
While many people, usually debunkers and rationalists, have attempted to explain these
events in terms of psychological abnormalities, overactive imaginations, wishful thinking and
downright lies, there are innumerable instances where these worthy but mundane explanations
cannot fully describe or justify the sightings. It is however necessary that the viewpoint of rationalists is understood and included for the following reasons. Although the overriding impression
gained from their opinions is one of determined desperation and a desire to deny the possibility
of anything beyond their narrow world view, it helps keep paranormal research both on track
and responsive to outside enquiry.
Continued on page 12
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Some months ago, I temporarily lost my Kodak DC-4800 digital camera and having some spare
cash at the time, set about finding a replacement. I had liked it pretty well, but there were a
number of issues over the years that had cropped up, and I looked forward to finding a camera
more suitable for paranormal research.
The choice came down to either the DSC-V1 or it’s bulkier and more expensive big brother, the
DSC-F828. After pondering for awhile, I decided that it was better to go with the V-1 because
the point of using a camera on an investigation is that you want it to be portable or else you
won’t use it as much. The larger F828 was heavier, cost twice as much and thusly would be a
greater loss if it were dropped or stolen.
Tired of having to fumble around
for batteries? The Container Store
sells compact plastic battery storage packs that hold up to 10 AA or
AAA cells depending on which
model you buy. These handy guys
will only set you back $1.50 each.
I have not regretted my decision for a moment as the V1 has proven to have excellent optics
and picture quality, particularly in low-light which is a common shooting condition for ghost
hunting. The very good battery life was a welcome relief from having to put up with my Kodak,
which over the years despite a factory repair and new Lithium Ion batteries, still sucks down
juice at an alarming rate.
If you bother to buy the pricey Memory Stick Pro flash cards, you will be rewarded with rapid
picture taking ability, the only downside being if you are using a flash. It then seems to take an
inordinate amount of time to recharge between shots which some can find annoying. Speaking
of the flash, there is another quirk to this model; the flash pops up on the upper left hand corner of the camera where most people tend to place their left index finger. When using the flash,
you will have to hold this particular model a bit differently by grasping the lower left hand side
One of the strongest arguments for using the V1 in paranormal research is that it is one of the
cheapest models equipped with NightShot capability. This really comes in handy for 0 lux shots
and the resulting pictures can look reasonably sharp as long as you don’t try to photograph past
15 feet or so. For going beyond that though, I strongly suggest having an IR extender light.
Dreaming of putting
one of your Sony D-8
extender lights on
there ? Not gonna
Which brings me to another irritating quirk, notice the intelligent shoe slot on the top? Dreaming
of putting one of your Sony D-8 extender lights on there? Not gonna happen. In some sort of
brain malaise, a Sony engineer just had to make this shoe different so that they are not interchangeable. Actually it was designed for an auxiliary flash unit, but I still would have strongly
preferred to have an option for both.
And to top things off the camera is loaded with features, takes 5.0 Megapixel shots, has 4X
Optical Zoom, and can film movies in MPEG-2. The Nightshot is definitely one of the stronger
points here and not using the flash will definitely cut down on false environmental orbs.
High Quality Shots
Good low light performance and Nightshot
Good Battery life and rapid picture taking
Seems to be well built, but get the extended warranty
CONS: No IR Extender option, awkward slow flash,
$499 from Best Buy
This article is a continuation of last month’s issue where we discussed whether you should use
psychics in your investigations or not.
If you have found some suitable individuals for your team that seem promising, then here are
some tips for integrating them with your research.
Just so you know, protocol generally dictates that psychics should go in “cold” or with as little
foreknowledge of the site as possible so as to prevent contamination of their results. If you tell
them in advance that a young girl was murdered there, then I almost guarantee that is what
they will “sense” later on in the investigation. In the same vein, I have known some former team
members who have tested the psychic by feeding them false information in order to trap them
later on. I consider this to be a bit of a dirty trick, but I can understand why it is practiced.
The problem is that if a psychic is informed of some tragic event or personality being present at
a site, they feel compelled to pick up on this energy or else they will potentially feel like a failure
or insensitive. This is a point that should be of utmost concern to the team— you must be very
careful in your evaluation of a psychic because people can be extraordinarily sensitive about
their skills and abilities in this area.
