MARCH 2012 NEWSLETTER - The Dancewear Association of
MARCH 2012 NEWSLETTER - The Dancewear Association of
MARCH 2012 DACNEWSLETTER Bodywrappers / Angelo Luzio A Note From Julia Leone 2 IN THIS ISSUE DAC Executive News & Contact Info 4 Bloch12 Capezio14 FH216 Glitter Pie 17 Limeapple21 SoDanca22 2011 Conference Notes 29 DAC Group Emails 33 DAC 2012 Conference & Trade Show 34 Hi Everyone: First, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a belated safe and happy New Year. I am sorry I missed the Calgary Conference but I would like to announce the safe arrival of our second son, Jaxon Joseph, born on December 12th. Everything I have heard from those in attendance, at the Calgary Conference, it was a tremendous success and a real tribute to the 25th Anniversary of the Dancewear Association of Canada. As an Association, we are able to achieve better pricing and services from our manufacturers and also address operating situations which will allow us all to become more efficient and professional in meeting our customer needs. In the middle of the chaos heading into the busy competition season and trying to dig out from the knee-deep fall orders, please make sure you are planning to carry the excitement of Calgary to Montreal in November for our 26th Annual Conference. The DAC Executive are working together to better our organization while providing an aura of excitement and relaxation for our members. Come to the Montreal Conference with your ideas on how to grow your business, your company, your establishment and our Association for the second Twenty-five years. See you in Montreal, let’s talk and ask me about the Mayonnaise Jar. Julia Leone Vice-President, Retail Dancewear Association of Canada The 2011-2012 DAC EXECUTIVE President Sharon Norris VP Manufacturing Lisanias Ransan VP Retail Julia Leone Eileen and Richard Pendred Secretary/Treasurer Amber Riedel Tech and Communications Executive News & Contact Clarifying DAC Criteria for Membership The DAC executive has decided that a more concrete and explicit criteria for DAC membership is required in order to be able to better communicate and gauge eligibility for prospective manufacturing and retail members. We are therefore working to revise the DAC Code of Conduct since it is what is used to measure whether or not a wholesaler or retailer is eligible for membership. Current Code of Conduct As it stands the Code of Conduct is the following for Retail Membership and Manufacturer Membership... Retail Membership The Retail Membership shall consist of legitimate retailers of Dancewear/Dance Footwear who: • Pay municipal and/or provincial retail business license and/or tax(es) • Carry year-round stock of dancewear and shoes • Carry and display a stock in trade at a permanent location • Are open for business during normal daily business hours for 12 months each calendar year • Sell to the general public • Do not buy from basement operations unless the article is not available from a manufacturing member • Do not tranship (do not supply a given manufacturer’s goods to a retailer who does not have an account with that manufacturer) Manufacturer Membership The Manufacturer Membership shall consist of legitimate manufacturers of Dancewear/Dance Footwear who: • Are a commercially zoned legitimate manufacturing operation regardless of country • Pay municipal and/or provincial manufacturing business license and/or tax(es) • Attend the annual DAC meeting • Maintain a presence in Canada • Deal directly and exclusively with legitimate retailers, as outlined above • Do not sell directly to dance companies, dance schools, or the ultimate consumer (Note: A manufacturer may sell seconds or damaged good through a factory outlet) Revising the DAC Code of Conduct We are organizing an email vote for all the DAC members later in March regarding a revised code of conduct for DAC membership. We intend to eliminate any ambiguity about who is and is not qualified to become a DAC member. Please watch your inboxes for information on how to participate in the vote on these revisions. We thank-you in advance for casting your vote promptly once it is sent out. If and when the updated code of conduct is approved by the DAC membership, we will then overhaul the application process to be sure that all new applicants are being vetted for meeting the criteria of the new code of conduct. 