Tectonophysics, 31 (1976) 259-289 Scientific Publishing Company, @ Elsevier 259 Amsterdam - Printed SEISMOTECTONIC OF THE AZORES-ALBORAN A. UDIAS’ , A. LdPEZ ARROYO’ r Departamento (Spai? Secch (Spain) de Fisica de Sismologia (Submitted REGION and J. MEZCUA’ de la Tierra e Ingenieria July 4, 1975; revised in The Netherlands y de1 Cosmos, Sismica, version Uniuersidad Inst. Geogrbfico accepted January de Barcelona, y Catastral, Barcelona Madrid 15, 1976) ABSTRACT Udias, A., Lopez Arroyo, A. and Mezcua, J., 1976. Seismotectonic Alboran region. Tectonophysics, 31: 259-289. of the Azores- New seismicity and focal-mechanism data from the area of the Azores Islands, in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, to the Alboran Sea and the southern part of Spain are presented. As a consequence of the different characters in the focal-mechanism solutions and b-values associated, the area has been divided in four different parts, namely, Mid-Atlantic and Terceira Ridge, Azores-Gibraltar fault, Gulf of Cadiz, Alboran Sea and Betica. The last two form the interaction between the Eurasian and African continental plates. The fracture zone is the locus of very large earthquakes with mechanisms showing a predominant right-lateral horizontal motion. Seismic foci in the continental interaction zone are spread over the whole region with mechanisms changing in character from west to east. It is suggested that this may be consequence of the behaviour of the Spanish Peninsula as a partly independent subplate. In the eastern part of the studied zone, the so-called Alboran plate may be considered as a buffer plate. INTRODUCTION The area covered by this study extends from 5”E to 4O”W and from 30”N to 50”N. This region includes at its west side a section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Azores Islands, in its middle part the oceanic region between the Azores and the Strait of Gibraltar, and at its east side the Iberian Peninsula, the Alboran Sea and the northern coast of Morocco and Algeria. The ocean-bottom topography of the area is shown in Fig. 1. The MidAtlantic Ridge follows a north-south direction down to latitude 41”N. At that point it bifurcates into two branches; one follows a S45”W trend and constitutes the continuation of the main ridge, and the other, a short branch with a S45”E trend, stops abruptly at 25”W. The Azores, with the exception of Flores and Corro islands, are located on this last branch, sometimes called the Terceira ridge. To the west there is a fairly flat rise (average depth 1000 m), while to the east, towards the Strait of Gibraltar, the bottom slopes slowly to depths of 3000 m. At about 15” W a rugged region begins with a E e 261 series of seamounts rising up to depths of 500 m. An elongated basin (Horseshoe plain) trending E-W separates the Gorringe ridge from Ampere and Coral banks. The Alboran Sea east of the Strait of Gibraltar is formed by two basins of about 1000 m depth, separated by a narrow neck called the Alboran ridge where the Alboran island is situated. The eastern boundary of the Alboran Sea may be located at about 1”W. With regard to seismicity, the region is quite active and heterogeneous. It contains a zone of shallow earthquakes with moderate magnitude at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, sporadic but large shocks along the line from the Azores to the Strait of Gibraltar, and a continuous seismic activity spread over southern Spain and North Africa. Worthy of mention also are the very deep (h - 650 km) earthquakes with epicenters near Granada. Tectonically this region is of great interest. From the point of view of plate tectonics it represents the interaction of the American, Eurasian and African plates, which results in processes at the plates of different nature, such as ridge formation, transverse faulting and oceanic-crust consumption. The area is a key to understanding the transition from the tectonics of the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean to the processes of formation of the Mediterranean Sea. Among the first studies of this region are those of Rothe (1951, 1954) in which he calls attention to the importance of the line of earthquakes from the Azores to Gibraltar, and the complexities of the structure under the Alboran Sea. More recently, with the general acceptance of the fundamentals of the theory of plate tectonics, the region has received wider attention. Many authors have interpreted the geophysical and geological data of the region in the light of this theory, among others Isacks et al. (1968), Ritsema (1969), Smith (1971), and McKenzie (1972). The Alboran Sea and the Betica and Rift mountain ranges have been studied in particular by many authors, among them by Arabia and Vegas (1974), Andrieux et al. (1971), Egeler and Simon (1960) Galdeano et al. (1974), Le Pichon et al. (1972), and Olivet et al. (1973). Some seismological aspects have already been treated by the present authors (Udias, 1967; Udias and Lopez Arroyo, 1969; Lopez Arroyo and Udias, 1972). A preliminary interpretation of the region as a whole was given in Udias and Lopez Arroyo (1972). New seismicity and focal-mechanism data have now been evaluated and are presented in this paper making possible more definite conclusions about the tectonic conditions. As a conclusion, a dynamic model consistent with all the available information is attempted. SEISMICITY To be meaningful over a wide range of magnitude, a study of the seismicity of the region must extend to historical dates, long before the installation of seismographic stations, because of the long time intervals separating the occurrence of large earthquakes. In such a study, the problem of lack of 262 homogeneity of the data becomes very important. It is obvious that the minimum size of detected earthquakes has changed considerably with time, depending on the geographical distribution of the population and, in the later years, on the sensitivity and coverage of seismic-station networks. These two factors set differences in the magnitude threshold of listed earthquakes, for the same time interval, in different subzones of the region. Differences are specially large between ocean and inland areas. Such inhomogeneity of the basic data precludes their treatment by many of the current mathematical procedures, and forces one to a more descriptive analysis, as presented in the following paragraphs. As the time of occurrence and location of earthquakes of moderate to small magnitudes are known with sufficient accuracy only since recent times, we divide the seismicity data into three classes which have been plotted and studied separately, namely: