Catalogue 186 July 2015


Catalogue 186 July 2015
Catalogue 186
July 2015
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described in the catalogue.
NOTE: If you prefer to receive this catalogue via email, let us know on
My Bookroom is open each day by appointment – preferably
in the afternoons. Give me a call.
Abbreviations: 8vo =octavo size or from 140mm to 240mm, ie normal size book,
4to = quarto approx 200mm x 300mm (or coffee table size); d/w = dust wrapper;
pp = pages; vg cond = (which I thought was self explanatory) very good condition.
Other dealers use a variety including ‘fine’ which I would rather leave to coins etc.
Illus = illustrations (as opposed to ‘plates’); ex lib = had an earlier life in library
service (generally public) and is showing signs of wear (these books are generally
1st editions mores the pity but in this catalogue most have been restored); eps +
end papers, front and rear, ex libris or ‘book plate’; indicates it came from a
private collection and has a book plate stuck in the front end papers. Books such
as these are generally in good condition and the book plate, if it has provenance,
ie, is linked to someone important, may increase the value of the book, inscr =
inscription, either someone’s name or a presentation inscription; fep = front end
paper; the paper following the front cover and immediately preceding the half title
page; biblio: bibliography of sources used in the compilation of a work (important
to some military historians as it opens up many other leads). = original cloth
generally indicating there is no dust wrapper; restored; generally means a book
has had the treatment by a book binder. New end papers, glued or sewn spine,
even new boards. The value of rare books can be greatly enhanced if they are
restored professionally. ‘Back-yarders’ should desist from attempting to restore
books! There are many reputable binders around the place who will do a good job
at a good price. By the way, the number that appears in brackets in the catalogue,
ie (1814) is a data base number so no need to quote it when ordering.
Postage is always extra and insurance is available upon request. Overseas
orders by credit card only. Postage will be by cheapest and most practical
means possible unless otherwise requested. (In Australia, Express Post is
the quickest and carefully handled by Australia Post. Express Post has
increased to $17 for a 3kg satchel (this includes everything OVER 500gms
and under 3kg). So if you want it quick use Express—bit slower is the 3kg
red satchel - $15 which includes post pack and TLC).
Military Biography
Military General
Napoleonic, Crimean & Victorian
Special Forces & Airborne
The Great War 1914-1918
World War 2 1939-1945
Our terms for first-time buyers are ‘payment up front’. Established buyers
can pay by credit card, cheque, money order etc on receipt of an invoice.
Welcome to Catalogue #186, July 2015. Apologies for the absence of a June list there was no time to get
one out given the looming deadline of my biography on that great soldier Ray Simpson, VC, DCM. I’m
happy to report that it is 98% complete. Once we have determine which photos to use (and there are
many) we will be sending it off to the designers and printers. My editor (Dr Toby Malone) flies in from
Canada tomorrow and we will get our heads together and do the final tidy up. Price is notionally set at
$65 as we are doing it ‘pro bono’ we need to make as much as we can for our chosen charities which are
Legacy and a couple of ‘yet to be decided’ SAS-linked charities. It will be quite a substantial hard-back
book in dust wrapper with a full bibliography, glossary, index and footnotes. It has been a 5 year project
and is looking good. It will take its place among the many good books on VC winners written over the
years. Anyone wanting to secure a copy (print run is 1,000 only) will need to pay up front. Call
Imprimatur Books (we are the publishers) on 0417964530 to get our bank account details. We prefer a
direct deposit but credit cards and cheques are quite acceptable. If you are an ex member of the RAR,
SASR, 1 Commando Regiment or the AATTV you will be eligible for a 20% discount (postage extra).
Please request signed or un signed. So there it is. ’Simmo’: One of Australia’s Great Soldiers ‘. This list
contains a few new titles which are represented on the front cover of this list. Notable among them is
‘Sapper’ by Graham Mackenzie-Smith. A very substantial work as is the biography of Borella, VC.
Another listed there is ‘Shot Down’ by Alex Kerr. Word has it that it is out of print already and I only
have one copy. Jim Truscott’s book ‘Snakes in the Jungle’ should appeal to the boys own adventure
types among you as it is a rip roaring and rollicking yarn. As we go to print here on a wintry July night,
please spare a thought for those are out in the cold with nothing especially soldiers among them.
Homeless people have a particularly hard time at this time of year. St Barts, the Sallys and Vinnies do as
much as they can but it really is down to all of us to pitch in when and where. Via con Dios M & J
186/1. (10075) Bickers, Richard
Townshend. Ginger Lacey: Fighter Pilot:
Battle of Britain Top Scorer. ISIS Large
Print, UK, 1998 (fp1962). Reprint, large
8vo in laminated boards, ex lib,
chronology of Laceys operations, list of all
aircraft rererred, index, pp263, **Sgt
G.H.'Ginger' Lacey shot down 23 German
aircraft during the Battle of Britai making him
the 'top ace', good cond, A$25.
186/2. (9595) Cooper, Alan. Target Dresden. Independent Books, UK, 1995
1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates, maps,
appendices list bomber crews lost and
aircraft lost, biblio, pp255, **the
controversial bombing of the German city
Dresden, seen as the cultural heart of
Germany. Was Dresden a legitimate target?
Was it undefended? Was the Luftwaffe
finished? You be the judge, vg cond, A$42.
186/3. (10084) Golley, John. The Day of
the Typhoon: Flying with the RAF
Tankbusters in Normandy. Wrens Park,
UK, 2001 (fp1986). Reprint, 8vo in d/w,
plates, maps, appendices, pp215, **an
account of rocket Typhoon operations over
Normandy in the weeks immediately following
the D-Day Invasion of Europe. The author
flew 73 missions with 245 Sqn in 1944-5, vg
cond, A$36.
186/4. (8170) Jones, Geoffrey. Raider: The
Halifax and its Flyers. William Kimber,
London, 1978. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
plates, illustrations, appendices, glossary,
index, pp240, **the Handley Page Halifax
proved itself as the most versatile and durable
of the British wartime four-engined bombers,
vg cond, A$55.
186/5. (10085) Kerr, Alex. Shot Down: A
Secret Diary of One POWs Long March
to Freedom. Big Sky Publishing, Sydney,
2015. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card covers,
colour and b/w plates, pp197, **Alex
Kerr's Wellington was shot down over
Germany in 1941. He was captured and held
for 4 years during which he kept a secret diary
giving a fascinating account of life in a
wartime prison, new, A$32.
186/6. (1116) Parnell, Neville. Whispering
Death: A History of the RAAF’s
Beaufighter Squadrons. Reed
Publications, Sydney, 1980. 1st ed, large
4to in protected d/w, profusely illus with
b/w plates, appendices list all air frames
and their fate, biblio, index, pp128, **a
comprehensive listing of all aircraft flown and
pilots, operating procedures and cockpit
layouts, vg cond, now rare, A$250.
186/7. (9986) Spick, Mick. Luftwaffe
Bomber Aces: Men, Machines, Methods.
Greenhill Books, London, 2001. 1st ed,
large 8vo in protected d/w, plates,
illustrations, appendix, biblio, index,
pp239, **a detailed analysis of German
bomber and dive-bomber tactics and
biographical details on the Luftwaffe's most
outstanding pilots, vg cond, A$42.
186/8. (8477) Aldrich, Richard J. The
Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold
War Secret Intelligence. The Overlook
Press, USA, 2002. 1st ed, huge 8vo in d/w,
plates, appendix, glossary, source notes,
biblio, index, pp733, **details of the special
relationship of cooperation between British and
the US in their efforts against the Soviets in
the Cold War, vg cond, A$45.
186/9. (9317) Baigent, Michael & Leigh,
Richard. Secret Germany: Claus von
Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade
Against Hitler. Jonathan Cape, London,
1994. 1st ed, large 8vo in good d/w,
plates, maps and diagram, chapter notes,
biblio, index, pp337, **'Secret Germany'
was a group of plotters conceived by Colonel
Claus von Stauffenberg to kill Hitler in 1944.
Their plot failed and many were executed as a
result, vg cond, A$48.
186/10. (9571) de Jong, Ben, Platje, Wies &
Steele, Robert David. Peacekeeping
Intelligence: Emerging Concepts for the
Future. OSS International Press, USA,
2003. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, biblio,
index, pp525, **a convincing demonstration
of the importance of intelligence during
peacekeeping operations and the necessity of
creating an intelligence structure within
international organisations such as the UN,
vg cond, A$35.
186/11. (8314) Garlinski, Josef. Poland,
SOE and the Allies. George Allen &
Unwin, London, 1969. 1st ed, 8vo in good
d/w, plates, appendices list operational
drops into Poland, biblio, index, pp248,
**an objective discussion on the difficulties
encountered by Poland as a result of Stalin's
decision to deny Allied access after the
Warsaw rising. The author was a young
cavalry officer in 1939 against the Germans
and later joined the underground. He was
captured and survived Auschwitz, vg
cond and uncommon, A$52.
186/12. (6301) Hesketh, Roger. Fortitude:
The D-Day Deception Campaign. St
Ermin's Press/Little, Brown & Co,
London, 1999. 1st ed, thick 8vo in d/w,
plates, maps and charts, appendices,
index, pp513, **behind the success of D-Day
was the most sphisticated deception scheme
ever devised. The object was to persuade the
enemy that the long-awaited landings would
take place in the Pas-de-Calais, vg cond,
186/13. (4359) Howarth, Patrick.
Undercover: The Men and Women of the
Special Operations Executive (SOE).
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1980.
1st ed, large 8vo in good d/w, plates,
index, biblio, pp332, **the author served in
SOE giving an authentic account of the
personalities involved in an undercover war,
vg cond, A$45.
186/14. (393) Masterman, J.C. The Double
-Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945.
ANU Press, Canberra, 1972. 1st ed, 8vo in
d/w and mylar, inscr in fep, appendices,
index, pp203, **by means of the 'doublecross' system the British effectively ran and
controlled the German espionage system in
England. This is the Masterman Report, vg
cond, A$36.
186/15. (1555) Moon, Tom. This Grim and
Savage Game: OSS and the Beginnings
of US Covert Operations in WW2.
Burning Gate Press, Los Angles, 1991. 1st
ed, 8vo in mint d/w, index, biblio,
apendix, pp341, an action-packed, no-holdsbarred story of America’s secret warriors of the
OSS behind enemy lines in WW2, an
absorbing book, vg cond, A$45.
186/16. (9934) Rankin, Nicholas. Ian
Fleming's Commandos: The Story of 30
Assault Unit in WW2. Faber & Faber,
London, 2011. 1st ed, large 8vo in
protected d/w, plates & maps, source
notes, index, pp397, **Fleming was on the
staff of Naval Intelligence when he devised a
plan to form a unit of 'authorised looters' who
would go in before an assault and steal
intelligence.They achieved remarkable results
in various theatres but their biggest coup was
capturing the entire German Naval archive,
vg cond, A$45.
186/17. (9608) Stafford, David. Spies
Beneath Berlin. John Murray, London,
2002. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w, plates, chapter
notes, biblio, index, pp211, **Operation
Stopwatch/Gold was one of the most valuable
and daring espionage projects ever undertaken
by the CIA & MI6. In 1955 they ran a tunnel
800 metres under the Russian Sector of cold
war Berlin and for more than a year tuned into
Red Army intelligence. However because of
the mole in MI6 (Philby) the KGB knew about
the tunnel before it was built but failed to tell
the Red Army, vg cond, A$36.
186/18. (9620) West, Nigel. MI5: British
Security Service Operations 1909-1945.
The Bodley Head, London, 1981. 1st ed,
large 8vo in protected d/w, plates, tables
indicating the Directors and Roles of each
Section 'A to F', index, 396, **MI5 is the
'Secuity Service' of Great Britain. CounterIntelligence is their raison d'etre. It has been a
very secretive and enigmatic service and has
had many successes but also plagued with
hostile spies especially Russian, slight
spotting else vg cond, A$42.
Military Biography
186/19. (4248) Arneil, Stan. Black Jack:
The Life and Times of Brigadier Sir
Frederick Galleghan. Macmillan,
Melbourne, 1983. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w,
plates, index, biblio, biographical roll,
pp178, **the legendary Black Jack Galleghan,
who served in WW1 and who commanded the
2/30th Australian Infantry Battalion, AIF in
Singapore and Malaya in WW2. His unit
inflicted very heavy casualties on the Japs in
an ambush at Gemas, vg cond and
becoming hard to find, A$65.
186/20. (10076) Barrow, General Sir
George, The Life of General Sir Charles
Carmichael Monro, Hutchinson & Co,
London, 1931. 1st ed, large 8vo in dark
blue cloth, plates, index, pp287, **Monro is
chiefly known for commanding the 1st and 3rd
Armies in rance 1915-16. Later on he became
the Viceroy to India, vg cond, A$35.
186/21. (10083) Chalmers, Bradley A.
"Next to Impossible": The Remarkable
Life of Albert Chalmers Borella, VC.
Author, NSW, 2015. 1st ed, large 8vo in
laminated boards, maps on inside boards,
plates and other maps, chapter notes,
biblio, index, pp510, **Borella, VC, as with
all VCs, totally indifferent to the dangers in
front of them. A double gallantry (VC, MM),
one of our truly greats. Even Albert Jacka was
in awe of him. What a man!! new, A$55.
186/22. (7906) Coombes, David. The
Lionheart: A Life of Lieutenant-General
Sir Talbot Hobbs: An Australian
Commander in World War One. AMHP,
Sydney, 2007. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
plates, end-notes, abbreviations, biblio,
index, pp342, **Keith Murdoch described Sir
Talbot Hobbs as 'His heart is that of a lion'.
Hobbs commanded 1st Div artillery on
Gallipoli and then the 5th Australian Div AIF
on the Western Front. He was highly regarded
& commanded his division with distinction
serving at second Bullecourt, Perone and
Villers-Bretonneux where he established
himself as a top general. He went back to
architecture in Perth after the war where he
built many grand buildings, new, A$75.
186/23. (7124) Coulthard-Clark, C.D. No
Australian Need Apply: The Troubled
Career of Lieutenant-General Gordon
Legge. Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1988. 1st
ed, 8vo in d/w, plates and maps,
newspaper article tipped-in, biblio,
chapter notes, index, pp253, **Legge was
the loser in a bitter and protracted factional
feud between Australian nationalists and
British imperialists within the Australian
army's high comand. He was a nationalist but
backed the wrong horse in WW1 - very
informative of a murky period in Australia's
leadership history, vg cond, A$55.
186/24. (1635) Coulthard-Clark, C.D. A
Heritage of Spirit: A Biography of
MajGen Sir William Throsby Bridges,
KCB, CMG. MUP, Melbourne, 1979. 1st
ed, 8vo in d/w, plates, index, biblio,
source notes, pp220, **Throsby Bridges was
the founder of RMC Duntroon, raised the 1st
AIF and was killed in action on Gallipoli
(Turk sniper), a remarkable manfrom all
accounts. He’s buried at Duntroon Canberra,
vg cond, A$46.
186/25. (7582) Edgar, Bill. Warrior of
Kokoda: A Biography of Brigadier
Arnold Potts, DSO, OBE, MC. AMHP,
Sydney, 2006 (fp1999) Revised edition,
large 8vo in d/w, plates and maps, source
notes, biblio, index, pp324, **Arnold Potts,
a WA farmer, was a hero in both World Wars.
He led the 21st Infantry Brigade against the
Japanese in New Guinea. His troops plus the
remnants of 'Maroubra Force' fought a three
week withdrawal down the Kokoda Track for
which he was vilified by Blamey and lost
his command, new, A$48.
186/26. (6992) Essex-Clark, John, DSM.
Hassett, Australian Leader: A Biography
of General Sir Francis Hassett, AC, KBE,
CB, DSO, LVO. AMHP, Sydney, 2005. 1st
ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates, biblio, index,
pp293, **Frank Hassett served as a young
Duntroon-trained officer with an AIF infantry
battalion in Palestine, Syria, New Guinea &
Bougainville in WW2. He led 3RAR at the
Battle of Maryang San in Korea and rose
through 40 years of soldiering to command the
ADF, new, A$45.
186/27. (1121) Fearnside, G.H. & Clift,
DCM, Ken. Dougherty: A Great Man
Among Men: A Biography of MajGen Sir
Ivan Dougherty, KtCBE, DSO & Bar.
(AIF) Alpha Books, Sydney, 1979. 1st ed,
8vo in d/w, plates and maps, index,
pp212, **Dougherty commanded the 21 Bde
in Balikpapan Borneo at the end of the war. He
was revered by his troops as one of the best
commanders Australia fielded in WW2, vg
cond and now quite scarce, A$70.
186/28. (9681) Glubb, John. Arabian
Adventures: Ten Years of Joyful Service.
Cassell, London, 1978. 1st ed, 8vo in
sunned d/w, maps, index, pp224, **Lt
John Glubb served in WW1 recounting those
experiences in 'Into Battle. After the war he
volunteered to serve in to serve in Iraq to put
down an Arab rebellion. This started a 35 year
love affair with the Arabs, vg cond, A$32.