2 MARCH 2012 t Info DAC Application Processing Suspended Membership and Fees As it stands we have three pending DAC applications: Eileen & Richard Pendred (Secretary/Treasurer) Phone: (905) 637-6391 1. A manufacturing member application, from Heart and Soul 2. A retail membership from Stage Stars in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan 3. A retail member application from The Shoe Room, in Toronto, Ontario. It has been decided by the executive to temporarily suspend accepting or rejecting any new applications. Once the criteria for membership reforms are voted on and we can update the process of vetting new applications we will reinitiate the process of conducting the verifications necessary for these applicants. The executive is committed to strengthening the organization through increased membership and are confident these steps will establish a solid foundation to expand upon. Have questions about your membership or fees? General Inquiries Do you have a question or suggestion for the DAC executive, have an idea for an initiative, want to find out how to vollunteer, or need to update your contact information? Send an email to the general DAC email address, and a vollunteer will put you in touch with the right person. DAC President Contact the DAC president with an email to this address: 3 Bodywrappers / Angelo L 246 247 Introducing 246 New Low Vamp 247A/C 246 Canvas Ballet Slippers 246 Adult: Black, Jazzy Tan, White 3-111/2 M, W; Peach 3-111/2 M, 3-10 N Child: Black, Peach, 10-21/2 M , N; Jazzy Tan 1-21/2 M, N; White 10-21/2 M 247 Adult: Peach 3-111/2 M, N; 3-10 N Child: Peach 10-21/2 M, W Tights left to right: Men’s Black M192, totalSTRETCH® Classic Ballet Pink Mesh Backseam A46 and Jazzy Tan Convertible A31, Men’s White M90 Photography by Ceren Salman For a retailer nearest you go to WWW.BODYWRAPPERS.COM 4 MARCH 2012 Luzio 5 Bodywrappers / Angelo Luzio 6 MARCH 2012 WWW.BODYWRAPPERS.COM 7 Bodywrappers / Angelo Luzio New Asymmetrical plushSupreme Leotards & Men’s practice tee and crop pants Tiler Peck Joaquin De Luz Principals, New York City Ballet Tiler is wearing: The Premiere™ Leotard P345 in Aqua Marine and A47 totalSTRETCH® Tights Joaquin is wearing: The M403 Tee, M195 Pants and 246A totalSTRETCH® Canvas ballet slippers Photography by Ceren Salman Use your cell Neoreader app to scan and view this video. For a retailer nearest you go to 8 MARCH 2012 9 Bodywrappers / Angelo Luzio New Performance Dress Colors: Lilac/White and Lt. Blue/Ivory & Men’s performance tee and crop pants Tiler Peck Joaquin De Luz Principals, New York City Ballet Tiler is wearing the P715 Performance Dress in Lt. Blue/Ivory and the A47 totalSTRETCH™ Backseam Mesh Toeless/Heelless Tights in Classic Ballet Pink Joaquin is wearing the M403 Performance Tee in White, the M195 Pant in Navy and the 246A Canvas totalSTRETCH™ Ballet Slipper in Jazzy Tan Photography by Ceren Salman For the store nearest you go to w w w. b o d y w ra p p e r s .c o m WWW.BODYWRAPPERS.COM 10 MARCH 2012 WWW.BODYWRAPPERS.COM 11 Bloch 12 MARCH 2012 13 Capezio Capezio Upgrades Pointe Shoe Styles In the spirit of celebrating the company’s 125th Anniversary, Capezio renews its commitment to Classical Ballet with a new set of Pointe Shoe Standards. With the technical challenges of today’s classical ballet dancer and the demand for enhanced articulation of the foot, Capezio upgraded several pointe shoe styles to satisfy dancers’ needs. Features include a reinforced back strap, graduated soles and shank lengths, flattened crowns, improved pleat construction, and, a new “quiet” toe feature. The upgraded shoes are also packaged in a newly designed red pointe shoe box allowing stores and consumers to easily decipher new products. For further information on the upgrades, please view the following informational video: 14 MARCH 2012 Available in adult sizes 4-14 and black, black with hot pink and a purple colorway Capezio Launches SnakeSpine™ Dansneaker™ Capezio proudly announces the revolutionary SnakeSpine™ Dansneaker™ (Style DS100) available in stores starting March 