large earthquakes (1500-1972), moderate and small earthquakes (1962-1972) for the total region and moderate to small earthquakes (1961-1972) for the area near the Iberian Peninsula. In this way each class consists of approximately homogeneous and complete data for the region and time interval considered. The very deep earthquakes with epicenters in southern Spain are also treated separately. Large earthquakes (1500-l 972) By large earthquakes it is meant those with surface magnitudes equal to or larger than M = 7, and, for historical shocks without instrumental magnitude determination, those whose damage was very significant and extended over a wide region. A list of earthquakes with estimated magnitudes M > 7 is given in Table I. The last five earthquakes in the table occurred within the last 50 years and have instrumental epicenter and magnitude determinations. Magnitudes for historical earthquakes can be approximated from estimates of maximum intensity derived from descriptions of damage included in historical records. For shocks with epicenters on land, it is possible to obtain information from references to effects on towns and buildings nearby and, from these, to get a rough estimate of the maximum intensity and probable magnitude. Assigned epicentral coordinates of historical earthquakes are those of the town where damage was greatest. Epicenters at sea (shown in parentheses in Table I) are even more uncertain and are based on comparison of the distribution of earthquake effects with those of more recent times and whose epicenters have been instrumentally determined. Epicenters are plotted in Fig. 2; those of historical shocks are represented by open squares. Regarding historical earthquakes in the ridge zone, estimations of location and magnitude are difficult and necessarily of poor accuracy. The population of the Azores islands was very sparse from the XVI to XIX century and written accounts of estimates of damage from earthquakes inspire very little confidence. Therefore, the data for these shocks, provided by Dr. Trepa 263 TABLE I List of large shocks for the period 1500-1972 Date Origin time Lat. (ON) Long. (OW) M 5 Apr 1504 26 Jan 1531 9 Ott 1680 27 Dee 1722 - 37.0 37.0 36.0 37.0 5.0 12.5 4.0 10.0 - - 1 31 21 25 Nov Mar Mar Dee 1755 1761 1829 1884 - 37.0 37.0 38.0 37.0 10.0 13.0 1.0 4.0 20 8 25 29 28 May May Nov Mar Feb 1931 1939 1941 1954 1969 02-22-56 01-46-48 18-03-54 06-17-05 02-40-32.5 37.4 37.0 37.4 37.0 36.1 15.9 23.9 19.0 3.3 10.6 (8.91 7.1 7.1 8.114 7.0 8.0 (Sercico Meteorologico National de Portugal), have not been included in Table I. Shocks with epicenters at sea, away from the coast, do not usually produce very large damage on land. Thus, the historical catalog for the region may be incomplete. Plotted epicenters (Fig. 2) roughly delineate the fracture from the ridge to the southern Spain-northern Morocco area. A brief description of shocks of the historical period is presented below. 30 40 20 I 0 l y IO 0 I HISTORICAL INSTRUMENTAL ,93* 0 1500- ,9&’ 0 1973 M>7 I I Fig. 2. Location and dates of large earthquakes for the period 1500-1972 tude M > 7. Open squares represent location of the historical data. with magni- 264 As general references we have used Perrey (1847), Galbis (1932) and Fontsere and Iglesias (1971). Navarro-Neumann (1920), April 5, 1504 - Epicenter near Carmona (Sevilla). Extensive damage and loss of lives in Carmona and nearby towns. A fault ruptured at surface with a vertical offset of 1.8 m extending up to 3 km length. It was felt in Medina de1 Campo (at 500 km from Carmona), Algarve (Portugal), in the province of Murcia and northern Morocco. January 26, 1531 - Epicenter probably at sea, SW Cape San Vicente. Over one fourth of the houses in Lisbon were totally destroyed with many persons killed. Damage was also reported from towns in Spain and northern Morocco and the shock was felt as far away as Holland and Switzerland. There are descriptions of tsunamis along the southwest coast of Portugal. The intensity is believed by some authors to have been as large as that of the earthquake of 1755. October 9, 1680 - Epicenter near Malaga. Felt area was limited mainly to southern Spain and northern Morocco. In Malaga alone more than 850 houses were totally destroyed and 1250 seriously damaged, In Granada most houses suffered severe damage. There are reports of ground ruptures. December 27, 1722 - Epicenter at sea, near the southern coast of Portugal with an area of destruction including towns from Cape S. Vicente to Faro for a distance of more than 100 km. Many people were killed either by the shock itself or by the large tsunami which swept the coast. November 1, 1755 - The epicenter has been estimated at about 300 km southwest of Cape San Vicente (Machado, 1966). Known as the Lisbon earthquake, it is considered as one of the largest shocks of which we have record. The shock itself and the subsequent large tsunami produced destruction and loss of lives especially in Lisbon (estimates vary from 20,000 to 40,000 deaths) and Fez, as well as extensive damage in other towns and cities of Portugal, Spain and Morocco. There exist very detailed accounts of the damage in Portugal and Spain from the commissions established in these two countries. The bibliography on all aspects of this earthquake is very large; one of the most complete references is that of Pereira de Sousa (1919), for the damage in Portugal. March 31, 1761 - The epicenter was also probably offshore in the Atlantic. Destructive in the Azores and Canary Islands, it was felt in Madrid, Bordeaux and as far as Holland and Ireland. This was the first of a sequence of large shocks; a total of fourteen were felt in the interval between 31 March and 14 June. 265 March 21, 1829 - Epicenter near Torrevieja (Alicante). Navarro-Neumann reports a total of 839 persons killed and 375 seriously injured. Property damage is estimated at more than 5,000 houses totally or partially destroyed. According to Sieberg (1904), in Murcia alone more than 3,500 houses were destroyed. December 25, 1884 - Epicenter between Granada and Malaga. A commission that studied the effects in the provinces of Granada and Malaga gives 745 persons dead and 1,253 seriously injured, although the number of victims was probably much higher; more than 17,000 houses suffered from total to serious damage. This shock aroused great interest in the learned circles of Europe, and the Academic des Sciences (Parr’s) and the Accademia dei Lincei (Rome) sent commissions to Spain to study the damage. There exists a large bibliography. Earthquakes for the period 1962-l 972 To obtain the best possible picture of the distribution of moderate to small earthquakes, we have considered the lo-year period 1962-1972. During that interval the WWSSN stations were already in operation and the reliability of the epicentral and magnitude determination is greater than before. Data for the period 1962-1972 have been obtained from the Hypocentral Data File of the National Geophysical and Terrestrial Data Center, NOAA, . . Fig. 3. Seismicity map for the period 1962-1972 with magnitude rn~~s > 4. 