newsletter #2 - WFFM 2014 XV Congress of the World Federation of


newsletter #2 - WFFM 2014 XV Congress of the World Federation of
Antonio da Correggio, Leda and the Swan, c. 1532 | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie | Photo: Caliari
The Friends of the
Berlinische Galerie
The Deutsche Bank Collection,
continuously expanding
Dear art and culture friends,
welcome to our second newsletter! Welcome to 2014!
“The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the
place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a
passing shape, from a spider’s web.” Pablo Picasso
In this issue Gesa Wieczorek and Max Hilck of the Young Friends: Art
Museums will introduce you to the young generation of museum
friends, who will also be attending the congress. We will present to
you The Friends of the Berlinische Galerie. Provide you with current exhibition recommendations for Berlin. Further we would like
to take the opportunity and thank the Deutsche Bank for inviting
the World Federation of Friends of Museums to an exclusive visit to
the Deutsche Bank Collection Unter den Linden and the exhibition
“Victor Man: Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year 2014“ at the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle. We are pleased to welcome the Deutsche
Bank as one of our sponsors and are looking forward to our visit!
Enjoy reading this issue of our newsletter!
Sarah Bórquez
Editor In Chief
Museum of Modern Art, Photography and Architecture
The Friends of the Berlinische
Galerie first founded their association in 1975 to support the
collection through its early days
and subsequent expansion.
Over the course of almost 40
years, they have helped the museum to acquire many works of
art, to publish books and catalogues, and to turn promising
projects into exhibitions.
With a membership of 1,600,
the Friends of the Berlinische
Galerie are one of the biggest
museum associations in Berlin. Members belong to every
generation. They are at home
not only in Berlin, but all over
the world. The Friends fund initiatives, organise wide-ranging
events about the collection and
the temporary exhibitions at
Berlinische Galerie, and broaden their education on excellent
art tours. They have made it
their purpose to experience and
promote art.
Since 2009 Berlinische Galerie
has been working to attract
more visitors from younger
age groups. “Young at ’Art” the
Young Friends are aged 20 to
30 and have become one of
the biggest networks of dedicated art lovers in Germany.
Photo: K.H.Hoedicke
Art needs good friends
They are regularly invited to
closed events designed specifically with a younger audience in
The Berlinische Galerie
The Berlinische Galerie is a
foundation under public law. As
Berlin’s museum of modern art,
photography and architecture,
it specialises in works created
in the city from 1870 until the
present day. Apart from maintaining a permanent exhibition,
it exhibits contemporary artists
of international standing and
awards a number of art prizes.
In 1975 the museum began
life as an association under
private law. In 2004 it moved
into a home of its own close to
the Jewish Museum in a converted industrial building with
a generous exhibition space of
4,600 m2. Its holdings of fine
art – paintings, prints, sculpture, multimedia – and photography, combined with its
architectural artefacts and artists’ archives, form the basis for
exciting dialogue driven by an
interdisciplinary approach. It
boasts outstanding collections
on the themes of Dada in Berlin, Neue Sachlichkeit and the
East European avant-garde.
The art of divided Berlin and
the reunited city provides another major focus.
The Deutsche Bank KunstHalle and the Freundeskreis
Kathrin Conrad
Art questions. It spawns new
ideas for shaping our future. It
inspires people, opens up new
perspectives, and thus enables
them to embrace unusual and
innovative approaches. That is
why Deutsche Bank’s commitment to art has been a focus for
its cultural activities for more
than 30 years.
The idea to display stimulating
artworks on all floors, rather
than just the executive suites,
was revolutionary - cultural
capital that benefits every employee. Today, the Deutsche
Bank Collection, continously
expanding under the guiding principle “art works”, has
more international presence
than ever before and 95% of
the collection is accessible at
the workplace in more than
900 Deutsche Bank buildings
worldwide or in exhibitions.
The starting point of the collection is 1945: From the very
beginning the bank decided
to buy contemporary German
art, promote young talent and
explore current positions. Concentrating on works on paper
and photography, the collection is nowadays devoted en-
tirely to the present and to international art.
In Berlin at Unter den Linden
the Deutsche Bank Collection
is on view throughout all four
floors of Deutsche Bank’s head
office - works ranging from the
neo-expressive paintings by the
“Neuen Wilden” to recent postconceptual positions document Berlin’s history as one of
the most vital art metropolises
in the world.
On the ground floor the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle is established since April 2013 as a
platform for international con-
View on the art: Guided tour through the Deutsche Bank Collection, Unter den Linden Berlin | Photo: Mathias Schormann © Deutsche Bank
Installationview of the exhibition The Circle Walked Casually, Deutsche Bank Collection | Photo: Mathias Schorman © Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle
temporary art, presenting four
top-class exhibitions a year.
Starting in1997 Deutsche Bank
operated the exhibition space
together with the Solomon R.
Guggenheim Foundation for
15 years. The new concept of
the KunstHalle comprehends
large solo exhibitions devoted
to the “Artist of the Year” as well
as cooperations with a worldwide network of institutions, including the Tate in London and
Berlin art institutions. Another
main focus is the Deutsche
Bank Collection which can be
continually experienced anew
through the different perspectives of international curators.