Also, it is better to have them meet with you at a neutral location before proceeding to the site.
Why is this? I once had a psychic meet me at a hotel in Dallas for an investigation and she got
there before I did. I pulled up in my car, got out and saw her talking to the valet man. As I was
walking up to them, I heard him describing in detail all the murders, deaths and whatnot that
had gone on there. While I can’t blame the fellow for relating the information (how could he
have known?) I was still dismayed and irritated at the breach of protocol.
I personally recommend against having more than one acting psychic at a time do a sweep on
an investigation. The reason why is because when psychics get together, there is a strong tendency for them to constantly compare notes throughout the building on the fly. It is far more
informative to do this AFTER both of them have walked it separately. But I can tell you again,
have them do it at different times. (invite one in on the interview, for example) At the same hotel I had two psychics and I asked them to get their impressions individually and suggested they
go to different floors. Within a matter of minutes they had paired up and done exactly what I
had asked them not to.
Another reason to split up is because some locations can be vast and a lot of walking for one
person. Two makes the load go easier and speeds recon.
It is generally a bad idea to have three psychics on a hunt because there is a possibility of two
of them ganging up on the other, (usually in a subtle fashion) and alienating the odd man out.
Be aware of personality conflicts (they will arise) and try to keep volatile combinations apart.
After the impressions have been gathered, it is good to meet with each psychic privately in turn
regarding what they felt. What you are trying to determine from this interview are the following
bits of information: Is the place actually haunted? What is the nature of the haunting? Where
are the hot spots that we should place equipment in?
It is a rare psychic that can consistently give you an answer to all three of those questions, but I
suggest having a little patience in putting the data together over time to see if you spot a pattern.
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female spirit appearing in the top floor window, we met three other ghost hunters. Who else
would be at an abandoned house at midnight with camera equipment in tow? Lucky for us the
ghost hunters were staying at the reputedly haunted Jefferson Hotel. They invited us into the
hotel to do some investigating.
As the five of us gathered in the upstairs hallway of the Jefferson Hotel at about 1:00 a.m. the
door to room 219 burst open. A woman came running out screaming: “We’re out of here!” Her
husband was steps behind her carrying their suitcases. Being paranormal investigators we
rushed towards them and immediately turn all our equipment on. The women kept repeating
“I’m not staying here, I want to leave. There’s something evil in that room.” Fortunately, they
consented to be interviewed before driving back to their home two hours away. The women
stated she was lying in bed asleep when she felt pressure on her chest like someone lying on
top of her. Then she felt something try to pry her eyes open. Her husband was lying in bed next
to her watching television. Suddenly the television channels starting changing rapidly by themselves, then the TV went to a roaring loud static. The deciding factor for them leaving was when
the chandelier began swinging violently across the ceiling. They jumped out of bed, threw on
their clothes, packed their things and ran out of the room. The couple scribbled a note and left
it on the front desk with the key to the room. As we walked in the room we witnessed the chandelier still swinging. Eventually it stopped. The ghost had made it’s presence known. I wonder if
Diamond Bessie ever stayed at the Jefferson Hotel?
Picture of note left at the front desk
Places to Stay
The Jefferson Hotel (1851) 124 W. Austin St. (866) 334-6835
This charming and historic hotel has several active ghosts in residence. Check out rooms
The hotel provides visitors with a pamphlet documenting the ghost stories.
The Excelsior Hotel (1850’s) 211 W. Austin St. (903) 665-2513
This historic hotel offers charming accommodations. Whether this hotel is haunted is dependent upon who you ask. The owner denies any ghosts. Locals claim the hotel is definitely
haunted and shares stories. Some say the ballroom; the Hays room and the Gould room have
activity. Therefore, it’s best that you stay at the hotel and decide for yourself. excelsior@jeffersontx.com
McKay House Bed and Breakfast Inn (1851) 306 E. Delta. (903) 665-7322
Allegedly haunted bed and breakfast. Historic inn filled with period antiques.