266 Boulder, Colorado. Epicenters have been plotted in Fig. 3. The number of earthquakes is 302 and the lower limit of magnitude mCG s = 4, but the list is probably complete only to magnitude m CGS = 4.5. On the western side, epicenters are concentrated on the axis of the ridge. The line from the Azores to Gibraltar is interrupted between longitudes 23” W and 16” W. This zone coincides with the location of the large shocks of 1931 and 1941 (see Fig. 2). Absence of low-level seismicity at this section indicates the sudden release of the strain by the two quoted large shocks. Perhaps there is a locking mechanism that prevents release of accumulating strain by means of small shocks, making this gap zone a potentially dangerous area (Sykes, 1971). This suggestion has been partly confirmed by the large earthquake of 26 May, 1975 of M = 8.2 with epicenter (35” .8N, 17”.6W). For the region east of longitude 15” W the epicenters are spread over a wider area covering the Alboran Sea, southern Spain and northern Morocco. The southern limit of the seismicity continues eastwards through northern Algeria and Tunisia, to join there with the seismicity of the Sicily-Calabrian arc. Seismic activity near the Spanish Peninsula, 1961-l 972 Seismicity in the region of the Spanish Peninsula has been studied by Munuera (1963, 1964). Here, we will limit our study to data starting in 1961, when the “Boletin de Sismos Proximos” was first published by the Instituto Geogrifico y Catastral, giving more accurate epicenter determinations for shocks in this area. Epicenters taken from this bulletin for the period 1961-1972 are plotted in Fig. 4. Most epicenters lie south of the socalled Guadalquivir fault, which marks the southern limit of the stable Spanish plateau. On land, earthquakes are concentrated in three groups: to the north of Granada, near Huescar and Orce, and in the vicinity of Murcia. At sea, shocks of magnitude between 3.5 and 5.0 are spread over a wide area east and west of the Strait of Gibraltar. Seismicity, when studied in detail, shows a marked difference in character at both sides of the strait. The percentage of shocks with m > 5 is considerably larger to the west of the strait. Shocks are spread through the whole extent of the Alboran Sea, but the activity stops on the east, on the Spanish side, at about l”E, while on the North African side shocks continue along the coast to Tunisia. Another active area of relatively small earthquakes is found in the Pyrenees and Catalunya. On tectonic grounds it seems that this zone should be linked to that of the Guadalquivir through the Balearic Islands, but seismicity does not support this relation, because the islands are almost completely free of seismic activity. Deep earthquakes The problem concerning the depth of earthquakes of this region is worth treating here. Shocks at the ridge are shallow, average depth being around 20 267 km. Shocks at the Gulf of Cidiz and southern Spain are mostly also shallow, but there may be some intermediate-depth shocks; some 22 in the period 1951-1960 are listed by Munuera (1963) as having depths between 60 and 250 km and from 1961 to 1972 another 22 with depths over 60 km. These depth determinations, however, are not very reliable because of the asymmetrical distribution of stations and lack of information regarding the crustal and upper-mantle velocities. The question of the existence of intermediatedepth shocks in the zone cannot be solved unless new stations are installed and the velocity distribution with depth is known. The solution of the last problem may benefit from the results of the deep seismic profiles made recently in the area. Of particular importance is the occurrence of shocks of great depth, over 600 km, in the region near Granada. The first of these which is well documented is the so-called “deep Spanish earthquake” of 29 March 1954, depth 650 km and magnitude 7. Another deep shock in the same area and at approximately the same depth occurred on 30 January 1973 with magnitude 4. This shows that the earthquake of 1954 was not a completely isolated event. A focus of seismic activity exists at that depth, which must be accounted for in any tectonic interpretation of the region. - . . .? * . ---%.( l m-1on . . . ozo.. art. . . ALa” . . l l . d . . : . AI . . “! c . . Fig. 4. Seismicity map of the Iberian Peninsula are those determined by LCSS (Madrid). for the period 1961-1972. Magnitudes Fig. 5. A. Return period vs. magnitude; full circles (Lcipez Arroyo and Stepp, 1971). B.~Maximum yearly magnitude for-1 850-19j3. open circles (Khik, 1973) and As indicated in the Introduction, earthquakes do not follow the same time distribution through the whole region under study. The strongest contrast is presented between the middle part of the fracture, locus of very strong shocks separated by long intervals of quiescence, and the Peninsula and Alboran Sea, where small shocks occur fairly frequently. Obviously, historical data on earthquakes with epicenters in the Atlantic Ocean are not complete except for the very large magnitudes and, therefore, are not adequate for a quantitative treatment. As for those with epicenters on land and in the Alboran Sea and Gulf of Cidiz, Lopez Arroyo and Mezcua (1972) studied their time distribution for the years 1962-1972, and their relation to the structure and motion of tectonic plates as derived from other investigations; they found some grounds for suspecting that earthquakes in the Gulf of Cidiz induce seismicity which propagates towards the east to the borders of the assumed Alboran subplate. An extreme-value analysis of almost the same region (see insert in Fig. 5) with data from the catalogue of the Spanish Seismological Survey, has been made by Kirnik (1971) and Lopez Arroyo and Stepp (1973). The return periods for different magnitudes found in these investigations are presented in the same figure. The lower curve of the two given by K&nik was obtained by correcting to an infinite time interval by a hyperbolic law to the data for three finite intervals of 30, 55 and 67 years, respectively. The upper and lower curve by Lopez Arroyo and Stepp correspond, respectively, to data from 1901 to 1967 and 1850 