186/29. (10012) Griffiths, Tony. Douglas
Grant: That Black Digger from the
Scottish Mob. TopTech Engineering,
NSW, 2014. 1st ed, 4to in spiral bound
bindings, plates (1 colour), pp42,
**Ngadjonji man, Scotsman, draughtsman,
digger, Lithgow, RSL and Small Arms Factory
man. The interesting story of douglas Grant,
who served as a Sergeant in the 43rd Bn on the
Western Front and his life working in the SAF
Lithgow after the war, new, A$30.
186/30. (1124) Hackworth, Colonel David
H. (US Army, Ret) and Julie Sherman.
About Face: The Odyssey of an American
Warrior. Macmillan Company,
Melbourne, 1989. 1st ed, thick 8vo in d/w,
plates, appendix, glossary, notes, index,
pp875, **the story of a haunted man who saw
a lot of action in Korea and Vietnam. Hack has
a bit to say on how the war in Vietnam was
prosecuted, thus not endearing himself to the
US Army system, vg cond, A$75.
186/31. (8649) Hillier, General Rick. A
Soldier First: Bullets, Bureaucrats and
the Politics of War. Harper Collins,
Toronto, 2009. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
signed by the author, colour plates, index,
pp509, **General Hillier commanded the
Canadian Armed Forces before retirement in
2008. He was always an outspoken leader
trying to do the best for his troops. He was
Canada's most popular and most controversial
leader since WW2; an excellent auto, vg cond,
186/32. (5211) Hoe, Alan. David Stirling:
The Authorised Biography of the Creator
of the SAS. Little, Brown and Co,
London, 1992. 1st ed, thick 8vo in d/w
and mylar, plates, maps on boards, index,
pp507, **an outstanding biography of the
great man, vg cond and hard to find, A$48.
186/33. (5720) McMullin, Ross. Pompey
Elliott. Scribe Publications, Melbourne,
2002. 1st ed, thick 8vo in card covers,
plates, map, biblio, source notes, index,
pp718, **Elliott commandered the Australian
7th Bn, AIF at the Gallipoli Landing and the
15th Brigade on the Western Front. He was
one of our most famous fighting generals in
the AIF and after the war became a household
name; excellent bio, vg cond, A$45.
186/34. (9519) Monroe, Elizabeth. Philby
of Arabia. Pitman Publishing Corp, NY,
1973. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates and
maps, chapter notes, biblio, index, pp332,
**a fullscale, fascinating biography of a
strange man of extremes. St. John Philby, hottempered, forthright and at oddswith the
British government over their broken promises
(made by Lawrence in WW1) to the Arabs, a
great explorer and map maker, father of the
infamous traitor Kim Philby, vg cond, A$65.
Military General
186/35. (2756) Barrett, John. Falling In:
Australians and Boy Conscription' 19111915. Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1979. 1st
ed, 8vo in card covers, plates and illus,
source notes, biblio, index, pp320, **an
important reference to this amazing period of
Australia's military history, vg cond and
hard to find, A$32.
186/36. (6667) Bevan, Scott. Battle Lines:
Australian Artists at War. Random
House, Sydney, 2004. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w,
colour plates, biblio, pp310, **our
extraordinary war artists from the Boer War
to Afghanistan, vg cond, A$45.
186/37. (7632) Bowen, Jeremy. Six Days:
How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle
East. Simon & Schuster, London, 2003.
1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates, source
notes, biblio, index, pp420, **an original
and rigorous piece of modern history, vg
cond, A$30.
186/38. (1652) Breen, Bob. (ed) The Battle
of Kapyong; 3rd Battalion, The Royal
Australian Regiment, Korea 23-24 April
1951. HQ Trg Comd, Sydney, 1992. 1st
ed, 8vo in card covers, plates and maps
(incl fold-outs), casualty list, nominal roll
of battalion, biblio, honours and awards
incl citations, source notes, pp159, **a
bloody and decisive battle fought against
human-wave attacks by the Chinese. 3RAR
awarded the US Presidential Unit Citation,
vg cond and becoming difficult to find,
186/39. (5787) Campbell, Major Brian
(ed). 4 RAR Bn Gp in East Timor: Op
TANAGER. 4RAR, Sydney, 2003. 1st ed,
4to in d/w, fully illus in colour and b/w,
full nominal roll, pp203, **the history of the
4RAR Group tour of East Timor in 2002,
new, A$55.
186/40. (10090) Clark, Chris. The
Encyclopedia of Australia's Battles.
Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2010 (fp1998)
Reprint, large 8vo in card covers,
profusely illustrated, index, pp306,
**concise descriptions of all the major battles
over the past 200 years from 1789 to
Afghanistan in 2009,, an excellent research
tool, vg cond, A$28.
186/41. (8440) Coulthard-Clark, Chris.
Duntroon: The Royal Military College of
Australia 1911-1986 Allen & Unwin,
Sydney, 1986. 2nd impr, large 8vo in d/w,
colour and b/w plates, appendices list all
Staff Cadets, Commandants, Professors
and Senior cadets, large biblio, index,
pp367, **an excellent history of Australia's
leading (with degrees) Army officerproducing establishment before ADFA was
founded, vg cond, A$85.
186/42. (4751) Cross, J.P. Jungle Warfare:
Experiences and Encounters. Pen &
Sword Military, UK, 2008. 1st ed, large
8vo in d/w diagrams, plates, biblio,
index, pp222, **an excellent overview of the
methods and devices for fighting in the jungle,
using many examples from the British and
japanese sides in WW2 and the Communist
guerrillas in Malaya, Borneo and (French)
Vietnam, vg cond, A$40.
186/43. (6804) Festberg, Alfred N. The
Lineage of the Australian Army. Allara
Publishing, Melbourne, 1972. 1st ed, 4to
in d/w, pp118, **a vital reference, vg cond,
186/44. (4169) Fry, Gavin & Gray, Anne.
Masterpieces of the Australian War
Memorial. Rigby, Adelaide, 1982. 1st ed,
4to in d/w and mylar, fully illus, 80 fullcolour works, bigraphical notes and
descriptive narrative, **an overview of some
of the 12,000 works of art held by the AWM;
sensational, vg cond and now scarce, A$52.
186/45. (9349) Glubb, Pasha. A Soldier
With the Arabs. Hodder & Stoughton,
London, 1969 (fp1957). Reprint, large 8vo
in bumped d/w, discard stamps in
prelims, plates and maps, index, pp460,
**LieutGen Sir John Bagot Glubb, KCB,
CMG, DSO, OBE, MC worked for 36 years
among the Arabs. In 1939 he commanded the
Arab Legion of Trans-Jordan. He vehemently
opposed the formation of the State of Israel
after WW2, fair cond, A$26.
186/46. (9818) Good, Captain Dave. Back
to the Border: 2nd Battalion Group in
East Timor October 2001 to April 2002.
Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2004. 1st ed,
large 4to in d/w, profusely illustrated in
colour, full nominal rolls, glossary of
acronyms, index, pp286, **from Oct 2001
to Apr 2002, the 2nd Bn Group (commanded
by LtCol Angus Campbell, the new Army
Commander), served as part of the UN
Transitional Administration in the newly
independent nation of East Timor, new,
186/47. (7743) Grebert, Rick. Rising Sun
Badge: Origin Theories and Evolution.
MHSA of NSW, Sydney, 1994. 1st ed, 4to
in card covers, illus, biblio, pp38, **an
important reference, (100,000 Australian
soldiers have died under this powerful
symbol), as new cond, A$32.
186/48. (6546) Inglis, K.S. Sacred Places:
War Memorials in the Australian
Landscape. MUP, Melbourne, 1999
(fp1988). Reprint, large 8vo in d/w,
profusely illus, source notes, index,
pp522, **spans war, religion, politics,
language and the visual arts. A major
contribution to the emotional history of
Australia, vg cond, A$45.
186/49. (5805) Lindsay, Neville. Equal to
the Task: The Royal Australian Army
Service Corps, Volume 1. Historia
Productions, Adelaide, 1992. 1st ed, large
8vo in d/w, profusely illus with colour &
b/w plates and maps (4 fold-outs), roll of
honour from Maori Wars to
Vietnam,chapter references, biblio,
nominal index, place index and general
index, pp511, **the 'galloping grocers',
deliverers of food, fuel and ammunition, the
essential ingredients for the successful
prosecution of war, good cond, A$45.
186/50. (10020) Lindsay, Neville. Loyalty
and Service: The Officer Cadet School
Portsea. Historia Productions, Qld, 1994.
1st ed, large 8vo in protected d/w, many
plates and maps, nominal roll of
graduates, glossary, honours and awards,
biblio, index, pp354, **the aim of OCS was
to qualify officers to the same standard as
their RMC counterparts without the tertiary
qualification. Some may say a better standard
of officer came from OCS for the Vietnam
war, vg cond and very scarce, A$175.
186/51. (10089) Masters, Chris.
Uncommon Soldier: Brave,
Compassionate and Tough, the Making
of Australia's Modern Diggers. Allen &
Unwin, Sydney, 2012. 1st ed, large 8vo in
protected d/w, inscr in fep, colour plates,
chapter notes, index, pp374, **Masters
turns a penetrating gaze on the modern
Australian soldier, the war fighter,
peacekeeper, street-level diplomat and aid
worker. He looks at how they are led and they
become disciplined soldier, vg cond, A$34.
186/52. (10081) McKenzie-Smith,
Graham. Sappers in the West: Army
Engineers in Western Australia. RAE
Association WA, Perth, 2015. 1st ed, large
8vo in laminated boards, signed by the
author, profusely illustrated in colour and
b/w, appendices, index, pp355, **a new
history of the Royal Australian Engineers in
Western Australia since 1910 and before with
the colonial 20 Coy Royal Sappers and Miners
in 1851, a very credible history, new, A$48.
186/53. (9962) Moore, Bruce, A Lexicon of
Cadet Language: Royal Military College,
Duntroon in the Period 1983 to 1985.
ANU, Canberra, 1993. 1st ed, large trade
8vo in card covers, inscr, appendices,
pp259, **a unique dictionary of the slang and
word usages at the RMC Duntroon, vg cond
and scarce, A$55.
186/54. (7911) Pears, Maurie. Battlefield
Korea: The Korean Battle Honours of the
Royal Australian Regiment 1950-1953.
AMHP/AHU, Sydney, 2007. 1st ed, large
8vo in d/w, colour and b/w plates,
colour and b/w maps, full citation of all
decorations awarded including US
Presidential Unit Citation to 3RAR for
Kapyong, full roll of all MIDs, biblio,
index, pp129, **there were 1,584 Australian
casualties in the Korean War of which 240
were Killed in Action; this book fills in plenty
of the gaps in our knowledge. The author
served in 1 and 3 RARs winning the Military
Cross, new, A$48.
186/55. (8549) Sasano, Masayuki. Early
Japanese Sword Guards: Sukashi Tsuba.
Robert G. Sawers, London, 1974 (fp1972).
New enlarged edition, large 8vo in
protected d/w, fully illustrated in colour
& b/w, pp292, **a selection of 216
outstanding works in open-work tsuba
arranged according to design school and
historical period. A vital Japanese sword
reference, vg cond and uncommon, A$240.
186/56. (2955) Skennerton, Ian. D &
Richardson, Robert. British &
Commonwealth Bayonets. Ian
Skennerton, Qld, 1986. 1st ed, 4to in d/w,
fully illus, source index, listings of makers
and suppliers etc, pp404, **introduces a
considerable amount of new material and
many previously unrecorded bayonets in a
well ordered sequence, vg cond, A$130.
186/57. (9264) Speight, D.L. Australia's
Spanish Knight: Fourteen Months, Sixty
One Years. Author, Adelaide, 2004. 1st
ed? 8vo in card covers, signed by the
author, plates and maps, biblio, pp253,
**the remarkable story of Richard Bryant who
spent 14 months as an ambulance driver with
the International Brigades in the Spanish
Civil War. In WW2 he drove tanks. Sixty one
years later he was decorated by King Juan
Carlos of Spain, vg cond, A$26.
186/58. (9998) Sutton, Brigadier D.J. OBE
(ed). The Story of the Royal Army
Service Corps and Royal Corps of
Transport 1945-1982. Leo Cooper/Secker
Warburg, London, 1984. 1st ed, large 8vo
in d/w, colour portrait of HRH Duchess
of Gloucester (Col in Chief) in frontis,
plates, maps, appendices, roll of
honourhonours and awards, glossary,
index, pp801, **a comprehensive history of
RASC and RCT from the end of WW2 to
1982. This period includes the Palestine
conflict, Korean War, Malaya, Aden, Cyprus,
Northern Ireland and Borneo, a very useful
reference, vg cond and uncommon, A$62.
186/59. (7860) von Dach Bern, Major H.
Total Resistance: Swiss Army Guide to
Guerrilla Warfare and Underground
Operations. Paladin Press, USA, 1979
(fp1965 trans from the French). 1st
English ed, facsimile reprint, trade 8vo in
card covers, profusely illustrated, pp173,
**the Swiss have been students of guerrilla
warfare since the Soviets brutally repressed
the Hungarian revolution in 1956. One of the
seminal texts in the subject to this day, new
cond, A$28.
186/60. (10077) Farrar-Hockley, Anthony.
Goughie: The Life of General Sir Hubert
Gough, CGB, GCMG, KCVO. HartDavis, MacGibbon, London, 1975. 1st ed,
large 8vo in d/w, plates, maps,
chapter notes, biblio, appendix, index,
pp403, **Goughie was an adventurer. He was
the youngest general in the British Army in
1918 and just as he was defeating the
Germans on his Front he was sacked by the
system (Haig didn't like being shown up), vg
cond, A$45.
186/61. (9624) (Regt Ctee) A Short
History of the Royal Sussex Regiment
(35th Foot - 107th Foot) 1701-1926. Gale
& Polden, UK, 1927. 1st ed, small 8vo
infaded blue boards, cover emblem and
titles gilt, colour plate (The Battle of
Quebec 1759) in frontis, inscr in fep,
plates, (one loose), pp111, **a year by year
summary of what the Regiment/s were
involved in from 1701, a fair bit of foxing
else solid cond, A$45.
186/62. (9273) Austin, Paul Britten. 1812:
The Great Retreat. Greenhill Books,
London, 1996. 1st ed, large 8vo in good
d/w, plates, chapter notes, index, pp464,
**tells the story of the end of the most
famously disasterous campaigns in history
using the words of the survivors to describe
their desperate retreat from Moscow 1812, vg
cond, A$46.
186/63. (8723) Barbero, Alessandro. The
Battle: A New History of the Battle of
Waterloo. Atlantic Books, London, 2005.
(trans from the Italian - fp2003.). 1st
English ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates,
maps, notes, biblio, index, pp340, **a new
account giving a voice to all nationalities
involved, vg cond and uncommon, A$42.
186/64. (9066) Berton, Pierre. Flames
Across the Border, 1813-1814.
McClelland & Stewart, Toronto, 1983
(fp1981). 3rd printing, large 8vo in
protected d/w, plates and maps, chapter
notes, biblio, index, pp492, **Berton's
second volume in the 1813-14 war between
Canada and the USA. The US burned the
Toronto Parliament building down and the
Canadians burned down the American White
House; a savage 'little' stoush which defined
the present day borders, vg cond, A$34.
186/65. (9014) Blake, Gregory. To Pierce
the Tyrant's Heart: The Battle for the
Eureka Stockade, 3 December 1854.
AMHP, Sydney, 2009. 1st ed, large 8vo in
d/w, superior paper, plates, extensive
biblio, appendices contain rolls of
protagonists, index, pp242, **the epic
account of the battle for the Eureka Stokade on
the Ballarat goldfield in 1854, an iconic
moment in Australia's history. It was a battle
between British soldiers with Victorian
colonial police and insurgent gold miners. The
battle lasted a mere 20 minutes and 40
insurgent goldminers and 18 soldiers and
police lay dead, new, A$35.
186/66. (9505) Buttery, David. Messenger
of Death: Captain Nolan and the Charge
of the Light Brigade. Pen & Sword
Military, UK, 2008. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/
w, plates an maps, chapter notes, biblio,
index, pp221, **full biography of the officer
who conveyed the fatal order for the charge. A
valuable insight into the Victorian Army and
its officer class. An important contribution to
the history of the Crimean War, new, A$45.
186/67. (1882) Fletcher, Ian, & Poulter,
Ron. Gentlemen's Sons. Spellmount, UK,
1992. 1st ed, roy 8vo in d/w, illus and
maps, index, pp251, **the Foot Guards from
1808 to 1815 and their raison d'etre for
service, new cond, A$45.
186/68. (9261) Giles, Lancelot (ed by L.R.
Marchant). The Siege of the Peking
Legations.: A Diary. UWA Press, Perth,
1970. 1st ed, large 8vo in protected d/w,
inscr in fep, plates and maps, notes,
extensive biblio, index, pp212, **eyewitness accounts by British officials who lived
through the Boxer Uprising and the siege of
the Peking Legations are quite rare and this
unexpurgated version of Giles's diary is
unique, vg cond, A$55.