Continued on page 10
First, a little background information. After I developed the S.P.E.C.T.R.E Project for AGHOST
back in 2002, I put details of the sensor array up on the site at this page. I realize many
groups prefer to keep this sort of information proprietary, but I believe in the sharing of information a win-win situation for everyone and I am doubly glad to see that it was borne out
so plainly this July 4th weekend.
Justin and Andy (of GhostGadgets.Com and Beacon Parastudies respectively) saw SPECTRE
and were tempted to buy the same Vernier equipment - but Justin's technical prowess and
desire to go one step further won out and so he constructed his own sensor array named
A.R.C.A.D.I.A. (Analog Reading Computer Aided Digital Input Analyzer) What is so impressive
about ARCADIA is that he hand built the sensors and custom designed the program to read
the input and give a graphical output. Such customization promises excellent flexibility for
research and design purposes and I look forward to more innovation from Justin.
I initially contacted Justin in November of 2003 as I was so impressed by his Ghost Gadgets
site and knowledge of electronics that I felt a need to confer with him on certain technical
aspects of ghost hunting. After corresponding with each other in email for several months,
we finally arranged to meet at the classified paranormal research site for OKCGC - (a site I
refer to as "Hospital X") over July 4th weekend.
And what a superb research opportunity (and ghost hunter holiday) it turned out to be!
Justin was kind enough to show me around this very unique facility which is equipped with
several webcams and an audio link - all of which is piped 24/7 to the
www.researchwebcam.com website. After we talked as guys for awhile and had our own
little tech tupperware party, we got down to business. We started by making some preliminary sweeps with the Geiger counter and Air Ion Counter.
These were for baseline readings only, and nothing anomalous was noted. We then selected
the former Dining Area as the first place to set up ARCADIA and SPECTRE. Please note, this
was not a competition to see which one was better. Each system has it's own strengths and
we merely wished to see how consistent they were in detecting unusual phenomena. Speaking of which, Justin has coined a new term for paranormal investigators - he refers to ourselves as "anomaly collectors." At about this time, Becky and Ron Cosgrove (the Senior
Members & Directors of OKCGC) arrived and it was a supreme pleasure to meet these hard
working folks at last.
They are very kind, down to earth people, but their well deserved pride in the structure is
noticeable. I had always wondered how they had negotiated a deal with the property owner,
and they told me that they perform maintenance and monitor security in exchange for being
able to use the structure. Now don't let that last sentence just slip past you. This former
hospital is fairly large with several levels and has constant issues with rain intrusion and
vandals. They have to mow the lawn, repair windows, replace plywood and of course they
ran LAN cable for all of the webcams through several levels.
In short, they have invested THOUSANDS of dollars and hours in this project and deserve
nothing less than the highest recognition from the ghost investigation community. Furthermore, the webcam project is assisted by dozens of volunteer moderators and "watchers",
those that keep checking for anomalous phenomena. Now I can tell you that the life of almost any investigator is easily over glamorized and that much of it consists of a tedious
routine that is about as much fun as watching paint dry. As Ron pointed out, most people
can investigate, but few have the long term persistence to be a researcher. But he also
Continued on page 16
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Places to Visit
Historic Jefferson Ghost Walk
Chilling authentic ghost walk takes you on a tour of Jefferson pointing out haunted sites and
sharing scary stories. This ghost walk makes clear why Jefferson is called the most haunted
town. Tours are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. or by special appointment. (909) 665-6289.
Tours leave from the Jefferson Historical Museum at 223 W. Austin St.
Jefferson Historical Museum 223 W. Austin St. (903) 665-2775. This historic building was the
former federal courthouse. Local historical collection includes civil war artifacts and impressive
art collection. www.jeffersonhistoricalmuseum.com
The Grove (1861) Mosley St.
The famous ghost author Mitchel Whitington owns this historic home. He and his wife have restored this haunted house to its original grace. Mitchel reports several ghost sightings in his
home. House tours are offered on the weekends.
Fred’s Books on the Bayou and Beauty Salon (date) 214 W. Austin St. (903) 665-3180.
This quaint bookstore has well read spirits in residence.