to 1972. These later values are much smaller than those by Karnik, because data previous to 1900, including the large Andaluciaearthquake of 1884, did not enter into his analysis. Karnik gives 6.3 as maximum magnitude observed in the region, while the largest shock of 1884 reached a value M - 7. Return periods for magnitudes above 6.5 may be in error as a type-1 Gumbel distribution has been fitted to the data and such a law may not be appropriate. The lowest graph in Fig. 5 represents the time variation of the largest magnitude observed every year, according to the same catalogue. It shows another feature of the long-term variation of seismicity of the region, i.e., the jump around 1890 in the mean maximum magnitude from about 5.0 to 5.5. Magnitude distribution Certain characteristic of the magnitude-frequency the NOAA data from 1963 region, and separately, for (east of 20” W). The values total ridge fracture the seismicity of a region can be obtained from relation. This relation has been determined from to 1972. Figure 6 shows the curves for the whole the ridge (west of 2O”W) and the fracture zone found by a least-squares fit for the slope are: b = 1.19 * 0.04 b = 1.34 f 0.06 b = 0.87 * 0.04 The linearity of the relation holds for shocks larger than mcos = 4.5 which indicates that for smaller shocks the set is probably not complete. The difference in the values of b for the ridge and fracture zone is significant, since magnitude determination of the set is fairly uniform for the whole region. Considering as a reference the overall value of b (1.19) for the whole region, b is higher for the ridge and lower for the fracture. A similar difference in the value of b for several ridge and fracture zones of the MidAtlantic region has been obtained by Sykes (1967) who attributes it to the difference in faulting mechanism; normal faults in the ridge and strike-slip in the fracture. Francis (1968) has also found a consistent difference in the values of b for ridge and fracture regions (b = 0.65, fracture; b = 1.33, ridge), that he interprets in terms of the conditions in the crust and upper mantle under the two regions which, according to ocean-floor spreading, favor brittle fracture in the fractures and cataclastic faulting in the ridge. According to 270 Fig. 6. Cumulative fracture zones. frequency vs. magnitude for earthquakes in the whole area, ridge anti 6 t 5- 3I 3 4 6 5 Magnitude Fig. 7. Comparison spond to data after of magnitudes 1970. determined LCSS by USCGS (Madrid1 and LCSS. Open circles 271 Wyss (1973) low values of b can be considered as indicative of high stresses and large source dimensions, while high b-values correspond to low stresses which in the ridge result from a weaker crust and presence of high temperatures. Using only data of the Spanish region, as taken from the “Boletin de Sismos Proximos” from 1961 to 1972 and magnitudes above mLCSS = 4, a value of b = 1.11 has been obtained. This value is higher than the one obtained from the NOAA data. There are two reasons for this; one is that data come predominantly from east of the strait, the other that the magnitudes calculated by Laboratorio Central de la Section de Sismologia (LCSS), Madrid, are biased toward higher values and, thus, shocks of magnitudes actually under 4 are being assigned magnitudes between 4 and 5. The relation between the NOAA (or USCGS) magnitudes and those of the LCSS, is shown in Fig. 7; open circles correspond to data since 1970, when the method for determination of magnitudes was modified. TABLE II List of earthquakes with calculated focal taken from ISS bulletins and magnitudes GS and magnitude rn~~ S. No. Date 13 11 12 19 20 18 17 1 6 8 5 3 15 7 9 10 16 14 2 4 22 21 20 8 25 19 29 5 15 17 11 6 17 18 29 29 4 5 28 6 18 13 7 30 May 1931 May 1939 Nov 1941 May 1951 Mar 1954 Dee 1960 Mar 1964 May 1964 Jul 1964 Sep 1964 Sep 1964 Sep 1964 Jun 1965 Sep 1965 Jul 1966 Jul 1966 Feb 1969 Sep 1969 Nov 1970 May 1972 Nov 1972 Jan 1973 Origin time ___02-22-56 01-46-48 18-03-54 15-54-24 06-17-05 21-21-47 22.30-26.0 19-26-20.6 22-34-43.8 18-55-47.4 15-02-00.9 13-12-42.3 04-27-58.3 23-20-17.9 12-15-26.5 05-09-04.7 02-40-32.5 14-30-39.5 12-23-18. 16-40-22. 12-05-13.8 02-36-11.6 mechanism. Before 1962 epicentral data are are M. After 1962 data from USCGS, NERL and Lat. (ON) Long. 37.4 37.4 37.4 38.1 37.0 35.6 36.2 35.2 41.7 38.3 44.5 39.8 36.6 45.2 37.5 37.6 36.1 36.9 35.1 45.0 49.0 37.0 15.9 23.9 19.0 3.7 3.3 6.5 7.6 35.9 29.9 26.6 31.3 29.7 12.3 28.2 24.7 24.7 10.6 11.9 35.7 28.2 39.4 3.6 (“W) h (km) Magnitude N N N N (6) 650 34 27 33 33 33 24 20 33 24 20 18 22 33 33 33 33 634 (Z.5, 6.2 5.6 4.8 4.9 5.6 5.5 4.8 5.4 5.4 5.1 7.3 5.7 5.4 5.0 5.2 4.0 7.1 7.1 8.3 272 EARTHQUAKE FOCAL MECHANISM Data and solutions The focal mechanism of 22 earthquakes in this area has been studied using the direction of motion of the onset of the P-wave. Earthquakes are listed in Table II, and solutions in Table III. Planes are given by their strike and dip, axes of tension and pressure by their trend and plunge. Solutions are shown in Figs. 8-14. Data for all solutions have been read by the authors, except for shock 9 (6 Sept. 1966) whose solution is that of Sykes (1967) and it is not shown in the figures. Of the 22 earthquakes, those numbered from 1 to 7 belong to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Numbers 8-11 are situated on the Terceira ridge, and, of these 9, 10 and 11 are placed at the end of the ridge and beginning of the fracture zone. Shocks 12 and 13 occurred at the center of the fracture zone. Shocks 14 and 15 are at the eastern end of the fracture and beginning of the more complex region that we designate as Gulf of Cadiz; to that region belong shocks 16-18. The two deep shocks 20 and 21 TABLE III Focal-mechanism solutions. trend (p) and plunge (6). No. 13 11 12 19 20 18 17 1 6 8 5 3 15 7 9 10 16 14 2 4 22 21 Date 20 8 25 19 29 5 15 17 11 6 17 18 29 29 4 5 28 6 18 13 7 30 May 1931 May 1939 Nov 1941 May 1951 Mar 1954 Dee 1960 Mar 1964 May 1964 Jul 1964 Sep 1964 Sep 1964 Sep 1964 Jun 1965 Sep 1965 Jul 1966 Jul 1966 Feb 1969 Sep 1969 Nov 1970 May 1972 Nov 1972 Jan 1973 Planes are given by their strike and dip and P, T-axis by their Plane B Plane A N88 E N 79 E N 84 E N 68 E N 3E N 38 E N 65 E N 90 E N 60 W N 76 E N 1W N 22 E N 70 W N 9E N 68 W N 84 E N 64 W N 84 E N 31 W N 16 E N17W NO E 80 82 88 66 89 70 80 84 S s N NW E NW SE N 72 80 44 84 40 80 70 80 68 82 60 50 47 ‘70 NE S E SE s SE SW s SW s NE w E E N 0’ N 10 W N 7E N 7W N77W N 54 W N 64 W N 1E N 28 E N 9W N 63 E N 82 W N 66 E N 74 E N 6E N 1W N 48 E N 6W N 33 E N81 W N 52 E N 48 W T P 80 E 84 w 84 E 57 NE 3w 83 SW 16 NE 83 E 75 NW 60 