2012. SnakeSpine™ is a sleek and responsive tool that really keeps the dancer in tune with their bodies and connected to the floor. It was engineered specifically for dancers and provides a large range of functionality without sacrificing the dancers aesthetic. Functionally, SnakeSpine is a hybrid dansneaker® - it looks like a full soled sneaker but functions like a traditional split soled dance sneaker. It maintains the articulation under the arch and enhances the ability to articulate the forefoot. It is able to flex in both directions so that a dancer may more easily roll through the foot into releve and even on to pointe. SnakeSpine also provides enhanced medial and lateral support and ample side walls to push off from. The outsole composition is TPU in two densities that allow for easier turns and sliding motions. The look and the profile of the sneaker simultaneously provide lengthened and clean leg lines and an athletic look. The Capezio SnakeSpine ad campaign features Adar Wellington, NETS Dancers Coach, along with Bobby Newberry, choreographer for X-Factor. A promotional video can be viewed at 15 FH2 16 MARCH 2012 Glitter Pie Promotion offered only to DAC members Glitter Pie Spring Discount Save $50 on any one order over $400 in March Offer applies to our entire current catalogue including all jewelry, lashes, bun covers and sweet treats accessories. Blow Out Moss Green Feather Fascinator (while supplies last) Regular Price - $8.50 Now only $4.00 17 Glitter Pie INTRODUCING: Eye Candy Performance Lashes T he tradition of wearing thick caterpillar-looking lashes dates back to when stages were up lit with large bright cannon lights placed on the front-edge of the stage floor. The harsh up-facing lighting washed out the performer’s features, which neccesetated heavy makeup in the crease of the eye, lips and cheekbones, finishing with a heavy black lash. Today stage lighting consists of 100% overhead lighting, much different than before. Using the same heavy caterpillar lash works against the performer now. The thick lash creates a canopy over the eye resulting in a shadowy eye socket.The heavy long lash eliminates the connection with the audience by hiding the emotion of the eyes with the shadow of the lash. Creating the right lashes to exentuate a dancers face with modern lighting is what Eye Candy Performance Lashes were designed to do. They are a nod to the tradition of the heavy stage lash, but are ideal with the professional modern stage look needed today. Perfect for All-Ages Eye Candy Performance Lashes are a moderate thickness, that can be worn by adults and children. The half lashes are the perfect size for children, youth, or adult dancers whos studios prefer a more natural look on stage. The double lashes with a plain style and a rhinestone style are available in both kids and adults.Which makes it possible for a studio to have standard lashes for every student regardless of age. Both Firm and Flexible Our lashes are created tough enough to withstand the wearand-tear of dance competitions and festivals. All our lash bands are made thick enough for multiple applications and removals. However if lashes are too stiff, they will lift up at the corners, or fall off altogether. The Eye Candy Performance Lashes are firm, yet flexible enough to adhere to the eye comfortably. For Studio Requirements and Sparkle on a Budget Our rhinestone lashes are perfect for adding some extra sparkle to a dance solo.While the plain lash is a standard for studio requirements. The retail price of the double lash with one plain and one rhinestone lash is still less expensive than MAC’s single lash. Resealable Packaging The clam shell packaging is meant to be used to store the performance lashes. Instructions on the back make application easy, and guide new dance parents in how to remove and care for the lashes to get repeated use from them. 18 MARCH 2012 The Choice for Studios Here’s why Eye Candy Performance Lashes is an obvious choice for the studios and retailers: Easy Reference Style Numbers Studios can choose a style number for a lash they want everyone on the team to use. This number will be the same year to year, and, it will create a uniform and professional look for all