Hayward House (1870’s)
Authentic haunted house remains empty. Visitors have seen a women appear in the windows.
Jefferson Graveyard (Oakwood Cemetery)
Visit the grave of Bessie Moore “Diamond Bessie.”
Caddo Lake Steamboat, Uncertain, TX (903) 789-3978
Thirty minutes from Jefferson is Spanish moss clad Caddo Lake. Paddlewheel riverboat tours.
Day cruises and romantic evening cruises are available on this majestic bayou tour.
Carnival of Souls (1962)
This black and white cult classic starring Candace Hilligloss plays like an artsy, extended Twilight
Zone episode with an arresting use of light and shadow. The story concerns a girl who survives a
car crash and tries to move on with her life, but after encountering an abandoned carnival on a
road trip to her new job as a church organist, she is pursued by nightmare visions. The ruined carnival in question is the historic Saltair Amusement park in Utah - which is one of the most haunted
looking settings for a movie that I have seen since The Ninth Session. Not everyone will appreciate
the enigmatic and almost obscure storyline, but those with the patience to sit through the 75-90
minute (depending on version) running time can at least appreciate the wonderful cinematography.
It arguably has had a lasting influence on horror films to this day. Pretty impressive for a flick that
was shot in THREE weeks and for $30, 000.
Continued on next page
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Haunted Encounters - Ghost Stories from Around the World by Ginnie Bivona, Mitchel Whittington & Dorothy Conachie
ISBN 0974039411
264 pages Published 2004
The Haunted Encounters series all follow the same format, which is good because it is a formula that
works. These are not just arbitrary collections of stories from anonymous authors, but detailed accounts
from a wide variety of people who share one thing in common - contact with the unknown. The brilliant
touch which sets this series above the rest is not only a paragraph bio on each person that relates their
individual tale, but a photograph as well.
This gives the accounts an added edge of believability and charm not found in most other ghost tale anthologies. The worldwide theme demonstrates the universality of ghost experiences and connects the human search for answers just beyond our sight.
Special Events
Pilgrimage Weekend
House tours, civil war re-enactments, Late April through early May.
Candlelight Tour of Homes in December. (903) 665-7064 www.historicjeffersonfoundation.com
Diamond Bessie Murder Trial – re-enactment
Presented by the Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club. Performances are given in late April and early May at the historic Playhouse (1860). Located at the corner of Market and Henderson Sts.
Places to eat
Auntie Skinner’s Riverboat Club and Restaurant 107 W. Austin St. - Good food, bar and live music.
Lamache’s Italian Restaurant 124 W. Austin St. (903) 665-2631 - Located in the historic Jefferson Hotel. Fine romantic dining.
Jefferson’s Old Fashion Hamburger Store, 101 Market St. (903) 665-3251 - Local food and homemade pies.
Visitor information: (903) 665-2672. www.jefferson-texas.com
Tulsa, OK Ghost Conference
Sept. 18
ParaWorld Exp Los Angeles CA
Oct. 21 - 24
Paraworld Expo, LLC
CANCELLED (see our Conference page)
At first reading, the phrase ‘what is possible’ appears to be a contradiction in terms when dealing with a subject like the paranormal which, by definition, exists outside the conventional. Nevertheless, one can only measure and record the many bizarre and often frightening manifestations by conventional and tested methods, all of which are generally accepted means of delivering a testable and repeatable result. While the data obtained using test and measuring devices
is often ambivalent, this may not necessarily be the fault of the equipment. We should remember that we are looking for results within conventional parameters, or at least within the parameters of the human senses and the phenomena may operate outside these ranges, particularly in terms of so-called ‘Psi’ abilities. Since the majority of paranormal phenomena operate at
the edges of consciousness, to obtain a truly balanced perspective it is essential to adopt an
open and honest paradigm. For this to occur it is vital that a clear distinction between brain and
mind is developed.
To understand the difference is fundamental to appreciate the possibilities presented by the
existence of the discarnate energy created by mind, in effect the energy of pure thought. At
present there are several definitions vying for acceptance and ultimately all are variations on
the following three.
1) Mind and therefore consciousness is the sole end result of neurological and electrochemical
processes taking place in various centres within and confined to the brain.