W 68 NW 26 NE 60 NW 22 NW 54 SE 60 W 48 NW 79 w 60 NW 80 s 22 NW 30 SW cp 6 cp 6 135 304 129 208 89 174 165 225 162 126 314 268 354 256 334 185 178 128 181 159 294 298 10 3 6 40 44 10 34 8 30 14 14 45 11 50 40 13 12 2 45 27 15 58 44 34 39 301 276 80 320 135 10 10 5 4 46 17 54 1 71 28 198 135 108 116 235 37 72 85 83 54 184 75 3 29 51 35 64 31 10 25 47 11 4 8 50 22 Fig. 8. Focal-mechanism solutions of earthquake. A. 1; 17 May 1964. B. 2; 18 November 1970, C. 3; 18 September 1964, D. 4; 13 May 1972. Solid circles compressions, open circles dilatations, smaller symbols short-period data, crossed symbols doubtful data. are located east of Gibraltar strait, and number 19 is on the Guadalquiv~ fault zone. For earthquakes after 1962, data of first motion have been taken whenever possible from the WWSSN stations, and, of these, long-period data have been preferred to short period. When both types of data are used in the same solution, those from short-period instruments are shown in the figures by smaller symbols. Crossed dots are used when data were of uncertain sign. Six solutions correspond to earthquakes before 1962. Four of these have also been studied by other authors; the remaining two are the shocks of 1931 and 1939. The two northern quadrants of these solutions are well Fig. 9. Focal-mechanism solutions of earthquake. A. 5; 17 September 1964. B. 6; 11 July 1964. C. 7; 29 September 1965. D. 8; 6 September 1964. Symbols as in Fig. 8. covered by North American and European stations, but the southern quadrants have practically no data. One of the few reliable stations operating in South America at that time was La Paz, Bolivia, whose records have been studied. For the shocks of 1939 and 1941, data reported by the ISS bulletin have been used (square symbols), together with data newly read from seismograms of selected stations. For the shock of 1941 Di Filippo’s solutions (Di Filippo, 1949) have also been replotted in Fig. 30. The only difference with our solution comes from the data of Tananarive and Johannesburg which determine the dip of the N-S plane in Di Filippo’s solutions. Data 15 NM 19u C D Fig. 10. Focal-mechanism solutions of earthquake. A. 10; 5 July 1966. B. 11; 8 May 1939. C. 12; 25 November 1941. D. 12; 25 November 1941. Squares data taken from ISS bulletins, other symbols as in Fig. 8. and solution for the 1954 deep earthquake (Fig. 14) are those of Hodgson and Cock (1956). For the 5 Dec. 1960 earthquake, data have been newly read from records of near stations. The solution given in Fig. 11D is that of Constantinescu et al. (1966) which, as can be seen in the figure, fits well with our data. For the earthquake of 19 May 1951 the data have been taken from Chacon (1955) (Fig. 12B). An error in the original paper concerning the dip angles of the planes has been corrected. The solution of March 1964 is taken from Udias and Lopez Arroyo (1969); that of McKenzie (1972) differs in the orientation of the low dip- 276 Fig. 11. Focal-mechanism solutions of earthquake. ber 1969. C. 15; 29 June 1965. D. 18; 5 December A. 13; 20 May 1931. B. 14; 6 Septem1960. Symbols as in Fig. 8. ping plane, which is not well defined by the data, but is similar otherwise. The solution of the shock of 28 Feb. 1969 (Fig. 12C) is that of Lopez Arroyo and Udias(1972). The difference with the one by Fukao (1973) comes from the dilatations of three short-period records from Central American stations not considered by him which determine the orientation of the E-W plane. Disregarding these, we can obtain a solution similar to that of Fukao, which has also been drawn in Fig. 12C (dashed line). McKenzie’s mechanism (1972) for this earthquake does not take into account the near stations, two of which belong to the WWSSN (TOL and MAL), and it is not 277 Fig. 12. Focal-mechanism 1951. C. 16; 28 February solution of earthquake. A. 17; 15 March 1969. D. 22; 7 November 1972. Symbols 1964. B. 19; 19 May as in Fig. 8. consistent with them. McKenzie gives in the same paper a solution for the shock of 6 Sep. 1969, also inconsistent with the data from near stations. The strike-slip mechanism solution given in Fig. 11B is more consistent with all the available data. TECTONIC INTERPRETATION OF THE REGION A summary of the results from the focal-mechanism solutions is given in Fig. 15. As a consequence of the different character, both in seismicity and 27s rp ?P 4 I+ *+ . . + I, *‘+-H __-d .*’ _-- -_____;_____---- ALEORAW’ CWW SITE Fig. 13. Focal-mechanism f SEA SOLUTION composite solution for the Alboran region. Symbols as in Fig. 8. Fig, 14. Focal-mechanism solution of earthquake. March 1954. Symbols as in Fig. 8. A, 21; 30 January 1973. B. 20; 29 Fig. PLATE 15. Focal-mechanism AMERICAN I solutions and outline units PLATE PLATE of tectonic I AFRICAN EURASIAN in the Azores-Alboran ,\ region. I 30 280 focal mechanism, of various parts of the area; this will be considered in four subzones, namely, Mid-Atlantic and Terceira Ridge, Azores-Gibraltar fault, Gulf of Cadiz, Alboran and Betica. Focal mechanism, in spite of its uncertainties and limitations, is a powerful tool in the study of the tectonics of a region. As is the case with all seismic data, this refers to actual tectonics and does not reflect directly the geological processes by which this situation was reached. Mid-Atlantic and Terceira Ridge In the context of plate tectonics, this region is formed by the triple junction of the Eurasian, American and African plates. Thus the ridge system has, at this point, an inverted Y shape. On the main ridge, south of the junction point, the solution for shock 1 (Fig. 8A) is a good example of the mechanism of transform faulting; the motion is strike-slip left-lateral on nearly vertical planes. The east-west plane must be selected as the fault plane on the basis of transform faulting originated from the expansion of the ridge. The solution of shock 2 (Fig. 8B) represents a different kind of mechanism, with E-W horizontal tensions resulting in normal faulting along inclined planes; the strike of one of the planes agrees with the trend of the ridge. The mechanism of this shock is, then, consistent with the stresses expected at an expanding ridge, although the tension axis is not exactly normal to the axis of the ridge. Among the shocks situated on the main ridge to the north of the junction point, number 3 (Fig. 8C) and 7 (Fig. 9C) have very similar mechanisms, corresponding to normal faulting on steep planes striking nearly northsouth, and tension axes normal to the ridge. This is again the type of mechanism expected at an expanding ridge. Solution of shock 6 (Fig. 9B) is less reliable; it has a larger strike-slip