186/69. (8836) Glover, Michael. War in
the Age of Bonaparte. BCA, London,
1980. 1st ed? Roy. 8vo in d/w, fully illus
in colour and b/w, appendix lists a
chronology of the war 1792-1815, biblio,
index, pp255, **after the revolution in 1792,
France, under Napoleon Bonaparte, became
an expansionist empire which wreaked havoc
across Europe - until he came up against the
Brits under Wellington, vg cond, A$28.
186/70. (10034) Glover, Michael. The
Peninsular War 1807-1814.: A Concise
Military History. David & Charles,
London, 1974. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
plates and maps, appendices, biblio,
chapter notes, index, pp431, **this book
seeks to give the basic skeleton of facts of the
various campaigns and battles of the
Peninsular War between Wellington and
Napoleon, bit musty and slightly foxed
else good cond, A$38.
186/71. (6609) Harris, John. The Gallant
Six Hundred: A Tragedy of Obsessions.
Military Book Society, London, 1973. Poss
1st ed?, large 8vo in d/w, news articles
loose in fep, plates, biblio, source notes,
index, pp270, **the Charge of the Light
Brigade at Balaclava and an examination of
its defeat. Harris contend it was more complex
than the famous Lucan-Cardigan quarrel - in
effect, Cardigan was a dolt! vg cond, A$42.
186/72. (8716) Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
The Napoleonic Source Book. Arms &
Armour Press, London, 1993 (fp1990.)
Reprint, roy.8vo in card covers, profusely
illustrated, glossary, miscellanea, index,
pp414, **covers the campaigns, weaponry, the
warring nations, the commanders, a most
useful reference, vg cond, A$30.
186/73. (8790) Hibbert, Christopher,
Wellington: A Personal History. Harper
Collins, London, 1997. 1st ed, large 8vo in
d/w, plates and maps, inscr in fep,
chapter notes, extensive biblio, index,
pp460, **a richly delineated and masterly
biography of the great man, Napoleon's
nemesis, (1769-1852), vg cond, A$34.
186/74. (1603) Hillman, Alfred James. The
Hillman Diaries, 1877-1884. The
Personal Diaries of Alfred James
Hillman from 21 Dec 1877 to 24 Apr
1884. F.V. Bentley Hillman, Perth, 1990.
1st ed, huge 8vo in d/w, colour plate of
Major A.J. Hillman in Metropolitan Rifle
Volunteers uniform, 1841-1884, 68-page
index, pp1052 (plus), **Perth Metropolitan
Rifle Volunteers content, vg cond, A$70.
186/75. (7010) Hourtoulle, Francois-Guy.
Soldiers and Uniforms of Napoleonic
Wars. Histoire & Collections, Paris, 2004.
1st Eng ed, trans from the French, fully
illustrated in colour by Jack Girbal and
Patrice Courcelle, pp207, **a collection of
sensational colour paintings depicting scenes
from Vicenza in 1796 to Placenot (after
Waterloo) 1815, new, A$35.
186/76. (10033) Kennedy, Ludovic. Nelson
and His Captains. Collins, London, 1975
(fp1951). Revised ed, 8vo in bumped d/w,
plates, biblio, index, pp353, **Nelson called
his captains the 'band of brothers', the most
dedicated and talented group the Royal Navy
had seen. Troubridge, Hardy, Berry, Fremantle,
Hood et al, vg cond, A$32.
186/77. (3952) Love, Margaret. The
Sherwood Papers: A Swan River Story.
Author, Perth, 1996. 1st ed, 8vo in card
covers, illus, index, Sherwood family tree,
biblio, appendices, pp270, **some military
content in the Boer War - WW1 period, new,
186/78. (9555) Manning, Stephen. Soldiers
of the Queen: Victorian Colonial Conflict
in the Words of Those Who Fought.
Spellmount, UK, 2009. 1sted, large 8vo in
d/w, plates and maps, end notes,
appendix, biblio, index, pp224, **from the
mountains and valleys of Afghanistan, the
scorching plains of India, the deserts of Egypt
and Sudan and the South African veldt the
British soldier was up to his neck in it, new,
186/79. (6167) Myerly, Scott Hughes.
British Military Spectacle: From the
Napoleonic Wars through the Crimea.
Harvard University Press, USA, 1996. 1st
ed, 8vo in d/w, colour and b/w plates,
biblio, source notes, index, pp293, **the
ornate sartorial creations of the many
'dandified' British Regiments, new, A$34.
186/80. (9866) Newark, George &
Christopher (eds). Kipling's Soldiers: A
Selection of Rudyard Kipling's Poems.
The Pompadour Gallery, UK, 1993. 1st ed,
8vo in d/w, colour and b/w plates (colour
plates by Bryan Fosten), notes on poems,
index of first lines, pp123, **over 100 years
ago a volume of Kipling's verse entitled
Barrack Room Ballads was produced. Kipling
was generally an unkown journalist in India
but it had a huge impct. This book is a selection
of 24 of Kipling's great poems illustrated by
Bryan Fosten, vg cond, A$32.
186/81. (588) Nicholls, Bob. Bluejackets
and Boxers: Australia's Naval Expedition
to the Boxer Uprising. Allen and Unwin,
Sydney, 1986. 1st ed, large 8vo in good d/
w, profusely illustrated in b/w (colour
feps), appendices (showing nominal rolls),
biblio, index, pp164, **the colonies of NSW,
Victoria and Sth Australia all answered the call
to assist with the Empire's task of crushing the
Boxer Rebellion in China. They sent over 500
men in the expeditionary force in 1900, vg
cond and scarce, A$48.
186/82. (6460) Pearn, Colonel John. Arms
& Aesculapius: Military Medicine in PreFederation Queensland: The Queensland
Defence Force and its Doctor Soldiers.
Amphion Press, Brisbane, 1996. 1st ed, 8vo
in d/w, profusely illus with historic
photos, rolls, biblio, index, pp245,
**documents the evolutionof the emergent
armed forces in pre-Federation northern
Australia, vg cond, A$60.
186/83. (1854) Perrett, Bryan (ed). A Hawk
at War: The Peninsular War
Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas
Brotherton, CB. 14th/20th King's
Hussars/Picton Pubs, UK, 1986. 1st ed, 8vo
in d/w, illus, pp84 **Captain Thomas
Brotherton's career in the 14th Light Dragoons
(the Hawks) through to General rank, very
readable, new cond, A$35.
biblio, source notes, index, pp369, **the 7th
Earl of Cardigan led the mighty charge of the
Light Brigade and created numerous scandals
throughout his life, vg cond and hard to find,
186/89. (9469) Uffindell, Andrew. The
Eagle's Last Triumph: Napoleon's Victory
at Ligny, June 1815. Greenhill Books,
London, 2006. 1st ed? Large 8vo in
protected d/w, plates, maps, end notes,
extensive biblio, appendices, index, pp272,
**Napoleon won his final victory (against
Blucher's Prussians) on 16 June 1815 at Ligny
two days before suffering a crushing defeat at
Waterloo. A vivid military epic, vg cond,
186/90. (6137) Verney, Major-General G.L,
DSO, MVO. The Devil's Wind: The Story
of the Naval Brigade at Lucknow.
Hutchinson, London, 1956. 1st ed, 8vo in
poor d/w (now protected), plates (portrait
186/84. (8397) Perry, Major Warren, MBE. of Capt. William Peel, VC, KCB, RN, HMS
SHANNON in frontis), 2 fold-out maps,
The Naval & Military Club, Melbourne:
A History of its First Hundred Years, 1881 appendices, biblio, index, pp176, **from the
letters of Edmund Pope Verney and other
-1981. N&M Club/Lothian Publishing,
Melbourne, 1981. 1st ed, large 8vo in black papers concerning the enterprise of the ship's
company of HMS SHANNON in the
cloth, colour plate in frontispiece, titles
gilt, plates, appendices, index, pp435, **the campaign in India 1857-58, good cond and
esteemed Melbourne for retired military officers not often seen, A$28.
of all three services (recently folded up),
186/91. (4552) Wallace, Robert L. Elands
discolourations to spine else good cond,
River Siege 1900: Australians in the Boer
War: Circumstances Surrounding the
Siege of Elands River Post. AMHP, NSW,
186/85. (10016) Pocock, Tom. The Young
2000 (fp1992). Reprint, large 8vo in illus
Nelson in the Americas. Cllins, London,
boards, plates, maps, index, glossary -Boer1980. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates &
English, appendices list roll of 3rd
maps, biblio, index, pp241, **it was the
Victorian (Bushman) Contingent at the
America ad West Indies Station that formed
Siege, pp210, **a remarkable action in the
Nelson into a sea officer and fighting
Boer War where Australians were prominent,
commander, newspaper article on 200th
new, A$45.
anniversary of Trafalgar loose at front, vg
cond, A$36.
186/86. (9645) Richards, D.S. Conflict in
the Crimea: British Redcoats on Russian
Soil. Pen & Sword Military, UK, 2006. 1st
ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates & map, biblio,
index, pp211, **the Crimean War between
Britain and her Allies and the Russians
endured for three years but very little is
remembered. This book is the story of that grim
campaign which was hard won but did little to
ensure peace and stability in the region, as
new cond, A$46.
186/87. (9195) Snow, Peter. To War With
Wellington: From the Peninsular to
Waterloo. John Murray, London, 2010. 1st
ed, large 8vo in d/w, colour plates, maps,
chapter notes, biblio, index, pp384,
**describes the horror and humanity of life in
and out of battle, and how Wellington mastered
the battlefield to defeat Napoleon and change
the future of Europe, new, A$36.
186/88. (3930) Thomas, Donald. Charge!
Hurrah! Hurrah!: A Life of Cardigan of
Balaclava. Routledge & Keegan Paul,
London, 1974. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w, plates,
186/92. (9221) Wallich, Walter (ed and
trans), With Napoleon in Russia 1812. The
Folio Society, London, 1969. 1st ed in book
form? Large 8vo in slip-case, illustrations,
maps on boards, index, pp176, **the diary of
Lt H.A. Vossler, a Soldier in the Grand Armee
1812-1813, vg cond, A$36.
186/93. (8305) Williams, Captain John. The
Bengal Native Infantry. Frederick Muller,
London, 1970 (fp181). Facsimile reprint,
8vo in d/w, colour plate in frontispiece,
appendices, pp387, **An historical account
from its formation in 1757 to 1796 (with
supplementary notes to the year 1814). vg
cond, A$45.
186/94. (5767) Witton, Lieut, George.
Scapegoats of the Empire: The True Story
of the Bushveldt Carbineers. Angus &
Robertson, Sydney, 1982. (fp1907).
Facsimile reprint, 8vo in d/w, portrait of
Witton in frontis, pp247, **the story of the
execution of Breaker Morant and Peter
Hancock and the sentencing of the author,
George Witton to life imprisonment. Two
editions were published in 1907 but very few
exist today thus making this copy scarce, vg
cond and scarce, A$120.
186/95. (10025) Zamoyski, Adam. 1812:
Napoleon's Fatal March on Moscow.
Harper Collins, London, 2004. 1st ed, very
thick 8vo in card covers, plates and maps,
chapter notes, biblio, index, pp644,
**Napoleon's invasion of Russia and the
terrible retreat from Moscow were a miitary
epic and a human tragedy on a colossal scale,
the first example of 'total war'. vg cond,
186/96. (8175) Blackburn, Graham. The
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ships, Vessels
and other Water-borne Craft. John
Murray, London, 1978. 1st ed, large 4to in
protected d/w, fully illustrated, glossary,
biblio, index, pp447, **an alphabetical listing
with drawings of over 750 entries of every
known major type of vessel from the first
recorded Egyptian craft of 4000BC to the most
advanced (to 1978) nuclear-powered vessels, a
great reference, vg cond and uncommon,
186/97. (8757) Broome, Captain Jack.
Convoy is to Scatter. William Kimber,
London, 1972. 1st ed, large 8vo in protected
d/w, illustrated with b/w cartoons, pp232,
**introduces a new method of presenting naval
history - the operational sequence of actual
signals received or exchanged by Convoy P.Q.
17 (35 ships) from June 27th to July 4 1942 on
the Murmansk run to Russia with vital war
supplies, slight foxing to edges else good
cond, A$34.
casualties etc, appendices, pp269, **a
comprehensive listing of the ships and men of
the Royal Australian Navy who paid the
supreme sacrifice in the wars of the 20th
century. Full descriptions of each ship, her
casualties, battle honours and COs, vg cond
and hard to find, A$36.
186/101. (8693) Cunningham, LCDR I.J.
RAN. Work Hard Play Hard: The Royal
Australian Naval College 1913-1988.
AGPS, Canberra, 1988. 1st ed, large 8vo in
good d/w, profusely illustrated,
appendices contain maps, diagrams and
full rolls of all intakes and staff from 1913
to 1987, biblio, index, pp161, **HMAS
CRESWELL is the Royal Australian Naval
College situated at Jervis Bay NSW, vg cond
and hard to find, A$85.
186/102. (7585) Foster, John. AE1
Entombed but Not Forgotten. AMHP,
Sydney, 2006. 1st ed, large 8vo in
laminated boards, plates and maps,
appendices, biblio, general index and
nominal index, roll of honour with
biographical notes, pp121, **an account of
the very brief life of HMA Submarine AE1
which was mysteriously lost off New Britain on
14 September 1914 whilst on patrol with the
destroyer Parramatta searching for the German
Pacific Fleet. Its location is a mystery to this
day, new, A$42.
comprehensive description of all classes of US
Destroyers, vg cond, A$85.
186/107. (2873) Goodman, Rupert.
Hospital Ships : Manunda, Wanganella,
Centaur, Oranje. Boolarong, Brisbane,
1992. 1st ed, 4to in decorated boards, inscr
in fep, illus in b/w, index, appendices list
various ships and their voyages, pp170,
**an excellent record of ships which rendered
valuable service in WW1, WW2 and later, vg
cond, A$45.
186/108. (10050) Harper, J.E.T RADM, CB,
MVO. The Truth About Jutland. John
Murray, London,1927. 1st ed, small 8vo in
navy cloth, diagrams, appendix, pp200,
**this book sets out to give a factual account of
the Battle of Jutland 31 May 1916 in which the
German Grand Fleet was mauled by the Royal
Navy Battle Fleet. 260 ships were involved in
the Battle,, good cond A$35.
186/109. (7983) Jenkins, David. Battle
Surface! Japan's Submarine War Against
Australia 1942-44. Random House,
Sydney, 1992. 1st ed, large 4to in d/w
(protected), profusely illustrated in colour
and b/w, biblio, index, pp304, **a very
complete account of the Japanese submarine
efforts against Australia in WW2, vg cond
and hard to find, A$85.
186/110. (5809) Jeppesen, Lieut-Comd J.C,
OAM, RFD. Constant Care: The Royal
Australian Navy Health Services 19152002. AMHP, Sydney, 2002. 1st ed, large
8vo in illus boards, plates, honour roll and
honours and awards, biblio, glossary and
abbreviations, appendices, index, pp336,
**covers health care in war and peace and
includes ships in action and the shore-based
hospitals around Australia and elsewhere, new,
186/103. (5887) Foster, John. "Hands to
Boarding Stations!" The Story of
Minesweeper HMAS HAWK:
Confrontation with Indonesia 1965-1966.
AMHP, Sydney, 2003. 1st ed, large 8vo in
illus boards, profusely illus plates and
maps, appendices, nominal roll of Ship's
Company, biblio, index, pp125, **the
author's personal account of the ship's
186/98. (3783) Cairns, Lynne. Fremantle's
operations under his command. They served for
Secret Fleets. Australian Maritime
186/111. (7776) Kaplan, Philip & Currie,
9 months in SE-Asian waters, new, A$42.
Museum, Fremantle, 1995. 1st ed, oblong
Jack. Wolfpack: U-Boats at War 1939-1945.
8vo in card covers, inscr, plates, lists of all 186/104. (9919) Frame, Tom & Baker,
Aurum Press, London, 1997. 1st ed, large
Kevin. Mutiny! Naval Insurrections in
US, British and Dutch submarines
oblong 4to in d/w, fully illustrated in
operating from Fremantle Harbour, biblio, Australia and New Zealand. A&U,
colour and b/w, glossary, biblio, index,
source notes, pp87, **allied submarines based Sydney, 2000. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card
pp212, **over 240 colour and black & white
covers, plates, end notes, index, pp283,
in Western Australia during WW2, an
photos, many are 'then and now' shots. 39,000
**since 1916 there have been more mutinies in
important reference, good cond and now
sailors served in U-Boats and 27, 491 died in
the RAN than in any other navy maintained by
hard to find, A$56.
them. Of the 863 U-Boats that sailed on
an English-speaking nation. This is a
186/99. (10068) Campbell, Hugh. Notable comprehensive study of naval insurrections in operational patrols, 754 were lost. A dangerous
business! vg cond, A$42.
Service to the Empire: Australian
Australia and NZ. vg cond, A$26.