2) The second argument posits that a property, mind, cannot suddenly appear out of nothing
and therefore had to have been there in one form or another in the first place. This appears to
be what Prof. Rupert Sheldrake refers to in his theory of ‘Morphogenetic Fields’, which refers to
an alleged matrix of information that surrounds us and can be unconsciously accessed by the
interaction of the mind, effectively a variation on Jung’s ‘collective unconscious’.
3) The final theory suggests that within the brain there already exist mechanisms designed to
interact at a sub-atomic level with certain quantum processes extant in the universe. This may
be the ultimate answer to how some sensitive people are able to contact or see ghosts, apparitions or ET’s. If indeed we as individuals are considered to emerge from a quantum soup, then
when we die it is reasonable to assume that on decomposing our component atoms eventually
return to the same soup in effect creating a closed loop. If this is the case, as in experiments
where worms that had ‘learned’ specific function were ground up and fed to other worms and
by consuming there fellows these worms ‘learned’ the same function, do our atoms carry their
gained knowledge to the oneness of the whole? Perhaps this even reflects the belief of some
‘primitive’ tribes who consumed the remains of their dead so that their spirits continues to live
on in the bodies of the living.
Research by Prof. Michael Persinger, a neurophysiologist at the Laurentian University in Ontario, Canada, indicates that the brain and its internal neurological processes are affected by
the application of mild, external electromagnetic (EM) fields. The induction of these external
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fields produces a variety of emotional responses in the subject which range from irrational fears
to the strong impression that there is someone both present in room with them, and/or touching them when in fact no-one is there. According to accepted scientific dogma this is attributed
entirely to the effects of the induced EM field reacting with magnetite on the surface of neurones in the brain. It has only recently been discovered that in the presence of EM fields the
magnetite polarises and resonates causing ionisation, which in turn releases the neurotransmitters that create hallucinations; perhaps, but is there another explanation? Is it possible that the
effects of the EM fields indeed induce the mind/brain interface to produce neurotransmitters
and temporarily ‘open up’, recognising the presence of otherwise invisible and unreachable
entities. One possibility suggests that they are in fact already here with us and always have
been, theoretically inhabiting realities existing above and below the infrared and ultra-violet
spectrum and therefore outwith the normal range of human perceptions. If in fact humans were
equipped with the sensory equipment to access these invisible spectrums what would we make
of it, how would our brains perceive and process the additional information?
Taken at face value, i.e. magnetic fields produce hallucinations albeit indirectly, the net results
of Professor Persinger’s research are far reaching and astonishing in their own right with regard
to sightings of ghosts and other manifestations of the paranormal. When these results are combined with the findings of a Swiss surgical team who, in 2002, induced out-of-body sensations
in a woman when they touched parts of her exposed brain with electrodes carrying a mild electrical charge, the evidence seems unarguable. However since it has not been conclusively established that the impressions created were solely due to electrical signals within the brain,
although convention would prefer it to be this way, perhaps the alternatives are too incredible
to contemplate. Is it possible that we are capable of making the transition into an altered state
of reality and awareness induced by chemicals? For it is here that a clear schism develops between conventional science and para-science.
While mainstream scientists can just about accept the findings of their peers who work in the
abstract world of quantum physics, due to their training they still balk instinctively at findings
that indicate the possible existence of awareness and intellect existing remotely from the body.
This is particularly true in the case of membrane theory (M theory), a facet of quantum science,
which requires the existence of an infinite number of universes in the 11th dimension for the
theory to function. Briefly, M theory is the direct descendant of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity with its four dimensions, (three spatial and one of time), which evolved into, ‘supergravity’,
‘superstrings’ the ‘non local interaction of particles’, (a condition Einstein termed ‘spooky attraction at a distance’) and ultimately membrane theory. It is within the alien dimensions and
universes predicted by this theory, that once freed from physical limitations, human (and alien)
consciousness may ultimately make contact with other realities, a process that may well operate both ways. In fact our universe has been described as a bubble of foam existing in a quantum sea.
