2010 Annual Report - Lung Cancer Alliance


2010 Annual Report - Lung Cancer Alliance
Annual Report
2011 Highlights
Lung Cancer Alliance
is the only national
non-profit organization
dedicated solely to
providing support and
advocacy for people living
with lung cancer and those
at risk for the disease.
Our mission is to lead the
movement to reverse
decades of stigma and
neglect by empowering
patients, elevating
awareness and changing
health policy.
Community Outreach & Support Services
Lung Cancer Information Line A support, information, and referral line for those with
questions and concerns about lung cancer. Free support materials mailed upon request.
Educational Websites A credible source for information about lung cancer, treatments, support
resources, relevant news, and how you can get involved. www.lungcanceralliance.org
For consumer information to help guide those at risk through questions about how to evaluate
risk and what to look for in a screening site. www.ScreenforLungCancer.org
Give A Scan Contribute directly to research by donating your CT scans. Learn more at:
LungLoveLink An online community linking those touched by lung cancer to support
resources and local events. Members can ask questions, respond to discussions, create
personal profiles and build a network of online friends. www.lunglovelink.org
Phone Buddy Program Peer-to-peer telephone support for people with lung cancer and their
family members/ caregivers. Volunteers lend support and share information and
resources. 1-800-298-2436
Clinical Trial Matching Service A pre-screening and referral service that identifies clinical
trial options. Clinical trial specialists find available trials based on the patient’s diagnosis and
treatment history. 1-800-698-0931
CaringBridge Our partnership offers free, personalized websites to connect patients,
families, and friends to share information and support during treatment and recovery.
National Awareness & Advocacy Programs
Advocacy Increase lung cancer research funding and early detection by contacting Congress
today at: http://capwiz.com/lungcanceralliance/home. Keep connected as a lung cancer
activist by joining our advocacy e-alerts and mailing list with various calls to action throughout
the year. Email us today at info@lungcanceralliance.org.
National Shine A Light on Lung Cancer Vigil Help shine a brighter light on lung cancer and
join the movement for change. Share your story and give hope to others in 80+ communities
nationwide: www.shinealightonlungcancer.org.
Team Lung Love participate as a runner or walker in world-class endurance programs across
the country while raising awareness and support for lung cancer.
Learn more at: www.teamlunglove.org.
Please consider giving back so that we may continue TO HELP OTHERS.
© 2011 Lung Cancer Alliance
LCA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law.
Message from the President & CEO
Dear Friends,
I have extraordinary life saving news to share with you. On June 29, 2011, the authoritative
and highly respected New England Journal of Medicine published results from the National Lung
ScreeningTrial, a seven year-old study sponsored by the National Cancer Institute firmly
establishing low-dose spiral computed tomography (CT) as the first validated screening test that
can detect lung cancer early and reduce deaths. The study showed mortality rates fell by 20%
among an at risk population when they were screened regularly using low-dose CT compared
with standard chest X-ray. The study followed more than 53,000 current and former smokers
ages 55-74. It was halted early because the reduction in cancer deaths provided an answer to the
study’s main question.
This is a watershed moment in our “war on cancer” as this definitive study puts to rest the
question of whether to screen – or not to screen for lung cancer – an issue we have long
advocated for. CT screening saves lives – and estimates translate the mortality benefit to be over
70,000 lives saved per year. Now – we have early detection for the lung cancer community – as
we do for the breast, colon, prostate and cervical cancer communities – a tool that has
contributed to dramatic improvements in survival rates for these respective cancers.
We are now working to translate this science into public health benefit in a safe, efficient and
equitable way. As this process unfolds, we will be involved every step of the way to ensure that
lung cancer screening is incorporating the latest technological and surgical advancements as well
as refinements of the protocol or algorithim to manage suspicious tumors so that real cancers
are found early – risk is minimized – costs are reduced – and lives are saved!
Moreover this breakthrough gives even greater fuel to our call to address ALL aspects of lung
cancer. We will continue our efforts to seek passage of the Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act,
first ever federal legislation initiated by our organization that, in addition to a coordinated and
comprehensive plan to reduce mortality, also calls for the establishment of a pilot screening
program for those at high risk.This legislation will set the stage for national screening standards
and guidelines as well as help fund long needed research that addresses every aspect of the
disease – whether you smoked or not.
In parallel, we will continue to ensure that information and guidance is made readily available
to the lung cancer community. In addition to our community outreach and support services for
patients and their loved ones, I am proud to share that we just launched our newest information
tool – www.screenforlungcancer.org – currently the only website and companion guide
available to share consumer information on screening, risk factors, and where you should go if
you want to be screened.The website was developed with input from leading physicians. With
almost 1 out of every 3 Americans at risk for this disease, the challenge now is to make certain
that the American public knows this resource is available and are talking with their doctors about
the facts and their options.
I cannot underscore enough that this is a watershed moment for the lung cancer community.
We remain even more committed to leveraging this historic change with the science, the national
policy, and the grassroots base to meet our vision of reducing lung cancer’s mortality by 50% by
2020. I am more hopeful than ever – that we will – together – accomplish this goal.
With respect and gratitude,
Laurie Fenton Ambrose
Community & Support Services Program
Providing one-on-one support, information, and referrals to
patients and their loved ones, those at risk and healthcare
professionals through free telephone and online support
services and customized education packets to improve
outcomes and quality of life.
Lung Love Learn Launched series of free educational support brochures
starting with Lung Cancer: Understanding the Diagnosis and Understanding Non-Small
Cell Lung Cancer ensuring that patients upon initial diagnosis know that they are
not alone and there is a place to go to for help, information, support and action.
Established partnership with the American College of Chest Physicians to widen
distribution to physicians and their patients.
Community Outreach Distributed thousands of above educational support
brochures to 1,500 established contacts at hospitals and cancer centers
nationwide to help newly diagnosed patients and their loved ones make
informed decisions.
Toll-Free Information Line 1-800-298-2436 & Information Kits
Responded to on average 750 calls per month and delivered on average 300
customized kits per month to patients and caregivers contacting us monthly by
phone and through online support services.
Lung Love Link Launched as the enhanced and interactive on-line lung cancer
survivor’s community providing a user-friendly forum for survivors, caregivers and
families to share experiences, gather information and lend support with 861
registered users to date.
New Directions Published 5th annual newsletter presenting in patient-friendly
language up to date results from lung cancer clinical trials as viable treatment
options. Distributed to 100,000 constituents and medical professionals
nationwide. The newsletter is the supporting component of our Lung Cancer
Clinical Trials Matching Service (800-698-0931) connecting patients with live
clinical trial navigators to walk them through the entire process creating on
average 50 profiles per month.
Phone Buddy Program Provided new training program and handbook for
peer-to-peer mentoring program for patients and caregivers, increasing
participation and matching on average 30 buddies per month.
Give A Scan (www.giveascan.org) Received and uploaded more than 50
patient donated scans and data in an open access website for researchers around
the world.This is the first patient-powered open source database available to
accelerate research.
www.lungcanceralliance.org Expanded website as the leading resource for
all things lung cancer with an average of 30,000 unique visitors per month with
more than 96% seeking up to date treatment information and support.
• Find out your risk for lung cancer and
what to do
• Request an education packet to learn
about living with lung cancer
• Find out the latest on lung cancer
research, statistics, and treatment
• Connect with another survivor
– A support group
– The LCA Phone Buddy Program
– Joining LungLoveLink, the LCA
online support community
• Create a CaringBridge website to
keep in touch with family and friends
• Talk with a professional
Shine a Light for
Lung Cancer Awareness Month Facility Toolkits Distributed 300 toolkits
to network of medical facilities focusing initially on those with lung cancer
programs. The toolkits included an educational poster, bumper stickers, and
bookmarks to display in patient waiting areas and distribute to recently
diagnosed families with information on where to go for help, information,
support and action.
2011 Highlights to Date:
Lung Love Learn Published two new additions to the educational series entitled:
Understanding Small Cell Lung Cancer and Coping with Reactions toYour Diagnosis.
• Host a Shine a Light on Lung Cancer
Vigil in your town
• Contact Congress to change public
health policy
• Join Team Lung Love endurance
training program
• Donate CT and PET scans to further
lung cancer research
Get all this and more by visiting
or by calling the LCA toll-free
information line
1 (800) 298-2436
www.screenforlungcancer.org Launched only consumer website available to
help guide those at risk, how to evaluate risk, questions to ask your doctor and
what to look for in a screening site.The website includes a “downloadable”
pocket guide on screening.
www.lungcanceralliance.org Completing re-haul of website to better
respond to the exponential demand for information, referrals and support,
as well as to provide the tools for those interested to get involved, host an
event or volunteer.
Lung Cancer Awareness Month Facility Toolkits Based on last
year’s overwhelming response, increased distribution to 600 toolkits to
medical facility partners nationwide, including a new and improved
educational poster, bookmarks, and opportunities and events to get involved in
the lung cancer movement throughout the year.
National Awareness Program
Implementing a marketing and communications
strategy that will change the face of lung cancer
and help eliminate stigma.
Team Lung Love www.teamlunglove.org Launched nationwide endurance
sports training program focused exclusively on raising awareness and support for
lung cancer. Marathoners, novice runners and walkers of all levels and ages –
including survivors and their loved ones -- participated in official charity team
debuts at the Cox Rhode Races in Providence, Rhode Island; Philadelphia
Marathon and Half Marathon; and the 22nd Annual Freihofer's Community Walk
in Albany, New York with more than 100 inaugural team members raising
$124,000 for support, education and advocacy programs.