Corvettes and the British Pacific Fleet
186/112. (6967) Karig, Commander Walter,
186/105. (8706) Franks, Norman, Dark
1944-45. Naval Historical Society of
USNR & Kelley, Lieutenant Welbourn,
Australia, Sydney, 1995. 1st ed, small 4to in Sky, Deep Water: First Hand Reflections
USNR. Battle Report: Pearl Harbour to
on the Anti-U-Boat War in WW2. Grub
card covers, plates and maps, appendices
Coral Sea. Farrar & Rinehart, NY, 1944. 1st
containing a summary of each ship, index, Street, London, 1997. 1st ed, large 8vo in
ed, large 8vo in grey cloth slightly sunned,
d/w, inscr, plates, index, pp218, **an
pp204, **the 21st and 22nd Flotillas of
two book plates in feps, plates and maps,
Corvettes number 18 ships in total. They were interesting volume of aircrew reminiscences in honours and awards, full casualty lists by
the fight against the U-Boats, vg cond, A$26.
ostensibly mine-sweepers but spent most of
State, pp499, **prepared from official sources,
their time escorting ships of the Fleet Train as
186/106. (9858) Friedman, Norman. U.S.
tells the story of the USN in the war, good
it worked to fuel, supply and repair the frontDestroyers: An Illustrated Design History cond, A$45.
line fighting ships, vg cond and scarce, A$75. (Ship Plans by A.D. Baker, 3rd). Naval
186/113. (9437) Layman, R.D. The
186/100. (9315) Cassells, Vic. For Those in Institute Press, USA, 2004. Revised ed,
Cuxhaven Raid: The World's First Carrier
large 4to in d/w, fully illustrated, source
Peril: Kangaroo Press, Sydney, 1995. 1st
Air Strike. Conway Maritime Press,
notes, data tables, index, pp552, **the
ed, 8vo in card covers, profusely
London, 1985. 1st ed, large 8vo in good d/
definitive reference on US Destroyers. A
illustrated, rolls of commanders and
w, fep, plates, chapter notes, biblio,
index, pp160, **on Christmas Day 1914 a
small force of British seaplanes was launched
from their carriers to attack the German airship
base near Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony,
Germany. This was the 'birth of the 'carrier
task force' concept much in evidence in WW2,
vg cond, A$45.
186/114. (9060) Lewis, Dr. Tom. Darwin's
Submarine I-124: The Story of a Covert
Japanese Squadron Waging a Secret
Underwater War Against Northern
Australia. Avonmore Books, Kent Town
SA, 2010. 1st ed, large 8vo in card covers,
profusely illustrated in colour and b/w,
extensive biblio, index, pp182, **this is a
remastering of the 1990s book 'Sensuikan I124'. It was part of the Japanese 6th Submarine
Squadron which laid mines outside Darwin
and lay in ambush for shipping. However, I124 was sunk with all hands by the RAF on 20
Jan 1942, new, A$48.
186/115. (5409) Lind, Lew. Toku Tai Japanese Submarine Operations in
Australian Waters. Kangaroo Press, Qld,
1992. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w and mylar, plates,
maps, appendices, index, pp160, **an
account of the Japanese Special Attack Force in
Australian waters in 1942-1943, vg cond and
now scarce, A$65.
186/116. (8075) Macandie, G.L., CBE. The
Genesis of the Royal Australian Navy.
Govt. Printer, Sydney, 1949. 1st ed, large
8vo in new hand-made blue kangaroo
leather bindings, hand-made marbled end
papers, plates and fold-out maps,
appendices, index, pp349, **Macandie was
the Secretary of the Australian Naval Board
from 1914 to 1946, this is a very desirable copy
of a rare book in unique bindings, vg cond and
quite unique, A$250.
abbreviations, index, pp253, **an account of
the various small ships of the RAN in WW2
from auxiliary minesweepers, anti-submarine
sweepers, boom defence, Fairmiles, survey
ships, SRD flotilla of ships (Snake class KRAIT etc), an excellent reference to a
neglected field, vg cond and hard to find,
186/126. (6078) Waller, Douglas C. Big
Red: Three Months on Board a Trident
Nuclear Submarine. Harper Collins, NY,
2001. 1st ed, large 8vo in good d/w, plates,
roll of ship's company of USS NEBRASKA,
source notes, index, pp336, **the Trident
186/120. (3433) Nicholls, Stan. H.M.A.S.
submarine is the most complex war machine the
SHROPSHIRE. NHSA, Sydney, 1989. 1st United States Navy has ever produced. Weight
ed, large 8vo in d/w, #981 of 1,000 printed, 18,750 tons and carries 24 ballistic missiles, vg
inscr in fep, plates maps and illustrations
cond, A$42.
index, pp315, **before she served in the RAN
186/127. (4945) Whiting, Brendan. Ship of
as a replacement for CANBERRA (lost at
Courage: The Epic Story of HMAS
Savo) the HMS SHROPSHIRE was a line
PERTH and Her Crew. Allen & Unwin,
Cruiser with the British Fleet. Under the RAN
Sydney, 1994. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w,plates,
flag she participated in 15 operations and
charts and maps, appendices, index, pp192,
battles in her 18 months in service. A Lucky
Ship! vg cond and scarce, A$185.
caught at Sunda Strait and sunk after a brief
186/121. (1392) Ross, Lieut W.H, RAN.
battle. This is the story of PERTH from
"Stormy Petrel": The Life Story of HMAS commissioning to sinking in 1942, vg cond,
SYDNEY. Patersons, Perth, nd? 1st ed,
small pocket-sized hard back book in blue
186/128. (6487) Worledge, G.R. (ed).
cloth, plates, nominal roll of those lost,
pp296, **the author served on the '2nd'
Australia's Submarine Hunters, 1939-1946.
Sydney in WW2 as part of the British
Anti-Submarine Officer's Association,
Mediterranean Fleet, good cond and scarce,
Sydney, 1994. 2nd ed, large 8vo in card
covers, plates, index, pp490, **the story of
186/122. (9688) Salmon, Gregor. Navy
the establishment of the anti-submarine
Divers: The Incredible Story of the
training school at HMAS RUSHCUTTER in
Australian Navy's Elite Unit. Ebury Press, Sydney in 1938 and their subsequent
Sydney, 2011. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card
adventures during the war years, vg cond,
covers, plates, biblio, index, pp292, **the
story of the RAN Clearance Divers from WW2 186/129. (9655) Zetterling, Niklas &
to present day with quite a lot on their work
Tamelander, Michael. TIRPITZ: The Life
with SAS, vg cond, A$28.
and Death of Germany's Last Super
186/123. (10069) Sherman, Peter. Cry
Battleship. Casemate Publishers, USA,
Havoc! HMS - HMAS KANIMBLA Goes 2009. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates,
to War. Author, Melbourne, 1993. 1st ed,
maps, notes, biblio, pp360, **the TIRPITZ
4to in card covers, signed by John Leggoe
was a sister-ship to BISMARCK. She was
(author and previous owner), plates, maps, never able to be used in a direct role against the
Allies but the mere threat of her was enough to
nominal roll as at 2 Sep 1945,honours and
enrage the British who threw everything at her
awards, abbreviation list, pp240, **the
KANIMBLA was a converted cruise ship and in a Norwegian fjord, new, A$40.
cargo carrier to a troop ship and Armed
Merchant Cruiser. She served right through the
Special Forces and Airborne
war never suffering a single casualty to enemy
action, vg cond and scarce, A$85.
186/117. (7098) Middlebrook, Martin.
Convoy: The Battle for Convoys SC.122
and HX.229. Allen Lane/Penguin,
London, 1976. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w, plates
and maps, appendices list all merchant
ships and their cargoes involved in the two
convoys, biblio, index, pp378, **this battle
was a major turning point in the Battle of the
186/124. (4503) Spurr, Russell. A Glorious
Atlantic, vg cond, A$38.
Way to Die: The Kamikaze Mission of the
Battleship YAMATO, April 1945.
186/118. (9389) Mowthorpe, Ces.
Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1982. 1st ed,
Battlebags: British Airships of the First
large 8vo in d/w, plates, maps, index,
World War: An Illustrated History.
Wrens Park, UK, 1998 (fp1995). Reprint, 4to biblio, appendices, pp341, **the biggest
battleship ever built, the YAMATO was
in good d/w, fully illustrated in b/w,
biblio, index, pp194, **over 226 airships were rendered obsolete before she saw action due to
built and operated by the Royal Navy in WW1 the success of carrier-borne planes. She was
sunk on 7 Apr 1945 off Okinawa in one of the
in a bid to defeat the deadly German U-Boat
last desperate naval battles of the Pacific War,
menace. This book records and describes every
single airship built or used by Britain in WW1, vg cond and scarce, A$48.
vg cond and uncommon, A$45.
186/125. (9467) Stillwell, Alexander. The
186/119. (9785) Nesdale, Iris. Small Ships
at War: The Royal Australian Navy.
Author, Adelaide, 1993. 1st ed, tall 8vo in
protected d/w, signed by the author,
plates, maps, biblio, glossary of
the Battle of Jutland in WW1 to the Polaris
submarine of the modern day, vg cond, A$34.
Story of HMS REVENGE. Pen & Sword
Books, UK, 2009. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
plateschapter notes, biblio, index, pp218,
**the story of all the RN ships named
REVENGE from the Armada to Trafalgar, to
186/130. (5547) (Official). The 'Sleeping
Beauty': Provisional Handbook for
Training Operational Teams. InterServices Research Bureau, London, nd?
Photocopy of original rare manual, plates,
pp58, **the Sleeping Beauty was a submersible,
electrically powered, one man canoe used on the
RIMAU raid on Singapore harbour in WW2 by
Z Special operatives, good cond and scarce,
186/131. (9666) Adkin, Mark. Goose
Green: A Battle is Fought to be Won: The
Crucial Battle of the Falklands. Cassell,
London, 2000 (fp1992). Reprint, small 8vo
in card covers, plates and maps,
appendices, biblio, chapter notes, index,
pp407, **the first land battle of the Falklands
War fought by 2Para was the longest, hardest
fought, the most controversial and the most
important to win. CO 2PARA LtCol H. Jones
won the VC (Post) in this action when he
mounted a solo charge against an entrenched
Argentine enemy, vg cond, A$24.
desirable, would make a great addition to
any serious Special Forces library, A$750.
186/138. (1175) Cowles, Virginia. The
Phantom Major: The Story of David
Stirling and the SAS. Readers Book Club,
186/132. (10002) Bailey, Roderick. Target:
London, 1959 (fp1958). Reprint, small 8vo
Italy: The Secret War Against Mussolini, in good red d/w, plates, pp270, **the story
1940-43. Faber & Faber, London, 2014. 1st of the great David Stirling who conceived the
ed, trade 8vo in card covers, chapter notes, SAS concept in North Africa in WW2. His
biblio, pp442, **the unknown story of the SOE legacy is still with us today, vg cond, A$36.
cloak-and-dagger war fought by British Secret
186/139. (10065) Dunn, J.B 'Lofty'. Eagles
Agents against Mussolini's Italy in WW2, vg
Alighting: A History of 1 Australian
cond, A$28.
Parachute Battalion. 1 Aust. Para Bn Assn,
186/133. (3353) Bainbridge, Norman.
Melbourne, 1999. 1st ed, large 8vo in
Humour in an SAS Signals Uniform.
protected d/w, honour roll, honours and
Author, Perth, 2000. 1st ed, roy 8vo in card awards, nominal roll plus nominal roll of
covers, illus by Allan Langoulant, pp64,
3RAR Feb 1999, inscription on title page,
**an excellent addition to the SAS collection;
plates and illustrations, index, **formed in
very funny, new, A$20.
1942 to become 1 Aust Para Bn with a Para
Training Unit and Mountain Battery Artillery.
186/134. (2710) Callinan, Bernard J. DSO,
3RAR (Para) and the Parachute Training
MC. Independent Company: The 2/2nd
School are the moden day versions, vg cond
and 2/4th Australian Independent
and very hard to find, A$190.
Companies in Portuguese Timor, 19411943. William Heinemann, Melbourne,
1953, 1st ed, 8vo in green cloth (lacks d/
w), roll of officers, plates and maps, index,
pp235, **Callinan was 2IC of the 2/2nd on
Timor. An important book dealing with the
events on Timor when the 2/2nd was cut off
and fought a vigorous guerrilla war against the
Japanese, discolouration to end paper maps
else vg cond and hard to find in 1st ed,
186/140. (9969) Durant, Michael J. &
Hartov, Stephen.(with LtCol (Ret) Robert
L. Johnson. The Night Stalkers: Top Secret
Missions of the US Army's Special
Operations Aviation Regiment. NAL
Caliber, NY, 2008. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card
covers, b/w plates, glossary, index, pp335,
**the old Task Force 160 is now the 160th
Special Forces Operations Aviation Regiment
(Airborne) (SOAR [A]) support Delta, Rangers
and SEAL Teams whenever and wherever
186/135. (9999) Campion, Phil. Born
Fearless: From SAS to Mercenary, My Life required, as new, A$30.
as a Shadow Warrior. Quercus Books,
186/141. (7678) Durnford-Slater, Brigadier
London, 2012. Reprint, small 8vo in card
John, DSO & Bar. Commando: Memoirs of
covers, colour plates, index, pp356, **a very a Fighting Commando in WW2. Naval
readable account of his insanely dangerous life Institute Press, USA, 1991 (fp1953).
as a private military operator, new, A$22.
Reprint, 8vo in d/w, plates and maps,
pp222, **the author raised and trained the first
186/136. (6365) Coburn, Mike. Soldier
Commando unit in 1940 and became an
Five: The Real Story of the Bravo Two
outstanding and individualistic commando
Zero Mission. Mainstream Publishing,
leader, vg cond, A$26.
UK, 2004. 1st UK ed, large 8vo in d/w, ex
lib, colour plates, glossary, pp249, **Mike
Coburn, a Kiwi, was a member of B20
(captured by the Iraqis) and has tried to publish
this book for years. The British Government
had other ideas and tried to have it banned
(smacks of Scapegoats of the Empire in 1907).
Eventually the NZ courts allowed him to
proceed and this is it. An excellent and honest
read, a great story, good cond, A$34.
186/137. (3077) Cole, Barbara. The Elite:
The Story of the Rhodesian Special Air
Service. Three Knights, RSA, 1984. 1st ed,
large 8vo in blue full leather in slip case
with leather bookmark, signed by author
and numbered (#1199 of 1500), gold
blocked and spine embossed, raised metal
badge recessed into cover, colour & b/w
plates, maps, index, pp449, ** this is the
scarce and beautifully presented 1st ed SAS
title. This book is now over 30 years old and it
is in mint condition, appears to have been
rarely opened, now extremely scarce and very
186/142. (8096) Fennell, Keith. Warrior
Brothers: My Life in the Australian SAS.
Bantam/Random House, Sydney, 2008. 1st
ed, trade 8vo in card covers, colour plates,
pp335, **not a bad personal overview of life in
the Australian SAS in peace and war, new,
186/143. (10080) Fermor, Patrick Leigh.
Abducting a General: The Kreipe
Operation and SOE in Crete. John
Murray, London, 2014. 1st ed, trade 8vo in
card covers, plates and maps, index, pp206,
**the Kreipe capture was one of the great coups
in WW2. Immortalised in the book and film 'Ill
Met By Moonlight' by Moss. This book is
written by the leader of the SOE team Fermor,
vg cond, A$28.
186/144. (5633) Heaps, Leo. The Grey
Goose of Arnhem: The Story of the Most
Amazing Mass Escape of World War 2.
Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 1976.
1st ed, 8vo in d/w, plates and maps, news
cuttings tipped in, index, pp245, **Leo
Heaps did it all: 1st Airborne Div into Arnhem;
Dutch Resistance (MC) and after the war
served in Israel organising strike units in the
new army; this book covers the Arnhem
disaster, vg cond and scarce, A$48.
186/145. (291) Horton, Dick. Ring of Fire:
Australian Guerrilla Operations Against
the Japanese in World War II. Macmillan,
Sydney, 1983. 1st ed, 8vo in protected d/
w, plates and maps, index, pp164, **the
Ring of Fire refers to the intensive guerilla
operations mounted by Services
Reconnaissance Department (SRD -Australia,
Britain and the US) against the Japanese, vg
cond, A$38.
186/146. (10031) Kurowski, Franz. Jump
into Hell: German Paratroopers in World
War 2. Stackpole Books, USA, 2010. 1st US
ed, large 8vo in mint d/w, trans from the
German, plates and maps, biblio, index,
pp355, **the Fallschirmjager in action from
Eben Emael to the surrender in 1945, vg cond,
186/147. (4788) Ladd, James. Commandos
and Rangers of World War 2. St Martin's
Press, NY, 1978. 1st US ed, large 8vo in d/
w, profusely illus with plates, diagrams
and maps, biblio, index, pp288, **the
development and employment of Allied special
forces in WW2, a very useful reference, vg
cond, A$38.
186/148. (2626) Landsborough, Gordon
Tobruk Commando: The Raid to Destroy
Rommel's Base. Greenhill Books, London,
1989. (fp1956). Reprint, 8vo in good d/w
(now protected), plates and map, pp216,
**Operation Agreement was a plan hatched by
a member of the LRDG Colonel Haselden to
destroy Romel's bomb-proof oil storage tanks at
Tobruk on the eve of the Alamein break-out.