their dancers. Encourage studio directors to let the parents know exactly what lash they want by style number and where to find the lashes. Reduced Frustration for Parents No more parents running from drug store to drug store trying to find a style of lashes that are sold out. Parents can stock up on extra back up pairs of lashes confident that next year the studio will use the same lash. NEW! Eyelash Adhesive Impulse Convenience Retailers that don’t stock lashes are missing out on impulse convenience purchases. Even if the drug store or dollar store has one use lashes for $5 or $10, a stressed-out dance mom at your cash register will happily pick up a pair of better quality lashes to save the extra trip somewhere else.The trick is to have them in stock at the cash January to June. Upsell Potential For the retailer this little lash is driving dance moms and dads directly to you, making it possible to pick up add-on sales for the performance season: tights, hairpins, rhinestone jewellery, Dance Paws, glitter body spray, etc. An $11 sale can easily become $111. The Eye Candy Performance Lashes conveniently give dancers a reason to come into your store during performance time. DUO Eyelash Adhesive • The world’s best adhesive and the largest seller in North America. • All professional make-up artists and performers use Duo. • Customers that use it won’t use anything else. • At least 50 applications-per-tube. • No expiry date. If it is sealed properly after each use, it can last for years. • A 7g / .25oz resealable tube is $4.00 wholesale and the suggested retail price is $10.00. Better yet, create a full performance package and point out to the studios the convenience of one-stop shopping. Combine Glitter Pie earrings, chokers, hair accessories and lashes as their complete stage accessory kit. Fast Delivery Place your order from Glitter Pie and your lashes arrive in a matter of days. We are well stocked for the upcoming competitive season and are shipping within 2 to 3 business days. Questions? Should you need anything, or, have any questions please email or call (519) 240-5372 Economy Eyelash Adhesive • For the consumer that wants a more affordable option. • A 7g / .25oz resealable tube is $2.50 wholesale and the suggested retail price is $6.00. Sample Adhesive Retailer feedback made us aware that a y. sample-size adhesive option was necessar now is this that We are happy to announce available.You can add sample adhesives of to your lash order for an additional cost $.50 per unit. 19 Glitter Pie Performance Eyelashes L708 Rhinestone Lash L605 Hatched Lashes • The fullest, thickest lash • Adds drama and sparkle • Our top-selling lash • Thick enough to frame the eye and complete the stage look • Hatched structure of the lashes lets light through and prevents a shadow over the eyes L603 Child’s Moderate Lash L607 Graduated Full Lash • The children’s style lash • Requires no trimming to fit the eye properly • Has two lashes included in the package for the price of a single full lash • Great for parents concerned about having the child look too“made up” • The perfect full lash • Thickness at the base frames and highlights the outline of the eye • Long enough to be seen • Thickness tapers to avoid any shadow on the eyes • Brighter eyes on stage and increased ability to connect with the audience L7000 & L7003 Adult and Child Sized Combo Lash Pack • • • • One plain & one rhinestone lash No one else offers this combo Created specifically for dance Great for dancers that want a special lash for solos or group, but are required to have a plain lash as well • Both sizes are identical for a uniform look in a group for both adults and kids • GREAT price point for two lashes 20 ple ap li m e MARCH 2012 Limeapple limeapple For all girls for all times... 