Shawna Warner doing My Team
Lung Love at Colorado triatholon.
My Team Lung Love – launched “run anywhere, run anytime” companion
program with more than 70 participants joining established endurance events of
their choosing across the country, raising more than $25,000.
Out of the Shadows:Women & Lung Cancer – presented in
partnership with Brigham and Women’s Hospital at a Capitol Hill
briefing with lung cancer survivors, caregivers, public health leaders,
legislators, their staff and members of the media.The report brings
lung cancer out of the shadows by providing the most current and
comprehensive overview of women’s biggest unmet public health
challenge - lung cancer – with one out of five women diagnosed
today as never-smokers.
Team Lung Love debut in
Albany with LCA-New York
Team Lung Love debut in
co-chairs Tiffany Festo-
Providence, Rhode Island with
Tokarchuk, Holly Michaelson
LCA New England Chair and
and Phyllis Goldstein (from
survivor Diane Legg and friends.
left to right).
Out of the Shadows: Lung Cancer & Screening – More than 2,600
participants joined the live nationwide webcast hosted at the Kaiser Family
Foundation’s Barbara Jordan Conference Center in Washington, D.C. Panelists
shared the impact of lung cancer on women & men, minority groups and our
military & veterans community, as well as addressed challenges, gaps and
opportunities in public health strategies to reduce lung cancer mortality. The
forum culminated in a unanimous call for the development of
lung cancer screening guidelines that will have the most
profound impact in saving lives today.The forum was hosted in
partnership with Legacy, the Society for Women’s Health
Research, National Council of La Raza, National Hispanic Medical Association,
National Medical Association, National Urban League and Veterans Health
Council. Moderated by Susan Dentzer, Editor in Chief, Health Affairs and former
Health Correspondent at the PBS NewsHour, other panelists included:
Cheryl Healton, Dr. PH, President & CEO, Legacy
James Mulshine, MD,Assoc. Provost Research & VP for Research Rush Univ.
Yolonda Colson, MD, PhD, Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Barbara Campling, MD,Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Christopher Lathan, MD, MS, MPH, Harvard Medical School
Washington, DC Mayor Vincent
Gray issues a proclamation
declaring November Lung Cancer
Awareness Month at the DC vigil.
National Shine A Light on Lung Cancer Vigil
www.shinealightonlungcancer.org Established November as lung cancer
awareness month with 65 vigils taking place in 33 states. Alliance chapters in
New England, New York,Washington, Georgia, and Kentucky/Southern Indiana
served as cornerstone vigils with several hundred participants. Secured media for
almost every vigil as well as several new lung cancer awareness month
proclamations. Vigils were hosted primarily by survivors and took place at
schools, churches, clubs and hospitals allowing medical professionals as well as
local elected leaders the opportunity to directly contribute to the lung cancer
movement.Vigils culminated with the lighting of glow sticks and call to action for
increased research funding and early detection.
Issued by Lung Cancer Alliance
on Lung C
7th Edition
Kaleidoscope:A Night of Song, Skating & Survivorship Participated as
the official lung cancer partner for second year in nationally televised event to
educate and advocate for cancer.
National Report Card on Lung Cancer Published and distributed 6th
annual report card to national media, policy leaders and public health agencies
grading progress to reduce lung cancer mortality.
Georgia No More Excuses Run/Walk Hosted 4th annual 5k/1 Mile Fun Run
in Atlanta with over 600 participants raising more than $70,000 for local chapter
efforts. Lead partners included St. Joseph’s Hospital,Wellstar and Emory Winship
Cancer Center.
National vigil in
Cincinnati, OH.
San Diego Breath of Hope Walk Hosted 3rd annual
walk with more than 800 participants raising $130,000.
Secured stories with local NBC affiliate media sponsor, as
well as radio and print placement. Lead partner included
the University of California San Diego Moores Cancer
Center and San Diego Padres.
LCA California co-chair
crossing finish line at Breath
of Hope Walk.
REPORT CARD on Lung Cancer
Number of Deaths
Unacceptable. Lung cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer death, taking
more lives this year than the next four most lethal cancers (colon, breast, prostate and
pancreatic) combined. On average 430 people a day die of lung cancer.
Survival Rate
Tragic. An estimated 221,000 people have been diagnosed with lung cancer in 2011.
Most were diagnosed at such a late stage that they will die in less than a year. The
5-year survival rate for lung cancer is still only 15%, far behind the 5-year survival rates
for breast (89%), prostate (99%) and colon cancer (65%). Significantly these cancers
have widely accepted screening methods. These cancers also receive 5 to 20 times
more research funding in dollars per death than lung cancer. Research funding should
be appropriate to impact.
Early Detection
Life Saving Breakthrough. Scientifically validated and irrefutable evidence is in: Low
Dose CT screening for those at high risk can reduce the number of people dying of lung
cancer by tens of thousands year - which would be the biggest drop, not just in lung
cancer, but in overall cancer mortality - ever. Early detection can now be integrated into
responsible and comprehensive care linking smoking cessation help through to treatment
research. Let’s move swiftly to bring this life-saving benefit into our public health
system safely, equitably and efficiently.
Diagnosis and
Seeing Improvements. Research into genetic markers of lung cancer, precancerous
conditions, how cancer metastases and recurs, targeted treatments, and innovative ways
to detect lung cancer continue. The approval of Xalkori in 2011 brings great hope to those
with the ALK mutation. The number of lung cancer clinical trials has nearly doubled in the
past few years. Yet bringing research into practice will require many years of work and a
larger commitment of research funding and public-private partnerships. Imaging advances
and the validation of screening can catalyze the field by providing the biological raw
materials necessary for research and speed the delivery of biomedical breakthroughs to
patients and those at risk. It is not imaging or biomedical research. It is both.
Smoking Stigma
Remains High. Although smoking has been implicated in other cancers, lung cancer
remains the only cancer blamed on patients, whether they smoked or not. Public
investment in research on the disease of lung cancer continues to be compromised by
stigma and will continue to compromise effort to bring a more compassionate and
comprehensive approach to addressing lung cancer. Two out of three new patients have
never smoked or had already quit, often decades ago. No one deserves lung cancer –
no one. We must do more to reverse this stigma and neglect.
Federal Response
Showing Continued Progress. In the first session of the 112th Congress the Lung
Cancer Mortality Reduction Act, legislation authorizing a comprehensive lung cancer
program, was re-introduced in both the House of Representatives and the Senate with
bipartisan support and a growing list of co-sponsors. The entire bill was also included as
a priority item in the Health Equity and Accountability Act introduced and co-sponsored
by all members of the Congressional Tri-Caucus. We are also working to secure and
additional $12 million in FY 2012 via the Department of Defense Appropriations legislation
bringing total research funding via this pipeline to date to $60 million.
National Network
Landmark Development and Growing. As of November 2011, over 50 major medical
institutions, national public health organizations, veterans service organizations and social
justice advocacy groups have joined together in public support our efforts to make lung
cancer mortality reduction a priority that must be addressed with a multi-agency
coordinated plan of action. Groups are signing up in support even faster than last year.
Sources: http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/lungb.html
Breath of Hope
San Diego.
Leann Wilmot finishing strong for
Team “Lung Love” Triumph in honor
2011 Highlights To Date:
National Shine A Light on Lung
Cancer Vigil Hosted 82 vigils in 33
states and Washington, DC, as well as
engaged our first global partner, the
Australia Lung Foundation. Efforts continue
to expand this observance in communities
nationally and internationally. The national
vigil website provides user-driven
registration pages to share personal
LCA Georgia chair Ed Levitt, with
stories and images of survivorship, honor
loved ones, and provide hope, compassion Kaylee and Rob Morris at the No
More Excuses Run/Walk.
and support for all those impacted.
Team Lung Love Accepted as an official
charity with the renowned Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC and the
Rock N’Roll Marathon Series.Teams at Livestrong Austin Marathon, Providence Rhode
Races, and Marine Corps Marathon included more than 120 participants raising
almost $130,000 to date. In 2012,Team
Lung Love will be forming teams in
Nashville, Denver, Providence,
Philadelphia and Washington DC.
‘Hope Warrior Sisters’ with LCA
staffer Nisa, Cincinnati vigil.
of her husband at the Colfax
Health Policy Program
Advocating for millions more in public health dollars
for lung cancer research and early detection through a
nationwide grassroots network of volunteer advocates
and targeted policy strategies.
Capitol Forum attendees in front
of the White House.
Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act (LCMRA) Reintroduced with bipartisan support in both Houses of Congress (S.754 and H.R. 1392) to develop a
comprehensive plan that addresses all aspects of the disease and establish pilot
CT screening programs at community hospitals, military and
VA centers to develop the most effective, safe, equitable and
cost efficient process with quality standards, dose controls
and integrated health information technology. The Act has
also been designated a priority bill by the Congressional
Black Caucus whose Healthcare Brain Trust awarded us its
advocacy organization of the year award in 2010.The
legislation has taken root in the 112th Congress and in the
best position to date to be established into law. Learn more
and send your message of support to Congress today at:
Historic Coalition Building in Support of the LCMRA Over 60 national
organizations have supported the goals of the legislation, including the
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, Society for Thoracic
Surgeons, National Urban League, Society for Women’s Health Research, all the
major Veterans organizations, NAACP, National Council of La Raza,Abramson
Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania, Brown Cancer Center at the
University of Louisville and Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, among
Department of Defense Peer Review Lung Cancer Research
Program Secured $48 million for new research projects.