component of motion, but the tension axis is also nearly horizontal and normal to the ridge. With regard to shock 4 (Fig. 8D) its solution is also poorly defined; it represents right-lateral horizontal motion on a nearly vertical plane striking east-west, which would correspond to transform faulting in the same direction as the large fracture. Shock 5 is located to the west of the ridge and can be considered as an intraplate shock. The corresponding solution (Fig. 9A), which is well defined from the long-period data, represents reverse dip-slip motion on a plane striking north--south. This type of motion may be associated with a mechanism of focal failure of the crust under horizontal pressure from the expanding ridge. The crust fails to act as stress guide at this point. Another intraplate shock with magnitude 5.2 occurred on Nov. 7, 1972 to the northwest of this one (see Table II). Data for this shock is scarce and of low amplitudes. Using short-period data, a solution is obtained (Fig. 12D) which is also consistent with reverse faulting, similar to that of shock 5. Ocean-bottom topography and the magnetic anomaly map (Pitman and Talwani, 1972) delineate the extension of the eastern short branch, or Ter- 281 ceira ridge. There is only one earthquake on this ridge, number 8 (Fig. 9D), for which we have a focal-mechanism solution, and this is poorly defined. Earthquakes 9-11, located near the end of the ridge, already belong to the fracture zone. The solution given for shock 8 is consistent ,with right-lateral transcurrent motion, the type of motion present in the Azores%ibraltar fault. It is possible, then, that the ridge itself may be fractured laterally by an en-echelon fault system striking east-west. This hypothesis seems quite plausible, since this part of the ridge is caught between the east-west spreading motion of the two main branches of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which creates a differential right-lateral motion along the boundary of the Eurasian and African plates. The presence of these shear stresses at the Terceira ridge will favour an accumulation of material ascending from the mantle, that may be the origin of the volcanism of the islands. The nature of the triple junction is, then, using the terminology of McKenzie and Morgan (1969), a ridge-ridge-ridge junction, developed from a ridge-fracture-fracture junction without any change in the motion direction between the plates, as explained by McKenzie (1972), assuming the occurrence of oblique spreading. This proposed evolution of the triple junction will explain also the presence of the two transform faults at the sites of shocks 1 and 9 with motion in opposite directions, one left lateral and the other right lateral. It would also eliminate the complexities of the interpretation given by Krause and Watkins (1970) in terms of differential velocities of spreading and the creation of secondary spread centers. The bend of the principal part of the ridge could also have been formed at the time of the breakaway of Europe and Africa from America. There would be, then, no need of any mechanism to explain this change in ridge direction, because it simply preserves the outline of the original break. As new sea floor is generated at the ridge in a direction normal to the axis, because of the bend, a zone of tension would be created at its convex side, facilitating the creation of a secondary ridge. Further out from the ridge the difference in spreading directions is compensated solely by the shear horizontal motion along the Azores-Gibraltar fracture. Azores-Gibraltar fracture The fracture zone extends from the edge of the Terceira ridge to the proximity of the Strait of Gibraltar. This zone was interpreted by Heezen et al. (1959) as a branch of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and named the Azores-Gibraltar ridge. The name has been kept in the literature, although Menard (1965) concluded that it is a fracture zone. Seismically, as has been already shown, it is a region characterized by the occurrence of large earthquakes, of which four with magnitudes larger than seven have occurred in the last 50 years. Mechanism solutions of shocks along the fracture show predominant rightlateral horizontal motion. The first three shocks, numbers 9, 10 and 11 are situated at the western end of the fault, at the edge of the Terceira ridge. 282 Data for shocks 10 and 11 (Figs. 10A and 10B) are not sufficient to define their mechanism with accuracy, but the two northern quadrants consistently give compressions for European stations and dilatations in the North American ones. Shocks 12 (Figs. 1OC and 10D) and 13 (Fig. 11A) are situated at the central part of the fault. Data for shock 13 are very scarce but still consistent with the general trend. Shock 14 (Fig. 11B) is located at the eastern end of this section of fracture and has the same type of mechanism. Mechanisms from shock 11 to 14 show a remarkably constant strike-slip rightlateral motion along a plane striking east-west, which coincides with the trend of the inferred fault. The western part of this fracture zone has been mapped by side-scan sonar for a distance of 400 km (Laughton et al., 1972). If this fault is extended all the way to the Strait of Gibraltar its total length would be about 1500 km, which would make it one of the largest faults of this type. The right-lateral character of the motion is the most striking feature of this fracture system, which, according to Ritsema (1969), continues further east in the North African shocks and may be related to the same type of motion in the North Anatolian fault. Gulf of C&Ii2 This zone marks the beginning of the interaction of the continental blocks of the Iberian Peninsula and Africa which extends from near 12”W to the Strait of Gibraltar. In this region the fracture that starts at the Azores changes in character, with epicenters spread out over a wide area and sporadic very large earthquakes. In spite of this change in character, the occurrence of large earthquakes lined up in the direction of the fracture is sufficient evidence that this must be extended to the Strait of Gibraltar itself. Four focal-mechanism solutions belong to this area. The solution of shock 15 represents reverse faulting along planes dipping either to the south or to the north. The south-dipping plane involves underthrusting of the northern block and has been selected as the fault plane according to the general interpretation given to this area. The solution given here for shock 16 (Fig. 12D) is taken from the author’s previous paper (Lopez Arroyo and Udias, 1972). Arguments put forth in that paper