Yet another incredible aspect of these theories posits that realities do not become real until
someone thinks about them. This curious statement appears to have been proved during an
experiment conducted at Boulder, Colorado in 1989. Highly charged particles were sealed inside a ‘magnetic bottle’ with the intention of testing their response when a laser beam was fired
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through the electromagnetic field. The particles altered their quantum state in greater numbers
when the experiment was actually physically observed as the laser beam fired than when it was
The perceived effect of consciousness upon reality has implications that truly leave the conventions of physical (and Einsteinian) science looking askance for support. The confident prediction
of general relativity stating that faster than light velocities are impossible is now no longer unassailable when the behaviour of subatomic particles is observed. Among these anomalous effects is the apparent phenomenon of the ‘non-locality’ of particles, already referred to as Einstein’s ‘spooky attraction at a distance’. This expression describes the effect on two identical
particles when they are separated and one of them is subjected to a change of state, an identical change occurs in the other particle. Amazingly, sometimes this change occurs before the
initiating state of the first particle changes, which indicates that the very nature of time is fluid
and open to question. This very temporal fluidity may account for the common observation that
a watched kettle never boils and may be a simplistic demonstration of the ‘observer effect’.
Does this imply that sometime in the future we may be able to step outside time and space, in
mind if not body and journey both back and forward in time outside and independent of the
physical universe? Why this is the case is not clear by any means, but nevertheless the experimental results and indications are undeniable.
It is now established that mystics of all persuasions have experienced visions of other places
and entities reflecting their own particular belief systems. In the case of Christian, (usually Roman Catholic) saints, this has often been expressed in images of God, Christ, the Holy Family,
heaven and in extreme cases bodily mutilation, i.e. stigmata. In the case of religious mystics,
these images and physical phenomena have normally been induced by means of meditation,
extreme asceticism of various kinds normally involving lack of food, sleep and other forms of
deliberate physical mortification. That they experience visions is no surprise since prolonged
meditation combined with lack of food and particularly lack of sleep create a serious imbalance
in body chemistry particularly in the brain where sleeplessness causes overproduction of large
amounts of the neurotransmitters dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and serotonin. Incidentally, the
increased presence of these chemicals through lack of sleep may help explain why many sightings of ghosts and indeed ET’s take place at night, although of course there may be other factors, viz. injury or psychosis of various sorts.
Once it has been established that there are indeed occurrences that, as yet, cannot be explained in rational physical terms, we are forced to the conclusion that there must be an explanation beyond the realms of conventional physics and for this we must return to the intangible
concept of mind and consciousness. However, for this to occur, conventional science must
move out with the realms of purely Newtonian principles, sometimes called ‘objective materialism’, and look elsewhere.
The Newtonian view of reality considers that the universe and all it contains function like a
gigantic mechanism that can be prodded dismantled and studied by a dispassionate observer
existing out with the whole. One physicist, Amit Goswami, a professor of physics at the University of Oregon, has suggested that one of the principles derived from quantum physics may be
Never be afraid
to be wrong…
Dragging around
a pet theory
after it is proved
invalid is
e and can
damage one’s
‘downward causation’. This means that rather than moving outwards from the fundamental
building blocks of matter, i.e. atoms and their subatomic components, given the very fact that
these very elements appear to flicker in and out of existence with no predictability, then our
current model of reality is truly founded on sand. It would therefore logically make more sense
to look downward and inward for the truth, which has produced the fascinating concept that
both humanity and its perception of reality exist because of consciousness and probability
waves. Surprisingly, this theory is not new, far from it; it has been enshrined in mystical belief
for millennia by contemplative religious belief stemming almost exclusively from eastern traditions. These systems of belief, which have been around for aeons before the three main monotheistic faiths, have always been more at one with mans place and function in the cosmos.
