hair transplantation - The Skin Care Centre


hair transplantation - The Skin Care Centre
E xpertise & E xperience
Choosing the right
physician and hair transplant team is extremely
t r a n s p l a n tat i o n
Imagine looking
& feeling your best
important. For strong, healthy hair and a naturallooking hairline, you need a team with the
My goal is to provide you with as much
technical expertise to accurately prepare transplant
information as possible about hair transplan-
grafts and gently position them into recipient
tation, so that you can make an informed,
sites. My proven skills in performing hair trans-
confident decision about your treatment.
plants ensure a close to 100 percent survival
I encourage you to speak openly about the
rate for all transplanted grafts, imperceptible
results you hope to obtain and to ask for
recipient scars and superior aesthetic results.
more information on any new treatments
And I will personally perform or directly supervise
you’ve heard or read about. Together, we can
all steps in your procedure.
decide on the best course of action to help
I employ some of Canada’s most experienced
you attain the look you desire.
hair transplant nurses and technicians, many of
whom train physicians and technical teams from
Want to attain greater hair density and
around the world in the complexities of state-of-
facial symmetry? Please contact me for more
the-art micrograft hair transplantation. My team
information about how hair transplantation
has been praised by patients for its high level of
can transform your look.
The possibilities are limitless.
D r . D av i d Z l o t y
Dedicated to remaining at the
forefront of the evolving field of hair transplantation,
Dr. David Zloty is Clinical Assistant Professor
and Director of Surgical Education in the Division
of Dermatology at UBC and Medical Director
of the Dermatologic Surgery Centre, one of BC’s
premier sites for cosmetic surgery.
Dr. David M. Zloty BSc, MD, FRCP
Cosmetic Dermat0logic Surgery
Dermatologic Oncology
Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC
36-year-old female
Cosmetic Excisions
Facial Rejuvenation
Soft Tissue Fillers
Hair Transplantation
t: 604.875.4888
f: 604.875.4777
835 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, bc v5z 4e8
design: emdoubleyu design text: inscript language & writing photography: albert normandin
empathy, personal attention and care.
Dr. David M. Zloty
Cosmetic Dermat0logic Surgeon
Clinical Assistant Professor
T h a n k s to a d va n c e s i n m i c r o g r a f t
At ta i n i n g t h e r e s u lt s y o u wa n t
shape, graft placement, hair orientation and
h a i r t r a n s p l a n t t e c h n o l o g y,
What kind of results can you expect? Realistically,
direction are appropriate for you. A hairline that
y o u c a n h av e g r e at e r h a i r d e n s i t y
it is unusual to achieve hair density or a hairline
is in harmony and symmetry with your face is
& a n at u r a l h a i r l i n e .
position equivalent to your teenage years. Your
more natural, helping you look your age and feel
results will be age appropriate and continue to
more confident.
look natural throughout your life. To attain optimal
F u l l & h e a lt h y h a i r
Hair transplantation
The results of your hair transplant will
results, more than one transplant session may
be with you for life. With this in mind, I tailor my
is an increasingly popular solution for men and
be required. Together, we will discuss what will be
treatments to benefit you aesthetically over
women affected by hair loss. In this straight-
possible for you, taking into account the number
the long term. So you’ll look great both now and
forward procedure, permanent hair follicles are
of grafts needed, the area to be covered, your
in the future.
moved from the back of your head to balding
scalp and face shape, scalp flexibility, and your
or thinning areas. Using single hair grafts I create
hair density, colour and texture. These variables
a natural-looking hairline of graded density that
will influence the results you can expect and
During your initial consultation, I will provide
is virtually undetectable, even by your hairstylist.
the number of transplant sessions you will need.
you with a detailed cost outline based on your
And by using both minigrafts and micrografts, I
It usually takes four months for the transplanted
desired results. Our straightforward pricing
ensure the transplanted hair blends imperceptibly
hair to grow long enough for you to assess and
structure ensures that all patients are treated
with your existing hair over the sides and back
appreciate the results of the procedure.
fairly, honestly and equally.
O p t i m a l r e s u lt s at a f a i r p r i c e
of the scalp.
Transplanted hair lasts a lifetime
A relaxing procedure
At the Dermatologic
Your newly transplanted hair will grow forever.
W h at a r e m i n i g r a f t s & m i c r o g r a f t s ?
Surgery Centre, we make every effort to create
It can be cut, colored, permed or styled however
Hair grows naturally in units of one to four hairs
a welcoming and stress-free environment for
you wish. There’s no need to worry about wind,
from each follicle. Advanced techniques now enable
our patients. In fact, most of our clients find they
water, sports or work activities influencing your
us to precisely transplant these follicular units.
need little or no sedating medication during
transplanted hair — it simply behaves as strong
Tiny single-hair micrografts are ideal for creating a
the procedure — they are comfortable relaxing or
natural hair.
natural looking new hairline. Larger units of two
watching videos. Recovery is rapid, with only
mild to moderate swelling or discomfort, and
to four hairs, called minigrafts, are placed behind the
Where art meets science
Naturally, there’s
hairline to fill in thinning or balding areas. These
all patients returning to work within five to
more to hair transplants than the latest technology
transplanted hair grafts begin growing a few months
seven days.
and techniques. I bring a highly developed artistic
after surgery, resulting in healthy, natural hair.
sensibility to each procedure, so that hairline
33-year-old male
41-year-old male
52-year-old male