The plan however, attracted the attention of
GHQ who mounted a much larger and
disasterous operation losing many ships and
men, good cond, A$36.
186/149. (4288) Lord, Walter. Lonely Vigil:
Coastwatchers of the Solomons. Viking,
NY, 1977. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w with mylar
cover, plates, maps, index, pp322, **a
complete account of the activities of the
Coastwatchers in the Solomons who proved
invaluable during the dark days of 1942-43, vg
cond and becoming scarce, A$58.
186/150. (3976) Lucas Phillips, C.E., OBE,
MC. Cockleshell Heroes. Heinemann,
London, 1956. 1st reprint, 8vo in worn d/
w, plates, illus and maps, appendices, **the
story of one of the most daring small scale raids
of WW2 where four men in two canoes attacked
six ships in the French port of Bordeaux, gen
good cond, A$38.
186/151. (2418) McKay, Gary, MC.
Sleeping With Your Ears Open: On Patrol
with the Australian SAS. Allen & Unwin,
Sydney, 1999. 1st ed, 8vo in protected d/w,
plates, index, biblio, pp307, **a very credible
account of SAS on patrol in Borneo and
Vietnam, new cond, A$75.
186/152. (9900) McKay, Gary, MC. On
Patrol with the SAS: Sleeping With Your
Ears Open. Accessible Publishing Systems
P/L, Sydney, 2007. (fp1999). 1st ed in this
format, small 4to in card covers, large
print, ex lib, plates, notes, biblio, index,
pp458, **at last a good book in LARGE PRINT
for us old blokes, good cond, A$36.
Mayne to Vince Phillips, vg cond, A$38.
186/159. (9677) Smith, LtCol Neil, AM
(Retd). 2/2nd Independent Commando
Company WW2: Casualty List. Mostly
Unsung Military History Research,
Melbourne, nd? 1st ed? Large 4to in card
covers (tape bindings), pp5, **66 members of
the 2/2nd Cdo were casualties in WW2.
Around 30 were KIA (or executed), many were
WIA, others MIA/POW, others were
accidentally killed or drowned, new, A$25.
covers, b/w plates and maps, roll of 11 Pl
D Coy 6RAR at Long Tan, honours and
awards, casualties, biblio, index, pp251,
**Bob Buick was Platoon Sergeant of 11 Pl D
Coy 6RAR at Long Tan. His platoon took the
brunt of the VC attack. He won his MM in this
battle, good cond, A$26.
186/165. (3468) Croizat, Col. Victor, USMC,
(Retd). The Brown Water Navy: The River
and Coastal War in Indo-China and
Vietnam, 1948-1972. Blandford, UK, 1984.
186/153. (5476) Moss, W. Stanley. Ill Met
1st ed, large 4to in d/w, profusely
186/160. (10055) Truscott, Jim. Snakes in
By Moonlight. George G. Harrap,
the Jungle: Special Operations in War and illustrated, maps, index, pp160, **the
London, 1950. Reprint, 8vo in bumped,
Business. Zeus Publications, Qld, 2015. 1st amazing Riverine forces working in the
price-clipped but now protected d/w,
ed, trade 8vo in card covers, signed by the extensive delta regions of Vietnam, vg cond,
plates (one in frontis), glossary, pp192,
author, plates, pp297, **the memoirs of a
**the story of the capture of the German
special operative in war and business. Truscott 186/166. (8346) Ham, Paul. Vietnam: The
General Karl Kreipe, Commander of the 22nd
served in SASR for years rising to Operations Australian War. Harper Collins, Sydney,
Panzer Grenadier Division on Crete by a
2007. 1st ed, thick 8vo in d/w, plates,
British and Cretan raiding party, some foxing Officer seeing action in Timor. His greatest
interest in all this has been climbing. He has
appendices, source notes, biblio, index,
to prelims else good cond, A$24.
climbed every rock in the country and then
pp814, **the Australian forces applied tactics a
186/154. (3277) Ramsay Silver, Lynette.
some. A rollicking read from a man who always that were very different from those of the
The Heroes of RIMAU: Unravelling the
called it like it is, new, A$40.
Americans. Guided by their commanders
Mystery of one of WW2' Most Daring
186/161. (288) Warner, Philip. The Special experience of jungle combat in Malaya and
Raids. Sally Milner Publishing, Sydney,
Borneo, Australian troops operated with
1990. 1st ed, large 8vo in good d/w, plates, Air Service. William Kimber, London,
stealth, deception and restraint, an outstanding
1972 (fp1971). 2nd impr, large 8vo in
maps, biblio, source notes index, pp314,
contribution to the history of our most
**Operation RIMAU was the second daring
controversial conflict, vg cond, A$55.
appendices include notes on the LRDG and
and eventually suicidal attack on Singapore
186/167. (8563) Horner, David. Strategic
rolls of honours and awards for 22SAS
Harbour. All participants lost their lives, vg
Command: General Sir John Wilton and
Regt in Malaya, Arabia, Borneo etc, inde,
cond and scarce in h/b, A$85.
Australia's Asian Wars. OUP, Melbourne,
186/155. (10074) Randall, John and Trow,
detailingStirling's exploits in North Africa etc 2006 (fp2005). Reprint, large 8vo in d/w,
M,J, The Last Gentleman of the SAS.
plates & map, chapter notes, biblio, index,
and the resurrection of the regular 22nd
Mainstream Publishing, Edinburgh, 2014.
pp452, **John Wilton commanded the
Regiment in the late '40s and thence their
1st ed, large 8vo in protected d/w, colour
exploits in Malaya, Arabian Peninsular,
Australian Army through the Borneo campaign
and b/w plates, chapter notes, biblio,
and the Vietnam War. He was the first officer
Borneo, Radfan and Aden, vg cond and not
pp271, **in 1945 the author John Randell was
after Blamey to reach full Genaral and operated
seen now, A$35.
the first Allied officer to enter Bergen=Belsen
at the high strategic level dealing with Prime
concentration camp. He joined the SAS whilst
Ministers Menzies, Holt and Gorton, new,
Stirling was banged up in Colditz.. He saw a
lot of action mainly in Europe. He's now 91,
186/168. (7700) Kirkland, Fred (ed).
vg cond, A$42.
186/162. (5499) Avery, Lieutenant-Colonel Sometimes Forgotten. Plaza Historical
186/156. (4295) Ross, Sheila. And
Service, Sydney, 1990. 1st ed, large 8vo in
Brian. In the ANZAC Spirit: The Fourth
Tomorrow Freedom: Australian
Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment/NZ laminated boards, rolls of honour for
Guerrillas in the Philippines. Allen &
Korea, addendum, roll of various other
(ANZAC), South Vietnam 1968 to 1969.
Unwin, Sydney, 1989. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w
Slouch Hat Pubs, Victoria, 2002. 1st ed, 8vo actions, biblio, pp238, **being a record of
and mylar, plates, maps, index, pp171,
those of Australia's military forces (RAN,
in d/w, plates and maps, inscr in fep,
**the Major Rex Blow, DSO, AIF story. Rex
Army and RAAF) who died and those who
and Jock McLaren created havoc for the Japs in
were decorated in Vietnam, Malaya, Borneo,
honour, end notes, biblio, index, pp224,
the Philippines, vg cond and now scarce,
Malay Peninsular, Korea, BCOF, UN, HMAS
**an excellent unit history of 4RAR/NZ
(ANZAC) Battalion; the second unit history of Voyager (1964) and RMC Duntroon (1956),
186/157. (4954) Ryan, Cornelius. A Bridge
vg cond, A$60.
this Battalions first tour, vg cond, A$66.
Too Far. Hamish Hamilton, London, 1974.
186/169. (5080) Mansford, George. The
186/163. (8287) Brown, Malcolm,
1st ed, 8vo in good, protected d/w, inscr
Mad Galahs. Author, Qld, 2001. 1st ed,
MacGladrie, Stuart & Sutton, Candace.
on title page, plates, tables, maps, index,
small 8vo in card covers, a historical/novel
You're Leaving Tomorrow: Conscripts
biblio, pp492, **Operation Market Garden,
written by one of Australia's most well
the airborne assault on Arnhem in Sep 1944,
known soldiers' Warry-George' Mansford,
Vietnam War. Random House, Sydney,
which was a colossal disaster due to poor
signed by him, pp345, **written in three
2009. 1st ed, oblong 8vo in d.w, fully
intelligence and Panzer divisions, the scarce
books; campaigns in Korea, Malaya and South
illustrated in b/w, narrative pictorial,
1st ed in vg cond, A$55.
Vietnam. An Australian story, much of which
pp210, **three Fairfax journalists take a fresh
186/158. (8936) Scholey, Pete. Who Dares
is true and George has 'distorted the facts to
look at the dramatic events of Australia's
Wins: Special Forces Heroes of the SAS.
involvement in the Vietnam War, new, A$40. suit the plot'. A very good book on leadership,
Osprey Publishing, UK, 2008. 1st ed, large
comradeship and duty, vg cond, A$35.
186/164. (5040) Buick, Bob MM, & McKay,
8vo in d/w, colour & b/w plates,
186/170. (8480) McKay, Gary, MC. Delta
Gary, MC. All Guts and No Glory: The
appendices, index, pp288, **the author
Four: Australian Riflemen in Vietnam.
Story of a Long Tan Warrior. Allen &
served in 22SAS and here has recorded his
Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1996. 1st ed, 8vo
Unwin, Sydney, 2000. 1st ed, 8vo in card
memories of 20 SAS legends from Paddy
in card covers, plates, maps, end notes,
glossary, appendix, index, pp313, **details
the inner workings of a rifle company, how its
soldiers trained for war, and how they operated
and fought in the war zone, vg cond, A$24.
186/171. (2918) Mikesh, Robert C. Flying
Dragons : The South Vietnamese Air
Force. Osprey, London, 1988. 1st ed, 4to in
d/w, profusely illus, index, biblio, pp289,
**the struggle by the Sth Vietnamese airforce to
wage a credible air campaign against ground
troops with obsolute aircraft and very
questionable maintenance skills, vg cond and
now scarce, A$45.
186/172. (5881) Modystack, Neville J. The
Pony Soldiers: The Australian Light
Horse, Vietnam, 1965-1966. AMHP,
Sydney, 2003. 1st ed, large 8vo in illus
boards, nominal roll, appendices, index,
pp112, **the combat experiences of 1 Troop, A
Sqn, 4th/19th Prince of Wales Light Horse in
Vietnam. The were equipped with US M113
APCs. They were part of the 1 RAR group
attached to the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Bien
Hoa, new, A$45.
Probable reprint, large 8vo in laminated
boards, footnotes, biblio, index, pp286, **an
important book in that it is important to our
understanding of both the Vietnam War and
the source of American foreign policy, vg cond
and uncommon, A$28.
The Great War 1914-1918
186/178. (10082) Bridges, Paul (et al).
Blackboy Hill is Calling. KSP Writers
Centre, Perth, 2015. 1st ed, oblong 4to in
card covers, profusely illustrated in colour
and b/w, end notes, pp222, **32,000
recruits passed through Blackboy Hill on
Perth's outskirts in WW1. This is a
compilation of 17 chapters written by various
members of the KSP Writers Centre, new,
186/179. (10073) Broger, Karl. Pillbox 17:
The Story of a Comradeship-in-arms.
Thornton Butterworth Ltd, London, 1930.
1st Eng ed, small 8vo in decorated boards,
some foxing to prelims, pp220, **translated
from the German. An insightful account of life
186/173. (8393) Parry, Bill. Just a Nasho.
Author, Qld, 2003. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card in Germany and at the Front during WW1,
covers, signed by the author, plates, pp230, solid cond, A$40.
**a National Serviceman's war in Vietnam,
186/180. (10086) Helmi, Nadine and
new, A$30.
Fischer, Gerhard. The Enemy at Home:
186/174. (8020) Pound, Gordon. What
Soldiers Do: An Australian Artilleryman
in Vietnam. AMHP, Sydney, 2008. 1st ed,
large 8vo in laminated boards, plates,
appendices list nominal rolls of 105 & 107
Field Batteries deployed in Vietnam 1965
and 1970, index, pp289, **the experiences of a
young British man who joined the Australian
Army as a Gunner and served in Vietnam with
both 105 and 107 Btys, an interesting
perspective from a non-infantry participant,
new, A$48.
186/175. (5507) Sexton, Michael. War For
the Asking: How Australia Invited Itself
to Vietnam. New Holland, Sydney, 2002
(fp1981). Reprint, 8vo in card covers,
plates, chapter notes/biblio, index, pp240,
**a look behind the scenes of the high-level
meetings of politicians and diplomats in
Canberra and Washington contending that
Australia actually 'invited itself' to participate
in the Vietnam War - you be the judge, vg
cond, A$22.
186/176. (9928) Wells, Raymond &Boulton,
Elizabeth. Uc Dai Loi - No 1 (Australia
Number 1): Words and Images of the
Vietnam War. Access Press, Perth, 2000.
1st ed, small oblong book in bright green
covers, clean ex lib, colour plates, pp51,
**an excellent little book on a long-ago war still
fresh in our minds, vg cond and hard to find,
186/177. (10022) Yuen Foong Khong.
Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien
Bien Phu and the Vietnam Decisions of
1965. Princeton Uni Press, USA, 1992.
German Internees in World War 1
Australia. UNSW Press, Sydney, 2011. 1st
ed, large 8vo in printed boards, profusely
illustrated, notes, biblio sources, pp245,
**about 7000 people of German and Austrian
descent were interned in Australia during
WW1, talented Bavarian photographer Paul
Dubotzki was among them, these are his
pictures. Holsworthy, Berrima and Trial Bay
were the camp locations, vg cond, A$34.
186/181. (9682) Massey, W.T. How
Jerusalem Was Won: Being the Record of
Allenby's Campaign in Palestine.
Constable & Co Ltd, London, 1919. 1st ed,
large 8vo in navy buckram cloth, new end
papers, plates and maps, appendices,
index, pp295, **this narrative of the work
accomplished by General Allenby's Army is
carried as far as the occupation of Jericho. The
capture of that ancient town and a line of hills
north of Jerusalem prevented the Turks from
attempting to retake it, some foxing to the
half-title page else good cond and scarce,
186/182. (10072) McDonagh, Michael. The
Irish at the Front. Hodder and Stoughton,
London, 1916. 1st edn, small 8vo in good
d/w (protected), listing battle honours of
all Irish Regiments in the British Army,
pp158, **a narrative of the significant actions
of the Irish Regiments in the Dardanelles,
France and Flanders I the first three years of
the war, vg cond and uncommon, A$45.
186/183. (10071) Mottram, R.H. The
Spanish Farm Trilogy. 1914-1918. Chatto
& Windus, London, 1930. (fp1924) Reprint,
thick 8vo in shelf-worn d/w, pp800,
**three books, The Spanish Farm, Sixty-Four,
Ninety-Four and The Crime at
Vanderlynden's, important WW1 novels,
good cond, A$45.
186/184. (4194) Olden, LtCol A.C.N., DSO.
Westralian Cavalry in the War: The Story
of the Tenth Light Horse Regiment, AIF,
in the Great War, 1914-1918. Alexander
McCubbin, Melbourne, 1921. 1st ed, large
red volume, plates, maps (7 maps in map
packet at rear), inscr in fep, nominal rolls
(by reinforcement), honours and awards,
(incl Throssel's VC), roll of honour, pp390
**a RARE book - one of Australia's most
celebrated Light Horse units which served on
Gallipoli as Infantry and then right through the
Sinai-Palestine Campaign, spine and lower
part of cover sunned else in remarkable
solid condition, A$750.
186/185. (10054) Pittaway, Andrew.
Fremantle Voices of the Great War: A
History of Fremantle People Who Served
in the Great War of 1914-1919. Author,
Perth, 2015. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
signed by the author, profusely illustrated,
maps, roll of honour, roll of returned men,
honours and awards, foot notes, biblio,
nominal index, pp580, **quite an
extraordinary and complete study of
Fremantle's commitment in the Great War,
new, A$65.
186/186. (10078) Powell, Ann (ed). The
Fierce Light: The Battle of the Somme JulNov 1916. Prose and Poetry. Palladour
Books, UK, 1996. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card
covers, biblio, bio notes, index, pp384, **a
selection of prose and poetry from 38 British,
australian and New Zealand writers who
fought through the Battle f the Somme, a
brilliant compilation, vg cond and
uncommon, A$34.
186/187. (564) Private 10922 (Manning,
Frederic) Her Privates We. Peter Davies,
London, 1930. 5th impression, thick 8vo in
stained cloth boards, classic original
illustration on front board, pencil note in
rear fep, pp458, **Manning, an Australian,
served with the British Army on the Western
Front in the Somme and Ancre fronts.
Considered one of the most important books
written on the Western Front. He died in 1935,
solid condition, A$55.
186/188. (6090) Remarque, Erich Maria. All
Quiet on the Western Front. Putnam's,
London, 1929. Reprint, small 8vo in grey
cloth boards, pp248, **a novel but one of the
most significant books written about the
German side in WW1, some shelf and
handling wear else vg cond and scarce in
this early printing, A$75.