The multifaceted effects of the nature of consciousness also lead us inescapably to contemplate one more of conventional sciences ‘sacred cows’; the impossibility of perpetual motion,
which is now contradicted by current research into ‘Zero Point Energy’. This exciting area of
research indicates the existence of a source of inexhaustible (and accessible) energy existing
uniformly all around us. The energy comes from the continuous movement present in all subatomic particles even at temperatures of minus 375 degrees Celsius or absolute zero, where no
movement of any kind should occur, hence the expression ‘Zero Point Energy’ (ZPE). Another
theory regarding this ubiquitous energy field comes from physicist David Bohm’s theory of
‘implicate order’, which suggests that ZPE is the state of solid matter and energy before it becomes visible. This once again leads us back almost full circle to the subject of the paranormal
and its attendant rich tapestry of phenomena. Is the state of ZPE part and parcel of the ‘Akashic
Records,’ the ‘Collective Unconscious ‘and Sheldrake’s ‘Morphogenetic Fields’ and are all these
definitions merely different perspectives on the same thing? The results of current experimentation suggest that indeed it might be, and the possibilities and implications are both limitless
and fascinating.
Perhaps this is perhaps best illustrated by the following observation: “Consciousness represents the most general cases of cause and effect. It can either transcend or stimulate the four
forces known to the old physics – electromagnetic, gravity, weak nuclear and strong nuclear. It
can reach into the spaces beyond time and space. Consciousness can unite the universe or
pieces of it instantaneously and even across time. It’s medium of action appears to come from
an invisible potential field embedded in the fabric of time and space”. [Re-inheriting the Earth,
author Dr Brian O’Leary, distributed by Paradigm Books, PO box 8237, Boulder, Colorado, CO
80308-1237]. From what we have seen here it is indeed likely that all we perceive as mans
immutable domain and our pride in humankind’s achievements amount no more than a few
grains of sand in all the deserts of the world. The sheer scale of what quantum sciences predicts (and so far all the theories yet tested have been 100% correct) beggars belief. Does mankind’s future lie within human consciousness and can indeed mankind influence his ultimate
destiny through the application of will? Are the effects of various psychoactive chemicals the
means by which this can be achieved? The apparent answers to these questions combined with
the findings of quantum physicists appear to lend support to one another and cast a bright light
into the dark abyss of the future. It is a light than mankind should use to guide his way into the
unexplored riches of the unconscious mind.
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made another good point - the ghost community needs both investigators and researchers.
What you may not realize is that for many of the webcam watchers, the facility is the closest
thing they will come to investigating an actual haunting due to physical or family limitations.
Many of those who log onto the webcams are located in far flung places such as the U.K. and
Europe, so the impact of this project isn't simply local or restricted to North America.
At one point during the weekend, Ron had me do an actual "interview" with the community
through an unorthodox and highly creative channel. I stood in the darkened hallway of the
haunted facility while he would read the chat questions off of the board from a PC located in a
utility closet. Then I would verbally answer into the live mike and he would read the feedback
from the board. I have done many interviews both live and taped, and so far, this was the highlight of my media interaction career. This was such a cool way to interact that I may try doing
some live webcasting in the near future. Stay tuned for details on that.
Later that evening I finally got to meet Erik (President of OKCGC) and Laura (Team Leader), two
very fine individuals that are as dedicated to ghost research and their organization as any I've
met. Erik was very welcoming and I was honored to accompany him, Ron and Andy on one of
their routine sweeps of the hospital on Saturday night. Andy is a very enthusiastic individual
about equipment and I was very happy to answer his questions and give him a chance to use
the Air Ion Counter first hand. In a stroke of brilliance, he tried using it around an old air freshener and the resulting Air Ion Count went through the roof. Could this be used in the future to
verify strange smells?
We exchanged gifts and OKCGC was kind enough to present a very limited edition 3rd Anniversary engraved wine glass to SPI; an excellent memento of my visit there. All in all, this was one
of the best ghost hunter vacations I have taken and I was awed by the professionalism and
hospitality of everyone present. In a field that seems dominated by insecurity, flakiness, egoism
and groups that are easily threatened by the accomplishments of others, our coming together
was a breath of fresh air. Those who have read my writings know how blunt I can be and I
wouldn't be writing this if it were not truly sincere.
I have met other groups and individuals at ghost conferences and to be honest, some of them
treated me like a second class citizen or just plain dirt. As for the aforementioned individuals
above, I can't find a bad word to say about any of them.