1 (800) 359 5171 21 SoDanca 22 MARCH 2012 23 SoDanca 24 MARCH 2012 25 SoDanca 26 MARCH 2012 27 SoDanca 28 Minutes From the Dancewear Association of Canada 25th Annual Meeting The Delta South Calgary Alberta - November 18-20, 2011 Attendees Linda Grace Body Expressions Dancewear Stephanie Grace Body Expressions Dancewear Amber Riedel Inspirations Dancewear Sharyn Riedel Inspirations Dancewear Peter Benes Inspirations Dancewear Lynn McMurchy Ready Set Dance Ann Madore Jump Mira Leone Mirena’s Fashions Irena Sprah Mirena’s Fashions Ellen Cole Toe’s `n’ Taps Amy Cole Toe’s `n’ Taps Luke Gerard Bodythings Sarah Adam Bodythings Brittney Johnson Bodythings Judi Dormaar Classique Dancewear(Lethbridge) Scott Malabar Harlequin The Dance Store Jan Malabar Harlequin The Dance Store Eileen Apsega Sequins Plus Cindy Bard Classique Dance & Activewear Neil Vaessen Classique Dance & Activewear Laura Hauk Classique Dance & Activewear Debbie Parsons The Music Collection(dance corner) Christine O’Meara Danz & Movimento Monique Gervais Danz Joanne Giesinger And All That Jazz Dawn Fanin And All That Jazz Beverly Todd Jazz-ma-Tazz Audrey Gilan Jazz-ma-Tazz Cindy Collens The Masque Ltd Linda Booth The Masque Ltd Jessica Robert Malabar Toronto Jaclyn Bergyl Blane Holtz Joanne Novokovski Jillian Novokovski Allison Leone Maureen Fielding Erin Duncan Lucia Biedka Don Evans Margaret Evans Dana Johnson Lara Bouchard David Evans Rob Vorps Camela Park Fernando Vargas Denise Vargas Melonee Ochitwa Cory Ochitwa Karrie Verhulst Susan Manchak Maria Huh Sharon Norris Meg Stannard Tanya Henderson Jessica Bonkowski Laura Baiani Evelyn Wong Mar Ann Heary Bobby LaBrie Micheal Terlizzi John O’Connell Donna Klassen Susan Rittenberg Anel Pinon Armando Guadagno Betty Jacobs Angela Saxena Judy Kupferstein Chuck Pugh MARCH 2012 2011 Conference Notes Malabar Toronto Malabar Ottawa Dance Street Dance Street Instep Activewear Lasyds Dancewear Dance Box Dance Box The Dance Shop The Dance Shop The Dance Shop The Dance Shop The Dance Shop The Dancewear Centre Ballet to Broadway Dancewear Muge Muge Shirleys House of Dance Shirleys House of Dance Karries Kostumes Karries Kostumes FH2 Voce Voce Voce Voce Voce Voce Voce Ballet Makers Ballet Makers Ballet Makers Ballet Makers Ballet Makers Mondor Mondor Mondor Mondor Mondor Motionwear 29 2011 Conference Notes Andrew Bonser Kathe Jones Leona Romaniuk Lisanias Ransan Elizabeth Davidson Marie West Trudy Christ Antonella Pagano John VanDuzor Adrien Berube Rada Chatila Leslie Mcleod Laurel Nakka Doria Vandergraaf Christine Brohman Eileen Pendred Richard Pendred Motionwear Motionwear Motionwear SoDanca SoDanca Bodywrappers/Angelo Luzio Bodywrappers/Angelo Luzio Bodywrappers/Angelo Luzio Bodywrappers/Angelo Luzio Rada Dancewear Rada Dancewear Rada Dancewear Limeapple Limeapple Glitter Pie Treasurer Secretary Friday November 18 The meeting was opened by the president Erin Duncan who welcomed all. Members to the 25th annual meeting. The minutes of last years meeting distributed to all members were • Accepted as read. • Proposed Luke Gerard • Seconded Ellen Cole - Unanimous The treasurers report distributed to all members was accepted as read • Proposed Erin Duncan • Seconded Meg Stannard - Unanimous Thanks were expressed to The Masque Ltd/Classique Dance & Activewear and Ballet Makers who hosted the previous evening’s parties. Retail members round table discussions followed as the manufacturers prepared. The Trade Show The Trade Show pened at 1.00pm and continued until 8.00pm with the annual cocktail party taking place in the same area. Saturday November 19 The trade show continued from 9.00am to 5.00pm followed by cocktails and dinner. Buffet and an evening of entertainment (cowboy style). Sunday November 20 The general meeting continued, being opened by the president Erin Duncan. Pre- Registration for next years conference was discussed, as we need to give numbers to get the best deals from prospective venues. It was decided that members who are attending this year and who pre-register at this conference would be charged a reduced rate of $180.00 per person. Other registrations later in the year will be charged at a rate decided when costs are known. Trade show guests (non DAC members) can only attend once, and will be charged $50.00 per person. 