LCA Kentucky/Southern Indiana
delegation in action on Capitol
Partnerships Working with a number of cancer advocacy
organizations, including the Lethal Cancers Coalition, Prevent Cancer
Foundation, Friends of Cancer Research, among others in support of
increased research funding through the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
and other agencies. In addition, working with key military service
support organizations - VFW,AMVETS, Paralyzed Veterans of America,
Disabled American Veterans, Military Officers Association, we were able to have
lung cancer included as a priority item in their annual request to Congress (The
Independent Budget).
Alliance Chapters Established a new chapter in Washington state and
Kentucky/Southern Indiana led by survivors and healthcare professionals.These
chapters join others in California, Georgia, New England, and New York who are
now fully operational with advisory boards, signature events, and business plans in
place.The chapters are integral to continue building the national grassroots
movement and securing
“seats at the table” by
actively participating in the
updating of state cancer
plans to ensure that lung
cancer is represented.
Additional chapters are
under consideration in
Colorado, Florida,Tennessee
and Pennsylvania.
Advocates storming the Hill under
the dome.
2011 Accomplishments To Date:
Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act (LCMRA) Secured more than 50
Senate and House member co-sponsors for the legislation in the first three
months of its re-introduction.
Department of Defense Peer Review Lung Cancer Research Program:
Additional $10 million pending final congressional approval for 2012.
Capitol Forum Hosted 4th annual advocacy training and “storm the Hill” day
in Washington, D.C, with 70 participants representing 27 states. Participants
received hands on legislative, media and “message” training to effectively share
their stories with their congressional leaders and staff to educate about the
disease and secure additional public health research dollars. This largest forum
to date included survivors, caregivers and family
members who were trained over a 3-day period and
participated in over 100 congressional meetings
resulting in Senate and House co-sponsorships of
the LCMRA at a record pace.
LCA New England sharing their
stories on Capitol Hill.
Alliance Chapters:
New England Secured seat on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Cancer Plan.
For the first time ever, lung cancer early detection will be addressed in the
updated cancer plan. Hosted 5th annual Shine A Light on Lung Cancer Vigil –
where the national effort was launched – with more than 500 participants.
Georgia The annual No More Excuses Run/Walk raised over
$80,000 with more than 600 participants. Secured both Georgia
Senators as
co-sponsors of the LCMRA.
New York Hosted 2nd Annual Shine a Light with over 80
people in attendance. Secured both Senators as co-sponsors of
the LCMRA.
Washington Hosted 1st annual Shine a Light on Lung Cancer
Vigil with over 100 people.
Hollywood, Florida vigil.
Kentucky/Southern Indiana Hosted 1st annual Shine a Light on Lung Cancer
Vigil with 300 in attendance. Established partnership with University of Louisville
to advance shared priorities to improve outcomes for the lung cancer community.
Hollywood, FL Vigil Hosted 2nd annual Shine a Light on Lung Cancer Vigil
with more than 50 participants. Secured both Senators as Co-spondors of the
2010 Lung Love Life Community
Outreach Network
Lung Cancer Alliance continues to reach out to hospitals and
cancer centers across the country to ensure that patients and
their families, as well as those at high risk know that they are
not alone and that we are here to help with free one-on one
support, information and referral services.
21st Century Oncology, Cancer Resource Center, Casa Grande, AZ
Abington Memorial Hospital, Rosenfeld Cancer Center, Abington, PA
Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL
Akron General Medical Center, Akron General McDowell Cancer Center, Akron, OH
Alamance Regional Medical Center, Alamance Cancer Center, Burlington, NC
Alaska Regional Hospital, Anchorage, AK
Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY
Alegent Health Immanuel Medical Center, Immanuel Cancer Center, Omaha, NE
Alexian Brothers Medical Center, Cancer Institute, Elk Grove, IL
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, Medical Oncology and Hematology, Oakland, CA
Altru Cancer Center, Grand Forks, ND
Anderson Regional Cancer Center, Meridian, MS
Army Corp of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL
Athens Regional Medical Center, Athens, GA
Atlanta Medical Center, Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Pulmonary Group, Atlanta, GA
Atlanticare Regional Medical Center, Egg Harbor, NJ
Aurora BayCare Medical Center, Green Bay,WI
Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center, Cancer Center, Milwaukee,WI
Avera McKennan Hospital, Avera Cancer Institute, Sioux Falls, SD
Avera Sacred Heart Cancer Center,Yankton, SD
Baptist Hospital East, Cancer Care Center, Louisville, KY
Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital, Siteman Cancer Center, St Louis, MO
Baton Rouge General Medical Center, Pennington Cancer Center, Baton Rouge, LA
Bay Area Hospital, Coos Bay, OR
Bayhealth Medical Center - Kent General Hospital, Dover, DE
Baystate Franklin Medical Center
Oncology Program, Greenfield, MA
Beaumont Cancer Institute, Royal Oak, MI
Beebe Medical Center, Tunnell Cancer Center, Lewes, DE
Benefis Health System, Sletten Cancer Institute, Great Falls, MT
Berkshire Hematology Oncology, Pittsfield, MA
Berkshire Hematology Oncology, Eileen Barrett Cancer Center, North Adams, MA
Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY
Beverly Hospital, Beverly, MA
Bon Secours St. Francis, Cancer Institute, Midlothian,VA
Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
Bozeman Deaconess Cancer Center, Bozeman, MT
Bridgeport Hospital, Norma F. Pfriem Cancer Institute, Bridgeport, CT
Brockton Hospital, Signature Health Care, Brockton, MA
Cabell Huntington Hospital, Edwards Comprehensive Cancer Center, Huntington,WV
California Cancer Center, Fresno, CA
Cancer Center of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
Cancer Connection, Austin, TX
Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ
Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA
Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana, Fort Wayne, IN
Cancer Therapy & Research Center, San Antonio, TX
Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southwestern Regional Medical Center, Inc., Tulsa, OK
Cape Cod Hospital, Davenport-Mugar Cancer Center, Hyannis, MA
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Bangor, ME
Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center, Loyola University, Maywood, IL
Carle Cancer Center - Carle Clinic Association, Urbana, IL
CarolinaEast Medical Center, Pollocksville, NC
Carolinas Medical Center, Blumenthal Cancer Center, Charlotte, NC
Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast , Concord, NC
Carson Tahoe Cancer Resource Center, Carson City, NV
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Samuel Oschin Cancer Center , Los Angeles, CA
Center for Cancer Care at Oakwood, Dearborn, MI
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Irvine, CA
Charlotte Regional Medical Center, Punta Gorda, FL
CHRISTUS St. Frances Cabrini Hospital, Cabrini Center for Cancer Care, Alexandria, LA
CHRISTUS St. Patrick Hospital, Regional Cancer Center, Lake Charles, LA
Church of Christ at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
City of Hope, Duarte, CA
Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center, Fairviw Hospital, Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Clinic, The Taussig Cancer Institute, Cleveland, OH
Coborn Cancer Center, St. Cloud, MN
Coliseum Cancer Center, Macon, GA
Columbus Regional Hospital, The Cancer Center, Columbus, IN
Commonwealth Hematology-Oncology P.C., Quincy, MA
Consultants in Blood Disorders and Cancer, PSC, Louisville, KY
Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Northampton, MA
Cooper Cancer Institute, Lung Cancer Center,Voorhees, NJ
Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Crozer Regional Cancer Center, Upland, PA
CT- Manchester- Manchester Housing Authority Hall, Manchester, CT
Dana Farber Cancer Center at Southshore Hospital, South Weymouth, MA
Dana Farber/Brigham and Woman's Cancer Center, Milford, MA
Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, Boston, MA
Danbury Hospital, The Praxair Cancer Center, Danbury, CT
Dartmouth Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Lebanon, NH
Dartmouth Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center - North, St Johnsbury,VT
Dartmouth Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center - Notre Dame Pavilion, Manchester, NH
David Grant Medical Center, Travis Air Force Base, CA
Decatur General Oncology Center, Decatur, AL
Delaware County Memorial Hospital, Drexel Hill, PA
DeKalb Medical Cancer Center, Decatur, GA
Desert Regional Medical Center, Palm Springs, CA
Doctors Hospital, Augusta, GA
Dublin Hematology Oncology Care, Dublin, GA
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
East Jefferson General Hospital, Metairie, LA
Eastern Maine Medical Center, Lafayette Family Cancer Center, Brewer, ME
Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial VA Hospital, Bedford, MA
Elliot Hospital, Regional Cancer Center, Manchester, NH
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Emerson Hospital, Bethke Cancer Center at Emerson Hospital, Concord, MA
Evanston Hospital, Kellogg Cancer Center, Evanston, IL
Everett Clinic, Everett,WA
Fairview Southdale Hospital, Edina, MN
Fletcher Allen Health Care - Vermont Cancer Center, Burlington,VT
Florida Cancer Specialists, Port Charolotte, FL
Florida Hospital Cancer Institute, Orlando, FL
Forrest General Hospital, Forrest General Cancer Center, Hattiesburg, MS
Forsyth Regional Cancer Center,Winston-Salem, NC
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Fox Chase Virtua Health Cancer Program, Gibbsboro, NJ
Franklin Square Hospital Center, Baltimore, MD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle,WA
Fremont-Rideout Cancer Center, Marysville, CA
Gaylord Hospital,Wallingford, CT
Geisinger Health System, Geisinger Cancer Institute, Danville, PA
George Washington Hospital,Washington, DC
Georgetown University Hospital,Washington, DC
Gifford Medical Center, Randolph,VT
Glenbrook Hospital, Kellogg Cancer Center, Glenview, IL
Glens Falls Hospital, The C.R.Wood Cancer Center, Glens Falls, NY
Good Samaritan Hospital, The Samaritan Cancer Center, Dayton, OH
Good Samaritan Medical Center, Brockton, MA
Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Center, St. Louis, MO
Grant Medical Center, Grant Cancer Care, Columbus, OH
Great Plains Regional Medical Center, Callahan Cancer Center, North Platte, NE
Greater Baltimore Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD
Greenwich Hospital, Bendheim Cancer Center, Greenwich, CT
Griffin Hospital, The Center for Cancer Care, Derby, CT
Hackensack University Medical Center, John Theurer Cancer Center, Hackensack, NJ
Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center,Waterbury, CT
Harrison Medical Center, Bremerton,WA
Hartford Hospital Cancer Program, Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center, Hartford, CT
Hattiesburg Clinic, Hattiesburg, MS
Hawaii Medical Center – East, Honolulu, HI
Haven of Hope, The Zangmeister Center, Columbus, OH
Helen F Graham Cancer Center, Christiana Care Health Services, Newark, DE
Henrico Doctor’s Hospital - Forest Campus, Richmond,VA
High Desert Medical Group, Lancaster, CA
Highlands Oncology Group, Fayetteville, AR
Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, Iowa City, IA
Hollings Cancer Center, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
Holston Valley Medical Center, Kingsport, TN
Holy Cross Hospital, Silver Spring, MD
Holy Family Hospital, Methuen, MA
Hospital of Saint Raphael, McGivney Cancer Center, New Haven, CT
Howard University Hospital,Washington, DC
Huntington Hospital, Don Monti Cancer Center at Huntington Hospital, Huntington, NY
Huntington Hospital Cancer Center, Pasadena, CA
Huntsville Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Huntsville, AL
Indiana University, Simon Cancer Center, Indianapolis, IN
Ingalls Memorial Hospital, Comprehensive Cancer Program, Harvey, IL
Ingham Regional Medical Center, Breslin Cancer Center, Lansing, MI
Innovis Health Cancer Center, Fargo, ND
INOVA - Fairfax, Falls Church,VA
Ireland Cancer Center at Firelands Regional Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, KY
Jane Phillips Medical Center, Bartlesville, OK
Jewish Hospital, Louisville, KY
John F. Kennedy Medical Center, The Regional Cancer Center, Sewell, NJ
John Muir Cancer Institute, Concord Campus, Concord, CA
Johns Hopkins, Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore, MD
Johns Hopkins, Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD
Josephine Ford Cancer Center, Detroit, MI
Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children, Aiea, HI
Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI
Kettering Medical Center Network, Kettering, OH
Kootenai Medical Center, Kootenai Cancer Center, Coeur d'Alene, ID
Lahey Clinic, Sophia Gordon Cancer Center, Burlington, MA
Landmark Medical Center,Woonsocket, RI
Lankenau Hospital / Main Line Health System,Wynnewood, PA
Lawrence & Memorial Hospital, The Community Cancer Center, New London, CT
Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, OR
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda University Cancer Institute, Loma Linda, CA
Long Island Jewish Hospital, Manhasset, NY
Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Division of Hematology/Oncology, New Hyde Park, NY
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Feist-Weiller Cancer Center, Shreveport, LA
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Orlando, Orlando, FL
MaineGeneral Medical Center, Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care, Augusta, ME
Manchester VA Medical Center, Manchester, NH
Marlborough Hospital, Marlborough, MA
Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Baton Rouge, LA
Mary Washington Hospital, Fredericksburg,VA
Masonic Cancer Center, Minneapolis, MN
Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center, Danvers, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital-Cancer Resource Room, Boston, MA
MatSu Regional Health Center, Palmer, AK
Mayo Clinic - Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Rochester, MN
McLEOD Regional Medical Center, Florence, SC
MCCM - Cancer Care Center of York County, Sanford, ME
MCCM - Maine Center for Cancer Medicine - Biddeford Office, Biddeford, ME
MCCM - Maine Center for Cancer Medicine - Brunswick Office, Brunswick, ME
MCCM - Maine Center for Cancer Medicine - Scarborough Office, Scarborough, ME
McKay-Dee Hospital, Ogden, UT
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Medical City Dallas Hospital, Mary Crowley Cancer Research Center, Dallas, TX
Medical Oncology & Hematology, PC,Woodbridge, CT
Meinhold Family Practice, Alpharetta, GA
Memorial Health Care System, H. Clay Evans Johnson Cancer Center, Chattanooga, TN
Memorial Healthcare System - West, Memorial Cancer Institute, Pembroke Pines, FL
Memorial Healthcare System, Memorial Cancer Institute, Hollywood, FL
Memorial Hospital - Gulfport, Memorial Cancer Center, Gulfport, MS
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Mercy Health Center, Oklahoma City, OK
Mercy Hospital Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Mercy Hospital of Portland, Portland, ME
Mercy Medical Center, Canton, OH
Mercy Medical Center,Williston, ND
Mercy Medical Center - Mercy Cancer Center, Mason City, IA
Mercy Medical Center - Mercy Regional Cancer Center, Cedar Rapids, IA
Mercy Medical Center, Sr. Caritas Cancer Center, Springfield, MA
continued on next page
2010 Lung Love Life
Community Outreach Network
continued from previous page
Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Ocean Medical Center, Brick, NJ
Jersey Shore Medical Center, Cancer Program, Neptune, NJ
Middlesex Hospital Cancer Center, Middletown, CT
Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI
Mission Hospital, Asheville, NC
Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center, Mission Cancer Care Center, Mission Viejo, CA
Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL
Monmouth Medical Center, The Cancer Center at Monmouth, Long Branch, NJ
Moores UCSD Medical Center, La Jolla, CA
Morton Plant Mease, Powell Cancer Center, Clearwater, FL
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Mount Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami Beach, FL
Multicare Regional Cancer Center, Takoma,WA
Muskogee Regional Medical Center, Muskogee, OK
Nashoba Valley Medical Center, Ayer, MA
Naval Medical Center
Hematology/Oncology, Portsmouth,VA
Nebraska Methodist Hospital, Omaha, NE
New London Cancer Center,Waterford, CT
New York Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Cancer Programs, New York, NY
New York University Clinical Cancer Center, New York, NY
Newport Hospital, Newport, RI
North Florida Regional Medical Center, Cancer Center, Gainesville, FL
North Mississippi Medical Center Cancer Center, Tupelo, MS
Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center, Anniston, AL
Northeast Louisiana Cancer Institute, Monroe, LA
North Texas Lung & Sleep Clinic, Fort Worth, TX
Norton Cancer Institute, Louisville, KY
Norton Hospital, Medical Towers South, Louisville, KY
Norton Suburban Hospital, Louisville, KY
Norwalk Hospital,Whittingham Cancer Center, Norwalk, CT
Oak Forest Hospital of Cook County, Oak Forest, IL
Ocala Community Cancer Center, Ocala, FL
Oceanside Medical, Belfast, ME
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute,
Columbus, OH
Olathe Medical Center, Olathe, KS
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital, Ashland-Bellefonte Cancer Center, Ashland, KY
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, LA
Payson Center for Cancer Care at Concord Hospital, Concord, NH
Penobscot Bay Medical Center, Rockport, ME
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, Cancer Care Center, Pomona, CA
Presbyterian Healthcare Services, Cancer Center at Presbyterian, Albuquerque, NM
Presbyterian Hospital - Charlotte, Presbyterian Cancer Center, Charlotte, NC
Presbyterian Pulmonary & Critical Care, Charlotte, NC
Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Denver, CO
Providence Cancer Center, Anchorage, AK
Providence Holy Cross Regional Cancer Center, Santa Clarita, CA
Providence Hospital,Washington, DC
