PRESS KIT// - Dj Dave Jam
PRESS KIT// - Dj Dave Jam
PRESS KIT // DAT E OF B I R T H : April 27, 1972 FULL NAME: David Jambrovic BO R N : Rijeka, Croatia YEARS SPINNING: 20, professionally 15 MU S I C S T YL E S : R’n’B, Hip Hop, Disco and Dance music, House/Electro, Mash Up... HO B B IES : Forex investments S H OWS P E R YEAR : 100-150 RIJEK A · C R OATIA LOS ANGELES · U. S. A. ZURIC H · SWITZERLAND PERFORMED OR OPPENED FOR: Afrika Bambaataa, Public Enemy, Ice-T, Nelly, Das EFX, Gang Starr and many more FAVORITE TR ACK : Rob Base & Dj E-Z Rock - It Takes Two RESID ENCIES: Club Maraschino - Zagreb, Croatia Club Maraschino - Zadar, Croatia Club Topas - Zug, Switzerland Club Glamers - Zurich, Switzerland CLIENTS: Microsoft Croatia Mahara McKay (Miss Switzerland 2000) Robert Ismailovic (Mr. Switzerland 2003) INFLUE NCES: Dj Q-Bert, Dj Alladin, Dj Joe Cooley, Dj Cash Money, Dj Jazzy Jeff, Bob Proctor. page.01 DaveJam HIGHLIGHT EVENTS: Switzerland: UG club (Zürich), K5 (Zürich), Mad (Lausanne), Kaufleuten (Zürich), Indochine (Zürich), Pur Pur (Zürich), The Mascotte (Zürich), The Loft (Luzern), Sequenzer (Lyssach-Bern), Azzitto (Baden), Metropol (Schaffhausen), Palace (St. Gallen), B-One (St. Gallen) Austria & Germany: Orfeum (Graz-A), A4 (Wienna-A), Palladium (Graz-A), Forum (Stuttgart-GER), Oscar (Singen-GER) Slovenia & Croatia: Ambasada Gavioli (Isola-SLO), K4 (Ljubljana-SLO), Piranha (Zagreb-CRO), The Best (Zagreb-CRO), Aquarius (Zagreb & Zrce-CRO), Oxygen (Osijek-CRO), Shakespeare (Split-CRO), Up & Down (Split-CRO), Saturnus (Zadar-CRO), Gotham (Zadar-CRO) DJ BAT TLE HIGHLIGHTS: 1995. Croatian DMC/DJ Championship - 3rd place 1996. Austrian DMC/DJ Championship - 1st 1996. World DMC/DJ Championship - semi finalist LATEST MIXTAPES: Mash Mix Vol.01 Electro Mix Vol.01 LATEST PROJECTS: Video Dj Mixing page .02 OT HE R TA LE NTS: Formerly knowna as Dj Pimp, produced and performed on 6 Hip Hop albums and compilations in Croatia from 1992-2001 Rapper and DJ for the seminal Croatian hip hop band Ugly Leaders. UL opened for Ice-T & Public Enemy in Croatia in 1994. PRESS FEATURES: 20 Minuten (cover of the most popular free daily newspapers in Switzerland), Zadar Lifestyle (Croatia), Bumsquad Mag (Croatia), Klik (Croatia), Village Voice (USA - Back in 1994 with his band Ugly Leaders), and many more from Italy, Switzerland and Croatia. F UN FAC T A B O UT DAV E: He thinks that he can dance but his friends tell him to focus on getting other people moving. FAVO R I T E QU OTE: “...If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything...” Marilyn Monroe WE A PO NS OF C HOI CE: Technics 1200’s, Rane TTM 57SL, MacBook Pro, Lethal fingers :) REPRESENTING: The Bumsquad DJ’z DaveJam page.02 WE BS ITE // www. DaveJam .com E MA IL // page .03 DaveJam PRESS CLIPS & ARTISTS AKON ESTELLE FLO RIDA TRAVIS BARKER page .04
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