186/189. (6133) Robson, L.L. The First
A.I.F.: A Study of its Recruitment 19141918. MUP, Melbourne, 1970. 1st ed, 8vo
in d/w, plates, chapter notes, biblio, index,
pp227, **the 1st Australian Imperial Force in
the Great War was 417,000 strong of which
over 60,000 were killed. Conscription was
attempted twice but the Australian people
reject it - an important study in politics and
disunity at a very trying time, vg cond and
scarce in hard-back, A$45.
fighting on Gallipoli. They suffered appalling
losses in the attempt on Baby 700 at Bloody
Angle on 1 May 1915. They went on to play an
important role at Pozieres and Mouquet
Farm, Bullecourt, Messines, Passchendaele,
Hebuterne, Villers-Bretonneus, Hamel and
Amiens, vg cond, A$150.
Damascus, new, A$70.
186/200. (5340) Langley, George F &
Edmee M. Sand, Sweat and Camels: The
Australian Companies of the Imperial
Camel Corps. Lowden Publishing,
Victoria, 1976. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w and
186/190. (10053) Schneider, Kristin.
mylar, plates, maps and illus, appendices
Pompey Elliott's Left Hand Man:
186/195. (29) Gorman, Captain E. MC.
list commanding officers in the ICC incl
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Denehy, 7th, With the Twenty-Second: A History of the Australian, biblio, index, pp188, **George
58th & 57th Battalions, AIF, Gallipoli &
22nd Battalion, A.I.F. History House,
Langley (Edmee's husband) commanded the
France. Author, Melbourne, 2015. 1st ed,
Melbourne, 2001.(fp1919) Revised ed (3rd), 4th Aust Camel Bn in the ICC. An invaluable
trade 8vo in superior paper, signed by the folio in protected d/w, #162 of 500,
Camel Corps reference, vg cond and very
author, plates and maps, biblio, notes,
profusely illustrated, full nominal roll,
scarce in hard back, A$130.
nominal index, pp365, **an officer trained by many additional photos, pp243, **the 22nd
186/201. (4882) Lawrence, T.E. Seven
Pompey Elliott in leadership and command,
Bn, AIF saw active service on Gallipoli and the
Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph. Jonathan
new, A$45.
Western Front at Poziers, Mouquet Farm,
Cape, London, 1935 (1st public ed 1935).
186/191. (4277) Belford, Captain Walter C. Ypres, the Somme, Bullecourt and many other 1st public ed, large 8vo in gold embossed
areas, vg cond, A$185.
Legs Eleven: Being the Story of the 11th
brown buckram with lovely patina, inscr in
Battalion (AIF) in the Great War of 1914186/196. (5653) White, Capt Thomas A.
fep, drawn portrait plates and fold-out
1918. Imperial Printing Company Ltd,
The Fighting Thirteenth. Burridge, Perth maps, place name index, appendices
Perth, 1940. 1st ed, thick 8vo in badly
nd? (fp1924). Facsimile reprint, 4to in d/w, contain rolls of Hejaz Armoured Car
worn spine green cloth in reasonable shape colour photo of battalion colour in frontis, Company and the Ten-Pounder Talbot
but requires restoration, book is solid,
plates, maps, (2 x VCs, Murray and
Battery, pp672, **Lawrence wrote his classic
plates, maps, pp667, **a fair copy of an
Sexton), pp168, **the 13th Bn AIF fought on
book after a very successful war leading the
excellent Western Australian 1st AIF unit
Gallipoli and the Western Front particularly in Arabs against the Turks, considered one of the
history from the Great War. The 11th Bn
Flanders, Pozieres, Mouquet Farm, Stormy
most important books on war especially
served on Gallipoli and right through the
Trench (Murray's VC), Bullecourt, Messines
political and guerrilla warfare, slight
Western Front, a RARE book in rescuable
etc. A very heavily decorated Australian unit
separation of frontispiece, no foxing, slight
condition, A$600.
with 2 VCs, 6 DSOs, 33 MCs, 31 DCMs, 195 nibbling to edges, tight spine, vg cond of
an early printing, A$250.
186/192. (46) Butler, A.G. Official History MMs, vg cond and now scarce, A$220.
of the Australian Army Medical Services 186/197. (4955) Wren, Eric. Randwick to
186/202. (3141) Mitchell, Elyne. Light
1914 - 1918: Vol 1: Gallipoli Palestine and Hargicourt: History of the 3rd Battalion,
Horse: The Story of Australia's Mounted
New Guinea AWM, Melbourne, 1938. 1st, AIF. Ronald G. McDonald, Sydney, 1935.
Troops. Macmillan, Melbourne, 1978. 1st
large 8vo in original navy blue cloth,
1st ed, large 8vo in original dark blue cloth, ed, large 8vo in d/w, inscr, plates, (some
plates, maps and charts, appendices list
inscription on inside cover, ex Victoria
colour), maps, line drawings, notes, index,
medical corps officers and their units,
Barracks library Sydney (cancelled stamps) pp112, **Elyne Mitchell was the daughter of
personal & general indexes, pp873, **a
spine sl cracked, (minor repair required),
Sir Harry Chauvel; the story of the Light Horse
good copy of the 1st volume in the trilogy
plates, maps on boards, nominal roll,
is unparalled in the annals of warfare
which compliment Bean's 12 vols, vg cond
honours and awards, appendix, pp399,
illustrating the feats in the capture of Es Salt,
and now rare, A$450.
**the 3rd Bn served right through Gallipoli and Beersheeba and Damascus, also some data on
the Western Front losing more men KIA than
the Boer War, vg cond and becoming scarce,
186/193. (8098) Ferguson, Captain David,
MC. The History of the Canterbury
Regiment, NZEF. 1914-1919. Whitcombe
186/203. (6976) Parsonson, Ian M. Vets at
& Tombs Ltd, Auckland, 1921. 1st ed, 8vo
186/198. (4304) Wrench, C.M. (MC).
War: A History of the Australian Army
in beige buckram cloth with red and green Campaigning With the Fighting 9th: In
Veterinary Corps 1909-1946. AMHP,
and Out of the Line with the Ninth
piping, many fold-out maps, plates, full
Sydney, 2005. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
Battalion AIF. Boolarong, Qld, 1985. 1st
nominal roll, casualty listappendices,
plates and maps, appendices, endnotes,
ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates, maps, general biblio, index, pp224, **for 37 years the
honours and awards (VC to Pte H.J.
index, personal index, biblio, extensive
Nicholas, MM), pp364, **the Canterbury
Australian Army Veterinary Corps played an
endnotes, appendices, honour roll,
Regiment was formed in August 1914 and
important role in the fabric of Army service - it
consisted of Battalions from Auckland,
honoursd and awards, pp598, **the 9th was was phased out when mechanisation took over,
Wellington, Canterbury and the Otago. They
the first unit ashore at ANZAC. It served with new, A$34.
saw action on Gallipoli then the Western Front distinction on Gallipoli and the Western Front
186/204. (5156) Perry, Roland. The
at Armentieres, the Somme, Messines,
losing 3,525 men KIA and WIA, vg cond,
Australian Light Horse. Hachette,
Passchendaele, Polygon Wood among others,
Sydney, 2009. 1st ed, thick 8vo in protected
vg cond and uncommon here, A$250.
186/199. (8010) Hollis, Kenneth. Thunder
d/w, plates & maps, chapter notes, biblio,
186/194. (8430) Gill, Ian. Bloody Angle:
of the Hooves: A History of 12 Australian index, pp550, **The magnificent Australian
Bullecourt and Beyond: 16th Battalion,
Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 1915-1919.
force and its decisive victories against the Turks
AIF, 1914-19. Author, Perth 2008. 1st ed,
AMHP, Sydney, 2008. 1st ed, large 8vo in
in the Sinai-Palestine Campaign of WW1,
thick 8vo in d/w, signed by the author,
laminated hard boards, plates & maps, full new, A$46.
plates & maps, chronology, biographical
nominal roll incl reinforcement lists,
186/205. (8494) Richardson, Lieut-Colonel,
honour & awards list, honour roll, POW
honours and awards, honour roll, biblio,
J.D. DSO. The History of the 7th Light
roll, embarkation roll etc, glossary, biblio,
nominal and general index, pp214, **the
Horse Regiment, AIF, 1914-1919. A.
12th LH Regt served on Gallipoli and in the
nominal index, pp715, **the mainly West
Green, Brisbane, 2009. (fp1923). Facsimile,
Australian 16th Bn, AIF distinguished itself at Sinai-Palestine Campaign atRomani, Gaza, the
large 8vo in cloth boards, numbered
attack on Beersheba, Palestine, Tiberius and
Pope's Hill and Quinn's Post in the early
copies, plates, mapshonours and awards,
honour roll, pp126, **the 7th was raised in
NSW in 1914 serving on Gallipoli and then the
Sinai-Palestine Campaign at Romani, Gaza,
Beersheba, Jordan among others, new, A$215.
186/206. (1706) Wilson, Brigadier-General
L.C. and Wetherell, Captain H. History of
the Fifth Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 1914
-1919. Burridge, Perth, nd? (fp1926)
Facsimile reprint, (limited ed, this is #30 of
200), 8vo in printed boards, nominal roll,
casualty lists, fold-out maps at rear, pp232,
**the 5th LH served on Gallipoli as infantry
and throughout the Sinai-Palestine Campaign
in their premier role, mint cond and very
scarce, A$350.
186/207. (26) Wilson, L.C. C.M.G., D.S.O.
(Brig-Gen.) Operations of Third Light
Horse Brigade, A.I.F. from 27th October
1917 to 4th March 1919. Burridge, Perth,
nd? np? (fp in the 20s) Facsimile reprint in
green boards, plates, maps, **an important
account of the 3rd LH Bde which included WA
10th LH Regt, new cond, A$75.
186/208. (1414) Austin, Ron. Forward
Undeterred : The History of the 23rd
Battalion AIF, 1915-1919. Slouch Hat Pub,
Victoria, 2007 (fp1998). Reprint, large 8vo
in dw, signed by the author, plates, full
rolls, index, pp311, **the 23rd Bn, AIF served
on Gallipoli and then the Western Front at
Poziers, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde Ridge,
Ville sur Ancre, Mont St. Quentin, and the
Beaurevoir Line. A good solid recent unit
history, vg cond, A$65.
186/209. (1416) Austin, Ron. Black and
Gold: The History of the 29th Battalion,
AIF, 1915-1918. Slouch Hat Pub, Victoria,
1997. 1st ed, 8vo in dw, signed by the
author, plates, maps, full rolls, honour roll,
honours & awards, index, pp231, **the 29th
saw action on the Western Front at Fromelles,
Beaumetz, Polygon Wood and Morlancourt
among others; a good unit history, new, A$75.
Bullecourt and Messines among others. In
WW2 they were a Militia Battalion which
deployed to the South West Pacific, Gona, Buna
and Sanananda Road. The modern 49th is an
Army Reserve Unit in Qld (49RQR), vg
cond and now hard to find, A$180.
186/212. (10008) Cutlack, F.M. (ed). War
Letters of General Monash. Angus &
Robertson, Sydney, 1935. 1st ed, 8vo in
protected d/w, inscr in fep, plates, maps,
index, pp299, **Monash wrote many letters to
his wife and daughter of which this book
displays most. Later in the war a certain egoism
is apparent in his writings which xemplifies the
status of the Australian forces and their
victories in 1918, vg cond and quite scarce,
186/218. (10036) Howell, Ray, Signaller at
the Front: The War Diary of Gunner
Arther G. Howell, MM, 1st Aust Fd Arty
Bde and his Impressions of the Great War
1915-1918. Hesperian Press, Perth, 2001.
1st ed, 4to in spiral bindings, pp75, **the
experience and impressions of one of the
millions who took part in the Great War, vg
cond, A$28.
186/219. (1701) Joynt, W.D, VC. Breaking
the Road for the Rest. Hyland House,
Melbourne, 1979. 1st ed, 8vo good d/w,
VC citation in prelims, plates, index,
pp206, **the autobiography of one of
Australia’s famous VCs. He wrote this after
'Saving the Channel Ports 1918', vg cond,
186/213. (7584) Edgar, Peter. To VillersBretonneux: Brigadier-General William
Glasgow, DSO and the 13th Australian
Infantry Brigade. AMHP, Sydney, 2006.
1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates and maps,
endnotes, biblio, index, pp284, **traces the
progress of Glasgow's 13th Australian Infantry
Brigade from its formation in Egypt in 1916 to
its costly double encounter with the enemy at
Mouquet Farm; an excellent account, new,
186/220. (4913) Joynt, W.D, VC. Saving the
Channel Ports 1918. Wren Publishing,
Victoria, 1975. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w and
mylar, signed by the author, plates, maps,
personal diary entries, biblio, pp233, **Lt
Donovan Joynt, VC, 8th Bn, AIF gives a vivid
and most accurate picture of the 1st Division in
action at a time when the British 2nd and 5th
Armies were crumbling before the German
Spring Offensive, excellent stuff, vg cond and
scarce with signature, A$120.
186/214. (8059) Faulkner, Andrew. Arthur
Blackburn, VC: An Australian Hero, His
Men and Their Two World Wars.
Wakefield Press, Sth Aust, 2008. 1st ed,
trade 8vo in card covers, plates, maps,
chapter notes, biblio, index, pp498,
**Blackburn served with the 10th Bn, AIF, 3rd
Bde on Gallipoli and on the Western Front
where he won his VC at Pozieres on 23 July
1916. He later served in WW2 as a Brigadier;
what a man! new, A$28.
186/221. (9192) Kipling, Rudyard. The
Irish Guards in the Great War (in 2
volumes). Spellmount, UK, 1997 (fp1923).
Reprint, large 8vos in d/ws, plates and
maps, vol 1 the 1st Bn, vol 2 the 2nd
Bn,honours and awards (3 VCs), casualty
lists, index, pp320 & pp223, **Kipling's
forgotten masterpiece. His son John joined the
Irish Guards and was KIA in France aged 18 his fate was not known till 1992. This work is
his father's monument to his beloved son, vg
cond, A$68.
186/215. (9978) Giles, John. The Somme
Then and Now. After the Battle, UK, 1986
(FP1977). Revised ed, oblong 4to in d/w,
fully illustrated, pp154, **published on the
70th anniversary of the battles of the Somme,
186/210. (8529) Browning, Neville. Leane's
vg cond, A$55.
Battalion: 48th Bn, AIF 1916-1919. Author,
186/216. (9976) Giles, John. Flanders Then
Perth, 2009. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
and Now: The Ypres Salient and
signed by the author, plates, maps,
Passchendaele. After the Battle
nominal roll (plus a roll of POWs), roll of
honour, honours and awards incl citations Publications, UK, 1987 (fp1970). Revised
ed, oblong 4to in d/w, fully illustrated,
and recommendations, biblio, nominal
pp208, **an overview of the carnage and
index, pp480, **the history of the 48th Bn,
devastation that was 'Wipers' and
AIF from its formation in Egypt in earl 1916
Passchendaele, vg cond, A$65.
from veterans of the 16th Bn, AIF to
disbandment after the Armistice (Nov 1918).
186/217. (7069) Hatwell, Jeff. No Ordinary
They saw action at Pozieres, Mouquet Farm,
Determination: Percy Black and Harry
Guedencourt, Bullecourt, Messines, 3rd Ypres Murray of the First AIF. Fremantle Arts
among others, new, A$120.
Centre Press, Fremantle, 2005. 1st ed, trade
8vo in card covers, ex lib, plates and maps,
186/211. (6770) Cranston, Fred. "Always
source notes, biblio, index, pp303, **Percy
Faithful": The History of the 49th
Black, DSO, DCM, C d G (KIA at Bullecourt
Australian Infantry Battalion 1916-1982.
April 1917) and Harry Murray, VC, CMG,
Boolarong Publications, Qld, 1983. 1st ed,
DSO & Bar, DCM, C d G, were two of the
large 8vo in laminated boards, plates,
bravest and most capable Australian soldiers
maps, roll of officers and SNCOs of the
ever to depart these shores. Both started off as
modern 49th in 1983, index, pp243, **the
49th was formed in 1916 and saw action on the Private soldiers and won DCMs on Gallipoli
in 1915, good cond, A$28.
Western Front at the Somme, Poziers,
186/222. (3559) Lee, Major J.E, DSO, MC.
The Chronicle of the 45th Battalion, A.I.F.
Burridge, Perth, nd? (fp1927) Facsimile
reprint, 8vo in buckram with gilt titles,
plates, maps, nominal roll, honours and
awards with citations, casualties, pp132,
**the 45th was born from remnants of the
gallant 'Fighting' 13th Bn, AIF, 4th Bde, after
Gallipoli at Tel-el-Kabir in Egypt and fought
with distinction on the Western Front at
Pozieres, Messines, Bullecourt, Passchendaele
and Villers Bret among others, new, A$110.