Providence Hospital, Daphne, AL
Providence Medford Medical Center, Medford, OR
Puget Sound Cancer Center, Edmonds,WA
Quincy Medical Center, Quincy, MA
Rapid City Regional Hospital, John T.Vucurevich Cancer Care Institute, Rapid City, SD
Renown Regional Medical Center, Reno, NV
Respiratory Disease Clinic, Paducah, KY
Reston Hospital Center, Thoracic Oncology Program, Reston,VA
Rhode Island Hospital, The Comprehensive Cancer Center, Providence, RI
Riverside Cancer Care Center, Newport News,VA
Riverside Methodist Hospital, Riverside Cancer Services, Columbus, OH
Riverview Medical Center, Booker Cancer Center, Red Bank, NJ
Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms, Twentynine Palms, CA
Rochester General Hospital, Lipson Cancer Center, Rochester, NY
Roger Williams Medical Center, Providence, RI
Roosevelt Hospital, New York, NY
Roper Hospital, Roper St. Francis Cancer Center, Charleston, SC
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY
Rutland Regional Medical Center, Community Cancer Center, Rutland,VT
Saint Francis Hospital, Tulsa, OK
Saint Francis Medical Center, Cancer Institute, Cape Giradeau, MO
Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago, IL
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System, Ann Arbor, MI
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center, Cancer Institute, Mishawaka, IN
Salem Hospital, Salem, OR
Sanford MeritCare, Roger Maris Cancer Center, Fargo, ND
Sarah Cannon - Williamson Medical Center, Fraklin, TN
Sarah Cannon Cancer Center - Parkridge Medical Center, Chattanooga, TN
Saratoga Hospital, Mollie Wilmot Radiation Oncology Center, Saratoga Springs, NY
Scripps Green Hospital and Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CA
Sebastian River Medical Center, Sebastian, FL
Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, Rockville, MD
Shands Jacksonville, University of Florida Shands Cancer Center, Jacksonville, FL
Sharon Hospital Cancer Care, Sharon, CT
Sibley Memorial Hospital,Washington, DC
Sinai Hospital, Alvin and Lois Lapidus Cancer Institute, Baltimore, MD
Sisters of Charity Hospital, Community Hospital Cancer Program, Buffalo, NY
Skagit Valley Hospital Regional Cancer Care Center, Mount Vernon,WA
Skyline Medical, Sarah Cannon Cancer Center, Nashville, TN
South County Hospital Cancer Registry,Wakefield, RI
South Nassau Communities Hospital, South Nassau's Cancer Center, Lynnbrook, NY
South Shore Hospital, South Weymouth, MA
Southeast Alabama Medical Center, Dothan, AL
Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center, McComb, MS
Southwest Regional Cancer Center,Vancouver,WA
Southwestern Vermont Regional Cancer Center, Bennington,VT
Spartanburg Regional Medical Center, Gibbs Cancer Center, Spartanburg, SC
Spectrum Health, Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion, Grand Rapids, MI
SSM St. Joseph, SSM Cancer Care, Saint Charles, MO
St Joseph's Hospital, Scottsdale, AZ
St Joseph's Mercy Cancer Center, Hot Springs, AR
St. Agnes Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD
St. Alexius Medical Center, Bismarck, ND
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, Boise, ID
St. Anthony Hospital, Frank C. Love Cancer Institute, Oklahoma City, OK
St. Anthony's Hospital, The Jane Thompson Russell Cancer Care Center, Gig Harbor,WA
St. Bernards Ben E. Owens Cancer Treatment Center, Jonesboro, AR
St. Catherine Hospital, The Cancer Center, Garden City, KS
St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers, St. Francis Cancer Care Center, Beech Grove, IN
St. Francis Medical Center, St. Francis Regional Cancer Center, Trenton, NJ
St. John's Hospital, Comprehensive Cancer Program, Springfield, MO
St. John's Mercy Medical Center, David C. Pratt Cancer Center, St. Louis, MO
St. Joseph Hospital of Orange, The Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Orange, CA
St. Joseph Hospital, Oncology Center, Nashua, NH
St. Joseph Medical Center, Tacoma,WA
St. Joseph Regional Cancer Center, Lewiston, ID
St. Luke's Hospital & Health Network, St. Luke's Cancer Center, Bethlehem, PA
St. Mary Mercy Hospital, Our Lady of Hope Cancer Center, Livonia, MI
St. Mary's, The Lacks Cancer Center, Grand Rapids, MI
Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center, Cancer Center, Reno, NV
St. Nicholas Hospital Cancer Services, Sheboygan,WI
St. Peter's Hospital, Cancer Care Center, Albany, NY
Stamford Hospital, Bennett Cancer Center, Stamford, CT
Stanford Cancer Center (SCC), Stanford, CA
Straub Clinic & Hospital, Honolulu, HI
Stat Care Pulmonary, Knoxville, TN
Steeplechase Cancer Center, Somerset Medical Center, Somerville, NJ
Stony Brook University Hospital, Stony Brook University Cancer Center, Stony Brook, NY
Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University, University Hospital, East Syracuse, NY
Swedish Cancer Institute, Thoracic Surgery Group, Seattle,WA
SwedishAmerican Health System, Regional Cancer Center, Rockford, IL
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare's Cancer Center, Tallahassee, FL
Tanner Medical Center, Roy Richards Sr. Cancer Center, Carrollton, GA
Texas Institute of Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine, Tomball, TX
The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
The Center for Cancer Care at Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH
The Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Center for Cancer Care, Torrington, CT
The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd, Roosevelt, NY
The Regional Cancer Center, Erie, PA
The Wellness Community - Delmarva, Salisbury, MD
The Wellness Community - Wilmington, DE,Wilmington, DE
The Wellness Community-Northern Jersey Shore, Eatontown, NJ
Thompson Cancer Survival Center, Covenant Health System, Knoxville, TN
Torrance Memorial Medical Center, Cancer Center, Torrance, CA
Tri-Cities Cancer Center, Kennewick,WA
Trinity CancerCare Center, Minot, ND
Truman Medical Center, Kansas City, MO
Tulane Cancer Center, New Orleans, LA
U of MD Greenebaum Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD
UC Davis Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA
UM Physicians - Radiation Therapy,Wyoming, MN
Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD
University Hospital, Ireland Cancer Center, Cleveland, OH
University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center (UAB), Birmingham, AL
University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR
University of Chicago, Cancer Research Center, Chicago, IL
University of Colorado Cancer Center (UCCC), Aurora, CO
University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City, KS
University of Nevada, University Health System - Oncology, Reno, NV
University of North Carolina, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, NC
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
University of Rochester Medical Center, James Wilmot Cancer Center, Rochester, NY
University of Wisconsin Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center, Madison,WI
UNMC Eppley Cancer Center, Omaha, NE
USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, CA
VA Albany Medical Center: Samuel S. Stratton, Albany, NY
VA Bath Medical Center, Bath, NY
VA Boston Health Care System, Jamaica Plain, MA
VA Buffalo Medical Center, Buffalo, NY
VA Canandaigua Medical Center, Canandaigua, NY
VA Charlie Norwood Medical Center, Augusta, GA
VA Connecticut Health Care System Newington Campus, Newington, CT
VA James J. Peters Medical Center, Bronx, NY
VA Medical Center - Huntington, Huntington,WV
VA Medical Center - Lake City, Gainesville, FL
VA Medical Center - Little Rock, Little Rock, AR
VA Medical Center - Martinsburg, Martinsburg,WV
VA Medical Center - Salem, Salem,VA
VA Medical Center - West Palm Beach,West Palm Beach, FL
VA Medical Center Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
VA Medical Center East Orange, East Orange, NJ
VA Medical Center - Fort Wayne, IN
VA Medical Center Manhattan, New York, NY
VA Medical Center Providence, Providence, RI
VA Medical Center- Richmond, Richmond,VA
VA Syracuse Medical Center, Syracuse, NY
VA Wilmington Medical Center,Wilmington, DE
VCU Massey Cancer Center, Emporia,VA
Virginia Hospital Center, Arlington,VA
Wake Forest University Comprehensive Cancer Center,Winston-Salem, NC
Wake Radiology Oncology Services, Cary, NC
Waldo County General Hospital, Belfast, ME
Walter Reed Medical Center,Washington, DC
Washington Adventist Hospital, Takoma Park, MD
Washington Hospital Center,Washington, DC
Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Regional Cancer Center,Waukesha,WI
Wellspan Health,York Cancer Center,York, PA
WellStar Health System,WellStar Cancer Program, Marietta, GA
Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, Seacoast Cancer Center, Dover, NH
Wesley Medical Center,Wichita, KS
West Georgia Health System, Enoch Callaway Cancer Clinic, LaGrange, GA
West Virginia University, Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, Morgantown,WV
White Plains Hospital Center, Dickstein Cancer Treatment Center,White Plains, NY
Willamette Valley Cancer Institute and Research Center, Eugene, OR
Yale Cancer Center,Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
York Hospital, Oncology Treatment Center,York, ME
2010 Tributes
Thank you to all the families and friends that made
generous gifts to the following individual tributes in
honor or in memory of loved ones.