and later (Udias and Lopez Arroyo, 1972), favour the selection of the east-west striking plane with some component of right-lateral horizontal motion as the fault plane. The mechanism of shock 17 (Fig. 12A) has a steep plane with reverse dip-slip motion, striking east-west and a second plane with low-angle thrust and undefined strike. There is no intrinsic evidence which will favour the selection of either plane, so that arguments are actually based on the tectonic interpretation of the region as a whole. Closer to the strait is shock 18, whose solution (Fig. 11D) has predominantly horizontal motion at planes making a 45-degree angle with the direction of the fault. In the interpretation of the motion in this area we have followed the criterion that major earthquakes are related to major features in the crust. Ac- 283 cordingly, we interpret shocks 14-18 as related to the continuation of the Azores-Gibraltar fault and selected as fault plane, from their two nodal planes, that striking in the direction of this fault. When this is done, solutions of shocks 15-17 represent reverse faulting with the Spanish block dipping under Africa along a steep plane. There is, then,’ in this area from west to east a gradual conversion of the right-lateral strike-slip motion into reverse dip-slip motion. McKenzie (1972) prefers the alternative choice of considering that the motion takes place along the low-angle thrust plane of his solutions of shock 16 and 17, which results in the underthrusting of Africa. He bases his argument on the concordance of the direction of the slip-vector with the motion resulting from the rotation of the Eurasian plate. His solutions for shocks 14, 16 and 17 are different from ours as already discussed, giving an orientation of the low dipping plane consistent with his interpretation. A different interpretation of the mechanism of shock 16 is that of Fukao (1973). He selects the alternative plane, relating the shock to a regional feature striking northeast, and responsible for the rise of the Gorringe bank, supporting his selection basically on the distribution of the aftershocks. This argument however is not conclusive, since the distribution of a larger number of aftershocks using near stations gives an east-west elongated area (Lopez Arroyo and Udias, 1972). Another evidence in support of our interpretation of the motion along the reverse fault are the results of seismic refraction studies in southern Portugal which show a considerable dip of the crust toward the southeast (Mueller et al., 1973). All solutions obtained for this area, with the exception of that of shock 14, have pressure axes with a consistent north-south orientation and are nearly horizontal (greater inclination is that of shock 17, with 34”). This result is independent of the selection of the fault planes. The obtained horizontal compressional stresses are consistent with the motion of approach of the lberian Peninsula to the African continent. The change in character at this part of the fault, from strike-slip to reverse motion due to horizontal north-south compression may be a consequence of the behaviour of the Spanish Peninsula as a partly independent subplate (see Fig. 15). This independence from the Eurasian plate in the past is well documented from paleomagnetic data (Van der Voo and Boessenkool, 1973). The counterclockwise sense of rotation of the peninsula, if still active, coupled to the right-iater~ horizontal motion along the Azores-Gibraltar fault would result in horizontal north-south compressions along the boundary of the peninsula and African plates. Alboran Sea and Betica region East of the Strait of Gibraltar the situation becomes even more complicated (Rothe, 1968). The earthquakes in this area are of too small a magnitude to allow an accurate determination of their focal mechanism with the seismic net presently in operation. Only one solution is available (shock 19; Fig. 12B) and it represents normal faulting with a left-lateral horizontal component of motion. This does not seem to be related with the regional motion, but only to some local structure. For other shocks composite solutions have been attempted; the most consistent picture was obtained using only shocks from the Alboran Sea. The solution (Fig. 13) shows a considerable amount of right-lateral motion, indicating that this is still to some extent present at the other side of the strait. The tectonic history and structure of the Alboran Sea has been the subject of a number of recent geological and geophysical studies. There exist several structural models and interpretations of the formation of its two basins. (1) Glangeaud et al. (1970) propose a model which implies compressional forces since the Jurassic which closed a former wider gap between the peninsula and Morocco. These compressional forces are also responsible for the “pseudo-arc” of Gibraltar formed by the overthrusting of older strata. (2) Andrieux et al. (1971) and Andrieux and Mattauer (1973) propose a fixed Alboran plate reacting with the relative eastern movement of the European and African plates and resulting in an overriding of this plate over the margins of the other two. This interaction is the origin of the orogenesis of the Betica and Riff mountain range system and the arcuate structure at Gibraltar that joins these two systems. The direction of the geological features (faults and folds) is NE-SW in the northern margin and NW-SE in the southern one. No mechanism is given by which the opening of the Alboran basins takes place. (3) Le Pichon et al. (1972) propose a mechanism of opening of the two Alboran basins which basically is also adopted by Auzende et al. (1973) and Olivet et al. (1973). This mechanism consists in a motion along transverse or transform faults trending ENE-WSW. Le Pichon proposes three of these faults along which the opening takes place by rotation about a single pole. The southernmost of them separates a small subplate (Riff plate) from the African plate. The Alboran ridge which divided the two basins is a marginal fracture ridge created by the shear of the two portions of continental crust. Time of opening is placed at early Middle Miocene. The two basins opened separately, sliding along the fault marked by the Alboran ridge. Le Pichon et al. (1972) claim that the model is still compatible with the Alboran plate model if such a plate is divided into two. The ENE-WSW motion of the Riff plate would have required a zone of crust consumption west of Gibraltar; such a zone is difficult to explain. The arc-like structure in Gibraltar is not explained unless Andrieux’s model of the Alboran plate is also included. (4) Galdeano