186/223. (8774) Lengel, Edward G. To
Conquer Hell: The Battle of MeuseArgonne 1918. Aurum Press, London,
2008. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w, plates &
map, chapter notes, biblio, index, pp491,
**on 16 Sep 1918, more than one million
American soldiers prepared to assault the
German-held Meuse-Argonne region of France.
Led by Pershing who believed in American
'guts' over barbed wire, machine-guns, massed
artillery and poison gas. In the next 6 weeks the
US suffered 120,000 casualties (26,000 KIA),
the bloodiest battle in American history, vg
cond, A$36.
186/224. (5867) Likeman, LtCol Robert,
CSM. Men of the Ninth: A History of the
Ninth Australian Field Ambulance 19161994. Slouch Hat Publication, Victoria,
2003. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w, plates and maps,
nominal rolls of WW1 and WW2 and post
war, source notes, index, pp224, **the 9th
Fd Amb served in many campaigns from
Gallipoli to the Burma-Thai Railway; an
excellent unit history, as new, A$75.
various other colour plates, 1 x large foldout map and 1 smaller map in map pocket
at rear, index, pp89, **the Ypres salient saw
four major battle over four years. It was 'vital
ground' for the British and allies because if
Germany took it they would have captured the
Channel Ports, an excellent historical item,
some foxing else fair cond, A$60.
186/230. (7014) Reid, Dr. Richard.
'Beaucoup Australiens ici': The Australian
Corps in France, 1918. DVA, Canberra,
186/225. (4832) MacDonald, Lyn. They
Called it Passchendaele. Michael Joseph, 2000 (fp1999). Reprint, large 8vo in card
covers, fully illus, colour maps on inside
London, 1978. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w, plates
covers, list of battle in which the Corps
and maps, index, biblio, author's note,
pp253, **the story of the Third Battle of Ypres fought, list of battle casualties (180,000 of
which 33,407 were KIA), pp76, **an account
considered possibly the worst campaign in the
of the Australian Corp in France in the final
annals of warfare, told from the perspective of
the British, Canadian and ANZAC soldier, 993 year of the war. From March to October they
were involved in no less than 23 battles
officers and 18,247 other ranks were KIA or
winning many, vg cond, A$23.
DOW on the first day 1 july 191 6, vg cond,
186/231. (7629) St. Claire, Ross. Our Gift to
186/226. (9100) Matthews, Wayne &
Wilson, David. Fighting Nineteenth:
History of the 19th Infantry Battalion,
AIF, 1915-1918. AMHP, Sydney, 2011. 1st
ed, large 8vo in laminated boards,
profusely illustrated in colour and b/w,
complete with research disc at rear,
appendices include roll of honour,
elistment table by country and state of
birth, POW list, index, pp520, **almost 5,000
men served in the 19th Bn, AIF during its three
and a half years as one of the four battalions of
the 5th Brigade, 2nd Division. It is still on the
ORBAT of 2 Div today as 19RNSWR, new,
186/227. (1195) McNicol N.G. The ThirtySeventh: The History of the 37th
Battalion, AIF. Burridge, Perth, nd?
(fp1936) Facsimile reprint 8vo in original
blue cloth boards, a full nominal roll incl
casualties, plates, illus and maps, pp354 **a
Victorian battalion, the 37th was part of the
10th Brigade, 4th Div and served with
distinction on the Western Front at Messines,
Ypres, Passchendaele and the Hindenburg Line
among others, vg cond, now very scarce,
186/228. (7143) Norman, Terry. The Hell
They Called High Wood: The Somme
1916. Wiliam Kimber, London, 1984. 1st
ed, 8vo in d/w, plates and maps, biblio,
index, pp256, **High Wood was fiercely
defended by the Germans against infantry,
cavalry and tanks. Although the British
eventually captured it with the 47th (London)
Division, their comander was sacked for a
'wonton waste of lives' (4,500 KIA), vg cond,
186/229. (9803) Pulteney, LtGen Sir
William, KCB, KCMG, KCVO & Beatrix
Price. The Immortal Salient: An Historical
Record and Complete Guide For Pilgrims
to Ypres. John Murray, London, 1925. 2nd
ed, large 8vo in stiffened boards, new fep,
colour plate of Menin Gate in frontis,
able to escape by sea, vg cond, A$28.
186/235. (1707) Angolia, LTC John R. On
the Field of Honour: A History of the
Knight’s Cross Bearers. Vol 1 Bender,
USA, 1979. 1st ed, 8vo in printed boards,
inscr, full pictorial and bio listing of each
recipient, biblio, pp285, **Vol 1 of the
Knight's Cross Bearers. Now rare and much
sought-after collector’s item, vg cond, A$125.
186/236. (5030) Angolia, LTC John R. On
the Field of Honour: A History of the
Knight's Cross Bearers. Vol 2 R. James
Bender, USA, 1980. 1st ed, 8vo in decorated
boards,an A to Z biographical listing of all
recipients (with photos), pp365, ** Volume 2
deals with the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross
with Oak Leaves, excellent reference, vg cond
and now rare in 1st ed, A$125. ($220 the
186/237. (8374) Angolia, Major John R.
Daggers, Bayonets and Fighting Knives of
the Empire: 54th Australian Infantry
Hitler's Germany. R. James Bender, USA,
Battalion, AIF, 1916-1919. Author,
1971. 1st ed, large 8vo in decorated boards,
Sydney, 2006. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
fully illustrated, listing of makers codes,
signed and numbered (126/1000) plates
biblio, pp334, **an outstanding reference for
(some colour) and maps, nominal rolls plus
the serious German militaria collector, white
many biographical sketches, appendices,
covers contacted else vg cond and scarce,
index, pp454, **the 54th was raised in 1916 in
NSW to fight on the Western Front. It saw
action at Fromelles, Flaibaix, Bullecourt, Viller 186/238. (3123) Aplin, Douglas. Rabaul
1942. The Tragic Story of the 2/22
-Bretonneaux and Polygon Wood, new,
Australian Infantry Battalion, AIF and the
Men and Women of Lark Force.
186/232. (7781) Warner, Philip.
Melbourne, 1980. 1st ed, 8vo in shelf-worn
Passchendaele: The Story Behind the
d/w, now protected, plates, full rolls of
Tragic Victory of 1917. Sidgwick &
those killed and missing, pp295, **the
Jackson, London, 1987. 1st ed, 8vo in rough
dreadful story of the capture of Rabaul by the
d/ws, ex lib, newspaper article loose in
Japanese and the massacres that followed, vg
fep, plates, biblio, index, pp289, **in July
cond and scarce in 1st ed, A$85.
1917 the small Belgian village of Passchendaele
became the focus for one of the most gruelling, 186/239. (10088) Atkin, Nicholas. The
bloody and bizarre battles of the war. When the Forgotten French: Exiles in the British
Isles, 1940-44. Manchester Uni Press, 2003.
village was captured half a million Allies and
Germans lay dead, fair but solid cond, A$28. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w, inscr in fep, plates,
maps, vast end notes, appendices, biblio,
index, pp304, **a highly provocative study
which reveals that most exiles were on British
World War 2 1939-1945
soil by chance rather than by design, vg cond,
186/233. (6794) 24th History Ctee. 24th
186/240. (9365) Beaver, Michael D (ed).
Australian Infantry Battalion, AIF:
Waffen-SS in the West: Holland,
Pictorial Battle History. Bn Assn,
Belgium, France 1940: A Documentary in
Melbourne, 1946. 1st ed, oblong folio in
Photos. Schiffer Military History, USA,
card covers, full pictorial, two maps
2002. 1st ed, large 4to in laminated boards,
tipped, nominal roll, pp63, **the 24th
full pictorial, pp144, **from the German
Battalion, AIF came from a Militia background.
'Waffen-SS im Western' - first time available
It saw active service in New Guinea (1943in English. Photos taken by a Waffen-SS war
1944) and Bougainville (1945), vg cond &
correspondent and vividly illustrate the early
very scarce, A$245.
SS combat troops as they conquered Western
186/234. (6143) Altobello, Brian. Into the
Europe, mint cond, A$65.
Shadows Furious: The Brutal Battle of
186/241. (4232) Bellair, John. From Snow to
New Georgia. Presidio, USA, 2000. 1st ed,
Jungle: A History of the 2/3rd Australian
8vo in d/w, plates and maps, source notes,
Machine Gun Battalion. Allen & Unwin,
biblio, index, pp408, **after Guadalcanal,
Sydney, 1987. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w, plates,
New Georgia was the target. The best laid plans
maps, nominal roll and roll of honour,
of the US 43rd Army and a Marine Brigade
index, appendices, honours awards, pp298,
were held up by fierce defence and many
**the 2/3rd MG Bn served in North Africa with
obstacles. Most of the Japanese defenders were
the 7th Aust Div. On the way home they
stopped in at Batavia in Java where, after two
days of heavy fighting, were captured by the
Japanese spending the remainder of the war on
the Burma-Thai railway as POWs, e little
rubbed else vg cond and scarce, A$200.
186/242. (2794) Bender, Roger James.
Legion Condor: Uniforms, Organization
and History. Author, 1992. 1st ed, 8vo in
printed boards, full narrative pictorial,
biblio, **the Legion Condor in Spain became
the vehicle with which Germany tested their
new armaments especially the Luftwaffe, vg
cond and scarce, A$150.
186/243. (5025) Bender, Roger James &
Law, Richard D. Uniforms, Organisation
and History of the AfrikaKorps. Bender,
USA, 1973. 1st ed, large 8vo in decorated
boards, colour and b/w plates, biblio,
pp255, **a gathering of accurate historical
data on the Afrika Korps in WW2, vg cond
and scarce in 1st ed, , A$145.
186/244. (9989) Bender, Roger James &
Law, Richard D. Afrika Korps: Uniforms,
Organisation and History. R. James
Bender Publishing, USA, 1973. 1st ed,
large 8vo in laminated boards, fully
illustrated, biblio, pp255, **accurate and
historical data on all aspects of the Afrikakorps
in North Africa, vg cond and now very
scarce, A$120.
186/245. (9774) Bender, Roger James &
Odegard, Warren W. Uniforms,
Organisation & History of the
Panzertruppe. Bender, USA, 1980. 1st ed,
large 4to in black bindings, fully
illustrated in b/w and some colour, biblio,
pp336, **in 1931 LtCol Heinz Guderian was
appointed Chief of Staff of the Inspectorate of
Motorised Troops and in 1934 he became Chief
of Staff of Panzer Troops. He was able to
develop the doctrine for fast, maneuverable
armoured units and the rest is history, vg
cond and scarce, A$150.
186/246. (2499) Bn History Ctee. What We
Have We Hold!: A History of the 2/17th
Australian Infantry Battalion, 1940-1945.
AMHP, Sydney, 1998.(fp1990) Revised ed,
large 8vo in printed boards, plates, maps,
illus, nominal roll incl casualty lists etc,
index, post war activities of the
2/17RNSWR, pp498, **the 2/17th Bn, a 20th
Bde, 9 Division unit, served in the Middle East
and the New Guinea Campaign; a good unit
history, vg cond, A$150.
186/247. (5994) Brigg, Stan & Les. The
36th Australian Infantry Battalion, 19391945: Ike's Marines. (AIF) 36th Bn Assn/
AMHP, Sydney, 2003 (fp1967). Reprint,
8vo in laminated boards, plates and maps,
casualty lists, index, pp231, **the 36th
Battalion (St George's English Rifle Regiment)
was composed of AIF, Regular and CMF
soldiers and fought in New Guinea and
environs from 1942 to 1954. Battle Honours Buna-Gona, Sanananda Road, Liberation of
Australian New Guinea & SW-Pacific, vg
cond, A$75.
years of the Pacific War, vg cond, A$125.
186/248. (5293) Brune, Peter. Those
Ragged Bloody Heroes: From the Kokoda
Trail to Gona Beach, 1942. Allen &
Unwin, Sydney, 1991. 1st ed, 8vo in d/w,
plates, maps, illus, biblio, source notes,
index, pp309, **an excellent account of
Maroubra Force (2/14th Bn, 2/16th Bn, 2/27th
and 39th Bns) and the desparate fighting on
the Kokoda Track and at Gona in 1942, vg
cond and now very hard to find in this
cond, A$75.
186/254. (9311) Collie, Craig & Marutani,
Hajime. The Path of Infinite Sorrow: The
Japanese on the Kokoda Track. Allen &
Unwin, Sydney, 2009. 1st ed, trade 8vo in
card covers, plates and maps, appendices,
chapter notes, biblio, index, pp324, **tells
the story of the Kokoda campaign from the
Japanese point of view, vg cond, A$28.
186/250. (1209) Charlton, Peter The
Unnecessary War: Island Campaigns of
the South-West Pacific 1944-45. (2nd AIF)
Macmillan, Australia, 1983. 1st ed, 8vo in
d/w, plates and maps, inscr on fep, index,
pp188, **the last year of the Pacific war cost
more than 1,000 AIF Australian lives in
campaigns that are today almost impossible to
justify either militarily or politically, vg cond,
covers, profusely illustrated in colour & b/
w, pp88, **the story of French Reservists
living in Australia who were called for war
service in Indochina 1940-41. The author
served with 3RAR in Vietnam in 1971, vg
cond, A$38.
Khaki: The History of the 2/4th Machine
Gun Battalion, 8th Australian Division,
AIF. Hesperian Press, Perth, 1997. 1st ed,
large 8vo in d/w, clean ex lib copy, new
eps, plates & maps, nominal roll, honours
and awards, casualty list, pp374, **the 2/4th
MG Bn, AIF was part of the 8th Division and
the catastophic fall of Singapore in WW2. In 5
short weeks of bitter fighting the Division lost
nearly 2,500 men killed in action, one third of
all battle deaths during the three and a half
186/259. (7756) Egan, Vince, OAM.
Proudly We Served: A History of 2/5th
Australian General Hospital, AIF, 19401945. AMHP, Sydney, 2007 (fp1988).
Revised ed, large 8vo in laminated boards,
plates, nominal rolls, POW lists etc, index,
pp443, **a far more substantial book than the
1st ed. The 2/5th served in the Middle East and
Greece where many were captured. They then
saw active service in the New Guinea
Campaign in Port Moresby and Morotai, new,
186/255. (1958) Crouch, Joan. A Special
Kind of Service: The Story of 2/9th
Australian General Hospital 1940-1946.
186/249. (7746) Campbell, John. Machine Alternative Publishing Co-Op, 1986. 1st
Gunners: A History of Six Machine-Gun ed, 8vo in protective d/w, plates, maps,
Battalion, AIF, 1942-1944. AMHP,
index, rolls, honours and awards, pp173,
Sydney, 2007. 1st ed, large 8vo in
**the 2/9th AGH served with distinction in the
Middle East and New Guinea during WW2,
laminated boards, plates, nominal roll,
honour roll, index, pp326, **the 6th MG Bn, vg cond and now scarce, A$46.
AIF was raised in NSW and trained at Dapto 186/256. (9356) De Pierres, Paul. "Under
before serving in the New Guinea Campaign
Two Flags" ("Sous Deux Drapeaux!").
including the Ramu Valley, new, A$60.
Author, WA, 2011. 1st ed, large 4to in card
186/257. (9990) Donovan, Peter. Waltzing
Matildas: The Men and Machines of the
2/9th Australian Armoured Regimental
Group in Australia and Borneo 1941-1946.
186/251. (10004) Clark, Julie. (ed) WX289: Donovan & Associates, Adelaide, 1988. 1st
One of the First Three Hundred: The
ed, small 4to in laminated boards, colour
Memoirs of Walter Edward Smith.
portrait of the 9th Light Horse guidon
Author, Perth, 2014. 1st ed, 8vo in card
loose in fep, also the record of service of a
covers, signed by the author, plates &
member Thomas Chapman, plates and
maps, pp51, **a nice little story of a WA
maps, full nominal rolls, reference notes,
larrakin who survived 6 year in the Army
index, pp257, **a concise history of the
(2/11th BN and 2/1st MG Bn) half of which he development of armour in Australia and the
was a POW of both the Italians and the
link with WW1 Light Horse units. The 2/9th
Germans, new, A$20.
Armoured were equipped with the M3 Staurt
(or Honey), Bren Carriers, the Grant and the
186/252. (5879) Clift, Ken, DCM. War
Dance: The Story of the 2/3rd Australian Matilda, vg cond and scarce, A$150.
Infantry Battalion, 16 Brigade, 6th
186/258. (8895) Duggan, John P. Neutral
Division, AIF. P.M. Fowler/Bn Assn,
Ireland and the Third Reich. The Lilliput
Sydney, 1980. 1st ed, thick 8vo in d/w,
Press, Dublin, 1989 (fp1975). Reprint, trade
plates (colour plate of Bn Regimental
8vo in card covers, plate in frontispiece,
Colour in frontis), maps, honour roll,
appendices, chapter notes, biblio, index,
honours and awards, full nominal roll,
pp295, **a very interesting book about the
news clipping incl, pp450, **the 2/3rd served struggle for Ireland to remain neutral in
with distinction in North Africa, Greece, Syria WW2. It gives background to the Germanand the New Guinea Campaign; a good unit
Irish link in WW1 especially Sir Roger
history, vg cond and becoming hard to find Casement who was delivered back to Ireland by
in d/w, A$250.
the U-boat U-19 in 1916, vg cond and not
seen before, A$24.