In Honor Of
Cathy Abrams
Shirley Amstutz
Susan Appleby
Michael Axelrod
Ellen Badras
Sandra Baily
Claire Barker
Sally Barmakian
Ilene Barth
Kate Barth
Anne Batti
David Beasley
Francis Biglin
Mollie Bishop
Barry Blumberg
Lilly Bokun
Denise Bouchard - Donalin
Norman L. Boudreau
Allyson Bowers
John F. Bright
Rebecca Broden
Colleen Brown
Terri Brown
Rudy Bruner
Jessica Bryant
Bill Bryant
Sally Burroughs
Malcolm Cardy
Ellen Cartaino
Robert Cassou
Myung Chang
Erin Cheney
Enid Codron
Kay Cofrancesco
Brenda Cohen
James Collins
Loretta Compton
Lenore Conkin
Erin Connerty
Marion F. Crawford
Eileen Crawfort
Lillian G. Cunningham
Bob Curry
Billy Cutts
Carol Dames
Alice F. Davis
William Dawe
Manola de Rivero
Yolanda Debianchi
Theresa Della Vecchia
Shirley, Howard and David
Bonnie DeLuca
Barbara Densen
Ardith Dentzer
Fernando DeSelgas
Frank Digange
Dawne Discoll
Robert Draba
Judy Duffy
Dorothy Duquette
Krissy Edginton
Sylvia Edmonds
Sammy Ellis
Maria Enriquez
Jim Ferrin
John Fidler
Ellie Fierman
Rosalind Fineman
Mabel Franchino
Carol Franker
Carl Fransen
Irene Gargiulo
Martha A. Gladis
Pamela Golden
Tara Goldstein
Caren Gorenberg
Kris Green
Marian Hall
Scott and Sandy Halstead
Kathleen Harthorn
Betsy Hausman
Suzanne Hecimovich
Mary Hendrix
Bill Hillard
Sharon Hines
Roy Hiott
Karin Holzer
Betty Hudson
Linda Hummer - Mahrdt
Justin Irving
Lynn Iseler
Tony Itzie
Hannah B. Jacobs
Jody Jones
Thelma Jurgrau
Jim Juszczyk
Arlene Kaiser
Mary V. Kalemkerian
Judy Kaye
Steve Kelley
Robyn Kettering
Suzuye Kiyama
Jeane Klee
Ronni Kleinman
August Knape
Sheryl Kohl
Chris Konzelmen
Cindy Kramer Highfill
Michael and Jonathan Kratz
Greg Kritsky
Teri Krug
Alma Landini
Frank Landini
Don Laughery
Cindy Lawrence
Chrissy Lee
Sondra Levenson
Katie Leverett
Diane Levinson
Jacquie and Norm Levy
Staci Libowsky
Analee Lilore
Frederick Lotzkar
Marilyn Lyons
Linda Mahrdt
Claire A. Marjorie
Edwina Marks
Clair Martin
Liz Martocci
Joan Mason
Ann McAleer
Eric McCall
Winfred McDonald
Allison McHale
Robert D. McIntyre
USA Field Hockey National
Team Members
Stacy Mendelson
Steven Miller
Rosalinda Miller
Miller/Stewart Wedding
John E. Moore
Robb Morris
Paul Morris
Noreen Morturano
Ernie Narez
Esmirno Narvaez
Sandra Neal
Cris Neloms
Lesley Nurse
Kathy O'Brien
Jean O'Connor
Lesley Oransky
Belinda Osuna
Michael G. Oxley
Harris Palmer
Anne Palmieri
Kathy Parker
Rose Pasternack
Dave Pasternack
Laura Pastor
John Pepper
Nicholas Pettinelli
Carter Phillips
Barbara Plasker
Thereasa Polet
David Pratt
Allen Price
James Raggett
John Reeves
Adie Rinehardt
Mary Anne Rios
Elinor Roche
Mervin Rockwell
Ray Rupido
Linda Sacco
Virginia Sellke
Sally Shiver
Ben Shiver
Doreen Shreve
Ellen Siff
Darren Sloop
Gary Smuckler
Lisa Sparling
Gary Stahlman
Muriel Starr
Laura Steiner
Steven and Helaine Wills
Michael Stevens
Annette Stevenson
Dave and Debbie Grover
Lisa Suss
Tim Swarthout
Denise Tanaka
Team Oma
Ronald L.Thomas
Nancy Thompson
Clyde Tillung
Joseph Tutino
Hannah Unkrick
Roberta Unwin
Alekhine Uy
Michele Vakili
Shawna Warner
Hope Janet Warren
Team Weezie
Dr. and Mrs.Weinberger
Steve and Barbara Weiner
Carrie Weslowski
Donna Whitmore
Lincoln and Betty Widmaye
Kristin Williams
Cliff Woodfill
David Zainali
We make every attempt to maintain accurate
records on all our tributes and generous supporters.
Please let us know if there are any errors or
omissions with these lists by contacting us
at 202/742-1421 or donate@lungcanceralliance.org.
2010 Tributes
In Memory Of
Rosemary Abram
Eugene Adams
Jenny Adams
Pamela Adler - Golden
Wendy F.Alpert
Tina Ambrosi
Gil Amiaga
Patricia Anslinger
Honey Appleson
Cynthia Ardell
Miriam Arfin
James Armento
Jean Armus
Eileen Augustine
Peggy Augustine
Aunts Nina and Clara
LucyAnn Axelson
Charlotte Bachmann
Irene Baggarozy
Sandra Baily
Ginger L. Bair
Claire Barker
Thomas Barry
Paul Bart
Shirley A. Bartell
Herbert Barts
Rachel Bascietto
Brian D. Bates
Donna L. Bell
Leon Bellafiore
Ray Belle
Ann Belmonte
Bruce Benson
Stanley Benson
Barry Bentzel
Ralph Bershefsky
Paul Berthelot
Helena Bibeau
Nancy Bielinski
Ash A. Bill
Toni Binstock
Rhoda Bloom
Barry Blumberg
Susan Bolten
Roslyn Bonizzi
Elizabeth Bonner Perkins
Bernie Bookbinder
James W. Bradley
Sandra Bradley
Jess M. Bray
Carol L. Bridgewater
Doris Brindley
Steven Brower
Claude Brown
Bill Bryant
Norton Buffalo
Diane Burke
Clark Burnham
John R. Butler
Josephine Cammarano
Jim Campbell
Vincent Candurra
Lorraine CardinaliHimidian
Sue C. Carlson
Tubby Carlson
Hallie Carmen
Alice Castonguay
Robert Cerven
Bruno Ceschini
Emilia Ceschini
Natalie Chesler
Reba Chonofsky
Sheila M. Clanton
Willy Clarvit
Eleanor Clayton
Charles Cloud
Robert W. Cohan
Fred Cohen
Taly Cohen
Yackov Jacob Cohen Khan
Cecile Coleman
Alfred Coleman
Marvin B. Collin
Irving Collins
Jerry Colombo
David Conley
Paul Connelly
Margery Connelly
John Connerty
Jane Connor
Beatriz Cortez
Richard J. Costabile
Helen Coy
Jack Cralle
Lana Creamons
Francis Cucurollo
Harold Curry
Bob Curry
Billy Cutts
Vicky D'Angelo
Ken Daniel
John C. Datuin
Tom Davin
Edward Davis
Celia DeAngelis
Ray Debrauwere
Paul DeLorenzo
Peter Delpozzo
Leilani Denn
Ardith Dentzer
Mary Diehm
Frank Digange
Sam Diskin
Rita DiStefano
Armida Dixon
Kathy Doan
Eugene Dolphin
Enrico Donati
Emily Doria
Eileen Doucette
Bud Dougal
Judy Duffy
Raymond Dundas
Judith P. Durgin
Robert Edelstein
Sylvia Edmonds
Daniel Eisenberg
Diane Ekmekjian
Anita Ellis
Treva A. Ernest
Carmine Esposito
Steven Feigenbaum
Joseph M. Fennimore
Vincent Ferguson
Jim Ferrin
Sharon R. Festo
Doug Findlay
Kenneth Finis
Kay Fiorello
Richard Fitzpatrick
Evelyn Flickinger
Frederick B. Fox
Henry Fragasse
Robert Franco
Joseph Frascino
Diane A. Fraser
Judy Freidt
Fances Freund
Judy Friedt
James Fulp
Betty Furtado
Victor Gagnon
Mary Garner
Mary Geddes
Annette George
Eva M. Gerdts
George Gershon
Dave Ghiglio
Livia Gilchrest
Robert Girard
Bob A. Glen
Patricia Glover
Eloise Godsey
Pamela Golden
Jeanne Goldfarb
Ronnie Goldfinger
Samuel Goldstein
Fran Goodfriend
Pat Grable
Karen Greyson
Clifford Grider
Tom Griffith
Helen Griffith
Michael Grillo
Kelly Ann Grimsley
Marilyn Grolean
Glen Groover
Laura J. Grosshans
Rick Guarini
Kathleen Gubbims
Richard M. Hairston
Beth Ann Hall
Paul Haller
Donald M. Halperin
Nassar Hanna
Avis Hanson
James Harrison
Arielle Hart
Terry Hartig
Todd Hartle
Kay Hawkins
Laurence E. Hebeler
Ed Hechtman
Joseph Hellmann
Florine Hendrix
Manuel Henriques
Glenda Henzey
David Hernandey
Delores M. Hernandez Campbell
Marie L. Heughan
Ellen C. Hicks
Cindy Highfield
Bill Hillard
Donna Hofmann
Karin Holzer
Nancy Houston
William Hudson
Price Hudson
Gwen Huff
Margaret A. Huffman
Joseph Italiaander
Laurie Jill
June Johnson
Patricia Johnson
John P. Johnson
Andrew E. Jontow
Jim Juszczyk
Arlene Kaiser
John Kane
Miriam Kasis
Beatrice Katz
Sadie Kaufman
Nancy Kaufman
Judy Kaye
Albert P. Kelly
Dawn Kelton
Kim Smith and Norbert
Stephanie Kimble
Mike Kirby
Kathleen Kiser
Joe Knapp
Kenneth Knox
Christine Koh
Arthur Koines
Laura Kornblau
Jan L. Kovacic
Jessica Kraitzick
Gordon Kratz
William F. Kremer
Kathleen Krueger
Richard Kuhn
Judi Kurchack
Maria C. La Rosa
Charles LaFontaine
Bruce and Mary Lamar
Arthur W. Lampe
Frank Landini
Bill Lane
Arthur LaSalle
Steve Lawless
Kriss Lawless-Damon
Cindy Lawrence
Cynthia Lawrence
Jan Lazarus
Robert Q. Lee
Mary Leivers
Merton Levin
Doug Levine
Mark Levinson
Mary Ellen Levy
Lee Lichtenberg
Jim Lile
Mickey Litman
Betty W. Little
Edward Lobdell
Vivian Lopez
Frederick Lotzkar
Gordon Loveland