Incidentally, as for the SPECTRE and ARCADIA logs, SPECTRE pretty much "flatlined" (no anomalies noted) but that doesn’t detract from the effort or the enjoyment we shared together. We
look forward to future projects with the famed Oklahoma City Ghost Club!
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1) Don't go alone.
2) Say a prayer for protection and guidance before you begin or enter the structure/area. If prayer is not your thing, (which is true
for a lot of spiritual or non-Christian followers) then meditate or visualize on something positive. An investigator pal of mine envisions himself bathed in white light. If in a large group of disparate beliefs, (more common than not) I suggest a moment of silence
held while everyone focuses on their respective deity/belief system. This also creates a threshold which divides the investigation
from other concerns and unifies your group mindset.
3) Leave negative energy at home. Or better yet, don't allow it into your life. Know your own intent and your present mental condition. If you feel really "off" that day, perhaps you should decline being on the investigation.
4) Before you leave, say another prayer and/or ask out loud that nothing follows you home. Again, this is best done in a group.
5) There is some controversy over this, but many advise staying away from séances and Ouija boards. I am not easily frightened,
but I will have nothing to do with them myself. Again, research shows they are at best slow and unreliable. At worst, they could be
very dangerous. It is one thing to observe and bear witness, quite another to call something to you. If you do call something, how
can that be an objective investigation if it has nothing to do with the site you are researching?
6) Do your homework and learn to recognize when you may be dealing with something unfriendly and potentially harmful. Stay
educated and alert. This includes living beings as well such as negative, manipulative people. Keep away from them, don't exchange personal possessions, avoid eye contact, etc.
7) Listen to your gut instincts and hone them to where they are always correct.
8) When you get home, take a shower to wash off any unwanted energy or possible spirit attachments. I'm serious. At the least,
you will feel/smell better and it's free.
9) Develop sanctuaries in your life; do the things you know you should for your body. Eat right, exercise, and get some sleep. Many
turn to candles, incense, aromatherapy and other "New Age" ideas (an ironic term for truths that are actually quite old). Find what
works for you, but be wary of those trying to sell you something that you don't really need. Laughter is also a wonderful cure for
many ailments.
10) I strongly getting a copy of Psychic Protection by Ted Andrews as described in my Books To Read section. If that is not your sort
of thing, then read your Bible, or better yet do both. There is much to be said for the Holy Writings other than just being an interesting historical account. In particular, the fruitages of the spirit described in Galatians is a fine guideline for walking on the light side.
The Shadow’s Edge - Official Journal of the Society for Paranormal Investigation
Vol. 1 Issue 2 September 1, 2004 Rev A
Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved
All stories and content by Joel-Anthony Gray unless noted otherwise
No reproduction or alteration of content in part or wholly is allowed except by express permission
of the Society for Paranormal Investigation
Joel-Anthony Gray - Director Editor Writer Graphic Artist Photographer
Jackie L.. HauntedTraveler.Com - Asst. Director Proofreader Writer Photographer D.C. Rep
The Society for Paranormal Investigation was founded in early 2002 by
Joel-Anthony “Vorpral” Gray while serving as Technical Director for AGHOST
in Seattle, WA.
The Dallas Unit was formed in December of 2002, followed by the Washington D.C. and New Orleans units in the
summer of 2004.
We are an organization dedicated to
the applied science of ghost investigation and supernatural research using a
combination of high-tech, psychosocial
and spiritual approaches. We also
strongly support the understanding
and preservation of historical structures and graveyards.
Our website is an excellent nuts and
bolts resource for the advanced ghost
investigator and historical researcher
with articles, tales & experiences,
field forms, reviews on books and tips
for using state-of- the-art equipment.
John Hemmert - Historical Director Writer
Professional investigations of residential and commercial locations
Consulting to media organizations on hauntings and other paranormal activity
Personal counseling on understanding and coping with hauntings and unexplained activity
Scientific research into the basis of ghosts, spirits and other anomalous occurrences
Consulting and modification of equipment for paranormal investigation
Equipment & Book Reviews
Left side — John Hemmert
Center — Joel-Anthony “Vorpral” Gray
Right — Jackie L.
SPI @ Vorpral.net