186/253. (7790) Cody, Les. Ghosts in
awards, plates, maps, VC citations
(Gurney, Gratwick, Kibby and Derrick,
186/260. (9203) Elias, Ann. Camouflage
DCM), pp300, **the 2/48th Bn, AIF was made
Australia: Art, Nature, Science and War.
Sydney Uni Press, NSW, 2011. 1st ed, large up generally of WA and SA members. They
fought at Tobruk, Palestine, Tel el Eisa, El
trade 8vo in card covers, signed by the
author, colour and b/w plates, roll of Dept Alamein, Lae, Sattleberg and Tarakan. Four
VCs (the most by a single battalion), new,
of Home Security camofleurs, extensive
biblio, index, pp239, **in 1939 a group of
186/266. (8021) Grover, John, OBE. Maker
artists, designers, architects, scietists and
and Breaker: 2/1 & 2/14 Field Company:
military experts met in Sydney to discuss the
An Engineer Officer in World War 2.
impendin war as they were convinced of the
AMHP, Sydney, 2008. 1st ed, large 8vo in
need for regional innovations in the military
science of concealment and deception; this is
laminated boards, profusely illustrated,
their history; and important books, new,
glossary, index, pp228, **the author served
in 2/1Field Company in Syria against the
Vichy French and then in the New Guinea
186/261. (7670) Elliott, Di & Silver,
Campaign with 2/14 Field Company, AIF. He
Lynette. A History of 2/18th Battalion,
spent the war hacking new roads through thick
AIF. AMHP, Sydney, 2006. Based on the
jungle, building bridges at Buna and the Wau
original book 'Against All Odds', thus
to Bulolo road, new, A$40.
revised, large 8vo in laminated boards,
186/267. (9591) Ham, Paul. Sandakan: The
plates and maps, nominal roll, honours
Untold Story of the Sandakan Death
and awards, endnotes, biblio, index,
pp296+, **2/18th Bn, AIF was raised in north Marches. William Heinemann, Sydney,
2012. 1st ed, thick 8vo in protected d/w,
western NSW and Sydney in 1940 as part of
plates, maps, chapter notes, appendices
8th Div; it was one of the battalions captured
list the honour roll of Australian and
in Malaya, new, A$68.
British soldiers who died at Sandakan or
186/262. (9289) Freudenberg, Graham.
on the Sandakan-Ranau death marches,
Churchill and Australia. Macmillan,
biblio, index, pp656, **the story of the most
Sydney, 2008. 1st ed, large, thick 8vo in
infamous chapter in Australia's WW2 history
good d/w, plates, chapter notes, biblio,
where over 2,500 POWs were systematically
index, pp613, **an interesting view of
beaten and starved to death with only 6
Churchill and his, at times, strained
surviving. The most comprehensive rendering
relationship with Australia from the Boer War
of the Sandakan story thus far, vg cond,
to the Cold War. Given the author's leftist
political view, this book is a polemical work at
186/268. (2764) Henderson, James.
best, vg cond, A$38.
Onward Boy Soldiers: The Battle for
186/263. (9202) Gilbert, Martin. Churchill
Milne Bay, 1942. (AIF) UWA Press, Perth,
and the Jews. McClelland & Stewart,
1992. 1st ed, 8vo in card covers, inscr,
Toronto, 2007. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
newspaper article stuck down in fep,
plates & maps, biblio, index, pp359,
plates, index, pp250, **an excellent account
**Churchill was always a fan of the Jewish
of the blood, sweat and tears that was the battle
people after a visit to Jerusalem in 1921. He
for Milne Bay, vg cond, A$30.
was impressed with their communal life,
energy, self-help and determination. He was a 186/269. (7049) Hitler, Adolf (trans by
persistent opponent to anti-Semitism warning Ralph Manheim). Hitler's Mein Kampf.
even his mother to not make anti-semitic
Pimlico, London, 2001 (fp as 'My Struggle'
utterances, vg cond, A$38.
1933). Reprint, thick 8vo in card covers,
186/264. (1732) Givney, EC. (ed). The First both volumes in one, index, pp649, **for
At War: The Story of the 2/1st Australian those desperate to read the ramblings of Adolf
Hitler, not Nobel Prize standard by a long
Infantry Battalion, 1939-45, The City of
chalk, vg cond, A$28.
Sydney Regiment. Editorial Committee
Association of First Infantry Battalions,
NSW. 1st ed, large 8vo in good d/w,
plates & maps, full rolls, honours and
awards, casualty rolls, pp558, **the 1st
served in the North African Campaign (Bardia,
Tobruk, Palestine and Syria), the Greek and
Crete Campaign (Retimo) and the New Guinea
Campaign, (Kokoda Track, Gorari, Soputa,
Wewak etc), vg cond and very hard to find,
186/265. (6440) Glenn, John G. Tobruk to
Tarakan: The Story of a Fighting Unit,
2/48th Bn, AIF. Paul Oaten, SA? 2012
(fp1960). 2nd reprint, 8vo in laminated
boards, roll of Honour, honours and
186/270. (8683) Kay, Lawrence (for Sun
News-Pictorial). Australian Army Colour
Patches & Ribbons of the Second World
War. (AIF) The SUN, Melbourne, n.d.
(1946?). 1st ed, small 4to in illustrated
paper covers (stapled, some rust), fully
illustrated in colour, abbreviations, pp32,
**the original colour patch reference produced
at the end of WW2. This provided the
inspiration for Bob Glyde's excellent colour
patch book of the '90s, some shelf wear and
patching else vg cond and very scarce,
186/271. (7784) Lack, John. No Lost
Battalion: An Oral History of the 2/29th
Battalion, AIF. Slouch Hat Publications,
Victoria, 2005. 1st ed, large 8vo in d/w,
plates, notes, biblio, roll of honour,
nominal roll, pp303, **the 2/29th, a part of
the 8th Division on Singapore, inflicted heavy
casualties on the Japanese at Muar. The
Battalion lost 250 KIA including the wounded
who were murdered by the Japanese at Parit
Sulong. Another 350 died in captivity in
Singapore and the Burma-Thai Railway. Many
others drowned on the way to Japan when their
transports were torpedoed, overall not a good
battalion with which to belong, new, A$55.
186/272. (4643) Laffin, John. Forever
Forward: The History of the 2/31st
Australian Infantry Battalion, 2nd AIF
1940-45. AMHP, Sydney 2002 (fp1994).
Reprint, large 8vo in laminated boards,
plates, maps, nominal roll, roll of honour,
index, pp333, **the 2/31st fought in Syria
New Guinea and Borneo; a good unit history,
new cond,, A$75.
186/273. (4441) Long, Gavin. The Final
Campaigns: Australia in the War of 19391945, (Army) Series 1 (V11). AWM,
Canberra, 1963. 1st ed, thick 8vo in sl
chipped d/w, plates and maps,
appendices detail statistics and orders of
battle, extensive foot-notes, index, pp667,
**the 7th and final volume in the official
'Army Series' of the Australian Army's
involvement in WW2. Deals with New
Guinea, Bougainville and New Britain.
Extremely hard to find, vg cond and very
hard to find in this condition, A$125.
186/274. (9157) Longden, Sean. T-Force:
The Forgotten Heroes of 1945. Constable,
London, 2010 (2009). Reprint, 8vo in card
covers, plates, chapter notes, biographical
notes, biblio, index, pp442, **the race for
Nazi war secrets in 1945. T-Force was a secret
unit of British soldiers who'se role was to get
to the Nazi secrets before the Russians. They
captured the submarine research facilities at
Kiel overpowering 12,000 fully armed
Germans with 500 men and a handful of jeeps,
amazing stuff, vg cond, A$22.
186/275. (10087) Maynard, Roger. Ambon:
The Truth About one of the Most Brutal
POW Camps in World War 2 and the
Triumph of the Aussie Spirit. Hachette, ,
Sydney, 2014. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card
covers, plates and maps, chapter notes,
biblio, index, pp334, **the story of Gull
Force, 1150 men, many from the 2/21st Bn,
AIF who were over run on the Indonesian
island of Ambon. Barely 300 survived after 3
years of hellish privation and brutality, vg
cond, A$28.
186/276. (6057) Mayo, Lida. Bloody Buna.
Purnell Books (Book Club ed), London,
1975. Reprint, 8vo in good d/w, plates,
maps, biblio, index, pp210, **the grueling
seven-month campaign from July 22 1942 to
January 22 1943 for the recapture of Buna (on
the north coast of New Guinea) was the
turning point of the Pacific Campaign. The
The Story of the 2/30th Australian
Australians performed very well here, rescuing Infantry Battalion, 22 Nov 1940 - 10 Oct
Macarthur's reputation, vg cond, A$34.
1945. 2/30 Bn Ass, Sydney, 1984 (fp1979).
2nd reprint, 8vo in or grey cl, no d/w,
186/277. (9693) Mitcham, Samuel W., Jr
The Men of Barbarossa: Commanders of inscr in fep, colour patch on front cover,
honours and awards, casualty list, pp407,
the German Invasion of Russia, 1941.
**the 2/30th was commanded by the famous
Casemate Publishers, USA, 2009. 1st ed,
and somewhat controversial 'Black-Jack'
large 8vo in d/w, plates, maps,
Galleghan in Singapore and Malaya - they
appendices, chapter notes, biblio, index,
were famous for their legendary deadly ambush
pp296, **the story of the men behind history's
of Japanese on the bridge at Gemas in Malaya
greatest military operation. Describes their
expertise, skills and decision-making powers in before being captured and interned as POWs ,
Germany's summer triumph turned to winter vg cond and very scarce, A$250.
catastrophe, vg cond, A$40.
186/283. (1231) Perrin, Alex. The Private
186/278. (5359) Oakes, Bill. Muzzle Blast: War of the Spotters: A History of the
New Guinea Air Warning Wireless
Six Years of War with the 2/2nd
Company, Feb 1942 - Apr 1945. Assn,
Australian Machine Gun Battalion, AIF.
2/2nd MG Bn Assn, Sydney, 1980. 1st ed, Victoria, 1990. 1st ed, 8vo in good mylar
prot d/w, plates, illus & maps, nominal
oblong 8vo in protected d/w,
roll, index, pp294, vg cond, A$48. **the
presentation copy to MajGen John
Broadbent, signed by three members, fully Spotters Company was a most highly decorated
Signals unit winning an MBE, ten MMs and
illus with plates and maps, nominal roll,
ten MIDs for rescuing or burying over 200
honours and awards, roll of honour pp305,
downed airmen in the islands in WW2, vg
**the 2/2nd, a 9th Div MG battalion, served at
cond and very hard to find, A$120.
Tobruk, Alamein and the South West Pacific,
slight moisture exposure else a good copy 186/284. (9980) Peters, Mike & Buist,
Luuk. Glider Pilots at Arnhem. Pen &
with provenance, A$190.
186/279. (7018) Oakes, Bill. Muzzle Blast: Sword Military, UK, 2010 (fp2009).
Reprint, large 8vo on d/w, plates & maps,
Six Years of War with the 2/2nd
chapter notes, appendicesnominal and
Australian Machine Gun Battalion.
casualty rolls, biblio, index, pp356, **the
AMHP, Sydney, 2002 (fp1980). Reprint,
men of the Glider Pilot Regiment (GPR) and
oblong 8vo in laminated boards, spine
sunned, profusely illus, maps, full nominal their experiences at Arnhem. They suffered the
highest casualty rates of any 1st Airborne
roll, honours and awards, roll of honour,
Division unit, vg cond, A$60.
pp301, **the 2/2nd MG Bn, AIF served at El
186/285. (9780) Radovic, Branislav.
Alamein, the New Guinea Campaign and
German Helmets of the Second World
Borneo, vg cond, A$60.
War, Vol 1: M1916/18, M1932, M1935,
186/280. (9240) Olson, Wes. Battalion Into
M1940, M1942, M1942/45. Schiffer
Battle: The History of the 2/11th
Australian Infantry Battalion, AIF, 1939- Military, USA, 2002. 1st ed, very large 4to
in mint d/w, fully illustrated in colour on
1945. Author, Perth, 2011. 2nd printing,
superior paper, pp325, **the best of all the
large 8vo in laminated boards, profusely
German helmet books,k a must for the collector,
illustrated, maps, signed by the author,
(weight 2.5kg), vg cond, A$175.
roll of honour, nominal roll, honours and
awards, addendum not in frontis, chapter 186/286. (9781) Radovic, Branislav.
notes, biblio, index, pp509, **the 2/11th Bn, German Helmets of the Second World
War, Vol 2: Paratroop, Covers, Liners,
AIF was raised in Perth in 1939 and
commanded by LtCol Tom Louch, MC, a very Makers, Insignia etc. Schiffer Military,
USA, 2002. 1st ed, very large 4to in d/w,
capable CO. They saw action in Palestine,
fully illustrated in colour on superior
Syria, Bardia, Tobruk, Derna, Greece, Crete
(many captured at Retimo), and then the New paper, pp299, **the second of the brilliant
Guinea Campaign, excellent work , new,
Schiffer helmet books (weight 2.5kg) vg cond,
A$180. (sell as a pair $320)
186/281. (9337) Palinckx, Werner (with Dr
J.F. Borsarello) Camouflage Uniforms of
the German Wehmacht. Schiffer Military
History, USA, 2002. 1st ed, large 4to in
good protected d/w, fully illustrated in
colour and b/w, glossary, biblio, pp278,
**covers the manufacturers, headgear,
Fallschirmjager smocks, Army smocks, winter
uniforms, tents, non-regulation clothing and
post-war. An indispensable guide for collectors
and historians, vg cond, A$115.
186/287. (9947) Ramsay Silver, Lynette.
Blood Brothers: Sabah and Australia 1942
-1945. Opus Publications, Kota Kinabulu,
2010. 1st ed, trade 8vo in card covers,
plates, maps, appendices, extensive biblio,
index, pp396, **the story the Japanese
invasion of Sabah and the determined fight the
Kinabulu Guerrillas waged against them.
Many Sabahans were interned , many killed.
Another great piece of history from Lynette,
good cond and not often seen, A$32.
of the Japanese Infantryman, 1931-1945.
Andrea Press, Madrid, 2011. (trans from
the Spanish). 1st ed, large 4to in d/w, fully
illustrated in colour, superior art paper,
biblio, pp464, **an enormous work filled with
the items of everyday life of the Japanese
infantryman in WW2 - an outstanding
reference, as new cond, A$150.
186/289. (6005) Smith, Alan. Convoys up
the Track: A History of 121st Australian
General Transport Company (AIF) 19411946. Author, Adelaide, 2000 (fp1991).
Revised ed, large 8vo in d/w, profusely
illus, maps, nominal rolls, appendices,
biblio, index, pp300, **the author was a
member of the 121st and served as a Convoy
Platoon Officer (56 return trips 'up the track').
A good unit history of a mostly un-sung unit,
vg cond and scarce in 1st ed, A$86.
186/290. (10067) Smith, Neil C. AM.
Disarming the Menace: Australian
Soldiers With the British Commonwealth
Occupation Forces Japan 1946-1952.
Mostly Unsung, Melbourne, 2012. 1st ed,
4to in laminated boards, signed by the
author, organisational charts, plates, full
nominal rolls of every person who landed
in Japan for BCOF duty and
Reinforcement Holding Unit for Korea, **a
valuable piece of scholarship, very useful for
historians and genealogists, new, A$48.
186/291. (5469) Uren, Malcolm. A
Thousand Men at War: The Story of the
2/16th Battalion, AIF. Heinemann,
London, 1959. 1st ed, 8vo in poor d/w
(now protected) plates, maps, full nominal
roll, pp289, **the 2/16th saw active service in
the Syrian Campaign (Litani, Sidon and
Damour) and then New Guinea (Kokoda
Track, Gona Beach, the Markham and Ramu
Valleys, Shaggy Ridge and finally Balikpapan,
a very good and scarce unit history, evidence
of some moisture effects else fair cond and
rare, A$125.
186/292. (5942) Wall, Don. Singapore and
Beyond: The Story of the Men of the
2/20th Battalion. Don Wall, Sydney, 1985.
1st ed, large 8vo in protected d/w, plates,
maps and illus, appendices list rolls of
various 'forces', pp377, **the 2/20th Bn, AIF,
8th Division was captured on Singapore - very
few survived and none from the Sandakan
death marches; a good unit history and a
harrowing story, vg cond, A$120.
186/293. (7081) Williamson, Gordon.
Infantry Aces of the Reich. Arms &
Armour Press, London, 1991. 1st ed, 8vo in
protected d/w, plates, appendices, biblio,
index, pp154, **an account of the outstanding
feats of bravery performed by 32 Infantry aces
such as Major Rudolph Witzig, who was
awarded the Knight's Cross for the attack on
the Belgian fortress Eben Emael, vg cond,
186/282. (6769) Penfold, A.W, Bayliss, W.C 186/288. (9347) Saiz, Agustin. Heitai:
& Crispin, K.E. Galleghan's Greyhounds: Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Items