Betty Lustenberger
Larry Lynch
Marilyn Lyons
Alison MacDougal
Kenneth Mack
Barbara Mahaffey
James Mahon
Joseph T. Mahone
Phillis Manley
Maura Mannion
Emma Mansley
James R. Marino
Claire A. Marjorie
David Markowitz
Thomas Marmiani
Phyllis M. Marshall
Chris Martin
Natalia Martinez
Liz Martocci
Rebecca Maxewell
Carol Mazzella
Louis Mazzeo
Maggie McCaffery
Eric McCall
Richard McClelland
John McCloskey
Robert D. McIntyre
Phyllis McNally
Stan McNeish
Donald McSweeney
George Mehling
Betty Meixner
Cynthia Mele
Tom Melusky
Shirley Meredith
Edward Merrill
Richard Merriman
Dan W. Meyers
Pearl L. Miller
Diane Minowitz
Nancy Mitchner
Sara Monopoli
Pat Montgomery
Maria Moralas
Dick Morel
Anne Morelli
Paul Morris
Noreen Morturano
Margaret Moynahan
Ali Muhammad Daneshvar
Cecilia Murawski
Donald Murphy
Judy Mursch
Hugh W. Nabors
Susie V. Nagpal
Ernie Narez
Audrey Neifert
John Newlander
Hisako Nilson
Barb Norrell
Carol North
Warren Nottleson
Bob Nygren
Karen O'Neil
Veronica O'Malley
Edgar Olivo
Dai On Tam
Elaine Ornstein
Margaret Ortega
Robert Ouellette
Steve Ow
Bernadette Palermo
Pamela Golden and Cindy
Jack W. Panabaker
Donato Parente
William W. Parker
Karen Parles
Judy Pearse
Lori Perkins
Pamela S. Perkins Brady
Karen G. Peterson
Jean Petkus
Margret H. Pierce
Daniel Pierce
Barbara Plasker
Stiene Poncar
Iris Porterfield
Gene Przyhocki
Eleanor Pugliese
Audrey Quinn
Rob Ramsel
Sharada Rao
Asha Rao
Bruce Rasmussen
Donna Reed
Arthur Reese
John Reeves
Suzanne Renaud
Joseph M. Reusser
Pat Riordan
Al and Shirley Robbins
Lois Roberman
Nelva Robinette
Robb Robinson
David Rorwick
Risa Rosengard
Marilyn Rosenthal
Robert Rosher
Marilyn Ross
Anita Rothenberg
Donna Royan
Dorothy Roycroft Gettier
Gabriel Ruberto
Clara Rubin
Pamella Ruggie
Jeff Ruthven
Carol Salyes
Ellen Samia
Frances H. Samuels
Jeanne Sandston
Lisa Sandy
Jim Sandy
Theresa Sangermano
Joseph Saraniti
Cynthia Saraniti-Upson
Leopold Sauve
Lillian Scheel
Florence Schimmel
Ronald Schuck
Marianne Schumacher
Mary Kathryn T. Schweitzer
Paul Sefcheck
Flavian Sellers
Ronald Sellke
Anurupa Sengupta
John D. Shadburn
Gerald Shaia
Lydia M. Shanahan
Scott R. Shelton
Colleen Shullick
Armand Siegal
Richard C. Siegel
Evelyn Silverman
Mary Bleeker Simmons
Richard Simonides
John Sipics
Rosalie Skinner
Elsie Sligh
Larry Sloan
Cathy Smecker
Leon Smith
Lucinda Smith
Paul Smith
Richard E. Smith
Cindy M. Smith
Gary Smuckler
Richard Sodergren
Robert Sohne
Andrew Solleder
Elaine Soloman
Tita Sonia
Margie Sontilla
David Souza
Dave Sparling
Richard Specht
Jerry Spector
Rueven Spiegel
Louis Sposato
Richard Sprinkle
Janice M. Squeglia
Joan Stadtlander
Nana Starr
Andrea Steinger
Ida Stern
Roy Strong
David Strudthoff
Dana Suher
Peter Sullivan
Anne Sullivan
Tim Swarthout
Robert B. Swezey
Linda Sue Talbert
Sam Tanzman
Tim Tarrant
Jack Tennis
Edward Tessein
Tina Thiele
Zahir Thobani
John C.Thomas
Barry Thomas
Russell Thomas
Jan Elizabeth Pollard
Barbara Thompson
Clyde Tillung
Raymond Townsend
Carole Trafton
Grudmilla Trautman
Francis Trojans
Gloria Trumbo
Mark V.Tuck
Francine Turner
Manuel Tusbis
Hannah L. Unkrich
Diana Valderama
John Vanleeuwen
Thurman C.Vaughn
Mark Vieler
Jean Waggett
Jennifer Wagner
Jim Wagner
Patricia Walton Mahaffey
Charlene Ward
Belinda Ward
Alice Watson
Wayne Hobbs and Daniel
Winifred Webb
Jim Weigand
Rhea Weinstein
Joy J.Wemyss
Kathleen Werbeck
George Wesolowski
Barbara West
Ralph Whatley
Sheila Ann Wheatley
Bob Wheeler
Erma White
Debbie Wiessbrod
Frank S.Wilcox
Jack Willis
Lil Willis
Lillian Wilpers
William Wilpers
Janet Wolf
Ming C.Wong
Mark Woodcock
Michael Woodfill
Wilson B.Worick
Tony Yeargin
Nancy Yucius
Raymond Zajac
Grace Zimmer
Joe Zizwarek
2010 Contributors
Thank you to all our generous donors who make it possible
for us to continue improving outcomes for all those touched
by lung cancer, while advocating for life-saving change.
$1,000 – $4,999
A.C. Israel Foundation Inc
Alan Ardell
Alpha Delta Pi - Epsilon Pi
Anne Meixner
Artz Dewhirst and Wheeler,
AZ Jeans Day Tickets
Bardeen-Greytak Family
Baron & Budd
Bloomfield Hills School District
Carol Booker
Charlie Harb
Clarient, Inc.
Denise Jeffries
Diane Brandolini
Dr. Christian Adonizio
Dr. Jamie Parles
Emory University
Every Breath Counts
Forest Oil Corp
Friends Of Mel Foundation, Inc.
Hairphenalia Beauty Salon
Horizons Dance Center
International Closeouts
J&J Drainage Products Co
Jane Marks
Joy of Life
Karl Schwenkmeyer
Key Bank Foundation
Las Flores Apiaries Inc
Lisa Matranga
Long Island Gulls Amateur
Lt. Gen. and Mrs. Robert M.
Shea USMC (Ret.)
Marian Barker
Marin Community Foundation
Merck Partnership For Giving
Mr. and Mrs.Adam Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Delong
Mr. and Mrs. James Cordon
Mr. and Mrs. John Fiske
Mr. and Mrs. John Granzella
Mr. and Mrs. John Rittenhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brookman
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lane
Mr.Arnold Heimler
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Gibson
Mr. Jerry Feldman
Mr. Keith Steiner
Mr. Mark Aseltine
Mr. Philip Darrow
Mr. Randolph A. Frank Jr.
Mr. Richard Miller
Mr. Roman Perez-Soler
Mr. Stewart Welch
Mr.Warren Feldman
Mrs. Diane T Sipics
Ms. Dorothy H. Baldini
Ms. Joan McKay
Ms. Lorraine Julian
Ms. Maria Patterson
Ms. Phyllis Krause
Palomar Group
Pershing, LLC.
PNC Financial
Robert Jurgrau
Robert McKeracher
Ruggie Wealth Management
Sam’s Club
San Diego Chargers
Secretary and Mrs. Norman Y.
Stephen Lax
Susan Dentzer
Susan McCall
Admiral T. Joseph Lopez
The Bar Method of Summit,
The Ed and Yvonne Parish
The Kandell Fund
Uniting Against Lung Cancer
Ken Wheatley
$5,000 – $9,999
Bank Of America
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Erica Ross
Greg Kimmel
Jane Reese-Coulbourne
Kaiser Permanete
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Duff, Jr.
Mr. David A. Freshwater
Mr. Richard D. Simmons
Mr.William Glavin Jr.
Ms.Adrienne Halper
Leigh Ann Maynard
Partners Healthcare System
The Honorable Amory
Houghton and Mrs.
Priscilla Dewey Houghton
The San Diego Foundation
Zora McDonald
$10,000 – $24,999
Abraxis BioScience
Annette Calewski
Bayer HealthCare
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Crescent Heights
Eli Lilly & Co.
EMD Serono Inc.
Mary Stricker & Family
Sony Electronics, Inc.
The Honorable
Michael G. Oxley
UC-San Diego Moores Cancer
$25,000 – $49,999
Bare Escentuals
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Sanofi Aventis
$50,000 – $99,999
Amgen USA
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
OSI Pharmaceuticals
Tidewater Striders
$100,000 +
American Legacy Foundation
Georgia Institute For Lung
Cancer Research
We make every attempt to
maintain accurate records on
all our tributes and generous
supporters. Please let us know
if there are any errors or
omissions with these lists
by contacting us at
202/742-1421 or
2010 Statement of Functional Expenses
Contributions and Grants
Special Events
Interest Income
Donated Goods and Services
2010 Total
$ 2,003,881
Total Revenue and Support
$ 2,346,703
Program Services
Public Awareness
Community & Support Services
Management and General
Total Expenses
$ 2,141,584
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets, Beginning ofYear
Net Assets, End ofYear
$ 1,155,875
$ 1,360,994
A complete copy of the audited report is available at www.lungcanceralliance.org
& General
Public Awareness
Community &
Support Services
Board of Directors
“Our lung cancer support
group found LCA on the web.