et al. (1974), on the basis of a new map of aeromagnetic anomalies, propose an opening of the Alboran Sea along a direction normal to that presented in the previous paragraph, that is, in a NNW-SSE direction. This direction is normal to the trend of the Alboran ridge, which according to these authors, was formed later by a NW-SE compression, thus being a compressive feature and not a result of transform faulting. (5) Loomis (1975) proposes a quite different model. The Alboran Sea is separated into two parts, west of longitude 4” W the crust is continental and to the east it is oceanic. The main mechanism is extension of the crust which determines thinning of the crust toward the east and rising of the mantle material, The plate motion responsible for this process is a counterclockwise rotation of the Spanish plate pivoting at Gibraltar that must be dated at the Oligocene or Miocene. This recent rotation of the peninsula (the main rotation is supposed to have taken place in the Late Jurassi~~retaceous) may be related also to further opening of the Bay of Biscay. Actual tectonics in Alboran is then due to extension with oceanization of the crust between Spain and Africa. With regard to present-day processes for this region, data are insufficient, because of the poor coverage of present seismological stations that results in lack of accuracy of epicentral determinations, focal depths and mecb~ism. En spite of this, available data are still very useful in the understanding of the main structural problems of the region. Shallow shocks spread throughout the area makes very probable the existence of the so-called Alboran plate, that can be considered as a buffer-plate, but it offers no indication of a division of this plate into two parts. This subplate, as defined from seismicity, would extend from the Guadalquivir fault to the coast of Morocco. Differences in characteristics of seismic occurrences at both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar support the presence in Alboran of a structure different from that of a simple continuation of the AzoresGibraltar fault. The continuation of this line through northern Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia marks the northern boundary of the African plate. Composite solution of Fig. 13 with compression axis in NW-SE direction seems to indicate the shear conditions in the Alboran plate, the effect of the closing motion at that point of the Eurasian and African units. An even more complicated problem is presented by the occurrence of deep earthquakes in the zone near Granada. The focal-mechanism solutions of the two deep earthquakes of the area are given in Fig. 14. Both correspond to stresses acting at about 45 degrees from the vertical and trending east-west. This direction is not compatible with a simple model of the oceanic part of the African plate dipping under Spain due to a north-south compressional motion. Such a type of motion should result in shocks with pressure axes trending north-south (Isacks and Molnar, 1969). The orientation of the stresses obtained from the focal mechanism shows that they are connected with the arc of Gibraltar and possibly originating at a detached slab of lithospheric material, relic of a paleo - Benioff - zone related to this arc-like structure trending north-south. The fact that the stresses along the slab are of a compressional nature and the depth of the foci is about 650 km, argues in favour of material at the limit depth. This material still preserves enough strength to be able to support accumulation of strain and to release it in the form of earthquakes. However, it is possible that the orientation of the stresses of the deep shocks corresponds to a situation of the past and has 286 no relation with present tectonic motion. To the east, seismic activity in the Alboran Sea stops at about 1”E. Another active seismic zone, the Pyrenees and Cat~unya, limits the area of the peninsula to the north. Earthquakes are in general small to moderate and not too numerous (Fontsere and Iglesias, 1971). The only mechanism solution for the area is that of the earthquake of Arette of 13 August 1967 (Hoang Trong and Rouland, 1971). Motion is predominantly horizontal and left lateral. The plane striking 41”SE agrees with the orientation of the great faults of the north Pyrenees. Motion along this plane is consistent with the southeast relative motion of the Spanish Peninsula with respect to Europe, possible continuation of the motion which opened the Bay of Biscay between Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous (Van der Voo and Boessenkool, 1973). This motion will result in right-lateral motion in the southern edge and left-lateral motion in the northern one. If the peninsula has once had independent motion with respect to the Eurasian plate, it is possible that it may still preserve a certain independence, which is also supported by the sporadic seismic activity along the western coast of the peninsula (Beuzart, 1972; IJdias, 1975). CONCLUSIONS The analysis of seismic data of the Azores-Alboran region gives support to the following conclusions: (1) The Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Azores islands forms a triple junction of ridge-ridge-ridge nature and is under horizontal extension. (2) The Terceira ridge stops at 20” W and from there to the Strait of Gibraltar runs a long transcurrent fault with right-lateral motion and which forms a first-order feature separating the oceanic part of the African and Eurasian plates. Accumulated strain on this fracture is released by periodic large-magnitude shocks with almost pure strike-slip motion. (3) Near the Strait of Gibraltar, the situation changes to north-south compressive forces and reverse faulting. This may indicate that from longitude 11” W a still partly independent Iberian block enters the interaction. (4) Seismicity east of the Strait of Gibraltar has a different character from that to the west and, in the Alboran and Betica region, is compatible with the hypothesis of the existence of a buffer-plate. (5) The independence in the past of the Iberian Peninsula with respect to the Eurasian plate, may still be preserved to some degree. A paleo-bounds may, thus, exist surrounding the peninsula. The deep shocks near Granada can be considered as being located at a relic of a paleo-subduction zone somewhat related with the Gibraltar arc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank all the directors of those Seismologist Stations which mailed copies and original records of some of the earthquakes in this study, and to D. 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