30 MARCH 2012 Executive Trade Show The make up of the DAC Executive was explained to members, including how the positions alternate between retail and manufacturing members. Changes made this year with extended hours and the cocktail party at the trade show, met with the approval of the majority. Elections Dance routines during the trade show should be limited to a maximum or 10 min. VP Manufacturing: Lisanias Ransan • Proposed Erin Duncan Speakers • Seconded Marie West - Unanimous Speakers are expensive, so we need to pool our resources. New Executive Who do we know? President: Past President: VP Retail: VP Manufacturing: Tech & Communications: Treasurer: Secretary: Sharon Norris Erin Duncan Julia Leone Lisanias Ransan Amber Riedel Eileen Pendred Richard Pendred 2012 Conference Montreal Organisers: Marie West Trudy Christ Luigi Luzio Antonella Pagano 2013 Conference Discussion about east/west location, followed by a vote, decided that the 2013 meeting will be West: (East vote 11 / West vote 16) Location: Vancouver Spit Sessions Manufacturers review Trade show a success this year, but would like to extend for two full days. Friday and Saturday 9.00am to 5.30pm. With the cocktail party starting at the close on Friday. Presentations be limited to 10min each. Private meetings should be set up in advance , by either phone or email. Membership More members are needed. The manufacturers will contact prospective members spelling out the benefits of membership. Mondor and Rada will translate and contact stores where their working language is French. 31 2011 Conference Notes Retail Review Scholarship Retailers were pleased that new product catalogues were ready for the DAC conference. Additional scholarships were awarded in memory of Russ Duncan and Donna Booth. Special show deals wre much appreciated. Three awards were drawn: Retailers should book appointments before coming to the trade show, to make better use of their time. Barbara Uhoda scholarship Russ Duncan scholarship Donna Booth scholarship Performances during the trade show distracted buyers. Shorter perfomances would be better. Guests to the trade show are taking up space at the booths. (Which is another reason for booking appointments early). Guests are only allowed one visit to the trade show. 19 applications were received during the past year, we hope the trend continues. Conference 2013 Agenda Suggestions Friday 9.00am to 10.00am Round table discussion (Sit down lunch with speaker) 5.00pm to 7.00pm Saturday 9.00am to 5.00pm Sunday 9.00am to 1.00pm Newsletter Two news letters are proposed for next year, the first in Feb 2012. Close All business completed a motion to close the meeting Membership 10.00am to 6.00 pm Lasyds Bodythings Inspirations Trade Show Cocktails Trade Show General meeting • Proposed Erin Duncan • Seconded Lisanias Ransan - Unanimous 32 MARCH 2012 DAC Group Emails DAC Group Emails As a DAC member, you have the benefit of being in touch with the extraordinary DAC community year-round using the DAC Group Email addresses. Using the DAC Group Emails is just like sending a regular email. But your message will be forwarded to everyone in the group. There are two DAC Group Email addresses… Emailing All DAC Members For sending a message to all the DAC members, simply send an email to: Emailing DAC Retailers Only For messages that contain information manufactures may prefer you don’t share with other manufacturers, we have a separate retailer-only group email address. As a rule-of-thumb, use this address anytime you mention a manufacturer brand or product: It’s a good idea to add these address to your address book software, so you can easily send a message to DAC members anytime you want to. Avoid Nuisance Reply Emails When receiving group emails, if you want to contribute to the discussion, press the REPLY button, and your message will be sent to everyone on the list. If your response is intended just for the sender, then avoid adding to the mountain of emails we all already receive, by replying only to the email address of the person who sent the message. Thanks! Thanks to everyone who provided content for this newsletter, and a special thanks to: • Amber Riedel (Inspirations Dancewear) for coordinating; • Antonella Pagano (Bodywrappers/Angelo Luzio) and Peter Benes (Inspirations Dancewear) for graphic design and typesetting. 