We wanted to be part of
something, to put our site on
the map, so we did the "Shine
the Light Vigil". Soon after, we
were invited to Washington
DC for their 4th Annual
Conference. Little did we
know that we would be part
of a movement to promote
"The Lung Cancer Mortality
Reduction Act". LCA has
given us hope that something
will be done to increase
awareness and decrease
mortality rates for lung
cancer.We are thankful for
all of the people that work for
LCA, for giving us the
inspiration and knowledge we
need to keep fighting for
better treatment plans and
funding for research, for early
detection. Lung cancer should
not be the leading cause of
cancer deaths.”
– Medical professional
Laurie Fenton Ambrose
President & CEO
Washington, D.C.
Adrienne R. Halper
Former Managing Director of
Private Equity Funds
New York, NY
John M. Duff, Jr.
Chair,Audit Committee
Co-founder & Managing Director,
Duff Ackerman & Goodrich, LLC
Washington, DC
Gregg Gibson
Co-Managing Partner, Investor Groups
San Anselmo, CA
Cheryl Healton, Dr. PH
President & CEO
American Legacy Foundation
Washington, DC
Priscilla Dewey Houghton
Three-time lung cancer survivor
Arts Advocate
Cohasset, MA
T. Joseph Lopez
Chairman of the Board
Admiral USN Retired
Secretary Norman Y. Mineta
Vice Chairman, Hill & Knowlton
Washington, DC
Deborah Morosini, MD
Principal Pathologist,AstraZeneca
Sister of the late Dana Reeve
Weston, MA
James Mulshine, MD
Associate Provost for Research and
Vice President for Research
Rush University
Chicago, IL
The Honorable Michael G. Oxley
Former Congressman and Chairman of
the House Financial Services Committee
Washington, DC
James Parles, MD
General Pediatrician at Smithtown
Pediatric Group
Setauket, NY
Honorary Board
Jane Reese-Coulbourne
Executive Director, Reagan-Udall
The Honorable Chuck Hagel
Former U.S. Senator, Co-Chair of the
President’s Intelligence Advisory Board
Professor of Foreign Policy at
Georgetown University and the
University of Nebraska
Washington, DC & Omaha, NE
J. Steven Hart, Esq.
President & CEO
Williams & Jensen
Washington, DC
The Honorable Clay Shaw
Former US Congressman
Medical & Scientific
Advisory Board
“Lung Cancer Alliance offers
top notch and comprehensive patient support programs as well as works
tirelessly for all of us affected by the disease by
fighting to secure the funding from the federal government necessary to make an
impact on its devastation.
This is particularly critical
since so many other types of
cancer are more highly prioritized by the public even
though lung cancer is more
deadly than any other.”
Rick Avila
Director of Medical Applications
Kitware, Inc.
Clifton Park, NY
Sheila Bates, C.M.S.W.
Manager, Office of Patient and Community
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
David M. Burns, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
University of California Medical School
at San Diego
San Diego, CA
Barbara Campling, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Department of Medicine
Philadelphia VA Medical Center
Philadelphia, PA
– Otis
Kenneth H. Cowan, M.D., Ph.D
Director, Eppley Institute for Cancer
Research, University of Nebraska Medical
Omaha, NE
Frederic W. Grannis Jr., MD
Department of Thoracic Surgery
City of Hope National Medical Center
Duarte, CA
Claudia Ingrid Henschke, Ph.D., M.D.
Professor of Radiology
Cornell University Weill Medical College
Founder, Principal Investigator
International Early Lung Cancer Action
Program (I-ELCAP)
New York, NY
Fred R. Hirsch, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine and Pathology
University of Colorado Cancer Center
Aurora, CO
Jimmie C. Holland, M.D.
Chair in Psychiatric Oncology
Attending Psychiatrist
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
David M. Jablons, M.D.
Professor of Surgery
Chief, General Thoracic Surgery
University of California at San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
David H. Johnson, M.D.
Cornelius A. Craig Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Deputy Director,Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer
Medical & Scientific Advisory Board
“I am a 42 year old woman
living with Stage IV lung
cancer. Lung Cancer
Alliance is a strong and vital
organization in the fight
against this historically
neglected disease. They
keep their eye on the ball
and fight for the dollar...they
look to level the playing field
for federal funding as
compared to many other
diseases and medical
conditions that have
benefitted from far greater
funding even though
dramatically less fatal.They
provide very personalized,
high quality patient support
programs.And the staff of
the organization are bright,
committed, passionate
– S. Haney
Christopher S. Lathan, M.D., M.S.,
Center for Outcomes and Policy Research
Instructor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
M. Blair Marshall, M.D.
Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery
Associate Professor of Surgery
Georgetown University Hospital
Washington, DC
York E. Miller, M.D.
Thomas L. Petty Endowed Chair of Lung
Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary Sciences and
Critical Care Medicine
Leader,Tobacco Related Malignancy
University of Colorado Comprehensive
Cancer Center
Assistant Chief, Pulmonary Section
Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Denver, CO
Harvey Pass, M.D.
Professor and Chief for Division of
Thoracic Surgery and Oncology
NYU School of Medicine and
Comprehensive Cancer Center
New York, NY
William N. Rom, M.D., M.P.H
Sol and Judith Bergstein Professor of
Medicine and Environmental Medicine
Director, Division of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine
Program Director, Clinical Research
NYU School of Medicine
New York, NY
Michael Vincent Smith, M.D.
Medical Director of Oncology
Vice-Chairman, Department of Surgery
Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Atlanta Medical Center
Atlanta, GA
Andrew Turrisi, M.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of
Radiation Oncology
Karmanos Cancer Center,Wayne State
Radiation Oncologist in Chief, Detroit
Medical Center
Detroit, MI
Mark D.Thornquist, Ph.D.
Senior Staff Scientist in Public Health
Sciences Division
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Donna Wilson, R.N., M.S.N., R.R.T.
Clinical Nurse Specialist/Fitness
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Integrated Medicine Center
Ways of Giving
“My wife, Sheila, passed
away in September 2009 and
Lung Cancer Alliance was
instrumental in providing an
outlet for me to channel my
need to "do something."
So I turned my attention to
raising money to assist in
their mission - awareness
building, and legislative
advocacy.The level of care
for lung cancer patients
needs to be on parity with
the other cancers (breast,
prostate, colon) that get far
more funding, even though
their death rates are far less
than lung cancer patients.”
– Ken W.
As the only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to providing support
and advocacy for those living with or at risk for lung cancer, we rely on your
generous donations. Support from you — patients, survivors, family members,
friends, healthcare providers, foundations, organizations and businesses — makes
it possible for us to sustain our unique empowerment programs while leveraging
multiple millions in public health dollars for first-ever lung cancer research and
early detection programs.
You can make secure on line donations or explore other ways of giving by visiting
our website:
You may mail your donation to:
Lung Cancer Alliance
P.O. Box 418372
Boston, MA 02241-8372
Please consider joining us for the National Shine A Light on Lung Cancer Vigil
(www.shinealightonlungcancer.org),Team Lung Love
(www.teamlunglove.org) or other events across the country by going to our
website events page. Sign up today and join the lung cancer movement bringing
positive change for all those touched by lung cancer!
We are one of the most effective and efficient non-profit organizations as
validated by Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star rating and ranked #11 among the
country’s leading cancer charities on Philanthropedia.
Current LCA Staff
Lung Cancer Alliance –
Washington, DC
Sheila Ross
Special Counsel
LCA Washington, D.C.
888 16th Street N.W., Suite 150
Washington, D.C. 20006
Miguel Velez
Manager of Community &
Support Services
Laurie Fenton Ambrose
President and CEO
lfenton@lungcanceralliance .org
Edythe Whidden
Director of Administration & Finance
Kay Cofrancesco
Director of Advocacy Relations
Emily Eyres
Director of Development & COO
Current LCA Chapters
LCA California
Mike Stevens
Co-chair California
LCA Massachusetts
Diane Legg
Co-chair Massachusetts
Rich Monopoli
Co-chair Massachusetts
LCA New York
Phyllis Goldstein
Co-Chair New York
Tiffany Festo-Tokarchuk
Co-chair New York
Holly Michealson
Co-chair New York
Lanni Boyd
Development Assistant
LCA Georgia
Nisa Natrakul
Manager of Advocacy Relations
Ed and Linda Levitt
Co-chairs Georgia
Amy Pearson
Associate Director of Community
& Support Services
LCA Kentucky/Southern Indiana
Cecilia Izzo
Co-chair Washington
Nancy Alvey
Elizabeth Robinson
Co-chair Washington
Maureen Rigney
Director of Community &
Support Services
Colette McCoy
Goetz Kloecker, MD
LCA Washington
"My father lost his fight with lung cancer earlier this year
and I support your efforts to comfort those affected by
this deadly disease.Thank you for all you do to touch the
lives of so many."
— Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
"It wasn't until my lung cancer diagnosis that I became aware
of the tremendous stigma and challenge facing this community, particularly in the areas of public health and policy.As a
non-smoker, a lung cancer diagnosis was the farthest thing
from my mind. I want to help LCA reverse decades of neglect
and misunderstanding, so that people living with the disease
and those who may be diagnosed in the future can have better
— Former Ohio Congressman Michael G. Oxley
and LCA Board member
“One of my priorities since taking the helm of the National
Urban League’s Policy institute was to sharpen our focus
on health disparities -- and that is what the Lung Cancer
Mortality Act does for our community. For that reason we
are pleased to stand with so many other social justice leaders
and national organizations calling for a more compassionate
and comprehensive approach to addressing lung cancer.”
— Chanelle Hardy,
Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the
National Urban League Policy Institute.
888 16th Street NW
Suite 150
Washington DC 20006