Our house’s circle of friends,
which was founded as the
Deutsche Guggenheim Club
in 1999, has been upheld under the name of Freundeskreis
der Deutsche Bank KunstHalle
since April 2013. Over the past
15 years, a number of connections to the venue - whose
shows and programs are accompanied by the friends - and
the art world have been established, and friendships among
its members have grown.
The basic idea of the Freundeskreis is to facilitate the approach to modern and contemporary art. It provides all
art-lovers with special access to
the KunstHalle and offers numerous opportunities to take
a look behind the scenes of the
art world in Berlin, Germany
and abroad. The varied offers
range from exhibition previews
with artists and curators to exclusive monthly programs and
joint art tours.
In addition, the Freundeskreis
has been committed for many
years to a successful art education program for children
and young people in social institutions.
Kathrin Conrad is responsible for the Friends
of the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle
WFFM 2014
Exklusive Visit of the Deutsche Bank
KunstHalle and Cocktail Reception
Friday, 16th of May, 2014, 7 pm
During the WFFM 2014, we are looking
forward to welcoming the participants
at the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle on the
evening of May 16. Our show “Victor Man:
Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year 2014” on
view at the time as well as the Deutsche
Bank Collection Unter den Linden will be
exclusively open that evening.
Gesa Wieczorek and Max Hilck
“Young Friends of Art Museums”
is a branch of the German Federation of Friends of Museums
(GFFM) established under this
title in June 2007 to represent
and communicate the young
friends’ work and interests.
The main goal of “Young Friends: Art Museums” is to introduce young adults to the world
of fine arts.
After the introduction is made it
becomes necessary to keep the
young audience in line. In order
to maintain an excellent program quality the coordinators
and representatives of each
institution meet regularly to
participate in combined workshops. It is evident that young
friends are confronted with a
range of important topics that
regular and senior coordinators of friends of museums also
have to deal with. As a matter of
fact it is always challenging to
win new members and to implement and use new ways of
communication to do so. As a
consequence the Young Friends
of Art Museums published already their second booklet
named „How to make Young
Friends“ in 2013 which contains
a considerable amount of information about this topic and
others. This advice booklet is
a handy how-to-do-it book on
managing a circle of friends of
museums. It could also be seen
as a guideline for establishing
new young friend’s circles.
Mostly all of the young friends
associations use facebook profiles to communicate with its
members. Newsletter and common homepages are popular
as well. It has become custom
to organize parties in the respective museums that are not
only for the purpose of communication and dancing but also
for discovering the museums’
treasures by night often guided
by young art students.
It is our pleasure as representatives of the “Young Friends:
Art Museums” to organize the
Join the pARTy! Young Friends
WFFM Meeting 2014 which is
the first international meeting
of Young Friends of Museums
ever. Together we will explore
museums, visit galleries and
discover hidden corners of Germany’s capital. In addition to
that we are looking forward to
showing our guests the night
life of Berlin – a variety of restaurants and famous bars and
clubs are waiting for us!
Current exhibitions
The Circle Walked Casually
The Art of Drawing 1903-2013
Franz Ackermann:
Huegel und Zweifel
(Hills and Doubts)
18 September 2013–31 March 2014
at Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstraße 124-128
10969 Berlin, Germany
Otto Dix / Großstadt (Sketch for Großstadttriptychon), 1926 | © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2013
28 November, 2013 –2 March, 2014
at Deutsche Bank KunstHalle
Unter den Linden 13/15
10117 Berlin, Germany
The exhibition is showing works by Franz Ackermann (*1963, St.Veit Germany/painter,illustrator
and installation artist). Ackermann developed
especially for the Berlinische Galerie a spatial
concept that places wall painting, panel art and
photography in conversation with one another.
Lines of sight play a role in his concept, as do
transport and travel routes, room dimensions
and the technical equipment that is to be found
on the floors and in the walls and ceilings of the
exhibition halls.
The exhibition presents 132 works on paper by
50 international artists from the Deutsche Bank
Collection featuring amongst others Joseph Albers, Joseph Beuys, Eva Hesse and Jakub Julian Ziólkowski curated by Victoria Noorthoorn.
The Circle Walked Casually documents artistic
concepts and formal developments of drawing
without providing a chronological development.
Instead, the exhibition follows a narrative line arising from a dialogue between the works. Together
with the Brazilian set designer, filmmaker, and
author Daniela Thomas and the architect Felipe
Tassara, Noorthoorn conceptualized an exhibition architecture in which the drawings seem to
be suspended in space.
Franz Ackermann / U/City/Sudden Death, 2013 | © Franz Ackermann, © Photo: Jens Ziehe
Hosted by
Supported by
Congress Office
Editorial Office
Managing Director
Maria Pelzer
Event Management
Art + Cultural Arrangements
Sarah Bórquez
WFFM 2014
Art and culture journalist
Editor in Chief
Dr. Kathrin Erggelet
German Federation of Friends
of Museums of Fine Arts
Graphic design