33 DAC 2012 Conference & Trade Show DAC Conference & Trade Show November 16-18, 2012 • Montreal, Québec Increase your bottom line Take advantage of exclusive discounts for trade show attendees Have your say Be Inspired Get an edge Meet with manufacturing executives and decision makers Network with other successful Canadian dancewear retailers Listen to retail specific speakers that can assist in the continued growth of your business The 2012 DAC Conference is already ramping up to be a great experience. So much is happenning in retail, manufacturing and technology, and DAC is our chance to meet with the other people who make dancewear great. Talk about new ideas, opportunitites and challenges, and come back with new ideas, and larger sense of the industry we are all in. Location The DAC 2012 Conference and Trade Show is at the Sheraton Centre Montreal located in the heart of downtown Montreal and just minutes away from shopping, nightlife and great restaurants. 34 What is included in conference registration? 3 Ways to Register • Breakfast Saturday and Sunday Go to 1. Online • Lunch Friday and Saturday • Cocktail and hors d’oeuvres reception Friday evening Register all conference attendees by filling out the online form and submitting payment using Visa or Mastercard • Cocktails and Formal dinner with 1950s themed entertainment Saturday evening 2. By Fax • Access to the trade show floor Friday and Saturday & trade show discounts (for retailers) • Attendance to guest speaker presentation (topic and speaker TBD) • Attendance to the DAC general meeting Sunday 10AM - 6PM • Meetings, guest speaker(s) and trade show followed by cocktail reception 9AM - 4PM • Trade Show followed by cocktails, formal dinner and entertainment Sunday, November 18 Complete the credit card information for payment Fax to: (905) 637-6391 3. By Mail Send completed form with payment cheque to: A detailed itinerary will be available closer to the event, but the general weekend hours are: Saturday, November 17 Print off and fill out the registration form Print off and fill out the registration form Itinerary Friday, November 16 9AM-1PM DAC Conference Registration 408 Henderson Road Burlington Ontario L7L 2P8 Conference Hotel Room Information Le Centre Sheraton Montreal 514-878-4040 1201 Rene-Levesque West, Montreal, Québec Conference guest room rate - $149 (Rate is available for three days before and after the conference) 2 Ways to Book Rooms • DAC Annual General Meeting 1. Online: Registration Prices res?id=1202205508&key=C3428 Early Bird Rate $199 Availble before August 15, 2012 Standard Rate $225 2. By Phone 1-800-325-3535 (You must ask for DAC 2012 Conference Rate) Availble August 16 - Oct 13, 2012 Last Minute Booking MARCH 2012 DAC Conference & Trade Show 2012 $250 Note: October 13 is the cut off date for booking at reduced conference room rate. $99 Please note: All DAC members attending the conference must stay at Le Centre Sheraton Montreal. This is the only way the organization can ensure we meet the contract with the hotel and avoid higher conference rates per person. October 14 - November 9 Extra ticket for Saturday night dinner Only for people not registered for the conference and trade show 35 2012 DAC Conference Registration Form 3 Ways to Register Your Name 1. Online Your Company Name Go to Names of Attendees Price 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Subtotal HST TOTAL Dietary Restrictions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Payment Method 1. Cheque ____ 2. VISA _____ 3. MASTERCARD ____ Card Number: Expiry: Amount Paid: Today’s Date: Name on Card: Signature: Register all conference attendees by filling out the online form and submitting payment using Visa or Mastercard 2. By Fax Print off and fill out this registration form Complete the credit card information for payment Fax to: (905) 637-6391 3. By Mail Print off and fill out this registration form Send completed form with payment cheque to: DAC Conference Registration 408 Henderson Road Burlington Ontario L7L 2P8 Registration Prices Early Bird Rate $199 Availble on or before August 15, 2012 Standard Rate $225 Availble August 16 - Oct 13, 2012 Last Minute Booking $250 October 14 - November 9 Extra ticket for Saturday night dinner $99 Only for people not registered for the conference and trade show Registration is non-refundable. However attendee names can be updated at any time. 36
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